fi t U d'l rT jj 1 (C V PUBLISHED BY FULTON & VOLUME L 'I i a. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YKAR, IN ADVASCB SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST ,7 IS32. NUMBER S KAT Of ADVERII .V; ar, 2 davs,. ........... S U, 4 days 5 days,:... ......... 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 1 month,. 2 2 months,... 3 3 month. 5 6 Booths. . 8 00 1 year, ...15 00 25 S7I 50 Ki 75 SI 00 50 00 I- ia ci.. lday 2 days .... .... .... 3 days 4 days 5 days 1 week.... , 2 ks. .... 1 month... , 2 months. 3 moat as .. S month.. 1 year .... $ ) 5.1 . 75 . 1 00 . 1 25 . 1 00 . 1 75 2 75 . 4 00 . 7 00 10 00 .16 00 .SO 00 Tea lines are counted as a square, and five line or 1cm a half-square. Longer advertisements ia proportion, and all payable ia advance. JUT Notices of Religious meeting?. Benevolent and other unchartered Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half the abort rates Cash always payable in advance. Arrival a ad Departure of the Stalls under the new Arrangement, which went late operation, 1st Marrb, ISM. The Mail from the North is due every day at 9 A. M-, and at i P. M. Closes at a quarter before 1 P. M , and at 9 P. M. precisely- The Mail for the South clows at 9 A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Ferry, ke., is due every Monday at 5 P. M. Clones every Thursday at P.M. The Mail from Long Creek, Black Hirer Chapel, be., is due every Thursday at 6 P. M., and closes game night at 9 P. M. The Mail from Fayetteville, via Eliiabethtown and Pros pect Hall, lis., is due every Tuesday. Thursday, and Satur day at 9 A. M. Closes sasue day's at a quarter before 10 A. M. tWAa extra Package will be made np for Letters going North of Richmond, Y a , which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters mast be in the Office at the hours above named, or they will not be Mailed uutil uext succeed ing Mail. C HOUKUT U. RASKIN, OMMISSION MERCHANT, w7 Wn.Miio ro, N. C. JOSEPH II. FLAW Kit, KNKRAL Commission Me it hunt, 2-ly Wilmington. N.C. JAMS? AMDEKSO. EDWARD SAVAGE. ASUERSOV A, ff-AVAUK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignment. C D. KLLI3. J. B. kt'SSKl.L. II. P. RI SSKLL. ELLIS, RUSSELL - CO.. "general Coinmlsalon Mrt-laite and Whip Brokers, IT Wilminrton. N. C Refer to E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Rank of the Mate, W umington. 4 D. C. FRERMAN, ORO. HOl'STON. FREEMAN HOUSTON, Wilmington., N. C, D. C. FRK K.MAN &, CO., Sew York, MERCHANTS AM) FACTORS. COPARTSRIlIP, rpHE sabscribers bavin?, tu the fch DceemWr. foras- X t4 a Ca-partaership ua4er the f rna of w h.sLL k. LI LERS, have taken Stores No. 1 and 2. af P. K. IXckinsoo'a Builling, oa North ater Street, Wilmington, N. t, for merly occupied by Mr. Miles Cost i a, where thev iatead to keep ea hand a general aHrtawnt of GROCERIES, LI QUORS, aad PROVISIONS, at wholesale. J. WKSSEL, Jaa. lV32-HJ-l-20-3m H. B. El LERS. J. WS.SSCL, 1. . IILK.KS. WRSSF.L KILF.RS, CmMISftIO MerrhaHta aad Wholesale Grocers, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at t a abort staad a general assort incut of t , rocenes. Liquors, ana jtovuioos, at wnoiesaie and to carry oa a General leouBUsioa rusicess. E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of the State, O. (t. Pakslkv, Pres't Commercial hank, Wilmington i . r. iMCaissoBi, bi Porri k Lo DoLLXEl It PoTTI wu New York. f 1131 NOTICE. THE Ce-partnernhip heretofore exutiDg between the sub soribers, under the firm of A. C. EVANS 1 BRO., is dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be closed by J. A. Evas. A. C. EVANS April imb, ISoJ J. A. EVANS. THE subscribers have entered into co-' artnenhip the firm of S. It. k J. A. EVANS, Wjo will coi CO-PARTNERSHIP. under continue the DKUO 1U 'SIN ESS at the stand formerly occupied by A. C. Evant k Rrother. They are ia daily receipt of addi tions to their stock of MEDICINES, lUil'CS, fcc, and in vite those wishing articles in their line, to call before pur chasing elsewhere. S. 1$. EVANS. M. I. J. A. LVAS. April 19th, 1H52 lfl-tf -pvlSSOMTIOX. 'lhe Co-partnership heretofore XJ ting between the undersign! under i ip heretofore ex la the firm of Ander son & Latimer was this day dismmrd by mutual consent. The business will be continued bv Anderson k Savage, who will settle the affairs of the late firm. JAMES ANDERSON, Janel,lS52. Z. LATIMER. CO-PARTHERSHiPThe subecribers have this day formed a Co-pa rtnendiip under the firm of AND HSON & SAVAC.E, for be transaction of a OENEKAL COM MISSION UUSINESS. Particular attention will be irivcn to the sale of Naval Stores, and liberal ca.h advances made on consignment. JAMES ANDEKSON, June 1, 1562. EDWAHD SAVAOE. II. DOLLNKR, o. port kr, jr. IM)IiLIWKIl fc POTTER, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, riei-lvM New York. Liberal cash advances mnde on consignments. JNO. POTTS BROWN, AH.MA.ND J. PEKOSSE T, T., R. F. MROWN. BROWN & D ROS8ET, ISew York, DeROSSET b BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAMIKI. J. PERSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Wilmineton. N. C. jfV. Office on Princess Street, nearly opposite the Journal Office. March 15th, 1852 161-fim MfHAE HARRIS, IMPORTERS and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In China, Glass, and Earthenware, and Farming Imple ments, west side Front street, between Market and Doik atreets, Wilmington, N. C. 21-tf WILLI A M S. RE AO, HOUSE, SHIP, AND SIGN PAINTER, AND PAPER Hanoer, near the Rook Spring, Wilmington, N. C, is prepared at all times to excoute any business in his line, in a neat and wnrkmanhkt manner. 103. JOHN P. STAUU'f SON fc CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, Stuff Goods, Weolens and Goods for Men's Wear, Rlankets and Flannels, invite the attention of buy ers to a desirable assortments ot the above named goods. No. 21 Jobs St., (near Uroadway,) NEW YORK. Jalv 12 2fi2-3m OISSOLITION, rpili; firm of O. & G. Holmkh is this day dissolved. The X business of the firm will be settled by the subscriber. Persons having claims agaiust O. k G. Holmes, will please present them for payment ; and those indebted will confer a favor by paying up as early as possible. April 15, 1832. OWEN HOLMES Ore a Mall otcam.wlpa Colllas aad Cwaard Llaea rton uviaruoL. For L32 .....New York Wednesday Jut 2 ....New lork WtJnesday June lb ....New York Wednesday Jaae 30 ....New York Wednesday Jaly II ....New York Wednesiay Jaly 2M ....New York Wednesday Au. 11 rioM AMERICA. Leaves New York Saturday Jane 12 ,. Jane 2h Collins.., Collins... CoHias... ColHns... Collins... Coilias... Collins .. Collins .. Collins . . Collius .. Collins .. Collins .. New York Saturday.. New York Saturday . .... New York.. Saturday New York Saturday New York.... ....Saturday NEW YORK AND HAVRE LINE. ..July ..Jaly ..Aug. ..Aug. LKAVB NEW YoI. Saturday Humboldt June ft r ranklia July 3 Humboldt July 31 Franklin Agu. 2 Stopping at Southampton both ways. NEW YORK AND BREMEN LINE. From South- LEAVE MVE. Wednesday F ranklia Juno Humboldt Jaly Frauklia Aug. Humboldt Sept. Herrmann Washington. . . Herrmann Wachington. . From New York. .April 21.. .May June July 22 19. 17. From liremen. May 21 .June July Aug. amptwi fr New Y'ork. 1 16. 13. ...May .June ..July ..Aug. 2ti l 21 1M LE(JAL RATE OF INTEREST. T WI J. sine NOTICE. WILL continue the DRY GOODS ANDORlX'ER Y bir- ess at the old stand of O. k G. Holmes Mystw kis complete, and the patrons are respectfully invited to call and examine prices. UWL.X HULMLS. April 15, 1852. NOTICE. TTTE HAVE JUST FINISHED taking our inventory for T v the summer season, and find as tollows : A number of notes and accounts due us which should be settled up to 1st July ; and to which we partirularly call the attention of those interested. ALSO, a well assorted stock of CHINA WARE and EARTHEN WARE, to which we will bo receiving large additions during the month of August ; and to which. we es pceially invite the attention of Merchants. Those passing through Wilmington on their way North would do well to purchase their stocks of CROCKERY from us, as we arc dttrrmintd to offer inducements over Northern importers. July 21 273-tf McRAE & HARRISS. PICKLES FROM W. UNDERWOOD. JUST lamled from the Brig Commerce, 500 dos Jars Pickles, all kinds. 10 " Seville Olives. 10 " Fresh Lobsters. 10 " Salmon. 6 " pure Iaiiioii Syrup. 5 " Eng. Mustard, ft Tomato Catshup. 5 " Underwoodj Relish 5 Pure Pepper. 5 " Luca Oil. For sale low by jy 10 HOWARD & PEDEN. Wilmington, N.C. WM. 91. HARRISS, GENERAL Commission Merchant At Ship Broker, Wilmington, N. C. REFERENCES O. G. Parsley, Esq., Dudley k Huntington Jag. Corner ft Song, mltimore E. A. Souder It Co., Philadelphia. Thompson & Hunter, ) New.York. 12-ly full assortment, ROBINSON Karl". Balti M. M. Freeman k Co., Tufts Hunting, Boston CORNICE and Curtain Bands. A for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M IRON 8AKES. C, RICH k CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The subscribers having accented the agency for the sale of the above highly approved Sates, are prepared to furnish any site or pattern which may be wanted at manufacturers' " j -1 - i . i - -1 prices, aeiiverea id mis piace. Specimens of several sixes have just been received, and or dcrs will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852 tf DeROSSET & BROWN. P. C. FREEMAN & CO., N. Y. FREEMAN & HOUSTON, WIL'fl. FREEMAN HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, Wilmington, N. C, keep constantly on hand a stock of Hour, Corn, Pork, Macon, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molnuct, Tobareo, Cigars, Snuff", Candles, Soap; Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plantation nse and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealer of consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce. The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, Is located In the city .of New York; the junior partner, Geo. HorsTOJf, In Wif- tnington. " If desired,' advances will be' made on consign ments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods, win be promptly ana carefully sued. - OARg-aOO Ash Oars, (ram 10 to 20 feet. For sale by HOWARD k PEDEN he LIST OK BLANKS. County Court Writs; Superior uo. do County Court Subpoenas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; superior ao. ao. County Court Sci. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Courts Witness and Juror Tickets; NoticestoTai List Receivers; Commission to take Deposition uouniy lyoun execution; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Appointments; Peace, State, and Civil War Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; State Recognizance; Military Ca Sa; , uo. rjieuuuvuj r oriucoimii Negro Bonds; Prosecution do. if ill or saw; Urew Lasts; Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. Officers of the Courts and other officers, and all other ner- son requiring uittuae, ui " J uwicr numiii luo im lining line, would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We vre determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rates for eash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. Inspector's Certificates; Certificates of Justicesattcnd ing Court; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; Letters Testamentary; Vcndl. Exponas; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cape rear Bank; do. Branch Jiauk of State: Notes, negotiable at Bank: Administrator'sBonds; Guardian de. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ff Arpcaranco do. Constable's do. Sheriff's Tax do. Forthcoming do. do. in the DirraasNT states and tsbsitobibs. Maine; I per rent. , forfeit of thi- claim. N'W IUiiiiilnre,6 per cent.; forleiiof thrice the aiiiounl un- lawfully taken Vermont, o per cent. ; recovery In action ami e ot. Mniwirliuiclti. 6 per cent ; forfeit of ihnre the umirr RhooV U Wind, 6 percent , furfeit of the usury and interest on the debt I onneriieut, 6 pel rent. ; forfeit of the whole dt,t. New York, 7 per cent. ; usurious e.iilrm ii t.hiI. New Jeraey, 7 pel cent.; forfeit of the whole ileht. feniiiylvanla, t per rent.; forfeit of the wind debt. Deldwire, e percent ; forfeit of the whole deht. Maryland. 6 per rent ; on tobacco coutracta H ; usurious con- trsrti void. Virinin, 6 per cent ; forfeit d' Uhle the usury. North) aroliuu.6 percent. : coiitracis for usurv void forfeit doiihle the usury. Nouih i Hroiiim, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of Interest arid premium ta en, with roats. Oorfla, 8 per rent.; forfeit thrlre the usury. Alnbmnn. h per rent ; forfeit of intereat and usury Mississippi, H per cent. ; by contract 10 usurv recoveribla in r I ion for debt. LoiiIhIhiih. per rent.; Bank Interest 6-rontrort B-hevond contmct, interest void 'IVnneiiaee, C per cent. ; usurioun conlrHrt vo(. A'enturky, 6 er cent. ; usury recoverable vilh Coats. Ohio, 8 per cent ; unurloua c mlracta void. Indiana, 6 per rent. a fine of double the eiresa. Illiiioii,6peroent.-by com ran 'i-beyond forfeits thrlre the Interest. Misaouri, 6 percent.-by contract 10 If beyond, forfeit of terrat arid usury. Michlx n, 7 percent for fell of usury one.fourtli of debt. Arkmisiis, eperceril by aareemeut !0-uury recoverable, but Pistriet Columbia, 6 per cent. usurious contracts void. Florida, 8 per rent - forfeit internal and esress. - . . , , . nwcfiiiaiu, per cent ny contract iz-lorieit inrics the ex cess. lows, by aareeiaent, and enforced bv law. On debts orludgnienia In furor of the Hulled Statea, intrreat ia cniiiinipu ai o per rem. per annum. REDUCED PARE. aHliolAJII TICKET? 1 N. C, AND FALT1N H r.LTWhliN WH31LN(TON. TIMOR E. FAKK tIJ. via WF.L- UN. PETEKSBl Rt;. KK'llMOND. ANI WAHIN'O- TON t rrV.OR via WLLDON, IORTs.MOLTll AND NORFOLK. For tivketa. aplv it the Oflea af tb Wilainftow an4 Raleigh Hail HoaJCompaav at Wilmlogtow.orattkeCfSew of the Baltimorw Steam ParVct Company, aad of the Ealtl more and Ohia Rail KoaiCompaay, Halt Street, Baltimore. Jaa. 1. IS53 BfH NOTICE. ON uuUj, but oil pa Df tr Trala win leave for Wei dou, which will d-part at fe'ehek, P M. JNO. .NLtT, Ag t Wil. k Ral. It. R. Co. March tt)ih. 152. lbf-tl uuirriiKRt Liu;. Steamer Rrutkert. aad Tow Boats rpHE I Stt and Alfitd Hilts, are prepared la forw IH'iU m a-'I a. X Sttrenum, Durtd Levis, yuasrs Cmssidaf t" ' -, t ard witU ipauti all roods eonsirned to the Irnrrietor. The Steamer Hrvtkrrt is of light draught, aad wtll sailed to run ia low waiter. She boasesaci power and speed. d I admirably adapted to fowiNf, aod Ian accommodate about hi . . . 6f i'.Mrnrr,, The Proprietor contemplates runnlnc the Boat himself. and will give speeial attention to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will also attend ta the comfort aad convenience of Passepgers. From his long experience M Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would sat. that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fajett eville. ll.sArent ia Wilminrton ia DAVID BANKS, to whom all communications may be addressed, as Agent of . . .... - - - trie Meaiuer Urvlhtis. Feb. 4th, KT2 JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. rmtf OUR 1YIOTTO IB "TO PLDASSi' AT TBI linlri(toii Maddle, Harness, a an f PI K .VANUVlCTl til w"' CO-PA RTiM H R N 1 1 1 P. rTIIE subscribers have this day formeil a co-partnership, X under the stvle of Mrl A K At IIAItHIsS ii,n.,.i.. ken the new grnnite front store, lately erected by Capt. (. f '"'' LIMK Potter, on r root between Market and Dock streets, where J. cw,lll,v!"'ll)y they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock i''r1" . ''r oil roraery and r aiming iinnit iiienta, to which thev inviie ine aiieriiion oi merenants anu oiners. Being lniwilrra, we fed confident we can sell articles in our lino oil as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can ue purcnaseu in me unueu states. ALEX. MrRAE, Jr., Oct. 1, 18fiI-2I-tf N. T. HARRISS. rPHL subsoriber respectfully informs the public that ht J. keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Coach, !((, and stalky Harness Lmly'a and (ientlrinen'a Hu.i.lle., ii.i,iira. Whip., .Wr. Trunks, Valises, taddl and Carpet Hags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, lie. Always On hand a largesupply of airing Leather and Fljr nets, and all other articles usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrants to be of the best material and work. miiriHbip, ami will be sold low for rush, or on short Credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, fee., mad to order. UurucRS and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair nrlca to persona buying to manufacture. Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Ridinjr Vehicles boutht and sold on eomrula. " . JOHN J. CONOLEY. Sept. 10, lHfil J. . IVKs), RESPECTFULLY informs hi. friends and the pub- 9 lie, that he lias employed a competent workman, jffjj who will superintend at his Jewelry Store, next door tUH to the Carolina Hotel, durinr his absence front town. I'tmsi desirous of having Watches and Jewelrv repaired, or eng ra vings executed in a superb manner, will fl mi it to their in terest to give him a call. Also, on hand, an assortment of Watches, Jewelry, fce., which will be sold low. July 7ih, 238-Sui EI ME. Am bbls. Rockland Lime i 1500 Uls. Ma. bite Lump. Also. Calcined Plastar.r I loa. ro Rrick. and Ilvdraulie Cement l.tHSl Lime, lie For salo by . C. Ii R. H. WOOD. April 5, M.-2 H0 Contractors and Builders, J RON of all the best makes, suitable for Planters and Smiths' use. Constantly on handand for aula attbafe price, and quality warranted, by J. M. ROBINSON. rpoi'.Al GO AND CIGARS. A good assortment kept on 1 band and for sale bv FREEMAN it UnlfSTOV NOTICK Kilra. I have authorized Mr. James Brum April 13 lH7-3m to collect all accounts due me previous to 1st of October , T T ' ' 1 ' '." " instant. Ali persons Indebted are remitted to set- IC 1 . ,,,r" "rrr la. 1,000 second hand Fplrit Bar - 1 I ' i assia m,m I M.w..l E 1.1 " tie Oct 14, 1851. ALEX. NfcRAI mH DxRosset it mown. QIIOES.-A gook stock of Whoes men. women and ehir dren For sale rheup, by OWEN HOLMES. ROSI N STR A I N ERS -Just received full suppl 6f tho best Knglish Wire Cloth, of all sisos. - ' I5 (.on. and Her. copy. J. M. ROBINSON. TIlKMEI)OI X RKD( TIO I PRICKHI GREAT BARGAINS!! HOWARD A I'KOK V .snth Water street, have Jfist received their fall stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, t.igars, tills, I'aints, wooden ware, Willow Ware, Hard 117... 1 1 I. nr.... So.,,,, si ureh. Candles. Matches. Wr.,r,in P.-r' V?..".'""'1"? 6 do": J,,,.'!. do.; boxes Sierra Candles; (Cordage, Duck, Blocks, Hanks, Mast Hoops and Ship Chan- niery, ussorien, in an im various nrancnes; Migar, t;onee, Tea, Flour, Jiutter, Lard, Fish, Tobacco, kc... and every thinr else, in fact, that is wanted. J'mm ritre us a call anil . e I rr - - sail J i) yourselves. NOTICK. rpiIE undersigned having entered into a partneship in tttf h X I8lfi, for the term of five years, which term will expire W ' on the 1st of December next, when they are desirous of clos- ' kmi i.oxes oap ; do. Starch ; 60 do. rda Crackers y 50 do Pilot IJrea.f; KjOJJOU Segnrs at Jltiinoro prices 20 box es Lemon Syrup; 10.000 Musket Flints, for Rico Planters; 10 doxen Brooms ; 10 do. Pails: 10 do. Matts. assorted. r from 2.) cents to 13 each ai- or sale bv HOWARD Ji PEDEN. ing all accounts existing on their nooks at that date, hereby request all persons indebted to them, to come forward and settle their accounts either by note or eash, on or before the expiration of said partnership. HOWARD k PEDEN. FOR TIIK LADIKXM rpHE finest as well as the cheapest Table Ivorv. Plated X (and wan-anted to keep its color) Table. Desert and Tea Spoons; rorks; Sugar Shovels; Salt do : and Pick e Knives: Bronse Candlesticks; and 4rs of Scissors. Shears. Needles. and 1 ins. The above I have manufactured especially for mr retail sales, and every article warranted. J. M. ROBLNcON. Wilmington, October 3, 1851 23 PA RSI ICRS AND CJARDKrVKRS. ave Just received supply of Fresh Garden and Jrass Seeds from lliiladclphia. ALSO. Several new patterns of Plows. Grain mills. Corn Sheller. Hay Cutters, lie. For sale by n t OF , McRAE 4r HARRISS. Feb. Zfith, 1HT2 llfi-tf O Pill ITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. 1,600 spirits I J turpentine barrels, second hand, of nrlme aualitv. foe ale by DeROSSET k BROWN. TTURE KNGINE. A good machini X and 10 buckets, all in good order, April Id -3t ne. with 120 feet hose good order, for sale low. r KfJICMAN it HOUSTON pitKW LIST A large supply on hand and for sale low at the JOURNAL OFFICE, WOOD'S HACKERS k PULLERS-For sale cheap at the Hardware Store. J. M. HOB1NSON. QILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. Sliver bolster- kJcd H TILL S wi. The subscriber has the pleasure of inform- 1VX ing filler's engaged in Sawing pitch pine, that he has succeed din getting np toe nest paw ror that parnose that has er ryet been produced, as far as be knows. All saws warranted not to split m tne teem J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. NEW Crop Raisins 400 packages new crop Raisins, just landed. For sale by HOWARD k PEDEN. PICKLKS, Preserves, Catswps, &. Just received di rect from W. Underwood Co t 500 doxen lars assorted sixes and kinds. t For sale low by .HOWARD k rEDEN. 11 11 " v LAllGK Axles of Sttpertor qw"ty-i-Snitable for Timber Waggons. Extra. Timber Axes; House and Yard Axes, cheap. For sale by J. M. ROBINSON. NAILS. 100 Keg s KaUs, tsr sale low, by fl! HOWARD fcfBEEK. B RKAD.-.V) barrels Pilot Bread ; 60 ' fine Navy do.; 50 boxes soda crackers, fresh. For sale by HOWARD PEDEN. TjA lbari win UL.A5S. I second hand Windlass cora- X plete. For sa'.e by HOWARD k PEDEN. COFFEE. 10 Bags Rio in store. ELLIS, RUSSELL fc CO. green Rio Coffee. For sale HOWARD k PEDEN. ivory handled Table and Jtedert Knives, latest patera ia oi superior quality, ror sale by ml5 Cora, and Her. copy. J. M. ROBINSON TJ IO Coffee -150 bags prime green Rio Coffee X 1 low, by PLANTERS Attention -I am just receiving from the factory, samples of Improved cut steel Hoes, which I would be pleased to submit to your inspection, and to receive any snggeitions for further improvement. - 1 uct. mn.1301 -.. j.jvliiuwnson TTTINDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. A W large and Splendid assottment. Jostin store and for sale by J. M ROBINSON. aUGAR.-10hhds Sugar I 100 bbls. crushed, powdered. Foralkwb HOWARD k PEDEN. FRESH GROUND MEAL, constantly on hand ' For sale by MILES COST1N, Brown's Wharf. WHITE LEAD. No. I, extra, and port. For safo by ' FREEMAN & HOUSTON. LONpON PORTE R.-6 Casks Porter ; 6 Cssks Brown Stout: For sale low by HOWARD It PEDEN. IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR J QUALITY warranted pure Just received and for sale- 3 qr. casks pure Juict Port Wine ; do. do; P. II. frodtrd It Co.'s old Brandy warranted Un years old ft do. do. old Maleira Wine i 2 do. do. old Cherry do.f 1 do. do. old Ja maica Rom ; 2i pipes London Dock Brand ; 24 do. Marrett Brandy ; t pipes pure Holland Gin. OWEN HOLMES. rXlLH. Beflned Vegetable paint OH, at tnnch less prlea J than unseea wu, tor oaips, nouses,' iron Kainnir. ale. For sale y - HOWARD 4- PEDEN. CART. A new and excellent article, ellptic springs, wlt ahle for Grocer's nse or a bstrage cart, for sale by " . May IS , I . . ) V .1 FRLLMAN It IIOU3T0:- a-