6if I It A, - ! PUBLISHED BY FULTON PRICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE VOLUME L MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST !, I53i NUMBER S& iJh i V J 'X MALf SarAAA. 1 fy $ 25 2 days, 27, days, 6a 4dayt, 2i 5 days, 75 1 week.... W. 2 weeks, 1 S7 1 moath, .2 00 2 month, S 50 S monthi, 3 00 ff months, 8 00 1 Tear 15 00 lATES OF ADVERTISING. r aii. lday $3 50 2davs; 75 3 days 1 00 4 days 1 23 Sdavt 1 50 1,,.. 1 73 2 weeks 2 75 1 month 4 00 2 most hi.. 7 00 3 monthi. 10 00 C monthi IS 00 1 yew SO 00 Tea linee are counted as ft square, and trt lines or less a kalf-square. Longer advertisements ia proportion, aad all payable ia advance. WNotiees of Religious meetin gt, Benevolent and other unchartered Societies, and Obituaries, will bo charged half the abort ratct Cash always payable in advance. .Arrival and Dtpartwr of tho Mailt lander the new Arrangement, which went Into peratlow, lat Mart), IM. The Mail from the North U due every day at 9 A. M., nd at i P. M. Closet at a quarter before 1 P. M., and at 9 P. M. precisc- 17- Tht Mail for the Sooth closet at 9 A. M. Tht Mail from Onslow Coart-House, Sneads Ferry, tc, 1s due every Monday at 5 P. M. Clones every Thursday at V P. M. The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, &c, is due every Thursday at 6 P. M-, and closes same night at 9 P. M. Tht Mail from Fayetteville, via Eliiabethtown and Pros pect Hall, ka., is due every Tuesday. Thursday, and Satur day at 9 A. M. Closes same day's at a quarter before 10 A. M. fJAn extra Package will bt made up for Letters going North of Richmond, a., which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters mutt be in the Office at the houn above named, or they will not be Mailed uutil next succeed ing Mail. HUBEHT U. RANKIX, COMMISSION MERCHANT. 257 Wilmington, N. C. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, GENERAL Commission Merchant, 2-ly) Wilmington. N. C. JAMES ANDEKAON, KnWARt) SAVAOE. ANOERSON HAVAliK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cad advances made on consignments. 0 D. ELLIS. R. r. Xl'MtELL. B. BVSSELL. ELLIS, RUSSELL CO., General Commission Merthanta and Shlpllrokera, Wilmington, N. C. Refer to E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank of the State, Wilmington. D. C. FREEMAN, OEO. HOUSTON. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON, Wilmington, N. C D. C. FREEMAN CO., New York, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. H. DOLLNER, O. POTIER.jr. DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16Myl New York. i" Liberal cash advances made on consignments. J NO. FOTTS BROWN, ARMAND J. DEKOSSET, )r., R. F. BROWN. BROWN Si DeROSSET, New York, DeROSSET A BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAMUEL J. PERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilmington, N. C. Office on Princess Street, nearly opjiosite the Journal March 15th, 1852 ' McRAE & HARRIS. IMPORTERS and Wholesale and Retail Dralrrt In China, Glass, and Earthenware, and Farming Imple ments, west side Front street, between Market and Dock streets, Wilmington, N. C. . 21-tf WILLIAM 8. READ, HOUSE, SHIP, AND SIGN PAINTER, AND PAPER Hanser. near the Rock Spring, Wilmington, N. C, is prepared at all times to execute any business in his line, in a neat and workmanlike manner. 193. .mil IV 1. HTAfHJ'B SOX fc CO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, Stuff Goods, Woolens and Goods for Men's Wear, Hankets aad Flannels, invite the attention of buy en to a desirable assortments of the above named goods. No. 21 John St., (near Broadway,) NEW YORK. July 12 2C2-3m WM. M. IIARRISS, GENERAL Commission Merchant & Ship Broker, Wilmington, N. C. references: MrilSSwn, I Wfatojtoi, NX. Jat. Corner k Sons, Baltimore. E. A. Soudcr JcCo Philadelphia. Thompson & Hunter, i jfew-York. M. M. Freeman & Co., J Tufts Hunting, Boston. 12-ly CIRNICE and Curtain Bands A full assortment, for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. IRON SAFES. CRICH k CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The subscribers having accepted the agency for the sale of the above highly approved Sates, are prepared to furnish any site or pattern which may be wanted at manufacturers' prices, delivered in this place. Specimens of several sues hare just been received, and or ders will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852 tf DeROSSET k BROWN. D. C. FREEMAN k CO., N. Y. FREEMAN St HOt'StON, WltV FREEMAN C HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, Wilmington, N. C, keep constantly on hand a stock of flow, Corn, Pork, Bacon, Sail, Coffee Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigar$, $nuf. Candle, Soap Foreign and Dome$tic Liquors and Winet t Iron) Nailt, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather., Agrknltural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plantation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in xchange for Naval Storei or other produce. The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, if located in the eltv f New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wil mington. If desired, advance! will be made on 'consign menu to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods .will be promptly and carefully filled - 0 AUtv-foO kh Oarf, frem 10 so 20 feet. For by CO-P A RTS E R 5 1 1 1 P, THE tabtcribert having, on the 8th December, 1S31, form ed a Co-part nership under the firm of WKS.LL k LI LKRS, have taken Mores N. 1 and 2, tf P. K. Itirkinsoa'i Building, on North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, for merly occupied by Mr. Miles Cotia, whero thev intend to kfrp ea hand a general awmrtment of GROCERIES, LI UUA)K, and PROVISIONS, at wholesale. J. WESSEL. Jan. lV52-HJ-lm-20-3ml H. B. E1LERS. J. WESSEL. H. I. IILIIS. WE9HEL & E1LERS, COMMISSION Mrrrhaatt and holraaU Urtrtn, J North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at tht above stand a general assortment of Groceries, liquors, and 1'rovisions, at wholesale and to carry on a Geaeral Commission Business. F CFFIENCR i E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of the State, U. . 1'aksley. 1'rei t tout iu rciai liana. V ilminrlon P. K. IicaiN, ., Poppe k Co., i x- v .w D.LLNERklWt.lNeWrk' tate.l t, Wilmingtu tllSj .NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between the sub scribers, under the firm of A. C. EVANS k BRO., is dissolved by mutual concent. The buiuess of the firm will be closed by J. A. Evans. A. C. EVANS April 19th, 1S32 J. A. EVANS. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have entered into co-partnership under the firm of S. It. k J. A. EVAN'S, wjo will continue tht DRUG BUSINESS at the stand formerly occupied by A. C. Evans k Brother. Thev are in daily receipt of addi tions to their stock of MEDICINES, DRLGS, tc, and in vite thMe wishing articles in thiir liue, to call beforo rur- chasing elsewhere. April 19th, 1852 I1C, 1 5. B. J. A. EVANS. 191-tf D ISSOLl'TltlN. The CVpartncrobin heretofore exis- tinir between the unuersicnee under the Bnn or Anler- son k Iatimcr was this day disKolred by mutual consent. Tho business will be continued by Anderson k Suvage, who will settle the affairs of the late firm. JAMES ANDERSON, June 1, 1852. 'I. LATIMER. CO-PARTNERSHiPThe subscribers have this dny formed a Co-partnership under the firm of AND JtSON & SAVAGE, for the transaction of a GENERAL COM MISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, and liberal each advances made on consignments. JAMES ANDERSON, June 1, 1852. EDWARD SAVAGE. 0ISS()LIT10, THE firm of O. & G. IIolmex is this day dissolved. The business of the firm will bo settled by the subscriber. Persons having claims against O. k G. Holmes, will please present them tor payment ; and those indebted will confer a raver by nnvinir up as early as posnible. April 15, OWEN HOLMES. NOTICE. I WILL continue the DRY GOODS A ND G ROC E R Y bu siness at the old stand of O. it G. Holmes My stock is complete, and the patrons are respectfully invited to call and exaraino prices. OWEN HOLMES. April l!, 1S52. NOTICE. WE HAVE JCST FINISHED taking our inventory for the summer season, and find as follows: A number of notes and accounts due us which should be sottlod up to 1st July and to which we particularly call the attention of those interested. ALSO, a well assorted stock of CHINA WARE and EARTHEN WARE, to which we will be receiving large additions during the month of August ; and to which wo es- pnssing well to purchase tneir stocks oi Vyiu n rvr.it i ironi u an wo are determined to offer inducements over Northern importers. July 21. 273-tf J McRAE k IIARRISS. I'ICKLES FROM W. UNDERWOOD. auditions during tne monm oi August ; anu io wmci pecially invite the attention of Merchants. Thoso through Wilmington on their wsy North would do purchase their stocks of CROCKERY from us, as UST landed from the Brig Commerce, I 600 dot Jars Pickles, all kinds. jylO 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 " Stvillt Olives. " Fresh Lobsters. " " Salmon. pure Lomon Syrup. " Eng. Mustard. " Tomato Catshup. " Underwoods Relish " Pure Pepper. " Luca Oil. For sale low by HOWARD k PEDEN. LIST OK BLANKS. County Court Writs; Superior do. do County Court Sabpoenas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Sci. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Courts Witness and Juror Tickets; NeticestoTax List Receivers; Commission totake Imposition County Court Execution; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Appointments; Peace, State, and Civil War- Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; Inspector's Certificates; Certificates of Justiccsattcnd ing Court; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; letters Testamentary; Vendi. Exponas; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cape FesrBank; do. Branch Bank of State; Notes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator'sBonds; Guardian on. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ffAppearance do be do. do. do. do. it. State Reognitance; (Constable s Militarv Ca Sa: Sheriff's Tax do. Execution; J Forthcoming Nerro Bonds: Prosecution do. Bill of Sale; ICrcw Lists; Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost disnatch. Officersof the Courts and other officers, and all other per- sons requiring blanks, or any oiner wora in mo printing line, would do well to give ns a call, or send in their orders. We ure determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest ratei for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. MILL S ws The subscriber has the pleasure of inform ing liller'i engaged in sawing pitch pine, that he has succeed din getting up the best Saw for that purpose that has ev ryet been produced, as far at he knows. All saws warranted not to split in the teeth 1 J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. N5 W Crop Raisin . 100 packages' new crop Raising, just landed. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. PICKLES, Preservet, Cattapt, Ac Jnst received di rect from W. Underwood tf Co 600 doien jart assorted tisei and kind. Forsale low by HOWARD k PEDEN. LARGE Axlet of Superior qwalltr Suitable tor Timber Waggons. Extra Timber Arei; House and Yard Axes, cheap. For aleby J. M. ROBINSON. N AILS.-1M bp N b, Mb tar. bjr , " Ocaa Mall Sleaahlp-Calllai aad Canard Uaet Collins.. Collins.. CwlllBS.. Collins.. Collins.. CoUias.. Collins . Collins . Collins , Collins . Collins . Collins , riOM LIVtlPiVOL, For 12. ...New York Wednesday. .....Junt 2 ...New Ywrk Wtdneslay......Jun 16 ...New York Wednesday Junt 30 ...New York Wednesday July 14 ...New York Wednesday Jalv 2S .. Nei l .... . .Wednesday Aug. 11 AVEBICA. York ran Iavet ..New York Saturday .. New Ywrk Saturday ..New York Saturday N'r Yurk Saturday ...New York Saturday. ..New York Saturday. ..jBntl2 ...Jane 2' ..July 10 ..July 21 Aug. ? A. 21 NEW YORK AND HAVRE LINE REUICKU KAIIE. riHROUJIi TICKETS BETWEEN WILMl.NtiTOX, 1 N. V., AND r.ALTl.MOKE, FARE flS. via WEL PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, AND WASHINt; TtN CITY, OR ru WELDUN, lOUTbMOL'TH AND NORFOLK. For tickets, apply it tht (He of tht Wilmington aaJJ Raleigh Rail Read Company at WUnungtoa. tr at tht Officw of tbt Caltimort Meant racket Company, and tf tht Balti mort and t hio Rail Read Compaay, Halt Street, Faltimora. .Jaa. I.l42 e-i NOTICE. LEAVE UW VORE. Saturday Huaiholdt June 6 Franklin July 3 Huu.Mdt July 31 Frsnklin Aru. 2 LEAVE NAVIE. Wednesday Franklin Junt llurubolJt July Franklin Aug. Humboldt Sept. Stopping at Sutbam ton both ways. NEW YORK AND BREMEN LINE. From South- Front ampton fur Bremfn. New York. Herrmann. . . Washington. , Herrmann. Washington. From New York. ...April ...May . . ..Juno ... July 21. tl.. 1.. 17.. ....May Juno ....July ...Aug. 21 May IS Junt IB July 13 Aug. a 21 i LEGAL RATES OF INTEREST. in thi nirrsaiMT svath and rsssiToant. Maine; 6 per eMit. , forfeit of the claim. N w Hampshire, 6 per cent.; forfeit of thriet the amount un lawfully Ukrn Vermont, 6 per cent. ; recovery in action and conla. M.'mirliuc its. 6 per rent. ; forfeit of llirice the uaury. Khislc Ulaud, 0 percent., forfeit of the usury aad interest on thedetit t'onneriif tit, 6 pel cent. ; forfeit of tho whole debt. New-York, percent.; usurious ronlracu void. New Jersey, 7 pel cent.; forfeit of the whole deht. I'eniisylvtinia, b per rent. ; tor felt of the wind debt. IMaware, 6 per cent. ; forfeit of the whole deht. M (try In ihI, 6 per cent.; on tobacco contra" la 8; usurious con trnria void. V'lrninin, 6 per cent ; forfeit d utile the usury. North arolina, 6 per cent. ; couiracta for usury void forlcll doiihle the uatiry. Kouili Carolina, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of lutereat and premium ta ken, with coals. Georgia, 8 per cent. ; forfeit thrice the usury. A liilimim. 8 percent. ; forfeit of Interest ami usury. MiRKiMipni, 8 per cent. ; by contract 10 usury recoverable in arlion for debt. Iiulsinna, 5 per rent.; flunk intcreat 6 -contract H-beyond contriifl, interest void. Ten lessee, fi per cent. ; usurious contracts void. A'enturky, 6 per cent. ; usury recoverable vitli coats. - Ohio, S per cent. ; usurious c miracia void. Indiana., A per cent. a flue of double the excess. Illinois, 8 per cent. by com rati l'2-beyond forfeits thrice the Interval. Miaaourl, 6 per cent. by contract 10 If beyond, forfeit of In terest and usury. Michifnn, 7 percent. forfeit of usury onn fourth of debt. Arkansiis, 0 per cent. by afrccmeiit 10- usury recoverable, but contract voni. Iliatrict f 'olumbis, 6 per cent. usurious contracts void. Florida, 8 per cent. forfeit interest anil escesa. Wisconain, 7 per cent by contract 1 forfeit thriet tht ex cess. lows, by ac reeiaent, and enforced by law. On debts oriudgnients lu favor of the United States, interest Is computed at o per cent, per annum. ON ."undajfi, bat on passenger Train will leavt lor Yt tl don, which will depart at 2 o'clock, P M. JNO. NUTT, Ag'l WU. k Ral. R. fi. Co. March 20th. 102. ibo-tf liUoi'llKHS LI.K THE Steamer J?rrrif and Tow Boat , T Stertns-m, Ikittd Iaxtxi, Jumts Vaisidaf sjafiim' hi and Alfred Mitt, art prepared to forward with lpauh all good consigned to tht Proprietor. The Steamer miners is of light draught, and wtU Witta to run ini iroffr. She potseaset ftrtr and speed, aa4 U admirably adapted to rvariMg, and caa accommodate aboat 20pasengers. 1 he Proprietor contemplates running tht lloal aimau. and will give aiceial attention to wsy freight and stores; to towing, and will also attend to tht comfort aad convenience of Passengers. From hit long tiperieaee M Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam lioat LompanUI he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goodl ..... . . B.-. shipiied hy hnn, will be delivered to tneir Agents in rj evillt. IlisArent ia Wilmington is DAVID RANKS, lo wborn all communications may be addressed, at Agent of the Steamer Dmtlurt. JOHN BANKS, proprietor. Feb. Ith, IS52 127-tf TO FXsOAflSi OUR XTIOTTO IB AT TMI mi Sad(ll,IlarMCtt, AKO ANUPACTOUT.t IV Wllitiliigtoi tjT R UHK Mi COPART.KRsillII. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership, .1- I.' m. It i miiuu ..... j. untier me siyio or iic ii ai. ct iiAiviti.., ana navo ta ken the new rranitt front store, lately erected by Cnpt. G. 1'ottkr, on t ront between Market and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock of Crockery and Karinlnjr Imilementt, to which they invite thjr attention of merchants and others. Being Importert, we feel confident we can sell articles in our line on as favorable- terms, and of as good quality, as can be purchased in the United Males. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., Oct. 1, 1SJ31 2I-tf J N. T. IIARRISS. NOTICK Kilra. I have authorised Mr. Jam. Birncrt to collect all account due me previous to 1st of October instant. All persons indebted are earnestly requested to sot tie. ALEX. McRAE, Jr. Oct II. 1891. TRRMENIMH'fl RKIR CTIOW IN PRICKS I GREAT BARGAINS!! HOWARD fi I'KUKw. Nuth Water street, have jnst received their fall stock of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Oils, Paints, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Hard Ware, Dry Goods, Confectionary, rruits. Nuts, Raisins, Pickles, Preserves, Catsups, Sauces, Jellies and Jambs, Soaps, Starch, Candles, Matches, Wrapping Pnper, Twine, (ordage, Puck, Blocks, Hanks, Mast Hoops and Ship Chan dlery, assorted, in all its various branches; Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Hour, Butter, Iard, rish, lobneco, eic, and every thing else, in fact, that is wanted. Please give us a call and salmfi yiiurtetves. NOTICK. TIIK nndersigncd having entered into a partnesbip in 18 W5, for the term of five years, which tenn will expire on the 1st of December next, when they are desirous of clos ing all accounts existing on their wooks at that date, hereby request all persons indebted to them, U come forward and settle their accounts either by note- or cash, on or before the expiration or said partnership. HOWARD & PKDKN. Oct. 18, mi 36-tlJ FOIL TIIK LA 1I KM tl rpHE Uncst as well as the cheapest Table Ivory. Plated X nna warrameu loaeep us cotor; laoic, icsen anu i ea Spoons; Forks; Sugar Shovels; Salt do ; and Pickle Knives; Bronr.e Candlesticks; and best of Scissors, Shears, Needles, and Pins. The above I have manufactured especially for ray retail sales, and every article warranted. J. M. ROBlNrON. Wilmington, October 3. 1851 23 C REW LIST8-A large supply on hand and for sale low .... inTtnvir ncrtpp BREAD 60 barrels Pilot Bread ; 50 fine Navy do. 00 boxei toda crackers, fresh. For sale by HOWARD PEDEN. lATENT WINDLASS. 1 second hand Windlass com plete. For sale by HOWARD It PEDEN. COPFEE.-r0 Bagt Rio in store. ELLIS, RUSSELL fc CO. IO Coffee. 150 baes prime green R lo Coffee. For tale or ft r wir i n r a. nrnL' lOW, Dy I1U n null l l. ijlji. R PLANTERS Attention- I am Just receiving from the factory, samples of improved cast steel Hoes, which I would be pleased to submit to your inspection, and to receive any suggestions for farther improvement. Oct. mh.,1851. ... . u .. -J . M. ROBINSON WINDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN JJANDS.-A large and spiendid assortment. Jnst ia store and for ale by J. M ROBINSON. S UGAR.-W hhd. Sdgaf 100 hbla. eroshe.jpowJered, lie. for fait low vj huwarjl ftuviuv. rpilE subscriber resecWully Informs tht publitthatht X keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Coach, (Iff, antl Nulky HrNras I.anly'a and (ieritleinen't Wiiilttlrt, lli ltllrt, AVhlpa, Vc. Trunks, Valises, Saddlt and Carjiet Bsgs, Satchels, fancy Trunks, te. Always on hand a large supply of MtrlnK l.mtlier and Vj Rata, and all other articles usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrauta to be of the best material and work inunship, and will bt sold low for rash, or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, lie., mad to order. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair tirlet to persons buying to mnnufacturt. VV kips at wbolesait. - All kinds of 'tiding Vehicles bought and told en entn mis sion. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Sept. 10, 1M1 f J. H. IVKS, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the pub lie, that he has employed a competent workman, who will superintend at his Jewelry Store, ntxt door to the Carolina Hotel, during his absence frota town. Ptrsoni desirous of having Watches and Jewelry repaired, or engra vings executed in a sunerb manner, will find it to their in tcrust to give him a call. Also, on hand, an assortment of Watches, Jewelry, k., which will be sold low. July 7th, 238-3m I IME, LIME. 4(K) bbls. Rockland Lime ; 0O0 bUt. LlD I J colnvillt! White Lump. Also, Calcined llaster. nat tering Hair, Firo Crick, and Hydraulic Cement l 1.000 bbll. Lime, to. For sale by J. C. k R. B. WOOD, April 5, iHTii-IW Contractors and Builderi. IRON of all the best makes, suitable for Planter! and Smiths' use. Cofmtaiitly on hand and for salt at the off if price, and quality warranted, by J. M. ROBINSON. lOHACCO AND CIGARS. A rood assortment kept On hand and for suy FREEMAN k HOUSTON. April 13 l87-3m T 1MITV Il-l- i.m 1 1 i ci.li n.. ...... - -I i,!)iiu ihxuii'i iiiuu cinrn uf. i . I i i i t - i i ivir, mis,!; niic, in aovu "cpt. r or ni a J tnH DkROSSET k BROWN. HOES. A gook stock of Shoes men. women and chil dren. For sale cheiip, by OWEN HOLMES. R( SIN STRAINERS -Just received a full swpply of the best English Wire Cloth, of all sir.es. tnl5 H oin. and Her. copy. J. M. ROBINSON. SUNDRIES. -60 doien Pickles, assorted 6dog. reserves, assorted ; 6 dot. Jellies, do.; 100 boxes Spent Candles ; KK) boxes Sonp ; 2fl iK. Starch ; CO do. Soda Crackers 60 do Pilot Bread; KKI.(KK) Scgart at I'ltlmort firicei 20 boi es Ieuion Syrup ; 10,000 Musket Flints, for Mice llanttrs; 10 dosen Brooms : 10 do. Paili ; 10 do. Matts, assorted, from 25 cents to $3 each. For sale hy al." HOWARD & PEDEN. W KAKMERK ANI1 tiARDKKERS. E have just reoelved a supply of Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds from Itiiladelphia. ALSO, Several new patterns of Plows, Grala mills, Cora fallen, Hay Cutters, Ice. For sale by McRAE 4" HARRIS!?. Feb. 25th, 1852 ; 145-tf SP1 R ITS' TURPENTINE BA RRELS 1 ,SO0 spirits turpentine barrels, second band, of prime quality, for sale hy DeROSSET k BROWN. FIRE ENGINE. A good machine, with 120 feet bote and 10 buckets, ail in good order, for sale low. April 15-3t FREEMAN Ic HOUSTON W OOD'S HACKERS & PULLERS For tale cheap at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. Silver bolster ed ivory handled Table and Dotert Knives, latest patera and of superior quality, for sale by m!5 Com and Her. copy.) J.M.ROBINSON F IRESH GROUND MEAL, constantly on hand X, ill sale by MILES costj: For rown'a Wharf. W HITE LEAD.-No. 1, extra, and pure, for sale bj L ONDON PORTER. 6 Casks Porter : 6 Casks Browi I Stout. For sale low by HOWARD k PEDEN. IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY warranted pure jus ircerveu anu torsaie: nr aslr nan Juice Port Wine : 2 do. do. P. II. Godird It Co.'e old Brandy earranted tees ytan old 2 do. do. old Madoira Win j 2 do. do. old Cherry do.; 1 do. do. old Ja maica Rum : 21 pipes Iondon Dock Brandy j H do. Marrett Brandy ; 2 pipes pure Holland Gin. OWEN HOLMES. . OIIS Refined V egetable i'aint un, at much less price than Linseed Oil, for Ships, Honses, Iron Railing, tc. For sale by HOWARD 4 PEDEN. CART. A new aad excellent article, eliptie springs, euii- able for GrtcerU we er Wp e;rt, frtl-JbT liUWAKD rr.uz.rv US fivwARy ta itw.ni

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