r - ... , mil. I i'L'ni.ISIIKD BY Kl'LTON S: PRICK. WILMINKTOX, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE . VOLUME . TUESDAY MORXIMi, Al'GUST 10, 143a NU3IBER 257. 1 f sates of advertising sul tritc. 1 day 2 day, 3 dtTj. days, 1 k 2 we,.... 1 month,.... 2 month,... 3 month?, .. 6 month., .. 1 year, 25 . 50 : S MlT 2 days ....1 ... .2 ...5 1 50 ..s to .13 00 3'Uys .... 4 days .... 5 day ..... 1 wetk.... 2 wffki... 1 month... 2 months.. 3 month.. 6 months.. 1 year .... ..0 50 .. 73 .. 1 0l .. 1 23 ..IW .. 1 73 .. 2 73 .. 4 tt) .. 7 00 ..13 00 ..16 (X) . .30 00 Tea lino i art counted as a square , aud fire lints or lev a half-square. Longer advertiiements in proportion, an 1 aH payable in advance. 4? Notice of ReligiouJ meetings, Benevolent an J other unchartered Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half the above rates Ca.-h always payable itt advance. due every day at 9 A. M Arrival mttd Departure of the Mull under the new Arrangement, whirls went Into operation, lit Jiart h, l 4. Tbe Mail from the North is and at l P. M. Close at a quarter before 1 1". M., and at 9 1 M. precise- The Mail for the South closes at 9 A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Ferry, lie is due every Monday at 5 P. M Closes every Thursday at The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, ic, due every Thursday at 6 1'. M., aud closes same night at P. M. 11 1-.- , ... . o iiau iroui r ayeueviiie, via i.uiaoemiown ami fro peel lull, is due every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day at 9 A.M. (. loses name day's at a quarter before In A. M. TvAn extra Package will be made op for letters going .onn oi riicnmond, a , wiiu li will be kept open until A 1 All .L fl .1 .1 ..... . j. Ail omer teener must oe in me umee at tlie hour above named, or they will nut be Mailed until next succeed t a ing Aian. CO-PARTXERMIIP. rnilTl subscribers having, cn the th iVceaWr. 1S51, fvira J. ed a I o-fartBership un Irr the firm of AVKSSLL k LI tare takes n.rr xs. 1 u. 2. ,f p. K lUcklcsoa s Luild;ug, on North V ater Street, Wilmington, X. C, for merly occupied by Mr. Mile Coetia, where they ietcrei to Seep ob hand a general assortment of GROCERIES. LI 111 lll'V ... I li.. I 'Uli iVw -.W I . 1. J. WT.SSHU Jan. 19, 52-113-lm-JV3m II. B. L1LLKS. J. WIVM1L, H. B. KILHS. VK"F.L. kili:u. C)MMIil() Mrrehnxt. mmiI Wbolr.alr (irmn, Nurth Water Street, Wilaiington, X. C , intend to keep ai iae w e siana a geiwrai arft ment or I i roeen-, Liquor, au 1 I'rovinion, at wholesale aud to carry ou a General 1 OUltUtsMoB rusiuess. KKrtsexrK : E. P. IUll, Pret Hraneh VlI of the State, ' ). ',. Paenlky. Pre't Comuiereial lUnk. P. K. Ph kinmin, L' Pki rt & Co., IJollxck k PuntR 1- jw Wiluiingtoo New Voik. 113J KOHKItT U. ItWKlV, COMMISSION MEKCHAXT, 1 237 Wii.mino ro. N. C. JOSK.IMI II. r'LtWKII, C1KXKRAL t onimUiiloii Merelnuit, T 2-ly Wilmington, N. C JAMES AMElC), KUWAKU s.lVAOt. AMKItSO ,S VWAl.K. "I EXCRAL COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS, vl Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignment. C D. ELLIS. j. it. i:l"m.i. II. P. KI SSKI.I.. ELLIS, HUSSKLL &. CO lenernl Coiniiilaaluii Mrrehnnta nil Ship Hrokern, VJT V ilminirton, N. ('. liefer to K. P. Hall, Esq., President lirauch Hank of the Mate, U ilinington. 4 D. C. FRKKMAN, OKO. 11)1 SI'iN. Fit E KM AN A HOUST), Wlliiiliiuton, S. C, D. C. FRKEMASi & CO , cw York, M Kit CI I A NTS-A N I ) I'A( :Tl It S. G II. POLLNER, O. POT! Kit, jr. IIII1.1,KK V PDTTKU, KNKKAL COMMISSION MKRCHANTS, fll-lyl New York. r Liberal ca.'h advances made on consignments. JNO. POTTS BROWN, ARMANI) J. DEKOSSET, jr., K . K. IlKOW.N MHOAVX & DellOSSKT, tv VoiU, JJellOSSFT V lillOWX, AVllnilu-toi., V 32 COMMISSION MKKCIIANTS. HAMIKL .1. 1'KltSOV. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilmington, N. C. Omce on Princess Street, nearly opposite the Journal OfHce. March 15th, 1832 Hil-flm Melt AH Si IIAIlltlsx, IMPORTERS and Wliolennle nml Itftnll Dnlr In China, Class, and Earthenware, and Funning Imple ments, we.t side Front street, between Market and lock streets, Wilmington, N. C. f'21-tf HOC IU AVILI.I.?! S. It i: A I. 'OlT.SC, SHIP, AND SIGN PAINTER, AND PA PUR Ianokr, near the Rock Spring, ilinington, N. ('., is prepared at all times to execute any business in his line, in a neat and workmanlike manner. 19:1. .lOHX P. STACK'S SO it o.. TM PORTERS AND DEALERS in Linens, White Coods, X Hosiery, Stuff Ooods, Woolens and Goods for Men's Wear, Klankcts and Flannels, invite the attention of buy ers to a desirable assortments of the above named goods. No. 21 .ImiN St., (near liroaaway,) ALW oiU. July 12 22-3in WM. M. II V Utiles, GENERAL C'oihiiiUhIou MckIihiiI it Ship llroker, Wilmington, N. C. REKERENCES : Jas. Corner & Sons, Baltimore. E. A. touder &Co., Philadelphia. " Tufts 8f Hunting, Boston. 12-ly COHMCK nnl Curtain Bmuls, A full assortment, for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROI'.INSON. rI1IIL I o-partncn-hip heatofore eii.ting Wtween the ub J. m-rihers, under the firm of A. C. KVANS k IHtO.. lsolvfd br mutujil eouseut. be closed by J A. Lvanv April l'Jt'h, 1 he business of the firm will A. C. EVANS J. A. EVANS. CO-PARTIVKRMIIP. rTM IE subscribers have entered into co- rtnerbip under X the firm ol S. 1! &. J. A. LVA, w.io will continue theDULG ll S1M.S ut the stand furaieily weupied by A. C. livan- &. l'i'otber. Tln-v are in d.iily receipt of addi tions to their stock of MLD1('1ES, Mil (IS, &e , aud in vite those wishing articles in their line, to call before pur chasing else w lu.ro. S. 11. EVANS, M. 1). J. A. EVANS. April 19th, K1 lM-tf D 1SSOM T10 The Co-i artnershii heretofore e lif ting between the undersintd under the firm of Ander son & Latimer wm this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will he continued by Anderson & Savage, who will settle the affairs of the lat.' firm JAMES ANDERSON, June I, l&-. Z. LATIMER. pO-PItTM-:itsilIP.1he subscribers have this day V ' formed a Co-partnership under the firm of AND ,fS & SAVAGE, for the transaction of a GENERAL COM MIHnN lil'Sl.NESS. I'uitieular attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, and libeial l ash advances made on consignments. JAMES ANDERSON, Inne I, s.V2. EDWARD SAVAGE. DlMSOl.t 1 U, IMIE firm of O. & G. I loi vi s i- t his day dissolved. The L business of the firm will be settled by the subscriber. Persons having claims against ). k lines, will please present them lor payment ; and those iudebted will confer a tavor hy paving up as early us possible. April I5IH02. OWEN HOLMES. NOTICE. f WILL eontinue tho DRV GOODS ANDGROCER Y bu- 1 siness at the old stancl of O. k G. Holme My Mock is complete, and the patrons are respectfully invited to cull aud examine prices. OWh.N IIOL.VES. April 13, 2. Oct aw Mall wteaM.klp ClUwnl Cawanl LUa Collirs.... , Ccllias.... , Collins.... , OU i a Collins Collins ... New ...Ne ... Nei ... Ne ...Xei ...Xei noi uvartKL, lor Collin Cnllios Collin Cellir: Collin lollio York.. York.. York.. York.. York.. York.. FKOM Leaves ...New York... ...New York... ...New York ...New York.... ... New York..., ...New York.... 12 Wednesday J ant Wednesday..... .Juo H Weduday .Jane 30 Wednesday Jaly II Wedoelay......JwIy S edoesday...... Aaf . 11 awtaicA. ..Saturday. ...... .Jon 12 . Saturday Jan 2 Saturdiy July 10 . Saturday July 24 Saturday Aur 7 .Saturday Aug. 21 NEW YORK AND HAVRE LINE. LIAVK NtW Vo. I LLAVt HAVRE. Saturday I Wedueaday HuniMdt June 5 Franklin Ju.. Franklin lluiuboldt. Franklin . . July 3 July 31 Humboldt July Franklin Aug. . .Airu. 2'Huuiboldt Sepl Stopping at Southampton both way. NEW YORK AND P.REMEN LINE. , From South Herrmann AVashingtou. , Herrmann. . . . From New York. .April 21.. From I ire men. ..May June AVashingtou July 22... 19 17... ..May .June July Aug. auipton for Nw York. 21 K. 16 13. ..May J una ..July ..Aug. 2ti 'i 1H I.EtiAL RAT!: OF INTt.KKST. W OTICI2. Ji: 11 V.VE JEST FINISHED taking our inventory for , me summer season, ami timl as follows : A number of notes and accounts due us which should be settled up to st July ; ami lo which we urlintituly call the attention ol those interested. ALSO, a well n-srted stork of CHINA .WARE and r n'i'iii'' if ii i - w . i, tn i iii. n ;ur ju winch wo will rii? rorrivinir inrure . I 1 a t .1 -i x . ..." luminous miring tne inor.tn or August ; anl to whieli we es pecially invite the attention of Merchants. I hoso pas-mir iiirouti w liininirton on their way .oi i won hi do we to purchase their stocks of CROCKER Y from uv as we are ikta iiuiiril to offer inducements over Northern importers. ui IM THI DlrrCRKKT (TSTIH AND TglklToail. Maine; 6 per tent , Inrleit o Ui rlami. N' w llnmpahire, 6 Der cent.: forfeit of tlirire Itie iinoiint un. I a l olly In ken Vermont, b per rent. ; reeorery in arlion and rout. Massarliuieits, 8 per rent ; forfeit ol thrice the umiry- Rhode Inland, 8 percent., (urfeit ol the uur ami intereit on llinlel t I'onneeiiriit, 6 pei rent ; forleii of ihe whole uM. New-York, 7 percent.; iifmrioij conimcii New Jerpcy, 7 pel rent.; forleii of Ihe wlmlr ic,t. IVoony Irnnttt, t, per cenl. ; lorfi II of Hie whols debt. HelHwsre, 1 percent ; foifeilof the whole deht. Vi?r,i,j o i,rr cent ou tobacco tonlrm la H ; usurious ron. trim vhIiI. Virginia, 6 ncr cent ; forfeit druhle the uooiy North I a roll mi, 6 percent. ; contract lor uxor ,,ict-f,irf..i doiihlc the nsory Sooiti CiiMliua, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of intcreat and pri'inium ta en, wit h rsiwt. (ieorgia, ts fier rent. ; forfeit thrice the usury. Al.iloonii, s jier rent ; lorfeii ,,( intercut mil usury Miwrnsippi, Si per cent . ; by contract 10 uaur recnfersbla In action lor debt. Louisiana. 6 per rem , n.ink intereat 8-r.onlraet S iiitinct, inli rest void TeniicafHT, C per rent. ; iisurioo rnntrarta toid. Kentucky, 6 ier rent ; imnry recoverable "villi coala. Ohio, 6 per rent ; iiatirtooa c mtracta Ton). Iinliiiiin, 6 per cent.- a line of double the riocn, lllmoia, 6 per rent -br conlrarl Pi--beroml lorfetta Ihrlre the lulerral. Miaaourl, C per ceut.-by contract 10 if beyond, forfeit of terest and usury. MieliiK in, 7 percent -forfeit of usury one fourth of del. aranns'is, o per cent. Dy afrecuient 10 -uaury raeorerable, hut ii' m I ni I tiiiii . HistrlcH oliimbia, 6 per cent.-inurloiia rontrarta ?oM. I'lorlils, H per rent. - lorfeit intereat nml rices. Vlfonsin, 7 jei cent -by contrnrt 12-forfeit Ulrica tht ei- ceaa. lows, by afieeiaenl, and enforced by law. On debts t-r jodguients in furor of the t tilled State, mlrre! Is computed at 6 per cent, pei annum. -'(eyond RKUfCED FARE. rpilKOlajll TICKETS P.ETWEEN WILMINGTON, 1 X. C, ANI H.lLTl.MOh FAKE IIS. via WEL- IHi, rhThRSitCKiI, KICHMOXD, AND WASlIINO TON CITY, OR via WtUKlN, IDRTS.MOL'TII AND NORFOLK. For tiektt. appW at th (fllea af tha WHmiaftow aoj Raleigh Kail RoalCororaoy at Wilmiegton. rat tha Offle of the lUltimora Steam iVket Compatay, and of tha Ealtt mora and Ohio Kail Road Company, llalt Street, taRimora. Jan. 1. 133 , tfig . XOTICE. ON .Sundays, but ona peorr Train will tear for Wei don, ahieh will depart at 2 o'clock, P M. JNO. XL'TT, Aft Wil. It Ral. R. R. Co. March 20th. K32. 166-tf MUO'IllKR9 Ll.wK. rlHL Steamer llrothtrt, and Tow Roats -!Tfr ami Alfitil AV(ii, ara prepared ta forward with ispaUihi ail jfiMias eonsignetl lo tbe Proprietor. 1 he Steamer Hrvthtrt is of light draught, and well suited to run iu law unittr. She poaaesae yutctr and iptnt, aad U admirably adapted to totcmr, and can accoinmodata about 20 Passenger. The Proprietor contemplate running tht Roai kltnaelf, and will give iecial attrution to way freight and naval store ; to towing, and will also attend to tha comfort lod convenience of Passenger. From his long txnerieoea aS Agent in Wihuiiigton of the several Meam Boat Companies, he think be can giva satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would sar. that all Goods shipped by him, will Ik delivered to their Agents In Fayttt erille. His Arent ia Wilmington is DAVID BANKS, t whom all eomtnunieiitions may be addressed, as Agent tf the Meauier lirolher$. JOI1X RANKS, Proprietor. Feb. th, IH52 1 27-tf wwaa AW A Q A U A A Ai A D A I AT TNB Wlliiiln(toii NaUdlc, Harness, AMD TRUNK .MANUFACTORY in o-iwim m:hhiiii ily 2l.-273-tf PICKLES KRO.M V J' MeRAE & HAKRISS. IXDKIIWOOD. T landed from the Brig Commerce, 500 dm Jars Pickles, all kinds. 10 10 10 jy 10 ; 5 5 5 5 5 ' Seville Hives. ' Fresh Lobsters. " Salmon. pure Lemon Syrup. ling. Mustard. Tomato Catshup. L'nderwoodi Relish Pure Pepper. Luca Oil. For sale low by HOWARD k PEDEN. N. C. V 1ROX SAFES. CKICII & CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampness as w 11 as Fire-Proof. The subscribers having nccented the a encv for the sale of . .... . i " . - tne aoove nignly approveu ales, are j epared to turnisli any size or pattern which may be want-e at manufacturers' prices, delivered in this place. Specimens of several sizes hare just be received, and or- dcra will be promptly attended to. jan. z, law tr UEitosspiT & biioww. LIST OK HLAMtS -ounty Court Writs; superior do. do ounty ( ourt Siiltpavnas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Sei. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Court Witness and Juror Tickets; Notices to Tax Lit Receivers; Coin miss ion to take Deposition t ounty (,oort Execution; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer ? Appointments; Peace, State, and Civil Wnr D. C. FREEMAN & CO., N. V. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. WIL K PREEMAX ,V HOLSTO. I'll TERCHANTS AND FACTORS AVilmingtox, N. C, I1V1 keep constantly on hand a stock of Mow, Corn, Pork, Bacon, sail, vojtr, sugar, Mouitm, Tobacco, C'tgari, nu", Candies Soap, Foreign and Domett ic Liquors and Wind Iron, Nailt, Paint, Oils, Glan, Domestics, Hats, loots, &noes, wavier, Jigrirwiura . tipiemens, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plantation kise and the retail trade, which they r ill dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonar lo terms for cash, or in exchange for i aval stores or other r-rtduce The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, is located in the citr New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in AVif- nington. If desired, advances will be made on consign nents to and from either place. ..All business entrusted to hem will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods vill be prompt and carefully filled. ; . lAUS. iJOO Ash Oars, from 10 o 20 feet. For sale by HOWARD & FEDEN. Notes of Hand; Attachments; State Recognizance; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro Pionds; do. Pill of Sale; rants; Inspector's Certificates; Certificates of Justicciattcnd ing ( ourt; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Not ices; Writs of Eject mint; letters Testamentary; Vendi. Exponas; Ca Sa; '.and Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cnpe Fear Rank; do. Branch Bank of he State; Notes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator's Bonds; Guardian du. Appeal do. ( 'a Sa do. Sh'fT Appearance do. Constable's do. Sheriff's Tax do. v Forthcoming do. Prosecution do. Crew Lists; rIMIE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership, 1 under tho style of Mr RAL k IIAR It JSS, and hare U ken the new granite front store, lately erected by dipt. G. Potter, on rront between Market and Dock streets, where they will always keep b complete vlmiriule and rtt it at oi t of Crocker) and Eiii iiiIiik Implement!, to whieh they invite the attention of merchant and others. Being Importer, we feel conblent we can sell article in our line on as favorable terms, and of a good quality, as can oe pureuaseu in mo united mates. ALEX. M RAL, Jr., Oct. 1, 31-tf N. T. IIAR KISS. NOTICE Eatra. I hsvo authorir.ed Mr. James Bi r ii to collect all accounts due uio previous to 1st of ( hjtober instant. All persons indebted are earnestly requested to set tle. A LEX. Mel! A K Ir Oct 11, 1H51. TUKiMK.VDOl si REOI t TIO.'V tS PRICES) I GREAT BARGAINS!! HOW A II l Ai PEDES), S.nth Water street, have just receired their fall stock of Groceries, Wines. Ll'iuor. Cigars, flils, Paints, Wooden Ware, AVillow Ware, Hard W are. Dry Goods, ( onfectionarr. Fruits. Nuts. Itaiainu Pickles, Preserves, Catsups, Satires, Jellies and Jambs. Soaps, Starch, Candles, Matches, Wrnnpitur Pnner. Twine Cordage, Duck, Blocks, Hanks, Mast Hoops and Ship ( han dlery, assorted, in all its various branches: Suirar .f'off..e Tea, Flour, Mutter, Lard, Fish, Tobacco, lie., and everv thing else, in f; t, that is wanted. PUnit iiwe us a call and tiuii yourstirts. riMIL subscriber respectfully informs the public that he JL keeps constantly ou hand a large assortment of Com h, t.lK, nl Snlky llariiras Ludy'a and Urntlrmen'a Na.i.n. ., Hiidi. ., Whlpa, e.; Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchel, fancy Trunks, e. Always on hand a large supply of Willi) Leather and Vlr Neta. and all other articles usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrants to bo of the best material and work miinship, and will ho told low for rath, or on short trtdit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harnes, Trunk, Medical Bag, lie., made f9 order. Harness and Coach Triinminir sold at a fair mica to persons buying to manufacture. Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Hiding Vehicle boueht and sold on com ml a. '" JOHN J. CONOL1SY. Sept. 10. lKfll 3 J. H. IVKSJ, RESPECTFI' LEY informs hi friends and the pub- 9v lie, that he has emj.loyed a competent Workman, jffS who will superintend at his Jewelry Store), next door to tho ( .arolina Hotel, during hi absence from town. Porann ileirous of having AVatebe and Jewelry repaired, or eojra- wnai" re run 'i iii auin rn manner, win nna it to their la terest to give him a cull. Also, on hand, an assortment f Watches. Jewel it :n i .. .. ii i ' ""! nun ii wuj vis eom iow. July 7th, i, . 258-3m I I ME, LIME. 400 b bis. Rockland Lime; aoOhhhi. Mn. Jj eolnville White Lump. Also, Calcined Plaster, Has termg Hair, Fire Mrick, and Hvdranlie Omerrt i 1.0O0 bbls. i .tine, ace. i or s.ne iy J. C & It. I J. WOOD, J!TiI lWm 1 Contractors and Builders. IRON of all the best makes, suitable for Planters and Smiths' use. Constantly on band and for s1a at the .! price, and quality warranted, by J, iAL ROBINSON. good assortment kept on lit ), !87-3m rniiiiArrn a v i i n'mw 1 ..-' i in n. -I.V goon assortment kepi hand and for sale by FREEMAN k HfllfSTffV April i.i I.llPTV N.lrll Ilorrela.-l.lKK) second hand f.Irit Bar l J rels. larire size, in trood order. For sale 4. inS DkROS.set k BROWN. NOTICE. r w i , ,s i i i , , . . . . . s -. uiMiersioen u,ninj( entered into a partneitiiip in -1 ISM), for the term of five years, which term will expire on the 1st of December next, wIicd they are desirous of do ins all accounts exist rng on their nooks at that date. herri.T request nil persons indebted to them, to come forward and scute their accounts cither hy note or cash, on or before the expiration of said partnership. HOAv ARD k PEDEN. Oct. IS, 1531 36 tlJ Mill THE LA DIES It rM IE finest as well as the cheapest Table Ivory. Plated X (and warranted to keep its color) Table. Ilesert and Tea rioons rorss r-uear noreis; ,ati do : and Pickle Knives: Bronte Candlesticks; and best of Scissors, Shears. Needles. and nns. The above I have manufactured esneeially for my retaf sales, and every article warranted. J. M. liOBINsON. V ilinington, October 3, IS31 23 Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will bo printed with me utmost mspaicn. Officcrsof the Courts nnd other officers, and all othcrpcr- sons reouiring Blanks, or any other work in the printing line, would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We tire determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rafesforcash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. riRKW LISTS. A large supply on hand and for salelow j at the JOURNAL OFFICE. M BREAD. 50 barrels Pilot Bread ; 60 " fine Navy do.; AO boxes soda crackers, fresh. For sale hy HOWARD PEDEN. ILL TjATENT WINDLASS. 1 second hand Windlass com- X plete. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. COFFEE.-IO Bags Rio in store. ELLIS, RUSSELL It CO. "0 10 -'flree 150 bags prime green R io Coffee .llvlow, by HOWARD k For sale PEDEN. w- The subscriber has tbe pleasure of inform ing .liller s engaged in sawinn pitch pine, that be has succeed din getting up the best Saw for that purpose that has ev ryet been produced, as far as he knows. All saws warranted not to split m the teeth J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. NEW Crop Kalalns. 400 packages new crop Raisins, I just landed. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. I T)ICKLKS, Preaerres, Catsups, hr Just received di- L rect from W. L ndcrwood 8r Co t 500 dozen jars assorted sizes ana kinds, r or sale low by HOWARD & PEDEN. x AiidP. r nnrrt'nni!v3.tn r. 1 1TTINDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. A Xj Timber Waggons. Extra Timbor Axes; House and V . ni iplcndid assortment. Just jn etore and for vara Axes, cheap. For sale by J. M. ROBINSON. ' J j. w aunurww. n i - - - - - .... Sugar i 100 bbls. ensued, powdered. For sale low by HOWARD & PEDEN. NAILS.-1QQ Kfe NaUs, fer sale low, by ' f!8 HOWARD It PEDEN. PLANTERS Attention I am just receiving from the factory, samples of improved cast steel Hoes, which I would be pleased to submit to year inspection, and to receive any suggestions for lurtncr improvement. Qct. 17th 1831 J. M. ROBINSON. OUGAR.-M hbda SHOES.-A gook stock of Shoes-men. women and ehil ln'n: y"T n ,'n"P' hy OWEN HOLMES. ROSIN STRAINERS -Just received a fullrniplv of the brt English Wire Cloth, of all sire. lV jnjj -"m. and Her. copy J J. M. ROBINSON. SUNDRIES. -SO dozen Pickles, assorted ; 6 dot. reserves ij assorted : dot. Jellies, do.: 1(10 bo lea Snernt ."nn.llaa t 100 boxes Soap ; 25 do. Starch : 50 do. Sod Pilot fcmtvJ : JOO.fKK) itrnm it VsidtUtutrm w.rm . ri i , n - " - v a ' iwa a amg wva e a.uou Syrup; JO.tMlO Musket Flints, for Rice. I1antrs : 10 doten Broom ; 10 do. Pails ; If) do. Matts, assorted, r or saie ny IKlWARD fc PEDEN. from 17 cents to 3 each. at.) and KAItMERS ANOOARI)KERS. WE have just received a supply of Fresh Garden (irass Seeds from Philadelphia. ALSO, ' Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Cora Sbcllers, Hay Cutters, kc For suio by reb. 25tfi, 1352 145-tf SPIRITS TuRPKNTOiriSARRfll kj turpentino barrels, second band, of prime quality, for J DeROSSET It BROWN. IIRE ENGINE. A good machine, with 120 feet hoso and IU buckets, all iu gwd order, for sale low. April 15-3t FREEMAN It HOUSTON- IITOOD'S HACKERS k PULLERS For sale cheap at v f the I lard ware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. Silver bolster ed ivory handled Tablo and Desert Knives, latest patent u ui aujnjrior quality. lor saie oy m!5 (Jorn. anj jer copy.) J. M. ROBINSON FRESH GROUND MEAL, constantly on hand For ale by MILES COST1N, Brown's Wharf. WHITE LEAD. No. 1, extra, and pure. For sale by FREKMAN k HOUSTON. LONDON PORTER. 6 Casks Porter ; 6 Casks Browse Stout. For sale low by HOWARD It PEDEN. TM PORT ED WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR X QUALITY warranted pure just received and for sale: r. casks pure J sice rort wine ; i uo. ao. sr. it. uodtrel o.'s old Brandy warranttd ttn years old: 24. do. old Madeira Wine ; 2 de. do. ld Cherry do. 1 do. do. vdd J i do. M arret IOLME8. qr. ca : Co.'s i.j.i.. maica Rum j 2 pipes Iondon Dock Brandy : 1 do. Marrett Brandy 2 pipes pure Holland (jin. UWEN 11 OILS. Refined VegetabU Paint Oil, at much less prioa than Linseed Oil, for Ships, Houses, Iron Railintr. ite. For sale by t HOWARD tf PEDEN. CART. A new and excellent article, eliptio springs, suit able for Grecer'f ut r a barrage eart, for sale br JlAjr 13 ; rivLEMAN It HOUSTON.