c iTiiLI HKD 1Y FtLTON l PIUCC. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YKAM. 1. VULUME I. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER I lii VT'ip"' iU - i i 1 . , . i AT CF AfcUJim.NU. 1 4 I 4 days,.,. ' 1 to r. rb,. I Jfr,... len l.t a: t 23 -J. I .... .... . S 7k ,. " j VTl 1 2 CO , ,.3 50 3 oO S M U 00 4) . 75 . 1 W . 1 25 on areata. Mir i - : l-i J I 4dji... 6davs 1 W 1 weU 1 75 I weeks 2 75 lec-nth . 4 00 t months..... 7 01 3 souths.... 10 00 6 mouths 1S 00 lyear. 30 00 e counted as a S'jaare, and Ire lines or lest ft - hx.f--pare. Lvrger advertisements io proportion, and ill V . . r.uliv.vi cf Religious meetings, Benevolent asl other ur.: A.-tcrtf l Sxiet.es, and Obituaries, will be charged half H tbe alove rates Cash always payable la advance. 4 .7 Arrll and Departure ef the Malls under ttia new Arrangement, x hit U wtat Into operation, let Iarh,l)4. Tbe Mall from the North is due every day at 9 A. M., n l at V) 1 M. ' - t"kc at quarter before 1 P. M., and at 9 P. 1. precise- 'Tbe Msil f.r ths S)uth closes at 9 A. M. : 1 The Mill from Onlow Court-House, Sneads Feny, to., is ue every Monday -t 3 P. M. Closoa every Thursday at . V 1 M. . The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, fce., is every Thursday at 9 P. M-, nd closes same night at 9 P. M. - The Mail Irem Feyetteville, via Eliiabethtown and Pros pect Hall, is due every Tueslay. Thursday, and Satur day t y A. M. Closes sauie day's at a quarter before 10 A.'M. ' jMn extra Taikare will be nude up for Letters going North of Richmond, V., which will be kept open until 7 A. M. Ail other Letter must be in the Office at the hours . above enmed, or they will not be Mailed until next succeed ing Mail ' ' - COM MI: ItOllEItT U. HAMtlX, ?ION MERCHANT.- WitMivorof, N. G JOSEPH II. FLASSiKIl. KP.ItI. (ouiiiiltdoii Mcn-haHt, , 2-ly : ; ' , . ' Wilmington. N.C. MSES ANDEKSOX. 1 ( KDWAKD 8AVAOK. 111NERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANT?, T J ilmmeton, W. C. Liberal ensh advances made on consijr.nracnUi. " ' ( , C D. E1XIS. , 'it. t. BVMKLL. ' J. B. Kl'SSELU ' . ' :v ' ELLI81 HUSSKLL it, CO.. " . . ' General Commission Merchants and Ship D rotters, ,' - ' Wilminffton, N. C. 5 Hcfer to K. P. Hall, Esq , President Dranch Dank of the , Mute, vv timigton. DUS I30TTO X3 "TO rLEASE," AT TB AVllaalastOH Saddle, Ilaroess, lfVy) U.IK MASlFACTORT.v riillhi subsenber repetful!y iafoms the pabliethat k X keeps constantly a hand a larre assortmeet of I ath, i.lc. aHdsalky llarneM . La 'i and Uentlraaea's Saddles, BtldUe, hips, ie.t Trucks, Valises, aJl!e and Carpet Bags, atcheK fancy Trucks, kc. Always ca hand a UrjeSMpply of string Leather and Kljr .et, and all other article usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrants to be of the best material and work manslip, and will be sold low for raA, er on sAorf art Jit te promt t customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Eajrt, te., made te order. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to perpoas buying to manufacture. Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Hiding Vehicles bourht and sold oa sow mis sion. JOHN J. CONOLLY. HEDl'CKD FARK. rpllROUUl TICKETS BETWEEN WILMINGTON, 1 N. C AND BALTIMORE. PARE 1S. via WEL DON, PETERSBURG. RICHMOND, AND WASHINC TON CITY, OR, vu WELDON, l)RTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK. : For tickets, apply at the Office nf the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company at Wilmington, or at the Ofllce of the Ualtimore Steara Packet Company, and of the Balti more and Ohio Rail Road Company, Halt btreet, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1S52 -t K'OTlCE. ON bundajs, but one passeneer train will leare f r Wei don, which will depart at ie'cloek, P M. J NO. aNUA X, Ag t WU. Jt Kal. ii. it. uo. March 20th. 1S5J Kirt-tt UllUTIlKUS LINK THE Steamer Brtthtr$ and Tow Doats Cliuaiia Miri, fjifii Jttmti t'aMtiilnU and AtfrtJ Kl'tii.iLTt prepared to forward with ij.Uh, all roods consigned to the Proprietor. . The Steamer Jirothtrt is orugni uraogTii, ana ' tn viin In I mm tMtrr. She rximi'milll IXiU'tr and f Vtrd. and IS admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat hnnseir, and will giva special attention to way freight and nava stores ; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and Convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam Doat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. 1 , To Merchants in the Interior he would say, that all Roods shipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in r ayeti- eville. His Agent in Wilmington ii DAVID UAMW.w whom all communications may be addressed, as Agent or the Steamer lirvthtrt. . . JOHN BANKS, I'roprictor. Feb. 4th, 1852 lMf B.C. tUKKMUrt, .'" OW. 1IOVBTOM. I'ltEEHtAN'A. HOUSTON, Wilmington. W. C., " D. C. FnKEJiAS 'CO., Kiw Veik, i . -MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. 11. DOLLNEB, DOt.LXEn i POTTEIt, o. rot: tR) jr. GENERAL COMMISSION MEUCllANTS, ; 16I-ly . ' , New lork. a- Liberal cah advances made on consignments. jikn. nrrr Riinwtf. ARMASDJ.DeitOKSET.tr.. B. F. BBOWJt - ' imOWN A DellOSljET, Wcw York, DcItOSSET b BIIOWS, Wilmington, ST. CM ! fH21 ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS '-. -' ff AMl UTi J. PKHSOS. ' a TTH1? XVX AT LAW. WilmlnErton. N. C. .iV" Office on Princess Street,' nearly opposite the Journa Office. - r-. -r- r ' , ' March 15th, 13o2 , s Wl-Cm 1 - McKAK & HAItlllSS, TMPonTElW and Wholcanle mid Itetall Healers In 1 China, Glass, and Earthenware, and Farming Iraple- tnnnt. west s do Front street, between waruei ana ick streets, Wilmington, N. C. ' - ' 21-tf WILLIAM 8. IlEAD, - . .... a ' a STU a tA HOUSE, SHIP, AND SJUIN 1'AliM J., AXU l'At'biv Hanokr. near the Rock Spring, Wilmington, N. C, is .... . . i Li. i : ! nrpnurprt at an limes to eiccnie any ousines to ui nue, m ft neat and workmanlike manner. v (193.) TMI 1 II JOHN l'i TAtU'S 0 Oi CO.. ' M PORTERS AND DEALERS in Linens, White Goods, nsierv. Staff Goods. Woolens and Uooas lor wens W!ir- PJankeU and Flannels, invite the attention of buy era to a desirable assortments of the above named goods. No.21Joii Sr.,' (near Broadway,) NEW YUKK. ; Jnlv 12 r : ' ' 2623ra " . , , Wfll. M. 1IAHKISS, "S nA'KIlAL Couamlsslon Merchant A Ship Broker, VJT " ' - - " . Wilmington, N. C. Jas. Comer & Sons, Baltimore. ' E. A Soudcr. &. Co., Philadelphia.', , no ' A . j V inompwift iiunxer, New.Tofk. M. M. Freeman-& Co., J. Tufts 5" Hunting, Boston. ' 12-ly CI R1CII-& CO.'S improved patejit Salamander Safes, J warranted free from dampness as w 11 as Fire-Proof. t -The subscribers having accepted the a t ency for the sale of line aoove nigmy apprdveu paies, f I epareu w luiuuu any size or pattern which may be wante at manufacturers 1 , prices, noiivereu in mis piaco. , x , 1 -. ' Specimens: of several sizes have just be ' received, and or- H u-ders will be rfremptly attended to. ' Jan. 27,lS52 tf : DeROSSKT It BROWN. i v at icinnii v 1 a a uum-hou aw aawuvavi,ia. ' a a V "''; PREEMAS A HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wilminoton, it. C, keep constantly n hand stock of Hour, Corn ', Pork, ,' Jaco,,Salt, Vfiffet, -Sugar, Mol(itmt Tobarco, Cigan. , . Sunf, Candki Soap , Foreign and Domestic -Liqwirt ana ,1 Wintf; Iron," Naitt,4aint$, Oilt, Glati, Dome$tic$, Halt, Boott, Shott, Leather, jlgriridtura .mplemyitg, and ft vv 'j't iety of other articles, suitable foi family end plantation Yusa and the retail tra4e, which thej a ill dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonacle terras for cash, or in .exchange for Naval Stores or other produce " . t, ' The senior partner, D. C. Freemam, is located in'the city . of New York; the junior partner,' Gko. HotSTn.t, in Wil- tmington. If desired, advances will be mode on consign- ments to and from either place. All business' entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be prompt and carefully filled. , -K- 4 '-V OARS-a00 Ash Oars.'iVoia 10 to 20 feet, tor sale by ' -;- ;v , HOWARD & PEDEN, CORMCK and Cnit.ilu Ilntxts A full assortment, for sale, ab lh Hardware Store. J. 1 1. ROBINSON. J. i. IVES, RESPECTFULLY informs hi friend andthe pub lic, that he ha employed a competent workman, whe will superintend at hi Jewelrr Store, next door to the Carolina Hotel, during his absence from town. Persons desirous of having Watches aud Jewelry repaired, or engra vings executed in a superb manner, will find it to their in terest to give him a call. Also, on hand, an assortment of Watches, Jtwelry, te., which will be sold low. July 7th, 25H.3m Ocean Mall St aaaahlpa C villas and Canard LIh Colli 3S., Col I las.. CVll.nS.. Coi lias.. Col'iaj. CoUau. CJl,ns, rioM uvxJOL, For 1. ...New York.... .... Wtdachlay Jan 2 ...New Yoik Wlaeljy Juce l'i .New Yok.... .... WeJnelay...... June 30 New York......W,luJAy Ja!y U New York........WedneUy July 1 .New York... Wednesday Aug. 11 rton auisica. Leaves New York Saturday June 12 Collins ........ New York... Saturday .June 2 Cllins New York Saturday July 10 CvIIms New York Saturday. ...... .July 21 Collins New York Saturday Aug. 7 Collins ...New York Saturday Aug. 21 NEW YORK AND HAVRE LINE. LCAVK MW VOf B. I LEAYB W4V1E. Saturday I Wednesday Humboldt. June fit Franklin. June Franklin July Sjllumboldt July Humboldt July SI'Franklin ..Aug. Franklin Agu. 2sllIumboIdt....... ....Sept. Stopping at Southampton both ways. NEW YORK AND BREMEN LINE. From Soutn- From From amptou fr ew lork. liremen. Aew lork. Herrmann ..April Washington.... ..May Herrmann. ...... .June Washington July 21 May 22 June 19 July 17 Aug. 21 May H Jane 16 July 13 Aug. 2 23 21 li CO-PA III' & E 11 1 1 1 1. 1M1E subscribers having, on the 8th December. 1831, form ed ft Co-partnership under the firm of WESSEL It EI LER S, bar taken Stores Nos. 1 and 2, of P. K. Dickinson's Building, on North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, for merly occupied by Mr. Miles Costin, where they Intend to keen on band n general assortment of GROCERIES, LI QUORS, and PROVISION'S, at wholesale. v - J. WESSEL, Jan.W.-in-lmO-Sm H. B. EILERS. i. wksskl, n. n. Eir.iRS. 'WESSEL & EILEUS, ' COMMIMIOX Blerthant and Vholvsile rovers, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at the abovo stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on ft General Commission Business. BEFKREICK I E. P.Hall. Pres't Branch Uank of the State.) O. (.' Paesi.kv, Pres't Commercial Bank, Wilmington K. I)icKlsso.v, Lsa., 11,. Dollner b Potter, lork. LEGAL RATES OF INTCREST is rat MrrsaatuT ST4TU am rssaiToaiss. Maine; per cent , forfeit of the claim. N'W Hampshire, ft per cent; forfeit of thrice the amount un lawfully uaea Vermont, f percent; recovery la action and costs. Maielitiseii. 6 per cent ; forfeit of thrice the uiury. - RhiMle llnud,6 percent-, furfeitof the usury and Interest on the debt. Connecticut, 6 percent. ; forfeit of the whole ebt. New-York, 7 per cent, t usunniis eontrm-ta void. New Jersey, f net ceut ( forfeit of th wliole detit. Pennsylvania, b per rent. I lorfeit of the whol debt. iMawiire, ( per cent. forfeit of Ihe wltole dlt. Marylaml,S per cent.; on tobacco contract 8; usnrlous con Iraeis vord. Viriintn, finer cent forfeit il utile the usury. North Carolina, fi per cent I contracts for usury fold forfeit dottile tde Usury. nmih t.woiina, f per cent. foricit of intereat and premium ta ken, with cn!. , 17wrla, B nevrent. forfeit thrice the usury. Alnb 1111K. 8 per cent. I forfeit of Interest and usury. MissiKlrtyl, 8 per cent. J by contract 10-ueury recoverable in sclton for debt. Iulslana. 6 per cent. Dank Interest a contract 8 beyond coirtrnet, Interest void. 1'ennessr-e, i per cent. usurl'His enntrscl void. ' Aenturky, 6 per cent. ( usury recoverable villi costs. Ohio, I per cent. ; usurious e mtracts void. Indiana, 6 percent. a One of duiilil t escevs ' lllinnls, Upercent.-by contract U -beyond forfclli thrice the Interest, Mmiwnrl.eprrrent.-by contract 10 If beyond, forfeit of In terest anu usury. Michig'in, 7 percent. foifi-H of usury one-fourth of debt. Arkansus, 6 per cent by (reeuieul !0-uury recoverable, but column timu. Msirlct Columbia, t per eenf.-nsurlou contract void. ; Florida, 8percent.-firfeltiiteretiii.leres. aa.'i - i" ... . . . . .. r mconsin, per cent oy contract u-iorien inrice the ei ceas. lows, by srreement, and enforced by law. On debts or judgments In favor of the I'nited Bute, interest Is couipuieu at 0 per ceni. pet annum. UIU1I. jr. have just mn:-:;; I'tji -.r . I the saastaer art 1 -1 f A maiber f ots at-1 ac.'nrt dae a ? 'i settled up ta l.t Ja'y ; awl u inh ; i n a . attnt! ?f th iuUtr.t- 1, A1.M1, a wtll awrted s - k tf ClilN'V . T c E-RTIIEN WAKE, to wl-h i- r. - - . : aJditioisi darirf the iatith cf A 0 r " ; an I t . peciaily invita ih attsntioii tf '!c '.. . " v ; through Wilmington: on thtir war YT',h 1 purvhase their lk of CIU CKL i Y f : u. - ; (itttrmtntj t offer iul-ictim at ev-r .--iScrn n - i- r July 21.-273-tr J M-IiAU i. IU... :- . PICKLES FU031 , t SUE.UWCOU. JUST landed from tb Bri Commerce, &K) d s Un I'ukle. all kii. 1. 10 " Seville thvc. 10 " Freh Lobsters. 10 Salmon. 5 par leuiou Syrup. 3 " Eng. Mu-tarl. 6 " Toratto Cat!iun. 3 Uaderwoo-U lUIuh . ft " Pur IVri"r. 3 " Luca Oil. For sale low br JylO JlUWARD 1 BED EN. County Court Writs; Superior da. uo County Court Subpoenas! Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa ' Superior do. do. County Court Scl.Faj Sujerior da. do, ApprvDtiee Indentures; letters of AdialnutratUn; , County and Superior Courts AVitoeas and J anr Ti-W.t; NotieestrtTax List Receivers; Commisittoti totak imposition Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Anointment: Peace, State, and Civil War- Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; State Recognisance; Military (' Sa; do. Execution; ' I Negro Bonds; do. Bill of Sale; LIST OF ULAMiS. Inspector's CVrtl'.'n ton; Certificates of Ju-tt -teatUni ing Cotirt; Martus Uceie; Tax Keeeipts; . Insolvent N't i'f.j Writ ef ijfctui, ntj letters Ttat..entary; VnU. Exponas; Ca Sa; Li I IVe U; 1 di. Af?.Uit GarnUhe Nt lsj Cheeks, Cflfe FeiirRjnk; . dti. Brunch Bank of he State; Votes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator'sRomli; Guardian U. Appeal do. Ca S do. Sh'ff Arrears n-e df). Constable's da. , Sheriff's Tat d. Eorthcoming dj. -l'rosecntlott da. -, Crew Lists) Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. Offlcersof the Conrtl and other officers, anj another per sons reaulring Blanks, or any other workinlbe printing line, would do well to give us ft call, or send In their order. We re determined to execute our work well, and t the cheered rates for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. RATKS OK FH RIO I IT FROM KKW YORK TO WILWIN6T0N. CT 1 C H3J NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between the sub scribers, under tb firm of A. C. EVANS k BRO., is dissolved by mutuol consent. 1 be business of the firm will be closed by J. A. Evans, A.C.EVANS April 19th, 1852 , J. A. EVANS. CO-PAnT.ERSIIIP. THE subscribers have entered into co- artnership under the firm of S. B. k J. A. EVANS, wao will continue the DRUG BUSINESS at the.staod formerly occupied by A. C. Evans & Brother. They are in daily receipt of ftddi tion to their stock of MEDICINES, DRUGS, c., and in vite those wishing articles in their line, to call before nor chasing elsewhere. S. B., EVANS, M. D. J. A. JCVAi. , April 19th, 1852 191-tf TVSSOLCTIOtf. The Co-tartncrshio heretofore exLs J ting between the undersigned under tie firm of Ander son at Lintimer was this day dissolved by mutual consent, Tbe business will be continued by Anderson ft. Savage, who will settle tne anairs of the late firm. JAMES ANDERSON, June 1,1852. Z. LATIMER. O-PARTflERSIUPTh subscribers have this day J rorraea ft co-partnershit) under the firm of AADbltSOM & SAVAGE, for the transaction of ft GENERAL COM MISSION BUSINESS. Partieolar attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, and liberal cash advances mado on consignments. - JAMES ANDERSON June I, J85Z. EDWARD SAVAGE. . . DISSOLUTION, ; THE firm of O. & G. Holmes is this day dissolved. Tbe business of the firm will bo settled by the subscriber. Persons having claims against O. it G. Holmes, will f lease present thou for payment ; and those indebted will confer ft favor by paying up as early as possible. .April Jt, iOJ. - llUJUl.a. '.:.;'''' 'J. ' NOTICE. WILL continue the'DRY GOODS AND GROCERY bu siness at the old stand of O. & G. Holmes My stock is complete and the patrons are respectfullv invited to cAll and examine rices, . , OWEN HOLMES. April 15, LS52. - , vv . . r- ; I T AUGE, XJ Timber Waggons. Axles of Snperlor qualify wSoltable for Extra Timber Axes; IIoue and Yard Axes, cheap. For sale by J. M. ROBINSON. NAILS. 100 Kcg Nails, for sale low, by . f!8 - HOWARD & PEDEN. 06 25 00 124 50 25 3 Boxes, Casc, Bale?, Trunks, Casks of Hard ware, Cotton Bajrginjr, Bale Rope, Sieves, "Bandboxe?, Rolls of Lea'her, Sadillc Trees, .Collars, Tea, in all packages, ami all other measurement Goods- per cubic fooL Crates and llhds., of Crockery, ench Do. , -do. do. on deck, Sugar and J in Ilhds....per 100 lbs., Copperas, Ciros, s 1 Iron and Sieel per ton. t 1 Pipe of Liquor, ) llhds do. each, : : Do. Molasses, ) Barrels, wet and dry, each, ; t Mannilla Cordage, per tori, : ; Tarred do . do. J s Bundles of rhairs. each chair, i t Hollow Ware, per ton, : : ; Do per piece, : ; : Castings Machinery, per ton, :t Keg of Nails, of 100 lbs., each, ': Anvils, each, : A. : . : '- : Vises, each, ; s : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith's Bellows, each, : : Powder, per keg, : , : ; ; Hay, per bale, : : : t Boxes of Axes and Tin, each, ; : Aquafortis and Vilrol.in box or carboy, deck, Wagon Boxes, per set, : : . Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs,, each, : Shovels, Spades, Pcjrthes,1 Forks, Cutting Knives, i rving Pans, and Hoes, in bun dies of half dozen, each, : : : Brooms, per dozen, . . s , . , ; $ Coffee, per bag, : : : : : Cheese, per cask, : : : : Lead or Shot, per ton, : : : : Shot, per bag,, i Y : ft Sole and Harness Leather, per side, s : Wrapping Paper, per ream, : : : Mill Stones, smajl, per pair, : : : Do., -1 . large, do., 7: : j Gigs, each, : ' ' : : : Jersey Wagons, each, : t : Stage Coach, complete, ' : : j 12 Do. Do. oti deck. 1 : 10 Ploughs, each, : : : - Chains in bags, each, . : - 1 - : Small Kegs, each, .. , : ; : : Articles not enumerated eharged in proport Ion. ' - m Information must be eiven to ttie Axent. in New York, of all Packages coutnlolng Powder, or double rates will Invarlnbly be charxed, beside the Wnpper Held liable for all damages atla jnx from neglect of this police. , .: . 25 C 00 00 10 00 0J 00 08 06 10 10 60 25 50 , 50 01 04 09 10 15 52 50 02 04 02' 00 1 5 00 5 00 6!00 1 or 00 20 10 0? 0 ABS.-200 Ash Oars from 10 to 20 feet. For sale by Mayl , . HOWARD it PEDExV. SUGAR-10 hhd. Sugar &o. For sale low by J 100 bbl. crushed, powdered, HOWARD k PEDEN. MILL s vb. The subscriber has thepleasnr of Infonn tng .tiller's engaged in sawing pittli I il,c that hd h succeed tlln getting up the best Saw fur that purpso tba. has tri ryet been produced, as hr as he knows. All , warranted not to split Ju the tvtth J, M. HOBINSO.V,. Hardware Store, Wiliuiugton, N. C. NEW Crop ICnUlna 400 package new crop HsUim Jnstlanded. For sale by HOWARD k I'EDEN. lilt KLEsj, I'reaervea, t'nlanpa, S--Juft received ii- X rect from VV, Underwood tr Co oOO dozen J im n-.tti i sixes and kinds. Fersalo brw by HOWARD it PEUEN. 'T t ; J J colrrville While Lump. Also, Calcined l'Inster. pin teringllalr, r ire Brick, anfl I lydraulio Cement j I.f Lime, lie. For sale by J . C. it II. 11. VV'Ot H, April ft, 1H52 m) I ME, LIME. 400 bbls. Ifockland Lime ; 500 bl!s. Lin .lso, Calcined Pl.i'ter. PliM lydraulio Cement 1 Ur.f) hilt (;, it R. 11. wool), Contractors and Builders. IRON of all th best makes, suitable for I'lsnlcrs nnd Smiths' use. Constantly on bandand forsnle atlhcoirst price, and quality warranted, by J. M, ItORlNSON. 'i"iAi0 'lniHitiAivrs. a soon anortineiit aeiit 1 X kept FREEMAN it HOUSTON'. ' lM7.3ut band and for sale by April 13 EMPTV Splilt lnrrrla.l,f)00 second bund Spirit Bar rels, large size, in good order. For al( l.y mJ deko.m.i Zw i;i;uw.. A gook stock of Shoes men. women and chil For sale ohenp, by . OWi;. HOLMES. SHOES, dren. ROSIN STRAINERS -Just reived a full surety of tbo best English Wire Cloth, of all sun. m!5 (Com. and Her. copy .-J. M. KOBIXSON. " SUN DRIES. -50 down Pleklcs.assortcd; 6 dor.. Wru-, assorted j 0 dox. Jellies, do. 100 boe Sperm bundles ; 100 boxes Soap 25 do. March ; 60 do. Sodii Cnicki rs; 50 do Pilot Bread : 100.000 Feirars at Baltiinure rrif.-s : 2d bo es liemoii Syrup j 10.000 Mnsbet Flints, for Kh e Planters ; 10 rloxen Jtroom ! 10 do. J'aiIs ! lf do. Matts.' assorted. from 25 cents to 3 each. For sale by ' IJ HOWARD it PEDEN. KAUMER ANUCJAKDESEItg WE have Just received a supply of Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds from Philadelphia. ' ! .-',; ALSO, "" " : Several new patterns of Plows. Grain mills. Corn SVIlers. ' Hay Cutters, te. For sale by ; MCIIAE4-IIARIUSS, Feb. ?5th, 1852 H.V.T PIRIT3 TURPENTINE BARR KLS.I.Sao rririf turpentine barrels. second hnnd, of Time iihI;iv. for ale by , iJeKOSSET it BROU'N. ith 120 feet hor.a FREEMAN k HOUSTON S T?IRE ENGINE. A good machine. X nd 10 buckets, all in good order, for sale low. a .... . . . ... .. r.. 1.- 1 , . a . rrlia II 1 off tto . trttr t t,i6 . iivaciis u l ULUVU. 1 or sine i Uf n V V tbe Hardware Store. 5. Mi ROBJNSO 1 at S I EVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. Mirer bolder-' cd ivory handled Table and Desert Knives, latest rntcrn- ftod of superior quality, for sale by bb luom. ana iier. copy. j j. m. KOBJNSUN , 4, TfRESI I GROUND MEAL, constantly on l.nnd For X . 1 ale by MILES COSTIN, iirown's Wharf. W HITE LEAD. No. 1, extra, and pure. For snlo by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. LONDON PORTEII.-6 Casks Porter: Cas Brown Stout.. For sale low by , HOWARD It PEDEN. IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUl'EiilOIl QUALITY warranted pure just received nn 1 forsnle: 3 qr, casks pure Juice Port Wine ; 2 do. do. P. II. Godirrri & Co. a old Branny warranted ten yrart old s 2 do. lo. old Madeira Wine 5 2 do. do. old Cherry do.; 1 do. do. ! d Ja maica Rum ; 2J pipos London Dock Brandy ; 1 J do. ?.f arrctt Brandy ; 2 pipes pure Holland (Jin. OU'EN HOLMES. WINDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. A lariro and splendid assortment. Jnt In store and for sale by r J. M ROBINSON. 0 IliS. Refined Vegetable Paint Oil, at much b pno than Liusved Oil, for Shii ?. jloti-s. Iron Rr ' i;c For sale by . HOWARD PEDhN. 1ART A new and excellent article, cliptic sprit ", suit- ah'' 'or Grocer u-o or n tnr?nze cart, tor s-i May 13 FREEMAN k HOC ly .'TUN.

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