C i " : y-1 F V 1 .a 'in a rUDLlSUED BY FULTON & PRICE. JY1LM1NGT0N, NORTH cTrolINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE VOLUME 2 Xa ;. . : WEDNESDAY MOLMXa OCTOBER 13; ISE . - MVHOLE NUMBER 3lT ALT Si.riKI. 1 day, .... 1 days,.. 3 ayt, . 4 days,.... . 1 tk 2 weeks,.. IaTES Of ADVERTISING. MVABa. S3 50 75 1 L I 1 Booth, .... ...... .2 0 2 Booths, S 50 3 Booths, 5 W 5 Booths, H 00 1 year 15 00 lday. Idays Sdays 4 days ... 8 days ... 1 wet k . .. 2 weeks 1 month 4 00 2 months 7 00 3 months ..10 00 6 months II 00 I tear 50 00 ..! 60 75 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 75 Tea lines are eoanted as ft square, and lvt lines or less a naif-square. Longer advertisements la proportion, and all 0fder iUrBM, Md Coftth Trimmings sold at a fair price OUH HOTTO X8 "TO rtSABSi" at WllaaUgtea Saddle, Haraeae, TRTJUK JtASt r ACTORT. rpiit subscriber respectfully informs tke rublie that he A keep constantly rm hand a large assortment of , j uig, auiky iimM i-aljr'e and UmUMtii'i Saddles BildleavWfcipo, W. Trunks, Valisre, Sadlle and Carpet Bags, Satehtls, fancy Trunks, lie. Always en hand a Urge supply ef Mrlug Leather and Kljr Nets, and all other articles usually found ia such ftabliihmmts, all or wbtcnae warrants to he or the erst saaUrial aad work manship, and will he sold low for rata, or sAorf rrrafif to prompt customers. ruddies, Harness, 1 ranks. Medical nags, etc, made to Ocean Mall aUramaUlp t Ule and Ctrd Lines rion uvttrooi. For l?3t Collins Ntw York Wednesday..;... Sept. Collins Ntw York... WedneeJ Sept. ?1 tonics .w York .Wednesday t-Vt. Collins. Collins. Collins. 20 17 pay all la advance Notices of Religious meetings. Benevolent and other anehartered Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half the above rate Cash always payable ia advance. to rerSDBS bavins to manufacture. hits at wholesale. All kinds 01 Hiding Vehicles bought and sold on commit sion. JUUN J. VUNOLLI. Sept. 10,1831 8 Arrival ad Deiartiare ef the Malta wilder lh sew imnmafiit. whlrb went Into pcratlwn, 1st ' March, IS54. Tti'a HUil from t North is due every day at 9 A. M. and at i P. M. Closes at a quarter before 1 1 M , and at 8 I. M. precise- n,. xr.u r.r th Splits closes at 9 A. M. . The Mail from Onslow Court-House, Sneads Ferry, tc, is due every Monday at 5 i M. Closes every Thursday at P.M. . , , , m.i--lr T - ....L Tttai.tr R i vr Phanr I. t.. 11 turn iuau irom Lung i.iv ....... r-., . -- due every, Thursday at 6 P. M-, aad closes same night at 9 TheMail from Fayetteville, via Elisabethtown and Tros- Uaf Hall Mim 1b it il A VirV Tuesday. Thursday, and Satar- j.- .ti m n,,i ikina dav's at a quarter before 10 J "W i A 'a. t av - " J - a r J-An extra Tacksge will be made up for Letters goinr North of Richmond, Va., which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Utters must te in me .Tnee a. above named, or they will not be Mailed nntu ne suoceea 'log Mail. HKUK EO FAKE. .....New York Wednesday CXt .... Ntw York Wednesday ...... No v ....New York. .Wednesday Nov riov AM I IK' A. Leaves Collins New York Saturday Sett. Collins New York. ......Saturday Sept. H Loam ..New York ...Saturday Oct Collins New York Saturday Oct. If Collins Ntw York Saturday Oct. 30 Collins New Y'ork Saturday Nov. 13 NEW YORK AND HAVRE LINE. LCAVK MIW TORE. I LSAVt HAVBI. Saturday I Wednesday Humboldt. Sept. 25 Franklta Nov. 31 rpIlROUOII TICKETS BETWEEN WILMlNtSTON, 1 N. C., AND BALTIMOHE. FARE 1$. via WEL DON. PETERSBURG, RICHMOND. AND WASHING TON CITY, OR via WELDON, PORTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK. For tickets, apply at the Office of the Wilmington and Kaleirh Kail Kod Lomnanv at Wiltnmeton. or at the I'fflce ef the Baltimore tmm Packet Company, and or the Balti more and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore Jan. 1. 1S3Z re-l . NOTICE. Franklin Humboldt.... Franklin ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. Humboldt Franklin Humboldt .(Vt. Jaa ..Dee. li Stopping at Southampton both ways. Washington. Herrmapn... Washington. Herrmann. .. NEW YORK AND BREMEN LINE. From South From , From New York. Bremen. ....Sept. ...Oct. ... Nov. ....Dee. 11 Oct. 9 Nov. ...... '.Dee. 4 Deo. 8. 5. 3 . SI.. am p ton for iSew lor. ....Oct. i:i ...NoV. 10 . . 1 leev 8 ...Jan. 5 LEGAL RATE4 OF INTEREST. HOBEItT U. RAKKL1, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 257 WlLMINOTO, N. C JOSEPH H FLANMEU, GXNEnAL Cenmlwlen Merchant, 2.iy Wilmington N.C. ," . JAMES ANDEaftOM, . DWABT AVAI. ANUERSO A RAVAUU, ... ...,,.T 1IL-IIPIIIMT9 tNt.ttAL UUMMlOClWiH WCliViim.iu, jf . Wilmington, N Liberal eash advanoes made on consignments. 9 1 6 60 10 1 20 dot C. C D. lOLIS. n. r. nCMEio.. J- a. ausstLt. ELLlli MTJSSELL tt CO., General ComtiMsstou Merchant and Ship Brokers, ...ti i a it n . VT wiiminrwn, in. j. RePsr to K. 1?. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank of the State, Wilmington. y D. C. FRKCMAN, HOVSTON. FREEMAN HOtTSTO, Wllmlton, H. C, D. C. FREEMAN 4b CO,, Newark, MERCHANTS, AND FACTORS. H. DOLLWR, e. roTiER.jr. DOLLSER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1614j , , New York. jO-Liberal cash advances maae on consignments. ir vnirrs nitoWM. ABMAKD . DKKOfiSSX,(ir BBOW. DROWN & DeROSSET, Nw York, ' OeROSSET & BROW Wlnsliigton, N. C, j32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. """ HAMIKL. J. PfcilJtoni. rrni! vp"V at LAW. Wihnlnrton. N. C. A. Office on Princess Street, nearly opposite the Journal " Office. , ... - March 15th, 1832 16l'6n - "jilcllAE HAIUllSS, TMPORTERS and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In r.hin. OIim. and Earthenware, and Farming Imple ments, west side Front street, between Market and Dock itreets, Wilmington, j. vj. i1'" J f$ Sundays, but one passooger Train will leave for Wtl- J don, whicn win depart at z o ciocr, r m. J NO. NUTT, Ag't Wil. k Ral. R. R. Co. March 20th. 152. lttf-tt t'lllXA, ULASS, A.D EARTHEN WARE. WE are now receiving, direct from the French ffff and English manufactories, i iiia 17 packages French China Dinner and Tea Setts, and raney Ware, , 12 packages Edge and C. C. Ware, 15 " Sprfg'd and bandied Teas, common. 10 White Granite Dinner and Tea Ware, " " and common Toilet Ware, Colored Ware, assorted. Cane and Rockingham Ware, assorted, American Glass Ware, assorted, Stone Wars, assorted, Dimijohns, from i to 6 gallons. "Country Merchants would 2nd it to their advantage to purchase their stocks of us, as we save them a considera ble per centage in freights, commissions, o. Dinner and Tea Setts of new and handsome patterns to families at low prices. McKAK fc II A K HISS, r ront street below Market street. Wilmington. N. C. Auk. 25. 1852. 300-tf Town papers. Standard, N. C. Tel., and Rep. k Pat. eopy - '... . . - - and leave out an old advertisements. - it CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers having, on the 8th December, 1851, form ed a Co-partnership under the Arm of WESSEL It EI- LLaS, have taken stores imos. 1 and z, or l'. li. inckinson s building, on North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, for. merly occupied by Mr. Miles Costin, where they intend to keen on hand a general assortment or i1liucje.nlt.r5, 14- QUORS, and PROVISIONS, at wholesale. J. WfcSSKU Jan. 19, '52-113--20 H. B. EILERS. tit ran DirrismT statu and tssritoiiss. Mttne) I pr eem. , forfeit f ih claim. Nw llsmpshire.f per cent: forfeit of thrice the tmtuntao. Uwfully taken Vermont, percent.! recovery in setloa tmlcteta. MnsMcliusetu.4 per ceal; forfeit of thrlct the usury. Rhode bland, 4 percent., forfeit of toe usurr and Uteres oa the debt. t onneeileut, 4 per cent. forfeit of the whole debt. New-York, 7 per cent. ; usurious contracts Void. New Jertey, 7 pel cent.; forfeit of the whole eet. Fennsylvaaia, 0 per cent.; forfeit of tho whoti debt. Delaware, 4 percent.; forfeit of the wliolt 4ebt. Maryland.lperceNl.; 00 tobacco contracts 8: usurious caa. tracts void. Virginia, I per cent. forfeit dmie the usury. North Carolina, 4 oer cent 1 contract for uiarv void forfeH dotible the usury. South Carolina, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of Interest snd premium ta ken, wllheoata. Georgia, 8 percent.; forfeit Ihrics the usury. Alabama, 8 per cent. 1 forfeit of Interest and usury. MitaisjlbpL 8 ber cent, i br contract 10 usurv reeovarabia la action for debt. Louisiana, 5 per cent.: Dank Interest 6 -contract 8-Serond coutrnct, Intereit void. Tennessee, 4 per cent. ) usurinns contracts veld. A'entucky, 6 per cent. ; usury recoverable villi ceola. nio, o per eem. usurious e tntracts void. Indiana, 4 per cent. a fine of double the eteess. Illinois, per eent-bv conlracl 12-bevond forfeits thriaa the interest. Missouri, 4 per cent by contract 10 If herond. forfait of la . . 1 - - - icrcn anu umiry. niienifnn. 7 percent. rorrcll 01 usury one-fourth of debt. Arksnsas, I per sent by si recmeat 10 usury recoverable, but. coniraci voiu. District Columbia, 6 percent. usurious contracts void. Fkirlls,8nercenl.-forfeltinterestand escess. Wisconsin. 7 per cent by contract 12 forfeit (hriee the ci ceas. Iowa, by ac reement. and enforced b v Is w. a debts or JuJf ments la favor of the United Stales, interest Is computea si 0 per cent, per sonum.. NOIICi:. jr. HAVE'Jt'ST FINI.nKrtikgear invectory fJr f V the summer seamn, an-1 tn 1 at f j!Ioi A number if botrM aol acwqut dut ci whii h ih'u'J l-a selUcd ap to lt Ja'y ; an 1 to whkh we fu titu!jily t.l tie atttntii'ii vf th'wie iotrete I? ALSl. a' well a,rt I tk tf CHINA WARE an I EARTHEN WARE, to which wew.UI aJditions during tk uiuiah Angtut ; and to wl,U-(j (. ecia!!y invite the atWntiu tf M.n hants. 'ILe-e . anting through Wilmingtiin a th'ir wav North weull d !( Ui urchai their stiH'k f CUOt.'Kl.UY f-'vm un, as wt aro tlttrrmimt t ti I'Str ftidaccmcots r ver ortbern imimrterf. -alyJl.-427J-lfl McliAE k HAURlSS. 'IMt Kl.i:' FROM W. IXUKRWOOOr' Jl'ST landed from the T.rig Commerce, 6-XI Jut Jn Pickle, all kmui. 10 " Seville Olives. "" 10 " Fresh Lobsters. " 10 " " Salmon. 5 " pure lifiuon Symp. 6 Eng. Mustard. ft " Tomato CatKhop. ' ft " llndt-rwoo.U Relish 6 Pure IVppcr. ft " Luca Oil. For sate tow by JylO HOWARD It PEDEN. County Court Writs; ' Superior do. do County Court Subpcrnas; Surior do. d1. County Court Fi. Fa.j Superior do. do. County Court Sri. Fa.j Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Courts Witneas and Juror 1 Ickets; LIST OF LtLANKS. Inspector's Ortiflcatrs; Certificates of Justices attend ing Court; Marriage License; Taa Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; Letters Testamentary; . Vendl. Exponas; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; NoticestaTai List Heceivers;iCbecks, Cape Fear Bank 1 tommusiontotake Deposition (county Court Eiecution; Majriitrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Appointments; Psace, State, and Civil War- Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; Stat Recognisance; Military Ca Sa; do. Eiecution) Negro Bonds; do. Hill of Sale; Jo. Branch Bank of b State; Notes, ncrotlahlt at Banki Administrator's Bonds; . t luaruiaa do. Appeal ... do. Ca Sa do, Sk'tf Arrwaraaea do. Constable's . do. Sheriff's Taj do. Forthcoming do. - Prosecution do Crew Lists; 0 RATES OF FREIGHT FROM NEW T0RX TO WILMINGTON. J. WESSEL, H. E1LES WESSEL df EILERS, .rsanuMiiitAH ar a. a kwi...i ari.A.u tJ M FM. & t9 J avm t ia aw 11 lol fliu 11 nui csjoa; 1 w ururwri) North Water Street, Wilmington, N.C., Intend to keep Boxes, CSe, Balei, Trunks, Casks of Hard- at the above stand a general assortment of It rocenes, Liquors, and Pro-visions, at wholesale and to carry on a General Coraru'weioa Business. - RKrettcicKi E. P. Hull, IVes't Branch Bank of the State, ) O. G. Parsley, Preset Commercial Bank, Wilmington P. K. DtCKiNsoK, LQ-, PorrE It Co., u y .r1r Dou.NERltPorrTOR,ircwr,s- fl1 NOTICE. npiIE Co-partriorsTirp'hewJtofoee exieirwg between tbo eub- X scribers, under the firm of A. C fcVANS it clWJn dissolved by mutual consent. &VANS. is The buiness of the firm will A. C. EVANS J. A. JaVANS. WILLI A M S. READ, TTOUSE. SHIP. AND SIGN PAINTER, ANU 1 Al'fc l be closed by J. A XI Hanoer, near we hock rpnng. w iimngi 'nrpnurnd at all tiroes to execute any business in a neat and trorimaniite manner. 15)3. - CO.PARTNERSHTP-. JOHN P. STAUU M SON C O.. 'THE subscriberg have entered Into co-ar-tncnfhrp anflcr rtinrtOTrno a vn AT VMHin i.lnena. White Goods. X the firm of S. It. It J. A. LVANS.wao will continue .X Hosiery, tua t; Wear, Blanket and ers to a desirable No. 21 Joint Sr July 12 ware, Coiton Bafrging, Bale Rope, Siee, Bandboxes, Rolls of Lea' her. Saddle Trees. Collars, Tea, in all packages, and all other measurement Goods per cubic foot. Crates and IJhils., of Crockery, each Do. do. do. on deck. Sugar and ) in Hhl. per 100 lbs., Copperas, ( Gross, : r Iron and Sieel per Ion. : : Pfpes of Liquor, 1 Hhds. do. each. : : Do. Molasses, Barrels, wet and dry, each, : : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, : : Tarred do. do. I : Bundles 'f chans. each chair, the Dilute BUSINESS at the stand former v occun ed by Hetllmje Warn, nnr Inn . . Plannels, invite the attention of buy- A. C. Evans It Brother. They are in daily receipt of .addi- Do per piece, : : . ' ... 1 1. tiona to their stock of MF.lm.INhS. I)Itl(iS. lie., nnd m-1 . .r assonments 01 tne anmo sa KUu..- . .,, Mfc Lswiincs Macnmerv, per ton. (near Broadway,) NLW eVeS. 8 EVANS M. )" Kecrs df Nails, f 1W) Jbs., each, J. A. WW. M. IIAlllUSS, iEIIERAL Commission Merchant dt Ship Broker, tjr - Wlimington, - . o. BEPEREMCESi O.G. Parsley. "Esq., Dudley It Hnntington, A Jas. Corner & Sons. Knltimore. h. A. Soudcr r:n.. Viiilerlelnhift. rrt : ... 7 ' . . J. liompcon A Hunter, i M. M. Freeman It Co.. S Tufts tf Hunting, Boston. ril 19th, 1852 EVANS. 191-tf Tl BOLUTIOW. The Co-partnership heretofore, eiis- a a a . . .1 J ting between the undersigned under 1 Wilmington, N.'C. New-Yark. 12-ly the firm of Ander son k Latimer was this day dissolved by mutual eonsont. The business will be continued by Anderson It Savage, who will ect tie the affairs of the late firm. t JAMES ANDERSON, June '1,1852. Z. LATIMER. s A.n A nniWODIIIIll Ta. . 11 V - alt. J.. g l.r.un.!..rrip ranKnKn aavo sbh any 71-. 9r ,K. . of ANDERSON ' B . " " '. - IRON SAFES. RICH Jt CO. S improved patent. Salamander Safes, MISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be gl . warranted free froth dampness as a ell as I ire-Proof. the tale of Naral Stores, and liberal cash advances m a u ouwninuon uarnig Boovpiea vne agency tonne eaie 01 ne apove Dtgnty approved bates, aro jropared to furnish any lixe er pattern which may be wanted at manufacturers' .. . . " - - J 1 ' J 1 M 1 . (prices, aeuvereu iu tuia piace. Specimens of several sites nave just been received, and or ders will be promptly attended to. ' Jan. 27, 1852 tf DeROSS iJT & BROWN. VV formed a Co-partnership under the firm It SAVAGE, for the transaction of a GENERAL COM- ven ade on consignments. JAMES ANDERSON, June 1, ISOZ. tUWAKl) SAVAUL Anvils, 'each, Vises, each, ; :: : : : Kegs or Tute-df Butter, of 1O0 lbs., each, BlacksmifhS) 'Bellows, each, : : Powder, per kefr, : -. : : Hay, per bale, : : : : Boxes of Axes and Tin, each, : : Aquaforti and Vilrol, in box or oarboy, deck, wagon Boxes, per set, : ; i s., each, ; Shovels, iSpadescjthes, Forks, Cutting Knives, T.rv'ing Pans, aad llces, in bun dles of half dozen, each, : : : Brooms, per ddzen, Coffee, per l)ag, Cheese, per cask, CTI 0 1 24 I 00 . 121 1150 1 25 I 25 fi 00 400 10 00 03 00 06 10 10 60 25 50 80 50 01 04 C. FEEEMAft it CO., N. Y FREEMAN Af HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS WiumvroR, N. C. keep oonstantly on hand a stock of flour t Corn, Tork tBacon, Salt Coffet, -Sugar, AWni, Tobacco, Oiteart, SnufT, Candltt Soop., lForiign and Dnmtttic Lujuotb and r inca iron, nana, rutnta, tyiii, umii, JJomtttict, JIati, Jioott, Shott, Leather, Agricultura .mjilemctUi, and a va riety of other articles, suitable tot fdmily s nd plantation aaeo and the retail trade, which they will dispose df in lots to isnwueaier or consumers on reasonaoie terms torcash or in DISSOLUTION. ' I 1 - -L - rnHE firmof O. It G. Holmes m Ibis day dissolved. The rau or i3"0, Pfr on' i business of the firm will be settled by tho subscriber: JMiot, per bar, .Peranna havinir claims acainst O. It G. Holmes, will ttlease Snle and Harneaa leather, .ner aide. Hrt-1.t f r ..s.,..f.r.M 'u I ... F L J.l. . - , 1.. .., r I - n UUiiu.,, .n, a I present mem tor payment , mun iuoko lnoeoiea win comer a Wrapping Paper per ream wvor oy paying up c,j .u.v. . c,nn .,. do April lo, 1852. -OWET, HOLMES. Do.,, laree, Gigs, earjh. NOTICE. T WILL coaiirrne th TjRY GOODS ANDGROCERY bo- jer8ey Wagons, eath, . 1 siness at the old stand of O. & G. Holmes My stock is ... ,? ' . . . - .a iniFD a siisrn rriiniiiBiw comrj ete. and tha natrons are resoectfuily invited to call and VJ"V ' OWEN HOLMES. Do. Do April 15, 1852. . Plouelis, each, "ILL 8 ws-The subscriber has fbepleasure of inform Chains in T)agS, each, M' ing 'vliller's engaged in sawing pitch pine, that ho ha I Small Kegs, each, The senior !parlnr, D. C. Freeman, is located in the city j,(KRceed din getting op the best Saw for that purpose tba of New York ; fhejanior partner. Geo. llovnm, in Wil- smington. li desired, advances will be made -oo consizn- r . .-ji.-. mi.. . . aeuu iu uu irvtu oinioi pm. ah Businem "OBxrostea to itbem will receive proper attention ; and orfters far Goods ill be promptly and carefully filled. SUNDRIES. -50 dozen Pickles, assorted ; 6 do. "reserves, assorted : 6 dos. Jellies, do.: 100 boxes Sperm -Candles: 100 boxes Soap ; 25 do. Starch ; 50 do. Soda Cradkers ; 90 Hlo 1'ilot ilread ; lW.vw fregars at Baltimore prices i 20 box 8 Lemon Syrup 10,000 Musket Flints, for Rico Planters t !I0 dozen JJrooms ; ID do. rails j 10 do. Mattl, assorted tfrom 25 cents to f 3 each. Forsatohy al5 . UOWARD It TZEOeX. has e v. rvet been eroduced. as far as he knows. All aaw warranted not to split in the teeth r J. M. HUBlNSOiVS, 1 Hardwar Store. "Wilmington, N. C TJ1MPTY SPIRIT aUll i for sale hy BARRELS. Em ' ELLIS, R ty Spirit Barrdll SELLA CO. LARIWn.bbls.andicgs. For sale bv Odt.6. 1 ELLIS, 41CSSELL CO. "tlTESTERN BACON.-25 bMi, of Side! and Shoaldsrs. v roveivca anu iw ai or 09 10 15 52 1 50 i02 (04 02 3 00 500 500 6!00 I20f on deck : : ; 10 00 20 10 0 Articles not enamersted chapgefi In proportion. rrr-nformaikin must be ihren to the Aceat, in New York, of all Paekagei containing Powder, or double rates will Invsiinbly be charged, besides the Shipper held liable for all damages at is. ing from neglect of this notice. ARS;-200 Ash Oars from 10 to 20 feet. For t1 by May i(i ,,..,v HOWARD k PfcDEN.J Any Blank wanted, and not en hand, will bo arlntsd w . : . .. . . . tne utaiosi aispatcn. Oneersor tho Loans aad other otfleers, and all other per sona requiring Blanks, or any other work In tho printing line, would do well to give as a call, or send la their orders. Wo ers determined to eiecot our work well, and at the chspst ratesforeash. Call at tho JOURNAL OFFICE. an! KARMKRS ANU GARDENERS. TE have Just received a supply of Fresh Gardes TT Grass Seeds from I'biladelphia. ALSO, Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Corn Shslleri, Hay Cutters, to. Fsr sate by McRAEf HARRISS. . Fsb. 2fca, 1852 45-tf i TMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR 1 QUALITY warranted pure Just received snd forstlei S nr. casks pure Juice Port Wine t 2do. do. P, If, Godsr4 It Co.'i old Brandy warranted tern aan old ; 2 4. do. old Madeira Wine j 2 do. do. old erry do.j 1 do. 4o. old Ja. maica Rum ; 2 pipes London Dock Brandy l do. Marrott lirandy ( 1 pipes pure Holland Gin. OWEN HOLMES. T I ME, LIME. 400 bbls. Rockland Llros j 000 bbl. Lin 1J eolnville White Lamp. Also, CaMned Plaster, piss tcringllalr, Fire Prick, and Hydraulifl Ceiucnt s 1,000 bbls Litnc.lc.). For sale by . C. It R. B. WOOD, -April 5, 1852-1W1 Contractors snd Builders. SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. Silver bolster ed I very handled Table and Desert Knives, latest patera and of amfrW quality, for sale by - . - mis lUom. aad ller. copy. J, Jl. RUBIN SUN FtKLES, Prosorveo, t'alewpo, W-Just received di rect froau W. Underwood 4 Co t A00 dosen jars assorted sites and kinds: Forsalelowby HOWAIiDIt PEDEN. - I HON of all the best makes, suitable for Plawsers sod Smiths' use. Constantly on band and for sale attbemrrsf price, and quality warranted, by J. M. ROBINSON. TOBACCO AND CIGARS -A good assortment kept on band and fur sale by FREEMAN It HOUSTON. April 13 : lHI7-3m ROSIN STRAINERS - Just received a full supply of tha best English Wire Cloth, of all sines. in!5 Com. and Her. copy. J.M.R0B1NS0N. SPIRITS TURPENTINlfliAlurELSr.--l,5W) spirits turpentine barrels, second band, of prime qnality, for ale by DcK OSSET k BROWN. Tllii; I:N"JE ,V go. machine, with 12 fct J. ami 10 buckets, all in L'oo order, for nale iotv. April I53t FREEMAN k HOUSTON hose ' OILS. Rtfincd VcgcUble Paint Hil, St iiMD'h 1mm price than Linseed Oil, for Sliipn, Homes, Iron Railing, kc. For sale by HOWARD 4 PL DEN . , CART. A new and excellent nrtinlc, eliptic springs, suit able for Grocer's u or a bii(rgg cart, for salo by May 13 FREEMAN k HOUSTON. IAKt.K Ailc of KuiH-rlor quallly Suitable for J Timber Wuggons. Extra Timber Axes: Hooso and Yard Axes, cheap. For salo by - J. M. ROBINSON. T.irESH GROUND MEAL, constantly en ban-) I sale by M1LESCOST1N, Brown's W d lor hnrf. WHITE LEAD. No. 3, extra, and pure. For sale by FREEMAN It HOUSTON. 0 S' UGAR.-40 bhds. Sugar t 100 bbls. crashed, powdered, Jtc, For aaile low by HOWARD It PEDEN. riNDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. A I s VV Urcs an4 splendid assortnieni. J ot In store and for LONDON POUTER. 6 Casks Porter ; 6 Casks ' Brown Stout. For sale low by HOWARD It PEDEN. COiP, tJ"Schr. Alaric. 261 boaos No. 1 and Pale, daily expected per AH ! - . E I t - irt.ilJ!:Lt IT. . I. -I ruriuie oy w Ijocli 4t iiur,ivo. LARD. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard, jnst received per Sdhr.ffra Brewster. For sale by WESSEL It FILERS. WOOD'S HACKERS k PULLERS For sale cheap at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. . A gook stock of Shoes men. women and chil For sale cheap, by OWEN HOLMES. SHOES, dren. lORNIfE and Cnrtalii Jlond. A full assortment, J for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. r ARS.300 Ash Oars, from 10 to 20 feet. For sale b, J , HOWARD & PED1: NAILS. 100 Kegs Nails, for sale low, by . HOWARD & PEDEN,

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