( ,v Xtv A' PUBLISHED BY FCLTO.N i l'JUCE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAIiOl.l.NA. SIX IMU.AKS A YKAU.1X .WAV VI) VOLUME 2 X 30. SATURDAY MORSIXK, OCTOBER Hi, ImI WHOLE Kl'MCEK Sli D (C 9" at .--- IAIV srAK. 1 day,. 2 day. 1 day, ...... 4 day i,. 5 days,.. 1 week i 2 week,. 1 month. 2 month,.. 3 month, . 6 months, . 1 je, Kite or advertising. ; 23 J Iday.... $0 M -2dav - 75 5.1 1 3 day 1 00 il 4 day', 1 23 ,73 3Jv. 1 M S7i ; Iwrtk 1 73 27 i 2 week Z J 00 1 mouth...: 4 00 ..3 50 ! 2 month 00 ..5 (W- ; Smorfth 10 00 .HX) ! 6 month ,lbOO .13 00 ..1 1 year SO 00 Tea linei art counted as a square, and five line or less a balf-Kjaare. Longer advertisement in proportion, aud all payable ia advance. tT" Notice of Keligitras meetings, Benevolent and other unchartered Societies, and Obituaries will be ib.ar.-d balf the above rite Cash alway payable in advance. Arrival and Departure of tue.Mall uter le new .Arrangement, mUUU wHt Inlo oerllon, lt Mart h, ISYi. The Mail from the North 1 due every day at 9 A. M., nd tit P.M. , (1 Clos at a quarter before 1 P. M., and at 9 I M. prec.se- l7Tbe Mail for the South close at 9 A. M. . The Mail from Onslow Court-I louse, Si.ead r erry. kr , 1 due every Monday at 3 1. -M Closes every '1 kursday at 9 P. M. "The Mail from Long Creek, Rlaek River Chapel, fce , i due every Thursday at 6 1. M-, and doses same night at 9 P. M The Mail from Fayetteville, via Elizaheihtown :ml Pros pect Hall, 4U, i due every Tuesday. Thursday, and Satur day at 9 A.M. Clones same day' at a quarter before 10 A. M. , , . , tT-A extra Package will be made up for Letter going North of llicbmoud.Va , whieh will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Utters uiut be in the ( 'fiVe at the hour above named, or they will uot be Mailed until next succeed ing Mail. ' KOUEIIT (i. It V.MilN, COMMISSION MERCHANT 237 Wii.mino ro, X. C, JOSEPH 11. FLAXXEH, GEXERAL CoiiuaU.lon Men -limit, 2-ly Wilmington x.c. OUR ZIOTTO xs "TO PLEASE at taa VllniliigtM aulr,llariir. Til rx KJ 4MFACTURY. TMIt uberiber reiiptfully iufvrm the jutlie that be JL Leea eoutautly ou hand a lare arttat tt of t - (.It.iiidMillj llrue Iau' nd (CMtitiunt'i .i'!dle,Fil.Ue,AVhla.Ac.s Trurks. Valiw. Sa 1 1!e and Caqtt rag, Satehel. faney Trurk, k. Always f n hand a larjje uj j ly of M IJ I.etlr and 1 Ty arul all other article usually found in pueh etib'.i-l tnt i tti, all of whieh be warrant to be of the bc.-t material aud wvrk maiifbijsand will be old low fvr iaiA, or ou Vrf rrttitt to jiromjt customer. addle, llrue,n. Trunks. Medieal Ha?, ke., made to order, llarue and Coach Trimming sold at a;iir price to ieron buviux to manufacture. Wbijat w ho aff. All kiudj of Uidieg Vehicle bought anil sold ..n r niiui ion. . JOIIX J. CONU1.1.V. Nj t 10. 3 0 .Hall MciUtUlp t lllHai.a I uuaitt l.lur f SsJX LtVIEFCHJL, " - - Tor ' ' : l-3 Collins Xrw York Vedne!y ept. S 1 oil in e w V or k Wedi lay N-t . 22 oliu Vw lock Uediielav H.t. Col!iti... New York Wednedar Vt. 2" C'Mit w Yrk Vedius i v Nov l o'lia Xtw Yurk:. Wedueslar Not. 17 w53 UK lift l'.l FAltK. riMIKOlV.H TU'KKTS l'.KTWK KN WIl.MlNt.M'N, 1 N. I'.. AN1 BALTIMOIM-;. I'AMK.flo. via Will. 1K), l'KTKHSHrili;, 1!H HMONII, AN1 WASlllNi;- TOX CITY, Ou via Wi:UOX, rOliTSMOl Til AM) XOUKOLK. For tickets, aridv at the Ofllee f the Wilmington and IJaleieh Hail Koad Company at Wilmincton. or at tbetl!i-e of the iiiillimore Sti-am J'acket Company, aud of tin- Haiti more and Ohio Kail Koad C ompany, I ratt Street, I'.ukii.i'.ie Jan. 1. lSVi ' Collij.s Collin C!lin . ( ul I in , Collin-i . Cullia . Iavt- ...'Xcw York... ... New York... . .. New York ... . .. New York ... ....'rvw York... ... New York... AUtBH A. ni;v I l. iU. MW llutnloldt 1'rai klin . 1 1 u i.i . .1 .1 1 i'raiiklin . ,. Saturday Spt. .Saturday S i 1. 1 . Satur lav . .Saturday tVt. Ik .Saturday Vt. 30 .Saturday Nov. 13 yoi;k and iiavki: link. LK-v( Havre. VVediiCfday i t 2 Franklin Nov. 21 Oct 2-i:llMm!d.:t. Vt. 27 V (K. I 'aturdav I ScVt .23 F Nov. aiMFrankli Ke. 1 - ! U umbo Tdt. . toppii'g at Southampton both way. N K W YOKK .AND KllKMKN Ian- Ite NtlTH K. wa .'yiHvanm.t- 0 N Sunday. Lnt one imssenirer I rain w XUTT. Ajr't W il don, whieh will dc J NO. March 20th. 1S52 part -at 2 o'clock, I' leave lor V r M. Kal. U. II. Co. Wa.hin;ton . I Icri iiiaiMi . . . Wil?ljjll'oil . In rriiiunn. . . Fro m New ork. ...Sept. II. ...Oct. 9.. ... Nov. ...Uc. 1 . From r.reinin. (Vt. X ...Nov. 3 ...Iv... ...jvc r,i LINK. From South-aiupto-i for .New i oik ....( Vt. ...Nov. ...IVo. ...Ja-n. X. c. JAMfiS A.IDSHHOSf, KI.WAKI AV.U.i AXilEllSOM SAVAUK, GENERAL COMMISSION MKIU HANTS, It W ilniioi;ton, Liberal enh advnnees ma.de on consignment.. ELLIS HT'slSKLL A. CO., General CommUslou Merhant mul hhlplli oUera, Wilmington, X. '. Keferto E. P. Uaix, Esq , President liruncu Bank of the gtate, Wllmingfon. 4 D. C. FKKK.HA.N, O K' t. Hol'vl'1 N . FIIEE.UAN Si. IIOUSTOW, AVIlmliiglrtn. N. C, ' D. C. FllEE.MAN & CO , Kew York, - . MEKCHAN'TS AND FA ToHS. H. DOLUNKK, O. l ol .KIt, jr. DOLIAKU .S; POTTKII. GENER AL COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS, 16l-ly New i ork. MV Liberal cash advances made on consignment.. JJiO. rOTTS BROWN, ARMA-SUJ. UKItUiil', jr., K. F. B1IOW.N. " BROWN & DillOSSET, ew Voik, DeROSSET A BHOV!V, AVIImliigtiMi. X. C, 32 COMMISSION MKI1CII NTS. KAMI Kli l'KUM. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilmington; X. C Office on Princess Street, nearly opposite the Journal Office. ... ' March 13th, 1332 K,,i,n! ' MeKAK tt" II HH1", TMPOIlTEnS ami Wholeaule ami Ilctnll Deolera In rhitm. nins. and Eartlienwiire. and Fanning Iinrdo- rnonts, west lido Front street, between Market and Ix.ck streets, Wilmington, X. C 21-tf t'lllXA, .Lsi, AMI Kltlli;.N HK. .IJK are now receiving, direct from tho Frenth i f?k and Knglih uianutactories, Li 17 packages Freuth t bina Dinner and J'ea Sett, and Fancy Ware, ' 12 packages Kdge and C. C. Ware, 13 ' Sprig'd and handled Ten, common, 10 " bite (iranite I inner mid 1 m Warn, i " " " and common Toilet Ware, M ' , Colored Ware. nrted. Cime mid liockinirliam Ware. .ortfd, (0 " Amerii-an ( ilus Ware, ii-norti .1, 10 " Stone U'ara, ussortcd. i .lot I'liiigolin., troin 4 to I) gallons. j"( 'ountrv Merchant would find it to their advantage to purchase tiieir stock of u", ns we save tin in a coii.ideui l.le per rentage in freights, rommissinns, &e. ,l "inner and Tea Sett of new and handsome pattern to families at low prices. MellAK ii HAIUU.-S. Front street below Market street. Wilmington, X. C, Aug. 23, 152. 800-tf Town paiers. Standard, N. C. Tel., and Rep. k Pat, copy and leave out all old advertisement. CO-PAIITXEKSIIIF. TpilK subscribers having, on t h e ft h December, 1H.31. form X ed a Co-partnership under the firm of WEs-SKL & A I. K1!S, have taken Stores No. 1 and 2. of p. K. lekiwonV lliiilding, on North Water Street, Wilmington, N. ('..for merly occupied by Mr. Miles (,'ostin, where th'-y ii.tcnd to keep on bund a general ns-ortiiient of (iHOCEUlES, Ll- (H'OUS, and PKOViSlONS, lit wholesale.- . J. W Jan. 19, '32-113-lm-20-:im JI. Ii. KlKKti.S. II. I.I1.KU.S. J. WESSiX. AVESSEfj Si EILEUS, C')M."IIvi() Mi rehniils nml Wholesale (iiocm, North Water Street, Wilmington, X. C, iiitend to keep at the above stand a general iissoi tmentof (iroi-erics, Liuois. aud Provision, ut w holesale and to cuivy on a (itucral Commis.-ion Fusine. RKFKItENTK : K. P. H aT.i., Pres'tllratuh Hank of the State. ) O. (i. Pakm.ky, l'ie.'t Couiinercial U.mk, s W J'. K. 1 IC KIVSU.V, Kiel., ) Poite & Co.. pW York - - i.1(;al ratks or iTr:ui:T. i T k ri'irrsRSNT sttkh ao tekkiTi sui. 'm i itfi 6 wr rent. , forteil of Vf rltimi. N w lliiiii.Kl,in-, ti er cent. ; forl.-n of thrii the amount uo iwfullv liiken Vermont, b per ctil. ; recovery In union sn.l rusts. M is-iicliii-ciu. 0 per cent ; Po P-il o ihrire tlie umrr Kt'oile IhLiml, 6 per cent. , f,i fcii of iln ii.in mul interest on O r J. t t ( oniit ciU ul, 6 per rent, j furl, it ttf i d w in,.- .P lit. New Yolk, 7 percent.; iihiii urn coitr .. I e.tiil. New Jerney. , p. tftit ; I.H f'-il ol I lie w tnOe tlclit. r.-niisylviilun, Ii per eeiil. ; lorfeil of l!ie whol dehl. lieli.Wdie, it percent ; loifcii of tlt wliole detii. Vnrylaint, ti per rent ; ou tobacco rontrsi is H ; iiiirloii con tract void. Y irjiiiini, 6 per rent ; forfeit .1 uble the iiury. Noitii ( aioiiiiii, 6 per rent. ; contract for UNiiry vid --forfeit .KHiiiic i rip ii.-oiry Ntuiii f 'liroiioa, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of intercut ind premium In k r it, w itli ciwtn. , (.i ini.a. S per r nt ; forfeit I'irlcf. tie inmrjr. Al.ilt .net. s per rent ; fticj( ()f iuicrest ami iKory Missittiippi, r c, nt. j by contr.ict iu usury ler.uvera'ble In actum lor dclit l.oiitinmi. ft per cent ; II ink jnterPHt 6 -cimtr.ict H-eyond cooliiicl. joterei. void 'r.-niKHo e, b per cent. ; iimh l"ii roulritrts vn.. A'eulncky, 6 percent ; nmirr reeove ruble 'villi costs. Ohio, B per cent ; usurious c mlrv ta void. Indiauu, ti per Cent.H line of double the ejreis. Illinois, 6 per eent.-bf couiract 12 -beyontJ forfeits tlirlca th interent. .Missouri, 0 per cent. -rby contract 10 If beyond, forfeit of In tcret and iisiiry. Wjcliiami, 7 percent. forfeit of usury one fourth of debt. Arkansas, ti per cent by agreement !U usury reoveratle( but eottliHct void. district ( oliimbls, 6 per cent. - tiurl'tti ronf rnrts rold. I I ii uln. K per cent. - loi fcii inlrc, t noil ei. ess. ' lcoii.(in, 7 pel cent by contitirt 12 -loileil tluice the tt. ccs. low ii. by iiKieemenl, nni? c ifo'rcri! by law. On .1. Ids ur judgments In lav.tr of the I lilted KtatcsVlfitt rest Is f"M' pi;f il lit Ii per rent, pel milium. KATKS OK KUKIGIIT t ftOM NKVV VORK TO Wll MlMi I0.V. ora k. 1ITE HAVE JFST FINlsHEIl t.kiej oar Uvmtory f.r f tie jammer caB, and Cnd a fyllow A Bamker f notes i l aeiit da a wkieh tboaUke ettled up to 1-t July ; and to wbith we f trttrurlt call ll attention iifthoe iuteir-trd. ALSO, a wU ,..Htd tk af CHINA WARE eJ LAKTHF.X WAKE, to which we will b rereiiirt Urea a l litnm durirg the laontk of Attgast t and to which we -locally iniU the attent in cf Mfnh.titi. Tko tastu-jr through Wiltuiogton on th'ir way North would i well purehase their stock f CK.O( KllUYfrom a, a w are titUrmineJ to offer inducement ever Northern iruvrtrrs. July 21 -273 tf J MeKAL k IlAKUISS. I'll 1CLK4 FllOM W V X 1E iuXUo". JOT landed from Ih llrijf Commerce, 5(H) dot Jar llekU. all kda. 10 Seville Olive i. . . " M Vj-'resh lobster. 10 Salmon. 5 " imrwIjetiKia Syrup. 5 " Lii. Mutard. , S ' Tniuato Catchup. - t s 4 ' I'nderwoo.N Keiuh " I'ure Pcsr. 5 " Luca Oil. For ale l.w by ' J?10 HOWAUl) 4 PEtiEX. County Court Writ; Sultrier (l.t. do. t ouuty Court Subitiias; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Ulterior do. ll.t. County Court Sti. Fa.; superior do. do. Apprentice Indenture; Let ten tf Administration; oiii ty and Superior Court! w itnes and Juror Tiekt.: Notice!. Tax Li-t lteoeivers; oiiuuisfloii to take IeMisitioii onnty Court Lxeeiition; Magistrate' tjt. apiasad Uesitondendum: ' vereer' Appointment: eacv. Mate, and Civil War- MsTOr IILAKB. Iiietor'iCrUeate Cei liScatv of Just ioei attend ing Court: Marriige License; Tax Hecelpt; ' ' Insolvent Notices; Writ of I Jcctmeiitj, , , latter Tstau.eutaryi Vendl. Exponas) ' C ha; Iicedit. ' do. Affidavits: Oarnlshee Notice ' Cheek, Cat FtirlUnk; do. . Rranch Fatik of h St.ite-t v -Note. Mgotiabl at Dank; Adiuiiiintrator'al'ond: (iuardmn do. ' Apt eal t , do. i, C Sa ' " di. h'ff ApMrane do. .,-' Ciinstaule' , . 4o Sueria lai do, Forthcomiiif do, ' Proaecutioa do. . . Crew List; rauti; I .Votes of Hand: A ttaehuients; State Iteiiogniiiince; iVliIitary ( a Sa; ln. Execution; Negro Jlomls; do. UiilofSale; Any Flunk wanted, and not on hand, will be printed With the utmost dispatch. Oflieersof the Court and other officer, and all ether per on refjairinjr lilanki, or any other work In the printing Im, W'luJd do well to give u a call, or rend In tholr order. We re detertnlned to execute our work well, and at tha cheapest rate for eah. Call at the , s JOURNAL OFFICE. and FAIIMF.lt AXIiUAIf,UK"Eni. JV' h(v just received a'supply of FreiU Uardea Orasi Seed from 1 hiliidelidna. ,t , ' AI,S(), Several nr w pattern of Plows, (Jrain mill, Corn Mitllerii Hay Cutters, kc. 1'or salv by McRAEfHARRISS. Feb. i J3.tf . WILLIAM . HEAD. OUSE, SHIP, AXU SIOX PAIN J KK, AM) Al rdl HiiraeK. near the Rock Spring, W ilnungton, . L.., is prepared at all times to execute any business in his line, in a ticttt and vwkmanlikt .manner. 103. H " ,ioii P. s'i'A.it.'s so v co., IMPORTERS AXD DEALKKS in Linen?, White Cood, Hosiery, Stuff Goods, Woolen aud Goods for Men's Wear, Blonket and Flannels, invite the attention of buy tr to desirable assortment. of the above named goods Nn. 21 John St.. fncar Broadway,) X K w oi i July 12 2f)2-3m W W. M. HAUUls-M, GEXEUAL Commission Jlert liunl & 1I Broker, ' Wilmington, X. C. ' REFF.RENfKS! . R' r?rBify'WI;' I Wilmington, X. C. Dudley & Huntington, Jas. Ciorncr k Sons, Haltimorc. E. A. Soudor kCo., Philadelphia. Thompson fc-Hunter, Y . , M. M. Freeman &Co., J cwork- Tuftl Hunting, Boston. 12 ly IltOX SAFES. C RICII & CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The subscribers having..acceuted the agency for the sale of the above highly approved Sales, are j repared to furnish any tixeor pattern which may be wanted at manufacturer' prices, delivered in this place. Specimcmvxif several sixes have Just been received, and or- ider will be promptly attended to. " Jan. 27, 1332 tf . DeROSSET k BROWN. D. C. FUEEJIAM ii CO., . Y. FBEEMA.f & HOUSTON, WL'. PItEEMAN IIOUSTOX, MERCHANTS AXD FACT0R3 Wh.minoto, X. C, keep constantly on band a stiPof Flour, Corn, Pork, Bacon, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, M4ime, Tobarro, Cignrt, Snuff ', Candlet Soap, Foreign, . Imtttic ljiquorinnd ; IFj'nci ; Iron, Nailt, Paint, Oih, G'an, Domettict, llatt, Hoots, Shot, Leather, AgrictUtura .mplemenig, and a va Ticty of other articles, suitable foi family and plantation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lot to .suit dealers or consumers on reasonable term for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores orother produce The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, is located in fhe city of New York; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wif. inington. If desired, advances will be niado on consign men ta to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. - .' MUKE. ctwe.n the.ul.- R-O., I The business of the lirm will A. C. K VAN'S J. A. EVAN'S. rPIIK ('it-t artriilVhipli'erVhifirre exi.-tiiig I X scribers. under th firm of A. C. EA'AX'S, & dissolved by mutual consent he closed l.y J. A. Lvas. April 19t'h, 1M32 ip under eolit iniie O-PAllTM-.HniP. THE subscribers have entered into co--artwrl the firm of S. II. k J. A. EVAN'S, w.io will thoDlil'G l'.l 'SINESS at the stand formerly occupied l.y A. C. Kvan- & lirotlier. They arc-in -daily receipt of addi tions to their stork of MEI HC'IN'KS, Dl! 1 ' IS. kr . and in- vite those wishing articles in their line, to cull liefnte c -isin" elsewhere. S. 15. K .NS. M J. A. EVANS. ril l!)th. I32 . PM-tf ;" Da KOLl Tl().. The Co-partiier.-h:, heretofore e.i ting between the undersigned under the finii of A rider son & Latimer was this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will be eontinu';d by Anderson k Savage, who i will sci tie the affairs of the late firm. JAMES ANDERSON, Juno 1, 1832. Z. LATIMER. . C 10-PAUTXEHSIIIP The subscribers liave this day formed it Co-pfirtncrshipLitndcr the firm of AND Hs( . & SAVAtiEifor the transaction of a (.KXJ.UAL COM MISSION IJI'SIXESS. I'nrttpnlar attention1 will be givn to the sale of Naval Stores, Htid liberal cash advances mad.; on eonsigninents. JAMhS ANDI.UsO.N, June 1, 1832. EDWAI! D SA V A . E. OISSOLLTIOV, THE firm of O. & G. Holmes is this day dissolved. The business of the firm will be settled by the subscriber. Persons having claims ggainst O. k G. Holmes, will please present them for payment ; and those indebted will confer a favor by paying up as early as possible .April io, loot,. OWEX HOLMES. SUNDRIES. 50 dozen Pickles, assorted ; 6 dux. reserves, assorted 6 do. Jellies, do.j 100 boxes Sperm 'Oandle t 100 boxes Soap; 25 do. Starch; 60 do. Soda Crackers; 60 do Fdot Breads 100.000 Scgars at Baltimore price 20 bo es Lemon Syrup ; 10,000 Mnsket Flints, for Rice Planters t 10 dozen Brooms ; 10 do. Pails; -10 do. Matts, assorted from 25 cent to $3 each. For sale by , ' ty HOWARD & TEEDEN. M)TI(E. T WILL continue the DRY 'GOOD'S. AXDGROCERY bn JL siness at the old stand of O. k (E Holmes My stock i.-i complete, and the patrons are respectfully invited to call and examine prices. OWEN HOLMES. April 13. KY2. ' MILL S w The subscriber hns the pleasure o.f .inform ing .Hllcr's engnged in sawing pitch pine, that he ha succeed ( in getting Up tb "best Suw for that -purpose tha baser ryet been produced, as far as be know. All saw warranted not to split i the teeth $0 Hardware Store. Wilmington, N. C . EMPTY SPIRIT BARK ELS. Emj.ty Spirit Barrel for sale by ELLIS. RUSSELL k CO. Boxes, Cases, !a!ex, Trunks, Casks of Hani- ware, Cotton Rigging, I'.ilc fjopp, Sieve, n.in.'biixrs, Io!Nof I.ca'her, Sad lie Tife, Collars, Tea, in all package, and all nlher inca'-iircriienl C.io ls. j.pr cubic foot, ('ratff ami Mils., of Crockeiy, eifh Do. ii'o. i!o. on deck, Sugar iinTj in HipU,---jT 100 ibs , Copjicras. J (Jross, : lion atnl Suh-I- per ton. : ; Pipes of Liquor, J 1 1 lid,. do. carb, : : Do. AeolaSM'S, ) Harrclf. w.-t am! dry, cadi, : : Mannilia Conlage, per ton,- ; : Taiipil do. do. t : llutidlcs of cbairs. fatli (b.to-, : : Hollow Ware, per ton, : : ; ... Do per piece, : : : Ciisting Macbinei y, per ton, : K'cp;s of Nails, of 100 lbs ; i-acli, - : AnviN, each, : : : ; Vises, cadi, ; : : : : Kegs or Tub of Biiller, of 100 Ib.r.pac!i, fllacksiniib's l!"l!ows, cacli, : : Powder, per ke, : : : : Hay, per !-alo, ; : : : Ptoxen of A vc and Tin, each, : : Aquafoitis and Vitrei, in box or carboy, deck, Wagon I'ovcs, per sel, : ,: Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., cacl), : ,v -Sbove!?, Spades, Scytbcs, Forks, Cutting Knives, Krving Pans, and Ilocs, in bun dles of half doen, each, : : : .. ' A I, rooms, per dozen, . : : : , ('rdfi c, per bag, : : : ; : Cheese, per cak, : : : : Lead or Shot, per ton, : : : : Shot, per bajrr : : : : So'e and I lariiess Leather, per Rule, : : Wrapping Paper, per ream, : : Mill Stories, small, per pair, : : . Do., lare, do., : : : Cigs, each, : : :- : : Jersey Wagons, each, : : : Stage Coach, complete, - : : Do. Do. o:i deck : : Ploughs, each, : : : : Chain? in bags each, : : : Small Kegs, each, ": : - :. :tn W 25 00 I2J 50 F i 25 noo 00 .o 4 00 103 00 08 01', 10 10 00 25 50 80 50 01 IMI'oltTKD WIN KS AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR 1 il AKI'I Y warranted pure Just received and forsalei 1 tr. cask mire Juiee Port VVIna '2 do. do. P. II. Oodtrd " k t o.' old lirnndy irumwttil ten enrt Ml 2 do. do. old Madeira Wine ; 2 do. do. old Cherry do. 1 do. do. old Ja ' naica Rum ; 2J pipes Loiidoti Dock Brandy I II do. Marretl lir.iridy ; 2 pipes pure Holland (Jin. OWEN JIOLMEH. ' I I WE. LIME. 100 bbl. Rockland Lime ; 600 bill. Lin I J t olnville Whi'e Lump. Also, Calcined Master. Pl tciii.g lluir, Fire flriek, and lly.lraiilie Cement ; 1,000 IbU Lime ite. F.-rsiilcby J. C k K. I, WOOD, A pril 6, K.2-H01 C'ontraotorl and Builders. OILVKR PLATED IIKSKKT KNIVEH Silver bolster O ed ivory bamlled Table andJt srt'lniyc. latest natem fpinlity, for sale by T copy, J, M. ROBINSON - i m ivory bain and of superior nii 1 1 'mi, ami Her I)K KLKH, Fit m i vi a, laliiyat &-Jut rccivcd dl reel, from W. I 'rider wood Co t 600 doncn Jar assorted sizes and kinds. For sale low by ' HOWARD 4V PEDEN. price , the best makes, sttlubl for Planter and, . Comdaritlr ou Land and fur tale at the Lwvif an I (piality warranted, by J, M. ROIilNSON.. . , IRON of all Smillis' use rpORACCO S N'D CREYKS A good assortment kept on 1 band and f.r salo by FREEMAN k IIUUJSTC)M.- i A pt ll l. if ( 187-3m R )S S ST R A r X E R S - Just received a full supply of tha .best English Wire Cloth, of all sizes. ; ' t oiu. and Her. copy. J. ROBINSON. in 13 1 LARDTn bbls. and kegs. For sale by Oct. 6. : ELLIS, RUSSELL k CO. WESTERN BACON. 25 hhds. of Sides and, Shoulders! Just received and for sale by ' . " , , ELLIS, RUSSELL k CO. 0 09 10 I52 50 02 04 02 00 5.'00 5 00 600 12j0 1 0.0,0 I20 10 0 '. Articles not enumerated dinrurd in proportion. tO" Informaiioa must be eiven to the, A gent. In New York, of all 1'ncksjre conininlnc Powder, or double rate will invariubly be charged, bcnide the Shipper held bable for oil datuagea ada ing from neglect of this notice. . 1 A RS.-203 Ash Oar from 10 to 20 feet. For sale by . MaypJ ; HOWARD & rtDEN. O I'll! ITS TI RPIENTIXJv BARRELS. 1,600 splnt. j mrpeuiiue oarreis, socon't baixJ, or prim quiniy.ro ''le hy DeROSSET k BROWN. ,.' IiIRK KX'JINE. A good machine.- with I20,fcet, ho and P) buckets, ali iu good order, for sale low. April I33t FREE'MAX k HOUSTON I 010!. Refined Vegetable Paint Oil, at much less price than Limited Oil, for -liip, House, Iron Railing, tc, l orsuleby HOWARD 4" FEDEX, CIA RT.A new and excellent article, ellptio springs, sult y able for Grocer' use or a baggage cart, for nle by May 13 FREEMAN k HOUSTON. ' i; Aa;i; A tie r Superior naallir -Suitablo for Timber Waggons. Extra Timber Axes: House end iar.l Axes, cheap. For sale by . J. M- J1013INSON. 7?lt Esl f GR OLXD MEAL, constatitly on hand For' sale by MILES COSTIX, Brown' Wharf. ' O 100 hbisrerusficd; pf.wdered, ClLtiAJl. lOhhds. Su?ars 100 bbls. cru- O fee For sale low by HOWARD & PEDEN. WINDOW CORXICE AND CURTAIN' BANDS1-A large and splendid assortment. Justin store and for alo by J. M. RODINSON. IlflHTE LEAD.-No. 1, extra, and porev For sale by JfRlt.LMAi fc HOUSTON. J. OXDOX POIcTEIl.-ff Casks Porter ; 6 Cask Thrown Jj Stout. For salo low by HOWARD & PEDEN. OOAP. 2bl boxes Not 1 and Pale, daily expected per. O Schr. Alario. For sale by- WESSEL t'LILERS. . 1" A UD. 10 Ibis, lnf Lard, just received per Schr, Ira J Hrewster. For sale by WESKL k EILERS. WOOD'S HACKERS k FJILLERS-For sale cheap. tt the Hardware Store. ) J. M. RORINsON: . SHOES.A eook stock of Shoe men. women and ehiN dren. For alo cheap, by ' ' - OWEN HOLMES. C outfit E Mud ( nrtnlu I5mla.A full assortment, for salcat the Hardware Store. J. M. RORIXSON. O AIlSe-300 Ash Oars, from 10 to 20 feet.' For sale by . , v ,; ' HOWARD It PEDEN, NAILS -100 Kegs Nails, for nle low, by , . - HOWARD & rEDEN.

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