c 'r ' X pnH.isiir.i) r.v i-ti.ton piuck. i .... VOLUME 2 NO. 151, WILMINGTON, N0KTIIT.M101.1NA. SATl'IvDAV, MARCH 5. 18.53. SIX IKll.t.AItS A YKAIt, IN AliVANCE. WHOLE NUMBER 463. y si . i UXIT StVllE 1 !lT 2 du- 3 dv I da'vs 5 dv 1 e",k 2 week. 1 mouth, 2 month.; 3 mouth, . ti mouths, . CM 1 lit J 2 m ,V 3Jiv r-j 4 bjl ...... 3 1.1V4 . sTi ...... 1 T Jwetl ..... .2 o) 1 lumith. 3 'tit ' Ul.tfltli . . .... ..3 t) 3 month 10 '"0 s (K w mtli v ,M' 1 year 30 00 . . 1 lf . . 1 2 . . 1 V . . I 7 ... 2 75 ... 4 00 I Tear l.i Ik) ' - Tea lint- are counted a a square, and five lines or If a half-square. Longer advertisements ia proportion, and I1 I arable iu a lvaiue. Cf All half i't:ires ne t ail fur in Ivanee will b charged as a square. d No uhlieaticn male w it hn! rcii:siMo name. JXolice of Kelii'n meeting. Benevolent and other unchartered Sicit tie?, and Obituaries will he charge 1 halt theabove rate Cadi alway pajable i:i advance. Arntnl nl llrparturr tlie."Hl! uinlit liic Mrw Ali uiiriiio.l, M lilt It went lulu ! lullon. l.t Man li,l j. The .Mail frm the Nirth i due every d.iv at !A. M., and at 1. M. Close? at 1 1'. .M . and at t 1". M. recifo Iv. 'The Mail f.r the South doses at ( A. M. Th' Ma.l fi-nn t 'ii.l')W Couit-H"U-c, Sin-ad- Ferry. &e . is dm 1 1 v Monday at 3 P. M Clo.e everv Thursday at yp. m. The Mail from Long (nek. Black River ( Impel. &.., i due every Thurvlav at ti I'. .VI , and close ame uijjltt at 9 1'. M " The Mail from Favftteville. via I .lizaht lhtow n aid rrm vet Hall, via Wilmington and Mam-lie-ti r Kailruad from KoliiiiM'ii's lVt Bie'. i- due rvcrf Tuesday. Thur day, and Saturday at 10 I'. M . (arines generally abuut "i 1'. M ,) and elit j.lliie dtv.i at HA M. Tin' mail from W'hiteulie, I (iliiiiilms county, r Wil mington and M 'iichf.-ter liaihoad is due at l) I' M , and clow at ! A. M every day. "An extra 1'aek t.'e will he mad.' up for Letter jroin;; North of lliehniond, a , hi( h i!lheki t open until 7 A. M. All other letters inut he in the I 'lliee at the hours ttliove named, or they will not he .Mailed until next uecced iw' Mail. c W. II. MrKOY. K'VMISSION AN! KWA!:i'lNtl MLT'XIIANT. ut! V jtrr Strct. WduiiiijrtMB, N. C. ItOliDHT ii. It KI, 10MMISSION Mi;i:t HAN'T, 257 Wll.MIMJ f'o. (' v. . now i;d. ii:tci:i: and t '.mmi--h mi;i;(1iam'. Soiilli Wiiter-.-t., il in i ! 'l '. I.UIK .ll'l.i:"'V, KIIW.USI VWAUK. Al)Ki;iO ,w S A V A ; K , h;m:i;al iommi.-mi lv mi,i; ii ants, U i Imi ntoii, N . ('. Liheral e.i-h mlv.niees made m :i -i irti in.-ti t.- . i. c. fi;i i:m , oh'1 ih'I stdn. F K K K l &, IIOUSTOV, Wllnilimton, N. C, II. C. FllKEJIAN A, CO , v York, MliKCIIAXTS AND KAt'T KS. ii. Din. i. nkk, o- i'dt; Kit, jr. F.NT'H AL COMMlSMuN .M LIK.'IIANTS, ri(il-lvl New ork $iT I.iheral eash adv;meej made on eonsimiienl jo. i-orr niiovvv, akm vmi .i. ikho;:t, jr., it. k. uitw.. HIIOWN .V l)i'IIOiiKT.fw loil., UcIlOSSKT t HllOV,-AVIIinliilon. . ., 32 Co.M .MISSION' MU;clIATS. G c v. ei.i.is. ii. p. r.rs'-Ki.i.. it iiiKi.t" 1CI.MS, KT'SfSKI.L &. CO., Clciicrnl CoiiiiiiImhIom ?icri limit ii'l Ship Kroki -rn. J Wilmington. . '. liefer to F.. V. UU. , l'i idt l.t liruncli I'.ui.kof the State, Wilmington. I .1. .1. MIMMTT, ArcT!oNi.i:i: and commission mi;h iiant, Wilinii -t n. N. C. 1:1 i--i:i' rn V.. V. Hall. i:-ip, Prc I'liim h l'.ii!ik"l tlieSiale(d'N'.C. Mes-rs. C. T. Ihilu'h At Son, v. 1 1, ville. " Prown At I K D-t t , New York. Nov. 1st. IS.-,2. l'-lv .!. v l. .Hi-UA . ( '... -ii;nt:i;al '-ommis.-ion muiciiants, Wilmington, N . ( Gii-:ni-:k. r 7i-2 ATI.WTK lAIUM'. lNSl iti; CO.Hl'AVY. rpllli Sllhi.ei-ihcl -. a.- Aleuts for the a hove Coinpiiliv, will 1 take ri-k a' fair rates. .1. At l. .McllAL At CO. Noveinher 27th. 2 A. II. V VMUIUKI'.I.K'V. 1l"Ai;i.' AL AOI. NT. COMMISSION At I ( l! WAR 1 1 VTJNii Ml.lli 1 1 A NT. Wilmington. N C. Partii iihir attention given to a!e and l.ureha-o of Naval Ian. I, .i L I M -1 v- D. C. FELLS!1! i. t O , S. T. ritttHiX & llul IO, W1L Kit K KM llOlTO, MPIU IUNTSANH FACTi KS Vii.mv9M, N. C, kH-p eonsfaBtly on hand '-t' k ff f1mr, Curn. I'oit, B-fm, S-i't, I'fjt, S;tr, M '!$, Ti-hairit, CV?'tr, .Viwf, t"ti ( .S.i, V,i Itmuitic lMjn,$ and ll'i ; Mm. Xtrn't, fiiimtt, Oilt, tViw, Jtvmaliit, Ititt, IS f, .VW, Ijiitknr, .ln.Vf jci . mViifto ai.and a t ritty of other article, fuitatde fi family nd plajitation u and the retail trade, which the) aill di.-j!e cl in lot to suit dealer or eoiisunvr on reaoide tenut for eash, or in exchange for Naval Store ir other product; , The spuior partner, P. Fkiavo, Ii loeated in the ritr of New trk; the junior partner, Ciiu. Ilui ru,t, in Wif ujiiiitnn. If desired, advances will he made oo consign ments t" and from cither place. AH buiiie4 entrusted to tin in will receive proper attfiition ; aLd order for lioodi will he promptly and cartluliy filled V. II. MrKOY. IKNPPAI. Ctl MISSION' MPKCIIAN'T; ALSO, I T WliOLKSAI.K AND KP.TA1L tilUK'LK, .outh Water htreet, Wilmington, X. C , iiilcnds keeping at the -Ix.ve -tan. I. a lar-e a-ortmeut of ( OCLU1 V, LIQL'OUS and Pi;oV lslONS. nt wholesale aud retail. Partieular at tention will he pai l to all orders from the country. I would re-pei -tfully invite the citizen of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and e vainine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry on a general eoui- mi-Moil l.u-. in ". Particular atleutieii will be given to the .-ale of Naval stores, and alt kinds of produce. Liberal u-h advances made on eoii-'i(;niiieutd. Wiliuingtoii. October th, lN"2. 27-tf itf I 0-lltTKltIIIP. IMITI subscribers having, on tlieMth iVeeember, Kit, form 1 cd a Co-partnership uikLt the firm of WTJSSI.L Sl I'.U LITIS, have taken Stoics Nos. I and 2, of P. K. lickiuoii' Huilding, on North Wafer Street, Wilmington, N. t '., for merly occupied by Mr. Mile Cost in, where they iutend to keep on hand a general Hortnicnt of ( , It OCLli I KS, Ll (jLoKS, and PKOVlSlON'S, at wholesale. J. WKSSKL. Jan. I!l,'32-in-lm-2t)-3iii II. B. LILKKS. I. WINKt., H. B. EII.KRS. WKSSKI. .t K.II.KHS, (1(MMSIO Mrr limit and Wltoleaale (irorrra, ' North Water Street, Wilmington, N ('., intend to keep :it the a hove stand a general assort men t of Iroeerif, Liquor, atid Provision, at wholesale and to carry on a ( ieneral ( oiiimission Business. I' fKKHEM'K : Ii. P. IIai.i., Pre't Prnnch Hank of the State Oil. I'viisi.kv. Pres't Commercial Hank. Wilmint'torJ . . . '1 n m l . I III K INsiiM. f Pol'I'K At Co kii.i.vi.i; At Porn:i:,$- f 1131 , L'l . n:.;. Nl W Yl,rk' rIHL ( 'o-pnrtnership herctolore existing I iind tu in I)lMl.t TIO. under the ptvli I .Mchov At lioberts. i this day diolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the firm will be arranged l.v W II McKoy alone. W II. McKOY. Jan. 27, is33-122J J. II. ROllLHTS. NOTICE. HAVINO purchased the entire interest of .1. II. Hubert, in the fmii of McKoy At Roberts, I will continue, the liKOOXY St COMMISSION Fd'SINKS a heretofore At th suiuetiino 1 tnkethi opportunity of returning my sincere thank for the liberal patronage extended tu tho late tirm, nu t solicit a continuance of the name. V. II. McKOY Jan. 27th, 13.1. Ston. s. n. v. .1. A. i;YAi, i;sI,i; null lliliill Dnuuist, Wlliiili'K- c Will keel' iihvnvs on hand a birge anil verv vcb-et stork of DlirtjS, MI.HK INLs. t III.MK ALS. PAINTS. OILS, O LASS, SI lit .I' AI. lSTI!l M I. NTs. PATL.NT M . H ICINLS, Pl.ll 1' I MLK Y, Ate., lit low prices. Jan. 17th. K",;i .1. I. M'VK. MAXPFACTI'i: i:i! AND OKALLI! IN ( AI'.INKT Furniture, Hedstemls. Cliairii, Mattresses, Ate. Ate., Front street, South of Market, Prown's building. Wilming ton, X. C. Sept. 10, lM32.--ly Mi ltAK, tS. II Uitlss, IMPORTKHS null WlioN hhIc unit Hctnll Denlcrw In China, Class, and Larthenw.ire, anil Farming Imple ment., west side Front street, between Market and I lock Streets, Wilmington. X. C 21-tf WII.MAM S. K A II. HOUSE, SHIP. AND SION PAINTITi. A NT) PA PL P. IIangfi!. S i-oiid st., -4th door smith of Market, Wil mington, X. C, is prepared at all tiiins. to execute any biii ncii in his line, in a neat and workmanlike ianner. 1!)3. v m. :i ;tuiss, GEEIlAIi Conimlisloii flerclianl Ship Ilroki r, Wilmington, X". C. RKFF.nF.NCF.S: ?,?r Wilmington, N. C. I TATN; ?ohl my entire interest in the firm ol MeKoy It I 1 Kol.erts to Mr. W. M. MeKoy, who will continue the hii-ines at the same plai-e, 1 return my lhankn to my friend for the liberal i.iitroniigr cxtemlcil the firm, and colieit a coiilinuance ot tlie sauie lor my successor. Jl.KliY II. RODEHTH Jan. 271 h. ls3:. .i. m. itomxxox. I.MPoi;Ti;i; ANT) WHOLESALE lH-: A LEU in all kind.1 J of Hardware, Cutlery, ACKICPLTPRAL 1MPLK ME NTS, Iron Axlelree, M ill and Cross Cut awn Cast Steel Hoes. Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss 1 loops, Kiyets, Ate. Ate. His stock is now very full and complete, with ma ny additions of new and useful articles in the hous.e-kceping line Merchant vvlio are disposed to patronize Southern e t ililishuients, are ii'ininlfril all articles in his line aslow as thev can be procured North. Wilmington, N.C., Sept. 21, 1H32 DIMSOM TIO. rpili; C( i PA III X El! SHIP heretofore exiting under the I. firm of IIOWAIID At PEDLN. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of paid firm having been closed, all persons indebted to them will please uiake payment io vv . ' . riov.i:n. who is moiie am norizeu ti) seme i ue ousi ii"- thereof; anil sin h persons ii have claims against them tv ill present them to tutu tor (settlement. W. C. HOWAHD, Jan 1, H':5 -!)!) W. N. PLDEN. lltO SAI'KX. f RICH At CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, V ' warranted tree trom ilampnessn well as I'ire-rrool. The nbseriliers hav ing accepted the agency forthe mile of the al. ove highly approved Safe, tire J repared to furnish tiny ize or pattern which may be wanted at manufacturer' prices, delivered in tin place. Specimens of -several si7.es bave just been received, and or der w ill be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1X52 tf DeROSSiCT k BROWN. lUtAM'II OF H IIITKHl RXT'S GALLERY. Every Day ( hat. 7 ft )W beautiful they are ; that is just like you. Miss IL; J 1 I never saw anything more perfect j how distinct they nil arc ; tle v seem to almost speak, though that is not. won licrful Whitehurst.'s. Pictures speak for themselves, in tone and finish. All who v isit Whitchurst's (iallery. are otruck with their beauty and life-like expressions. When it, is known that we furnish such gems to our patrons, Is it won derful that our business j so rapidly increasing 1 Mr. Har rison, the skilful and experienced operator, is tdil at my I lallcry in this city, and nil who may favor him with a call, can be furnished with one or more of those fine Sky-light Dagnerrotyfics. ! Likenens taken equally well in all weather Remember, Wbitehurst has the only Gallery in the City. P.. F. HARRISON' k CO., Mozart Hall, over Messrs. Polly At Hart's store. Front street, Wilmington, X. C. Jan. 12, lx53.-10fMf Jas. Corner At Sons, Baltimore. K. A. Sjouder & Co., Philadelphia. Thompson k Hunter, Xcw.York. M. M. Freeman & Co., $ Tuft? Sf Hunting, Boston. 12-ly JOSEPH II. FkAXXKK, GENERAL Comminslon Mrrthnnf, 2-lyl Wilmington X. C. ME It RIM AN A. AVOOUHIKF. MAXUFAdTUIlERS OF SPIRITS TURI'EXTIXE & iiosi.v, and dealers in Dry Goods and Groceries, Strick land's Depot, N. C. Feb. 12, 1853 -136-6m RAISE It- U 1 1,M ORKr -1OMMISSI0N MERCHANTi. ..Ci-.- -a;.--- NEW, YORK-. References. E. Kidder, Esq ; J. H. Flanner, Esq.; essra. Rankin & Martin. - , ' r' Jl Liberal cash advances madfl on conaignmenta.' V Febroary Uth, 18.33 135-tf (HO( EHIKsi. JI'ST RECEIVED by Schrs. W. II. Smith and Wake, from Xew York : 20 bags Laguira Coffee ; 20 " Java " 5(1 boxes Soap ; 5 Kegi Butter ; 10 boxes brandy Cherries ; fyi hbU. Fayette ville Flouf ; 25 ' Canal " 12 baskets of that superior Champagne at $12 ; 50 boxes Cod Fish ; For sale at the lowest prices by Feb 11th, '53. W.C.HOWARD. iO-PAHTEllSIIIP. fTMin an k-Kgerl fcirir; purrhasej the interest ef Cait. X i.iliKrt Potter, in tbt lv.wan Mtiia .Mill, Lave tk.t lay eatere l into IVf arlaerbip ander the Bam and ty!?f K; 1 ler k .Martia, for the tramactioB of th Laoiber bui ues in ;i it brant kr. All taiue entrusted to r care. Will restive pr.'iuj4 attebtion. E. Mt'l'EK. Jan. 3d, lv.T-lii3fc1B MARTIN. ItEOKKU KAltK. .'. itt xacr ? utrxtz s tur? t fcy rpiIROlVWl TICKETS MLTWKKX WllMlMiTo.N, 1 X. C , ANT BALTIMORE. FARE fit. vu WEL 1H1, lTTKRSBl'Rii. RK IIMOXII, AND WASlIIXt; TOX CITY, OK vu WELIXX, 11RTSM0UT11 AXD XOKFOLK. For ti. Vet. apply at the Ifteeof the Wilmington anJ Raleigh Rail Road Company at Wilmingtoa. or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of th Balti more and Ohio Rail Road Company, lVatt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 1K52 m-t t lll V, GLASS, AD EARTHEN W ARK. U7E are aow receiving, direct from the French iff ffTi and Eugliiih tuauufactorien, - 1 -. 12 13 10 a n H 10 17 package French China Dinner and Tea Sett, and fancy W are, packages Edge and ('. C. Ware, " Sprig 'd and handled Teas, eommnn, " W hita Grauite Ditincr and Tea Ware, " " ' and couitaon Toilet Ware, " Colored Ware, assorted, " Cane and Kockincham Ware, assorted, " American ( Ware, asrtfd, " Stone War J. assorted. 20 dei Diinijohn. from to 5 gallons. jB)-Couutry Merchant would find it to their advantage to purchase their stock of u. a we save them a considera ble cr ccutage in freights, coinmission. Air. Dinner and Tea StUef new and handsome pattern to families at low prices. Melt A E k IlRRlSS, Front street below MitTket street. Wilmington, N. ('., Aug 2 KV. :KVtf Town paper. Standard, N. ('. Tel , and Rep. Jl Pat. copy and leave out all old advertisement. KATES OK FREIGHT FROM NLW YOHK TO WILMIN0T0N. Ho.xea, Case j, Bales, Trunk, Caaki of Iljid ware. Cotton Baginft, Bale Hope, Sieves, Bandlioxra, Hulls of Leu'her, Saddle Trees, Collars, Tea, in all packages, and al! other measurement Goode- per cubic fool. Crate and iilids., of Crockery, each Do. do. do. on deck, Sugar and I in Htnls. -per 100 lbs , , CTI KG A IIS. 10,000 La Union 10.000 Ia Normal 10.000 . ExeeUior 10.000 . May Flow 10,000 Prince Pie negro brand ' 10,000 Fixed Ktar 10,000 La Inovacion 10,000 L Anna , , 10,000 Uguei ; 60,000 t Regaliaav . For sale at Baltimore prieea by W. C. HOWARD. "I PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Lnbia'i X Extraets , Bazin'a do t Oriental Drop t fc. Bon German CoWae, variety of style ; Orange. Bar. an Lavender Waters Toilet Powders ; -Toilet and Shaving Soaps ) Cold Cream; Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brnsbet ; and a comphtt ttock of Perfumery arid Fancy Articlt gener ally S. B. & J. A. EVANS. 1 3 06 25 00 Of 10 25 1 50 02 04 20 3 00 fi m 5 00 i 0 12 00 10 00 1 20 10 80 25 25 00 00 10 00 0.1 00 10 08 06 10 61 25 50 08 50 01 04 Copperas,! Gross, : : 12 J Iron and Steel---ner ton. : : 1 50 Pipes of Liquor, ) llhds. do. each, : : Do. Molasses, .' Barrels, wet and dry, each, : . : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, . : Tarred do. ' do. t : Bundles of chairs, (pitch chair, : Hollow Ware, perton, t : Do per Diece, s : t Castings MachinerynerA)B, t Kegs of Nails, of lOfJMfA Jeach, : Anvils, each, i Jr : t Vises, each, ; : : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith's Bellows, each, : : Powder, per keg, : : J : Hay, per bale, : : : : Boxes of Axes and Tin, each, : : Aquafortis and Vitrol, in box or carboy, deck, Wagon Boxes, per net, : : : Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., each, : Shovels, SnadfH, Scythes, Forks, Cutting Knives, trying Pans, and Hoes, in bun dles of half doen, each, : : : Brooms, per dozen, : : : Coffee, per bag, : : : : Cheese, per cask, : : : : Lead or Shol, per ton, : : : : Shot, per bag, : : : t Sole and Harness Leather, per side, : : Wrapping Paper, per ream, ; : Mill Stones, small, per pair, : : : l)o., large, do., : : : Gigs, each, : : : : : Jersey Wagons, each, : : : Stage Coach, complete, : : Do. Do. on deck : : Ploughs, each, : : : : Chains in bags, each, : : : Small Kegs, each, : : : Articles not enumerated ehnrgril In proportion. try-" Inforiinition must lie liven lo the Agent, tu New York, of all Piickn'K r.otiliiinitiK Pnwiler, or double rules will Invariably he charted, Im-shIc the Mlitpper held liable for all iltiiimgcN nm ing from ncjlccl of thm notice. . IX STORK. ITE are ree-ivic5 ir FU Sojp'y "f GrrxnV. FraU, 1 I igr. lUrdarf. C utlery, It GtW, Ntr Cloth,' kc, fBsisting in prt of Coffee I j guy ra. Km,, I'ort. Ric, and Java. Sugar-l uH Kir., and .New OrWau. iMibl R,fiuJ, I.f. t ru-lfd. Powdered. Granulated and Uified. Tea, uf all itrictw, i.teen and BUi k Butter ; Ijird ; .v.p .N. I Toilet j Spertn, A lmi tine, Wat and Mould Caadlea; Clgate'aiWrtMar.di; bag aad boxes Ntltj IVprert Allspice j 1. infer ; CasU ; t !; Nat megs ; ke. I Cheese Pilot and Navy Bread ; Nk1 P,icuj (UiVU ted r 1 Crackers. MLS. Sperm, winter strained ami t.lepaant ; Olive, in basket. Uilr and beitiej Castor, in barrel and bottle. LIU FOB S. Braudy, Rum, 'B,J','jlJV.'t,M Cordials. A large supply on hand, S'ptetaber ! WtKiDKN AND WILLOW WARE. Willowtt'ab, i'ovd. and oea Baet Cedar and painted Tub and Bucket; Flour Pails, iron, bound and baf red half bu.hel eaarej Xel Measure. Well Buckets, A jeHele,Coeoa Dipper, UmpWkk.Twiue, P-d Cord. Wab Boards, Koiling Pio. Fancy Bird Cage, 1(H) gros Matrhrs. ke oiis Paints and paint bruhies. ti do Ground Paint Brushes; 2.lsi0 lbs Black and White Iad ; Verdun, raw and boiled Oil 50 empty Krg. 3 and lo gallons. llARlAVARE ANIM1TLERV. Knives ami twks. Pocket hmrer. Cap ; Weeding, Rice and Grubbini; t urry Combs, Gao 1! Hoc: hrvlnir I'lnil t t.tlce Mill. Weight and S aU, r.ks, Shovel. Spadee, Seives, Axe. . DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGS. Osnaburg. Uilling,, Uiuins, Blankets, Georgia Ilainl, aud 50 Roil Keisey. FRCITS Raisins, Currant, Citron, h oue. Almond. CantonGla grr, kc. PAPER. 200 reams, all siie, Wrapping Paper; 20 do. letter, Cap and Bill do. ToHACt ( , S.M FF AXD CIGARS. ,; i H case fine Chewing Tobacco ; Half barrel Snuff; 00,1X10 No. 1 biands Cigar. HANDLER V. Blocks, Hooks and Thimbles, Manilla, Hemp and Cottea ruue, vaaum, vat, i.eullicr. Ve , &.c. J-t H1 bl Jan. I. 1X52. v . WILLIAM C. IIUW'AlIU. 1 WINTER ARRAKfJKMENT. MRS. E. A. FORD would take this method of in forming the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity that siie ha refitted her house and rooms in a neat and comfortable manner, and is now prepared to accommo date a number of Boarders by the month, either with or without, lodgings. Some of her best rooms will be reserved for transient company. BOA RD from f 1 1 to 20 by the mouth. October 25. 1X52 41-tf A GOOD COOK wanted, for which a good nrice will be paid, by the month or year. Apply to Mrs. FORD. FALL CiOOIiSi. I If AVE just received and am now opening m yFall sup supply of GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, LIOCORS CIGARS, FRUITS, WOOD-WARE, kc., consisting in part of Laguyra, Rio and Java Coffee; St. Croix, Porto Rico, Xew Orleans, Loaf, Crushed, Pow dered, Granulated and Clarified Snitar; Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black 1 eas; Batter; Cheese; Lard; No. 1 and toilet Soap; Sperm. Adamantine and Mould Candle; Colgate's Pearl Starch; Table Salt, in bags and boxes; J'eppcr, AlUptce, dinger, Cassia and .Nutmegs; Pilot and Navy Bread; Soda Biscuit; l,emon, Maple and Sugar Crackers; Boston do., in tin cans; -Derm, w inter Strained. Elephant and unve uti; Brandy, Rum, Gin. and Whiskey; Madeira, Sherry, Port and Malaga Wine; no, Ale and London Porter; 50 bbls. Flour, superior brands Hiram Smith's, double ex tra, and pure Genessee; Mackerel and Salmon, in bbls., half bbls. and kits; Herrines and Sardines, in whole, half and quarter boxes: Mixed Pickles; Assorted Sauces; Raisins. 1'rones. Citron and Canton Ginger; Almonds. Braxil Nuts, and English Walnuts; 20 boxes Tobacoo, aaaorUd brand Myre'a OrouoCe, FaiU- son a do., John Anderson k Oo. s hnt ent; 50,000 Cigars, choice brands, from 10 to $50 per M.j 10 half bbls. Railroad Snuff;- - - Cedar and Tainted Tubs; Painted Palls; Flonr Palls: Well Buckets; Half Bushel Measures; AXt lluives; Cocoa Dippctrs; Brooms; Wisk Brushes,jM.j r named Matches no snipnur; ; . ; , Spades, Shovels, Grain Sooops and Axes; . . .t' TT ... . . J -nut UO reams wrapping. Letter, Vap ana cm i aper: . David's aod Black's ink 2 os. 4 M. Msd at. j ' Blacking snd Brashes) Powder aad bhot. lis. For sale bj Uet.7t, lwa. . w. xi. wctwoi. , EV OOOOs.AT THE OLII HTAMI, 91 AUIikT S T R E ET. " J E havejut opened our large ami well eb,t"d of I illy ( . ooi is . g i )(. ; it 1 1 ;.s, 1 1 a It I )W A It E. WOO ) ' AND WILLOW WARE. ( I TLLRY, AM) CROCKE RY, AND GLASS WARE ; consisting in part of Calicoes; ( iinghaiii ; Mousliti de Limes ; Alpacea ; Mittinrt ; Cail meres ; Cloth ; Vesting ; Shirting ; 3-1, 7 Hand 4-1 Brown i Homespuns ; striped ami checked Hi.mespuim; Ikil Tick) Kentucky leans ; red and white MaiincU; Llnacy ( 'furky -Red ; blue and white Spun Cotton ; Hosiery-; Merino Shirt and Drawers) Kersey; Bud and negro lllaiikMs $ Table Dia per and loth; Shawl ; Suspender; Silk and Cotton Handkerchief j Osnuburg and Apron (hecks. , GROCERIES i Rio, Lsguyra,St. Domingo and Java Coffee i brown, loaf, 4. clurifled. tmlve rixod n Tirl irra 11 tilu toil KtiPstrt lmrnril (nti. powder, oung llvson and Black Inns; Butter; Lard J Cheese ; Colgate's Pale and Xo. 1 Soup ; Toilet Slid Fancy ' . i.i,...ii....jr.n... e ii... . ui i . r . , n ii.iniiiii.iiivT niifi , niio w -Hll'lli-p , r-in rcr OL ClBrCU Polish, (a new article); Suit; Mustard: Pepper; Siilc', linger; Cinnamon; Cloves; Mace; Nutmeg; Alluraj Salt-Petrc; Cumphor; Saleratus, and sll qualilie of Tobso eo ; Pork ; Mackerel ; I-ultou Market Beef; Smoked Beef and Tongue ; Mrs Miller's, John Dill's, Appleby's, Out call's, and Lorrilanl's Snuff ; bbls , half bid, k bagu lour ) Jliiekwheat; Pickles i Brandied Fruits; Lemon Syrups i Walnut and Toinatto Catsups ; Pepper Sauooj Preserrsd W, I. Ginger j Diarrhiea Syrup, CKAOKERSt Soda, Milk, Butter, Cup, Water, Egg, Walnut, Fancy, ' Gintrer. and Seed Cracker. - . 1 llARDWAREi ., Stock. Plate, Cottage, Pad, Till and Cupboard Lock. Latchu ; Hinge ; Ciiuhlcfs ; Pocket Knives; Knives ami Fork ; Razors; Scissors; Butcher Knives; Sad Irons; Draw- ing Knires ; Auger ; II Collins' and S. W. Collins Axes -and Hatchets ; Frying Pan ; Broad Axes j Cooper's Allies) Unwi lling Knives ; Dowelling Bitts; Rraoc ; I land Saws ; Files; llsnd Bellows; Basting Spoons; Ladles; Flesh Fork; Skimmers; Egg Whips; Weeding lines ; Coffee Mill ; Shovels and Manure Fork ; a flu lot of double and ' single barrel Guns ; Powder and Shot; Powder Flanks and Shot Bug ; a large lot of Pot W are WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. , Painted and Ce lar Tubs ; Painted, Varnished Jj. B.and , . It Cedar Buckets; B. B. Water Cans; Hair and Straw Brooms; Whisk and Hair' Brushes ; Clothe Norse: Axe Nlelve ; Flour Pails : Clothe Pins; Nest measures i Hound and Stropiied Half Bushel Mensuren ; Wnh Board ! Co- ! eon Dippers; Roling Pins; a large lot of Work and travel- , mg liasket. Bill, Letter and Fooleap pajier j Qoills ; Steel Pens; Black and Red Ink, and Books. , LRJL'OR.s AXD WINKS r-r Rcdified and Old Rye Whisky ; Apple. Spanish. Ameri can Cherry and Cogtiiafi Brandies; American and Holland Gin ; .YlalaifB, Madeira. Miiskeat. Port and Mnmslv Wiuc We also have received a large ami well selected stock ol CHINA, GLASS, EARTHEN and STONE WARE And as we do not intend quitting tho CROCKERY BU SINESS, we will keep our stock always complete, wbicb will be sold a low a any other house in the Stain. PER It i.N k HAR ISFIELD ? (Jet. 27 Market Street. 1 J LIT OK IlLWK). County Court Writs; Superior do. do County Court Subpoenas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court. Sei. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indenture; Letters oi Administration; County and Superior Courts Witness and Juror J ickets; Notices to Tax Lint Receivers; Coinmission totake Deposition vouiuy i ouri r.xecuiion; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Aptointmcnts; Peace, State, and Civil War- Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; State Recognizance; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro Bonds; do. Kill of Sale; I nsjicctor' Certificates; Certificates of Justices attend Ing Court; ' . ; i ; Marriage License; . - ,-. Tax Rcct'ipts; -s J Insolvent Notices; ; ' "' Writs of Ejectment) , letters Testamentary; V'endj. Exiiotias; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; , , do. Affidavits: ; Oarnlnhee Notices; n " , Checks, Capo i ear Bank; do. Branch Batik of State; Notes, negotiable at Bank;' Administrator'sBonds; Guardian . do , j' A ppeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ff Appearance do. Constable's do. ! ' Sheriff's Tax do Forthcoming do Prosecution do. Crew Lists; he i C Any Blank wanted, and not on band, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. '. , Officersof the Courts and other officers, and all other per u ns requiring Blanks, oranyother work In the printing line, f wjnld do well to give us a call, or send In their orders. We are determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest ratesforoash. Callatthe JOURNAL OFFICE, T i i - . a.A-. .. ,- ,. "TERlNO UNDER SHIRTS. A small H of 29 or 23 ;. ItA do. on hand, wmcn weare anxious vo ciosa oo a iow a gores for cath. Call at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S....! COTTON YARNS, XD SIIEETIXOS-frorn the bes N. O. Factories, always on hand, and for sale by - i- '' July 30, 1852 l)KROSSET-fc BROWN. CRACKERS. In bbls. and boxes. Butter, Soda. m Su gar, fresh, for sale by . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. ( 'gar, AaEW IJISTS-A lares lupplv on hand and for sale b Oa4 the JOURNAL OFFICE o