I.I C AT . i - I n. i 1 i t T v 1 I ? KIV i 1 I I. 'el. t :i .at r 1 - r . . i i ! a T a' (H r ..;'i e r i n r r tV :h I r r !.ir. i.. ! i ! t f V .t a ? i'i i! i" r -. rt of tt e vn- IV.:icmr Sun f Tliur-!T. (o f r if 1 i?r -I .if mend N rh f Whin,:?v..) thit am:. !!.: mere trta-ii to tl Nal A J r ri i'i- n loll, j rotol jn f. r t' e rnmis! f ?:ruc:.:n in 5.iar.rah Hutr. t '4t4nna!. an 1 in tie Cj Kmr Kiv r, I Jiw Yilati:i(:'!n AlManih e lu rc-iitl the Union of Lot !i Tbur l.ty an. vottrlir. c ran rl n tiling t tit 'f tbis riutter, from whku ti lt-:un the prtieu'ir, either as repaid" amount, t-r upon whii t motion the appr prUiLn fr Wilmint. n wa inMruJ int tlie Mil. From f.in caue, the tfficiil pjperif the Semte the Union an ! InttHencer--tre two JiJ behind- We prcume we will know a! ahmii it to rmrrow. t r MonJaf. If it tuv.J the Senate t.n the 21, anJ went to the House mi the 3,1. the ras.e f the trill would te certain, with the amendment in it. The arcenJmtnt appr piit $"() Aft) f, r a f rtpel!er.(rijate, with Krieson Caloric Knine, was debated ard lejeete l. SoMKTMtNU Good to 1rik Vetirday wa (h Toted to the I otile, and the Journal men tn- k t " 'drinlin; Mineral HVier.'put up hr Mr. . Kbin on, Wilmington, N. C ; pt'ciiuea f which that gentleman courtrou-lr supplied the ounctuiu with both lemon and SurNtparilla, ti) ouy nothinj of thrre bottle tf capital cidr ahout ni 1'ivoly ft' 1 pleasant at champnnt, and certainly ptin r tlum moktofit. Mr. IJ.'s atticlc are certainly very good, and well worthy of patronage, and will he Mill more " ao 'when the. weather gets witriner. To any pmt devil in Wasbinton City, wlut ha 1 been on tin inau guration bender last night, a bo'tln of the S,trsapa rilla would m o god. wouldn't it. though ' I.atrr frmu i:iio,r. The teamer Cumbria, arrited at Halifax. .'Id in stant, having sailed from l.iverpnol tlie 1 ' f la uit Rosing wai firm, and Turpentine itdaiicing Ste markets. The political news of Kngland is unimportant tiler exports tiave irifrens-il nraily T (UiO.OOU The money market was tighter. ( oiimIi are quoted it t 9P to O'JJ. Mxtj-eight lnspngrrs perished ly the sinking of the steamer Victoria, before reported lot !! the coast of Ireland There is nothing; of material interest from France. Napoleon had held it private, interview with the I!ui inn minister. Trocpects were favorable for nn active spiing trade in Pari. Largo orders from America had been received. ir.rre.ir A n i"i n fis .- n. " VrtT-.fr. ti e Irn rxra' b.vl a jrtr ! j'- :. i':c n I rt.rin tl e p '.ti.- it r f ur ! i!v 1 bur; e 1 i ? I '"e c-cpf-'' "i a ! n !? a'i t!.e n--. i..tr-ir fv-w :;,;f. U iuJa.-cJ ii.e,tier.J r,.u ! u ?ed to , ,.r;,-f n A c:" bid jn-t ;n;-d. j the fi. 1 ar:i, !.;.-'. I !, t a will t.n! ':!, I vit., l.a.! Ufu f r a wbo'e ear !'2irg f r t';l.v ia- ! ! j sir ptj.-r. Ktj 'uif v. I V - t. ! Jl ' I ! I ill" !r. h 4 '.. !t . w , - . t ; - . i: ! t. mi : t r. 1 r y -. b- r -'.v t ..-i th if s-i : I'- i'" I.- rt . u. ' 1 ' k I TfirSM t. S ere t.fi h! ol t!, eit-ut hn-s'ir4 of Fif.. i.t ni 'km llf u o" f t-L ni tlf a.f M-H.t jan S .: ,r,, 1 - Ii iLL, Tf -i t; 't. lVVtt w .1. In t!, .t :j !v f :i rt ! 1 pr-firar. t! ir'T tm area i't,'ai,fe. hi U"u ha t, culr t, tu rtt up rr t:i re since, a t ru Ulhtr fat. with a little cul at i M.ur Wbat'a ail tbt ni-" and ror.fa on a hi ko.-.v Mif k- 1 in'o hi f.tr wi-t fully a be? Arjn i-tanre Th surceMul pirtv are ie;..-c:n poured hi'h b'r r ir terl t reeitiN i f the i'u-r.- over lt.e it(i t f ti e I ei lentiai eirc'-on. M Ah, tie rltetiou i ttriait? V. lu wtre the ra-i !. A. We'I, the pr'.nfil tl ran b!.Ves were Clen. 5cr-tt. of the ato.y. anJ Frat.klia i'.etce of New llan p hue. M And ScoM w a e'eete !. eh ? yP. i ihoia but IVrce got a'l the vote ia all the N'ate lut two. That wa the repoit, had Sy heat as that t What cou'd have done it? A Ki!y enoujja ep!iued. A ftvr ijay he for the rVction. anJ when it wa too la'e o Coolru.l rt if, the 1'ieiee men started a tejort and cirru'a'rd tn iiis triou.l) all over the Sta!e. thnt &ilt vm a ll'1lli .' M lVrih. enough In be jt ariy mm Kvit .'1 Allltli. I. In hfharn eiint. m thf IKth but . tv the KfV Mr. !iiri'tt. Mr. Aukm) ..nttH. of KinuU.l.li-t.i!ut, to Mi.- t i! iei. 1 1 . l mtiter of n I liiti U I .ut t r..h DIKI). In thi ti.wn, nn We Ii;- It. 21 , at 2 I' M . after n i!!iif . i f 2 l'iiir, Nt-i-illmin West, of I 'liplm Cnuntj, N. '., ti'ul 20 years. rEKWANEIIirt .1. II. II UKIH, Prffnr of I'iim ami Ornament il Peiirnnhiliiji, rii;N'll!I! S tiM n rvicci t i ttie j nt.lie u 'l c'o li' r T tin' 1 I.i' iut itul sii'l uTul rt nf Writir in all ill vjri ih atlet, u nn l ew mi l .irntifio j riiiiij.!v. 1! tKKM l.N I MliS M AIITIMI. ravfttvville. . (' . A M. KI.ATHI.AN. .!.. ;i;.. W. W. IIAKI.Mi:. .M:iri..n. s , M(. T. (' W'UilTil, Wihmiigluii, C Wilmingtot;, X. (' , Mar. li 5tli, Mi 151 tf From tie' I'avtteville CVnlinim Later ami luiiiwitniit tiom lim imi A in. Ntw York, Match 3. Ruenos Ay res (!a:es of Jan. 2d bae been received. The revolution proved entile ly fuccessful, l'ritii having hcen overthrown. Itlot In C'liarlrsloM M, Man. Boston, March 3 A riot of a seriom chnrtcter took place last niht nt Chaileslown, on account of the allezeil forrihlc confinenieiit of a i 1 1 naineil Cor cotan. Military cotnpHiiics were setil over from Huston anil twenty of the tioteis p.rtesled Further troutileis apprehended, unless the girl is ) roduoed, or a satis factory explanation of her situation given. The Cheruw dinette of Wednesday, says : " Irt jpur last, we stated, that our river had then risen about twenty feet and w is still rising. It roe up to Within three and a half feet of -the August freshet of last year. It has since gone down to good boating order. Wc have heard of no damage Ky the freshet, and presume little was done further than to retard planting operations." PoCLTKY AT llu;il I'kicks. - I he West del seynian inys that tho New York speculators are in Hurling ton county, N. J.. contracting for poultry of the " capon " fpecics. to bo (b liveted in May, tit 2") cts. per pound. Anticipatii n of ajhrongin the city during the World's Fair, ii the reason of 'this exui hitant price for poultry. Mississippi JSk.ntor. H N Kinyon. Fx) . de clines too nppoinimem oi united .t.ites roiwrnrr to succeed Wiilter HrQiikiHfPTRlereil to hbtftTv bisex- " cellenCy Gov. Krfote. In ti-unsilri44trrg Mr. Kinyon's letter to the Jackson papers for publication, Cuv. Footeenys: Having now made nil proper efforts to secure the full representation of the State in the Senate- lor the twelve months which will ensue the lih ni' March next, arid these efforts having proved so lamentably abortive, I shall take no further steps to attain the desired object, and shall leave tho whole matter to be disposed of ns the good people of the State may decide at the ballot box in ivnvi miier next. In Bladen county, last Week, we learn that neirro men hired for upwards ol 1200 for eleven months. And a woman and two very sma'l children sold for upwards of 01500 lay. Observer. Munli Ipnl Kin tlonn. Buffalo, March 2 Eli Cook, dem., has been elect ed Mayor by 3000 majoritv. Rochester, March 2 Mr Williams, dem., has been elected -Mayor by 1000 maiouty. Chicago, Il. Marc'i 1. Chas. Cray, dem, has been chosen Mayor hy a lare maiomy. Trot, N. Y., March 1st The democrats havo elect ed their Mayor, Foster B.isworth, by about 500 ma jority, and 12 out ol the 16 Aldermen, besides Super visors, &c, ' Democrats Beheaded 1 he new Whig Sta'e Government of Massachusetts is setting an e.vamjdeto Gen Pierce, which has spread consternation amonu the United Stales office holders in that btnte. Head? are Detne cnoppeti on in a manner mat reminds one of a New England Thanksgiving, thottjih the one ration will be followed by a fast day to the PufTeien rather sooner than the recipients care about Cleiks of court, fheriffs and under sheriffs, inspectors, are walking the plank in fine stylo Governor Clifford has commenced the era (f good feelings with strong hand, and his friends have no right to cry peccavi," if a democratif administration of National Gov ernment should happen to follohm example. ; The Governor ought to have waited a while. - When you see a good looking young widow ,pro- . tnen 's t! ? freet daily, don't imaginehe .wants a e- eon 1 husband. 0h,euch an idea ,aeert'entera her an I crnebies i f ?.irery be etn?t'l hirrf a be I rogri v l in b iiujii cry details until bis entbu iaiii ws armiM-.l - and the beaiy ey gbaml. at-d th riid ti Mtur rel tld. a the littl hfin n-nr him li-came more and more affected Iy bi bump. word. F'-rjefting the faerel mandate if that meek and b.wly Je-us." wbi profeed minisferrng diet pl he avowed bi;nself : Judge not. and thou shall not be judged Condemn not, and thou eh tit riot 1 condemned uninfluenced by the example of the Holy I hie, who. in an ttndouMrd c te of crime, o teaeh the !eort of ' Thyieiuri beI thyself," ly snid: Let him that i without sin among mt eat the if store:" be hud rolled under bis tongue, ns a sweet morel, this iniquity : stem and narrow judgment of th conduct of his f. lh,w men, ( in cirruni''tan'',s tireclu li' g th possibility ,,f bis (i :i)in thiir tranmiels their motives, or their ac- t l tiors.) from sarhled statement of facts, ur cunning ly deird fa!ities. and in f daily, having perverted his own mind, he gate draughts of this poison to the lip of his child. S'le wa nocommon child one to grow in strength and stature, imbued with the ordinary aefjuireinents and womanly accomplishments of one who would he contented with thf daily routine of life an I let i the fri nds of this fanatirimit pasn tf through the mi'diiini of anti-l teiy. prayer meetings, and other , lik'' agitations in a small way. religious or other- i w'im', that keep the gt iieial run of Yankee vi lagej i;oip and life from stagnation Slir was endowed with faculties and capacities of a kind to move multitudes, and so Mio drank in the ' poisoned decoction of this insane loot, administered daily hy a father's hand at the domestic altar, hy ; the tirei'h in the tu ly. until, like any other stim- I uh nt habitually imbihed, it created a iittcca-ity for larger and stronger diaughts. She learned, she read, '-he drank in kuonl dge ' she opened her luind to enlightened views, be coming th" nge and Country, in many ways but I in i n-tii , ami l'r his uniform kind urnl geutleiuaul dejmrt- the daily drniirht of fanatical excitement, her sooth- I m-nt "lining our mtcn nurse, t Uervloro ingor exciting beverage from ehihlhood. how could 1 , l'"'': 'I but we leinlrr him our lloinks fur tiu uieliji . ... " , , . i c i ' le'l uttfiitioii he lias ciM'ii the ll.i.-i Miiee it hus l.eiii uieler slie. like any other ineb. oite. see and teel lo r error tlj, (.(Pl.n,( ami boldly cast nwav the temptation and break j i:..Jrnl. 'I'lut we reiMnuuiid the sv.-t in taught by Ur. throiorh the habit, bv onen eouvielioii eni iwst. i 1 lai n us t he tiest iohI iuot -oeeil v method of lo ouirn,' u hrnrllrlt prayer, for enlightening truth ' I nfoitutiatelv there are no model reformers, no temperance socinties. to coino to the aid of unfortun ate reding f it the verge of precipices approached unconsciously through mentally ami morally intoxi cating draughts ; those poor besotted ones mut go onward to their fall, mayhap carrying many in their course, without one band to stay, ono voice to arrest. I their downward course Unijrgin'j herself constantly by increased doses of fanatical dopmtts, obtained in every possible way, she kept herself in a state, of mental hallucination, and at length in a phreniied fit of fervid devotion to her erring faith, retired to her closet, indited her concentrated tissue of overwrought falsehoods, and sent it forth to the world through tho medium of an anti-slavery periodical from whose pages it made little noiso : but, when re-printed nnd sent forth to the world in a volume I'mJe 7bw commenced, on paper, that woik of desolating fury, his literary mother vvou'd fain have us think he would have snf feted martyrdom ere he would have abetted it in his bodily presence And. Iroin this land of freedom 'yes. freedom : (for better arc the bor.dmen, in name, who, free 'roni enre, toil for ti comfortable maintenance and eii eful burial, than tho strugging hordes of mul titudinous h'iiu's of circumstance, bom to tho drea riest and darkest drudgery, unsustained by hope, in lews nt moral pollution m the courtly countries of Furope!) of republican institutions of peaceful homes has gone fo-th the aid from the hand and head of a so-called Christian woman to prop the tottering thrones of Kuropo and wcuken the advanc ing waves of republicanism. I'olimuc for Ki hrnn i y. flie Trensurer of the Mint at Philadelphia pub lishes the following statement of the coinage at that stablishment during the month of February : (Jot.i). 1 l.i.dlH Doubb? F.agles ........ H2 .?,H0 S00 C'l.'JI'.o F.agles 2!2ooO i:'.v.ii:i:. A 'A Y f f t V ' '. two l,r;;., h r to i .; it-;, r Ul i ; I Ai:;, ; i t i " !i , r ..... i I, a.,. tl.v .-..i.i-- I.. .-!. ,,f .!.4;f!. t : . j?Tt fl i- t h lo..k i'Si l. r l umV 't.O. ii',. . "- a' t J -in. '1 he ah"t l i ' fl V tr'ol '..J to the KU- l.f r,-r T. ta!t. at, I rr i"n j..--I ,, 1, V I ; at iul tl. - t Fv.tr, a!-.t Mt. 'A i i-U , :. ut'011 "itieat ve M w jrd il! l. I a.t f. I tji if iu.5iirin.-i i t arv .! ;1 , th it ttw .ul. ri-.- .ail i'i lL ut, if for t ir r o-'ir 'v ! l'ie ub--ril.er in aa. -ei t- ij j. I LI.I.T It. I'L'i t. h 11.. kv:. in tf Ilt( IMi AC ',tHKM. V.. Mt'ilPMY. IV ir.or .,f th- iUvr m-'-otrtft Ab luent w-miM nr -, tfully antiutive t the eitiint vf Y!i i-.igtn. Ii4t tt:e end se -ion w:il rfttmrti' on Mcn- dlT. the T'h I lt Ijldirs. 3'cJol'k. 1. l . ( r lit lllien, 1, I'. M Tb' wi liit-j j-ritAti !.. a.- will Sl1 LIm ut tie ( a ii:ia I lo,i I Mrel, :tl. v,t 300 I'I. I I t M. !' Hi l.. ll't 'ill t'.'V, for : lll"llt. reh :t. .Vt l") tf ' VIil. ..!e hw to el.ee eoi'-'gn- i.. J. i.t Tii.i;i. 'i. I ok v.j-. l. S i ( n 1 1 II N 1 1 VWVI. J 'AT, u::deneM;V ( lit 'il, .';'! II.-. Are.lv to 1.. j i.i TTi:i:!.n:i. ?.t,t Mar, ho. s.Vt -t"2- M ..hint-iiii l'o..t I ... 1 50 n xi i.i: low l.y i. 2i'h. : I.I VM IS (.s. (iiiri v 1 iu-t re.-ivid iel for sale i. ii 1 i. M.::. 117 Hi o .01tl, W:iter St. V w k i ri vn i.k. N ( ., 1 ieeen,i,i.r 2.' 1. Is".:', A t a ineei in of the jr-tit I.-itin eoiii'i.i 11 t he ( of 1 1 r II. I I hiri is, I'rof s-nr of l on and nniatiieiit;il lViiiiiau.diip, the followijf re-oltit ion wi re nnauiinoii-! v adopte.l: U'llHO Ah.. We lilt' lleHilcnis of X lt--HI H J Olir ,'ittitU'ltf to 1 r. Ihu ris for his fin nett snd interested eiujen 01 - lo in Mnict us in tlmt vuluikhle hrHie h of eilueat ion, skilltil i'en- 'lil I et k now e,ge i, 1 1 ! lei s II II I I tie ! r ,oier 101 111 m 1011. liitoliul, That llne iioecediiis he -ined hv the t h:iir 111:1 11 mil Si en tut v,-thut 11 copy he furnished )r. Iluiris, iii;d th.it the llditnrs ol the ( ihsem r und ( uroliniiin hu ri -s eet fully ri iiinsti il to jiuhlidi them in their respective ii pcr.s. Jul IN . .M A I lllY, ( h'n. II. Mi Kktii . Sec'v- Ti the M iiiitliutc I'uh'-r : The lltldct . signed would re.-r eet full v rciiic-t ! lint ii meet in of the titii'lis of the town of illuilitoii, luiallrd on nesil.iy iveniii(, !Mh inst . in order th;it 11 full ciressjoii of ojiitiion tuny lie iilitHitii'il iipnn the propriety ol luiil'lui 11 liuilioiul from Wilmington to Fiiyettcv ille, eotiiR'et iny with the I iiyitteville and vVestern Kailrou'l. i.iitx i:kv nr.i'OT. riinsii sr.ii " .sir;.""' IK. V, hT' isn iiri re'eiii;g a new -apply of evrj th injr jroo.l for sullerii e; Ii 11111.1 11 it v . I ie-li r-nr! i ii s in -ni:i 11 :,n, l.ir.' In. rs; '.rowii chir'fieil. eru-hed :ind In. if ni;ir; t one oil in pint and iu:iit hottles; ( hoeot ite; el'.'iek. d :oel f.rep.'ind ( ' 11; Maeearnni; er- Hieeill: ; Tapioea and corn March : I 1 1 1 let or esse nee of ( of f. e. i.iie pttjier i 'i tal to s ral poin ds of ( 'ofl'ce Preserved and tl.'-v J ilioti for table ue. a new article iicver hcfnr. iit r i','etioi'r io ties city : a d sh lot of .Man',"' an I pit-k 1 s, ill k'leis ; A Tim inline, I lir talioe and Tullu'v t iinillcs ; . ('. .110! i.iiea ll.ieoii and Lard ; ',ekip l'i:n,e are! I!uiies; Tin 1 1 e. a ;.ei 1 soi t moot ; wool and i!loir ware; Step Ltoldeis; 'i, seiapei': Uiions aiel ( 'i..f,?; ami sotne '. inline plantin;; Potatoes; hre-li Meal nmi llomotiv; Hulter: i'.n'l w heat aiel t'leur: and all S"rt i f eatahles. Anil ju-t let en tiv, .1- lam i:i w.itit of inonev. ciine up Ve honoralile Si 1 rui'i!M.i:s ami pay tne, tliat I may pay tho 1 U I II. s I,. 1 11 1, not ow e tie III one cent . kn' If th" thiol ( hapl. r and 1'iiid V. r-e of St .lolin, that re-i.les m I 1 1 ! . . . I -i 1 ' . 1 . will 1 ,ok in th" I'os' ( iffiee. in that place, m,im li i w 1 ii he inund to it , In- or In r a d an-t.i-v Ma -eh IM. 1 :' .'ll-tf. 1 III lil.llM.K lit ll.OI'.lt'.. riher will ei tit raet with an v en nine tent nnd re- mii; sui .sponsible person to en i t 11 llri.lir ,HII ss the i tth Last, fib Mi (Quarter F.agles, .... I2'.).71.r) VJSAM Cold Dollars 2)S.m Sii.vkr -44.200 (Quarter Dollars.... tbVOOO Dimes lo.r).000 Half Dimes 2,700,001) Three Cent Pieces. $2.y:U.2W) , ' H.0,,0 l..r)(i0 f).7r)0 81.000 A. I . DeltOSSLT, Jr W. C. iniTTLM'ol I!T, i;i)W'i KiLDiii:. .IAS ANDLb'sOV. A. II. VA M!( KILLLN, JollN Melt A L. .io.-ih'a ;. wi;ii.;nT, O. C. I'AUSLLV, II. M IT. ALl'.MtT ADAMS. JOHN' I! . KLSTON', HA.N'L DH'KSOX. II. L. lldL.MLS, V. i. MCKINSoN, J. II l LANNLi:, V,. A KLITII, . l.ATI.MLb'. i;dwai;ii sa ACL, t;i;t. davis. IL !'. lilldWN, li. KLANNLK. 11. .1. Lt'TTLIILOU, .IAS. T. MILLLH. W.M. It. MLAKl.S, L. IIOLMLS. SAM'L .!. I'LUSON, i;li w. hall. TOAVX MKIOT I Mi In piirsitenee of ubovo reuui'd, there will he n nifotin of tli eitizuiix of the town nt tin Court House, on Wcilnc,sili.v evL'tiiiiK. theOth inst., nt o'clock, to obtain a full c io.-s-ion of iiiiuioii upon the propriety of building a b'ailread from Wilmington to FaycHcville, eutuiert iri tbe 1'nyeltc. ville and Western llailroad. A lull attendance ofthe cili.iiis generally. i particularly rrouested. W. ('. llOWAKD, i. l'.yoo tan. .March 4th, . Vrl-lm Ai ilvnl nt the l't'lii('liil llolcU. CAItot.lNA 11 . P- Woon. I'to),! ietor. March I .1 M Kalcninor, T II Scster. X Y; t'nptllan hntn, l'loridn; II Cllstner, W H Lester. C. I! I'.rnwn, .1 II I! Tnylor & fainily. Miss llsmherts, '';; II Hrnntim, V'u: II . I Harris. W' l!nn.soin. Miss Sininmn, .1 (' Ackerson, 1! Otr, T Mcliurgo. A '.ill.v-y.ie. I Scott. W Tat.eut. N ('.: .1 A Wont, Philn: I (' White, Mr White, Halt; W li IVncock, Ala; dipt M t'ohh. on tho sea. WasII.N0TN & L.W.AYK.I'Ti: TllAl.l.Y ii. W 11 1 I', I Kl.l), Proprietors. March 5th. L W Field. N Y; .1 W liutland.l L U littt land. LC (hit is, V S Mnlh tt, .1 Parker. Jr.. N'C; W Kd ly. W P F Kelly, S I'; C H Liifrhind, Heleware; W Khodes. Ad inis & Co.'s Lxnrcss; II 11 .Ionian, Mrs .1 .Ionian. X ('; I H Thouipson, .1 S Kelly, li I linniiiond, S ('; H K ,M Wil liams. (In; Si Diinhnr, A in; ! D Smith, Ya: M Stevens, I il (iolson. II II Harris, A hi: K Cohan, Mobile: II II Cook, SC; U' II ( lurk Jr , Mr ( liecn, li iehinond. 'a. It iver. on the sit., of t li old hi I'I id;."' I he t! ei i i ut this point is :t."iil tn l wide. Piiiljie !.. rest on pile- lt iri ti into the be 1 of the river, and he liuiiMied with a r:: JA.ML.- 1 . Y,: lILIi. February 2ith, H.VI l.VMf P tersbutg luti Hi e in" r a tol Fa vet t . ille ( 'h.-ci 1 1 r cup J oir month, and enl aeuonnts to this onice. t; i ; ix, 'I 211 r.lloAHWAY, N. Y. MIL attcTition of Merchants nhmit to visit w York, is invited to the peculiar ailvantai" s offer, d fr. wholesale purchasers of Hats, at the t-tahli.-huu t t of HLMX, 211 I'.roadway The improvement which il is well known have been in troduced in the imnuifaeture of Silk I lats ai his well known factory, the iiiiniensi. trade which the ho,:.' coiiiniainls, and the ilc terminal ion of the proprietor lo p:0 his fabrics down to the lowest market price, ,i m t hot i the a-.-et t ion, that Hats of a betd r tpiaiity of their mm tal ya.les than imv ot hers in the city, in i v be obtained cheaper for ( ":i -li tit 214, I'lioadwiiy , than at any other Hat Watt l.ou-e in the I'nited ."talcs Tho leniti 1 lats for the coming Sje iu, are of three j u a 1 -ities, u lid sold respectively at :'!. ,: II. and i:U per douui. i.L.MN, 121 1". P.tMH.Iwav. N. Y. Feb 1. --fill I,, i ( i posit,, st PauFs. IM1VI.II. LM.l.liAI. n.l,AA.NI I'iK'M. with or will it oat build, can I I.t..iii."d in on si 'ni i !e house- on Mai k t slit et - or art:. nlat s. ap ' t . pu- o. m Miami; p. cllmlnt. Wiltuinortoi. I'.b. 2st. -C,; in ly Mil l, K. IIF Subscrioer leu itiir lini-licil hi-.-. country, i-' now in town and trie for any kin I ofiv.uk iu hi.s line of hitsi p. titer ii o. I Contractor I if pa ir'njr ih"ic neat 1 v atid w il h J i - j .., ; Feb Sto. d the mcst dc- f': !'! tit t acts in t he v I .. cot; t raet f -is ess, ns ( 'ar il, w. i.'osi:. h. ;. w. i;. i::2-:itpt w ti tkt:. ah bids ,inc ti... sub-. 3.0ol).f)S0 Coppkk. 200,03 1 Cents 200,(K11 (told Hall 'ton- Deposited. From California. From other sources.. !041,.r.8,J 31 $3,517,000 31.500 $3,548,000 Silver Bullion. Deposited 13,000 The Cincinnpti Enquirer thus burlesques the old musly claims that are being constantly trumped up against the government : Claim kor Noah's Ark We see it intimated that a claim is about to he urged before Congress for dem nily to the direct heirs of the Honorable Minister Noah, who, it will he recollected, had his big boat badly Moved during high high water, along while ago upon one oi the bars ofthe Rorky Mountain?. This comes from the war with Mexico ami the acquisition of California, which, of course, brought into the pos session of our Government the point of country where the accident happened with all its responsibilities. As the claim will be well authenticated, nnd large en- ough to warmly interest the attention of Congress, there are hopes among the petitioners that it will go through quickly. The Mock is now greatly above par, and rising. None but those who can vote tt through are allowed to buy. ' ' A lawyer' recentlrineerted the following adter tisement: . To be Bold, one hundred and thirty-one suits at law, the . property of an eminent attorney about to retire from business. Note. -The clients are rich nnd, obstinate." . e, - v 4, Eyes are the Electric Telegraph ol the heart,- that will tend a message any distance in a language only known lathe two souls who correspond. - 1 r VATKI) TO YOUNC. X lit UtO WOMAN, to cook, was-h nnd iron small family A YOl A f-.r a March 5. Umly nt the 151 tf JOUKNA OFFICK. MO.MIiNTLY t'xpevted per L.rtg .Mazatlun, lroin .New Orlennt": 2ll hhds. new '.ncon Kiilcs, 20 " " " fhotihlors, 3r)() hbls. " Mens Pork, 100 kegs " Leaf Lard, fit) him. prime Molasses, 53 " llcctified Whiskey. For sale in lots ns wanted bv MILLS COSTIN, Ii 5rown's Wharf. Iluminers l'robatum lisspnee W. C. HOWAIil). Fob. 21, 'S3.- l lfi-tf TSSliNCK OF COFFKIi. of Coffee. For sale hy FAYETTliVlLLIi FLOU li. -20 bids, t-uner fine, just in. by JOS. J. LH'I'ITT. AjTAKNS. 5 hale Benhow'n Factory in utore, hv I March 5th. 'JOS . .1. Lli'PITT. 25 btils. AVhiskev : 10 do. JOS. J. LliM'ITT. WlllsKliY AND CIDER. Cider, by ICIi AM) HAY. Wtons ICJi; 2tihales prime linstcrn HAY. For sale hy ADAMS, llil). &. CO. CIIARl.ESTOV t LOItllJ A STKAM PACKETS. I illicit Stnten Mnll L,lm. SliM I-WEEKLY". fONNKfTINO WITH THE SEW-VORR STEAMERS EACH WAY. Till; CAROLINA. L. M. Coxptter ma.'.ter, jSpf? will leave every Saturday Afternoon, nt J o'clock, tonchlng nt Jacksonville, l'ieoluta and I'ilatks. oa the St. John's Hiver ; returning, will arrive in Charles ton on H'cdnrrday. The FLO til DA, Charles Willy mnster, willletiveon 7W- dau Afternoon of each week, at same hour, nnd, in ndditon to the above ports, will stop at Ubiek Creek ; n'tariiine.will fttriv on Saturday Mmnme. Due notice will nlwiivs be given when the Ctirolina lunkes an extra trip to St. Au rustino.' It is only considered necessnrjr to say that these boats hnxfi been built especially for this trade, and command ed by the most experienced navigators. rare to Jacksnnrilh. $3 . Fare to Pilatka... f 10 For Freight or Taseage, apply on board at Southern wharf, or to i - . juit.N w.uALUwr.Lh, hands of an ofliccr for Feb 2s. s.Yt for ( i.L. not toaccd in tho olloction, without rcsi.cct to jicr-ons. ELLIS. l;rM-.LL & in, 1 )() r'lU Fcb'v lsn,. 1 s."i: ro.-i L. now hitidinp I'ricc ft .:') j-cr ton. ih liM rcd. on .'.'livery. Thi-tio'. vi'.l hi jii, ; rnlhnrtt to. LLI.l- IMH.LL & ). "lyoclii.N AND WILLCW WAIMi. T 10 nets ( pilar Tub": I do. Horc Titirki'ts: M d-z. Painted l'.uclu ts; t " Cal.c Toar.ls; 10 " Uroouis; " ;in ( overs; I " Alietiiit Ma's: 1 " Jute .Mats; 6 " liadict.s. ail kinds; 1 " Falling Top ( abs. Pcpnrr Foxes. Spice do . Spoons, Ladles. Fork?, and eve ry article wanted by housekeepers. r en. i. Fit sale low bv W. C. IIOWAHD. Feb 15 T AH I)! lOhhls. mid 25 kegs best X. C. Lard, just rcceiv- IJ 5 hh.ls. I'orto Kico Sugnr; 10 hhl.s. ertished do. 10 " coffee crush 'd do. For sale low. bv W. C. IIOWAKD. ed and for sale hy Feb. 9th 1S5I1 DeHOSSET k DHOWN. Feb. 14, 1853.-137-liwljj 139 East Day Charleston. SEED OATS. 500 hu-diels; Cats, a superior nrticle, put up expressly for seed, in 3 bndifd lings. For sale by Feb. 16 MILES COSTJN, Frown's wliarf. HOLLOW WAI! li A large nnd full assortment, also, one large Copper Kettle, for boiling clothes. For ssle by V 0. I IOWA HI). II WAX A LOTTF.ItV. Cnrtini Pri7.e sioo.o! o -.o.tioo-sin.oro. Til E next grit ml dm wing will tnke place on thp 1 1th March. IVrsons wishing Tickets, will please send their orders before the Stb March, and thev will he attended to hy TIIEO. OUKSXAKl). Jr.. No. 5i I'nval Street. Mobile. Whole Tickets $20 Halves f 10 Quarter? $5 Eighths t'2 ft"- (Feb. H, 18. " FOR SAI.IS. OX Tuesday loth March. 1853. at Exchange Corner, at 11 o'clock, (unless previously disposed of nt private sale.) will he sold, the HOUSE AND LOT on Northern . ' 1 . t O l . i , 1 . T ' 1 ., . ... -nw et BmirKnTf iw.wra-n fiiniir tlnn IMnTn cTrCcrS, belonging to the listate of the late Fa-Tan S. Koonce Terms, six months credit, with hond and approved se enrity. A. KOOXCE, Exeentrix. Feb'y 27th. 1853. I KFtds. GnOCERIES. Just received and in prime order, 5 hW. ! P. R. Sugar ; 10 hags Rio Coffee j 20 do. Java do.: IO .."urii laiorr . i nmi rnip. rxtTn tnnai r tour J 50 bags do.: 50 hhls. Whiskey ; 20 do. Old Rt do : 20 drv Apple Prandy; 20 boxes I'ibj Ale. for sale low. hy iMarcb 1. W. C. UCWAP.D