i V y "J ' N V PUBLISHED BY FULTON i PRICE. Wll.MI.NCiTO.N, .NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25."lS53.' SIX DOLLARS A A LAR, IN .US WHOLE NUMBER i VOLUME 2. NO. 223. KS.lt OF ALT Strata. 1 day 25 2 dj r, .. au 3 day,. 4 dtyt, i ' 5 dam, 75 1 week.. t7l 2 weeks 1 S7 .'1 mouth, 2 00 -2 month!, S 50 '3 moctbi, 9 00 ' months, 9 00 1 year 15 00 ADVERTISING. . 2lJ .. 3 day.., 4 day ... 5 day v I WRImh 1 .... ... . .$3 50 . "5 . 1 00 1 25 1 SO 1 75 4 ICTIONEER AND COMMISSION MLKCIIANT. 2. WiutiNeTv. N. C. Refers U tit rot!",? re ai!!t. Mstckt. Real Ktat, B Strttft, touehl Mi toll po a cwmuiissioa ( te i r evtil. it .iia, -wm idjrll 8.? RlZUlt KD ft-'AHK. 2 wks 2 75 1 month 4 00 2toaihs 7 00 Smooths 10 00 month 1U) lvear.... SO 00 , C. rtEEXA ra, St. T. SB! tWA A otTTOS, wil'.i k HulSTO, " MERCHANTS AND FACTORS WiLttJTos, N. if J keep constantly cb hand attack atlumr, CV, rust Boom, Atr, Lftt. A'urur. A J-!m. 7'iAin . Cirari Stuff. CuHiiirn Suit . jn Iimritir t Jaunt t ami Tea ILbci are counted a a wjuare, ana it iib mcwi h ia ; rs, .-at, fund, cv, o'Jit, lhmttvt, tint, filf-martj. Lester advertisement ia proportion, and all Utktr, .i;ruuiturm .mpltmtntt, and a ya- " l"y oi otaer article. aiuurj amity and plantation yayaole rn advance. I M M(1 tllt reUil traJe nif a tft , m Ju, j ia to irAU mix tqtttrei boi pai ior ia ano iua acin of roanmeri oo rttvtonafclt tcrui Ur cfeQ, or la th&ra M fiuar. f xentcje lur MtiI More or otbrr product -3- Va V.iVKa t!n wik.Ia wit limit & rMTWinjliild Binil . I ncnarwrea ociiw, ana ouumricB, wm t cogra dui nungton. If denrtd, adrnei willb made oa eoturirn tk abTt rate Calialtjj pajatla ia advance. Arrival and Departure of Mm Mailt nudcr (ha new ArraMftnMMit, which wmt Inta operation, 1st March, JM. Ta Mail from toe North U due ertry dy at 9 A. M., and at J l M. Close at 1 T. M., and at r. M. precbe- The MH Tor the South clote at 9 A. M. The Mail from Oonlow Conrt-He, kneads Ferry, fce.. it due erery Monday at 5 r. M. Clotet every I hurtday at P.M. The Mail from Long Cirek. Black River Chapel, tc, it doe erery Thursday at 6 P. M., and dote tame sight at t P. M. The Mail from Fyettcrille, ria Eliiabethtown and Trot- Feet Hall, k.3., via Wilmincton aud MaorhcHcr Hailruad rom llobintoa' loat Office, it due every Tuesday. Thurs day, and Saturday at 1 P. M-, and elosei tame duyt at 9 A. M. The mail from Whiterille, ColuraViti county, per Wil mington and Manchester Railroad it due at 1 P. M , and dotes at 9 A. M. every day. 43An extra Package will be made up for Letters going North of Richmond, Va... which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters must be in the Office at the hours above named, or they will not be Mailed uutil next succeed ing Mail. . meat to and from either tlace. All buinea entrusted to them will receive proper attest iun ; and orders for Goods win be promptly ana carefully ailed UCSHELL M BUOTIIKR, (i.atk kixi", Rtsrt.r. a ro.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made ou consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. F.UWAKU J. LITTKRLOII, "nOflWARDING AXI) COMMISSION MERCHANT, X Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for SteamtTS ROWAN, FANNY Ll'TTERLOll and MAJ. W. BARNET. April 1st, 1H'j3. ,77"Lr W. II. MrKOY. COMMISSION AND FOWAKDING MERCHANT, South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. JOSEPH II. FL.AMVKR, GENERAL Commlttlon Merchant, 2-ly Wilmington tT.C. HOUERT O. RANKIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 237 Wilminotox, N. C. m ' ... - , , , , , . . i. .., . in. XV. V. HOWARD, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. JT South Water-st., Wilmington, N. C. JAMES ANDEKSON, EDWAUr SAVAOK. AXDERSOV iV SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. . C. FRKEMAI, GEO. not STO.- FREEMAN fc HOUSTON, Wilmington, N. C, D. C. FREEMAN fc CO , Kcw York, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. W. II. NtKOV. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER . South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, intends keel ing at the a hovf tn.l.aUrifcrtnintufGR(H,KKlKS. I.IUI OltS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale aud retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all erdcrt from the eountry. 1 would respectfully invite the citiiepi of Wilmington and the adjoining eountry, to call and exainiue my stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry on a general com mission business. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Naval Mores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cah advances aiade on consignments. Wilmington, October tith. 152. 27-tf-filf J. WESSKL, R. K. IILKUS. WESSEL & EII.ER. COMMIIOi Mrrchantt and W hotrtale nrorert, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, inteudtokeep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and lroviins, at wholesale and to carry ou a Ccucral Commission Rusiucst. REFESEXCR E. P. Hall, Pres't Rranch Bank of the State, ) O. ( J. Pabxliv, lVet't Commercial Buuk, WilmingtonJ P. K. DiciiNsofi, Esq., ) Poi pe k Co., I v Y . IX.i tWEat PorrtK.S lHj VVIL,MIt;TO (. t.) OIL WORKM. B. FLANSEK. HENRY TALL. FLANNER Jli TALL, ANl'FACTUK KI5S of a suiN.rior LUBRICATING OIL, PAINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR- N1IIES, PITCH, kc. K. Ar T. are alo tnanufiicturing a LUBRICATING GREASE, for Carriage aud Cart Axles, Slides, Itc. 'I'his GREASE works cleaner, and is cheaper than any that has yet been offered for sale. Samples of both Oils and Grease, may be seen at the office of Mr. J. II. Flanner, 25 North Water street, or at F. Ar T.'s office. California. N. B. No admittance on the works. May tHh, 1863. !!!llf DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the stylo and firm of McKoy k Robortt, it thit day dissolved by mutual consent. 1 be unsettled business or the firm will be arranged by W. II. McKoy alone. W. II. McKOY. Jan. Z7, IIZZJ J. Jt. HUMMUS. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire Interest of .1. II. Roberts, in the firm of McKoy & Koberts, I will continue the GROCERY k COMMISSION BUSINESS at heretofore. At the same time I take this opportunity of returning my sincere thanks for the liberal patronnge extended to the late firm, aud solicit a continuance of the same. W. II. McKOY. Jan. 27th, 1353. w. ivr S3 'rwiKOlOH TKKKTS p.hTWEEN WH.MINl.l t - X .. r . AND FALT1MORE. FARE IIS i WM l'KTEKBl KG. KH HMONO. AND WAHI.NCr I r 'TV.OR u WLUON. likTS.MOLTH A.ND Fvrtlrkets, apply at the Cffic f the Wi!m!rztoa and ...... v. n.uiiuMvuu.1,01,! i, iinirgiig, era; ne n'v ice iuiasore M-ta i"acket Lwpaay, and ef the Halt more and Oh i Kail Read Conpaey, lVa'tl Mmt, Kalti iaor DR. T, B. CARR, reeently frm New YmI, hatepened an e-fflc aa Market street, JL- A next d.MH t lrt. Miaeis k A.dei. vaTtTTTI la ad litioa to a full assortment of theWst iocm-niH . . . L L. L . L. I.. ' . . . . ... ' una, r b ice cxciustTt rigns i u is tnis towa. if. jonn Alien s l atent tmprevement, tjy which the teeth are united te the plate, with en eoatinaea. mineral gan. Thit hat endtred. without tbt L'xhteil chant, the set err Ft test, and it pronounced by com intent Jadgt the greatest improTrmeai in me lnil Art. tbat has been made m years iimeBS or the aew kind of relate teeth. trether with numeri'ut testimonials may be seen at hit office. Inference riven to individuals in thit rtaee. now wearin .1 . . " irria mi mil improvement. ,1'!, .... . . . . uraingion, Jan. ab, 1V)2. 7tf 10 ltP.W A II IK f) ANA WAY' from the subscriber, tw negre girlt ana tour cnnaie, iit MAK1IIA. a bright . a 1 mulatto, five feet four r five inrhet high, took wi her two girl children, Irancis and Ann : HANNAH, ithfH copper colored, about the same height of Martha ; -dk uantiati tK) witn Icr two ma'e children, Iiand John. The above negroes formerly b'loned to tha Kitatt of Georce T- l!arkdaK', aud are nuMed to be luikitii? about the Cape Fear, about Mr. Window's plantation. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any Jail so that the subscriber can get them, or fortheir delivery to the sub scriber in Sauipm county. FLEET K. PLl ERS )N. .laron 4tb, 153-tf. HOARD. EVERAL PLEASANT KOoMs, with or ith out board, ean be obtained in one of (he mom da. sirable houses on Market street. For particulars, an- . . . s . X IH-ly H. DOLLNKR, O. TOTlER.jr. DOLLNER k POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16l-ly New York jf?" Liberal cash advances made on consignments ISO. POTi'S SHOWN, A KM A NO J. DEKOHSKT, )t.t R. F. BROW.N. IIROWN & Dt ROSS SET, New York, DeROSSET A BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. John MacRak, Dix. Donald MacRae, John W. K J. D. McRAE V (O., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 712 Wilmington, N. C. ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. fTlIIE subscribers, as Agents for the above Company, will X take risks at lair rate. J. & U. McllArJ & OO. November 27th, 1852. 3. HAVING sold my entire interest in the firm of McKoy & Roberts to Mr. W. II. McKoy, who will continue the business at the same place, I return tny thanks to my friends for the liberal patronage extended the firm, and solicit a conlinuance of tne same for my successor. JI'.KKY II- KOUI'.UJS. Jan. 27th, 1X53. J. M. HOUIKSON, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kind 1 of Hardware, Cutlery, AGKlCUImiAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrecs, Mill tnd Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, J!irots, kc. &o. I lis stock is now verv full and complete, with ma. ny additions of new and useful articles in the house keeping line Merchants who are disposed to patronise Southern t tablishinents, are gwrntttrfd all articles in his lino as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, .V V., Sept. Zl, 1,V2 DISSOLUTION. rpiIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under tho 1 firm of HOWARD & PEDEN, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. The books of said firm having been closed, all persons indebted to them will please make payment to W. C. Howard, who is alone authorized to settle the busi ness thereof j and such persons as have claims ngainst them win present them to him lor settlement. W. 0. HOWARD, Jan. 1, I853-M W. N. PEDEN. ply to MADAME P. CLEMENT. Wilminr ton. Feb. 21st. ISM W 1 TE It AitllA.( K .11 E T . "jlTRS. E. A. FORD would take this method of in- A iv I forming the citizens of Wi''u!ngton and vicinity I !i! that the has rcGtted her house and rooms in a nt -llL and comfortable manner, and Is now prepared to accotnmo. date a number of Boarders by tho month, either with or without lodi-iiie-s. Some of her best roumt will be reserved for transient company. y,i rrom f l to by the month. October 2 KVJ 4 tf "A tiOOD COOK wanted, for which a rood price will be paid, by the month or year. Apply to Mrs. FORD WOLFE'S AHOM tTK Hi IIEIDAM SCHNAPPS. rpilE SURSCHlllEBS having been ajpointed the solo I agents in Wilmington, for the sale ot this tupe rior ar ticle or Holland Giu, offer it tor salo in quart and pint hot tlet and lugs in any quantities to suit purchasers. It has been pronounced by the hlirhest medical authority a superlative Tonle, Diuretlo, Antldyspeptle, and Invigorating Cordial, and they ean confidently recommend It to every one uemnoui oi obtaining a pur articit ot ilollaua (in. Feb. 7. WESSELt EILEBS IN STI'RE II 7 L art recrirg r 1 ,1 1 l !7 ef r. llf lr C.tltfT ft . : z : ni.i-.sj is art at t ffe-Uf yjra. Km, iVrta Rira, E1 J ;ar lt :w, and New Ot!rat, I . l-af. t"rn.bd. V Wred, l.raaaUted aa4 t U.-.I leas, tit all niu, irtm acd I ;k futWr; lard; Sap N. 1 aa 1 ToUt: .vrnr. Adtaatit, Wat aad Maa!4 CaCt ! ATb.pt ; i;br ; l tn Vltt$ Nntsegt j te. lUt aal Navv tread; Soda LitctLit La.ia a Crack e rt. 3 Sreros, wiater strained aad FUr ttat 2 1 'live, la hfkrt. hot tlet and beittet ; Castor, la barrels and bU).-. lJJL-ORs. Taady, Rum, Cia, Whitey, Wiae aal Cord a!t MULLETS. A large sapply en hand, N-ptemUf tlie. wooden and wiluw ware. Willow Cabs, Covd. and ejxa bukeU; Cedar and painted TaN and 1'ackett ; Fhiur Pails, Iron bound and narred half bashel nieim.n Nett M azures, W ell Ruckett, A le Helves, Cwa I H j t frcpWJek.Twin. 11 Cord. Wash Poards. Kollm i Fancy Uird Caft, KlOgroas Matches, Is. OILS, i'AI.N IS A.NU PAINT Uai'SIlLS. t. ti round Paint Pruhes; 2.INSJ lb. 1 Uck and Whit lead V erdigris, raw and boiled Oil. 5) tuii y Kegs, 5 and lOrnHone. . . HAIUAV'ARE AND CUTLERY. (vniveiand Kotks, lWket Knives, Curry (Vmli, C , ft J Weeding, li ice and Grubbin Hoesi Frviu? 1 oif.s) Mills, Ueiahts and Scales, lurki. Miovl. fu'.,' SeUes, Axes ' ' DRY GOOD AND CLOTHINGS. Osnahure. 1 irilliniM. Demins. Plankets. Gaoreia l".'?, andflO BolTt Kerwys. nuns. Raisins, Currants, Citron, 1 "runts. Almond, Canton G in- ger, tie. FA TEH. 2) reams, all sites. Wrapping Paper: 20 do. letter, Cap and Bill do. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. 6 canes fine Chewing Tobacco Half barrels Snuff 60,0)10 No. 1 brand Cigars. CHANDLERY. Tlocks, Hooks tnd Thimbles. Manilla, llemn tn 1 CctS a Coning , ( kuui, Oars, leather, is , ka. For snU by '' I, l'-' WILLIAM C. HOWARD. Ca JVtiS, JARS, AND CHURNS. 1 A CRATES assorted Stone Ware, ooimisting of Jars 11 Jotrt n,l f'hnrn. At. SO 1ft Si II., u. lug k Co." Sugar Candy. 5 bbls. Fulton Market Beef, IIOfM) Ihs i. ttaroiina Bacon, ZT boxes superior Cheese, 20 bbls Wliidkey, 40 bbls. assorted brands of Flour and Ruckwheat For sale cheap at the old stand ot Feb. !Hh. 131 tf. PERRIN& IIAKTSFIELD. HANDS WANTED. lO OR 15 ABLE BODIED LABORERS, bv the month I or for balance of the year. Apply to Col. John Mc- Re. or - (). (J. PARSLEY- Wilmington, N. C , March 12, 1M3. j-tf IRON SAFES. C1 RICH k CO.'S Improved intent Salamander Safes U warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The snbseribert bavinr aeeeptcd the aireuey for the sale of . .... "...i " me aoove nigniy approved ?ales, are reparel to rurninli any site or pattern which mty be wauUid at manufayturers' jiriecu, ueiivcreu in ininpiacc. Specimens of several sites have Just been received, and or ders will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852 tf DeROSSET It BROWN. KATES OK FJl RIGHT FROM KKW VORK TO WILMINGTON. A. II. V AfN IIOKK KliFTV, GENERAL AGENT, 'COMMISSION k FORWARD- AJT ING MERCHANT, WilmingtoD, N. C. Particular attention given to tale and purchase of Naval Stores. i fjan. 1. 1853. flOO-ly : : :: S. II. A J. A. EVANS, WHOLESALE ancl Retail Druggist, Wilming ton, N. C. ( Will keep always on hand a large and very select stock of ijauua, ivir.uiii Viir,ivin;AJj, rAliN l s, oiL,r, GLASS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, PATENT MED ICINES, PERFUMEtY, &c, at low prices. Jan. 17th, 1853 I CO-PARTNERSHIP. TNIIE nndersicrned having purchased tho interest of Cant J. Gilbert Potter, in the Cowan Steam Mill, have this day entered into Co-partnership under the name and style of rudder & Martin, tor the transaction or the Lumber busi ness in all its branches. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. E. KIDDER, Jan. 3d, !853.-l03-6m S. N. MARTIN. NOTICE. rt .ilE undersigned, a committee appointed by the County. J. Court of New Hanover, will contract for the building of a ismutif,, furnished with a draw, across the IWth hast branch or tape rear Ki vcr at Hilton, ror particulars ad dress March 25, IS.j.J-171-tf Town papers copy. ii um t f a t y i j ti nf . t r . -. f. ' . O ALEX. McRAE, - S 3 VV.VT A WIM;ilT ' B O. FENNELL, t. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURE It AND DEALER IN CABINET Furniture, Bod.-teads, Chairs, Mattresses, kc. kc, Front street, South of Market, Brown's building, Wilming ton, N. C. I Sept. 10, 1832.-9-ly WlCLIAM 8. HEAD, ---rTTcr otf TT a n CiriM r A IVTPll ivn nmrn H IIa.noer. Second t., 4th door Hth of Market, Wit mine-ton. N. f!.. 1 Snared at all times toexei,f .n K.i. of the County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to . .. . . - a . i 1 . . NOTICE. y. kt. rars.ey, c. sqt, r Wilmington. N. C. ncss rn hit line, in a Beat and tvorkmnnlike manner. 193. . WW. M. IIARRISS, GENERAL Comitiltlon merchant & Ship Broker, ! Wilmington, N. C. REFERENCES: Dudley k Huntington, ( ..Tas. Corner & Son Baltimore. E. A. Soudcr & C(f., Philadelphia. Thompson k Hunier, ) .9iynrc M. M. Freeman & Co., J .Tnft Hunting, jBoston. 12-ly MERRIMAN & WOODRUFF. ; TI TANtJFACTUUERS OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE It ItX Rosin, and dealers ia Dry Good and Groceries, Strick Jand't Depot, N. Cjt (feb. 12, 18531364a IiAynER GILMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' NEW YORK. Refer ece). TJ. Kidder, Eeq.j J. IE planner, E.j M Liberal cash advances made on consignments. f enru.iry 1 1 1 a , , i - ascertain for what sum the present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for plans and estimates for the building of a new Jail, hereby give notice that they will receive bids for the present site, and also proposals, accompanied by plans and specifications for the erection of a new building. Address, W. CBETTENCOUKT.) T.H.WILLIAMS, V Committee. S. D. WALLACE, ) Wilmington, N. C, March 25tb, 1853. i"Town papers copy. 17I-tf NOTICft. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name and style of POTTER k KIDDER is this day dissolved. All persons having claim against tha late firm, will please present them for settlement forthwith, and all "Srsons indebted to them will please come forward and ad just their bill, GILBERT POTTER, Jan. 1st, 1853--tn EDWARD KIDDER. 135-tf t co-TARTNnnsiiip jsotici:. & V. Do! RE, Wh!er; a ..! I'.rf nil Drr';' ivi, Ai-htt- '-'Ull's, Wi'ii:i"''-H, N.C.' NOTICE. HAVING purchased the interest of Mr. W. N. Pedeis of the late firm of HOWARD k PEDEN, I will contin ue the business as formerly ; and while expressing my sin cere thank for the very liberal patronage hitherto extended to oar firm, be; leave to solicit a continuance of the wwj, January 1, !:$. W. C. HOWARD. NOTICE. LL tr r ns i ' 1 .ted " fi in f f 1 f 1 r 1 Boxes, Cases, Bales, Trunks, Casks of Ntttl- ware, Cotton Baginjr, Bale Rope, Sieves, Bandboxes, Rolls of Lea' her, Saddle Trees, Collars, Tea, in all packages, and al! other measurement Goods .per cubic fool. Crates and Hhds., of Crocker)', each Do. do. do. on deck, Sugar and ) in Hhds. per 100 lbs., Copperas, 1 Gross, : : Iron and Steel per ton. : : Pipes of Liouor, ) Hhds. do. each, : : Dq. Molasses, ) Barrels, wet and dry, each, : : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, . : Tarred do. do. : Bundles of chairs, each cliair, : : Hollow Ware, per ton, : : Do per piece, : : : Castings Machinery, per ton, : Kegs of Nails, of 100 lbs., each, : Anrils.each, : : : : Vises, each, ; : : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith's Bellows, each, : : Powder, per keg, : : : : Hay, per bale, : : : : Boxes of Axes and Tin, each, : : Aquafortis and Vitrei, in box or carboy, deck, wagon Hoxes, per set. : : ; Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., each, : Shovels, Spades, Scythes, Forks, Cutting Knives, rrving Pans, and Hoes, in bun dies of half dozen, each, : : : Brooms, per dozen, ; : : : Coffee, per bag, : : . : : Cheese, per cask, t : : : . Lead or Shot, per ton, : : : Shot, per bag, : : : s Sole and Harness leather, per side, : : Wrapping Paper, per ream, : j Mill Stones, email, per pair, i S : DO.'t Zntf " dO. ,"''" u f iswf mmfmmm. Gigs, each, ; : : : j Jersey Wagons, each, : : : Stage Coacn, complete, .' ' ; : : Do. Do. on deck: : : , Ploughs, each, ; : : : Chains in b.r'rs, each, .. . : : , ; .". : ; Small Kegs, each, . : : Articles not eooinersted charged in proportion. UynPrTr:;--;t mif-t. be given ( t:-. a ,i, in N"" ,f;T 0(5 00 121 ! I 50 1 25 25 f, 00 4 00 1 1 0 4 100 03 3 p0 10 0 06 10 6") 25 50 OS 50 01 01 09 10 15 25 1 50 02 04 20 3 00 r6 00 5 00 6 00 12 00 10 00 (20 1 1 0 :) ( NEW UOt.-AT THE OLD BTAND, MARK) T STKL'ET. UJ E have Just opened our Urge and well select? 1 itn, k ' Illfvi;iHll)y . Cltl MTIMf'M IIIIMiU' HM i , AND WILLOW WARE. CUTLERY, ANDCKCt J RY, AND OLASS WARE j eonsisting In part of Cu! tilnghams ; Motislm de Lnnet j Alpaocat j Saltint ts i Cas-i. meres ; Chillis ; Vrstlngt Shirtings t 8-4, 7-and ., Iloiiu spuns ; ttrijicd and checked ilomespunt; Te l 'I i ' Kriiturky Jeans ) red and whit Flannels Linseyi j 'J Red ; blue aud white Sun Cotton Hosiery t Merin i and Drawers; Kersey Red nd negro Rlanket j Tal'-'l ier and Cloths Shawl j Suspender $ Silk and Coi i I I .... .11 . II 1 - k . laiiuarruiiivii vtnaourgt and jtpron vueca. GROCERIES t lMo, Larnyrt.St. Item Intro and Java Coffee i brown. I.nf clarified, Pulverised and granulated Sugar; Imperial (inn powder, Yonng Hyson and Illaek Teaj Putter I J.nrlj Cbeesoj Colgat' Pale and No. 1 Soap j Toilet nd J-'an--y Soups ; Adamantine arid Tallow Candles Starch k Mar !i Polish, (a new article); Salt) Mustard t Pepper j Sri Ginger Cinnamon Clove Mactj N!mgi A :. i ; Salt-IVtre; Camphor; Saloratus, and all qualities of To' j. co ; Pork ) Mackerel ; Fulton Market licsf; Smoked I r and Tongues j Mr. Miller, John Dill's, Appleby's, t't call's, and I.rriliird't Snuff bblt., half bblt. k bags 1 1 r I'.uckwheat; Tickles i lirandicd Fruit j Lm on Syr ; Wulnut and Tmnatto Catsups Pepier Sauce; Preset n-1 W. 1. Ginger ; Diarrlnea Syrup. CRACKERS t ( Soda, M.Ik, llulter, Cup, Water, Egg, Walnut, Fan-, Ginger, and Seed Cracker. HARDWARE! Slock. Plate, Cottage, i'ad, Till and Cupboard Lotli , Latches ; Hinges; GitnblcUf Pocket Ktiivet; lyilvc and Forks ; Rnxort; Scissors; Dutcher Knives: Sad Irons i Or.i. ing Knives ; Augers; H. Collin' and M. W. Collins At i and Hatchets ; Frytnjr Pans ; liroad Axes j Cooler's Ad. : Howelling Knives ; Dowelling Rittt; Uraces j lliind S u w ; Filrs; lland Rellowsj Rastlng Sr.oons j Lsdlcg; J , f Forks; Skirhmers; Egg Whips; Weeding oei('f Mills ; Shovels aud Manure Fork I a fine lot of doulU u; ! single barrel Guns ; Powder and Shot; Powder Flunks an i .-noi i;ags j a large jot or rot war. W ( U1 ) AND Wl LLO W WA R E. Painted and Ce far Tub ; Painted. Varnished 11. R. a r IT IT. Cedar Rockets; R. 1J. Water Cans; Hair and ttr , Rrooms; Whisk and Hair lirnshes : Clothes Horses: A Helve ; Flour Rails t Clothe pin ; Nest measure ; I',. i aud Stropped Half Rusbel Measure; Wash Hoards; Co coa Dippers ; Roling Pin ; a larir lot of Work and travel- ing Daskets. TJi Rectified and Old Rye Whisky ; Appl can (Cherry and Oocniac Rrandiei: Ami ill. letter and Foolscan paoer t Quill i Sttel Pcnii Black and Red Ink. and Hooki. LIQUORS AND WINES. , e, Spanish. Ameri- merican and I loU i;, I Gin ; Malaga, Madeira, Muskcat. Port and Marmdv XV iw. We also have received a large and well elccted ttock of CHINA, GLASS, EARTHEN and STONE WARE. And as we do not intend quitting th CROCKERY TAJ- SI NESS, w will keep onr ttock always complete, whk'i will be sold as low as any other bouse in tha State. PttHKIN & HA RTSFIELJ). Oct. 27 - Market Street LIST OK BLANKS. County Court Writ; Superior do. do County Court Subpoenas; Superior Jo. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Scl. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Court Witness and Juror Tickets; Notices to Tax List Receiver; Commission to take Deposition f ....... v...r vuuni; voun iiiituuuu. Magistrate' do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer' Appointments; 1'eace, state, and Civil War- Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; State Recognizance; Military Ca Sa; , do. Execution; iNegro nonds; Inspector'lCcrtiflcates; Certificate of J ustices a t ! Ing Court; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices:' Writ of Ejectment; liClters lestariictjtary; Vcndi. Exponns; CaSa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cape Fear Rank; do, Branch Rank of State; , Notes, negotiable at En r Administrator'sRondf; Guardian do. Appeal do. CaSa do. Sh'ff Appearance do. Constable' do. Sheriff' Tax do. Forthcoming do. Prosecution do. Crew Lists; do. Bill of Sale: Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be prints I r the utmost dispatoh. . Officersof the Court and other officers, and allot' St ns requiring Blanks, or any other work in the prints - . wiulddo wellto give n call, or send in their orders. 1 are determined to execute our work well, and at tVn ' rate for cash. Call at tho JOURNAL CI 1 i:. NORTlf CAROLINA FLOUR. 40 bp ' ' Dr; W. R. llolths superior Family l. r; ' (23 lbs. each) MoDanlcls, do. reb.Zt, For snln bv Df.RO:--:-'ET GUNNY BAGS. For solo low 1 y 00 new nni 1" J. 1 -1LUE.- n I ' G ti '. 1 a!lf ' ' ' !i r"'H'f,w i '. i v I i - 71'