V :rs! fr;i ca . tT. k2:w 3 13 Z:sf. . ". re t u tie cf tie ce . - ci i -i.zti ut tuiu r.r . .; a!:--:: c.ier rather fvcr the gt-.eter net be lag fu'.l. i , l- .':r e.f-cect pre sou re there eoa'J ' t tc'.fr.-izel cf its ultimate complete suc- e t:t kscw exactly whether it wu in a itsry ctber places, but we only uw it at s i:';S: Haifa, cn Front Stmt, and Mr. Urania. Saloon, cn tht Wharf. U't ? r .3 Jt.tt, however, that it will tt tery exten t iki h cur citizens, ta whom !t il c.sve-ieoce, ia every way. By thelve,whi'e -t tho gat down at Hutchins we notice, oe : ti e i--roTemcnU of tht age in tht shape f an 1 1 1 antes f.r letting up ten fine, witbout tbe inter. vk:.,n cf aboy, and without leatinr tbe bead of t'..e alley. There will eooa t macbinerj for every WiTHMtLo.1. We wuh that the day wu a little l.y.ter, so that we tnljht the more fully enjoy the de- i al.ee of watermelon placed upon our table Tii.ua of Market '. ' "a i . tf I..- a i:: T: . :1 -;(..:. J.l i a I .fi:.:.. Zr.:a, l.ft F l-v-ti, l'eIfEi. AtlK-t Oalr. Schhhi. N V.MiT 19 A Mr. L wrtr.ee pro- eefiej in the hoote ef Jicob J. PeM.. cn Toeiiy Ut or the part cf serving a summon.- He Icur.4 Mr. D near bis houte, and hn JeJ tira the papers. Dehx took them anj rraJ tbeoi, vbea be threw them on the ground, seize. Lawrence by the throat, calling aa a ainej scoundrel, for coming- to serve paper . . a a . oa Lira, lie then cal.ed to h;s untulr to Clow a bora wbea a man tamed Hollenbetk, who was at work for De'tx at a miwn, interceded for Lawrence, who man- aged to get away, and started off oa a run. Dehz fol- owed ia purs't, knocked Lawrence down, and held him until four men ia disguise made their appearenct They th'a lied hi hands behind him, and took him to a mall place of truth, near by ; then tore off his coat, vest and cravat, and, with a jack knife cut off a bair, occasionally catting the scalp, and remarking that they had a platter that would heal it up; they tarred his head and bod jr. and poured tar into his boots. Alter exhausting all then ingenuity this way, each cut a stick, and whipped bira until they rot tired. They then tied bis hands before him, and started him for tbe house, each of them kicking him at every step. i through the politeness of Mr. D s'.reet. UoJer any circumstances, however, it is ac cfp.ille. We do not know that it is the first of the ' on, but it is certainly the first we hare seen. It cir.e ficrn CharleMon. eral ir.i-ce rre J a terr; m P ct riara. . t t:e s-.l! re a jt:uucu et tf n i-e way cfa 1 t ie it f ert, b..sr. I uck eje, ccra-craciers, L: , who were ca their wit t the tew ill LVralo. Amor -the cumlr wai a sturdy Kentaeiian, who. in bit simple salt cf bcrse'pn, stoo-1 watchtnj the game ith interest. !'reently thrustinj his har.di into the depths cf bis orereiat pxcket, he produced a rreatT, well-worn, but withal, well-lined p-ocket- hxk. and taking from its recesses a bill, he exUn Jed it to tbe dealer, saving: - Here, o'd feller, 1 lot a tea tbat tjme.;ani tere s theBJooej.n - How is tbat exclaimed the sharper. I saw yoa make no bet,1 " Wall, yoa see, I set to myself, set I, that jack's teen uncommonly lucky keard, and dara mypicters ef I don't beta ten on it; and so the tetky jack lost, and you're got my money." Thinking he had picked cp a green-horn, the gambler gave a sly wink at the few "knowing ones'1 who encircled elm, ana tney went on wiin tne game. After a few deals, our Corncracker smacked his fist emphatically on the table, and exclaimed : w Dod dralhtt, tbrre goes another tawbuci.on tbe plar uey jack ! Here, take it, ole hos fly.' With an ill-surpresaed grin of satisfaction, the They made him take the papers back, but took them sharper took the money, and added it to the rapidly f. i i i j I rt.i.r u: away again, woen, aner anocimg Dim qowb again, growing pi iw uiory uuu. FrlKn Appoint mm. W pul!ib from th Washington Union of yes trlay a considerable list of appointments to ful melees, chargeshipa, consulatea, etc The Union mji : u It Ii understood tbat the programme as it t an Is has been in an especial sense the work of the President himself, and tbat with him, in fact, as well as in form, ia the full responsibility of the se l xuons woicn it embraces. I no cordial concur r iv.ee cf the members of the cabinet in his determi r ation it well known, as well aa the full and free consultation with them upon tbe subject of which the President has availed himself; yet not the less ca this account is the list of appointments presented to the country as his own act the expression of hi own policy and the dictate of his own judgment. - Ia this respect tbe President has responded to the spirit and tbe letter of the constitution, which im puses upon him, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the duty and tbe responsibility of the ap pointing power." J?Tbe gold laid to have been discovered in Tyr rell county, N. C, turns out to be nothing more than lunghu. So lays an exchange paper. t JTk New York Correspondent of the Salisbury Kepublic&n Banner, regrets to learn that a very dis tinguitbed gentleman, one whose name is familiar ti the Amerioan people, and whose mitfortuues have long been softened and alleviatod by the publio sympathy, hat announced his intention of absenting himielf from the World'iFair in the Crystal Palace ia that City, during the present summer. Need we add to these remarks his name, in order to apprize our readers that reference is made to Mr William Patterson. That much abused gentleman has re ceived tidings of the various strikes that have taken place ia New York this season ; and, warned by sad txperionce, be is determined to keep away from scenes where the outrage that has darkened his ca rccr, might be repeated where, in fact, some auda cious individual might again strike Billy Patterson. Mr. Patterson, too, lacks tbe consolation of knowing that bis first assaulter had been duly reached by the arm of justice, sinoe it is yet a question for which no solution has yet appoared, ,l Who struck Billy Pat terson 1" Congress. First District. The Democratic Convention in the First District, has nominated Dr. Siuw, late Senator from Camden and Currituck, as tbe Democratic candidate in, that District in opposi tion to Hon. David Outlaw, the present Whig in cumbent. From the Washington Union. We understand that the following foreign appointments, fomt of which have been announced already, have been made br the President j and that other objects of preuing atten tion prevent hit beitowing any further consideration, at pres ent, upon appointments or this class t Official. Minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain, James Buchan an, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of legation, John Appleton, of Maine. Minister plenipotentiary of Spain, Ticrre Soule, of Louisi- Minister plenipotentiary to Russia, Thomas II. Seymour, of Connecticut. Minister plenipotentiary to Mexico, James Gadsden, of S. Carolina iSecreUrv of WitMnn Jnhn (in. nf ("alifnmia. Minkter plenipotentiary to Prussia, Peter D. Vroom, of ?sew Jersey. Minister DleninotenH Uni, of Arkansas. Secretary of legation, Frederick A. Bce 1 n. of Pennsylvania. Minister plenipotentiary to Braiil, William Trousdale, of M inirter plenipotentiary to Chill, Samuel Medary, of Ohio iinier plenipotentiary to Tern, John R. Clay, late el -arse d affairet in Peru, and formerly secretary of legation in Itiissia and Austria. i iimstcr resident in SwiUerland, Theodore S. Faylone. CHARGES D'AFFAIRES. I or Belgium, J. J. Seibles, of Alabama, i or Netherlands, August Belmont, ot New York, i 'or Sardinia, Richard K. Meade, of Virginia. S r Bolivia, Charles L. Woodbury, of Massachusetts. r Austria, Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia. r Two Sicilies, Robert Dale Owen, of Indiana. r I'cnmark, Henry Bedinger, of Virginia. r Mienos Ayres, William H. Bissell, of Illinois, i r .New Granada, James L. Greene, of Missouri. c- :m;ioner to the Hawaiian islands, Shelton F. Leake, CONSULS. Cbarles L. Denman, of California. ' ' !'. Eiio de-Leon, of South Carolina.. L. Lre, of Iowa, r, Alfred Gil more, of Pennsylvania, f I'nM. Ilowdin,off)liio. i n Ilildcbrsnd, of Wiacensin " n.of New York. Srf Illinois. ''. of Ilhode Island. ,''"' -VlVH II ,.t , they left him, and he succeeded ia reaching the resi dence of George Becker last evening. His legs, hands, arms, and face are ba lly bruited. Mr. trUrr Dobbin. WisiiiscTos, Mar 21. The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Dobbin, will visit bis home, in ISortn Carolina, in trie course of the corn- In the due course of , time the jack came up tri umphant, and our yeoman, jumping up nearly to tbe ear lines, craciea bis ceels togetoer, ana ex claimed : Rvhokev! I won fifty tbat time! So fork over, you lovely old hoss, you !" The sell" was so eviJent, that tbe gambler had nothing ele to do than pay the money, which be did, with the remark, that " the next time tbe Ken- inc fortnight. stopninK on bis way at Norfolk to in sped the Japan squadron now awaiting orders to sail, tuckian made a bet, he wanted him to put the mo ney uown. tinciftwaft lorn The New Have Trade U Great Biltaln. While Mrs. aiowe, in Great miuin is receiving ovations and penny subscriptions designed to mark the condemnation of Great Britain for American sla very, and its reverence for slavery's great illustrator, we learn from the Liberia papers of the 2d of March a . it some new wun reierence to Great tuitain ana slavery which would not harmonize very well if appended to the congratulatory addresses to Mrs. Stowe. The na lure of the intelligence to which we refer may he gathereJ from the following proclamation of the Pre sident of the Libenan Republic : rrodamaUon. Whereas Messrs. Hyde, Hodre & Co , of London, contractors with her Britannic Ma jesty's government to furnish laborers from the Afri can coast for the West Indies have sent some of their (thips to the coast of the republic, offering an advance of ten dollars for every peon who may be induced to emigrate ; and whereas the extinction of the slave trade has left large numbers of predial and other la- bores in the possession of the chiefs and principal men of the country, while the offer of ten dollars each is nearly equivalent to the amount formerly paid for slaves during the prevalence of the slave trade, and which operated mainly in producing and sustaining the wars by which the country was distracted ; am: whereas certain refractory chiefs are reported to have engaged with the agents of said company to furnish a number in conceal tsaySpeaking of bees, Tht Mobile Tribune says: ' Such of our readers as are engaged in the bee cul ture will be glad to learn that a remedy has been dis covered which effectually prevents the ravages of the bee moth. The frequent and serious iniurr caused by this pestiferous insect, has deterred many persons from entering into the business of raising bees, more especially as in some localities the ravages have been so great as nearly to destroy both bees and honey. The plan is this: split joints of cane through the cen ter and arrange them on the lour aides oi the hive, mith the split side resting on the platform. The moth, instead of depositing its eggs under the edge of the hive, will lay them under the split cane, rrom these depositories they may be removed and destroyed as of ten as necessary with little trouble. A friend informs m that he knows the plan has been tried and found entirely successful." In a Bd Fix. The Memphis Eagle and Enqui rer, of Friday last, says : A young man at LlarksviIIe, named William L. Miller, was very anxious to marry Malisea Pettey, but was unable to get any person to go his security. He went to the Clerk s omce, therefore, and repre sented himself to be Nathan Price, for whom he got the license, and signed his own name as security for Price. The devoted Miller was arrested, torn from seal. April lvi . aj-Tewn ijrt tf y. fliat iff ..: : SAM'L II- ITNTl.V Sevh-urgh. Uravrt Ccunts, Sev Ycil. THIS Ion": establish' I, pfjuljr at J" rj aeiooi K l cert barief Wi Ui by tut tubtcriWr, Ui ef tbe Cr. 1.- aa HuUl, at umisj ion, Jm i am-oa. iu t cuoducuJ ia the tt mtBBtr as a ikul vfthe Crt tits. EqaaL'y a daptei, ty the elejiBf. eointfos, aai auitt f iu ar racfriaertta, to a ridB for famiik-a, aad ibe joBra cf the trailer. N-Lir.f will be spared ia all that rjri tie exeHeB of itt Table, it Wiuet an 1 Liquors, K attn daoce, and every dirab'e emfurt aa4 luxury te reader thu Hutl ia all itt a-eonsmoi.tuci worthy the progrettiTe taate of the trtreliot; wrl4. a&4 entitled to their af probation. The villtft ut .twburpa uutuaiea n tat miLt i Its rnont nleadid anj attractire Kenery of the Haieoa river, aa i 1 1 the Wrttera Coctioent. The aimiren ofNatarela their summer rambles eaa find aothis fuperiur to the llih- . laalt. Nburj ia enly two hourt aai a half travel from New York, pi'irg two aaaili daily from the city, and may be iitd almofl hourly by Railroads or Heauaert. Tba eeif hburheod abouodj ia riJet and drives full of beauty, aai every variety ef sailinc eaeuniou may be enjoyed oa the Hudion, or oa the picturesque lakes ia tbe vicinity. Tht lovers of fishing and thootio will also find plentiful amase ment. Aa excellent and (iteiuive Livery Stable is attached to the Hotel. Horses and Carriages w ill be promptly furnished, and tbe bet care and attention bestowed oa those of travelers. It It the ambition and determination of the subscriber to reader the Grange Hotel, under hit management, equalled by few and rurpateed by none. And he therefore, with eua fidf nee, svliciti the patronage of the public. His friends at the touth are particularly invited to giro him a call oa their Northern visits, and may rely oa a most eordial reception. THOMAS C. FANNING. Neaburgh, May, 21, 153. 23Iw GREAT BARGA1SS3I GREAT BARGAINS t Positively Selling nffut Cott fur Cath. S HOFFMAN k KKO., wuhing to change their businen, offer their fiu and well selected stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DltY GOODS at New York prices. They would also say to thooe who have not supplied them-, selves for the present season, to call and purchase from them, and thereby save from 20 to 30 cents on the dollar. ! Purchaser wanted fur the entire stock. EXTRA KOTICE. ALL those indebted to us up to date, will please call and settle their accounts immediately, at we art very anxious to cloee our business in this place Wilmington, May 23, I&3 2214b' ORDER TX)R HEWN TIMBER, Country Sawed Pine, Ash.. Oala X and Poplar Timber thankfully received and promptly at tended to, bv GEO. S. GILLES!!?. . May 21, 13. 2AJ 1 A BARGAIN. T OFFER FOR SALE, the celebrated JACK ASS. ME 1 PLUK1BTS UNUM." Pedigree and animal at the a ble of Messrs. Grant k Currie. GEO. S. GDL.LESPIK, May 21, 1453 2111) ' COXTRACT SHINGLES, AL w A Y8 on hand, and for sale by May 21, 1832.-220 GEO. S. GILLESPIE. F NOTICE. ROM and after the first dsy of June next, the Police Of ficer will proceed to kill all Dogs found running at large. in the streets of the town, not having a legal badge worn on a collar around the neck. 13y order. May 20th, 1853 219-tf H. MORRIS, T. C. , of laborers, and are further known to have " of his amaroso by the constable" whose m,m near Grand Cans Mmint a number of presence is as death to love"-and sent to jail on A ... . - - . . e t- ti:- the unhappy Victims of their predalory excursions ; cuargr ui turng me name m .ur.ince. and whereas complaint has been made to the govern- A Queen's Pkessnt to a Queen. A steam pack- ment tbat persons are held to be sent oil without their et recently arrived at Southampton, bringing a hyt voluntary consent, or the consent of their natural guardians ; therefore, to prevent the abuses and evils which might rtherwue result from the enterprise: Ho it known by this proclamation, to all whom it may concern, that the law regulating passports must be strictly observed ; that vessels carrying or inten ng to carry away emigrants must come to this port with their emigrants on board, to obtain passports, in order that an opportunity may be presented to the government to ascertain whether the emigration he ree or constrained. Every violation of the law regu aling passports will be visited with the utmost penal ty of the law in that case made and provided. Done at Monrovia, this twenty-sixth day of reb ruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and of the republic the fifth. L. s J. J. ROBERTS. By the President : H. Tsaoe, Secretary of State. The meaning to be derived from the above docu ment is simply that Great Britain is engaged in a new kind of slave trade ; the new feature being:, that the flesh and blood which she buys for the West Indies she now calls emigrants and apprentices, instead of the old and legitimate term of slaves. New York Courier and Enquirer The Art Union Swindle Astonishing Devel- opments. The battle between the Art Union and the people is drawing to a close, and the management of that precious lottery concern, or mock auction, is dis closed in all its unblushing audacity. A pile of some eighty or a hundred thousand dollars of the funds of the institution is gone ; and with all the explanations attempted, nobody can tell how it is gone, or who car ried it off. Perhaps some of our art-lovine anti-copy right cotemporaries can throw some lirht on this dark subject. Where is the Slievegammon fund for the iberation of Ireland ? Where are the assets of the Kossuth Hungarian bonds f Where is the surplus of rather Matthew's benefit? Who knows? Do the Irish Directory, or the Hungarian Central Committee, or Father Mathew's Special Committee, or does any body else ? And who has Galphinized the surplus of (he Art Union ? What sort of monsters art these that swallow up such enormous sums of money witbout belching ; Let the Peter Jt unks of the regular mock auctions be reprieved. Are they not in the fashion. Jew lork Herald. A Sad Condition. A correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch writing from btaunton on the 1 Ith ult. says: " There is in the Asylum a very extraordinary case; a man who is deaf dumb and blind 1 Before he became blind he was sent to School for the deaf and dumb, but he had not progressed far, went blind, and was brought to the r i i t i . , insane asyium, wnere ne nas continued ever since. He rises in the morning, dresses himself, and im mediately prostrates himself upon his face, under the bed, with his legs locked around the bed post, and there be continues to lie an day, except when called na and a icild cat as a present to Quecu Victora from the Queen of Portugal ! Arrivals at the Principal Hotel. Washington & Lafayette Thai.ly k Whitfield, i Proprietors. May 25 Thomas II Hobbs, Mrs Ilcbbs. Col M Moses, la- dy aud 4 children, Ala; Win Buck, I) C Yarborough, Tcnn; Win 11 Clark, jr. Richmond, a; (; Reeves, W 11 Urlce, (J Shan, S C; Win U Menkirk, Mack River; J M Poinns. Don Goiner, Havana; John F Phillips, A F Pge, N C; Joseph Leroi, Paris: Iouis Le Mnire, Havre: J Moore, Ky; T W il lis, Phila; Mrs Shaw, Miss Shaw, N Y; John Walker, N 0; I Dawson, Ga; C. DI PRE, D. B. BAKER, C. DuPRE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princefs-strects, Wilmington, N. C. MlIE GAS SUCCESSFUL! Our town in a blnzo!!- L Wilmington M at it it " by-Gas light," eh 1 Tht age is progressive, ana no mistake. Ihe great commercial town of North Carolina is $hoirinir her hand the '" dark atre" is past the citiiens of Wilmington aro models for the State their entcrpme and go-a-heail-a-tiveness beats the ' rest of mankind all hollow. Unly a lew years ago and we had no paying Rail Road Mocks, we had no guaranty for the com pletion of the Manchester Hoad ; in fact it was all uncertain ty. Wo are now out of the woods day light gleams we can " eat, drink and be merry," and thats not all. we can dm$ iff SCOTT & BALDWIN have a complete assortment of dents Wearing Apparel ol tbe best quality. Call there and get an out-fit if you would appear to advantage by daylight or (ias-light ! May Zo. $10 LOST. REWARD. The above reward will be paid for sufficient information to lead to the rocovery of small (21 inch) BLACK LEATHER. IRON BOUND. TRUNK, no mark on it ; which was lost about the 2b'th or Z7th of January, 18oJ, in Wilmington, N. C. The above Trunk was given to a boat hand, on board the Steamer Fjutberner, on her Arrival in Wilmington, to take up to tne Rail Road umce ; but it was not found by the owner, when he arrived at the omce. Address D. D. OR RELL, No. 19 Park Place, New York. Or, A. D. CAZAUX, Wilmington, N. C. May 24. 1853 222-1 m. s, aDENTAL NOTICE.-Dr. KENNEDY begs to in f' form his friends and the public, that be has return ed, and will be round at his omce. Alay 21 zz2-.it GROCERIES. JUST received per Schr. L. P. Smith, from New York : 2 hhds. best St. Croix Sugar; 10 bbls Crushed 20 bags Rio Coffee ; 20 " Laly 10 " Old Government Java Coffee ; 10 dot. Mustard ; 1 bbl. No. 1 Salmon, 1 . , ., 1 ' " Mackerel, atrctai1; 10 quarter bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 100 bags Dairy Salt; 5 kegs new Goshen Butter : 20 boxes Colgate's Pale Soap. For sale at lowest prices by May 24, '53 W.C.HOWARD. NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received until Monday of June Court, (next,) for erecting suitable buildings for the ao- to meals the signal for which is a slap upon his leg. commodation of the Poor of the county, on the tract of land He gropes his way easily to the dining room, eats, and T"" he tr" A,fne"SiCv.?. hBito the Mn.fAt.:.i...nnj:,tfcfc..1 1,. it.L a. cite by the creek. For plans, &o.. call on the subscriber. returns to his place under the bed, where the floor is woru.smooth and shining by movements ! When to be slvved, a gentle touch upon his chin is the signal which.he understands. He goes straight ta the barber's euop, lanes nis seai, is snaveu, anu immediately re turns to his room. Great efforts hare been made to increase the variety in bis habits hut to no purpose. n : j . t ti A t- JOHN A. TAYLOR. May 23, 1853. 221-tJCl Chairman Board of Wardens. JfTown papers copy 'till June Court. Wt&T. S. Plank Rond Office,) Mat, 23d. 1833. f "DOOKSof subscription to the capital stock of the Wil Xi mington at Topsail Sound Plank Road will be re-opened on It il a sad Sight to see the poor fellow clinging to his Jhe fipt day of June next at the Company', Office, under rU u.k. o the direction of the Secretary, and at Topsail Academy, nn- place under the bed. ' ' " ' dor the direction of Jo, h M.Foy. Esq., to be kept opYnfor In Good Crfdit. -The New York Courier to En. qvircr rr ; ftcrj CiTcLri 6 per ccnt.stocks at 1C3 the space of ten dnvs from that dato 1221-TUlOje yo-r r of the J,onr1. " 'I.N. NIXON, PresM-' 100 ASH HEAUINU. M. Supr. quality. For sale by May 21, I&53--?01 GEO. S. GILLESPIE. FEMALE SCHOOL. k MRS. G. M. L. FINCH will onen. in the town of Wilmington, on Monday, tbe 3d of October ensuing, a Drst class female bchool. A circular contianing terms, course of instruction, and other particulars, can be found at the store of Ellis k Mitchell. 215-1 m "D RICKS! quality. BRICKS ! ! 250,000 For sale by J. Hard Bricks of goood k IX McRAE CO. "I UN NY BAGS. 4,000, two bushels each, ne wand iccond hand. May 14 For sale low, by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. Wilmington and Fayrttmlle Passenger Line. rnilE NEW IRON STEAMER ZEPHYR, rr'Wh JL ('apt. R. McRai, will hereafter ' m.iiCi-T f Wilmington on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and Kay. cttcville on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, at 6 o'clock A.M. For freight or passage, apply to ' " J. k D. McRAE & CO., Agents at Wilmington, or T. S. LUTTERLOH, May 11, 1853. Agent at Fayetteville. NOTICE. TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED, to the Jail of Columbus county, N. C, on Friday, the 29th day or April, a negro man, who snys his name is II AKK Y, and that ho belongs to William Wilson, of Brunswick county, North Carolina. Said negro is about 5 feet 6 inches high, very black, about 2o years old. The owner of said ne gro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay char ges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with ns the law directs. GEORGE STU BBS, Jailor. Whitoville, May 9th, 1853. 210-tf 33 prime second hand SPIRIT ADAMS, BRO. & CO. Ell. T7MPTY BARRELS Jli BARRELS, per brig Albert Adams, from Boston, for sale by A GR1CULTURAL PLA: . ALSO-10 bbls. Calcin A26 100 bbls. just received. 1 do. For sale by J. & D. McRAE & CO. The Atlantic Ratling Works MANUFACTURE THE "COMPOSITE IRON RAILING." Uncqoaled ia Beauty, Strength and Cheapness. ORNAMENTAL CAST IRON TIES are melted onto. Rods and Framework of Wrought Iron, making it either light and graceful like WIR E RAILING, or heavy and solid like cast iron. Each panncl being thus made one solid piece, having no crevices for the rain or inoieture of the atmosphere to affect, there is no rusting of the works. Designs will be sent to any address, postage free. Prices range from 50 cents to 50Q( per lineal foot. Railings for public or private Grounds, Cemeteries, Verandahs, Bal conies, &c. &c-, for sule by GEORGE FOSTEK, Ag't. 398 Broadway. New York. N. B. G. F. and his stents are ithe onlv nersons author ized to sell this newly patentedrailing, for the Atlantic States. April it). isd;j isu-am LIQ.TJORSJ r IN. 4 bbls. Philadelphia Gin ; 5d. Baltimore do VJi whiskey 5 bbls. StauBer's U11 Kye. Brandy. 5 i casks pale French Brandy. Do. 1 do. do. Morton's (do. do. Do. 4 bbls. Boston Brandy. For sale by J. &D. McRAE & CO. T7RENCII LESSONS. Greene'f X French, on the Ollendorff Systci sale at S. Primary Lessons in I, just received andTor V. WHITAKER'S. CULT O Feb. 17 1.000 bushels, now in storl FREEMAN for sale by HOUSTON. s, Miller's, and other brands, constantly on hand, and for sale by May 9th. FREEMUN & HOUSTON. CJNUFF. Lorillard's, Dill's, Outcal rpOBACCO. 25 boxes medium will be sold low, to close' A consignment. MtEEMAJM & HOUSTON. TTA Y. 100 bales prime Eastern Haj. For sale by Xl-A. II. VANBOKKELEN.No.V5 Sonth Wham. WANTED-10,000 lbs. of WOOL, lfor which I will pay the highest cash prices. GEO.I S. GILLESPIE. RECEIVED THIS DAY PER EXtfRESS.-Owen and' Hurlbut's Blue Laid Commercial .Note Pnper; Fry's Imperial American Elastic Ink-stnnds. la very pretty and convenient article; 2, 3 and 4 Qr. Phyin Qtinrto Blanks semi-bound t)erai 8 vo. and 12 mo. Lonelier Covered 13-! Books : Jcrolimsn & Motley's D Pens ; ! f. I,. I.. -n'.i fi nerb Pens ; M. L. J,emn'n Rej-iiLlii-itn. ' 1 1 n, l n" 1 f-r at v.-.-..i:;r

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