(, , 1 1 j ' ' i ( PUBLISHED BY FULTON k PRICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLMR3 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 2.-NO. 237. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1853. WHOLE NUMBER oi(. ,- i : i ute or . 75 alf araaa 1 y 2 dart...... .... .... 34jf...... 5 day 1 wwk.. 2 weka, 1 rj 1 aonth, 2 00 2 months 3 50 3 months, 5 00 C months, ..8 00 1 year 14 00 ADVERTISING. ' Ikl SilVASS. 1 dir. ............ .(0 40 2 days ............ . 74 3 davs 1 00 4days I 23 i 5dys 1 & , lwk 1 J j 2 weeks.... .... .... 2 i ; 1 month 4 00 2 month..... 7 00 j 3 months 10 00 i month 100 I lyear 30 00 Ten line art counted a a square, and fire line or less a aalf-aqaare. Longer advertisement ia proportion, and all fayabl in advance. A3-All half eauarea not raid for ia advance will be charged a a square. W No publication made without a rwponsiblo name. jajr Notices of Religious meetings, Bwv!ent and other nuchartered Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged halt ' tat above rate Cub always payable in advance. Arrival nd Departure ! the Malta mnderthe mw Arrangement, whlth wtt Into ourratleii, 1st Marrh,I34. The Mail from the North U due every day at 9 A. M. and at 9k 1'. M. Close at 1 1'. M , and at P. M. preci- , Tie Mail fer the South closes at A. M. The Mail freta Onslow Court-llouae. Sneads Ferry, fce is 4m every Monday at 4 P. M. Closes every Thuraday at 9 P.M. The Mai! from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, fcc, i due every Thursday at 6 V. M., and closes same night at P. M. The Mail frees FaveUeville. vie L'liiabethtown and Trot pect Hall, lie., via Wilmington and Manchester Railroad from Kobmson s Port. is due every luesday. Ihurs day, and Saturday st If. M-, aud closes same days at A. M. The mailfram Whiteville, Columbus county, por Wil mlnzton and Manchester Kailroad is due at 1 1' M , and closes ati8J A.M. every day. AJ-An extra Package will be made up for Letters going North of Richmond, Va., which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters uiunt be in the Office at the hours Above named, or tbey will not be Mailed until next succeed ing Mail. c DITKE, V. H. HA KM C. DuPRE fc CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princess-streets, Wilmington, N. C. ltOBKUT U. HA.VKIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 257 Wilmington, N. C. JOKPH II. FLANKER, GENERAL Commission Merchant, 2-ly Wilmington N. C. W. C. IIOWAIID, 1ROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water-st., Wilmington, N. C. V. II. McKOY. COMMISSION AND FOWARDINO MERCHANT j South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. jA.nca aJfDKKSoN, edwakt ravagr. ANDERSON SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cmb advances made on consignments. .,. FRKEM1N, GEO. HOUSTON. FUEEM1B 4b HOCSTO. Wilmington, N. C, D. C. FREEMAN fc, CO , Kew York, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. H . DOLLMSB , O . POT I ER, jr. DOLLNKR POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-Iy New York 49Liberl eaf4 advances mado on consignments ISO. POTTS BROWfc', ARMAND J. DEKOSSET, jr., K. F. ttROWN BROWN Si DeROSSKT, New York, OeROSSET & BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. John MacRae, Donald MacRae, John W. K.. Dix J. D. McllAE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C RUSSELL fc BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS, RUSSELL k CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington. N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I D. DuPRE, Wholesale and Retail Druggists V,ani Apothecaries, Wilmington, N. C.rj May 9th, 1853. 207-tf C. DuPrk. D. Eh Pre, jr. EDWARD J. LVTTERLOII. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for Steamers ROWAN, VAN NX LtV 1 1 tiltLiUJI and MAJ. W. BAKNET. April 1st, 1853. 177-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. rpHE subgcribers. as Agents for the above Company, will j. ianensKSi.iiairrai.es. j. & u. McKAn & CU. November 27th, 1852. A. II. VANBOKKELEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. Jan. 1, 1853.-100-ly I. D. LOVE, fANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET Furniture, Bedsteads, Chairs, Mattresses, lie. to.. Front street, South of Market, Brown's building, Wilminir- Aon, N. 0. Sept. 10, 1852. 9-ly MERRIMAN & WOODRUFF, MANUFACTURERS OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE k Rosin, and dealers in Dry Goods and Groceries, Strick land's Depot, N. C. Fob. 12, 1853.-136m RAYNER Ac G1LMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. References. E. Kidder, Esq.; J. H. Planner, Esq.; essrs. Rankin k Martin. fA Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February 11th, 1853 135-tf " - W. II. McKOY. wrHENERAL COMMISSION" MERCIIANT)ALSO, JT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South 'Water street, Wilmington, N. C.j Intends keeping at the a bove stand, a large assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at- tention will be paid to all orders from the country. I irould respectfully invite the citiiens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur "".chasing eteewbore. I Intend to carry on a gcnoral com- ' mission business. Particular attention will be givsn to the ale of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal : i.'iK-h advanTS nAi on con.irimints. , ; . ; Wilmington, ( .,cr Wh, 1J.'-2. ; '( - Mf ia. cnoNLY. 4 VCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. V. Wilmington, N. C. Kefers U the public ceoerallv. Stocks. Ileal Estate, and Nrgroea, bourht and K4d on a comrui-sina of one rr cf ct. May 21th. 1n5 . 222-tf W.M. M. 1IAHRIS, GENERAL Caawmltaloii Jleirk-xt & Skip Drktr, WUmln jtoi, N. C. AErERINCISt asiSiSji-;.. c- Jas. Corner It Sons, lUuimore. E. A. Soudcr ft Co., Philadelphia. Thomtnoa k Hunter, v v . M. M. Freeman k Co.. J -rk- Tufts 4- Hunting, Boston. 12-ly S. B. V J. A. EVANS, WHOLESALE and Retail Druggists, Wilming ton. N. C. Will keep alvars on hand a large and very select stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SU KGR AL INSTRUMENTS, PATENT MhD ICIN ES, PERFUMERY, fcc, at low prices. Jan. 17th, 153 w. WILMINUTON (N. C.) OIL WORKS. . ) LAMER. HE.1RT TALL. PLANNER TALI., MANUFACTURERS of a superior LUBRICATING OIL, PAINTERS AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR NlslIES.riTCH.tc. F. &i T. are also manufacturing a LUBRICATING GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axles, Slides, ke. This (.ilibASh. works cleaner, and is eheaper than any tbat has yet been offered fur sale. Samples of both Oils and Grease, may be seen at the office of Mr. J. H. Flanner, 25 North Water street, or at r . Of 1 . s oCce. Calirorula. N. B. No admittance on the works. May 9th, 153 209-tf J. WESEL, H. B. E1LERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION Merchants and Wholesale Urorrrs, North Water Street. Wilmtnrton, N. C. intend to keen at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Irovision!, at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. F KFERENOE ! E. P. Hall. Pres't Branch Bank of the State, ) O. G. Parsley. Pre't Commercial Dank. Wilminrtonl K. Dickinson, Esq., i Dollner & Potter, NewUrk- 113J D. C. M' FUEEMAM & CO., N. Y. rREEMAM & HOUSTUM, wil'n KREEIIAN V IIOUSTOSI, ERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wiljiinoton, N. C, keep ronstantly on hand a stock of Wr, C'ors, Pork, Bacon, Salt, Cojftt, Sugar, Mlmti, Tobacco, Vigar$, Snuff, V and let Sony , Foreign Ana Homtitic liquor and ll inrs ; iron, Auti, faint, uui, uia$$, UomttUrt, Halt, Boott, Short, leather, Agrindtura .mjAtmtnlt, and a va riety of other articles, suitable foi family and plantation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or cunsumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, Is located In the city of New York; the junior partner, Geo. Houkton, in Wil mington. If desired, advances will be made on consign ments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled NOTICE. rpHE andr!gned. a committee appointed bv the Couoty a i urt of .tw llaaover, wtU eooiract for tn turn -ling t; a BRUM IE. furowhed with a draw. acns the North at iTaneh fCai Far River at Milton. Ftr rartkmUrs ad dress March 23, 1S53-171 tf Tow papers copy. T. II. WILLIAM!, I N II. WALLACt, n ALEX. M.KAE, lf WM A. WRUiUT, ' O. FEN NELL, J NOTICE. THE madmigo! having been sppointed at March. Terns f the Cowty Court I New Hanover, a Committee to ascrrtaiu far what mob the preeeat Jail raa be st li, ad te advertise for plans aod estimates for the Uiilding of a new Jail, hen-by give notice that they will reoeive bids for the present site, and also propuaals, acomtanie4 by jJsns and sprcilcations for the erectionef a new bailding. Addree, W. V UtTTI-.NCOCKT.i T. II. WILLIAMS, VCommitUe 8. D. WAIJ.ACE, Wilmington. N. C, March 25tb, 1S53. As'Town papers copy. 171 tf . NOTICk.. TIHi CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing enderthe name and style of POTTER Jt KIDDER is this day dissolved. All persons having claims agaiast the late Irta, will please present them for settlement forthwith, and all Irsons indebted to them will plrase come forward and ad just their bills. GILBERT POTTER, Jan. 1st, 1H53-S7 tf EDWARD KIDDER. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the interest or Mr. W. N. Finis of the late firm of HOWARD k FEDEX, I will eootin ue the business as formerly : and while expressinr tnv sin cere thanks for the very liberal patronage hitherto extended to our firm, beg leave to solicit a continuance of the same- January 1, 1NW. Vf. C. HOWARD. WINTER ARRAKOK9IENT. MRS. E. A. FORD would take this method of In forming the citisens of Wiluiinrton and vicinity that she has refitted her bouse androoms In a neat and comfortable manner, and is now prepared to accommo date a number of Boarders by the month, either with or without lodgings. Some of her best rooms will be reserved for transient company. RMIU) from til to f 20 by the month. October 25. 132 4 lt irA GOOD COOK wanted, for which a cood price will te paid, by the month or year. Apply to Mrs. FORD WOLFE'S AROMATIC HCIIE1DA.M BCIISAPPJI. 111 E SUBSCRIBERS bsviogbeen appointed the sole agents In Wiliniurton. for the sale of this superior ar ticle of Holland Gin, offer it for sate in quart and pint bot tles and lugs in any quantities to suit purchasers. It has been proneuuoed by the bin best medical authority a superlative Tosic, Diuretic, Antidyspeptic, and invigorating Cordial, and they can confidently recommend It to every one desirious of obtaining a pure article of Holland (Jin. Feb. 7. WESSEL It EILERS. HANDS WANTED. lO OR 15 ABLE BODIED LABORERS, by the l& or tor balance of the year. Apply to Col. Rae, or Wilmington, N Apply to Col C , March 12, 1853 month John Mo- A USEE y. i6o-tr I J. M. ROUINSON, MPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER In all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrees, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Kivctf, &c. ke. His stock is now very full and complete, with ma ny additions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line Merchants wno aro disposed to patronise nouUiern es tablishments, are guaranteed all articles in his line as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, H. C, Sept. 21, 1852 CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned baring purchased the interest of Cant. Gilbert Potter, in the Cowan Steam Mill, hare this day entered into Co-partnership under the name and style of Kidder & Martin, tor the transaction of the Lumber busi ness in all its branches. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. E. KIDDER. Jan. 3d, 1853.-I0a bin S. N. MARTIN. DISSOLUTION. rpiIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the X firm or iiuwaioj h I'huc.M, is this day dissolved yy mutual consent. The books of said firm having been :losed, all persons indebted to them will please make payment to W. C. Howard, who is alone authorised to settle the busi ness thereof ; and such persons as have claims against them will present tbcm to turn lor settlement. v y ttAiir a - -n VV. I,. JIUWVKU, Jan. 1, 1853-99 W. N. PEDEN. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under tbe style and firm of McKoy & Roberts, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe unsettled business of the firm will be arranged bv W. H. McKoy alone. W. H. McKOY. Jan. Z7, it3 122 j J. ii. itubtiiia. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire interest of J. II. Roberts, in the firm of McKoy & Roberts, I will continue the GROCERY & COMMISSION BUSINESS as heretofore. At the same time I take this opportunity of returning my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm, aud solicit a continuance of the same. W.H. MCK.OY. Jan. 27th, 1S53. HAVING sold my entire interest in the firm of McKoy & Roberts to Mr. W. 11. McKoy, who will continue the business at the same place, I return my thanks to my friends for tbe liberal patronage extended the firm, and solicit a conlinuance of the same for my successor. J tKK I II. KUBLKIS. Jan. 27th, 1863. REDUCED FARE. N. TICKETS C, AND BALTIMORE eLn w 1 BLiT IXN, FARE 13, vu WEL- DON. PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, AND WASHING TON CITY, OR via WELDON, PORTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK. For tickets, apply at the Office of the Wilmington and Raleiirh Rail Road Company at Wilmintrton. or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Balti more and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 18S2 - IRON MAKES. CRICH k CO.'S Improved patent Salamander Safes warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The subscribers bavins: accented the arencv forth saleo tbe above highly approved Shos, are jreparsd to furnish any sise or pattern which may be wanted at manufacturers prices, ueuverca in imspiace. Specimens of several sues have just been received, and or ders will be promptly attended te. Jan. 27, 1852 tf DEROSSiiT k BROWN. Omen,! Tbe fU!owii2 u a literal ccpy if a "tzrr' petition which has Ittel beta circus- t eoropl OILLS ! OILS! ? 3 bbls. Patent Lubricating Oil for Ma chinery, 10 do. Winter Bleached Sperm Oil. 10 do. R ach ed Whaln do. J. k V. MoKAE It CO. II7HITE LEAD. No. l.eitra, and pure, in kegs of 25 TV and 00 lbs each, lor sale by Jan. 6. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. H EIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE, and pints, for sale by A genuine article quarts FREEMAN fc HOUSTON, LINSEED OIL In hhds. and bbls., for sale by Feb. 1 FREEMAN k HOUSTON. LUE. 10 bbls. superior American; 20 do. superior Kn nsh.For sale by ADAMS, BRO. fc CO. CRACKERS. In bbls. and boxes. Butter, Soda, and Su gar, fresh, for sale by FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. G BOARD. QEVERAL PLEASANT ROOMS, with or :ith- kJ out board, can be obtained in one or (tie most ae Murliflt street. For narticnlars. an- ply to MADAME P. CLEMENT. Wilmington, Feb. 21st, 1853 1 13-ly AXES ! AXES ! ! AXES ! ! '.Just received, a full supply of the bett and cheapest Axtt ever brought to North Carolina, consisting of heavy Timber, Boxing, Clab and Boys Axes, made expressly for me, and every Axe warranted. Wilmington, Deo. 23, looz. J w. ituBiweuw. JUGS, JARS, AND CHURNS. 1 A CRATES assorted Stone Ware, consisting of Jari, III t. jt r-i - . it art in Iu.m p.. Ing 6 Co." Sugar Candy, 5 bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 8000 lbs. N. Carolina Bacon. 25 boxes superior Cheese, 20 bbls. Whiskey, 40 bbls. assorted brands of Flour and Buckwheat. or sale cheap at tbe old stand ot reb.ytu. 134-tr. - i'bttrii HAttiaf icuo. NOTICE. A LL persons Indebted to the firm of Howard fc ; Fedeo ju will please eall and settle their accoonts. ? , ; W. C. IIO.WAKD. NUFF! 'bv ' i 12 fislf bl 'srOtntcsIt's ; Vt bbl-. do. For ' r '' ADAMS,-BROTHER k CO. RATKS OF FH EIGHT FROM NEW TORK TO WIIMIKOTON. Boxen, Casei, Bales, Trunks, Casks of H41J ware, Cotton Bainjr, Bale Rope, Sieves, Bandboxes, Rolls of Leather, Saddle Trees, Collars, Tea, ia all packages, and al! other measurement Goods per cubic foof . Crates and Hhds., of Crockery, each Do. to. do. on deck, Sugar and j in Hhds. per 100 lbs., Copperas, j Gross, : : Iron and Steel per ton. : : Pipes of Liniior, i Hhds. do. each, : : Do. Molasses, 1 Barrels, wet and dry, each, : : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, . : Tarred do. do. i : Bundles of chairs, each chair, : : Hollow Ware, per ton, : : Uo per piece, : : : Castings Machinery, per ton, : Kegs of Nails, of 100 lbs., each, : Anvils, each, : : : : Vises, each, ; : : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith's Bellows, each, : : Powder, per keg, : : : : Hay, per bale, : : : : Boxes of Axes and Tin, each. : Aquafortis and Vitrol.in box or carboy, deck, Wagon tfoxes, per set, : : Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., eacb, Shovels, Spades, Scythes, Forks, Cutting Knives, irymz Pans, and Jioes, in bun dles of half dozen, each, : : Brooms, per dpzen, . : : Coffee, per bag, ' : : . : Cheese, per cask, : : : Lead or Shot, per ton, : : : Shot, per bag, : : : Sole aod harness Leather, per side, : Wrapping Paper, per ream, MUlMof 1 1 pes, small, per pair, Do., large, do., Jersey Wagons, each, : : : Stage Coach, complete, v ' Do. ' 1 Po. 011 deck : Ploughseach, V : ' : ' : - : Chains in hags, each, : s Small Kegs, each, : : : . Articles not enumerated charged In proportion. IT-Information must be liven to the Agent, la Nw York, of all Tackar-S eootalnief Powder, or double rates will Invariably (nj frin oi't nl Oti nnK. CTS 06 25 00 12J 50 25 25 00 00 10 00 03 CO 10 08 06 10 60 25 50 08 50 01 04 09 10 15 25 1 50 02 04 20 3 00 5 00 5 00- 00, 12 00 10 00 120 10 80 v a hi with prticulirly rel btlr ani sar.Jy wexif : This is to certify tbat the Wartr, Atonia Ts tricoOFIabertvosisaBatiftof Italy, and ULrgs to some tf thoea oofrtnnaU famlles who were thrown from th crater of Meant Vesuvius io tie eruption cf 1807; anJin descendicg the Jes cf tbe rgsl mountaio, with maaet of stone, kvs, &e , wm eruelly separated from his food rrent, his tender sisters, and loving brothers. The he was thrown upon the world at an early age, an or phan without friend ; but, by tbe aid cf philan tbropic Italians, he was enabled te procure a license, and a stock of penny papers, which ke (ot mouths continued toaeU at tbe various railroad station in and about Naples ; Ij ontirin j indmtrv and strict economy, he was enabled to reach this country, through which be now wanders in hepee of meeting his long lost separated family, who, aa tbe wind waa blowing strong from tbe Fast, at the time of tbe eruption, he doubts not exist somewhere among as. I commend tbis jooeg cinder to the tender mtr. cic of the benevolent, knowing, as I da that he is honest, and his story (which be cannot speak In r.ngiiMi j 111 iruo on. (Signed) HUMDRUM HOPKINS, Capt. of ship Titos A. Peep. Julius Camr. Jr , Charge d' Affaire at Naples." AmiUar Kwl IlreeUer The FJitor of the Lynn Bay State has been buying fancy erg of some one in Boston, at a big figure, which did not turn out what he expected and so be concludes (hat the hen fevrr is a great humbug t Serv ed him right he bought what was said to be Cochin China eggs, and after waiting natienlly four weeks, he found six ducks in his hatching coop one morning. So much for his foresightedness. That isn't half so bad as the case of one of hie neighbors, who paid a round price for half a dozen choice eggs, queer looking specked 'ggs, smalt, round. outlandish eggs, tbat he felt certain would produce rare chickens, and which he was very cauhous in set ting under his best hen. At the end of a fortnight he was startled at the break fast table, to hear his favorite hen screaming ' bloody murder1 from within the coop! He rushed to the rescue, raised the boi lid, and found the hen on the nest, but in a frightful perturbation struggling, yelling and cackling most vociferously. He spoke to her kindly and softly ; be woald fain appease and q'liet her, for there was great danger, least in her excitement and struggles she should des troy the favorite eggs, which hat cost him so much money and trouble, nut solt words were in vain. His " best hen" continued to scream, and he raised her from the nest to look at the cause of ber trouble more critically. His astonishment was Instantanous, but immense ; and his supprise found vent in the brief but expressive exclamation " Turtles by Thunder f Such was the fact. The poor innocent poultry fan cier was the victim of misplaced confidence The party who sold him the eggs had sold (he buyer shock mgly ! And instead of a brood of pure Cochin Chi nas, he found that his favorite hen h id hatched hslf a dezen of pure Mud Turtles, of which upon break ing from the shell, seized the flesh of the poor fowl. and had well nigh destroyed hr life, before theyroulJ be choked off. He has given up the chicken buiness and has since gone into the dwarf near culture N.Y. Day Book. I,A!I WAItUANTH WANTED. ' " E continue to bay LAND WARRANTS for 160. 80 and 40 acres, and pay the hlfheit Cash friws. IWt sen until you sre ns. we win nay more than any one els in Wilmington, and pay tbe Cath. March 15. BUUTT ALUWL. W "lift AK8. Just received another lot of those superior, (In KJ flavored Ugsrs, manufactured irrfstily For we. 11 rt . . -: 1 .1 I . 1' 1 1 - - f . . 1 Also. 80,000 Cigars, various brands and qualities. For sale by Mny u W. V. IIUWAUU. IJ? call- iT.yr HKCKIVKD.-A larre and eomplet su J FREH SEKHH, comprising every variety osuall ed for, raised and put no by the United society of Shakers. at New !hanon,N. Y. Orders from our country friend promptly filled. (Jan. 11 S. I), fc J. A. EVANS LIM i:. LIME. 400 bbls. Rockland Lime j 600 Ills. Ll colnville White Lamp. Also. Celolned llaster. Has tering Hair, Fire Pr!ck, and Hydraulie Cementj 1,000 bbls J. U. It II. li. WOOL). v Lime, lie. For sale by April , 1H52-IW) Contractor and Jluilders. BOXING AXE8! BOXING AXES ! ! Just received, a few boxes of extra quality of new and Improved pattern. Feb. 10. 1853.-133-tf J J. M. ROBINSON. RON of all tbe best makes, suitable for Planter end1 Hiniths' use. Constantly on band and for sale at the writ price, and quality warranted, by J. M. ROBINSON.' I WOOL.-I will give the highest cash price for all the Wool that Is brought to market. May 6 W. C. HOWARD. IN STORE.-25 bales Navy Oakum 1 19 bbls. Trime Tork; 25 do. Rump Pork. J. & D. McRAK fc CO, R JVHT IIECRIVED. . ;,f . ; EFRIGERATOKH. Water Cooler and Shower Bath. Fer sale by - J. D. LOVE. Mayl6. isa3. Com. Jt Her, copy. 215-tf FLORA L OFFERING-Handsomely bound, with beauti ful colored plates, just at band, at May 16. 8. W. WHITAKER'3. TTTllfTI. I (.All UbfbA Ik. V V keirs of i, ou, and 1W lbs Way 4th No. 1, Extra, and Pure t in each. Fer sale bv FREEMAN & HOUSTON. T)APLR.-200 Ream Wrapping and Writing Paper, for X sale ty FREEMAN & HOUSTON. (1LUE. 10 bbls. prime Glue. For sale by J March 22. ANDERSON i ANDERSON Sc SAVAGE. rpOBACCO. For sale by 6 boxe Tobacco, " Star Factory;" . 12 half boxe do., " Luscious Luxury." ' ANDERSON fc SAVAGE. p UNN Y BAGS. -6,000 2, 2 and 3 bushel Gunny ka jusi received, t or sale ty Oct. 18 ADAMS, BRO. Bag. k CO. ENGLISH GLUE.6 Hhds. received and for sal by Prime English Glue, just ADAMS, BRO. fc Co. "TOFFEE., 60 Sack St. Domingo, Rio, JLaguayra, Java, and Mocha Coffe. for al by --. Mtreh 23. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. P' L6W MOWS!! tLOWSlll JustreceiveiafuU assortment, and for sale cheap, by April 9, J. JUL. KVUlXSViX. HAMPAGNE. 20 Basket, "Heidsieck. Vin D BobsV," " Cordon Rouge," qusi Grspe,rt nsy," " Cordon Kooge," qusrtsand pints. ftrtalabr FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. LUE. 30 barrel, for ale by ' al3 ' 1 FREEMAN & HOUSTON. A constant sup) 'j f icking:alo,a ! it nu- om article of It&liaa Heap Packing. . . Feb. 7. . J. & D. McRAE L CO. HACKING FOR MACHINERY. J Goodvear's Patent Id a Rubber Packing ; also, a VINEGAR. ) for :iU Jij- r'KI.L. JAN t