j j . I ' j ft j i i ; PUBLISHED BY FULTON PRICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. WHOLE NUMBER 547. VOLUME 2. NO. 23S. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1853. RATES Of ilf itnu 1 day 2 dlTJ, S dty ;.. 4 days,.... .... ... 9 dart,. 1 wk weeks, 1 S7 1 Bomb,.... 3 00 2 months, 3 50 3 mooth, S 00 C months, 8 00 1 jur. ...; 15 00 55 , 371 . 5.1 , T5 ADVERTING. 1 atraae. . 1 .lay $3 50 2 days .... ........ . 75 3 days .1A) 4 Jay 1 25 SdaTi.... 1 50 1 weik I 75 2 wteks 2 75 1 month 4 00 2 month ,.. 7 00 3 month 10 00 months. ....... ...18 00 lmr 30 00 Tea lines are counted as a square, and fir hues or It' a kalf-eqoare. Loafer advertisements ia proportioa, and all payable ia advaace. JAU half square net paid for ia advance will be charged ai a square. MW No publication made without a rtjponiillo nam. aVNetie Religious meetings, Beneve-lent aad ether wnchartered Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged halt the abort rate Qua alwayi payable in advaaee. Arrival mm DtpairtMr mt the .Mali nuilcr the h.w ArraHgrtnrtit, which wtNl lale iatlM, 1st Mart U, 134. The Mail from the North it due every day at 9 A. M., and at , P. M. Closes at 1 P. M., and at P. M. precisely- The Mail for the South closes at A. M. The Mail from Onslow Court-HouM, Sueada Ferry, &c, it due every Monday at 5 P. M. Close every Thuraday at P. M. The Mail from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, kc, is due every Thursday at 6 P. M., aud close aame night at 9 1. M. The Mail from Fayetterille, via Elitabetbtown and Pros Met Hall, &o., via Wilmington and Manchester Railroad from Robinson's Poat Office, ia due every Tueaday. Thurs day, and Saturday at 1 P. M., and close same daya at 84 A. M. The mail from Whiteville, Columbus county, per Wil mington and Manchester Railroad ia due at 1 P M , and cloaea att4 A. M. every day. IT An extra Package will be made up for Letters going North of Richmond, Va., which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letters inut be in the Office at the hours above named, or they will not be Mailed until next succeed ing Mail. C. Dt'PRG, D. H. BAKKR. C. DnPKR i CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER?, Corner Front and Princes-stroets, Wilmington, N. C. HOBKHT U. HAKKIK, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Vj 257 WlLMINQTOI, N. C. JOSiCPH 11. KL,AiVKU, GENRRAL Cominlaaloii Merchant, 2-ly Wilmington N. C. XV. V. HOW A HO, GROCElt AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water-it., Wilmington, N. C. XV. II. MeltOY. COMMISSION AND FOWARDING MERCHANT, South Water street, Wilmington, N. ('. JAMES ANDERSON, EDWARf RAVAOE. ASOEHSOV A SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. D. C. FREEMAN, CEO. HOUSTON. FREEMAN & IIOUfTOX, Wilmington, N, C, D. C. FREEMAN & CO , Kew York, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. G H. DOLL.VER, O. rOTTER, Jr. DOLLXKR .ft POTTKK, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, riI-lrl Newark r Liberal cash advances made on consignments J.NO. roTTS BROWN, ARMAND J. DEKOOSET, jr., R. F. BROWN. BROU N & DcROSSET, York, IfellOSSET & BROV,AVHinliiHto, N.C., 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. John MacRae, IVmt.n MacRae, John W. K. Dtx. J. M U. Me It A K & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION M EH CHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington. N. C. RlSSEMi b BROTHER, (l.ATE EI.I.IS, KI-SSELI. k C O ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash adrances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. CO-PARTNERSHIP SOT1CE. Cft D. DnPHE, Wholesale and Retail Ornggltta ajii) Apothecaries, Wilmington, N. C. May 9th, 1853. 207-tf C. Di:Pke. . D. Dt Pre, jr. EDWARD J. LITTEULOH, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington. N. C, nnd Agent for Steamers ROWAN, FANNY LUTTERLOII and MAJ. W. BARNET. April 1st, 1853. 177-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE subscribers, as Agents for the above Company, will take risks at fair rates. J. & D. McRAE & CO. November 27th, 1852. A. II. VANBOKKELEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Steres. Jan. 1, 1853 tI00-ly J. IJ. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER. IN CABINET Furniture, Bedstends, Chairs, Mattresses, &e. &., Front street, South of Market, Urown'g building, Wilrhing ton, N. O. Sept. 10, 1852. 9-ly MERRIMAN A WOODRt'FF, MANUFACTURERS OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE & Rosin, and dealers in Dry Goods and Groceries, Strick land's Depot, N. C. Feb. 12, 1853 -136-6m 7 RAYNER & GILMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. Referencks. E. Kidder, Esq.; J. II. Planner, Esq.; etsrs. Rankin & Martin. X4 Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February 11th, 1853 135-tf W. II. MeKOY. GENEKAIj fJUMMISBlUW MEKUHAnlT ; A USO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C., intends keeping at the a bore stand, a large assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all ordera from the country. I would respectfully invite the citizens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere.' I Intend to carry on a general com mission business. Particular attention will be given to the aloof Naval stores, and all kinds of producer Liberal Ch advances made on consignments. ' Wilmington, October 6th, 1852. 27-tf6tf m. cnorrLY. 4 UCTIONEKR AND COMMISSION .MERCHANT. IX WiLJtixawt, N. C. Hefem to the puMic generally. SiiKki. Heal KitXf, tJ Nf ras bought and tlJ ta a eotniuii'iB f wn per cent. May 21th. lOS il tf WM. SI. HAIUllSS). GENERAL C tat iuUU Mrrctn & ShlatDrktr, Wilsningtoa, N. C. REFtRECESI Jaa. Corner k Sa, Paltimore. K. A. Souder k Co., Philadelphia. Thnmp"a k Hunter, I v v . M. M. Freeman JitV. Tafta Huatiog, Boatoa. 12-ly 9. II. b J A. ii VANS, OLE SALE and Retail DrKt'ata, W'Ualsr ton. N. C. Will keen alwave ea hand a larre and rerv aetact itoek of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Sl'lUHCAL INSTRUMENTS, PATENT MED ICINES, PERFUMERY, ke , at low prioea. Jan. 17th, 153 WILM1M.TON (. C.) OIL WORKS. W. B. FLANKER. ME.NRT TALL. FLANNER & TALL, 1 rANUFACTl'IlERS of a suiri,.r LUBRICATING 11 OIL, PAINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR NISHES, PITCH. &e. F. & T. are alao manufacturing . a LUBRICATING GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axles, Slides, to. Thia GREASE worka cleaner, and ia cheaper than any that haa yet been offered for mle. Samples of both Oils and Grae, may be seen at the office of Mr. J. II. Flanner, 25 North Water street, or at F. T.'s office, California. N. B No admittance on the works. May 9th, 1S53. 209-tf J. WISSEI., H. B. EILERS. VESSEL b EILERS. nOMMI510 Merrhante and Wholraale Oreeert, Kj North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, Intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. REFERENCE! E. P. Ham.. Pres't P.ranth Bank of the State. ) O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Hank, WilmingtonJ P. K. DlCKINHON, LS' Porre k ( IVllXNER & iinhon, Esq , kPTTER,5Xe w York. l), f. FKECMAN k CO., N. Y. FREEMAN & HOI'CTON, WII.'.N FREEMAN HOLKTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wilminoton, N. C, keep constantly on hand a stock of Hour, Corn, Pork, liacon, Suit, Cojftt, A'gnr, M'Jmt'i, Tobarro, Cigars, Snuf, Candltt Sixtp , Furtign and Unmcftic .tyuors and H'imi ; Iron, Nailt, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domtstks, Hats, llmts, Shots, leather, JgriiiiJtura .mjjltmtnts, and a va riety of other articles, suitable foi family end plantation use and the retail trade, which they a ill dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonaolo term a for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, 1). C. Freeman, Is located In the cUv of New York ; the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wil mington. If desired, advances will be made du consign ments to and from either place. All businene entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled J. l, ROBINSON, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kinds 1 of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron AxlctrecH, Mill and Croaa Cut Saws, Cast Steol Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss I loop, Rivets, &c. fcc. His stock is now verv full and complete, with ma ny additions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line Merchants who are disposed to patronise Southern es tablishments, are guaranteed all articles in his lino as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1852 CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having purchased tho Interest of Capt. Gilbert Potter, in the Cowan Steam Mill, have this day entered into Co-partnership under the name and style of Kidder & Martin, for the transaction of the Lumber bust nen in all its branches. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. E. KIDDER, Jan. 3d. lV,3.-103-6m J. N. MART1N. DISSOLUTION. rpiJE CO-PARTN ERSHIP heretofore existing under the 1 firm of HOWARD k PEDEN, is this day dissolved by mutual concent. The books of said firm having been (lni'(l, all persons indebted to them will jileano make payment to W. C. Howard, who is alone ant horned to settle the busi ness thereof ; and such persons as have claims against them will present them to him for settlement. W. C. HOWARD, Jan 1, 13W W. N. PEDEN. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the style and firm of McKoy & Roberts, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled buiiDCSs of the firm will be arranged by W. II . McKoy alone. W. II. McKOY. Jan. 27, 1853 122 J. II. ROBERTS. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire interest of J. II. Roberts, in the firm of McKov k Roberts, I will continue the GROCERY & COMMISSION BUSINESS as heretofore. At the same time I take this opportunity of returning my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm, aud solicit a continuance of the same. W.H. McKOY. Jan. 27th, 1853. TTAVING sold my entire interest in the firm of McKoy k XI Roberts to Mr. W. II. McKoy, who will continue the business at the same place, I return my thanks to my friends for the liberal patronage extended the firm, and solicit a conlinuance of the same for my suoccsnor. JERRV II. ROBERTS. Jan. 27tb, 1853. 1 . i jiaasasssBi i , -. . i REDUCED FARE. MIROUOH TICKETS BETWEEN WJLMlNGTuN. Ikt r, . XTt T 4 T TTAJTriT, T.. X? A t 1 .... UTtM DON. PETERSBURG, RICHMOND. AND WASHING TON CITY, OR via WELDON, PORTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK. For tickets, apply at the Office of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Balti more and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1.1852 88-t BOARD. fiPVPT? AT. PT.PTASANT ROOMS, with or t lth oat board, can be obtained la one of the mon dV 1! alrablfl hntmes on Market street. For particulars, an- J-ll ply to MADAME P. CLEMENT, WilmingtorFeb. 21st, P53 HS-ly AXEsTaXESTTaXES ! ! ! Just received, a full supply of the btst and cheapest Axes ever brought to North Carolina, consisting of heavy Timber, Boxing, Club and Boys Axes, made expressly for me, and every Axe warranted. Wilmington, Dec. 29, 1852. J M. ROBINSON. JU8. JARS. AND CHURNS. f A CRATES assorted Stone Ware, consisting of Jan, 1U Jng, and Cburni.-ALSO, 10 boxea 8tewart. Butt ing k Co." Sugar Candy, 5 bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 8000 lbs. N, Carolina Bacon, 25 hotel superior Cheese, 20 bbls. Whiskey, 40 bbls. assorted brands of Hour and Buckwheat. For sale cheaff at the old stand ot Feb. 9th. Ui-tf. PERRIN k IIARTSFIELD. : NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the firm of Howard k Peden will please call and settle their accounts. W. C. HOWARD. soiirr.. THE aR.lrrg(d, a coram'tca a;fwinted tv the Coanty Court of Nw Hanover, will eimixact for tee builJmg of a ERIIa.K, furnished with a draw, acrtxe the Nvrth Eaat branch of Cat Fear Rim at Hilton. For rartW-ularj ad dress T.H.WILLIAMS,) rt S. U WALLACE, I ALEX. McKAF- H WM. A. WRIGHT, ' . March 23, l-CS-lTl-tf O. FENNELL, J T Towa papm ropy. NOTICE. THE undersign-! having been appointed at March Term f the County Court el New Hanover, a Committee to aacertaia for what sum the preaent Jail eaa be soli, and to advertiae for plane and eatimatea for the buildiag of a new Jail, hereby give swtice that they will receive bids for the preaent ait, and also propoaahi, accompanied by plans and specification for the ereetiosj i of a aew bail ding. Addrets, w . u. u r. 1 1 c u 1ST, l V Committee. T. 11. WILLIAMS, . U. WALLACE. Wilmington, N. March 25th, 153. )Twa papers copy. J 171 tf NOTltfc. 1MIE CO-rAUTNERSHIP heretofore exUting under the 1 name and style of POTTER t KIDDER ia this day dissolved. All pVraons having claima against the late firm, will please preaent them for eettlrtneul forthwith, and all "j rsons indebted to them will please come forward and ad just their bills. GILBERT POTTER, Jan. lt, ISXt 97 tf EDWARD KIDDER. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the Interest of Mr. W. N. Pede of the late firm of HOWARD k PEDEN, I will contin ue the business aa formerly ; and while expressing my sin cere thanks for the very liberal patronage hitherto extended to our firm, beg leave to solicit a continuance of tbe same. January 1. 1353. V.U. HOWARD. WINTER AHKAXUKNK.1T. MRS. E. A. Ft Ml D would take this method of In- forming the citiaeasof Wilmington and vicinity IviS that she baa refitted her bouae and rooms in a neat "! and comfortable manner, and is now prepared to accommo date a number of Boarders by the month, either with or without lodging. Some of her best rooms will be reserved for tranxient company. BOARD from $11 to 20 by tbe month. ()i-lf.l,ir 93 m.V Jl.lf aTA GOOD COOK wanted, for which a good rrU-t will rOK I) be paid, by the month or year. Apply to Mrs. Ft WOLFE'S AROMATIC SCI1KIDAM lit UN API'S. qtHE SUBSCRIBERS having been appointed the sole L agents in Wilmington, for tli sale of this superior ar ticle of Holland Gin, offer it for sale in quart ana pint bot tles and iugs in any quantities to suit purchasers. It has been pronounced by the highest medical authority a superlative Tonic, Diuretic, Antidyapcptio, and invigorating Cordial, and they ean confidently recommend it to every one deslrious of obtaining a pure article of Holland Gin. Feb. 7. WESSELk EILERS. IIAND9 WANTED. 1Q OR 18 ABLE BODIED LABORERS, by the month IW or lor balance of the year. Apply to Col. Rae, or 0 Wilmington, N. O , March II, 1853. John Mo- G. PARSLEY. 100-tf IRON MAKER. CRIC11 & CO.'S Improved patent Salamander Safes, t warranted free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof. The subscribers having accented the agency forth sale of the above highly approved Safes, are in rared to furnish any sis or pattern which may be wanted at manufacturer' price, ueurercu in inn yiuce. Specimens of several sir.es bare Just been received, and or dcrs will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, lfc)2 tf DeROSS rfT k BROWN. OILLS! OILS! !-3 bbl. Pateut Lubricating Oil for Ma chinery, 10 do. Winter Bleached Sperm Oil, 10 do. Rach ed Whalodo. J. k I). McRAE It CO. I17HITE LEAD. No. 1, extra, and puro, in kegs of 25 YY and 50 lbs each, for sale by Jan. 5. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. EIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. A genuine article-quarts and pints, for sale by FREEMAN It HOUSTON. H INSEED OIL -In hhd. and bbls., for sale by Feb. 1 FREEMAN It HOUSTON. L n vT lish. For sale by s NUFF! 12 half bbls, Catcall's jl0bbls.de For sale by ADA.MS, URU1I1EK, k Cv LUK. 10 bbls. superior American; 20 do. superior En- ADAMS, BRO. k CO. CRACKERS. In bbls. and boxes, Biiller, Soda, and Su gar, fresh, for sale by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. KATKS OK FK EIGHT FROM KEW YOItK TO WILMINGTON. , ( T8 Hoxcs, Case, Bales, Trunks, Casks of llaiJ- ware, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, Sieves, Bandboxes, Rolls of Lea'her, Jtadulel rees, Collars, Tea, io all packages, and al! other measurement Goods .per cubic fool. Crates and Hhds., of Crockery, each Do. do. do. on deck, Sugar and ) in Hhds. per 100 lbs., Copperas, j Gross, : : Iron and Steel per ton. : : Pipes of Liquor, I Hhds. do. each, : : Do. Molasses, j Barrels, wet and dry, each, : : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, Tarred do. do. l. Bundles of chairs, each chair, : : Hollow Ware, per ton, : : Do per piece, : : Castings Machinery, per ton, : Kegs of Nails, of 100 lbs., each, : Anvils, each, : : : : Vises, each, ; : : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith's Bellows, each, : Powder, per keg, : : : : Hay, per bale, : : : : Boxes of Axel and Tin. each, : : Aquafortis and Vitrol.in box or carboy, deck, YVagon Boxes, per set, : : : Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., each, Shovels, Spades, Scythes, Forks, Cutting Knives, trying Pans, and Hoes, in bun dles of half dozen, each, : : Brooms, per dozen, . : i t Coffee, per bag, : : . : Cheese, per cask, : : : : Lead or Shot, per ton, : : : Shot, per hag, : : : : Sole and Harness Leather, per side, : Wrapping Paper, per ream, : , : Mill Stones, sinall, per pair, : : Do., large, do., : : : Gigs, each rr- Jersey VVagonf, each, t : I Stage CoacDi complete! :" . t t ; Do. , . Do. on deck : : Ploughs eacDg t i I : Chains in bags, each. : : ' Small Kess, eachr - -'.it- , i.rw,,t. Articlee not enumerated charged In proportion. . , CO-Ioformation must be given to the Agent, In NeV Terk, of all Packages cootainlng Powder, or lonble rates will Invariably be charted, beeidee the Shipper held liable for all damages it la jnf from neglect of tills notice. ' " ' i 06 125 I 00 12; 1 50 1 25 25 1 (5 00 . 4 00 10 4 00 03 3 00 10 08 06 10 60 25 50 08 50 01 04 09 10 15 25 1 50 02 04 20 3 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 It 00 10 00, 20 10 80- Tfce Daka mt Welllitf to mm4 ear Hit tell Ureal Britain During the Irt occufatioo ef Paris fcj th t'llji in 1814, Lorvl Wellington wrote xnany itcpcr.xat 1ft lrs to the Hoe Gotemnent, iart cf cce cf which,' addressed to Ixrd Lirerpool, refers to the prtpcil then mad to send him to Aneriea : I have already told yoa nd Lori Bathont thai I fe el no objection to pnng to Ameriea, theoth 1 don't promise 19 fujaelf much success tbers. 1 U lir thert art trrxps enough there for ths defence ef Canada forever, and even for tbe aeccnsliihtaent of any reasonalle (ffeneita plan that coolJ be form 4 from the Canadian frontier. I am quite lure that all tbe American armies of which 1 have ever real would not beat out of a field of battle the troops that went from Bordeaux last summer, if eotniuon pre caotione and care were taken of tbmu i , That which appears to me to be waotiog In A coerica is not a general, or general cEcera aad troops, but a naral superiority on the lakes; till that supe riority Is acquired, it is impossible, according to ay notion, io main lain an army in sucn simauyn as to keep an enemy out of the wools frontier, much less to make any conquest from the enemy which. wnn inose superior mesne, migni, who reasonar.n hones of auccess, be undertaken. I mar be wron in this opinion, bat 1 think the whole history of the war proves its truth : and I suspect that jou wilf find that Preyost will justify his misfortunes, (which, by-the-by, I am quite certain are not what I fit Amer icans have represented them to be,) by stating thai that the navy were defeated; and even tf ht Lad ta ken Fort Moreau, he must have retired. "The question is, whether we can obtain this na val superiority on the lakes. If wt cannot, I ihalt do you but little good in America, and I shall go there only to prove the truth of I'm oat's defence, and to sign a peace which. might as well be sijrjed now. 7 bere will, always, however, remain tun ad vantage, the confidence which I have acquired will reconcile both the army end pevple of England t terms of which they would not now spprort., -. " In regard to your present negotiations, I confess that I think you have no right, from the state of the war, to demand any concession of territory from A mericA. Considering everything, it is my opinion that the war has been a most successful one, and highly honorable to tht British arms; but, from par ticular circumstances, auch ns the want iof naval su periority on the lakes, you have not been able to carry it into the enemy's territory. nniwUhstntiding your military success and now unbounded military' superiority, and have not even cleared your own ter ritory of the enemt on the point of attack Yfla cannot, on any principle of (quality in negotiation, claim a cession of territory, excepting in exchange for other advantages which you have in your pow- ' - ' 7',,: '" 111 ' 11 """.Ejt - 1 CoNjtosL ArrtcTioN or k Jcaoa At t, fLooi, during a murder trial, one of ihe jurors, on adjourn ment, went home, instead of goini t the Jury nximi The Court the next morning took bim to tiak fir his conduct, when he replied, that he had. been a married man for twelve years, and had never been away from his wifo one night in tht whole, of that time, and tlmt he found it utterly iinprtiMe to be absent from her. Tho judge fined ,ihe delinquent ?oj iur inn uonjun,! nucuunii. winvn une was hhit wards commutod to three days' Imprisonment in jaif. W LA1MD WARIIANTSJ W1NTP.U.' E continue to bur LAND WAR BANTS for 160. 80' and 40 acres, and ry the hlehe-t Cash triors, t Ifon't sell until you see us. we will pay more than any one else In Wilmington, and ray the Cash. , March IS. SCOTT & BA LDW1N. ClfJARH. Jat reeeived another lot of those superior, fine flavored Cirars. maoufaetur"d expressly for mo. AUo. 80.000 Cigars, various brands and qualities. For sale by finjro - vv. Ki. IIUWAUJJ.' , L'ST KLCrilVLD. A hrge and complete sufi!y jo FltKMI SI.KDH, comprising every variety usually call ed Tor, raisnd and put up by the United Society of bhakers, at New I.elisnon, N. Y. Orders from our country friende promptly filled. (Jan. II . 13. k J. A. EVANS LI Ml-i, LIMK. Am bbls. ltockland Lime ; 600 Ills. Ll colnville White Lump. Also, Calcined Plaster. taring Hair, Fire lirlck, and Hydraulle Cement : 1,000 bbls Lime, kc. For sale by J. C. k R. B. WOOll, April 0, 1852 lHfl Contractors and RuiMers. B OXINOAXES! BOXING AXES!! Sunt received, a i few boxes of extra quality of new and improved pattern. Feb. 10. 1853.-13.Vtf J. M. ROHINfON. IRON of all the best makes, suitable for Flanters and Suiiths' use. Constantly on handand for sale at lb lowest: price, and qoality warranted, by J. M. ROBINSON. WOOL. will give the highest cash price for all the Wool that is brought to market. ' May 6 W. C. IIOWABD. TN STORE.-25 bales Navy Oakum ; 13 bbls. Prime Forks 1 25 do. Rump Fork. J. & D. MeRAtt k CO. JlT IlECKIVEW,, REFRIGERATORS, Water Coolers and rjhower Baths. For sale by , J, V. LOVE. May 16. 1853. Com. It lief, copy.j 215-tf FLORAL OFFERING Handsomely bound, with beauti ful colored plates, just at band, at " " ' May 16. 8. W. WIHTAKER'g.! HITi; LKAD.-6000 lbs.. No. 1. Extra, and Pure ; in' kegs of 25, 50, and 100 lbs. each. For sale bv My 4th FREEMAN it HQU8TON APER.-200 Reams Wrapping and Writing Paper, for " tKKKMAN ft HOUSTON.i LUK. 10 bbls. tirime Glue. For sale by iviarcn as. AMKSOiN CC SAVAUf.. W P G TOBACCO, (t boxes Tobacco, " SUr Factory;" ' ; 12 half boxes do., M ?nscieiis Lnxury."1 ' For sale by ANDERSON & SAVAQC. GUNNY BAG8. 5,000 2, 2i and 8 bushel Gunny Bags, just received. Forsaleby Oct. 18 , ' , ADAMS, BRO. At CO.. ENGLISH OLUE.6 Hhds. Prime Ettglii Gloe. just received and for sale by ADAMS,, BRO. k Co. FFhE.-60 6ackS 8t. Domingo, Rio, Laguayrs, Java, ail and Mocha Coffee, for sal dv ' ' Mvreh 23. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. ; PLOWS! PIWSTrPL5WS Hi: Just received a lull assortment, and for sale cheap, by , , ' April 9, . ; 7. l. ROBINSON. -1I!AMPAr.NE2fJ Baskets. " Ileidaieck." Grape." J "Vin De Bouiv." "Cordon Rooite." Quarts and pints, fersaUi.by , FREEMAN & HOUSTON. TTliK. 30 barrels, for sale bv : U- al3 . ' FREEMAN & HOUSTON. TRACKING FOR MACHINERY. A constant sur 1 Goodyeef's Patent Mia Robber racking; also, a i nm article Of Italian lieaap l ackinjj. , - . J. K Feb 7. D. MeRAE t- C TriNEGAR. Superior Newark Cider Vinrr, !.. Y forsaleby FREEMAN k L'jV. U