f I si f I ; I ' a . V ' v ' v i PL'UMSHEn 1!Y FULTON i PRICK. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. .VOLUME 2.-NO. m. WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1S53. WHOLE NUMBER 573. S I I I I RATE OF mk.tr t ai 1 day 2 dv 3 dj, 4 day, 5 Ly, 1 wwl. 2 wek,. 1 month. M 4rS t 2 5 .... 2, 73 4 1 37j 2 tJ 2 month, 3 50 3 mouth, 5 00 S months, ..S 00 1 year 13 00 Hit. 2 4 j .. 3 JJ .. 4 dart -5 Javi .. 1 wek.. 2 weeks. 1 month. 2 month. 1 oo 1 2-3 1 5- 1 73 2 73 4 Ut 7 IM 3 month! 10 Sm mthi ! W 1 rear 3 00 Tea lines are counted, a a sa-re, and Bve line or 1 a half-square. Lori-er adertieuicut in proportion, aud all payable ia advance. J-All half square nit paid fur is advance will b charged ai a quare. rXe advertieraent will be continued in this paper, without filial agreement, longer thau 2 month., aud the bill will be presented for payment ia all eaes alter the ex piration of the 2 months fN publication made without a responsiblo name. AsTXotices of Religiou meetings, Benevolent Scieties, and Obituaries, will be charged half the above rates. The eah for such notice will be required in all eaes before the publication i made. . B. 6i J. A. EV1.S, TTTIIOLFStLK mm Retail DrwsicUte. Ulllr 1 ton. X. C- Will keep a!ay on band a !srge and very Meet stock of iKl f .S Mr.ll IN r.. 1 IIKMH AI.S, PAIMMMU, G L A s, S I Ki . 1C A L I ST K CM LN TS, PATENT M-l 1CINES, PERI1 UMEKY, ke, at low pr.eea. Jan. 17th. lvtt Arrival anil Depart!- ut (he Mall UMtler the mw Arrangement, wltUb nt Into orratloii, l.t Han h, lW. The Mail from the Xorth is due ererv day at 9 A. M., and at 9$ 1. M. Close at 1 1'. M , and at i P. M preene- The Mail for the South clo- at 8j A. M. Tke Mail from Ouidow Court-lloue, Snea Is Ferry, itc, It due ertrr Monday at 5 1'. M. Close every Thursday at Sl. M. The Mail from Long Creek, l'.lmk River Chapel, Sic , in due every Thursday at 6 P. M., and clo.-sc same night at ! P. M. The Mail from Fayetteville, via Klizahethtown ami Pro. pect llall, ko-, via Wiliointon and Manchester Kailmad froia Kobinou' Post Oflioc, is due every Tuenday. Tliurs day, and Saturday at 1 1. M , and close same days at A. M. The mail from Whiteville. Columbu county, r Wil mington and Manchester Kailroal is due at 1 P M , and close af4" A. M. every day. trAn extra Package will be made up for letter going North of Hichmond, Va , which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other Letter mut be in the ( tfice nt the hour above named, or they will not be Mailed until licit iuocoed ing Mail. C. DI'l'RK, 1- B. HAK.R. t . DulMtK V tO, Wiiollsau; ani ui.taim;(cki:s, Corner Front jrnd Prince s-Htr i ts. Wilmington, V C UIIUKKT ti. IAK1, COM MISSIOX M K Ii ( 1 1 A NT, 257 Wii.MiaoroN, N. C. JOSKI'll II. KI-AWKIt, GENKItAL CoiuiiiUmIuii 9Ieihnnt, 2-ly Wilmington X. G. XV. t. IIOWAUU, GROCER AM) COMMISSION MFKCIIANT, South Water-t., Wilmington, N. C W. II. leKOV. COMMISSION AND FVAI!lI; MERCHANT. South VVrater Street, Wilmington. N C JAMES ANDKKSON, KDWAKf SAVAOli. AMKIIS) SAVAtiK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances lunde nn consigniuent. . C. KKKKMAN, OK'). H'ifTO. FRRKMAN &, HOUSTON, Wilmington, N' -'., D. C. FUKEIAN &, CO , Sew York, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. H. DOLL.XER, o. pot; KB, jr. l)OI!. RIt t POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lol-ly New York fW Liberal cash advance nutde on eoiifiigninents JMO. POTTS BROWN, AR MANI) .1. liK'iTiSSKr, jr., R . F. MROWN. UllOU A tfc I) -ROSSKT, nv York, UcROSSKT ItROU , WllinliiKton, V. ( ., (32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. John MacRae, Donald Ma Rak. John W. K. Dix. J. I). Melt A F. S. CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington. N. C. Kl'SSELIi b llltOTIIKK, (l.ATK Kt.I.I, r.fsoF.t.L ,V CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wll.VIN'OTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. C&i D. DuPRE, Wholesale Bti.l Itelall Drliggliit Afi Apothpxaries, Wilmington, X. C. May 9th, 1853. 2U7-tf C. Dt Pre. D. Di Pre, jr. KIMVA It l .1. MA TTERLOH, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N.C., Rnd Agent for Steamers ROWAN, FANNY LUTTERLOII and MA.I. W. BAR NET. April M, 1853. 177-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE gubceriberi'. ns Agents for the above Company, will take risks at fair rate. J. & D. McRAE & CO. November 27th, 1852. A. II. VANUOKKELEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANT, WilmingtoD, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchaso of Xaval gtcreg. Jan. 1, 1853 IOQ-ly J. O. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AXD DEALER IN CABINET Furniture, Bedsteads, Chairs, Mattresses, &c. &c., Front street, South of Market, Brown's building, Wilming ton, N. C Sept. 10, 1852.-9-ly MERRIMAN Ai WOODRUFF, "VfANUFACTURERS OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE & j.tx rtosiN, and dealers in Lry Ooods and Groceries, Strick- land'd Drnnf M f. rrk it issi 10; ? Feb. 12, 1853.-136-m RAYKER & GILMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YORK. References. E. Kidder, Esq.; J. II. Flanner, Esq.; essrs. Rankin & Martin. J4 Liberal cash advances made on consignment. " ilJ, February 11th, 1803 135-tf WM. M. IIARRISS, GENERAL Commission Merchant At Ship Broker, Wilmington, X. C. REFERENCES: Sudleyr& Hunthigtinr W110110. N- C - Jas. Corner & Song, Baltimore. ' E. A. Soudcr Ik Co., Philadelphia. Thompson & Hunter, vv . M. M. Freeman & Co., ew'Vrk, w . L. . Tafl f Hantinj, Bostoa. ' 1M V. II. McKOV. nENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT? ALSO, VT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Sth Water street. Wihuiorton, N. C. intend keepinr at tha a- kove Man I, a large a-ortmeat of GROCERIES LIQUORS and PUO IR.. at wholeaUaudretatl. ParticaUr at tentioa will be paid tv all orders troia tht euuntry. I would reectfu!ly invite the eitiien ft Wiltaingtoa and the aJj oning country, to call and exautine my tmk before pur cbaing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry on a general coa Uiiiun busuicM. Particular atteutiou will be given t the sale of Naval More, and all kiud of produce. Liberal Cash a lranre aia le ou cusignmeut. Wilmington, ctber rith, 2 27-tf fitf j. n. . S1LEIJ. ESS F.I. ,t F.ll.KltS. CKMI.MISKIOi .Mrrrhanta and W holesale Urorera, North Water Street. Wilmington, N. C.. intend to keep at the abvt stand a general a?ortnent of tJrjeerie, Liquor, and l'rovisions, at wholesale aud to carry ou a Geueral Cobioii.o.'iou lueiness. t KFKKENCE : E. P. Hall, Pres't Tram-It Rank of the State, 1 O. G. Parolky, Prcs't Couimercial Fauk, WiluiingtocJ P. K. Dn iiiNviN, Ei , ) Dh lkr k Potter, ork. ,3J D. C. FRKEMA k CO., N. Y. FREEMAN & MoffTON, WIL'N FREEMAN A IIOlSTt, TEUCHANTS AND FACTORS Wii.misbton, N. C, 1 J keep constantly on hand a tock of Your, Corn, Potk, Htioin, S'tlt, Cvjftt, Augur, Miawi, Tubarro, t'ignr, Snuff, L'uwi($ StMit , Futtig uJ J miftir Ugwin and H'int$ ; Iron, A'ui, I'aintt, Oilt, (jl'im, I)nt$tut, llutt, Bimt$, Shitt, lAtithrr, Jgru nltura myUmtnlt, and a va riety of other articles, luitable foi family nd plantation use and the retail trade, which the will dispose of in lots to suit dealer or consumers on reasonable term for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, D. C. Fkke.man, is located in the city of New York; the junior partner, Geo. Hoikto.n, in Wil--iniiigton. If desired, advance will be made on consign ment to and from either place. All business entrusted to theiu will receive proper attcnt ion ; and order for Goods will be promptly and eartfully filled MII.MIMJTON (. V.) OIL WORK N. W II. FLANKER. HENRY TALL. FL ANN Kit S. TALL, fANIFACTDRERS of a iiH-rior Ll'BK K'ATING 11 OIL, PAINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR N1IIL. PITCH, tc F V T. are also manufacturing a LI' l!R K'ATING !R EAE, for Carriage and Cart Axles, Slides, &e. This (iR.Al'J works cleaner, and i cheaper than any that has yet been oflered for sale. Sample of both Oils and Grcae, msy be en at the office of Mr. I. H. Flanner, 25 North Water street, or at F. Ar T.' off:ce, ('alifornia. N. B No admittance on the works. May 91 h, ljl 209-tf J M. ROBINHON, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in allkin.W 1 of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrec, Mill and Croat Cut Saw, Cat Steel Hues, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, 'J' run Hoop, Rivett, &.C. &c. Hi stock i now very full find complete, with ma ny addition of new and useful article in the house-keeping lino Merchant who are disposed to patronize Southern es tablishments, are gwirnnttnl all articles in his line aslow as they can be procured North Wilmington, N. C , Sept. 21, 1K52 DISSOLUTION. rMIE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the stylo 1 and firm of McKoy k Roberts, is thi day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the firm will be arranged bv W. 11 McKoy alone. W H. McKOY. Jan. 27, i833-I22 J. II. ROBERTS. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire interest of J. II. Roberti, in the firm of McKoy k Roberts, I will continue the GROCERY k COMMISSION BUSINESS as heretofore. At the same time I take this opportunity of returning my sincere thanks lor the liberal patronage extended to the late firm, aud solicit a continuance of the saino. W.II. McKOY. Jan. 27th, 1853. HAVING sold my entire interest in the firm of McKoy k Roberts to Mr. W. II. McKoy, whu w"ill continue the business nt the same place, I return my thanks to my fr'cnds for the liberal patronage extended the firm, and solicit a conli nuance of the same for ray successor. JERRY II. ROBERTS. Jan. 27th, 1853. DISSOLUTION. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of HOWARD k PEDEN, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The book of said firm having been closed, all persons indebted to them will please make payment to W. C. IIowako, who is uloiic authorixed to fettle the busi ness thereof; ami such persons as have claims against them will present them to him for settlement. W. C. HOWARD, Tan 1, IM53-yr W. N. PEDEN. CO-PA RT N E RS 1 1 1 P OTI C E. THE undersigned have this dav formed a Co-partnership, under the firm and style of RUSSEEE k BROTHER, for the transaction of the General Commission business. HENRY P III SHELL. May 2d, 1853. JOS R. RUSSELL. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the name of PARsLEY, McKAE k CO., for the transac tion of the LUMBER BUSINESS. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE, WM. G. JONES. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1853 185-tf .ll;S, J A ItS, AND CHURNS. 1 A CRATES assorted Stone Ware, consisting of Jan, 1U Jugs, and Churns. ALSO, 10 boxes " Stewart, Buss ing & Co." Sngar Candy, 5 bbls. Fulton Market Beef, 3000 j lbs. .V C arolina uacon, noxes superior tneese, zu oois Whiskey, 40 bbls. assorted brands of Flour and Buckwheat For sale cheap at the old stand ot Feb. 9th. 131-tf. PERRIN k HARTSFIELD. REDUCED FARE. IRON SAFES. C1 RICH k CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampnest as well as Fire-Proof. The tabscriberi having accented the agency for the sale of the above highly approved Safes, art repared to furnish any siztor pattern which may ba wanted at manufacturers' prices, delivered in this place. Specimens of several sizes have just been received, and of ders will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852 tf " DeROSSi5T& BROWN. WOLFE'S AROMATIC SCIIEIDAM SCHNAPPS. THE SUBSCRIBERS having been appointed the tola agents in Wilmington, for the sale of this Superior ar ticle of Holland Gin, offer it for sale in quart ana pint bot tles and jags ia any quantities to suit purchasers. It has been pronounced by the highest medical authority a superlative Tonic, Diuretic, Antidyspoptic, and invigorating Cordial, and they oan confidently recommend it to every one desirioui of obtaining a pur article ef Holland Gin. Feb. 7. WESSEL k EILER8. WHITE LEAD.-S000 Ibe., Ne. 1, Extra, and Pure i in kegs of 23, 50, and 100 lbs. eaeh. For tale by My4ih r REE MAN k HOUSTON. WOOL .I will give the highest cash price for all the Weol that ii brought te market. T Ma 6 , v ' W. C. HOWARD. wm 1 1 mn r 1 1 1 i rPHKOU Wl TICKETS BETWEEN WILMINGTON, -a. X. C. AND BALT1MOKI. FARE IS. via WEL IhA. PETERSBURG. RICHMOND. AND WASHING TON CITY. OR via WELDOX, PORTSMOUTH AND M'KKOLK. For ticket, apply at the Ofie ef tke Wilmington aad Raleigh Rail Rttad Company at Wilaiiugtoa, or at the Office I the l!timur Steaai racket towiay, aad of the Paiti "r aad hto Rail Road Company, lTa'tt Street, Baltimore. Jaa. 1.1S52 KH-t BOARD. CEVERAlTrLEASAXT ROOMS, with or ith O nut board, eta be obtained ia one of the uioti Je virable bouse em Market street. For l articular, atv- ply to MADAME P. CLEMENT. Wilmington. Feb. 21 t. 1853 1U ly WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MRS. E. A. FOR D would take this method of in- forming the ritunwf Wilmington and vicinity J'oi that she ba refitted ber houe and room ia a neat I. aud comfortable manner, and i now prepared to aceomwo dat a number of Boarders by the month, either with or without lodgings. Some of ber best room will be reserved for tranient company. BOA R D from 14 to 20 by the month. October 23, 1832 41-tf T A GOOD COOK wauttd, for which a good price will be paid, by the month or year. Apply to Mr. FORD NO! ICE. 1MIE undersigned, a committee appointed by tht County Court of New Hanover, will coutract for tht building of a BRIDGE, furnished with a draw, acn the North has. branch of Cape Fear River at Hilton. For particulars ad dress T. H. WILLIAMS, 1 0 S H. WALLACE, mV ALEX. MtRAK, J WM. A. WKIGIIT, - ! O. FEN NELL, J ? March 25, lS53-171-tf I own psprrs coiy. NOTICE. THE undemigneil having been appointed at March Term of the County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to ascertain for what sum the present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for plan and estimate for the building of a new Jail, hereby give notice that they will receive bids for the present site, and also iiroMal, accompanied by pln and specification for the erection of a new building. Addrei, vv. o. isp. I 1 r..i;tUK I . T. II. WILLIAMS. V Committee. S. D. WALLACE. Wllminirton. N. C. March 25th. 1853. )Town papers copy. 171-tf NOTICE. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exiting under the name and tyle of POTTER It KIDDER 1 thit day dissolved. All persons having claims against the late firm, will please present them for settlement forthwith, and all TJrsons indebted te them will please eome forward and ad just their bill. GILBERT POTTER, Jan lt, 1H53-97 tf EDWARD KIDDER. H NOTICE. AVI NO purchased the Interest of Mr. W. N. Pedkn of the late firm of HOWARD It PEDEN, 1 will contin ue the business a formerly ; and while expressing my sin cere thank for the very liberal patronage hitherto extended to our firm, beg leave to solicit a continuance of the tame. January 1. 1803. W. C. HOWARD. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the firm of Howard k Peden will please call and tettlt their accounts. W. C. HOWARD. MORE NEW HOOKS. MAY 23d From Express office this morning, we receiv ed looping' Field Book of the Revolution ; ArHeton'i Mechanic's Msgsslne for May ; Trial of Achilll vs. Newman; Henry Esmond, by Thackcry ; Vanity Fair, by Thaekerv ; My Novel, by Bulwer ; Mary Price, by Reynolds: Reveries of a Ratchebtr; Dream Life Fresh Gleanings, byJ.K. Mar vel ; Iconise I a Valiere, by Duma j Helen Moretoti'i Trials and Sequel to same, by Cousin Cicely ; House of tht Seven Gable, by Hawthorne ; and the following works or Herman Melville's : Omoo, Typee, Redburn, Whit Jaeket, Msrdi, Moby Dick. S. W. WHITAKEK. LIQUORS. GIN.-1 bbls. Philadelphia Gin : S de Baltimore do. Whiskey. -5 bkU. Stftuffer'i Old Rye. Brandy. B J casks pale French Brandy. Do. 1 do. do. Morton's do. do. lJo. ..4-bbU, Bostc liraetdy., -- For sale by J. k D. McR A E cV CO. RATKS OF Fit EIGHT FROM NEW YORK TO WILNlMiTON. ICTI Boxes, Cases, Bate", Trunks, Casks of HiJ ware, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, Sieves, Bandboxes, Rolls of Iea'ber, Saddle Trees, Collars, Tea, in all packages, and at' other measurement Goodf---per cubic fool. Crates and Hhds., of Crockery, each Do. do. do. on deck, Sugar and in Hhds. per 100 lbs., Copperas, i Gross, : : Iron and Steel per ton. : j Pipes of Liouor, ) Hhds. (lo. each, : : Do. Molasnes, ) Barrels, wet and dry, each, : : Mannilla Cordage, per ton, . : Tarred do. do. i : Bundles of chairs, each chair, : : Hollow Ware, per ton, : Do per piece, : : : Castings Machinery,wper ton, : Kegs of Nails, of 100 lbs., each, : Anvils, each, ; : : : Vises, each, ; : : : : Kegs or Tubs of Butter, of 100 lbs., each, Blacksmith' Bellows, each, : : Powder, per keg, : : : : Hay, per bale, i : : : Boxes of Axes and Tin, each, : : Aquafortis and Vitrei, in box or carboy, deck Wagon Boxes, per aet, : : : Kegs of Paint, of 25 lbs., each, : Shovels, Spades, Scythes, Forks', Cutting1 Knives, Frying Pans, and Hoes, in bun dies of bait dozen, each, : : : Brooms, per dozen, . : : : Coffee, per bag, Cheese, per cask, : : : : Lead or Shot, per ton, : j : : Shot, per bag, : : : : Sole and Harness Leather, per side, : : Wrapping Paper, per ream, : : Mill stonee, small, per pair, !...L. Do., large do., j : : Gigs, each, i j : : t Jersey Wagons, each, : : i Stage Coacn, complete, : : Do. Do. ou deck ; : Ploughs, each, t : ft Chainf in bags, eMh,-rT-i'---! j t -Small Kegs, each, : t Artfclet not enumerated cnerged la proportion. fxy-lnformatlon most be given to the Agent, In New York, of aUPtcksgeaeontatnltif rewder.ef double rates will In variably be charged, beaidet the Shipper held liable for all damages aria iI frtrm negTect of ttil notice. - I aaa a Lot Mas, r Tht newspapers inform aa that these were the last words r.f Bogeittd, Marshal of Prance, and Duke of I!y When be uttered them, he was sit closing a brilliant, me ay would say. ewfal life. He had lei tat artniee to battle. He bad governed exteneive States. He bad been conspicuous in the councils ef nations The President of France ma le aoxiooe vis its to his death-chamber. The stern Cavalgnae wept as be looked opon the dissolving frame of bit old eom raJejand the Convention was jrnfoondly affected when the news of his death was announced.' eWith all this accumulation of honor he was, by bis own confession, " a lost man." How mournful the cod trast between the glory ol his life and the deep gloom of its close ! From the tame source we learn that Bugeaod bad a pious mother. In the history of Lie eventful life, this teems to have been the only quarter in which good influence was exerted upon his bear!. His moth er's voice alone warned him of bis danger and spoke to him of eternity ; all others influences led him astray. In the camp he heard of God only in blasphemy. In civil life he taw nothing but a desperate straggle for earthly place and power In the saloons of Paris he heard wit mocking, and philosophy denouncing tht religion of youth. The quiet voice that had warned bini, and prayed with him, was, alas for bin f over borne and loet in the midst of these babbling voice! of the world. In the hour of death, however, these voices die away and are forgotten. The acclamations of a world could not have made the failing pulse of Bugeaod beat faster. Other tones were in his ears ; the accents we will not listen to when they admonish ut, we are of ' ten forced to listen to when ihey accuse. The dying moments art often the time of resurrections for abused privileges and neglected gifte. The) "stalk forth from the burial place of memory," to foreshadow our doom, and convince us of its undeniable jtistiee. l nut we explain) inai iraiiui expression mat leu from the dying wanior. He heeded a voice which he had long neglected Mnd forgotten. Across the waste of years, through the storm of batt'e, it comes clear and distinct upon Ins falling ear It asks for the fruit of early counsel ; it seeks for the result of pious cart and zeal. One comprehensive glance over hie life satisfies the man that he was wasted it. Hie own conscience condemn him. In this he knows that be but anticipates the sentence of God, and be sinks into " death, " a lost man." The lessson of this sad incident ie easily read. It it only another matanre of the ca-e with which careless nets can turn our best blessings into curses. A moth er's love and a mother s pious care are inestimable gift of Gods mercy. Indifference and impenitence can make them causes of our deeper damnation, and to change the soft voice that sung our young infancy to sleep, that it will haunt our dying pillow with accu sations that we can neither gainsay nor avert Iiev' '-B' Gritr' The Sumtrrville, S. C, JJtad River Watchman says that on the morning of the fifth inst.,ao accident happened upon the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road, somewhere in tht neighborhood of Lvnchburr. about sixteen miles from Sumterville, which we learn completely wrecked the passenger Car, but did no in jury to human life. Several cowt were sleeping up on the I rack, and the cars ran over (hem unperceiv ed, which, of course, threw them off the Track, and resulted as above stated. ' NEW tlOODS.-AT THE OLD STAND, MARKET STREET. WE have Just opened our Urge and well selected stock of DRy GOOD-yjROCERIES, HARDWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. CUTLERY. AND CROCK v.. RY, AND GLASS WARE ; consisting In nart of Calicoes j Gingham ; Moualin de Lanes ; Alpacena j Sattlnets t Cassl meres ; Clothe ; Vesting j Shirtlnes s 8-4. 7-8 aud 4-4 Rrown . U.nesnuni Mi.l aud cheeked ILrniiaied Tiekj, -Kentucky Jeans j red and white Flannel Linseyi Tsrky Red: blue and white Spun Cotton; Hosier; Merino Shirs ami nrawersj nerey ; Kcd and negro Blankets; Table Dia per and Glothsj Shawls ; Suspenders; Silk and Cotton Handkerchief ; Otiiabttrgs and Apron Checks. GROCERIES i Rio, Laguyra.St. Domingoand Java Coffee j brown, hit, clarified, pulverized and granulated Sugars; imperial Gun powder, Young Hvson and Black Teas; Butter I Lard Cheese ; Colgate' Pale and No. 1 Soap ; Toilet and Fancy 06 25 00 12, 50 25 25 00 00 10 'oo 03 00 10 08 06 10 60 25 50 08 50 01 04 09 10 16 25 50 02 04 20 00 00' 00 Of 00 10 00 20 10 80 1 3 5 5 6 12 .oap , luaiuaiitine arm i anow uanaie : Ptarco eX rttsren Poli'h, (a new article); Salt; Mustard; Pepper; Spice (linger; Cinnamon; Cloves; Mace; Nutmegs; AfluaiJ Salt-Pet re ; Camphor ; Saleratus, end all qualities of Tobac co ; Pork ; Mackerel ; Fulton Market Beef: Smoked Reef and Tongues ; Mrs Miller's, John lull's, Appleby's, Out calt's, and Lorrilard't Snuff; bbls., half bbls. k bags Floor; Buckwheat; Pickles Brandied Y raits ; Lemon Syrups j walnut ana I omatto 1 atups ; Pepper Sauce; Preserved W. I. Ginger ; Diarrhrea Syrup. CRACKERS) Soda, Milk, Butter, Cop, Water, Egg, Walnut, Fancy.V Ginger, and Seed Crackers. HARDWARE: ,.' Stock, Plate, Cottage. Pad, Till and Cupboard Locks' ; Latches ; Hinge i Giuihlets; Pocket Knives; Knives and ' Forks ; Rators; Scissors; Butcher Knives; Sad Irons ; Draw ' ing Knives ; Augers ; II Collins' and 8. W. Collins' Axes and Hatchets : Frying Pans ; Broad Axes ; Cooper's Adzes Howelling Knives : Dowelling Bitts; Braces; Hand Saws; Files; Hand Bellows; Basting Spoons; Ladles; Flesh Forks; Skimmers; Egg Whips; Weeding Hoes j Coffee Mills ; Shovels and Manure Forks ; a fine lot Of double and 1 single barrel Guns ; Powder and Shot; I'owdor flasks and Shot Bags ; a large lot of Pot Ware WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Painted and Ce lar Tubs ; Painted, Varnished B. B. and I. ; B. Cedar Buckets; B. B. Water Cans; Hair and Straw Brooms; Whisk and Hair Brushes; Clothes Horse; Axe" Helves ; Floor Pails ; Clothe Pins ; Nest measure ; Bound and Stropped Half Bushel Measoree; Wash Boards; Co coa Dippers ; Roliag Pins j a large lot of Work and travel ing Baskets. Bill, Letter and Foolcap paper; Quflli; Steel Pens; . Black and Red Ink, and Book . . LIQUORS AND WINES. ' Rectified and Old Rye Whisky ; Apple, Spanish Ameri can Cherry and Cogoieo Brandies i American aad Holland Gin : Malaga, Madeira, Mnskcat, Port and Mamsjy Wines. we also nave received a large and well selected stock of CHINA, GLAS8, EARTHEN and STONE WARE. Afll ae we do sot intend quitting the CROCKERY BU- -SIN ESS, we will keep our stock alwayl complete, which will be sold as low as any other boose in the State. PERRIN HARTSFIELD. 1 Market Street. TUST RECEIVED per Schr. Wake t ' u VI oagg Kio wonee ; iw nags Java venee ; 10 bbls. Coffee Sugar; 10 bbls. Crushed Sogar; 10 boxes assorted Candy ; 6 boxes fancy Candy; ' or sale low, by WM.H,McKOT., 10 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Soap, Jane td, 'ot ; TJRlCKSf BRICKS f 1250,000 13 O Jane 16 quality. For sale by Hard Brioks of foood J. k D. McRAE CO. UG4R 18 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, for saletowbr . . f . WESSEL 0E ' OE HERRING. Just reoeived 10 half bbls. Roe Ilcr- H0V.'. ' D. . XL rinr. cut nr expressly for family ua. Fer sale b MtyiVj ; , w. u t. ?