i I i e.ciiy r..:N7i.;; t.'iiJ-rjr j -rj?::-?! tvjr ti- the U:e iirr.it;-":rt.C2, ,cn ar.J ret.rs::;oi tT .iae, r ut crly to those im- Fv C i IO. HM. S. AMIR. ril,3. WILLI M S. ASHE. will a lire k friidi H.' T Si!t?r, New Hansrer Cear.ty, id tie 13th ict , ;1 it Ciiqaf 5 , Dvf! a Ceurty, on the 16 a cf the rres- tst fci.a'.b. Fiimbcst-Pittct's Yimt Ta Ntw Yok The Pre-! ient arrive 1 in EaU'morr oa the afternoon of tht ltth int , en rite tc New York, to be f resent to i a . art a morrow, at ine cornnatioa oi ice Cfyui I aiace. li t reception by the BaUirairiana was of the roost entha- aatic BH'ure. Preparation! haJ also been tnaJe in Philadelphia far a warm reception in that city. Tw Weeka Later Prna California. The steamer Illinois arrived at ew lorkon Men- da? !t trinInjr, date from California to the 16th June. 00 pienger, ani Jl.e35,7M in foli on freight anl a eoniiJeralla amount in the hands of pae9er. The weather in California had been Tery warm the thermometer ranging, in the shade, from vS to 107, The mining intelligence from all quarters was of the trmst cheering chancier. The markets were active, and wune articles had improved in price. The duel between Mesr. (iwmn and McCorkle ha t terminated without h!ootlhl. Three incffec tual shots were urea, when the nutter was satis factorilv adjusted. A aim was fought on a,tuMiy morning near Mission Dolores letween Kdward rubey, Clerk to the Ai'iiitant AUertnan of Sn Francisco, and Pr Alfred Crane, late of Alexandria, Li. On the se Cund flit Crane was shot through the body and died on Sunday. On Friday- the l(h ult , a duel was fought near San Francisco between Thomas Hayes, Assistant A'derman. and John Nugent, Editor of the an Francisco Herald, with pistols, at twenty paces dis tance On the second fire Nugent was wounded. and when the ttauner left was considered in a crit Jcal condition Latest rfM Cmiiu The shin Pathfinder had arrived with Hon k'ong (China.) dates of April 27th, and fhanghm dates of April 1 5t h i he cap ture of Nankin and su!qient defeat of the rebels is fully confirmed. T he Hong K'ong Herald gives the details f various cruelties practiced by the in surtents. They were making an indiscriminate laughter of the Koddhit I'ritcts as well rs of the M inchows. At Nankin they enticed 700 Manchow w.rnien into one bud ling, and then set fire to it, re ducing the who'e to ashes. They also pressed every Chinese between tbo aes of 1 and 45 into the army, killing the children as ua1N, and making the women cooks and scullions. At Nankin the leader of the rebels bad been crowned Emperor Fears were entertained at Canton that the rabble would rise on learning the success of the rebels 1 he Uegister advise lureigners to prepare lor any emergency. The exportation of rice had been pro- tiioireo in some aismors. A lelter from II ng Kong. April 24th, states that Com. Perry was about to proceed tn Jap;m at once with the Mississippi ami Saratoga This had caused some urieasines among the Americans us it would leave them comparatively unprotected, lie would not wait for ihe rest of the squadron. I ..cit i ia tt tat it u cat to the r-uh- iC nterej't. tbst such charts sboaU be acrc?ir.iieJ ad expo i, if true, cr that the parties indicated tiOu.i re acquitted ana reueTei of the cxiiuo rest ing on them, if inacent. A correspondent of the New York Times gives the detail of one of thee allegations, wtich implicate tLe Hon. T. Butler King, wh 1-t c'!ector at San Francisco, in trjnsac- tion of gru frauis. Tht following it Lis account of tht matter: One item ia the accoantt cf T. Butler King. amounting to a very large turn, waa for lighterage of goods rasoing through the custom-house. It may be welt to state that when the gfxxls were lightered under custom-house order, the lightermen were paid their charge by the collector, and tht amount wa charged against, and collected from. tht owner, respectively, of tht lightered good. Of course, tben, tht oookol tht eustomboase should how tht collection from the merchant! for lighter age of a um exactly corresponding with that paid to the lightermen, unfortunately, there is a dis crepancy in these two item amounting to $74 396 Tht following labia will show tht amount charged upon Mr. King' book as paid to Shelden and Saf ferens for lighterage, beginning with the first quar ter ot hi terra of omce : : r Quarter esding March 31, 1H51 lo 1 da do .1) do do Totsl, J sue Spt Msrth JuDS 30, 30, IH5I 31, Wl 31, 1M51 30, IW2 is.nn 21 33.677 00 40 000 00 23,)0 00 5.9H0 00 5,670 00 tt'. cr c: ar;;;.e rriruticti v $-ecu:.a : ; t.:er cr ir- t anl s.Ate. Lewn i .ir,T t:.-Z tn-i t 1 e - :rei.f flirs cr far , '"alt ct. viz: rti. ati cx': , i i ! t 1H.WI 21 " The extraordinary increase of lighttragt charg e during the first year of Mr. King' admini-tra- tion (when, in consequence of the continually-in eirasmg facilities fur discharging teasel alongside wharves, it might be reasonably supposed the amount ot lighterage would have been reduced) seem to have alarmed the Treasury Department, and a letter was addressed to the collector demand ing the reason for so extraordinary an in reuse in this item of expenses, and directing ita reduction by all mean The charge of lighterage) during the remaining two quarter show a falling off in the ac count, as will be perceived, no less remarkable than the sudden increase. " The fact that there was an astounding Jicre pancy between the amount charged the government a paid for lighterage, and the amount collected from the importer on that account, came under the notice of the storekeeper of the port. This officer instituted an investigation of the discrepancy, and upon looking at the lightermen s account, left in tht custom-house as a voucher for the amount received by them, he nscertained that part of the Inst page of their account, as originally made up, containing their receipt and signature, had been cut from its proper place that pnge after page of fictitious charges had been added,, new footings entered up and curried forward, until they had reached tho im mense sum named, and that then the past page. containing the receipt and signature aa aforesaid. wis appended to the accumulated account! This fact is positively asserted by a gentlcm.in whose of ficial duty it was to know the condition of the custom-bonne books in this regard lie states further, that ho brought these facts to the attention of Mr. King, who, greatly agitated, inquired what he shnu'd do. Hi fellow-officer expressed hi utter in ability to aid him in the matter, casually remarking that if it was his own case, he ehoufd wish the building tn b'.rn down, that all evidence relating to ine stinjeci migni oe uesiroyeu. The next day, strange to aj, on looking for the mutilated papers, no tract of them could be found ; nor have they since ever been heard from. Fortu nately for the publio interest, the storekeeper had made copies of the missing papers, which are now on file in the Treasury Department." t . it. -. t i. stcte anj s.Aie. Lewn : ciati.e. s-wn 12.0 s.a; . u otherwise manufactured; tarxarin is ; tiles ; t n. in U.ki, ingot, lar cr Ul; totacc i p pes of clay: U nzues; tru? ; turrntire. cf greater value t!.ar 15s. per ewt., and oil orsiritof ; twine ; TinntlUs: varnish, not otherwise decr, bed ; verJprn; ver- . . . t- . ir. J. - . juice ; waier : wax, seaiicg , tii: cira . jre, . - ... . i - 1 1 gi't. plated, silver, and cra: wate-wou. t;i : hi- letwo-! or brushwood. nd fur iLe purpose .l siuw- age: tarn, 01 sua ana worsie-i. spun n'geioer nu not dyed, and raw worted yarn net dyed, rr only Eanully dyed, and not being fit or proper for em roidcrmg or other fancy purposes, and caple yarn. Sow Coas si I'tis As the supply of proven der i likely, indeed certain, to be deficient, in con sequence of the drought, we would respectfully sug gest to planter to sow Corn and Pea in the drill ; and with favorable seasons, thev may succeed in raiting an abundant upply of good, wholesome pro- fender for their stock. CAroa. $ -v(. The Hon. Jot. P. Caldwell, d.ed at his reMenee near Statrsville on the 30th nil. in the 44th year of hit age, after a short il ness. The Ntw York Battery at night, it is said, i filled with loafer, thieves, and ruffian of all sort. It 1 no longer a place of resort to respectable people The name of the Post Office in Montgomery coun ty, heretofore called McCallum't tort, ha been changed to rekin. There is also a new weekly mail to Elixabethtown on the F.ast aide of the Cape Fear River, via Tere binth. (B. Culhreth. P. M .1 lVeret. (Dr. T. Smith, P. M ,) and White Oak, (W. S. Melvin, P. M ) J- ' J . :.. t i 'ii; lit il..;.!Ji3Ji r,.f lit l.-t I'i Ju't,1"C lit T In UViti' t:-c,2-.a T the Vter tfVw Ilanovtr tu,ty. F, ir-t'i.'irfmi la a ?b rt tla; i Jt T.Ue tj.e j.-d U e!tt fp.-a aai'-re'-t jour taa.tr, a a.tt, ir-n to O C vf Couctj Court Cltrk- A!'w bj tjn--!it to joar e.c.'ierat'.n, aj tame a a tai.i.1 te f.r ttat t C ; acl at rte m t.me to rrtarn my eim-rre thank f.,r jimr LWral ufr(ti keivttXjre Usttwed, ar.d to n rni-e j if cltrd. to di-ilrge the ivrJ duti ot that i5ik with f .ul.tv &nl SAM'L K- ECNTIXG. Apra lh, 1o3 1-7 t-t IME, 20) f.-k. Urge f:ea sni ia prime, evndi- T ! 1 a tioa. for a!e ia lots to suit, tv Jan 11 A II. VANEOKKELN. .NOTICE. ALL iroB lavief aecoBts gaiDt the subscriber, art requeued ta hand them ia iuitae liatvlv to Kobert btranee.Tr .lUi. D K. MeRAK. June 13, 1S53. ZSMf drTlln4oy of CauialH (unol. Kxtract from Inter written to Mr. Stot-k bridge, uf Fsuntaif Hotel, I'alti aiors.bv Captain Canot, brother to th celebrated phjsicisu to the Kmtntr f frawt : " Vou uisv inform Mesnrs Mortimer it Mowbray that thej are at liberty to make ue of uiv name ia the uiort f the jfooi etfects of lr. Hampton Vejftab!, I Incture, s it has rurrl me in five- week, of a (.'hnmic Inflammatory li heuiua tisin, omtrMctetl uieier tropical climates, and of men vrara' lriodical iluration. 1 bare only used three bottieii, ami Dim that even the oVrrmet pari 01 injr nana are iai reiurmns to their firmer natural apjiearsnce. " I have leen umler the treatment or several pnjjiciarn in f .fiiuliin and I 'aria, without anv Hi'tmreut benefit : al. while in New York, having tried the ihouip-oniaa and llouiui pathic remedies after having boon tormented with galvanic Latteries, eoldsnd aromatic batbn, and internal and external reuiedie, all to no effect, I am, so far, cured by thi Hamp ton's Vegetable Tincture only. Therefore, my dear sir, ac cept of the assurance of my gratitude, ami t.eheve ine your well-wiher. Uio. (..a not. Call and ct pamphlet gratis, with history of discovery of thin wonderful LI'iod l uritit r. and we certificates ot cures. of ourowu citiseus of Kheumatiiu, l)y.popia, Scrofula, Liv er Complaint, deneral Waakneiw, .ervounenn, Ho. Sdd hy Mostimks & Mowhrav, 210 Haltiinore street, Baltimore, Md ; and 301 Broadwsv, N. Y. For sale by C. li I). Dul're, Wilmington, N. C July 9th, 2KI- OILS 5 IbU. Si ring Oil ; S do. Train CHI ; for tala ly jBB, 6 WKSSLL k EILKRS. 1 t7tX)Id-LN AM) WILLOW WARE 1') d. Cora 1'rtK.m ; Id dus l'iBted Butksts ; 6 do. b'd. Covers ; 20 ntsts llour fails : 1 do. lra l'.u. keW ; 2 doi. Well buckets ; It) cert Cedar Tabs ; 5 nests Tainted Tubs ; 20 do. Measure; 1 doi Churus, as't siies; 2 doi. Step Ladder, ult Itnztkt ; 2 do. Cocoa Di rirs ; 4 doi. Pung Starts ; 4 do. Wbists; do. Hearth Kreoni; 1 do. lutiuf Erootn ; 4 do. Scrub d; patent lee Creeui Freexerc, uew pattern, frets fa 5 minutes ; 2 Chamber Setts, very handswme For s.ile low hj Com. andHer.cot.y W. C. HOWARD rpK.S Hyson snd Black Tea.. frefh iinjorted, in small 1 nackaires. for sale by FKKKMAN k HOUSTON. B1KI CACiKS. Canary and Mocking Bird Cages of all kinds, for sale by W. C. HOWARD. Arrival at Ihe Principal Hotel. Wahhinoton & Lakaykttk Thally k Whitkikld, Proprietor. July 11th & 12th K W Hamlet. I) McPherpnn, S K Wil liams. M T II I'eoliles. MK Crawford, .1 K Ik-lord, J J Winto, John A Stanley, J W Hill, J li Smith, J B Carrot, N : K II hlam. Natches; K J roster. Us; II r( Kando pli, Mi.-s S A ipcomh, F F Sinard. H Cook, Mrs J K Biad ford. Miss Bradford. N Terry A: 6 Indies, Ala; I) CallahHii, W M Power. Miss M Carrell. B I Tucker. Va; 1) W Jor dan fc ladv, Mis Jordan, A H Ketcham, J King, John Gib bon, S C; J M l'uggins, J A Parson, K J Johnson, W llorch. It II Fleming. T W Chichester, (ia; F Kiltor, C W Carter, Md: W K Holland, Adams & Co.' Express; T II Kilineto, A Moreno. Andres Covaroubia. Manuel (ioodut, A 11 Campbell, J A Smith; T Komsry, Louis Trumixo de Mera, Havana; A J Oillespie, John Cox, J K Isiee, John W Hob- inson & Isdy, 1 V Mnitn, m erge, miss; i a rnerman, T S Serwell, N O; J M Howard, Tenn; C.eorge Han.-chclot, L Denton N Y; ( apt Welch, It 1' Campbell, Key West; Mr Waddcn, Mrs Wadden. Oa; Thos o'Hfy". w Avemo- da, W Horneto. W Ilaveb, Havana; John C Daniels, h Wooten, l!obt McKenie, Charles Bolaver, L Powell, '1 J Carr. L A Powell Ac 2 svts, N C. W ANTED-KKhutS) feet of White or PoatOak Plank, 11, 21 r 2X feet long. 11 inches or upwards wide, aud 2 ihche thick, fuf which I will pay $20 p r thousai.d. Mty23. (.LP. S. (ilLLESPIE. OTIC K. II7E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Co rart VV nership under the ctvle and firm of McCONNElL & TOWNSIIEND, for the purpose of furnishing WOOIMJAS LIGHT throughout the I nited States of America, by virtu of a Patent granted to Dr. Win. P McConnell, for the pur pose of generating (las, and the production of Tar, Coal, c. WM. P. MeCONNELL, WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. Wilmington. Mst 2th, 1S53. 22t-tf-38-lt A (OVTHAIT alll.NO l.KS, LWAYS on hand, and for sale bv May 21. 1h.)2 -220 - GEO. S OILlEf-l'IE. IIUItKK KOK MAIjK. A SPLENDID HORSE, bright bay. bob-tail. years old, 17 hand high, of fine style and action, warranted perfectly gcntie, and very ym ( an be sccu at Mr K. II. Grunt s L.ivery MaMea June II, 1SVI. 237-tf W. C. HOWARD. ti'Comineriial and Herald, snd ( Joldnboro' Tel-, copy. TGI I N J d..i PAY LOB'S ALBANY (BEAM ALE.-25bbls. ilv expected per Schr E. S. Powell. June Hi WESSEL k FILERS. andHs: 10 do. Kail 5 do. 1 Ircw's ; for sale SEL & FILERS. MIHACCO. 10 boxei Webster's 5s Road 6s and Hs ; 5 do. Hazard 5s : WE! T hy "IITOKCESTERSHIB E SACCE A genvint article, VV and superior to any other SRiice in use, for sale by May 31 FREEMAN it HOUSTON. BACON SIDES. 10 bhds extra quslitv. lor sale by June 10. A. IL VANBOKKELEN. Muprrnie f'onrt. Among tho recent decisiona are tha following : In den ex dem Skipper vs. Lennon. from Bruns wick, declaring that there is error in the interlocu tory order. In Ward vs. Ward, in K'piity from Onslow, d;recting a reference to the master. In ' McLean vs. sMcDaniel from Mlnden. reversing tho iudgment Le'nw. In DeCoursey. Lafourche & Co vs. Barr. in Equity, from New Hanover, declaring tht second mortgage not valid. In State vs. (Proves. from Samnon. directing a venire tie novo, in State y Jncohs, from Richmond, reversing the iudtrnent hclow. In State vs. Lnrklear, from Roheson, directing the judgment to Be affirmed. Also, in Wright vs Crist, in Knuity. from Cumber land, declaring that the moti n to dissolve ouirht to have hern allowed. Also, in State vs. Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company, directing the judgment to he arrested. Also, in the Stato vs Willis, from Cnvven. declaring that there is no error in the proceedings of the Superior Court. Also, in ' Green va. Allen, from Brunswick, setting aside tho non-suit and directing judgment for plaintiff. From the British Provinces. By late provincial papers we learn that ihe Boston packet schooner Gen eral Washington was seized at Halifax, on the 24th ult., on a charge of amuirgling, ami was hauled lo Ihe Queen's wharf on Saturday, after the refusal of the aeent lolnav a fine ol 50 or jC60 imposed upon the vessel. The British frigate Leamler arrived from New York - on the 30th ult , nnd sailed on the 2d tnst. for Que hec. The fishery fleet had sailed from Halifax for the Straits of Belleisle and the Coat of Lahrador. Visits or the Pbesident to the departments. It Is slated in ihe Republic that President Pierce pays weekly visits ta the Department, drops into the of- fires of the heads of bureaus, and, so far as his lime will permit, makes himself acquainted with ihe business and practical opeiations ol the several co ordinate branches of the Government a practice which evfrb'Nly will commend, and which will lead the peon'e to helieve lhat he will endeavor lo " lake care that the laws be faithfully executed." V OtiGiN or Georgetown, P. C The origin of Georgetown. D. C, having been brought into ques lion, at a late meeting of the Pennsylvania Histori cal Society, Rev Mr. Balcb stated that the land on i which it i situated waa a part of a large tract granted by Lord Baltimore, shortly after his arrival, to INinian Beau, for his services against the Indians It was granted by act of Assembly, and parts of it were even now in the possession of his descendants His son. Col. George Beall. was the founder of The New Brltlah Tail nr. The following goods are now admissible free of duty on importation into Great Britain from foreign parts, under tho resolution of the House of Com mons, on the usual (nominal) condition of ihe par- lies amain me liuimaie ueciion ni rarnnment : Agates or cornelians, cut or manufactured; albu men ; amber, manuiactures of. not enumerated : an chovies; mjuafortis; bandstring twist; barytas, sul phate or. ground ; bast ropes, twines and strands ; idacking ; books, being of editions printed prior to tho yoar 1801. bound or unbound; bran; brass, pow der of ; bricks and clinkers ; Dutch and other sorts; bronze powder ; brushes, paint; buttons, of metal and other sorts ; cables, not of iron, new and old, tarred and untarred ; cameos, not set ; camphor, re fined ; canthandes ; carmine ; carriages of all sorts ; casks, empty carlings . chalk, prepared or manufac tured, and not otherwise enumerated ; cider; citron, preserved in salt; cobalt, oxide of; coir rope, twine and strands ; copper, ore of ; regulus of; old, fit on ly to he manufactured ; unwrought. viz : in bricks or pigs, rose copper, and all cast copper; part wrought, viz: bars, rods, or ingots, hammered or raised - in plates and copper coin, or brass wire : cordage, tarred or untarred, including atanding or running rigging ; corks, fishermen s ; crayons ; crys tal. cut or manuiactured ; cucumbers preserved in salt ; elder flower waier ; extract of chestnut bark and wood ; quercitron bark and wood and snfflower ; fish, viz : eels, turhols ol loreign taking, oysters, sal mon, soles, turtles. Iresh not otherwise enumerated and cured not otherwise enumerated : frames for pictures, prints, drawings, or mirrors; furniture wood, excepting ash ; bee- h, birch, elm. oak. wain- scott ; gauze of thread ; glass all plate glass, cast or rolled, ot whatever thickness, however email each pone, plate or sheet, whether silvered, polished, or rough, painted or otherwise ornamented ; all white flint glass bottles, not cut, engraved or otherwise or namented, and beads and bugles of glass ; wine' glasses, tumblers, and all other white flit glass goods, not cut, engraved, or otherwise ornamented : bottles of glass covered with wicker, (not beioe cut-glass.l or oi green or comuiun glass, articles or green or common glass ; manuiactures not otherwise enumer ated or described, and old broken glass, fit only to r 111 . be manutacturea ; goia, leaves ot; gunpowder; hair, manufactures of hair or goat's wool, or of hair of goat's wool, and any other material not particu larly enumerated or otherwise charegd with duty hams of all kinds; harp strings or lute strings, bi! yered ; honey ; ink, Indian ; iron wire ; iron, rough castings ; ising-glass ; latten wire ; lead, pig and sheet: linen, or linen and cotton, viz : cambrics and lawns, commonly called French lawns, whether plain or bordered ; lawns ot any son, not French ; dam Carolina Wooo k Vincent, Proprietors. July 12.-Badger, W L Edwards, W 8 Ballenger, W S Quail, N C; J M Simpson, (la; Chits E Thompson, Fls; E J ringle. S C; W M Kerr, N C; (i (ioun, Ala; ( Mew, ra; ' Hankins. Mi; A N Zearty, DC; Col MoKaikin, N C; E Biggie, do; E F Wood, Mios Lincoln, II F Harding k lady, Ga; K A Mathews k lady, 1) C; V W Road, Miss Koads, Ala; E W Tat lor k lady. Teias; W T I ., M Z M iller and lady, A F Browning and family, S C; J V Buner, T L Kux sell, J A Sanders, I) Beid, VV B Edwards, N C; J Diekensfc lady, S C; Campbell k Welch, Fla; Dr L 11 Stone, USA. Georgetown, and lies buried in the old charchysrd. asks and damask diaper sails of all sorts j mats and Manyot the locai names, &c. such a Beau street, matting : mead, or metheglin; meat, preserved in ... r.A i.:. n;i. v ! - tj-ii v,.,:n l. . . uv imcn iimu ui inunii. iMiiiau jjwii wuik iu any umer manner wian emieu , iiiercurj, prepareu part Diimharton," on Georgetown Heights, now metal leaf ; raptha; oil of rosin; olives ; orange the seat of Col. George C. Washington, to whose flower water j orsidew; painters' colors, manufac wife it came wholly by descent, and, as is said, with- tured ; pencils of slate and not of slate ; perry ; plios out a deed occurring. The Kev. Dr. Balch. who lphorus : pickles, and vegetables, preserved in salt married the great grand daughter of Ninian Beall, I pictures ) pollard ; pomegranates ; pots, vis ! melting also received, by his wile, a portion or the original pots tor goldsmiths, and of stone; poultry and game j.'iujit;rij io me &twv way. , i iuivc wr sicau , rybu waier t aacciiarum eaiurni , sau I SIAKItlK.I). In Wayne county, on the 7tb init., by Kev. J. M. Dr. L. Ht'ssEV, of Kenansville, Duplin county, N'. Mias Martha J. Ijoktin, of Wayne County. Sprunt, C, to 1)1 KU, On Willis' Crrek. Cumherland rnuntv, N. C, on the 30th ult., Amos C., son of E. and M . J. Turlington, aged 7 months and 3 days. TAKRM I P AXD COMMITTED TO the Jail of New Hanover county, a negro fellow who fives his name as SIMON, and says he be longs to the estato of B. Best, of Wayne county, and was hired to John r ranks, of Columbus county. 1 he owner of iai'1 negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him swav, otherwise he will be dealt with as the lawcirects. h. 1). HALL, Sh ff July 13. 1853. 24-lt 45-lt LOST. "7ESTERPAY Morning, a Lady's PUI5SE, containing a 1 Twenty Dollar Gold piece, and a Twenty-Five Cent piece. The finder will be suitalbly rewarded by leaving it at July 13, 1853 264-tf THE 1IAT STOKE. TITIIAT WE WILL DO. We will ecll you a VV Trunk. I arpot Bag, Valisse or Hat Box, less than any other house in Wilmington. Our assortment is extensive, aud made up of the very best articles We have a few of rre ch style Trunks, expressly for Ladies; and we have Velvet Tapestry Bags a beautiful article. All will be sold at very low figures. Call before you leave town, and examine the assortment, at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, Market st. tW Herald copy. TO RENT. FROM 1st October next, the large WAREHOUSE and PLANK WHARF, including a first-rate COUNTING ituu.vi. Defeen dock ana U ranee streets And the TWO WHARVES, next South of Ann street, with laree SHEDS, and all in irond rrdnr. at nrpsnnt occu pied by Mr. Cos tin. A oroDcrtv so wll known, extensive. and adapted to the business of this place, requires no further description. I'ossession on 1st October, 1853. For terms, to., apply to R. W. BROWN, In town or, at Smithville. Wilmington, N. C, 12th July, 1853 2C3-tf rpiIE Subscriber offers his Professional Services to the X citizens of Wilmington. Until he can obtain a suitable otnee, be may be found at tha residence of S. P. Gause fcsq., near the Methodist P. Church. July 11. 1853. 2rJ2-tf C. FINNEY, M. D. FOR SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT, belonging to Rachael M. Thompson, on North side of Market street, Ns dioininr R. 8. Macomber and W. A; Walker. Tho JUlS- Dwelling House is two stories high, has nine rooms and four fire places ; a Kitchen, Garden and good Well of Water In the yard, and other necessary out-buildintrs. If the above not sold by September next, it will be for rent the ensuing year. Also, my 1 louse and Lot on rnncess street that 1 now occupy, adjoining T. C. Craft and Zephaniah Batson. The dweltinir house is one story high, has six rooms, two fire plaees, Garden and good well of water In the yard healthy ana pleasant, tor lurtner lniormstion, apply to .. . . THOMAS C. CRAFT. Wilminjtun, N,C. July lilt, 1S53, . , ; 3L"2-4w. JlCKLES, tC Just received direct from W. Underwood A' Co. 10) dot. Pickles of all kinds ; 30 doz. Genuine English i'icklcs; 2 d. 1 ure Lemon Syrup, rrrv tvttmtr ; 12 do. English Mustard, J pt. bottles ; 4 do. Pepp'r Sauce ; 4 doi. Tomato Cstsup; 4 do. Underwood's Relish ; 4 do. French Mustard ; 2 do Walnut Catsup ; 2 do. Mushroon Catsup : John Bull, Cnmp 1 lurry, Quin Worcestershire, Archery and ,einon Sauces, for sale low by V. C. HOWARD. liinn H Com. and Her. copy. NOTICES TO m il.OEHSOF IIOl MES. HAVE Shingle Machines now in operation across the riv er, opposite the Custom House, and can furnish Shingles f a very superior qunlity. Persons wishing such an article will please call and examine for themselves. June 21, '33 24ti-lii)J H. W . WllJIiS. IAPER.-200 Reams Wrapping sale by FREEMAN and Writing Papsr, for & lldl S'J ON. Rai- T) AISINS 50 whole, half nnd quarter boxes layer IV sins. 5 bales Almonds, tor sale by W. C. HOWARD. TOCK WANTED. The subscribers wish to purchase FIFTY SHAKES or less, of Wilmington k Raleigh Railroad Stock. Apply to J. & D. McRAE & CO. June 21, 1X53. 2)-'m VINEGAR. Superior Newnrk ( ider Vinegar, in bbls., for sale by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. D".' or side at S.' W. WH TAKER'S. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON K. M ( RAILROAD. 2 xxc THE Raleigh ami Gaston Road is now completed to Wcl ilon, and in fine order, and the following permanent hedule for the Passenger 1 rains has been put into opera tion : Leave R alcigrh at 8 A. M arriving at Wcldon at 1 o clock P. M.. in time to connect with the duy trains for Petersburg, Portsmouth, and Wilmington. Returning Leave Wcldon after the arrival of the Express Train from Wilmington nt 3i P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at r4 1' M. Passengers will thus be enabled to take breakfast in Ra leigh, and supper in Petersburg, Richmond, Norfolk, Ports mouth, or vv umingion, or ureaKia.u ai mose points ana sup per Raleigh. Persons wishing to come from any point east of the Wil mington Road, and from the Albemarle country, will find . . . i . e. ...i i- - , j . . tnis tne inoM cumiui muie anu ex)euHious route. Office K. & U. Kailroad Company. June 24, 1853 2l9-2ra A FOR SALE. STEAM ENGINE of about fifteen horse power will be sold, on time, if desired. Apply to June 21, '53.-246-lm R. W. GIBBS. 6 boxes Tobacco, " Star Factory;" 12 half boxes do., " Luscious Luxury." ANDERSON fc SAVAGE. OTARD BRANDY. 20 boxes superior old Otard Bran dy, for sale by WESSEL & EILERS. rpOBACCO. For sale by BACON, BACON. Just received, 3.000 lbs. North Caro lina Bacon, hog round, for sale low bv June 14 W. II. McKOY. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, FRESH Ground bolted and unbolted Meal, do. do. Hommony. Cracked Corn, Husk, Pea and Oil Meal. Also, Corn, seed Oats and Peas. For sale by Feb. 19, '53. ELLIS & MITCHELL. THE copartnership and S & D Tell CO., is this day dissolved by II. Hirgh is to settle the hi July 1st, 1853 DISSOLrTIOW. heretofore existing between IL Hirsh Teller, under the firm of II. IIIRSH & mutual consent. usincss. ' rr tnnsir ' 'S. k D. TELLtRr 258-tf BACON. 6 hhds. tuptrittr Bacon Shoulders, just received and for sale by RUSSELL & BRO. BEESWAX. Wsx wanted, for which the highest rash prices are paid by W. C. HOWARD. S TR AW CUTTERS, of 1. 6, and 8 Wades, for sale by June 16 FREEMAN & HOUSTON. I T ARD. In bbls. and kegs, for sale by t J Juno 2, MM. FRELMA'N k HOUSTON.

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