c ' ) PUBLISHED 1!Y KIXTO.N i HIICK. WILMINGTON, N0IIT11 CAROLINA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1S53. SIX DOLLAIiS A Yt'.AH, IN AliVANCi:. ' WHOLE NUMBER GO'! VOLUME 3.--X0. U. r f 1UTE OF ADVERTISING. Bal r. CAS lday 123 , Id.y $5 50 1 Uv, 2 dy. 5 Sdav If) 4 dajf, i 4 2 6 dvs,.. 75 5 dvs ............. 1 30 t weik.. 4 , 1 wtik 1 75 2 week 1 37 ! 2 week 2 73 1 meath, 2 00 ; 1 mouth 4 W 1 HOBths, 3 50 2 month TOO t moaths, ........ ..5 00 3 months,... .10 00 6 months, S 00 S mouths l 00 1 jew 15 00 . 1 year SO 00 Ten lines art counted as a square, nl fire line or a half-square. Longer advertisement ia proportion, aud all payable in advaaee. gT All ba!f squares not paid fur ia advance will Ih charged lit square. aj-No advertisement will be continued iu this paper, without special agreement, louder than 2 months, and the bill will bo preeuted fur pauiKiU iu a'l case after the is piratioa of the 2 months. JNe ublieation uiade without a responsitdo name. 4J-Noticesof Religious meetings, Bvnevoleut Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half the above rate. The cash for iueh notices will be required in all case before the publication is made. Arrival U Dtpailuie tif Ihc . Mali uiiiii-r llt new Arran-mrM, v lilt h went lulu i l loii, 1 Manh,l"V. I The Mail from the North in due every .bty at 9 A. M., and at i P. M. Close at I 1'. M , and at 1'. M. precist- The Mail for the South Moses at A. M. The Mail from Ouiduw Court-llnu-e, Sue I Ferry, ke , II due every Monday at 3 l M I lose every Thursday at HP. M. i The Mail from l.ong Creek, Black River ( hapel, &c, i due everv Thursday at 1. M , and clow tame uiglit at it r. m. The Mail from Fayetteville, via Elitahethtown and Pros- Kct Hall, fee., via Wilmington and Manchester Railroad 10 Robinson' Tost Office, is due every Tuesday. 'I hur day, and Saturday at 1 1'. M., and clones came d'uy at A.M. The mail from Whiteville. Col 11 111 bus county, per Wil mington and Mmchetster Kailruad is due at 1 1 M , and cloe atkH4 A. M. every day. jrAn extra Package will be made up for Letter going North of Itichmotid, Y&., which will be kept open until 7 A.M. All other Letter mint be in the Office nt the hours above named, or they will nut bo Mailed until next auueccd ing Mail. . I.. FII.l.T W, PROIUTE T.noKER, C( MMlI0 AND FOR wrt MtacMAr, Wilmington, N. C. .er- 21 , i4 1 IIK.MtY Si ITT. FACTOK AND FOR WAR IUXC. AGENT, will give hie wrojil atteatioa to buiana eutrustfd to hi care. e. 7. IN1X . II 1111.1111 .TH II FiRWARMXO AND WMMIMOX MECCIIAXT. and AaKSt m. F.oa ab JertV SrCAMROAT Lims, i , oil a w aiercnrti, iiuungiuu, .1. v. I' j t I. HAKVtV CtM HBll, W. a. vjirU- tCK llll AW .V RIMELI., (Saeecwor te Thomas Allibone k Ce.,) pENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, X. 32 urth Wharves, and W .North Water Mre-t, 1'mu.a pkithi. I Liberal eah adraneei tuadeocuiun-t July 3h. 11 ITS CEO. S. OfLI KriC, J0. . JAM IV tilLLESPIE eV JAMKf, nOMMISSlON MERCHANTS, Wiijwioton, N. C t lw.L 1 w-.-l KiV aw-tf WILLIAM A.UU tKH, TT'ACTOR. FOKWAItrdNt; and COMMISSION MEIt S. Chamt, Wilniiugton. N. C. )T Particular attention given to the Sale or Shipment of Naval Store, and liberal Cash advunce ma le on C011 gignment Oct 12, jKJ. :SM.v IYI. CRONLYi BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND TJENEUAL COM MISSION ACENT, Wii.Mior.)N, N. C. Kel Utt.itc, Venice., Il.:nl, M111U, UnmU. Ilonae holil Fnniil ri e.andevei v dc 1 1 ipl 'on of I'i op 1 1 bought nd gold 00 comtiiir;io'). eiilu'r pt 1 i v i 1 1 c or public alo. )arl.'c"ci to the pu'tlio-gciK-ui il v. JiiMel-itli, 11 ' 211 8. II. Ai J. A. KVAIVS, fTTIIOLKALE nnil Itrlnll Druggists, 'WIIihIiik- W ton, N. C. Will kcii p1w.it an li;:nd a b're nnd very elect etook of DKUOS. MEUK INES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, c. l a s.s s v 1 : ( ; 1 c a f . 1 v stim t . 1 1 ; n t s, i at i: n t m i . d- ICLNI. PERI'L'MERY, Lr , ntlow price. Jan. 171b. lS-Vf Wl. M. IIAIIIUSS GEXEIIAL ComiiiNslon Im liunl V Slitp Rrokcr, Wilmington, N. C. R Rf'RR EMCKS : Jos. Corner & Sons, l'.altiiiKpre. . E. A. Souder t Co., Philadelphia. Thompson & Hunter, Nl.w.yrk. M. M. r reeinnn & Co., Tufti Hunting, llofton 12-ly UtlliStiab tV IlItOTIIElt, (l.TK ri.M, RfKl.t.r(l ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, II.MINO I N, N C. Libeml cash advnnecu made on CDiir-ignmcnt of Naval Stores, Cotton, nnd other produce. KIUl:i J. MTTEIll.OII. FOR WAR DING AND COMMISSION MERCH VNT, Wl'min-xton. X. C, nnd A sent for Steamers I! O WAN, FAN NT LLTTERLOII and MA.I. W. lJAKNLT. April ISM. 177-l.v A. II. VM!OKKKLKX. GENERAL AGENT. ro.MMIso. & FOR WARD ING MEItCIIAN'l. Wiliuin-t.m. N J. Particular attcution given to Kale mnl ptirdiRo of Naval Stores. .Ian. I, 1S."i3. 100-I.y ATLANTIC MA III: H ll' IS A XCK OtMl'AXY. THE Buhccriber.''. n Agents for the above Company, will take rik Pt fair rate. .1. i. D. McRAE & CO. November 27.li. 1ST)2. J. K. UOKt. QO M M i SS ION M E R C II A N T, Spt 21. K'il. Favettevillk, N. C 1l?m J.NO. POTTS BROWN, A It.MAND J. DKKOSSKT, )r., K. F. BKOW.N 11KOWN & IcltOSET, Xcw Voi k, DeUOSSET Si liltOWX, AVIIoilnKtoii, C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H. DOM..NER, O. I'OTIER, jr. DOLLXEIt & POTTKK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I6J-lyl New York . JfsTLiberal ca?h advances made on eonfignment AY. II. iMtliOV. COMMISSION AND FOWAR blNG MERCHANT, South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. VV. C. IIOAVAKU, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Soulh Wnlcr-t., Wilmington, N. C. JOSEPH II. FLAW Kit, GENEriAL Commlsaloii Jleietipnt, , Wilmington S. C. C. DoPRE b CO., D. ft. BAKRR, flTHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, 'V Carnr F""t and Prince g-treet. Wilmington, N. C. Jobs MacRae, DoXAI,d Mac Rag, John W. K. Du. J' D. MeRAE & CO.. GENER AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I7WI - M':i.: . Wilmington, N. C. ' RODE II T G. 1TAXK1.V. COMMISSION MERCHANT, 257 TVlLMrHQTOft, N. C. -rr -it ..ahaiiii, nnoritvn . spOMsnssioN kr. chants, V ' "' y ILMlKOTOX, N. C. - C, FREeAN, , AGO. HOCSTOJJ. PRBEMAS HOUSTON, AVflmtncxtom, O. C. FREEMAN , CO , Ktw.Yerk, ; 1 MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. W. O. Ravnkr, J. R. C.iLMoat, B. C. Lwih. lt.AA .E1t, OILMOUE tfc tO C COMMISSION MERCHANT.-, 151 Watkr SrnsKT, New Yoaa. Rkfkrfm k E Kidler, ; i. H. Planner, Esq.; e!r. Rankin & Martin. '1 Liberal cash alvanee made on consignments. February Nth, KM l-'f AY. II. MtKOV. CI ENER AL COMMISSION MERCHANT 1 AIO, T WHOLESALE AND R ETA1L GIUH'ER, South Water ftreet, Wilmington, N. C, intend keeping at the a bove tand, a large aiuort went ofC ROCKERIES, LIQUORS ami PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all order trom the country. I would respectfully invite the citiien of Wilmington and the aljoiuing country, to call aud examine uiy titock before pur chiding elsewhere. 1 intend to curry on a general coai mis.siou bunineiM. Particular attention will be given to the ale of Navil Store, aud ai kind of produce. Liberal Jah advAiu-e niaile on coiisijfiiinerltit. ( Wilmington, October tith, 1H.V2. 27-lf (ilf J. WKCI,, H. H. KILlSU. AVEISEL iVi I ILK IIS, C10M.MIIO Mereliaiit nnd AYholtaalr Ornccri, North U'ater Street, Wilmington, N. C, in'end to keep at the above ntaudageneial assort uieiit of Grocerie, Liquor, and Provision, at wholesale aud to carry on a General Coiiiiuiasiou llusiues. RKPEHKNCR ! E. P. Hai.i., Pre't Rranch Rank of the State, ) O. i. Paum.kv, I'res't Cotuiucreial Rank, Wilmington lRlJ P. K. Dickinson, En'i., Poite k Co., I x Y k Doi.lnku k Potter, $ lorK- O. C. KKKK.MA1 & CO., N. Y. KKKWAN & HOIIf TOt, WlU'fl KUEKMAN UOL'STOW, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wk.minotoi, N. C, keep constantly on hand atock of Your, Corn, f-fc, Huron, Salt, Ciifief, Sugar, M,JntM, Tobarro, C'tgriri, Nnutf', Vuiullit Sixty, Fortifn hue lme$tic Utnm$ unil H'mei ; lion. A'aii, I'aintu, Dili, (Jlii, Jfameititi, Halt, Iloott, Short, leather, Agrindtvatt .tnpfrmenli, and a va riety of other article, luitablc foi family end plantation ue and the retail trade, which they will dnioe of in lot to uit dealer or consumer on reasonable term for cajh, or 111 exchange for Naval Store or other produee The enior partner, D. C. Fhrkmax, i located in the city of New Vork j the Junior partner, Iko. Houston, in Wil mington. If desired, advance will he made on consign ment to and from cither place. All bninec entrusted to them will receive proor attention; and order forOooil will be promptly nnd carefully filled J. PI. KOIIINSOX, TMIMRTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER innllkind I of liardware. Cutlery, AGRICl'LTUR AL LMPLE ME NTS, Iron Axletrec, Mill and Cro Cut Saw, Cast Steel Hoc. Iron. Steel, Hoop lion, 'J ius Hoop, Rivet, &e. &c. I lis stock i now very full nnd complete, with ma ny a lili!ion of new nd ncful articles in the house-keeping line Merchant who are disiMed to patroiiixe Southern es tablishment, are futmmtrtd all ui title iu bid line a low aJ thev can be procured .North. Wiliniiigion, N.C., Sept. 21, Vi2 VILMIOTOV (M. V.) OIL WORKS. W. M. U.ANNKIl. 1IKNRV TALL. ELAAXER A TALL, WrFACTI'RERS of a superior LURR K'ATING o.L. I'AINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR- niiii;s, IMTCII. k: F. vV T. are also ininnracf nrlng a LUBRICATING G R EASE, for Can-in 3e unil Cart Axles, Slide", kc Tlii C I; EASE wor! 'cleaner, pud's cheaper than nny tlmt ha yet been offered for ale. Samples of both Oil and (lreae, may be evn nt the office of Mr. I.. II. Flnner, 2- North W.itcr street, or nt F. V T.' office. California. N. I! No admittance on the work. May nth, IH33 20fMf PIANO MUSIC. MISS E. M. nOWEKS Will give instruction on the PIANO, at her father' resi dence, cortier of ('range and Old Iloundary trcet. Her term will he found moderate. Patronage repectfully policl ted. 1-3)7 J. U ALLAH I), OFFERS hi service to Timber and Lumber maker, for the ale of their products ; and to nart'et wanting eiir goc for the Went lmlie, nod Ship Builder, ppVial atten tion will be given. Having been cng.iged in the Inmtier bu"ine exclusively for many year', he think that he can do justice to those who may patronlae him. September 27th. ISM 20-tf AHOI.INA HOTEL. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. RP.. Wot )J ), Pionrictor. ha Ihi day Associated with him, . in the Ilotclbusincv, NATHANIEL U. VINCENT, and will continue under the firm of Wikid Vincent. Thankful for put favor, by strict attention to bupinee we hope for a continuance of the same. R. B. WOOD, June 1st. IV; 2:W tf N. B. VINCENT "AS IT SIIOILD UK, AT NO. 17 Oin1' TOW. Prlneee Street. THE nbscrie', by the xolicitat'on of many friend, hr been induced thn publicly to tendeefci nerviee (on and the flr.n of Oct otter next) to the community at large, in mofescion a a mechanic ; such a HOUS'S, SKLN. AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER; Gilder, Varnlalier wild liultalor of Marbt , AA'immJ, Dionr.e, kr. itc, Specimen of which may be een at the above place, of at C. iV I). Dul're' Drug Store, Market-ptieet. Tlie pubecriber alo offer his eenrice as a CARRIAGE PAINTER. The above $hatl and will be cxecntcd with promptnr vmlnrn and ditvnft h, which ot !gtion he is confident, I7 the e.Tjiistance of experienced workmen, together with f-. Mnal applicalion, to be enabled to carry out to (be full t S i taction of the citixe a of Wilmington. BKFKEEKH! . Gea. A. MacRak, Johw II. Wnoirrv C. k D. DuP M. L. BLACK. ?epe: 2DtB, 1853."": t H-3m THE subscriber ofors his professional services to the in habitants of Wilmington and its vicinity. ' He may be found during the diy at bis office In the base ment of Mr. Ferd's boarding koase, comer of Front mad Dock streets ; and at night at the residence of S. V. Uatue. 3iq , near tile Methodi P. Church. J0y 19th, l853-2Hf.J C: riNNET,'M .' T ' mens BAZjLitzANSin BArrai t Ia iu wuvuv TiTi.n alwai rAiTuiiL to TWS1R til T THI ONI X Ari WAMC. t O.WIIIMNU RICH'S AND WH.DhU'S PATENTS. 8)1 K A It M Ak MARVIN, I VCliMoes TJ IK K k Nl lS9-3mj , i$ Water Nrnet, N. Y. II. C. Til At HER, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nu. INDIA STRERT. BOSTON. Customary advances made on coiwignuicat of Naval Srr. KKFKV TOI Raynei, Giijuokk & Lewi", New York. Ranin- Martin, Wiluiingtwn, N. C. St ember 10, )A. 6-1y AA. R. PEPPER, COMISSION MERCHANTS FORWARDINt; AGENT. .Vo. 21, Hi$S Strut, t'ottmimth, Urn., Tl fILL give his personal attention to all coniignuient of V T I obaeco, heat, ( ott n, Hour, kc. whether for ate or shipment, and I prepared to make liberal advance when iruuirrd. Particular attention paid to the Iteeeiving and Forwarding (mmh). All order lor Merchandise ef any de scription punctually attended to, and filled on the bet term. REFERENCES! Dwm S. Reid, Governor of State of North Carolina. R. M. SaI NPHk, Raleigh, S II Room, " Mj. C. L. Hinton, " l'KKniN III Mil.K, " " Rk u'ii I. Wv we, Hyde county, " YARHonoruii k Strother, Iui.sburg " R. M. Hvwan, Warrenton, ' R. Nuini., HillstMrough, " Bland k Di'nn, OreenslKirongh, Col Andrew Joyner, Halifax, " J. F. Sivimons Weldon, A 1.1 x. McRae, President Wilmington k R. R. R. Co. Jno. W. Pi-ob, Gaton. N. C. Dan ii Mi Daniel, lua ky Mount, North Carolina. M. Weston, " " Henrt Mordecai, Edgeeoinlie, " L. ll. It. Wiiitakrr vV Son, Enfield, " A. W. Vanahlk, tiranvillo, " D. E. Yoi'NU, Henderson, " " W. II. WkroN, (.aston, ' H. R. Nixon, Wilmington, " Sept Sth. 1M.VJ l-.lm $ rCoinmerciaI 3in and send bill a above. DlftftOLVTION. rTMIE Co-part ochip heretofore exlstinj under the stylo X and Arm of McKoy k Roberts, is this d y dissolved by mutual coin cut. The unsettled bunine of ' fivm will be arranyd jy W. H. McKoy alone. W. V. McKOY, Jan. ZJ, 1853-1122 J. 11. ROBERTS. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire interest of .1. II. Robert, In the firm of McKoy k Robert, I will continue the GROCERY k COMMISSION BUSINESS n heretofore At the same time ) taketlii opportunity of returning my sincere thank for the Hbciitl patronage extended to the late firm, aud aol'cit a continuance or too aaine. W. II. McKOY. Jan. 27th, 1353. HA V LV sold my enh' e interest in the Arm of McKoy k Roberts to Mr. W. II. MeKoy, who will continue the business at the same tdacc. I return my thanks to my friends for the liberal patronage extended the firm, and solicit a continuance of tlie same for my successor. JLK1U U. KOI5EKTS. Jan. 27th. 1KB. IHMOU TIOY. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of HOWARD k I'KDKN, is this day dissolved try mutual consent. I he books 01 said fjrin having been OKised , all person indebted to loom will iilcae make payment to W. C. IIov.m:d. vrho is alone aulhoiued to settle the busi ness thereol : nnd nu-h ieisin as here claims against thein win present iiicm 10 una Mr scitiuiuent. W. C. HOWARD, Jan 1, 1S.1-W W. N. PEDEN. O-l'AUr.NERNIIIP NOTICE. rfMlE iini'cr.'i'jTicd hare this dnv formed a Co-iinrtnership, 1 uudc, the fi.m and style of RUSSELL k BROTHER, for the transaction of the General Connnision hpwincss. HENRY P. RUSSELL. May 2d, 1K53. JOS. U. RUSSELL. CO-PARTNEUSJIIII'. rIAHE undcj-signcU h.'io iornicd a eo-rlncrsbip under the 1 11. me of I'ARSLEV, Al RAE k CO., for the transac tion of the LUMBER BUSINESS. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE, WM. G. JONES. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. T t. ia-)3- lAVtf NOTICE. THE undersigned, a committee appointed by the County Court of New Hanover, w ill contract for the building o!' a HR ID !E, furnished with a draw, across the North East branch of Cape Fear River at Hilton. For particulars sd dress T. II. WILLIAMS, 1 -2 ? B f March 23, 171-tf Town papers copy. T. II. WILLIAMS, S. I. WALEACi;, ALEX. Mc-RAE, WM. A. WRIGHT, f). FEN NELL, NOTICE. rp H E andersigne! having been appointed at March Term L of Hie County Court of New Hanover, a Committee to acertain for what sum the present Jail can be sold, and to advertise for plans ana estimate lor the building of anew Jail, hereby give notice that they will receive bid for the present site, nnd also proposals, accomtanied by jdans and siwcifications for the erection of new building. Address, ir . m.-TTi.'vcnin.'T W. C. I5ETTENCOURT.) A MS, V Committee. T. II. WILLIAM S. D. WALLACE Wilmington, N. C, March 25tb, 185S 1-Town papers copy. 171 tf NOTICE. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name and slyle of POTTER k KIDDER Is this day dissolved. A'l persons having cbitins against the irfe Urtn, will please present them for Msttlcmcn., forthwith, and all "2 rsons indebted to them will plense come forward and ad Just their bill. GILBERT POTTER, Jan. 1st, 1S53-97 tfj- EDWARD KIDDER. NOTICE. TTA VI NO purchased the interest of Mr. W. N. Pedes of J.J. the late rJrm r HOWARD St PL DEM, I will contln rj the business formerly ; end while expressing my sia cere thanks for the very liberal totrona;e hitherto extended to our firm, beg leave to solicit a continuance1 of I h write. January I, ; ' w. U. huwauu.- . NOTICE. ' . . LL persons Indebted to the firmef Heward t-i'edca L will please call aud settle their accounts. . . n n . . W. C. HOWARD, SEVERiL TLEASANT ROOM?, wltk w -th- "S out board, can be obtalwd la one ot the moi de- j - sirable boutfii on Market street. - For particulars, sp--. pljto . MADAME I CLEMENT. Wilmington, Feb. 21t, 1833 AEW AM FRKsill .OOIHI jvsr nr.L'Hivr.H direct; TTT'DICII the iHleri-fied uffors for fale at wbo'e-a'e ac I rtail, at the very liwe? rAte fuc e--h or git 4 pper, to bis Towa and Country fiieiid. Tbe fu'lvwirg eoiai.,ne a portiou of bis toek, tit s IK) bids. Crushed. Powdered, Granulated k p.rowa Sugr; 3o half bbt. Si. i roia (tut up ipn.y fur me) - do.; . ilbd. Porto Rk-O do j ti U.xe 1oaf do li K io, Laguyra, Java, and MK-h Coffct j 2tx b.xra Colgt' Pale aud N. 1 Svp 20 d. do. lVarl Starch; 6X) doi W. Underwood & IWs Pkkle. Cat ops, Space", Mittiards, '.; 13cL..t.i,rr.B nd LUck Tea rrre1 ; ' r IlOpakg-sCra-kersaiid Hread mil kiJ, ? 0,1KJ0 Nfars, at j:ltiruore prices ; 20 Utxe Wraiu-put up expressly for sny trade j 6(10 ream Wrapping I'aper In) tbl. Fiyiiill and Canal F1ur; 50 boxe Candies o fro vert loWJ 1 20 bwlfbbl. Fulton Makrt Beeft 5 do. do. Pickled Tongues ' tO kcr extra Cohen I'utter 1 - ti boira perw, Adamantiae and MeulJ Caudle J 60 boxe 1 uhiu-tMi oin Vrv uirritt I . 50 d.nen Andrsou's, Amulet k Ooodwiu's Yellow Bank ) ou iMixe Mre t rarkert) . . . . 2t case Preserved t iinger ( 20 do Citron 500 I ha. Curraut ; KXM) lb Almond in small bale; ' , 60 packages of I! aislnij jar fie.h 1'ruiw ; 23 boxes Mustaid, and 10 doien lb. bottlfj gonulne Eug lisli do. 1 m 20 bl-U. Cider Vinfgarj 10 bbl. wbite WUie do. 20 bucket supei flue Olive Oil j 20 box e Catsup aswuted ; 200 keg Pure White Iads 25 do. I.ls. k Paint S 600 lb. Pure Verdigris ; 10 bbl. Linseed Oil raw and boiled ; 2"0 coils Manilla and Tared Kope ; 50 bale uxrior Oakum ; . . ' 100 doten Corn llrooui assorted ijnulilk ) 2J nests Cedar and Painted Tub 60 doaeii Cuekets, Pails, I'igiu, ke. ' ls. 20, 23 and 30 Gill Nett T wine 1 JIM) new 2 bushel Gnnny Dag 500 lbs. llaggins; Twine i 3tK Nero lUaiik t; 50IM) yards Negro Kersey, Shirtings, Oxuaburgs, Drill. Plaid, lej Ticks, Ao, Ship Master will find my itoek complete, with all fttocki . digging, Duck, Hunk. Hoops, Chain, Anchor, and in fact, every article required from Keel to Ti Uck. Fsinillea will find every article wsntrd In Kitchen, Pantry, or for the Tal l heside Fly Prushe. Mats, Haiket, Knife Ifexr Flavoring Extract ; Geliliue Ising: (ilass, ku., Sc e.i In fact, you can find almost every aitlclo wanted, and at the very lowest pri ces, at W. C. HOWARD'S, Sept . 30. rvmth Water it. , XVM.VK' AIU!I.TIC HCIIKIOAM HtllNAPPfT riiHESUnsciURERS hiving been appointed tbe sol X agent in Wilmington, for the salo of this superior ar tide of Holland Gin, offer it for sale In quart and pint bot tie aud Jugs In any quantities to suit purchiuers. It ha been pronounced by the highest medical authority A superlative T011I0, Diuretic, Antldyspcptlo, nnd Invigorating Cordial, and they can confidently recommend it to every one desirions of obtaining a pure artb-le of Holland (iln. Feb. 7. WEsSELfc ElLERft, , IRON K A EE. CRICH It CO.'S Improved patent Pularnsnder Pafci, warranted free from dampness as a ell a J 'Ire-Proof. The subserihers having aeeejited the agency forthe falser the above highly approved Sates, are repared to furnish anv aJia or imttorn nrliiith mav La wantpd at manurarf iimrii' prices, delivered In this place. Specimen of several sites have Just been received, and orJ ders will be promptly attcudvd to. Jan. tu ir UkIIOSSiCT k BROWN MORE SEW HOOK.. . L AY 23l. From Express office this morning, we rccelv . e l loping 1 1 tela I!ook of the Revolution; AjiMctoo s sewmsni M Mechanic' Magsxine for May; Trial of Aehilli vs. Ne Henry Esmond, by hackery: vanity Fair, by Tbaekerrt My Novel, by Kulwcr J Mary Price, by Reynolds', Hevrtel of a Ilateholor; l)reaiii Life I'resli (ilenntnifs, by J. K. Mar vet; Louise la Valiere, by Duma ; I Iclen Moreton'e Trial and Sequel to same, by Cousin Cicely t House of tbe Seven Gables, by Hawthorne and the following works of Herman Melville si Omoo, I ypee, Redburn, Whit Jseket, MsrdI, Moby Dick. S. W. WHITAKEIL 10 if JI un, J ARM, ANI t III 1INM. CRATES sssortcd Stone Ware, consisting of Jars, Jugs, and Churns. ALSO. 10 boxes "Stewart. Rum. ing k Co." Sugar Candy, 5 bbl. Fulton Market wU.!ltiWLL lbs. N. Carolina Racon, 23 boxes suenor Cheese, 20 bbls. Whiskey, dO bbl. assorted brand oUI;'Uind I!uckwhiRl7 For sale cheap at the old stand ol ' ' F0 JJIb. IH-tr. PEIlUINAilAinriCLU (iitot erienT JUST received per Schr. L P. Smith, from New York 1 2 hhd. best St. Croix Sugar ; III bbls Oushed " . u .' 20 bags Rio Coffee l ? 2f) " Laly " If) " ('Id Government Java Coflce ' - ' . ' 10 dot. Mustard s . I 1 bbl. No. I Salmon. ) . . .. , I " Mackerel, st reUiI 10 quarter bbls. No. I Mackerel j , "4 100 bags Dairy Salt 5 -- 'V 6 kegs new Goshen Putter C ' 20 boxes Colgate's Pule Soap. For sale at lowest prices by May 21. 'S3' W.C.1IOWARD. F PROVISIONS, AC. ' ULTON MARKET Corned Ief, la ltd, and bolf bbl. : No. 1 Msckarcl and Soused Salmon, in kits, very . superior; Ocean Shad, in bbls. and half b1. ; N, U. Cut Herrings, in bbls. ; Pickled and Dry salted Esst wHcrrini,., . in bbls.; Superior Goshni Rultcr, in firkins j' lID-pftj Stni'll,, Flour, in bbls. and half Mil. ; Putter, Soda ami Sugar . Crackers, in boxessnd bids. : N. C. Racon, MessPoik, Lard, Salt, Spices, Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Liquors, Wie, Vinegrr Cigrs,Snoff, Tobaeca, Candles, S.np, and a variety f f oth er articles In the Grocery line. For sale by -v.' f l ; FR K EM AN & HOUSTON, : LAM) WAURAITN tVANTEO. WE continue to bur LAND WARRANTS for 1D. 80 and 10 acres, and pay the highest . Cash prices Don't sell until you see u. We will pay more I ban any one else In Wilmington, nnd psy the CA. . . . . . Ma rch 1 9. SCOTT & RALDWIN. -. . Licitons. GIN. 4 bbls. Philadelphia Gin t 5 do. Baltimore de. K Whiskey.? bid. St a offer's Old Rye. lirandy.fj I cask pale French Rramly. Do. I do. do. Morton's do. de. , J -k. 4 bbls. lkiston Brandy. ' For sale by J. k V. McRAE 4c CO. tTf OODEN AND WILLOW WARE W 10 ds. Corn Brooms; 10 dot. Painted Buckets; 6 do. bbl. Covers t 4 dos. Draw Rackets ; 10 nests Cellar Tubs 5 20 co. Measures; 20 nests Flour Puils : 2 dos. Well Buckets; , 6 nests Painted Tubs ; 1 do. Churns, as't sixes 2 do. Step ladders, ull lengtlu f 2 do. Cocoa Dipptrs; 4 dox. Fung Start V 4 tlo. VVbisU; . - 4 do. Hearth Rrooms; 4 tlo. Dusting Broom 5 4 do. Scrub do 0 patent Ice Crcein Freexers, new pattern, frecxe Io ' o minutes; , ; . , , , , 1 t Cbaraber Setts, very handsome , For S.1I0 low by . Com, and Her, copy W- C- HOWARD PERFUMERY AND FANCY ArTICLES.-Lobin' J Extracts; Balln'a do j Oriental Drops; fcse. ir' ' j German Colognes, a variety of styles 1 Orange. R y , I Lavender Waters J Toilet Powders; Toilet and , ; Soaps; Cold Cream; Hair, Tooth and fchavn ; u- ; and rwuVrff ttok of Perfumery M i varj An., o s r . S. li. fc J. A. LVAI.o. .ri

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