r ' 1 i) i i j1 K Jt I ' j ? ri li ft . 1 ! I !! ii). W li PUBLISHED BY Fl'LTON PRICE, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH I. 1854. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. WHOLE NUMBER 767. VOLUME 3. NO. 149. ! II ,i ! i i i i 1 , . I II" I II f Ml H RATES alp ttnu. I day 2 days,.... . 5 days 4 day 4 daje, 1 week 2 weeks,.... 1 month,... 2 moths... 3 months, ... months. or ADVERTISING. est Mnii 25 &) 1 00 , 3 50 ...8 00 Hit 2 days .... Jdays .... 4 day .... 5 days .... 1 week.... 2 weeks... 1 month. 1 year 15 00 fO 50 73 .. 1 00 .. 1 23 .. 1 50 .. 1 75 2 75 .. 4 00 2moath 7 00 3 month.... 10 00 6 mouths..... 16 00 lyear 30 00 Ten line art counted a a square, and five line or less a half-square. Longer advertisements ia proportion, and all payable ia advance. MT All half squares not paid for in advance will b: charged aj a (quart. J"Xo advertisement will be continued in thii paper, without special agreement, longer than 2 months, and tb bill will be presented for payment in all eases after the ex pi ration of the 2 months. WNo publication maJe without a responsible name. JWNotices of Religious meetings, Benevolent Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half the above rates. The cash for inch notices will bo required ia all cases before tbt publication is made. POST OFFICE, Wilminoton, N. C., February 4th, 1851. f The Mail for the South clows daily at 9 o'clock, P. M. For North of Kicbniond, Va , daily, at 7, A. M. and l.P.M. For Richmond, Va., and Offices South of that and Nerth of this, daily, at 1, P. M. For Strickland. Goldsboro', Warsaw and Rocky Mount , N. O. daily, 1. P. M. and 9, P. M. For FayettCTille via Elitabethtown, ke., Monday. Wed nesday and Friday, 9, P. M. D. DICKSON. P. M T. M. tTUTTtfTO, . T. HEWITT CHATTEKTOX A; CO. FACTORS ANDCOMMiSSlOX MERCHANTS. Frown's Building. Water street Wiuhnbtok, X. C. Usual Advances made on Consignments Feb. 1. 154. 121 tf k. n. mi iiriiiso. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. K North W ataV Street, Wilmington. X. C. February 2d. 154 lA-2in T. C. WORTH. GENERAL CUMMlSSlUX MERCHANT. Wu.v.iroN, X. (V L'sual advances on cuasigumenU of Cotton, Naval Mom, and other produce. Particular attention riven by G. W. Davi to purchasing cargoes, procuring freights tor vesset. ke. January lit h, 1851 113-Iy W. C. IIOVVAHO, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. Ai" Liberal Cash advances made on Consignments. Not. 26, 1853. 71-tf G JAMES ANDERSON, EDWARD ftAVACK. AXDEHSOS V SAVAGE. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Wilmington N. (!. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. 10v3 WILLIAM A. UWYER. FLCTOR, FORWARDING and COMMISSION Mer chant, Wilmington, N. C. MT Particular attention given to the Sale or Shipment of Naval Stores, and liberal Cash advance inado on Con 8i?ni!: OctJ2, '53. 33-ly XIX. CnONLTt BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT. Wii.minoton, N. C. Real Eatatr, Negroea, Hank Mock, UoikU. House hold Furniture, and every description of Properly bought and sold on oommision, either at private or public salo. T Refers to the public generally. June 18th, 1853 211 H. U. V J. A. KVA1V8. WHOLKMALK ami Retail UruKKU(, WllmliiK ton, N. C. Will keep always an hand a large and very noloetTrtock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, IiL.A&,UKU1UAL.1NTHUMEN IS, PATENT MED ICINES, PERFUMERY, &c, at low prices. Jan. 17th, 1853. U'M. 91. IIARRISS, GENERAL CouimUaloii Mertliant it Ship Ilrokrr, Wilmington, X. C. KEKERENCES: DudcyHuutington, j Wilmington, N. C. Jas. Corner k Sons, Paltimore. E A. Soudor 4tCo., Philadelphia. Jame1 C. Smith. Milks Cotiv JAS. C. SMITH & (Os COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their of fiea to the econd story of the building, formerly occu pied by the Telegraph Company, whera they are prepared to attend to all busmen in th ( 'ommision line. AU business entrusted to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11. 1H54. 4Marion Star and Carolinian copy one year and send bill as above. J. HATHA WAV A. HON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wir.MiNoro. Jan. 7, 1851. X. C. 101 D. C. FREEMAN, 0 EO. HOI'S TOM FREEMAN A, HOTSTOX. Wtlmlngtou, N. C, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. D. C. FREEMAN 4l CO , New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 175, Front St Ull. J. V. MrREE. Jr.. AS REMOVED his office to the corner of Front it CheHnut Street. Oct. 45. 1853 3titf J. C. IHIEURV, HOUSE, SHIP, MGN and ORNAMENTAL PAIN 'l kb; imitations of Wood, Marble or Grauite done to rereseut nature. Orders thankfully received aud promptly eiccuted. To b Tuunu .'t the Carolina Hotel. Wiluiingtor, Nov. I, iSj.' 5()-lv H Sami ii. Il( 'ami'ei. St. Joii.x. ty Me Pork; 10 half bbls. Fulton Market Hutter, daily expected ; 2 tons Cheexe ; 20 M. Tufts tf Hunting, Boston 12-ly H18SELL V BROTHER, (LATE KLLIS, RT'SSELLfc CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. EDWARD J. LITTERLOII, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for Steamers ROWAN-, FANNY LUTTERLOH and MAJ. W. BARNLT. April 1st, 1853. 177-ly A. II. VANBOKKELEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. Jan. 1, 1853. (lOO-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE subscribers, as Agents for the above Company, will take risks at fair rates. J. k D. McRAE k CO. November 27th, 1852. JNO. . fotts brown, armand j. dekosset, ir., r. r. brown BROWN fc DeROSSET, New York, DeROSSET A BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, (321 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. II. DOI.LNER, O. POTTER, Jr. DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-lj1 New York MTLiberalcash advances made on consignments JOSEPH II. PLANNER, GENERAL Commlaalon Merchant, 2-ly Wilmington, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. John MacRae, Donald MacRae, John W. K. Dix, J. Si D. McRAE ii CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C. C. DUPRK, D. B. BAKER. C. Da PRE A CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princess-streets, Wilmington, N. C. O. L. FILL YAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND FOR wardino Merchant, Wilmington, N. C Sept. 20, 1853 6 , IIKfVKV NUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give his PMfLtA?ftUot4bjMiness entrusted to his care. Sept. 7, 1853. 4 'WllAMiiON'Mc FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Aoknt rott Frank and Jerry Steamboat Line, 23 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C, 1-y A. D. TAYLOR., . . - JAS. T. PKTTEWAY TAYLOR PETTE WAY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 13 1854. y - SALT. OAMl'KI. HOT A L IN fk CO., DEALERS in all kinds of foreign and domestic Salt, and have constantly on hand, afloat and in store, Liverpool .ack Salt, and Linbon and Turk's Island Salt, for rale in quantities to suit purchaser, at their salt warehouse 101 and 103 Broad street, nnd '17 Washington street, New York Jan. li, ll. IOH-Siu W. M. SHERWOOD tb t )., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep consantly on hand everything 11 tin ir line, sli'ited to a city and country trade. Th'-y now ofler for salo : 2U) bbls. Flour. North Carolina and Northern brands; 10 hhds. Sugar ; 30 bbls. do. ; 50 (auks Coffee; 20 bbls. Crackers 20 boxes do. ; 30 bbls. Ci- liecf ; 10 firkins 20 boxes Candy 5 bbls. Snuff ; 5 tous Hoop Iron . 40 keen Nails t 250 sacks Salt ; 50 bugs Shot ; 20 boxes Candles ; and everything elxe necessary to constitute a good stock. All consignment o Naval Stores, toectherwith Cotton, Bacou, Lard, Corn Meal Flour, 4.0. , shall rceiv the highest nmrket price. cconi uoor .Norm 01 tno Uuntotn House. October Mth, 1H53. W. II. JlfKOV, ENERAL ( : ( .M M I SS ION M E II 0 11 A N T ; ALSO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, intends keepine at the a bove stand, a large assortment of GROCER I ES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tontion will bo paid to all orders from the country. 1 would respectfully invite tho citizens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call ana examine my stock before pur ohasing elsewhere. I intend to carry on a general com mission business. Particular attention will bo given to the salo of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, October 6th. 1852. 27-tf ritf D. . FREEMAN & CO., N. Y. FREEMAN & HOUSTON, WIL'.N FREEMAN HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wilmington, N. C, keep constantly on hand a stock of Your, Corn, Pork, Rnrnn. Salt. CnTff Sutrnr IMrJnur Tnhni-m fion Snuff, CandUi Soap , Vfi'gn and Ihmtttie I.ijuortand Wintt Iron, Nailt, Painti, Oil$, Gfar, sUriadtural .mpltmentt, and a variety of other articles, citable fot family and plantation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reas onable terms for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, D. 0. Freeman, is located in tho citv of New York: the junior partner, Geo. Houston, in Wil mington. If desired, advances will be made on consign ments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled j. wesskl, n. h. eiler.1. WESSEL A EILERM, COMMISSION Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. reference : E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of the State, 1 O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank, Wilmington P. K. Dickinson, Esq. ) Poppe & Co., . v . Dollner & Potter, J iNew york' H3j J. M. KOBINHON, TMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kinds X of Hardware, Cutlery. AGluCULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron A xlctrees. Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast ftteel Hoes, iron. Meei, Hoop iron, l russ Hoops, Rivets, ece. &c. His stock is now very full and complete, with ma- ny'additions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line. Merchants who are disposed to patronise Southern es tablishments, are guaranteed all articles in his line as low as tney can be procured Aorth. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1852.' It AROL1V4' HOTF.U. PARTNERSHIP SuTICK. tT B. WlK'D, Proprietor, has this day a.iatd with j il.bim.ia the Hotel basin, NATHANIEL R. VIN- 1 1. 1 , aaj aill euatiaae aaoeratMBrm v ooo A v j. iC ent. Tba&kful for past favert. by strict atUation to basi bcm bone fur a continuance of t b same. R.H. WtHD. June lt. l-vil-233-ti X. B. V1XCENT. VAI.I AUtK UKLl.lU IIOl oK VOlt. MALE. THE Sabsrriber offers for sale that most desirable, DWHLLING AND PREMISES, sitaata at the Hi North-Westers interaectioa af Third street with Red lri street, the Lo fronting 100 fiet oa Red Cross, and 200 feet on lairi. The iNrellingUlouar, KiUbea. Smoke-Houne, Stables, and all the other out bouses on the premises, hare been built within a few Tears, of choice materials, ia the beat manne aud a early all of them covered with tin. The Dwellinr House h caeios, handsomely finished, and anost eoavea lenuy planned, ana all tbt other builUing are Judiciously ar ranged, and well fitted on. '1 here are few Lots la Wilminrtoa so desirably located, and the improvements on which are so admirably adapted Tor a lamily residenc. Ihira atreet on the entire r.astern line of this lot. is W feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Persons desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale ey application to the subscriber, or M. .v imxon, mi , or M. Cr.nly, and the subscriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the premises. . a t i 1 v i i .pi. 1, II-IIJ II. IV. .MAU.. "C'ommereial copy tf 0K Hl.VDllKU OOLI.AK REWARD. RAN A WAY from the subscriber, from his plant ation ia Charlotte county, Virginia, two Negro men named JIM and ARTHUR. JIM was formerly owned by Mr. GriflSth J. McRee, 01 .New Hanover county, .V t , and bas a wire near Creek. He is about 23 years old. 5 feet 7 Inches hiih. dark brown color has some rotten teeth in front- has small ryes and speaks quickly. ARTHUR was purchased of Ephraim Page, of Smith field, Johnston county, N. C. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high 22 years old, and spare made dark brown col our. 1 will ggive Fifty iKillars reward for each of them, if deliv ered to Mr. Solomon Davis, in Richmond, M. Cronly, Wil mington, X. C , or accural in Jail, so that 1 get them again. For further information, address Solomon Davis, Richmond, M. A. MOSELY, Red Oak Grove, Charlotte Co., Va. Richmond, Dec. 2d. 153. 81 tf 1 Lout T CO-PA II T . K K 1 1 1 ! .NOTICE. Mil undersigned have this day formed a Co-partnership, under the firm and stylo of RUSSELL HROT11EK. for the transaction of the (ieneral Commission business. HENRY P. RUSSELL. Mny2d.lH.3. J(S. II. RUSSELL. CO-PA HTN EHN II I P. rpHE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the 1 name of PARSLEY, McRAE k CO., for the transac tion of the LUMBER BUSINESS. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE, WM. G. JONES. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1st, 153. 185-tf PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. HAVE this day associated with aaeiabaaiaaaa,Bj Ervtb er B. ti. Worth, and would solicit for the aew Ira a contioaaaca of the patronage heretofore so i.bra.:y bes towed apOa tnywlf. T. C. WuRTH. THE undersigned have this day formed a eo-partaerahip, nder the style of T. C. k B. G. WORTH, for the treae action of the FORWARDING and COMMISSION BL'Sl N Ens. . We are occupying the fireproof brick store, aad plank wharf ia front, awaed and formerly eeenpied by R. W. Brown, as well aa bis naval store wharves aad abed. Imme diately below Ana street, and are amply prepared te receive and forward, aril er star any amount of merchaadiae entrast to oar rare. Usual advances oa cotton? aval storev wr other produce. T. C. WORTH. R. G. WORTH. Wilmington, X. C, Jaa 1, IH51. 4a IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS. 3 ....... . .... $12 J0 14 W 13 60 REDUCED PRICES rpiIROUGH TICKETS, te Baltimore 1 " " to Philadelphia " to New York... Cars leave at 7. A. M. and 2 P. M, S. D. WALLACE, Agent Wilmington Ac Raleigh R. R. Co. Aguetb,lS53 2S5-H 00 REWARD. TY UNA WAY from the Subscriber, about the XV May POO, his negro man JAR R ATT, hired to Mr.Grerory in Macon, Ga. is about 21. or 27 years old, about I hleh. rather spare made, dark copper oolor. lie la evppotoil to be lurking cither in Bladen or Sampson Counties. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of said negro to me, or bis lodgment In any Jail, so I eaa get him agaia. Dm. 23, 1853 -111-tf D. MsDANlEL Maoon, Ga., Telegraph., aad Little Rock, Ark., paper copy I month and aend billto this offlre irARRIAOEi I CARRIAGE THE aubacriber baa Just receive!. .and will continue to receive weekly. ' 1 . k.i . . tt..i.. . 1 tk.i. awiSkyaaaaaafwerk. which be offers for sale low fur Cash or approved paper at Do days, vis 1 Carriages,. Recka ways, Huggies, Jenny Lind Waggons, Sulkies, lie, AU l Ihtnlapf C'o.'s w k vAd by wis mrrnttd for 12 montki Orders for work will be made up In best manner. Nov. 2ti.-(71-tf J W. C. HOWARD. )ORK. 60 bbls. Mess l'ork-warranted 200 pounds la a ' . A 1 H . If ll.xl'lSMI fill barrel, for sale by A. II. V AlMUU&.ik.ie.n. JUST RECEIVED FROM N. YORK It BALTIMORE 1 25,bbls. Rectified Whiskey ; 20 do. X. E. Rum; 10 do. Very fine Monongahela Whiskey ; ID do. choioe Old Rye do.; 5 do. Apple Brandy; 10 half bbls. best Rye Whiskey, which 1 will sell very IowjWcash. W. H. MeKOY. II THY not buyja LoUN(K of Wll.MNSO.N TXe''2- I Jan 6 INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. THE SUBSCRIBER having located himselfln the town of Wilmington, for the purpoee of TEACHING MUSIC, respectfully oners his services to the Glutens. He will give Ina'rurliofia on llm 1'iann. ( iiiilur biwI v olin. I rum hi Imiir I erience as Teacher, he hopes to be enabled to rive full VTAILS, MiOI , Willi E LEAD, OIL AND WINDOW ii 1 ma ui receive j, ana onereu ior saie oy Deo. 21. iFREEMAN k HOUSTON. it ESLER. Upholsters. Com. copy SERVANTS' MATTR ASSES On hand, at only 1 60 Jan 6) WILKINSON k ELLLli, Upholsters. Com. copy. sa.isfaetion to all who may favor him with their patrouare. Application oan be inale to bim at Mrs. Ford's Boarding Mouse. rilAftUIS A. CLH;iihU. Oct. 1, Ira -mr ' a 'nr. suoscrmer oners nis proicssionai services to the In JL habitants of Wilmineton and its vicinity. He may bo found during the day at his office inthe bane- ment of Mrs. ford's boarding houso, corner of Front and Dock streets ; and at night at the residcuue of S. P. iause, Esq., uear too Methodist I'. ( Lurch. July 19th, 1853-2WF-tr.J C. FINNEY. M. 1). MONEY NOTICE. "Smootk Quarters," and all otho, pieces of smooth money, taken for goods or on acrouurt at the originatyilue. SCOTT k BALDWIN. ILS. Pure and Patent Sperm also Lubricating lird, y and Linseed OH, lor salt by Nov. 22. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. WILMINGTON (. C.) OIL WORKN. W. H. FLANNtR. HENRY TALI,. PLANNER JL TALL, ANUFACTURERS of a superior LUBRICATING OIL, PAINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS. VA R- NISHES, PI1CH, ko. a a. a.i I ttun fi 1 lust, 1 r.vV. 1. are aiso inanuiuciuniig a iajdiiH.vi GREASE, for Carriago and Cart Axles, Slides, ko. This GREASE works cleaner, and is cheaper than any that litis yet been offered for eale. Samples of both Oils aud ( reuse, may be eeen at the office ot Mr. I. 11. Manner, 9 North Wuter street, or at F. A'. T.'s office, California. N. B. No admittance on tho works. May 9th, 1853. 209-tf INSTRUCTION IN MUNCH EMBROIDER Ml DeMOATAL , IS desirous of forming classes for fnstructionsTIn the above branches. Being a native of France, and bavins: bad sx periunco in teaching in the city of Charleston, from which lie brings the most satisfactory references as to character and ability, sho feels confident of beincable to Impart an ac curate knowledge and correct pronunciation of the French language to tho who may favor her with their patronage, or to such pupils as may bo placed under ber. Terms of instruction, in either or both branches, made known on application to her, at the South-west corner ol Orange and Old Doundary streets. Wilmington, Jan. 2d. 1H5I 9-tf 10AL! COAL!! Another carco of 200 Tons best White C M Ash Coal, just arrived, for sale br Jsn. 10. J. k D. McRAE Ac CO. lli.At K-ULACKKR-BLACKEaT. BLACKING! We have 41 rrosa best Blacking, which will bo sold cheap, in lots of half doien and sjpwards. It is warranted to bo a sunerlor article, and maka th.i blackest black of any in Wilmington, as many of the black bont-blar k$ can testify. WJvf. SHE It WOOD k CO. LARD50 Kegs Cincinnati No. I Leaf Lard, for sals by .No.!lF2J . FREEMAN k HOUSTON. NOW ia the time to have handsome Paner bung, by Comra WILKINSON It ESLE1. Upholste fPAk K NtJTICE. -Those Bibles, Prayer . Books, and J. Hymn Books, which we have been nromisinr are re- MUNDS. ceived and for sale by J. T. HKMOVAL. "TY CUSTOMERS and the public are hereby 1TX that I have removed my Grace to the li DING, next door North of the Custom House. Oct. 12.-3.3-tf 1 informed, BRICK HUH. Office to the WM. A. GWYER. HARVEY COCHRAN, COCHRAN W S RCSSELL. A RUMHKLL. (Successors to Thomas Allibone & Co.,) (1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 C North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Phila delphia . 49" Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1853 279 II. C. THACHER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 46 INDIAJSTREET. BOSTON. Customary advances madeon consignments of Naval Stores. REFER TO! Ratner, & Gilmork New York. Rankin A; Martin, Wilmington, N. C September 10, 1853. 6-1 y W. G. Rayner, JR. Gir.sfORg. RAYNER & GILMORK, ' . COMMISSION MERCTI ANT?, ' r 151 Watkr Street, New York. References. E. Kidder, Esq.; J. H. Planner, Esq.; Messrs. Rankin & Martin. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February 11th, 1853 ' -135-tf T)APER HANGING Done In superior style j. can ne seen at our store Jaa 30 Samnlns WILKINSON k ESLER, v Upholitits. TO TIIKTOU ACCO DEALERS OF CAROLINA. II 7 E are putting up for onr rales a firil rate artult of VV L hewing Aooacco, and also interior grades, hut ol good quality, which we are prepared to sell on very fnv termi, to tne mercnants or rnorin Carolina. OUR, " SMOKING TOBACCO !" This article is, indeed, very superior, and we are prepared to supply any demand, at prices which cannot fail to please In selling lonacco, we propose giving a eooa ar title for a low mrirt. we therefore take the liberty to invite the atten tion of dealers to our advertisement. Our lobacoo will speak foritself. BROWN k SHOOK, uvuiwioiwu iiicimnukD, uiiv. ii'l'.r'.ic , rvnivi n III I l Manufactured 1 obocco and Oram, lor. Union and; It, in- lin streets. Richmond, Va., December 1, 1853. 75-3m 4"B. & S. are also agents for H M. Smith's Premium Straw Cutters, at factory prices. IUST RECEIVED 10 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Soap; 10 J do. Toilet do., and for sale by W, li. MoKOV TTILL STONES 1 Pair Eeopus Mill Stones, SO inches 1U diameter, for sale by r jliEEMAN k HOUSTON. "1REW LI8T8A large supply on lindand forsalelow Stthc JUURMALi UFF1CE. ICE. A lot of fresh beat, just received from the mill tor Sale by MIJ SS COST-N CO-PAHTWKRft!llf NOTICE. THE Subscribers have this day formed Co-tmrtnersbir under the name and style of JAMES F. GlLLESPi L k CO., for the purpose of carryina? on a GENERA I AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. JAMES F. GILLESPIE, GEORGE 8. GILLESPIE. Wilmington,, Not. It b, 1853 (Com, copy.) 63-tf 10-tt A OH I' A I BOOK. Just received 10 copies of the Works ol James Arminius', D. D.. formerly Frofossorof DiTin- ity in the University of lieydon. This is the first English translation of this Great Book ever offered to the public, and it mut be hailed with satisfaction. Feb. 1T-'M.-18. For aaleby J. T. MUNDS. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT IRISH POTA TOES And we hare Just received per Scbrc. Albert Adams and J. 11. Chadbourn. ISO bbls., superior planting. For sale by W. M. SHERWOOD it CO. BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS A, most beautiful assortment of Bibles and Prayer Books, of Tsrious sites and qualities of binding. Received this morning, and for "'!' . J.Feb'.?' J S. W. WHITAKER'S. NOTICS. : ? h - CONSIGNEES of Goods by the Line of N. Y. Packets consigned to me. are hereby notified that, after the GoaJi leave the wharf, there will be no deduction made for dam ages; 11 there is any damage to the Goods, they must be objected to before leaving the Wharf, otherwise, the esse will not be responsible. T. C." WORTH. ' - "II70MAN AND HER MASTER. By J, F. Smith, au I VV thor of .taofield Hall j Minnie Grey, Gns Howard. R A UTO BIOG RA PlI Yof an Actresa. or Ei'gb t Years on the Harry Ashton, Ellen DeVere, Jco , lust published, received J Stage, by Ann CoraMowatt. Received and for sale at M sale at s. W. WHITAKER'S. Feb 1 S. W. WHITAKER'S. feb.zi.oi. T IME. 1500 casks fresh Lime, dow landing and for sale U by E. J. LU1 TblvLUH. rnilE GREAT QUESTION I salo ol North Carolina Flour in New IS SETTLED, since the New York, that it u superior to most of their fancy brands. We have (nit retnrn. of from Fayetteville, where wo baT purchased, immediate iljfrom under the Inmctor't rod, 75 bbls. of the most popu- New York, offers for sale the following article, war- '"TT. ' lt r luuk, txprtttlyfor aa .. . . a . i I III Til li U 1IJV. M.II1 1 TnrT nfj.PTA SSiPMnlArl lA aaaaw aas ranted 01 superior quality :iiaccoboy. aootcn, hoarse fcA "75 " 'j 1, , '7"- French Rapee. Honey Dew, Scotch, and other Snuffs, also t n,0,.1Ar!;?I"ii?.c' d"?.in Fine Cut Tobacco in tin-foil and papers ; ' more particular p-u mh fiyu 7 SNTJTr AND TOBACCO T)ETER LORILLARD, Manufacturer, No. 42 Chatham 1 St., description of the various articles can be known by sending foe a full price current as above. Feb. 6th, 1854 I2-3m W, M. SHERWOOD it CO. XTOW LANDLNO Old Cbamnnirne and Cosmac Brand r.k IS Jamaica Rum, and Antwerp Gin ; P&le and Brown Sher-1 I jII assortment of Domestic Liquors, for sale by Jan Z7 . FREEMAN HOUSTON. PITCH.-600 bbls. fine quality, for sale by J. H. PLANNER. 25 Non Jan. 30, 1854 ' ANNER, 25 North Water St. PHOLSTERING in sJl branohesrsnd stock on hand" WILKINSON k ESLER. Ucholsters. Febl - w arCommeTcial oobt. . .. . .. , a w OILS FOR MACHINERY.- The subscribers keep on hand constant supply of Oils, suitable for machinory, for sale at Factory prices. , ' 'Also, beat India Rubber, and Italian Hemp Packlnr. for MAchinery. , J. it D. AUclUE it CO.. NEW ORLEANS 8UGAR.-5 bhds. prime ooalrtT. Just receded and for sale by DeROSSET t BROWN. CHEESE l-CIIEESE ! I-CHEESE Ml 40 boles New York Stat Cheese, just reoelTcd and for sale by - jani ' vv. w. anjcrwwuuuax cu. i