f ' " .... .. . r r-r b i if , i ' l i ( s PUBLISHED BY FULTON t PRICE, WiLMIXC.TON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, INADVANCE. VOLUME 3.-NO. 153. MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 6. 1S54. WHOLE NUMBER 771. Rates or advertisixu. Ml S4"AS IUI (!. 1 i day $ j5 : days, 37 i 1 days 50 j Idtjf, 2 - 1 wk...t 2 weeks... 1 ' 1 month, 2 00 2 monthi,. ......... .3 60 3 moatks, 5 00 month!, 8 00 1 i$00 lday. 2 day! .... , 3 day 4 days 5 day! 1 Werk 2 weeks.... 1 month.... 2 months... 3 montht.. . Smooth!... 1 year .$9 50 ..... 7s 1 00 1 2i 1 1 75 3 73 ..... 4 00 7 00 1ft 00 16 00 30 00 Tea liaei ar counted aa a aqaare, and It lioei or less a alf-tqaaro. Longer adve rtLoraenti in proportion, and all payable in advance. WAU half Maarti not raid far ia advance will be charged aa a square. aNe advertisement will la continued in this paper, without ipecial agreement, longer thaa 2 month, and th bill will bo presented for payment ia all ease after the ex pi ration of the 2 months. . At"" No poblication mad without a responsible name. y Notice! of Religion! meetings, Benevolent Societies, and Obituaries, will be eharged half the abort rates. The eaih &f each, notice! will bt required ia all eases before th pablieatloa is made. and ' POST OFFICE, WimixaTo, N. C, ) February 4th. 1S54. f Tho Mail for the South closes daily at 9 o'clock, P. M. For North of Kiohmond, Va., daily, at 7, A. M. i l.P.M. For Kiohmond, Va., and Office! South of that and Nsrth of this, daily, at 1, P.M. For Strickland!, Goldsboro', Warsaw and Kocky Mount, N. C. daily, 1. P. M. and 9, P. M. For FaytttevUit via Eliaabothtowa, fct., Monday. Wtd- W. C. IIJfWARD. GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Merchant; WruntfOToN, N. C. 43 Liberal Cash advance! made on Consignments. Not. 26, 1853. v 1 71-tf JAMES A.-SDEKSOa, . . EDWARD "AVAOK. AWDEKSON & SAVAGE, f GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T , , Wilmington N. 0. Liberal cash advance! made on consignments, 10v3 WILLIAM A. GWYER, - FLCTOR, FORWARDING and COMMISSION MER chant, Wilmington. N. C. W Particular attention given to tbt Sale or Shipment of Naval Stores, and liberal Cash advances made on Con signments. Oct. 12, '53. 33-ly 1TL CXtONLTt BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT. WiunisoTos, N. C. Real Estate, Negroes, Bank Btork, Ilomia, Ho war hold Furniture, andeverv description of Property bought and told on commission, either at private or public sale. Refers to the public generally. J ops 18th, 1853 241 i- S. D. & J. A. EVAN, WHOLESALE and lUlall Urugglsls, Wlliiilng ton, N. C. Will keep always en hand a large and very feted stork of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASiS SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, PATENT MED ICINES,, PERFUMERY, &o., at low prices. Jan. 17th, 1858 VM. M. IIAIUIISS, GENERAL CoinmlMloit DIertliant A HMp Drokvr, Wilmington, X. C. Iltf ERKNCK5 : Jai. Corner k Sons, iialtimore. F. A. Sonder ft Co., Philadelphia. Thompson fc Hnntor, ) M.M. Freeman Co., New-ork. Tufts 4 Hunting, Boston 12-ly UISXEI.L V nitOTIlEK, (LATK KLLIS, Rt'S-SELL t CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. (;. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. EDWARD J. LrTTKIlLOII, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for Steamers ROWAN, FANNY LUTTERLOII and MAJ. W. BARNET. April 1st, 1853. 177-ly A. II. VANBOKKELEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to sale and purchase of Naval Stores. ' Jan. 1, 1853.-100-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSt'RAJVCE COMPANY. THE lubacriberi, ai Agents for the above Company, will take risks at fair rates. J. &. D. McRAE & CO. November 27th, 1852. JNO. t OTTS BROWN, ARMANI) J. I)EKOSJET, jr., R. F. BROW.I BROWN fc DcltOSSET, New York, DeROSSET A BROWN, Wilmington, N. ., 32 COMMISSION MERCIIA NTS h. doixxkh, .' '.. .w o.rorrcK.jr. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16I-lyl , r New York Liberal ca.'h advances made on consignments T. M. CHAtTt! TOS, . T. BEETT. CIIATTEKTOX A CO. FACTORS AXDCOMMISSIOX MERCHANTS. Erewa's UailJing, Vatrtreet Viuitu rwa, .N.C I'aual Advaacf! niado oo Cooiamenti Kt, i. im. i:t-tf K. M. MI IICIIIM). COMMISSION AND rXR'AKDlNG MERCHANT. ' North Wtter Street. WUmiagtoo. X. C. February 2J. l.tJ-Jin T. V. WORTH. GENERAL COMM ISSlON MKRHI .NT, Vii.tNor.t. X. C. Ctual advance! tn consignment! of Cotton, Naval More, and other product. Particular attention gives by CJ. W. Davih to purvha.iu cargoes, proearint freights for vewels, ke. January 14th. 1S54 UMy RF. wi bios, it Jamk G. SrrH. Milc Cosrtt. J vs. c. smith ( us OMMISIOX MERCHANTS, have removed their of- Bet to tbt second story of the buildin? formerly occu pied by the Telegraph Company, where they art repard to attend t all business in tbt CommuMtoa line. All business entrusted to them will be nuactuallr atten ded to. Jan. 11, K4. w!iMarion Star and Carolinian coov one vear and -n bill as above. J. II ATM A WAY A 0. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wit.iiaTOM, N. C. Jan. 7, lSol. 101 U. C. FRKKMAN, ' Ot!l. HOt'SToN. FREEMAN & HOUSTON, Wilmington, N. Cu MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. D. C. FREEMAN A, CO , New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 175, Front St. DR. J. K. MHKK, r.. AS REMOVED his offiie to the comer of Front k Chestnut Street. Oct. 15. l53.--:Mitf H J. C. DltE WRY, HOUSE. SHIP, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAI.Yl Er; imitations of Wood, Marblo or Granite done to represent nature. trders thankfully received aud promptly executed. To be found at the Carolina Hotel. Wilmington, Nov. 1, 1S03 50-ly Saaicei, Hotamu. Sami-ki. Sr. Jom.i. SALT. RAMIKL HOT A LINO ,V CO., DEALERS in all kinds of foreign and domestic Salt, and have constantly on band, afloat and in store, Liverpool sack Salt, and Lisbon and Turk's Island Salt, for raft in quantities to suit purchasers, at tbeir salt warehouse 101 and 103 Broad street, and 2U7 Washington street. New York. Jan. 13, 1NM. l(tn-3ui W. M. SHERWOOD ttt CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep consantlv on baud everything: in their line, suited to a city and country trmlo. lliey now oner tor salt -. Hi bMs. r lour, North t arolina and Northern brands; 10 hhdi. Sugar ; 30 bbU. do. ; 50 rack! Coffee; 20 bbls. Cracker! 20 boxes do. : 30 bbli. Ci ty Mess Pork; 10 half bbls. Fulton Market Ueef ; 10 flrkim Mutter, daily expected Ih tons Cheops ; a) boxes Canuv : ft bbls. Snuff ; ft tons Hoop Iron , 40 kezs Nails ; 250 sacks Salt ; 50 bags Shot; 20 boxes Cumlles ;'anl everything eN" necessary to oonxtituto a good stock. All consignments of Naval Mores, together with Ootton. liucon, 1-urW. Corn Meal. Flour, &o., shall recivt the highest mnrkct price. bcoond door norm ot mo custom Mouse. October 1 Ith, 1853. CAROLINA HOTEL. FRTKltIII MiTHK. WOOD, Proprietor, kas this y i!ated with io the lUt.l bum-j. .AIHAMh.Lii IN- CKNT. and will entiiat uudersbefinn efV(x n" Vi- CUT. Thankful for paxt favor, ly slrn-t attention It busi BessaehopefuraentinuauceoftbeMUic R.l VtHl. Jane U, !Sj3S3-tf N. It. VINCENT ""VALC AULKU V KLTi IHll K VtHl si ALE. rpilK Subscriber offers for sale that uiut deinbl X DWELLING AND PREMISES, situate at the Nrth-Wwra iutcrspetiua of Third stn et with Red Cs stref, the Lot frv.uting llMI U-vt oa Red Crow, and 20 f rt a Third. The Dwelling)! louse. Kitcbea.SuK-ke-House.StabWs.aBd all the other out houses on the preuiisis, have beea built within a few vears, of choice wtenK m tbt best manner, and a early all of them covered with tin. The Dwelling llotst is eapaoious, handsomely fiaiibed, and most conven iently plaaued, and all the other building ar judiciously ar ranged, and well fitted ur 1 here art few Lots in Wilmington so desirably located, and the improvements oa which are k admirably adapted fr a family residence. Third street on the entire Eastern liue of this'lut. is 9fl feet wide, and separate it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. Vrotn desiring to purchase, csa awrtain tvruts of sale by application to the subscriber, or N. N. Nixon, Ei., or M. tioM.iT, and the subscriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wUh to inspect the prcmin's. Sept.7,l!33.-fltf H.R.NIXON. 4Coojinercial copy tf . tK llt.'VDRED DOLLAR REWARD. ANA WAV from the subscriber, from his plant ation in Charlotte eounty, irrinu, two Negro men named JIM aud ARTHUR. JIM was formerly owned by Mr. Griffith J. MeRee, of New Hanover county, N. C, aud has a wife near ioiig t nek. lie is about 23 years old. ft feet 7 inches high, dark brown color has some rotten tenth in front has small eyes and saks uuiekly. ARTHUR was purchased of Ephraim i'agc, of Siuith CelJ, Johnston county, N. C. litis about 5 feet 7 or H inches high 22 years old, and ipaxt made dark brown col our. I will KK'ivc Fifty Dollars reward for each of them, if deliv ered to Mr. Solomon Davis, in Richmond, M. Cmnly. Wil- mibgtou, N. C . or secured in Jail, so that 1 got them again. For further information, address Solomon llavU, Richmond, M. A. MOSELV, Red Oak Grove, Charlotte Co., Va. Richmond. Dec. 2d. tt33. H4-U CO-PARTNERSHIP .OTICE. T'HE andersigned have this day formed a Co-partnership, 1 under the firm and itylo of RUSSELL k lUlOTHKU. for the transaction of the General Commission business. HENRY P. RUSSELL. May2d,ll53 . JOS. II. RUSSELL. CO-PARTNERHIIIP. THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the name of PARSLEY, McRAE it CO., for the traduc tion of the LUMMER IiUslNESS. O G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE, WM. G. JONES. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1853. lH.Vtf INSTRUCTION ZN XTIU8I0. riiHE SUBSCRIBER having located hlmelf In tbt town J. of Wihulnrton, for the purpost of TEACHING MUSIC, respectfully offers his service! to tho cttucn. He will give instructions on the llano, tiuitar ana violin, from his long experience as Teaohur, he hopes to be enabled to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronnge. Application can bo made to him at Mrs Ford's Hoarding House. FRANCIS A. COCHE'U. Oct. 4, 153 'M-tt W. II. MrKOY. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, intends kooidnir at the a bovo stand, alargo assortineutwf GROCERIES, LIQUORS ami PICOVISIOS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tcntiou will be paid to all orders from the country. I would rcupcctfully Invite the citixens of Wilmington and tho adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere- I intend to carry on a central com mission business. Particular attention will be uiven to tho salo or Naval Mores, ana all kinds of produce. Liberal bash advances mado on consignments. Wilmington, October tith, 1852. 27-tf tftf D. C. IRELMAN & CO., N. Y. FRKEMAN U IIOl STON, WIL H FREEMAN i IIOt'KTOK, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wilmington, N. C, keep constantly on hand astock of Hour, Corn, fork. Bacon, Salt, C'nfet, Sugar, Momui, Tobarro, Cienrt, Snuff, (Jandlti Soap , rortig tss Ihmrttie LUnort nnd H"inf$ j Iron, Naili, Paintt. Dili, Ulan, Azru ulLural mpltmentt, and a variety or other articles, nmtablcfoi family and plantation tuse and tho retail trade, which thev a ill dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reas onable terras for cuoh, or in exchango for Naval Stores or other produco Tho senior partner, I). C. Freeman, is located in the eitv of New York; tho Junior partner, Geo. Hors-ron, in Wif- mininon. if desired, advances will be made on consign racnts to and from cither place. All business entrusted to them will rocoive proper attention ; and order! for Good! will bo promptly and carefully filled JOSEPH II. PLANNER, (1 ENERAL CommUilou Merchant, T 2-ly Wilmington, N. C. ADAMS, BROTHER fc CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Wilmington. N. C. Johh MacRae, Donald MacKak, John W. K. Dix. J. i D. McRAE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 , . Wilmington, N. C. C. DUTRR, D. B. IIAKRR. ' . C. DuPRE & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princess-streets, Wilmington, N. C. - o.1- l; kill yaw, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND FOR warhino Mebchakt, Wilmington. N. C Sept. 20, 1853 - : , , T ; 14 HENRY NUTT. -'s FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give his personal attention to business entrusted to hit care. Sept. 7, 1853. ' . ' , 4 , , .r. YVrilAMfLTONJlcRAli iVXii F)RWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Aok.it roR Frank and Jerut Stamoat Line, 23 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. ' 1-y A. D. TAYLOR, i JASTPETtIwaY TAYLOR PKTTE WAT .. ' GROCERS ' AND - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water street, Wilmihgton, C.SS Jan.13,1854. J. WE5SEL, M. B. EILKRS. WEKSEL Ai EILEHS. tOMMIKXIO.V Merchants and Whole.ale tirmers, J North Water btrcct, Wilmington, ,N. C, intend to keen . t. - V . . ' ' f Hi iiir iiauu ngcnrrui nnsuriuinni tn viniecnen, iiquors, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on u General Commission liusincss. REFERENCE : E. P. Hall. Pres't Rranch Bankof the State. ) 0. G. Parsley. Pres't Commercial Bank. Wilniinirtonl ft.. ijickinon, rsq., 1 'OFPK ti Co., v. Dollner & Potter, w 1 "r- f Il: J. M. HOUlNfcON. TMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEA LERin all kinds 1 of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrccs, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Rivets, &c. &c. His stock is now very full and complete, with ma nyfadditions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line. Merchants who are disposed to patronUe Southern es tablishments, are guaranteed all art icles in his line as low as they c&n bo procured North. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 21. 1H52.' HARVEY COCHRAN, COCHRAN W KI'SSKM.. Ai RUSSELL, (Successors to Thomas Allibono k Co.,) (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ;2 T North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Pint, dklphia . 4VLiberal cash advances made on consignments, July 30th, im 279 - II. C. THACHER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 4b' IN DM .STREET, BOSTON. Customary advances made on consignments of Naval Stores. . . V ' ? - REFER TO! Raynrr, k Gilmorr New York. Rankin & Martin, Wilmington, N. V, September 10, 1853. 6-1 v r . . 1 ' ' ' ' W. Q. Rather, J R. Gjlmoue; RAYNER Si OILMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , " - 154 Water Street, New York.1 References. E. Kidder, Esq.) J. H. Planner, Esq.; Messrs. Raukia It Martin. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February 11th, 1853 135-tf lTtNE IvX pieces of smooth money, taken for at the original value. -MLS .Y NOTK'E. "Smooth Quarters," and all othe, SCOTT oods or on acconnri k BALDWIN. WE arc putting up for our Chtumz Tobacco, and i Pure aud Patent Sperm also Lubricating Lard, and Linseed Oil, tor salo by Nov. 22. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. WILMINGTON (N C.) OIL WORKS. w. b. klankr. ji:nry tall. FLANNER .t TALI., MANUFACTURERS or a superior LUBRICATING OIL, PAINTERS AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR NISHES, PITCH, kc F. & T. aro also imiuufacturing a LUBRICATING GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axle, Slides, ko. This GREASE works cleaner, and is cheaper than any thit bus yet been offered for sale. Samples of both ' lils and ( Jrcasc' may be seen at tht office of Mr. I. II. I'latmcr, 25 North Water street, or at F. fc T.'i office, California. N. B No admittance on tho work. May !lh, im. 20?)-tf RKMOVAL. MY CUSTOMERS and the public arc hereby informed, that I have removod my Office to the MUCK BU HI DING, next door North of the Cuttom House. Oct. 12.-3H-tf WM. A. GWYER. TO THE TOUAtt O DEALERS Ot' N. CAROLIN A. rales a iri rate article nl tng lulMcco, and also manor grades, but ot good quality, which wo are prepared to sell on very mr lernti, to tho uicruhaut ot Aorta ( aroluia. OUR "SMOKING TOBACCO!" This article i, indeed, very superior, and woaro prrpurcd to supply any demand, at prices which cannot fail to please In selling Tobacco, wo projxso giving a mA urtule, for a low yrict. We thcreforo tako the liberty to invito the atten tion of doalers to our advertisement. Our Tobacco will speak for itself. BROWN k SHOOK, Commission Merchants, aud Wholesale Dealers in Flo r, Manufactured Tobacco and Grain, Cor. Union and) Frn- lin streets. Richmond, Va., December I, 1S$3. 75.3m r"B. k S. are also agents for H M. Smith's Premium Straw Cutters, at factory prices. TUST R ECElVED-10 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Soap: 10 J do. Toilet do., and for salo by W. H. McKOY A TILL STONES. 1 Pair Esopus Mill Stones, 80 Inches 1V1 diamct er, for salo by F R E EM A N fc I I f )U ST( )N. CREW I.ivrx-A largo sutvly on li..ndaad forsalclo tt the JOURNAL OFFICE T3 IC-E. A lot of fresh beat, just received from the mill. Ai, For Sale by MW t;ost..N AUTOBIOi HI A PH Y of an Actress, or Eight Years on the Stase, by Anna Cora Mowatt. Received and for salo at Feb 1 S. W. WHITAKKR'S. I PARTIKRKHIP MincE.' HAVE tbi day associated with mlabies!,By Prob er B. G. Wert a, and wotld aolk-lt for tht aew tna a ndiiiiuiiet uf the natroDart kertUfuee LWraT towed bioa myself. T. C. WuRtil. THE aodrfsirwd havt tbit day formtj a to-partatriL1. under the style of T. C. k F. G. WORTH, for tbt tracf. amiva tf tht FORWARDING and COMMISSION BL s. NESS, ... - 1 We are occupying tht Breroof brik atort, tad plaek wharf iu front, owned aad furatrty oeepH by R. W. I'rtwn, as well as his oaval store wharvet aad sbsd, imaat diateljr below Ann street, and art amply prepared to rteelra and forward, aril or store any amosBt tf nefcaandlM aatrwst to oar rare. Usual advaaces on eottoa, aaval storet. vr other product. T. O, WORTH, , , R.G. WORTH, Wilmington. N. C, Jan 1, 154. ' s3a IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS. , - Eju n rr-T 17 j" t :- 111 1 j . 1 j aHU I J-nJT , - . ? , REDUCED PRICES, n. i . - rpHROUGH TICKETS to Baltimore...,....,....! L200 1 to Philad!lphla . ......... 14 UJ " V to Ntw York .. ........... J M Car Wave at 7 A. M. aad I P. M, . D. WALLACB, fc ' Agent Wilmington St RaJtig fc K. R. Co. ' August 6, 1K33 . , 400 REWARD, , RUNAWAY from tht Subscriber, about tht lit of fix May ls50,hianegreBaaJAKRArr,Mthattia , hired to Mr. Gregory in Maeon, 'a. Tht aaid negro Is about 26. or 27yeartoll. about 5 feci II iBebetJZL high, rather spart made, dark copper color. 1U Ut lappwd to be lurking either in Bialen or Sampton Countlii. Tbt above reward will bt paid or tht delivery of said Mgrt to me, or his lodgment ia any JaU, so 1 can ret bin arl. Dee. 23, 1S33 -114-tf D. MeDANlEL. jWMaeon, (ia-, TeUgrapk, awl litUt Rtek, Ark., paptf copy I month and send bill to jhiaomct. . i i:inRIAOEsircARRIAOEll ; THE subscriber bat just rceeivtJ, and will eoutitue to rtttlvt weekly, from Measrt. Dunlap k Co.. their work, which he offer! for lalt low for Cash or approved paper at IN) days, vil i Carriages, Roeka ways. Buggies. Jtuny Llnd Waggons, Sulkies, ko. Alt f HunUp Co. i cor uJd bp wtr wvrrted of 12 montk$." Orders fur work will bt made np in btst luannir. t Nov. 2H -71-tf W. C. HOWAKUs . I)()RK. 50 bbls. Mesi Pork-warranted 200 pounds In barrel. For salt by A. H. VANUOKKELEN. I USTR ECEIVED I'iimiTnmKk BALTlMOKkTt J 25jbbls. Itectinsd Whiskey ; ' 20 do. N. E. Rum ; , , t 10 do. Very flnt Monongahola Wbiskty; 10 do. choice Old Ryt do j ' n A ' 5 do. Apple Brandy i , . 10 half bbls. W Rye Whiskey, which I will lefl vtrj low for eash - W. II. MtKOY. - WHY not buyja LOUNGE of " ' WILKINSON k EbLER.UpboliUrs. Jan 5 Com. eopy.J SERVANTS' MATTRAhSES On band, at only 1 50. Jan 5 WILKINSON fc ELLER. Upholster!. ' ('oin. copy. NAILS, SHOT, WHITE LEAD, OIL AND WINDOW, GEAS, ut received, and offered for salt by r IlKf-MAN Js HOUSTON. " Deo. 21. 1 INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH f EMBROIDERY Mitts) UaiflOJI TAJU ,v , f':,v (.'. S desirous of forming clauses for instrootionslin tb abort branches. Being a native of Franco, and bavlnr had ti iKirience in teachlre in the city of Charleston- from whlah bo brings the most satisfactory references a! to character -and ability, slit fools topfldunt of being ablt to Impart aa ao-' c unite kuowiudgo and correct jironniKiatioa t( tho Fnaeh langaagfl to those who may favor her with thoirpatronaf or to such tmpils as may be placed under her. , , Terms of instruction, in either or both branch!, ttado known on application to her, at tho South-West fpratr vt Orange ami Old Boundary streets. Wilmington, Jan. 2d, 1854 ' : - uu ttf ; tlLAC'K-IILACICER DLACKRKT, ' 'H-''" f BLACKING! Wt havo 41 grost btst JSlaoking, which' will be sold cheap, in lot! of half doioo and DDwardi. . It is warrantod to bo a superior article, and maka th s hluckett black of any In Wilmington, at many of tho ooci bwJ-Uivki can testify. W. M, SHERWOOD k CO. LARD-io Kegi Cincinnati No. I Leaf Lard, for salo by Nor. 22 FREEMAN k HOUSTON. NOW Is tht time to havt handsomo leaner hang, by :owra WILKINSON k EbLER- Uoholsta Bibles, Prayer Books, Ad Promising art r . T. MUNDS. I I ME.' Ij by -1500 eoska fresh Liiue, now landing and for salo BNTJTT AND TOBACCO -JETER LORJLLARD, Manufacturer, No. 42 Chatham J ut., New York, offers for sale tht following articles, war ranted of superior quality i Maocoboy, Scotch, Coarso French iianee. llonev Dew. scotch, and other SnuDs, also Fine Cut Tobacco in tin-foil and papers i a moro particular description of tho various article! can be known by sending for a full price currout as above Feb. bib, 1854 J2Mm NOW LANDING Old Champagne and Cognac Rrandy, Jamaica Rum, and Antwerp Gin : Pale and Brown Sher ry : Madeira, Port, Malaga and Champagne Wines ; also, a full assortment of Domestic Liquors, for sale by Jan 27 FREEMAN K HOUSTON. IL8 FOR MACHINERY. The subscriber! keep on 1 JAPER HANGING Dono In superior style. Sample! 1 ean bo seen at our itort. - WILKINSON fcJSSLER, , Jn 30 ' Upholsttri. yj band a constant supply of Oils, luitable for machinery, far mU at Factory prices. .. - Also, best India Robber, and Italian Hemp Packing, for Machinery. r J l MacRAE k COv ALL THOSE INDEBTED to tho late Ann of MCMIL LAN k DAVIS, will ploaso call and settle, as further indulgence cannot be given. -5 ' f '' January 16tb, 1853 i ,- V e H4-tf THEY HAVE COME !-Colored Crayons, a large supply just received and for sale, at S. W. WHlTAKER'S. rpAKE NOTICE. -Thow X Hymn Books, which wo havt been promising art re ci veu ana lor salt ny V tHH A 11TN Kit B 1 1 1 1 boil VK. rMJlE Subscriber! havo this day formod a Co-ri A under the name and stvlt of JAME.S F. GILLESPi.'. & t-O . for tbt purpose of rarrvlnir on a (JKNKRAI AGENCY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. JAMES F. GILLESPIE, ' (iEORGE H. GiLLESPJJJ;!; Wiliningtoii,, Nov. lth,IH53 (Com. copy.) 63-tf 10-tI Hi F At TiO( )K-J usV rici7dcoplci'of tbt Work i oi James Armihius', D. D., formerly Professor of Divin ity in cho University of Ieydou. This is tbt first English tramdution of this ( ireat Book ever offurtd to tht public, ami it inu t be bailed with satisfaction, - . . t t Feb. 17 1-1 For sale by f. T. MUNDS. ' " NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT IRISH P0TA-; TOES And wo have Just received per Schrt. Albert rf Adams and J. H. Cliudboum. 150 bbls., snperior planting' For sale by W. M. SHERWOOD k CO, , BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS.-A most bsautiful, assortment of Bibles and Prayer Booki, of, nrloui aitei and qualities of binding. Received I bit morning, and for4 "Si" at . ... tiyiU S. W. WHITAKER'S. -J t NOTZCZL .'T, ,,. S CONSIGNEES of Goods by tht Line "of N Y i'ackets' consigned to me. art hereby notified that , after the Good' leave tho Wharf, there will be no deduction made for danti uges; if there is any damage to the Goods, the must bo objected to before leaving th Wharf, otherwise, tht veist will not be responsible. T. C. WORTIL . WOMAN AND HER MASTER..r7Z F. Pmlth,'j". thor of 5tanfield Hall; Minnie Grey. Gus Howard. I larry Ashton, Ellen Do Vere, ko , lust published, received and lor sale at . 8..W. WIIITAKER'S. ' eb.2i, '5i. ; . rim'K T'gTeAT' QVKsfWX IS SETTLED,' slnct tbt I salo oi North (rolina Floor in New York, that It Uf superior to molt of thtir fancy brands. Wt hart iuitrctwrtwi 4 of from Fayettcviile, where we hart purchased, immtdiatt-, ' liy from uwler the Inivector't rod, 7S bbli. of tho most dodo- . Jur orands of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. ervrenUfn family te, and every barrel warranted to bo iweet and BtW,4 Those wanting a good article art invited to eoll tndtximtnt our Flour. For sale by , W. M. SHERWOOD k CO. , t t 17 l 'iL w ue I - . . - " it PITCH-600 bblt, ftnt quality, fbr taU by v ' f f t ?4 , lnn ,c,, J'-TUnNER, 23 Nortl Water toi tit jan. ou, iwi . , (,.. t t;: t , 123-61 UPHOLSTERING in alltrancbMand' stock loi band1 by WILKINSON fc ESLER, Upboliton; ' .) a am commercial eonri r N EW ORLEANS SUGAR. received and for salt by s DtROSSET fc BRO hhds. primo quality, hut t GHEESE! CHEESE f!-i-CHEESEf f f 40 boxei Now? York Mai Cheese, Just received ndl for sale by , ; i- JawZ7 -l W. M. SHKHWUUDIt CO. f ALWAf d on hand, and for ial by T My 21, 1852. I230J GEO. S. GILLESITE. .