. . c w a :l t 1 j ' JH"llLLSHEn BY Fl LTON PRICE, volume a no; ku. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH IS. 1851. SIX DOLiailS A Y HAIh IN ADVANCE. WHOLE NUMBER 7S2. kite or iverti-inu. ALT l.rAt I day f 25 - day,,... .... ?7 aays, . 5 4 days, tCi day, Ti 1 wNfk. 57 1 2 wwb, 1 r 1 BaOBth, 2 00 2 month 3 io 3 month, SOU month. 8 00 I J'r 13 00 01 rat.B. ldsy $0 50 2 day t. ?$ Saavs 1 t 4davs 1 25 Sdavs 1 M 1 wrk 1 72 2 weeks 2 75 liaoath 4 00 2mOBth..... 7 (M 3 moot h 10 00 imoatl....' IS 00 1 year SO 00 Ten tine are counted a a njaut, in J fir Vine or lese a hilf-eqaare. Longer advcrtijeinccU in pnj.ortUB. and all payable in advance. T AH half square not paid fur is advance will l charged a a square. 4)rNa advertisement will he coBtinued in thi paper. it hoot rpeetal agreement, longer than 2 months, and the bill will be presented fur payment ia all case after the ei piratiea of the 2 months. ttS publicationniade without a responsible name. J" Not ice of Religiout meetings. Benevolent Societies, and Obituaries, will be charged half tht above rate. The eash fr Back notice will ba required ia all eauet befora th publication ii made. Th Mail fur the South ces dailr at M, 1 M., precbe It. Letter mut be in the uSee IS minute before the time of eloiin;. For North of Richmond, Va., close daily at 1, P M. and 10. r. M. Kor Kiehinund, Va., and South of that and North of thi., daily atJJ, l M. ivr Fayetterille, via Warsaw, Clinton, Jtc, daily at 1. P.M. For Fayetteville, via Kliaabathtown, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, P. M. letter must be in the office at least 13 minute before the time of doling. V. t. HOWUtU. GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING Merchant, Wilminqtoi, N.C. ff Liberal Caih advance nude on Consijfnuient. Nov. a, 1853. 71-tf JA.XES ANPER!0, EDWARD AVA0K. ADKU8U A NAVAGK. flENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T Wilmington N. C. Liberal cah advance made on eonfignmenU. 40v3 WILLIAM A. ;VVKH. FACTOR, FORWARDINO am. COMMISSION Mer chant, Wilmington, N.C. T Particular attention given to the Sale or Shipment of Naval Store, and liberal Cah advance made on Con iignmenti. Oct 12, '5.1. :CMr IYI. CIIONLY. TVKOKKR, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM- 1J MISSION AGENT. Wilminoton, N. C. Ileal Katale, !Ynro-, llwnk Block, Honda, House hold Kwrnltu re, and every description of Pro perty bought and sold on oommission, either at private or public Dal. "Refers to the publio generally. June 18th, 18T3 211 M. II. V .1. A. K VANS, TriIOLKMALK.un(l Kelall Di uKnl. W HikImK- MM ton, N. C. Will keep always an hand a large and very nclect utoek of DRU(JS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, SURGICAL INS TK UNI r.NTS, 1'A I EN T MLD- ICINES, PERFUMERY, &c, at low prices. Jan. I7th, 1S53 VM. M. IIAUKISS, 1 K3KU A L Communion Meri haiil Si Ship Itroki r. Jf Wilmington, U. REFKKKNCKSi Ujw&, Wll-inston, N. C. Jas. Corner & Sons, Baltimore. E A. Soudcr Co., Philadelphia ni . II i iAMVv i r' i New-York M. M. Freeman Ii Co., $ Tufts 4 Hunting, Boston 12-Iy KU5KKLL A. IIIlOTIIElt, (LATE EU.IK, RtSSELI. k CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlUMI.NOTON, N. ('. Libernl cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. EI)WAI(I) .1. Lt'TTKIlLOII, TT10R WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1' Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for Steamers ROWAN, FANNY LTiTTERLOH and MAJ. W. BAR NET. April 1st, 153. 177-ly A. II. VAIVIIOKKKLK.V. C GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWAIID T ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Pnrticular attention given to sale and purchasa of Nnval Stre. Jan. 1, 100-ly ATLANTIC M lllK lSl lt..t K C'OMHANY. THE subscribers, as Agents for the above Company, will take risks at fair rates. J k I). McRAE & CO. November 27th, 1H52. I NO. POTTS BROWN, ARMANI! J. DF.KOSSET, jr., K. P. KROWN BROWN t PeROSSKT, New York, Ue IIOHSKT t BROWN, Wllnilii;(on, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. II. UOI.LMGE, o. rortEK.jr. IIOLLNER A POTT J? It, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16My New York gW Liberal cash advances made on consignments JOHEPII II. KLANNKR, C1KNKRAL CommUMlon Merehniil, T 2-ly Wilmington, ji. C ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " WlLMIKOTOX, N. C. John MacRak, Donald MacRae, John W. K. Dix. J. 6i D, McRAE A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C. C. Wt'E E , D. B. BARER. C. DuPRE A CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princeis-streets, Wilmington, N O. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDiNa Merchant, Wilmington, N. C Sept. 20, 1853 11 I1K1MUY KUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give his personal attention to business entrusted to his care. Sept. 7, 1853.s - 4 W. HAMILTON MeRARY. T7WRWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sl and Agent for Frank and Jerrt Steamboat Line, 23 Nortb Water street, Wilmington. N. C. I-y t . m. tuui.v f. mi trr. riiim:itTo wo. FACTORS AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS. Pr'jwa CailJicg. Wat-r strert W'ujmairiu-.C Advaaee auaie ea Csrsigumects tK I. 1S34. 121 tf A. D. TAYLOR, 'AS. T. PKTTKWAV TAYLOR A PKTTEWAY, GROCERS AND - COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, North Water street, Wilmington. N. C Jan. II. K. M. Ml K lll0. COMMISSION AND FtUWAKIMNG MERCHANT. f Nvrth Water Street, Wllminrtoa. N . C. , Febraary 2J.134 llta T. C . WORTH. C GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, T WimivaroN, N. V. l'Bl aJvaaee vn evn.ignaetit vf Cut toe. Naval Store, and either proJut-e lartUular attentioa gives by (. W. Davi to urchainj cargoes, proeriBe freights tr vesot ls. lie. Janary lltb. ltt 110-ly Jams V. Smith. Miles C tin. JAS. . MMITII .V (Oh COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their of- W flee tit the aeeoBd tory of the building formerly oeew pted by the Telegr h Comjnj, where they are prepared tt attend to all buMiieM in the ComniivioB line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11, ISM. .Marion Star and Carolinian copy one year and tend bill a above. Wu.MiNaro. N. C. 1M J. HATHAWAY A MOV. QOM MISSION MERCHANTS, Jan 7, 101. D. C. FKLKM AX, KO. UI KTON. FREEMAN A. HOl'DTON, Wlliwlis;tOM, N. C, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. D. C. FREEMAN Tb CO , New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 173. Front St. UK. J. F. Melt KK, Jr.. HAS REMOVED his office to the corner of Front k Chestnut Street. Oct. 13. l 3litf H J. C. DllKWItV, Ol'SE, SHIP, Sl; and ORNAMENTAL PAI.Y1- er ; imitations ot Wood, Marble or Granite done to represent nature. Order thankfully received and promptly executed. To be found at the Carolina Hotel. Wilmington. Nov. 1, 133 Sahi ki, HrrAi.i. Samcei. Sr Jhv. SALT. SAM l' EL HOTALI Nt A ( (.. DEALERS in all kinds of foreign and dointic Salt, and have constantly on hand, afloat and in store, Li vprj.ciol iack Suit, and Lixbon and Turk's Inland Suit, for ufc in quantities to mi it urt Hhiots, at (heir salt warehouse 101 nnd 103 Broad street, and 17 Washington street. New 'ork Jan 12. KM. lltM-3m W. .11. MIIEKWOOU .V. ( ., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep ooiisantly oh hand everything in their line, suited to a city und country trade. They now offrr for sale : 2(M bids. Flour, North Carolina and Northern brands; 10 hhds. Sugar ; 30 bbls. do. ; W sacks Coffee; 2l l)bls. Craeker 20 boxc do. ; !)0 bbls. ("i ty Mess Pork; 10 half bbl. Fulton Market Beef; 10 firkins Butter, daily expected ; 2 ton Cheese ; 20 boxes Candy ; & bbls. Snuff ; S ton Hoop Iron , 40 kegs Nlils ; 250 sacks Salt i 30 bags Shot ; 20 boxes Candle ; and everything else necessary to constitute a good stoek. All consignments of Naval Stores, together with Cotton, Bacon, Lard, Com Meal, Flour, &.c, Khali rccive the highest inurkct price Second door North of the Custom Houc. October 11th, IH53. W. II. MiKOV. 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, VT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, intends keeping at the a bove stand, a large assortment ofUROCERlES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will bo paid to all orders Irorn the country. I would respectfully invite the citixens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. I intend to carry on a general com mission business. Particular attention will be given to the salo of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, October th, 1S32 . 27-tf-tf D. C. FREEMAN & CO., N. V. FREEMAN k HorsroN, WIL'fl FREEMAN tt HOI HTO. MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wm.minoton, N. C, keep constantly on hand a stock of Hour, Corn, Pork, Bacon, Suit, Unfftt, Sugar, AVimm, Tolxirro, t'igari, Snuff, Candlti Sotiji , Foreign and Itomentie l.iifunrtnnil Wintt ; Iron, AW, Painti, Oil$, Gla$, Agrxrulturnl imtltmrntt, and a variety of other articles, suitable foi family and plantation use and tho retail trade, which they will dispose ofinlotsto suit dealers or consumers on reas onanle term for cah, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, is located in the city of New York; the junior partner, Geo. Hocston, in Wil mington. If desired, advances will be made on consign ments to and from cither place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled J. WESSKI., n. H. Elf.ERV WE USE L A KILE It. COMMISSION Mer hauls iiikI Wliolrsalr iinn rru. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquor, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. REFERENCE ! E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of the State, ) O. (i. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank, Wilmington P. K. Dickinson, Esq., ) Popfk k Co., x- York Dollner & P..rrEK, 'New York- 113J J. M. ROBINSON." IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kinds, of Hardware, Cutlery, Atili ICULTUKA L IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axlctrecs, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Rivets, Jtr Xrr Ilia ntnclf is nnw verv full and complete, with ma- ny'additions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line. Merchants who are disposed to patronitc Southern es tablishments, are piarantred all articles in his line aslow as they can be procured North. ir:1:4' Kr f 01 1UV1 3. HARVEY COCHRAN, W S :t;HKELL. COCHRAN .fc RUSSELL, (Successors to Thomas Allibone St Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 LT North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Phila delphia. sXi-Liberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1853 II. C. TIIACIIER. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 4G indiajstreet; BOSTON. Customary advances made on consignments of Naval Stores. refer to: Rayner, & Gilmore New York. Rankin ic Martin, Wilmington, N. C September 10, 133. C-ly J R . Gilmore. W. G. Rayner, RAYNER A GILMORE COMMISSION MERCHANT, . 154 Water Street, New York. References. E. Kidder. Esq.; J. II. Planner, Esq.; Messrs. Rankin & Martin. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February 11th, 1g53 . , lVtf PAPER HANGING Done in inferior etyle. Sarajdei can be eeo at our store. WILKINSON k ESLER, Jan 30 ' , Uphoistcri. i II ILL A. Ill NTKH. iUihKS AND ,l.Ni:UAI. t MMt.-l MLR. fSif, 1UI! Irew an ?tair North W tr--t , il- Biiagti'B, N .". Abej lrar ta ficr thoir wniw t- the ptiK. ' lie it in arue.axutT. JOHN HALL will atteadtrttb Nal St..re au l G. j ral Brokerage depart bkbI. C. III'NTI.R having had l I year eijr.rn-e ia th Cuttoa tradi will give hi atuati.. t this iri artmret, as Lrutrr arl r actor JOHN II ALL, Mareb It. Is5-lCHf J V. HUNTER I'AVIIJ TM.11i, I H RI.K MfkMr THAlft & !Xr2tX0NS. G1ENKR L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. N. II f Svuth WharTes, PhujUieli-kia. Sleisl attvMtiua gives t and liWral aJvam-ea inaib' a, etyumeut of N a1 Stores, "lto aud Lie. RetVrs ty Msrs DsRori k U.ivii, o. Parsley. Ki , l"re"t Commercial lUnk, E. P. H all, Kj , lres't tUak nf th State. Tuna. H. WKinr,Li ,lV't B'kofOat Fear. Fel-ruarv 23. Is5 144-ly ( tUol.lM IIOI KI. I'M. I NKItlll NUTK E. I'.. VtHD, Proiirietor, La. this d.iy a-iaUd with him. in the Hotel baMiics. NATHANIEL R. VIN CENT, and will evntiaue under he Irtu ofWttrA " i n -i a r. Thankful for t favor, by strict attrntion to bai iiew boifurarHitiuuanct' ot the name. li.K. W(Ki). Jae 1st. lsjJ-233-tf N U. VINCENT Al.l AHI.E OUELI.lNi. IIOlaK KUU k(LK. HE Suberilr offirs for sale that uiot dtairabW DWELLING AND PREMISES, .ituate at thelill iiorth-WrUern intersection of Third street with Red t n strvet, the lM fronting 100 ftt ou Red t'ros, and 2iK) feet on Third. The Dwelling House, Kitchen, SiLoae-House, .Slatdrt. and all the other out houses on the preiuisrs, bate bv u built within a few wars, of choice Biaterialit, in the best mantis , and h early all of them covered with tin. The Dwrlling House is capacious, handsomely fiuii-hed, and most conven iently planned, aad all the other building are judiciously ar ranged, and well liUd up. '1 here are few Lots in Wilmington so desirubly located, and the improvement on which are m admirably adsptel tor a tauuly residence. Third tre t ou thi entire LaUm line of this lot. is !fl fict wide, and scparutv it troiu that ou whit h a new Episcopal (Jburvh is about to be erected. 1'erMin desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of title by application to the ubscribr, or N. N. Nixon, Kk , or M. i RNLY,aitd ilie subariber will cheerfully accompany any uch who wi.-h to incpeot the picinires. Sept. 7, s33.-f tl II. R NIXON. )rCommercial copy tf 0E III NDREI) JH'I.LUIN REWARH. ANAWAi from the subttiril.cr, from hi1" iilant- ation in Charlotte county, Virginia, two Ncirro men named JIM and ARTHUR. JIM was formerly owned by Mr. ( iridltli I. McRce, oi .New i unovcr eouniv, . . ., ami lias a wile near ('reck. Ho is about 1 ycarr old, leet 7 inchc high, daik brown color ha tome rotten tctth in front- hut smull eyes and speak quickly. 1 IVI Ni l' I r 1.'. I II . ..i .1111111 h IIUHUII'I "I l.l'Orilllll 1 UJ(, III ,UII R. R I loiia field, Johnston county, N. (' lit is about . leet 7 or K inches high 22 year old, utid spare made - dark brown col our I will ggive Fifty Dollars reward for ein h of thcni. If deliv ered to .lr. Solomon Duvi, in Richmond, M. Cronly, Wil- niinglon, i, , or securcn in I all, o that I get ttioin again tor further mformatton, addrei Solomon Davis, ltiehuioiid, M. A. MOSKLY, Red Oak Grove, Charlotte Co., Va liielmioiid, IX c. 2d. IKul. k tt O-l'AItrNEKtHII OTI( E. ersigned have this day fonnsJ a ('o-rnrtncrliiti. under tho firm aud style of RUSSELL It BROTH Lit. lor mo transaetiou oi tue t n'liural (commission business. HENRY P RUSSELL. MayZJ.ilMU. JOH. H. RUSSELL. rnilE uiidc 1 under the CO., for tho transac CO-PARTM'.ItKIUP. ffllli undersigned have formed n co-partuurslii X ininio orrARSLbY, Melt A i'. tionofthc LUMBER IIUSINESS. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN McRAE. WM. (L JONES. Wilmington, N. C, Feb 1st, IN33. I)j3.tf INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER having looated himself in the town 1 of Wilmington, for tho purpose of TEACHING MUSIC, respectfully offers his services to th citisens. -He will give instructions n the Piano, Guitar and Violin. From hi long experience as Teacher, be hoe to be enabled to give full satisfaction to all who may favor hi in with their patronage. Application can be made to him tit Mri. Ford's Boarding House. FRANCIS A. COCJILU. Oct. 4, 133 af-lf MONEY NOTICE "Smooth quarters," andallolhe, pieces of smooth money, taken for goods or on ucoounrt at the original value. SCOTT k BALDWIN. ' and Nov. 22. "1LS. Pure and Patent Sperm also Lubricating Lard, yf and Linseed (Ml, lor sum iiy WILMIMiTON n. FLANNEK. M FREEMAN k HOUSTON. (.. t .) Oil, WORKS. IILNI'.V TALL. FLA N N Ell v TALL, ANLFACTURERS of a Miperior LI'URICATINf; OIL, PAINTERS' AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR- NISJILS, ' K II, kc. F. At T. are also manufacturing a LUBRICATING GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axles, slides, &.c. This GREASE works cleaner, and is cheaper than liny that has yet been offered for sale. Samples of both Oils and irase, may be seen at the office of Mr. I. II. Milliner, 23 North Water street, or at F. tV T.'s office, California. N. B. No admittance on the works. Mayttth, 1S53. 20!-tf REMOVAL. MY CUSTOMERS and the public are hereby informed, that I have removed my Office to the BRICK BUIL DING, next door North of the Custom House. Oct. 12.-r.3-tf WM. A. GWYER JUST RECEIVED 10 boxes Colgate's No. 1 Soap; 10 do. Toilet do., aud for sale by W. II. McKOY. MILL STONES. - I Pair Esopm Mill Stones. 80 Inches diameter, for salo by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. REW LIS TS. A large supvly on li.indaad for date low JOURNAL OFFICE. R A tthe v ICE. A lot of fresh beat, just received from the mill For Sale by Mil COST. N. UTOBIOGRAPHY of an Actress, or Eieht Years on fhe Stage, by Anna Corn Mowatt. Received and for sale at Feb 1 S. W. WIHTAKER'S. 1 FARTNKRSHIF NOTICE. HA VL tl i Jar eswiaie4 with ia tasines, lay Frttk er t'.. G. Worth, etl wIJ stdwit fur the mw lr m r..nt.aaa mt th rtroafe i.eitufr so .bra!ly be lywej Bp BSjsrtf T. C WUttTH. THE Bml-fMgvd have this Uj frtae! a -partnership, under the style ef T O k K. I. WORTH, for the traae. a.Ua .f the FoRWAKl'ING and CtMMLsslON BUM N Ks We are wccupylaf the brick atm, aJ Blaak wharf ia fnit, wbej aad iurrly epie4 by R. W. tra, as well a hi oavai store whan e aad ehe4. laae diately WU Abb street, aad are aaaply prrrarei ta reeelv aud forward. ll or iture asv atuouct f ntrrkiBdiseeotrmsl-1 IMFj. 1300 casks fresh Lime, now landing and for sale i by E. J. LUTTERLOII sNurr AND TOBACCO PETER LOR1LLARD, Manufacturer, No. 12 Chatham it., New York, offers for sale the following articles, war ranted of aujscrior quality: Maccoboy, Scotch, Coarse French Rupee, Honey Dew, Hootch, and other Snuffs, also Fine Cut lobacco in tiri-foil and paper ; a more particular description of the various articles can be known by sending for a full price current as above. Fob. tb, 1H.M l2!-3ra NOW LANDING Old Champagne and Cognac lirandy, Jamaica Rum, and Antwerp Gin Pale andBrown Sher ry ; Madeira, Port, Malaga ana Champagne Wines ; also, a full assortment of Domestic Liquors, for sale by -Ja H.. FREEMAN it HOUSTON, OILS FOR "MACillN ER Y. Tho sinVcribcr keep on band a constant supply of Oils, suitablo for machinery, for sale at Factory prices. ' . ? , Also, best India Rubber, and Italian Hemp Packing, for Machinery. J. k D- MacRAE & CO. ALL THOSE IN DEBT FID to the late firmofTkMlL LAX k DAVJS, will plcace cull and icUle. as further Indulgence cannot be gt ren. ' January 16th, 1833 Hf-tf ta Mir car. I saal other produce. Wilmingtu. N. C. Jaa 1, lt54- advanre a eottpe. aaval eturee r T. L. WORTII. G. WORTH. 'I IMPORTANT TO TRAVELER. REDUt ED PRICES. MIUOrCH TICKETStelUitimer 11')0 U Pbiladlpbia 14 00 " to .New York II 60 Cars leave at b AM and 3 P.M. s. D. WALLACE, Agent Wilmington VV Kalrlgb R. IT.Ce Aajustt. IsM 23-ti UU HE WARD. UNA WAY from the Subscriber, about tbe IV May ls,V),his oegro man JAR K ATT. at that tiaae y hired to Mr. Gregory In Meeoe, Go. Tbe said Bfr i about 2t. or 27 year eld, about 5 feet II IneUeiJjL hirh. rather stiare made, dark eori"r eolor. He ia iBbposeJ Ut be lurk iur either ia tladea er Samnewm Ovutlea. Tbe aUiVe reward will be paid for lbs delivery of laid negra teae, or bi bxlgtnent ia any Jail, tn I raa get him araia. Dec. 23, la II t-tr D. MeDAMEL e.Maevn, G , Telegraph, and Little Reck, Ark., paper copy 1 Biontb and send bill te thi office. t Alllll AOEN I t'ARItlAOKall THE (ubsvriber ka last receive. v-trTC3hj "' t4)nlillu to receive wteklv, frt'm M"W. IMtnlap fc Co., their I i i iTi nif- Mwerk irhlih he offer for sale low for Cah or approved paper at W) day, vil i Carriagea, Recka ways, Buggies, Jeuoy Und Waggons, ulklei, ke. Att hP lniiii 4- t'o.'iwork told by m wamt-ttd for It monlki. Order for work will be made up in best manner. Nov. 2i) -71-tf W. C. HOWARD. IJORK. barrel .1 AO bbls. Mese Porkwarranted 200 pound la a Forwleby A. II. VANBOKKELEN. I sT RECEIVED FROM N. YORK fc BALTIMORE 25 bbls. Rectified Whlikry; 20 do. N E. Rum ; In d Very Hue Monongahela Whiskey f id do, choice Obi Rye do. ti do. Apple Brandy i lo halt bbls. best Rye Whiskey, which I will eell very low for wh. W. H. McKOY. WHY not buyja LOUNGE of WILKINSON k ESLK, Upholster. Jan 5 Com. copy J CJER VA NTS' MATTRASSES-O,, hand, at only 1 5U. O Jan 5 WILKINSON fc ELLER, Upholsters. Vmu. eopy. S. SHOT. WHITE LEAD. OIL ANIl WINDOW AS, ust receive J, and offered for sale by Not Dee. 21. FKEFIMAN fc HOUSTON. 1SSTIWCTION IN FRKNCll EMBROIL) Ri mnn UeMONTAL JS desirous of forming classes for Initructlonstln the abore branches. Being a native of France, and having bad ei iierience ia teaching in the city of Charleston, from which he bring the most satisfactory reference a to character and ability, she feel confident of belnt? able to Imparl an an. curate knowledge and correct pronunciation of the French language to those who may favor her with their patronage, or to such pupil as may be placed under her. lermsot Instruction, In either or both branches, made known on application to her, at tbe South-wtst ooroer of ( 'range ami Old Boundary street. Wilmington, Jan. JM, 1W4 W-tr ' IILAI K-nLACKKR- DLACKKtT. BLACKING! We have 44 rroe best Blacking, wblcb will bo sold cheap, in lots of half doten and upward. It Is warranted to be superior article, tod snake tha Mmknl bla k of any in Wilmington, a many of tbe IhmA-MvIcb can testify. ; W. M. SHERWOOD fc CO. LARD -So Kegs Cinotnnatl No. 1 Leaf ford, for sale by Nov. 221 FREEMAN fc IIOUMTON. NOW Is the time to hare handsome Paner hung, by Comtu WILKINSON fc ESLER, UiThol.te fPAKE NOTiCE.Tho Bibles, IVayer flooke, end X llvma Books; which we bare been nromiainr are re celved and for sale by J. T. MUNDS. AG R i: AT B H)K. Jot received 10 copies of the Worki oi James Arminiu', V. I).. formerly Professor of 1)1 v in . ity in tho University of taydon. Tblii the Oral Enrllih translation of this (reat Book ever offered to the publio, ami it mii-t be hailed with satisfaction.' Feb.17VH.-l3M- For sale by J. T. MUNDM. OW TOES And we have just received ner Hebri. Albert , N'5 Adams ami J For sale by IS THE TIME TO PLANT IRISH POTA- Chadbourni 150 bbls., irn, 150 bbls., superior t.lantlnr, W. M. SHERWOOD fc CO. , BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS.-A most beautiful assortment of Bible and Prayer Book, of varioua sisee and qualit ies of binding. Received thle morning, nod for sale at f Feb. 211 8, W. WlHTAKER'M NOTICZL C10NSK;NEESof(;oodbythe Line of N. V. racket J consigned to me. are hereby notified that, after the Good leave tho Wharf, there will be no deduction made for dera nges ; ir there i any damage to the uoodi, they must be objected to before leaving the Wharf, otherwise, the vene will not b responsible. JVC. WORTH. WOMAN AND HER MASTER By J. F. fHnlth, tV tbor of Stanfield Hall ; Minnie Grey, On Howard. Harry Ashton, Ellen De Vere. fcc . lust nnbllshed. recrlvad and for sale at S. W, WHITAKER'S. ,,' Feb. 21, '81. , . 'PUB GREAT QUESTION IS SETTLED, eitice th" I salo ot North Carolina Flour In New York, that U 1 t superior to most of their fancy brand. We have lust retnfa. of from Fayetteville, where we have purchased, immediat My from wvltr tht ln$irtor rod, 75 bbls. of the most popu lar iirands of NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, txprttuy for fiimtti nr, and every barrel warranted to be iweet nnd new. Those wanting a grmd article are Invited to call and oamlaa our Flour. Forialeby W. M. SHERWOOD fc CO. . . fen. wh, ini IlITCILVW bbl. fine quality, for sale by J II. PLANNER, 25 North Wnter St. tun. .m, :; . , , 23-6t, UPHOLSTERING in all branches, and etoek m hand, by WILKINSON fc ESLER. UDholten. 1'c01 AJarCommerolal eopy. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR. ft hhda. prime quality, juit received and foraale by DnllOSSET fc BROWN." pHEESi:!-ClIEESE!J-CIEESE!!!r40 boxel New J York titalt Chccee, just received and for sale by "" " ' W, PI . KMLItWISJUa UU. 4 t i.i-ti aa MA.at.a, A bWAY.S on hand, and for sale be . ' , X May 21, 1832.-f2201 ' GEO. S. C.ILLESPIE:, I 1 MR. VANDERBILT'S EXCURSION. Tho Cruise of the Steamer Yacht North Star, a Narrative of the Ex. cursion of M r. TANDERRILTS Party to England, Russia, I W. . I. I.' t' lf.li.. , , . tSre., by the Kcv, Johiu UvertOB Chonles, D. D. Jest pub-. lished and far iatc at ; S. W. WHITAKER'S ' March 7th, ' 4 i-4 -a