i 9 N H J: I : i . PUBLISHED BY FlLTON PRICE, Yll.MlN(iTU.. NORTH LMKOL1NA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADV.l.NC: VOLUME 3. NO. 194. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 22. !So4. WHOLE NUMBER 812. rJ. - ' i rate or a alt Mr am 1 .y 2 day,. - . 57 1 Idayt, 1 day Ct a dv. :j 1 dy 2dav da"y 4 day 5 day ..... I wk. 1 KOAtll Saaoatlu . .. 3 tlhl .... ...... $0 50 . 75 . I 00 . I . 1 50 . 1 75 . 2 75 . 4 00 . 7 00 .10 00 l uo 1 week.. 2 week, 1 moBtk... S MOBtk,. 3 MOBtht, , eaoatha, 1 Mar,.... -.1 oo JM 00 S 00 atoatkt... .13 00 1 jr SO 00 Th liae are eeaated as eqaare, aed It line or le half-Maare. Longer advertisement ia prupvrtiob, mail all aayabl U advance. MT All aalf sqaaret Bl raiJ for la advance will a charged u a atjaare. "' pablicatioa Had withoat a reepvatibl naa. IrrlTil nd Dt partirt of tie lailt. TV Mail for the ?oth eloee daily at 8, T. M , preeite It. Lattart aat be U the effif 13 niaatM before the time of rioting. For North of Richmond, Va., close daily at 1, P M auj 10, P. M. Far Kwhmoad, Va.. aad Sonth of that aad Nurtk of thi. daily at V, P.M. Foe FaytttevUle, via Wertaw, Cliatwn. fc., daily all. P.M. For FayattevlHe, via EliiakathUwa, every Monday, Wednesday aad Friday at 8 e'elock, V. M. Letter matt he ia la effioe at lt 13 auaate before tb tin of aloeing. jas. r. iLLxsric. to. a. ii.r.KriK. JAS. V. CilLLKSPIE fO, PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENT!?, WitmiOTo"!, N. ('. Partievlar attentioa paid t th rewipt and tale of Naval Store, Timbar, Lamber, Cora, liacon, Cottoa, ate., fce. UEOROR W. AUCTIONEER, March 17th, 1HM DAVIS, Wilmington. N. C. HKITAt UAT. X DOORS NORTH OF THE RtCK Sl'KlNd. Formarly kn,l by Goroe O. Waltoi. Mrali furaubad at all soar. R B. BURNETT, Proprietor. Mareb 13, 1S54. V. Ct HOWARU, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOK WARDING MitrHANT. WriJitNoruti, N. C. tf Li banl Caah adrancoi maJa on Cotwif nincntJ. Not. 36, 1863. Tl-tf J'XH 4MDIASON, ' KDWAKD AVOr. ASUCRSON 4i RAVAUE. CI EN ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I Wilmington N. ('. . Libtral eaak adranoM nada oa coBi(rniuent. 40v3 WILLIAM A. UWVKIl. PlCTOR, FORWARDING ahu COMMISSION MEK chant, WilaioKtoa, N. C. C9 Particular alUntion f iran to the Sale or Shipment . of Naval Staraa, aad liberal Cash advaooei maile on ( oa tifumanU. . Oct 12. 'M. 83-ly in. caoiXTi BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, WtLmiwroi. N. C. Real Eatate, Neffrsea, Hank Klork, Boiiii. Ilotiae- heM Pttrnl tiro, and tvery daaoription of Praprt jr bought ad told on eoamiaiioa, eitb tber at prirate or publio aala. "Kefen to th publio generally. JanlWh, 244 WH M. IIAKHIHI, GENERAL Cemmliiloii Marcbant A Ship Brokrr, Wilmington, N. C. Ju. Corner k Soni, naftimor. E A. Soader k Co., I'biladelphia. A aompra. m. uor, . N..York. M. M. Freeman k Co., .Taft Hunting, Bottom 12-ly , HVSSELL ft BROTHER, (LATI ILLI9, RI'VKI.F. h CO.,) C1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. T WlLMiXSTON. N. C Liberal eaah adrance mad on oooiigninentf of Naval gtorei, Uotton, ana other produoo. EDWARD J. LITTKRLOH, F)R WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C, and Agent for Steamer ROWAN, FANNY LUiTEKLUH and MA J. W. BAK.a l. I . April lt. 1883. 177-ly A. II. VAHBOKKKLKK, GENERAL AGENT. COMMISSION Jc FORWARD- IT 1NG MERCHANT. Wilmlnetoo. N. C. Partienlar attention given to ai and carchaM of Naval Star, IJan. I, io3. iiuu-iy ATLANTIC MARINE IKSIRAKCK COMHAflV. rpHE lubscrlber. at Agent for the above Company, will A tak riaka at rair rate. J. fc U. McKAb ft tu November 27th, 1852. I !IO. POTTS BROWN, ARMASD 1. fcBKOSXET, jr., R. f. BROWN BROWN St DcKOSSET, New York, ItaROSSET ii BROW N, Wilmington, W. C, (32 . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. V. DOLLNRR, . roTfER, jr. DOLLNKR POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-lyl ' New York aV Liberal eaah advance made on consignment JOSEPH II. FLANKER, GENERAL Ccntmlealoii Merchant, My Wilmington, A. C. - ADAMS, BROTHER Hi CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .- .... ,. . .. WlLMINOTON. N. Jomm MacRak, Domalb MacRak, John W. K. Dix. , J, f D. Mr II A E A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C. C, DCPRR. D. B. BAKER. C. DnPRE CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Prineera-atreet. Wilmington, N I O. l. FILL YAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND FOK warbin Mrrckaitt, WilmngtBiTW. C Sept. 20, 1853 M HENRY KUTT, FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hi personal attention to bnsiaeaa entrusted to hit care. Sept. 7, 1853. 4 W. HAMILTON MrRARY. TpORWARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, JO and AoRrrr rot, Frajcr ani Jrrrt Stramboat Link, 23 North Water atreet, Wilmington, N. C. A. D. TAYLOR, JA. T. PRTTRWAif TAYLOR PETTEWAY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water atreet, Wilmi&otoh. N. C ' Jan. 13. 1854. K. M. MCRCIIISON, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. North Water Street, Wilmington. N. C. February 2d, 1854 126-2m Jamrs C. Smith. Mjlrs Costim. - JAS. C. SMITH b CO. C)MMISS10N MERCHANTS, have removed their of flee to the aecond atory of th boilding formerly occa picd by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all bunneu in the ConimiMion line. All bonne entrusted to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11, 1854. .Marion Star and Carolinian eopy one year and tend bill as above. J. HATHAWAY 4. oV, . inOMMISSIO.N MERCHANTS, Wir.MtNOTon, N. C Ia4 , Jan. 7, 1354 a. eT. l rAvX & . Nl'KRtl, I.Htxr, A. to. GENER A LCvM MISSION - FURWARDING MER CHANTS. WILMINGTON. N. LieiaiaBJprenpt atteatiwa givra ta the tale af Naval Stoma. Cottua. i t Tk B4 taetlitietutcrvd vm CeaiignoieBl M trek 3, - lAV3ai 3BVla . C. rBKBKA, riKENil a la. H sti'x. HOl'STON. VlIaalactBk.!I.C MERCHANTS AND FACTtS?. D. C. FREKMAX CO., Kawr Yarh, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 173, Ftt St KULNKV HOTEL. FORMERLY THE MANCHESTER. THE Mtbaeriber kariag takea tk above mvatUxird IlOl'SE, ka tkuroughly e'taud and I tied it ap, aad it iww read fur Ike rvevptiua of transient aad ieraia- aral iardr. Tkt public may rt aaawrcd tkat m pm will be war 4 ta reader tki HMie wwilhy tbeir patroatg. Tk TabUt will aiway be taprdied witk ta keH ear awa aad adjatvol arkeU eaa faraitk. Tke Reaau win be kept ia the at af arder, aad tke aarvaat palit and attentive Tk Kar will be apilied witk tb ekoMwtt af Wine. Liqaon aad Cigar. iaBPorted ejprewly ky tk Irpritr. Marek 10, lS5l-lt3aoi OWEN H(I.M!. Ir. A. O. BKADLKY. DRUGGIST CHEMIST. WiLMikttnft. N. C avinic parrkatvd tb lmg attabliahutvat of Meaart D It J. A. r.vaut, will keep alwavt oa hanj, at wkuletal and retail, a large and very elcrt ttat'k f llrag. Medieinet, I brmieal, faiutt, t 'lU, lilaat, Sargiral Innirvi aieatt, Patrat Mrdji-ii, Perfumery, aad Fancy Artu l, at low price. )tlbyi'ian' Prrtcriiitiuet put up correvtly and witk ditpatck. Marck 20th. 1S34 lMf T. C. WORTH. GENERAL CO M M ISSJON MERCHANT, Wilmixu rox. N (. I'tual advanret on cutiKignuientt of Cotton, M.Tw, and other produce. Partieular attentioa given by (. W. llvi to purrbaaiug eargoet, procariug fieightt lor vewwlt, lit.-. Januarv 11th. 1V4 ' UiHy DR. J. F. MrKKK, Jr . HA REMOVED hit office to the eurner .f Fmnt It Chtnut Street. t Vt. 15. 1KM.-Sitf Vll.MIt.TON (. C.) OIL WOitKM. w. a. ri.Aiita. HKMKY I A I I . KLAKKK.lt W TALL, Ml ANl'FACTURERS of a M.pcrior LUBRICATING 'IL, POINTERS' AND TANNKliS OILS. VAK- MHfc.S, 1'tIUll, C. j F. V T. are alto luitnufacturinjr a LU lill ICATINt 1 i (SREASE, for Carriage aad Cart Allen, Slide, fciv Tit l R EASE workt cleaner, and it rherr than any t Ii t baa yet been olfertJ for tale. Sample ol both Oilt and t!reae, 1 may be aten at lb office of Mr. I. II. KUnncr, Vt North I Water ttrect,or at F. bi T.'a office, California N. Ii. No admittance on the work. j May 9th, l.'M. 2-f W. M. NIIKItVVOOl) .V CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS ANU COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep eoneantly on hmid everything in their line, auited to a city and country trade. They now oftVr for tale : 2tM' bblt. Flour, North t'arolin mid Northern brand; 10 bhds. Sugar ; .1(1 bill, do ; 50 tackt Coffee; 2U bblt. Crackeri 2) boxet do ; IW blU. Ci ty Mett Pork; 10 half bblt. Knlton Market Kcuf ; III Brkiii Butter, daily expected ; t torn Cheese ; 3) boxet Canity ; S bblt. Snuff ; A tont Hoop Iron , 40 kegt Nail 23(J tarkt Salt ; 50 bHgt Shot ; 20 boxet Canillet ; and everything elte neeettary to eonatitute a good atock. AH .oonaignnientt of Naval Storet. togetherwith C-otton, Bacon; Lnrd.ilorn Meal, Flour, fcc, ahull reel v th hlghett market prlo Second door North of the Custom lloute. October llth, 1803. CO-rAXtTNSR8nXP NOTICE. THE andertigned have tbia duv formed a eo-partnenbip. nnder th rjm of COSTIN, GRECG It CO., for the tram action of the Lumber Buiineaa. MILES COSTIN, J. ELI fiKEtiti. . ALFRED SMITH, March l Ith, 1854-I60 lf J. G LITTLEFIELD Commercial oopy. W. II. HrKOY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT: ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water atreet. WilininRton, N. C intend keening at the a- bove itttnd.alargeaMortmentortiKOCERIKS, L10.COKS ami PROVISION'S, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all order Irom th country. I would reipectfully invite the citiient of Wilmington and th adjoining country, to call and examine my ttock before pur chaaing elaewhere. I intend to carry on a general com miaaion butinett. Particular attention will be giveikto th tale of Naval Store, and all kind of produce. Liberal Cash advancaa made on contirninentt. Wilmington, October 6th. 1852. 27-tf tf D. C. rRKRMAt ft CO., H. Tt. FRREMAN St HOIJ'TOt, Wll.'n FREEMAN V IIOtSTOX, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wii.minotom, N. C, keep conttantly on hand a ttock of Ftimr, Com, Pork, Bacon, Salt, Cojftt, Sugar, Mulatto, Tobdrro, Vigart, Snuf, Canilltt Soap, Furtign and Itmnntir Liquor t and H'intt ; Iron, A'tfti, Paintt, Dili, Olait, Agricultural mjiltmtntt, and a variety of other article, auitablefoi family nd plantation nte and the retail trade, which they nilldiapote of in lota to auit dealera or contumera on reas onable term for caah, or in exchango for Naval Storta or other prodac The aenlor partner, D. C. Krrrman, i located in the citv of Nw York i the junior partner, tiRo. Hoi-ston, in Wil mington. If deaired, advance will be made on consign ment! to and from either place. All buiincs entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Gooda will be promptly and carefully filled J. WRBSk-I., B SII-ER1. WKSSKL A KILKIl.H, COMMISSION Merchant and Wholeaale Urocer. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, Intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provision, at wholeaale and to carry on a General Commission Business. rrkkrrick: E. P. Hall. Prea't Branch Bank of the State O. G. Parslry, I'rea't Commercial Bank, Wilmington P. K. Dicrimon, Lan., PorrR k Co., ? v Y k DOLLNKR It PoTrER, J XTK- HUM J. M. ROBINSON, ' IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kimls of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron A xletrcet, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron, Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Rivets, lie. ke. Hi atock i now verv full and complete, with ma ny!additiona of new and useful articles in the bousc-kecping line Merchant who are disposed to patronite Southern es tablishments, are gwirantrtd all articles in his lino as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1852.' HALL At III 1VTKK, B' ROKERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION mer chants). Hall' Row up ftaira North Watcr-st., W il- mmgton, IS. U., beg leave to offer tliuir service to tue pub lic in the above capacity. JOHN HALL will attend to the Naval Store and Gene ral Brokerage department. C. HUNTER having had 10 years experience in th Cotton trade, will give bia attention to thi department, a Broker and Factor. JOHN HALL, March 1st, 1854-14!Mf C. HUNTER. J. HARVET COCHRAN, W S RIJMKI.L. COCHRAN tk RUSSELL, (Successors to Thoma AUibone & Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 North Wlutrve, and 63 North Water Street. Phila drlphia. ASTLiberal cub dvances made on consignment. July 30th, 1853 279 II. C. TIIACIIEH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 46 INDIA STREET, - - , BOSTON. Customary advances niadeon eonsignments of Naval Stores, REFER to 1 Ratnrr, fc GfLitoRR New York. " Raisr!5 St Marttw Wilmington, N. ! September 10, 1853. . W. O. Rather, J R. Gilworr. KAYNEIl ci OILMORK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . 154 Watrr Street, Nr Vorr. Rrferrsck. E. Kidder. Eq. J. II. Flanncr, Ktq.i Messrs. Rankin fc Martin. Liberal cash advance made on consignments. -Fehroary 1 1 th, 1853 135-tf A. JHRRAT, LARD.-H) keg Prim N. C, for tale by March 17 C. paPRE fc CO lltLLV HinKU.tmiMt.lv THE tr puuitaxrat wf Aa tnHtr having W f-if. rtvJ va j Joha If all. offt-v war rr hv U tb pkl4ie tn sV-t . I by Aat-twa. ttf iNtik. Kai'ruaJ aad utkrr i.t, Keal aad j l'rrBil Estait;, and Mrrvhaadi garlly C, Hiniri j will art at Aai'Uwaevr. j Wilmington. N. C. Marvk II. 1H3V W tt IKON HKUITRAUk, W4triT RR B J . H . If (' A r R SHAM. Mi MKOtOU k, . k. Hea-4arlvra far Oroawaetilal, Klakwralv m4 8TBONO IRON BCSITXAS3. ftk fraaa l It tk. Adopted by Iwetling, Ilatelt, Atylaw. l'rijn. r The lagrtA awTtateat at luweot ukh, alwtvi a kaad WIRE t AILINti. U'KOT A.VlMXsT IKON HAIL ING AND 1KN FCRAlTfRE. 2nd edilia of Ike New 1'ktN in lroa Manurartar will be fiirwrd-d WUHKK, .VI. M, ?, 3w atxi ! Lewie htrevt. Manb ri.t. lsit IbkViia B. (imwul l mm t'UUrM. I'VHKKH. It i.M M ISS It N M 1. Ht HA NTs, WiLMimtrun, N t' i 'ffli foraierlv wcapied by Mr. Va. A tJwyer. Marck 13. ISV4. l-'ai-H Dr. . . II H IIM.KY, DKl tilST It Evai. Wkol. CHK.MIiT. Saiwean ta S H 4 ) A ilew U and HrtAil draUr ia lirug". l"li- eiae, t'kciuicaU, I'ujI. (HU, tiUt, 1'ateut Medit'ie, I'erfuiuery, Ci)tr, t M.I I'.i jidi aud Wiorn, kv , f . at low iiriect North 'rt Comer I'ronl and Ma let Hreott W iluiington, N I' , Mr. b , KM IW-tl tIAVID I U A I . I NAII IK Ml' TIXAXN & M'nEONE. ENERAL Ct'MMISlON MERCHANTS, N Siulk Wkartea, 1'hu aih I rHi a Steeial attention iiirtlii, aad liberal advents in vie n. eontigiiiueut ul Nat;tl Mores, Cotton and liitv lleler to- Mesr I 'aI!i' l It Prowx, O 11 Pri rv, l.i , IWI lu Hiereial Hui.k. E. P. Ham., Km) , lV't Hank of the State, Tmih. II. WaiHr,Etj ,Pr ''t B'k of Cape fear. February 1, KM I tt ly t A HO I. IV. IMH KL. IMHIAI'.Hslll' kill It Rlt WO(il, Piopr.etor, b this iUv mwociati'd ailli . him, in th Hotel bniue, NATHANIEL H VIV CENT, and will roalinue aiulet be firm of Wimu Ar Vi i lr. Thankful for past favors, by strict atleatiou to bui iumi we hup fur a eontiuiiaiiieol the tine I! . Ii. Wot ill, Juue 1st, IKThI 2X1 tf N II. VINCENT Al.l AIII.K ll h:i.l.lti lltlt ar' KM sil.K. V IE Subserilirr oilers for sale Hint inoit ilciritb1eA DWEI LING A Nl PREMISES, situate at theji North-Western intcincclioM of Third street with Red t ro; s ilr.el, the lot I'loiiling lMI fiet on Red t rots, and 'JtiO led on l'bird. The dwelling House, Kitelieii, Sinokc- louse. Stables, and nil the o' her out '.iiiU'Ft on the prrniiaea, have ben built within a f'W yeitrs, of 'holee luateritls, in the bet inaiinu , Mid ii curly all ot them covered with tin. The Dwelling House it capacious, lisn homely flui.liej, and most ninven j Iolitly planned, and all tin1 oilier building are Judiciouly ar ranged, and well fitted up 'I here ar few Lots in Wilmington so desirablv located, : and the improvement on which are so aduiiraMy simple I ' for a family residence. Third street on the tnliie E.isteiu line of this lot. is !HI f ( t wide, mid -i urate" it from that on whb'h a new l'piscoiuil I hureh is about to be creeled. Permina desiring lo purehiite, can atevrlaiu terms of title bv Hiilicatiou to the tubtenber, or N. N. Nixun, E" , or M. Croii.y, and the subscriber will cheerfully aceniiiiiiny any tueh who wish lo Inspect the premises. Sept. 7, IH5.T fl-tf II. U. NIXON. arConiiuerclai oopy tf OMK Hl'NDRKO IIOI.L It IIKWAHII. RAN A WAY from the subscriber, from hit plant stion in Charlotte county, Virginia, two Negro 4 men named JIM aud ARTHUR WL JIM was formerly owned by Mr. Jriffith J. Mclte, .Jkj of New llitnover county, A. I ., auii has a wile nenr i-t Crct'k. Ho is about '1 years old, 5 feet 7 inches high, dark brown color-hm Joint rotten tenth in front- bus small eyes and tieitkt quickly. ART Hl;R wat purchased uf Ephraim Pug, "f Smith field, Jidiuston county, N. C. Hula about 5 feet 7 or S inches Bigh 22 year old, and spar made dark brown col our. I will ggive Fifty Dollar reward for each of them, if deliv ered to Mr. Solomon Ihtvis, iu Richmond, M. Cruuly, Wil mington, N. C , or secured in Jail, so that I get them aguin. For further information, address Solomon Dnvls, Klchuiond, M. A. MOSELY, lied Oak Grove, Charlotte Co , Va Richmond. Dec. 2d. JH.W HI t( CO-PAHTNKRiHII IVOTIt K. fpHK undersigned have this day formed a Co-partnership, 1 under th firm and style of RUSSELL It illiOTlH.K. for the tronsoction of th General Commission luitiness. HENRY P. RUSSELL. May 2d, 1.H.VI. JUS. 11. RUSSELL CO-IMRTNKRSIIIP. TUE undersigned hnvj formed ft 90-partriershir nnder the nn me of PARSLEY, Melt A E k CO., for the trartsag tion of the LI'MHEK HUSINESS. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN Mf It A E, W.M il .lo.NES Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1853 185-1 f INSTnUCTZON IN MUSIC. rpHE SUBSCRIBER having located himself in the town 1 of Wilmington, for th purpose of TEACH I.Nti MUSIC, respectfully oners his crvicc to the citiient. He will give instruction on the Pinno, Guitar and Violin. From bis long experience a Teacher, he hopes to be emthlcd to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronnge. Application can be made to him nt Mrs. Ford's Boarding lloute. FRANCIS A C HEU. Oct. 4, 1853 2ft-tf rutEW LISTS j attbe A large tupv'y on li.ind asd for sale low JOURNAL OFFICE. rpUR PENTINE STILLS FOR SALE. -2 Turpentine A st ills, complete, for sale bv A. II. va.i l( t'.i.r.A, March 20 No. 5 South Wharvea. I1APER HANGING Hone in superior style Sainples "LER, I can be aeen at our atore WILKINSON It I Jan .10 Upholsters. N JEW BOOKS! NEW ROOKS .lut received jer Ex press, a large lot oflatest works : Dtimas ltsi, Aiansi- ello, Will Crittendon, or Lone Star of Cuba ; Margaret, or Prejudices nt Home its victims ; Lover upon Trinl and Ro mance-at Mm. 29 S. W. VVHITAKEIt'S. G LUE.-30 bbls. fur Distillers' use, for sale by FREEMAN Ac HOUSTON. March 8. iVlJTCHER'S GENUINE Mill Saw and other File D just received a full supply. J. M ROBINSON. MBrch 28. 1854. Ofinrt Gunnv Bugs, for sale by IwUUU March if JAS. C. SMITH fc CO. UPHOLSTERIN'ti. IN ALL ITS UUANCHES.-Hav-, ing changed our business, our whole attention will be fiven to the above business. Our stock of Paper Hangings, aoe and Damask Cnrtains, Cornices, Shade and Window Fixture of all kinds, is large ; nnd having very uperior Workmen from New York, we arc enabled to Paper and fit up Private Reiidcnccs, Boarding House. Hotels, Steam boat. Railroad Cars, It., at shortest notice. We also keen on band, and make to order, Shuck. Mow, Patent Felt, and Curled Hair Mat trasses, Fei'ther Heds, Pillows, Spreads, Sheet, Pillow Cases, Sic; cut and make Carpets, and Church Cnshions. In fact anything connected with Up holstering. WILKINSON fc ESLER, Upholsterer. At our old stand, next door to Seott fc Baldwin. 40 BBLS. REFINED SUGARS aale by -Just received and for C. DuPRE fc CO. ITi" BALES CHOICE HAY; 4,000 lb, choice Hams; lUv 20 Tuba Good Retailing Butter ; 20 Barrels Fiah, Mullets and Trouts. for sale by March 23, 1854. W. M. SHERWOODkCO IjWEKY BODY CAN HAVE BUCK WHEAT CAKES La We have just received from New York something newt Bqckwheat Kloqrwi'b the raiting ingrtditnli nturd witk the Flour, o that adding a little cold tealer, they are ready fur us : no Salt nor Powders of any kind being ne cessary. For tale by W. M. SHERWOOD ic CO. XJEW YORK it Upper Ten and Lower Million, by A! tieorge Llppard. tenth aaoition. ror taie nt March 7th. S. W. WHITAKER'S. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. Several lot for tale low, to clogo consimgnenta. ' JonJI. FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. NOTICE. 'i'he subscriber have now In tore, and will con tinue to keep a atock ef superior Eastern and North River Hay, which they will ell rnrf for ros. Mrch2-J, 1854 TAYLOR fc PETTEWAY. USKKl'L .STATISTICS. Uvrnnanl ml late I wiles Malta. Njff FRANKtJN I1F.KCE. PrvideBl. Will am L Mrrj, uf New- ork, SetctarT t f Stale. Jam Guthrie, Kenlurkj, SecreUiy of Treasurj. JruVrMtn Ikvia, 0 Mita.stippi. Stcrrtaiy of Vr. ' Janea V. XjbliiH, of .Nith-('aroliB. irt'j tdTNaTT, K. A. WcClflianJ, ol Jilieaigan, Sefielatjf 0 Interior, Jitme UairiprHill, of l'rnnyUania, Poetmit- ter Gen., Caleb l'uliiiig, ( Macbittt. Atlnrney General. tJwTerwntewl BailbiH arla. DVVIDS RHP, or IUk-gnam, Governor, per annum, and the uf of fuimthed houte 8,000 m S.000 .000 .000 1,000 II .000 y'2,000 Term rtpiret .'an I, l"53. Siiniuel K Ailuni. Jr , d Rockingham, Nee t the Govrttioi, (rlt'luiive uf rrrtarf fee,) W illiam Hill, of Wake lOuntj Sefret.iryol Stale, (etrlusive of feea.) Ii.tmel V Ctiii'ta, of Rockingham, Tie- urr, William J t'Luke, l Wake, ( ompti oiler, Stephen Hirdaull, of Wake. Chief Cleik to 'lieiurer 3H) (too 1. 600 1,000 50fl The Ctiiinril id Suie 1 rompeted of the following genllenien : Kiinbrnugh Jtiiiea, of Wake count jr ; Wil li.im K ljne of Wayna countf ; Whitnie'l Stalling of Gle rutin ly , Art bihahl Hendtraon, of Rowtn ronniy ; Vilm S Hill, of Guilford wunty i Col u in bti Mill, of Rutherford I county, nJ R French, of RobBon. Tiir Bii'ard or I.iti Rtit ar of North Crtil n m rnuipnei) a follow His Ktcelleiify, David S Reid, Preantrnt tt offiaa ; MatthT NIirw, ol Beaufort, and Alleiil June an I William W lli lden, of Wak cum- 'I'll K I NTt H N A I,-1 M i'RiiV I'M r KT lioA R It i PomMsed a follnwt Mia KitellenC)' D.ivid S. Deid President tX'offlnn ; Calvin Graves, of Cuswi ll, ami Thorn Brngg, of Norlhainptoii count r Govirn 'Rs Alb, with the tnuk of Colonel . J A Mr Lean of Guilford, 1 homaa l.urfin, jr , of Rocking haul, ami Hohut Strange, jr. of Naw-Hnnover Tin: (iRNrHAi. AtttMit.T foinmencc it m-aniona, m liuleigli, on the Third MomUy of November, in every alternate year The tirxt eleclion for memhf r of the Senate, llousi of Cominon, and Governor, will be held on the First Thursday in August, 1854. A I'POKTIi LN'MKN 1 OK MKMRKKS OK TIIK IIOUSK OK COMMONS. I'he loll'iwiiig i the manner in whioh the Mem lieu of the House of Common (.120,) are apportioned among the reepcotive Countlea: lheCounttea of Cutniierlaml, Granville, I Guiir.ird, Chatham and Wake, ) 3 ruch. Iho (.ouiitiea of Davidson, Edgeonml), Hali fax, Iredell, New Hanover, Orange, Ran ilolph, Alamance, Anton, Beaufort, Iter tie, Cwell, Clenvelnml, ('raven, Dup lin, Koraythe, Johnston, Mecklenbirg-, Norihumpton, Tilt, lloheson, Hoiking hnm, Rowan, liullie rford, Nampon, Warren, VVayna and Wilkes, The f'oiintie-) of buncomlie, Madiaon, Sur ry, Yadkin Aahe, Rlailen, Hnrke, Ca harrua, Catawha, Cherokee, Duvie, G ia ion, (iate, llmderson, llertlord. Hyde, l.inroln, Martin, Moore, Nuh, Onslow, I'lismjiitmik, Perton, Kichmnriil, Stanly, t-acli. Stokea. Union, Vaiicy.Alexainler, Hrtin- l enoli. i f i i it i , . f : wicg, c.a iii wen, camnon, i itrterei, t o lumhuN, Currituck, Greene, Jonea, Le noir, McDowell, Montgomery, IVniti mona, Tyrrell, Wahingtnn, VViiiaiiga, Macon, Ihtywood, Jackson, Chowitn, and Franklin. SKNATORIAL DISTRICTS. Tim following ar the Counlie corn.osing the fif Sonatorial Dintrict of North Carolina : l)itriti 1 nt P.iMjuotaiik & IVr- riiininni, 2d Camden & Currituck 3d Gate and Chowan, UiKlrttl. 3lal Alamance and Run- dolph, 32d Chatham, 33d Moore and Mont- f rummy, iichmoml and Ro beson, 35th Anson and Union, 4th Tyrrell ami Hyde, 5th Northampton, 6th Hertford. 7th Bcrlio, 8th--Marlin am) vuah infC'on, 0th Halifax. 10th Kdgecomhe, llth Pitt, I2th Beatiforl, 3flth-(;mlford, 37:h-Caawell. 38th line kinglni rn, 3'.hh Mecklenhurg. 4oth Stanly & Cabarrus, 411 Rowan ami Davie, 42d Davidson, 1 3th Craven 14th Carteret & & Lnic id T.ni 43d Stoke and Forsyili, 44th Ashe, Sun y . Wa tauga and Yadkin, 4,',th Wilkea. Iredell & Alexander. 4ith Burke, McDowell, nml Caldwell. lain t.rcetip and l.enmr, ICth New Hanover, 1 7th Duplin, 18 h Onalow, 19th Bladen, Brunswick and Col n in tin. 20ih Cumberland. 21-it Sampton. 22.1 Wayne. 23d Johnston, 47th Lincoln, (iaalon & Co taw ha, 4Htli Rutherford and . Cleaveland, 4'Jth Buncombe, I lender aon, Yancey and Madiaon, f0ih Haywood, Maocin, Cherokee and Jack son, 24tl.-U'ake, 25th Naah, 2Cth Franklin, 27lh-Warrcn, 28th -Granville, 2!)ih-Peraon, 30th Oranpe, 'IHIOSE WHO WlrH HANDSOME PAPER HANG JL tug will please call at our Stare, aa we have a large and handsome assortment ; Upholstering in all branchei, executed with dispatch by tuiicrior workmen. Feb2oJ WILKINSON fc ESLER, Upholster. Com. copy. ANEW COOK BOOK, BY MISS. LESLIE.-" Mis. Leslie' New Receipt for Cooking." It comprise new and approved method of preparing ill kind of Soup, Fish. Oyster. Terrapin, Turtle, Vegetable. Meat. Poultry, (lame, Sauce, Pickles, Sweet-Meats, Cake, 1'iei, Puddings, Confectionary, Rico, Indian Meal, preparation of all kind Domeatio Liquor, Perfumery, Remedie, Liundry work, Needlework, washing thread lace of all kinds, to make them look equal to new Chinese Embroidery. Letter, additional Receipts, Ice. Also, list of all articles ia teaaon suited lo go together for Breakfast, Dinners and Supper, to suit large or small families, and much nseful Information and many mis cellaneous (ubjeeta connected with general hous-wifry. Complete in 020 pages hundtoraely bound. 'I Mr. Putnam' " Receipt Book and Young lloute-keeper'i Assistant," new and enlarged edition. Mr. Hale' "New Book for Cookery and Complete House keeper "illustrated. All the above received and for ale tt -- v J, T. MUNDS' New Book Store, S deer abev Brown & Anderton rfk HHUS. Molaei 75 bag Peruvian Gaanoj 800 0J lack Liverpool Salt $ 20 barrel Fayetteville Flour j 1.000 lb. Pared reach. For tale by Feb 22J r . WM. H. McRARY. BEUS AND MATT RASSES On hand and made to or dor, of India Robber, Feather, Hair, Moss, Shuck and Felts alio. Bed Spreads. QuilU. Sheet. Pillow Coses. La . for tale by WILKINSON t EsLhR, UphoUter Sl'lKl'l BAKKELvi. ) prime sef..n band . . I i .ir. rl, for ale by L!IU. MT fc l..v v.'N. RAT 1 1 Or PR EIGHT atw toaa T9 wiUiMTom. Cuttaa tagging. Bale Rape, bietea, BaadaetefJ Hulls f L at ar, aXl Ire, CoiArm, I ta. ia all package, aad aJ 4ar ateanrwiBi t.aya per b fawt, i l I CratM aad kJ v af CrsM-ktry. aark. i i Isa. V ekt- owwerk. i 1'J 1 JO h 123 I i 135 JO 4 ot) IU 4 o HU f ia 19 Sagar aad I t Vt pr. ta Hkia -par 100 lb.. a lr aa4 Std par Ua, i i ef j ir, J llkda. Vt yh. t f i i I. Malaa,) . lUrrtlt, wet aad dry, eack, t t i Maaailla Cortlagt, Blaa. t i i Tamd d. 4. t t i Kaadle l ekaira, each thatr. i Hollow War, pet Ua. i I IW. pr pe, i i t Ca.tiar Machiaerv, per tea, t I Kegief Nail, el i0 Ika., aatk. i Aavtla,Krh, it t ft Y taae, ae k i t r t i Keg ar Tab af Butter, af 100 IW, aek, t Hlaskteaitk' Bellow. aeh, i i i I Powder, per keg. i i i t i Hay, per bale, t i I I t Boa of Alt aad Tin, each, i i Aquaforti aad Yltrol, ia kei ar ear key, deck, W tgo IWias, per t, it Kegt af Paint, at. 23 lb , ak, i I Shvtlt,-SpaJ, eytkew. Fat ka. CwtUae Kalvea, Frying Paa. aad lloa. la kaadlt af half 4e h, aeh, i i i i l Broata, pee Va, i i i t Coffee, per bag, i i t i Ck, per ak, t i i i litad aeSket, prto, t i t Shot, per bag, t i i t i Sole and Harare Leather, per aide, I I Wrapping Paper, M' rtm. li id I Ml Ct 01 0 IS IW OJ 0 n I JO OH 00 11,00 Mill Monet, iiaall, per i rwair, i Ikt. large. lilgt.ta.-h, i i i i i Jrv A'agoii), each, i i l Stag Cotea, eeinplete, i i i Do. de. oa deek, i I Plough, ek, i i i i Chain la bag, eaeb, i i t Suiall Keg, each, i i i Anielr ant enumerated eharetd la Bmtortloa. 10 to) J.I 10 01 Uformalioa wart be given ta tke Ageot, Ift N York, of all Parksge eonUlnint Pewder, ar doable rate will Invar lably be charged, betidt tk Skipper ktld liable for all damage arietag fraai aegUjt of tkie aotlee. I.RRaL RA.1 t.M OF INTCRCaT 1 in taa BireiaaaT ertree ab taaamaiaa. ( Maine : per cHt , lorleil ol th claim New llumpdilre, per tent. forttu ef Ihrlea lb tnoaal aa- Wdllljf Intra Vermont, e pi eeqt ; recovery la action aad (oet. Munaeiiuecoa, I per m.; lurteil uihrle tke atury. Rh.ids Island, I per real ; lorleil ef Hi uury aad lnlrt a the Ul 1 . Connerlirul. t per rent. I forfait of lb whole dtbt. New Vark, 7 per eeal. j utarlout enntrtet wnt4. New Jeraey, 7 ptr anl forfeit of I lie whale at. te niitf Ivtnis, I per eenl lorfil of In whoj 4kt . , ' lielawai, ptr cant. , for ftlt ef Ih whole aael, Maryland. ptr cent, i no looieee eealraeta Ii Oturlso oa Iracl vml V itgimt, (T ur rem ; fwftll iloobl Hi uury. North I'aroiin, I per rent.; ontrcl far Btary Val4-forlrt iIuiiIimi Ilia utury. . aouiii Laroiiua, j ptr caul. loritlt at latertei taa prewtMai ta ken, jKIi t.U tliria, M per rent. ; Inrfeit ttirle lh uaary. Alalitina, a per cent.; forttlt af tataraat aud atury. Mittittippl, a per tent. by emilrnel l)-uuiy rtcoverabl I anion fur debt. Louitiaa. I ptr rani.) Hank InUrMll-cootratt I beyond (oe trtrl, Ini.rett void Ttnneoa, I ptr real utnrlau ontrla Told. Ktiiiui ky, 4 percent atury iteuvtrakl wllhtxt. oiiio, I per eeal. uturkiut emitroeia void, Intliant, epereenl. a gnenf 4hlelha eieeae. ItlimiK, I per ctnl -by eoniract ll-keroad forfeit Ihrk ke liiier' ai atlaaourl, I per cnl.-by eoniract 10 -If kyond, forfeit efl a lerett tad uoiri Michlnu, 7 ptr cent forfeit ef utury ene-fawnh of dibl. ' Aikmtti, percenl.-br (reainl 10-ueury rteaverakle. hut reutrtcl void, Ditirlci Coliimblt, per etnl.uiiirloa aonlraiu ld. - ' ! Lands, a ier cent, lurfell Initresi aad eieeta. Wiscoiitiii, 7 per eenl-by eoniract ll-forfntnrlcetheeiee, I iw, lijr t.remnl, and enforced by law. cwiiietu or JnJiiieiiii m liver of ihe United llalt. Inlereetle rmnputed at per cent, per naaia. TAIIIKK OK f OMMIHHIOII ANU IIIARUKI, At Wilmington, AT. C, adopttd fcy thi " Wilming ton Vhnmbcr of Commrrtt," to go into tfftii on am attr Uu tint day of Julu, 1853. On purchase and ahipmont of produce on foreign account, 2$ per ot " Drawing Rilla for ihe aarne, not exceed ing Riity day eight, 2 " " Pure ha e and ahipment of produce on uomcatic Account ana drawing for hi me, not exceeding thirty dare. 2 over Ihirty and not exceeding" eixtj nay, over aixty daya, " aalea of merchandize, " guaranty of aanie, 5 " collecting of freight, when to one party ii " do. do. when to different patliea, 6 " procuring height, 2 " ahip'a (hahiirsemenn, with fundi ia band 2 " do. do. drawing bill, or eil- doraingfor aame, if over thirty dayi, 6 41 II M enuorsiug anu negotiating Dllli 01 ex change, foreign or domeaiio, 21 - " gooda consigned to, or lodged with trier clmnt for aale, and afterward or tiered to be re-ahipped or delivered up. on amount ot Invoice, " cargoes of vermeil in diatreti, when the good are bonded, lodged In Cue tom-houso or stored ,and afterwards re ahippnd, on value, 2 M " effecting insurance, on amount imur- td. " recovering loaaoa, if litigated, . , 01 " do do. without litigation, it . under acceptance, H " recovering lowea, without litigation, if not under acceptance, " collecting money, if litigated, " do. do. without litigation, " do. bill of exchange and remit ting for same, 1 5 2 1 " receiving and forwarjing goods by riv er, on n mount atsouraeu, " receiving and forwarding goo ?s bv rail 20 road, on amount dieburted, 12 Ua Receiving and Forwarding Product. Colton, per bale, .. 10 cents. Sheeting, Yarna, tie., per bale, 8 Hour, and other dry barrels, per bbl., 5 ' Barrel of Liquor, &c, ; each, 10 . do. ofOre, s , , 20 " do. of Spirits Turpentine, " 10 do. of Roain, Tar, Turpentine, &e.," 5 Hhda. of Wax, Seed, Tobacco, fce., " . 15 ; " Bags of Seed, ' J ' Caka of u 1 lo Boxes of Tobacco, . Single Packages, 25 " Whin J'eutU art Frtighttd chiefly for Lumber, an t no ifl agreement i$ made respecting the propor Hon of olhtr nrlidtt to tkt thousand superficial ft't, llitfollnuing standard shall regulate, viz : ' Turpentine, 12 barrels Rice, 3.300 IS. Roam, ;!; 12 . '.V ,Graiil In bae, i ) L Ter or Pitch, 13 ." Shingles, Conlract, r S. Turpentine, 9 do. Common, ' Flour, 16 ' " .Hogshead Staves, J Tobacco, 2 hhda. I Barrel t!. 1 5000 LBS, N. C. Hams, very fine, fr . Mfirek 17. C. NOTHEIl SUPPLY ( L I . I, and the IV i f ,r n't at re

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