J J i 1 . I- I li ? J J -. s - - - - 4 1 ITBLlSHEIj BY FULTON PRICE, Wll.MlMITO.N. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVA.NC VOEUxMEr3NOrl95r -WH0LEUiIBElVB13. mi' or AbVEftTUtMU. tki tr. UV $Q M 2 day... 7J idy l oo 4day 1 35 4y 1 W 1 day 53 3 days,. ........... . 37 1 day. .... ... W 4 dav, i 9 dv 7i 1 wevk..... i lwk 175 3 IMll, 1 374 IwmIi 1 75 1 noath 1 00 I moath 4 OD 2 month, 50 3 Bioath, 5 00 t mobIbj, 8 00 1 'ar 13 00 1 aaeata 7 00 3th 10 00 BtOS.la 1 00 1 yea 50 00 Ta line ar etd m a qr. anl It liaei ar less a haifaqaara. Laager advrtUcol ta prcportiea, and all f ayabl la advaae. ' MmV All half rjaarc al paid fur ta advance will V charged a a aqaar. )9No pablieatioa mi&4 without a reepoaaibl earn. Irrinl tod Drptrtart if the litis. Th Mail for ta Soath alow dailr at , P. M , preei It. Letter nut k ia th offio 13 annates Mori th tia of closing. For Ntt f Riekaaoad, V,, do daily at I. P M . and 10. P. M. For Richmond, Va., and Soata f that and Nortkof this, daily at 9, P.M. rr Fayttvill. ia Waraaw, Clinton, a.., daily it 1. P.M. For Fayttevilte, via Elisabeth town, ery Moalay, Wednesday aid Friday at 8 oalock, P. M. Letter must b la th fflo at Wait 15 minute befor th time of 'closing. jai. r. ilumtis. ceo. a. nxtxric. JA. P. GILLKSPIR Jt COH PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS, Wiljihotos, N. C. Particular attention paid to tbe fwKipt aad sal of Naval Stor, Timber, Lambr, Cora, Baeoa, Cotton, he., ke. GEORGE W. DAVIS. AUCTIONEER, March 17th, 164 Wilmington. N. C. Kr.9TA?JllAT, 2 DOORS NORTH OF THE ROCK SPRING, Formerly kept by Goaot O. Walto. Meal furaUhtd at all hour. R. B. BURNETT, Proprietor. March 13, 1854. 159 fiia W. C. HOWARD, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Merchant, Wiumoa ton, N. C. r Liberal Cash advaac mad n ComienmeDt. hot. 26, 1853. 71 tf J' JIES ANDKKMN, IDWAID SAVAOE. ANDEUSON A SAVAGE, CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J Wilmington N. C. Liberal cash adrane mad on eontlgnmonH. 40t3 WILLIAM A. GWTKR, FACTOR, FORWARDING and COMMISSION Mer chant, Wilmington, N.C. i Particular attention gWen to the Sale or Shipment of Naval Store, and liberal Cah advance mad on Oon lignment. Oct 12. '53. .13-ly .' Id. CRONZ.T T1ROKER, AUCTIONEER. AND GENERAL COM- 3 MISSION AGENT. WiunnrroN. N. C. Real Kitate, Nenroea, Bank Block, Bond. Ilovee hold Priiltr(aadTrydiorip(ionof Property booght and told oa aommiuioa, eitber at prtvate or puDiie tai. -Refer to th publi generally. - Jan 18th, 18R3 244 WHi M. ItARRISS, GENERAL Commliilan Merchant A Ship Broker, Wilmington, X. C. KIPIRINCESI Jai. Corner Jt Song, Baltimore. E A. Soudcr Co., Philadelphia. fT k. tf A i nompeoo . n. r, , N.w-York. M. M. r recmaa m w., Taftl 4 Hunting, Boiton 12-ly HTJSSELL A BROTHER, (lati bi.lis, eumell a co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTON, N. C. Liberal eaih adraneei mad on eonjignmenti of Naral Store, Cotton, and other produc. ... EDWARD J. LI'TTERLOII, F)RWARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wilmington, N. O, and Agent for Steamen ROWAN, FANNY LUTTERLOH and MAJ. W. BAKNET. April lit, 1853. A. II. VAWBOKKELEK, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARDING- MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to ial and purchaso of Naval Store. Jan. 1, 1853.-10O-ly ATLANTIC MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE iuberlbr. aa Agent for th above Company, will tak riik at fair ratei. J. k D. McRAE k CO. November 27th, 1802. JNO. rOTTS BROWN, AEMANO i. DEKOSSST, jr., K. F. BROWN BROWN DeROSSET, New York, DeROSSET & BROWN, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H. DOLL A EE, a. POTIER.Jr. OOLLNER A POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-ly Now York air Liberal eash advance made on consignments JOSEPH II. FLANNER, GENERAL Coramlselon Merchant, 2-lyJ . Wilmington, S. C. ADAMS, BROTHER 6t CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMIKQTON, N. C. ' Johs MacRak, Donald MacRas, John W. K. Die. J.ot Dm McRAE di CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C. C. DUrEE, D. B. BARER. rs C. DnPRE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Princew-rtreet, Wilmington, N o. L. FILLYAW, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND FOR war dim Merchant. Wilmineton. N. C Sept. 20,1803 11 HENRY NCTT. FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hi peraonal attention to busiaeia entruited to hi care. Sept. 7, 1853. r 4 W. HAMILTON MeRARY. F)R WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Asknt rot Frank and Jerrt Steamboat Line, pi North Water itreet, Wilmington, N. C. 1-y A. D. TAYLOR, . t , I JAS. T. PETTEWAY TAYLOR Hi PETTE WAY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water treet, Wilminotos. N. C Jan. 13. 1354. K. M. Ml'RC'HIBON, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. February 2d. 1854 126-2m James C. Smith. Miles Gostim. ... JAS. C. SMITH CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed tbeir of fice to the leeond story of the building formerly occu pied by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all busmen in the CommUpion line, ' All buaine entrusted to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11, 1854. .'Tnrion Star and Carolinian copy one year and tend bi ' x above. . . - ' - j. Hathaway & no. Oil MISSION MERCHANTS, - -... , - Wii.minstom. N. r. Jan. 7, 1354 104- E, jxriiAT, . a. tm. L. rnci. Ml'KRAl. tHtT. A . ("t EXERALlX'MMISSIt'N Jt IVRWAKTINV. MEK Tl HANTS, W1LMLNGTVN,X. C.-.-eilaaiDjt attetta givva t th tale f Naval Suru, (iuttoa, e. Th aual tacilitie yf srti oa CoasignauuU Harehl. 133aahVlat. a. e. ritmti, a so. bik ta'hi. FREEMAX HOllTOX.Wilni(lti1SI.C., MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. D. C. FRKKMAN 4v CO , Saw York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 175, Frnt Si " HOLMKS HOTKL. FORMERLY THE MANCHESTER. mTHK aberiber hrir- takes th aW eatioad HOCSE, ha thoroughly elaad aad Itted it p, aad b w ready fur th rertia of traaaieat and iwrua aeat Boarder. Th pabli ay rit anured that ao pain will b ard to reader th Hwane worthy their patroaage. Th Table will aiway be witilied with th btt ear and aaceat market aa farauh. Tk Ront will h krpt ta th best of order, aad th lenranU polite aad atteativ. The Har will h iupplied with th caoiet of Wise, Lkjuor aad Cigar, imported eiprewtly by th IVoprtetar. March 10. Is54-lti3-bia OWEN HOLMES. Dr. A. O. MH ADI.KV. gyTI DRUGGIST CHKM1ST, WiLaiKaT..-., N. ('. TV Having crvhed tbe lrug ettaolidiiurnt of MrMr. X S. B. i J.A. tuni, will keep aiwaytoa haad, at whwleaal and retail, a large and very aelect Muck vf lmg. Medicine. Chemical', PajuU, tU. (ila, Surgi.il li itru meat. Patent Medi'ioe, Perfumery, aud hancy Article, at low prie. S"Phyician'i Prva-ription!" put up rorrevtly and with dispatch. March 20th, 1H.VI Itih'-tf T. C. WORTH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WiLJaiNoroi, N ('. I'naal advance on consignment of Cot.ou, Natal Stores, aad other produce. Particular attention giv.a by (5. W. Dvn to purt-haiing cargo, procarinc freight tor ves'lt, iic. January llth. 144 1 LVly DR. J. I-'. MrllEK, Ji., AS REMOVED hii olltc to th corner of Front It Cheitnut Street. Oct. 13, 1S.VI atitf H WILMllUTON (. ('.) OIL WOKIC1. W. B. PLAKNEE. IIKMIY TAI.I.. KtiAXNKR .w TAI.I., MANUFACTURERS of a miperior LUBRICATING tUL, PAINTERS AND TANNERS' OILS, VAR NISHES, PITCH, ke. T. flc T. ar alw manufacturing a LURIiU'ATINO GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axlet, Slide, fcc. Thii t.K r.ASL work! cleaner, and I cheaper than any that ha yet been offered for ale. Sample of both I i la and (i reaw, may be eu at the office of Mr. f. II. Manner, 21 North Water itreet, or at r . X i. office, California. N. H No admittance on the worki. May 9th, 1853. JKMf W. M. SHERWOOD .V. ( O., WHOLESALE (ROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep constantly on hand everything In their tine, muted to a city and country trade lhey aow offer for nale : HI bbli. Hour. .North arnlina and Northern brandit 10 hhdi Sugar ; ) IWt. do ; 50 larka Coffee; 24) hbU. Cracker '.) boxes do. : SO bbU. Ci ty Meu Pork; 10 half bbta. Kulton Market Href; 111 firkin.i putter, daily expected ; 2t tone C lire : 20 boir ChihIv ; 5 bbli. Snuff ; 5 torn Hoop Iron , tU keg Nail ; 2 iweki alt ; DO bags Shot ; zu boxct Candle ; and everything elwi neceaaary to oonititut a good itock. All consignment of Naval Store, together with Cotton, Uacon, Lard, Corn Meal, Flour, Ac, ihall reeiv the highent nivrkct price Second door North of th Cuttoin Houae. October 14th, 1853. CP-PARTNEXIBXXXP NOTICE. THE undersigned have thia day formed a co-partnership, under th name of CCSTIN, GREGG fc CO., for th trans action of the Lumber Business. MILES COST1N, J. ELI GREGG, ALFRED SMITH. March llth. 185 1-lfiO-tf J G L1TTLEFIELD Commercial copy. W. 11. HrKOYi GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C., intends keeping at the a bov stand, alarg assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS and PROVISIONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will b paid to all orders from the country. I would respectfully invite th ritiaens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stork before pur chasing elsewhere. I intend to carry on a gemral com mission business. Particular attention will be given to tho sal of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, October 6th. 1852. 27-tf ritf D. C. rREKMAN k CO., N. Y. FREEMAN It llnrfOf, WIL'N FREEMAN HOlTO, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wilmington, N. C, kocp constantly on hand a stock of Tow, Corn, Htttk, Hacon, Salt. Cnfrtt, Sugar, Mnhtwt, Tohamt, Ciguri. Snuff, Vandlet Snap, Fnrtign uwrf Dntnrttk l.itvr$ una Winn; Iron, Natlf, Paintt, Oilt, Ulan, Agricultural ,mpltmtnli, and a variety of other articles, suitable foi family and plantation use and th retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reas onaole term for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce Tho senior partner, I). C. Freeman, is located In the city of New York; the junior partner, Geo. HorrroN, in Wil mington. If desired, advance will bo made on consign ments to and from either plac. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention ; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled J. WESSEL, I. KILKRN. WRKSEL At EILERS. COMMISSION Merchant and Wholesale (irortra, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, intend to keep at th above stand a general assort ment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions, at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. REFERENCE ! E. P. Hall, Prcs't Branch Bank of the State, ' jwn O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank, mington P. K. Diceinson, Esq., PoFFE It Co., I v- York DOLLNER k POTTEE, XX 113J J. M. ROBINSON. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrees, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Rivets, ke. ke. Hi stock is now verv full and complete, with nia ny'additions of new and useful articles in the house-keeping line. Merchants who aro disposed to patronise Southern es tablishments, are fuarnntrtd all articles in his line as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, N.C, Sept. 21. 1852. HALL A II I'KTEKi "DROKERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION M E I! - D chants), Hall's Row up stairs North Water-st., Wil mington, N. C, beg leave to offer their services to tbe pub lic ir. the nbovo capacity. '' JOHN HALL will attend to tbe Naval Store and Gene ral Brokerage department. C. HUNTER having had 10 year experience in the Cotton trade, will give his attention to this department, a Broker and Factor. JOHN HALL, March 1st, 1854-149-tf C. HUNTER. J. HARVEY COCHRAN, W 8 RUSSELL. COCHRAN it RUSSELL, (Sncceswrs to Thomas Allibone k Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 82 North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Phila delphia. AWLiberal cash advances made on consignments. July 30th, 1853 279 H. C. THACIIER. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 46 INDIA STREET, BOSTON. Customary advances mad on consignments of Naval Stores. , ' REFER TO! RaTner, k Gilmore New York. Rankin As Martin, Wilmington, N. O September 10, 1853. Mr W. G. Rather, JR. Gilmore. RAYNER b GILMORE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 151 Water Street, New YorH. References. E. Kidder, Esq.; J. H. Flanner, Esq j Messrs. Rankia k Martin. : ' Liberal cash advances made on consignments. " . February llth, 1853 - lM-tf AH D. Hl kegs Prim N. C, for sale by HarchlTJ C, DuPRE k CO IIAIX.V lttTKR.AwllM-i. THE a) 4at-rat f A( tiuoevr hatuai; tra lonferrr J urn j Juba Hall, we effkr war srnicr ! the pU ff.- t !.- ky .taction, ,.f tUok. i;iln J ani lUr I'.nli. Ural aad I IVmuiil 1 stal aad MerehaaJiae generally C. tltbUr will act a Aba tionrvr- ; WUiogt, N. C. Mar k 14. 154. 16Mt 1HONBF. D T K A D H . a A MF At' TV RED BY J . H. If IV k K R Sll AM, 311 BRIMUU A. N. k. llfadHtaartrn tr Ornaaaenlal, Flakaral tan BTROKO IH ON SXSSTXLISS. rtr Um l U Adopted by ItweRings, Hotel. Asylums, Prisoas, JVe. Th Iargrt asartasKt at kwwt prioea, alwava oa hard WIRE HAILING, WKO'T AND CAST IKON KAIU lG AND IKON H KaITLKE. 2nd cdttioa of the New lha ia Iroa Mauafactur will b tiirw irdnt tVOUKa, .VI. VI. 31. .1 aud l Uwli airl. March 21st. IM ItaS- taa t. I'liHwiix t. a rasata. tMVt:i.l. I ARK Kit. V M M IS U M l. K C 1 1 A N I S, V' Wll.MINTON, N. C. OJle foraueHv oc-upied by Mr. Wat. A. Gwyer March 13. IvH 5-tf Dr. A. . Illl DI.K1 . DRUGGIST k CHEMIST. Sacorw. t S R - I A . KvANt, Wholesib- and Retail JeaUr ia lVf. Mli eiuea. Chemicals, I'aiuia. Otis, tilas. Patent M--divU, IVrfuwery, 'ig;trs, ( 'Id li..jidi aud Wine, lie., 'e , at low puces. North Wist Corner Front and Ma ket strreta. W ilmingtou, N.C, Mareh 20, 'irt-tf DAVID THAIN, I HIII.lt Wi KiS:. TRAIN V MtKEONE. CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No II T South Wharves, pMiLAiict.rHi Special attention giteu I u, and liberal advaec Made n, consignment of Naval Slo.es, Cutlou aad Rio. Refers to -Measia I'l lvoomTA Pkown, t t!. Parvixv, Ks'i , l"rs't ( oiamercial Hark, i: P. Hai l, Ksq . IWt Pank of the State. Inas. II. WmiiMr.Eso .Pru't B'k of Cap Fear. February 23. K1 Ut-ly I A lit) I.I IIOl Kl. H li I NKHMIH Aol H I'.. Rlt. WlKD, Proprietor, hat this dav aaoiiattd with .him. ii the Hotel business. NATHANIEL 11. VIN CENT, and will continue under .be Htm of Wonn " Vii iiM, Thankful fur past favors, by strict atteatioB lo bust- lieas we hop for a eouliuuuneeol the s.iuia K.li. wvhmi, June 1st, H53- 233-tr N. II. VINCENT. VA L V A U l7KD XTlTi S ' I U t a K V H si t I.K . rilllK Subscriber offers for sale that moat desirable A 1 DWELLING AND PREMISES, situate at theJJiil North- Westera Intersection of Third street with Red ( nna street, the lit fronting lllOfeeton Red Cross, and 200 feci on Third. The Dwelling Mouse, Kitchen, Suioke-llouae, Stables, and all the other out houses on the premise! have been built within a few Tears, of choice materials, in th brat main , and n early all of them covered with tin. Th Dwelling I Urns a is capacious, handsomely finished, and most conven iently planned, and all th other building are judiciously ar ranged, and well fitted up 'I here are few Lota in Wilmington so desirably located, and th improvements on which are so admirably aduptej for a family residence. Third street ou the entire l.ualein line of this lot. ia W feet wide, and separates it from that on which a new Episcopal Church is about to be erected. I'troms desiring to purchase, can ascertain terms of sale by application to lh subscriber, or N. N. Nium, !,(, or M. t roni.y, anl the aubaeriber will cheerfully accompany any such who wish to inspect the preiui'ee. Sept. 7. 1853.-II tfj 11. It. NIXON. B r Commercial copy tf OVK Ht'MHtKH IHH.I.AIta IIKWARD. RANAWAY from tho subscriber, from his plant- tfA ation in Charlotte county, Virginia, two Negro v men named JIM and ARTHUR JIM was formerly owned by Mr. t iriftith J. Mclti. Y of New Hanover county, N t'., and haa a wife near Lone; Creek. II is about 1 years old, 5 tect 7 inches high, dark brown color has some rotten tcsth in front has small eye and speaka quickly. ARTHUR was purchased of Ephraim Page, of Suiith lield, Johnston county, N. C. Hols about 5 feet 7 or H inches high 22 years old, and spare made dark brown col our. 1 will ggive Fifty Ikillars reward for each of tbciu, if deliv ered to Mr. Solomon Davis, in Richmond, M. Cruiily, Wil mington. N. C , or secured in Jail, so that I get them again. Forlurtlur information, address Solomon lavis, Richmond, M. A. MOSELY. Reil Oak (irove, Charlotte t;o., Va. Richmond. Dec. 2d. IM53. HI tl CO-PA UTMCIl.ll I P .OTI K. ffMIE undersigned bavo this day formed a Co-partnership, 1 under th firm and stylo of RUSSELL k r.UOTIil.lt, for the transaction of the General Commission business HENRY P, RUSSELL. May 2d, 1853. JOS. II. RUSSKLL. t O-I'AHTNKHSIIIP. THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership under the name of PARSLEY, McRAE It CO., lor the transac tion of tho LUMBER liUSlNESS. O. G. PARSLEY. JOHN Mi HAL, WM." G. JUNES Wilmington, NJJ., Feb. 1st. 163 K"llf INSTRUCTION IN 1YIU8IC. TMIE SUBStlRlRER having located himself in the town of Wilmington, for the purpose of TEACHING MI'sIC, respectfully offers bia services to the citisens. He will give instructions on the Piano, (iuitur and Violin. From his long experience as Teacher, he hopes to bo enabled to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Application can be made to him at Mrs. Ford'? Hoarding House. FRANCIS A. COCIIEU. Oct. 4, 133 20-tf CREW LISTS. A large supply on b.mdaad for sale low rtthe JOURNAL OFFICE. rpUKPENTINE STILLS FOR SALE. -2 Turpentine JL Stills, complete, for sale by A II VAN HI IKK I LLN. March 20J No. 6 South Wharves 1)APER HANGING Done in superior stvle Samples can be seen at our store. WILKINSON k LSLER, Jan M Upholsters. NEW BCIOKS! NEW BOOKS'-Juat received per Ex press, a large lot of latest works: I nun as' Lat, Mansi ello , Will Criltendon, or Lone Star of ( uba ; Margaret, or Prejudices at Home its victims ; Lover upon Trinl and Ito manee-ftt Mar. 2 S. W. WHITAKKK'S. LI JET 30 bbls., for Distillers use, for sale by March 8. Fit E KM A N x HOUSTON. BUTCHER'S GENUINE" Mill" just received a full supply. March 2. IS54. Saw nnil other Files, J. M. ROBINSON. 2000 Gunny Bags, for i-alo b "as. March l i C. SMITH k CO. UPHOLSTERING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Hav ing changed our business, our whole nttention will be given to the above business. Our stock of Paper Hangings, Lace and Damask Curtains, Cornices. Shade and Window Fixtures of all kinds, is largo ; and having very superior Workmen from New York, we are enabled to Paper and fit up Private Residences, Boarding Houses. Hotels, Steam boats. Railroad Cars, Ito , at shortest i.otice. W also keep on hand, and make to order, Shuck, Mosa, Patent Felt, and Curled Hair Mattrasscs, Feethcr Beds, Pillows, Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cae, lie. ; cut and niak Carpets, and Church fashions. In fact anything connected with Up holstering. WILKINSON x ESLER, Upholsterer. At our old stand, next door to Scott Ji Baldwin. Xf:B B LsTllE FINE D S U OA RS us t TcTdJ iv 4U sale by C. DuPRE It CO. inn BALES CHOICE HAY; LOW U.. choice Ham s; 1AJL 20 Tubs Good Rotailing Butter; 20 Bnrrls Fish, Mullets and Trouts, for sale by March 23, 1854. W. M. SHERWOOD fc CO VERY BODY'CANTIAVE BUCK WHEAT CAKES W hav just received from New York something newt Buckwheat F'lourwith therntsing ingrtditnli mtxtd with the Flow, so that adding a little told trnlrr, they ar ready for use; no Salt nor Powder of any kind being ne cessary. For sale by W. M. SHERWOOD tt CO. N EW YORK it Upper Ten'anJ Lower JMiUiony by Geora-e Lippard. tenth addition, lor sale at March 7th. 8. W. WIUTAKER'S. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. Several lot for sale low, to close eonsimgrjents Jan. 81. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. N OTICE. Tho subscribers have now in store, and will con tinue to keen a stock Of superior Eastern aud North Klvcr Hay, which they will awll thtnp totca'h: ' vMaroh2d, 1854 TAYLOR It PETTE WAY. rsF.m. statistics. CattiaaHal llk laltra SUtta. Sultrh). FRANKUN I'lKKCIWdmt. 25.00o Will,ar L Martj, of Ntw-Yk, SrtarT id Ntai, 8.000 Jamea Guthrie, of Kentucky, Secrftrj of Trrtaury, .000 Jrfieraon lavi, Miaausaippi, Serltrj ot War. i.OOO J.ime C. tbliln, of Noilh-Uarolina, See'j iTNavr. .000 R. A. McCl!tnJ,of Micbifait. Sfcretary of lntrir, S.000 Jame Cawpb'!!, of Prnnsylrania. Poet mas ter Cert.. ' i.OOO Caleb Uualung, of Maai liueti, Altornej. General. i.OOO ;vrasMVHt af i llK'rila. DAVIDS R FIO, of UiKkingham. Coternor, $2,000 per annum, and ihe ue of a furmtheJ bouae. Term expires .'an I, IS55. Smnurl F. Adams. Jr , of Rockingham. Sec- rretarj to the (Jovemnr, (riclusiv of fee..) 300 lYilLam Hill, of Wake county, Secretary of Stale, (erlaive of fee.) 800 Dunel W Coti'ta, of nckingham, Treaa- urr, 1 500 William J. Claik. ol Wake. Comptroller, 1,000 Stephen Bird-all, of Wake. Chief Clerk to I rraMirer 500 The Council of Suie is cumHiaed of the following gentlemen : Kiinhroiigh Jonra, of Wake county ; Wil lum K ljuie of Wayne couniy i Whitnieil Sfallinga of Gate rounty ; ArrhibalJ llenJeraon. of Rowan county; Wilann S Hill, of Guilford oounty ; t'olum hu Mill, of Rutherford county, and R. S French, of Koheaon. Tut Boaep or I.iTiRrt aE of North Carolina ia compoaed a follow --Hia Ktrellenry, Ibttid S RciJ. Prranlrnt tr-vjfieio ; Matth' Shaw, of lleunfurt. and Alletd Jonea anl William W. !LMm, of Wak court- The IhTiRNAi.-lMrRoviaiiNr Roahd i cimiooacHl as follow Hi Fxicllrncy David S, Deiil 1'iesidcnt tt'vjjliw; Calvin Graves, ofCawtl, ami Thouiao lining, of Noftliampton cuunty. (iovr.RN Aim, with lbs ittnk of Colonel . J A. Mffnn of Gtiilford; 1 honm EutHn, jr , of Hocking ham, ami Robert Strange, jr , of Ncw-llanover. The (Ii mcmai. Aasr.HRi.v commence iia acMamtia, in Kaleigh, on the Third Monday of November, in every alternate year. The next election for member of the Senate, llnus of Commons, mid Governor, vtill be held on the First Thursday in August, 1834. AI'ItlRTION'MKNT OF MKMKKKS OF THK HOUSE OF COMMONS. The fiilliiwing ia the milliner in which the Mem beia of the House of Common (120,) ar apportioned among, th reapeolive Countteit The Countiea of Cumberland, Granville, Guilford, Chatham and Wake, The Countiea of Davidson, I'dgeoomh, Hali fax, Iredell, Nw llanover.Orange, Ran dolph, Alamance, Anton, lieaufott, Ber tie, Caawell, Cleaveland, Craven, Dup lin, Foray tli, Johnston, Mecklenbti'K, Northampton, I'itt, Uobeaon, Rocking ham, Jiowrnn, Hutherford, Sampson, 3 each. 2 each. Warren, Wimie and W ilku, J The Countiea of buncombe, Madison, Nur-) ry, ladkin Ashe, Bladen, Burke, l a bnrru, Catawba, Cherokee, Davie, (taa ton, Galea, llenderaon, Hertford, Hyde, Lincoln, Martin, Moore, Nah, Onslow, iWiuoUnk, Hereon, Hichinoml, Stanly, Stoke, Union, Yuncy, Alexander, Hrun- l each. wick, Caldwell, Camben, Carteret, Co lumbus, Currituck, Greene, June, La. noir, McDowull, Montgomery, i'crqui- inons, I yrrell, Wanlungton, Wauiiga, Macon, Haywood, Jackson, Chowan, and Franklin. j SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. The following are the Counties; composing the fif ty Senatorial District of North Carolina Districti 1st i'.iMuotunk Si Per- qililnaiiA, 2d Camden k Currituck 3d Gate and Chowan, Ith Tyrrell and Hyde, 5th Northampton, 6th Hertford, 7th -Bertie, rtth- Marliii ami rnsli in'on, Oth llaiifax, 10th Kdgccombe, llth Pitt, 12th Beaufort, 1 3th Craven, uurrtcti 311 Alamance ami Ran dolph, 32d Chatham. 33d Moore and Mont gnmoiy. 34th Hichmond and Ro beson, 35th Anson and Union, 30th Guilford, 37:h Caawell, 38th liockingham, 3'Jih Mccklcnniirj. 4otb Stanly At ('nbarru. 4lat Rowan and Davie, 42d Davidson, 43d Stokea and Forayth, 44ih Ashe, Surry. VVh tauga nnd Yadkin, 45th Wilkea, Iredell & Alexander, 4Gth Burke, McDowell, ami Citldwcll, 1 4th Carteret k Jonea, l.'nh Greene mid Lanoir, lfith New Hanover, 1 7th Duplin, 18 hOnslow, 19th Bladen, Brunswick nnd Columbua, I 20th Cumberland, 21st Sampson. 22.1 Wayne, 23d Johnston, 24th Wake, 25th Nah, 20th Franklin, 27ih Warren, 28th -Granville, 2fJth-Peron. 30th Orange, 47lh Linonln, Gaston fc Catawba, 48th Huiliertor.l and . Cleaveland, 4'Jth Buncombe. Ilemler eon, Yancey and Madison, 50th Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jack con, M'HOSE WHO WI.-.II HANDSOME PAPER HANG 1 ing will pleas call at our Sure, as we have a large and handsome assortment ; Upholstering in all branches, executed with dispatch by superior workmen. Feb WILKINSON It ESLER, Upholder. Com copy. NEW COOK BOOK, BY MISS. LESLIE." Miss Leslie's New Receipt for Cooking." It comprise new nd approved method of preparing all kinds of Soups, Fish. Oysters, Terrapins, Turtle, Vegetables, Meats, Poultry, Game, Sauces, Pickles. Swct-.leats, Cakes, Pies, Paddings, Confectionary, Rice, Indian Meal, preparations of all kinds Domestio Liqoors, Perfumery, Remedies, Laundry work, Needlework, washing thread faces of all kinds, to make them look equal to new Chines Embroidery, Letters, additional Receipts, lie. Also, list of all article in season wiled to go together for Breakfast, Dinners and Suppers, to suit large or small families, and much useful Information and many mis cellaneous subjects connected with general house-witry. Complete in 020 pages handsomely bound. Mrs, Putnam's "Receipt Book and l'oung Houw-keepcr's Assistant," new and enlarged edition. Mn. Hal' " New Rook for Cookry and Complete House keeper "Illustrated. All the above received and for sale at J. T. MUNDS' New Book Store, 3 door abov Brown & Anderson 50 1 111 DS. Molasses ; 73 bags Peruvian Guano! 800 sac cks Liverpool Salt ; 20 barrel Feyettevi . Pared Peache. - For lale bv ill floarj 1.000 lbs. Feb 22 WM. IL MeRARY. BEDS AND MATTRASSES On band and made to or dor, of India Robber, Feathers, Hair, Moss, Shuck and Felt t also, Bed Spreads, Quilts, Sheets, Pillow Cases, ki , for sale by WILKINSON It F.SLER. Upholsters. 0 11 KIT BAKKkLe. W0 prima wmh.M band Sr Y t. tO rait, for ial by Dn.Oi5L,T It IfaO .N. it tTEt or rxstGirr rie axw toai to wojimtow. Cox C aVww, Bat, Tracks, Casks f Har Iwar. Cattoa Carries;, fa! nor, Slav. Iaa4x. Ralls Uaaasw.SaddJ Tie. Caliar. Taa. ia alt tackarr. aad all tier aaamraat Casx Crat la fe rkm, i i aad khaUaf Crarkary, k. 1 - l.J IVa. ia- Wk. i Sugar aad la IU4 - 100 Iksu. t epperaa. Gra, i I I , IriNS as4 Stawr per tea, i i Pia f maar.) Hhd. do Veacks i i lto, Molasass, ) Barrels, wet aai dry, taek, i i i Maaaiila Cardag. for tea, i i , i Tanrd Vo I. i i i haiHlle l chair. ack skalr, i Hollow War, per lea, i i pa , ii I Caatioai Mackurv, toa, t i Keg f Nail,t 100 lbs , tack, t A at lis, rh, i t i Vis, ack, t t t - I Keg or Tub f Hulter, af 100 lb, h, Klarka.aiik's IWlUwt, eh, i I i i Powder, per keg. I I i I i Hay, per bl. i t i t i Hot of Aim d Tia. task, i i Aajuafortia and Vitrei, la bi r rby, lack, Wsgoa Hra, poeM. I I I Kaga f Pa ll. I, uf II lbs., eaoh, I I l'j- r its X in j I ex u h fltj : li ' oi JO 01 01 t-bovela. Siaa, yiks, kt, Catting Knlv, Frying Paaa, aad Ho, la adl 4 half - a, 4h, i i i t i . Prwiue. per doiao, i : I t ''ifje. par hag. i i I I Cheva. pr ta-k, I I " I I U I or shot, per tna, i t I ht, par bag, it i ii SoW aad lUra Leather, per side, i t raj , 10 In IN ft 101 Wrapping Paper, prraai, t i I lot Mill stoa. amall, pr bair. i i a I X) Do. Iare. d-x. i I I 00 Gi(s,eh, ii i i i 6,00 Jeray Waon. sack. i I I I 00 Slag Coaeu, eompltt, i t I j lljOO la.. do. en dek. i I I lUioa Plottcka, vack. t i i i i :S'I Chams ia baa-a. aeh. i t t I 1 10 Small Keg. acb, i i I I , U A rta'ie bo ouwratd cbrgd la proportion. tr InformatloB uat b giva t th Agtwt, la New York, of all I'a-kageseoBtaluiB Pewder, r 4bl rata will invariably ba ehargad, beside th Shipper bald liabU nr all uamagaa arising rroM aegiMier ibi aoua. i.toai. itigs) or imtiucbT , im vaaeirraisav itsti aa TsaaiTtsia. . Maine : per real , tw(it ! Ih claim. - New Uainpshlr, par tent. ; forfait f Ibrk lh tMuat ua awfully ukea Vrriiionl, pel rent ; recovery la actioa and ou. Miiaaeehueeti, par ent. lor frit af Ihrla th aanry. Nlioil Island, percent j lor fell ol Ilia usury aad IntafMt M Ihe ilehl Conneelieul, t per caul. I forfall of III whol debt. New Vork, T per (ant. uaurlmt ontrcl fold. New Jersey, T per cent. forfeit ef I h whel abt j -Peoiiaylvsnia. I par rent forfait of lh whol debt Delaware, ( per eent, , forfeit ef In whol tabt Msrylaml. t percent ( on lobseca caatratl l aurlU toa trans void. ViriBla, per reol.j forfeit Joubl lh aanry. North rarolna, I iMr eenl.i contract for Maurr Void forfeit JoilhW th uaury an mm i aroinia.7 percent. forfait Mlntrttd Biaotlaai ta ken, with c.aia. Umiiiia, H per rant. lor fall Ihrlc th usury. Alabama, i per ent forfait of Inlareel au aory. Miaaiaeippi, h par tnl. by contract 10 aaart rvrakU la ' actio for debt. Loulalana, S percent. ; Bank lntrat Blrt hajaod oa tract, Inlereat void. 1 ennrasea, par (ant aanrlouasoalrset void. Unilinear, par rani usury tacovcrabl with coal. Ulilo, per cent. usurious contract void. Indiana, per cent.- On of doubl th eieee. ' ' llliooia, per cnl.-br coairacl !i-byoad forfll Ihrlc k -Inlarret. Ml"ourl, I per cam -by eonlracl 10 -if beyond, forfeit f a. leresl ami uaury. i Michigan, 7 par cent forfeit of usury en. fourth f aatil. Aikanaaa. 0 per ctnl.bt airaamenl IO-uurv reaavarakta. but contract void ,s.i Ulatrlcl Coliimhla, f per cent. usurlou ontrct void. KlurOla, per cant. -forfall Interest and ices. ;- i . Wiecoiiaiii, T per tent-by eonlracl 18 lorfalttlirlc thxea I iwa, by agreement, aad a farced by law. a rii debt orjuilfiitsnts In faver of lh Uallsd frUI, laUrMll eompiilrd al 6 par cant, par aaaai. - - . TA It I fK Of COMMIBUlona AMD ClIARUKS, , At Wilmington, AT. C, adopted by hi M WUming ton Chambtr of Commertt," to g info tffttt on Ifltf after tin fint Jay of July, 1853, v : , On purchas and shipment of produoa oa foreign account, 2J nr ol " Drawing Bill for the tame, not exceed' inx aixty duyt eight, - - 2J " Pure bate and ahiprnent of produce en -domeatic acoount and drawing for eitme, not exceeding thirty daja, 2) M over thirty end not exceeding eixtj day, JJ . over eixty daya, . , t " sale of merchandize, 2 " guaranty of tame, Jl " collecting of freight, when to one party i " do. do. when to different parlie, , 5 " procuring freight, 2 " ahip'a diahureemenla, with fund in band t " do do. drawing bills, or en ; dnraiag for same, if over thirty dayi, 0 " endorsing and negotiating bill of ex change, foreign orUnmeailo, 2 " goods conaigned to, or lodged with mer chnnta for tale, and afterward or dered to be re hipped or delivered up. on amount of Invoice, " cargoes of veasela in diatreat, when the , ; . goods are bonded, lodged io Cue tom-houe or stored, and afterwarda re ahippe.l, an eolue, " effocting inaurance, on amount ineor ed. . 0) " recovering loMea, if litigated, & " do do. without litigation, if - under acceplance, ' " jj1 " recovering loaae, without litigation. If ' not under acceptance, , , : 1 " collecting money, if litigated. - 0 " do. do. with. ml litigation. 21 ta at ii l ii ii ii " do. hid of exchange and remit ting for aame, I " receiving and forwarding goode by rir er, on nmonnt difburaed, ' 20 " receiving and forwarding gno a by rail- rond, on amount ilinbursed, 12 " On Receiving and Forwarding Prod tug. Cotton, per bale, 10 cent. Sheeting, Yarn, ivc., per hale, , ; 8 Flour, and I other dry barrel, per bbl 3 Barrels of Liquor, &c , . each, 10 d.. of Ore, . . 20 do. of Spirits Turpentine, l0 do. of Rosin, Tar, Turpentine, Sio ,' 3 Hh.ls. of Wax, Seed, 1 obacco, &c, " 25 Bogs of Seed, f. ... 3 Casks of " ; 10 Boxes of Tobacco, - " 5 ai II II II Single Packages, " 25 ' " When Vtiseliari Frrghted chiefly' for-Lumber, ani itp special agreement ii mndt respecting the propor tion of other articles to the thousand tuptrjiaal feet, the following standard shall regulate, vis : Turpentine, : 12 barrele Rice, , 3,300 lbs. grr-. Rosin. - 12 " Grain in bags, .SO bu' ' Tar or Fitch. 13 . :'( Shingles, Contract ?' ) 8 Turpentine, 0 " do. Comrouo, Floor, " 16 '.:' 'Hogtbead Slaves, I Tobacco, . , 2 hhdi. (Barrel- - do. I . 50OO LBS. N. C. Ilamif, very line, for ' March 17. I NOTHER SUPI'LY OF Tl' J ! I, n-l tb Fbfury r 1 fill r i s I f