.As t PUBLISHED BY FH.TON k PKICK, WII.MINCTOX. .NOKTII KOU A. SIX DOLLARS A YL'AR, IN ADVAlNi VOLUME a NQ 2(8. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY !). ISoi. WHOLE NUMBER 820. i t or iPVCKTHlNU. CM Hflll lit? 2 iiti 5 dV 4 day 3 dv 1 ink 2 wttk 1 BSOBth.... 2 mooik .... ? . 5 i . 7i .1 STk .2 00 .5 00 3 Month. , 3 aaoatk aaoatk 1 year Months, S 00 I r 13 M Ta liaea are eeaaUd as a future, and tve line ories a hall-aaaar. latt adrrrtimCBH ib ervponiva. ana iti i pajabU ta ajraaca CJ" All kalf 4um avt piJ fr ia aJanc will b tkarfrd aa a aquar. 4rN publifatioa wad without a rtiKu;iblu Uduio lrriTtl ind rrpartnrr f thr IiiU. - Tat Mail fur tbt South tK-vi daily at !, I' M , tTiTiw It. Lttcn aiurt b ia the office 13 Biiouiea ix for tb tiui w eloaiag. For North of Hichnond, Va., tlo- Uilr at I, V M and 10, P. M. For Richmond, Va , and South of that and North of thi. daily at 9, I. M. For FayttTlll, ia Warsaw, I'lintoa, lie, daily all. r. m. Ft Fay.tt.yill.. Tia KlitabethtowB fvcrr Moq.Ut, Wedocaday and Friday at 8 o'clock, 1. M Letter must b ia tbt office at least IS uilmite hefor the tiatof tloairj. JA. t. 0ILLKNP1K. OK'l V O It.l.kvf j : . JAS. V. GILKKMMK fc ( !., PRODUCE ANT) FOR WAKIUN'i i AGENTS. Wll.VIIT'IN, N C. Tartiwlar atteotioa jaid to the re)eipt and fale of Natnl Storaa, Timber, Lomber, Corn, Kaeoo, Cotton, ke , ii- GEORGT. V. AUCTIOXEER, March 17th, ISM DAVIS, Wilmington, N C KK8T.UIIAT, 3 DOORS NORTH OF THE HOOK SPRING, Formerly kept by Goner. O Walton Meali furaiheJ at all hour. It B IU'KNI;TT, IVoprietor March 13, lS5d. l.Vt Km W. ( . IIOWAKD. GENERAL COMMISSION a.M FORWARDIXt: MfRCHaxT, WitjiioroN, N. C. tf Liberal Canh advances ma.lc on CoiiMii;nim.'nt Nor. 2, im 71 -tf . I'Jttl ANDIRSOM, KDWAIII) SAVAOK ADi:UIO .V. S VAt-K, C1ENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. T Wilmington N C. Liberal oath adrancei made on eoniRnm'"nt. I0v;tj WILLIAM A. ;YVKK, FACTOR, FORWARDING ai COMMISSION MER CHANT, Wilmington, N. C. KW Particular attention given to the Sale or Shipment of Naral Storei, and liboral Cash advances made on Con elgwoBta. (Oct. 12, '5.1 : ly HI. CR0NZ.7. BROKER, AUCTIONEER, ANl) GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT. Wii.sinoro.1, N. V,. llaal Katatc, S( eg roe a. Hank twk, lloixla, llowar hold Knrlti,andoTcry djjcriptionof I'iowry bimglit and told on oomminioii, either at private, or puhlie tale. MTKofOr to tb publio generally. June ISth, 1W3 211 W)l. M. IIAUKIHA, GENEIIAI. CommUalon Mrrrhant ii Nhlp llrokrr, Wilmington, X. C E EFKRKNCK : 0. O. lariley, Esq., ) Dudley ll Huntington, Wilmington, N. C. Ju. Corner Jt Som, Baltimore. E A. Souder It Co.. Philadelphia Tafti 4 Hunting, iloston 12-Iy UCSSKLL tV I1KOTIIER, (latk it-Lis, m asKix a co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMIMOTON, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Store, Cotton, and other produce. EDWAKO J. Ll TTKHLOII. F5RWARDINO AND COMMISSION MEHCHANT, Wilminrton, N. C, and Agent for Steamern ROWAN, FANNY LUTTEKLOH and MAJ. W. BAICNiI. April lit, I8C3. 177-1 y A. II. VASBOKKKLKff, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANT, WiltningtoD, N. C. Particular attention given to ale and purchuso of Naval .SUrei. Jan. 1, 1H53.-10U-Iy il0. rOTTt BROWN, ARMA1D J. DF.KOSSRT, jr., R. F. BROW.1 BROWN A DeROSSET, Krw York, OeROSSET A BROWN, WlliulnKtoii, K. ., 2 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H. doixnkk, a. ro-rtr.R.jr. ' IKLLEH M POTTER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-lyM New York w"Liberal cash advances mado on consignmi'nts JOHEPII II. KLANXER, GEIf ERAL Couunlaaloit Jlcri limit, . 2-ly Wilmington, . C. ADAMS. QROTIIER k CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmivotom, N. 0. JoHH MacKai, Donald MacRak, John W. K. Dix. J.MO. McRAE A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 71-2 Wilmington, N. C Tc. DUPRK, D. B. BAKRR. C. DuPHK & ( O., , II THOLES ALE AND PtETAIL GROCERS, VV Cornor Front and Prinocg-strect, Wilmington, N ( O. I. FILLY AYV, PRODUCE BROKER, COMMISSION AND wardino Merchant, Wiluiington, X. C 8ept. 20, 1853 FOR 11 HENRY Nt'TT. FACTOlt AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hi personal attention to bumacM entrusted to liia care. ; Sept. 7, 1B63. I VV. HAMILTON BIcRARY. F)RWARDIXG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and As est fob Frank and Jkrry Steamboat Line, 23 North Water itreet, Wilmington, N. C. 1-y A. D. TAYLOR, JAS. T. rETTEWAY ', TAYLOR PETTE WAY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water trect, Wilminoton, N. C . Jan. 13. 1854. K. M, KlURCHISON, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. February 2d, 1854 12-2m . James C. Smith. Miles Costin. JAS. C. SMITH tb CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lave removed their of " o Jke eooond atory of the building formerly occu pied br the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared lo attend to all buaines in th Commisrion line. ,,. All busincea- entrusUd to them will.be punetually attcn .tlodto. f Jan. 11, 154. t Marion Star and Carolinian cony one year and lend bill m above. - . J. HATHAWAY & BOt. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . - . " Wlf,MINOTON. N. C. Jan. 7, 1854 ' ' '-"' ' "" 104 A FEW D0Z. OK THOSE PARIS KIDS.-W have received a few doeri pair to acecmwtiUo our custom. em. (n tooount of their tpottinff, we shall retire r more efore fail. ,, , SCOTT & i' A LDWLN y rate AU Bt AR 1 dT i day, 1 days, 4 dTf, sUm, I week 1 week,.... 1 Month 5 moat a,... (It 30 7J I no I 23 I 1 73 2 73 4 00 7 00 ...10 00 if CO l) (X) K. H illt. Mt KIKt. .KANT. . CO. t. miuii. CI FTN F.K A L Ci MM ISS1' N Jr FORWARDING M1K- CHANTS. WlLMlNGTi N. C.-Smal aad prowpt mteaUcn mi la lh sale f Naval Store. CmUub. A r, TU Bsual taoilitiei wffcrvd v CvesijnueBt March 3 ISiMlui A-la. . e. salivas., ...to. ' vhn rRKEMlil . HOrSTOS. WIlMaUgt.. X.C., MERCHANTS AM FACTO US It. 1. RICE-H AN CO , !Ww Vrk, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 173. Froat Si HOLME IIOTKI.. FORMERLY THE MANCHESTER. THK mtharriber hiring take, lb above aacativurd IUU SE, has tkoewigbly eleamrJ aad Itted it ap, an t U Kw rea.lv for the rteeHio. of transient and rs-rma- hent B.rier. l"he public may rt!l assured that no pains ill l. siarrd . to reader this worthy their triijg. The 'laWv will lwav Ve tuH-ln-l aitli th Urt our uou u 1 alj.viit aiarkt ca fu'ui.-a '1 be li.-cuis ilt U- k -t in tlie . t of urdt-r, ami thf -mnt jdt :m 1 attrniiw The Bar will b jtu.'liJ with thr i'hnul i.f Wiiiw, l.i'U..M Cigars, ini;'rt.-J iprf jljr br tbo rroi.ri, tr. Man-li I A, IsSI-ltAOiu " OWKN llli..li;. I.. t. O. HHtm.KY, 7 lKl"u:iT .V CHKMIT. Wn.xivor. N. I Yw IUtibj i urv)kl tba lnujf tal.libuif lit of Mrwrx & B k). A Luni, will kwp always on hnnJ, at wbulale and rtil, a larie anil rry nt-U-! tix'k of IHurs : me,ut 1VtVnt M-li, inV- IVrfu .rV. ami i-anrv .rt. -!. at low prip. "I'liyvician'ii i'n ri.tiou j ut up rornvtly nl with dipatch March 2th. Iil Ittl T. I . M OKTII. G "1 ENKK Al. COMMISSION M KltCHANT, I'ju iI advanetn (in coiivigiiuirnt of otton. Naval Stores, and other produce. l'artirular attcntiou given bv G. W. IIavi to uri'hainj; cargoe!, rKurintt freights (or veteU, 4i January llth, KM ll-lv UK J. IV NrllKK, Jr., MoVEH hi. office to the comer of Front It HAs UI. Che-till tuut Sticet. Oct 15, s.VI :it f II.MIN.TO ) OIL WOIIK. W M. I't.ANNKR. IIKMiV 1(1.1. A. TALL. MANCFAt Tl TIERS of . OIL, PAINTERS' AM) Kiiperior M'liRICATIMi TANNERS' OILS, VAR- NISHES, PITCH, l.r. F A T. are aluo uianufiiclui ing a I. IT I! I 'ATI V ' GREASE, for Carriage and Cart Axles, Slide, lie Thi til! EASE works cleaner, and n cheaper thau any that has yet been offered for sale. Sampler, of both iU mid t ireaae, may be en at the office of Mr I. II. Flanner, 2i North Wnt.-r street, or at F. A" TVs office, California N. B --No admittance on the works May !th, W'H -.ii'l tl W. M. tllERY(OI .V. ( O., U7IK iEESAEE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, keep conaautly oh hand everything in their line, mi ted to a cily aud country trade 'l in y now offer for Nile : 10 bl.lr . Flour, North Carolina and S,oithrn hrMiiils ; 10 hhd Sugar; :) l.l.l.s do ; .VI faeks Coffee; 20 bbl Craekem 2D boxes do ; :ill l.bls Ci ty Mess Pork; ID hall bills, l ulton Market Heel ; III firkin liutter, duily exieited ; 2 tuns Chi'esc ; 2tl boxes Caiulv ; 5 bbU. Snuff ; 3 tons Hoop Iron , ID kegs Nails f 2!i0 sticks Salt ; 00 bags Shot ; 20 boxes Candles ; and everything else ncce.-aary to eonslituto a good stock. All coiisignmeiils of Naval Store, toglierwithCotton, HasM.n, Laril.Corn Meal, Flour, itc , shall reeiva the highest inrktt prie S'eond door North of the Custom lloiue ( ctober I Ith, IS3. co-FAitTivrn8uzr notice. 'Till - uudersigned have this dav formed a co uirtiiershii, under the name of CCSTEN, GR'Et H k CO., for the trans action of the Lumber business MIKES COSTIN, I. El, I GREGG, ALFRED SMITH, Marchlilh.IH5-l-l00.tr J G LITTLE FIELD Coiiitucrcial copy. W. II. Mi KOt . "1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, VT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. ('., intends keeping at the a bovo atand, a large aidortment or ( ; R OC E li I ES, LKJCOR S and PROVISION'S, at wholesale mid retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all oritur from the. country I would respectfully invite (be ritixens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elcwherc. I intend to curry on a general com mission business Particular attention will b given to the ate of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce Liberal Cash advances aiadc on consignments. Wilmington, ictober (ith, 1M52. 27-tf-litf n. ' mmMAN It co., is. v. freeman k uoi.troN, wm.'.n KRKEMAN ft HOt'STO. MERCHANTS AND FACTORS Wii.mino ton, N. C., keep constantly on hand a stock of Flimi .-, Coftt, I'uik, litiitm. Suit. L'nJJtt, Sugar, Mlattn, 'J'olmrr,,, Ciqiirt, Snuff, Cii tulli I S'Hif) , foreign anil Ihmuttir .ouori and IVintt ; row, A'uis, I'atnlt, Oils, (tlnti, Atfrtrulturat ,nt)iirmtntn, and a variety of other articles, suitable foi funiilv and plantation use and the retail trade, which they will dispose nfinlotfttn suit dealer or consumer on reas onarile term fur cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other produce The senior partner, D. C. Fkkb.han, i.i located in the city of New York j the junior partner, Gko. IIoi siun. in Wil mington. If desired, advance will be mado on consign ment to and from either place. All businc entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled J. WI..SSEI., It. K. KII.KRS W ESS EL A. KILE US, (10M.MISSIO. Mers limit and Wliolrsali Grm tri, J North Water Street, Wilmington, X. C, intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions, Ht wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. RKFKRENCE : E. P. Ham,, Pres't Branch Bankof the State. ) O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Rank, Wilmington P. K. Dickinson, Esq., ) Pot'i-K & Co., I .... i. .1, DlM.NKR ( PoTTKR, 0rk' I III) J. M. ROBINSON, 1 M PORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axlctrees, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron, Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Rivets, fcc. Itc. His stock i now very full and complete, with m ny'additions of new and useful article in thu house-keeping line Merchants who arc disposed to natronio Southern es tablishments, arc pinrantrtd all articles iu his line asluw as they can be procured North. Wilmington, N.C., Sept. 21, 1H52 J HARVKV, COCHRAN, VV s It I 'ssf;,,. COCHRAN .1. Rt'SSKLI,. (Successors to Thotna Allibone & t'o .) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. U2 North Wharves, and 3 North Water Sheet. Phila delphia, far Liberal cash advances uiadc on consignments. July 30th, m '27ft II. t . TIIAC'IIEH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 48 INDIA STREET, BOSTON. Customary advances tuadeon consignments of Naval Store. refer to: Kay.ner, k Git.Mor.K New York. Rankin ite Martin, Wilmington. N. ' September 10, bo3. ! W. G Rayner, J RAYNER & I.ILMORE, R. GlLMORE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 154 Water Street, New York. llEriiPENCKS. E. Kidder, E..; J. II. Flanner, Esq.; Messrs. Rankin It Martin. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. February llth, 1H53 135-tf EARD.-10 kee 1'riu.o N. C, for sale by March 17 ' C. Du C. DuPRE It CO N O. BACON. 5,000 lbs.. Haui, Side and Shoulder N. C. Bacon good article just receired per Railroad. For sale by J. HATHAWAY k SON A FEW OF OUR CUSTOMERS hare not paid their accounts, du Iff January tart. If w coo Id do busl nes without monry, wo would no ask for It. Al H i, we can't do without it. Will you call and ettle, or must wt end alter yoa 1 . SCOTT It BALDWIN, Market it. t K. HI HO. IIIOV II i: 11 T K j . ; ir i r a: r s I Il4-4iailr(a fr l4Uill. K.UWr lr STROKO inON ZUXSTCABS. d'lcd by liwillini", llot.U. AUiun l"ti-.n-, t l b Url axtm ttt at lwf-t ! en hxi J WIKK KAII.INC. WKT AN!CAS IKt'N li ill INti ANl li;v H KMTt'KK. 2nd cdilKHi t tb w l'ha.- iu liuu .Vii.ul. I i 1 t ft fWJi-UfJ WOlthV VI, X M. .VI bhI .l I. l, v...t. Marvh 21-. I! MMm i. t aM ni i i rirtii t tMIHH.I. f AHKKH. V'MMISMON MKUi HANTS. V. II. 41 Wiii A t 'tlioe rra rlv Man-k H. s. I l Mr I ' It Ii. 1. . UK II.K . Dia ;;ist i II KM I -T. -u.w.r to S. I! A t W aiid lrlil .1. nl'-rm Ihui:-. Mn vibcj, t bvuii.aU, I ami", tsL, i.li-.. I'al.iit M.-.li, . IVrfuun'ry, t ijCii, ' 'Id liraji.iiv-mii I Win. . in-, A.-, ..t low iticvs N nih Wi .l ( ..fiir I luiit an 1 Ma kit trt.i iliui.isti.n, N C . Mm. h K.I Irtvil 1AVII I II Ml. mil ' lu ii . i TUAXTV & WHEONE. ii;ni:i;ai. imi--iin mkkciiants. n. ii St.uth Wharvi'., 1'nil M' i i hi i Siwvial Htti'iitiou irn to, ami libr:il advitme iini.l. inijiiiiii"nts ol N4al S'oiv.", l 'niton an. I Uice lii'li r-" to Mi',"i,. I ii i i l'.itiw , i ; ri!M i , i.f , i"rr."t t oiiiiiu ii i.ii r i k, K I' H.i i . K.t , l'ie'l Hank ol lh.' Stat, . Tm" II U I ion r,K-q ,1'rv 't H'k o Ca f . I i liruai v -M. K'l I II Iv t VltOI.INA IIOIKI.. I'lKIM-.UMir ltli:. Hit. WiKMi, I'roputlor, has thi day awM ial.d ill. .him. in the llol.l I.umii.-, N Tll A N I I.I. It l CENT, and will I'oiitiiiui' undi'r lie fli ui ofWiM.iiA' ( i r. Thnnkful lor pat favor, by lri't attention to VlN I.. i i no k we hoi lor a eontinu iim o ot the same li . I., w in 'ii. N li. VINt I.N I luiiu it, iva- 2:u-tt YAl.l'AIILK IIW KI.I.INt. IIOl NK Mill SAI.K. 'PHI', Sulcril.er offeis for ale that iut tlciraldei 1 DWELLING AND PR KMM.S, situate at th North Wertcm interaction of Third stm-t with Red ' o strnet, th' Lot Iroiiting Hsl feet on Red t ross, and 200 , , I on Third Th Dwelling lluii-c, K iti hen. Smoke I loiii , SI alili i u i all the ot her out houses on the pieuiixf hate I n ImiiiI vvithni few years, ol ehoiee m.ili i ial., in the I -1 man' . , and n early .ill ol them covered with tin. The Ihiillin -House is capacious, handsomely liuished, and nio-l eouu n iently planned, and all the ol her building are judicioii.-ly .n ranged, and well tilted up I hero are IV w Lots in Wilmington m 1 i i j I, t ' United, and the iiiiprovciiit-nts on which are o admirably adapte I for a family residence. Third strnet on the entire l.astiin line of this lot. U W) lei I wide, and i utrale it Iroiu thai mi li i'-ti a in w Episcopal I hurt h n about to l.e erectvd Peixiiis de.itiiig to 'in liae, e.in iiM-erti.ili terms of -. I -bv application to the subscriber, or N N Nixon, Esq, ir . C:- l. , and th siibseril.i r will eheeifilHv n mpany HIlVMO'll Vtl.o IVl. h to III pi I I the I,. Sept. 7, IS.VI I II II R Nl o wt 'ouiincreiHl eiq v 1 1 UK III Mlltl II IMII.MIIH. Ill tV till) tl.W lM. LIU'S. III'. t ICI. 111.- I 1 1 1 .. r , lloiu hi. pl.uil tf fv He eounly, iiinia, tun Nelo v Ali i III I! A owned by Mr Criffilh 1 Mcliee, V uty, N ('., and has a wife near Long R ANA WAY from th at ion in Chariot I men named .1 IM and JIM was toriuerly iiwiio ot New i ianovr county, iN ., anil has a wile near Long I reck. He is about 2H year old, 5 l et 7 inehis bich. it ok browu color has dome rotten teeth iu front has small eyes and H-ak quickly. ART HIT. was purehiiseil of l.phraiiu Page, ol Suiitli. Geld, Johnston county, N. C. He is about 5 feet 7 or inchc high- 22 years old, and spare made dark brown eol our. J will ggive Fifty llollam reward for cas h of Hu m, if ib li -ore. I to Mr. . Solomon Dat is, in Rlohinimil, M Cronly, Wil mington, N. ( , or aecurcd iu Jail, so that I g t them aaiu ForTurthcr inloimalioii, ad Ire.-s Solomon Davis. It i. liiii.iii.l M. A. MOSELY, Red Oak Grovt, ( harlot Ii Co , Va Richmond, lkc 2d. Ki 1 tl I IH'AH I KHSIII MII K E. flMIE undersigned have thi day formed a Co-partncrsliip, 1 under the Arm and style of RI s.- E LL It URo'l 'IILI., for the transaction ol the ( ieneral Cointnissiuii hiisiness HKNR V P RI SSELL May 2d, 11. JOS II l:l SSELL. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC, rill I K SlIRSCRHIER having located himsell in the town A of Wilmington, for the purpoeol TEACHING Ml Mi . rcpectfully offers his ervii-e in the eitiiens lie willgiu instructions on the Piano, ( iuitnr snd Violin I non his long experience a Teacher, he hope to be enabled t give fill satisfaction to all who may favor him wilh I heir paironag Application can be made to In in at Mrs lord'- Roarding House. FRANtlls A cot 111,1 Oct. 4, I SKI 2t.if CREW LISTS, ttth A largo aupoly on li.tnd .i I l..r -n 1 l . w JOI'IINAI, oFUCE ri-vCRPENTINE .s'MLLS FOR -ALL ur,i nl in. 1 lills, complete, for sale by A. II V'ANP.ohULLEN, March 20J No. . South Wharves f)APER HANGINO Done in superior tvl Mnnpl 1 enn be .seen .it our store WILKINso.N k ESI.E R, Jan ) Cj. holsters f A LUE.-.TO 1,4.1... for Distillers' use. for -al. bv VI March M. FREEMAN A IP 'I oN. B1 UTCHER'S tiENI INE Mill Snw I nh.r Hil. just received n Tiill sui.ply I M l.'oil -ii March 2, isrl. O lAf 1 ' .iinnv Rags, .,r sale by CJJ) March VA JAS. t -MITH&co U PHOKSTERINO. IN ALL ITS IIRAM Hl.s Ha. inir chanired our business, our whole attention will l.e I given to the above luisinessi. Ourstoek of Papi r Hangii'gs, Lace and Damaik Curtain. Cornice, Shade, and Window fixture of all kinds, is large ; and having eiy su-M-rior Workmen from New York, we are enabled l" Pnis-r and tit up Private Rciidcnces, Hoarding Houses. ll-teN, Sleuni boat. Railroad Car, ka ., nt shortest riot ice We nlso keep on band, aud make to order. Shuck, Moss, Piilent I ill, and Curled Hair Mnttras'es, Fcetiier licds. Pillow-, spread, Sheots, Pillow Case, lie; eu and nink" CarpOs, nnd Church Ca hions. In fa-t .inylLing i neeied with I'p bolstering. WILKINsi )N .V KsKEIi. phltroiii. At our obi stand, next dooi In ciLt k I Jul' I ve i u 40 RISES. REFINED SI i JAR -Just received and lor nle by c. DuPRE k t .' '. l WHEAT CAKEs" IVERY UODV CAN HA VI RI I H Wc have jii't received from New York Foincthiug I new: lluckwhcat Flour wild the .'ski? ingrrin ns mi ml j with Ihf Hunr, that adding a littlo rnldmtUi, th'y are ready for use : no Sa t nor t'owders ot any kin.l liemg nr. i ccs-iury. For sale by W. M -HER Wood a- TICW YORK -its 1'ii.er Ten and Lower Million. I.y VI . . .' ieorge Li.m:i, Imlh addition b'or sale nt March 7th. S. W. Will TAKER'S. T RTII CAROLINA RACiiN Several lots lor 'ale Xl low, to close cotisinigninti Jan. 31. FREEMAN It HOUSTON. VJOTICE The subscribers have now in store, and nillcon. 1 tinue to keep a stock of us rior Eastern mid North River Hay, which they will mI1 ihrni for rush. March 2,1, 1K5I TAYLOR & PETTEWAV NOTICE. " ALL person indcl.tcl to STEAMER HENRIETTA, for Freight, up to date, aro notified to como forward ami Btttle, or their accounts will be I'laoed in the hand ol an officer for collection. All ir.sons having claium against said Steamer, will present them for payment to April 19, 1804-192-tlJ VESSI.L & FILERS, Agent. THE WAY TO SELL IS To ADVERTISE. onp I Moaptl Soaptll We certainly must have the cltan cntoat Jet of customers in town, for we ecll nothing but Snip. luoiuron, the fellow that wrote " J uo ."eusons, nays : " Vlainlinsri, as a virtue, has ever been claimed. And filth, with low rices, is usually named. How important it is tbcu, abroad wbtn we're seen, That our person and lined should always be clean. Th twin ail aatcuUU to, may wc not huto To increase th demand for our beautifnl Soap." KESTON It TOWXSHEND bav received a great va riety. Golgate'a Brown and Pale, in whole aud hulf boio I Lee a Soap ; Chemical Olive Soap ; Vkriegated and White Soap; Rrown Windsor " Variegated and White tVt.l Steel Soap," for washing ia HARD iraief Thomson'! Washing Compound Transparent Soap j Military Shaving; Gen tlemen'i Favorite v'lraTCllcr' do. Dew Drop; Iadie Fa vorite Bathing Soap j Soap Powder; and ' Washing mode tay," one pack will make two gallons of soft Soap. April 17th, 1H54. I'SKKt'L STATISTICS. It.iiiNMtttt mt f lh I Mlll fclalr. .Wir H:NKUN I'lKRCK, IVt-..Jent. Will am U Marry. 'f New-wV. Strr'arj of State Jam (Jutlirie. f KenttHky, Vfrftiry f Tiraurr, Jelf.'iMm !,, v MiMKiu. Sfi-rtary of War, J.imra (' l.bin, rf Nwth i'arolinik, Sef'y T Nav. II. A. M.l lcllau !. t.lMiobijt itt. Se'irtirv of Interior, Jiimri Cainphf ll, of IVnnv1riinia. l'titiiia- trr (!fn., Calh t'ualiin, of Maiii littrtu, Altivrnrr-;fr-ral. , i i.iMt n mf ilk-4 aiwilwM. I VI1 S Ki ll, of II.Hkilifum, lIotPiniHT. (. r iiiiuiiii .vii-l the iii of a fitiiihitl I.. 'U -f I i 1 l:i nte- '.in I , I HSj S.iiuiitl V Adatni Ji , i.f Km Unchain Sc frrlary tn llie (iuvrinoi , ini'lmur ol l'.v. illiuiii Hill, of W.tLe vuunty, Secretary of Slit'e, trt'luif of fri'o.) I'.miel V Coti't. i.l lo kinn'1'"!. I n'' 0 1' V. U ilia;n J t l.ii ko. ol Walk!', Coiii.tiol!i r. ii phi ii Hir.Nall ol Vko lii f i'l. ik Im I HM-un r ti,tM)' H.tHHl M.tHH H.OOl H.IMKI S.lHI'l H.I KID 5U( IMIO 1 lo' ( uiiiii'il ..I Stale is i imipiscd of the lolluwinj; gentli'iiii'ii : kiinliioiili June", of Wake county , Wil Ii.iiii K Line of Wayne) rouiuy , Wl.ilini'll Stulling ol t.ntt'H couitly - A uli ibalil ileiuUrson, of Rowan coiiniv . Wilson S Hill, ol (luilfonl count)' .('oliim l.iis M ill, ol Rutl.erloul I'oiinly, uiol li S FicmcIi, "I Itolll'HOII lilt l.oM.liot I.l I III 1 1 III of.Nmlli ( .imliiil i. i iiipoe.l as fullos;-.is Kvirllcncy, David S lo iil, l i i i. . cut i vjfii in , MallliiMv Sliitw, of licunfm t, ami Alii'id l.iiu s in William W II. Iili ii, i f W.ikc I'oiin- n. I ll t. U 1 1 kN I. Imi'M.'V I Ml N Is lii.KO in CiiIiikisi. u lolliivts Ili i Exiillt'lii ) I .a v i.l . I !.! Pie i'lcnt i i-njli iii , I ulvin (iiavt's, i.(';isill ami Tlioiiuit I'litgg, 1. 1 Noi llmiiiptoii riiiiulv tiliV HIN 'lis Allis, will) lln' i.mk ol ( oluni I . J A Mi l.t mi of (Jiiilfiuil Tlioniiis Iliilfin, jr , of Kui kin liuin, uml liiiheit Mr.mc.ji , of Now Hanover Till I.IMIIH AhKIIIU i'OIIIIIUIII'CS lis M'ssmllS ii li.ii. igli mi (lie Tlno! M uul.iv nl i v i mini, in cvrl ulltlllilte yi'HI ' In' licit I'li'i'lillll for llli'lll'ii'is ol tin Neil. lie, lloiiso ol Coinnioii , aiol iiivciiior, will l.c brlil i ll (lie 1'ilhl t lliiis.l.iv iii ,ngil"l, IN.'il , I'I'oi;tio.ii;n i ol .mi:.ii:ei;s OK Till Mem llol'sK of commons. I Iii' lolluw Mi"; is llii- iii.iniiei in wlni'li hois of the lloip ol Common ( I'.'n ) are iipporiioned I lunoo llie rt'xM'i:tivii ( oilnlic i 1 lie ( mililies u t iiiiil.eiliui l . il.uiV ille, Giiitluiil, Cliatliuiii and Wake, I... .. ii. I.. 1 CO 1 1 I no i ..ii ii t tat. oi imviusiiii. r.iigoc-oiiiii, i I a 1 1 ; l.t v . 1 1 till 11, New lljiiiivrr,Otaii(e, li.in ilolpli, Al.ilil.il.ir, Alisnn. Ilruufotl, Hoi- I In-, ( imwi.'ll, li'iiM'l.iinl, Crii von. Diip- J liti, lotsythc, Joliiiston, Mccklnibii',?, Noi lli.unjiiiin, Pitt, l.'oli'Non, Hot king liam, Kowaii, l,utlirrforl, S.iiiijmoii, Wurrrii, VS'iiyno ami Wilki'x, i Hid Counties of Ituncoiiilic, M;nlinii, Sur ly, .nlkin Aln, l.lililen, lliitkc, C.i liiilliis Outiiwlui, ( lierokec. Ibivic, lias Inn, Gules, I leinlcrsuii, HrMloiil, llyile, ! Lincoln. Martin, Moore NhIi, Onslow, I'.is.jiiot.nik, I'i't.soii, IJitlnnoiiil, Stunly, J Stoke. Union, Vant y.Alex.iii lor, Hruns I wick, Calilwdl, Caiiilioii, CiirU-rel, Co- f - cucli , liiinliiis, Ciirriturk. (irnt'iip, Joiii'si, f,t noir, MiT'owiill. Mimioiiirry, IVi'jtii 1 mom, Tyrii'll, Wusliinglon, W;i;iiiign, iMiii'on. 1 1 ,i v va i i I . J.n.kson CIlOWllll, uml I'l'.iiikliii. M'.N AToRlAf, DIS I'KIC IS. Tliu I'ullowiiiK arc tho Coutilir" t!uiniosiiig the fif ty Nt'iialoriiil liiHlimiNof North Carol, na : Uihiih Dfili irh Wsi - Alamanre ami Ran- ilolph, !2il Chatliam, Moore ami Mont- Koim'ty, ! Iili ((ii limoml ami Rn- lirdii, 1 1 1 A non iiml I'luon. '.f.tli t;,i,fot, I st I'.iMjiiotank A: I'nr- ijllllllllll.s, 2il Oiimili'ti cV ('iiri'itiick ''A (iales it it ' I Chowun, Iili- lyrrell ami llyilc. .Mil Noi tli:iltiifiii. (ith -llertlonl, 7tli Kcrlic, "ill Mai tin an I N " ; 1 - iii7:li Caswell, tli Halifax, I 1 1 1 Kilci'dlill"', nth 1'iti. I 'Jtli Ki'itiilnii, l.'.tli Craven. I4tli -( artcrot iN Jours. I 'iili Greene) ami Lenoir IKlli Rnrkingliain, odili - Meekli-nmirg. loth - Sianly Cabarrus, 1 1 si Rowan ami Davir, I2d -. I hiviilson, loij - Stokesi and Forsylli, lllli AIip, S'irty. Wa taiiu mill Yailkin, rull Wilkea. Iriulcll A Alexaiiilrr. I 'itli New I In novrr, l7tli Dunlin, 8;i Onslow, loth lllailen. Hniiiswit k IDlli Hillkc, McDowell, ami Calilwell, Lincoln, tin-ton A ( at, tw tin. IkUilicrloiil ami ('Ipavelaml, liiincunilie. llemliT sinii, Yaiiciy iiml iM.idison, I lay wihkI, Maoon. I'lii-Tokee and Jack Kill, j and ( 'olninlitis. j 'J' t h Ctmiliprland. ) ll Sanifison. ; 22.1 Wayne, I 2:'.1 .lohiijion, !2ltl. --Wake, 1 2ith- Nali. ! 2ltli Fianklin. I '27ih Wiiitcii. t 2Mtli (JratiVillr j 2'.Mh Porsoti. i .'loth - Oraiiire, I7ih hth d:itii .Villi- ' 'I'lloi; "WHO WlH HANDSOME "l IMTfllA Nt l" i L in will please rail nt our Store is we have a large and I hand.soinea-sortment ; K'pholsteriiig in all branches, executed with dispatch by superior workmen Feb 25 WILKINSON i It ESLER, I pholslers Com. copy. A NEW COOK ROOK, BY MISS. LESLIE. " Miss Ix-sliu's New Receiids for Cookiinf." It couinrises new ami approved methods of preparing all kinds of Soups, Fish. Oysters, Terrapins, Turtle, Vegetables, Meat, Poultry, ' iauic, Sauce, Pickles, Swcet-MeaU, Cakes, Pie, Puddings, i onicoliouary, Mice, lmlinii .Meal, preparations ol ull kinds lsjiucli Liquors, Pirfumery, Rrmeifies, I aundry work, Needlework, washing thread lace of ull kinds, to make them look equal to new Chinese Embroidery, letters, additional Receipts, 4c. Also, list of nil si licic in season suited to go together lor Rrcakfust, Dinners und ."-uppers, to suit Large or small families, nnd much useful information and many mis cellaneous subject connected with general koiisc-wiferY. 1 oinplcte in 020 pig.' hanilsomeiy bound. Mrs. I'utiiiiiii's " Receipt Book nnd Young louse-keeper's Assistant,'' new and enlarged edition. Mrs- Hale's " New l'.ook for Cookery aud Complete House keeper '" illu trated. AH the above received and for salo at J. T. MUNDS' New Rook Store, 3 door above Brown A; Anderson 50 HiTDS. 5IoIas!ic!i, 7S bags Peruvian Odanor'aoo sacks Liverpool Salt t 20 barrel Favettoville Flour: I 11,. lL,.k Ln. ..I. U- Feb 22 VM. II. McRARY. EDS AND MATTKASSES-Oii band and made to o'r der, of India Robber, Feathers, Hair, Muse, Shuck and Felt also, Red Spreads, Quilts, Sheet. Pillow Cases, ko , for sale by WILKINSON It ESLEU, Urdu.) tr. SniTT ua irtTELK.5,luH Teli', for salo by , ' limo I b.m I r .tr- hitki or rnciGiiT Iiie4. Ce, Tni'k, Caakt tf Hard war. I lirft.Ht iffivf, K!, Swf, PaAdbTM,! $ It i i r 'i3 123 JO 4 00 ia 4 i J 1 In M U4 Id Id t) " ' -J3 W ml w UI 01 on u IJ &i 1 M Ol , ' 02 lJ0 6 00 i 04 12 IX) looo 20 10 - 03 t isU w L.a.r, aa, jreea, Collar. Tea,! m all i'kafea. aad all other BieaBxemeet, Ik vis rr rubw IA l 11 t'ratr aw4 kkdi-ttf Crvrkery, aaclu t i I"- tW do aa deck, i Simraa4 in HVU -per 1U0 lb. Cq.r, ( t.lW, s I" as I vsWrl-prrtva, i lipf 4 lienor, i Dbts J. Wik. ; ; lUmrts, w. and Jry, each, t i t Manailta CiT-lage, per tow, i t i larr-fj . . i ; ladte ol ibair. eack chair, i i i Hollow Ware, per ta, t i 1. per place, i t i Casliajr. MK-btaerv, pf Wa, K.-gb Nails, ot I l b., each, i , Aavils, h, i i lie. e.-h, i t t Kg r 1 Hb Ruttcr, of l'M IU., rath, l l la. ksmith' IWIIoW., (at h, lilt Powder, rt keg. Hay, -r bile, i i it Itoi ef Aim and Tia, eaek, l i Aquafortis and Vitivl. in box or earbey, deck. Wagon I to lei, per t. i i i Keg of Paiut, of 23 lb., rack, i I "hovels, Siad, cyth, Fork. Cnttln Kale, Frytujc Pans, bimI Hoe, ia handle wf kalf a. en. ea h, i i Hroo'iis, s r doteii, i Coflrti, p-r bag, i Chisvso, per e-k, i ; I laad or Shot, per ton, i I Shot, per bag, i i i i Sole and lianas Leather, per ide, i t Wrapping Paper, per ream, i i Mill Monrs, small, per pair, t t ls Urge, do t i ' 'igs, rt b, I I lorsey Wagons, aeh, i Stago Coa.1i, complete. i t I I. do on deck, I Ploughs, each, i r ' Chain m bags, each, i i Small Kegs, ai h, i t ;'.ihi j IMI ! Arlit-l.-s not enumerated charged In proportion. r iiiioiiuaiioii must m given lo tut Agent ea. I. la New i .ok. of all Pa. kse containing Powder, ar doable rate will invariably be ebarged, beaidea the Shipper held liable Or all itaiuagn arising fruai B"gtt of lb la Boiioe. I l.tlAl, KM r.st or INTEREIT in raa nirrkiiKT tt anb Tiaaireaiia. Manic, .'r . "in , lrlit t ll.o claiia. . ' n. w ij,iii..si,ire. 6 ..i cent ; lorieii of ihrke the amount ua- iwlully Uk.'ii v. iio. nl, 1. pci 11 i.l , p. evsi y (n action J toale. ' Mam... liusetii, 6 p. 1 . em ; ioiiii 1.1 ihrke the neary, Uiio.le I 1. 111. 1, 1. p. 1 eent , lorieilut th ueurr tad Iniereet oa Hie it. iu . . j '.nine. In hi, A per . rut , lurlelt of Hi whole Itbt. New .1 k, 7 ..-i rent , iiaioliiu contract Void. . Nw l.'i'r, 7 per . enl. ; forlelt of Hi whole debL I'. 11 11-y I v 1 .. 1 1 I. per e nl ; toiled of the what debt. ' llelaiviiie, h per rent. , lorleit i. the wltolo ilabt. ' M m v l.s n I 1. . 1 1 . nl , on tobacco eniilraclal) Ufurleut ton II I. I.l Vol. I Viijiiiiu, I. pei . . ui , fori. nl iloiil.le the uaury. Noi to 1 ..ioIhoi, ii .. i . .mi , toiiirm t fur utury eold forfeit 1I1. Ml. le I lie iisiii f . S1.111I1 1 iirolina, 7 prrienl , l.n leu v( luttreot lad prtuiluw ta in u, Willi ei ala. tlcrgia, H per rnui. ; l.irfiill Ibrlc III imuii, Ali.l.su.s, M pel l eui , I01t.11 ul InUrealand uury. Mlaamippl, M pri eaui. j liy lonlracl H)-UUI reeorerthll III. ii. lion t.,l ilrl.l 1 is.aiia. 6 p. r mil , Iduik inter! t -contract I beyond on. Uni t, llll. Hal yoiil I eioi. . .., ti pet coil ; nsiirloin rontrtct void. ( Kentucky. ( per crui usury ire.i.veralil With OuBU, Olilu, tipei eeiil. : iiBiirlouauiiitraoti wild. Indiana, 11 per nl. a Unit ol ilouldu tb Bieea. 11111101.,!; per.-, ui I,, ciiirari 14-beyond forfeit thrle he lolerral ' . MiHaouii, ti per rem I. r.'si anil more I-X contrail 10 If byond, (of felt efl . Ml. liln, 7 per 1 -ol fni kit of uaury en.fimrlh of debt. Aikmiun, 0 per cent. h grvcHiciit I U-utury recertrabl. I. nl coiiiia. t vi.i.l lin lei I iiiiiuihia, 6 per rent.-iiiurloii e.aitraeta old.' ' ' ' rl jrnla. "percenL -lnrf. lt Intrreet and n s. v ... u-iii. 7 percent by eonirael U -torlelllhrlc Iheaieasja. I nv.i, lijr agreen I. and 'iifurrecj by law, i dchi nr luilgiiieim In layr of lh t tall itdluu,toUrii' oiiipnteil in e per cent, pur nauill. TARIHc OK l)M.MISSIOa ANO CIlAIlUKf, it H ilniingtmi, S. ( ., wlopteil by thi Wiiming Ion I'hnmhrr of Comment," to go into tffttt On nil i f the ft rit day of July, 1853. , ' f On oitel)iii! and aliipiuont of produoi on (oieign ttocoiint, 2 pr 0. ' Dntwiiig Kill lor the umo, riol xceed - in aixty ilaya night, 2 " I'urthaxo ali i uliipinenl of product on ' (JomcHtic account jind dravriog for name, not exceedinjr thirty diy, . 2, over thirty ami not exceeding lixlt ; lay, 1 1 u over aizty ilaysi, g 4 , . " naif of mprclianilie, - 2 " guaranty of aame, " folleotingof freight, when to one fmrtjr 9 . io. wnen to aiflerenl , patlli'H, j , " ji ociirintr, freight, " nhii' ilishurspinent, with fund in hand 2j t i u oo. urawmg Diii,oren- ; lorsiMg for aatnc, if over thirty dayi, 0 ; ' ' cinlor-incj ami negotiating bills of x - 4 rlia'ij;p, foreign or dnmeaiio, H ' " fooil cnnNiiieil lo, or lodged with tner chants for aalc, und afterward or ilctcil to he ru-shipped or delivered ', . up, on nmoiint of Invoice, 2 ' caroeanf yp.sselsj in dintroM, when tbo gooils are bonded, lodged in Cne- - , tom hoiisf) or stored .and afterward ie-Hhipped, on value, : , 2 ' " cfTiM'tui)? insurance, on amount inaur r'l. -,r 0 recovering louses, if litigaled, ; 5 . i " do do. without litigation, if under acceplnnre, . . m -, iccovrring loMt-H, without litigation, if - nnt under acceptance, 1 , " collectiii!; money, if litigated, & ' ' do do. without litigation. 9 '.' " do. hill of exchange) and remit- ' ting for name, " receiving and forwarJing gooda by ri ' . ,-. er, on nmount dinburaed, 20 M - " receiving ami forwarding goo la by rail road, on amount diabuned, 12 On lltreivnifi nnd Forwarding Product. Collon, per bale, . - ; lo eentg. Sheeting, ruin, Kc, per balo, 8 Flour, ami other dry barrels, per bbl., 5 Barrels of Liquor, kc, each, 10 no oi ore, - . do. of Spirits Tumcntine. .- 20 10 5 25 3 10 8 ilo. of Roein, Tar, Turpentine, &e.,M llhds. of Wax, Seed, Tobacco, fee., ' Bags of Seed, . C Casks of .i Roxea of Tobacco. t Sinelo Packages, ! m u It at 25 Whtii Vessels art Freighted thitfly for Lumber, ant' ... :.. . . ' . , . uiiijKiiui agreement is maat reptcttng vit propor tion of other articles to the thousand superficial ', thefullowing standard shall regulate, vis ; v Turpentine, 12 barrels Rice, , 3,300 l!s. ; Kobin, 12 ,Grainin bags, 0 1 Tar or Pilch, 13 Shingles, Contr a, T S. Turpentine, 9 '"'" do.; , Coi , , ,1, Flour, , ; 16 w Hogshead Smv s, , Tobacco, 2 hhds.Barrel . l,. PAPER HANGING. We r.av j gome assortment of Fn'i r i i Hanging, Bordon, Fire f hiinT in imndrome ' ! April H. , i , -( r-'-