V ' Fl PUSHED BY Ft'LTOX i PRICE, WiLMiMiTOX .NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YKAIl, IN ADVA VOLUME 4.-XO. 82. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, IS51. WHOLE NUMBER 1 POD. c- KITES Of APTEITIS1NG. AL HCtU. Nav4 T , a-a a a i dv, d.v.... dAV. 1 week, 2 weeks... .. .... ... stcaa l7 1 iaV .. .... .... S Yv 4 iV iV. 1 wk 8wkS 1 Milk . .... .. 2 ootk.... .... .. 3 atoatks , avoatk lyw ..... $2S ft . f . 74 137 .2 oo .t3 50 . 7i . I . I 23 . 1 5a . 1 71 . 2 7J . 4 U0 . T 00 .19 eo .IS 00 .30 00 I k... 1 saoctas,. ....... ...J W S taaatat, ....5 DO ajaeth, W I r. 14 W Tea lijie ar counted sJ square, aad It lines r les a half sqa&r. Longer advartUesseat ia proportiaa , aad all payable ia edvaaee. Mf All k!f aqaaree not paid for ia advaac will be charged as a tquar. 5T' paMicatioa aaad withoat a reepe-Bsibl am. IrrlTil nd Uf partnrt ef the Sails. Ta Mail for th Soatb elae daily at S, P. M , preci It. Letter avast be ia the ffc 13 annates before th tn i elowng. , For North f Richmond, Va., close daily at 1, P M and 10. P. M. - For Richmond, Va., and Sontk f that and North of this, daily at I, P.M. Fr FayetUvilU, via Warsaw, Clinton, fte , daily at 1. P. M. Far Favettevil, via EHsbthtow, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, 1. M. Latter mast he ia th afice at leait 13 hi bates befurs tb tin f closing. . L. PN0T At t o., COMMISSION M ERCH A NTS, t No. 17 North Wharves, Philadelphia. S4 Agents for the sal or K. S. Child A Co." LAMP BLACK. TAll orders for th above article rouiptly attended to. Nov. 13i k, Wtiu W. F. ELLIOTT, ClENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING T MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 21. 154. II. ( A1IU ELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Kj Sept 27 21-tf Wilmington, X C JtMKI K. SIKTT. COMMISSION at KurwardlHg Mrrfhant WILMINGTON, N. C. i0-tf Aaguit 21th, 1V JOHKPI1 II. KLANKKK, GENERAL CauanilaaUa Merchant, t-j Wilmington, N. C. ADAMS, UHOTIIKH & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wn.ikroji, N V,. GEO. IIARR13M. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July let, 18M 25.Vly IIF.NRV Itl'TT, FACTOR AND FORWARlUNd AOENT, will gire hi beraonal attention to buiavM entrusted to hi rare. Spt, 7, 1853. 1 C. DrPRK. iM H. BAKKR. C. DtiPRK & C O., GENERAL AOENTS. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANS, Wii.niNOro(, N. (. July Irt, m A. II. VANnOKKKLRK. (GENERAL AGENT. COMMISSION k FORWARD I INO MERCHANT, Wllmingtoo, N. C. Particular attention given to tale and purchase of Naval fctarea. Jan. 1. lH3;i.-100-ly NO. POTTS VKOWN, ABMAND J. DKHOSSET, jr., .r.ROWfI BROWN A lrKOKT, New York, UcROSHKT BROUN, Wilmington, N.C., 32J COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H.DOMJIIE, O f TI,jr DOLLNKIt i POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f lI-lyJ New York tW Liberal cub. advancei msd on eoniignment JMK8 ANDE10?I, EDWARD SAVAOK. ANOKRSON A. SAVAOK, C GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J 1 Wilmington N. C. Liberal eash advances made on conignment. lOvIl T. f. WORTH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wlt.MINOTOI, N. C. tlnual advances on consignments of Cotton, Naval Store, and other produce. Particular attention given by G. W. Davis to purchasing argoes, procuring freight for veesels, to. January Uth, 161 ; UMy HISSKL.L. A BUOTIIEH, (LATE ELLIS, RWELLfc CO.,) (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J VViLMrsoTo?, N. C. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Store, Cotton, and other produce. JAS. T. MTTKWAY. OM. E. rRltCHKTT. PETTE WAY & PRITC'IIKTT, GENERAL Conimlloii anl Kor ward Inn Mer rhanti, also Wholesale Grocer, North Water street, Wilminotos, N.C. Prompt attention will be given totho sale of Naval Stores and all kinds of Produce. Intend keeping aa assortment of Greceries, Li'iuors and Provisions. July 13th, 1804-2U3 Jamks C. Smith. Miles Costin. JAS. C. SMITH V. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their of fiee to the second story of the building formerly occu pied by th Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctunlly atten ded to. Jan. 11, 1854. t3.Marion Star and Carolinian copy one year and send bill a above. WW. M. HAKHIXS, GENERAL Commliilon Merchant A; Ship Broker, Wilmington, N. C. REFERENCES. J as. Corner k Son, Hftltimore. E A. Soudor b Co., Philadelphia. Thompson k Hunter, ) v v . M. M. Freeman & Co., ) ww-york- Tufts 4- Hunting, Boston 12-ly W. II. McR5tRY k CO , I FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Laearn Building, Prlncca Street, May 20, '64 219-tf Wilminotok, N C, 4lilNCU A COWAN. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. Corner of Front and PTincei-rtrets, Wilmingten, N ' GEORGE W. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, . - March 17th, 18W -; Wilmington N. C. NANETTE AND HER LOVERS. A tale of Norman , "7. oy Talbot Gwynne, received and for f sle by. Oct. 11 ' J. T. MUNDS. """" "i i i i i f10Jl?.KH.BEEv 10 JIf bbl. Corned Beef, put np in V Fulton Market, expreatlv for family use, just received andforalby . FREEMAN k HOUSTON. HUIENECROMANCE, By Reynold. Forsaleby f 'UT"U .wahujuo a works, received ana lor . fill Mim I? ai u .,. . . " ... - - . a. rau.nurs' book oiore. MARY IIOWITT'S BA"LlIigpoEMS.A new edition just issued. Fer tale at Nov. 13th, 1854 3. W. WHITAKER'S. PETERSON'S LADIES NATIONAL MAGAZINE, for J. December, received and for lale at ' NoT 1X : . a J' ?' MUNDS, Book Ston. J. . J. L IliTH tUH JL to, COMMISSION MLK. HANTS. Nov 1. 134 4-Mf !. . M aiK I' K V C"MMlSION AND FORWAKMNG MEKCIUNT, Wdattag l tf Part ice Ur attest i a givtrw I the uli f Thp. Li 'waa. Naval Myitis BB4 all kixia v4 cuautrv pnJ-imv N. k. 14 "3-.Hf jav. r. aiLUtsrts. aii. a. tuLAtriE. JAS. r. tilLLKS' . k CO, PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS, U'ajHrwi, X. C. Partiratar atteatioa paid U the rexipt aad aW f Naval Stores, Timber, Lasber, Corm. IVaeea, Ctoa, Jte., ke. H. F. A. J. t.K tIV, C GROCERS AND GENERAL Ct'MMISSION MER T c4T8, WilBiiagtoa. N. C. "Liberal eah aJvaoc aiaJ ewwjpnaots U Naval Storv and other Jluiv. tf c North Water Strwt, Brit North of the Caoa, H.m.. . . IM t. c. rutMAi It r,, v t riciMA It hx-stoji, wit'a r'RF.EM IIOl TON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, RKtKIVIU AMI IX)HVAUUIti AtiKXTH, Oralrra Ih NbtbI Stare. PravUlwii aad Urarvrlra, WIlMtBCtaa.N. C. Th aeaior partaer. D. C. Freeman, it located ia th city f New York ; th junior partner, Geo. Hot rN, ia Wif cuingtoa. If desirrd, advance will b ui&de a eoBiga ment to aad from either place. All bine entra-trd t theat will receive proper attentioa ; aad orders for Good will be promptly aad carefully filled ). WESEL, . SILIM WKSSEL X KILERM, IMMIStflON MrrrhaHt awd Whnlraale (.rarer. North Water Street, Wilmingtoa, N C , intend to ke. p at the above stand a general assort went of Groceries, Liquors, and IWinions, at wholesale and to carry on a General CoiutuUaioa riusines. E. P. Mali,. Pres't Branch Bank of the Stat O.li. Paesley, Pres't Commercial batik, P. K. Dickikvjm, Em , Pori E k Co., 1 .. . loi.LNKk Potter, lorK Wilmington t. L. KILI.YAM. IJRODUCE BROKER, FOWARDING and Coiuiuiwiou Merchant. Offie over Stora of W. II MeKoy, South Water street, Wiluiirgtoa, N. C, will make liberal eaU ad vances on consignment. II bat engaged th services ol t l II tl 1 I . I ) I. II..I- jodu lianas a i icucrai i rouuc rimi utirn o K. P. Hall, President Branch Batik of the Stale, Wilmington O. (i. Par! a M. irnley, " Commercial Bank, " Gea! W. W. Harllee w'. k M. Railroad,' Marion C. 11 ,S.C. W. K. Lane, Goidsboro', N C. Moliae, " W. ft K. Kailroad July I, 1N4. it W. II. Mr Kill. CI ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, iutumU keeping at the a bove stand, a largo awortinentof GROCERIES, Llql'OR5 and PROVISION'S, at wholesale and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all order lrom th country. I would respectfully invite the eitiiens of Wilmington and the adjoining country, to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry ou a general com mission business. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores, and all kind of produce Liberal Cash advances aiade oa consignments. Wilmington, October 8th, 1Sj2. 27-tf titf J. M. ROBINSON. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER inallkinds 1 of Hardware, Cutlery, AGRlCl LTIIRAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Axletrees, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, liirets, Xlc ke. Hit stock is now verv full and complete, with ma nyradditions of new and useful articles in the bouse-keeping lino Merchants who are disposed to patronise Southern es tablishments, are gwirantetd all articles in his line as low as they can be procured North. Wilmington, N.C, P24li2 1YI. CROlMXYt BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, WrLMiiwrrm, N.C. Real Estate, Negroe, Bunk Nfork, llondi. House hold Furniture, andevcry description of I ro Mriy bought and sold on commission, either at private or public sale. sTRefers to the publie generally. June 18th. 1W3 2.J T. SMITH k CO., D EALERS IN CORN, MEAL, HOMONY.PEAS AND Oats, and Cow and Horse Feed, lEATTY's WHARF, NORTH WATKR kTREKT, Wilmisoton, N. C. OCR Steam Grist Mill is now in successful operation. We will have it in our power to deliver the above Articles at short notice. We have a 23 horse power engine and shall run two pair of four feet stones Orders cn be addressed to C. DuPr It Co., or to th sub scribers. CORN GROUND ON TOLL. T. SMITH ft CO. April 1M, 1834 'y-.190 !L Or. A. O. BRADLEY, DRUGGIST ft CHEMIST. Successor to S. R Ar J. A. Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in lrug. Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wines, lie., iVo., at low prices. North West Corner Front and Ma-ket streets. Wilmington, N.C, March 20, 154 ltii-tf VVM. C. HOWARD G ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 20. IMiVI.- 13-tfl Wii,minotom, N. C. ADAMS CO.'H KXPHEHS. 0 FFICE on Front street, 2 doors from Market. Messen gers arrive and leave daily, North and South. JO. Li. UiX 1 WLLIi, Agcm. Mvl,lS54-202-tf. OR. A. O. 1111 DLEY, TTTHOLESALE and Retail osaler in Fancy Articles and VV Perfumery, has just opened Urge and beautiful as sortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new patterns and of superior workmanship. Port Mommies, Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Hnir Urunlies, Tooth do., Nail d , Gent's Shaving do., Flesh Gloves, Chi na Ware, Powder-puffs, Nickel and Silver do., do. fiuc dia mond Glass, do Gelatine, Buffalo Dres-ing Combs, India Rubber do. June 5th, HT WlLMI-iGTOJT ICE HOUSE. HAVING purchased the entire interest in the above Es tablishment, the business heretofore conducted by S. H. Martin Ac Co., will be continued by m. The publio m.iy rest satisfied that they will at all times be able to procure a upply of ICE on reasonable terms. (frders from the country addressed to the Wilmington Ico House, will receive prompt attention. Jan6-102-tf A. H. VANBOKKELEN. J 1ST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE. 100 bbls. Fayettcville Flour ; 6 bales A. ft B. Cedar Falls Sheeting. Sept. 6,1851 W.P.ELLIOTT. EMPTY SPIRIT BBLS.350 2nd hand Spirit 1'arrcls for sale by Sept. 14 ADAMS, BRO. ftj o WHTSKhV.-lOO bbls. just received. FoTialeTy Aug. 11th FK EEMAN ft IK H.'STON. N O. 1 MACKEREL, A few eighth bbls.. nrw, for sale by. ' r KbbMAn ft hcumua. MOLASSES.-60 bbls N. O. Molasses for sale bv Sept. 21. FREEMAN ft HOUSTON. HEnitlVOS 50 Bbls. Fin Large Herrings, in Store and for sale by ADAMS, BRO. ft CO. Sept. 19. 1854. : GLt'E. 20 bbls a superior article for sale by Sept. 21. FREEMAN & HOUSTON. BEARS CREEK Sheeting and Yam, for sale by Sept.22d .-- W. 11. MeRARY & CO. EDITHS LEOACYt ty author of Adelatdy Lindsay. Received and for ale by - - ' ' 3. T. MUNDS.' TTIGH LIFE IN NEW YORK, by Johnafban Slick, IA Es1., of Weatherfleld, Conn. A series or Letter to Mr. Zephanah Slick, Justice of th Peace, and Deacon of the Church over to Weathersfield, in th Stat of Connecti cut." A new and handsome edition, Just Issued. Received and for sale at , S. W, WHITAKER'S T. JIMH NOIUOM. 4 TToKVLY AT LtW, WiLtiwri'v, N. C. 1H ly I D Utll t NTW Kl.I C l VKl.l.t'U AND ATTORNEY AT ! W. Ra 'W fH. N C IV th t ia the Supreme Coart, aod ia New llr. W'ke. Jukaatu aad N.-a" 1 ouatic tlatiaca rotra-tej t bin wiil isvrt with pettift atlmlw-a May. 1st. l-vSI-J'J-tf. ktMlt-lL W. PEPPER. H i t TU 1IENRT J. PEPPER it SN, tttk, Jcw.lvi i.d Mlirrvitrf .Vi ITS Careaat Sir ft, i.f Ikt Stl H.1ifiW(!i Wf.rv4iiS Alav r. l"vl DlVIQTStlX, MkLX MCREOSI. TnAiw at WtnroNB. C GENERAL Cti.MMIsMON MERCHANTS, N. II T N'uta Wharvc. PttiLauau-aiA. Stxreial atteBtvoa gives t, and liberal b.Ivaho asd oa, cvaignaieta of Naval Mor., Cattua aad Rica. KeUrt to Mer. lcRoMtTft Bkviwh. t. ti. I't.v. Ei , Pres't I'otuiaer. ial Bank. E. P. lUt.L. E . Pics't Tank f th Stat. Th m. II. Vinr.Esi ,Prt B'k of Cape Fear. February 2U. 104 IUIt i HAEVEV COt'HRA, W. BI VKLL. ttK IIKW III hKLL. (uiveiri t Thomas Allibone It Co ,) fCENKRAL COMMISMO.N MERCHANTS. Ne S2 IT North Wkarves, and Ki North Water Mini, Pan. oalthia. A T Liberal eark advaacaa made oarvasigBaients JalrHh. 153 27 J. It. l.ll.MttltK .V (Os C10.MM1S1( N MEKCIUNTS. New Ye ' RrrrN E. P Hat.i, Y.m , I'rcaioVnt Wilmington Rraneh f tW. I ank ol the Mate, i G. rkii r, E.i , Prasidvnt Commercial llauk. Messrs Kiimikr ft Martin. J. II Ft.A1.lt, Em August l.".th. KM II. C. TH At llt.lt. C t( 'MMISMON MERCHANT, J No. 2i CENTRAL WHARF , BOSTON. Customary advances made oa consig meu ts of N aval Store REFER To: Rankin V Martin. Wilmington, N. V. September M, IVI -ly I HON K Ar En. (1 RICH k O .'S improved patent Salamander Sl's, -' warrented flee from daiupiieM as well a Fire-Proof The subsfriber. having accepted the agency for the sal of th above highly approved .""ales, are prepared to furnish any site or pattern whieh may be wanted at manufactures' priiNt, delivered in this place Specimens of several ies havejust been received, and or ders will b promptly atteuded to. JatCT. hi ti DrROSSET JJJ('N INSTliUCTION IN ItlUBIO. rpHE SUBSCRIBER having located himself in the town 1 of Wiltuinton. for the purjios of TEACHING Ml'SlC, resjiectfully offers his services to the eitiiens. He will give innlructions on the Piano, Guitar and Violin. From his Ting eiperience as Teacher, h hope to be enabled to giv full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patrouag. Application can be aiade to him at Mr. Ford's Hoarding House FRANCIS A. COCHEU. Oct. 4. 1W3 an.tr i.xsrnrcriox .v fhknch kmrrowkri, MIM l-10TAL 1 S desirous of forming classes for instruetlonslln the aliove J branch. Riug a unlive of France, and having bad et pcrieno in leaching in th city of ( harleston, from which sh bring the most satisfactory referem-e a to character and ability, she tVelp confident of being aide to impart an ae curate knowledge and correct pronunciation of the French language to those who may favor her with their patronage, or to such pupils as may be placed under her. Terms of instruction, in either or both branches, made known on Duplication to her, at the South west corner ol Orange and Old Boundiirv streets. Wilmington, Jan 2d, IM.V4 Mf NOTICE. r"JTIK subscriber having finished his contracts In the JL country it now in town, and ready to contract for any kind of work in his line of business, as Carpenler and Contractor (i. W. ROE. tf Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. Feb. nth, Hfi3 132 :itw MITKK. ALL lersons ar forbid tresspassing upon any of my lands, lying within the limits of the new houndnry llro of Wil mington ; and all persons are also forbid making their rafts, vessels or boats fast to iny Timber Pen, or Mill wharf, en the west side of the river The law will bo rigidly enforced against all offenders MILES CUSTIN January II, A 107-tl NOTICE. (lONSIGNEESor Goods by the Line of N Y. Pack, i, J consigned to inc. are hereby notified thnt, after the I ioodi leave the Wharf, there will bo no deduction made for dain ngf't ; if there is any damage to the Goods, they must h objected to before leaving the Wharf, otherwise, th vess will not be respensible. T. C WORTH. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to STEAMER HENRIETTA. 4 x jor i reigui, up to unie, arc noiuir.1 10 coiue fornarii and settle, or their accounts will be pi need in the hands ol an officer for collection. All persons having claims against taiil Steamer, will present them for payment to April Id, s5-rj.tf W ESSE L ft EILERS, Agents. CO-PARTNEnsniP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a oo-partliersllip. ior r reiEm, up to unie, are noiineii to come rorwar under the name of CCSTIN, (R1,G(; ft CO., for the trans action of the Lumber busiuc. MILES COSTIN. J. ELI GREGG, ALFRED SMITH, J. G LITTLEF1ELD March I llh. 151-160 tf Cominerciiil copy. OMC III NDIIEO 1MI.I,AKH REWARD. RAN A WAY from the subscriber, from his plniit stion in Charlotte county, Virginia, two Negro men nuincd JIM nnd AR I 111 If JIM was formerly owned hv Mr. Griffith J . McRee, nf New Hanover county, N. C, and ba a wile near I'Oiig Creek. He ifr about years old, i teefc7 inches high, dark brown color has some rotten teath in front has small eyes and speaks quickly. ARTHUR was purchased of Epliraim Pago, of mith ficld, Johnston county, N. V,. He ij about 6 feet 7 or 8 inches high 22 years old, and spare made dark brown col our. 1 will ggfve Fifty IMlars reward for each of them, if doliv ered to Mr. Solomon Davis, in Richmond, M. Crotily, Wil mington, N. C , or secured in Jail, so that I gvttliuin again. For further information, address Solomon Ilavis, Richmond, M. A. MOSELY, Red Oak Grove, Charlotte Co., Va. Richmond, Dec. 2d. lo3. M-tl 2IIII l( KU'AKU . - R UNA WAY from the Subscriber, about the Istoflg M. V il ' w,'t um in ji" " - v hired to Mr. Gregory in Macon, (ia. The said negro is about 2).or 27 years old, about 6 feet II inches n1m IWill l i a nAIFfn TTt II n lt l I n I I . ML 1 II III. LI III n v,i..i, ,.ii,.,.,.. mulu ilnrk coi.ner color. He is snnoose to be lurking either in Uladen or Sampson Counties. Th above reward will be paid for the delivery of said negro to m or his lodgment, in any Jail, so I can get him again. Dec. 23, isW.-JH-tf D. McDANlEL. T-Mcon, Ga., Telegraph, and Little Rock, Ark., paper repy I month and send bill to this office MARYLAND MUall REFINING COMPANY, rMIE SUBSCRIBERS, Agents for the above Establish JL ment, have Just received the following as samples of their manufnctuie, vix : " ... 30 bbls Crushed Sugar, various grades; 10 ' Powdcr'd 2 boxes Loaf ' " 8 bbls Golden Symp, to which we ask the attention of the trade and families. -May 81, 1354 DeROSSET & BROWN. RICHMOND PUBLICATIONS. THE large unaoridged edition of " Ruffin on Calcareous Manure," Proceeding k Debates of the Virginia State Convention of 129 and '30, An essey on Slavery by Tboma R. Dew ; Burke' New Work on the Virginia Springs, The Text Book of Arch Mosonry. by John Dove, Jefferson s Not on Virginia, Weetever Manuecripts, Laa'a Raara oa Ah- j . - ' - T . a . . - I ' . ... 1 . wntinirs oi jeuermm, ie., ixo, rr Nov. 13th, liS4 . W. WMITAXER'S THE FLYING CLOUD, A romanee of New York Bay, and the Chagret River, by Professor Ingraham. Justj published. rSoeivd audfoi sale by , . w ' ; : v S. W. WmtAKEE.. IH. I. O. RHIPLEV, l'KUGGlT .V CHEMIST. WitNiikTov. N. C Hsvint parrbasnl th vr MlabUebateBt af Meaar S ti, ft J. A. t.vaa. i:iUp alaiTsaa kJ. al a u.--ei. aa J rvtatU a lar( al very salo-t stcR et I rf Me-iii-twas, t krajwI-. Pamta. tKU, dlaaa, SargM-al I aair a.-aU, PatcBl MdiciBa, l'rtiury, aad 1 aacy Arttclaa, al kiw pre ta-Pkysitiaa'i lVeH-twa jat aa ewrm-tlf aad will dipteh .Marvk jlHa. 1S3I It tf riltttLlRilUk, fpilE SubfcNriWr has )at e..rlt4 hi arrai.rva.cBt fuf X aapplyinX tk aval CIKCl'LAK S4W? atada. aad tat ksf tng a stwh m had f all t 60 taeaaa. Every Saw warranted, aad told at lanafaHarvv' rlea J 11 KOBINSON Wilatirgtoa, N. C , Ja IStk. 1S6A 239 rtNrTLY ON HAND, I ESH Graaad kolted aad b bolted Meal. jj. I jr. Cracked Cent, llask. Pea aad Oil Meal. Alu. Corn, twcii latt aad Peas. Fr sal ly Fa. IVU. ELLIS ft MITCH ELL. PHKstltN COTTON lilNS. 'pitE sbrvikcr kavieg o0d the Ageacy af the ehave 1 Cvitaa Gin. asaBBfaetarod by E. T-Taylor ft Ca , la Colttutba. Georgia, will b hppy ta exhibit a Spaeiatea Gia lu tk plantar of this ticiail v. aad U raeeiv ardert froai thaw wishing t parches. T key are ejl, II ao sa penur, to any Gin Raaaafactured, aad will b warraaUd U 5ivatifaetioa ia every respect, aaiog remarkable for their urability aad safety froat heating, aad forth quality tf Lint HJaeed,a well a th uatity lacy are eatable ef turning out ia a five tiiae. Jaa 7. 1-OI-lOI tf KROSS1.T ft BROWN. Wltl.KK'S AKOMtTIt' MIIK1UIM St IINAITS- 1 HE St'RSCRIBEKS having ba appointed tk eor airents ia WilintoB. for ta tale et this suierior 1 tiel of Holland Gia, oiler it for sale ia quart aad pint hot ties and lugs ta Bay quantities ta salt purchaser. It has been pronounced by the higheet medical authority a superlative Tooie, laaretie, Antidyspapti, aad iavigaratiag Cordial, and they eaa aonldeatly rooomairid it ta every on deairiousof obtaining a pur artiel nf Hollaad Gia Feb T WESSEL ft FILERS TEAM KNUINK AND SAW MILL. 1 WILL wll low, and en aceoumoUating terms, th EN GINE and MACHINERY of tb "Cape Fear Steaia Saw Mill" lliuch cylinder, 2 feet stroke i three 82 Inch boilers 30 feel long tnaia haft 10 feet a Indies long th power of thi enrioe is estimated at M) horsa, ha a aw ex tra eyliader and log gearing, aad all the appliance- peta ry for th lull equipment l ojierar at once. Also, 2 Stave-dressing Machine, Jointers, fte , eonitlet O. G PARSLEY. Jauaary 17th, 1M&I - lilti Herald and Couimereial eopy till forbid. GENERAL ORDER NO. 4. VLL account due steamer " Spray," S. II Martin U Co , and A. 11. VanHokkelen, previous to first January, ar now being mad oat, and will he prearuted' Immediately if not paid sooner A. II. VANBOKKELEN. January 8, ISM 102 -tf NEW HOOK. A popular account of the Aneiet l.'g.vi tisii Revised and abridged from his large work, by Sir J (iarduer Wilkenton, D. C. L. fee, In 2 vols Just puhllsBeil, received ny r, press and for siile by J T. MllNDH. IrlNE OLD LIQUORS.-Just rcivd by the rn.larslgn. d (through bunded mtiranasr) i eak Otard Prandy, I do. fin Old Pal Sherry Wine, I do. do. Madeira, I do. do. Port, I do. do. titr or Pure Juice, S eases suierb Claret, 1 Matin, Are . vunanlrd frtth. It. A. O. Kit ADLEY, May 2Hh Wholesale and Retail llruggist SHEETING AND Y ARN -Jest r.eaived, a small tot of Heaver Creek Sheeting and Yarn For sale by June 3. '31 W. II MeRARY It Ct. l)Y ADAMS ft t ' i.'S hXPK ESX, w reeelved this morn- I) in, a mother lot of that MAGNIFICENT PRINT BI'T'I EK, dun up in half pound prints, tnclo.nl uiol reeeir ed In a refrigerator, perfectly enol, fresh and sweet May 30 KESTON ft ToWNSHEM). 1 MIOSE WHO WISH HANDSOME PAPER HANG in will please call at our Stare ns we have a larr and handsnm assortmant : Upholstering In all branches, esecuted nth disjiatch by sutierior workmen reHi.il WILKINSON ft ESLER, Upholst.r. ( om. copy. Tl LANK r.OOKS A large rase of half-bound Ulan Its I I lolls, ft cts and pi mi and medium tit., received this morning at Jiint) 27th S VV. WIIITAKKR'S C1IIEMICAI.S I.IHHI ot. German, French and English Cjuiiiinei Ml lbs. ."-yrup Iodide Iron; Ml Bis Blu Pill Mass j 10 os Sulph Morphia; 2riots. Sulph Cinchonia, and th largest, supply of Chemicals ever offered lor sale In this Stat. Kor sale at 0. ft D. DuPRE'S, Jun2!t Drug War Rooms . . AH MATTRASSES On hand and mad to or If d.r, oi i mi lit Robber, Feather. Hair, Moss, Shark an Kelt ) alio, )d Spreads, luilu, liel, Pillow Cases, ft fur sale by WILKINSON ft ESL1 At, Upholsters. M ACKER EL. -by A rew kits new No. I Mackerel, for FREEMAN ic HOUSTON. EltlFTT "JnniT DAIUUXB. A 00 superior quality in store, for sal by 4" April 10, im ADAMS, BRO. ft CO.' QPIRIT BARRELS.-KK)nw Spirit Barrel, a superlo kj article, f or sal low by Aug PETTE WAY ft PKITCIIETT ESS POIIK.- Si-pt. 1 200 bhls. ( tr and Western, for sale by I'llLMtlA.H AT, III II. . "S I O.N Till! 1 1 ('AGES, just received at the Hardware Storo of It vvilinington, Aug. ID. ) J. M. ROklNSON. TE have haw In store a fine assortment of-French glish and American paiKr hangings, borders, tU rations, fta. Also, curtiins, comioes, shade, tassels, Ae. lor sale, and hung in the latest ityle WILKINSON ft ESLER, Sept. 2; Upholsterer and Paper Hangers llltl'I I H mid Oil Chitha cnt made and put down, by WILKINSON N, LSLI'.K, Sept . 2H Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. MEW HOOK. -A Urge variety of Miscellaneous Hooks, just received and for sale at the Book Store North side Market street J. T. MUNDS 125,000 K:r?sonld yllluw P1Nl Hti.lKKi LARGE CONTRACT SHINGLES. For sale Point Peter Mill. Apply to WESSEL k EILERS. Sept. 1, 1K1. WESTERN Shoulders. Sept. lbth. BACON. 15 hhd. Superior Slokl and ror sale liy PETTEWAY ft PR ITCHETT "r H STORICAL Sketches of eminent Statesmen who flourished in the time of (ieorge HE, together with re marks on the French Revt lutlon- by Henry lxird Brouchnm. F. R. S., mem plete In 2 vols. r . iv. memoer oi in national institute or f ranc, enm L' 11 u 1 .t "v. . a a. " . For sale at S. W, WHITAKER'S. riMIE LIFE OF HENRY BIDLEMAN BASCOM, D. D X L. L. D . late Bishot) of the Methodist Eniseonal Church South. By Ker.'M. M. Jlenkle, D. I). Heetived and for sale oy J. T MUNDS, ILEASON'S PICTORIAL. Flag of Our Union. Satur- VT day Evening Post, Saturday Evening Mail, The Know coining rapcr, etc. .Just roerived by Oct 8 J. T. MUNDS, 1IIARMING NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN V. " J'alks and Tale tor Children." by 1L Trusta, ant r Tka Kiinn. SMa A IW.lV. k 'it. T.ll l. A.. "Our Folks at Home," illustrated by beautiful engraving) from original design. Just published. Received and for sale by 8. w. WHITAKER -rvOMESTIC LIO.CORS.-fiO fcbl. Brandy, Rum and XJ Whiskey, now landing and for sale by Noy.7,18o4. B. F. A A. J. GRADY W ALTER WARREN, or the" adventure of the North erg WiltK, by Owen Duffy, ror sale at . - J. T. MUND'S. H TASANCILLO. or the Fishorinen of Naples, by Daraai. J.lforsaleat ' - .- - T. IVftrNi, JNYY-w new novel just out by Eugene "Mfjg" HAY AND BRICK.-100 kale, prim H 000 Hard Brick, landing from Brig "Baronda, and FANCT COOD. FOR GENTLLM1N. 12 Joeca Trt Mobaum; t W- C'gar C ; 1 d. W kuker IWihe ; 2 do. Shavg Casr; 4a. Raeor aad Sbavisf Ervaat ; S do. UltUk.Vi'ij M a. Coat, Hair, Tectfc aad Nail Brash, aai m'li at he Iking, last epeeed aad fof aai at tk Bk Swr, srta s4a4 MtrRal Nrttt, T V.v Sik. Ps4 J.T.HrT.. ICKI ICKIf 1CBIII TH E - W1LMLN G TON ICC HOUSE " TS aw la aabli aiay Vpad a aarivg thir vasti 1 sapptwa tit letusii r tb yar. al raaati rat. tr4f rVasa tk eaa i try ad iraased le " W limiertc Im Ha.M wUl a wall packed aad prwavMly lbrwrdcd. Marca U. IxtVi. ' r-cvtf ITEEUrCttl ITICLKMII JUST apwed. Hul 1W, f alaja vry Wsd aadacww, fraaa SO i U 1 par gras. Ate, or .4 af thus wpartof AaaalgaaiaW IreJiass Zia aad lUu&a Peas ; tkea w warraiit Bot ta aarrad. AUa. a aas Caiifbraia Pes t tkas ar a aw aadsafwrior artiel W aiad el a eoaipaaiuwa ef atetal, aad warraatad ao t eee rod. Alaa. aa eaa aprta Italia Qulli peaa. I k It a bread f ready-aiad Quill IVa that eaa warrant, a they ar a4 la meet ef tk Basking Hou ia L 'a4 ; they are very aaHable fat I di ta as whea atarkieg o-vii witk ladelhbU Ink, (of which w kar aa exeeileal amsl Ala, Iwa aaore of tkuae Favenle Gall !', ft oat liawtna, Warrea ft Hyd'e Maaafactary. . W aow kar four different si see of that Pa. ta Silre Ca, fraaa l 71 to j and la Gold Cases, frwtja $( I 110. The war rant te ae the GldPai sa ta i head f Rr'i erBgUy'a. - - - ----- , - A ay itl IK av are&dt i ln avtv ae aad, ai Maaa fseluren' price, at J. T. M UNITS guak-lar. lToTt IKK iKS.-Jael aubiisbed la a keaaual aai iV form d!tioa i .-YaaBf Haabaader Datie ef Ma ta Oi aiarrlag K statin. - Tk Young WtftDuthMrwtaaa la tb aarrUre Relatioa , . " I ke Young Mother at Btaaagxat ef ealUreS la rertrd t health " " I h Young llora Keeper ar theagbU a Food aad ook ry. Frtalat . W. WHITAH.ER'3. aatherw Hapllat Raltr'a Pakllaatlana. IIOM THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY wreelved thlaateralBga kvr awrtdvei ' th "Psalmody." etahractag all tha differ! fyTa prist and hiading iaud by lb Soity. AaMBg lhc mn Sea , beautiful edition bound la Tarkey Meroeee aad Velvtt. Th Baptist Manutl) a talactioa front tb serie of puhlle : t ion t of the SoaUty, daslgaed for th as ef Umlliaa, aad a an tipoaitiua of th distinguishing seutiaieaUef the dtneal- nation. Th Church MtiaUr'i Head Book. ' A Help Tor Children, or Plala aod ET CaUchlia. ' Mellon Raptlsut. f allr dew It. - Nov. I. M. W. WHITAKER. . ; 1HECKS, t T I K('K. CI I EC'rReaiW4' taw Efprew ' KJ 1,000 quire of Blank Cheks, oa UmmeroJal, Blateaad i t atie Fes r Banks Our aiaortment ef Cheek is aow eost- s plet. They ar all aiad to order, aad eennot be surpassed. . ia beauty, quality or price. Call and see for yourlvt, it - MU WU ' Bookltor. - O WELL Id EE AT SEA, or Fuo, Frigate, and Ystcb- J inija Just iabUhd. and for sal at Oct. 27 J. T. MUNDS' Cook-state. SWELL LIFE AT SEA, Fun, rrtgabst and Yakhlng. A Collection f Naatleal t'trn trnia th Log Bok ef youngster of the Mes. Jut published. ralv4 aad tor . sal al n. W WHITAKEK'8 Jl larg addition to our dock of Blank Book. V aw hav all si see, front a 20 qutr ledger to th iniallwst kited ' Pas Book all mad to aiy order, especially for tala tuarkst. ' W sollsil a aall frera any of ear friend in need ef Ike ar- . ' -T JH,fll,,Bt eaaplsa. J. T. ML'NDH. ED. A R 1 1 EN. ar th Jaltt Revenge, by the aalhor of tius Howard, Minite (irey, Harry Ash too, tilts Da--.. . A. Vere, Handfilld Hall Henry Lawrtoo, Woman asd lr Master, ft. Just pullisbed, reoeirtd tnd for sal at . W. WHITAKER'S. " CJ(UTIIERN AGRICULTURE, bln mays oa AttX orn. Hsuid. Tobaeeo. Wheal, at. te.. and O tlvatlon of Corn. Hsuid. Tobaeeo. th beat method of renoratin? th soil. A da as ilcath. laala. ding hi Prls essays, eaarfuiTr rvlMi For l at i f. t .... . i. muiii 0iwa owrvr i TRW IKNIKMi 4 Ned Musgrar, er tb most anfortunat nan la Ibr world-a Comlo Novl, by Thodor Hook j FllndChm. -n bure, or the Female Frlnd, by AUiand.r Dumai hi la test and best Wearyfoot Commooa bom tale Archi bald Werner, or the Brother' Revenge, by - - - t - - J - T. MUNDS, -i. . BLANK BOOKS. Thoa bandtomt Ledger, Jooreal " Reeordt, Day-Boolts, ft., made to order, to long IX- ' ,' ptd, hvJut arrived par Sehr. Matilda E. Wall We v hav. now tk largt, bst and eheapest tortmnt ei Blank - Hooks ever In Wilmington. The Rttentloa ef oar aaerehtaU , is respectfully Invited. . W. WH1TAKEK. YOUNG FOLKS' OLKM BOOK, eoosfstlag of PMrly oa hundred eony-rlght Mongi and Dutu, nTr before ' . barinonitad, and thhoio gems from tbe.Gernaa and . Italian. Th wbol arranged in aa amy and familiar styla ' tor the use of sIheIiie classes, vie dubs, and tha annlat . ' circle, py Charl J arris. Just published. Received and ' or isle by B. W , WIUXAJU.ll. R",'MtT ", th Hero Kinr.liy the author, of "Wallace, th Hro of SotInd.B Jaet published. Received and for l at S. W. WHITAKhR'S. nmn PRINCE CORSAIR X an sale st A tal of the Indian Ocean. Just published For S. WHITAKER'S I N I ESTR UCTiliLE BOOKS. A erir, of betuGM EwT. I for Children, printed on linen, lust published. For tal at "MnJ 8. V. WHITAKER'S... nTTrroravrAGT JJ and for sale at w S, W. "UIRGINJA AND MAGDALENE, or the Foster filittrs, v Dy nmm u. c. a, coo t n worth. Received and for tale by i. T. MUNDS, 'IMIH MOTHER-IN-LAW, by Mn.: Fjoulhworth, He'd Ji and for al by J.T. MUND3. HHDS. Molasses i 78 base Peruvian Gnane . m UJ sackt Livr l Livmool Salt 1 20 bam la KavatUwitla (,!. . 1,000 lbs. Pared 1'eachei. Vor ialeV reb 221 WM II mbibV h t WM. II. McRART. rJFFEE.--A full .upply of Moths, Java, Lagttyra, fort , and St. Dommgo, for tale by April 3d FR EEMAN It HOUSTON1. TUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE O i Barrel Citr Meat Pork, hv April Mth. IHM --.--. ' W. M. McKOY Ay?mi ree.v.d, 60 wholeanu 26 half iiarrel of Jota'V' 1 sylor It Sons Cream Ale, aod for rale by ' W- 1 WESSEL dc EILERS. , SOAP. 100 Boxes, different brand and qualitie. for sal b-T : FREEMAN Ac HOUSTON. BEESWAX WANTED We with to purchase 8,000 lb. ' Bcewax, and for whloh th highest market nrfce will be " 'i!'" - i FREEMAN de HOUSTON.'. ; DOUBLE REFINED SALERATUS email pscksgee, lnboiMof601bi.eaflh,foyaleb ; " ' wiay at. ; K.EEMAN ft HOUSTON. I RON of all th best make, suitable for Planter and Smiths' use. Constantlv on hand anit for sale at theowuf price, and quality waaranted, by J. M. ROBINSON. ; SUGAR. 4X) bbls., various grade for sal by March 8. ; FREEMAN k HOUSTON : UNITED STATES LA W CABINET, omPrisig th Business Man's assistant end Reedy Reckoner, Trader' Guide, comprising the Laws ef Bills, Notts n Contracts , ..... . " . Mode of Enforcing the payment ol ieots. e. - Landlord's Tenant's assistant, or the Rights St LfabillUe - of Lanlord'i nd Tenant- ? : - X - ' v Merchant's Assistant. ertheShipmaiter't Carrier!, Not-, ries and Incidcr' Guide. - - ., I ... rtha Saa or Kirht of Seamen, the Coaster's -4 ' Fisherman!' Gaide and Master's and Mate's Mar."1. 1 0r.' sale at S. W. WHiTAKLU'3, , TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC for. 1855. For th gross, dosen or sing opy t nuw.it. - a. 11, ill 1 A .V . CHEAP H0Klk COW FEED We Lv. L superior artioleofCorn and ( obsortisbefl, at ' - -Oct 7 PETTEWAY ft PKIlt lLLASUiNS fitiiUMiALatidthe rlej ioir i for Saturday Nov. ftl. ,( For s"s at ' f. ; ... , r,o-r . ,- O. W..V.-. -V3. , sale by