I FI'L'LlSHEI) BY FULTON t PRICE, W1I..MINC.TON. .NORTH CAROLINA, SIX DOLLARS A Y1HH, IN AUVANC" VOLUME 4. NO. 85. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14. IS54. WHOLE NUMBER 1,012. AltEtTJl!.e Kttll 1 dV,.. .... .... J da. 3 day,............ dy. I lr ... 1 rk I 15 ny 1 .... ... 4 day a.T 1 WC k - i vkf.. ......... 1 ncttk . 2atk( 3 moelhl.... .... .. C Be thi.... .... .. $D SO . 7S . 1 00 . 1 ti . I SO .. 1 7 3 75 .. 4 00 .. 7 00 ..10 00 ... 00 .30 00 1 Weki,. 1 r4 I 2 BMlU,. ... 3 usuattis, .j. .1 00 1 s SO .$ 00 ; . 00 , month. I aar, .... ..14 00 i 1 year Tia llae are eoaated m njurt, aad Ire liars wImi kelf-aqear. Loafer advertieemeata ia preportiea, u4 alt payable la alvaae. tW All kalf urM Ml paid for ! edveaee will be charged M a eqaare. irNt pbheetia made witkoet a reepoasibl earn IrrUil nd Crpartart if the Iiili. Tb Mails fur tke Sontb elate daily at ft, P. M . preei It. Letter mast be ia tbcfBe IS minute before tat time as elvoief For North ef Richmond, Va., ties daily at 1. P M. aad 10, P. M. Far Richmond, Va., aid South of tkat end North ef thi, deilyei,P. M. For FayetterUle, via Warn, Clinton, fee., daily at 1. P. M. For Fayettvil', via Elisabethtewn. rwj Monday, Wedoeeday aid Friday at a'elock. P. M. Letter mart be ia the office at leaat IS minuteo before tka Una of eledng. N. L. P AM, OA ST i U)H COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j N. 17 North Wharves. I'hiUdeti.hia, Sole Agent fur the aleof R. 3. Child A Co.' LAMP BLACK. T All orders for the above artk-k promptly attnJ! to. Nut. I3tk, 69-3tg W. P. ELLIOTT. GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Wilminrtoo, N. C. NoT.tl, IS54. D. CASIIWELU ) Vj Srptn tltf WilminiftoB, N. ( J.1MRH K. MKTTB. OMMISSIIU and rrwartlnc MrrrhaHl, L WlLMl.NC.TON, N. C ADat Iltb. SD0-tf JUitRPIl II, KLtK.R. G ICXEIt.iL. CaaaalMton MarchaMt, (2-1 j) Wilminftoa, ti. C. AUAMU, BROTH KR A CO. flOMMlSSlON MERCHANTS, WlLMIMTuI, N. O URO. IIAHRIKM. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wilmington, N. C. Jaly lat. m 2VIt HKltV ti I'TT, PlCTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will jiT hl paranml attantion to buniacM rntrnitfd to kii ear. JPopt. 7. lSKt. i criru. dam., i. baker. t . O11PHK k CO., GENERAL AGKNTS. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANS, Wll.Ml.NOTON, N. C Jaly lt. 1S5I 270 ly A. II. VtVROKKKLKV GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARD ING MERCHANT, WilmlnrtoB, N. C. Particular attention rin to lair and pnrcha of NaTal Ptorw. Jan. i.lH63 -100-ly NO. rTT BROWN, 41MANDJ. DKKOMKT, jr., . lOW BROW.1 & LVIIOSSKT, Nifw York, UcROSMRT A BROW K, Wilmington, N. C, 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I. poiX'H, POTi,Jr. U01L!fRIl V POTTKIl. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Hil ly Nw Vork ff Liberal eah adTancw mack on comlgnnifiiU ut ANoaasot, rowAan sava. AIEnHOM i S A VAGR, C1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j Wilmirgton N. C. Liberal ewh adTaneei made on consignment. t7c7vohth. " GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Ureal advance" on conilfnmenti of Cotton, Naval Store, and other produce. Particular attantion jciren ky G. W. Davis to purchaaing arroea, procnrliift freight for veaaeli, fee. January 11th, 164 "0-ly UlSNKLL. BUOTIIRR. (LATt ILLI1, BVWBLL b CO ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. Liberal eaah alrancei made oa comignmenti of Naval Btoren, Cotton, and other produce. JAS. T. P1TTKWAY. OK. K '1-RITCHETT. PKTTEWAY & PRITCHKTT, GENERAL lommlaalon and Korwanllng Mer chant, alM Wholeiale Groccru, North Water street, WiLMiwaTON, N. C. Prompt attention will be giTn to the ale of NaTal Store aaa an bido 01 i roauoe. Intend keeping an arsortment of Gracerie, Liquor and I'reYlMoni.. July th, 14-263 Jamm C. Pmith. Miles Costin. JAS. C. M1TH A CO.. pOMMlSSlON MERCHANTS, have removed tbelr of J lie to th tecond tory of the building formerly occu pied by th Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend! to all bueinea in the CommiMion line. All buiineM entruiled to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11, lH5t. . ' 1 - . . 1 1 j Jmanon j?Tar ana van.mnmn wpy on year ana una bill a above. . ' WN. M. IIAHHlt, ! GKSERAt. Commlaalon Merfhant ti Ship Broker, Wilmington, X. C. ttriMNCISI ; &S5on,Wil-l1to, N.O. Jaa. Corner k Son, Baltimore. . E A. 8onder Co., Philadelphia. ?LM.PFrMmMn4Co., New-Yor-TnfU Hunting, Boaton 12-ly V. II.McRARY fcCO FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Later Building, Prlnerfi Rtrctf May 20, '84 21-tf Wilmtngton, N C, " ; . 4tlsci&' COWAN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, AND i DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. Corner of Front and PrlneefMtreeU, Wilmingten, N v CEOROB W. DAVIS, ' A UCTIONEER, "" 1 A IMateh 17th, 18MJ . - WilmlngtOB N. C. ANETTE AND HEE lOVERS A tale of JronnaD- r "Tifcy Talbot Gwynne, reoeired and for Mle by. ; Oct. h ' V J. T. MUXDS. ,pORSKX BKEPio kalf bWe. Corned Beef, put n)i J Fnlto Market, ezprenlr for family in, lnt reoeired ndforlebT - FREEMAN k HOUSTON. . HE NCROMAJCfc;lEUyBOuu., Foreal.br '. ue. v iot - , J. T. MtJilJ?. GiLMUitt. Smn&ti work. received and lor vv talat J. T. MUNDS' Bookstore. . fl ARY HOWITT'S BALLADS AND POEMS. A new xvx e dition lnt iwued. Fer tale at . Nov. 13th, ISM . ' , 3. W. WlttTAKEft'S. PETERSON'S LADIES NATIONAL MAGAZINE, for Dember, racired and for le t - Ktv. U-s -7. T.jMUK1, Book llore.-- ATf. or a. aATmawAT. a. 1. auratWAT w a. vrtt. J. J. U. HATH t WAV CO, OMM1SIO.N MERCHANTS, lLierv, A. v. 1S54 4tf 'lOMMISION AND tORWARMNG MERCHVNT. KJ Wi!a;gi, N. C. T rrticlar atteativ riTra ta tk 11U af Tiaaia, Lraai, NL Stous, aaj all kiaJa trf ewaairv rrJ. Jaa. r. UJJrit. tn. . eilXAiria JAB. r, tilLLKSPIE A. CO PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AC.ENTS, WiLHivero, X. C. Particular aUtctioa paid te the rexipt aal a'e f Nl Store, Timber, Lamkwr, K'orx, larua, tVttue, fee.. A. . B. r. e A. J. GK IDT, GROC1 ROCERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MHR- WJouaanoa. N. C. Ae'Libfral eaak adTaaer aiaJaa eiiniiit vl Naval Siurre aJ wtker predere. e'Office oa Xurtk Water Street, txit door Nurtk f the Cia How. Ul 11, l-OI . c. rtitMAK k ct-. a. t. vattMAN k mm aroN, WIL a Kit EK Mil ew HOI STO. MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. HKtEIVISU ASD FORWARUlXtf-AtiF Vf. Daalere l Kaval Kl.rea, Prllwi mmi Urrl, WllaalaiKtaa.K. r. Tk tenior parteer, D. C. Fkim an, la located ia tk elty ef New York; the jaaier partaer, Geo. llnrTo. ia Wil mington. If dewred, adraac-! will be nad ea euniigB- eat to aad from either place. All buinr ntrutJ to tkem willreeeive proper attention ; and order fur Goob ill be promptly aaa earefalljr Blled j. wimcl, a. an. a WESIEL . EILKftN. SOMMiaalOX Merrk.at anil W k.lreale Uret: North Water Street. WilmlnrUn. N. C, intend te keep at tke above lUada gnral aaaortmeat of Groeerie, Liquor, and Proviiion, at wholesale and teearry en a General t'oiaoiiwion ruiaee. tkrtitioi'i t E. I' Hall. Prei't Branch Rank uf the State. j. O G. PAetLiY. I'ree't Commercial Kut.k. iluiiugtua K. INraiNeoKi, La Ej., I'orri k Co., York. DoLMia k Pottii f 1131 O. L. ni.LV AM . I)RODCCE BROKER, FOWAU DIXC. and l.muiiaion Merchant OfBce over Store at V . II McKiy, Nmth Water atrevt, Wilmington, N. C , will make lltx-ral cah ad vance on condgrment. He ka eugaged the aervK'C ol John Hall a a General Produie Brvker Kofcr tu i E. P. Hall, President Branch lnk of the State, Wilmii ifl"" t. G. l'araley. " Commercial Bank, lieu. A. McHae," W. It K. Railroad, f.en. W. W. Harllee W. k M. Railroad. Marion '. II .NO. W K. Lane, Goldibofv', N C. Jaly I, IH54. JiVtf V. II, Nt Kill . GENERAL COM M ISSION MERCHANT ALSO, vl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water ftreet. Wilmington, N. C, iutcml kri inc at the a- bove tnd, a lare artment of GIK HJERIES, Ll0.roH.- and PROVISIONS, at whole! and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all order I nun th rouutry. I would renpectfully invite the eitiien of Wilmington and the adjoining eonntry, to eall and eiatnine my atock before pur chasing eltewhere. 1 intend to carry oa a general com minion buiin. Particular attantion will I given to th lal of Naval Store, and all kind of produce. Liberal Canh advance made oa eoniianmenl. Wilmington, Ootober6th, 1S52 . 27-tf ritf J. M. HOBIMtO.t, I MPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kind of Hardware. Cntlery. AGR1C1LTL RAL IMPLE MENTS. Iron Ailetreci. Mill and Cro Cut Sow, Cat Steel Hoee, Iron, Steel, Hoop Iron, Trua Hoop, Rivet, kc ke. Hi itock i now verv full and eomplete, with tna ay'addition of new and awful article in the bouae-keeping line Merchant who ar diapoted to patronlte Southern ea tablirhmenti, ar fuarantrrtl all article In hit line a low a they can be procured North. Wilmington. NC, Sept. 2J, 1SB2 in. ohonXiT BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, W ilm i noto n , N. C. Real Kalate, Neerroea, Bank Nterk, Ittinde. Ilnwae kwld Kmrnltwre.andeverydticriptionpf Proper!)' bought and old on eomraiaaion, either at prirat or public tale. r Refer to the publio gtntrally. June lHh. m 2U T. NMITII Ji CO., DEALERS IN CORN. MEAL, HOMON Y, PEAS AND CUt. and Cow and Hone Feed, riATTT' WHAr, noith WATri irmtr, WiLMiNoroN, N. C- OUR Steam Grist Mill i now in luoceiaful operation. We will have it In our power te deliver the above article at abort aotlce. We have a 23 here power engine and itial! run two pair of four feet tone Order can be iddreued to C. DuPr k Co., or to the lub- icriben. ( CORN GROUND ON TOLL. j T. SMITH k CO. April K 1854 XVI y lffJ tf Dr. A. O. RUAOLKY, RUGGIST k CHEMIST. Sueceworto S 1! r J A. i Evans, Wholeanle and Retail dealer in Drug. Medi cine, Chemicals, Paint, Oil, Glaa, 1'atent Medicine, 1 Perfumery, Cigar, Old Brandies and Wine, fee, Arc, ut , low prices. North Weat Corner Front and Ma-ket streeta. Wilmington, N. March 20, 1HS4 Ifitl-tf WRI. C. HO IV AHI G ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. Sept. 20. 1KV4 18-tfl Wilminoton, N. C. ADAMS CO.' EX PRE HI. OFFICE on Front itreet, 2 door from Market. Messen ger arrive and leare daily, North and South JNO. L. CANTWELL, Agent. JkajllH64j-2024f. DR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Articles and Perfumery, haa just opened a large and beautiful a.v enrtinent of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new pattern and of euperior workmanship. Port Mminaiea, Gentlemen' Drcaaing Caae. Cigar Case, Hair Kruahcs, Tooth do., Nail do , Gent' Shaving do., Flesh f iloves, Chi aa Ware, Powder-pnffl, Nickel end Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glass, do Gelatine, Buffalo Drea-ing Combs, India Robber do. June 6th, ISM WILMISGTOX ICE HOUSE. HA VINO purchased the entire intereit In the above Es tablishment, the basines heretofore conducted by S. II . Martin fc Co., will be continued by me. The publio may rest satisfied that they will at all time be able to pro-ore a apply of ICE on reasonable term. Order from th eonntry addressed to the Wilmington Tee Homo, will receive prompt attention. Jen 6-I02-tt J A. H. VANBOKKELE.V. . rST RECEIVED AJfD FOR SALE. 100 bbli. Fayetteville Flonr ; 6 bale A. fe B. Cedar Fall Sheeting. Sept. 5, 1854 W. P. ELLIOTT- EMPTY HP1RIT BBl8-3Q0 2nd band Spirit Barrel for sale by Sept. 14 ADAMS. BRO. fe CO. TlfHlsKEV.lOO bbl. jut received. For sale by Aeg.llth FREEMAN fe HOUSTON. NO. 1 M ale by MACKERELr-A few eighth bbl.. new, for FREEMAN fe HOUSTON. M OL ASSES.-60 bbli N. O. Molaeee tor le by Sept. 21. FREEMAN fe HOUSTON. HERRI3G8. SO and for sale by . ept. 19. 1854. Bbl. Fine targe Herring, in ftore ADAMS, BRO. fe CO- GLVK 20 1bi fnperior article for sale br Sept. 51. FREEMAN de HOU3TON. BEARS CREEK Sheeting and Yam, for tale by p.pt. m W. H. MoRARV & CO, TTIDITIIS LEGACY, by author Of Adelajds i Llnday, aV Aiw wv. - r j 1 RocNdvod and for alo by J. T. MUNDS. TTIGH LIFE IN NEW YORK, if Jolnatha Slick, H Fa. nt Waatherfield. Conn. A eerie of Letter to Mr. Zephanah Slick, Justice of the Peace, and Teooa ef th Church over to WeatSersfisld, ia the Hate of Coofleeti eat." A uew and baadeome edition, Jmt Is-n-i.,. B ecived T. JiMM tOHIOM. 4 TTl Ki: AT L.W, .VA. . Ivl X. C. It I DW tltUt tXTULLL, CNSMXl'ii AND ATTOKNtV AT I.iW W ae, X. C ! t in ia tke Sarrae Cvart. aad ia New lUeerer, Wk. .tvkta-tva a4 Na.k Coaaiio taaea eatratfed t km will airrt auk prwaup atteaHoa. My. la. Kt-ieu. MMt KL W. PEPPER. I'rtll TV IIF.NRY J. I'EPI'l R k SON. air k. JmIi tml klli,rHi X 171 f ! fMif Hi Sitt HM, fki 4. A May ?. 5t lyV ati twaix, raatK. araaM TZZAZN V WeffrONB. G' ION Mr.KtHtNTS. -Xe. II Sth Wharre. j. Can akai rau Stial a'tretioa givea te, aad liberal arvaace mad ea, reaif aat t Natal Sture, Cwttoa aad Kice Retvra t-Mre-r 1K'T k lltoei, O. G. P4KM.1T, El . I'r"t Cowmercial Baak. E. P. Ham.. Let . iWt lUiak ef tke State. la H U aMr.Eq .Pre! B'kef CaueFrar rbraarv 23. ISI llilr tirti UHim, KM lilt w a ii wiix ill a LI.. (HlXor im 1'boma AHibone k Ce ,) C1KXEKAL t tMMlSlo T Nurtk Wbanre. and tl No1 M KKi'HANTs. Ne. S3 rth Water Street. Pail. a pn.rai. ATl-iMral rank adtaafM M&iaroBiraaint Jalv 3ilth, l3 JT J. It. t.ll.MIIKK to.. c COMMISSION MLKCHAM'S. Naw Yt.a larrv te: K. P Hall, Eq , Pn-iunl iilmuigiea Kiaacb f tke bank tf th Mate. O. li. r.Ksl.kr, ll , Preai'leut ('uiutoeriial fuk M'H. KlM'AR k .MT!V I II Fi.ANNta, Km. lAnrmt IVk, 1.V it. r. in At unit. C .MMIS.-liiN MERCHANT, N. id CENTRAL WHARF BOSTON Cuetoiaary advauce'inadeoa tronsigameul a of Naval Store rri to i Ranain.V MaariN, U' iliuington, N. C ptember 10. IVC5 g-v IUO KtlKK. RB'II k (' .'.H improved patent Salamander Safe, C. warrent,"! tiee lioiu dauipiuaa aa well a r ire-Pro.if l"he in tw;ti ter, Laviiiir (oceuted tL aitcucY for the sale of the above highly approted Safra, ar preNared te turnUh anT aiie or pattern which may be wanted at aianufatiirea' prior, delivered in thi plac. Speciiuena of aen rpl n-a liavejuat brvu ivieJ, and or dera will ke promptlv atlt'uu.'d to Ian 27. IKV2. tf DaROSSET It BROW N XNSTnUCTXOJ XN irxxjuc. IlliEsrfcK'RIBLR having located hiiafelfia th town of Wilmington, for the purpoae efTEACHING Ml'SlC, recpcctfully oft.-ra hie arrvira to the citiirna. II will give instruction on t lit.- I'iain, t.uitar and V iolm. From hiadng eiprrienre aa T.i"li"r, ho Iiomi to be enabled to giv full aittirctioii to all v.h iu fvnr liiai with their patronage. Application ' uu be aiade to him at Mra. Fonl'a Boarding H011.C. FRANCIS A COCHEU. Oct. 4. WW atMf IXSTUl'CMO.X .V Fit KXCII KMUflOlltEHi . MINN 1HMOVI AL IS dcairoua of forming claaea for tntruvtlon'lil th almv branehei. Being a native of France, and having had ex perience In teaching In the city of Charlcatuu, from which ah bring the mo.tt mtiafactory reicrcucca aa to chaructcr and ability, aliti feel confldctit of being able to impart an ae curate knowledge and correct pronunciation ol, the French language thoee who may favor her with Ihrir pntronage, or to uch pupil a uiay be placed under her Term of instruction, in either or both liranchea, made known on application to her, at tb South-weal corner ot Orange and Old liound rang Will ilary ilreeta. mington, Jan 2d, KM Mf MITH ri. T Ill; etibscriber baring flnialied bia contraeta in the ountry I, now in town, and ready to contract for any kind of work In hi line of lttainea, as Cartienler and Contractor. G. W. ROSE. e Repairing done neatly and with dispatch rb. !th, IHM I32iltaw otu r.. A LL pcrwms art forbid tresspassing upon any of uiy lands, 1 lying within the limit of th new boundary line of Wil mington ; and all persona are also forbid making tlicir raft. Teasel or boats butt to toy Timber Pen. or Mild wharf, eu the weat aide of the river l b law will be rigidly enforced again all offender. MILES Ct STIN January II, 1N64 107 tl JVOTXCS. C ONSIGNEES of Goods by the Lin of N I I'a, kru eonsignd to ine, are hereby not ill that, after th 1 foods leav the hart, there will be 110 deduction made lor dam age ; if tbr i any damage to the Goods, they mu-l be objected to be One Uaing the Wharf, otherwise, th vri. will not be responsible. T. C. WtiRTII. NOTICE. ALL persons indebtci tu STEAMER HENRIETTA, for Freight, np tn tinte, are notified to cone forward and nettle, or their account will be pUeed in the hands ot sn officer for collect ion. All person having claim njf!iint suid Steuiner, will present them for payment to April ia, lM-l!J2-lfl WE.SSf.Lii LJLEliS, Agent. co-FAnTNXXisnxr notice. Till undersigned have this il:iy formed a co-partnership. under the name of CC'S'I I, actioa of the Lumber Bus um. l.t.t , Ac t n., lor Hit) Irani MILES COS'J I.N, .1 kli (ki:;g. ALFRED SMITH, J.'. UTTLEFIKLD March IIHi. lKj-60-tf Commercial copy. 0K HlADItKI) POI.I.AItN HEW A III). RANAWAl ation in ( I AN A WAY from the subscriber, from his plnnt- harlotte county, irgini. two Negro mart named JIM and ARTJH R JIM was formerly owned by Mr. Griffith J. McRce, of New Hanover count v, N. t ., and lias a wife near Crick. Ho is about 23 years old, 5 feet 7 inche high, dark brown color-ha otne rotten teeth in front has small ye and apeak quickly. ARTHUR wa purchased of Ephroim Page, of mith field, Johnston county, N C- Hoi about o feet 7 or rj iocho high-22 years old, and spar made dark brown col our. J will ggive Fifty Dollar reward for each of there, if delir. ered to Mr. Solomon Daris, In Richmond, M. Cronly, Wil mington, N C , or secured in J nil, o that I get them again. ForTurtber Information, addre Solomon Dari. Klehmond, ,M. A. m use. 1. 1, Red Oak Grove, Charlotte Co., Va. Hirhmond. Dee. 2d. 1- $-tt A(HI UEW AK. i T UNA WAY from the Subscriber, about the 1st of j ri May 1860, his negro man JAR K ATT, at that time hired to Mr. Gregory in Macon, Ga. The said negro 1 lay mhltlt. 2f lP 27vearsold. about 5 feet II inches. i M-h rather snare mndo. dark corrcr color. He i unnosei to be Inrking either in liiauen or .-amjiaon i-ountiea. 1 u abore reward will be paid fortbedolirery of said negro tome or hi lodgment in any Jail, o I can get him again. Dec. 23, 153 -114-t f D. Me DANIEL. AVarMioon,.Ca., Telegraph, nd Little Rock, Ark., paper c-py 1 month and aend.bill to thi office .NIAHYLASD fctOAIl REEIXIXU COMPAM. rttHE SUBSCRIBERS, Agont for the above EetablUh X ment, hare Jnt reoeired the following at sample ofthelr miTJufactme, viit 30 bbl Crushed Sugar, various grades; 10 Powder'd " 2 boxei Loaf " 5 bbli Golden Syrup, to wblob w sk lb attention ef the trade and families. ' Mayl,l4 DiROSSET fe BROWN. RICHMOXD Pt'BLICATIOJfS. THE large nnaoridged edition of " Rnffia on Calcareous Manare. lVeoeedinge fe Debate of the Virginia Stat Convention of 1829 and '30, Aa esaay oa Slavery by Thoraa K. Dew 1 Bwrke New Week on the Virginia fcprfagt, The Text Book ef Arch Moionry, by John Dove, Jefferson 1 Notes on Virginia, Westever Manuscript, Lee' l Rematkf en the Writing of Jeffemon, fcc.,&e, rof al at ' - Nov. 13th, ISM ; K. W. WMITAKER'S. ; THE FLYINO CLOUD, A romance of New York Bay, and tbe Chagre River, by Professor lograbam. Just published, received and Cut (ale by S. W. WHITAJrER, li Luna lt. A. O. NHtDLET, liRtV.Ol j V 'J lliiie ran i iJL s. it it j. j T .V fHtMlST. Wuajikdtoe. X. C arvkid tke lg etUi.feaeat ef Mr . A t i. nil kr 'iTta kJ. at hvietaie ae mu, a larf ae -r arlret Mork of lrar, j MevUnaee, t t iwi.U. 04, l.haa, Sargiral laMn aaAa, I'Ucat Mrdiae IVrfaarrj, aad raaty Artta, at luw price. AWllyaiftaa't Preerrijtiea pt ap eermtly aad witk dt-patt-k. MarvkSCMk. I-M leeVtf lltll kiH Aa. riHE Saaacriker kaejaat eaeWte4 -fcta arraacemeat foe X ea Mltiaf tk wt i lUClLAK SiU! m4.aadre kKMti a tK'k ea kaad ef ail , a te J0 i a. l.rtv aw warraated. aad auld at V aaafaHaivv' arleaa J M ROBINS 'X WUmiagUia, N. C, Jea 13k, l-W t rOMrtllLl HitD. IH ESH Groaad bolted aad aakelted Meal. tit. da. 11 away . Cravkrd Ceea, Hak, Pea aad Oil Meal Alan, I Wa, ard tU aad Pea. Feraalekv rtb . I.'M. ELUs 4M fTVH ELI- ritKeilM (OTTt vlka. ! PpilE ttkriber kavief aeeepted the Areaey f tke akeve ' 1 t. tta Gia. maaafactared ky E. T. TvW it Ce , ia uiambat, levrria, will ke hrrT te tkiliil a Specimea ! Gia ta the plaater ef lUa Ticiaiiv. aad te reeeira order mm tatMe auaieg te pan-aan. I eev are eqaai, 11 at e rir, to aay Gib meaeraclereJ, aad will ke warraaUd tw giveMttafaetioa ia every reiect. beirg remarkable lur tkeir earabilitv ad eafrty from kfaiip-. ao l for the quality af Uut ptudaceil, a well a the quaatity they are capable at tarnui oat ia a (nil titue Jan 7. im - im tr KI.O. SLT k BROWN. HULKK't AROMATIC at IIKIUtFI at II A !- nniK SUBSCRIBERS haviag ka.a .H.ii)te4 tk ear 1 agenta ta Wilutingtoa, for the aete if tHia aatwriur ale tiul of llullaed Gia, viler it for ale ia quart aad piat hot tie aad Jag In any qaaalitle te ait purchaser. It ka beea proaeaneed ky the klghet medical autkorlty a uperlative 1 anic, Diareli, Aatidyapeplic, and tnvtgoratiag Crrdial, and thev eaa eoofidentl v reeomaiend it tu vry aaa dairiou of obtaining a pur article of Holland Gia. Feb. 7. WESSKLA EII.ERS. TRAM E!UIK AN l NtV WILL. I WILL rll low, aad oa aecommiMlating term, th EN tilNEand MACHINERY of tb "tape Irar Steam Saw Mill 1 1 In. b cylinder, 3 feet etrok" ; three 32 lock boiler feet long maia abalt I') fer I N Imkea long -lb power of thi eiicioe i eatimated al wt) hore. baa a new et tra cylinder and log geering, and all th appliance tieca ry for the nil eiiiipiunt to oiat at "ice Alan, t Stave-dreeing ilachine, .lointera, fee , complete o G I'AIISI.r V. Jaoaary 17th, lt4 l2 t( Herald and I omnicrclal cpy till forbid. UKftKltAL IUtOK.lt NO. ALL account due (teamer " Spray. S. II. Martin I o . 2. aud A. II. VaaBokkelen, prevloaa to (rat January, are now being made eat, end will h prearnted immediately II not paid ner A II V AMI KKE1.EN. Januarys, NM ui-tf NKW IRMIK. A iHipular account of the Anciit Egyptian Retiaedand a bruised (ruin hia large work, by Sir I tmrdne, W ilkenaon. D C. L. fee, iu2 vol Jut puliliaht.l, rweived by l.iprrea and for aala by I MLM.S I.INE OLD LIO.LOU.-v - Juat received by the undersign ed (through knttded wntfhtmt) raak M aril Prandy. I do. One Old Pale Sherry Win. I d. dn. Madeira, I do. do Port, I do. do. rj f or Pure Juice, canea superb Claret, I Matin, Ve . vwranttii frttk. Dr A t. BRADLEY, May 20th Wholeanle and Retail Drugglat OHEETING A N I) YARN Juat received, a small lot of O BeHver Creek betting and 1 am for tale by W. II Mi HARYk t O June 3, 'fil IlY ADAMS fe 1 '1 . 'SEX I'll ESM, w received this inorn I) lug, another lot of thai MAGNIFICENT PRINT (ill 1ER, done up In half pound prints, enrloaril ,.nd rrcidr ed In a refrigerator, perfectly cool, fresh and .. I JUayao ll(:slON TOW.NSHEM) riMIOSE WHlt WIMI HANDSOME PAPER IIANoI 1 lug will plas eall at our Sure n w have a large and handsome asaorluinlit i l'pholetrrngtti Nil hranchna, siecuted with diapatch ty suixrior workmen. Feb MJ WILKINSON fe ESLEI!, Uphol.ter. Com. eopy. BLANK lit iDKS-A larg cac of half-bound Blanks I tolls, fe el and plain ami medium sitra, leeelved this I1101 mil,; ar Jin e 27th S W WIIITAKKKN f-1lll Mass , 11 1 EM K A Ls-1, 000 01a German, I ranch and English Iodide Iron; 60 fts Bin Pill Iti 01. Suliih Mori, bia; id ot Siiluli Cim bonia. aud tb largest nipply of C bamual ever nlfrred tor sal In this Stat For sal at C fe D DtPRE'S, June '& thrug Ware Rooms M MAT1 RASSES-On hand and made to or dir. ol iii.i'a Kl,f,r, Heather. Hair. Moss, hark and Felt : also, Bed Spreads, Umlt, ."br. t-. Pillow Cs.,. Aa.. fur sale by WILKINSON fe E.-Ll.i;, I plml.urs. ACKER EL A ftwTiitsnew No. I Mackerel, lor FREEMAN ft HofsTON. ritirTr srxxtxT DAnnsLs. 4V aupenor iuality in store, for ml by April 111, I ha 1 ADAMS, BRO. k ft) S SPIRIT BARRELS -VtOnaw -jirit Barrel), a suprrio Aug II PKTTEWAY fe PltlTl HETT M i:nk roitu.- Spt. 1 2'K) lib is. City and Weateni, for sale by rilCI.,lil,1 iT II' M .1II.. BIRDCAtiES.Just recclvrdat the Hardware Store of Wilmington, Aug. 10.J J. M. ROBINSON. W K linve i.-itv In aloie a lino assortment of French I uglifh and American paper hangings, borders, deco rations, fcc Also, eurt.iins, corni,'c, fh,ol"S, tasaels, Vc for sain, and hung in the latettvl WILKINSON fe F.SLER. Sept. 2; I'pholaterer and Paper Hanger. ttltPf'.TN atirl MI tolh cut, mds nnd put down, by VV V 1 1. A I.NrM 1 ,V JiSLhK, Sept. 2N PM'r Hangers and Upholsterers. Wil W HOOK. -A arge variety of MiMwlluneon Books, lust received end for al it the Book Store North side Varket street. J. T. MUNDS HO.OOfi LARGE CONTRACT SHINGLES. For salea Point Peter Mill. Apply to WESSEL A EILERS. Sept. I, IH51. 11 rictaT EH.N VV Shoulders. Sept. Kith. H it r. 1 hhd. Superior Sidn and r or ai ny PETTEWAY fe PRITCHETT T j IITOltlt AL Sketche of eminent Statesmen who XI flourished In the time of Gooree HI., tosether with r mark ou the French RevHution by Henry Lord Brougham F. R. S., member of the National Inetitute of France, com , . , , - , . ... ...... a. . . picie in a vois. rorsaieai b. w. WtlllltEK. S, rrilE LIFE OF HENRY BIDLEMAN BASCOM.D. D. X L. L. 0 , late Kishopofthe Methodist Enisoonal Church. South. By Rev. M. M. llenkle, D. D. Revived and fortale fy J. T MUNDS, .C-1LEASOVS PICTORIAL. Fla of Our Union. Satnr. vT day Evening Post, Saturday Evening Mail, The Know. iNoining raiier, eio.,jui received oy . Oct 8 ). T. MUNDS. "WARMING NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN V "Talk and Talee for Children" by H. Trorta, antbor 01 1 ne aunny stue, a feep at o. 0, The Tell-tale, &e. uur roia at nome, illustrated by besutiful engraving from original deiien. Just publithed. Received and for eleby 8. w. WHITAKER TAOMESTIC LIO.lOIl.-0 bbl. Brandjr, Rum and XV w ni8Ev, now landing and lor sal oy Nor. 7, 1854. B. F- A. J. GRADY "II 7" ALTER WARREN, or the adventure of the North. v v em Wild, by Chren Duffy. Vnr aata at J. TeMUNCS. J JASANCILLO, or the Fishermen of J' pNVY-anew novel jurt eat hy Kgoe MwiiPs."1 AY AND BRICJC.-I00 bale prime E.t.rn H.y , 7,- iVM il.rd Prick, landing from Brig "Barouda, aod for al. from fJor. e.h Wharf, In lot to eait,b, W0RTU, 1 PASfY tJHHi. f R GtNTLXMLX. II Jea rrt Mcaim; t eVs. t 'rr t as r t'aa I. do. I do. eV 3 U. 33 do. Wkakerl Hra.ke; Shasieg Car(; Naear 4 Skarisg Erneb J Mali b Safe tat. 1 1 nr. 1 eetk aad Xa3 Brashss. aad asd- ta tkiega. it aswwed aad W eaW at the euk (iore. Nue mi t Market Street, f Nvh, 1,54 J T MTNT3. l( RI l( KII It Kill THE - WILMINGTON ICS HOUSE" It aew patk pakli may eVpeavd ea kar tag tkr 1 urr-rW t ea aeoauaj af tke veer, al reaeonal, raw. 'wiatAt Ov4rr frM. ta eoaatry ad-lreawwd te U JatrrUa U lleaaa, wiUwUtaM-kfdaa4ept!v tbrmtnitl. w. .. A- H. YAaBOAktLEX, Proprietor. March II. INS ' . lM.kt TKKLPEiai ITKUKIIII Jl sT apeaaal. eaae Stee) Pan, U abamat every kraad ead price, irvaa 30 eeU te tl per greee. Alee, eoe eaa wt tkwe rir Amalgaatated Lrvdmrn 2iae aad PUua Pta ; tbeae we warrant net te err4e. Also, a aea CaliloreU Peae 1 tkaweerea aew aadaaperier atieieof Peae. made ef a eempwaitMM ef metal. e4 warraatd Bet te red Alao, iae. sapertor ItaUa QalU Peaa. Tki U a bread ef reedv-made Cjaill Pv-ne tket we eaa warrant, ae tkey are ad ia moot ef tke Backlog Hoaeae la Eaglaad I thev ar very witebl for tidiest as ehra merkief e.athaei nk In ialliVl lak, (uf wkiek we have aa exeeileet ertiele.) Also, two eaae more ef thuee Favorite tild Pee, free I ', Warrea fe flyde'i Manafaetory. . We ne kae fv-ur dieT-refit viae a tke Pea, la Silver Cae, froai 7 tw lh aad ia t)IJ Case. frm tl te 110. Tkeee we war ral lake tka beet Gold Pea new U ae far ahead ef Rtpa'i or BigVy's. . , Auy ai the above )raaer l'r may be lad, at JJani faoturer price, at J. T. MUXD'. Bk-tnre. TTcori' HMiKs -JaM pabllabedlaa keaautul ut V formcditioai "iuUBf lia.baad r Lwtieeef Mad ia tkemairiaee Rttattoa.' " Tke X eaaag Wlfear iHitle ( Wemaa w marriage Hslatioa "lb Ynang Mather er manageiueat ef hllJyja la regard tekaalth." "The Yeeng Mora Keeper er thought aa FeJ and wok ryr-Malej.t S. W. WHITAKER'S. K.wlhertt Haptlat larltlt'i Pwklleallana. JROM THE HOLTHERX BAPTIST PUBLICATION S(K IETV wereeeord thla meeaieg a large mnply ef tb "P'almody," embracing all the d fereal t;Te pint aad blading iaaaed by tk Soeiely. Amoag losr r eoas brautiful edition bound ia Turkey Meroeew aad Vdret. - I ke HaptiH Manuel; a aeUctloa from tkriaof pabllaw lions of iba Soeiety, deaigned for the ae ef lemlll, and a aa eipoait ioa of t be distinguishing ntimaU ef the dsnemU aalioa. lae naren ,iiiuiki uaad voot. A Help for Children, or Plata and Eaey Ctehla. Mrll eu Baptism, r alter ej do , fee. Nov.l . W. WHITAKER. fMWA hs, CHECKS, CHECKS Reeeived per Eipree V ' I .mill qulrea of Blank t keck, on Cemmerelal, StaU aad Cap Fear bank Our Aiaortmtnl ef Check I now eocaa plot. Tkey are all mad to order, aad eannot be eurpaieed in r-'auty, quality or price. Call aud eee for yourselves, at Nov. 1 J. T. MUNDS' Bookjtere. OWLLL LIFE AT SEA, or Fua.TriiaiSTaVd'TaT!. t J Ings Just publlahed, and for sal at J. T.JdUNyBk atorj QWFLL LIFE AT SKA, or Fan7FrigaUaad ifatebU. tJ A Collection uf Nautieal arna troin the Log Book ofi a youngaUr of tb Met. Jaat Published, reeeivtd and for l al . W WlHTAKEK'a BLANK W h KH ! rlLANK BOOKS t 7ut MoeU.J." larre ad.litiou to our stock ef blaak Book. We no hay all slsss, from a 20 quire ledger te the Mallett isd Pass Book ell mad to my order, pcllly for thi market. We soliult a eall from any of our friend la peed ef the ar Hole, w ar eeulldent w oan please. J. T. ML'ND.1. ED. A R DEN, or th Jeaultt Revenge, by the aalhor of Ga Howard, Mlnlte (!rey, Harry Ashtoa, tllea JJo Vre, lUndnild Hall, llinry Lawiuce, Woman and net Master, fee Juat publilid, received and for sal at ' H. W. WHlTAKliK'S, Of UJTft ER N AG H li 'ULTITKlCwiit ey7 ea "tflVVaf tj livation of Corn, Hemp, Tobaoro, Wheat, et. t , aad th hal method Of renovatin tba aoil. Adam it..ik ding bl Prise eaeay, vearfalTv rerlseil Forwleal ... MUXD'SBook Btore. ,' N ICW IIOOHH, . , Nd Murerav. or tb most unfortunaU . 1. tvi world-a Coiulo Novel, by 1 heodor Hook Feline daf kata I'ure, or lb Female Friend, by Aleiand r Dumat-hl la. test and best v earrmui common a aeaie tale I ArehL or tb Brother Keveage, by J.T. MUXDS. bald Werner Oct 27 BLANK BOOhS.-TboH handsome Ledger. Jonrnal Records, Doy-llook. fee., made te order, eo long et iitctcd, bavajuat arrived per Schr. Matilda E. Wll Wt have now the Inrrett, best and ohespest assortmant el Blank Books ever in Wilmington. The attention of ear merchant Is respectfully Invited. . W. WHITAKER. yui.AU HII.KI' ilKK llOtiK, eon.iatlngof pearly 1 ou hundred eotvylght Song and I)tts, never before ,1 a P.i.i.n .....I . L . L . . ., . . . 1 . iT .. L . """""a irun in vrermaa IN Italian. I he erhole arranged In an easy and familiar tyle or tb ne of elntrinir classes, via elulu. anil tha ai.l circle. Ity ( barlws Jarvls. Jut nuhll.b.d Ka.i...i ..4 f"r , " bT S. W. WHITAKER. R" iv ""' ''K. the" Hero" Kinr.k thra'i.tbor" of "Wallace, the Hero of Scotland." Just publlsfaed. Received and for sale at N. W. WuiTiKKk'M 'V1U. X an. III. PRINt L t 0KSAIR. or the threa brotharaVnoa A tale of th Indian ( ti'oan. Juat M. W. WHJTAKER'8 ' 1'y yyj JJut'iv.. a eriesoreeaaiuui Uook for ( hildren, printed on linen, lust published. For sal at '"""J H. W. W1JITAKERV, Jj and for ..la at 8. W. WHITAICER'S. y IKGINlA AND M AGP LEN E, or tb Foster Slt ere, 7 by Lmma D. E. N. Soutbwortb. Received end for sale TV I ll. w'I'Ll I It -T-llil I- l , .!.-.. - - -- -.-.'r-x. by J. T. MUNDS. 'IMIE MOTHER-IN-LAW, by Mri. Sontbworth, Re'd r A HHDS. Moteaae 76 bag IVmvian Guano t 800 UVJ sack Liverpool Haiti 20 karrala FavatLMlll. ri.... 1,000 Iba. Pared I'eacbe. For al bv . Feb 22 WM. H. McRARY. f 'Sfi a'T ui1J,uf,,y J Mof h? Jan uC-yra, Port. Apr!' 3d a ! a AIUIIIU I'T Pl OJ FREEMAN fe HOUSTON. JUST RECEIVED AND FOr SALE ' 23 Barrel City Mese Pprk, by , 1 April nth. w . ; . w. H. McKOY ATst received, 50 whole and 20 balif Barrel e JoVd Taylor fe Son Cream Ale, and for al by Apri"3- WESSEL tte EILERS. - SOAP. 100 Boxe. different brands and qualities, for sal FREEMAN ds HOUSTON. BEESWAX WANTED. We wish to pnrcbea 6,000 lbs. Beewai, and for which the highest market price will be giv"- FREEMAN to HOUaTUN. , DOUBLE REFINED SALE RATUS small packigea, in boxes of 60 lb, each, for tale by May 31 ; FREEMAN fe HOUSTON. IRONTf all tb beat make, raltabl for Planter and Smith' use. Constantly on bandand for sal at t hm-r price, and quality warranted, by . . M. KOBLNSO.'v. SUGAR. 0 bbl., various grade for sal by March 8. i FREEMAN HOUSTON US'iTED STATES LAvV CABIXET. eomprisi. g 1 ; Busines Man's altant and Ready R eekooer. ' Trader's Gnide, oomprirlng the Law of Bill, Kote a n" Contract . Mode of enforcing the payment of debt, fee. Landlord' Teoanfl airtanl, or the Right Lla! '" of Laalordl and Tenant. ' ? iA Merchant' Assistant, or m snipmaster's Carrier 1, ' rlaa an1 fhcider'a Guide. Laws of the Sea or Rights of Seamen, the C-- Flshsrmanr' Guide and Matter' and MVs : r t leal. ' ";-'-' -:': v. S. W. Will i A rpURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC for 1 For X the grot, doaen er nngle aorr t Nor, 15 i '1 fc. W. wrr (' MltAP HORSE fc COW trXV. y superior article of Ccfi 1 f ' Oct 7' , ' ' . . I . . LEA ON S 1

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