V A PVULlSHEl) BY FULTON 4- PRICE, WlLMIMiTO.N. NORTH CAUOUNA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN Al)YA!.. VOLUME 4.-NO. 93. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, IS54. WHOLE NUMBER 1,0.0. rate of aumhu.ng aj raa. I liT,... f 2 I d. ri X dart, ........ . W 4 data t'i ;. 7i 1 weik.. t weak. 1 37, I afreet a. ...1 fJ 2 moat ha 5 aaoatha, .... BHlkl. 9 CO ldy $a w 1 ia .... - . 7 4y 1 00 4 aav . .- --- - I 24 idaV ........ ...... l I wk... I 7 5 weoks 2 75 lAath 4 1 B)lhe.... 7 DO Saaeaths .....19 00 taaoatas..... ...... I CO I 'er, I W lyeer. ...SO 00 Tea ha r fBt4 m qer. aad It. line rl k!f-Br. 111 Jvertieaat it prprtieB, mJ H payable U edveaee. If xl k!f qaar Ml ped 1)1 Tee will rkargod a a aquar. - No piblicatiea made wit boat a rfoeibl . IrrUil lid Dtps rt nit ifthf Sails. T Mail fur tb Soata ! daily at 8, P. M , peoeiee It. Lter asast to it tb So I) saiBato kwfur Ik Una t cWtSv fl t Km North of Riekmoad, Va., close daily at 1, F M . end 10, P. M. For Kiebiaod, V , Bad Santa af that aad North ef this, daily at f, P. M. - ... For Fayettevtllo, via Warsa, Clintoa, A., daily at L, P. M. Far FeyetteviH. via Eliaabethtuwa, every Monday, Wednesday eed Friday at a e'eloek, P. M. Lattara mast be ia the Oce at least 15 minute before the tiiaa af cloning. i. HATHAWAY. 1 I- H tTH A WA Y WW. t ITLtY. J. J. L. IIATlIAWAi CO., pOMMlssloN MERCHANTS, Vj Wii.vixaroN. X. C. Not 1.M54. 49-lf K.C.MUlK1'AHV, riOMMISSlON AND FORWARDING MKRCIIANT, Wilmington, N. C Jr Particular atteBtlon givea ia tha ! of Tim:, Lrvaia, Naai. Sroitw, and all aiadi of country rodup. Not. b, 1HM . bh-tt-lt: W. P. KbLlOTT, GENK a A I COMMISSION AND FnKWARPIXO MERCHANT, Wiliningtoa, N. t". Not. 21, ISM. - D. CAIlwr.LL, riOMMISSlON MKRCIIANT, , U Jpt27 21 tf Wilmington, N. ( JAMES E. METT. lOMMlSSIOt and KorTardl Mrrrhanl, WILMINGTON. N. C. - Aigatt 2Hh, t JUSEPH KLANNKH, C1K!KHAL CammUalon Mtrchant, j (4-ll WilminytoD, N. C. ADAMS, BHOTIIEK & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W I LM I K9 TOM , N. C. T" GEO. HAItltlSH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wilmington, N. ( . July ut, iH-vi g5'y II P N R V N VTT FlCTOR AM) FORWARDING a'gENT, willgWaali Mraoaal Attention ta buiiaeta aotruitad ta hit oara. jSapi. MM. 4. c.Bcnii. DANL. B. BAItm. C. D.PRB k CO.. GENERAL AGFNTS. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MEKCIIANS, WlLMINCTON, N. C. July lit. iy 270 y A. II. VAWUOKKKLKS. GENERAL AGENT. COMMISSION k FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention giran to tal and P0;1 Yn W no. MTT brow, aVmandj. pikossit, jr., . r. ltownj BROAVS & DROSSKT, Niw Ymrk, UcROSSET 4i BROW Sf, Wilmington, fit C, l32) COMMISSION MERCHANTS. h nni t Mil fOTIIR.Jr. I.MU.HH, w)Ltlpn A pOTTKH, GENER AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-1, , NtwYork Liberal caih adfanco mak on ooniignmtnti jMca aUdieso, idwad aavaoi. A5IDERSOX A SAVAOK, lENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r Wilraineton N. C. Liberal oah adranoei made on oonignmnt. 10t3 . r. r. WORTH. Gf I ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, r Wn vinoTOI. N. C. ITanal advancei on eontignmenta of Cotton, Naval Storef, Ud other pnduM. u..s. t'mrLicQiKr aiiLeiiviuu iifcii uj v . t , - r"-- r - iaAaa r.aAnrin Tra I rr n l for TflHf IK. OLn. . January 11th, 1854 "7 Itl'SSELI, BROTHER, (LATi thhW, RUMKUL k CO.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTO, N. C. Liberal eaah adranoei mada on coniignmanti of NaTal Store i, Cotton, and other produce. . ' JAH. T. MTTRWAY. R.'.rRITCHKTT. PETTEWAV & PRITt HKTT, GENERAL fommlaalon ""d Forwarding Mer chant, aim Wholcsalo Grooen, North Water tret, WiLmntvroN. N.C. Prompt attention willbegiTen to the al of Naval fctnrcs and all kinds of Produce. intend keeping an ateortment of Orecerieo. Liauori and Provieions. July 13th, 1854-263 James C. mith. Milm Costin. JAS. C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, hare removed their of flco to the iecond etory of the building formerly occu pied ot tba Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to 11 busmen in the Commia'ion line. All boHineaf entrusted to them will be ponotnlly atten ded to. Jao. II. 1864. u ti.MarloB Star and Carolinian copy one year and end til La above. WM. M. IIARRISS, GENERAL Cominlialon Merchant A Ship Broker, : Wilmington, X. C. KEriRIXCISI &dVaV&fn,gqton j Wilmington, N.C. J da. Corner k Son, Baltimore. E A. Sondor Co., Philadelphia. i nempson c nunier, . New.york. M. M. Freeman at Co., Tufti Hunting, Boitoa 12-ly W.H.MeRARTkCO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lmarn BulKllngi, Prlnceaa Strei. Miy20, C4-21-tf- - Whjuhotow, N C, HVJNCE 4i tOVVAlV. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. ; , : Comer of Froot and PrlncefMtreeU, Wilmington, N GEORGE AVt DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, Marolt 17th, 1854 . - : WUtnington N. C. . B. V. A.J. GRADY, .': GROCERS AND GENERAL COMJlISSION MER CRants, Wilmington, N. C. ; r jCT Liberal eath advance made on oonei'gnment of Naval Store andothartiroduoe. . ; .. ., , i i . AW Office on Jforth Water Street, next door North of tha Cuatom Honao. Oct. IS, 1854. r -pj Bll I III if f ai 'l I" r-T-r:''JJ 1 ' f IN l - ,, I - y ias. p: iLtKsnrit. " " i. -M.s. runrn. : . JAS. V, GILLESPIE It COH4 PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS, . . ' . . WlLMISOTO!!, N. C. Particular attention paid to the r!pt and aal of Naval Storw, Timber, Lumber, Cora, Baflon, Cotton, ., ito. WM.C.HOH ikd ipDLKAL rRODUCE BKL'&tLK. ' .c iiitiikc.,i. t, )iuiiitinn, wa rREKIll UUl9TO. MERCHANTS AND FACTuRS. KCIE1V1U AND XH1VARUIU tUalTt, Dralvra In Saval lr, Prln an4 UravTitra. Wllailaiia,!l.r. Tat air Bartaer, D. C. r iuuaO l'atd ia t eity f New Ynrk ; th jaaior partaer. ticex. llorsrv. ia Wit niagto. if dmired, adTtacr wi!l ba J a eanrnga. awal ta aad fraai eitkar b4ac. All bans atrtd t tkeai will nwirt frcpr atiitia ; aad-arder tvr '-e-jdt will a prwatptly aad earrfil'j t.WJ I. wtasL, . a. i nn WESSEL d. EILKRB. nOCMIOt Mrrrlianla an4 M kfli l.rw.n, rtk WatrStrt, Wi!niBgtn. N.C , tatead tk at the abT ataad a garal aMartwmt af GraroriM, l.')r, aad lrvit, at hvlcal aad I ffcrrv a a (nara) t'omaiiMiioB ituaiaeM. iiriiiun E. P. Hall. Pmt Dranck tSankwf tkaStat. ) O. i i. PaaaLRY, Pre't Coaaaercial Hank. WilmlBgioa P. K. laeiiaon, Ej., J Prrt Jt to. I N Y . Dollar kPomiJ w T,r IIS t. MLLVIW. PRODUCE BROKER, FOWARl'lMJ and l'niMioa Mtrrhaat ('Sea r Mnr of W. It. M-Ky, Sualh Water trt, Wilaiingtou, N. ('., will utak librl V-a l van euatigPBieBt. 11 kaa itggd th ktMif. ul Joiio Hall a a Geacral lrvdur lr"ltr Urfm tu : h. P. Hall, Preidut l.raath I'tni with Mate, Wiliaiogtua t. G. Prlv, " OmMercial Uuk. GB. A. Mer5.' W. d K. Railroad, t.ea. W. W. Harll W. k M. Rilmad, Man. f. II. .SC. W. K. Laea, tioiafboro'. N C. July 1. 154. iWl W. II. MrKOV. GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCIIANT; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCr.R, Soutk Water tret, Wilmington, N. V , inton.ti krrpiag at th a bov at bikI, a 1 arg anort men t of t i K ( K." K R I E S, 1 . 1 I ' O R 5 and PROVISIONS, at whlaland rrtaii i'.rticular at ttatioa will b paid ta all erdrr tram tb ruuotry. I would respectfully in vita th eititeo of Wilmington uj lh aljoiniug country, to call and nimiu my atiK'k bfure pur ebaclng alMwher. 1 intend to crry a a general O'lU Biiaeioa buin Particular attention will be givB to th aal of Naval Store, aad all kind of produce Liberal Caih advance aied on onignianl WilmingtoB, October bth, Hi 27 tf-tf J. M. ItOtlISM). IMPORTER ANDWHOLESALE DEALER in nil kin.la 1 of Hardwar. Cutlery, AOR ICC LTL'RAL IMPLE MENTS', Iron Axletree Mill and Croa Cut Sawa, Ct Steel Hoe. Iron. Steel, Hoop Iroa, .Trua Hoops. H ivetn, ate. lie. Hi itork ia now verv full and conipli-te. with m ny'addition of new and uaeful trticlpa in th hoiH-krpiiig line Mervbanta whe are diped to patrnnii Southoru c tabliahmenla, are guarantttU all article in hi lino lnw m the.v can be procured North. Wilmington, N.C, Spt. 21, 162 m. cnoNLT. BROKER. AUCTIO.V'JER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AliKNT. Wilsiinuton, N. C Heal Katate, r(rur, Uuiik Klork, HoikU, ll.n" hold Knrnltnre.andeverydencriptionnf Pioirl bought aud aold on oommiuion, either at private or pnlilic AT Refer to th public -nraIly. June IKth. I HAS 214 T. MITII k t !., D EALERS IN CORN, MEAL, HOMONY, PEAS AND Oatv, and t ow and liorae reed, LRATTY'a WHARF, NORTH WATAR TKKKT, Wii.MmatoN, N. C. Ol'R Steam drift Mill i now in aucceasful operation. W will have it in our power to deliver tbe above articlra at abort notic. V have a 23 horaa powtr engine and ehall run two pair of four feet atonea Oder can b addreaaed to C. DuPre k Co., or to the aub aoriben. CORN GROUND ON TOLL. T. SMITH k CO April 1H, 1854 S3-1 yjWMt Dr. A. O. RltADI.KV, DRUGGIST k CHEMIST. Succeaaor to S. B &i J. A. Evans, Wholeaal and Retail dealer in IVujra. Medi cinea, Cbemicala, Paint, Oila, Glaaa, I'atant Medicine, Perfumery, Cigara, Old Krandiea nd Winea, k8., ice., at low price. North Weat Corner Front and Ma-ket atreeta. Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1H54 ltirl-tf DR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Articlaa and Perfumery, baa jut opened a large and beautiful aa aortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new pattern and of auperior workmanship. Port Momiake, Gentlemen' Droning Caaea, Cigar Caaea, Hair Rruahea, Tooth do., Nail do , Gent' Shaving do., FierhGlovea, Chi na Ware, Powder-puff, Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glai, do Gelatine, Buffalo Dree-ing Comb, India Rubber do. Jun5th, 1854 WILMIKUTO.w ICE IIOl'HE. HAVING purchaaed tha entire lntereat (n the above Ea tabliebment, the buainet beretofor conducted by S. II. Martin & Co.. will b continued by ma. The publio may rest tatiaBed that they will at all time be able to procure a aupply of ICE on reasonable terma. Order from the country addreaaed to the Wilmington Ice Houao, will receive prompt attention. Jan5-tl02-tf A. H. VANBOKKELEN. IROI SAFES. CRICH 4t CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safea, warranted free from dampneaa a well aa Fire-Proof. The aubecriber. having accepted tb agency for the aale of the above highly approved Safra, are prepared to furniah any aiie or pattern which may he wanted at manufacture!' prices, dolivered tnthii place. Specimen of aereral aiiea havejutt been received, and or dora will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1&52. tf DrROSSET k BROWN. XNSTRUCTZON IN 10178X0. THE SUBSCRIBER having located himaelf in th town of Wilmington, for tha purpoae of T BACHING MUSIC, reapectfully ofera bin aervicea to the citizena. He will give inatroctiont on the Piano, Guitar and Violin. From bia lonr experience a Teaoher, b bopee to be enabled to give full tatiafaotion to all who may favor him with their patronage. Application can b de to him at Mr. Ford' Boarding Houae. FRANCIS A. COCHLT. : Oct. 4, 1853 2-tf INSTRUCTION' LV FRENCH EMBROIDERY MISS DeMOITAL, IS doairoua of forming olatae for inatruotiona'in the above ..branch. Being a nativ of France, and having bad es perienc in teaching in tba city of Charleston, from which ah bring tba moat aatiefactory reference aa to character and ability, he feet confident of being able to impart an ac curate knowledge and correct pronunciation of Vie French language to thoea who may favor her with their patronage, or to auch pnplla a may be placed under her. Termi of instruction, in either or both branches, made known on application to her, at tbe South west corner o( Orange and Old Boundary street. Wilmington, Jan. 2d. 1854' , 8Mtf CO-PAUTNXinBniP NOTICE. tup .ilmi.iuil ham ihia tT farmed a en-nartnershiD. under tbe nam of COSTLN, GREGG & CO., for thrtrana actios ot tne Liumoer cusineaa. iul,i,o j i.i, J. ELI GK EGG, . ALFRED SMITH, : Maroh 14th. 1854-160-tf J. G LITTLE FIELD Commercial copy. 1 - OSE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from the iobscrller, from hli plant ation In Charlotte eonnty, Virginia, two Negro men tamed JIM and ARTHUR. ... m j l. .f . ratiil of New Hanorar county, N.C. and ba v wife nearLong f i. it. I. .hnnt W veara did. S fet 7 inch hieh. dark brown anlor-ha aom rottan teth i front ha (mail eye ao4spek quickly. - J '". -'flJ' ... ARTHUR wa pnrchaaed of Ephralm Page,' of Smith field, Johnston county, N. C. Hi about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high 22 yean old, and ipara mkda-dark brown eol- will tlT fifty Dollar reword forccB1)f them, if doliv red to Mr. Solomoa Davia, in Richmond, M. Cronly, Wil mington, N. C , or secured In Jail, to that 1 get tbera again. ForTurther Information, addrl Solomon Davi. Richmond, - . - Mr A. MOSELY, ... - ' - " ' Bed Oak Grova, Charlottt Co., Va. i , Richmond, Do. 2d, MM.,.:. , , t ... .W W-tf. T. JIXI.I UK(OM, i A TTtRNEY AT LAW. t tuiiNwrf. N C. i . L. riMOHT ttK, ' C'.MMiSlOX MERCHANTS. N 17 Nrtk W ban -'. I'b.Uiik.a. l NJ Agat f, tha aUtf R. t'kdd A t . i LMP I ELICX. ! T 'i arirn fv C alwi articW prvaji ilj aAtniid Ua. j v. 13; k. IM hAa " SAStl EL W. FKPFKK. ( icroT t HENRY J. PEPPLR It SON, S wawkft, Jtw.lrf nl felUvrTtnawi j AV IT ( Strttt, Mll (Aa tM , i May !S.Js6j tZjf ' avic Tail. . rmiUMrium J TUAIN V mtXEONS. ! C1ENERAL COMMISSION MLKlM ANTs. N II: T Swath Wkarv, Pmilaou,ia. Special a ratios givea t a, aad liberal adv wade va. ' oaaigBBMt f Natal Nora, Cottaa aad Kio , Ketvr ta Mear IKcar k Pbowb, O. ii, Paatt.tr, r.w , I'raal t'atunirvial Banji. t. P. IUll, i.u , IVaat IUk af (ha Stat. 1 11. WRiaar.Eau ,lWt B k f Cp Far Febraary , h54 Ut ly l aiiui cox-bian, w a aLl.. Oi llltH A HI KI.l., (Sareaaaor l Tbnaa Altiboa It Co .) pENEKAL COMMlSMt. MKKt HANTS. Xe 11 IT North Wkarv, aud 63 North Walr Mrrat. I'bila nai.ru'.A Liberal raak advaaa Baadaoacwnatrniaivnt Julv Nb. K3 r J. It. (.it.MOHK A. CM pMMlSSlON MERCHANTS. Niw Y..rr V iSirtnvit:- E. P. Hai.i., 1.k , l'reaidMt WilmiugtuB Ivraneb of tb Bank of tb Mat. MfKra. KmpiR k Miini J. H. Flannrr. Ei. (Augut I Sib, KM II. ( . THAI IIKK. "It M MISSION MERCHANT, K NO. .f) t LNTRAI. WHARF UtiSTON Cuatom wy U ance . uiaiiaon ronkigauieutx f N aval Store RirKR to: II imn A' NUktii, Wilmington, N t; Spt-mbr 1(1, lM . 6 ly lOTUK. rPHE aubecriber having flninhed his contract in th A ToBHtrv ia now ia town, and ready tu contract fur any riihi oi worR in nia nnol luma, aa arpentarUU I and (contractor (i. W ROSE, a" liriairing duo natly and with dipt'h reb. Htb, I'vVt 13 .Haw NOTICE. 4LL peraon ar forbid trMi.aliig upon any of my landa, il lying within tb liiuit of (h'e new boundary lire of Wil mington ; and all person ar lo forbij oiaking their raft, vmw! or boata faj.t to my Timber Pen, or MiM wharf, n tli writ aid of tb river Tb law will b rigidly enforord gaint all onndri. MILES Cl WTIN January II, l64 Iu7-i TVOTirTL (lONSlf.NLESoftSoodabyth Lin of N Y. Tackel ) conaigni-d to me. ar hereby notified that. after tbe iooda 1... . U it . I . i i . . " - arar ' nva lav K'll u (3 a 1 ' I Uaa- agea; if tber ia any damag to tb Good', they inunt b i" '" nan, iiirro win o BO ueduciltin UIBH lor Uain ...l.It. J. . ui.iccted to before laavi Wharf.otherwine, the v w ill not b rcnionaibt. T C WORTH NOTIOV ALL persona indabtvd to STEAMER HENRIETTA, for Freight, up to date, ar notified to come forward and eettle, er their account will be placed In the ttamla ot an oflicer for collection. All peraon having claim ftgalsat auid Steamer, will present theui for payment to Ar.rU W, IW-lVA-tr WESSLhii E1LERS, Agent. njotici:. HAVING aold our entire atock of Irug, ke , we give notice to those with whom we have Din do accounts, ibat their billa will be ready for payment anon. Tiione having account againat ua, will 4oaa present then Thankful for tbe patronage extended to ua, we would be speak a continuance of tbaam to our eutcessor. Dr. Allred (V KradUr. M. B Ar J. A. EVANS. March IM, IN54 KM tf Herald and N. Telegraph copy. NOTIC R. THE aubecriber forewarna all person againa tiespaaslng In any manner upon hia Land kaowu a tb FoH('K PUT PLANTATION, aituated on the WAtera of tbe North Eaat River, near tbe town of Wilmington, aa th I iw will be rigidly enforced ariiinut all offendera. I tb. 14, 1864-fai-tf F. N. WADDELL, Jr NOTICE. ALL peraona receiving Spirits Turix nHi a bnrrelaby th New York and Philadelphia line ot pM. kri 'n- which 1 am agent, are notified that the barrel will be randy fui U livery tb aecond day alter the arrival id tbe vessel. If not taken awsv Immediatelyaftertbetaoding.thevewiel will not n rpnaiii lor any Darren mat may be missing. T.C. WUKTll. Aesnt. May i854. 218-tf. TEAM EN'jII N K AND NAW MILL. IWILL acll low, nd on accommodating terun, tb EN GINK and MACHINERY of th "Cap Fear. Steam Saw Mill" 14 inch cylinder, 2 feet trok three 32 inch boiler 30 feet long main ahaft 10 feet 6 inches long th power of this engine i eitimatad at 00 horse, ba a new ex tra cylinder and log gearing, and all the appliance necessa ry for tho !ull equipment to operare at once. Also, 2 Stav-drcing Machines, Jointera, lie., complete. O. G. PARSLEY. Janaary 17th, 1854 liMI Herald and Oomuieroial copy till forbid. PICK.tlllM COTTON GINS. THE subscriber having accepted th Agnev of tbe above Cotton Gin, manufactured by E. T. Taylor k Co., in Columbus, Georgia, will be hsppy to exhibit a Specimen fiin to the planter of thi vicinity, and to receive orders from thoee wishing to purchase. Tliev ar equal, if not au perior, to any Gins manufactured, and will be warranted to ive satisfaction in every respect, being remarkable lor tbelr urabilitr and aafety from heating, and for tlie quality of Lint produced, a well as the quantity they ar capable of turning out in a given time. Jan. 7, lH54.-104-tf DrROESET k BROWN. VoLKE'8 AROMATIC t II KID AM KrllNAPPS- ItHE SUBSCRIBERS having bn anpointed tb or genta in Wilmington, for tba al of tbia superior al ticlo of Holland Gin, offer it for tale in quart and pint bot tlea and luge In any quantitic to aoit purchaaer. It h been pronounced by the highest medical authority 4 superlative Tonic, Diuretic, Antidyspeplie, and Invigorating Cordial, and they can confidently roomnind it to vory one deslriousof obtaining a pure article of Holland Gin. Feb. 7. WESSELt EILERS. f 400 REWARD. T3 UNA WAY from the Subscriber, about tb 1st of It May 1850,his negro man JAllK A 1 T, at that time hired to Mr. tircgory in Mseon, Ga. The said negro Is ahout 2H. or 27 rears old. about fl foot 11 Inches, hiirh rather snare made, dark copper Oolor. H i SUPpOsni to be lurking either in Bladen or Sampson Counties. Th above reward will be paid for th delivery of said negro to m or his lodgment la sny Jail, so I can get him again. Dee. 23, 1853 -II Mf D. McDANlELi AffMacon, Ga., Telegraph, and Little Rock, Ark., paper cepy 1 month and send bill to this office MARYLAND fcVOAR REFINING COMPANY. THE SUBSCRIBERS, Agent for the above Establish mnt, have just received the following as sample of their manufactme. Tin -30 bbl Crushed Sugar, various grades; 10 " Powder'd ' 2 boxes Loaf 5 bbls Golden Syrap, to which w ask the attention of the trade ana (amine. May 81, 1854 . , , . DrROSSET k BROWN. . P1AKO FOltTKB. A LOT of fine-toned ioatruments, just rsoeived and for Ml sale low.by - t. v. LOvti. May 8th, 1854 . 207-tf r . . CONSTANTLY ON HAND, FRESH Ground bolted And nnboUed MeaL do. . do. Hommony. . " . .. . Cracked Corn, Husk, Pea and Oil Meal. ' : - ; Also, corn, t eea Uau and xa. r or ai cy is. For sale by" ELLIS JtMITCHELl.. Fb. IS, 63. . : . R " V BOOK STORK REMOVED. OUR present location is four door abort th old stand, on the nmt (South) side of Market Steeet, nearly irpoite yarolina.jtloWL. . .'; , i t 9. w..muiAtUM. jurric :. L it XrJ T i II anal Hal. at. 1 1 Ov , At!tT.. S C.lwWf l.hb. lSt aad an ir,lay 1Mb ibm , lb. imaiUiMa traia will Wava at ?. i.w. -f j . u k iimiagUa at 9 A. M , imUi T 'tWvi Tb rBjrg laatvogrrtraiB ...IWavaal aWk. a k'"tf'" l'. WALL At C Twkrt A-t 1-. I IvM xlf Oaa WllnlatalM A HaWUk II H ( Wilmitub. May ilk, I'Sit. ( t WTSaat t iara WW 'T3aii v PAHTIl t LAH htlllt ."a HIKEAr I LK Tk-kvt t mm ,. Kaad f tkia CvaspaBT will, an n iax. to auld t a , t'wer aiaal apply ia parwa aad faraa fur tki. kvad tti 1 icaet la th I wJ.'tr, aad iiat i t kiai tb aa- g f b"B It wa bght Byardar. S. U WALLACE, Arwt. Twa par i'ry. 4lf IMPORTANT TO THIVKLEH. " i ! " i i 1 w r THROUGH TICKETS U Haltimtw,..., M la, Philadelphia taNewYvk... f 13 W 14 tO is k tarskal SAM nd 3 P. M. 5. l WALLACE. Ageal Wilwingt.,a ft Kaleigh R. R . Co. AgMti, lS3 . gsa-U tlfllr llanlHCloM Maxh.al.r II. H. au,l W inaiwr.ii, N. t . ., li b, Ivi4 VAitcri-fwr3MryTr IN r'ajnc o1 k.r amtaiud ky il nf ragi- ti Slaves, with forgsd paws. eei Iki liu. aad U guard afiul it iu lUr. lh tolbt tag rule will lak S't an and aftrr tba 15th Inst i 1 iekftl to pa avr this R. l will, in mi, b tUJ It a 'ir. 'wnersol alavea luuat, ntuM, purcbaar Ik Ticket aad point out to th t'onducturtba nio lor wbttta II KMibonrkt L J r LEMMlNti, tma'l up W k M K . A. Towu pawr eunjr two months. ( Jti'itf Oltlee mt Tranatmilallow . A I. , . ( 5 tM i Wriati w'! vwrA1 PAR t lCl Ltli NOTICE. AN an I alter th IVh iml., all downward frtibl nm.t b v x pain mr nn aeiirarr . l.A r He. I It h. l"ft l"4tf Agent TrsnlHirtstioii llfflre 4)itH I amlluH Mall Itaad. R'AIUM, I iKfSWMSR Klh, I"i1. --- - - -,.( sty tun i anti Hiilt further nollee, a t'a.iiciiger Train will run dailv, und.tva rxepted. Iv li.ddlioro', ID A. M , rria it Kalslgh I V. M " Raleigh, 2 IV M , " Gold.lior..' ft P. M. I've II, M inn copy J M-s.if NOTH K. HEIIEAFTI'.U. a Freight t arwiJI be allaehed to tb Ac commodation l'aasongfr Train, in wliirb freight will be transortd daily, to aud Iroin t ioldsboro' and th lliteriiie dinte Station, An additional eliatge id ft per cent, on tb regular rates will be rbaig. cl Freight tor this Train must be at the Ware Hime by I .iVIoek. and luaike t "ov Ar fotnmoif'ifiiiH Trnia.' TIIS, II. LAM. 1. 1 M7 tf I ranrporuiion Ag't SrConimercial npy RTOI'PAUKOK THE M AII.K. Mouis, Ac, through thail oBoea In ( 'harltnn, Columbii and Camden S. C. JNO. 1.. l.'ANTWELL, Agent. Nov. fth, l-OI Tia-tf p.,.l a TK A M Kit FANY Ll'TTEIil.oil.lmv aU Ing been Ihoroiighlv reaalred and neatlr fit ted up, tor tbe acooiniiiodatiiiii of )asaengnri, laavaa Fayette villa un Monday and Thuraday inoiiings ami Wilmington on I'uosday and Friday mornings, carrying light freight and """gers W. I'. ELLIin'T, Agent. IMNI)I.I TION. ritilK concern n MARSH A ELLIOTT ia this dity ,11. A solved, bv mutual consent W. M MARSH, Nut.Zmh. I MiVI W. P ELLIO'lT. The uii lerairtied will continue tb Airenev of l.utterloh k Co. 'a Steam Boat Line. W. P ELLIoTT. Nov 20th, 1861 I O-PtllTIVKItnilll' ' NO'I II IC. f. WM. li. DTLEY having been admitted as a mem- itb oer oi vir nriu, wi aenerai i .oininisttion niisineis rroin thi date, will be continued under tb nam and sty I of J. St J L. HATHAWAY It CO. " I" l -oi. J . IIA JIIAWAY It SON . 4-tf MliMK WM. L. H. TOWNSIIKND, having purchased the In terest of J. R. KEMTON In tbe firm of " RES I'ON k TOWNSIIEND," will. In future, eonduoi tb tuiiia ia Lie awn name. 1 liei will h no windn.g up of account, but aimply a change in firm. Thankful for tb very litter! patronage heretolor extended to the old, continuance id lh same la moat respectfully solicited to tho m-w firm. J. R. HESTON. WM. L, . TOWN.'IIEMt I li. I . L. IlKSTON will still be found at tb stmidof Wm. S Townahend, whet he most r'tictfullv solicit a eontiiiustHiniifl.il patmnag beretofor extended to the firm or It r.r I U.N fc J OW.vsilli.M'. ( ct. itb, 1854 I KV.tr ryV. rNDERSlGNEI) have this day formed a co-part-A Heirship, nnder tbe nanm and style of MCITII .V FLA N' NER. for the transaction of a General Cntotnlsiilnn r,nlns Oflioc corner Water nd I 'liesmit street, E. A. KEITH, WM P. i ini:h. October 21, 1854 4l-tf ClltCt I.AIl HAWH. flHE Subscriber has Inst, cimpletd hla arrangement for I ,k. riar in iiiiiiuiii ... j. ...i r.. Jb RUftIIJlll III. mil - . n v. , ' " t' UiniAU,KHU VI keeping a atock on hand of all ait, an to 60 Inches. Every Saw warranted, and sold at Manufacturer'! nr lew j i- nuuLNsu,, Wilmington, N. C, June Hlh, 1853. 2,'W RAIL ROAD HF.CKIPl'S rS REHADat this office, printed to order, and delivered within two hoars after the order is received Window WL.01, Window glash.-30Imj Boies French nd American Window f ilsei fnim 7! to 24 x.Ki. For sale by C. At D. DtiPRE, Oot. 3. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Herald and Comervial Copy, Jj A IN TH, i U, DT-Blin ITt 20,fsf0 Iba. pur and extra White Lead ; 8,'hkI gulls. Linseed Oil ; ii bbls RedOhrej ftO gall Chrtime Green i 10 bbls, Venetian Red; WtO galls, Ckrome Yellow; 25 bbl. Lamp Elck j 8 bbls. Ct ''ch and Japan V'amlrbes : Trr D'Trinna, Amber and Prumian Blue; Logwood, Annatto ana iaadr. for Hie by C. fc 1) DiPRE, Wholesale DrugglsU, Wilmington, N. (3. Herald k Com. copy. - Oct. 4th, 1864 fTtLOUR! FLOU R ! f Jnat receUed from th Goldaboro' I Mills i ' ; ' 20 bbls. superfine Flour ; 20 bag, 60 lbs, each " 20 25 " . " 1 bbll. seconds Which we will sell low for the eaah, Dec. 7, 1854. . f PETTEWA Y Jt PRJTCHETT. XTOTItE-Jnst received by the eubseriber nd for sale I J An Tit e vara . . . a A. a iSU CBI. W OIHXev "i:' '-j ; '. ' ' 'i ' : , 4 or. easkl F. Brandy j ' , , ' f , ' sc-"-" 60 boxes of assorted Canf11ei - T - ) ! V .-J 80 boxes Cheese j .. K; lll-L ' . ; JOhalfbblavH.8. Flour i ' , ' ' - , 10 whole do.i -f . ' .- ' . 800 bs? Table Salt r. i ' h -C V 40 bbl. assorted Sugarai &, , . f The eoov. article will be sold o - I'tri lower for cash, -t V ' -W. L, ,S. 'ilL l Herald and Commercial copy. - - '"- " -.- ' ' '- .: ULLETS f MULLETS ! !- barreli MulleU, in prim M ZWr1!. VTU W4t HAWAt It CO. , Not 'I '111. Adauia hapraaa t ouiiauy oiler their sarviee lo tliu L publi for th colleotlon or traasinlssimi of ln-arts. Tiji, Frsit, Caffrtljiiry ill Fnry i:. . n'HOLSJLEJXn RETAIL, Til E aVmbr kertw Raad aad 1 e"mat'v nrir't g. at ki Mi, (Mafket atreH, abr treaty t.k-i. B Urre ud firrMIt wlectcd BaewrtSMtt mt teei i t. abM uae, wktrk k eAveidnt'v knxr i fully sal, it sarrw r, aoy (uk r ;rd t the fU. ta U Jf i'fia. t ar tsAataa 1 eotairw f and a !ad d varWrr af anUlat nailed t tb eao ks bora Mvriia4 and mjt (. ae te irmi Parrau J atker wiQ lad that tb' is tb 'a te toy Tars, 4 ail aort vf r- tkmrV (of lb (LtiMi tt.T will la sar I lad tlaatly swrk tkig a Ikey waa t ti. as wU m aaaay Mkore, rotfwHlf B aad writ Wartk bsokiag at. to aay aUig lanr kwf Ctaoadieg'T ebeafl, C a l e4 tea aad ya will enaa!y to iard. rrm.isW tut aad 4 Ito aaabty, Kk a Af ple i.ra(ea, Uawoa, K avata. & atta. at, t a-d, a ss Caa- . aad every i tot daeri( of pUia aad faacy C e W lMary o4aily a kaad. with aedlM varvsty f . aad I aacy VhO. u eBamerat wakh wantdcxtwod ito urn it f aa adsertiacuaent. Tksy aat to ra ta V irvor atad. W. H DaNCALkL P .-MR DtNEALEwiU U karev to w . ike Laiie, fee wkoa b ndieit a call toture rarrkas ag isa wbr. she kiMBt laatal batag able te aaltiketaate ef th Bluet fti.lnu. .N. mb,Nri4 " ' 83-tf ' XKHMANfi A KLKBRATED TOOTH WISHl ' 'Trills pefVor prrpavatioa daUy gala fa rot witk tbe pab 1 Me, fur t Ireusirig, Praoarvieg d toaatlfytag the Tt.E'I II, aad fur earing aor, bTdlog, er ateeraiTon at K lil'. s aad iaspartisg a toaltky aad Iragrant Trier lo tb BREATH. A trial I only wanted I nav a.l orf I to superior virtaea, f praawrvlng Ike Tlh from tcsyjaad if thTetkkai rmmecd t decay, il w 'I rratlt Cvgresi, b Ik parlfleali II roader theia h4 tb t wnig leatiasoay, aed al once arocare a Ivett'o a IA; d. . hgtiilul prrparatioa for tk Tth. Gbbm aad Fth. lhv folloaiiigeertilloat freea IT. Ckiltae, a rb mist of world lt eei,l,ritT, wbe ka abailttd tie article t A , beoiieol am lists, la proof auAcUal t eoariace acy i a ef it ianeriortty t , "Ihav tiaaiined a Wdtl af Zarwaa'l Aeti orbut. TiMttb-waik, aad lad tk lo to a rag ttabl vreparattva ef aa iuiioceBt tbaracLer, tolitv it will prv beatnotal for ike purpose It i rerommndd. t , Jsnta K. Cnii-ToB, M. D. Cheas'st Pm,.r.l .ill. I. rUlM'U't UVII V l . i.v.T. delphia. and adil Wholesale and Retail by C. It D. IX' PRE, Vk Uuiina-tuo.-Vi. C .and bv all Drwrclal. al UmsIim, toi. - - . r i ' r I.Nov. W. Il6l -K7.ini M HKWAHD. 1 HE Ihv rwrd will be given for tb apprha. ion and rsturn tc aaa, ,t ihlodgna UJaQ. ef tit nro bib GEORG? BETTS, wbe runwy , V edneaitar vitif last. II I a tall Mulatto aljl "'li' ar of are. well knewa about town, aearoantae b (cade, and w purebasod from Mr. Bsrra, ef thi place. He is moat prvhab'y lurking about tewa. " I will giv further reward ef 2a for erideaoe ifUInl te eonviet any prrwn of harboring of tmploylng ald by WM. A. BEIUIY Sept. !, 1M5 Qtl YEl 11.1 1 LLI. FLOLR; ' :- V 50 Harrels t-smllv; Hal do. Supr"i 50 do Flue ; . ,' id do Pros For aal by N. 22 DROSSET kBR0WN. ' PHEPAHEIM I I HATE OF MAGNESIA, aa agra.abl 1 Refriireraiiland litativ. Thi DreMraliua Utaunalrat used iu the form of AW nm er ifaiii IVritr, arid ha gtvea 'r7 eorri snumnonoB r rquBs application ror a pre paration in tb form of ruwuRR, ofiuiiur nature aad prop. , srtiea, have mggnted th advanUg that mlcbt rsatt frem . id uitrouuetMB in tnai form, peclBlly toa tb balk and ' wigni oi tu nyKi t'Krat. (aa arUal ea Jaatly teBd i both by physician and In private famill wherever it ba ' bean used. would lalarfav with It batng sent to great die " tancea i Iki daatltut ofblltameaa, and by it pUaeant ie eidlty of tast and It affervesclng character, U rndred a . i.l . J .... LI, . I T - .... .. . . "7 sjrrran, ana rirning uruii, at in BRi lima, mat it la a good aubatitut ror t.nn salt r other Milne pur gaUve. Soblby - - . - Dr. A a BUADLEY, DrafglM.' 1 rinlll DA Y ! OPENED AT THE "CIT V XXOTIlINxa 1 STt )H E."-Tbi dy 2(1 Talma- n lb new style and qiialillo. . , If you want Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, yea .will find it al K'OTT k BALDWIN'S. Tber eon do. their Mr. onascs ana mAnulaeturlng strictly te l.etifs wr derellng ' all attent Ion to thi on branch ef trad, enable thrm to , keep far in advance of those1! house who Mil " all aorta of things." . ! .,, . M are eonfiileut that for Gentlemao'i wearing apparel, , the CltjrjClothlng Store ha th greatest varlty In ib Stat. -TMIE GREATEST GOLD PEN YET. The Fountain X Pen. which w have lust rase I v ad Is. bv a almnla a. ' rangement.. ao sonatruete d that a wbol letter of ordinary buaioass length, may be written with on dip. Th assort- mem too oi no ami rouau nana, nara and sort point M d varied that th moat faatldiou can b suited. For sal at , l'e llth. , W, WHITAKEil'rt. C 1HILDHEN S BOORS-Publl.hedby E. Dunlgkn Ar Broi J Oramaika. an Indian atorv t Thorn berrv AbUr. aTaJa of thu Times i the Shipwreck or the Deserted Island the Governrsaor the (feet of Good Example, aa orlgnal tal, using a ieai iroiu vry aay mo. Also trout tne same pub lishii The Dooary Bible j Uralin Manual t Howr e( Piety Key of Havn St. Vincent's Manaal Catholic Poetry, Ito. Fer sale at . W. WtUTAKF.R'M. ' THE RHYME AND R EA SON, of Country I.lf,ar -k ' lection from Fields Old and New, by th author ef Ru ral Hours, (Miss Cgopr) Just published. For sal at . . D , M. W. WlHTA&KT'S . C1ARDKN IKRU'll UAItDK.N SEEDS t l-Jost r t celved from Idindreth' Sd Gardcnalarr Bdhoie collection of Garden, Grassand FIowr Seed, flrbs. Onlo. lttae and Asparagus Koots,lso Ntbntska Pea. For sal wholesale and retail by C. ite D. JUttPRC. Iieo. inn, IWi Druggist, Market at. Wll Y not have some ef our Handsome Pattera of Paper Hangingaea your will. It will great! improve them." nd ta as rurnilure ia a roem. - v. -'io' iw i.Vh iwu urn kr vttnv a. c-ar iru Com, and Her, copy, ; Upholsters k Poperdlangurs. IERTaTnCV" every person shouTd"Tave a Ftbrfii I J M.ltr... arol tllln. alil Ktul. Plll III. . ' " . . . , Lit r, vni vias-r ket. Comfort, lia., which mar be bad of y iee. mw,in WJUU.NSO.N k ESLER, " Coin, and Her. copy. Upholster at Psper-HanreTs." -'r. SOME GOOD THINGS, consisting of Fresh Currant', do. -Citrou: do. Raisins f do. First do. Mnvarnnl. Iranna k. Just from Gotham, Wr Schoiner W, A. EUu. and for ' saleby QUINCE A COWAN lot. I8M Her. and Com. cony ; ' .' I ' III ' ....,.. i N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF STATIONERY, V Per Mlbr. Ijmsrttnn Rl.i.tt ami Pa sima;, wm, nunesir rncs, jjisncs. nicinoranaums., -ernp uii'.as, cuia j-ayanie ana Receivable, vuecks. mart, 5 roreign .otes, iur ntantlt, KUiers, Latter Ullpe, Kill ltead. Post timtea. Card Rank. Paka.'a t.r.il. r,i; UV.k. . , ....11- .. , I. t. , m 2 T , . m-www,,- iuiiib, ,c. ie. juat receivea, ana lor sale oy - . im ... J. T," MVNDS. THE 1 IFE OF P. T. BARNUM, AT S.iW, WHITA KER,S. Six days since, we received sis large see of , Oift. Knnhs AlVinm. T1,.ailnB. Pnl. UTa-I... U.UI.. Desks, Work Box - " " III. s, AVI WW .'!VIUf.U(. I.O'K . :es, Reticule, Ac, ore goodr for the . Holid p LI E 10 barreli Prim Mwtvikd and fnr VA aale br - ADAMS, BRO. It CO. WESTERN BACON.-14 bbd prime fcidc and f bonl,s dew, for sal by J. J. L.HATHAWAYA Co., i t GUANQ.10tons, warrntd pure, received direct from ' the ImporUr' hands, now lajdin;, forsal by ' Dec. 18. ; .- ADAMg, BROTHER A CO. , TiTRT? KID GLOVES A few don ju-t reoei,i t t., BARNUM'3 lFEreoeived and for tjl t3IUNDg . fHOLD CREAM, Lip Salve; Ao., tot' chapped bndr,-i:-' j ke. " Freshly prepared by - t - , - R or.23f- - Dr. A: O." BRADLEY, P ! G LOVES. A fw do. Justopened t 1 " t OA) 1 C i d 'T"l Deo'. 7th, 1854 SCOTT k T LDWI .. ANEW GOLD PEN, Charles B. Pod.lie'e T! Pen, of various sixes Juat received.. Tb i is a Article offered for the first time In this rh k-' , -ted, come and try them, '1 ' J.I., B' L'K AND COL'D .SAllTC A ! w i at that CITY- COT., era, aov wianiBK to open mem immeuiateu. mer were .. - .' A t I t alde, upon examining yeterdy, w found in one of th id ense, 100 copies of '"the Life af PT.irnum," writ ten by himself. Subscribers can now be supplied. Copies for sale at , . tr S. W. jHlTAKEK'S.' " Attuv