PUBLISHED BY FTLTON 1 PRICK WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN AD TAN VOLUME 4.-NG. 176, SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 31. 1S55. WHOLE NUMBER 1,103 k Tt or itestiig. a alt urtu I dT 1 S !" 23 1 day 3 iavs 3 As'vs 4 dvs J day - 1 vk.... ... 3 weeks I month. ... . 3 months.... 3 moata.... i C UllMlt&S.... 1 year M .. 75 1W .. 1 23 .. 1 50 ,. I 7i .. 173 .. 4 OH .. 7 00 . 10 00 ..IC 00 ..30 00 ST, W ...... ?J !C4 1 5T 2 tX .3 M 00 i po 15 00 3 !, 4 days,.... .... ... tlsjs, 1 week,. 2 weks,.. .... laeatk, . 3 saoath,.... . 3 SUeBth, .... .... fi aioB'.iu, . I r, Tea liaee ar eoaated as a r aad tv line or ku a half-tquar. Longer advrtiemBts ia proportion, and aU payabl la advanc. . y jn h!f square not paid for ia advace will be charged as a squaro. Aw" N publication bi1 without a rerocsiV. asm. IrrUil tad Dtpartort ftae lails. Th Mai! fur th South elase daily at 7. P. M , precise ly. Letters mart b ia theeffle 1 miaate bfor th time V Nifrth of Richmond, Va., elo daily at 3, P M. and 10. P. M. For Richmond, Va.t and South of that and North of taU, daily at", P.M. . , ., or FayttUvill, via Warn. Clinton, ft., duly at i. P.M. , . For Fayettevill. Tia ElissUthtowa, nrj Monday, Wdneeday aad Friday at 7 'clock, P. M. Letters Baft bo ia th offico at Uast 1' annates Vefor tbo tim of (losing. . MATSAWAT. J. L. SUTHAWAT J. 4i J. L. HATHAWAY I. UTX1Y. tOMMlSSlON MERCHANTS, Not 1.1854. Wiusisoic.n, N. C. 49-tf YV. P. ELLIOTT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING JT MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Not. 21, ISM. . 1. ( AMIWKI.U tOMMISSION MK8CUANT, A Sfptn si-tf WilminiftoB, N. C J A ME E. MKTTX. (lOMJtlSSIOt ana EorwarlH; Mvrvhant, j WILMINGTON, N. C. Aagait 3ttb. 1854 3X-tf JOSEPH II. ELAJISER, GENERAL CommlulM Slcrckont, Wilinlngton, W. C. ADAMS. BROTIIEU & CO. Q0MMI5SI0N MERCHANTS WiLMiKaToi.N.C. GEO. IlAItniBfi. ClENtKAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, X WilmiiiftoB, N. C. Jaly lt. 1854 HENRY KL'TT, FACTOR AND FUR WARDING AGENT, willgiT0 hi portonal attention to buiiaeM tntnisted to hii caro. Sept.7,l3. c. Dtrt. vaxl. i. BAiia. C. DnPRE k CO.. GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, WlLSIlMOTON, N. C. July lit, 1951 ZJT NO. rOTTI I10WK. ABMAUD J. DEMOBIT, jr., .r.lOWNj UROWH & IUOET, Kw York, LHROSSET A BHOWN, Wllmtii(oM, S. C, lS2) COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H. DOIXKIt, .FOTTia.Jr , J.CAMKKDr OOLLlf EH, POTTER A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, New York taih adTaocor mado on oomlgnmenU I.MES A!OIBSOS, IDWABO SAVAOB. ANDERSON A SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, X Wilmington N. C. I Jboral eah adTanoeama(l on oaipamont. lOj' " tTc. WORTH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wlt.M!fiTON, N C. Umal adraneoi on eoniignmenti of Cotton, Naval Storoa, and other produoo. n.,. rarttcniar aiteniton RiTen oj vi. . wmHri.-.i cargoei, procuring ireigan iur it. La- t Bfa l Mil. 1864 110-lT lannary 11th, K Ht'BSELL. A DKOTIIER, (LATK BLLIS.BWWKl.!- CO ,) "1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, fy WlLMINSTOR, N. C. Liberal cah advancei macla on consignment! of Naral Stores, Cotton, and other produce JambbC. Smith. Milss Co.htin. J A. C. "SMITH i CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their of . flee to tho neeond itory of tbo building formerly occu pied by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all bumnem in the Commii!on line. AUbwineM entrusted to them will be punetaally attea. dedto. Jm.1I.1W4. wMaHon Star and Carolinian eopy one year and tend bill a above. , IYI. cnONZ.Tt BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, Wiuhisotoh, N. C. Itenl Estate, Nerroea, Hank Stock, Bondi. House hold rarnltare, and Tery description of Proptrty bought and sold on commission, either at prirate or public sale. -Refers to the publio gsnerauy. Jane lith, ISPS 241 W II. McRARV k. CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lmara Ballttlngs, Piliirrss iitrcet, May 20, '64-219-tf Wii.MiNaTow, N C , q,ui SxE & covvAW. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. Corner of Front and Trlncef s-streets, Wilmingten, N D. F. A. J. GRADY, (NROCER8 AND GENERAL COMMISSION MER T charts, Wilmington, N. C. jUT Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naral Stores and other produce. y Office on North Water Street, next door North of the Custom House. Oct. 13, 1854. JA9. P. OII.LesPIK. KO. . 0IU.KriK. JAS. F. GILLESPIE k CO., PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS, J Wii.MisoTor, N. C. Particular attention paid to the rejeipt and sale of Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Racon, Cotton, ke., ke. DR. A. O-BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Articles and Perfumery, has just epened a large and beautiful as sortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new nftAmi and f superior workmanship. Port Monnaics, Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Hsir Rrusbes, Tooth do., Nail do , Gent's Sharing do., Flesh Gloves, Chi na Ware, Powder-puffs, Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glass, do Gelatine, Buffalo Dres-ing Combs, India Kabberdo. ijuneovo, io K. M0BBAY. L. H5AC0CB. C. H. K0BINSO3 MTJURAY. PEACOCK CO., C10MMTS8ION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, t , v, Wir.Mif0TO!. N. C. Will give prompt and personal attention to ths sale and smpraeni oi lotion, XNsral Stores, c. March 23, 1806. 169-tf JAMBS T. WTTRyAT, 8EOHOK K. PRITCHETT . FETTGWAT PRITCHETT, - jENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. North VJI water treet, Wilmington, N.C. ATJ-Will glva particular attention to the sale of Natal TORES, lOTTO, axe JOII"T CALVE RLY, T ft ANUFACTTJRHR.OF CANDLR Mnm.Tia svniv iyi;ws SuRoiCAt ITRtR-vrs, and Brita(i'a Ware, i.u. iuj noe ohwi, bout luiru, opposite IDC wbito Swaa .. . I .. ... riovei, i ausdeipni let March 10, 1865. md A. II. VAr."i.uj.v t. A. M ViriLU VAIBOKKELSI 4 13KOTHKK, w'iuinm. N. C ANUFACTl'RLKS et uI 4J.r( ia Naal stores torj aad hrfre fur iYdae tarauhed at f r M M. C. HOW AHU C GENERAL PRODUCE BKCK.EK. T Sff t. 30. W -13-4fl Wilmitow. X.JC. . C. rBKCMA!! It CO., T. rBKEMAil ft SUH tttW, W1L I RECHII UOI ITO. MERCHANTS AND FACTORS. UEt ElYItU 1!ID FORYARDlU At-KNT. Drain la KavaJ at, Ptovtstoaa Grarlra, WllaalactavatH. C. The seaior partaer, D. C Fins o. is located ia the eity of New lork; the jaaior partaer. tiia. HopaTM, ia Wil- saiEjWa. Jf aar4, avaaeee will be ssaiao oa euaga Keats U aad froas either tJaee. All tmsiaoM eatrasUd to them will rewire proper attention; aad orders lor tiOds will bo promptly aad earefmUjr tiled IV. II. McKOY. C1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ; ALW, TWHOLESALK AND KtiTAlL GROCER, Sonta Water street, WUmingtoa., N. C, inteads keeping at the a bove stand, a Urge assortment f GROCERIES, LIQUORS aad PROVISIONS, at wholesale aad retail. Partiealar at seatioa will be paid to all orders from tho country woald respectfully iavite tho eitiseas of WUmingtoa aad the adjoining country , to eall aad examine my stock before par. chasing cteewhere. 1 latead to carry ea a general coat misaioa basiaess. Particular atteatiea will be givea to the sale of Naval Store, aad all kinds of prodaoo. Liberal Cash advances aiado oa consign meats. Wilmington, IVtobcr bth. 1Ho3. 27-tf titr J. M. HOBISO, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER ia all kinds of Hardware. Catlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. Iroa Axletreee. Mill aad Cross Cat Saws, Cast Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel. Hoop lroa. Trass Hoops, Rivets, ke. Ae. His stock is now very full and complete, with ma- ayradditioas of new and useful articles ia the koase-keeping line Merchaats who are disposed to patronise Southern es tablishment, are cMraaired all articles in his line as low as they can bo procured North. Wilmington, C, ?epi. zi, iwj T. tMlTH A CO.. D EALERS IN CORN, MEAL, HOMON Y.FEAS AND Oat, and Cow and Horn reed. llBATTI S WBABP, HOBTB WATtB STBKKT , J WlUtlMwTO, N. C. OUR Steam Grist Mill is now ia successful operation. We will have it ia our power to deliver the above articles at short notice. We have a Zi horse power engine and shall run two pair oi tour rest stones Orders ean be addressed to C. DuPre k Co., or to the sub- CORN GROUND ON TOLL. T. SMITH k CO. April 1. 1W4 sa-ty-mut II. C. Til AC II KU. COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 2rl CENTRAL WHARF. BOSTON. Customary advances made on consigaiaents of Naval Stores KKFKB TO I Ramsiis At Marti, Wilmington, N. C September 10, 153. Jy J MARVRY COCNRA, W S RI'SSKLL. CUCIIHAN i Rl'NSELL, (Successors to Thomas Allibone k Co.,) ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 32 North Wharves, and b3 North Water Street, Phila Dri.rHiA. )r Liberal cash advaaces made on consignments July amh, 1853 27 J. H. OII.NOUB Hi CO.. a IOMMISSION MERCHANTS, New Yorr. Hrfrrbncvs : K. P. Ham.. Esq., President Wilmington Branch of the Bank of the Stat. O. G. Parsi.kt. Em., President Commercial Bank. Mesars. Kiddkr Jt Martj. J. II. Flair, Esq: August 15th, 1VI AMI EL XV. PEPPER. SUCCKVSOR TO HENRY J. PEI'PER Jt SON, Watches, Jewelry anil Hllverwar! A'o. 175 Chun tit Street, (opputitt tht Stat lTauii,)Philadelpkia 223-fy. May Z, J()R GARDNER, MANUKACTUREKS ana Wholesale ana Kctaii fSl Dealers in Knots, Shoe and Brogans, aeep constantly on hand : Lndies'. Misses' and Child's Gaiters, Boot .nd Slippers ; font's Fin Calf Pumnol and Stitched hoots and Shoes; Roy's, Youth's and Child's Shoes ( Men's Kip and Cow-Hyde Boots ; Neero Brogans and Women's Planters. Market street, next door to Brown k Anderson s Marble Front, WiUington, W. U. I .Nov. a, jt4 T. JAMES NORCOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WiuttivoTo, N. C. Sept. 9, mi. My JOHN II ALL, BROKER In COTTON, NAVAL STORES, BANK and RAIL ROAD STOCKS, and REAL ESTATE, respectfully tenders his services to the mercantile communi ty and cititens of Wilmington. ., . .... , . . i - f"L'nice over tuo store oi wm. 11. mcrvoy. References i O. O. Pari.rt, President Commercial Bans'. E. P. Hatx, Pres't Wilmington Branch of the Bank of the State of N. 0. Messrs. KirmER k Martin. A. H. VanBokrkle, Km. Wilmington, Jan 19, 180.J Herald copy lm. 11UI o. L. FILLY AAV, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WlLMIMOTOM N. ('. 162 tf March 15th, 1855 DAVIS A Kl'NTIftO, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS North Water st., Wilminoto., N. C. Feb. 20 143-d&w-tr. Herald copy. GEORGE W. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER, March 17th, 1854 Wilmingt N. C. WILMIKGTOW ICE HOt'SE. HAVING purchased the entire interest in tho above Es tablishment, th business heretofor conducted by S. 1L Martin tc Co., will b continued by me. The publio may rest satisfied that they will at all times be able to procure a supply of ICE on reasonable terms. Orders from the country addressed to th Wilmington Ice Honso, will receive prompt attention. jan o lvz-ti j a. H. VAUMibir,?i. IRON RAEEM. CRICH It CO.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, warrented free from dampness as well ss Fire-Proof. The subscriber, having accepted th agency for the sal of the above highly approved Safes, are prepared to furnish any sis or pattern which may be wanted at manufactures' prices, aoiiverea in mis piuce. Specimens of several sites havejust been received, and or ders will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852. tf DkRUSSET A BROWN. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH EMBROIDER MISS DeMO.ITAL TS desirous of forming classes for instructionT,in ths above A branches, tfelng a native or franco, and having bad ex perienc in teaching in th city of Charleston, from which she brings the most satisfactory references as to character and ability, sh feels confident of being able to impart an ac curate knowledge and correct pronunciation or the r rencn language to thos who may favor her with their patronage, or to such pupils as may b placed nnder her. : Terms of instruction, in either or both branches, made known on application to her, at the South-west corner ol Orange and Old Boundary streets, Wilmington. Jan. 2d. 1834 99-tf HPHE LONDON LANCET. A Journal of British and X Foreign Medicine, I'hysiolnev. Surgerr. Chemistry. Criticism, literature and News. Published monthly. Terms 5 per annum ; singlo number, 50 cents. Subscriptions n eeived. and single numbers for saj A - - . March 19. J S.. W. WHITAKER'S. STANHOPE BURLEIGH. 25 copies mor of this popu. lar work received this morning at March 10, 1855. 9. W. WHITAKER'S. THE LAMPLIGHTER For sal at Jan. 1,1865. J.T.-MUNDS', SOTICE. rpilE subscriber havirg f tutu-4 k seuatracts ia the f"" A. aitrv u at'W ia to a, aa4 ready t evatrart f arv kiaj of werk ia his hue of .&, as CarrwX aad Contractor. w . fcwh. Kekinng doao aeally aad witk dispU'k. tli, IVii 132 3la SOTICE- ALL persuas ar f-rbi4 treasiag apoa aay f y lands, hiiig withia th Lauss f the acw boundary Use WU- a4B(Ua i aad ail person ar also fori i J ukvi Uteir raru, VMM.s or boat (m U my Timber l'sa. or Mill wharf, oa the wt aid of tho river Th law will b rii idly eafomd against all offeaj.r. MILLS ttlSTIN Jaaaary U. 154. 107-U NOTICE. CONSIGNEES f tHswisby uTLSb of N. Y. Pakts eues!gs)l to a. ar hereby aotiltd thai, after the t ;vvjj teav th w barf, there will b a ddictiua mad for daav age ; if thr is aay damar to th leods, they mast a bioctrd to befur Waviag tb Wharf, thrwi, th vss will aol b rpasibl. T. C. WORTH. NOTICE A LLpersoasreceiviag Spirit Tarpeatiaa barrels by th l.New York aad rallIphia lia ol packets, for whU-h 1 asa agent, ar act i led that th barrels will a ready fr de livery th soooad day alter th arrival ol th veewl. If not ukea away immediately after th landing, tht vessel will a4 be respoosibl for aay barrels that may be missing. T.C. WORTH, Apat May iS54. . 2l-tf. SOT1CE. THE UNDERSIGNED hart this dv formed a co-part, aership, nnder th name aad styltof KEI I'll lc FLAN NEK, fur th transaction of a Ueaeral Commission Business. Office corner Water and Chesnut streets. K. A. KEITH. WM. U. FLANNEll. OcUber 23d, 14 41 tf DIOLl'T!0. rpiiK eencsraof MARSH A ELLIOTT Is this day di. X solved, by mutual ooasent. W. M. MARSH. Nov. 20th, 154 W. P. ELLIOTT. The undersigned will continue the A Co.'i Steam Kat Line. Nov. 20th. 1S51 Afcncy or lAiuerion w. P. ELLIOTT. COPARTNERSHIP KOTICE. MR. WM. R. UTLKY having been admltUd as a mem ber of our Irm, the general Commission business from this date, will be continued under the nara aad stylo tf J. k J L. HATHAWAY k CO. Nov. 1st, 1S54. J. HATHAWAY ft SON. tf NOTICE. WM. L. S. TOWNSHKNH, having purchased th In tsrest of J. R. RESTON ia the rm of " RESTON A TOWNSHEND." will, In future, mnduot th lusiness la his own name. Thete will be no winding up of accounts, but simply a ehang In firm. Thankful for the very liberal patronage herctelor extended to the eld, a eoatinuanco bf the same i most respectfully solicited to th new firm. J. R. RESTON. WM. I. S. TOWNSHEND. JR. RESTON will still b found at tb stsnd of W'm. L. S. Townthend, wher he most resotfullv solicits a continuslion of the patronsge heretofor extended to the Arm of "RESTON k TOWNSHEND. Cct. ith, 1H5I 35-tf PREMIUM COTTON GINS. TH E subscribers having accented the Agenev ef the abov Cotton Gins, manufactured by K. T. Taylor ft Co., In Columbus, tieorria. will be happy to exhibit a Specimen llln la tha nlintan of thlm eiaiuitv. and to receive orders from thos wishiag to purohas. Tbev ar equal, II net su perior, to any Gins manufactured, aad will be warranted to stive satisfaction in every rsict. bolna remarkable for their durability and safety from beating, and for the quality of Lint produced, as well as th quantity they are capable of turning out tn a given time. Jan 7. 18ft4.-l04-tf DeROSSET ft BROWN WOl'JVDICD PIUEO.ia WILL aTLL'TTRH. SUPERIOR SchWdam Sehaarn, lmpm-iH solely by THOKPfc VANNESM, Feb. 27. 147-Iy. 20 Washington St., N. Y. We would caution merchants, druggists, and ths publio gen erally, against Purchasing an Imitation, now being exten sively palmed off upon the publi by designing and unscrupu lous parties. Be sur to see before purchasing that every cask Is stamoed T. ft V N.. with th importers and proprie tors written signature on ths Label, to counterfoil which Is a felony. To be found at all the respectable arnggisis ana Hotels THORP k VAN NKS r For sale in Wilmington, N. C, by C. ft D. DrHE, Iruggists. " ! I a mi1' September gith, 18T1 17-ly WINDOW GLlSS, WHUOW GLASH-3000 Boxes Fronch and Atiericsn Window Glasses from 7x9 to 21 xM. For sal by f ' C. ft D. Di.I'RE, Oct. 3. Wholcsal Druggists, Wilmington. Herald and Coraereial Copy. I1TOULD you sleep upon a feather bed this hot weather, V wt when we manufacture ten different kinds of Matt.ras- eel WILKINSON ft ESLER, Upholsters, Market-st. Ml K, R. DCRKEK. Chemist of New York, has at last succeeded in producing the best " Baking Powder," ei The cenuine article can always be fonnd frtth, at tant. Nov. 23. Dr. A. O I'.RADr EY b Drug Stor. FAYETTEVILLB ELOCII. Cif BARRELS FLOUR Just received and for Jul b; jyj J. ft J. I. UAiliAWAl A Feb 12, 1S55. C. RECEIVED this day, a large box of School Books, mong them may be found MORSES' SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY; .SMITH" ENGLISH GRAMMAR BULI ION'S ' M ITCH E LL'S GROG RArHY AND ATLAS j PIERCE'S ALGEBRA ; DAVIDS' ARITHMETIC! TROST'S UNITED STATES HISTORY j LOVELL'S " " SPEAKER ; WEBSTER'S ELEMENTARY SPELLERS, Ac. Nor sals at J. T.MUNDS'. March 6. 1855. TWO Hl'HDRED DOLLARS REWARD. THE above reward will b paid to any person, for tbo de livery to th Sheriff of Columbus County, or for hi safe confinement in any Jail in North or South Carolina, of Doctor G. Fields, for the murder of Francis M. Stephens, on the 24th of December, 1854. Said Field is about 5 feet 7 inches high, sallow complected, middling spar built, rather ronnd face, short nose, with a considerable scar on it, dark brown hair. - - . JOHN H. "STEPHENS, ColnmbM Co., N. C, January 1, 1856. Ja 1 B ACON. 10 hhds. Bides) JO do. Shnulders. For sal by Jan. EM, I80O ' RUSSELL A BRO. N ORTH CAROLINA LARD 15 keg new Lard. For sal by DeROSSET BROWN. T It E AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN. Another 1J supply received this morning at , . March 10, 1865. , S. W. WHITAKER'S. COTTON SAGGING and Bale Rope, for tale by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. ir; VlV-t's W. VYHITnKER. V M2L rSjutb-wi.Je, Market St., V ay I "Q Wilmin8,on' N c SOUTH rAROLIt A RAILROAD. ON so 1 aler M.o Hy JR,rT Irt, 13. th Nrth C I.aa KatlrttJ ,H tb traSortaliea l 1 regtrsaaa rf'jU fim uUsbr U lHuhaax's. M aulr i asscnger U a leaves GU.b dily, passr Kaltigfc - Marrivat lirkftMs " iifcTVKMSG, Passenger train lvs lrbaas daily, " passe Kalctga "arriv t t'.Ul.b. 3 no AM. fOO " 7 " sr m. 31 - 13 - Connecting with th Catted State Mail train an ika WiL miegtoa aad Raleigh RailrMd at Raleigh; aad Mr. lUaad k laiaaa Mad in of fr hrs ihmA Coaches at lr. ksots, raaaiag daily via Hillsboro, drahaa. timasbura. J snr (, titvt and Islington t Salisbury, fnm wkkh poiat U Chartott the North t'aroliaa Kailrvad Coaspasy ar raaaing a daily train. A IhrtHigh Freight Iraia leave I Void, bora vry Taaraday for iHirksais retaraiuc vrv Friday. A way Freight train will nsa vry TaosJsv from CioUs bor te Sulliogs aad return nam d and will msk itr inn whea acccssarv. WALTLK UWJA.V laa. 1st. lsu. iW Lnrinew. N. C. K. R. Co. - W ilmuigtoa paiwr eopy, and disoontinu preseat aJ- venisemeDi. Ofltc VllMlHKtn CN,1 WtLMiNa-ru. N C.July llth.1854. ( ft T1 rN coaqua of loaat aaataiaed hy tb oawap of r ngl 1 tiv Muve. with forged pass, ever this lia, aad M guard agaiurt it ia future, th follow inc rules will tak effect ea and after th 15th last, r Ticket to pas ever this Road will, m ss riir, si W I a aegr. Owners or slaves must, hs wrstrn. purchase th Ticket and point out to the Conductor th negro for whoa it wm boag ht. U J, rLbMMlAU, tien 1 Sup W.ft M. K. U Town papers oopy two months. 3l3-tf - T STOPPAGE OK THE MAILS. dauta Eaumms tiiibu uBxUTair aarirala lha A publi for tho eoilectkMs ar traaamiaaiua of lwaft. Monies, Ae., through thsir offices In Charleaton. CeUuabia and Camden. S.C. JNO. U CAN TWELL. Atit Nov. 4th, 1H54 63 if IT a. "TEAMKll FANNY LUTTEKL0H, hav aaaaaaiat ing kCB thorouihly repaired and neatly It- tad np, for tb aceoaimodatloa of passengers, leaves r avatt- vill en Monday and Thursday niomincs i aad Wilaiinrtoa a Tueslay aad Friday mornings, earryinf light Ireighl and lassengor. w. r. M.UIUI r, Agent. CIRCULAR SAWS. THE Subscriber has Just completed his arrangements fur supplying th rs( CIRCULAR SAWS made, and fur keeping a stock on band or all sises, up to 60 Inches. Every Saw warranted, aad sold at Manufacturer's prlc J. M. ROBINSO.V Wilmington, N. C, Jun 13th, 1HA3 KS Dr. A. O. BRADLEY, DRUGGIST ft CHEMIST. Successor to S. B. 3c J. A. Evams, Wholesale and Retail dealer ia IVurs, Medi cines, Chemloals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Cigars, I ld Brandies and Wines, As.. Ac., at low prices. North West Corner Front and Market street. Wilmington, N. 0., March 20, 1851 lt-tf ALCOTT'S BOOKS.-Just published In a beautiful unl form edition i--"Young Husband or Duties of Man In tbemairiag Relation." " 1 be Young Wir or Dutie of Woman ir marrlag Relation "Tho Young Mother or management of children tn regard to healthr "Th Young Horse Keeper of thought on Fond and cook cry Ksrsaleat WlllTAKER'rt. OUR PATRONS need not be remind 1 of our invariable custom of making out aU bills sontraeUd with as durlDg the year ending 81st day December-January 1st, 1 855 -all mus previously made art an. Please settle, and savs wi th trouble of calling. Jau. fl, 1855 -limf 8C0TT ft BALDWIN TDK RHYME AND REASON, of Country Llf. or s lections from Fields Old and New, by tb author of Ba rs! Hours, (Miss Cooper.) Just published. Fur sale at St. W, WHITAItET'H GARDEW SEEM'SI GAHDK1 SEEDSI T-Ju.t re oelvedfroiu Laudreth's Seed Garden, a larr andahulna Collection of Garden, C'rassand Flower Seed, lierbs, Onion, l.ettur and Asparagus Roots.also Nebraska Pea. For sal wholesale and retail by C Ai D. DuPRK Dec. 12th, 1854 Druggists, Market st. WHY not bar some of our llandnoma Patterns of Paper Hangings on your walls. It will greatly Improve them, and is ss l-uriilture in a roam. Dee. 15th, 1X54 WILKINSON ft ESLER, Com. and Her. oopy Upholsters ft Paper-lUngcrs . tlKRTAlNLY every person should hav "Feather Ifed, J Mattrass.and Pillows, with hheeU, Pillow Cases, Blan kets, Omftirt, ft., which mny be had of Dec. 16th, IM54 WILKINSON k KSLEK, Com, and Her, copy, Upholster ft Paper-llsngers. SOME GOOD THINGS, consisting of Fresh Currants (do. Citron) do. Raisins do. Figs do. Macoaronl, Lemons, Ac Just from Gotham, per Schemer W, A. Ellis, ami for -'or... . QUINCE ft COWAN Dec. 15th. 1854 Her, and Com, copy. PALMER'S Rotary Tbrashlna; Machines. Ws ar agent for th sal of then valuabl Machines, aodhavs mem, oi ainereni sixes on band, ready for Immediate use. Jan F WE EM AN ft IIOUSTCN TTIMITY SPIRIT BARRELS-1000 pHme second hand. l'ji For sale by DkROSSET Ac BROWN. WINES. Champagne, Hock, Msdcira, i'al and Brown Sherry, Port, and Malaga Wlnos, for sal by Nov. 21st, I8D4 FREEMAN ft HOUSTON F)R SALE. Cotton Yarn arid Slioetlng, Flour. Feathers, and Monntain Butter. W. P. ELLIOTT. GLL E10 barrels Prims American, just received end for ale by ADAMS, BRO. ft CO. TTARPER'S RT(1RY BOOKS, Nes. 1 and 2. for children XX on hand and for sale at S. W. WHITAKKR'H. CJACI k by ACK SALT. 1000 Sacks In store, for sal in lots tn suit RUSSELL Ac BRO. HEED OATS. 0 KfiCi BUSHELS LANDING, and for sale ly 6,0J) ELLIS & MITCHELL. Jan. win, in.M. NC. BACON A lot of choie Bacon, Hams, Side and Shoulderr, fortals by a Jan. WI. r RKEMAN ft HOUSTON poLD CR EAM, Lip Salve, A., for chapped hands, lips, vy c. r resniy prepared ny Nov. 23. Dr. A. 0. BRADLEY, Druggist. ANEW GOLD PEN, Charles B. Poddio's patent Gold Pen, of various sises just received. This 1st splendid article offered for th first time in this market, and warren ted, com and try mem. j. t. MUNDS, FUDGE DOINGS, by Ike Marvel ; Ruth Hall, by Fanny Fern; - Heart Ease, by the author of Heir of Redcllfle j Heir of Redoliffo, by Author of Heart Ease. Ac. Ae.t Another supply of these and other popular works, Just re Joived by Express at J. T. MUNDS'. 1TTOOD-NOTES. OR CAROLINA PAT? RUt.e. A .i VV lection of North Carolina Poetry, nor of this popular .i. v. uook may now dc naa many bar been anxious to get it, and a new supply has been this morning received, at jjoc. i:un, ii , J. 1 . MU.WS, BookStor. NEW BOOKS all th New popular Books (too numerous to mention) on band and for sale at Jn .3 , l . W. WHITAKER'S. TTPHOLSTER1NG. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Hav J ing changed our business, our whole attention will be given to th abort business. Ourttock of Paper Hangings, Lsce and Damask Curtains. Cornices. Shades and Window Fixtures of all kinds. Is large; and having very superior worxmen from Wew York, we are enabled to raperana D up Private Residences, Boarding Houses, lioteis, oiesm boatt. Railroad Cars, ft., at shortest notic. W also keen on hand, and make to order, Shuck, Moss, Patent r elt, and Curled Hair MaUrasses. Fenther Heds, nuowa, c-pru., Shets, Pillow Cases, Ac. 1 cut and teak Carpets, and Church Cithions. In fact anything eonnecUd with Up bolstering . WILKINSON At ESLER, VfMrifrm. At our Id stand, nsxt door to Scott ft Baldwin. mimes r.H a CKERS.---Soda. Sugar. Butter, Ma- Lf til. Hoknick and Lemon, is bbls. and boxes, for jral by Jbd 1 - ' - WL5S1-Li at iS.UL.tlt5. I RK CI EE I-BALT1HORK LOCK noPTTAL. IlfHEKE ssay b obUiaed ts most srJr rvste-jy ft W weakness r Was of tvgaai Fewer, l a.a lie Lets, lis, ef th Aidnevs, Afecwes at lis Lead, Threat. .m aad SAia.Coostttatical lb.:.ty.iaEpeJuBats to i'.sg and a.l thos horrid afecttooe arwrg froca Ini sert:. ;i, (a matter w hetker tra tateasparasie, r tk a ria rjir iuor any other taat. ' Tt TOtTXtl MEN. espeeialty who hav becoote th victims f evil prati. Alas! whateonaUoa isnMn of geaeroa ana ftoe-aearMJ beiag hav been swept to natimrfy toab : thadsaal ef veang asa ef th mast xaitd talat aod W .aat iabat Uott, who might hav ntraacd Lsteaieg Scaaw w th IA tkeader ef Uqwac, or waked t ovtacy th bvu: fyr. wirr a --hI Broia, uua immediaiwy arpir v A'rv. jv " I vrv, Weakaes t U Back aad Limb, PaJaa ta th Head. Kmsoaa af Sight, Lew f Muscular lVwwr, PaJpttatw i the ilaait, Djrvia. Narveus ImubilitT. Lwrangsaieat f th lagwtiv ,,tjoa,a, UesMral Iwbtiity. rympu f Cenewmpuoa, ft., fta A. Mestaixt. The fearful effaets ea th Bs)4 a re Kh ia b dreaded i too f ajsmerr, ( ssiaa f UM, ltnl of Soirita, rarebAding ef Evil, Avereost of Nteiety Salt. Distrust. Lsis at Solitad. Timidity, ,, ar asm f U svils produced. , OrricB No. I Slh Frederick Street, seven doors tra PaUimnre street, east sid. ap ths t(. r Bo partiealar in beeVvug tb aAasa bbh! snmVsr, w ' yoa will mistak th place. A CUKE WARONTED OR NO PAT. 1 ke tnaay uonaamia sored at thla lastitatioa, o( tk very iteasiv pc act ice ef Ir. JohMtnn, (eieeadicg aj others) beetde hi staadiaf ss a geatlamaa of baractsr aad responsibility, ia iudbI gtarani that h 1 th aly proper 1'hysieiaa l b oauited. Member ef th Kyl Collet af Surreoa. Loadoau Graduat from en ef th most eraiosul Col'ere th t ailed Slate, aad th greater Part of who !.? Km bee spat in th Hospital ( Ladoa. I'ari. 1'kiiadelphl. aad elsewhere, ha enacted om of la moat astoaishhif srs that were ever kaowa. Maay troubled with narlnc im th ar aad head when asleep, great arvujns, baiag alarmed at sudde Soaa U, aad bash fu lass, with freoaaai Masking, atteaded, omeomee, witk amsrtastl 4 ntiad. wer isrts imminiiMiT, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Pareats aad OuardiaM ar oft misled with respect U ths cause of source of diseae In their sons and ward. Alatt ho-w eRen do they aserfb t ether eanse the wasting ef the (ram. Palpitation of Heart, DypePl, iedtgeetion, daebngemeel of th Nervous System, Cough, and Symptom of ( ousussp tloB, also those serious aientaJ effects, sack a was f Memory, Ifeprrasioa of Spirits or peculiar It ef melancfcndy, vrm it truth is they hav bea eaused by ladulgisg la P rales but alluring practice, destructive to both body aad miod. Thus ar swept from txlsteno thousaads who astghl kavw been of us to their country, a pleasure to their friend and ornaments to society. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATIVE REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. This grand aid Important Remedy has restored strsngth sad vigor to thousands of the most debilltaUd Individual, many who had lost all hopes, and beea abadeed le die. Hy Its ompUU lavigoratioa ef th serrous sycusa th wholt faculties baaom restored to their proper power and funotlaaa, aad lb fallen fabri afllf w raised Bp te beauty, eeosisteaey and duration, upon th ruins of an saiaciatsd and prmtar decline, to sound and pristine health. Oh. how happy hav hundreds of misguided youths been madt.wh hav baaa tadp dealy restored to health from th devastation of thoeeterlfl maladies which result from indiserstion. Such Ptrtuni. b- fort ontmplatlng MARRIAOE. should reflect that a sound mind and body ar th most necessary requisite to promot aoaawbial happi ness. Indeed, without the, th Joarnsy through llf become a weary pllgrlmag, th proaperl hoarly dark sns to th view the mind is shadowed with despair tad 1114 with tn mianeboiiy rBetion that lb happiness ef aatk r bumet blighted with our awn. Lt so fals dsliaaey prevent yon. but apply Immediately. it wno piaee niiuseii unuer in tar or 1JV Johnston, may religiously aoafld In hi boner a a gentleman, tndooufldeni ly rely upon his rklll as a Physlnlan. TO STRANGERS. Th many thousand cured at this institution within th last tan years, and tb numerous luportaat Surgical para lions performed by Dr. J., witnessed by tb K porters of th papers and many other itnom, noUoes of which hav ap peered again and before th public, Is a sufficient guarant that th afflicted will And a skillful aad hoaerable physician. ' N. H. There ar to many Irnorant and worthlaaa Uiuis sdrertlsln themselves a lTiyaWans. rulnlnr th hlth r lb alrsaiir sfllloted. that Dr. Johnston dsem it neeseaarw to y, especially to thos unacquainted with hi reputa tion that hi rsdentials or diploma always ban la hi mt. Dice. ' - " Weakness of th Organ! Immediately uri. and fall !. rcai.vrau. All loiter port-paid remedies sent by mall. Halllmor. Feb. 17, aWlft. 140-1 Cowntlna-llanae Alawaaa. APRl!,. 2 4 ion 121 1817 lU20h 2:1,24 2514G 27b 30114 -i HEAD CIVATERS KOR KREMIVW ASM IXPOR. TKI PKBFl'.MERY. FALL STOCK consist of, Twina Cologn Ore), Glsaa do.. Blllavender Water, Amber do., ilmporttdS Vr oena, nawr, rriuaa; nu., umj uo., -jyUDins CJira!, SIS. NEW PERFUMERIES, "Lublns Ess. Boqaet," Labia1 Soap, Barber do., Honey do.. Brown Windsor de . Omnibat do., " Baxins Philloome," Basins Ox-marrow, 8havi; Cream, Toilet Powder, Tooth Powder, TooUt Boap, Straw berry Tooth Wash. Amandin, Ac., Ac. For snl by . ijcv. Ann, sou ifr. A. W. slvA ULtlj I , LUVtpn. 'tosdlTlTOilE" ItESIoTEb. OUR present location is four door abov th old stand, oa th sams (South) tidt of Market Street, nearly epnotlt Carolina Hotel. , . . 8. W. WHJTAKER. THE GREATEST GOLD PEN YET. Tht Fountain Pan, which w bar Just reoeived is, by a simple ar rangement, to constructed that a whol letter of trdiaarr business length, may bt written with on dip. Th assort ment too of one and ronnd hand, hard and soft points Is varied that the most fastidious n be suited. Fertaleai Deo 11th. g. W. WHITAIfER'H rTKA I TEA ! MUBA f I f -vy. 1 va Ti l AaanHaitanantitieandDa6kafefrOai Zl h I J.nVins ft Co.. Philadelphia. Jast received and for JONES Ac FOYLES. March 5, 1853.-153 " :Markt-st. taken the aeenev for the tale of Piano. .n..r.'tnraJ bv A. II. Gal Ac Co. The Pianos from this manufactory ar rsmarkablc for brilliancy and Sweet ness of tone, and tor durability. They are not Surpassed by .1 . T K.J Ol.i.a tnV IB tn unneu timioa. - two earn to hand yesterdst, rr Schr. Myrover. TV prices are very low for th quality of the instrument. Call and examine them, at tht stcre formerly occupied tT sjott aad Baldwin. , ; i$. W. WlllTAiR. Feb. 23, 1856. ' ROGERS' CUTLERY Ths snWiber It now opea Ing a fint assortmeat of l: c ar.Rt' selcted K-sivb ScnsoRS, Acs and has made an arrangement by wine h will be recularly supplied with his goods, gotten tip especial ly fer his retail sale.. Thos bo wish U V t in this tin , will always Bod tnm at , WilminitOB,N.C.tMiy 17. iiillikil JAN'y... I II III! jtji.Y.... I 81 4 si T T t 0 10 II 12 13 8 lo I2H14 I I 16 17 18 1 20 ; 15 IB 17 IMiI2ofet 21 22 23,21 20 2ti 27 . 2223 34 2flabi7;l" 28 29 30 81 I J , rxn'RY., ,12 3! a num. 1184 4 0 6 7 8 0 10 ft (if ?t H t 10 II II 12 13 14115 IH 17 nliiit ISlUilnll IN I!) 21) 21 22 23 24 lt 2i2l 22 2321 25 25 26,27 28 ailJUiSlI MARCit.. I 12 8 strT.... J J J 1 4 II 7, S 10 f : ff Wall 7 8 II I2JI3 14 IS 1 17 , SKlllillliHIS 18 19,20 2l22 23.24 j ;1 :i7lel ?2I 23 25 2ti2T 28 Hi 30 31 j XiMMW 27j28j2 APRii.... I 2 M I II 7 rxTonet f if tf S 4) 6 m u io ii ulisiii 7 f wioiiliiu 15 Iff 17 18 III 20 21 14 16118 17 8l!l2 22 23 21 25 2o 27 28 2ll22j23 21 25i23 27 2130 2S,2301 may.... 4 1 2 8 4 5 hot .... ' i'lSt (i 7 8 0 10 II 12 4 5 T H 9 10 13 14 16 18 17 18 10 Illl3l4l5!le7 211 21 Zi 23 21 25 2tf 18il20 21 222:1 24 27 28 2,30 3i matiiz;, I . 6BC....I T I 2 8 4 6 6 7 w Si 4 6 6 7 K t 01101112131415 10,11 1213 1l IS Iti , 1HI17 IH 1920 21 n 17 18 10120 21 22 23 2324 25127 28 2i 24125 20127128 2!) 30 30.31 1

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