W J ! , i Ml ! M I ! n I j : 1 s : 1'UULISHLI) BY FULTON i TRICE WILMLNGTOX.'NOUTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 2 1S55. VOLraiE 4.-NQ. 177 WHOLE NUMBER 1,104' a I dT I d-Vt, 4.4 Ti, J JJ Livt, I ikr S weeks, latent h, i t -j ldy t J 4 Y f . ... -- .... S ! $3 SO 7 5 , 1 H . 1 25 . 1 M . 1 73 J 75 . 4 00 . 7 00 10 00 .16 00 .so eo 50 t!t 4aV. J BdtTS ....... W, .-...1 sr. 2 0 ...... 1 w S 00 ....... oo uoa J weeks ... 1 month.... .... 1 montii. 3 month.... -f moaths.... 1 months,... S aoolki, .. mnkttu. .. I ar, ... I year .... . ... .... T i; . toasted a a Nitrt, end tr lint or ! alf-quar. Longer advertlsemeat It proportion, aad all payable is glv-noe. Ail half square not paid for ia advance will be charged u a square. aw-No publicatioa mad without a resnensihlo name. ArriTftt ind Dtpartnrt oftht SiUi. The Mail for th South t!fi daily al 7, P. M, preeise ly. Letters Bin be ia the file 15 minute before the timt for North, of Richmond, V.,eloe daily at 2, F M. and 10, P. M. For Richmond, Yn., aad South of that and North of this, daily at , P. M. . Fur FayetUville, via Warsaw, Clinton, ke , daily at 2. For Fajetterilla, tia Eliwbathtown, artry Monday, Wdoday and Friday at 7 o'elok, P. M. Letter Bust b in tb offic at least 19 ailnutei bnor th tim of elwiof . J. MATHAWiT. J. I. HATHA WAY ITLM. J. & J. L. 1HTII WVAV U, lOMMlSsaON MERCHANTS, Not 1.1S54. WlLMlMOTOI, X. C. 49-lf 1f. P. KIXIOTT, 1ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWAKPINC. ( T MERCHANT, WUminftoa, N. C. O. 1AM1WKLL, "10MMISSION MERCHANT, spt 27 81 tf VVilminRton, N. C JAMKS E. JIRTT!. CIOMMISSIOM and Frwarlli. Mrrtan, j WIUIIXt'.TOX, N. C. Auta.t 24th, 18M -tf JOSEPH II. FLANXKK, GEHEKAL CobbiIwIoii Mirrhant. t-ly WUinlngtoo, C. ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMIKOT, N. C. CJEO I1ARHIH!. (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, J WilmintoB, N. C. laly lit, mi 255-ly HENRY KUTT. FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will jir hi ncraonal attentioa to bntinf utruted to hi ear. Sept. 7 J1853. . .. . 4 C. OlTRl. DAPIL. . UH C. DuPRE k CO.. GENERAL. AGENTS, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCIIANS, WlLXIMOTOM, N. C. July ut, m Q-'y NO. POTTS RQWH, ARMAND J. DIROSKKT, jr., R. F. tt0W, UHOWN ak DeROSSET.ew Vork, UaROSSKT A BROWS, Wilmington, I. C 321 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H. DOLXKIR, FOTTRR.lf., J,.J-' . CAMKRURN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 9-1 'Liberal oan aayanc mu on biuihuuwih ;-M ANOtRSOS, RDWARD SAVAOR. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, yj Wilmington N. C. 1 .iberal ea?h adrance mad on eonnignmenU. I0v3 " T.C. WORTH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wll.MINOTOX, N. C. Uual adtance on eoniignment of Cotton, Naval Store, and other prodoe. ...,,, . t . Particular attention given by, G. W. Davis to purchasing carrot, pwuring freight for veateli, ito. January llth, fWI H0:1y HISSELL. BHOT1IER, (LATR KLLIS, RUSSELL k CO.,) -1KNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jf WiLMinaTon, N. C. Liberal eash adraneei made on eonsignment of Naval Store. Cotton, and other nroduc .Iars C-. Smith. Mir.its Corm. JAS. C. SMITH A, Cl., C'OMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their or- Ice to the teeond story of th building fruirly oecu pieu by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all bosinexe in the Commicinn Hue. AllbuiineH entruted to them willb punctually atten ded to. Jn n '4' , Marion Star and Carolinian copy on year and lend bill a above. ' lit. CRONXTt BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, Wilmington, N. C. Real Estate, Neffroet, llnnk Stock, llond. Home Hold rnrnlto .andeverydaicription of Properly bought and (old on eomminoion, either at private or publio sale. " Refer to the public generally. June lath. 183 24 W.H.MrRARYfeC O., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Laiarna Ualldlnga, Prlnrea Street, May 20, '64 219-tf Wilminoton, N C, UtISCK & COWAN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, DEALERS IN WINES AND LIO.UORS. Corner 6f Front and Pr1ncer-treet, Wiliningtan, N AND B. F. A. J. ORADY, (GROCERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MER X chants, Wilmington, N. C. j" Liberal cash advances maue on consignments oi in aval Store and ather prortoee -Office on North Water Street, next door North of the Custom House. Oct. 13, 1S54. JAS. J. aiLLESPIR. RO. S. ail-LESPIS. JAS. f. GILLESPIE k CO., PRODUCE AND FORWARDING AGENTS, Wiljii.noton, N. C. Particular attention paid to tb rjeipt and sale of Naval Stores, Timber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cotton, &c, &e. DR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fsncy Articles and Perfumery, has just opened a large and beautiful as sortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which ar of new pattern and of loperior workmanship. Port Monnaies, Gentlemen' Dressing Cases. Cigar Cases, Hair Brushes, Tooth do.. Nail da , Gent Shaving io.t FM Gloves, Chi na Ware. Powder-tinfTs. NicVel and Silver do., do. fin dia mond Glass, do Gelatine. Buffalo Dressing Comb, India imtiuiT ug. ij ana mil, icw E. MURRAY.' -: TFroCK. C. H. B0BISS0N MURRAY, PRACOCK A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS i - r.. .. xi r WiU giv prompt and personal attention to th i&le and t.:.. a. xt , i . . . March 23, 1855. ' . 169-tf jahss i. 'JJ.m . konoi! k. pRrrcnETf riENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North JT Water Strt. WUminston, N, C- -- "Will giro particular attention to the tale of Natal DTums, VOTTON, XO t , . . . , January 22d. 1855. ' . . V ' 'alu,' (. ? f. - : John calverly." A TANUf ACTURER OF CANDLE MOUEm svptv IvX tf, Surgical iNsrorrMitirrs, and Biutanma Ware, No. 109 Rao Street, abov Third, opposite the Whit Swan iioni, rnuaaeipnia. March 10, 1865. iSS-lm." iLF SW.; AAA. W. A. M. VatPfURL: BKOTHCB, WlLHIMToV N. C MAXVFACTURERS at" aad 4elr ia Nvl Mr Mwrea; aed WharUg tot Prvduea turnizhetl at fair rata, aadve iiuaraoee, if lioaired. W .H.C. IIOWAKD G ENtRAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sl t. 20. l!04 - IJ-tQ WUI1TaN, X. C. t. C. ISIIHAI & CO., N. T. FRRRX4N ll o TOS, WlLa FREEMAN A. HOVSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, UKtr.IYlG AD roitWlROlNU ACEXTS, Uraltra In Kal Store. Prlsloa and Crorerl, Wllmlnctan.R. C. Th eaior partaer, D. C Kiimm, U located ia th eilv of New Vrk; th junior partaer, Gao. Hot'srva, U Wu asiagtoa. If diird advance will be mad oa eoBjiga eali ta aad frsm eitke plac. Allhusins entrusted t tkeaa willrtceiv proper attention ; and order for Ge-ed will be promptly aad earefullj filled W. II. FJcKOY. (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO. T WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL GROCER, Sotk Water street, Wiluitngtoa, N. C, intend keeping at the a Ur, atand, aUrre awurtment afGROCERlES, UQUORS and PROVISIONS, at waol&l aad retail. Particular at tention will bpaid to all order trom tb toantry. 1 wobM respectfully invite tat citiaes or Wilmington aad tn a ljuining country, te rail and exaaiataay atoek befvre par haMBg lawhtr. 1 iatend to carry oa a general ooav mi.niB busineM. Particular attention will b givtn to Ik sal; of Naval Store, and all kind of produce. Liberal Ca-h advance aia le oa eoniirnieentt. Wilmington, Otober oth. 1S53. 27-tf atf J. M. ROBINSON, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in all kiadt I of Hardware. Cutlery, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, Iron Aletr, MiU and Cr Cut Saw, Ca Steel Hoes, Iron. Steel, Hoop Iron, Tram Hoop, Rivet. Ave. &e. Hi stock i now very fall and complete, with naa ny'adJitions of new and useful article ia tb hou-kteping liu Mtrtbant who ar disposed to patronit Southern -tablithuitnu, ar gmruntnd all article in kit lin allow a iav can be procured ortn. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1S52 T. SMITH It COw TAEALERS IN CORN, MEAL, HOMONY.PEAS AND XJ Oats, and Cow and More hoed, llKATTl'l WHARF, NORTH WATIR STRKKT, WlLSIlNOTON, N. C. OUR Steam Grist Mill Is now in tuocettful operation. W will hart it in our power to delivtr the abova articles at short notice. W bav a 23 hors power tngin and shall run two pair of four feet stones Oderi can be adilrt!ed to C. DuPrt k Co., or to th mV- teribers. CORN GROUND ON TOLL. T. SMITH k CO. April 1. lftM S:Hy-19n-t II. C. TI1AC1IER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nt . 'M CENTRAL WHARF. BOSTON. Customary advances madeoneonsigamentsof Naval Store RKFKR TOl Rankin it Martin, Wilmington, N. C September 10, 1S33. -ly J. HARVRY COCHRAN, W RUSSELL. COCHRAN RCHSELL, (Successors to Thonia Alliboa k Co..) nENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. S3 II North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Phi la DKLphia. Liberal cash advaaoei madoneonsignment July 30th, l."V3 2V J. R. GILMOHR A CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Niw Yorr. RKFKNICNrillSt E. P. Hall, Esq., President Wilmington Branoh of tk Rank of the Stat. O. G. Parsi.kv, Eso., President Commercial Bank. Mourn, Kidder k Martin. J. II. Flannrr, Esq. August 15th. 1K84 SAMl'EL W. PEPPER. SUCCEMOR TO HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, Waulie. Jewelry and Rllverv rare No. 175 Chenvt Stmt, (oppoiitt the Slate Jloui,)Philaielphia May et, in.n. taj. JONES ti OARDNER, ff MANUFACTURERS and Wholesj.1 and Retail Dealer In Hoots, Shoe and Brognns, seep constantly v on hand i Lndiea'. Minscs' andCbjld't Gaiters, Booti .ad Slipper; Gnt's Fine Calf Pump-Sole and Stitched boot and Shoes; Hoy', Youth' and Child's Shoes ; Men' Kip and Cow-Hyd Root j Neirro Broirans and Women' Planters. Market street, next door to Brown fc Anderson's Marble Front, Wil.nington.N. U. Nor. 4th, 1H T. JAMES NORCOM. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 0, 1KV1. 4-y JOHN II ALL, BROKER in COTTON, NAVAL STORES. BANK and RAIL ROAD STOCKS, and REAL ESTATE, respectfully tenders his services to the mercantile communi ty and rititens of Wilmington. o-uuice over the store or wm. H McKoy. REFERRNCK9 ! O. O. Parsley, President Commercial Bank. E. P. Hall, Pres't Wilmington Branch of th Bank ol th Stat of N. C. Mosr. Kidder k Martin. A. it. VANliORKRLEN, Kt-l. Wilmington, Jan If, 1W5 Herald copy 1m. 115-tf O. L. PILLYAW, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wilminoton N. C. March 15th, 1S35 162-tf DAVIS & Bl'NTING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water st., Wilminoton, N. C. Fob. 20 2-d&w-tf. Herald copy. GEORGE W. DAVIS. AUCTIONEER, March 17th, 1854 Wilminrt N. C. WILMINGTON ICE HOL'SR. HA VINO purchased tho entire interest in the above Es tablishment, the business heretofore conducted by S. II. Martin & Co., will be continued bv me. The cublie mar rest satisfied that they will at all time b able to procure a uppiy oi iu. on reasoname term. urders from tb country addressed to the Wilmington Ice House, will receive prompt attention. jano lins-u j a. II. V AIMHUKR.bL.fc;. IRON SAPES. CRICH k Cf '. improved patent Salamander Safe, warrenled free from dampness as well a Fire-Proof. Che subscriber, having accepted the aeencv for th sale of the above highly approved Safes, are prepared to furnish any size or pattern which may be wanted at manufactures' prices, delivered in this place. specimens or several sues bavejust been received, and or ders will be promptly attended to. Jan.27, l&Z. tf UkROSSET BROWN. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH EMBROIDERY MISS DeMONTAL IS desirous of forming classes for instructionslin th above branches. Being a native of France, and baring had es perience in teaching in the eity of Charleston, from which ebe brings tb most satisiactory reference a to character and ability, she feels confident of being able to impart an ac curate knowledge and correct pronunciation of the French language to those who may favor her with their patronage, or to such pupils a may b placed under her. Term or instruction, in either or both branches, made known on application to her, at the South-west eoraer of Orange and Old Boundary street. Wilmington, Jan. 2d. 1354 ' r 99-tf THE LONDON LANCET. A Journal of British and ForciCT Medicine, ITiyslology, Surgery, Chemistry, Criticism, literature and News. Publisliedinonthly. Term $5 per annum ; single number, 60 cents. Subscriptions re ceived, and single numbers foT sale at March 19 S: W. WHITAKER'S. 7 STANHOPE BURLEIGH. 25 copies more of this popu lar work received this morning at -March 10, 1S5S. f S. W, WHITAKER'S. . THE LAMPLIGHTER For al at - Jan. 1,1865. J.T.MUNDS. A. H. VaiCaKCu. VAUOKKKLK NOTICE. THE subscriber having finished kiseoatraHi ia the f" wastry U now in ta, ard rJy t contract U I aay kind of wtwk ia ait ha ef kasiBe, as Carpenter .JL aad Contractor. U. W. KtE. f Krpatnng JjD neatly and with duaU-k. rtk. An. I-vjJ lU-Suw XOTICK- A LL prta ar forbid Ire passing pa any of my laadt, j Ijisg withia tk Umilsef th new buaadary lino of Wil- iagton ; and all ttrton ar alo forbid making their rafts. vetacl or Waatt ut to my Timber Pro. or Mul wharf, oa tk west aid of tk river Tk law will bo nridlv enforced agaiaH all efieadvr. M1LK CttSTlN January II, IV IU7-U e)NSIGNEES of ttol?eySjne of N. Y. Packet rooti rod to . ar keroby notified that .after tk Good leav Ike U barf, there will ho ao dedactiua mad fi d age ; if tkr it any damag to tk Goelt, thry Must be ebiorttd to before leaving the Wharf, otherwise, th vet will not be respoaaibl. T. C. WORTH. &OTICK LL person receiving Spirit Turpentine harvet by the LNw York aad Philadelphia lia of park!, for which 1 am agent, ar notified that tk barrel will ho ready fur do livery the ecuad day alter tk arrival wt th vsswl. If ot taken away immediately after the landing, the vessel will not b reepontibl for any barrels that Bity be missing. MiyiS51 21-tf. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a en-partnership, ander th nam aad atyUef K.KIT1I Ar FLAN- M.K, lor th transaction or a UnralL.omuttMton tiutiuess. Offic eorner Water and Chesuut ttretts. E. A. KEITH, WM. B. FLANNER. October 23.1, 1M4 4 1 If DISOLt TION. rpiIE concern of MARSH A ELLIOTT it Ciit day dit JL tolvtd, by mutual consent. W. M. MARSH, Nov. 20th, mi W. P. ELLIOTT. Th undersigned will continue th Age k Co.' Stsaa Boat Lin. W. Nov. 0th, 1H54 ncr or I.utterlon P. ELLIOTT. Ct-PAHTNEHSIIIP NOTICE. MR. WM. H. UT1EY having ba admitted at a mem ber of our firm, th general Commission butiues from this date, will bo continued ander th nam and style of J. It J L. HATHAWAY ft CO. Nov. ltt, 1S5I. J. HATHAWAY It SON. 4!-tf NOTICE. WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND, having purchased the In ttrett of J. It. HESTON in the firm of " KESTON k TOWNSHEND," will, ia future, conduct the lutintts la hit own name. That will b no winding up of aowunt but simply a chang In firm. Thankful for lli very liberal patronage heretofore extended to th old, a continuance ol tb taui it mott respectfully solicited to the new firm. J. it. KESTON. WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND. JR. KESTON willitlllbefouud at th stand of Win L. S Townthend, where he mot resiectlullv solicits a continuation of the patronage hxretofore extended to the firm of "KESTON fe TOWNSHEND. Cct, 'itith, Vt S3-tf PRKM1UM COTTON GINS. THE subscriber having accepted th Ageney ef th abov Cotton (tin, manufactured by E. T. l aylot It Co., in Columbus. Georria. will bo harpy to exhibit a Speoimen Gin to tb planter af thla rttinity, and to roeetv order from those wishing to purchase. Tbty are equal. II net u peri or, to nay Gin manufaotnred, and will he warranted to i . l.i. ...i..i.u (.. tk.l. urability and safety from heating, and forth quality of Lint produced, a wtll a tb quantity they ar capabltof turning out in a given time. Jan.V IHM.-lH-tf DuROSSET It BROWN. tVOCNDKD PIGEONS WILL KMTTKII. SUPERIOR Sehltdant Sehnsiips, Importeil solely by Tiiour van Ness, Feb. 27. 147-ly. VHi Washington St., N. Y. W would caution merchants, druggists, and the public gen erally, against purchasing an imitation, now being exten sively palmed off upon the public by designing and unscrupu lous parties. Be sure to if before purchasing that every cask Is stamped T. k V N., with the Importers and proprie tor! written signature on th Label, to counterfeit which is a felony. To b found at all th respectable druggist and Hotel THORP & VAN NESS. r For sale in Wilmington, N. C, by C. k D. Pa PRE, Druggists. w'ij' iv'-- i ' r A ;. IS W. WHITaKER. Tk u....ik Ia - V f.- 3 tsUiU.!jusj .TinrKi'i i. V-ii. fr&:. 'wA if. e.i -rfs- September 25thl8TT ,7J? WINDOW GLASS, WINDOW GLASS. 3000 Boxes French and American Window Glasses from 7i9 to 21 x3B. For sale by C. & D. Di PRE, Oct. 3. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Herald and Comercial Copy. It fOWLD yon sleep upon nfeathef bed this hot weather. when we manufacture ten different kimii of Mattra- t1 WILKINSON It EsLER, Upholsters, Market-st. MR. E. R. DURKEE, Chemist of New York, has at Inst sncceeded in producing the best " Bilking Powder," ex tant. The genuine article can always he fmiml frfih, at Nor. 23. Dr. A., O RIMDf EY'S Iirug Store. KAYETTEVILLK FLOtlt. BARRELS FLOUR just received and lor sale bv J. k J. L. HATHAWAY It C 20 Feb 12, 1355. RECEIVED this day, a large bot of School Books. A mong them mar be found MORSES' SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY; SMITH- ENGLISH GRAMMAR j BULLION'S " " MITCHELL'S GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS; PIERCE'S ALGERR A; DAVIES ARITHMETIC ; 'FROST'S UNITED STATES HISTORY ; LOV ELL'S " " SPEAKER s WEBSTER'S ELEMENTARY SPELLERS, A. Nor sal st J. T.MUNDS. March 6, 1855. ... TWO HCNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. THE abore reward will be paid to any person', for the do. livery to the Sheriff of Columbus County, or for his safe confinement in any Jail in North or South Carolina, of Doctor G. Fields, for the murder of Francis M. Stephen, on th 2lth of December, 1854.. - - ; - - " v) . ' Said Field ia about 8 feet 7 Inches high, sallow complected. miaaung spare ouni, ratner rnuna lace, iborl note, with a eonndtrabl scar on It, dark brown hair. ? - JOHN H.STEPHENS, Columbus Co., N. C. January 1, 1855. ja 1 B ACON. 10 hhdt. Sides ; 10 do. Shoulders. For tale by N ORTH CAROLINA LARD-1 5 kegs new lrd. For sale by .. - LmROSSET k BROWN. IFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, Another supply received this morning at Maro on iu, ,1355. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. Uw, J4XVV...U Mill I'm. iM'iro, kvi w ' . FREEMAN k HOUSTON. E j i x-tf 'jmm r-eja aOKTIICAlULlA UilLUOAD. ON and a-Vi .!4a, JRIMtf, jrt lsMt Nrt Cr- ; lia K ailroad ill tK Vb trr-rtlia W l1- -!gw-iad Irr'gblfroan.oUlou irhm,s. 2a iU d ef Kalsigk. IWagvr traia leav t;ld.kro dUv, no A M. " pasae Kaleigk ami - "arriiesat lSirh, 1 J " KETl'RMNG. PAwnger train leave lterbaau daily, 100 I'M. , " " pssMr Kaleigk f S " " 'arri,etGoldb.o a 44 (Wnecting with tb United Slatv Mail train oa tk WU- ntrgtoa ami lUlcirh Railroad at KaUigh; aad klr. hlaad It Dana Mail lia of four here post Coaeke at liar- kaas, rassjBg AatJy na Htlltbora, trakaa, lireoMooro. Jaaientowa, Soiea aad I-sAingWe to Salubury, froai which poiul to Charluite th North Carolina Kailruad Company ar running a daily train. A through Freight traia leave Gold.boro every Thursday fvt tiurkam nMnramg every Friday. A way Freight tram will run every TadT from tield bors ta StsJIiiigt and return aaai day and will mak txlra tni wnra necessary. WALI fcK Gw 1st. I. iu, lliier Engiaeor, N. C. K. R. Ce. Vt ilmiugtoa pi-r copy, aad disooalinu prose a I ad vertiaemeut Omo W HmlagtoM A Maaekeator It. R. t o WiiiN)TMii. N.C.. July llth, 1H&4. i IN roaseqaenc of loe tutttlned by lb escape of Fugl tiv Msvet, with forged passe. vr this line, and U guard against it la faturo, th fotlawlagrule will tak tlftot a sua siitr is uia mtt. i 1 ukett to p.-i over thi Rood will, ta ae rase, a nid ie a asgro. tie sen f ,!, must, ia swtsoa. purehas th Tick tt and point eut to tb Condoetortb negro for whom it waa bought. U J. tM.MI.(J,Gea'l Sap W.fc M. K. II. Town papers opy two month. Jri-tf STOPPAGE lK TUB MAILS. ft? rr"""""" ... I 3 res I uiuiuy uUcr luir srut ta the publie for th collection or transmission of lafls. Monies, Ae , through their oflloet la Charleston. Columbia alia lawdon, JM. . J.M). U GAN I Wfc, Agent. .ov. 4th, mi &Uf r MmWTzj "s.Mi.t rA..r l.u 1 1 ti iajh, asv- iim ii im ing been thoroughly repaired aad neatly fit ted up, for tb accommodation uf passengers, leave Fayetto vill on Monday aad Thursday owning I nnd Wilmington on Tuesday and Friday mornings, carrying light freight and passenrt. w. P. EI.I.IO TT. Agent. CIRCl'LAH SAWS. nHE Subscriber ha Just completed hi arrangmU ftr X lupplyitig tb on CIRCULAR SAWS mad, and fur Keeping a stovk on band or all Uses, nn to no Inch. r.vsry , warranieu, ana told at manuiapturer a pricti J. M. KOIIINSiiN. Wllmingtua, N. C Jun 13th, lA tW Dr. A. . IHtUDLKY, DRUGGIST ll CH EM 1ST. Successor to S. B. it J A. Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Medi cines, ( h cm let Is, I 'ainti, Oili, Glass, lattnt Medici net, Perfumery, t Igart, Old lirandiei and Wine, lie.. Ar.. at low prion. North Wett Corner Front and Market ttrtsti. Wilmington, N.C., March !), 1M0 1 lAti-tf AU'OTT'S ROOKS.-Juit published In a beautiful nnl form edition i -"Young Husband er Dutleiof Man In theaisiriage Kelation." " The Y wung W ife or Outlet of Woman in t marriage UtltUon "The Young Mother or managoinent of cblUtJU in rtgard io nrmin. " The Yonng Horse Keeper or thought nn FooJ and enok ry Frsalsat H. W. WHITAKER'S. OUR PATRONS need not he remlnde I of our lnvarlsl.lt outturn of making out nli bill eonlraeUd with u during tht ytsr ending Jltt day leembr January lit, JM55-all bills prtviously mail art dui. I'lesse settle, and tav hi th trouble of raiting. Jan. fl, lliU.-loa-tf SCOTT ft BALDWIN. 'pilE IIIIYME AND REASON, of Conntry Life, jr X lections from Field Old and New, by th author of Ru ral Hours, (Miss Coojr ) Just piiMlsbed Fnralat foo L H, W. WHITAKET'S CIAHDEN MKKD'SI (4 AH DEN SEEDS! I Just r T reived from Landrcth' Setd Garden, a larg and choice collection of Garden, Graaaand Flower Sed, Herb. Onion, Lettuce and Aspartgu Roott.alto Nebraska I'ea. For tat wholeials and retail by G. At D. I Hi PRE Dec. 12th, IH5I DruggliU. Market it. WHY not have mm of our I lamlsom Pattern of Paper Hangings on your walls. It will greatly Improve them, and Is ss Furniture In a room. Deo. llith, IN&I WILKINSON k ESLER. Com. and Her. copy, L'pholster It Paper-llaognr. C1ERTA1NLY my rsn thould bavi Madras, nnd Pillows, with Sheets, I'll v a Feather lied. ilkiw t.'ssoi. Ulsn. kcts, Csnifort, Itc, which uihv bo had of Dec. 15th, lrr, WILKINSON A ESLER, Com. and llr. copy, Upholster Ik lWr-Hngori. OttME GOOD THINGS, consisting of Fresh Currant j do. J Citron; do Raisins ; do. Flgi ; do. Maccaronl, Leinnm, lie. lust from Gotham, per Schooner W. A Ellis, and for saio "y, CdUI.NCH 4k COWAN. Dec, 13th, ISM tllr. and Cora. copy. 1)ALMKIt-g Itotars- ThrMthinK MaehlHC W srt agents for the ssUof tbsstvaluabl Machines, and hart them, of d liferent sitci on haad, ready for Immediate us. June ". FrtEEMAN It HOUSTtiN TMI'TYSl'lHIT 1( For sale by BARRELS 1000 prime second hand. DkROSMET At BROWN. WINES. Champagne, llock, Madolra, Paw and Brown Sherry, Port, and Malaga Wine, for sale by Nov. 21st. HT, FREEMAN k HOUSTON 17 'It SALE. Cotton Yarn and Sliecting, Flour, Feathers, and Mountain Butter. W. P. ELLIOTT. I.I K..0 barrels Prime Amerirnn, just received and for -3 snl by ADAMS, BR O. It CO. HARPER 'S STORY ROOKS, N . I and 2. for children on hand and for sale at H. W. WHITAKER'S ACK SALT, by 1000 Sacks in store, for tale In lot to suil RUSSELL de Rill). SEED OATS. O fifl WW ELS LANDING, and for sals by ELLIS 8c MITCHELL. jan. win, in.ta. N O. BACON A lot of ehoiee Bacon, Hams, Side and rnnuiiiert, tor sale by Jan. 30. FREEMAN It HOUSTON CJLP CREAM, Lip Salve, Ac, for chapped hands, Ac. Freshly prepared by K' nn ... n. .... ... . . . . -ov. ia. ir. a. i. BitADUKy, iirnggiit. A NEW GOLD PEN, Charles B. Peddle, patent Crtdd I'tn, nf Tsrloni sites just rtceived. This is a splendid article offered for the first time in this market, and warren led, com and try them. J. T.MUNDS. F UDGE DOINGS, by Ike Marvel t Ruth Hall, by Fanny Fern; llearti Ense, hr th author of Heir of Redoliffo j " Heir of Redcliffe, by Author of Heart Ease. to. Act nnomer supply oi inese ana cinor popnisr work, just received by Express at J. T. MUNDS'. YI700D-NOTr:S, OR CAROLINA CARROLS. A col xT . efMon of NorlB Carolina Poetry, moreof thi popular N. C. Book may now be bad many hare been anxions to gei ii, ami a new supply ba been this morning received, at iu.. lull, ifciv. - w iimrmu Y,. .. . " a. siu.wb, oog store. NEW BOOKS all the New popular Books (too numeroui to mention) on hand and for salt at Jan. a s S. W. WHITAKER'S. TTPHOLSTERING. IN ALL ITS BRA NCHES. Har- -J log changed our basiness, our whole atttntion will b given to th above business. Our stock ef Fpr Hanging, Lao and Damask Curtains, Cornice, Shade and Window Fixture of all kinds, I larg and having very superior workmen from New York, we are enabled to l aper ou op rrivata Resideoo, Boardisg Hon. --Hotel Ste Loati. lUiiroad Cart. Ae.. at ihortett notice. W alto keep nn band Curled Sheets, r-u.. .k t.i.t,in. wif.lf (VsoN & ESLER. Upholsterer, At our eld itand, next door to Scott It Baldwin. CRACKERS, CRACKERS.- -Soda. Shew, Butter,1 Ma- V pU, Picknick and Lemon, la bbls. and boxes, for ale by J pi Jun ID lfi . WhSStlJgbUiUlS. . and make to order, Shuck, iwoss, i swb. ri . IT-1 A Hair Mattrasses, Feather Ueds, ruiows, -preaai. , Pillow Unset, nt ana maxe arpeis, ana f..ki. in ri onrth nt eonneetea wun ui- tlltK Ct RE I BALTIMORE LOtK. KOiriTAL: If THERE may be ebtsiasd Us mott ,tJj rs f f V woakaea or Wat at IVgaai Fewer lVe 1 ih Li , Lkseas af the kidsev. A?et out of lis Ucad. 1 kml. aad Skta.CosMtitutitfeal fab..:ty,tarl.aatt U 'rrc and aj tkcsw horrid aftetitja trmag from tadaemions. tatur whtkr trota iatamperaace, r 1st it of ardtst tpU it or any other eauso. tu rouxa hex; ,it i oapeciaP who hat eeeoe the Ttotuns ef tri t-cUea. A Us wWeowaiU las, son o( fsosrviu mi aeb-eeA.'tsi oiaga aa nosa swept o an watery torn Mt tftoraaao f yog aia of th most tiallsd taitot and brZ t tntU hoU, oko mlgkl have entranced Ucteemg Saau wuh the tksador of tkHtaoaro, at wakd t test sty th livtcf lyre. Tko u(rnog fmr an. f th fnlfowlng mr s -ho! efieot. ahoald Immodiatety apf ! to DK,JUHNSlCN W.ahaes of U k aoj bmk. I'aia hi U. H4. the Hoart, liytpspsta. Ntnroa lrrUabflity, Deratigtmoat at the Dtgotliv FuatUoa. Gtaeral Ubiiur, PraiBteiaa af Consumption, As , keif. ' ' ' Me.ntalli.- Tk (earful ffu a the ml ad are nek to ho dreaded t loos ef memory, Confusion of Idea. Depressioa of Saint, rereboding of Evil, Avtrwvu of Soaity. St.t Dittrutt, Lav el SoUtade, Timidity, eto, are mm ef th nl prodaeod. , Orrict No. T Seulk Frdrlfk Street, mtu 49or frn, tWUmoro trt, eatt side, up the tp. - . , . , Mf Be part e a is i la observing the nam and nnmhor. a yea will misuse the place. A tU tlx. WAJlK-i.it Li) OR KO PAT. Th many thoueaad turod nt this Institution, ail tb rory xtaiiv araetlca U It, Jshastoa. (sxeoedinc aJ others) beside hit standing as a gtatlsmtu ef haraetr o4 reonaibUitr, I a tulficisel guaraot that k 1 the enlr proper rbytieUn te be nonsuited JOHNSTON, .. ,. . r'"l Graduate rroea ana of the moot emtaout ColUre of the UniUd Stale, and th greater part of whose life hag a sT-ai ia toe iiosntiaie oi Lonaon, rari, ITiiiadtlihia. and Itewhere, ka tltscUd sm f tk moat uvoaUusg euro mat wer vr known. Many troubled with ringlBf la th ear ana n4 wba asleep, great aerreosas-i. kVmt mo oars biw wssa asteep. great Berveusaoas, hoiDg alarmed al sudden SoaaJt, aad bMhralaasa, wttk fveaaoai k i i. . . i-.i - .1 I.. . ..... blushing, atUndsd, somttlmtt, with derangtmtnt e( taind. TAKE PAUT1CULAR. NOTICE. , . . Parent and Guardian ar uftea mltltd with rjpct to the Must of so are of diss la their tout tad wtrdt. Alaif krw vftea do they aserfhe to ether cause the watting of the frame. Palpitation of Heart, Iypptia, Iadigettiun, daegtmnt of th Kerrou System, Cough, and St n ptosis ef Conumn tinn, also these serious mental tfftelt, wrk a loss of Memory, Depression efSplritl or peculiar fit of aolaaehody, wbta tL truth 1 they have keen caused by Indulging to Pernlowat but alluring practice, destructive ta both body and mind. Tku ar swept from xlttonct thonwnd who might bar bn ef na to thilr UBtry, a pltentrt ta thsir fritoat and ornaments to incisty. Dll. JOHNbTON'H INVIOORATirEJlEilEDY'rOll ORGANIC WEAKNESS. ... - , . This grand aid Important Remedy ha restortd ttrtngtk and vigor to tkousanJt ef th most dsbilltated ludiriduait, many who had kut all hop, and bean abandoned te di- By It complete Invlgoratloo of th nervous lyttsm th whole faoulti oeeome restored to their proper power and fuaetiona, and th fallsn fabri of lifs ta ralttd up te beauty, eontlsttney and duration, npoa the ruin of tn emaciated nod prematura doollne, ta tonnd aad pristl kseJth. Ob. bow hai py have hundred of misguided youth bees made.who have bees tad dsnly rtttortd t health from th devastation ef thoi tertl ntaladi which result from lad-orstisa. finch ptraon, he In.. ....I. m . .1 u ( I r m NAnniAtii.. . should leftist that a sound mini and body ar the unit neceaaary rtnuislts to promote oetinabiai harri. nets. Indeed, without thtse. tk loarner through lift becomtt a weary pilgrimage, tk pmspenU komrly dark en to th f Uw lb mind 1 ihadnwed with dstpalr and filled with th aislansholly rtflectlon that th happlnest f auotk. or beoome blighted with our own. Let no false delieae prevent you, but apply lmmdlatly, He who place himself ander th car ef Dr Johnston, mat religiously eonfl J I n bis honor a gtnUsman, and MafidnU ly rely upon hll skill it l'hrilclsn. TO MR ANGER". 5 j : - J Th many thoutand cured at thi lsjiltuilan -ithtK k tail tea vears, and lb nuueroui imnortaal Surgical opera Uoni performed by Dr. J . wltntaasd br ths Kim .rtt k.pers and many other persons, notion of which have ap peared sgaln and bfbr th public, it a luflloltnt guarantee that the afflicted wUI tad a skillful and honorable physielaik N. B. There are ia many enorant and vnrtki n...ka advertising themsslvts a Physicians, mining th health ef the already tfillottd, that Dr. Johnitoa dia it aSMteary to aay, epcUj to tbot unacquainted with hi reputa tion that hi credential or diploma always hang In hi f- ffio-. . . . . .- " . weaknea of tb Organs ImmiJlaUW eur.d. snd Nil rattored. " , ) A u letttri poit-pald rtmidUl stnt by malL . W Na iMttrt rtctivid unttu oii-iiuf.w frm.tU Stamp far thi rrtVw. i j ,i t - ... . i . - . . BafMmorFjhl CoantlngHoMe Alatanao, " I .'M t ml JULif.,.. 1 1 2 8 fb e T M 910 II 12 1:1 14 15ill7IN'l2nh!l " 22,n2i126i2t)r'72fJ ' 29.30.31 f Auom. 124 full sio'li ia!nKl4l6!ll7l(l 2H 37 28,29,30,311 jan't." " 1 111 11 1 7 10 II 12 18 II 16 Ifll7 1H IU 20 21 Wm -U 25 26 27 2M 2U S031 rin'Rr., I 1 2 S 4 6 7 n 10 II 12 13 14 16 10 17 h I!) 2d 21 22 23 21 ! 26 26 27 28 MARCH.. j I S I 4 6 C 7 l 10 II 12 18 14 15 IA 17 ! IM 19 20 21 22 23,24 29 2fl 27 2 20 30 31 AFBit, ... I 2 8 4 S 7 H w 10 II 12 IS 14. 15 lfi 17 1H 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 27 28 29 301, say.... II 2 I 4 ft 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Ifl 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2ti 27 2H 29 30 31 iunk... I 12 m inn . . 1011 I2 13 14 16 IS 17 IH I9i20 2l 22 23 2425 2o27 28 29 30 Err 4 81 6 71 I 111 12 13111 !lIT)IH 19 20121121 1 20 26.27 ,2S 21) OCTOBER I4ill87 21122321, 2S29i'10,31 HOT , 4 N 7 11Psi13tl4i I6!b 223 lH!19f)'2l 26,2ti27,2W29l30 PRC 0!HH II 1213 14 16il7 23 21 1H19'20 21 25 46,27 b 3031 HEAD ttUATER FOB PRKWICM AND IMPOR-. awaur rmtr VMtuU Gteag Vr,i al.' Soap, Barber do m Honey do.'. Brown Windsor do., Omnibna Philioome. "Baxlns Or-marrnw Sharin do., Basin Cream, Toilet Powder, Tooth Powder, Tooth Soap, Straw- berry Tooth Wash, Amandine, Ae." FoT sale by'--" xci. iwtn, lOQ-A f . ur. A. U, JiltAUUi.Y, Druggist. ! IMOlTsTOHE kKMortb. , ; " t OUR preceot location ii fonr door abore the old stand, oa the am (South) aid of Market Street, nearly opposite Carolina Hotel. S. W. WHIIaKER. .... .... .... ,,-. pi ui,., s-a i s, . ieM i"s y wtsswetf? THE GREATEST GOLD PEN , YETi The Fenntaia Pn, which w hav just roivd Is, by .a simple ar rangement, to constructed that a whole letter ef erdisary busines length, msyb written with one dip. The assort ment too of tin and round haad, hard and soft points 1 s varisdtbst the most fastidious cap bs tnlted. Forwle .t. Dm nth, - S. W. WHITAKER'W , TTKA I TEA (I TEAM! dff LBS. TEA. Assorted quantities and packages from ZUU Jenkins 4k Co., Philadelphia. Just reoclred and for bVroh , 1855.-158 JONES & FOYLES. " '- Markt-st, w I )IANOH. 1 have taken the ageney for the iale of TiHiioe, 7- maDttfactured by A. H. Gait Ac Co. Tb Pianos from thi manufactory are r lArkable for bnlliancy and sweet-; nes of tone, and tor durability. Tbey ar not snrpasted by, anr In tb United State. , , Two to hand yeeterdsr, Tr Schf. MyroVfr. price ar vary low for the quality ef th Instrument. C,t and exsmin them, at th tcre formerly onpi1 bv f'-uH, aad Baldwin, , . ... S. W.WUrrAKl.R. Feb. 23, 1858. - ' l t ". 1 1 - " . - - NOTICE.? .;.; . . ... . MONEV WANTED, and Money rfin-tf., h,d -"ind U I ask is that those owing me would c-.il and itu.a op to the f r?t of January, either dj a good note or the eash-voor kCCOOJtt 1 reaoy. o. W. Willi Alt, , m.i9,im c 141- ' ja Sdjfl 6 7 8 I 9lo!lll2'l3'll!lS TTiALL STOCK consist of, Twlna Cologne Ota,' A op., cou lavender Water, Amber do., ilmporltd,) bena water, Musk do.: Kay do., "Lnbins Erraet. KtW I'l'.Kr UMr.RIF.S. Thina' Vm

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