Pl'PLlSHED UY FULTON i. PRICC WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLL.UIS A YEAR, IN ADYANC: 2 VOLUME 4.-NO. 242.' SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 16. IS55. WHOLE NUMBER UC3 BDVEItTI :!. ( I4LT .l'AI. I dav t S3 14y Siva Sdayt 4 dayt -- . edevt ... I wek .... .... .... littki Imoeth Imeaths 3 moat t months.... lyw .$1 M . 7h . 1 00 . I 24 . I W . I 7i . 17J . 4 00 . 7 00 19 00 .1 00 .SO 04 1 J.H . 37, 14m, SO i davt, TJ 1 week,. K7i 1 IHkl,... 1 37, rmeath. ... t 2.S month.,.... J M 3 month,, 00 month. I jar, ...... U W Tea Haee art coasted a equare, aad Ive Kb er le half-eqaar. LeBger advertix-meat ia proportion. Bad all payable ia advance a- All half aqaar aot paid for ia advance will be charge J a a qaar. SjrXe pub Heat ioa made without a responsible aaau. i. but-awat. j. t.. butsuway ww. b. rnn. J. Si J. L- HATIIIWAY CO, tOMMISSlOX MERCHANTS, Nev l.POd WLINTU., N. C. 49-tf . YV. P. ELLIOTT, ' 1 E N E R A L COMMISSION' AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Wilmiagtoa, N. C. Not. XI, 1854. l. CAlllltELL, 10M MISSION MERCHANT, V Sept 27 21 tf Wilmington. V I JAMES E. METT. (MM18.10N and Hrwtrlni Merrhaal, j W1LM1NC.TON, N. C. " August lit-, 1854 300-tf JOSEPH II. I'UASSEK, G ntnAL Ceaasotaalaa MtrrhaHt, 2-ly Wilmington, iN. L. - ADAMS, KKOTIIKH CO. (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmikt, N.C. gko. Harris. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July lit, 1854 25Sly II KM 11 Y Kl'XT FACTOR AND FQRWARD1NC. AO EXT. will giv his personal attention to busiaett entrusted to hit ear Sept. 71863. C. HTM. OASL. B. BAIIIK. C. Da PRE It CO., GENERAL AGENTS. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, WI.MIMT0N, N. C. July lit. 1854 .?7l, HO. WTT BOW!l, ABMAND J. DltBOHStT, jr., B. F. BROWdJ BROWH & DcROKSKT. New York, UallOSSET BROWN, AVIInili.f ton, 1.C, (32J COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H.DOLLNtB, rOTTII.Jr.. J. CAMIII.KH. DOLLNRH, POTTKlt A CO., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-lyl Naw York tf Liberal eaih advaneai mad on consignment! i,MM ANDKB90N, EDWABO AVA. ANDERSON ti SAVAGK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 WilmlagtoB N. C. i .literal eaB adraaee mad on eoniignmenu. IOtS T7c WORTH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMINOTON, N. C. Uiual adranoM on eoniignmenta of Cotton, Naval Store, nd other produo.. lt, ......,...... rartlcuiar atteniion riTn oy . . rgoe, proouring frelghU for Tewoli, so. 110-ly lanuary liin, ish Rt'SSELL. BROTHER, (LATB ILLII, tt'MKI.I- a CO.,) 1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jf WlLHINBTON, N. C. Uberal eaifc adraaeeB nad on eoDiigomenti of Naral Storet, Cotton, and other produce UVBBC. 7MITR. . , MlLBB CO.TIN. JAS. C. SMITH A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have removed their of flce to tb aecond itory of the building fermerly occu piob by the Telf graph Company, where they are prepared to iUend to aU buifneM In the Coiamwlrm line. All baiineat entrueted to them will be punctually atten ded to. Jan. 11, 14. aMrion Star and Carolinian copy one year and tend bill a above. XH. CnONZ-Tt UROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM Jl MISSION AGENT, Wn.MinoTO!i, N. C. Uaal Katate, Netrroea, Bank Ntork, Bonda, Itoew hold Pnrnltr(andeTerydNriptionof Proper jr bought nJ told on oommltiion, either at private or public tale. , arKeferto thepubllo generally. Jane 18th, 1803 .. JlL W.II. MrRARY k CO FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IaBarwaBlldlngt,Prlnr'M Htrert, May 20, '04r219-tn V'ii..mimbtoh, N C , Q,t lJICK COWAN. WHOLESALE AND KETATL GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS. Corner of Front and Prtnccn-rtrceta, Wilmington, N B. r. A. J. GRADY, pROCERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MER I.T chahts, Wilmington, N. C. Kf Liberal eaah advance made on conjignmenta f Naval Storei and other produoe. yOffioa on North Water Street, next door North of the Custom Homo. Oct. 13, ISM. IAS. F. BII-LBSriK KO. . OtM.ESHK. JAS. G1LLESP1K k CO., PRODUCE aNL FORWARDING AGENTS, J WlLMIMBTOH, N. C. l'artirulr attention paid to the rejeipt and tale of Naval Store.', 'limber, Lumber, Corn, Bacon, Cotton, kc, ke. DR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHtLti8ALE and Retail dealer 1b Fancy Article and Perfumery, haa just opened a large and beautiful as tortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new patterna and of tu peri of workmanship. Prtrt Monnaiea, Gentlemen'a Dreaaina; Caaea, Cigar Caaea, Hair Bruahea, Tooth do., Nail do , Oent'a Shaving do., Fleih Glorea, Chi ta Ware. Powder-puffa, Nickel and Silver do., do. (ne dia mond Glaoa, do Gelatine, Buffalo Dren-ing Coniba, India Rubber do. June Bth, 1854 MtTKBAT. ! PKACOCK. C. II. BOBIHSOS. Mt'RRAY, PEACOCK A CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j- WrumaTo, N. C. Will giv prompt and personal attention to the tale and ehipment of Cotton, Naval Storei, See. Maroh23,1353. H-" jams t. rrmYAT, aiEoaoB k. rarrcHETT . PKTTKWAY PRITCHKTT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. W1U give particular attention to the lale of Navai. Stobes, Cotton, Ac January 22d. 1855. ' JONES GARDNER, 'arl MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale and Retail f hi Dealer la Boot, Shoe tad Brogane, aeep eonatantly on handi . Lndiei' Miiwe and Child'i Gaiters. Boot .b4 Slippers ; Gent's Fin Calf Pump Hoi and Stitched boot and Shoe; ' S?7'f' ?BtB'! "T Shoe , Mn'e Kip and Cow-Hyd Brota j Negro Brogane and Wsfntu'a Plaater. Mrket ttreet, next door i Brown k An 'lemon Marble front. WiUington, N. C. Nor. 4th, 1854 T. JAKES BjORCWf. A TTORNEY AT IJLW, . WiiMwro , N. C. Sept. 9.1854. 4.1.- . - DIBBLE Bl'SCIC. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 180 Fbobt btbebt, Nxw Yobb. Liberal advances nnie en conslrnmente. - - ' , C. B. DIBRLE. . J.B.BUNCE. A. II VaEoai. W. A. M. VAm.i-B YABOKKEl-ES 4i BROTHER. MANtFACTrRI-KSaf aa4 :r ia Naval Store. irUirvaf aa 4 a riaje tot l'r4ae lro4 at fair rat, aarr iaai-aar, if itrJ 9-ti tVX. C. HOtVARO GENERAL TRODITE BROKER. Sp. ?X Wl-15-tq Wi)Tt,N. C: B. C VBEBXA! k CO., S. T. fBXK-AK k B04.BTOB. WH.M KRE M t HUI ITU, MEKCHANTS AND FACTORS, UECKIY1SU AXO IX)RViUDl0 ACESTS. ' UraJrr la XavaJ Blorea, PravtatM imI Qraterkt, Vllaal-rt C. The teaiar fartaer, I. C. Feiixa. la luoated ia the eity f New York; the junior partner, tUo. IIixhtoh. la Wu- Bunrtoa. If 4rmml, aJvan win B aiaae aa eoaiga eau ta aad fraat either ttUea. All basiaeat ntnie4 theta will receive projr atteatioa ; and order fo tioda will bo proaaptly ana cartfuiij BUeii W. 11. JWK.OY. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RcTAlL GROCER, Nth Water tret, Wilmiagtoa, N. C, iatenJ keepiBg at Ik a boto ataod. a large aawrtaent of GKtHJERlES, LIQUORS and PRiiVISkiNS, at wholetaleand retail. Particular at- teatioa will b paid ta all erder from the country. 1 wouM restiectfullT invite tha eitiaeaa of Wilmington and th aJioiamg eoantry, te rail aad exaatia lay tak before par- CBaAing elMwBrr. 1 luttaj ta earry aa a geaeral eoaa miailoB buNae. Particular atttntioa will be glreato the aal of Naval Store, aad all kiad of produce Liberal Ch advaocea aiad oa eoatirnmenta. Wilmington, October bth. IssiS. 27-tf-tf J. St. H(IUIK(), IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE PEA LERU all kind 1 of Hardware. Cutlenr. AGRICULTURAL 1MPLE ME NTS, lrva Axletree. Mill aad Croat Cat Sawa, Cat Steel Hue. Iroa. Steel, lloop Irua, Traaa Hoop. Rivet, ke. ke. Hia alack i bow very full and complete, with aua ny7addition of aew and Bteful article ia th ho keeping lin Merchant who are dipod to patronla Southern -tablUhuient. are fwirantrtd all article in hi lin a low a they can be procured .North. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 24. 1S52 J. A. WILL HO. GENERAL COMMISSION MEKCHAN1. WiumuroN, N. C. j)7Offic on l'riiieew. nrar Water street. t 1 B C. WA rxit, BOSTON MCARKK, i. ll. Olr1TBKK. V AT WIN, MKARKN A HOt NTHKK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 150 Front Street, New York. Kpecial attention paid to th aal of Navai. Stoke, L'uT Toi, aii .Shthkk PauuriB generally. Liberal advance made oa consignment. II. C. TIIACHER. COMMISSION MERCHANT. NO. 2fl CENTRAL WHARF. BOSTON. Cuntoiuary advance made on consignment of Naval Store RxrxB to: Rahkim & Mastii, Wilmington, N. C September It), 1S63 H-ly J HARVKT C(M:HIAN. W S KI'MEI.L. C(H II RAN tW III WKLL. (Suocewor to Thomas Allibone k Co.,) C1KNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 f North Wharves, and North Water Street, Phii.a uklphia. )r Liberal cash advaace made on consignment July h, lS 27!t J. It. (1ILHOHR A CO., CIOMMISSION MEKCHANTS. New Yobb. KBrEBEnrtsi K. P. Ham., F.sq , Preaident Wilmington Branch of th hank ot tbe Mate. O. G. Parsley, Esa., President Commercial Bank. Messrs. KlDDEB k MABTIIt. J. 11. Flaikek, Eq. August 15th, 1S54 MAUI EL W. PEPPER. BL'CCEBNUB TO HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, Watchra, Jewelry and Hllverwaret AV 176 Chttnut Stretl,(opptisit$ tht Stat Jlume,)Philadtlvkia May 2, 1144. 225-ly. JOHN II ALL, BROKER in COTTON, NAVAL STORES, BANK and RAIL ROAD STOCKS, and REAL ESTATE, respectfully tender his service to the mercantile communi ty and citiien of Wilmington. rOffio over th tor of Wm. 11. MeKoy. BErXBBNCE I (). O. Parsley, President (.mmeroial Bank. E. P. Hai.i., Pres't Wilmington Branch of the Bank of the Stat of N. C. Messrs. Kidder k Martim. A. H. VAnBoKKii.EN. Ken. Wilmington, Jan 19, 1855 Herald copy 1m. O. L. PILLYAW, 115-tl QOMMISSION MERCHANT. March 15th, 1855 WlLMIflOTOil N. C. l2-tf DAVIS HCNTING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, North Water st., Wil.hi.ioto, N. C. Feb. 2() I li-d&w-tf. Hyald copy. Dr. A. O. BRADLEY, -- DRUGGIST Ac CHEMIST, Wiljuikoto. N. C YW Having purchased the Drug eitabliahment of Mer J-l S. B. k J. A. Evan, will keep always on hand, at wholesale and retail, a large and very aclect atock of Drugs Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oila, Glass, Surgical Instru nients, Patent Medicinci, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, at low price. OaT Physician's Prescriptions put Dp correctly and with dispatch. March 20th, 1HT.4 IHO-tf IRON SAPKS. ("I KIC'I k d i.'S improved patent Salamander Safes, j warrented free from dampness as well as Fire-Proof 111 subscriber. haviDg accepted the agency for the aale of tbe above highly approved Safes, are prepared to furnish any site or pattern which may be wanted at manufacture' prices, delivered inthia place. Specimens or several irc navejusi occn received, ana or der will be promptly attended to. Jan. 27, 1852. tf DkROSSET k BROWN. WILMINGTON BOOK BINDERY. Klraf door below the Cape Fear Bank, up Stalra. THIS establishment, which ia complete In every depart ment requisite to accommodate the business of this place, and will hereafter be under the sole control of Mr. PHILIP HEINSBERGER. who ia In all respect a finished work- man, and will take pleasure in executing work loft with hi in in a manner calculated to give toe fullest saiiMaction ya an who may be inclined to patronise him. The Material and Stock for the bindery were purcBaeed and brought out by us from the North withut any expecta tion of profit, save in the accommodation to bo afforded to our selves and others who might have binding to be done, and with the view to obviato the necessity of sending abroad for it, with the trouble, expense, and delay unavoidably incurred in to doing. Mr. ileinsberger baa now the use ef the Materials, and we respectfully ask of the people of Wilmington and the s unwinding Counties to rive to Inm such a suptwrt a will en able him to continue Book-binding as a permanent business in this place, aa it cannot fail to be a very great accommoda tion and advantage to tbe community, FULTON k PRICE. Having the use of the Book-Binding Materials of Messrs. Fulton k Price, I will give my entire attention to executing all orders for Book-Binding la it various branches, promptly and in the beat manner. I feel confident of being able to do my work as well, and on as favourable terms as it can be done in the Northern Cities. The patronage of the publie It respectfully solicited. NoVTll, 1854. PHILIP HEINSBERGER. MOULD CANDLES. W hav accepted bo agency frTim Mr. C. C. Rhodes, for the tale of hit celebrated Mould Candlea, manufactured in Wilmington ; and will keep a constant supply of them on hand. These Candles are War ranted superior te any imported, and will be sold at a reason- hable price. - FREEMAN fc HOUSTON. March 21. v ACHLNERY OIL. 25 barrel- good article! just received. F or aale by . , ... f,t . ... M May 24 J.atJ.L.. UA111AWAI SW. 11HE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE for June. Receiv.d and for Ale at . , S. W. WHITAKER'S. . June 9. . . - ' - NORTH CAROLINA BACON; . . 2000 lbs. Hams in itor and for sftle by May 22. , , RUSSELL It BRO. suTirt. T HE Bubaeriber having Iaihe4 hUewatract ia the auaetr i aaw ta tu a. aad reaJv U eaatraet M I I any kind af work, ia hi ha ef butia, a CarpratrJL. aid Contractor. O. W. HoS r Kepamng do Beatly aad with dispatch e. !ka. 1n1 132 3uw SOTltab ALL pera are forbid treaspaag apua aay of tsy lada, ' lyiag withia the bout ef th tww aoBBdary Ua of WU- ; aaiB(Wi i aad a-1 trw are aiaa forbid Btakioc their raAa, . wawfi a boat taat ta y TiaiWr Pea, or MiJ wharf, aa th w4 aid af tha river Th law will a rgidly tfred agaia all ofTeadra. MILES CtkSTlN Jaaaary II, 64 NOTXCXIv pONSIGNEESal Good, by taaLia af N. Y. TafheU J eeoairnad t aa. ar hereby BvtiBtd that, after th tia4a leave tha Wharf, there will ha aa dcdaciM at ad for da i ago if there ta aay deaag ta th Oaada, they taart he b)eei4 ta before Waviag the Wharf, aikerwiae, tha wUlBatUlaepejiaiBl. T. C WORTH. NOT1CK A LLperoaraeiving Spirit TartMatia barrvl by th Nw York aad Philadelphia lia af paekeU.for whkh 1 aaa Bti44 that th barrel will b ready fur 4e bvery th aeooad day arter th arrival at th vaaeeL tf Bot tal-way imnwdiately after thladiBg,thvel will aot he retpoaiibl for aay barrel that ay b itif. T, C. W ORTH, Agent May i854. 2lJ-tf. AjOTICK. THE UNDERSIGNED hav thi day foraied a eo-part-aenhip, under the aata aud tyli KEITH V H.AN N ER . for th tranaactioa af a Geaeral Cooasaiaaioa Hminras. t te carter Water aad Cheaaut atreeta. K. A. KEITH, WM. H. FLANNF.ll. October 23d, ISJ4 -tf DIBHtlLCTION. PHE eonr.raaf MARSH k ELLIOTT lt thit day die, L tolved, by eaatual content. W. M. MARSH. Nov. 20th, 1S54 W. P. ELLIOTT Th uadertigned will enutlau th it Co.' Steam Boat Liu. A reney ef l.atterloh W. P. ELLIOTT. Najr-SOth, l!S&4 CO-PARTNERSHIP BOTH K. MR. WM. R. UTLKY having beea admitted at a Mem ber of our firm, tht general CoiuBalMioB butines fmm thi date, will betinaed under th aaia and stria of J. k J. L. HATHAWAY It CO. Nov. U, 1854. J. HATHAWAY k MN. -tf NOTICK. WM. L. S. TOWNSII END, having purchased the in. tereat of J. R. RKSTON ia th Iran of " RKSTON ft TOWNSllEND " will, in future, conduct th ia hi own nam. Tbeie will be bo winding up of aceiuat. but aimply a ehang in firm. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretolor extended t the eld, a eoBtinuanc of the same is most respectfully eolicited to the new firm. J. K. RESTON, WM. L. S. TOWNSHEND Jit. UESTON will ttlll b found al th stand of Wm. L. S. Tewnsbend, a her he mot respectfully solicits a continuation of tbe patronage heretofore extended to the Arm of "RESTON It TOWN SHE NO. Cot. 2rith, IH5J J5-tf PREirlltM COTTON GINS. T HE subscriber having accepted th Agency of th abov Cotton Gioi, manufactured by E. I . Jaylor fc l.o , in Colambat, (ieorgia, will ha happy to exhibit a Specimen Gia to the plantar ef this vkelnity. aad to receive orders from those withing to purchase. Tbey are e(ual, II Bat a parlor, to any Olnt manufactured, and will be warranted ta rival(fietloB in every respect, bain remarkable for their durability and tafety from heating, and for th quality of Lint produced, at well a th quantity they are capable of turning out In a given tint. Jbb.V. 1854.-104 tf DkROSSET k BROWN tVOt NOKI) PIUEOINS WILL KI.fTTKII. SUPERIOR Schiedam Njhnit.s, Imported tolelyhr TIIOHPfc VAN NESS, Feb. 27.-1 17-ly. 211 Washington at., N. Y. W would caution merchants, druggists, and t li publie gen erally, against purchasing an imitation, now being exten sively palmed off upon th public by designing and unscrupu lous parties. Be sure to se before purchasing that every cask is stamped T. k V N., with the Importer and proprle tort written signature on tbe Ibel, to counterfeit which ia a felony. To be found at all the respectable druggists and Hotel. THORP k VAN NESS. )rForalo In Wilmington, N. C by C. fx D. DuPHE, l)riiggit. V"' f 4- Siutii-niilu Market at., " T' SBf. September 25th, 1851 WINDOW GLAHS, W'INIM)W GLAKH.-3IKN) Boxc French and American Window Glassc from 7x9 to 21 x3fi. For.aUby C. ft I). Ih.'PIl K, Oct. 3. Wholeaale Druggists, Wilmington. Herald and Comercial Copy . 11 TO!! LD you sleep upon a feather bed this hot weather, y y when we manufacture (en different hind of Mattras- esl W U.KINSON k ESLER, Upholsters, Market-st. MR. E. R. DURKEE, Chemist of New York, has at liut succeeded in producing tbe best " Baking Powder," ex tant. The renuine article can always be found fruh, at Nov 23. Dr. A. ) II It A 1)1 K Y'S Drug Store. TWO Hl.NDREI) DOLLARS REWARD. THE above reward will be paid to any person, for the de livery to tbe Sheriff of Columbus County, or for his safe confinement ia any Jail in North or South Carolina, of Ikwtor G. Fifldt, for the murder of Francis M. Stephens, on th 24th of December, 1854. Said Field is about 5 feet 7 inches high, sallow complected, middling snare built, rather round face, short note, with ax considerable scar on It, dark brown hair JOHN H. STEPHENS, Columbus Co., N. C. January 1, 1855. ja 1 B ACON.-10 hhds. Sidea ; 10 do. Shoulders. For sale by RUSSELL A BRO. Jan.22d, 1855 N ORTH CAROLINA LARD 15 kegs new Urd. For aale by DeROSSET A BROWN. UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Oente should patronise Scott t Baldwin for these articles The largest assortment of best fabrics may be had at the May8d. CITY CLOTHING STORE. PLOL'R AND MEAL FROM the Goldsboro Mill : and MEAL, from T. Smith ft Co.'s Mill, always on hand, and for sale by Feb. 19th, 1858 14l-tf WM. II. MARSH. WE have a large variety of Window Shades, Curtain, Cornices, Sf o., on band, and for sale by Doe. 16th, 1854 WILKINSON & ESLER,: Com, and Her, copy,' Upholster k Papcr-Hanger. C1TY MESS PORK, . . TWENTY FIVE BARRELS, Just received and for tale t,y . -.. . ... . . f . w. H. McKOY. PAPER HANGINGS.-W btve just opened a Isrge as sortment of tbe latest stylet of Spring patterns of Psper Hangings, Borden, Fir Greens, Decorations, Ac, which we offer for tale at the lowest cash trices, and hung in thert. est notice. - WILKINSON k JiSLEK, - April9.-133-tf,j iUpholsttren and Paper Hangr. .. I"1 III" "."V Bi Hi 'V jr s w. wHimER. v j Wilminglon, N V.. I ! pi" , ill NORTH CtROLJNA RAILROAD. ON axJ after Moaday Jaaaarv U. 133, tie North Cara lia Kailrvad will a eaad f th trastt-rtaUaa al F-f -irr, ani i rght frv l.U.Wr t ltarhaat't, 3B uke Vt ti af Raleigh. raaarnger trail teav CrwIJUWurt daily. - paaar KaWck - arrival laraaai, KLTl KMNti. Peagr train Wavea lrhaaa daily. paaw Raktgh " "rrivrat(W4hbor w 100 AM. f tu IB 200PM 42 Caaetiir with tha l'ait4 Statr Mail trala aa tha Wil- BtiegUa aad Raleigh Ratrwa4 al Kaligh; aad Meaara. hlaad k laa MaJ iina af harat poet Caa hat at lr haa a, rustatat daily via ll.LUooro, (trahaaa, tireeaahnra, Jasaeatowa, aleai and IxiarWa to Saluhary, froa which poial ta Chariott th North l arolia Railraad Catapaay ar ranaitg a daily train. A throat h Fri hi traaa Wave Gold-bora every Tharaday far lrhaw retaraiug every Friday. A wav Freifht traia will raa every Taaadav froa (tvlda- ra ta Stalling aad ratara aaia day aad will make eilra triM ahe aeary. WALTER GWYNN, Jaa.lH.lM5. IVaf Enttaaar, N. C. H. K. C. T W ilaiiBgtwB paper eopy, aad diacwotiaa praatal ad- w-rtiMaaaal OAr W llMlasjtaa Maaehaater H. H. t fc, Wiijumtuw. N.C, July ills. 1851. IN enttavqueao ef luaar BBataiaed by lb acap f r gW tlv Mav, with forged pa, ever tkla lin. Bad ta gaard against it la future, th following rule will tak effect aa and after the 15th last, i Ticket te pat ever thi Road will, nt raa, U taU I m agr. Owaars af slave tawst, M sxthm, tare has th Ticket aad point oatt th Conductor th aegra for whoa It watbaaght. L J. FLEM.MINU, Geal Sup W.fc M. K. K. Towa paper eopy tw taoBlh. (3ti-tf r!C bTEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH. hav-awa-a, lag been tharoathly reaairtd aad Beatly It Ud up, for lb aeoaaiiaadatioB ef passenger, Uava Fayatt. villa aa Mo Jay aad Tharaday Burning l aad Wtlmlngtoa ea Taextay aad Friday orainjrs, arvyta light freight aad W. P. LLLI O IT, A feBl Clltll LAR SAWS. WilE Subscriber ha last eoainUted hi arrangemeBt fur 1 tupplylng th bttt CIRCULAR SAWS mads, and for keeping a stock aa Band ar all Uses, an le tw Inebe. Every Saw warranted, aad told at Manufacturer'! price J. M. KOIUNSON. WHutlngtoa, N. O, Jan 11th, 185J. X Dr. A. O. MRADLKY, RUGG1ST It CHEMIST. Puecawor to S. B. & J. A. vam, Wholwal and Rlall dealer la Drugs, Medl cine. Chemical, Paint, Oil, Glatt, Patnt Medicine I'erfuaiery, t Igar. Old Urandies and Wines,., V., al low price. North West Corner Front aad Market streets. Wilmington, N. C. March 20, 1854 lovi-tf o: custom of making eul tit bills eoatrarted with during th year ndmg 31st day December Jaauary 1st, 1855 all bills previously wade art ser. Ilea settle, and save m th troubl of calling. Jan 5, 1855 -103-tf SCOTT k BALDWIN. C GARDEN SEED'SI UARUEN SEEDS 1 1-Just r T calved from I-ndrtth's Seed Garden, a larr aadehoie eolleetioa of ( tardea, O rasas ad Flower Seed, Herbs. Onion, lettuce and Asparagus Roota.also Nebraska Peas. For sal wholesale and retail by C. dr D. IM PRE, Dec. 12th, 1854 e-Drugglsts Market t. WHY not have torn ef eur llandsom PalUrat f Paper Hangings a your walls. It will greatly Imprav them, and Is as lr urmtur in a roe in. De. 15th, 1H64 WILKINSON It ESLER, Com. ao4 Her. eopy, Upholster t Paper Hangers. C1ERTAINLY every person should" Btve'a Feather Beii J Mattrass,and Itllowa, with tthU, Pillow Catee, Blan- Beti, caaitort, ate., wnicti may be bad or Dee. 15th. 1854 WILKINSON A ESLER, Com and Her, copy, Upholster k I'sper-llsngers COME GOOD THIO.S,enl.tlng of Fresh Currant j do. i nroni uo. ftaisin uo. rig) tlo. Maeoaronl, Leaions, Ae. Just from Gotham, per Schooner W. A. Kills, and for sale by QUINCE k COWAN. Dee. 15th, 185-1 (Her. and Com. copy. T.iMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS 1000 prim eooi I For tal by DkROSSET 4t BR nd band. BROWN. WINES.-Champagne, Hook, Madeira, Pal and alrwa Shsrry, Port, and Malaga Wine, for sal by Nov. Zlst, IN04 r HERMAN HOUSTON F)R SALE.-Cotton Yam and Sheeting, Flour, Feathers, and Mountain Butter. W. P. ELLIOTT. C1LI E 10 barrolt Prime American, just received and for T sale by ADAMS, HRO. k CO. CUCK O by SALT. 1000 Sack is store, for sal la lot to tult RUSSELL Se BRO. CKiLD CREAM, Lip SaJv. Ac , for chapped hands, lips, J ke. Freshly prepared by Nov. 23 Dr. A. O. ISItADLr.Y, irriiggist. UPHOLSTERING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Hav ing changed oer business, our whol attention will b ivsn to th abov buaines. Ourstook of Paper Hangings, ao and Iiaioask Curtains. Cornices. Shade and Window Fixture of all kinds. I large; and having vary tuperior Workmen from New York, w art enabled to Paper and tl up Privato Residences. Boarding Houses. Hotels. Mesm- boats. Railroad Cars, kn , at shortest notice. W also keen on hand, and make to erder, Shuck, Moss. Patent Felt, and Curled Hair Mattrasnrs, Fenthcr Bd, Pillows, Spreads. Sheets, Pillow Cases, .. ! rut and make Carpel, and Church Cashlnn. In fact anything connected with Up holstering. WlLKINStLN A ESLER, Upholsterer, At our aid stand, next door to Scott It Baldwin. CRACKERS, ORACKF.RS.-Soda, Hngar, Butter. Ma pic, Pirknick and Ieuion, la Mils, and boxes, for sale by June 10 WESSEl k EILKRS. f)OIIK. -New York ('Ity Mess, now Isnding and for sal II. F. A A. J. GRADY. C? PI HIT BAHREIN. anoint quality second hand, (I- O tra large site, and in store rt sale ny RUSSELL k BHO. Nov. 2!). urMr.M uuiivcii umiIl ill in rvtri w.-... ... tra article, warranted to giv satisfaction. For sal by JONES ft FOYLES, Market alreet. W HO WANTS A GOOD HAM I 1000 lbs. New Ba con limns, on baud and fiirsale by Jan. 8 JONES k FOYLES, Market Street. Git f. ROUND PLASTER .4 Tons, In bsgsof 200 lb, each, 'or sale li ale liV i, IM55. FREEMAN k HOUSTON. Feb. f, OPHtlT CASKS V lot of new and second hand Spt Casks, for sale by FREEMAN k HOUSTON. WE have hi In tor fine asortmnt of French, English and American paper t angings, bordtrt, deco rations, Ac. Also, curtains, oornioct, stiadci, tassel, A., for sale, and bung in th latest style WILIUSU.TI at r.L,it, Upholsterer and Paper Hangers. Sept. 28; BARGAINS. I WILL SELL the balance of my itock. of CROCKERY and GLASS WARE at cost for cash. Tbe entire stock Is imported, and to familiel wishing t replenish eld tett. or lay in new ones, arar e&ane is onrd of to doing at a Bargain. 1 hav a number of French China Good In setta. and oth erwise, together with a complete assortment of Ironstone and other good altogether comprising an attractive assortment al the prices 1 am bow ottering tbem U Meantime, having perfected ether arrangements, 1 will eloee out th entire stock, with tbe good will of the business, en reasonable terms, te any person wishing to tngag In it. - in business is prontabi, anal constantly growing, and of fers a good opening to a business man. - AliCiA, MACKAL, JR.. Importer of China, Glass and Earthenware, Wilmington, N. C. April 13, 1856. , . ; THE UNDERSIGNED have purchased the Intlre lntereal 'of P. K. DICKINSON A CO.. in the Gaston M U, nd of PARSLEY, McRAE k CO. I the HUtonMUItj tnd have aasociated themselve together under tbe Arm of fAK- en w- r rtti a t a. 1" t" ? Th.y wni wn inue th" transaction of the Lumber Buslne,, In 111 ft. branch-, and hop. to retain th.endM.,f the old firm. ROBT. H. COWAN, JNO. McRAE, , W. O. JONES, VT . rfWiliii') DAVID 3. COWAN. . , , ... . 186-tf. April 10, 1855. SCRE CYl LTUb" OKX UKTi Hi irSTtL, W "ULKt, may be ba aad tbe BKt fwif r?y t,t W-asa er lees af 1 Traaia P,wr. la a : iLn LW-MU khiaev. Atieacth Head. 1 . .N and SAla.CaaautataJ laiv,iPi.wtlt, i j ( Bad aj tk-w horrU ticlot arwag f-aat ml . ta taatur Whether treat latempei-aoe, e la asa tt areat ,- - tuar asy ether caeea TO YOUNO MEN, tsasaiay tW har hseama th fssuta f svj prwCce. Afa ! wkal aaeaUaat Baa hart at pa era a aad Bob. hearted aeiars hav Bee swept t Bi.e.'y toath j tii af veeaf Bia af th Btoat (lasted lUoU ai4 io'-aU Uaia, ah might hav aotraa eed Uateaieg Sweatee w .h the tknWs iwBea, ar waked t ot v U Lf ryr. I Baa nlmaf Beat aay a U tH.wt?g te. .e- aoiy feet, ehaeJd iaaaaaj ately arrly to I K. J. . i.N : 1 v N Waakaeea af tha fvk Bad Lirfiht, Paia ia tie IimI Dtmaeaa ef Sight, Laos al Maeealar IVwer, tVptiai i J th Heart, Uj,vpa, Nerveea Imubiiity, Unirixt t ef th Digestive aswUuaA. tieaeral l-h,ty, t-yauptaas l Caeaa-ptiaa, Aa , k . are. Mkbta lv. Tha faarfal efft a th ailad ar rnah te he dreaded t Wa af mattery, CaefuMas af IJeas. Drprsa lea al Seinta. Fenbediagt f Kvd, AvereaB ef Seamy. Sif DUrt. Lev at ttd. Timidity at, ar sobs f i viU produoed. OrrK-B Ne. 7 Saalh Frederick S-t,sva lert frem Baitiater Street, ea std. p th ( . e- B parUculaf la eUervtag the aaaa aad saahr, r yew will tslsiake tbe place. . A CURE WARRANTED OR NO PAY. The Busy UaaM ewred at thl laatitutioa, 4 th eery eiteaalve praetic ef Dr. JahaetaB, (txordmg all , ether) beelde hat ttnT a a geatlemaa ef she-- tier aad respetuihity, 1 a aeo gaarutee thai he 1 the Jy proper leyslclaa t h sonsuiied . , . 1'R. JOHNSTON, . Mmhr ef th Reyal Caller ef Sarfi'as, Loadoa, (iradaat frem aaa ef the moot eminent Col eps 1 th L aitsd State, aad lh greater part ef whee l is ha bees la the lloepltal f Ld. a. Pari, l'hiUJ';h a. aad elsewhere, ha effected ma f th most aetooUhiof are that were ever knew a. Maay Iroabledwith rtrg'eg la the ear aad head whea atteep. great arveaanH, beiag alarmed at aadde toaads, aad b-,hflas, wnh freqnstl hlaahiag, atUadad, tomeUmea, with tWraBgeaeat ef Ind," we red Immediately. TAK hi PARTICULAR. NOTICE. P-reat aad Gaardian are aftea ail sled with respect te th eaaae af toaree afdisets ta their bob aad ward Alatthw aftaa do they aaerlee I ether th wasting ef the fttme, Palpitatloa ef Heart, IVspepeia, ladigeetlo, dervsgtBeat of th Narvea Syatest, Cough, and Syaptoaii o Coisav. tloa, alsa the serte BatJ ff(. sack at lee ef Memory , Ieprslaf Spirit r peculiar It of, wha tie truth I they have bcaa eeaatd by iadnlgtcg ra Ptroidoat bat alluring preotioee, daslnseUv to both Body sad Bilnd. Tha are awepl from txlaUae thoaaaad wba so'ibt kaat beea ef bs te their onlry, a laur M their frieoii tad ornaments to soeiaty. DK. JOHNSTON INVIGORATIVE RtMEBY FUR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. This grand bb4 Important Rsujedy hes rartdrel ttrtegtK aad vigor to thoasaoJs ef th meet dsbilltalsl Individual, many who had lost all hope, aad beea abandoned to d.. By Its eouiulet laylgoratioB ef th Bryat tvitem th whol faciiltlt beeam restored to their proper pewtraad funetioni. aad the fallea fahri af life 1 raised Bp to beauty, eensisUBty aad duratloa. apoa th rain ef aa emaciated and Drematar decline, to sou ad Bad prist! b health. Oh. how harry hav bundrsd of misguided youth beta mad,wh hav been sad denly rettored to health from th devastations ef those tsrH maladies which rBltfrm lndlwrtlo. Sues pron, b- for eoBtsmplatlsg MARRIAOE, should rsfleot that a sound ml ad sad body art th most tsca Mary requltite to promote oanublal happi Indeed, without these, the Journey throegh life become a weary pilgrimage, th prospect hourly dark n loth view l the mind Is shadowed with despair tnd 9114 with th atelaaeholly refleetleos that th happiness of snoth r bome Blighted wits ear bwb. Let bo iim aeucaey prevent you. tut apply immediately. ... II wh place himself ander th ear of Dr Johnston, may rellgioBsly eonnd In hi honor at a gentleman, and ee&adrat ly rly apoa hit skill ts a Physlelaa. .. TO STRANGERS. ' Th many thousands cured at thie iastittttlos wlthla the last tea rear, an j thy namerout importatl Surgloal opera tion performed by Dr. J., witnesssd by Jleportert el th papers and man v other person, notfoes of which kavaatt. paared again and before th public. It a sufficient guarantee that th afflloted will f nd skillful and hooorabl phyrloiaa. N. B. 1 her ar t many Irnoranl and worthUaa Uuaaka advtrtitlng thmlvtt as Pbyslelsns, raining the health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnston dseme It necesaarv to lay, sspeclally to those Bnae'jualnted with hit rspula tloa that hi rdntllt or diploma alwivi han In his af. fBce. ' ' - Waltns f th Orgtnl ImmJ!at!y eared, and fill vlro restored. . , r All letter post paid rsmsdlst test by malL . Ae lMtlt rKWtiL unltu votl-mul. aad roataitk m mi amy tor in rerx. .. i - , m t Balllmora, Feb. 17. 1W15. lin-lr Cewntlnsr-Hoase Alaaanaa. i "all "a ' lr 10 11.12 Uf 14 15 Kil7 18 u'20r( 21 22 23.24 25 20 27 ! 28 2tf 30 31 : I I 2 : 4 7 8 ft 10 II 12 13 ft IA IN 17 i IN IH ill 21 22 2a 24 i 25 2ft 27I2H j I 2 4 5 y mo II 1 1; 13 14 15 IrJ 17. lHll 20 21 22 23,24 ' 25 2tJ(27 28 2U 30 31 I 18 I I if 8 0 10 II 12 18 It 15 IH 17 18 III 20 21 j 22 23 21 25 2fJ 27 2B 2 30 tt 12 14ft! fl 7 8 1(1 II 13 j 13 14 15 Iff 17 IN 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 28 27 28 29 80 81 3 4 5 7 8 9 10,1) I213 II 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 211127 28 29 30 Jt:t.Yi ... I 21 ' 4UI 1t ' m i: i:i 14 r l' i w 21 ttarn. f l f-1 2 8(4 lit 1.. FEB BY., .1 V Hi H 10 11 flJll 15 l. 7 IS l2uil -ii 25 2fli27,28 ol MARCH.. 1 p inii i j w i.i 1 1 ia "... 1BI7 ix I" ' .1 i'J ,23;2i.s;.jj4 Areil. 3 8 4U 6 Win ll li'ia 1 1 17 l P3) 2t:22'2:i lixU,:L MAY. Wov ,U II t 41 ? 81 l;IO 111113 M IM',17 18(19 20 21 2 ' ! J 25,a ' Jl I 91H11 BIC... i,, I2t:s if 1 8 IS M-S , 1617 lHjaiul 22 23 24:23iJ6 27itj 29 30 811 . TEA f TEA fl TKAIIU t -- - LB,'- TCAcAoytad quantities and ptcksg's front CJJ Jnkin k Co., Philadelphia. Just re. ve.J ,,ifor by , JONES to FOYLES warcB B, iwoo. loe , . Markst-et. XT-WEST Sl'YLES OF CASSIMERS, v March 15th. SCOTT k BALDWIN'S. Ofi BARRELS WHISKY J 5 do N. E. Rum j . - I do Rot Ola f I do Apple Brandy ; lost received, tnd for tale by , . JONES k FOYLES, . Jan.3I,1855-1y Market Street SNUFF. 15 half barrel, for sal by - - , Jaa 17th, 1858 t . ADAMS, BRO. A CO. ZERMAN'M ANTUMCORBl'Tlc TtM)THWsM. , TO TXXXI XPX8. XT0THINO adds mor to bauty tbss clean, while J eclh, IN and Gum of b.arthy color. Tb moat baautilul fuc and vnnillion lipa hecom rpuliv,If tb latter, when they open exhibit the horrible tpectscle of nerlccted teeth. All who wish oleaa, whit Teeth, heslthy Gums anrl iweet br7a shoild (Its ZERMAN'S TOOTH WA v I a trial For sals by C. k D. DnPRE, 1 ts, Sept. 29. 54 21 Wilmington, C. Herald and Commercial eopy. - - " -1. TYREPARED CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. tn gr"M fRafrireraatand Laxativ. Thi preparation ete v used in tbe form of Solution or hpud VUrnif, hod hu ...en rr reneral aatisfaotlon Frequent appiicatioB" or a r ra pe ration In th form of powder, of similar Bturu and prop, rties, hav atiggasted th advantages tost might resoH from it introduction Tn that form, especially hen th Mr . end weight of tb tiid tVrofr, (an article to justly nd both by physicians and In private families wberev-r i: i a been hsed.) would Interfere with its being srt i s tanoet; it it dettitate of bitterness, tnd by its i i eidity oftastoaod itssfferveecingcharacier, is i. i a very agreeable and refreshing drink, at tht su (, t that It i a good substitute for Epsom s or C er s- pur gatives. Sold by -,.-:;. . ' l-T. . . W l.. H .... t , A . j - . I lv i, ,. o SEST....I II 61 1,1 ;'i 2! 91 5 It-

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