- , ; - ; . . - . . t i'i n f i - t : v f r i i t i r r 4 : . -e v er .it t .1 c z r --j r Li Ctr(. vL-vcef Anxxta, is J u .. tls r- V 4 t C . '.: e ui C-ty ttv.rj ft dasb'e tatrel A JUfsiiJ ret t:ia,r.t bp. . . i I V w.S t-.ijpa ssi wttt ta tl wharf V ill etzs k? w.:a t;s jr:a ar4 U.J it djws. Cnv t'Sc:eJ ilis.rj MuilaU tgiia, an-1 went ci loci lit .l-a-nia'a si tock koU of ti. Jlr ivk p k!a. w Lick vest cf during lbs a."- s . rrJ gen Jensen siming- en lb wkirf wers we. lei, ior r Im aeTtre'T, thcr! the jan wis ciirjeiwlta ima:i shot. "Ht. F. C Sisgle-! tarr tit severely wocaJed ia tbe arper rtrt c' ii.itb, aa rtxei?-i several sbots hi bis anas and kisda. Mr. Wb. Ferr baJ oat el kit thumbs ao kart U.at iRroUtioa m aeceMary. Messrs. J. Rus seL, J. Wesael, 1. Jlstlswi, asd a colored mi, wirt hart. Beta ths partita wtrt eonmitiei to jail, and will It examined to itj.Commtrcirf. ,rw rau4iiki k. i. rii vu .r . ' . It t form LMsrw-fHl sf th Order tirt Kl riwant . Oa WedacaJay last, aftar a very ricitiog aewion, , tht K. N. Council at FkilaJelpbia ramt to a ott on tka rtsolutio&a reported kj a anajoritj of tbt torn uittM oa tkat tubjett. TkU aanjority report via . aioptad by a rota of 60 ayea to 59 aayt, ami J much ticitinimt, iodt;aatioa and coofuuoo. Tot nut Bkor&tftg fifty-tkret ntmbrra from Nonbera Ssate aeeeded, via : ti(kt from Ohio, ail from fnJiaoa, two from Miihiraa.four froat Uliaois, aarea from Mw ckaietta, tbrea from New Hampihira. from Ver .moat. mtc& from kfaint, two from Iowa, three from Rkoda IiliaJ.lkreo from Connecticut and tbrea from Wjfcooiia. Tbeie, rooipriiiof tht majority of tht delejitea from twe'ft fret itatea, onizeJ at the Girard iiooft and adopttH platlorm of their own. tt ia mort tbaa proballt that tbey will It joined by othert from tba lamt latitude. Tkata lata to kt tbt facta of tbt caat aa drawn from tht teporti of tbt Ntw York Herald, an arJent ' lop porter of the orJtr, not particularly ecrupuluua in it aJberenct to truth where it Laa a point to be ' tained. Wt prttumt that fuller Jerelopmenta will 1 tibibit tbt nipturt ai being much more deciiWe, ' complete and final. With the tiception of New York Fenntylrania and California, the necedere iptak tor tbt Northern Statae. Tbt action of State Convtntiona and the iaauee maJe in political conteete . in Penniylrania, fully prore that whatever may be , tbt action of delef atee to a council, the order there it wholly antl-Ntbraaka and anti-Furitire Slate Law. , California it Ckelj lo go with the South in moil contetta which may arie t any rate. At for New York, neither Know Notbinre nor any other thinga can pUct any dependence upon brr. Tht Council kat thtrefort proted to a demonstra tion tbt fact which everybody must already batt teeo, and that it tbt flat lmpoibilHy of nationalising an order to taeentially and radically aectional in its . luception and progtesa an order which baa won all ita triumph! upon Fret Soil triumphs, too, over . which the organs of tba order here did greatly jubi latt, ttpecially ottr those in New Hampshire, Connec ticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, etc. - Of course there will be some strong talking some tpaamoJic effort lo conceal, defeat or soften the aj - proachee of ineritallt dissoluiion. hut the " invisible inviacible," ia a doomed order. , It cannot well Mir- vivt tht year, and tht idea of Tta holding a National Convention next year, for the nomination rf a pre sidential eandidatt aa baa been suggested by a State Counoif of tht order, it about the richeM joke of the season . It bai, prospectively viewed, a posthumous character that it quite unique, s, U'sll, the majority composed of delegates from , ' Klalea where the K. N.'e have been defeated in moit caect,; afler a severe struggle have paused a plat form upon which the strong K. N. States of the NOtth " iplt," and from which they secede. . Id speaking of tba reaolutiona adopted by the I'hila- . delpliia Counoil, the New York Erprtat, one of Sam's great champions, whose editor baa recently held an ' angrj eon eipondenota with Bishop Hughes, which controversy, or a version of it, it now hawked over ,lhe xountry, bj f, N, agents, this same Express iaya, that 'lhe retoluiiom of tht Tniladelphia Con ' Tnlion, jf pasted, will bt repudiated rn nil tht Free . Slates of thi Union.'1-' Tbey have alrendy been re pudiated by twelve of them. Coming events will toon ahow the character of the Order in the other ' tbrea or four Northern States, Tbt same New York h Expreu says, "Gorernori Gardner, of Maisachusoltt, Johmton, of Pa., and Colby, of N. H , express the Northern sentiment. . Tht Ntw Yorkert who 'pledge' to tbt contrary, will bt without vote or endorsement tt home." Tbit may ba looked npon at the beginning , of the end. Sic transit, etc. Naw Hotci. at Smithviuk. Wt are pleased to learn . that Messrs. B. D. Morrel and others are ' cow engaged in patting up a Hotel building in Smith- ville, of the following dimensions Length 125 feet. depth 45 feet; height, four stones. It will contain two. large dining rooms, two parlors, and ninety sleep- . Ing apartments, and ia expected lo bt finished by the SOib, of July. It is situated in the most eligible por tion ot the village, within fifty feet of the water. ,Thia will be a great addition to Smithville, as woll - at vaat accommodation lo vieitort. It hat a pros pect, of being able to do a good business. Mexico. -They. continue to drive a pretty acti e revolutionising business in Mexico. Advices at New Orleans from tba Brazos, u to tht 10th inst., report the captnre'of Monterey on the 27th by the revolu tionists nnder General Cardona. Sixty-teven officers aoTmen were taken prisonert, and several pieces ot cannon ctptured. Business was entirely suspended. Ciravajal bad crossed the Rio' Grande, and, it was ' reported, bad encountered tht government troops. Quits an amusement in the warrr season, wbea noth ing else is stirring. .' . IrThe Commercial ii authorized " to tay, V t tbe Commissioners of the Town do not pay for the fife and drum, and don't can who does. Tbat'i ' V;bt. J"; - ' : - . Later from Jtcxlc. s - Niw OitiiAKt, Jone 12. -The steamship Oriiaba bns arriTel at this port with advices from the city of -. ' i to tl.e J instant. Santa Anna hat taken I -'-a of Zamora, which the insurrectionists Jeft FTproacb. ,The fugitive! wert pursued and ', 2,1:3 prisoners were taken. Santa Anna re-- V -rrlia on the 2 let, and left on the 22d 9 Cotnonfort is ported with twenty-fitt ' rpral smaller bands of revolution . ' j tLs i,' Tiiamentiroops. .. - 4 " t " - .' e --: r Tf a- f . v . ' '- ire rr- r. ". i! e re; : - i-i n i :.-. it is J i avcrr till J whe:s it p.-;r!v ir. '7 le rua i ' .... rijW(,cl Atnriia sjci;. tbt wi'h car trtTie tiie thr-r ci:: : isj CI." Mil -' OU't:W in Mil (OtKilS(f jnfuftu H I' j romps that htc ' mrhl the rrentffibt. tie iiev i f Lifb f re keinnicg to aisuxe ; stij tbit a trikttBce tu tbe stuiieJ iuio'.nte with a Llch tie friendly whin- cei uf Our transatlantic brtilen wna to l received, r.ay pos.iry at u Jitant perioJ, convert lhe ia mo' into facta. Tbe Mercury tbea proceeds to say that wk le ev ery whiskered aiJ-de-ca.Tp or ravvy from tbe prti nenul powera, wboat busisesa or rieuurc lead tra to Fx t land . is overwhelmed w.th honor teceivrd in a special trait at Fo'.kstone, and in a court car , . i riage at Londua BriJfe, presented to Majesty tv th Minister, and ' rani tbt niuntlet ol rxucratit L" vitality and oateatation ia rieectnt Loe anj Square, liom M. ce'LiPg id tat Lurt, to t NMreboify in tbt West, Americaa visitors uf Jttinc'o an ' mer it art atieriy neglected and ignor! in several in stancet which havt lately been brought ander its notice of tht manner ta a hick Americana have been trtaUJ, tht Mercury contest itielf wit giving the following: U tbe month of Marcb but, three of tht American te'eran tfScert of tbt Mexican campa;gn, m the three several de;artme nta of engineer, artillery, and rival ry, selected from tbt gallant army of tht tailed Ntf, by tht ftrtident and cabinet, as worthy from their U'ent and service to represent their country men, were directed by the Government lo proceed to the Crimea, for the purpose of studying the art uf war. Tbt camel of these officers weie, and tie, Msjor Kicbard IfelafielJ of the F.ni ineers Mijoi klordecai of tbe Arti.lery, and Captain Maclellan of the Cavalry. IMd they proceed lo the rfuuian lines, where the art of war can be studied quite aa effectu ally as in our own to wbuh they would have re ceived, and wouIJ still receive a hearty welcome and with which nation they are falsely represented to sympathise 1 1 bey did not Tbey arrived in Knglar.d, with letters fion th British Minister at Washington authenticating their mission, and which were presented by them last month lo the Foreign Secretary in ondoo; but heond a civil reception, which we believe Lord Clarendon vouchsafrs to all men an interview with Sir John Hurruyne and let ters of recognition to the authorities in the Crimea no notice w hatever waa taken ot them or their mis e on. No special train received them at Liverpool no Court carriage at Kaston Square no presentation to Majesty no inscription in the Chamberlain's open sesame no paetcboard for Minister's reception or aristocrats soiree and the ooly surfeit which tbey received was a surfeit of nelert ami didn't, which they have doubtless carried with ttiem to the Court of France, whither they have bent their str , and which it will assuredly upfyall the batlm sml Brunnels of Pumpernickel to reuuVe. Towards the end of last suiinnerAilie I nilvd .Slain slooii-of-wsr Preble arrived at SpiihVad. It i a rule in the American Navy that all the naval cidrts, who compose the material out of whicn are fashioned afterwards the naval commanders oi tht Republic, shall serve their time before the mi ; and a good and wholesome rule it H, for reasons too obviout to descant upon. The Treble, a trainingVhip for this purpose, and manned almost exclusively Tiy-oung erntlemoii Horn niHoncM the most rrrcctaule .inn lies in the States, the amount ot two hundred and upwards, came to Npithead for the purpose of nuval education. She hsppenod to he the imlv man of-wur on the station it the time, and her presence on tint account, and on account of tbe frequent oppoiitini ties which she had of suluting the Hoynl Yacht, whs made more than usually conspicuous. She was left wholly unnoticed by the authorities of Portsmouth, her cadets were refused admission to the dockyard, a..d she ultimately left (be station, with two hundred younj, naval hearts, the future upholders of their country's naval fame, fully impressed with the na ture of their reception In their fatherlund. The Mercury then gives the following contrast : We can also tell our readers, how Her Majesty's sloop-of-war Pearl sailed from Beimnda in the win ter of 1839 or 1840, with despatches entrusted to her gallant commander, Lord Clarence Paget, for the V'nited States Government how she experienced n succession of gales on her passage how she nrrive.il in Chesapeake Bay with battered hulk and exhausted crew how the naval authorities of Norfolk, the lortsmouth of the States, sent shipwrights and rin gers on hoard how the good ship was refitted with out charge or demand of any kind and how the British officers and crew were welcomed and feasted on shore. It is fresh, too, in the recollection of the public, how the two Russian men-of-war were refitted and repaired at Portsmouth Inst year, their officers received with marked consideration, anJ the dock yaids thrown open to Russian pencil and pen 1 There was a Prussian man-of-war (the Gaflon) at the samo period which was similarly favored, hut then, to he sure, she was commanded ny one of the Royal Family ! there are other cases in abundance for tbe alien ated fooling of the American people. The studied slights shown in England to such men a Henry Clay and other distinguished Southerners, because of their connection with slavery ; the ovation to Mrs. Stowe, deliberately designed not to honor her, but to insult her country , the constant war upon American institutions ; the ribald abuse and slander ot our peo tile by tourists and newspapers ; the announcement of a determination to regulate the affairs of both hemispheres, tbeso are abundant reahorm why Ameri cans cannot sympathize with the war of (ircat Bri tain upon a country trom which limy have only re ceived kindness and consideration. Courtship among the I'iWNirs When a lover wishes to break the ice, he comes to her father's tent, uninvited, and sits on the corner of the mat for a considerable time, and thon goes away without speak ing. This is the preliminary step, answering, per haps, to the first gentlo pressure of the hand the first blushing hesitation in address the first mutual glance of understanding. After a few days the young man returns, wearing his buffalo robe, with the hair outward, and again sits down silon. in the corner of ibe tent. This is a proposal a regular " popping the question." If the father is determined to reject bim, nothing is placed for him c& on, and no meat is offered ; but if he approves of the match, thee nles of hospitality are observe!. Feasts are then given by the respective parties, in order to ob tain the consent of the relatives. If both feasts ter minate favorably in this respect, tbe young man pre sents himself once more before bis bride, at tbe door of her tent, and then turns round and walks slowly off towards his own she rises and follows him ths marriage is then complete. If she remain sitting, it is a sign that her family decline the match... All this is done without a word passing between tbe intended bride and the husband that is to be. But the most extraordinary part of the affair, is that having mar ried an elder sitter, he has the right to marry all the younger ones, as tbey successively attain ths age of womanboon. The author adds : "I have seen chiefs wbd bare in this manner married a whole family ; the eldest wife being the greatest drudge, and the youngest being" generally ths favorite Sultana, and consequently doing the least." (ChtrUs Augustus Murray.) - - ' - . ' ' Later from th Rio Grande. . New Orleans, Jane 13. A 1 vices from Brazos, Texas, to the 10 inst., state that the revolutionists bad taken Moflterey and many prisoners and muni tions of war., Carvajal and Capestran bad crossed tbe Rio Grand, and are reported to hare encountered tbe Government troops at tattront. ' Waiter, bring; me some corn," said ft boarder to a freen Irish servant. " Hay r said tfaddy, leaning own to calch the accent. .11' No, no corn ,' replied tbe guest. . . v .. i t p a 1 tl - r .'i-i t:i thit r i Sy cur rn tl.t e tii ilroa ii k'if .L : ton f rial mi t J ru'hrJ a w ai- tn 1.4- ' tlB ti p r j j V.te M.k All tLl prcTir g ca atLL, a i i e fcil ret a Iculle-tine J jaa, ni fercu i ja ff-, anJ po Jer bJ ihnt ; irhi acme taor:. f'er a avi.!i!.t r.it, acmbo4"a cat wou'Ja't ci! t,i: to I reakfat. Pf if it i I d woo' J I trotAleJ a lb the dump. We rite in notice of our giiise, nj bit mt io -ended to li iliout tLea. We'd. l!.e own Citne so on Monday B gtt, wr.h ker jrest, round fice. iul eat wikng ep the sky wr.h a queti'y tep, ttrowicg her light, I ke a miatel of brightness, over all the earih. We la the calm of a moonlight night, in tbe t U Spring time, aad the rats of eur part t the to a Lvt it to; for tbey eotne from every quarter from the abed around tbe Niuonil GitdrB from the kitchen aud from the sUb!ecreep.nr te!:bilj it.J sof.lv along the Up of the fence, and aluog the shed, aa ! cumbering up the bonds that leaa tp agaimt the out-builJ.or ,t . ,i t i . -1 .i. n.ry pat llinnKi ,n uwn. wviv it ru vi i.nu, in tl.eir old tn sting place right op pout our chamber window. Te all this we bad, ia the abstract, no ob jection. If a rat chog to take a quiet walk by atoocilighl if be choc la go out for kt pleasure or bit profit, it u so partiealar busiien of ours, and we hun t a worj to say. Cats have rights, and wt havt no deposition to interfere with I hem. But tbey aiust keep tbe peace. Tbey mut get as ao disorderly meetings, no nnliwfut assemblies If tbey choose to bold a convention they can do it for all as but they must go limit it decently and in order. Tbey RfiBM talk mitten ever calmly ; there must bt no rioting, no f ghtng. Tbey must refrain from the ae of prolan language tbey mustn't swear There's law again! all this, and wt warned tbea long ego tint we would stand no such nonsense. We said we'd let drive among them with a double barrelled gun loaded w ith powder and duck-shot, and we mesnt it. But those cats didn't believe a word we end They d dnt believe we had any powder or shot. Tl ey didn't believe we bad any gun, or knew bow to use it if we bad And one great Miltese, (with eyes like tea plates and a tail tike a Bologna siusige!) grinned and sputtereJ, and spit in drrisioo an t uenance at our turetti. " Very well ' said we, " very well, Mr Tom Cat, very well indeed! On your bead be it, Mr. Tom Cat. Try it on, Mr Tom ( at, and see who 11 get tbe worst ot it " We said the moon came up Monday night with her great round face ; and all the little tars hid them selves as if ashamed ot their twinkle in tbe splendor of her superior brightness. We retired alter tbe ba by had been put asleep in bis crib, and the rumble ol the carriages am: cart had ceased in the streets, and the scream of the ten o'clock train bad died away into silence, with a quiet conscience, and in the con fidence that we should find that repose to whicr one Mho bus wronged no man during the day is justly en titled. It may have been eleven o'clock, possibly midnight, when we were wakened from a pleasant slumber by a bable of unearthly sounds in tbe rear of our chamber. We knew what those sounds meant - tbey had cot ua fuel enough to have lasted us week . W e raioed the window ; and there, as of old, right opposite us, on the norih end of that long shed, waa an assemblage of all the cats in that part of the town. We won't be precise as to numheis, but it is our honest belief that there were less than three hun dred of them ; snd if one among them all was silent, we didn't succeed in discoverii g which it was. There was that same old Maltese, with his great saucer ryes and sausage tail ; and over against hi in sat a mon strous bnndle ; and off at his right was sn old pot ted ratter ; ind on bis left was one, black as a wolfs mouth, all but Ins eyes, which glared w ith a sulphur out and lurid briahtnens; and dotted all around, over a space of thirty leet square, were dozens more, of all si.et and colors- and such growling and spitting, and shrieking, and swearing, never before broke, with hideous discord, the silence of midnight! We loaded our double barrelled gun by candle light, we put plenty of powder and a handful of shot into each barrel. We adjusted the taps carefully, and stepped out of the window npon the narrow roof upon which it opens. We were then just eigh ty rods from the cat convention, and we addressed ourself lo the chairman, t,the old Maltese,) in a dis tinct and audible voice, and cried-" Scat !" He didn't recognize our iuht to the floor, but went right o.i with the business of the meeting. " Stat!" cried we again, more emphatically than before, but were an swered by an extra shriek from the chairman, and a fiercer scream from the whole assembly. " Scat once !" cried we again, as we brought our gun to a present. " Scat, twice I" and we aimed straight at ilie chauman and covering half a dozen others in the range. ' Neat, three times!" and we let drive. Bang ! went the right hand barrel and bang! went the left hand barrel. Such scampering such leaping oil the shed, such running away over the raves of the out buildings, over the tops of tbe wood sheds, were never seen before. The echoes of the tiring had scarcely died away when the whole assemblage was broken up and dispersed " Thomas,"' said we next morning, to tbe boy who does chores lor us. " There seems to be a cat a sleep out on that shed go op and scare it oway." Thomas clambered up the shed and went up to where that cat lay and lifting it up by the tail, halloed hack to us " This cat can't be waked up ; it can't be (cared away it's dead !" After examining it a mo ment, ' Somebody has been shootin' of it, by thun der !" said be, as he tossed it down into the yard " You don't say so !" said we. That cat was the old Maltese, the chairman of that convention but he won't preside over another very soon. We don't know here he boarded, or who claimed title to him. W hat we ') know is, that it costu quarter to have him buried or thrown into the liver ; and if anybody owned him, all we ask is, that he should pay us back our quarter, and the difference between his value and that of the powder and shot we expended on him. We'll throw in the vexation of being broke of our rest, and the wickedness of using certain expletives under the excitement of the occasion which are not to be found in any of the religious works of the day Arrival of th Empire Cltjr. New Orleans, June 12 -The steamship Empire City has arrived at ber whan in this city from Ha vana, which port she left on the 9th inst. Her ad vices, however, have been anticipated by the arrival or the Isabel at Charleston. Reduction in the Paicr-eor BEtr. There has been a material reduction in the prices ol beef cat tle per pound in our market. Last week the prices ranged as follows : For extra $9 ou ; first quality $9 ; second quality $8 50 ; third quality 7 50 a $8 To-day the prices were $6 50 ; 5 50 ; $5 and $4 50 ; being a reduction of from 3 to 31 cents per pound. AllHiny Atlas, June 11. On Wednesday ths United States frigate Cnnstitu tion at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was duly in spected by the appointed officers. It was highly satisfactory. The discipline and neatness everywhere apparent, show tbe faithfulness and energy of ths officers, and "Old Ironsides" now floats in youthful rigor, although her timbers have visited almost every clime, and ber prow has been wet by the waters ot fifty years. A lady went into a hardware store, in which there were a couple of clerks, ana caned tor a pair ot snun ers. " Suppose you take us," said one of the clerks, "we both snuff" The lady didn't buy. One or them. Tbe Claremont, Obit, Sun, gives tns louowitig in relation to reverend author m the service ot the great humbug K.'N," party: " ,. "Another of these Hindoo reverends, the notable author of 'Danger in the Dark,1 took away a man's wife, in Brown county, and traveled for pleasure with ber till tbe wronged hnsband overtook tbt loving pair. And tbis man's book is being peddled by bis brother reverends throughout the Isnd to correct the morals of the young people, and to txoite old folks agaimt Ca tholicism." --S 1 ai.cwl wi h t'.it t .r raud. Ich sc.: r v, en i'e r 'c-, Ij f ..o ril bus- . dred ar.;.i a two whee'ed ox-crt a: 1 a .! :ry y;ke t cf tlljcks, ia qit-t cl iirei.i.li' J. iLey ce:er nuced epva eta'gra: r.g, one ta Ahlima, tie o'.Ler tj : Tens Of ccHjr.e. then, tie tree! rg wis as afkt- ir.f one, invested wi'h all lie to errnity cf in eter- ( ral severance We shall call o; Ick r J the tbei UM1 ai. mere y lur the sake ct d,t ncti-n, aid tot des r rg to mke rub.ic their reil nam- i After loose nc-Lm conversation, P.ck pulle-l out j bis kii.'e. erenej it and corcaieiKed mJti-trkm!y whittling, a preliminary to a so'gcttion of unosal j gnv.ty. It was a Urge, round, venerable on' which they were seated, f,ck at one end and Oiiii ah at tbe other ia juxupont.on,"' as Gov Foote j wcu.J say. uttena noticed the gest cu.atory tuov that Le baa something of a very del. cite rutme u Ulk about. io abend," laid Obadtah. with an en couraging earnestness. And tbui IXck commenced : Mioaknow, Ob., that sne and my wife bev got to gittia' doing very badly. Sal, sum bow or other, kinder alants from me of lite days, and I thought as I was gwne to Texas, and you to liilibama, that I woatj offer to si ip you my tige lor yoen But see here, tN I uvnl gire boot. Aftr a long pause, in which nuny a thought iseJ rapidly through tbe mind of Obadiah. he an swered : "Well, Dick, 1 don't know but what I II do it. But you see, now, my Poll is purtier ihsn your Sail ; and yoa know she it a younger rritter by twelve long yean. Now Dick, old fellow, bow would you like to trade a young and likely filly for at old broken winded and homely bone, and get no boot?' Tbe argument was a clincher; and Dick, though reluctant to acknowledge it, manifestly felt its force. After much further parleying, it was agreed between the faithless Benedicts that Dirk should take Obadi ab's wife, and Obadiah Dick's, upon these conditions: that th former should give the latter, in the way of boot, a ttvand n, two guatt, an vld hot gun mid an oi bell ' The treaty of exchange was ratified accordingly, and Sal went to " Yallibam" and Poll to "Taxis." Tbe respective children of the two mothers remained with their respective fathers, and thus were favored with that peculiar relation, a step-mother by process svapping. We assure our readers that this statement ia sub stantially true, the incidents having actually occurred as above related It may be, however, that so far as the wives are concerned, the swapping was more for mal than actual ; that, in brief, the cow, calf, goats, shot gun snd cx I ell were a "dead loos" on the part of Dick, and but fair tribute to the mercenary Oba diah. The parties were both subscribers to the East ern Clarion, snd we are unfeignedly sstonithed that they did not imbibe from its columns, whatever may have been the defects of early education, a purer mo rality ami more manly estimate of " Heaven's first best gift to man a wife." Paulding (Mm.) Clarion A Msiui. or thi: United States - Among the Americans who ailended the late ball given at the Hotel de Ville. Paris, was Jack Spicer of Kentucky. Jack rushed the dress somewhat strong, and sported epaulettes on his shoulders large enough to start four Msjor Generals in business Jack was the observed of all observers, and got mixed up with a party that his friends coihl not account for. Wherever the marshals of Frunce went, there went lack ; and when the marshals sat down, Jack did the same, always taking the post of honor. The day after the hall Jack called on his old acquaintance, Mr. Mason, our Minister to France, who started up a little conversa tion in the following manner: " I hear. Jack, that you were at the ball last night.'' 11 1 was, Sir, and had a hitch old time." "For which you are indebted, I suppose, to the high old company you got mixed up with 1 By the way, how came you associated with Ibe marshals '" " How t by virtue of my office they were mar sbals of France, while I am nothing else tlmn mar shal of the Republio. I showed my commission and took post accordingly." 1 " By right of your office ; what do you mean ?" ' Rend that and seo " Here Jack presented Mr. Mason with u wlntey brown paper, with a seal big enough for a four pound weight " " What in the name of Heaven is this '' ' My commission of marshal I received it hi lH'0, when 1 assisted in taking the census in Frankfort " " Yon don't mean lo say that you travel on thi'?', " I don't mean anything else. That makes me a marshsl of the Republic, and I intend lo have the of fice duly honored." Mr. Mason allowed that Jack was doing a large business on a very small capital. We should not wonder if the reader did the same. The New York Herald published ten column of the speeches at the know nothing "banquet" at Philadelphia; and yet, much as it love' the order, is compelled to make the following admission : "Though there appear to have been over thirty speakers preent. each of whom obtained the floor in bis turn and spoke as long as his wits or his legs permitted, it would be who'ly futile to seek in the report of the speeches for a single sentence wotth presei ving." A II RIVALS AT IIOLMKfe IKITKL, Jane l OWKM UOLMES, I'ROrRIKTOR. George Worthism, Smith?ille ; L)r Thomas Hill, do; Holmea, do ; Dr John Hill, do ; J L IVarborn, .Shsllotte ; J 0 Hoopr, FsyetUvills ; F C Hill, N 0 ; David Mclntyre, Rocky Point ; It W Kurfrwin, New Hanover ; H K Bryan, .Nmnd; J O MciUe. Wilmington ; I. I'cscock, N C ; W R Crawford, W !t M R H ; I. H Crawley, Auguntn, ia. ARRIVALS AT CAltOLI.A IIOTKL, June 1.1 195,1. B. 8. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. J. M. Brooki, ludy and two children, Misi.; ('. C. Farn ham. W. Wakemsu, Nw York ; 1. Lucsi, Mr. Katon and two ladies, Va.; Jamei W. Scott, lady and two children, Miss Eastman, T. J. Tompkins, Savannah; K. Uormia, Chili; U. M. McLnuren, Lsuremburgh t H. J. Itebheng, la dy and three daughters. La.; Caleaereo, Cuba, H. Klieinc, Mobile; !S. May, I'hila.; J. W. ZimraermiD, Goldsboro ; S. T, Hinds, Portimouth : J. L. Bsss, Oeo. M. Simmons, C. Bnndt, F. Hsys, Weldon ; Dr. DuPre, Wilmington; W. Neliits, Missouri ; L. S. Darniont?ille,Uordeaui ; J. K. Ivoy, W. k M. R. 11.; B. . Applewhite, Columbns, ; J. T. Grimei, Portsmouth. DUMAS' LATEST. "THE CONSCRIPT."-A Tsfc of tbe Empire. From the French of Alexander Dumas ; author of " Monte Cbristo," &c. " This book ia a transla tion of 7iru tt Diablt, the last work published by A. Hu ms, it we except the short itory of ( 'atharine Blcun. The author called the book ' Dieu et Diablo ; Conwiene l'inno cent,' which the translator has rendered 'Conscience the Conaoript,' etc., to iroid touching too familiarly on things our Protectant prejudices teach us t avoid, and becattselt was thought impossible to find in English a term equirilent to the French inmwcnf." Ths work in juat from prejs. June 16. Fonaleit S. W. WHITAKER'S. BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Our pickags of ths Jnns No. the publiBher thinks must have been misdirected, as we have not received it, and hare hsd to re order. We hive 1 supply now no hand. Price 10 cents i single copy, subscription Jl per annum Each No com- pien in iihii. rorsaieil S. W. WHITAKER'S. rj.LANMORE; OR THE BANDITS OF SARATO VX GA. A Romance of the Revolution. By Park Clinton. Just puhlished. Forsileit Jnna 16- ' S. VV.. WHITAKER'S. TJAULSAROON OR THE SCOUKGE OF THE AN. X T1LLES. B' Sylvinus Cobb, Jr. Jnat published com S W. WHITAKER'S. plete. For sale it inent, and pneked his ears f the irgre of some- i T era mr eu-aerrr4 : tr.t th,. g pfttkeuc At las D.ck, after leduc rg the ,m- m mttm u ut ,,e4 a tiJI,t9 tie aa BUTTER. -A few kegs Northern, for sale by Jne J. H FLANNER. WM. S. J0HE$.- DASL. M TLKS. JOKES A FOYLES, GROCERS, Market Street, 'Wllmlna-ton, IS. CM HAVEUON HAND, AND WILL CONTINUE Tt keep, aa assortment of ' FAMILY GROCERIES j- Also, a choice selection of - WINES AND LIQUORS, whioh they are willing to sell for small profits. -.. Terms i CASH. - . -. , No account will be allowed to remain unsettled over THIRTY DAYS. ' , , . All goods sold that do ot turn oat S recommei did, will be taken kick and the money refunded. - . . Joss 7. dlw-tf , - Wf. - "Ti . t,l( tt V. IS. - ;. I. A b.lM !. . i -. N. r .iy . 1 s z- la, rixi f lirr Fm. t -'ix.S 2Tia. 1A J Ti Etki t. fiil .-r. ; cf tie it.1 rf I ; J- aj Art f ti i ir,rtl A m i;ts dr Krraaj-T, . rt t.- m 1 it tl t ' It - wiLMi.V.K-.j A lij i ANal TfcU 1i-t.iv t.vs, lorate-J it Ct. Puu,rs t c. .. ,,t Uu t., f, fcf acb k fata I U .-' k F. M May I.ISjS act-tf ' 1 -II.!ci'j twrmu t -mr. .rc(aiv4 mi nil tr a.n, at tht;ran M4.ni xrt, 1?) Arrfc str..VhU tir Tits wtdiciai kai etit liabei tV it. If a ms Utrbtsiwtt- Wr, kuvtrer "'T their srbeKct, r sedwctir th:r (tvbu sv, eaiaot reik. It rJD4 tie yubiie eoni I t the ustaeiM kaaefiu tkit iit bea denvt t from it, aai vUl Tr auintua its )mitioa. r if sal ta WUniiirtoa. N. C.ky IV A. O. BRAl'LEY, m4 CtD. UfRt!. l-mgrijtt. 230-2 iScw " THOE ke are UJbted U u iadivUuanT. er W JOHX DAWSON k CO., will pleas eaU lai riv. r bfor tke aoik isjt., if iul saisy witlk ued tt Jane Cvart, tkidaftes t Nfl Umber CrV, ai further idalgie will But b f iva, kiTiog mad kasiaess irraBretneats Uewher, w twid repair all mr eapital. Ail rami imlef M if tt paid immediately, will i pat ii the haads f fT"!"' offior' for eolleetio. JOHN DAWSJt Msy J, t9 Sj-tli-auttja NCWELL'S PATENT BATETT LAMP k LAMP iEEUEH. A N'LW AKTlCLt, warrntd to prtTfnt all AeeiJeau from the uk ef Jiumtmf Ik, Cumptttnt, d vtKer 'xMie Cumpvnd, mtl Ur ths productioa at Lirht This InTentioa is applied to all eommna Lamp and usmp t"dr, also, t Swlar, Cscipbss Lamps. Lanterns, e. ALSO, Buroiag Fluid, laoiphen, aut Kosia Oil. " Fr salikyO. Ii D. U t'tlE, lruggit, Market stmt, Wil- BliDrtoB, S C. tlsTiug parrha4 the riht fur ths tt of N. V,., hvia th I'steutet, w r prepared tc til ill Orders it short no tice, for sTery description aad rarietv of Lamps, Jie. The following Certificates an a inScieat guarant- of th satire tifi ty ind eScieneTof tb8atetj Liuip indFetder CEIltlFlCATKS. lt Botlitom SriterT. 1!osto. 21t Nt.. IS33. Iiurcxtoa HssMJiii Siu.i.n i Dear Si I taks, the liberty of asking roe u any eireumntiac has occurred, tend- log any degree to diuiinh ituimsa tbe lull eonQavac you hive flt In the protection ifforded It Newell's I'ltent Ntfetr li Hup! Wita high respect, truly yours, A. A. tUYirs. Boston. Not. 21. 1853. To Dr. A. A. Haykh iIkar Sir, in reply to ths inquiry contained in yuur note of this date, 1 eaa now state that " Newell's 1'itent Safety Lamp," after a considerably ex tended experience in my family, hai fully justified the favor able opinion which 1 expressed of it about year ago. Until this protection was presented, 1 nerer permitted the lo-eilled burning fluid to be u ed in my houae. Nw it i constantly employed by the domestics, and it his bi'eu occa sionally burned in the parlor ind study The home being lighted ky gas, there is little occasion for its general u.- in the family ; but trith the prottrttom iimtd uioce, I ihoul l have no hesitation toua it wherever there ii occa-y'to foe artificisl light, and 1 do,with eutire eonfidonce, recommend it to my friemli and others who consult me on th iil'jeet always protesting, however, againat the usruarded um which hai produced so tunny distressing ind fatil reaults 1 remsin, dear air, very rcapectfully and truly yours, 15. SSim.iman, Senior Wir.MiNoro, N. C, June 13th, Ht I hereby certify that I witaesaed the experiment? i.f Mr Newell, with bia patent Sifety Lamp, foe burniing "fluii' nd am perfectly aatiafied of the safety of the jnnie. Jas. H. Dicxson, ('resident of the N. ('.Medical Society Tbia ia to eertify thut 1 have used Newell's Patent vafi'ty Lamps, for more than twelve tuontha, and they hav. iwi. perfect aatiafaction. tiso. 1,. Frk ii June2:ld, 1H51 All peraons are rautioncl against infringing u)"in the sIkiv patent, aa the law will be rigidly enforced against all otTeu ders. C. l)v PR K, U. DtPRE, Jr. A. C. DICKINSON. Juu.20th.lS6l 25-11 HI PKKIOH ( (H UT NOTK E, laiole of North ( arnlliin, 1 Superior Court of Law llrunawick County. Spring Term, 18.W. IT appearing to the Court that a special Term Of the Supe rior Court is necessary, it ii therefore ordered that Term bn held on tho fourth 'Monday in July, ISM, and that the Clerk of this Court advertise the same in the newjpsner published In the city of Wilmington. This, therefore, is tu notify all suitors, witnesses, and all other persons wb have unsettled buaines en the civil docket in said Court, to attend at the Court House in Smithville it the time aforesaid Witness, Wm. Smith, Clerk of our said Court, it office, in Smithville, this the 5th day ot June A. 1)., WM. SMITH, Clerk Siip'r Court JuneJHh, 1SC3. 2!-tlthtnj.v T?ANCY CASSIMEKES and BEAUTIFUL. iJNEN JT DRILLS, just opened at tho City Clothing Store. We advise all who want goods honestly made and to fit, to call st SCOTT dr BALDWIN'S. They do the test unrk in town, and turn out upwards ot one hundred garments weekly, made to measure. Avhhv still continues to turn out incomparable fits this i louse. June Cell there and leave your measures 15, 1S55. MTKAMER SPRAV Vim SIMITIIVILLK. Mail Steamer " SPRAV." r cnz.s J 1 1 1 ' S. .hjrr v i j Joiim II. Prick, Master, will leare Wilminif ton for Smithville, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuradiy' atternoons, at 3 o'clock, and Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Iave Smithville for Wilmington on Monday, Wednesday, Thunday and Friday mornings, at 6 o'clock. Passage, One Dollar; Children nnd Sorvanta hall price. Freight at customary rates. Applv to Csptain on board, or to A. H. V'ANBOKKELEN, June 13, 1S33. No. 6 South Whanrea. rpHK VIRGINIA' SPRINGS Comprisrtng in account of A all the princijial Mineral Springs in Virginia, with Re marks on the Nature and Medical applicability oi each; by John J. Moorman, M. D.; for many years Res! lent Physi cian at the White Sulphur Springs. Second edition, greatly enlarged, with mspi and plates, and the routes and distances to the various Springs. Also, an Appendix, containing an account of the Natural Curiosi ties of Virginia. For anient S. W. WHITAKER'S. June 15, 1855. AGRICULTURAL ESSAYS. Esssnand NTtonAg riculturo : by Edmund RufDn. a Practical Farmer of Virginia from 1812 ; founder and sole Editor ot tho Farmers' Register; formerly Agricultural Surveyor of the Stat pf South Carolina, Ac.; inst published. Received and for ?alo at S W. WHITAKER'S. June 15th, 1855. FLETCHER'S STUDIES ON SLAVERY. Studies on Slavery, in easy lensons. Compiled into light studies; and sub-divided into short lessons for the convenience of read ers i by John Fletcher of Louisiana. For sale it June 13th, 1355. S. W, WHITAKER'S. It OTIC K. , ON WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of July next, at 10 o' clock, A. M., polls will be opened, end remain opened un til sunset, at the Court House, in the town of Wilmington, to determine the sense of the citizens on the question of au thorizing i subicription by the Commissioners of said town, ot a sum not exceeding TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, to the Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Char lotte end Rutherford Riilroad. All citizens who are willing to authorize said subscription by the town will deposit bal lot, on which shall be written or printed the word " Sub scription," snd all citizens who are opposed to it will deposit a ballot with the words ' No Subscnption. Richarjj Morris, Sec'y. J OHN McRAE, Mayor. Jane 14-210-tf , ... BOMBARDMENT OP SEBASTOPOLJ THE Trumpet about to sound. The approsching Anni Tersiry demands it. We : ire ready for the 4th el Inly. Th nrtment of FIRE WORKS has imred-the most approved French manufacture. Be sure to purchase 6 . . " . li. IJIibAU i Next to Soott k Baldwin's, nnder Herald Office. Orders carefully picked and sent to any part of the Stite. The money must icoompvny ill orders, and such trit prompt ly be attended to. Apply early to A II. D. June Hth, 1S55 240-tf. COMPANION TO THE " LAMPLIGHTER."- The Watchman " A handsome 12me. volame, uni form In size with the" Lamplighter." Jost published. Re ceived and for sale at June 12 S. W. WHITAKER'S. I VTEW SUPPLIES OF XATE. WORKS 1 il The Missing Bride ; by Mrs. Sonthwortai-- . w oueri. ivoom j asamgion irvmg. Kenneth, or The Rear Guard of tbe Grand Army bv the author of The Heir of Redclyffe," Ae. Battles of the Crimea. Man of Sehastopol. &o. June 12. For sale st S. W. WHITAKER'S 1 nfiO SPIRTS TURPENTINE CASKS, for sale l.UUUby J. 11. FLANNER. June 15th, 1855, T)ORK.-60 barrels N Y. City Mess Pork. Inst received. X for sale by J. fc J. L. HATHAWAY fc CO. . J :

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