f 5.-r if 2 1 j i I ill itV rrf I I f M -I I V j j : ! X ill tflT 'I Tf - - iii WILMINGTON. SOUTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YF.AR, IN AOYAJSCll VOLUME 5. NO. 117. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY m WHOLE NUMBER 1553 1 day,.... ... S day, S days, .... . 4 .... .. ft diva, . 1 week....... 3 weeks uth. .... Jai'ttlu 5 taBtb, ... It aauotkt, ... 1 t sar Tea linm are equated square, i. I five alf-pir. Longer a lvcrtUciu nt - in prop, arable la advance When paid 'L per square will be eha-rfcl after the tEt J 23 liar 37 1 2l U . . ;t s.u. i . 2i ad, -3 . 73 Mti I . T I , k ' .1 STj I ... - 2 IHl 1 Bl.H'lU ,.S W ..mili- 7 .4 m 3 aitxiih- I'1 '"' . 4ltt hiu.!,?hi i' 13 IH I vt-r :-' ''J U M.I.IIOH KH lnfral produce t:: Kti:. is.pt . K1 - I.t tt Wit ixr N U .i bo ve gund. a Wee mf tit .f ;KK'KKt E S, Mi t 1 1 K and l'Ut s,Ns. at kdl Mail t i.: i u will be kail to ail wrier troai IKNIKAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; AUSt, U.K AND RETAIL GKiKER. Stk and jii I aHwalir at- lb fiautr I s !, i : i ( etiunlrv, t call al t taaiin raf stm'k Wvtrr ( ur ih:M.' vlh'r I tulriil to earrf (ctu-ral .i-.-.i..H l.u,.iin-s l'artH'ittar ttttHB iU W ( t' ! ! i.l Natal MiT', anl a't kiB.i f r.l t l.iU rl '! .v.iuH' aial 'B t'nij-ijtnmf ut Wiimmgrt.ti, VtuU'r blk. I"i2 Til Wf II. II KHll ll l-UKIHr attif filtalr llul llt .K Vl-S , fartsi-k! as I n Hnittt, ri ki-U f i ' tvr l'LAN- FK lit ll.l'IVIS UJ -, t U !1 i.ajk, tff (, cwilry f kr tlnvab tin- I.. .t ifa.A , rt,,ntf Wi'aiintu. ,N t , Vug ! 'Jftt Mtlltl.tMl I.OITKHIt V t 'I t : t I Hi M i i.jvii t"ua( iiniiin i). i fUi ti.ii,. In1 M. IVii l k it Ih'kj IVHl'i'krTILi.'iri l' . 4.l I II Ft.t- I t- 4i It. f tk - All b!f iur tjot ! -i (fcrjj;l a a sijaart (PNai-nblioatiuu wii 1 f.r :it a ' h slice ... -ii;,. i roMMisi n h.i:' man r-, "I. Itar ii- ' Partieuhr itt-uti'n divert t iL" -i'. ' Cotton, tirain, awl Siuih. ru li..-iu - ! eash aivaties mail on ""n.-jriitii'i!i - littrto iVttcwav . I'ritih.t . U i!w.i-f -N laii 7, - I" I Ir J. R. lLliKt I- '-'.K ' J. It. .l l.ll( I . V ry. IM M 1SSH X M Y. !i ( 1 1 A N 1 . Liberal ea-h tlTanceswaJe n jfuio..t Not. II, 1V) ' " J. M. ltMtlt ',, U ' a m J. . Wll.l.tKII. i.N'l.liVI rii!Ml-.-ltN .MKKl lUNI, U'll XIIMi ii, I ' ,,! i'l.ii,,-.., mar Water tr.-ct 1 1' n II HH, I ! kill I KOI N 1 It ! K , l.i! H I M, MHiKK A UMI-.-ION' Mi K II T. Krma ln i.il :it!iiiiinii .11,1 tu the sale n(' N i.i n iHti.1, ls.!-i ck i;'Ufrall,v . rj a ll, tin-. . tualf "tt ctmii;ini)i nl Nf V. I H H V Y . HSU, W ( M lilt .V Itl KI.I.. (Suive-imir to Thiiniai Allibit( k 1 I I li A I , ftMMI.SMN MKHCHANI'v. :( Ni rih Wbar.. ana tvi! Narth WiUr Mr!, I'mi in tt Liberal ca.-h aiacf! oiale n oousiziiaietit 'i; t r.t. i ir n v i it'i i'ArK ikt l..itt,n-$itiunzni lg i'ir Suit -I .V.I V, lni.i( .tint fv lnr Kilnf tit,nH,,i May ,.r Hit !. thuiiig tu uantereai a) lieli.ui ttutiv all -rt it ihc ualry, the mnf emciil will (five their attetttH.H t' I be tilling el .-rlra fr 1'iekeH or ertifi,-!e. im kr Mai ylanl Letterle? I'erirn at a iliMamv may cntUenilv n-ly u bauut: Ibeir e.rjr Ut 1 t. kd- nnutly ri!le,i, nn, (!,,. ,(rietcM euii fi letni uIm rel 'I bnk Ltirrita arf draait ilail in pililm in the t'n e( Halt iiu..re, utdler te uerinteinb m of tha Slat l.'iilitv t omaiviotittr llrav IUhiiIk are given to the 1 tie ;i. .eeii rity tor the (.avment of all I'titu 'I ho rov t U le.le i 1 lekct. ate tfiim f I tu ill Halt ami (u.tit. r 'lukit- hi jiri'iiortnm 'it , . t .... .... i nrr ' never la-aitiatt J.i.KKi l tite in anv l.i.tteiv ! JSTT'TT 0 , - - . , ,e. t ..li.J-U r lail, fia.M. HttWi "arrn,i Kihm. HITICMVl I .-rpg, r traia Wave luthnu Jail), ! Ii alngti ' "arriv-ati:iiMibvW " I .'luieetiiij. tth tk I'uiteJ State la,l ti P.aua h. I Niuns Mt,i i1M tff r.1(4r h,rw . ---,..., i,eui8i,m io ,alttmv .from hieh a..uliu tb.rlolir th. North t'aroUua lUiltu.J iZmn, tftr I HirijAui rti urdinv L'.. i . 3 Y" '"i;iiiij I , rl, n' "' 'il'"v.rf I.lav f,um (,!,!,. try., t, Deeea.y U'.U.TLH iV S S hiel l.iijtinear, I ' ;. ',. 3 t A M to ma " j ii r m t u tha Wi! it.xuiititiH0 .iert a.l !:iU H't h. I "..' TMlHMtTKI?S, M AM I' V M 1 IValer in Har.iw.tre. ( ill.li- terv, h tural 1 1 1 1 1 ! i Jan lt, ineuts, Ac. (.K.tlltt l . (t.MMISSlKN M I . Kill A NT Jun 7. KV. ll I II I.M - V. U . I M N 1 Wli u'-. A,-:.-iil IX I MM I" o. i,. Ml.lil HI. 1.1 IANT Mnn!i l"ilh. K'.. 27' Mr.' tf which I'riie tary in aumunt Irmii l tu f I i,ik, c. to lb rnv ol tha 'IVkata. Kor iiitiu - Wheu the y ie ut '1 n ket i l the Incite Tl'nte i. .ih In t.ioi. Kl .mtlntt l' ll.'Ol. : ill, ut liiilt anil l ml I, it lo ..Ii i .V.i M .V ''i l)A HThl'I.Ai; attcnti. .(Uiak'nt aeenrii a Nov llth, !.. - i the Vt I v Ci'. i v . WU.M n .a,,l to ..!! .1' c.,.N, wh ,.r i. r V . I t V N ( Me Ii- im iih i t , r.i1 l I, M-!u I i " I . . s t . 1 1 M ir, h .'nth. nr. . ti. mi iii.kv I.I-I" ,V Ml KM I ST, Wn.vnvo i,.N, N (' urehn.ci the I'ru r.tahlinhitietit of Mi'-r l.v ui, will keep iilwiy en hmiiJ, at a la rue ami verv select toeW f llruet I 'I! I i . ! Lmnif i - I'. i 1 A i'ii .in.i retitil. a I a Tie ami in . t ki'inteal.. 1'ate' . I hH. t i I. Surriea! In.tru I ;i ' tit MeJieiura I'eil'uinerv, ami Kanev A rt iele, at ati it ("rift ion .ut up IVI correct !y ami with lti tt i il ; -Si AM-KKSIIN, KI.WAKtl SAV1UK WIM UNO .V S I UK, ,i;.K M'MMIssltiN MK( HANTS, G1 buy ami . !1 pi" onatile term... NlAV oN HANI which Mile invpt nu i lit .er am urn .Nor Mb, ls-'o (iKO. 'Ill MM' . il.'i. ti . us I. II, I .1. r. N' 1 I pi f lii .i-i-ii:. NT. 1 1 I.- WI1 (; I N I. '.i-h S'Uaii.'i It I .s. ( A I. t Wiliniiiifti i inii'lu on coninnictit . N C lllvlt) ..r..i.i ml J.'.lllkl I lll.UHl 3I.II"HI Tl'i.ia lei mill " itti nuuaeri u rri"-i"l tii',iiii,li,it(Mi,,taMi,jiHt,i, ,Vc,,Vc Cerwiis can remit u any amount, lioiu l up waul., tint they uh to in vat, on rr-'ripl nl whiek we lor w,inl it value In Tick ft a lu tha Lottery ilenjrtmti.il bv the purcba-er, or, it nunc be Jet-ijjuat.!, then aolue Lotleiy that will be Jiawn alter the buyer ha i"t Ihe ticket in Iih n eMoii An Official S-hcnie "I the Lottery will be sent with all Tickets onlereil, earefully m.le. in an orliuaiv en valope, an,l on the Jav tk Ij.ttery l Jrawu the oltimul iliawiiin will be ffrit , t"irelher with 'a written I . tjilaiiat nm J of the rtNMtlt of Ilia iae The Kiawn Nimibera are' a!, pulili.lia l in t he ilailv .,r- ol thi- I 1 1 y ot l!,il iiiinrc, ' an. I in the i,uly Nulioini! I n tellip'nei r, Wuh ntiinMi ( A irciii.tr eotit.tiuinK all the Sehutie a w il he etit in .m one by ail Jrewnig the uii.lemlfneil j A l.lrea iirilori ior I irketa to I t X BI.'KN N, N.i I i aUfit -trret, ! illiimirc. M l Sapt 7, IVi.- Ir I "K 7"-f'kcr haaju.1 eonioletej hn. arraiietuent. for I .upply.ng th.,,, i IKt l Lu; S 4 V s j" i.7j Lvcry Sw warrant, J, au, ...IJ al Ma,,ula,.tle,-. ..rie,, H ilium., o , )U lh Hfl., nr. A. ti. rt K lit. fr; t , i. "in in. i. . h . nr., i .. o ii i .... h i. i. , " iv ." '" l ivvliail lea er in Uru .; ainta, mi-., (iUk,, rat,,,,) . ...,ei.T, . itr, 1 1, lirambra an! V IRr. I RK l BALTIMORE LOtk iim... Uf H LK L jmT ,k Mt4 tba ! imj, ranaj, tJL tarakarM r Urn rf t(tti Power, l'ai I tk libaT maa f tha Ki.tMy, Afetf tka Vlaal, Throal, L aal kii i.l aaaiiuiMMl l.alit7.lp.lIBM t, ulmtl aa4 aJ lko-a kml afrtiB ttmng froiS loliaeratioM, ii attef betk (rata taimpwaM.af U n W ardtal mlr T YOl'Nil MEN. tieeiiw wk.. kav tha rtii f tril rraettcaal Wh. wiri H1 talant, M4 riU.aai UlaU. ...... t".1V"' f follawla, .TaB,.hal. u i. .. . . fflret,, ihJ tiuatliatly .ai Ir U aaa I a. a aui IJ ..r . i . ..." , . ..u,.ar ai Ma-a.Uii IWr. l'aJB,t.ti. J W..k lttUlHM lK. Jtillv-roM v K Iaia (n tk Htti, I'" ' ,'"" . ''l , .Nafv lrr,uUt4t, IfcraniaBt af t wiwaiptioa.lia . 4 . a,. 1 ""v- PJptQW t( tka B.aJ r mik I Xlil lililST Hie IVrl w j rieaa North U t t'orntr I rout J Ma-ket atreela W ilmintct,,,,, NO. Mareh . wA I" r .1 A it; Mcli- M(liciiieH, c . A c . at lt tl Ml not ban, e ol our lla.NoUlw I'teraa ,, l",,. IV lMi'-'t WILKINSON Ii -;m . ' "" '"'' --v. phol.t.r. faperllnniVra 1KliTAIN. ere,, ,er ,h,,u, V ' .Maltra-i.an.l I'lllow,, Wl,, sheet,. Man a i li - Tk taarfwl H.w. Be utea.l.j j ,m Uf m,,. , ,ruM ,t 14-,-""-ol Nuri.a r orek.-l,,,, af Km AvrrJ. Xllt. Ikatrurt, J,, NJita W TlmiJii. " " lZr"v,?.U evil prvJuwl. ' " v' w" w t 'tti a - N. 7 Niutk Erfcrlok Mint. Mra iaan Faltmw.r. ilwl, J M lkt 'J1' M Hn partk-ular la abMrrin tk. . i v . y..awiUi.tak.lk,,.lak.. mmmwwr, tf A LI KE VV'AK R4VTED UR No pa y . I he waBy Uoaa.U er. al Ui iMtiUliM aa4 Ika ather.) be.ule. hi, rtandinat a. . -,1 'I'l41 4 r..pou.,...ly.u a ..tWul fu.77ka I.' to tUl5 proper I'ky.iciaa to ha aonault! W ,M M -mbrr uf the Koyal ('nlla or k, . . iraJuat. fn. .f tk. V a.? tf0". b- I aitJ Stat, aal ka kUZTJT bc, .rntin th. llu.ri,.U KItJLtTvlLmlr." ana vinnrr, ha rffertal ef tba .i. ..71 A i, Maajr lrokl4 1t rla(fi( li .a i1""' " frs ' i.l. v ii. i . 'M M I." lOMMIs K.i tw iv It. I . k i'N Ml. lit I I. .1. ' A VI .IOIIX I ( KNKIi AL l'H ilH t KT Oct. lit. J. t). tlX VI I NO. . t K in;' u I V I I 'M.i:. I. l ll i V 10MMISSHKN N 1 1 I'OKW T ItOV AKKINii Ml U'll I. .! lit II NT lllttl I II Kit. v, H I SSk I.l 1 11 ,) ION M LKMIANT.' U'll.MlNUI i-li al.niieiK ma le on conij(iiiiieiit of Naval ii. iij nt tier .roiiumi I l It tt . . ,v ut I., 'MMISSION Ml.lifHANTS, Ht Fni, i si ki ttr, Na Y.iHk ta.i.lc on uiu,ijuieia. 0 l MHHKK j r, hi nci. III. Mti M II, rr' - "loi; AND t'oK WAKhlNii At'.ENT. will Kivo hit I jiemniii! nttentiiin to bui'incn? entrutcj to bis earn 1 I...-7, KW u.Nr.i: k i i I l.iUiul .ehaac May 17 'Ui t N t; :.pt. 1,.t.lift-fa7,tl. k 1. t.l TIFKI.on, I.l I "I I It 1. I'll .v. lil.l.lO I I (Jriivral I oniuiU ilini V Koi " n i illiii; U' i ' . ii ! iu i Keep Cfin-tatitly on hiiti'l a upplv "t 1 ' . ' ' lly.lraulic Cciiient, Luml I'l.i.-t r, I'll ' i i Sei.t lit, 1. Mi 11 Ii i I. ' . N i .. I,,, . I r: i I i . ,N c , . I" I t ! 1.-1 ' MM I bee t. !. Hi i;.i ' Mn i n Mil.ua Cum in. J S. . k I II ,v 41., v-l'"N MIMiCHAN"! S, have rauioved Ibeir of the in ciiii.l story of tho buililinjr fanurrly 'nocu- i grnpti ( oiiipaiiv, wtiero tiny are praparej to All 1. I i. all I'li-incn in the l ini ill i'-ion lino, mem eiitrii-leil to Ihcin will b punctually uttcn- aOLNLI VT ll IV vr. i. I A NT, l.tt V., .1. IMOVKI.I AL CDMMIssloN Ml.lil SfRt.ET. f.ll KI H I'1 Aits?: 21 -iUHMirn t.KOIK.Ii IIOl Mt hK.M.I 1. IN r.llOCKIill's. I'liOVISIo.N-. A N 1 1 N t -IMMISMON MI Ht II I Vinirl anil p'ii vv o ril I ii u August I, u' 1 -u I'ltlHI.I . M N. .. '! in ii i a r ami I Hruliiiian .-,!. Mi I Ian II, Ih.iI py one year ami eml (J 1. i p i i 1 1 a i i . uvitav v t'Ki n hi i i I'KliliWAi V I'HIlt IIUTT, 1l.NI.liAL oMIS.Mo MKIil HAN I'S, North W'ali-r S treat. W ilt iiiirtnn, N. C r W ill g'w e particular sttent ion lo the aki ol Naiai. i. I I i, I ''! n. Ai" lanuiirv h.V tTI K. r"IM I K uberibr bav tg linihe,l bi cntitracta in t he 1 country i now in town, and ready to contract tor any kind ol w.rk in bit line of huainoa. an I ariienter and ( ontravtor I , w ; 1 1 T licpairmg dune neatly and with Miitcli fell th, l't m ava a I ealknr lied. I I l,W I I' . wmcn uiay li had of V'll,MNso,N A lLI,!, PT. I l.hoUtrr & I'aier H i ' ' HI AM, K,p s,hp, ,,,, fcc r in hly prepared by ir 'l. tunlort Ji Itcc IMi, KM "in an I Her f l'll"l!'l.l!Nii. A I.l ing chmiif.il ur bu.oai.i. , for i'hp.i ham!, Iipi, " ux.r:,. it,gg,.t ITS HHANCHLs". it,,,. biiln attantioi, M. f'M-n I., lh. ahova bu.ine.. i,uto. k of . V '" Mil It A I.l. peraotH are forbid 1 1 eiiipai.ing upon any of my land, I ly irijj wittun ttir liiuttn ol the new lioundary line ' Wil tnington ; and all puramn are alxi forbid niakiiia their rafll. Ktinea ol nil kn.,1,. .. i . . U o,L v.- i " . a . an.i I. ' "ri " I 1 man- lteietlee oiaia. tiaiiroiiil t urn, "W tiand. and makn to iirilnr the west side of tbo rtvarl agaiint all offenderi January II, IVM "'It Mill The law will b. rigidly enforce! MILLS Cl 1ST IN i)7 tt ro-IMItTKI(k MIIH Ii. A T Ii WM H I TLKY having been admitted an a nii iu 1? 1 ber of our firm, th KeDcral t'uimiiiaaiiin biuinai frmn thin date, will be eontiiiupil under the nam and atyle of J k I I. H ATH A WAV It CO Nor lit, l"l I HATHA WAV la St i.N I'M!' l. IKNEKAL-Co.MMIsli cN Ml.iii IHM- iRltl Warm ( ilMMKKI I Al. WllAK 1 Wi VI ,N iRltl warm s t The business "1 the firm will be an bv It. M. CI HTIS, who in our imtln placa. PHH.rl PNIil.KAl , IJII M ' 1 1 .lulv !, Km -27-1 if J. HAIHAWAY. 1. I H A I IOWA .1. V .1. I.. II I'll AS -ION MKUi'HANTs, .1! Ill . tl III I fi I It 41 N tKKt, k I'' ,'s improved ptitent Salamander Snfe, nt e.l tree f rum damoncs aa well nt t ire- I'ronf l er havinir aeernted lh aireney tor thp aal of ' higbly approved Sab ", are prepared to liirni.ik ir pattern which tuuy be a anted at uiaDulacturea' liu ri d in thin place. S i ..m il ol in' v. nil sizes tiavcju-l liecii rcceivcJ, ami or iels will he promptly iittcudcd to. 1 Ii li II V warrent I lie ml... til. :,,..,. HOI MIKII IMI.KO WIM. Kl.l ITKII, SI 'I'lih'lOli Schieilaui Schnapps imported aolely by TIK K P & VAN Nl.sS, I eb '.'7 II7 ly 2ii() Wahington nt , N V We Would caul ion lucre hunt a, ilruggixK and I he public g, a erally, againiil purchaiti)i; an imitalinii, tmw being mien ivly puluieil oil upon the public by deoginiig and uiincrupii Ions Jitirtica He aure In nec beforo purchasing that every ca.-k i lamped T a ' N , with the irnportcru mid proprie torn written nignatiire or the Label, to counterfeit which i a felony To be found at all lh reieellie droriil nnd Hotel 'IJIORI' fc VAN M.vs r Kor sale in Wilmington, N C.byC. fcl Diil'liL, Krugguti. lliiJiiur havuiji very auncrior ' aru enalilml t., I'...... i a. Hoarding llou.ea. I laatawf. St,,,,. t imrteit not ie. W, aim f' " " ("r'. " i fui and ,u,ke (arprt, .iiriaTfeTOb. Amur .Id .KmUiUaiiri. Scjt fc li.ldwin wwrM"ll'.' sMtikk'i MMi.iii ,,...?; O tra article .a.J .. "" . cgara, an i m K've 'auiiael Kin I. ....... I I i.r..i, ivtarcl atreet ' In almr il Kglh and ,l,,,, :. ..." """" " " ' tench, ratiain Jl ,i i. . ' r ' " K",f. imrdura, den " ". Alao. eurttma, curnie.-a ,ha"n (a..a,li ., f". -ale, and hui.K it, (be latent v ' ' U1' 'U ' . WILKIN.so.N I I'ph.lM M any -i pi I.e.- de S '1 k , I. , J.I 10MMI.- 1I Mt Is'i IHNKIi tf oil, I liKliOSsKI't DROWN HI i.l. In K I I, jikft received, and fur wile HA 111 A WAV & Co. l. r sn w .;i,i 10 M M I cS I O N MERCHANT, V sept i. 21-tf G JOOI.IMI II. I I.WM lKK.ltAI, Coiiiiitlaaliin I A" I I I r, ,.,. II ol the i. . I. I. ii' :m !,.i r; i 1 - pi iuie i ilue Koraolehy HKliOssl.T k BROWN. I liKVfVliKs UK 1 l.i.MAUT K. FlL Tip. .r I'eniion, with ' iranitnatical and Idionjatica -t lim. ult vvoriin and f or i-ale at S. I'tfiHg V . W m, by Louis II ITA NEK'S f,,,h s I- a f2",'l iMt i'i tin M t Willi! A HA MS. into I II I 1 ) M M 1 S 10 N M E I ti " 1 1 A N T S , Kj li at t O w I. At K Wi m i I and ! to. MA' ale at S W I vli No 2 WHITA M.li' G 1 EN Eli uv.o AL COM Mis: lit IIH I. ;O.N M El! CI IAN I , Wilniu.g' July 1st, 151 Iv It II SK IE NEK A L VJT WAR DIN Ct C. Dl'PRR ' . llnl'H I', h AtiENTs, ooM li--!oN AM' !' MERCHANT, July 1st. I MSI h IMO" POTTS HKOW.t, AHIISMM. !iFI,d-i I , ;r , 1 ' HHOW N A I) ll i'l . N voi l., UeltOsjSKT .V lllttllt . AVIImlimton, . t .. 32J noMNNSSMKN MEIiCIJANI s IM oi. v oKTflE INsTlTCTK of sT lo.NA- t I '! Locolo. founder "1 I lie Society ol .(ems liv I'ii'lci I iiinii I I '. h r t . 1 1 1 , "t the Society of Jesu. Tr.tn.-lated bv t hy aut hor i.l Kile in Mi vim I! eeeivrd and for sale at I! 11 t I7th l'NAK MoN I III, MKlit HAN I I VI lice, ivi.il and I. il.' ut S W WHITA NEK'S , lor t vtohcr- lieeeivoj ami lur s W Will I AKEIi's M ATi A ?A K, ior SeTTem Ikt -- W WIIITAKER's A "xln and IHill', lierk- iEt ilii .1. IK H's TON. V h. oorxMEa, eorrFR.jr, i u':r;in iiom.xki:, it it r i , ( t ,v to.. ' 1 )M M ISS JON M E RCH A NTS, lllil-lvl Nrw Vi-rk . . .. f . . T liberal cn?tl mlvancos mnil' on c.in!i'nii'.' n!r iw. cnoNtir. llROKER, AUCTIONEER ANT) OENERAL ' 'M II MISSION AliENT, Wh.minotov. N. C. Real Katate, Xejsrora, l1nf"li S0i k. Itomls. lionise hold Knriiliure.anileTerTirficriptienof Piopi 1 1) ) mght and taold on commission, either at private or public jak. TReferi to tbo publio generally. Jane lath, 18S3 9 2 I I IV. II. I HAHV &( o , IpA CTO 1! S A N D COM MI SS I O N M i ". I! 1 1 A N '! , I.ararns nnllilliig., ilin -hi Strf 1 , May 20, '54-219-tf vV u.-mso rov, N" C, IR. A. O. IIiVaIJI.KV, WHOLfcSALE and Retail dealer In Fancy Article and Perfumery, ha just opened a large and beautiful as iortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new patterns and of iuperior workmanship. Port Morinnits, (Tentlemen'i Dressing Cases, Cigar Case, j,jr Brushes, Tooth do., Nail do , Gent ' Shaving do., Flesh Gloves, Chi na Ware, Powder-puff. Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia mond Ulasl, do Gelatine, I'uffalo Dres-ing Cembt, India Rubber do. (Juneoth, iHTvl MURftay t,. pkacock c. H. KOllitoS. HIHRAV, PKAtOtK to., 10MMISS10N AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J YV'ina-iXQTo, N. C. Will Rive prompt and personal attention to the tale, and ahTpBi m (trm, Naval mom, f0r-"5--'' March 23, 1M33. 169-tf A. H. Van Bni KRt.1!!. W. A. M. VaBoeiii.e VASBOKKELH1 A HHOIHKH, Wn.MbvoTrm, N. C. MAXUFACTUR ERS of and dealers in Naval Stores. Storoage and Whartaga rwiToduca lorniihed at fair atei. andar inmranc. if desirgy A. H.VlilBOKKELKI, . GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION & FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N.C. Particular attention given to sale and parch aw of Naval ri. Jan. 1, 1853 lOO-lj in 7 sin T 1 .ITas -iti box" hire 1 ,,!,, f,,r oile by I Nhl.K .Nollo.NS. it l-eit i 1 : ','AI.K M'l.f. iir"s7.niriLll liooN, Scenes in Hie I'niete I .New V nrk Surgo.ri : Hy Edward H lnv- 1 D, Editor of the Scnlt.. -,ialillislicd with eight received and lor alc at J-.! .1?" ii'l'i - . ' 'irl fr fc-aJi.."! i yOU - v.t . --FM. aw " ' 1 " Kryi -f mi? ii"T!i? ' law"-- 1 M'jp p7T"7?r S W. WHIUKER,. Vf j lTtjJ South-aide Market ,l PV' .. r).!. IB'. i ;,v-''-F-ai';i .a A KsI.ER. 'rnra and Paper Hangers ,, ,, Mimni,, HERMANN I, .SMIIO ivn- 1 will 1... a ' . ''LI. Im. lelurned. and '" i i .-in ii cure that wcr rer kmiwa. "i ear and kead wkaa alarm,.,! at suddaa nuuds. bluhuuf, attended, fow.tiiaia, with dariBMrnaak Lf 'luV wr. cur.d linaiidialelr rBiaeal ( BlU4 r. . V VKT,c,rui1 NT!CK. Parent a and t .uard.aii art aft. mtlti lta ,,,, u tk. caue olsourea ofdiseaa la th.l. s l a warn, a u !, ting f thfroj, . dn.nciBal ujptuui t'oaump "Hen do they aia-ribe to ot kcreaaaet th waatlm I a p.Utio,, Mf Heart, l, fSJ' d 1 he N.rvnu. s,.te,, f;, j s . ion. at... tno aeriou. muntal effect. lus. of M., I lenression of S,,i,ii. ... , o . .' ."!'" B MBKrT ...e ,rillh it thf; , i.er;a7;,iVyBr,traba but alluring pr.ct,wa, daatraotir. U Mb C, aal Sd I Hu. are .wept froiu ,.e tho,Vd. Xhl ka'7. ornament to aoelely JOHNSTON'S Dli INVICORATIVK Rkunw . I bn grand aad luinort.nt li..,,l. k a .... and vigor lu thnuaanJ of tk. tao.t aXlllUUl ladl.i lnT many . ho had .rt .,, koH. ani n lXi ' Hy tta oompl.l tnyiaralioa ..I lh. , ''T lacultie. be,M,,. restaired totoitwEtY"! and the lallen fabrlo oflif. iSl fi ami miration, upon the ruins uf an .lo.el-i. 1 . ' . ,, . , MARHIAOK, hould reflect that a uilnj a.J kodr ar. lha UIO.I nc.ry r.iiui.ite. tu ar,,,ua,u eon.i.ll.l 1?. 1 bcoioes a weary irrl,a. ik. Y fBrou en. to lb. view , tXV:imWt k?fy. d'kr wi.i. ti,. iMi.iK-b.11 relict, 1:;; t: "r1' ": tad -H h " -"PPinaw 91 anotl. 1 a fal dtlitar er liecoine blighted with uur own. 't ol l letol,. 1 1 , . , 1 1 1 1 , v s ,0, 1 .. nejil Seliohirii will i.l.j.,, 1 1.. . "I'tucSH, ,, inre,,,,.,,! ' "' " -'pi KVi. ,.,, 111 A It I I,, ( ki yinu , I '" uufiogueij nuve this day lorui,., will II' IS ( T utub r lh linn '""til ii.ii" th,. i ,, Sep! 1st, IVA 1' 'UN' 1 1 ,; 1 ' -al, hy "cpl In "I LI." ncral t ailna .bin. V Kl.f.ii ill . .,,,1 I KlfLOII iii'uissi.ni and forwiiiding busi 1. 1 11 1 . .. .1. .. . ' 1.1 1 1 r, 1, 1 ,1 1 1 ELLIOTT ' I'd bushels . I A I I, I i orn, 111 :'. I,n HAI II A WAV bury, l,,r ti ( o of have i .r z 1- " sr s m .'i.l I'AI.'SI.I V M. uai. ..... ""..' '"'"ii ivi.iis, ,( 1 ., hi ants 1 1 1 1 1011 , VI 1 1( H late, I theliisu I,.. I.. ,, I , ,1, -- -.. -,. hu 1 uooer 1 r,e 111111 i,i ' I 1 . 1 , ' ' ' v A a, ( I ) I bay w, t,lhl,llu,. (!l ,r,lls,,tin , L , li,,,,, I , ' I t' ','n '"' ''''I"- retain the crres, I.!,,' , , f """"" O I. I'AllSLEV, i;i u r 11 I No M W I and A I,' COWAN, HAI., loNKS. '"".J1 ,'AVI"H,UN,f VyiMMIW Ut.XHH, WINDOW UI.Aaa. ijlttiti Poiia V f roicl, and American Wi,,,,, . ila-s, . Irs,,,, 7-l i 2 , ''-'""I""' C &, ,.,., . . " ., noi' aio pruggists, Wil,,, iii'itii'i iaiin , oinercijiii ,,r,y I'' I'ElilJ.K, ( h,nr ,'(f Nw 0. pi "'Hieing t ne In-1 " Taking fowd, , geiiiinj article can always be f.,,,.,1 ,,,, ,lt' "r A o l!H llil l.vs hr'w,. Tt V I I 1 ' I 1 t a. . , a . I w ' ",. Nf.) (,s VVr h;tv,s j.jM Ml taol No iiiigt,, 1 "ik, has nl 'I be 2il. last C X - Sol I III, III of t h septcinl.tr 25th, 1S5 17 1, 1 1 a 1,4, hg Wi- "Iter fi et liol lee A I r , I Into.) s, v le Honb-r', I' lie !crc r -ale nt the lowest I" in d 11 la ..1 1 ' I" lot: I'ill lerilS 1,1 I'Hlicr Dei (Sal- i"c: 11 c i cam ,'i wii.bUs I letober S W Received and for WHITA NE ICS it" engravings ; ep- it, D.- S W WIII'IAKEK' tl.ol lis AND SI' V ' Ta!' . Ey Charles ari l I 'Jiri-tic lolirmton -. 1 1 J l.l'M i.D 'I 111- NSIIINK AND ART -A Dramatic Rcale, Author nf Peg Wiff;ngtn I! I'ci-ivi d and for sale nt S W WIIITAKER'S DAV. DlliEtTl' FROM NEW York, per echr. Oliver M. Pettitt. a fine I"' IRISH I'oTAToLs and CELTS by tho bid ; lied and White ' '.Nl' NS hy the bunch and bid , and a uperior lot of A P PEES, th"' fi net in market ; for Fab; low, nt the Variety Store, under the Herald 'ffice, by s-pt 27th. I.S33 W.M. II DkNEAI.E. I'lil'MENI s REPAIRED. --Wenre repairing now a iitiniiicr ot .Musical Instrument., particularly Accord. I'er.-tiii.- having instruments to be repaired, will please II. h. SI II IS I.l S M Pa .Ill. 17 R r wv Sept I EST J n2s G,FT II at ear" iwrii EsU I'l -.Vl btils. assorted brands. :), S.V. Music Store. for sale by W. IE McKOV. CiEN'tiRESS WATER . - Received and for sale A. O. KKADLKY, Druggist & Chemist. HAIO' WIUKS, IN STORE, Hi.iMKl lbs. extra EACoN SIDES, For sale by J j WILLARD. HOONS 1 1 A N DSO.M E L Y Annuals ; Bibles ; Psalms and Hytins, Poetical Works HOUND. I'rnyer Rixiks ; Hymns ; Psalmodies ; Histories : Travels; Biographies and Miseellaneons Rooks, suitable for the holidays. Far sale at S. W. WHITA NER'S. Dee. 22nd 1 !f jrrrjj X 23 bags Rio Coffoe , " Laguayra Coffee ; lSbbli.P.R. sugar; 10 " X. 0. do T; 6 " W. C. fin JJee. 6th. For sal. by 25 boxes Cheese ; S hhds. Western iSidos; 20 bbls. Mess Pork; IS " Eating Potatoes; 25 " SupeT Floor. WILLARD CURTIS. riC BAGS GUA NO, in abort and for sal by IP June 4th, 1M53 ADAM 3. BRC ADAM 3. BRO, h CO. CIGARS! CIGARS 1 150,000 b.st Havana Cigars prim article also, a f.w boxe eboiae Chewing T- D . . rortaiD V. DnPRE, June 2nd. Mark.t Stmt. W II.MIM.TOV HOOK IIIMII.ltl. .TrsfliliHii lielnw tlu n. fear llnnla, n 1, ( 111 1 . "II p1 e-lal.liihiiieiit, which is cotuiibde in every del. art incut requisite to accommodate the husiiis of tins place. ami will Ic rc'iit, r be under Hie sole 1 trol nl Mr PHILIP 1 1 I.l NSr.l.R 1 il.R , wh" is in all r,SH,ls a fini-lod woik inan, and will take pleasure in executing work lelt with him in a manner calculated lo give the fullest sa' isla, t im, 10 all who may be inclined to patrnnii him. The Materials and Stock lor tho bimleiy w, n puic.a-ed and bij-jghtout by ii.( from the North with .ut any iipecta tiori of profit, save in the nccowunodation to be aflordcl lo our-iclvi-s and others who might have binding to r,e dorm, arid with the vo w to nbvMite the nwessity of riwiig aliroad lor it, wil ti t lie trouble, i-xjieiisc. and dwlay uiiavoiudably incurred 111 mi doing. Mr llcin-berger has now the use t tlie Materials, and wc ri 'pcctlully ask ol the people of Wilmington and the surrounding ', unities to give lo him meh a supjeirt a" will em able him to continue Rook binding as a permanent, business in this place, as it cannot fail to be a very great accommoda tion and advantage to the community. FULTON la PRIM. Having the use f the Hook-Rinding Materials of Mcsos Fulton k Price, I will give my entire attention to executing all orders for Kook-iiinding in its various branches, promptly and in the best manner. I fel confident of bring able to do my work as well, and on as favourable, terms as it "an be done in the Northern Cities. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Nov. II, IH5I PHILIP IIEINSBERGER ist ,n ami Hung in s SON & EsLl.li pholstiirers 11, id Paper llaniri Mil It I'.. ili. s.ibseribers having s..,eiid with I hem Mr C I l(otnso, will rnniinue the 11 i.M M I,-SIO I ' 1 1, vv ,w;iil,"v f's w Inch hurt prevent you, but apply Imiuedlalefr lla who nlaee hfmiielf u..l,w ik. . . religiously cmllilola hi. hn, ZllZlV'1! I"""".."" ly rely upon his skill ..a Ph yiiVlaiJ T ' ""B MDJB' ... TO STffANliKRS. '. I he many thousand cured at this laattulb.n -llkl. 11.. l'-pcr and man, ut,er p,r,a,. nnle7.tof K in! pt ared again and before tka public la . ...m .bat ,., afflicted will fl.d . sk'S i J how",. , IKISS .1 ii - J her. ar so man tn . I'"J'""- to say espcel,,,,, th( - n ' "J ..on .hat h erede,i. r dlpbuUsT.,; ,T aid fill Tiff VZ v ' YW (' J Pfiwailica sent b, nail. Hallimore, P'.f,. ;, lHT,n ' ' - - . . 11U-IJ , I the lies leiikim t. '. '11". A ! 1 KA III 1 1, A March 5, Hf,3 p3:j JONES deFOYLES. Nrktt-il. Ql IIAIUlli Lst WIIIRKYl 'I 5 do N E. Ram : t do Kuan I iin il ,1 Jan I do Appla Brandy , Just received, and for salt br ii...H,M ,r JONESfcrOYLKH,7 Market Ulrtet I'l. A' Ol h , I I I f,,y I,,,, lion to luidii, .1, i receive the I. .lore cxieiid'd to the old firm M ir h "lt!i, !S-iS If, 7 tf II A 1 1 RI'slNL.-s under I be Aim of Ml RI.'AV by sti ic ,,,! prompt ai(n. nine liberal palroimge be,. I- Mi RK-.V, L PK'Ai oi K MCW KMSI I'ATKNT S.lhKiY I. A Mi ami .AMI' IHHUHu NEW A RI ICKK. warranted to i,revent, all .., i.,i. in thn u'e of u,tllni' I'tuiil. ('si,il,i . ,,,1 :jltirr ( nmpnilt, used lor the production of light -I Iih inv nil ,,, ,i ap,,ied to all common Lumps and Lamp l ii dsri; 11K0, to Solar, ( amj.heno Laiups, Lanlorns ,Vc EliTII ICA'lE. w,''"'s"'ro'',.N.C.,JaMl5tli,lHl. ,1 lieiib.v csrtily Hut I witnessed the experiments wf Mr .New, II, w,tb Ins patent Satety Lamp, for furnishing" fluid " and an, perfectly satisfied of the safely of the same" U e are prepared to fill all orders at ahort notice, for every .bvcnpt,,,,, and variety of Eamisj, &c 7 . J ',' ,'T"n " 1" u,V"n,J, Htwntt itifringing upon ,bc above ' ngiuiy eniorcetl against all often 7n.-252.tf C.iaD.DtPKI, l or sale bv " ' 7 !TA.SM trial L.' .. !. epi ;it tu m , Herald and Commercial copy. inning ion, SS. U. I )!f MM ''' ' f ' ' "AT EDF MAGNESIA n agrte.bl. v ry general aalisfactioH Frs,ni-r ..I !i U ,,T, l-araliou in the form of PwM.' . t "JL 1 " Pr' gativ.J'obl lb, luUforKr' ' " other talii pBr; 'Or- A 0. BRADLEY, Draggi, A 1 AMI I VI. ll V 1,11 oa a. 1. . 1 --.... 1 . 1 1 I rreis a gooa arii.ie; ju i ameosu, roraitieir May 21 7 h J L. IIATHAWA" JtCO piCHO HI.AVKKTs). ri ROUND PLASTER. V.T for sale by Aug. 2, IS55. -1 Tons, in bags of 200 lbs. each, GlJl. HOUSTON. (1 LUE 70 Iibls , different grades for sale by I Ss?pt. 10. GEbRtrf, HOUSTON A MRI.R Arl VERV aliPKIIIOK STOCK OP FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINES, Jte., just reoetved by the subscriber and for tale at th lowest prices, "consisting in part" of FULTON MARKET BEEF, Smoked Tongues, Dried Reef; Java. Lagnayra and Rio Coffea, Superior Ground Coffet; Best Refined yngarTj Young Hyson, Imperial, Ganpowder and Black Teas, of the mot superior qualities : Chocolates, Cocoa and Brorna , No. lit 2 Mackerel in bbls , half and kits; Salmon No, I in bblt. andkitt; Codfisht, ntrt tenUi; Herrings in htrmttf Mllf ttaltd boxts ; Sardines in half and quarter boxet ; Buckwheat in boiet and btgts Flour in bblt. and baga; Crackers in bblt. and boxet; also, Bent't Water, Soda, But ter, Dyspepsia and Wafer Crackers, in tin bot j Fresh Butter; English Dairy, Pint Apple and Goshen Chees; Molasses and Syrnps, A largt and well telecttd stock f Ketohopt, Saooel, ka.; Picltlet in bblt. and balf bbls., and Trr varitty and falU in jmrt of tvU titei j Olivet in Jart nd kegs. Also, Broomt, Painted Pailt, Willow-wart, Hoom famish' lag articles, ., lie., for talt at priott to please, by Oct. 27, 1355. . WML L. S. TO WNSHEND. W l) V1'' t,l''"l very large and hamlsome aaiortment of PafN!r-Manging, Itordcrs, Scr.ens, Dec orations, St 9 which We will tell vry low for Vu,h, and bang them in the latest styles. WILKl.Vt.ON A KsLER, a o,. . . Upholsterers and Vatier-hangcrs. -l.22' --C- & H. copy VEN. RED, in small packtgea, for sale by Sept. lit r, i;or( ; kJJ ,?L OA Li ! SAisT ! .m Sack LiverpwdTine Salt; J 3,610 bushels Alum Salt. For sale by jScpt. 10. J. k. S. L. HATHAWAY 4 CO. UNGS. 20,000, assorted sites, for tale by JLl Sept. 10. GEORGE HOUSTON, SUGAR 150 bbls. and 10 bbds., variou grades, now re tiring, for tale by GEORGE HOUSTON. in BALES TARN AND SHEirriNt fwialeby IXJ M.yJtbl W. ft, McRARY k CO -us an .' '- . 111 A MES' SPADLS AN!1 BHUTiiliO 10 dot A td front Kaatory, for talt by tEO HO rtesnv. TON. LIME. 300 cask 1, Camden, in good order, for sal by GEO. HOUST()N PLASTEHPARIS. Ground and Calcined, lor tale b-T ... . GEO. HOUSTON. lLA R1F1LD SUGAR. ?U barrel., ditlerint" trades, 'for Kj tale by GEO. HOUSTON ZINC PALNT Sept. 4th. Sold by A. 0. BRADLEY. AN' I'll 1 1. Fi bale ef those extra heavy double Mtcklnaw " Negro Rlankett just reecirtd, witb a great variety of other kinds (Oct. 10 ) HKPKICrk to RYAN. I EDICIN LS, ( in.MlCAJAaV. , aVe -Thtwbtcriberi 1 If I bait just oiajned. and now read for tBsnantinn il. largest and most complete stock tf t.lct Mtdieiset. Chtmi. cals, f ancy Articles, Perfumery, Jte., &t., they baft tTtr oflered ; cai bracing all of the new preparations of the dap . V"A 43 Market tt&t. ( T i v I , r ra tt tv1P0ed' 60 do' COOP1-:R'S SPARK w LATllNL C. k D DUPRE, -:N"r: B:- . . . . Market ttreet. tfl ENCU QyiNINE-Manufactured by " PtUttitr De P' C17-tf A.O. RRAliT.EV ...t fllrf Hi f r-r- ' """" tct. 15. for tale by DeROSSET k BROWN. ETrJ,Saf1RI,T.BARRELS-2'wrT prime teltoted iaiT'J trki,Jtti reeeiv-Hi, for tale by -Vt-.'"" : ADAMS, RROTHEB A CO ,,tS , COAI, AT T PEtt TOif. . DERSONS desire at of laying in a supply of coal, ior tho L eoming winter, ean do o at 7 per ton, dtlivtrti. Thia it cheaper them It ean be imported in small quantitiet. Leavt y.ur ord.rt with the cash at Wilmington lea Hnwj. Oot. 18, 1856. A H, YAJVBOliK ELEN. IIOtHRKKKPIIQ OOOD1. EVERTTUJN'G NEEDED in tbt Houskping line ean brfound at oar Store. Tbt gr'..t brtin of the season ean be found in 1,500 J-i.eet of BLEACilhD COT. TONS, boneht at the Ne York a. actions. Oar yard wide lOcliio. jvl.atbtd Cotton will be found 23 per eot. better than goods at the tame prioet told tlaewheva. Oot.J,lS55.-23 RfLm9t. JtRTA