-.v . , , . , . " . I J. LI il 1 H ' i J J v !t if PUBLISHED BY FULTON & PRICE WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS 4 YEAR, IN ADYANCK VOLUME 5. NO. 200. MONDAY EVENING. APRIL :2S. IS5G. WHOLE NUMBER 1.436 or ADVKTtStSa SAL eatABB. exS -. ldy tdayt a days.; 4 iky i Sdavt Iweek 2 twit 1 BOB l 2 months.... 3 taoeths months 1 yew 1 4T.. 25 . S7, ,. W .. 75 .. S7i .1 37 fl so 75 1 IK) . I i5 . 1 50 . 1 75 . 3 75 . 4 00 00 10 00 .1 00 .50 00 days, dy. days,,. ft dV,.... . 1 week... i week,.... . aeala, .... ZmeathA,..-. S BtCBtht, ... S tltki, ... 1 w .... .. 3 00 3 60 .....5 00 i oo ....15 00 ; Tea liaes ara counted m a tciuarc, sail i ve line or leu alf-cqaare. Longer advertieementi ia proportioa. aaJ all arable ia advance. Wbea aot paid in advance 23 cents ft Hear will ba charged after the frit taeerttoa afar All half tqaarct eel paid for ia advaaee will he eharg d a a equere. Yy No aablieation mad without a responsible same. i mm i JAMES M. STBVK1MIS, AGENT for the SALE OF ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, Puncus Stt, r-iin AoM"i, ti k 0 . WILMINGTON. N. C. fe4-5 tf jTi. baiks. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ...... IkMI IIIVi' T. S. V i W felt 3m WILMINGTON. V C M. I. HI1P. JAwFS aftAHAM t;LiF.s V uraiiam, COM M ISSION MERCHANTS. Na. t4, Beaser Slreet, lork. rartioular attention firen to the talc of Naval Stores, Cotton, Grain, and Soulaera Produce generally Liberal eaa adraree mad. on eoDintuento Refer te Petteway I'nUhet . w ilmin(rton, ;v . Jae 7, S.W.KIt. J. B. ILXUtl. r. KttEB. ik ai Kii.kt J. H. CJlbMOHK V CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I ; Ntw York Liberal eah adrance made ou eonsiKmueiiti No. II. 1855. jTmTk6ui!o a o. WiL.ninv N ('. IMPORTERS, MANl'FALTL'REKS' AGENTS. AND Dealen in Hardware, Cultery, Iron. Steel, Naile, A jncul aural Implement!, 4o. Jan. let, 1856 UEOKUG W. DV1. COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water Street, Wn.Miiaie, N. ('. Jaa. 7, 1H56. 104 ' At. H. ill.LKMHlK. GENERAL PRODUCE AGENT, will, also, nofrotiate. bay and soil good paper, NOTES A N D HILLS, on n an anable termi. NOW ON HAND, f 1.000 of first claw bunion pair, in which aafe inreitmenU can te mtae, ai irui iu tent, per annum. Nor. 8th, 1H55 to 13 tier 01-tf II. K, & A. J. tUt DY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Got. 15. Wll.MIOT"N, N (' JOHN- 1-, CAMTW Kl.l., ENERAL PRODUCE BKGKEK. Oct. lit. WinmnoruN, N G J. D- Cl'XXIXw. c. w STYa.l.X n MMlVd Ai ATI ROW. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WlU.MlNOlUN, N. C Kept, lit, 18fl6.-307-tL C. J. U-TTMLOM. . . , w. r ei.i.ioi-r. LtTTKRLOIl At ELLIOTT, General Commission A KarMrarUliiB PlrrthanU. Wll.MINOTOJI, N. Keep eonsUntly on hand a npply of Lime, Calcined Platter, Hydraalie Cement, Land Placer, Plnntering Hair, lie , e Sejit. lit. 1855 UKOHUH H019TOX DKALtR IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND NAVAL STORES COMMISSION MKHOUST, Vestel and Ferwtrlll Aent, Augait I, IMS W'n.MHOTQN, N C P. PHIOLKAI' O., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Watr t , Wii.minotok, N ( CoXMItCIAL Whaek, Smiihvii.i.k, N C Tht buiinem ol the firm will be carried on in Wilmington by H. M. CURTIS, who it our authorised Agent for that place. miLir rmwi.KAU. jjH.t mkrifk, w o cram' July 80, 1855. 278-tf J. HATHAWAY. J. I- HATHAWAY R J. J. L. IIATII A WAV W -. I Tl.KY 10MMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTOM, Hpy 1.1V4. D. CASH WELL. 4!t-tf 10M MISSION MERCHANT, Vj Kept 27 21 tf Wilmington, N. C, JOKPII II. FLAHJIKK, GKRERAL Conamlaalon Rlerehanl. Wilmington, N. C. ADAMS, BKOTHKIl A CO QOMM1SSION MERCHANTS, WlLMINOTn. N. C. GEO HARRIS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July lit, 1S64 nft y O. PDHf. )A1L B. BAK1R f. OnPRFI k CO., AGENTS, COMMISSION AND FOR C ENERAL Ur WARDING MERCHANS, Wll.XtNOTON, N C. 270-1 y July lit, 11 TJioJroTraaRown, armand j. drrossrt, )r , r r wow.i BROWN At OeROSSKT, Nw Yorfc, UeROSSKT BROW !, Wllmlnftlon, 1. C, I2j CQMMJSSION MERCHANTS. H.BOLLNM, fOTTlR.lr, JCAMIRDIN. DOLLS KR, POTTER A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, New York ar Liberal eaih adrancei made on ejnsigninenti XII. CRONLTt t IROKER. AUG IROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM II MISSION AGENT. WrLMiNOTON. N. O Real Eatata, Negroet, Bank Stork, llondt. Houte hold fwrnltara.andeTery description of Pro prl-bought and told on eommlaaion, either at prirate or public tale. -Referi to the publio g eaerally. J ate Uth. 185S 244 W.ll.MeRARYtCO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LazaraeBalldlnge, Print eae Mtreet, May 20, 54-219-tf W ilminqtow, N OR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer ia Fancy Article! and Perfumery, hat just opened a large aid beautiful at iortment ef FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new ' pattern! and of tuperior workmanship. Port Monaaici, Gentlemen't Dreninr Caeee. Cigar Cat, Hair Brnihet, Tooth do., Nail da , Gent's Sharing do., Flesh Glores, Chi na Ware, Powder-puffi, Nijjtel and Silrerdo., do. fine dia raondGlaat, do Gelatiae, Buffalo Dressing Cembi, India Rubber do. JuaeSlh, 1854 A. H. VahBoiiklm W. A. M. Van Box irlkn VASBOKKKLKSI it BROTHER, Wi!.nmT05, N. C. MANUFACTURERS afaad dealers in Naral Staret. Storeags and Wharfage for Prodaea 1 nraiihed at fair atea. aadar iniaraaee. If desired W-X " A. H. VASBOKKHHSf, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION It FORWARD 1NO MERCHANT. Wilmiagtoa, N. 9. Particular atteation girea to lale and aaaahaie of Naral Storei. - IJ- ll -100-ly " "' ' HEART HlyTT, " - FACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, wUlgWahif personal attention to hvaiaesi entraited to hii eare. deS7, 18M. Iaxn T. WTrtTir, io t . riiTcaiTT. PETTav WAT PRITCHETT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. W Will gift Tartlnlu atteaHei t tha tale of Naval Stoek, Corroa. t. JU0arj334sM RATES T. C. W ORTII. (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, I Ju ,Ki. Wit-wintro:, N. C. WX.t'.UOnAHD (GENERAL PROIUTE FKOKER. T Se(t. Si. IH54 lJ-tf Wit mimto. N.C. W. II. NrKUY. C GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT: ALSO. T WMOLtSALE AND RETAIL C.KOCKR, Sth Water atreet, WUmingtoa, N. C, intend kit ing a e a have ttan J, a large awort meat fGRAK-'ERIES, UQ U O X ana I'KUV JSIU.XS, at hole-aIe ana retail, rartieaiar a teatioa will be aaid te all orders trom the eeaatry 1 weuld respeetfully inrite the eitiieas ef Wilmington aad the aJjeiaing reuatry, ta rail aad eiamiae my stock before pur- ebaAiag elMwherc 1 mteaii u eairy oa a general rom miMioe businesa Particular atteetica will be gitea t the sale ef Naral Stores, and a'l kiads of prode Liberal Cash adrance made oa eoaeirnuteaU. Wilmington, lctobr tith. I"s52 27 -if - tit f S K. Bl ttaillOLOKK. (1KXI KAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. J No. 10. Kaovr Sr , N V. Particular attention given t (irain, Cotton, Naral Store an 1 all Southtrn produce. Ke.er to R.H Lowrj, !., Cafhier Hank of the Republic, N Y March U li Itt'-tiiu. a C. wmn, oastom mkaRS.. j o koi'mhu V.tl)1, MKAKKN A ROCK Tit K K M ) M MISSION MERCHANTS, 150 Krout Street, New York. Especial atteution paid to the sale of Nav ' i t . t'ul to1, AMti .Sithk'm PaootTK generally. Liberal advanc made oa consignment 3 HARVEY COCHRAN, W KIXSKLL (Kllll .V RI'ISKLL, (Successors to Thorns Allibone k Co ,) 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Nerth Wharres, and ti.'l North Water Street, I'hii. a UKi.ruiA r Liberal cash advaacet madeoneoMignweut July ith, 1853 27 O. L. FILLY AW, lOM MISSION MERCHANT. V. ' WiL.uivarot N C Mrch nth, l5 h"j tf Or. A. O. URADLKY, DRUGGIST V CHEMIST, Whminoto-s, N C Hsring purchssed the Drug establishment of Messre S. R. kJ- A Erant, will keep always on hand, at 8? wholesale and retail, a large and rery select stock of Drug ivituunnes, v suucai, i aini. imii, vnase, surgical lusiru niciits. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Fancy Article, at low prieet. )r Physician' Pretcriptiuni put up correctly and with ili.-ptch March 20th, 141 Ha-tl xt AinrRsoi, kiiwaxd savaoi AMKltaO A SJAVAUK, E N E R A L C rM M ISStON MERCHANTS, Wilmington N C. beral m.li advances made on consignments lOvll) Itl HHKI.I. A IIKOTIIKR, (I. A I It fLI.lt, RWSWRI.l. CO ,) NEIIAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f 1 1. N E R A L l CM .M ISSION V T Wii.mintok. N I Libcrul cash advances made on consignment of Naral Stores, Cotton, and ether produce OIHIILK HIM K, C1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I ISO FMiiir rrtr, Niw YotU Liberal advances mails on consignments C B DIBBLE May 17 21fi-t J R1HUNCE UMmC Smith Mii.m Costiw JAS. t . NMITII A CO., COMMISSION MEKCH A NT S, offloe soeond tory, cor ner South Water and Market street!, Wilmingtou, N C , where they are prepared to sttend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attend ed to (Ian ll.lSSti ISIYO.Y'S IIOl MR. rouM irlt Mm rordkn's, Will Mil. Railroad, Unlilcteoro', . C. THIS EXTENSIVE AND WELL-KNoW.N PUB :i'il)iu Establishment hat been purchased and wa rc-orHncd by the inbscriber for the recejition of guests on the 4th inst It is pleasantly and conveniently situated in the ceutre o( business, aad ii directly opposite to, and WEST of the Ticket Offices of the Wilmington tud Weldnti and the Ceu trul Railroad Companies, where the cars stop ui thejir arri val ami departure, and where faithfit. uritvANM wu.i. rr in waiti.yu to take baggage, and give tuch other attentions as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE hi been remodelled, repaired, and thor oughly renovated from cellar to gsrret, and furnished thro' out with new furniture, (elected with tpeoial eare, and ar ranged with an eye tingle to the comfort! of the casual Kuest or permanent boarder. THE TABLE Will be richly furnished with the substantial, the dainties and delicacies of the seasons, foreign t well at domettio markets will be rendered tributary to the constant supply, which will be served up in the bett ttyle by orderly, oblig ing and well-trained servant. THE BAR Will be a storehouse of the best Wines and Liquors, and su perintended by a gentleman of courtesy and Integrity, thor oughly acquainted with hit basinets comprising the knowl edge of what it due to the rights and comforts of the pub lic, a well as to himself and nis employer THE STABLES, Which are among the best in the State, hare been placed in the keeping of a skillful and careful manager, who will al ways here under hi care the best and most einerienced ost lers, and it will be among the chief care of the proprietor to see that horses of his guestt be well led and thorougly groomed. 'I his entire establishment has been purchased and fitted up at an enormous evpense, aud it will be the pleasure, , ol coarse, it will be the interest, of the subscriber to rn!er the House in every re'pect eejual to any in the country. He therefore trusts that a generous public! will renew and con tinue the liberal patronage heretofore extended to this llnsw while under the care of its former proprietress, Mrs. Bor len, who gained for it a celebrity throughout the entire Union. Aug 17, HM, XU-ly. II. K. MAON CLARK!)" IHOI WORKS, WILMINGTON, N. C. A. II. V A MIOKKKI.F, !t, Proniletor. T HE subscriber having purchased the entire Interest in the "CLARENDON IRON WORKS," lolicitt orders for Steam Engines of any power or style. Saw Mills oi every vanoiy. Mining Machinery and Pump Grist and Floor Mill complete. Parker, Turbine and other Water Wheelt Rioe Field Pump and Engines 1cavitt'i Com and Cob Crushers. Rica Thresher. Shingle Machines. Shafting, Hanger and 1'ullie.s. Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Castingi of all kindt and patterns. Brass do da do do d Locomotive and Tubular Boilen Flue and Plain Cylinder Boilers. Blacksmiths' Work of all kinds. Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. The Establishment baring been roorganited for the ex press purpose of insuring punctuality in the exeeutinn of, all orders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship a cannot fail to give satisfsctios. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT being in charge of men af talent and experience, I hare no hesitation in lay ing, that the work hereafter turned out shall compare fa vorably in every respect with that af the meet celebrated in tht States, and at prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to send me their or den. REPAIR WORK always done without delay ; and hav ing a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing luca, to give ma the preference, with out regard to expanse of sending the tame from a distance. Orders will be addreised to "Clarendon Iron Works," Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Pet. 15th, (S4-,f CIO A IS! CIGARS!! 50,000 lest Harasa Cigan--prime articlealie, a few boxes eheiec fewig To bacco. For sal by C k i). DwPlI, Jaa 2ad. Market Street. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRJENDS.-Janoary. 1856, has rolled areaod, and wt bar ear accounts made oat ta that data. Those Indebted, will oonf.r a farar hy calling and paying; whatever may be dec. Wi must ati MO.Tir. " a word to tat wise it tafiWient." -.. JONES 4t FOILES, Ju. 1, 18M. No. M Market street. SOTHr. THE luWeriber havivg fiuiiked hi extracts in the eoaatry is new ia town, aed ready to eontna fur any kiad el work in kit tine i f basin"., Cvi intr aaa Ismtraater. ti. M . Ush. r K( airing June aUy ui With 4 .j-t.h Feb. .th, ISti li- w CO-PRTl- RIUP XOTICK. MR. W.M. R. I'TLLY hurmg Nva aiiuittrd a a taraa ber ef oar firm, the gs-nrat t wiuuissioa ba-mfi rn this date, will be rentinu4 under 111. bail sui title if J A J L HATHAWAY It t o No 1st, IA54. I. n VTHAW VV k SON ltf Mitniber'JTth, 1854 17 ly MILMIXUTO BOOK IIIMKII. Flrit;lr below Ikf t ur Krar Hank, hii Stair. 'IMlfS c-tabliehmeiil, which is complete ia every depart A men t requisite to accommodate the business ) tfi'1 plac, and will hereafter be under the ole control of Mr. PHILIP HEINSBtRGl.R, who i in all reictt a tliii.lied work man, and will take pleasure in executing work left with him in a manner calculated to give the fullest suiiiUetiiiii m all whe may be inclined to patronise him The Materials and Stock for the bindery were purctiatrd and bieoght out by us from t lie Nrih with ui anv cipccta lion of proRt, save iu the aecfutiuioilahon to I e aHorHeil to out Ives and other who uii)cbl have binding In i don, and with the view to obviate the neeessity ol xiiaing abroad lor it, with the trouble, eipenje, and delay unavojndahlv incmrv.l in o doing Mr Heinsbergi r has now the um vt ti.e Mati rials, And wiTtcspectfully k of the opo of AVilmingrnn anir"-t-he surrouniiing 'oiinliu lo give to bun such a support us mill en able him to cuiftiuu Book binding as a permanent busintm in this place, as it cannot fail to be a very great aeeouiiuoil tion and advantage to the "miuuiiit v KI'I.TON i PRICE Hating Die use ol l lie hook lulling .Matenal'ol .Messrs I ulton O. rnee, I w i Kite in T nUre attention to rieeiltmit all ordors for Book Hindi ng in its t arious branches, iromttlr and in the beat manner 1 r . .... I feel confident of being able to do my work as well, and on us tavourable t 'mis as il itn I e done in the Northern Cities is respectfully solieited Not 11,18.14 I HOUND PLASTER VT for sale by Aug 2. IHfifi I ho patronage of li e public PHILIP HMNSltP.UHl.il " I I on i, iii hags of 2410 lbs each GEO HOUSTON CI LUE 20 libls . ilille rent grades fur tale bv T Sept 10 t.Eoi;i;i; Mol ii. KVV FALL STOCK. OUR I ALL STOCK ere it bargains is ettensive, ami tve lire ufleri.g V, a respectfully Invit men of U ilmington Oct 2, KV).-t1 ii cill Irotn I lie I. ml es and Genii HEDRIi'K h RYAN I.LI'S TH AI ED HISTORY OF I'll E (II IM LAN CAM paign Price i'lets Fur salo at N. !Uh S. W. W II IT A K El! 'S ANKERS' i: A SES " NT i ( 'OLLMTl ! S p.i h K An assortment on hand and (or sal" at Oct. 27th S W. WIIITAKER'S. 11 Al Tl MMI. 1)1. RSI l.N'S wihing their Pianos or AiCBrdi i ns tuned an I repaired, will leave their orders or instruments at I he office of the undersigned, rext door to Path u'i Bikcry Nov 17th til tl HERMANN L IDi I.I N Eli . IM rRKssUiN " ImPTu - ASS . R l ED col.i 'Its. lor 1 sale by the sheet or pnikag., at S W WIIITAKER'S. iKWFLIS PATKT SAFETY I. A Ml' AM) I. A Mi' t UK I) EH ANEW ARTICLE, warranted (o prevent all accidents from the use of Uurmng I'luui, Cum)ilur, and ulhtr Exylntivi ('omouns, useil for the product ion of light -This invention is ii plied to afl common Lamps and Lamp Feeder ; also, lo olar, Camphene Lamps, Lanterns, Yc CERTIFICATE. Wii,mi8 ro, N C ,.luii l.')th,lK4 I hereby certily that I witnened (he enirnni nts ef Mr Newell, with his patent Satety jim;i, for furnishing " tluiil " and am perlactly satisfied of the salety of the sauie, Jas II. Dl( SHOI We are prepared to fill all orders at short notice, for every description and variety of Lampi, fcc. All persons are cautioned against infringing apon I he above patent, as the law will be rigidly enfor.ed against all offen ders k D. Di I'KE June JH 252-If )UN( iS.- 2il,0Mi, assorted sues, for sale by 1) Sept M (iKORGK'lloU "ON 10 HALES YAK! AND Ml KKTING Nrsalobv May 4th W. fl McRARV k CO rWf' rAI)ft A JlXsTtoV rTLs Id das iail rce-iv-l ed from raetory, fjr lale by .2o lit il'SYON IJLASTER PARI.-. -Calcined, for stle bv 1 t,i;n 1 101 s i on YITISIIOW ULAfttt, HUIHIW .LA1. K) Hexet V French and American Window Olasses fnim 7xV to 21 For sale by C D DiT'R E, Oct. 9 Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Hrald and Oniuerrial Copy. M' ft. K I! . DURKEi;, Chemist of New York, has at last nceeeded in producing the belt " Faking fowder, ex tent. The gtnairi article can alwavt be funnd frrth, at Nov.at. Dr. A. O RRA DI F. Y Drug Stve C'-'GAR- -I am hourly erpc'ting the arrival of 90 bhl. O and 10 hh Is ugr, diflci cnt grailet, and which will be sold low for rath. GEO. HOUSTON. Feb. 4. riTHIRD AND FOURTH votumoi of Maeauley's Hi."tory A of England, received arid for sale at Jan. IH S W. WIIITAKER'S PORK. RBLS FAMILY MESS PORK FOR SALE I'.Y Oct. 22 PETTEWAY V PRITCHETT 100 BAnUAINS! BAIttJAI.SII WE are offering great bargains in DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Oct.22d HE PRICK A RYAN Ol KF.CT FROM THK FACTORY, 5 BALES more of North Carolina NEGRO ( LOTUS. Just received. Oct.2Id. HEDRICK fc RYAN. POTATOES. For sale by -100 bblt. Irish planting Potatoes to arrive WILLARD A CURTIS. PRKMICM AOAIirr THK WORLD. TUST RFXEIVED FROM PHTKNIX DISTILLERY, sJ per Sehr. Lewis Mulford, FIVE BARRELS OLD MAG NOLI A WHISKEY, alio, on hand, a geaainc article of OLD Ha.NNF.5Ei BIlAAUll, (.vintsg iscj rorai oy Dm. 6th WM. Ij. S. TOWNSHEND. O ALT. -1000 aoki Livrpod now landing. For sal by Jsa. 10 WILLARUfc CURTIS. sMOFFEE. 20 bags Rio Coffee; 10 " Lagnayrado.; ID matt Old Brows Jar a do : Landed and for sale by WILLARD k CURTIS. Feb. 20. " " OCASO. 1 rrvBAGS in itore, and for lale by lyDU ADAMS, BRO. 4 CO.- Fb. 20th. " JrrJ? Suuth-nde Miirkel .1 . 1 CcX-v;JtJav to.- I tHCKT. OIL-4 LOTUS. Vr At Low fitre. fsr t e.ht Qionan u. x.. hvatt. - i M f, tfr ilftham.) Sk.W ork. 1 1 A s o w 1 N s 1 1 ii E. A N D IS Ct N ST A M 1. Y R E. l lotmpg. a in. i.v)Ti. n-t er t'nrrr, 1il. itv Ve . bt a as hum sablte attention, Iwlieeaig tLta.aiinii.t kuia alaaad prteee, WiU prate tati.ts.-tory t Men-bautt sa j Purchaser graerslly, whi bay IVH -K ll'S Stack euMiMsef RtCllV KLVl.TTAfl.siKVvV lUU'SSEI-SCARPKTs, i tiw UA.iiN; SI 1 I.KIOK LNi.UMl ANt AMERICAN 3-PLY, A0 ivaBAin t Akt-srv : i i mcri-mg taser tw ftrriisi claMtr.le. Ala , made rircly fur list- 1 allied ud llcia Vcoetiaii lB4 suir CextieU Oil-Oths, in aiJiksfrvat iU 21 tet, iu aru.a Miitic Rich Muaaio, Tutted aud C.u. a Hearth Rug and Due M.Uef Uilferent sorts TsU b. Place Cover. ! rhoic paltcms 4-1. Vt snJb. ItaiJ uoj iB M,Ultir, tt mJi, hJes i,( IVkrsble SItIm SUir-l ovenngs, Stsir-KoO. anj ail other articles usually kept in Carpel Hrt HE IS ALSO AGENT FOR SELLING Carhart k Ny' Power Loom Three-Ply aad Ingrain Car it. a well as Darber't Auburn I n sou at tJ Kruascl lly. Iugrin snd Vrnelisa t;rHt.. and Rsgl. All whirh will be Isirly rpre Tilted le prrbaert, and sold t tAia mils luiio 1, IS55.-217-IV Quit itiotto za 'TO rLBABSi Yllmlnitoii ladiltr.Mariitcs - a nil MK n A N I' F A t T (I II V t . , - - - - - - . 1 kecpteunataatlv oa haad a lareeaaasirlui.Ki f I Wk w . i ...uvrtiui v ii iirni ist tiu . i. ii,. i 4lK.ai.a Hlk llarMcaai Ladf'a a.l s.cnllensew'c aM ..ItiMI. .. ll.,. A, . , Trunks, Valise, Saddle aad I ar t Hags, Satchel, fancy Trunks, kt Always oa hand a Urieesupply of trli.i l.ralkerand Fljr Nela.ai d allotber articles usually foandlu such establishments, all ei wa. ia no warrants lo . tbe best materiel aad work uiausmp, end will ticsoltllew loriaaA, run s'lorl. r,i te pr aipi cusioineri aalles. Harness, l runat, .Meiilcal llagt ke ,maJe to orler Harnett and Coach Trliumingt told at a lair pries to serious outing 10 manuiaoture. v biptat wholesale A 1 1 k indn i I Riding Vehiclesbought aadsold oneoiamit- in HUIM J CONOLKY FkMAI.K SI ML. mcicvll'IMVi llnine ., I i.iii.s.-v .'lowiu, receatiy rnueii.ai (l a 11 lloarrting ami Pay School for young ladle, in Nw ' , proposet to etlablish on the 1st of October, i'su.i, ib uie lown oi v inning tun, a lAl Si 11(14)1,, Ir which will b taught the ordmarv branchct ol an Englith education The number or pupil will be limited. Price of tuition Fitly dollr per iculoii ol nine mouth '1 he scheol will be uiend In the brick building Imuitdia'vly ad joining and south ol Mr O i, I'aislej "s i violence, nn See on 4 -I rci t August 7. Ivri ;Nii !) MI.AsTINti IMWDI.1t - PHI kegs, best quality, just re- 1 1 ceivcj nud lor sale low. on Inaiiiifailur.r. .feoiini ), i..iii .. ,. 7 ....... - i -".: "j " I'.ii'wr.i tt nxowN. P S Any quantity of the above, or other description o I a poofs I'ow ler, can be lurnllhe m thil t.lace. at tkort no tice, and on the most favorable termi Ai.nlv at abnva IK l LA R a a. 'I'll E Subscriber has jut( computed bit arrangemcati for 1 lupplylnglhebrri CIRCULAR SAWS made, aud rut keeping a stock on haad of all sites, up te NO Inches. Every Saw warranted, end sold at Manufacturer's prices J M. ROIHNSDN WiliuingtcB, N C , Jne Hth. I Igtf Or. A. O. nilAIILKY, lyoi.t.isi n l HE.MlT. Suorasf r U S. B. it J A. 1 l,t am. Wholesale and Ketall dealer in Dragt, Midi chics, Chemicals, Paint, Oils, I (lass, Palsnt Medicine i eriuuiery, t igar. (bj itrajiikc and Wine, ke , arc , al low linens iNorth U est turner front aad Market street Wilmington, N ('., March 20, llol loo-tf (1oLD( REAM, LipS.lv. Ac , fr chapped hand, lijt Ao Freshly prepared by . Nov. j1 It. A, O IiRAIm.EY, Druggist .MOKL' ii tia h 1 1 i- SMOKE" SMOKF, '! '- 10,00 Meg art, an ti le, warranted te Bite latistaedon ter talc b IONES A FOYERS, Market strut Ml ait a i,. HERMANN L SCHR EINI.R hat relarncd. an d M lint 1; will reume Lis .MUSICAL INSRIICI.INS on t of October next. Scholar! will nleasn ml in ti.eli names as soon as nonttiiienl Sept. Hi, KV. I O-1'A.IM F.liSMI NOTK I. . 'IMIE undersigned have this day formed a eo-partne -hip, 1 under the firm of I.U ERI.OH ,V I.LL.O I I . and a ill c .ntioue l ho i 'taaml ( oinmitsion aad Forwarding bust i"" U Lli I I Lit Loll, t 'at, PCii VV p ELLIOTT K'1.4 l It. I 1)11. AMI 'I I 111 A I I II II s' HEt LIVED per Railroad -for sale by ' I Nov 15 GUMMING It ST STY RON. vREsll CONOR Ess WATER Received and for sale bt A o HKAM.EY. Sept llh Druggist k Chemist lC PAINT j S pl. 4tl Sold by A. O KH ADLlaV , -IMtKlt Nil I MIC. ' 'IMIE UNDEKSK.NED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED I a c. partnership, under the litis n( Wii.I.aiii it t l int, and will . iniiiiue (he i ; EN EK A L COM MISSION, WHOLE A I 1. I II i .1 1- l I" ... .1 III. i I ' I ... 1 1 i.i ... - .... . . . .ii. i, mi"" i. ii i aii'i in. t i.ii'.t ni-."i.Mi'.srt, at t lie stsnd formerly occupied by I A Willard, Nn. 10 North Water street JAMES A. WILLARD, HENRY M CURTIS. Wilmington. NO. I , V - 7 tl UK IM, i DDK OF Mill I II AltOI.IA. l'i;W COPIES up- THE AI'.OVI. IJO' K Foil sale Price rseh, cash n ilelivery Abnlr to A Jan IE I 'f,' to." SET k CRiiWN 'IMIE ACC'iUN I'ANT's OWN ItooK, AND RUsl 1 iics Man's M.inuel A coinpenil of (he Principles and Practice nT Domi.stin ami f oreign Trade, Mercantile Law snl Cages, Mercantile Arithmetic, Hanking. Exchange, ete Hv Win P. M Ross, Principal of (he Philadeliihia Alvrcaiitile Institute, author of a " rractical System of fJeu b;e Entry Hook-Keeping," fce Secend edition Receited and for sals st Dec 4th. S. W. WIIITAKER'S. 'WO NEW J EVEN ILLS. Kit Ham's Adventures ; cr, I he Yams of nn old Mariner I'V Mary 4 owd in t lark. The ,M.ician's Show Pox, and other Sturtei By the au thor of " Rainbows for 4 hildren " Just published. For sale at s W WIIITAKER'S. Jan. 10, IH'. FOR HALF.. 07r ACRES PINE LAND, situated Immediately upon Of rthe Wilmington and Weidon Railroad, four to Irs miles from depot at Wilmington. Also. 50 acres o RICE OR MEADOW LAND, situated between Forea Pot and I hombury, J I or which ts ine swamp land. For terms, txo "pply to if M. CRONLY. (H UtU, l"46 afi-tf. TO TIIR I.ArUIES. which we will close out at an wholesale prieet. Oct. 2, ll5t -2 advance of 10 per rent on HEDKICK At RYAN iiciiMoio coitsjtt PLAnr.a. ANOTHER lot ol all wool Plaints-is toe bett articlt for Negro tlothing to b fouad-jnit received by Oct. 10th. HEDRICl A RYAN. SHORTS ASED SHIPSTCFF, A r HEAP AND NUTRITIOUS ARTICLE OF FOOD lor cewi and horaet for sale by Oct. 4th. GEO. HOUSTON A LYKIfi OF THE OOLDF:N AGE. by T. L. Harriti J For sals at S. W WM ITAKER'3. Jan. 21. dl'IMIIBI JUST RFXEIVED, byAdamt it Co's Exprssf, 300 , Got. 12th. Wholeeala Pmggirts, 45 Market ft. : tiCAialA ct f. 1 UST RECEIVED k)l for Dyiwtiw. . J For i.l by C. k D. DnPRE, Nor. 21th, 18- 46 Market etraet. FOR BALK OH RESIT. M THE HOUSE AND LOT RECENTLY OCCUPIED OJby V. DaPra. G. ft D. DcPHE. bept.24,l55.-ie-ti Het.iopyU .drrta'i IA 'l'TTrT UJ E A Ii E SELLING a great many handiom and cheap DRESS GOODS at Price that defy competition.--Arto the largest stock of EM KROIDEKIF.S toch at COL LAHS, I LOUNCLNGS, flte. erer onened In Wilminelon. 1 - - n BILTIMOHK LlMK HOSPITAL. Vw w -r. u THK t.njsv el tht Ciwtr.e4 Mtrtatma aSJr tM tm'mt r ti, -l. am4 'mU i,l rteJ i i uw j ,. y IrKSar, e-riaoul tnlium fl'M i T!. Ioa. qt I IWhil.lv, ljee , Ma.kri 4 ih HkI auj LiihV.. AS-T a. .4 i'ie R In. ta, Patpoa'. a f lb Heart. !ir-eii lrii'aUr. ParMtvl I be H J. 1 htaei. W.sr Hia; . lb'" i-t'. J .'irf lJr. si cj'i m. ii. 1- Ho. ut. hakiia 4 tisiih, einv trtrf twtA h. a. J Taa.a k aar anj ;n.r, huIhii ku. i.i.i im ii-. w-... t!e(vl I be ,r.. ., m. a.nusT I Iwa at .hi... ili.it m i knlhaot (':' i l atiliiauuia. naJmu a..,.. Yea M Meav e4 -lat), w!w l.v. b .., i.h sljitare Vl.efth.1 Jn aJlMl ind vIv-ti'Ht , i,.t.it. wU.ca la.os f twe k. aa ae limelt irate ltiuui l,. raaum mi A Ih. unal ...b.j ..i. eaia aJ kiilli.at iu.itaM b .H Wviac Kcta eniraaccj - ...... i. i ru4wre, waked m ncta. r tlic living lire, a v.'l wtiii all ctMigava, narrlag . . . I ... .- w . -. .... , . . ... . -mwn i-o-iiiij.Latin( aariiat aa ingawa.rel rbviaal eat ,e 4n.b- UfcUrtf. iM.irt,!!.' .eiioiibt in.Hiedi.i.lv i'"oB li i .and ccrtt.ire4 tepsirlarl lie abapla.-n l,H.c-t( uodei lb. iiof U vbaana retigaiuel, r.d la his Mh- , le.ilem,0, ,,a L ie:t bie skill i f.bv i.n 'rl Weaktscos oniurilnli'lt ciirr. and lull tifor reaturtHi I b dtaeaae m Hie .mhv hs. at (te,(u.fry paid f thasa wha ! bsxuui lb vk lui aol liiipr.,i HnJutseaaaa. iwu himI are t,. apt to chuiiiiI r c.-sr.li .i a uem, ( arc ..I li(7df!!" c-0Mc.iitH-a lit la.f.iieue. ,N.r, lis Hwi u.rtailc lh eubjeei willpiet.nil .. uVnj Ib.l ih a.wr o( f.ucreaiwa la baa Mier tf Howe talliti mi. Oojiro.r CmIhu Ih a bt tlie BrtAdeai B..,de. heing (Jei.n.eJ lb pIsNMar of a.ih. Ul. aioei rki jnd Jeairwliv araipinme lo avab Vixlt tad utiiid aiwe IbesvsirMi a. c.h-iItih.I, the phjfSM alaad atauial Kowera weakened, an t" 4. biliu, iljisprfwu, paiaiiaOaii altha heart, indigectlua. a waaliog u Hie Irain,, eongk evatnttMua al 1 f oo.uuiiui.mi, art ' ' McrvoHa Uekllliy, Weakne.d Iba.vairiH, km vine lw hiliir awd premature dc ' . ... . . -. i . . m. i. wi leak ,Kai lUrr pr. lira to latal lo Hi. ihniIIiIiiI tsiriene ,,( u,aa aad 111 tlw souni wlwar aot (el U Iwwii oa Victl.ae Irman ii. .Ht-i lin.ninn.il. nun "I'J lil"W INmWll ..7.... .,..1 I......I..... ... ..lis. ... i.. I . r. i.aui i z .711 , "i" ,o"'C r.oM cr -.,.,.,...,....,..,, .,-., ..... w..u. anai how cfWi the. ..erlli. In oilier .ailMl Ihw Milin r i. - w - li.Mi ol (be Heart, I'lapeoeia, lodi .wii.m, "cmineitiefit ef'ihc N.v. vims sTvaiem. S'img'i. ami Nrinpi.ans ol ( imcHmiilioa. li ih.1. eihiu. Mental rfteelc, Heti a kt of d.prwaaL , -J sinrll.or perullai Hi "I Melanr holt, a hn Ih. truth al I bet bael beau ituaed by iadiillii la rrHiek.uc but allarmc BraeliemT dr.tiu.11,.1., b..ib Ibl. ni l Mind Time arc ew.ui ir ,.. lea. elbmiMnda who migM bav beaa af uaw (. lwlr I'uiiiilrv a pleami e In ibeir 1 1 land aud ornainrnl ia Bosirlv. Hrrna Nn. J Mi era raan...... a. left I ncr. ml side going Irom kaltmior ttreet, 7 4Mtr9 trm (be ear. Mr-He parlkularmolieerviiigllie name and number er voa llllllisl.kelbepl.ee ' 7 iry- lkb notice, o!irvlbe Nsmeoit the Ii.,r and Wlnd.i' Cms IVeifnafrd r ae C'a'f ,MJe, ia ices One 14 r Omtm we. rc Nn MUtl IRV UK NA.I ai.(i'g UMIOH l ain- oil. Joiista roi. ' ' M.iob.l ul Hie Kotsl lolbg ol Bulge,,,,., jla,aa( liooioneol llicuiocl eiilllieol I ollege nf Ilia i.i.,l ... iii. ....... . . . 1 .1 u I...... l.t. 1... 1..... .. .. sni ri. .r.ai.r K.ri in w o 1 1. 1 111a n.a if.n ....... i.... Isl ol I,.iiiIi.,ii. I'si la, On Isdebi bin. siol.lu.ui,.,. . . .. (.. 1 111 ifi. nr., ... 1 come id H e in . al aslnni.blng rures ibal ttie v.r iaotva mail doubled wllb ring log m.lbe bead andean a hen aalemi tra aln.r. iisoeai, In mg alaruieil Bl ieliln .,iim,. ,,.,1 baBlifiiiiiM .i.k Ireiiuent blualiliig. aiteudrd BiMiiellmea Willi il.i.n..JL. mind, were eiiieit linioeilialely ' ' A ertalit Disease, Wbrn Ibe misguide .1 end miiiiuiteiii tol.n .,r ol ..... a. u b b.s Imiiibed Ibe seeds ul Ibia p.ialul illsaaaa, il loo olMa bap. penc II al an III limed Sense ol ban,., oc dies, I ol J,...,,,., .il. Ima luui Irom applviug to I hues who Iroui eduettlon tnd ratiiee. labillit ran slim, dtli leuu una, delatbig lill tb. coiieiilaibasal tvintiloiiia id Ibis liiiirnl iliMn.a n.ilr ibelr .eiie.r.nr. a.i lib eialed sure ibrnat, dlaesar t nose, not t'iriial uam. in .. and llmlia, illionn.ot eiglu, dvalneas, lonlea on Iba abln biiaea sud aims, bloli bta mi ilia bead, la e. and estrctnlllee nngrese log with Irlglulul rapi.tllr, nil al l.ai iba palsic id Ilia' mouth or Iba bones ut Die Boee lall In, and ilia vlelliu of Ibitawlul ilitaaaa beeoiMca a borrbl ubjart ul i oinmiM.iauon till death pule c pe riod In Ins tliraitlill eiiHerlnga lif eeniling lliein to "tbat koure Irom wbenee mi traveler relume Teeueh loer.for )r ioha tlau pledget lilnitell lo prit." V the irowt Inviolable terrec and Irom bit rsiensiv. prai In a m the Drat bneplltls In Europe tad Aineri, , be ran i ond.l.ailv Kw wiiai.ad a cafe end speeds eura lo lb unbirliinal nrlim id tide horrid iflavee. " Il Is a inel.mholv farl. Ili.l thousands l.ll .,1,.... , .... dreadful dieeaaa, owing lo Ibe unshilluliiae ( l.nnraiil aeaim,. lere, who, br Ib usa ol thai dresdfuf ooiann. in... .... .... ronaliliillon, and enhar Send Ib iinfnrlunele .ufft.... .. ... Iiinsly giti e, or else make id. residua ol hie life miserable 'lake Particular Ncsllra. I)r J (ddrrssee ell ihoce who liave Injured Ibemselvca he s prlvsle and Improper induljenclea I tioce ioin of lbaind inelsncholy tfltels riroduted he eaily b.liil. ,,( ,.,,.111, v,l tAeaklm of the Back and l.nnbe, rio III lb Head, llliiiutss of ebgbi, I aa ol Mu.'ul.r power lalpltallon of Ibe Heart, llripep.i., .I.rvoii Inii.-nhi. y.! raiigriiisui ul lb lligaailvo t unciiun, lroci al ll.billlt eviap biuie af I oustiinallon , A-e ' 7 ' sieisVAIi.v - I he feailul Hna upon lb mind moeh to b dreaded, l.os of M.iuort, I ooln.i.m ,, ,, lt,.,um . 'puns, Oil F'nreiioilinga, Aversion ol ncetv, n,.ff t tiatt l.ove id Holiiii.le, I ooldiit r , aia auii, nl ibe evils produced' 'Ibouaanila of peiaona of nil af. , mo now (iptg.- w' al is I he Hn' of Hu ll lie, limn beallll l.i.Slli Ibelr ,.. ....l..t weak, pale and emaclnied, bare a singular sppasiaur annul Ilia C etes, couth .ltd stioploins ol I'm iilmn ls. .lahuclsss'c Itsvlgarallim liewieilj, fnrOraaaU Viewkatrw It; tbisiie.il and Importaul -. inrlr, iven,,,,., f h. urgsiic si., speidil, i uied, and lull Vigor resioied Thmisaml. nfibc iml nervous and debilitated, who bs.l itwl all hope, bare beca liuiiieiliaieli relieved. All nopeilinii ma i,, wart iage" phrsieal or Memat lliiunbf, stloii. Nervon liriiabllitv, Tietablm and Wellness, or eibaualalioii of the muM, itarfu I kiatt tn.edllr C'lteil lit Ur Jol,,,,, 1 ' Yonnii .Urn, Who have Injured Ibemealv. . lit a I r i in PrarMr Indulged In when alone -abalni I ciiocnllv learned Inun eV,i rumpaiiHina ',r at crhtHil Ibe rlti-r'.oi wbbb tie m itlv leil. eveu wheel alei, and if not -ure.1, r.ml-t inetrwige b,iH.u,nle ia, as tint both nilml and ood'. should apjdv uooie i luls'ly W hat pliy t t.eii a taong man, lb.' hope i,.a rirtimrr, end the darling id Ins parefii, si,.. old l.. .iihIkIi'iI in.m ill p.o.peria aad novnieiu of I, la, by the entieeiiienrea ol divlaling froia the path ol naliiie, and in lulling in a rartain secret hahtt. Burl, pl ml !c 'bile rniil.ii.pl, Him Kiarrlage, shoiibl reflect thai a mil iiilnil and body are ibe. moat narca. ry reiiiisitea lo pmmo'e rnrtn nl.io I ba.mi. aa. In, Led wIIIhmiI these, Ibe joHrn, , ibroogli lile heioiio-a a wmy pllgi li'uagn, lbs prosoei l i our't ilnrke i. lo Ibe lew , I be m,ml Oeromca shed. ii d tt ilb deapnir nod (lib'd with the iiielam t,o r, Ibo'lbm Ihet ibe bnipities ol auoii -o In-, on, e u I i Med with one own nlfli I M 7 ant III KKKOKIIK s( i Hi Hwr; AM. At L fiaai 'At IM ll f ion faaroaacn ' N II frit,, 1,1..- deb my pirieul you, but apply lumiadl ately either iiersotially r ht Inler. ssist Massa sessmtv erasn Tit siiraiitjcr, The ninny I'loiisands ruied t i , is losiilinlon within tha last twelve years, and Ibe numerous Important surgical Operal! as lierlormed by lr JOII Nel 4, wiiusd by tie reporters of mr dmly papers and many other pert.inaaotlcs of whleh linve sgtin and again appeared bed, re Iba oliliei. . .-ea..i... fiiaialiiee.tbat the afflicted will find I Bkilllul and honorable piiyciciau. Take Rotirc, N. F..- There re o many Ignorauiand wurlhleaa Uuaek. .J . vertiaing themaeirea as l'hylc,an, rullnnglhe health ol I b al ready amiclid, that Ur. JohnsUiu U. ems It uaeeunr low,, am, cially tollmen unsi-,iia,nte. with bis reputation, that his Creijea iini. ir ninifHu.a aiwiva nana m nit omra. TAKE NOTICE. All leltei IUIISI be liiatl n.id. aad eanUia a nrattage stamp fur the reply, cr no stiswer will be cent. March, I, I Med lit Ir llcitM A Ft ' A VI iJmCOR IU TIC I 441MaI."" TO TUB IsADItS. NOTHI.Nlr add more lo beauty than dean, white Teeth, and Gum of btafthy color. The meet beaatitul (sec and Vermillion lips become repulsive, if tk latter, wheallcr open, hibit Ih bcrr'ble apectacle f neglected leeth. All who with clean, white Teeth, healthy l.ara. aada sweet breath, ibould give ZERMAN'S TOOTH WASH trial. ' For tale by C. k D. DcPKE, DruggiiU, . Spt. 2. '54 21 V.'iJmitgtcn,. Q, : Herald and Commercial copy. REPAKED CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, in agreeable Kfrigerntd Lavstiv. Tkis preparation iiei tentivtly ted in the form of Solution or liquid Vitralt, and has gist very general eatitfsttion Frequent appUcaAioar sr a pre paratioo in the form of powaia, of similar aatur and prop crM'es, have suggested tht adranttgei taat mirhtreisltfroea It introduction m that form, etpecitlly hen tha bulk aad weight of the liquid Cttratt, (aa article to jastly eiteeaied bath by phyiloiant and la private families wherever it has, been ascd. would Interfere with Itg being ssnt ts great ditv tancct : it it destitute af bitterness, aad k its altasant aa. cidity of taite and Itt efftrvcccing tharaever, is rendered very agreeable and refreshing drink, at tha same i.m. thai it it good tnbititut for Epsem salts sr ether taliae par- gatiTcs. Roldby ' . ur. A. . bliAULE I , Praggita. BOOKS EN ROUTEA fTsat many New Books en tha way from Cotton, Nsw York and Philadelphia, by Ex press aad sailing tmmIs. Da notice will be rlra af their 8 W. VVH1TAEER. arrival. LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED- rAPF A-e-Fai- Satarday. Fab. ltJih. Received acd fer ttl. Fab. 12th w-wmi a . SALT.-l,00n SACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND j - , 100 bagt TURK'S ISLAND. In stare and fet sale by - WILLARD A CURTIS. T?MPTY BARRELS I,D6d prima aeeoad band ffnit eeenad band H. FLAN Nil UJ Atarreu. jrw ana ay ... j, it. I ir ta. Daa. Ii. Nell North Water it. S)-