. . .r .- a. . . ; I ' I .... - ' ' V - . PUBLISHED BY FULTON t PRiCt: WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADYANCW VOLUME 5.-NQ 206. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 5. S. WHOLE NUMBER 1.442 V . - 1i ( it il 111' It I ! ifl s KiTCS Or ADVERTISING BAIT HUU. Iday, ....... S3 Ida., "I $ w t i. 7 1 wk,. S7 X vaeki,.... 1 5' I a " 1 day tdavs IJayi 4 4v days 1 week 2 weckl 1 month . t BkBtkl 3 month C months 1 Jf .$0 50 . 75 I 00 . I 25 . 1 50 . 1 7 . 2 75 . 4 00 00 10 00 .IK 00 .50 00 ilk, .... . t 00 3 50 00 8 00 ....15 00 2aath,.... . t mBthi, .... a-th, .... 1 MT, .... ... Til lia ax eounUd a a iium, u1 It linei or les a alf--iar. Laagr adverUsemeati ia proportion, and all ayabl. la advaac. Wha mot paid ia advance 25 cent? Mr iurt will ha charged aftar tkt trat iuiertioa WAll half aqaar. aot said for ia advance will b hargd M a aquar. MNt pablieatioa mad withoat a refpoMtbla Bam, jsaa-w-aj-" " a-""""" JASIES M. STKVESSOS, -AGENT for th SALE OF ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, i'tiiiciss SrattT, tdk Adam, Ho. & ( .. WILMINGTON .Jj-C. J';'1 J. . B11KS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERl IIANT. t UlUa WILMINGTON. N- M I U!IS JAMf UP.AHAM GLIDES i GRAHAM, COMMISSION MEllCHANTS. H. , BcaTcr Street, I oik. Particular attCBtioa gien to th wlc of Nav il Store., CettOB, Oraia, aad SoataerB Produce enerU. Liberal aajh adranee mad ea eoniifnraenta. KtfrU Pattaway A Pritcbet , Wilmiagtou, N I,. .faiL T. IWt.-104-ly. , I. B. 1LMOII. t. KIP". IRABI KVI.KY J. R. G1LNUHK Ai t O. COMMISSION MEllCHANTS, Liberal cak advance! made on coiinuif U Nee. 14. 1H5S. jTm. k6iii) w ko. Wll.MIOTnN, N ". IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS" AiiENTS. AN J) I Dealer! in Hardware, Caltery, Iron. Steel. NaiU, Agncul lurml Implementi, kt. Jaa. Ut, 185 GEOKGK W. UW1S, COMVIISSION MERCHANT, South WaUr Str.-et, Wll.MHBION, N Jan. 7, 1858. ,v GKO. A. ilI.I.KHI"lK. GENERAL PRODUCE AtiEST, will, negotiate, boy aad tell good paper, NOTES AND HI I.E.-, on r anabUtermi. NOW ON HA.NU, 4,UUU ol Wi oumh y-'iy. which aafe lnTattaienU can be wade, ut fr om l) to 1 ent. perannnm. NoT78th, 1855 n. K. A. J. GHAOY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , j Oot. 15. Wiuiwr.N, N. i ' JOIH L. CANTWKM-. GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. , Oct. lit. Wll MPIOJun, N ( J. P. CVXMINa. C W 'TVn-'t- Cl'MMINO 8TtllO. COMMISSION AND FORWARDINO MERCHANTS, WlLt.MI.N8 TllNN- Sept. lrt, 18M 307-tf. . 1. 1. UTTILO, w. p Ki.t.iorr. LlTTKRLOtl A ELLIOTT, GenerU CminUlaii Farwartllug Mtn WiiMiMoroi, N C, Keep eonsUntly on hand a upply of Lime, Cajcined PlaoUr, HTdraull Cement, Land Ptiuter, Plastering I l.nr, Ac. h.v Sejit. lit. 1855 GKORUB IIOl'STOSi DtAI.r.K IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND NAVAL STORES COMMISSION MK1UIHV1. Vaaael F o r w i ' K Au .n. Aagart 1, 1MB. Wii-MiNoi .'N. V S. H. HI HKIIOLUKH. I-1MERAL COMMISSION MtRCHAXT P,llilai. attantion ffiren to (iraui, Cotton, Naval Store ndll 8oBthrn oroduce. Reler.loR H L"ry, : . Caihier Bank of the Republic, N'T. Marck 12, 1856.-ltiO-biB. l BATBAWAT. h. HATHAWAY " 1 " J A J. L. HATHAWAY A I .. CrOMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Wii.MiNaroN, . i ijpT hint. '-!f D. C A Ml WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Bpt27 21 tf Wilininirtiin, N. " JOSEPH II. KLAWSEK, GENEIIAL Commlulon Merchant, (J-ly) Wilmington, S- ADAfMt, BROTHER A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wn.MK.oroN. N O. GEO HARRIS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, V July lit, 1964 ?Jy o Burti tiAi'. n pasir C. DbPRF, Il CO., GENERAL AC.ENTS, COMMISSION AND FOR. WARDINO MERCHANS, Wlt.MINOTON, N. . Jaly lit. 1B54 Jr'.nlx7 ?K0j MTTS MOWN, AR.MAXD J. DIKOSSKT, r , R F. BKOWM BROWS & DeROSSET, New York, OeROSSET A BROW N, Wilmington, N . C., 121 COMMISSION MERCHA'l S H. BOLLKI1, O. POTTtR, jr. J. CAMERDR". INILMIER. POTTER & C O.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 161-lyl , New York T Liberal aih adraneei mad on cjnilgn)nnt nx. cronlYi BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, Wilminoton, N. C. Raul Estate, Nogroei, Bank Slock, Bondii, tlotiar llld rrnlur,aBdrerydsoriptionof Piorxrty bought and aold on Bimiiion, ithr at priraUor public ial. yRfer t thpnbli fenerally. Jna 18th, 18S3 21 W. II. McRARY k CO , FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ltrae Balldlng a, Print Mtret, May 20, '54 21-tf Wii.miwoton, N C, I DR. A. O. BRADLEY, ' T T THOLtSALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Articled and VY Perfumery, haijoit opened a Urge and beautiful ai ortnmt af FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new patters and of luperior workmamhip. Port Monnaici. GBtl(Ba't Dreising Cai, Cigar Ca, Hair Brnnliei, Tootk do.. Nail da , Gnt'i Sharing do., FletkOloref, Chi na Wart, Powdir-evffi, Nijktl andSilrcrdo., do. fin dia mond Ulan, do Gelatin, Buffalo Dreeing Ombi, India. Rubber do. JuBeSth, 1854 A. M.yAnBoiifLtii " W. A M. VanBokkki.kn.. VAKBOHKELEI A BROTHER, - WfT.MtnaTon, N. C. MANUFACTURERS af and d.al.ri in Naral Store?. Storeag and Wkarfag for Produce furnished at ir at. Badr inrnraa. if dalrd 9-M ' " A. H. VANBOKKKLKM, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWAR D- PartUalar attention girn to ial aad paMbaa of Naral Store Jan tlOO-ly HKNRY NUTT, FACTDR AND FORWARDING AGENT, willglr hi ptreonal attention to buiiat ntrnited to bit ear. 1 ijS7,18M.-- - y . liril T. 1TITAT, IORO I. F BITCH ETT PSiriWAT PRITCHETT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nortk Wat.r Str.t, Wilmington, N. C. AW Will giT paHitular atUntUn t tha1 of Naval. Stiii, Cottoi, ' Jaanary Md. 18A5 t T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMiI0N MSRCHANT, Jia. S, 186. Wojcvtiot, N. C. W M.i. Mii AUO C GENERAL PRODUCE PKOKER. I Sept 50 l54 -lS-tf WitnrHato, N.C W. H. McKO I . C GENERAL COMMISSION MKKCHANT: ALSO, T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liKOCEK. Stk U tertre WUmingtoB, N. C, iot.adi bal ing at th a boTe tnd a Urge attortweni or G K t V b R t E S, l.lvl I O R and I'ROl10NS, at whclesa' and retail Particular at tention wtl Mpaid t all ardr from th euantry. 1 weald retetfiin iarit th eitiiee of Wiltaingtoa audth B'ljeiniug couniry, t tail aad r iatuiue aiy tok brf"re ur ehiBf lwher. I Intend to earry a gioral roat BtiMioa bminee Tarticalar attentioa will be given U th al of Naral Siorei, and a'.l kiad af prwduf LiWral C'a.k adraace aiade ea emiriif an WiluiingtsB, IVtobertKk. l"OJ 27 tf-Hf B c Wirwt, ust'ii iaic, i r tnnMRkic. UA1 VV .'I KAH r. A IIOIM'JIKM CM M M ISSiON MERCtlAN I S. lit Front Strfet, New York Eciil -ittontioa pid t th ml of Navai. Sr'k, tT T"N. am S)I thkrh I'ROpr i t gfm'ralW Liberal advance tu le on coiisignmvntA J HARVEY CIK MIAN, W !. Rl s..l,L. t IK II It A N .W III VtELL. (coewr to Thoiaai Allirnipe 5l Co ,) f 1ENERAL fCVMMlSSION MERCHANTS. No : ll Nrth Wharves, anj (1 North Water Mre.t. I'mu UKi.iiiA. ar Liberal ca."h advaace made "P . nru ut Julv fu, 1X5.1 tf O. L. Kll.l.i AW 10MM1SS10N MKKCHANT Wii.minb ro- N ( ' IH.Mf March 15th, KK. Dr. A. t). Ult AlH.EY. gm'l ItKl OOIST .V CHEMIST, Wh.mii.ui.iv, (' YW Having iiurcha.'ed th Drug establinlnurnt of Mwr jt S B a. I A Evani, will krp always on hnd, at wholrsul and ret nil. a lrgf and very aslect stock of lrugs Medicines. t'huiical, I'aints, Oils, "Class Surgical luslru lLcntK, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Kancy Articles, at low l'riciM g"fhyician'. Prssi-riptions put Bp correctly and with di-pat'h March 20th. Kil l""f VI.S AM EKMri, KUWARB 'AVAOC AMKH0 V. Si A V A G K , KNLRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Wilmington N '. rj cash advancel ui.vl on consignments ldv;l) KlSSKI.i. .V IIUOTIIKR. (1.AIK KI.I.IB, RBSMI.l. k CO.,) f iK.NKi: AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Wll.M iNOf'-, N I ' I, 1. 1 rut f.isb a Ivaiicai ma le on oniigtiaiuts of Naval Si.irp", t'ntton. and other produce Nllilll.K .V III Xt a., 1 EN I R A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. VT l"0 Erdvt sirkat. New Vi h l.il.crnl a lvun. c" isad on coniiniueiBs C K DIKHI.E May 17 -2lt)-t J H. Hl'.M'E I Millll MM. EN Cl.llM J AM. t . iMI I II v t o., ('MMISSION MERCHANTS, offli second story, eor L n.-r South Water and Market streets. W iluiini'.iiu, N t , where they ure prspared to attend t all buins in lb Commission lin. All buniiicss entrusted to tbm will be punctuilly attend ed to. I 'an II, KMi VO. IMi A I 'LEY', Druggist, is receiving, by nearly o . ery jacket, fresh mpplu" of Drugs. Medicine', ( hcnn c.iU, Trusses, Si.pporter, Surgical Insiruiuciits, Patent Med iciiiis, I'crtumcry, Eancy Articles, Taint', Oils, Wnich.'.-, U iii.l'iw i ila.H, ke - All articles lurni-hed to I'liysii-iani are guaranlicl l" be i.t th.. best iuality, and will lie sold low to cash buyers Wilmington, .N C , April 10 Horald cojiy ) MAOVM IIOISR, riKKKi.r mkm. noKOKi'a, Wt.l Mile ltailral. Gllkoi o . . ? THIS EXTENSIVE AND WKLL-KNoWN PI'H tJIki I .M il.lislimeiit ban been purchased and reopened ty the sniiscnljcr tor the recej.tiou of gucots on th Hh int It is pleasantly and conveniently situated in ths centre . businof.-, nnd is directly opposite to, and WI T of ihe Ticket. Oflices of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Cen trul Railroad Companies, where the curs stop on their arri val and departure, and where faithkci. !mv ann wn.i. nr. i wa tino to take baggage, and give such other uttcutions as the traveller may requir T HE Hot Si; hm been remodelled, repaired, and thor oughly renovated from cellar to garret, and turnishsd laro' out with new furniture, seloeted with i.eeial car, aud ar ranged with an eye single to the comforti of th casual eue.'t or permanent boanlor. THK TABLE Will lie richly furnished with the substantial, the dainties and delicacies of the seasons, foreign as well as domestic markets wiil be rendered tributary to the constant supply, wliich will he served up in thu best HyU by orderly, oblig iuir and well-trained servants. THE HA I! Will be a storehouse of the best Wines and Liquors, and su perintended by a gentleman of eouilesy and integrity, thor oughly acquainted with his business comprising the knowl edge of what is du to th rights and comforts of th pub lic, at well as to himself and his employer. THE STABLES, Which arc among the best in th State, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful and careful manager, who will al ways have under his caro th best and most eiperienced ostler-, and it will be among the chief cares of the proprietor to se that horses of his ticsti be well led and thorough groomed. T his entire establishment hai been purchase I and fitted up at an enormous opense, and it will be tli pleasure, as, of ooarae, it will be the interest, of th iubsoribr to render the Hous in every respect ea.ua! to any in the country, lie therefore trusti that a generous public will renew and con tinue the liberal patronage heretofore eitended to this lloasi whil under the care of its former proprietros. Mrs. Borden, who rained for it a celebrity throughout the entire I'nion. Aug H, l5 -2!l-ly. H. R. NIXON ( I.AItKMXIV MtOM WdltliS, WILMINGTON, N C. A. II. V AMIOKKELKS, Proprlt-lor. riniK .,,h.riV,r havinis purchased the entire interest in I tin. " ('LARENIK)N IKON WORKS," solicits orders i for Steam Engines of any power or style Snw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery and Pumps Crist and Elour Mills complete. Parker, Turbine and other Water W heels Uice Field Pumps and Engines Iavitt'i Corn and Cob Crusher-. Kic Threshers. Shingle Machines. Shafting, Hangers nnd I'ulliis. Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns Brass do do do do do lKomotiv and Tubular Boilers Flue and Plain Cylinder Hoilers. Blacksmiths' Work of all kinds. Iron Doors for HoueS nnd Jails. The Establishment having been reorganited for the ex press purpose of Insuring punctuality in the execution of, all orders, the public may rst latisfied that any work which may offer will be promptly Ulivrd according to prnrais, and of such workmanship a eannot fail to give satisfaction. T HE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT being in charge of men f talent and xperience, 1 have no hesitation in say ing that the work hereafter turned out ihall compare fa vorably in every respect with that of the most celebraUd in the Statci, aniat prices which will mak it to the lntmt of all in want to lend me their orders. REPAIR WORK always done without delay ; and hav ing a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any perion needing such, to giv me th preference, with out regard to expen.-e of lending the lata from a diitance. Order! will be addressed to "Clarendon Iron Worki," Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Oct. 15th. !M-.f rtlOAIS CIGARS ! 10,000 ht Havaaa Cigar- J prim articl also, a fw boxi koie 3bwiB To bao. For ial h O a U. DtPRB, Jan 2nd. Markt 9trt. TO OCR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. Jaunary. 195w, haa rolled around, and w hav our aoeount mad out t that data. Those indebted, will confer a favr by ailing and paying up whatever may b da. Wi mi-jt mati hohit. " A word to th wis i uflint.n . . JONES at FOYLES, Jaa.8, 186, u&aNo. 50 Markt itmt. NtTIC K, rt"UIE uWiifcr katiag iuihtd kiietitr-t ia th A JwaRtrv i , in t..n, tij rfdv to erft for anv kiad ef wrk ia kit tin of 'aiuf. a. t"jrr.ntrr aad Ctatratr. li, U . KtK. T Kepairtng dn eeitly aad with di)U'h leb.Mh.lNVJ IX!3ta -tHrl.llMip Mviirt:. I'M. K I T'.E Y havug leen a luiitd ww it ur Sriu, the reovral v'oatiuiMtn ku- ni-.. r.t M thi ittf , wit! be ontinwed undor t!. nam ni wvl.' ..f J 1 t L. II TI1AWAY 1 CO. N- K. l J H TH. W.Y it son rtf ulh u lo liiktl WilltlilllllllM. ll.ll(.i (IN COOK IIIVIIKIIi. .loot In I o ihrtat Krar Hank Uitali. 'IMItS e.-tablishmriit, wuieh is complete in every depart- 1 inrnt requisite tu aciuiinilate the tiusiness of this )'', and will heroafter he under the sole coiitrd of Mr. ITllLll HLINSBbRi .El!, who is fYi 11 respects a finished work man, and will take pleasum in executing work left aitli him in a manner calculated to gite th fullest satisfaction lo all who may he inclined to patronize him T he iilaterials and Min k tor t lit bindery w.-n puictiasi'd andbitught out l.y in Irora tlio N.ulli with ut si v etpecta tioti of profit, save in the lei oiiiinoilstiou to I... alloideil to our-asl-vys and olheis who nii'ht .h ive l.iudiiig t.i lie Julia, and n it II I lie view to olmete ihe hcv-sity of s.-nitiiig ahrosd lor It, wilk Ihe troul.lc. . xpen., , and dvlny unavoiiidii'ily ineuirvd in so doing Mr 1 1. iii-I'i i i;er h.is no Ihe nv .f t he M ilerials, ml we lespecti'ullv a k of the .-oplri.f U'iliii'ii;lon and the surrounding t ounl ien lo fin to bun sueh a support us will en able him to continue Book Innding as a pcrtnaiienl luiainesa in this pl.o e, as it cannot t ill to he a very great aecoimuoila tioii and advantage lo the eonununily kDi.ton l i'i;ici; 1 laving the u' ol I he Book-Eluding Materials of Maasrs I' ulton & I'm e, I will give in v entire attention to executing all ordeisfor I'.ouk ItiiKling in lie- taiioiis I. nineties, promptly aud in the lo st manner I foal confident of being ahlr to do in y wnrk as well, and on as favourable t run as it -an be done in the Northern Cities T he patroting of ll.o public is rcspl etfullv solicit! d. Nov. II, IS..1 ritii.u' iir.i.?s.r.iirii-.K. G IHol'ND PI. ami.i: r ous, ill bugs of200lhs each CEO IC'.T'M.N ' for .ile l.v ' 1 1.I I. - III - . 1 fept.lO cut grades for sale bv CEOKCE ol' I'ON KV K STUCK i l.l. ll( li. extensile, and Y ill; E.Al.E re are oflcriag 'S nnd I m nils V jfreMf lisrjruin- U e re.-peetfullv in men of iliningion ie i eal li . .in Ihe Lad-cs HEDRIOK A RYAN ( ict. I V." EEl'STTi I Eli iris"rtU Y il' TTIECIUMEA.NC A M L paign Pi n c J'i . ' .Nov !Mh Tanker.-'Ta.-e- ) Aii assortment on l let '.'7th Eor Mile at W. WlilTAKKICS AND CdEI.Et T't 'US' Bonis.-- - and and lor sal-' at s W. WIIITAKER'S I'l AMI I C.MAG. IIERSON" wirli ii.if their 1'i.inos or Ai ordeniis tuned and I lepaiied. will lesve their ordsrs or m-'t r uiucuts ut t lie olll It of ll,e ll'.d lll'H, ICS' lo.-r in putt, r,- Bakery Nov 17th l tl II EH MASS I -icilK EINklf. i i'Rs eor fMPItE--HN I'AI 4 --"K I I 't li V the shvvit or ..iCKng IK-C. 4' at S W. WHITAKER'ss. tKUtl.!.'1! PATKM' SAFtri'V I. AMI' AMI LAMP FF.FIlEll ANEW A UTTCEE, warranted to pruvenl all accident! from the u-e of tluiniif I'ltwl, ('tiM)ihrnr, iihiI uthir t'r'lnnfe Cothi inn's, used for I he produei ion of light - This invention is applied to all common Lamps and Eaaip I ecilers , alss, to '-ular, ( ami henc Lumps, Lanterns , iV c. i ; i;t iiti ate. W i i i i Mi I on, N C ..luiie .ilh,H., I hnri l.y eert.ly that I Willi. th" evperimi nts ef Mr Nvw. ll. with hi. patent ,-n'ct y Eiitnji, for furnishing " fl old " and am perfectly satisfied ol the sulci y of the saaie, Ias II Illl'KlO-l We me prepared to fill all orders nt short notioo, for every deseripiion and variety of Eiunps, fcc All persons are cautioned against inli inging upon the above t.atsDt. as ihe Us will he liin-lly en'orted aL'sin-l all offeii ders C H l in IT! i; .tunc JS -tr (Ml. i i it 1 "-. ..r silo CEiiRG 'I TN lV HALES YARN AM) SHKKTTNG f ,i rah U Ma.v lihj W H.JVIcliAliY by A M K5' HP.tDl-i A.lll Js-JD 'VEl,. --ID il.s (.1 rll l from I- net iry. for sale Ly i.Bt) ll"l.5TO' I) EASTER PAR!-. -I al.-nied, lor sale by I' GEO III" AITIMMIW .l.tS, HIMJOW t.lit". .VSm Boxes VV I rench and American Wit-daw ' il an s from 7x9 to 21 xi. Eor sale by ' ri n I'll K, i-t Wholusalti Druggists, VViiiiiingtun . Herald and C"inereinlC"py. AtR.E R DITiKEI-;. Chemist of New Y'ork. hsi at last 1 succeeded in producing the hsst " Pakinr fowdsr,"x- taut. J he genuine article can alwnys i I'.BBit Iron, at Nov X. Dr. A. o BR Mil r.V'H Drug t. we Ol'liAII-l am hourly expecting the arrival of .HI bbl O and ID hhds ugr. dill. rent grades, and which will be GEO llol sToN sold low for rati' Feb. I. rTHII!!) AND l il'KTTl volumes of Mu'auley History X of England, received a .d for sale at Jan. IK W WIHTAKER'S I'OltK. 100 BBL' Oct v FAMILY MESS PORK FOR SALE I'.Y 22 PETTEWAY Af PRITCHETT. in ii" ai v s f hu(;aia : : i- .r.:.... i. :.:.. lifiMfvTiM AND I I. are Oiieiiojf pic.il loiji u.- oi I.-.. -,i i n . v l u.i i 1 'i '- Oct 22d IIEDRICK A DIKK I' KflOM THK KACTOHY. r BALES more of North Carolina NEGRO CLOTHS. U Jnst rseeivnd ..... (let II EUR K h A BY AN. ITOTATOES, -1"U bids. riih pl.uiting Potatoes to arriv IF For sile by WfLLA I ID A CLIi 1 ISt, rHKNIl M AOtlTTHK AVOIll.ll. TEST RECEIVED FROM PIKENTX DISTILLERY, ,) perSchr. lewis Mulford, FIVE BAR RELS OLD MAG NOLIA WHISK E Y, also, on hand, a geauina article of OLD HENNESKV fift ANDY, (Vintagi l-4d ) Forial by law. 5th WM.l S. TOWNSHKSD. I A LT Usui sai'ki Livtrpool now landirg. For sale by j Jin 1" m WILI.AKIli:(IRTI?. C COFFEE. -20-bagi Rio Coffee; -j 10 " Laguayrado.; In malts Old Brown Java do : Landed and for sal by WTLLARL) k CURTIS. Feb. 20. Ut'ASO. 1 ;'BAG? ia itore, nd Tor by lOU ' " ADAMS, BRO. k CO. " F.b. 20th. lc, X'! Ml I ; S W. vV HIUHER..' II i v v v ar iaw.--. . s. X..T-; l.i! rT - .-,( ,!i.f.' - -vpicaiber 2."th, ISil 17-ly CAIIPKT, OIL-4 Mrrii. At l.w HrW far t a. ! OBonan n. x.. htatt. " ' H mod t! -Ut .4r (LltlM,) NEW YORK. I IAS NOW IN STOKK. AND 1 CONSTANTLY RE 1 A civ irjj i i.m, li. wn.u.AwpuriB anna r t itrm. CHl- tu wkk k b laviie aabli atUwttua, aelitviBg . ......1.ilii.i..oi1, aualily aaa pri.-s, wiil prote tatistawory t Mrrvhants aad Parckasvrs genra!lT. who buy l.rt.h Hi Xuk eMstts uf K 1C II V ELV KT T A I'tM'li Y Jc K K U sE l C A K PETS, it kiw ijtiii SI PERIOK hiNiiLlsli AND AMERICAN U'LY, ai l smsb a t ralrara ; I owpiismg waay Ntw PrT-., aiasW einrmly for Int. claaalrad. Al-o Twilled aad Plaia Veactiaa Hail aad Mair CarpU. AHI-ClMh. ia wldths froas 1 to 21 fi.i various qualitie Kk h Maaic, Tutted and Con.taoa llesr'k Rags aud iHwr Mat of di8iTBt i.rts. Table aad Piano Cover, vf ehoic ittem. 4 1. 5-1 and t 4 llaid and Plaia Maltiugs Window .-hdc of icMrt! Stvies. Stair Coverings, Stair-Ko.li, ml all other artlclei usually kept in Carpet Mores HE IS ALSO At! ENT FOR SELLING Caihart fc Ny'i Powr lut T'br. ITy aad Ingraia Car Ht, as well a llarbsr' Auburn Prison-la d Brusll 3 lly, Ingrain and ertian Carpets and Ragl. All which will bs fairly represented lo purchaser, and sold at i air cm iv Juno 22. I.VV-247-1t OUR MOTTO ZB "TO FX.I1ABB. w v SB at a" s W sY 4 Vskw WlllHlugtOH VUTft'TH I'KK .vl A 'Mil E harrikor rsp Ioh ailll,llarHr, l AM I' r AC TORY., rirnanv laiorais tna tiaaii. ik.iki 1 kMplconstaatlyoB kaad a Urr assort mant .1 C ms k. I.lg.an4 siulky llarnraai l.a.l)'' antl iat Iciwrn'a lil s.lli Mlrs. AA hlsa,tr. Trunkl, Vallsn, Saddl ad Carpel Hags, Satchels. fanev T runks. k,v Alwavsoa hand a larg-supply ..failing l.iulkvi aad '! y sirla.atd all other articles usually found ia aueh tstablishuirati, all f wk.'k h warrants to be of the best material snd work manship, and will bs sold low fonusA, vr on tkmlrrtiht l pr tas p i cusiomcrs addles. Harness, trunks, Medical Rag Y,iiiadto orler ilari.rasand Coach Triiutaingi sold at a lair prli io irsons ouving lo maouiaciur. nips at wtolasale Allkindsof Riding Y'thiclesboughtaadioldoneoinnii- lon lOIIN 1 CtiNOLKY. KKM tbk M( IUMIL. INA S MlH'IIK, recentlv Principal a I iss V El! ill Hoarding aud I ley ehlHll lor Yuan ladies, ia Naw heme, N C , proposes to establish on Ihe 1st i,f (Mll,ar HiV, id the town of Wilmington, a DAY ! 'HOOL in which will lo taught th ordinary branches ol an English ducal!.. ii T h number of pupil will be liinittd. Price of luitiou I illy dollar per session of niu nionthi. The school will be opened in the brick building immidia'uly id joining and south of Mr t G I'arslev's residence, on Se ond street August 7, l-iu'i - -- ly BLASTING POWDER - KM) kegs, bast qualltv.Just r. cei it I and for sale low, on manufacturer account, by luly II DrROSSKT k KIlltWN. P. S Auy quantify of Hi above, or othir descriation ol Dapont's Powder, can h lurniihid in this plac. it short no tice, and on the moat favorakl trnn Apply as short t I It! I I. A II HAW M. 'pilE Subscnbar has Just cnuiiiUted hli arrangsmsali fur 1 supplying the fir if CIRCULAR SAWS leads, and for keeping a Mock on hand of all liiei, up tu AO Inobss Every Saw warraaled, and luld at Manufacturer! prlcM EM. ROBINSON Wilmiiiglaa, N.I', Jin ISlh, lHftg Ju Dr. A. . MUA1ILKY, I Alll'titilsT It CHEMIST. Suocsor to . H. ic J. A 1 I'.va.nh, V kolcsal and Rtail dsaUr In lragi, Mdi- cincs, ( hemieals, f'alnls, Oils, Glass, Patint kledlcln!, I'rfumvry, Cigari, (ld llrainli and Wines, Ik , Are , at low j.ricus iNorlh U est (ornr front and Ma-kst strestl v iliiiiiigtii, N I : , March 21), I V, IWvtf 1UEIM REAM. Lip Salve, Ac v o f-'reshlv in ari r for chapped hands, lips, iov. jn Dr A. O BRADLEY, Drurglit. ,i i, 1 1 1 1 t 'i.i , -rv r : . o,oin. rrin, an (I l Ira articlo. wariniilad t riv satlsftstlon forsaUbv VI t 1 1," I.' I UllOk'l.'M W M I U ' I I f III Mi u . JONES EoYLRs, Markst strut Ml III AI., UK HERMANN E M IIBEINEK has ritirnid.and il "ill lesum Ins MUSICAL INSRDC I .JNS on I fust ol I ictobcr licit. !-M'hoari will picas,, send in tu n names ns soon as conviiiient Mipl. 2Nlh, KV'i. COI tit IAP.lt Ml IP Mi'llCK. 'PHI. uu lersigned have this dav formcl a Oo partn hip, 1 under tho firm of El T I Elfl.t HI V I El.. I iT'T , and ill continue t he 1 .eusml ( omiuission and Forwarding Inisi-ii-- E I LI' I T ER E( ill, ep' 1st, ! .' W. P. ELLIOTT. I I. Ill It, ( Olt. AMI IOIIACI tl, I'ST R El LIVED per Railro.d -for sU bv Sov 3. CDMMLNii fc STYHoN. .1 fit EMI CON'iiliESS WATER. -Ilsneived and for sale A O BKADI.EY. fept II h I iruggist li Chiuilst. z INC PAINT Sept. dllk Sold by A. O. BIlADEIaY. IS-I'Mllr- llwIlll' HOIK K. 'riii; i;: L a eo pa L'NDEKSE.NED HAVE THIS DAY KORMED parlneiship. under lb style o( Wii.I.aId 11 Cl'RHV and will com iuur the ( . EN i; R A L COM M ISSIO.N, W HOLE SALE lilinCEItY nnd PliOVlSION BUSINESS, at th stand formerly occupied by J. A. Willard, No 10 North Water street J AMI-, A WIEI.AKU, HENRY M CURTIS li 75 If Wiliuingtori, N C, .fi I in v isi'.ii iuip: oi tlllt I'll A HOI. IMA. HE A I' i VI. BOOK l'o( I'l.w ciii'ii.s or I 'r iee each , cash on delivery Appl v to I. rs." lo.Ro-.-ET k BROWN. i ( dUN TANT'S OWN HooK. AM) RUSE 'I HE h i M ui's Manuel A compenil of Ihe Principles and ice of iMuostic aud Kop-ign T rade, Mercantile Law I siig'M, .Vlere mi lie Aiilhmeiic, Banking, Esclnnre. Prac anil c By Win P. M llo-s, Princinnl of Ihe Pkiludi lldiia ,r".nitile Instiliitc, author of s " Praetieal Systrm of l)eu e Entry I'.nok-Kreping," &e Seenud edition. Heceireif and for sale at Deo. lib. S. W. W II (TAKER'S 1 nt'n NEW II VENIEES.-Kit Barn's Adventures or, Th Vains of .noil Manner Bv Mary Cowd in Clark. Hi- Miirician's Show Box, and nthi Storlri By th an- tlior of " Maiohows lor I hildisu " .fust publishsd For ..lo i,i W WIHTAKER'S. Ian IK, IS' Kllll HALK. 0yr ACR ES PINE LAND, situated Immediately upon ' ) 'th" Wilmington and W' si don Railroad, four to flv miles from depot at Wilmington. Also, 60 acrei ol RICK o; MEAIM'W LAND, situated between For Put and Thoiuhury, 1 1 of which is Ine swamp land. For terms. Ac , 1 apply to M. CRONLY. Oct.. 2, KkV 4ft.tr. TO THE LADIKM. w T E A I! E SELLING a great many bandsora and cheap HI, ir'N'in at price that dfr comnot t on - Also the largest stock of EM BllUlDh I! 1 ES inch li COE LARS, FLUE NC1NGS, Ace., ever opened in Wilmington, which we will clc out at an advance of 10 per ent on whoUssleprieei HEDRK'K Ar. RYAN. Qt 2. 1A HIC llfllOAO COirSITT PLAI-KEfl.- A". N' 'THE II lot of all wool Plaina-is t.i best article for Negro clothing to b foundjust rtonived by Oct. Intfc. HEDRICK A RVA.-v. IsllOHIM AlAO iIIIP.(IT1-FK. fl CHEAP AND NUTRITIOCS ARTICLE OF FOOD iWuT' hre,-f"r",e b7 C.KO. HOUSTON... A LYRIC OF THE GOLDEN i AGE, by T. .. H.rri.. il For sal at H. W. WHITAKER'S. Jaa 21. H CI. 11 IB I ll'ST Ri:CETVED, by Adarai & Co' Express, 300 aia. I . i la.in.n Oninin. For sal br - c. & v: ventr Oct. 12th. WholwaU Drngglsti, 4ft Markst-it ULAasilA Ctfl. TUST RECEIVED a lot for IWptloi. - ,J Foritlaby . O. It D. DaPRE, Not. 24th, 1S-W 45 Market atrael. : 1COU IAbK Oti Ills. "IT. tK THE HOUSE AND LOT RECENTLY OCCUPIED QJkrO. DaPra. . . C is, D. DlTRE. Spt. 24, 18M.-H U . (Uw.aopftt , , - sa s-ss sisaaaaai aasa.aiVTaa.a BALTIMORE LOCK HOtPITAL. iHXTng joniiaun, TH t f.Jer 4 tbt CVekrte4 laasttBiiM afar tv. n r lata. tsl, aa4 aatv illwiaal rawnds ia it mm tttttiZ? SHitrtarea, iwiimI rkaea, Paiaa tas live iMmm. I'tmrnttm nT. I IWkiiilf. Impnsaary. l ae- mf IN Bar I ana Uwaa, 4 Boaaafih Kul. eva, SlrNs'l- a of tN M -, map tse liru.bililf, Vmrmtm w( lb Ni4.TkeaL K". ar aiHt; ,) ISoa aertoH tm4 saclaaraely Pivordrr arias frwa tttt ft,, tranir Kakita al V.ia.w. Isaims Btmsi Kd, ..a Taaaa ad ai ul tery prarlleew aar Utal la tnctr vw-ihb Ibaa lh owif M Ko rraks lb aisnr ITyaaas, klKHtma ioir a. at kulliaal hopa t aaticipaiuaa, nnix. rrMua A , iKipoMlbl Taaaa Ma. Mpeewll. wtw navw ikmm In vtriitai at ftoJiKry T (ti r.tdlut aad weairwett kakM. wk tk saasM'fy sweep as aa aa. IiwmIv travw thwawaal fwsaf IMS ef lb aowl aafie4 tak. aa tmi kulliaal IMIUvt, wbo w.lM aVrvw aav trae4 katMiafBaaataa Mh ik tkasMleraal wasaa, ar wsksrf la a (C" y taa HTtag lyra, mtmy aail aKk n i I Jim. smii. MarrxJ Peranaa, ar Yun Had aawiBBlatl aisrrtaM ka Hiwaral rtivaxal xakaeaa, Oraaala Isekllur, Uefcieavaiaa ' jF n"u,1 iwdiatty eoaiult lr ).,nd krwMora lifa II wbaplarr Uwwlf aadar lb ear af tw -vtraeo rlii.iuatv cvailil ia Ft k,Mr a a frtlaaa, J aoBadaBifw rly ap-w to skill aa a khvsclaB aaoaii7 OriaU AVaakavaaa lmwHMely aurad, aad lull viaor raawsl Tins lima M tlM foaliy ai i danoaaily pi4 k ikaa .k. I.IIS keeosae lh vkllusm iranroawr indulfeataa. Van as aara,M aieliaiapt toenMiniil (Irrwrcfinsn Bntklnwraf tb iTiiTt ul ennarunaace Ibat ais? easn Nw, ba that aami...i. ukjerl will peetaad la lhl Ut fwt f p.aareailna la La 'J .".b i-'-r" uf lite BrudfaL B. sole, krln deprirrd lb vlaaaur of healths ss.Jl. . ... iat a rtous s4 iralructlv sywploai la ksak Wis an mlmZ six. lliesyslMil karoWMIeranfOa, lh pbvtieal aad a.....! IMiwers weakened, aervoa drbllil. dyapeia. aainii.i.A. -,.71 heart, indiiMtlim, a waatia ef the Iraaia, sa. yaiiaraa si eontumimua, art. ' r BKETBa Uaaillty. Weakaeaaof IbocvU'ui, Nervou tl kililvaad ni..i.. rsy eneiMy arwM from It. Uratrwetlv hakllaf yaullL thai anL lUrjv pracika au laial tu in iwatniul aiiMane af wiaa. ad o tl.. ........ . . .ml a.rf L. m.m.m k. . ft,.-.. ' " W ' .... r '".- .nim iraiaka tana raaeenf lb 4ar k wiitah Ihey aakjaal Ikeiaaatvaa. rarVnu nd lluariliaua ai eltaa win lad wHk reaper) tm h( " " amirc ol dlseaa ia their oa aad wsrda. A I haw fla da they kn'ribe l.i allxr cause. Ilia wasiina af the fraiaa, P.IB Ea. lion ol lh llrarl, llappia, In J i f(ioe), Jarannaat a? lb kZH vousBjrsleui, l ong h, and Myiapinni of Cunauo.nuo, ti. ikaaw aeiinua Mental fleet, such kia of Memory, dsoreasUa o? splrlis or ptruliar til MeUachuly, w haa Hi Irwlia) h(r kava beau (aimed by Indulginf in Psraktau km allurluf sracilceaT drattucilvito kmh Hodf sad Mind. Thu ar wp( rraas .?. leaceliinuMiiils who Hii'il liar ka af aaa tatnair Coa a trv a pleasure lu Ihsir friends adwnamsntsteB.wiaiy, ' Drnca ko. J Kovtb raaaaaiea Ir left hand thtt ln from Balllmor trt, 7 door irwa th aar. nr. tlk-ns particular In okiervlng th mm and lumber f Tub will mlstak tli pi. ' U k-Tska n.aica, okeervth Nam on lh Ptmr and Window A Cur Ifarranfsw r a Cef Mult, in frm o m TS,a M NO MKRI'I V OR NAf agOI'l )R( USI Ksign IIH,dUIIITO. Meuibar of tha Royal I'olleg of HiirgdMii, Ijiniha Oradaal It uik of tlx mat ialanl (IImm of iba CaHad Bi.i j llieiieeiei part ol whoa Ilia ha !( sixui la ine Iras Hn.ni. tal uf lAiubuii, Pari, rhiladalphia, ad lawlir. h iffkoUd nine of lb inoi aatnnlslilnf cur that wia crsr kwa maay iruutiled wllh rlHiing ln.ll hesd and ear w kati Mbvep, r'iaar vuusiieaa, ben aTaruied it suititen und(, and buliiuln, wtth lteiu(iit blinhlni. ttnUed onitlw wllh drngmal af inliiil. wersrursd lnini(dllly. A Crtala Dl(a, Wbeii Iba miMiildad nd imorudant Volar .r ,!..,. a. a. he has tuihlbeil I ha ed of thla painful dlaaae, It tna ode baa. pens that sa III timed Mns of ihaiua, or draad of diaoovary d ix Iilin from pplyliif to tho wtio from iWate and ra'p lability, ean akm bfrlnd him, t(laysn till lh oalitailoa,l riMMi.uia m una ..ir apHsaraaa, un ukaraled kora throat, disessed no, nocturnal palm la tb k4 ad limb, dluiiioau( aljtit, daalnawa, nodxoa lb Ihla konaa, ml aims, blotcliewon lh head, lar, ind strdnltle. p roar aaa lug with frlahttul rsplilHy, till at last th palate of lb month or thskMiMof lh max fall In, and lb vlntliu af ibli awful dlaa bscmaea a horrid nbjarl af enininMaerslhMi. till death put b rlod to hi dreadlul iilsnnis by asmlliii ihsm la "Hut kuura Irom whsnc no trsvdtr return " T uc b llirfnr Or. Joha iso plds liiimelf lo prsaorv lh mol Invlolsbl ocrer, aad from hi slnlv praetirn lh Aral hospluHiln (uron aid America, lis can couflileally recommend a isfs ind lpdv car lo lh unforlunal Vlcllin of llil horrid dla, ' Il la melancholy fact, thai thousand fall Victim U thla dreadful dlaea, swing lo lh nnskilluloaa f l(nornt prta ifer. who. bv Hi ax ol Dial dreadful poiana, maieura. ni ronsliliiinin. and lthr nd Hi unlurlanal aulTkrar u lonely fiava, ar la make lh rldu of hit j fa anlarbl. a a it a rsruiaisr nous. Dr. 1 address all thorn wtm hiv Iniurad Ihsmulu k. private and Improper Indulrencle. The ir lom of lh d ind melsneholf ifTkcta prod net d h arly bablu of youth, ell t Weak af lh flack and I.I in b, rain In Hie lleml, IMmncw of aifht, f of Muceular rwr. ralpltallon of lh llarl. Iysppia, Nervou Irrilablllly, fa raneiiinl of lb t)l(dlv function, flen Dsb.llty, yaip. loai af I ousuinplloii, d-c. r Msntai.lv- 1 1 Issiful slTeri upon lh mind tr much la ili.e,f, Lo uf Memory, Coiifudoo of bleu, Don (Minn f splrlis. Evil Korahndini. Aversion of Bocieiy, Heh lilasiud, l.ovs nf loliluile, Tlmidiiy, e , ir lom f th (vtii produead i limisnmls of prnn of ill e, en aow )ud( what th cause of their declining kllii. Lniing lhlr vior, b amlna weak, l( and emaciated, kava a lingular ippuranc snout in eves, coiiin sinl symptoms of loniinnntlun Or. Jolmstoa' lavlaarallnt ltaistr rorOraaala Wrakaea By this i eel and linportsnt -eineilr, weakness of h ( r si.eily rnre. and iiih vi.r reamrea ihmieand af iba iniai nervous and d(klllited, whobidkwt all hop, hav .aa iinmeitlslely ratleved. AH laipedlinem to Msrrieje, ri.tdral or Menial DikoiislinV.tion, Nervou IrrlKblllty. l'r(wblln aad Wfakneei, or rihauitloii of III molt fearful kind, inaedllt enred by Dr Johiislnn , iwnna; incss, NMioluve injiircl tbeniMlve kv I trtaln Prnile Indulged In wins sloue- a Initio fifiiuenily learnd from evil am anima, or it school -th ene oi which nlg' tly fan tvea i.ea sleep, and If hoi cui.l,ro iters uiirlfe liupossii ie, end it, suoya both ml'.d and body, honld apply imiii lniely W hat .ny Ilia) J' ii usn. Hie h p of In ammiry, and I'.e darting uf his psrenis, should be imtthed frma ill p euri nd eli)uyo,(nlnl lit, bf lb couaeqiltnee of d-vialln fruu. Ihe path of nalUK, and ln.lulln III a tsrUlu atcrct liabli audi periona bslm i conUiuplsU'if arrlaa, should reflect that a ntt"d mind and biafy ar th m.sn neeea ry rrquiaiica to pnmva cmtniibtal hspplneas. In.iaed, witl.uui Ihes. ihe Jwui ny torouih III bcome wej pllgrima;. Hi piiispect . ourly ilarbsn lo ill view I h tiiiuo l.ecnmee .had owed with despxtr and Piled with Itx melancholy red i, i,a lh Impintiea nf-itwdba. becm blll.i(d with .Mir own OlFilK 7 smIIII mKI'fOHIi K BI Ha fmarf Aff A li. oaicL iVaaarioat PiasoauiB N ll-Lin.i Ills dc,. ey prvenl you inn i.pply Iminrdl- lely llhsr pronllr oi bv letter KIM BlaSS" CSIIIILV CUKBS 1 o ' trati((rfc. The many t'.ouaeods iunda I s Instlliiilnn wllhlu th last twelve veaia, mil 'tie nmio mil linjioriiint nrgicl Opcrall n performed by 1st JlillTH-, wHn.ed tiy n,e reporler of mi daily ppr and insuy Hhr psranna-nant ea of which have nnin ami (in p,isrd kefor lit public -i a inrB ln gus.aniee, that ll.e afflirKil will ind a akiillu! and koaorfekl phydclan. Tak Julie. N. R --Therr n n any ignorntaiid vorthleu Quaekl id vettnlni tnemielvr ts ehisieian, tulmnf ih hlihn lb al. ready aftlletrd, thai Dr. Johnaum deems il oareaaary t ey. daily lo I In sic nnicqunlnteil with Mi reputation, ti.it tt I eredin Hal or dluhima alwayi oing in hi ofltc. TAKK NOTICk All letKre lunai u post paid, and contain a pisjlsf iisuip for ttiiieiihr r no iniwir will b eot March, I, li HM? illOHM Ak'a AkTUtUltHlllt TO TUB ZsADZn. NOTHING add mor to btanty than clean, whit Itk, and (uia of healthy color. Tb mst kiautitiil faes) aad vraiIlioB lips bfcom repaliiv,lf th latter, wbB Ihsrr n.n ..hii.ii tha harriol irxctacl f necfectfd fsth.' All who wish clc.n, white Teeth, h.alfby Gaial. aad a ! breath, should giv. ZEKMAN'S TOOTH' WASH a trial. " Tor -.1 by 8 U D. DrtPXE, JJrnglln., Sept. 2!. i-2l) WillulBgt0B,N. C... llrald ami L-omuisrisi ""i'.i IJtKEPARED ClTKATfc OF MAGNESIA. tagraaWl I Hefrirarant aid Lasativ. Thil preparation illtnilvlj tud in the form ( &tltion ar ryuid t'lrac, and ha gtvi rcrr general latiifaition FrUnt apaiicatiea. r a pra naral ion in th form of rowBta,f ilmilar aatut and prtva bava soriested tb advantae lait iniihtrisalt froai iti introduction td that form, ipeciilly bin thr.hulk aa' weight of th liquid l'itrtt, (aa articl to Justly tmi both by physicians and in private familial wherrrtr ik baa bm used.) would interfsr with it being Mnt t grat dia tans; it la deslitat f bittrn!, and ly f.ti klsasaat aa cidlty of tajte and itiiffsrvisoing charaetir, li randerwd a very agrssabl and refreihing dnak, at th Hta :, that It is a good lubititot fr Epoa talta or tkr lalia pa gatlvu. Hold by " . a .' mi iro r rv t lt e. naauuci a sraga""' B OOK3 EN ROUTE-A i rnt many N Books an tk e D . V U ..j pLll.ilalnhia. If El. Xj war irusB uvawu, .saw .wi. .. r , , prisi and tailing m1i. Du aotic will b rr.a aMh.ir arrival. 1 3 W. VvnnAHt.rx. -r.r ,r-.a r iutoi Tl'Ti PI t--Tt ?atrav. Xj F.b. Iftth, Hv.d aad for -to. VmTAKr r-. Kan. lil i - --- SALT -I 000 SACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND; -, 100 kag TURK'S INLAND. I - a- ' ,.i, ' . WlLLABDfcCl fat EMPTY BARRELS 1 ,i",D prim s,- -1 ' -?Mt Barralf. For alhy " . J. W. ' .y tto. 10. ' r-'a. -1. . a aft t. a c

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