! i i V ! . ! i MM M- M My WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADYANC'U PUBLISHED BY FULTON PRICE VOLUME 5. NQ-208. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 7. IS5G. WHOLE NUMBER 1.4-14 t ! '"""1 i I b' I 1 A ! i i . ih M rM I ' i: I i M l; I i - i :i i 1:1 I I ; tATIS Or APTKKTI91KC. HALF HV1U. I - " k 4.. t S May to u . n I 00 a days,..- . 1 j. M SiUti 4 days, i ! ay 75 I dart I M 1 weak.... ! I " a wa. i su ; a ? J iauV aw "oa BMUl, J..J00 ImOBlkt 10 00 talks,.... 00 ' Smoatks KM 1 rGl 15 00 t IJM.... 'ou Tab !Ihm are hiiUJ m a Maarc. Bad tva Unet tr lew atf-aqtart- Lnrl advertlaemeate ia proportion, nad all ...ki.i. . J.... U'V.a ul maid, la advance 2 cents Mf kun wUl a ehejfad after the tret insertion . yM a, as lm a4aM Will M jtr A-ii K.VU twr. v tharfe) at a ... ..m. aje ji faaaOMwa maae wiwh iw" - . . tit m' ITKVCIOOl. AGENT for tha SALE or ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, -L WILMINGTON. N. C. f4-6g tf COMMISSION AND FORWAKDINO MERCHANT, U f.l4 W1LM1NOTON. . K. . LOT. mm.Mm.m- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .xl.tioa 4wb ia tka of Naral Stor, rtiwm. .. -------- . UotUa, uraia, ana ooir rmun Kafar to rauaway a mwom-, " ""'-'"- -HL T,lW.-HH-ly. QOMMISMON MERCHANTS, LflMral oats adraneat man oa eyniijtmucui.. Not. 14. ISM. a. UHimn narowara, vyiwri -- taral laipUmaotl, At. Jaa. IK, ikm cvnnnK W- DAVIS. riOMMISSION MERCHANT, Sooth WaUr Strejt Jaa. T, ISM. -J , mi I. nvn lf.I.EBlIIC. GENERAL PRODUCE AGENT, will, alio, negotiate, karaid Mil food paper, NOTES AND B1LL uo rcu- nabla tertni. . . . mow fiM H1NH tl 000 of Brt elm boiloeM papar, in ki.v. ur. ....ta.atji iu ka nula. at from 10 to IS I per h un. U. VW.BBWn tent, per annura. 51 tf a. oil, iaoa n. K. ak A. J. GRADY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V Oat. ia. ' ' JOIIJI 1. CAJITWELl, GENERAL PRODUCE BROHtn Wll.lHI!TON, N. C. ajt Oct. lat. i. . CVMMIMa. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 8apt.lJt,18a6-(907U. T "." ,,m w. r ELLIOTT- ,.ft.UVTL0n nEBlOHEUieTT, i t MM'Kst n Ca. Wiuiistoi, N. C, lf ana.Ui.tl ob hand a recplT of Ume, Calcined Plaiter, ' Hyiraalia Cement, Laod Plaaler, Plartering Hair, , etc pt. let. J . GBOKGB HOISTOM CROCERlES.PKOVISIONS,ANDNAV Vaaaal and FwrwarUIng Aet, a. 1. 1MB. Wilmington, K. BL'KKUOLUKK. rilSERAL COMMISSION MERCH ANT -i. .. . i i.r...; rnttnn. Naval Stores ad all Boutham produce. Rat-tto R. H- Lowry, Mq , aihiar Bank af the Hepublio, NrV. Marok 12, lBoa-iiov-om- '. - mtt VT1.tr j, e J. li hth" tOMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. C. Hot 1. 14. D. CASHWKLX rtOMMISSION MERCHANT, V feat 17 ll-tf Wilmington, N. C. JOSKFH H. rLAKNCR. CXRERAti Coaaalaala) lant, Wilmlngten, ei.C. vt ra-iyi inaMI. BROTHER CO. Q0MM1SEI0N MERCHArHo, WiLMinoTei. N. C nvn IllRRIH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT J.Tw 1.1. 14 . w. m a ar .n.ti.ii muuissinN 1 Mil FOR WARDINO MERCHANS, i.iidTlRfi4 270-ly , mo roTTa nown, iAiJ.io""Mr- m.r.mown BROW If WKOilBT.niw ir, UaROSSET A BROWS, Wilmington, M. C, GOMW35IUM Mt.ltlHAia UelJIMa JarvB ' lOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ati-iyJ J . NwYor rLibwal aaih advance! mada an tjnmnuienti W. OHONI-Ti BROKErl, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, WrurN-To, N. C. Real K state, RKrca, "7. hald rnilra,andTerTdasat1ptloiiof Property bought and (old on oeajmUsion, either at private or publie sale. Mir tteters w me nuoiio geaerau j . -JnaeUtViasi W W. H. McRARY k CO., f "CACTORS AND COMMISSION MEKCHAN 1 3, v P ,IaaarsBallfUaga, Print eaa Street, Jr.- May20, 64-ai-tfl- WiLMiwaTow, N C , . Bn a nr.wv- WHOLKSALE and Retail dealer la Fanoy Articles and Parfumerr. has Jutt opened a large aad beautiful as sortment at fjtnui ouui, iu yi " " v V" , atteraa niot anparior workmanship, pert Monaaiea. r.... ri. Hair Rrnihaa. ueaiemB e f reiu. --,- . ----- , Ttk s. ra.n 4. ftmt'a Rharfnr do.. Flask Glares. Oai- ' ha Ware, Powder-puffs, Nlfiel andSilrerdo., do. las dia oal Glass, do GslaUaaiffalo Drasslnf Cambs, Ind ia .Kuaoerao. i-""" "-i . jA Jii VauBoiiit.iw W. A. M. Va-Bokislm VAHBOHKILII BROTHER, ... r , WILMISaTON, a. . MANUFACTURERS af aad dealers ia Naval Stares. Storeageand Wkarfage forProdaea fornbhtd at fair ataa. aaaar lasBraaao. h oaarea rw wi "aENEltAL ' AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARD- : PaftleuJr atUaliea riraa to sale aad aaahaso of Naval - Storaa. lJa..,iau.-(10Q.ly a.alamaBMaaassaaam nACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, willglvakU H I ... 1 1 - A . UilaMl a.fr.f .4 a Via - "A aaievuai attonuoB ' feVtewat pRrrcHETT, ""GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nortb ' jr water rse, wumigwB v , , -mW Will giva parueaiar atanH v, Srotia, Corraa, ,-- - tJTiary?lt, V"m - Gcvta .ii'coicasiioif mikchant, VTM.C. HOWARD G EN ERA L PRODUCE BROKER. Sapt. to. IS64-- IS-tQ ttaKsarojs. W. H. HtKUT. C GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, TWHULKSALK AND RETAIL GROCER. South WaUratreek WUmiagtsa, N. C, intends keeaief at Jfce a bora staid, a large aaeortaeal af G ROCE R1ES. Uat O RS aad PROV'lSloXs, at wkolesaleaad rotall. Partkalar at teatioa U bo paid ta all ardera Iroai tka eoaatry. I waalI reepectruliy lanae lae etuseas ( " u'"- - - adjaiaiag eaaatry, U eaU aad eiaatiaa asy atoak before pur ckasiag elaeakera. 1 intend ta carry oa a t aaiatioa kulneoe. ParUeaiar atteatiea will be g u saUoaf Naval Storoa, aad at kiada af prod Liberal Cask advaaoes made aa aoasipmenu. WUsalngtoa.OotokeTStk.Is6J. rtf-tr B C. WATSON, ASTON MIA I IV J. BOWNTBH. tVATIOI, HK1RKI ot ROl'NTHKH rrOMMISSlON MERCHANTS, . j 150 Front Street, New York. Especial attentioa paid to tke sale af Naval Srosoa, Cot ton, an Sot-Tans Paoptxt generally. Liberal advances made oa consignments j basvit corns. n, w s arsLL. lOCIIHAN Rl'SSELL, (Sueeoseore to Tkomas Allibono k Co ,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 North Wkarras, and (3 Nertk WaUr Street. Pmila miuia r Liberal eaib advaaeos madeoaeonsignmenti Jaly 30tk, 19M 27 O. L. FILLY AW, I WiunnaroN N. ( March 1Mb, Ib&i mxt Dr. A. O. BHADLKY, "DRUGGIST dt CHEMIST, WimikaTON, N. C Having purcha-od tke Drug ostahlishmsnt of Messrs u a Zl A V..n .III kw, alaravsea hand, at wfiolf sale aBd retail, a Urge aad very eeleet stock of Drugs Medicines, Ckemieals, PainU. Oils, Glaee, Sargical laetns aents. Patent Medioioee, Perfumery, aad Fanfy Articles, at IV W Wliwrs. M-rbvsiciaa's Preecriatioai put up oorrortly and ith dixpatck. March 20th. 196- JO1. i.MCt ANDBBaON, DWAB SAVABI. ANDERSON IAVAOE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f Wilmington N. C. .iberal cub advances mads oa consignments 40v3 RISSKLL BROTHER, (LATB ILLlS.SmiLLk CO.,) G1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f Wilmington, N. C. Uberal cash adraness made as aonsignmeuts of Naval Stores, Cotton, and etbsr produoe DIBBLE Bl'Kt'a:, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ISO Fbont stbiit, Niw ioks. Liberal advaaeei made en consignments. C B DIBBLE Mayl7-216-t J. B. BUNCh. Iambs C Smith Mii.bs uostin. jab. c. annit . iu., f OM MISSION MERCHANT S, oOoo seeonu iiory, eor 1 n.r South Water and Market streets. Wilmington, N. C, where they art prepared to attend to all business In the All hnl(nui aatruitad to them Will DO DUnciUAIIV aitena punctually Jan. 11, ad to. 1866. O. BRADLEY, Druggist. Is receiving, by nearly ev L. err packet, frcsk supplies of Drugs, Medlelues, them - rals, Trusses, Supporters, Surgical instruments. 1 atenl ftled- ieines, Psrlamerr, Fancy Articles, ramu, uin, orni.op, Window Olass, tie. . , . . aii .rfui., riirnl.li.il ta Ph viliMajis are ruaraiiteed to be of the best quality, and will be sold low to cash buyers. Wilmington, IN . U., April IU ineria vopj l NIXON'I SlOtS B. rOBMBBLT MBS. BoIDBn'S, West Slrte Hallrwad, OoldeStwro', N. t". j- THIS EXTENSIVE AND WELI-KNUvvw run Bjillio Establishment has been purchased and was re-opened bythe sabsoriber for the reoeption of guests en the 4th Inst. It is pleasantly and conveniently situated In the eentre oi business, aad if directly opposite to. and WEST of tbs Ticket Offices of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Cen tral Railroad Companies, where the ears stop oa their arri val and departure, and where faithful anvAirra will br IK waiting to taae eafgagv, u " v.. as the traveller may require. THE HOUSE has been remodelled, repaired, and tber oughly renovated from eellar to garret, and furnished thro out with new furniture, selected with special cart, and ar rid with an eve einrlt to the comforts of tht casual guest or permaaent boarder. m Til V T1DI IT HID tim k. .i.vi. r.,.n.l,.l with tha anhitantlals. the dainties and delicacies af tht seasons, foreign as well as domestic markets will be rendered tributary to tht constant supply, . . . 1 1 i . l i . L . L. .1. V a A.da.l Aklla,. WDtcn will oe servea up iu turn v ing and well-trained servants. 1 THE BAR Will ba a storehouse of tkt best Wines and Liquors, and su perintended by a gentleman of courtesy and Integrity, thor r li ..:..Tiik hi. ka.in.u-amanriainc tha knewl- edf e of what is due to the righU and comforU of tha pub- lie, as well as o -H-st- ttrvi.k . -. k. k... iv. si.t. have bean nlaeed in W DICU arv ,uiwu w w - - - -, 1 - r--'- - , tbt keeping of a skillful and oarefal manager, who wil al- ways have unaer nis car io pen au aim miiii. . lere, and it will bt araoag tha chief earts of the proprietor to aaa that horses of his fussts bt well (sd and thorougly ..I.VfM-ul k . . U.n rtfiratl.l.l aflll fiitad 1 III imrl WMWIUUIUVD. UW OT-M V - . . .. .nrl If will he the nleasura. as. of coarse, it will be the interest, of tht subscriber to rsoder tht House In every respect equal to any in toe cuumrj. n. tberefert trusU that a generous public will renew and ton- :.a ik. Iik...l uimm haratafnraaxtendadto this Hoase whils under the tare of iu former proprietress, Mrs. Borden, a a a . 1L.a t aw. Wx.t t V ak anil ai ITasittn wDO rminea lor i- cmivomj tiivuw vmwu. Aug. 17, 1865.-H-ly. H. R. NIXON. CLARENDOU IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON, N. C. A. II. VAN UOKKELE If. Proprietor. rpHE subscriber having purchasod the entire interest ia A the kliAltt.i'lWi' IVU v uuao, niuci.i wrvi.i. for SUam Engines of any power or style. Saw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery and Pumps. Grist and Flour MilU eomplett. Parker, Tarbint and other Water Wheels Rice Field Pumps and Engines. Ieavitt'f Corn and Cob Crushers. Riot Threeheri. Shingle Machines. Shafting, Hangers and Pnllies. Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns. gram do da do do do Locomotive and Tubular Boilers Flue and Phun Cylinder Boileri. Blacksmiths' Work of all kinds. Iron Doors for Houses and Jails. The Establishment having been reorganised for the ti press purpose of Insuring punctuality in the execution of, all orders, tht public may rest saUsfled that any work wkick may offer will ba promptly delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as cannot fall to give sattsfactioa. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT being in chargs of men tf talent and experience, I hare no hesitation in sav ing that tha work hereafter turned oat shall eon pare fa ? Jrahly in trery respect with that of the mttt celebrated in tbt States, and at prion which will makt it to tht interest of all in want to send me their prdert.; - REPAIR WORK alway! dona without dslay 5 and hav ing a Urge lorea for that purpose, it will provt advantageous to any ptreon needing suoh, to git ma tht preference, with ont regard to expense of sending tht aamt from a distance. Order! will bt addressed, to " Wilmington, N.C. A. H. VANB0KKELEN. Oct. 15th.-M-tf. - - ' ' : C0A13! CIGARS I ! 10,000 heel Havana Cigast-. prima artlele--alse, a few boxe theiet Aewd To bacco. ' -For-alt" C k B. PtPlI, -JaatSad. Market tweet. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS.-Janaary. 1858, hat rolled artand, and we hart our acctunts mads oat tt tkat data. Those indebted, will confer a farer by Bailing and paying up whatever may bt daa. Wi must An MONir, A word to tht wist It saisleot' u JONES k FOYLE8, Jai. 8, 18M. -. saNa. 10 UArkat itrttt. , NOTIC K. THE tubtrribar kavisg lni?hrd kiseontraets in the f ewaatrv is aew ia luaa, and ready W eoi.lract fur J any kiad af aerk ia kis Una of business, as Cartvnter ALA. aai t'oatraetor. G. v. ROt- at Kepairieg done aeatlv aad with difata-h Feb. wtb, i:tJ-;U4i (O-PlRTSF.KSIilf MTICK. MR. VM. K. IT LEY having bea aJmitUd a a um ber of ear trm, the rvarral t,aiaiaiMia basiaa' rota this date, wilt be continued uadir the aaoie aaj styl f J. iI L HATHAWAY k ft. Nor. l-t.ISM J HATHAWAY k St'N t- i:.'r7 a 1 a . 111 iviirn - a f : 1 ... : ... v eptraiber 3&tb, ISM 17 ly VILMlUTOK ItOOK IIIMIIlHV. FlrelJJdoor krluw the ( apr Kar Bank, 11 i Mlalre. rpillS aftablishwent, ahivh is couplets in evry drpart JL meot requiite to arcoiuinodale the husinessof this tilnce. and will hervafter be undr the sole control ufMr l'ltlLII' HE1NSBERGER, who is in ail reupccts a Binh. work man, and will take pleasure in executing woi k left with him iu a manner calculate! to give the fullut unf i.-fuct i u all who may be inclineJ ti patronise hitn The Materials and Stock for the binilcry won- purttia'i'd and bi Might out by ui froia the North witlt.ut any w.cte tion of profit, save in the accommodation to be allordcl to our sslve and others who uiiyht have binding li tie done, and with the view to obviate th nccranity of neniliiiK abroail for it, with the trouble, rlpunae, snl JIT unavoimUblv incurnil in so doing. Mr. Ileiiubergrr hat now the uw wf tlio Mati-nal, and we rsctfull.v .s, ul the ieoil of Wilmington and tlio surrounding Counliui to give to bun lui-h a support an will till able him to continue Book-binding a prruisnent Imiiiirai In this place, as it cannot fail to be a very grunt aivouiumJa lion and advantage to the community FULTON k It I. Having the use of thy Kook-Hiinling MatiTials ul M.vri. Fulton k Price, I will give my entire attention to exeruting all orders for Hook-IUnding in its various branches, promptly and In the beat manner. F fel confiilrnt ul being ablo to do my work as well, and on at favourable t run an it '-an be done In the Northern Cities The patronagv of the public Is respectfully solicited. Nov. II. 1W4 PHILIP HMNSBEItUEH pi ROUND PLASTER. -4 Tons, in bags of K) lbs. each, VJ lor sale ly Aug. 2, IHBb. (iht) HOUSTON pi LVK. -20 Hbls , different gradnt, for sale by VI ?ept. 10. GEORGE HOUSTON SKW KALI. Hl'tKlt, OUR FALL STOCK it estensire, and wo are olleriag great bargains. Wa respectfully invite a cull Ironi Hie ch uml 1 cnlle men of Wilmington 1IKOKM K k KV.AN Oot. 2, lH6.-i3 ILLUSTRATED HTTt R Y " fTHECKIMKANUA M 1 palgn. Price 2T eta. For sale nt Nov Hth. W. WHITAKEU'S AN K E R S7 T: A S K SANl ) ' LLECTOHS' lionh.. An assortment on hand and for salt at Oct. 27th S. W. WIIITAKI-.ICS PIANO Tl'NINli, IJERSONS wishing their Pianos or Accnrdcons tunpj n I I repaired, will leave their oriltra nr instrutnenls at the offloc of the undertigned, nest door to I'attm's Hakcrv Nov. I7th.-il tl HERMANN I,. .CIIHI.lNkl!. 1mT'K eSskjn T a"Fe ii - a sso iT r 1T1 colors.' h.r salt by the shset or package, at Dae. 4 S W WillTAKEIO. ykw kllV patknt " SAFETY LAMP AM LAMP FKHDKH ANEW ARTICLE, warranted to prevent all areidents from the use of htrwiag Fluui, L'amplirnt, ami thtr y.iflunvt Compound!, used for the production of lit ht -This inrsntion is applied to all common Lamps and Lasip Fceders : also, to Solar, ("amphene Lamps, Lanterns, (Yc CERTIFICATE. Wilmington, N C .June 15th. I hereby certify that I witnessed the eiperimente ef Mr Newell, with hie patont Salety Lamp, for furnishing "fluid " and am perfsctly satiifled of the salety of the saaio, J 11. 1)11 SSII1I Wt are prepared to fill all orderi st short notice, for every description and variety of Lamps, lie. All persons ars cautioned against infringing upon t ho above pateat, at the law will be rigidly enfurseilaeuinst all offi-n- dcrs. June aB.-252-tr C. k I) lirl'R E. B.' UNGS. 2i),0H0, aasortod slsos, b.r sal- bv Spt 10. t.C.OKiih ll)i;.ui. IH BALIS YAR.1 AND SHEKTING forslc by IU May 4th W. n-McRAKY k (JO lf 5r A dITa .1 U Mt 7 ELS -ID .Mi laVreieiv" ad from f actory, for sale by tlo HoLSTOV : PARfS.-CaioineJ, lor sale by brA . 1 itI mm. WINDOW GLASS, WINDOW JLASN.-KMI Kelts French and Amerleaa Windew GIrpsm from 7s to 21 xSi. Forsaleby C AD. Im I'KK. Uct. 8. Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington. Herald and Comercial Copy. M" r7E RritURK IEE, Chemist of New York, lias at last in nmiluninff Ike bast " Bakinr lowler,"ex- tant. Tke renuine article can alwayt be foaad frtih, at Wor. sa. . " t . . ill, u a r ,t Dr. A. O MR API EY' Drug ore SUGAR I am hourly expecting the arrival of ) iibin. and 10 hhds. Sugar, different grades, and which will be sold low for cath. GEO. HOUSTON. Feb. 4. THIRD AND FOURTH volumes of Ma-auley'a Hiitory of Enrland, received and tor sale at lit, in r it . V I- It Jan. In o. w. nun aniiu poiik. 100 BBLS. FAMILY MESS PORK FOR SALE BY Oct. 22. PETTEWAY k PKITCII.'-.TT. RAnciAIKBI BARGAIN! I 117E are offering great bargains in DOMESTIC AND VV FANCY DRY GOO FANCY DRY GOODS Oct. 22d HEDRICK A RYAN DIRECT FROM TIIF, FACTOR V, ' BALES more of North Carolina NEGRO CLOTHS. HEDRICK k RYAN. POTATOES.-100 bbls. Irish planting Pol ato-s to arrive For br WILLARD A CURTIS. nuc-Ml.'M llillUlT TfflT. WORLD. JUST RECEIVED FROM PIKKNIX DISTILLERY, per Schr. Lewie Mulford, FIVE BARRELS OLD MAG NOLIA WHISKEY, also, on hand, a gsaaine article of OLD HENNEWY BRANDY, ijj ant-E'KlC.20 baes Rio Coffee ; I . in l..irnavra do.! IU malts Old Brown JaVa do : Landed and for salt by WILLARD k CURTIS. Ftb. 20. . - - . OVANO. .. 1 rABAGSlnitort, and for salt by lUU ADAMS, BRO. CO. Ftb. 20tn. JIM t4J M .M C IRPRTS. OILH LOI'll. Ac. t l.w Prtrve for ( a.a I . oronon n. x. byatt. AVa fit aaa mn f-faii-if, lantr 1 s,n.w,i N Ew It'lilV. HAS NOW IN STOKE, AND is CONSTANTLY RE caiving, a wstL-sNviaraa arnB i-r CaBrrra, 1il t Luias As . ta which he iavilee public atlfutk. blniBg thai aa tiaminaJ 10a of but oualil v aad pru-e. w.UI prava tatufac4ury t' Mnbaula anj l'urrbKr-araltT, who buy lor Cah Hn Stk eB.ta f RICH VELVET TAPESTRY Sf RK I' SSElJ CARPETS, i MW iIGW ; SUPERIOR lN(iLIH AND AMERICAN 3-PLY, m iMaiN riirtu; CompruiBg assay Niw Prrt, iai rtpressly for Irst cb tato.-- A - - Twilled aad Haia Venetiaa IUU aad Stair tVpets. Oil-l'bMbt, ia widths from 3 to 21 trrt, in various ifualltica Kirh MtVtif, Tuttrd and Cumuon lUarth Uagt aud Mats of different sorts. Table and Piana i ovrra, uf ebuu-c palUrbs.. . 4-4, VI and e I llaid and Haia .MUihk Wiudow Shades of K-strable Mvlt Stair-Cuvtriiigt, Stair-Rods, auJ ailutbrr articln usually kept iu Carpet Morra HE IS ALSO AGENT FOR SELLING t'arhart A Nye's Power Ukiib Three lly and lugraia I'tr I'ts, a well at HarKcr't Aubuja l'rton-m ide l ru-jlt :l I'ly, Ingrain and Vtnctian ( arpvtt and Rags. All which will be fairly represented to pun ha..i r, aud "M at rata rsii ss Juai, ISM -217-ly OUR 1YIOTTO 18 TO P LEASE. tv via WllmlngtwH Mailillr .llarot.. lltuli.t(n Mailillr.llarHe, Lj ) J j R I' SI K MA VT F A I T tl It V . ffi'H I bscribcr rsi e tfullv iuloroit the uahlii il.t he A keepaeonitantty oa baud a large atsortioent ol t'nat h, 4lg, ! stitllt y larMaa I.M.I 'a ami i-H(Uut m's a, II 1 lil Ir a. hi pt. sr . t Trunks. alisee, S.t idle aad I 'arpi-t liugt. Satchels, fancy Trunks, Ac Alwnjt oa band a Urge supply of si,Imh l.rnlhi rand Fly Sri,, all oil, 'r ai tii lit umnlly foun t in iu -h Bitablinhuii'iits, nil el wk. 'h be wurr nits to be ol thc best mitcnal and w irk manbp, and will be told low lor imlt. unm thu Ii irtit to pr uiiit ciittomert. Sa lillc, Harness, Trunks, Me Ileal I'.ngs Ae.,iuade to orler. Harness and Coach Triiuminrs told at a lair nrire to aer-om buying to mauufacture. V biptat wboletalu Allkindsel Riding Vshlclesbwught and sold on oommis sion IOIIN J CONOLEY. FkM tl.U M IKHlb. MlSi VERINA S MOOR K, rtreutly Principal ol a Hoarding aud Day School for young ladies, in New heme, N. ('., propose! to e'tablib on th 1st of Octolier, Kk iu the town of Wilmington, a HAY Si loo ii which "ill be taught (lie ordinary biancuct ol eu Enriisb education The number nf pu i I will bo limilid Price of tuition Fifty dollar per so . I-.11 nf tunc monthl. J he S'cheol will be opened 111 the brb-k building iininedla'ily ad Joining and moth of Mr O I'.irley't residence, on Se una sirocl Aiigu.it;, KV. 2S1I v BLASTING POWDER IM k-gs, b,.t luality. ju.t re ceived aud lor tale low , 011 munuiaclureia a -counl, by July II OsUossET k BROWN. P. S. Any qiauMty nf the iloive, r other dstcrlptlon o I pout's I'ow ler, can be lurnithedin this place, at tbort no tice, and on Die moit favorable teuut Apply aa above t I It 4 t I.Alt IUU. 'Pill. Subicnber bat juit romiileted hit arrauireiusalt for 1 tupplyliiglhe h,,t I'lKCI LAR SAWS made, and for keeping a stock on hand of all niea, up to till inches Every Stw warranted, aad told at Slanufucluri'i't prices J. 11 ifOlil.NSON Wilmlngten, N (' , June 13th, I-10H 31 Dr. A. O. n It a 1)1. K 1 , lAltUGUlST k CHEMIST, Successor to M IS. it J. A. 1 EvAa, Wboletale and Retail dialer in Druirs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glatt, Patent Meiliclnti, Perfumery, t'igara. Old liranihes and Wines, lie., Ac, at low prices. JNorth West Urntr I-runt and Ma-ktt itrectt Wiluiiiiglen, N.C, March 2, H6I IliH-tf IOl.ll ( REAM, Lip Salve, Ac, for chapped bmnlt, lips, ) Ac. Fretbly prepared by Nov 'J6 IT. A. O UK A DLEV , Diucgixl iic'sr. .iiin'nn; : ,-..! I 'IYXcJ' I", O"' i s, nil v s - ij Ira article, warranted le give aatftltttlon Foraaleby III iL I.' I Sl.kll.1 II LjtKiL-.'lll 111 tun 1 W .. ... JONES FOY.I.RS, Miirktt street 111 ait-ai. Ml; HERMANN L M'HKI.INKK lim ruliirm-d, and will ruKiuue hit MI!Si'AL lsH ( l, ).VS e first of October next Scholars will plea.ic send in 1 1 1 11 names ss soon es convenient Sept. 2'sth, KV). (HIM It TM. US. II 1 1' Ml I'M K. 'Pill', un lerslgned have Ibis day forme I a cu parlnt lup, 1 under the firm of I. I l l l.li 1,1 III .V I.LI..OT I , and will Continue the icaoral 'niiiniiinii sad Forwarding loi-l-ne. i; .1 LI'TI EHI.ull, sept. In, IH.-5 W P. ELLIOTT. FMiTk, 4 OHM. AMI TOIIAt O, I U ST II Et 'LIVED per Ha 1 Iroad - for s. le by ,f .Nr. IS. CUMMINi, Is STVRo.Y I.nRKSII CONGRESS WATER. -Received and for sale V bv A . BRADLEY. Stpt Ith Druggitt Ii Chemist. VIN" I'AINT- j rVpl. lt. Sold by A O HRADLlaY I -lMt l- ItMIII' Mri lt K, rpilE IJN'ltEUslii.NED HAVE THIS DAY FOIIMKD L a co-partnership, under tho style of W n.i.sati k rntti, aud will continue the GEN Ell A LCOMMISSK IN.WIIDLE SALE OHOCI-.lt Y and I'lMiVISION 111 'SlNESS, at the stand formerly occupied by I. A. Willard, N. Ill Norlb Weter street. JAMES A. WILI.AIth, 1 1 EMI Y M CURT IS. Wilmington. N. (.'.. Ime I. I". -71 tl II KVIsKH ( ODF OF SOU III A HOI.I V . A FEW COPIES OF THE A ROVE liOt ilv Foli sale. Price tl caeh.cush on delivery Apply to Ian II, IK) Drlio.-SET k HROWN rnilE ACCOUNTANT'S OWN lioiiK, A Nil Ill's! 1 ne.'t Man's Manuel A coinpend of tlir Principb s and Practice of lcnnetii? and Foreign Trad", Mercaniile l.n anil Usages. MnreanJilc A ril hiiii'l ic, Hanking, Esclpanre. etc Hv Win. P. M. Ross, I'riiicipal of (lie I'hil.idi lphia Murcantile Institute, author of a " rraclical Sysleiu ol I '011 blc Entry Ilook-Keiplng," Itc Second edition Received and for sale at Dec. 4th. S. W. WHITAK Eli'S rnV) NEW JUVENILES. --Kit Ham's Artrentnrrs ; or, J The Yarns of an old Manner. Hy Mary (owd jn Clark The Magician's Show l!ox, and lhr Slorlct ',y the au thor ol " Kainbowa lor ( bildien " Juit published For ,.1, at s '.V WIHTAKEIi'S. .Ian Hi, s.'.ti k'lllt WAI.S. fyTK ACRES PINE LAND, situated linmediaUly upon ij I .)tho Wilmington and Weldon liailrnad, four to five -, . ... . r 1 i . 11. mn . , 1 1 1 1 I - miles rrom nepor, ar w iiinintfion. nisi, wf acres 01 n a r, III! ML II1I1VI f lll Tl a . I . rl k.l.bi. k'A.fl. P.tft wl .II. in i,n ' " ...... n a , 1 j . m. mii'. T bombary, II of which is Ine swamp land. For terms. Ac , apply to M. CBONLY. Oct. W, l".3 "lll-U. TO Till: I.ADIF.S. WE Al! I'. SELLING a great many handsome and cheap DRESS GOODS at prioes that defy competition. -Ahio the larpct ttoek of EMBROIDER I ES-sncb ss COL LA H S, FLOUNCLNGS. ice., ever opened in Wilmington, which we will cleio ont at aa advance of 10 per cent, on wboletalo prices HEDRICK (c R VAN. oet 2, iri.-t HICimOND COl'NTY PLAINKS. ANOTHER lot of all wool Plsinsi-is tne bsst article for Negro clothing to be found -just received by Oet. 10th. HEDRICK A RYAN. SHORT! AND "JIUPBTt'FF. AtTlEAP AND NUTRITIOUS ARTICLE Or FOOD for cows and horses-for sale by .......v tct. 4th. C.EO. HOUSTON A Kaf TIIB WLlVwhSSr Jan. 21. 41'ININGI JUST RECEIVED, by Adami St CVa Express, 300 Zlmmer-. German Qulnint. For U b, r Oct. 12th. - WholyaUDrngglsts, 4 Market st. - - liCAaHIA 4.Lfa ri ar-r- Nor. 24tb, V 45 Market etrcat. " T- T-Ott IliiK OR RKNT. tK THE HOUSE AND LOT RECENTLY OCCUPIED LLlbf D. DwPrc. . - U. D. VCPKIS. 8cpt.Hl5--19-f llUr.topytf . ...... , HT 'I' lb. eu BtLTlMOHK LOS K HOPlTAL. tHM-roa; joitauN, 1 1I E kHiaW ml Itut ( lr.lJ Inaf ttatkia alert Ilia raw ( IS 1 IV, ",i"eJ.etia "-alV tHrrkaal raaaea, a Iba warkl rMiH-iurea, mtaal weakas-aa, PaiMa In ii li.. I '. , ... -- al IVrkiitlv. hnp.4eaev. MsakaruaS the Bark saa Llsu. Atea. Uoa "I itie aijiievt, Pslpnau a A it.a Mean, Hp.,,, '.r,uLt Irr0ibd. liaauf lta Me-ATaiwal. Nets, ae a.S all lk,a aarkxM aad eelaacSolv Ucwoera raie( frwat tha tsea, i.w livs habiloal V.mlh, whkh lieatroy ksxa kdy tad ii4 Tatsa a aavand ealitvv iwaeuera more fatal to irvstr ,,. 11. sa II a.Hif ut Ihe Byrrue ta iheaitnnere I lyaara, SlKH itteif a.vt kiiiliani bo('a wf tut cipaiioaa, reaJenag marriaie Ac, iruaei'ita Yemsist Mia. asiieri.llv.wtia hava Ws-maa tna ricliiae et kulitary Vtta, lhal int'lfitl aaa rfeMiwina kahtt. wltwh aaauatts twaaaa la ea aa. UiH.ly irtv- ISou.s n.la I vounf maa ol I ha iwntH .tailed tat eai and fciillimH leaikel, wiia n.iiM anarwiee Aavt SiMreartd ' U.iriiint fwa.tet wmN Itie I' uivf raiJ el-qu'aee, or wtitsl la i.i rrt'l.' y H.e liyiaf lyrr, 't (l'l ailh til t.!Jeoa. siarnage. Maiv wJ feroaia. ar V nuns Men rnnteapltllnt sctrrlsse Hij miirt Aataa. Uriaata. UaOlluv. lss(urtan a , slnul.l iiututuiaiely eouauH IU. J ,an4 ae fealaratt ktpvi Iteslih II whuplaraa IdmSelf ua.Ui tha care af ihaann r.M n lij moisii r. n.i( in kit S.w- . a isniletuta, aad anaaJea. av o 1 w,n tna skill set phvecua tvrgaitlc W'eabaieaa liiiniedi.ti ly cured, tad Milt V'i reatueaa. 1 lm Uim-.m-is me iirasiiji ai tt liequently paid hy thoae who l ave i.ii iHiie the m iiiiitnl impn).er laiOilteiuta Vaunt aaranaa tieli.i)a IticwiHiil ttaraarafiiwi w4kia(twaraaf thatiaaafvi ciioeinrncra ll.si u.sv ensue Naw, 'm that aaterataatla Iba subject will pretend ta iw llialltM bo way af FiocraaiKat la aa ' nraaiKat Haw, mihoi It.iiil. in a ty lh prwdaat, pWmtuitm hcllby afrvprtea, ha i syh M..ui lu both batty ana aaiad toiNiet iiy inuMe lainng 11101 wa(io,i aaiMi. is aiu'il lining (lenrlveil Ilia ui.wl ri.iu-s .10J .leu ln ansa lurtiilim aeciMnea Jers ig-tl, ine phrilral tad mental ixiwera aestenea, arlta tebilny, dytpeiaia, palpliatsaa of tha ii.su, iiiiii(ciina, a wwiof i nie irauie, C004H, ayuipiorat ol eniisuoiitiiai, ai t Nvrveai iseblllly, Wetkncttof thetvtieui, rvuwa Uebilny aad prameturt df y scn. r.Hv ari Irous H.e Ikntlrueilva haau af vaitltk lhal aL ii.i v ,iii iu a an itul i Ilia rwai lil u I etuaaaaai tnatt and it it His v.. una win) are unial apt lo hes-oiae na Vidian froia Sn tf oa. ranee ni trie oanteit win n ine, .niiim ineinaarvaa. rarentG miU l.unhl.iiKiis ollen misled Willi realise! In ll.a eauaa or si.uri e ol .li.es. in llieir anna and warda. A lae I haw aiiaa ta lln y aartibe In allisr eauaea, tha ws.llns el Ilia frama, Fa la la lion l Hie lle.rl, IHafiattala, Mltoatlna, eranemtal of lha Kar v..ul Mytlein, l eugli, ami eWmpuaiia I'onauaiplioa, Ism, Iheaa enoot Mental crli-rtt, an. i at Inaa f memitry, depraaalut) at tplriit or pecaliar His ol M" lane holy, when Irit truth at I hay luva Ih su rausctl by in lnlln In feniM-l.nt bill lllii, peaclloea, iiirii. nve in hoih llmly ia l Miad. Tue ere ewepi from tite leacettiniisaiols who inigiil htye bean of uaa lot tir t'uttnlrr, t pleasure to ttinr Iricndt and iH-aameaieta BVaiMv. rrn a .Sa, J iovt Faaoaaica 8r, ' k-11 lisnd side fiing from Halllimire ttrat, fdoora from tha tar iitr- tl F"H paiiieiilir iu observing Ilia acme and number, eryot) will nilslsta (lie place. IT y-'l n ka ii'ire, u'lterve I he Name on Ilia Dr and Wlndowt. A ''me ll .il ninl'd r nt (Wat Mtdt, ta irat Cat S TVt iaaa, Ml Mf KI I BV OR Nat af.nra nRi o.i pggo.i nil, JoiniToi, 1 M.-ii,l..r ul I l.e Itottl t olligt of urg.ii,a, laxidaa. Oredaala I1...11 minor llieuiott einliienl Collegee nt lha Dulled Muiaa. s.J Hie gioniei pdii ol wboae Ilia has been spent iha flrat H.iepl- taint l.ouiioii, I'snt, tniisiieipiiia, inn eieawhare hie enacted some ol lha nmil tshinlslilug curea Dili were evar lainva, minv troubled wilh rloliif ml lie head auJ tare w hen talswp, voo. neat, In lof tlantied tl tinldea toumla, and kaahlul gretinar- Inaaa. with liniieiii blushing, silenil.il s.iinellinei with drrtntuieat af mil, aerecureii iiniiieniairiy. A t'erlaln Dlaeaaa, When tke mi. mil. Ii J anil nuoruilenl Voltrv of nlaaanra Imla he I, .11 Iniliihed Hie leeili of lint psialul dlsaaaa, II loo aflea hap. .,.11. 11. ai .n ill Inn. d acuta of iliama, or dread of diaeoverv. da. leu loin liooi applyini In thoaa who from eiliicaliiw aad rtaaaa- lubiliiy, ran tinoe biiriann nun, uiayni inline eoneiliatinail i, mi. 1 1 nf II. it horrid iliteate make llieir inrwerente, such sa , iih eiiiled sore llinml, illaeatsit uoaa, noctitrnil ptlot la lh heed ami liinbt, iliniuastof tlgbt, ilesloeia, nndseon Iheel.la bones, and arint. blotilire on the held, fare, and tatreiaUlea, prog reta il. g Willi liifiitlui ripiiiny, nil 11 "isi 111a ptisn 01 ine Hniuin or tl liiiiiutol tin niwe tail In, and Ihe ttctlm af Ihleiwlul dieeeto bsroim a s Ian rid olijeci of coniu.iaaarallon. till ilaalh puis I aa riod to tin ilrtaillul tiinertnta by teniting tliein ta "thai koarao Ironi wliem e on irsveler reiurna " 1 e lor Ii loarafora Ur, iohn sluli pleilget lilinsell lo preserve Ilia nnssl Invlnlebll eacreet, end lrm his esiviisivt practise la tl first hoapttala la Europe aad ainern 1, ha run confidently recoinaiand a tile aud Spud cure to lha unli.riunsli victim ol Una linrrld diataee, It lea uiel.inilmly tact, lhal Iboutaiuli fall vlcllnil lo thlt ilrcaillul ilisnise, owing In Ilia iinikil'ulriess of Ignorant prataa. ilr., who, by Hi use ul I hut dreadlul poison, meieury, ran Ihe 1 on.iimtliin, and eliher tend Hie unrnriiintie eulTerer la ta un llmsly griv, ul ela mate Hi reahlu nf his III mieerable. 'l ake Partloular Motico, Hi I idilreitti alllhoaawha ksrt Injured Ihsmaclrea kr nnv.ie .ml iiiiiirnner Inilulssoele I heaa si sinus nf III aad anil mnchiiy elfkctt produced by enly hsluls ol yoiilli, via ; Maabaaa ml U,w Htri and l.linhe, r.in in lha Head, I'lnioeaa of Kighl, hm nt Mnacalar Power, rslpMntl 'ii of lli Heart, Uyapapsia, Merveaa IrrliaMtiy, fHiigcinent ol the lligeaiive Kuni ,ont, Ueneiel Uebiltly, 1; . pe loins af ' oiisumpllon, tfr. ' , Miriiiii lim leai I11I ell'cria upon Ih mind aremnoli ktka ilieade.l, ht of Mamorf, 1'iHiluaion of Ills., l)ep ttsl.in of pulls, livil KoreUiHllnga, Avtrtlun of .M-etjr, eWf Hlsliutt, l.nve ol H.iliiinle, Tliultliiy, Ac , ire Some of Ihe evils produced Tiniiisniids ol pereoniol nil age, ran now Jmlfe what re I he 1 sua- ol tin Ir il-ilinlns henllli. l.olng their vigor, bar am Ing weak, pale and einae.iaieil. kav a eiugur appearance iboul tha evei, rnogti anil svinpliMii ul ciaiauuipHon Dr. JohustiiiVi InvlMoraOww Itaanatlw gorOrgasilt Weak Mesa My tills giest and Impoiianl -eme.lv, weikneee of tha arcane ir tpeeilily cured, and full vigor retlored 1 limieenda of lha oioal nervous tnd debilllaled, who had lo( all hope, have heea iinioeiliniely i.lleve All iHipadlinrui lo Marriage, Fhyelrel ar Memtl IlisipiililUailnii, Nervmit Irrilsiillli v, Iraiabllnge tnd Weakness, or ciliausiallon of the moet fearful klad, speedily 1 nred by Dr. Johnston, 1 Ytaag Mess, Wbii bave Injured ttiemaalysa by erialu Praelle Inanlgad In when alone a liahl1 fieonenily lesrned Iroin evil orn.nini', nr nt arhnol-lhe rflee aiif wlihili lit nigl.lly fait, tvia Wh t.lecp.aud II not ruriil, render uisrrlng. impowlhle, aad da. siii.v hnih mind tnd body, ahoiild apply limn . lately M hut a pujf lhal a vaoug man, the lci' ol hie eHiulry, end Iba darling ol his parents, thiMihl heanauhad fnHii all pintiisci sad eiiji.y menu ol ilia, by lha cimMHueui-to el devlalm from ih t.atii .it i.sinie, snJ lii. lulling III a eeruin secret habit, fucli aareoiit h. loitcoiiliiMplaiing . siarrtaKe, .In. old reflect tint a Bound mind and tmdy are Hit wiass. aaeaaea. ry riuisites le pronns connubial happiuaaa. Iqileed, without lln-se, ilie j iuruejr ll.rmigli III beenmet a wears pilgrimage, IliO pr.ii.pui I : niirly dsrkeiia lo the H'W tha lallid henomet thtd .,u...l wilh ilespsirand Rilssl Willi ih in'tanelwilj reflecilou, that the Imiiiilnest ol tniahei bee lues iillghiad Willi our uwa 11KKH K 7 aotri ll FRI.IiMM K ST Wa'liawrs, Mi. Aix irsaicsi, OesitTioHS FtssoaMas N II - l.ei n.. lilse delicacy pn ent you, but apply Imiaedb-, slely ellher praoully ni by le'l'r skin msasas lesnlllT Cl lfa. Tg atratttjera. I he tnioy I'loiissuils lined si 1 is IniiHuilon within the la at iwel.-e y.-ais, and Hi miiii. i..ns iHiporrsot eurgieal Uparall aa p. rlorunil by lH- JtMNelO, . lUieefcd by Ihe repurtera of 1.11 it. II ly p.ipert 11 ml many oth.i pertnni -nalkee of which hiive Bgio and iialo appeared be' ire the ptlhllcie a SUlHclent gum sol. e, that ihesffliclcd will llnd a skillful and honorable "J""""' ss --- - " tanw nisvac N t; -There era o many ignoiuiiiead worthlres ttuackt id veiliania I hemsnlvet ae Pliyalciane, rulinngihe hatha a. Ihtll- n aity arUlrtcd, that Or. Jobnitmi tV emi It uaeeaaary to eay, atpc ally 1.1 1 iiiac uiiirqii niesi witii nie repaiawxi, that t a creueB 1 in 1st or dtphioiitnlwiyi hang In hi oin. e. TAKK NOTtl' n. All letiare ni lit be post paid, end Contain e poeiaga stamp lor tlio reply, ar no answer will bs sent. March, I, lh . lai iy ZlCKMAVi lk I !.. OH L I '1 IC 1 OOl II V Aast. TO TUB LADIES. NOTHING ad It more to beiuty than clean, wbitt leeth, and Oomtnf healthy color Tba most beautiful faaa and Vermillion lips become repalsive.if the latter, whea Ifccr open, eshibit thi herrihle spectacle af neglected tcctk. All who neh clean, white Teeth, healthy aast. aad a sweet breath should give ZEKMAN'S TOOTH WASH a triad. For sal" bv ' C A D. D. PRE, Dragglsts. Sat 'Ol 211 Wilaiiagton.N. C. Herald and Commercial copy nlTi:niAirED CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, sn agreeable 1 Refrigerant aad Uxative. Thisprcparatian ites tcnslvtly used in the form of Satutio or lifutd tl raff, and bas given vcrv general latisfaetion Frequent application.- ar pro in iha form of rowasa. of timilar natur and area rtias, b' '" miFktreraltfToan iu introduction in that form, especially hen tbc bulk aa w.isht of the liquid i'Uratt, (aa articlt 10 jastly eetetmtd k.tk hv xhvslctant ana in private lanuies sitrim it aaa been ased.) would interfere with Its bsing itot U great dia- ' ... it iadestitutt af brttcrnosi. and Ir its altataat ae aiditr of taste and Its effervescing ebaratiar, is rendered b yiry agreeaDie ana rtirsiiuug unaa, as 111 s.ias .mrm, It it a good substitute for Epsom laltt r ether saliac par ' gatlves. Soldby ' ' ' . vr. wiuaasnsu, -a. TJOOKS EN ROUTE A yreat many New rsoots aa aa FV r tl... V..U ..J Pkillalrhia. kr El- U war lions oui.ua, nw ivi. ' i r. prtst and tailing Ttssela. Dot notice -HI be t iroa ,k" arrival. - " - " LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPeR Far fatarday. r.K VJf ls-'w'VittTAKir'. O ALT - J 000 SACKS LIVERnffTT- r. - ' - j S CwS TURK'S lANH ' - .Hy salt by TMPTT BARRELS-l.C'O rr.-a ! ' r ' Hi BarreU. For laltby , ' Det.10. ; w-.V,

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