s f I - 1) R Ph M ' ' r I MM ! i - M is . I 1 ill iil t 1 IN i ! M - - PUBLISHED BY FULTON i PRICE WILMINGTON. NOKTII (WllOUNA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE VOLUME 5. NQ 22S. . SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 31, IS5(i WHOLE NUMBER 1.461 BATES OF ADEKT1:MC 111 HU. 1 ld.y r'low 14,, ... 37 3iv 75 W 3 day. W days, 54.J 1 wek,... W lwck Iwaeks,.... 1 S7g 2w.-hi ..-.2 75 ata... 2 00 -1 month, 4 00 Jmoatkt, S M i 1 months 30 3 moatkl, ft 00 3 Booth 10 meathl, 00 meth 10 lMr 15 00 I lyear 3W00 Ten Hae ar eoaaWd at b tquar. aJ Iv lines or 1 Alf-eqar. Laager advertisemeBt in prvtKirtWa. and all ayablata iItum. When not paid la adfaac 23 eest M lquri will be charged after th irst insertion r All naif iuara not paid for ia advance will be eaarged M acuar. ., , AyNphlieUB mad withoat a www'lli. " u . v u iti-vrifi. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GRO CERIES ANU PROVISIONS, No. 32 Noam W atir Stiekt. Wilmington, N C. tf Order from the eoaotry will rtoeirt prompt ttentio. Mrfha JAMES t. ITEVEHWH, AGENT for ts SALE OF ALL KINDS of 1'KOiaCK, Pbincess Stit, rM Adam, I!r It l . WILMINGTON. N C- ( v JK. ILMORI. ' r. ElPHItl. IRA Kt RSIJ Y. J. K. (J1LMOKK C O. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I. NlW OKI. UbertU mb dTnc uad on ctiD-inmotit.. Not. II. 1BS6. ' J. M ii0ui u. Vii.yi ton, N 1" IMPORTERS, MANITAITI'RKRS' AUKNTS. ANU Dralen in lUrJwr, CulWry, Irvrn. Nils, Agn.-ul-larml lnplementi, Ae. J. lt, laa GROIUiR W. UA VI. COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Wtvr Sir.-et. 1 WlLMlNBION, VI. J 7, 1S56. m 'y . EO. . UltXICWiMK, GENERAL PRODUCE AGENT, will, K, negotiate, bay and (ell good paper, N OILS AND BILLS, n uas aabl term i. NOW ON HAND, 11,000 of first clasa busiorsa paier, in which aafe mTeatuenti can ba ma le, at from It) to l pt r caai. per annum. Nor. 8th, IMA 0-tf D. K, A A. J. iHAUY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, v. , Oct. U. Wn.MiorN. N t JOIl L. CASTWKI.I,, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Oct. lt. Wimiimw, , N t 7.D.CtnllM. C.W.MVKON COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Wn.i.n io luN, N y Sept. lit, 1355 -307 tf. . A.llOIiNEI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, v, Wll.MIMJI'lX, N t Ofio Prince St , Ka(t of the Slate 1 auk AprlU. 1856 l7H.tf. iiaLL h i'i F i s," BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, Wilmisutum, N t JWOffloa In HaU'i building, North water ireei. April 8th, 185B oTIi. FILLY AW, 1H5 QOMMISSION MERCHANT. March 15th, 18A5 WiL.xiNoro" N ('. H tf .J. lutthlob, w. r Kixiorr. H'TTKIILOII A ELLIMTT, Oanaral Csmmlaalon Korwarttlug M.rt hali, WiLMnaroi, N :., Keep eontantly on hand a nupply of Liuic.Caleinod Plaster, HTdraalie Cement, Land Platter, Plastering liir, c , ito. Sept lit. IH5A , GKOIIGK IIUI MTOM DCAt.KR IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND NAVAL ST(KI. OMMIHSIOH MKIHIIAM, Val and F o r w r I n R Aenl. Aagurt I, 1. Wilminotoi. N. C 1. HATHAWAY. 1 h. BATMAWAT WM K rTI.IV J. J. L. II AT 1 1 AWAY A to., 10MMISSION MERCHANTS, , Wm.vioth.n, N Not 1.164 Ittf D. rAMIt KLL, C10MMISSION MERCHANT, SeptZ7 21 tf Wlluiington, N J, JUSKPII II. FLA! Jl Ell, GEIIRIIAL Com ml ion Merchant. Wilmington, N C. AUAHR, UHtlTIIKK A tU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington. N C GEO II A KKISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERC HANT, Wilmington. N '. July lit, 1854 J ino rorra biiown, armamd j . uaaoaarr, r , r.p. browji UROWS & DellOSStT, Nw York, UeROSSET A BUOWnJ, Wilmington, f. V.. 132J COMMISSION M KKCII A NTS. a. oollnrr, a. roTiRK, Jr., j. camkrorn DOLL1KR, IHtTTKIl A O., COMMKSSION MERCHANTS, 1HI-Iyl Nw Yo'R r Liberal eaih advance! mado on onuign Donti Itt. CBONLTi IlROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM J) MISSION AGENT, Wilmijioton, N. ('. Ileal Batata, Nenroea, Bank Slock, Roiidi. Home hold Frnltr,andeTerTdeicription of Property bought and (old oa eomminion, either at private or public lale. Refer to the publi geiiarally. Jane Dkh. 18fi3 211 W.II.McRARY fcCO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Laaarwa Bnlldlnga, Print ft Street, May 20, '64-21-tf Wh.hinoto'i, N C, DR. A. O. BUAULRY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Article and Perfumery, ha juit opened a Urge and beautiful a lortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which are of new pattern! and of luperior workmanahip. port Monnaieg, Gentlemen' Dressing Case. Cigar Caiea, Hair Brushes, Tooth do., Nail d , Gont' Sharing do., Flesh Glove, Chi na Ware, Powder-puffi, Nijkel and Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glass, do Gelatine, Buffalo Dreeing Cembi, India Robber do. June 5th, 1H5I A. H. VaxBoeiilr W. A. M. Va"Boriki.ei VAN BOH KELEU A BROIIIKR, WlLMl.VOTON, N. C MANUFACTURERS of and dialcri In Naval Stoiei. Storeaga and Wharfage for Produce furnished at fair ate, aader insurance, if desired wt' A. H. VAN BOKKKLEM, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention given to tale aud purchase of Naval Storefc Jan. 1, 1863 100-ly MBNRY MUTT. 7ACT0R-AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hii . peraonal attention to bonnet animated to hi care. ldS7, 1863. JAJII9T. UTTtYAT, KORSR R. f EITCHKTT, FKTTKWAT A PRITtHETT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. y Will give particular attention te the tale of Naval Storis, Cotton, fee. January Tii, 1B5 V. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jan. 6, 1856. WimrnaTQ, N. C. I.HU AHOIOf' RDWABD SAVA8R. ASDERSO it SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WUmingtoaN. C. Liberal cah adranoei 61 oou3(ameati. 40t3 4UI1 RUKV J. L HUMS R. W AI.KKU MK tRC A I O., (w rwmor k i trrti ) YITHOLESAU: AND KtTAIL DHt ..iTS, N. ii MARKET TKfcKT. M iv t, 1S5S.-'Uf. WlLMlNi.Tt'N. N. C. H. L- S. TOVSIIIC0. ; 7IKTSALE AND RETAIL f.KOCER aai COMMISSION MERCHANT, . ? Miittr riuiT, Wiui.stiTJM, N. t'. Miv Tl " VR "ItfAVair " , BINBf BLI1 MAY KU & BU S, IMPORTER AM DCALERa IN If 1 V K S . B H-A S IHKS. tilSS, ft.. Iri., TV LD KE.PECTMXLY ANNOUNCE TO THE j ub'ic, thai thev bava jiut opasaj the at r formerly tweupied by Dr. D. LHjlVa Jr, corner Priaeea and Water trv!, wlier they intend to keep alway oa bin I a full tuii plv i( lh above. lVlr ia the gaauiae artiele would Jo Wfl! givm;f theut a call. 1 hrv alo ke'P eoo'tautlv ia hiu 1 a full tck uf K'UifV tie Li.um, J-h ai WM1SKEV, BRANDY rad C.1N AprU2l.-l!7 Ua ( .a, not . lEXEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO. VT U Hol.ES.VLE AND RETAIL GROCER. South Water ktreet. Wilmiorton. N.I', iateada keeidut; at the a- bove itaed, a large aKortuertofGRHCERlES, LIQl't'KS and l'Kt IMO.NS. at whlwlana retail, rartiemar at tention will be paid ta all order trom the evuntry 1 would reieetfullj invite the eitiien of Wiiiaiagtoa and the a ijnining country, to call and eiatuio wy itoek before par. chasing tlewher I intend to carry oa a genral eon. mission buinea Particular attentioa will be givrn to the ale of Naval Storta, and all kinds of produce Liberal l'ah advances aiade on consirnmenti. Wilmington, October tith. InVJ 27-tf-titf k i' wAr, sa'Tkn kArs, i. n roi'mrkk A l), MKAItf A KIMM IIKK COMMISSION MERCH AN TS, l"XI Frout Street. New York. I sjeial attention piid to the sale of Navai. Shki.s, t or ton, and Soi mini I'aont i a generally Lilieral ad .iiu-ii made oa consinruentA 1 HA(V CIM HKAN, W Rl WtLL AtK IIUAN A IU KSrCLL, (Succesanrs to Thoiaa Allibon Jl Co ,) f S KNER AL CUMMlSslDN MERCHANTS, No. il IT North Wharves, and t3 North WaUr Street. 1'hii.a i.n.rniA. tr Liberal cah advaaoei madeooconsignuienti July Kh, IVa 279 WM-f. HO t AllO ( 1ENERAL l'lumUCE BRnKEIt, T Svpt. 20. POL-13-tf) WintaroN, N (' Or. A. O. HIlAIU.Kl, 'l DRUtiOIST .V CHEMIST. Wii.miko ton. N. C ' Having purehaited the Drug establishment of Meesr , S H &J A Kvans, will keep alwayi on hand, at wholesale and retail, a large and very aelect itock of Irug! Medicine", ( keniiesl", Painti, t lilt, Glaat, Surgical Instru Bicnts, t'ateut Medicine, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, at low price. 4r rh).'iciau' Prescriptions put up correctly aud with di.-patch March 2(Mh. l5t H-tl II I h NELL A iTlToT HERi (LATR RI.1.IR, RI'NSILLb CO ,) fi EN ER A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. VT WiLMiMdroN, N (' Liberal ciuh a lvaocet mad on eontignaiiBtl of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce OIIIIILK A UrNCK, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. T l?0 Fbont wtr k k r, Nrw Yokii Liberal advances made on consignment O B. DIBBLE May 17.-2lb-t J.B. BUNCK IamkmC. Smith Mii.rs Cohtik- JAM. C. NMITII A lO., C OMMISSION MERCHANT S, offlae iccond tory, cor ner South Water aud Market streets, Wiliningtou, N. (' , where they ar prepared to attend to all business In the Commission line. All husiiics entrusted to them will be punctually attend ed to iJan. ll.K A o Hli A DLEY, Druggist, is receiving, by nearly ov- . .1. ... I'-... I.. 7. ,.f V1 I'k.mi. rals, 'Cruises, Si.pportors, Surio'il liislrutnentJ, Patent Med icines, I'irluiuory, Fancy Article. Paints, Oils, Varnishei, v i u ri w ' Has.', sic $r All articles furnUhed to Physician! are guaranteed to boot the bet quality, and will be sold low to each buyers. Wi ington, N C, April ID Herald copy J ft I JtO.AJ S HOI SR. (roKMKKI.V BuKI(.m'ii, Will Slle Itallroail, Gollru', . THIS EXTENSIVE AND WELL-KNOWN PUB- Iflal,. 1 Bl.ll.l.,ni,nt mm kun nn rK m amA ft nil a r tt.nThitnfu! y the sabscriber for the reception of guestl on the -Ith Inst. It is pleasantly and eonvesiently situated in the centre ol business, and is directly oppoiil to, and WEST of the I ieket ( ifiicr of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Cen tral Railroad Companies, whrre the ear stop on their arri val and departure, and where rAiTHPUL. ukrvants will k in waiti.no to takt baggage, and give tueh other attentions as the traveller nav require. 1'HK H USE hat been remodelled, repaired, and thsr ougl.lv renovated from cellar to garret, aod lurnishrd thro' out with new furniture, eelected wi,th tpecial care, and ar rfi)(ed with an eye tingle to the comforts of tho casual gur't or permanent boarder THE TABLE Will he richly furnished with tht substantial", the dainties and delicacies of the reasons, foreign as well a domestic markets will be rendered tributary to the constant supply, which will b served up in the belt ttyle by orderly, oblig ing and well-trained irrvanti THE BAR Will be a storehouse of the hrst Wine and Liquor, and su permknded by a gentleman of courtesy and integrity, thor oughly acquainted with his businest comprising the knowl edge of what is due to the rights and comforts of the pub lic, i well at to himself and his employer. THE STABLES, Which are among the best in the Siatc, have been placed in the keeping of a skillful and careful manager, who will al ways have under his care the best and most rxpcricric 1 "t lers, and it will be among the chief cares of the proprietor to see (hat horses ol hit guests be well fed and thorougly groomed. This entire establishment ha been purchased and fitted at an enormous expense, and it will be th pleasure, as, of course, it will be the interett, of the tubscriber to render the I louse in every respect eual to any in the country. II therefore trusts that a generous public will renew and con tinue the liberal patronag heretofore extended to this Hoase while under the care of its former proprietress Mr. Borden, who gsinei for it a celebrity throughout tb entire Union. Aug. 17, l55.-2!M-ly. H. R. NIXON l,AIIK.l0'V IHO WORKS, WILMINGTON, N. C. A. II. VANUOKKELE, Proprietor. TMIE subscriber having purchased th entire interest in 1 the " CLARENDON IRON WORKS," loliciti ordon for i Steam Enginei of any power or ityle Saw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery and Pumps. Grist and Flour Mill complete. Parker, Turbine and other Water Wbecli Rice Field Pumps and Enginei. Ieavitt't Corn and Cob Crushers. Rice Thresbcn. Shingle Machinet. Shafting, Hangers and Pulliei. Cotton Gini and Gearing. Iron Casting! of all kind and patterns. Bras do da do do do locomotive and Tabular Boiler. Flue and Plain Cylinder Boilers. Blacksmith' Werk of all kinds. Iron Door for Houses and Jail. The Establishment having been reorganiied for the ex press purpose of insuring punctuality in the exeeutinn of, all rden, the public may rest satisfied that any work which may offer will be promptly delivered according to promise, and of such workmanship as eannot fail to give tatiifaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT being in charge of men f talent and experience, I hare no hesitation in lay ing, that the work hereafter turned out ihall compare fa vorably in every respect with that of the meet celebrated in the State, and at price which will make it to the Interest of all in want to tend me their order. REPAIR WORK always done without delay I and hav ing a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageoal t My person needing tach, to give me the preference, with out regard to expense, of tending the came from a distance. Orders will b addrewed to "Clarendon Iron Workt," Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Oct. loth. 3-,f. HEY CAM OESTERDAY. Those fsncy Shirttand Collars, one cm Arrived yetterda. Call and see them althe . CITY CLOTHING STORE, April 17. 38 Market Street. OTH K. THE subscriber having Sni-h. J. bise..ntret ta th -. aaaairt is www ia t. J rva ljr tv ri tr t ..r h i any kind el wara- ia hi tic i f bi,i.-, u i rt-.-irjLjL and t,ntratoT. . , t; VV". Rt K. Kepainng doc ;.t'j a:-1 .th dipt b Fab.Stb. iNvi 13." Hw tt-iKrKKkiiip oru MR. WM. K. I'TH.Y haT.rg bro aliaitttd a a tuna ber of eur Ina. th geaTal 1 usmi-ioa bw-ia'. r'ca this date,' will b roatiaaej audrr thj aame aud stL of J. & J L. HATHAWAY It Cl. Nov. 1st, KM J HATIIAW.Y Jt SoY . 4 tf :- ' Osmmv- "" s . J-1 S tV.WHlTmR. V I IaJOV'Iv I. .. M..L .. . .fM i k'-AI ' ' Yj NrTia i'l .. 1 -.1 Wssaje'y VI Septeaiber fun, IS.VI 17 ly MILMhtiTlltl IIIMIK limiKRl. Flrst'iloor In low thrtnir F'rai Hank, MSilalra. flHLS establishment, which is complete in evcrv deiiart Jl went requisite to aivounnodate the. business ot this i laee. and will hereafter be under the sol control of Mr I'lIILIi' llhlNSlil.Hl.KK, who is in all re-q.ects a fi.u-be I work man, and will take pleasure in executing work lelt with hnu in a wanner calmilated to giie the fullest satisfaction io all who mav be inclined to patromts bun The Materials and Slock tor tha bindery w. re piiietiased and biught out by us tioui the North with nt anv e4-t.i-tion of profit, save in the atvoMiitiod.it ion to be atbrd ,1 to our selves and others who miitbt have binding l i on donv, and with the view to obviate lite necessity d wmxing abroad lor it, with the trouble, rspense, and d lay uuavoiin no urred in to doing. Mr Heiiisbi i'or lias now the u kl ttw .M itcrials, and we respectfully ask of the M-ople of Wilmington and the surrounding 'ounties to pv to bun such a support a' "ill en able him to continue Book binding as a permanent busi ies( in this place, as it cannot f.ul to bo a very great accominod t tion and advantage to the coimnunil v FULTON k I 'It l li Having I hii use ol I lie Book-Hinding MateiiuUol Msrs Fulton At Price, 1 will give my entire attention to executing all orders for Book -Funding in its various brum lies, promptly and in the best manner I feel eoiitl lent o being hI.U to do uiy work as well, and on us favourable terms as it an b ilon in the Northern ( itiK I he patronage ot the publio is restiectfully solicited. Nov. II.IH5I PHILIP IlLINSDl.UOKK ( 1 ROUND PLASTER I Tons, in bags of 200 b. each, 1.1.(1 HOUST'iN J for sale by Aug. 2, KW. G LUE -20 Dbls , diflcrent grades, for sals by Sept 10. I.I-.OUOK lloliSloN KW KALI. S)T4K li. OUR FALL STOCK is extensile, and wu are odernig great bargains. W respectfully invite a call Irom the Lid s and i lentle men of Wilmington HKPIOi'K A liVAN Oct 2, l)' -(2.1 10 HALES YARN AND SIIKII IMi fo. -.,, by (Mav 3th 1 W II M( It U Y k f A MES" sl'ADKs ANU siuVI,l,s I I dot lust receiv- if"- iV ed from haclory, for sulc by i.l,' I "l I HOUSTON pLAs'n;i PARI ( ;ileon'd, t"r sale by lil.O IIOl'VI'OV MR. E R. IH KKI.I.,I loniMtol New oik, lias at I. l luececded ill producing Hie bel " Baking Powder, "ex tant. The genuine article can alwiys be found firth . at Nov 2.1. I it. A O Hit III i; Y'S I rii( Store SUGAR I am h'l-.irlv t-vpc'tiiig tb" arrival ol Vl bbK anJMhhl' Suir. diir en' gi !,' H"d w in li will b. sold low lor ruth. G Ei I " I ' .- 1 1 . V Feb. i ' riMIIIIII AND FOURTH volumes of M.iclry , lli.-toiy X of England, received a id lor sale at Jsn. Pi s W Will l AKF'i's ronu. I'Bl.s FAMILY ME-S Por;K FOR sAI C I V Oct 22 Pl.'l'TKU'A V A- PI! I I t 1 1 I T T 100 I A ItSi A I N a I IMIIOMVi t I TE sr offering great hargnns in IH M I'.S'I I1 ' AND HA NOV Kit I GOt 'I).. Oct 2.M II KM! H !v A l: V N PIHKf T FROM Tllk: FAfTOIt, r BALKS more of North Csmlin NLGRo 'L 1 II- ts Just reeeiveil. Oct 221 IIEDR I1 K k l:Vv SA I.T.- 1 1 100 sacks Li erpool now lu'idn g. I- or - il- I. y Jan 10. Wll.LMilifc ' I K l is HE A V Y OSNAM'KG bb acheil Shirtings, and i I ioods, at cost , I'.l.l. ( lll.ll A Mi ' N' -large sort in '! 1 1 of 1 1 nn st ic S I D TI.I.LLR. April 1th. SEEDS' SEEDS ' ' P.lue Gr' , llur 1 - Gru-s. 'rch ir I tsras.. Lu-crne, Milb'l, lie I ' 'lover, a n 1 1 'oloii -.-tt s -Hfis reerived also, another supply of 1 .arden -ee l A o BflADLEY, Dr'i' t, t" April 10. Herald c .pv J HN WILD'S ICELAND Mo-Sand H,X-ELI CANDY, world-renowned for the cure of t n'ljrhs nnd Colds For sale at the BroaJway Variety Store, V. fl Mar ket street W II DrNEALE. April 12 THOSE FRENCH AND ENGLISH DIM!" D'KT,t;s, JL in Coats jut opened at Scott A P.aldwin's ar worth your examination Myl MAItrll Itlth. ii-.i. T1TE HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED V ibbls Rectified Whiskey ; 5 bhli. Hammond's do. fin? , 10 " Old Monongahcla do " 5 " Old Bourbon tb superior; 6 ' Old Johnson do. something mw ; 10 " N. E. Rum ; 25 " Crushed, Powdi red an I Clarified Sugir ; 2 boxes Tobacce, assorted Hrands ; 20,000 Scgars, assorted some very fine ; 2.1 bags J.va, Rio and Laguayr Coffee ; 20 boxes Codfish; 2 bbli. Fulton market Beef', fi " No. 1 and 2 Mackerel ;) 10 " Vinegar; 60 whole and nu .rter bixes Raisins ; 3 bbll Dried Applet psred ; 2 " " Peachet do. 6 dot. boxe Sardine .J, , and whole boxes ; 10 boxe Starch. A'so, Sicily Madeira, Muscat, Port, Cherry, Malaga Ma deira, and Scuppernong Wines, all of which we will c!l at tmall profits for the cash. JONES k FOYLES, March 29. No. 60 Market ft. EMBROIDEHIRS. SWISS and Jaconet Flouncings; Point de Venice-Bandt ; Lac and Muslin Collars and Underileeve ; Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, with loaie great bargain in Plain Swiss Jaconet and Embroidered Muslin. April 17th. HEDRICK A RYAN. C-OFFKB. BAGS RTf7 COFFFE, la sof."Fofale j- 25 Mav 6. WIEL.ARU A CUKT S. O ( PAIRS WHITE DUCK PANTS, just opened at AkJU May PJ. SCOTT A BALDWIN'S. MOURNING GOODS -Baragss.Tlsmics, Maslint, Si!k, and a large assortment of other dres goods, at eotb. May 17. , S. k D7 TELLER. I' AHI'KT. I 1-I.OTHS A A I I sU.'a tr a.hl . osonau u. i. jivatt. . tlW lib -(..,, i eor t'ArAaat,) " NEW H'islC. HAS NOW IN SI USE. . Mi.0-lTAILX RE .'itieg, a iii wiiiu .r. a ar Caarai, 1ji i abi b Sr invite idVm stteuiio", W Ucvuig n.ataan ohii..b -t s, .., i u...ty at.d r ;v, ii! prav !,ttiirrS trr-btuteauJ Paivhwrorerualtr Lm bo trr-bsutsaL.J J ki,- t .-b 'I i . n.t of KICHVH Vt.l Tl'r.-IU V H lSS L" l-S C A R PLTS, i t w m'j : LTLR lt'i b. .t.L'.-H AND AMERICAN S-rtY. m i .s.'N rsap'T ; CowprNn; aey N, pl U4.s slprvoel Vr Isw). class, tia '. Abo - t ailWd aud ltt' t'rvtiaa tlall aad Suit Carpal Ahl-Cl-tha, ia i ii'a. .'Ki 1 m A ipt, v41iuj iiwlitie' Kkb Mosaic, Ta'uJ 1,'wk.Hiju Hvirth tius aud 1va Matt of J flnvilt (,Nt Table and I'uuo Cuter, of rbau e pssllertu I I.M aaAt 4 i'idai-d itaia M uu. gi Wiadow htA- t lirjt.l ; t0" Stair-t 'orriig., M;r-lt il , aui ll o'.brr a-tl 1 1 atuk'.lv kept in I'arprt .-to i llh IS .vi. AGENT FOU MILLING ( arhart A Nje'a IVwee l'ia I hr I1 ard ingrain Car 11. M well ilarb rs Aubaa Priauu-a iH Bruawls 3 Ply, 'ngr iiu and t'cictiaa Carivtsand Rag. A II w'ju b i 'I b fairly rpeei.ted to parchaser. and told a' via ran a. ne 2.'. lVv - ?I7 Iv OVR MOl'TO ZS ' TO rLSAISi W llmlMAlatn Mn4sll,llarMa, sua' THINK M A N H F A C T O II V.i ' I Ml L itthacrihrr respertfally Inform! the pal lie Ttsr. 1 keej'seonatsBtly us kaad a large astorlnsat l I'sai k, t.lK.sttiU sslk llaiHvasi l.atly'a sml Usalliaiss'l a.d llillla. Wklpa.Ar.i Trunk. Vallsrs, Saddls td Carpet Hags, Satchels, fancy Trunks,- Always o band a largesupply of airing l.valbrr and ly ftrts.ard all tber articles usually found in such astabliahuieBts, all ol ah. 'h be warrants to b of tb best material ead work uiansbip, and will b soldUa lor, ui, srun lAorfTtdil te or nn I'l customers. addles, Hsmvss, Trunks, Mlieal Itags Jte .made to or ler Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at talr price . .. . . . I : ...... r . . i k. i . t i I iv aermiTir uurini to luaauiac ier. w aipsat waoiesaie AKkisdsei Riding Yshluleibought and sold en commit ion JOHN J CONOLEY. FEMALE H lUMtL. MISS Vl.lilNA S MOORE, recantly lrlncipal ot a Hoarding and Day ehoo for young ladies, in New bs'rne, N ' , pmpoara In establish on th Itt of Ortifbsr, KVV in the town of Wilmington, a DAY SCHOOL, Ir which will Io' taught I lis ordinary brannhes ol an English education Thii number uf pupils will bs limited Prior of tuition Fifty dollar r session of nine months. Tht S' hool will be ocne. in the brick building lmmlia'cly ad joining and south ot Mr. O li Parsley's residence, oa See on I .rcet AugiiU 7, IVm - -( jMtt-ly BLASTING POWUKK --IU0 kegs, b.st quality. Just rt. ceived and lor lals low, on manufacturers acoount, by lulyll DkROSSET A BROWN. P S Any quaii ity of ths above, or other description ol Dupont's Pow ler, csn b furnished In this placs, at (hurt no tice, and on the most favorable term Apply a above t I lit I bill A WM. ' 11 IE Subscriber has Just eoninUted his arrangement! for 1 supplying tha out CIRCULAR SAWS made, and for keeping a itoek on hand of all ilies, Bp to t0 Inches. Every Saw warranted, and sold at Manufacturer' prloet J M ROBINSON. Wilmington, N C .June 1.1th, l6d tl lit. A. O. flllAULKY, I ltlltit;isT k CHEMIST. Suooasse.ru S. B. J. A It Evaisa, WhoUsala sud Ratail dealer in Drags. Medi cines, t tiemluals, i'aluls, Oils, Ulass, Pateut Medlvlne. Perfumery, Cigars, Old Brandies and Wine, As , ic., at low nrirss North W est torner rrontaad Market ttreel. VVilinington, N. C . March 20, L154 IBrJ-tf ( V 'LD CREAM, Lip Salve, Ac , for chapped huidt, lip, ' He rreahly prepared by Nov 2d Dr. A. O. RR ADLEY. Druggist 'o 'no .-... -hi. n.iionr. : : : u,isni rrjiri, sn fi O Ira article, warranted I give satisfaction, horsalebf Ml It.' 1.- t u Af .1 L t f USf MlrL- I I in nM u- JONES A FOYLES, Market street (-IMHTP:iiailll RUTKR. 'I'lIK u'llerslgnril have thii day formed a eo part ni ship, I under thu firm of LUTI ERI.OH ELLIOT I , and will oonlinu" the General Commissioa and Forwarding busi- i.cm E.J. I. UTTER Loll, se,.t 1st, IH.V5 w P. ELLIOTT. MAII Il.tOltft. A ft I) TOIIAl tO, I I I KM 1. 1 Vl.lt per liailrn.rj - lor pal hy .1 No. I'i ( UM.MING k STY RON. rMIL.-H CtiNiiRLSS WATER - Received and for sale r b, Sept Hll yiNC PAIN T- i Sept. Ill A O BKADf.EY. Druggist k ( beiuist. Sold by A O. RK ADLEY. t O-PAIll ftr ItSMM' OTITIC. THE UNDERSI iNf.il H tVe, l Mi DAY FORMED I i md will eontione the GEN' Ell M.C'M H -Slo.N. WHOLE .-ALE G IO K E R Y and Pi.t.t l-lu, I.l,'.' IN ESS, at th. sl.iod formerly OM-upicd I- J A Viiia.., .... Ill North Water struct. I vl - A WILLARD, i... ' A CURTIS. Wilmington. N i , lie I im. -T.'iH HKAIsbn IGDI. oi N..H I II Al.ol lftA. A FEW COPIES ne III.. A!!"'L H 'OK FOR i sale. Price 1 1 esoa . i a. L mi d.. . Vet y. rtpp'V tn I in. II. Ksb In i(' -Kr i. I'ttoWN. IMIE A' 'I'l'N IA N'l'.i OWN ri-n-K. AND RUSI- I iii ss Ma',' VI iion i ". c , . , ,J ji i'.ic i'i i,iiMd' sod I'taei.ceof lonielic u .1 I r in 1'isdu, MeiraniOfl law nod I'sager. K . , il li.mti t, ba linj Exi lV gfl, etc I'i W'n P M I',-, I'n- i. . of tb I'i.ilad li.bia I I n ,iut lie lost tote. i' 'i r o' a " 1 1 ai -'leal 'y ' . in ol I eo Me Kutrjr Hook Ke. f'rg," at' .'e"iii' s lit' .u. It ee, . ami lor Sal. it Dee lib X. 'V. WIHTAhEh'S ri'WO NI-.M I 'Hi- Va o- NEW II Vl. .11, I S .- hit Bim's Adv-nHres: o'. HP'. 1 1 iauii.'i. i' M 'r Co d -n I r'i I he M if io'iii,'-' hi I t en I -t. r.'is !jf Hie su tlior ol ' Ran bow or t Ml J tn " l-ft publish' d For s.ile at . 'X WiiJ I A K EE'S. Ian IB, H."ea F'M ALK. n- A'l I - PIN'E USD rit.ntc imio li.itclv apnt. 'ft s'lhe Wilmii!g,"n sn-l Wel.lon l'a'hiad. fool to fiy miles Iron. de ol al 'Viimicgloa. Ale:, ft, I acri t ol RICE OR MI.AI l'W I. AND, situated b.iat.B lore Put and Tbomt'ury, II f ali'eh is Due swintp land. For terms. It , aptly to M. CRONLY. Oct. W. P-M 4ft.tr 'IO THE LADIRB. U7 I. A It E -I'.KKINU great many bainlsom and cheap Dl!...-S iot UH at nrieaa that defy eompetition. AKo the largest sl -ck of EMBROIDERIES such a COLLAR-), IT.oUM I.NGS, Jte., ever opened in Wilmington, which we will ctt out at an advance of 10 per cent, on wholesale f ries HEDRICK Ar RYAN. On 2. ltCft-(23 ItltTIMONO COt' NTT PLAINES. A N OTHER lot of all wool Plaine.-i toe best artiole for XTl Negro clothing to be found lust received by Oct. 10th. HEDRICK A RYAN. SALT. 600 bushel Turk' Island. In hsgi of two bushsll each For sale by GEO. HOUSTON. April 7. ' C1L0TIIE3 DRYING MACHINES!. L. S. Townj- hend, ba a few Clothes Drying Machinet still on hand A great convenience eipeclally for person! not bavinf much yard room. Also.anasiortment of Jelly Straiaer, and patint metn milk Pan. 1544f NOTICE. NOTICE IS GIVEN to all persons, whose neeounte wera. due previous to lit January last, that, unlet they art paid on or before the ISth of the present month, we will be compelled to hand them all over to ouf Attorney for eollee tifa. (mayS.) A U. TELLER. OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS most b erased np by the Itt of July, and we wonld call the Attention of bay erf, both wholesale md retail Va essr aisett. We are wiling every article at nett cost. Cm and JadgeVor vooreslf. May S S. fe. D. TELLER. COUNTRY MERCHANTS ean examine tht fkrgeet a Kj sort men t or Umbrella at Beott k Baldwin's. They Mil to dealer at 6 cent, tdrtnoe, CaA. My 58 MARKET STREET. ALTIMII l LAM It MOMMTAL, WX.-TOK JOVJ far. NrKlurss. Ssaiisil . .... .. irrwsbit.i,. u..i i H.'AT,lvj,T,rr.n thus srtta sad Mkholr liwva, .r'n( f, ',,, ,i' tractive a. bits mf ViaMt . aaab Wr fc -J , ,T iT.J raasa aavaav "i tulnvy aracitrrw m.nr hut i " lhaa llw sua M , A, itm in ih auriMra I !. thtr m-tm ks illiaat asspra ml aatictpaiiaaa, rea-erta mr,,,.! c,kap.aikl a wriaje ratieclally, wb asva fercmu u. vtrtias sf RiJiUr T that Jrra tiHl aad 4rartiv MkM. was aaaiwitji swm . ilwsl (ray haasa l WM r4 ta Mo4 tsir 1.U a i aa j krittiuit latelb . t; w ta a. if tu m Www ks mtnmrJl wti WNkia Ikstaartax qaar, w,.jLV. wMa tka hvlH lr ?' wttksM glMv srarriaga. arrt4 Pv, ar Vtn M tsatplsllsf arrlSM.bM swar4 rtoswal aakana (triaai li-kih! lf.Z, JZ, Id .k.uli l.ul.i.l. II. i , . I .ut ' ' tsaaarasl ipt(sa II wS steer blowelf aader Ibst ear tkaa mm w rri-tlwi.1, eoal l la b tsir a t feailmaa, tad coatdsui, rtif omi his skill sis i,hy ua MWill; Oranl Waka UniMtllstrty eured, sail tall vifor reaturvsl t hn aieM B) lh swsKi i IntHMl,,..! a. ... bay kust Ik' yitlt. l Mpmut lluU.u v...""" '" ia urn, w iwpmr lalul(Tc coMrqimirssa tt-l wis; - Now, wb. th.1 aaSwaVZ tOl subjm will prrlr-a lo J.y that lh power uf P,.,"" rj snaMi ky tboM Ikhlng mis kavrapw kakita iaa kr side kln Jruny. J lb plrsMur af Bralih. ,ftB,VT ihl sal aerkMt ad sestrwctlv sya.pini( to s.all VnJ. ...,LlL" atw. Tb system ks.imleaiffJ, h phy.ic j Jmmnt xiwr weak. J, asrv. a aVkihty, 4fpTt, Mpl,,.T!, kH. tadir.toa, a wamj of Ik fra, sooT . H.rvwua Oabilit-, Wakarof th?tm, ftervoua l BiTht aaj Brmatura ray faraHy eria (row ll DoMrwellva haklt f wih. ih.iMi. lUt f prrttt so latal to Uie boallilul SAMrnr iaa. mad ttla lh jiouiig w bo sr aiost ant lo kcoa lis Vlcilm. r ,, raae at Ik nr M hick thry suluact UwbmI,, P.r.oui and Ciusrilisus ai oltn ssiswd Willi reaped tl tmire( diaaw la tbtr -mm a ad ward, ahst knw .niT II llwy aarrtU to Uir eauara. lh wua ol lh frarn. p.,,, J. Ila l th Heart, Uppala,lod lge.lt,. JB,.nVf1! t!V v.sii,.e, t .,h. sad Nvrapuana a tawpti. .1.7, arhu Mralal sltecia, a.wh n ssa oi m.,mnJ a.' y splrlls or ullar lis wl Melaacboly, ibw uM 1 .7.71!. a cauMd by ladulf ing la rVrkicWo kut sllevlng .rUtiTi-L drstr uve W Uh Hods sad Mind. Thu ar, tZ, J .. tnrtliousands who aught lisveke uaa oi,. Caoair. a pkasiir ta their frieada aad raaiaala t B,irMy. '-'""7i a OrrH S N. 1 HuWB faaeaaica r b-ft band side going from HaltiBtore strcat, 7 toon Iron, ihs'sr. D-H' particular Ib observing th nam tad number um WHIiul.MiAslhspIsc. r,rystj 0.i- I'ak autica, o!rvthe Nam on lh IW tad Vt Widows A Cars IVarraatsd r CWfi Mod; in fTtm On, y,,,' U1 Nil MRRITRY OB. NAraKOI Dg( e fj,rD OH. JOIIftBTON, Member of th Royal I'olleie of urfs.Mis, Lnnjna Orsdaata Irotn on of lh aiost iBlnvnl College of tht lslld "tales, mmd tb rtalar iiart M who lite kaa been arxnl la a... 77' , lalof Lonhon, Parts, rhl ladslp hi, and alMwker. ha flsclad soio ol h wit ssliiulalilna currs Ibst wei yr sbsiwb bmb troubled with rlnflnf In lh head and ara when ssln tra'slaar. vousiim, being alaruiad al euddea anaada, and kaahfulncss, with freiiuanl blustiini, suendrd snmstimea with drn..,....i . mind, war cured Itamadtsialy. A Vartala) Ulsas. Whsn tb ailatulilsd and luuirudanl VMarvnf hla..n. a.j. h hss tin tubed lh sesds of this painful disease, II low of lea hap pens thai sit III tlmaa sens af shams, or dread af diaaavnr da Urs hlia IrutM spplyiaa tolhoa who frata sducatl aad raVea. ubilliy.tsa slmis bslriend him, delaying till Hi aoneillulioaal syinpuitna ol this horrid aie mak iliir sppraae, sush ss ulcerated aor throat, dlssd no, aoclurnsl pains la ths bead and llintis, diuinsss ol sigiil, assinraa, Bodes oa lh alda keasa, and arms, bUilrlicson tha had, fars, and SMrsinHi, sr-grnss lag with frialulul rapMlly, till si hut th aalal of Um atosMh r lb boaaaol tha aoa (all in, and lb slcllta of this awful diaaasa bsrotnes a barrlil ohjsrt of rouiu.laaeration. till daath puis s p. nod la hi draadlal suHrti.s ky aandlag Ihs.a la "tint koura Irmn wl.enc no trsvaler return Ta eiwh H.srsfnrs Dr. Joha sii pldg hliMMlt lo prarv tha nwaM tavlnlbl secrecy, and from bis sslenalvs prsotiealn Um Irat htatpltala la Kuroi.' sad America, la ea aoultdeutly rrn.wnd a stf aad iiJt tart) to til UBfortussUl vlollm ol Hit horrid disess. It Is a malaacholy lact, that I house mis (all victims la la dreadful dl , swing to lh unskillbluass sf Igaoraal arsMn dsra, who, ky ths us of thai dreadful poiao, eirrf , rata lh sonailiutlon, sad lilr sand lbs unlmiusai suftrr w ta a llmsly grsvs, rl aisk lh rvsiilu of his III oiiBarehl. Tab PaHIla A (!. Dr. J address all lhw who bar latir Ihaaiaelv kv piirala and Imprnper Ind oiganrle. ' 'I'tArs sra smas ef tha sad sad mclsBcbol sfltnki mrnA..A k. early ha hi la of youth, VI I Weaken of h Hark and I link. Pain in tlis Head, lilmnm nf Mglil, las of Muaviiiar p0wr Palpllatloa of lh llrt. Dyspepsia, fyerysu IrrltaMlll U,.' rarigement af th Ulgeatlv unclioas, Uensisl Debility s'rsi toiiia f I onsuniptlun, 4-e. ' ' r MsnriLLr-I h frsiful sltVeis npinthdmlnd SramiMhsik drsailej, l.'ws of Memory, l.'ui.luslou of Ideas, lie ,h asf ispirlta, Evil rnrehiallngs. Aversion nf fwlely, aelf IMrB UKeoi loiiiune, iiniiony, , r io al Mis sens produced 1 hnuaanila o persons of all sirs, rsn new l.iil i. .... eanse nf llirlr decllnln hsahh Lxing Ihelr sui.tr fc,H.lna wak, pal and staaciaisd, hay s sii.giimr spprn about the , rough end syinplmns nf sisu.t.plloa r. JahwsUsa InwIaarsllssH itea ssn4y for OrgasiU . Uiskasn Br this greal mil Inip-tant 'me.lr, wekne nt th sr Sienlil cured, snd full vigor rrsii.rrd nones nils ol lh iihmi nervooa snd debilitated, Wlw bad ksst all hiiie hays i s) liniiiesllalely rsliestd. All la pediuo ala lo Mai le,' ri.Lir.l ,r . Mental l,Miiahfliailnn, Nerynti IfrtlahtlHy, Trainbllnas snd Wrakneaa, or rihaiisUtlon of iha most fearful kind, sueedll rim,l I, llr iel.n.liin r ' YwwRig Rleai, Who have Injured th'niselyes ti I'ertala Prucilee Indulged n when alon -a habl' fieqoedll) learned lnn en unn ,Hh,. rat .liool-ll eller ol w' lei. a niiolly leit. even .in lero aiid if mil rin e. I, roib rs msiriage liuuiwihi. uJ J sliojrs ii.Mli lolnil and B.atv, slenild api'ly lunar ijlely Y hat s i.ny ll'Si a y' og ...au, the le o ol hi .Mnri. and II, larliog uf h.a narenia, slenild 0 srntrhed from , u .... j njoy.i.e.il f Ilia, ky th toiiseo.,ca M nyiatini IIIHI .M path ol online, , I nxlnlging In .eruin secrsl liebu aura. persons b. toirn.ilrinpluBng iarrisii, Ihon'd rt fleet lhat r.'ii.d mind and body tr lh most iirroist ry rrqii.aite I pneiKSa cmniirilal iMpplnes In ,), witiajul iieae. Hie Journey i.,io. gh III berstor wimr. uilgii,., tiM proapect . niirly darke s to lh view ; lit mind hei oinn.h.d. owed wilh ileap.nr snd l it d with the tnelai.rli.ily refie. tiou, h the happiness ..I an.Ah.'l ke . n.es MighieJ with our .,wn HHII K Ml. 1 Wil li fHBiiA.Klt.li Bl Mmlhrntri Mi All euan al. (Ipssatiobs PsasoaNBD N. B -lt n . false deh ..ry prevent you, bin ,npy immedi ately cither personally or ky mrt. saia pissasb spasaiiv ct'sao. To NtranKers, 1'be msny tbnussnds caied al lots losiiinilon within Hielast twelve yeara, and lh nuineroiia tinpiiriaiit inimical lli.rai n perlorincd by Dr JOI1 NpTOn, linens, il by in reporters of nn dally papers and many other permi,, nutH i of wliarh have again and again iperd keliirs the public - e smH. Int cos anie, that ihssfB.r.led will Hilda Skilllul and Ix.uorabM pbyslclan. Take nolle. . H. F..-Tbresrs eo msny Igaorantsnd snirlhleM-qusckssd e using themselves as rtiyslr.iana, rulinng lh health ... thesl. ready slfllcKd, Ilia I lr inhnston deems II uereasary Inj, md. rlally U llm unarqiia nted with his repiitsllna, that Ins crtdsa uals or diuliHtiasalwsys hang In his ..files. TAKK NtllKK All leliera must h pnat paid, snd eootlia a postage stamp for th reply, er no answer will fee seal.. March, I, IK66 151-ly A PREPARED ClTi. ATt! OK MAt.NtSlA. tn a'ebl Refrigerant aad Lsxativ. This preparation aitivIy Bied In tha form of 5.'biw or liquid VUralt. and ka given very general tatixfaetion Frequent application,' er a pre paratiou In the form of powdxr, ef tianUr natur and prop ertiet, have suggested the ad rant get tail might result front It Introduction in that form, especially kea the balk bos' weight of the tiptid i'Urttt, (aa artiol S justly aeUeaed both by pbyiiciantandln private faraille wherever it baa been ueL) would Interfere wltk It being sin I to great d la ta n ess ; it il deititut of bitterneas, and ky ite pisasant a eidity of taste and It effervescing enaraeier, U rendered very agreeable and refreshing drink, At i tarn :n, that It it a good substitute for Epson salt- or ether talis pur- sat vet. Jroarjy Pr. A..BRADLET, Drtgglav BOOKS EN ROUTEA great many New Booki tin It way from Boston, New York and Philadelphia, by Ex press and tailing vessels. Dae notice will be given of their arrtvAl. , 8 W. WHITAKER. LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPtR For StXvitr. Feb. Khh. Received aad for sale, al Eet. IZtk . w WHITAMw, SALT.-1.000 SACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND; 100 bag TURK'S ISLAND. In More and foi sale by WILLARD A CUKTlS. E MPTY BARRELS IrOOO prime second band Spirit Aarreu. far Bale by i. it. riaxvcvciu De. 10. No 22 North Water s. 15 0 yOU iTklVb bUTt-PurehaMarairof tlkoseSttxa- ) met Driving Glore. apened 7'7 . Mfrl. SCOTT A BALDWIN'S. CtKACK-EHS. Fhilielptia maks.) Sugar, Soda At Batter 1 ia kbit., hal fcbU. And box. J ar al by April 14. ' GEO HOUSTON, WHITE DUCK GOATS. New lot as opened, Ter, tit; alat white tak Patta and whit Vests, rcr handsome.U SCOTT k BALDWL'S " MaylWk. t - -

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