- . 1 II !i II II j) PUBLISHED BY FULTCW PRICK WILMINGTON. .NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YIIAli, IN ADVANCE VOLUME 5. NO. 243. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE IS, ISV1. WHOLE NUMBER 1.479 RATES Of ADVERTISED. .ALT ? lday 0 M SdiTi 75 Sdsys . I 00 . I 25 . 1 50 . 1 75 , 2 75 . 4 00 7 00 10 on ,lti 00 .SO 00 n:j :::::::::::::: on t OATS, 1 eek S weeks, 75 .' 5 day... .. K7, ; 1 week... ..1 371 2 week.. ,.3 00 1 month... ..3M 2 months. ..5 00 S months. ..8 00 ' months. 1 month. .. 1 Booths, S month, .... si months, .... I t jar. 15 00 I lyear Ten lines ar counted m a quare. ltd lv Un or 1m a aW-sowo. Longer Advertisement in proportion, and All AyAblVia adv.nei. When not paid in advance 25 ce.t. mi Aim will b charged After the first insertion AU kAlf IquAre. not paid for in Adr.ne. -.11 b. kZytf. wMiSTlw made withont a vwonsiblo name. McCALEB Bl -.Tltti. WgOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS, No. S3 Noath Wati Street, Wilmington, ." vj W Order from the country will receive prompt Attention March 20, IK" mm KTCVl.ttl). AGENT for the SALE OF ALL KINDS of PRODICE, Puscsss Staiat, trier. Adams 1r. & lo , WILMINGTON. N. C fc4-,df j...Uio. f..ip-m. iaawmi.it. J. R. (ilLNOHK O. 0UMMISSION MERCHANTS, LIberAl cash advance mads on consignment. Nor. II. mTi Amstl A hUN. WIL.M1NOTON, fi.L. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND I Dealer! i la Hardware, Cultery, Iron. Steel. Nails. Agncul sural Implement, e Jao. 1st, 1HJ . . GEORGK W. DA VI. COMMISSION MERCHANT, South Water Street, WlLMlNATON. N. C. Jad. 7, 1856. 1041? OKO. OIM-KKflE, GENERAL PRODUCE AGENT, will. also negotiate, buy And iell good paper, N OTES AND BILLS, on reas onable termt. NOW ON HAND, tl.000 of first class business paiJr, in which safe investment can be made, at from 10 to 15 per cent, per Annum. .. ,f Not. 8th, 1863 5 " II. K. oi A. J. UUADY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oct. 15. Wilmington, N (' . JOIIS L. CANTWELl., GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. Oct. lit. WlLMINBTON, N. C. J. D. CUMMIN. C. W. STVRON. CVMMIXO STIROS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WiLLMi.NaroM, N C. Sept. lt, 1365. 307-tt. n. A. IIOI.MEM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilmington, N. C. f Offloe Prinoesi St., EaiI of the State Hank. April 2, IHW. tl7tf. HALL. A I'l l I 57 BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, Wilmington, N. C. TOfflc in Hall's building, North WAter trect Anril Klh IHM 15 "I- - - --- O. L. FJLXYAW, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wilmington N H2-tf March 15th, 1K5 I. J. LITTIRLOH, w r SLLI0TT. Ll'TTEItLOH H KLLIWTT. General Commlulon A FarMrarfllug Mert'hanu, Wilmington, N. ('., Keep oonUntly on hAnd a mpply of Lime, Calcined I'laste r, HydrAulio Cement, LAnd PIasUt, Plaitering flair, 4c, &o. Sept. Int. ina GEORGE IIOISTOS DSALRR IN GROCERIES, PKOVISrONS, AND NAVAL STORES COM!IISIO! MEKIIIAVI', Veaael and ForwarllK Aenl, AugUrt 1.1W5. Wll.MINQTON. N (' J. HATHAWAY. J. L. HATHAWAY WM. R. I'TLEV J. J. L. HATHAWAY t O., C COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; WlLMINOTOW, N. (.. Njit 1.1H54. 4i) tf . D. CAHIIWELL, 10MMISSION MERCHANT, 21 -tf Wilmington, N. V,. JOSEPH II. FL.ANMEK, GEflERAL. Commlulon Merchant, 2-Iy Wilmington. S. C. ADAMS, BROTH Ell & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington. N. C. GEO. HARRIS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July let, 1954 255-ly TNO rOTTS BROWN, ARMAND J. DKROSSKT, JT , R T IROWN BROWN & DeRORSET, Nw York, UcROSSET A BROWN, Vllmln8lon. IV . C, 132) COMMISSION MERCHANTS. h. dollner, roTTiR.ir , j. camkrden. DOLLNKK, POTTER A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I161-lyl New York M Liberal Afh Advance! mAda on oniignmenti m. cnoNLT. BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT. Wilmington, N. O. Real Batata, Negroes, Bank Stock, Bonds, House hold Farnltre,nd every deactiptionof Property bought And told on eem mien ion, either at i.rivateor public lAle. tOT Refer to the pablio generally. June lath, JfVS 211 W. II. McRARY & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lazarus Buildings, Prlnc tss Stm t, May 20, '64 21-tf- Wilmington, N C, DR. A. O. BRADLEY, WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancy Articles And Perfumery, has jurt opened a large And beautiful as iortment f FANCY GOODS, mAny of which Are of new patterns and of superior workmanship. Port Monnaiei, Gentlemen's Dressing Cams, CigAT Cases, Hair Brushes, Tooth do., NaII d , Gent's ShAnng do., Flesh Gloves, Chi na Waw, Powder-puffs, Nickel And Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glass, do Gelatins, !3uffAlo Dressing Combs, India Rubber do. (JuieSth, 14 A. H. VAitBoARRLRft W. A. M. VanBorrelen VANBOH KELEN 6t BROTHER, Wilmington, N. C MANUFACTURERS of And driers In Naval Stores. Storeage and Wharf Age for Produce furnished At fair Ates. aader inssranee. if desired WHf A. II. VANBOKKKLEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION k. FORWARD ING MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular Attention given to sale Aud canchase of Naval Stores. iJan. f,1853.-100-ly HENRY BUTT, FACTOR.' AND FORWARDING AGENT, wiUgivshls . personal Attention to holiness entrusted t his car. liS7, 18S.. - JAXES T. MJTntWAT, GEORGK R. MITCHKTT. PETTKWAY PRITCHETT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. y Will give particular Attention t the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, lt. January 23d. ISfti . T. C. WORTH, GENERAL COMMiSI0N MERCHANT, Jan. 6, l&M. WnJtrwGToN, N. C. IHE AITDKA80N, BDWAJID SA VAGI- ANDERSON A SAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f WilmiBOB,N. C. UirJwalTanoMaeiooBJ5fnjiBi- WtI WALKER MEARK. . L. MEARES M. I WALKER MKARK9 4 CO.. Sl'Cl'S5LVlR To C. & . M'FK ) TlfHOLESAl.E AND RETAIL PKl'GGISTS, No. 45 MAKKET STKEET. May t, lVM.-221-tf. WIL.M1KGTIN, N. C. WM. I TOWNSHKND. rilOLKSALE AND RETAIL GUOCKR and Ct.MMlSSlON MERCHANT, N'o. 2i) M.nkKT vrasET, WimiMiTON, N. C. May 22.-22) A. A MAYER. NtkNKV RLI'N MAY Kit A HLl . IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ir .v a: s , n a a d i t: s , msst tt., irt.. ITTUl'LD RESPECTFULLY ANNGl'NCK TO THE VV tiublie. that thiv have iuat oiwncil tha ,1. rrf fortnrlv occupiedlylV.il. fhjl're, Jr-.ttirner IVince. and WatiT strevts, wbere they intond to krep I jjs vn ban J a lull uy ply of the above. Dealer.-" iu the gemiue article would Jo well m ?iTini( theui a call. They also keep cii-liiii!lv nn han.l a full -tool of IVtui' tia Li'juors, sui-h u W'HHKIi Y, I'-llANDY and GIN. April 2I.-W7. w. iTTrfTtto r; GENERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANT: ALSO, VI WHOLESALE AND K ETA1L GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C , intend ke'.ing at the a bove stand, a large assortment of G ROC ER1ES, L10.L'-RS and PROVISION at wholesale am! retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all orders trout the country 1 would respectfully invite the citizens of Wilmington an'tlth ailjeining country, to call aud examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry on a general com mission business Particular attention will be giveu to the sale of Naval Stores, and all kinds uf produce Liberal Cash advances aiade on consignments. Wilmington. October bth. IN12 27-tf-hlf H C WATSON, GASTON MKARKn. J. ri. KOI'NTKKK- U VISOV, MKAUKS & ItOlMTIt E K riO.M.M ISMO N M E KCHANTS, V' 150 Front Street, New York Especial attention paid to the sale of Naval Stores Cot ton, and SorrHtKN I'kodi ii generally Liberal advynctM made on consignments. J HARVEY COCHRAN, W X KI VNUI.L lOtllKW .V. Itl'SiKHlLL, (Successors to Thomas Allibone k Co .) pENEKAL COMMISSION M ERCHANTS. No. 32 cJ North Wharves, and Ki North Water. Street, I'iiii.a iiti.fHiA sTLiberal cash advaaccs madeon eonsignmnts July :th, 1.S.V1 . 271) WM. 1. IKIVN ltl KNEIiAL PHODUCE BROKER. G T Sept L'u. K'vi l.tfl Wilmington. N.C Ur. A. O. UK II.K1, DRUGGIST .V ('HEMIST, Wii.minoton. N. C TV Having purchased the Drug estaklishment of Messrs M S. B. &J.A Evans, will keep always on hand, nl wholesale and retail, a large and very select stock of Drugs Medicines, Chemical", Paints, Oils, Glass, Surgical luitru menf, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, aud Fancy Articles, at low prices A)sT Physician's Proscriptions put up correctly and with dispatch. March 20th. 1N54 IWi-tf It I'NMKLI. A. HKOTIIK.lt, (LATE ELLIS, RSVSFI.L h CO ,) pENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, vt Wilmington, N. ('. Liberal cash advances made on onsignRienls of Naval Stores, Cotton, and ether produce OlIIULK V IllM H, G EN ERA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ISO Front rtkkit. New York. Liberal advances niitde on coiisiirnmenls C B Dl RULE May 17 -21frt J. B. BUXCE l a mls C. .Smith. Mii.k.h C'ostin. JAN. t . MMITII .W 1(1., COMMISSION MERCIIANlS, olc second story, cor ner South Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N (' , where they aro prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will bo punctually attend ed to. l-lan. II, Krt' AO. RK A DLEY, Druggist, i receiving, by nearly e- ery packet, fresh supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Chemi cals, Trusses, Supporters, Surgical Instruments, Patent Med icines, Perfumery. Fancy Articles, Paint', Oils, Varnishes, Window ( iUss, itc $r All articles furnished to Physicians arc guiyrantecd to be of the best (ju ility, and will be sold low to caAi buyers Wilmington, N (..April 10 Herald copy J ttixovs hoi sr., (F0RMKRLY Ml!. BOHtlKx's, ' West Ml Kallroad, Gnltlaltuio'. - - fft THIS EXTENSIVE AND WELL-KNOWN Pl'B liiillio Establishment has been purchased and was rc-oiencd by tb subscriber for the reception of guests on the 1th inst It is pleasantly snd conveniently situated in tho centre l business, and is directlv opposite to, and WEST of the Tiek"t ( ifficcs of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Cen tral Railroad Companies, where the cars stop on their arri val and departure, and where paitiifcl skrvants will hk in waiting to take baggage, And give such other attentions as the traveller may require THE HOUSE has been remodelled, repairod, and thr oughly renovated from cellar to garret, and furnished thro' out with new furniture, selected with special care, and ar ranged with an eye single to the comforts of the casual guest or permanent boarder. THE TABLE Will be richly furtiiihod with tha substantial, the dainties and delicacies of tho seasons, foreign as well as domestic markets will bo rendered tributary to the constant supply, which will be served up in the best stylo by orderly, oklig ing and well-trained servants. THE BAR Will bo a storehouse of tho best Wines and Li'prs, and su perintended by a gentleman of courtesy and integrity, thor oughly acquainted with his business comprising the knowl edge of what is due to the rights and comforts of the pub lic, as well as to himself and nis employer. THE STABLES, Which are among the best in the State, have been placed in tho keeping of a skillful and caroful manager, who will al ways have under his care the best and most experienced ost lers, and it will be among the chief carea of the proprietor to see that horses of his guests be well fed and thorougly groomed. This entire establishment has been purchased and fitted up at an enormous expense, and it wiii be the pleasure, as, of course, it will bo the interest, of the subscriber to render the House in every respect cual to any in the country lie therefere trusts that a generous public will renew and con tinue the liberal patronage heretofore extended to this Hoase while under the care of its former proprietress, Mrs. Borden, who gained for it a eelobrity throughout the entire Union. Aug. 17, l.-291-ly. H. R. NIXON CLAItKVOON IKON WOllKA, WILMINGTON, N. C. A. II. V A IIOKK E LEV, Proprietor. rNHE subscriber having purchased the cntiro interest in 1 the " CLARENDON IRON W( RKS," solicits orders for Steam Engines of any power or style. rw iviins oi every variety Mining Machinery and Pumps. Grist and Flour Mills complete. Parker, Turbine and other Water Wheels Itioe Field Pumps and Engines. IeaTitt' Corn and Cob Crushers. Rico Threshers. Shinglo Machines. Shaftinc, Hangers and Pullics. Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Castings of all kind and patients. BrAf do d do do do Locomotive And Tubular Boilers. Flue and Plain Cylinder Boilers. Blacksmiths' Werk of all kinds. Iron Door for Houses and Jails. The Establishment having beei reorganised for the e press purpose of insuring punctuality in the ezeeutinn of, all rders, the public may rest satisfied that any work which may offer will b promptly delivered According to promise, Ana of such workmanship as sannot fail to rive satisfaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT being ia charg of men ef talent and experience, I hAV no hesitation in say ing, that the work hereafter turned ont shall compare fa vorably in every respect with that of the" mst celebrated in th States, And At prices which will make it to the interest of all in want to send me their orders. REPAIR WORK always done without delay ; and hav ing a large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageou to any person needing such, to give me tha preference, with out regard to expense of sending the same from a distance. vraerswiu r addressed to "Ularendon Iron Works" Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKXELEN. Oct. lSth 34tU.ww, THEY CAME YESTERDAY. Those fancy Shirt aad CellArs, ont tast Arrived yesterday. Call and see thtoi At the CITY CLOTHING STORE, - MiTUK. TH E subscriber having Suihed hi contracts ia tha eoantry is now in tvws, and ready to ntract for any kind ef werk ia hi tintef business, as Carpenter and CwutrMtor. G, W. KOSh. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch Feb. yth, U V.aw CO-rHTKKMIII MITUK, MK. WM. R. UTLEY having Keen admitted a a mi ner of our irai, the general I ouiuii"-i'n business' r this date, will be continued under the name and style of J. & J. U. HATHAWAY Ct. Nov. 1st, 11 J. HATHAWAY & SON mi fs S'ptember 2."tii, 1?M 17 ly II.MltiTtN HOOK IIIMUCItl. Flratfiloor low llir n- Frar IIhiiU, up (ulr. r1lnS establishment, which is complete In every dctart JL uieiit requisite to Accommodate tho business of t Ins place, and will hen-after be under the side control of Mr PHILIP IIEINSUEKGKK, who is in nil rejects u llnihe l work man, and will take plcairc in executing work h it with him in a manner calculated to give the fullest mli'laction to all who may be Inclined to paimnit linn The Materials and Slock lor the bindery w re purcli.ved and biught out by us from the North with ut any expecta tion ol profit, save in the accomiuoilnlion to lm jll"tte. in our selves and others who illicit hae bimlmg to he done, no-1 with the view to obviate the necessity of miiaing abroad t"r it, with the trouble, expcu.se, and delay uiiuvoiiiilulily incurred in so doing Mr Heiiisbergcr has now the use f I fie Materials, and wo respec'lully n.k ol the people of Wilmington and tho surrounding ( 'entitles to give to him such a support as will en able him to continue Rook-binding as a permanent business in this place, as it cannot fail to be a very gie.it accoiuinoda tion aud advantage to the community. Fi'LTON It PRICE Having the use ol the Hook-Binding Material" of Messrs Fulton k Price, I will give my entire u.,eiilion to executing oil srdcrs for Hook-llindmit ill its various branches, promptly and in the best manner I feol eonlident ol Leing aide to tin my work as well, and on as favourable t rtos ;i it "nn lo done In the Northern 'itios The pair-mat' tk public, is respectfully solicited Nov 11, IK.'.!. PHILIP lib INSIIKRGKR G H.r -20 I ibis ID different grades for snle bv l.l-.ORGK llcl Sept STO.N bv & CO I0 IALES YARN AND MIKE May II h W i TING I M. lor sub. II A II V .UI.. M lll. AMI MIIIV I-.IjM - IO d" lust I i-l from f actory, for sale by f.EO III I'.V list reeeiv- O N . ri.K PARIS. t alcined, or sale by GEO (i MR. I,. II l.l'RKEE, (iunii't ol New York, h at succeeded in producing the best " Raking Powder, (ant The genuine article can always be found frith, at Nov. SI. Dr A. Q iili'Mil E Y'S Drug St,, l.il 'PHHID AND l( H.' I A of England, rcc( i Jan. Hi !TH vol'imes of .Maeaulcy'i lli-iory d a ,d lor cile at s v wiiit.ke::s II lit; AIS ! Illt(. lN ! I E are ofTering great bargaim in )O.M l-'.STI' ' A N I FANCY DRY GOODS w Oct.2'd HEDRICK A RYAN IHIlEt I' 1-MtOM Till: KAITOltl, T HALES more of Nor-h Carolina NEGRo CLOTHS. fj Just r-eeived Oct. 22-1. IIEDKIl K k R VAN. H- T. a v v ("isai:i ri ;s, ullacii ed "a nd i n bb-sehctl Shirtings, and a large assortment of Doiip's'ic Goods, st. cost S I D TELLER April It li SEr I ir E EDS' SEEDS" -lllue Gra-., Ilurd's Gras Or -bar I Si ! t s ran, Eu -erne, Mil!-", Red ( lover, and On,,,,, lias received also, another supply of iarden StN)d A. O BllADLKY, I irucgist, Ur April 10 Herald cpjr ) H N. WILD'S ICELAND Moss and FLAXSEED . CANDY, worl, '.-renowned for the cure ol Coughs nnd Colds. For sa!o at the Rroadwav Variety Stort-, No In Mar ket street ' W II DkNEALE. April 12 rpHOSE FRENCH AND EN' ISII DR A I' D'E' iildwin's are .i;s. orih X in Coats jii't opined a your examination May I. Scott II I PLANTING PoTATol-.h 100 bbls Superior Planting I Potatoes, now in Store For s.ile bv Feb. Xth WIEEARD k OCR II-' A DAM a mini; candles. -:m boxes, i.l.o f,,r sile by IIOI S'l'O.N. C KIFFEE. 20 lags Rio Coffee: 10 " Lnguayra do.; o matts il I Brown Java do ; Landed and for sal- by WILLAKD k OI'RTI- Fcb 20. t'NGS - 20,'l'KI, assorted files, for sale by Sept 10. GEORGE HOUSTON J UsT RECEIVED 2-' bbls. Fayettcville Flour ; H" " Crackers, different kinds ; Z boxes English I 'airy ' lie- so ; .10 bbls Snuff; PK1 bsgs Shot, assorted ; 100 kegs Nails. Alt -CALEB k RENTING. 'il North Wt-r M. For sale by Aprils. Ill WIIOI.F.KALK. WE are iirepared to Job goodi at New York prices April 5h. HEDRICK & I! YA A N . N O. MOLASSES Just in store, Vt bbls. N. Orl-ani Svrup a beautiful article For sal by April 9th. WILLARI) k CURTIS. 60 BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEYS AND DOMES tic Brandies. For sale bv WM. L. S. TOWN.MIEND. April 8th. No 20 Market street . MULFORD'S CELLRRATED LEMON Sugar, pre pared expressly for Family, Hotel and Ship use. from the best Lemons, in a concentrated form, then crystallised with sugar, for the Instant production of Jemonade. In this pur tatc it supersedes Lemon Syrup, and is moro conveni ent and clieiper than Lemons, as it will not spoil in any cli mate. For Parties and travelling, it Is invaluable. ThA Sugar is neatly put op in canisters of lh. each, (2 doi. in a box ) For sale by GEO. HOUSTON. MESS PORK. Y. CITY ME 33 PORK, now landing. For WILLARL & CURTIS. PQ BBLS. N DO sals by May S. IrtLOUR -50 BBLS. IN STORE. FOR HALE BY ' April 7th. W. H. McRARY fc CO. LAGUAYR A COFFEE. 10 bag superior, for tale by March 5. GEO. HOUSTON. ITHJlt SALE jsj very prime selected Empty Spirit bbl. X' 150 bsgs liuano, w) Darreis Herring, - 200 bags blown SaH, - 10 half-barrels Snaff, by ADAMS. KRO. ft CO MArch 4 I T ---v.jrj v -I r "V l a f- II 3"w S W. WHITAKER.. 1 tk .South-side Market ,t , Vw Wilmington, N I 1 "j , lA j 'm car- tfS.- RIO COFFEE.-) tacks Rio Coffee, now landing. For sal by WILLARD & CUKTI3. April 4. CAltrKT, OIL-CLOTH. At I .aw I'rlrra far t a.ht ooonon o. z. btatt. - - tit sari A t I'Mllllrwl, (Kfrtl ( Ad,) NEW OKK. h: AS XtW IN SltRE. AND Is CONSTANTLY RE- eivmg. a m.i. Asvia ricn Sen or A rtr. tiL- t 'l.oTM. k , ta w hi, h he invite public attention, bGiciing tha au riamuiiW ion ut both iiuality and pfi", will prove satisfactory to Mer'hauts aad Plrchasr generally, who buy lor Cosh. 'I t S'ok eoiiost j of RICH VLLVl.T TAPESTK Y Ac BRUSSELS CARPETS, IN Ntw isi-, ; . iJPCRlCK K.n'g Us! I AND AM ER IC A N PLY, a biaii ettrtrv; Comprising many Nkr Pattarns aade eij re-'y for flrst elas trade. Als - Tallied and Plaiu Venetian IUU aud Stair Carpets Oil-I bMh?, in widths from 2 to 21 fret, in various na!itu,a Rich Mosaic, Tutted and Cotumun Hearth R ugs aad !oor Matsof different sorts Table and Piano Covers, of choice patieru I I. VI and til I 'I ail and Itain Matting Window Shades of IVsirLle Styles Stair-Coverings, Mnir liovls, and ail other article) usually kept in Carpet stores HE IS ALSO AGENT FOR SELLING Carbart & Nyd's Power Luout Three-Ply and Ingrain Car pets, as well as Harber's Auburn Prisoii-iu ide Brussels 2 1y, 'io,-t.iin and enetiaii Carpets and Rags. All which will bo I airly rcprveuted to purchasers, and sold ' VMM rKict' . n e 22. I5."i 217 ly OTJU MOTTO XO "TO risDABEi" At IHI WIIihIhk I on snll Ir .llurura., inn lilt K M A N I' K A t T t) li Y ll. sunseriiier respeetrulty intoruis the puoii, I hail, ktepaccnstautlvou hand a laiife assort tn-nt ef t a li. t.lK, iit Mill k y llarnra l.ud) Mini (.riitlriurM's Aailil, a, Hi lilli a, Itlps. s.i .i Trunks, aliaes, Saddle aad t arpct Rags, Satchels, fancy I runks, k Alwaysor. hand a large . supply of HI t in K I ' " v and I I) rt. m.d all ot Uer art ieles usually found in such establishment, all ol wh,.'li he starrauls to b uf the best material and wurk manslnp, and will be sol t low I or uth, r en A oC ici ' to i,r uiiiil customers. addles, I lames.--, Trunks, Medical t'ug tic., mad to orler Harness ai.d Coach Triinuilncs sold at a fair i rice to ssrsons buying to manufacture. M bipsat wholesale All kiuds el Riding Vehicles bought and sold on couiuil.o ion It ll N I t ONOEEY V r. M I. K S IIOOI,. 'ERIN A S MOORE, r. illy Prm.-li.al ol a iM1 11 I! nr'tii'ir and Day School lor vouhk U Ins, mi New b-ruc, N ( ' , proposes to esiabli'h oil the 1st of October, KV, in the town ol Wilmington, a DAY SCIIOOI,, li, a Inch will I," taught the ordinary branches ol an English education The number of pii lis will be limite I Price of tuition Filly dollar per session of nine in on I lis The School will I,,- , pened in the brick budding Inline, lia'ely ad joining and s nit li ol Mr n G Paisley's lesidcnee, on Sen on I street August 7. KV - 2Mi-lv It1 LASTING POWDER Phi kei'.. best uu.ililv. lust re ceived and for snlo low, on inanul n'turers ,-e .lint, bv July II DrKOsSET & lliioWN. P S Any nuan'lty of Hie -ibovc, or other descripl ion ol I lupont'is Puw ler, can be turniahrd In this place, at short no tice, and on the most favorabUi terms Apply as above t lltt CI, III MAW N. ' I'llE Subscriber bas just completed his anaiis-cinc-its f,,r 1 supplying th but CIRCE LA R SAW'S mad", and Ur keeping a slock on hand of all sue., un t,, L0 inches Every Saw warranted, and sold at Manufacturer's lsrlce J M. HOlllNsoN Wiliiiingten, N. C , June P'Hi. K:i il" Dr. A. O. Hit AlH.Kl , I)' RI'GGlsT CHEMIST, hueccssor lo s I' ,V I A Euns, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Drugs, Medi chics, I hcuiicals, I anils, Oils, Glass, l atent .Medicines, Perfumery, I igars, ( i, I. ran, lies and Wims, &e., A'c , i,t low pticss North West Corner r'ront ami lf a -fc et st rents W ilmington, N C , March 2l, !"." I KKi tf (1t 'ED CREAM, Lip Salve, ' kc I- reslily prepared by , for chapped bands, lips, v,v i. Dr A O BRADLEY. Druggist y'Ji'K E s.ok I, ' SOK I. 1 o I ,IHI Se.Hrs, 1,11 ex iv tr attiele, warnintcd to give atitactlon For sale by JONES ,Y. I-'OY'LES, Market street O-I'tlt I'M-.IISIIII 1IIIK K. Ml-, uti'lersiiied iiave this day formed a co partite kliip, undi r the firm of El "" El. Id ll V I.EEiori.and T II eontmue the t ieneanl i nuiuii si,,n and Forwarding b.isl- I- I ECTI El, Ei dl, s, pt I t, p:-:. w p ELElol' l' I- I.OI l( , t (III , tl TOIMt , I Si RE' LIVED cr Railroad - for sale by Nov l i CI'.MMING k's'l'Y K( IN. 1 U 1 -.Ml ( ONGIil.SS WATER.-Received and for ." bv A. O BRADLEY, ale ep' Z1 I'll ' PAIN' cpt Hk I 'riigp'ist It I 'lieiui-t Sold by A O UK ADEEV. O-l'Alt lAKHOHIf NIITH K. I NDER.MGNED HAV E THIS DA V FORMED part nership, under the st yle of Wii.i.ak l k Ci a I is. 'I HI! m, I will eontmue 1 1,,-1, EN EH A Lt O.M MISSION, WIH iLL M l. i. Ro' ERY :md PROVISION IM'MN'E SS. at the stand firinerly occupied by . I. A Willard, No. 10 North Water strct JAMES A. WIEEARD, HENRY M ( CUTIS. Wilmington, N ( , Dec. I.JA-W-T.'idl HK.VH-.I OHK OK lOllTM A.HOI.INA. A FEW COPIES oi- THE A ROVE Book FoR sale rnee tl raeli.casli on ilelivcry Apply to Jan. II, K's. DuRo.-sET t ;i!oWN 'I'HE ACCOUNTANT'S OWN BOOK, AND RDSI I ness. Alan's Manuel. A eouijicuJ of tho Principle and Practice of Domestic, and l orcu'n Trad ', Mercantile Lnw and I'.iig-s, Mcrcaniile Arithmetic Ranking, Exchnnit etc By Win. P. M R.-ss. Principal of the Philadelphia Mer-viiilile Inst ilute, author of a " Praetn al System o 1 I 'Oil- b!e Entry r,ook-Keeping," kc. Second edition Received and for sale at. Deo th S. W. WIIITAKER", nVo NEW JI'VEMLES. Kit Bum's Adventures ; or, The Vinn of nn old Marin-r By Alary Cowdvi Clark. I he Magieian's Show Box, and ot her Stories By the au thor of " Rainbows for I hildren " Just published For aah at V W WHITAKER'S. Ian. Hi, IfCste. t'llll X U.K. s7 A('l.'i;S PINE LAND, aituntcil imiiiediately upon ) f.iho Wilmirgton and Weldon Railroad, foor to Ave miles Irom depot at Wilmington. Also, ft() ncre of RICE; OR MEADOW LAND, situated between Force Put And Thomkiiry, II of which is fine swamp land For terms, ke , apply to M. CRONLY. ( i, t. 2D, l.Vi 4.j-lf. MAU( II ttlh. IW, w Ji: II A V i; THIS DAY RECEIVED- oildi' iiecuiicii vvnisKey; bbls Hammond's do. fine; Old AlonongahclA do. " " Old Bourbon do. superior; ' ( 'Id Johnson do. something new ; " N.L. Rum; " ( usbd, Powdered and Clarified Sugar ; V) 5 5 Id 2.Y 2"i boxes TobAcce, Assorted Brands ; 2'),()fi0 Segars, assorted somo very fine ; 2 bags Java, Rio And LaguayrA Coffee ; 20 boxes Codfish; 2 bbl. Fulton market Beef; H " No. 1 And 2 Mackerel ; 10 " Vineear: 00 whole and uarter boiei R aisins ; 3 bbls Dried Apple- pared ; 2 " Peachc do 6 dot. boxes f?Ardinea J, i. And whole boxes ; 10 boxet Starch. A loo, Sioily MAdeir, Muscat, Port, Cherry, Malaga Ma deira, And Scuppernong Wines, all of which we will ell at tmall profits for the reh. JONES k FOYLES, March 2S. N. SO Market st. fc M H KOI U K H 1 K . SWLSii aa4 Jaooaet FlottiMtasrs PotuA 4 Vsnies Basnts ) Iaceand Muslin Cellars and L'ndersleaves F-mbroid-ered Handkerchiefs, with some rest bargain in PlsJa Swiss Jseonet And Embroidered Muslins. April 17th. HEDRICK fc RYAN (OFPKE. fit? BAGS RIO COFFEE, In stor For tote he May 6. WILLARD A CURTIS. O 'VI l'AlRS Wliil EDUCK PANTS, last opened at eixJVJ MayliJ. SCOTT it BALDWIN'S, MOURNTNG GOODS.-Barsges, Tissues, MasHm, Silk, and Lug assortment of other dress goods, at eot. Ma17. S. ll D. TELLER. 1 HILTIMOIIK. LOt K MOaFtTAL 1HMT1 JOIISMs, THE funnJ-f ef this tVt!rteJ Inatinmaa offer, !h , r l.oi, i(,tr. nail Mil cttetl'Ml retanly ia the werM f t uiiT Mrtetiiree, miaul weakiu-ea, Paiue In h lio, w . al IAihlr. Impuiraee, ttrtkaestiif "he Oar. a3 Ijmfe. .i; toMiaof Ihe Aidurye, r"l,it'i a f Hie alt'irt, Diepene., s,' Ir. Hat liny, L-... the Mev,L Threat. Nee-, er earn- trndiu XlKm aerenn and mehnrLuly llieinl r aruonf frix It,, tractive hatiosul Vmilh, wbHh awtroy kofi A.hI ana mini Tessa ass aar ami aoLUry preetterw asnre fsi.l u Itwtr v,mm I' sb r,e'Hie( the Avretiafat llieaarlnera l lyssa, bha-ritiwc Itiru tu-srt bnlli.Bi im ef an'stipetliMiS. renarriac kuo... 4c , Wop-mihle " "" TsMiwg Mrw, repreiallr, wti hare tecum, m vieiiiat ef VLtsrv Vice 'the iln . lloliiiJ ,l,siirix'li habit, which aunitally aweene 1st aa na timely .rave 11,-iu.an.ta ol you m-m rl the khsm exshesl Lb nta tni b.UUnot lolrllct, l, ,ulgt,t ,4Wie h enlr.-Hj li.ieaios ..., e,i,htne IhuuJi-ra .! eu'es-e, or wakidu I,. ensM, y it livuij lyte, mas rail Willi ad caasileeve. Marriage. ,- M irrw I rerwiwia, or Yiut, Men rnte,pt.tnf tB.rti... "t iwsic l l los .sl We.ko.-M. 0lf,uic IMhI.i- lyrwlu oTs oesiu!""11'' """"d"",l7 f",,",4 ', anj toe rrrtored lep,, ll who plii.es Idiuertr unJri the rare ef f ihBfc. ret,,,,,,,.,, caaiacm t.w li-.m,, . ie.iil.man, tl(j t0Bfl! " rely upon lu skill s a phyneiao "wBiiBiiy tlricniile Weahweae Iinoi, ilmlety i on-, I, and lull ri,ir rntiird I till ilui-wr to ili ncnatty we at IrxiHrntlv mi J k. . baye t,ecooi Ho-yn iioiiol i, opr., per iud,ilsme-e. kw,eB,rii 1 7, " "re oi trie dieai'fiil i onae.pi.-i a lime mayensi-e. Now, a ho thai UMSjemanaT . aul,e.t will pr.l.nil I, deny thai the power f liocra41i m L ooii l by tlioee Isllois MHO loiirlirl helllts lt)-, -.,?'. H-ai.te, being .lepm. J ,(,. plruure of l,e,,h, y'"' iiiissl aeibHH uiol ili'Sttm live ayinptotna to krh ImmIi and I ilu! ine 'I'tie ayirm tirfonire Jiriici, the phjaiealanJ . .i Ifll.lghl lniiiimtl ... 4 k.1. - - . now pi i i weakened, o.l ,o. detuhly, .tyapepam, Mlp,!.u,,, -i lh. . liol,, .liii, a w i.ln,ol Mm Iraioe, touatL eyeintiHM i illllitloo, w I. ' M-snwoi lieait, I'OltSOIIIOtlOII, NervtsHe O.lillllt , ekni- -it llin yl-oi, Nervoua l I.iliiy and premature d ev rHy aii Inou tl.a h slro, livr tiab.lof yeautt ti,. TaLi Uai y piai i lee ao laUl to Ilia lirallilul esialrtiee tt ma toil ttL lie- yoiioa wtmare mt apt to hecmne Ma Vicituia Irom an leu ran, c ol it.Bdaiiicia t i wtilcli they auhjecl Uieii,,.!,. n, '"'" and 0mi, liana ate ollen no. led Willi reaper! r,u.. aomcatd iliaease in llieir na and wanta. Ala.! hew i us , Jf Ho y aa, nl,e cllo'i caua.a. I he w.liii ni,e inmm ..." J li,, i, ol it,. Heart, lM.pe,ila, in,ll,, .i,.,, .Terantemewi Tof't voiiaH, I oinili, and s,,pi,s ol C.uwunM,,,,,- mha".iZL ae..i M. i.ll ertecla, a, h aa b,M of memory deprewl m I .pnilaor pc.-uliai Ilia l Melao. holy, wllentl,, ,tlMh g lo-eii e,ie,n,y in,t,il(io( in I'erioclona hut alias Hie nrmfiV.V. .leal,,,, uvc i boil, ,,lr .d Mind. Thus are sweo" from eel icnceilMinii,a wlio niiglil Live been of o. t., tlieir t ountr pknaure to llieir ll it utU and orunuieiiia in S)icety. " lKie N 7 NutiTa Faanaa,..-. a. - - b it I,., lei side at i ii at Irom ll-illiumre street, 7 diHirs (roia the ear- iser rry-llc particular In obaervina Ihe loons n,l tiii,l., ... Will imslnkH the pl,i, c. ft r- Ink" noli, e. n'-a -ryetlie !,iin ,,n the Ihsir .! ia-ij 4 C urs II ,ii rn'd or nil (.'Aiir ilmli, irt f,mm fla ).. Nil Ml lt I it V IJ Ntl s (i s IMUtl.sl I'ufii lilt. JOIfsftTOsj. Mi llibar ,, Hie Iteynl l olli je ot Nni.eooa London li,..l.... nei-l ll,.-liiol molio-ol l ollene, llin I'niieJ au, ,j '- i ' p ui "I ii b' 'si- die ti t s b l" iiOn il,e drat H.'nt I ,, I ,, i,l, o, I'sna, I'liitadrlpln,, and elaeWhere, ha atlhctad in.' ol ll.e most aal.ilil-lilua- eoiea llial wi-le vfr kenwn o.a.a llo,l,le,l v. Ill, ileal,, I to lt,e lira, I andrara W lien ..I. en ,..,' iisiii k.. t,, in ilainirit at aoediii aoiimls, and kaaoliilBaea arlih lie.pieni I, to. I, inn nil led s, ,it on , a wit), deraiiieiuaai ef ioiii, I, i,'i eof d iiiiiimliaiely A t mem lllaeaae. When leu ni-goiilo.l and iui,niilaMi volary of nleaaura Sna. I, I nisi Imbibed I be seeda o tlila ialllllll lllaaase, It ,a, otleR ban. pellB II, III nil III I line, I aeoa aniline, ill ,re,, ,, Im.rrty ,) . icia bun lioni applvuig to tlinar w tm Irom e-liieaiiiin anal ,..'... inbihly, i an i,,ne b.-l i lend him, del,iyn( tilt Ilia conHilutl'mal ayiopiooia ol tbia boiibl iliaeaav make ll.air appearance aueh aa ill, eratcl l',l Ibn.al, illaeaaeil n,,H, nocturnal pa,ia n h heas anil liiulia, ,lliiiii, s ol allil, ileatneaa, tinileaon th shin bnnra nod anus, blob -Lea oil the. bead, lace, and ewreieltlee, rrtsrtaa' ti, Willi lri(liilul rrpblliy, till al In. I ilia pa leu tf tlw-iao.ilh ee Hie b,,n, a ol ilia in" lall In, and Ilia victim thlsawliil dieeeae be, oini-s a boubl obcet ol oiii'i.lssenilioo, lilt jeajth pule Be, nod to Ina iliciiillol aii.Lrmrs h seteling 1 1 em la "tint t,mra lioni w bein e nn ti n. ler i ri 111 ns In audi fberafnre lir, Juhn. ion piedgca biniai ll to pr, ere ihe moat Inrinlnnie secree't ens) l, "in I, is i -iteii-'ve piiotnein I in- llrsl tioapilnl. in KureBa eusl Aioci i, a. he rno conrldeiiily recommend a -mle an, apeaiU eure I,, ihe iinloiiii'ii'le vn tun ol ll,ia boirid It la a niebiiielioly (ml, (toil thousands vb lima tn 1,, ,lre nil, 1 1 iliaeaae, ew-iiig In I be miskilliiliieaa of lnoranl aceirn I, ia. who, by tbe ll.e ol licit , 1 1 I ,, I pm.on, ,.,rUrr, .1,- ,nliliili,,n, and rlini-i sen I Ilia uiifoi iniiaiH ,m-rer in aa u ino ly Ul.ive, ol el.e 10 ,h- Ihe re.id, e ,,l hlallle llllacfabje 'lake lart i ler Ikotlr-e, Ih I ,il,li,s,s nil llioae v ho I ,a i , I ii i u l n ibemsilvea by pitviite ,net tii,pioii r inonueii.'ie I i,'ee me ami I the t,i, anil mi,,iiic luf (llecte prortce, by m.y liens,! v li, u. ve,ikm, oi ihellet, amniaitia nil Ill II," lien, I, IMIIIII, . ol Klghl, I ,S nf M U.CII tr t'owef Ijoi iii ii "I t'.e lie ut, llvapcpHii, iNerynn, lniiaMi ' -iiigei lol ihe Hneaily.i r ii neiions, Lena, al Deb Illy s'vtiio- ill,, ol I ,-o.ntiiptl ) ' Muniai i V I to- b ai lot eir, i la iip -n the mln, are mnci, to he leade.l, l oua id Memol y, C,ii,l,iain n Ides,, , nreaatnn ot -FHi'.. r.vil rnieiioiiiiifa, aversion ol isijcieiy, a. f lilstniat l.oe. I H' lllilile, I .lllbllljr, me , are aolnn ol lha ayoa orodoce.l I Iiohs.oi'Ih of i-eiaoiiaot nil n( a, , an now jn,M what lathe ana,- ol Oi. ir ii nig neanii i,o.m( tiiclr v,a,,r weak, mile end i iiiari ncd, have a anigulai eooearance abnoi i. ev.'B. co nun and Dr. Johnaloii'a In vlniBln ltcaieds- forOrgasiU -T,"!""'," ' ' "-'imieioii lis this si'at nod Iniporlnne rnnejv, Wenkne.a of lb. ...... ar- aoee.lilv rnreil and full vi-- re.mrrd Tliouaamla f,i.. ,i, ml i.ervooi alio iieiiiinnii'.i, 1 on r a,i loar ail linna iau k loniiediab ly i- li, veil All Inipednneiiia In Mamaai. rhtalaal nr M-nlal l .oloillb'Slloll, iV-rvnllS llilblhlllly. Trois.lllll.aa nJ Weaktn aa, or i ibiinOilloil ol llm most lenrfii) kliisl, tiiaedile , lint by 10 1,-lillStoil. 7 Tonne Men, Wlm have limned iheineelyee by a Oris in Practice Indulge,! in when ib, oe a halm 1 1 eiineiii I y leniaed Irom evil companion .ml si ho,, I H, - eil-eta nl whn liaie nightly fell, even when asleep, mid it not rule." renders marrln,t liopoaalble. and ee- -l alloys laitli mind anil Inn!, alwmld idy Imtnei lately. W hal a puy dial a ymmg man, the hope ,,l hit riamtry, Snd Ihe billing nl Ina i,irenl, should he suit, hnl Irmn all pioapecia snd , ii,,ymenis ,d lite, l,y the enn " ipienrea ol iloviallng froiu the path id un, ut.', nut indulging in a certain secret habit. Audi liaisons tn lorei oiileiiiili0log Marriage, al Id reflect tlist a sound mind and body are the moat neceeaa- ly ri.iiiaile to pm te rimnulilal happlm-sa. Imleed, without Iheae, ihe p.nrney ll, rough lite heroiin-a a weary pilgrimage the pro.pc, I hourly dark" lis to the view ; the niiinl becomes shad owed n'i ilcepair and lllleil with the melancholy reflection, His I lln- happiiieaa ol niiolhci hecoiiiea hligbli il Willi our own ni l )( i: NO. 7 Wil III I RrdiBKK K slf Uolhmot; AM. An. i soiCAi. CeaaTiona FaamaMan. N II Let ii l ilse delicacy prevent ymi, but apply Immedi ately either personally nr by letter. skin inaaAsa spasnil.r mate. To Mtransiera, I he many thi.iisanda cured at lots Institution within the last twelve y. aia, and ibe nuiiieroiia important surgical Operations iwrlormed by lr J' HI NMTO.l, witnesacil by the reimrters nf nn daily iiapeia su.l many other pnrsonatieicw of which have again ami S((,iiii appeared liefore the puhllc la a sunVlsat giinr.ion e, that ihaiilUitled will Hilda skillful snd lionorable pliystci'iii. Take Not lee, - - N K. -There are so many Ignoraulanj Sjiirthleaa Quick id-, veriianig tin ineelvre aa I'hyaleians, riilmng the lira It ri n the al ready alllii ied, thai Dr. JolnialoH deems II nccess.rs tnsar. e.n.. rlally to those unncipialnted with hia reputation, thai hi credesV liaia or nmiom-i" ntwaya nsn in ina oiiice. t TAKK Ml M B All Ictli ra must be poat paid, and contain a pnaisgc stamp lor the reply, er no answer will be sent. March, I, l-s.-'i. , 1SI-1 v T lli EPA II ED U RATE UK MAGNESIA, In SgreeAbl 1 Refrigerant and Laxative. This preparation extensively used in the form of Mtttion or hiutd L'Urntr, and hasglvaa verv ircm ral satisfaction. Fre luetit atldicationr ar A nra . oaration in the form of rowriKR, of simil.ir natura and nron erties, have suggested the advantages taut mightresultfrom its introduction in Ihnt form, especially hen the bulk and weight of the liquid Citrate, (an article so justly iteemet. ht hv tdivsiciansandin private families whererar it tiaa. been used ) would interfere with it being sent to great dis tance ; iti destituto of bittemc, and h- its pleasant at oidity of taste and Its effervescing character, U rendered very agreeable and refreshing drink, at the same lime, that It is a good substitute for Epsom salts or other s Aline pur KAtive. tfoldby Dr. A. . BRADLEY, Drigglsv. BOOKS EN ROUTE A gmt man- New Books on th way from lloston, New York and PhilAdelphia, by Ex. press And sailing vessels. Due notice will be given ef their IrrivAl. ' -8 W. WHITAKER. TO THE LADIES, i . WE ARE SELLING a great many handsome and cheap DRESS GOODS at price that defy eompetUion. Also the largest stock ot EM BR01DE RI ES snub as COL LARS, FLOL'NCINGS, &., emepeneil In Wilmington, which we will el out at aa advsnc of 10 per cent, on wholesale price. HEDRlCK R IAN. Ort2,1855. (25 - - ' ' - ' " '' lUCH.UOND tSOt KTT FA.AISES. ANOTHER lot oi sll wool i'laines-i too best artlqla for CJALT, 500 bushel Tnrk' Islahd, In hsgs of two barhelf ach. Forsalsby vjcu. uutaiua. - AnrilT. - J . : -' , OTJR STWK OK DRY GOODS mst b closed cp by tb 1st of July, and we would sail the attention of ha v ers, both wholesale And retail to onr st k. .W are selling every artial at nett oott. Com and judge for yourself. My 6. - S.of.D.TLLiaER, April H S3 Mark Sirest.

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