Till: DAILY- JOURNAL. 'wiLMLViTON.N. C. FOR PRESIDENT CF THE U. S. JaXES BlCHASaS, f PmiylU. FOR VTv-'E-FRESirEST, J. C BRECKINRIDGE, f KrulwkJ. THOMAS BRti, Ot NrtaaB"ploa COBDtT. IYi Jdaotrr County Demxratic Smunativnu FOR TUE SENATE, OWKN FEIIRLLi FOR, THE HOVSrToF COMMONS. I1MCEL A . HOIMKI, ROBERT II. TATE. Monday last brocgti tfor tf.w ropl of lL' Canntry two itcma cf peaceful r,mi'. inJicitinR return to Wtter ftt lio and more t,,ctory under Uading of eiitirH relation. n tb JJ tb Nwtl1 Arie arriveJ at Quel, with four daja later from Europe, the meet important portion of ler nw Win, of cours. tbtt having reference to the action of Ihe Fritiwh Government in re la ion lo ihe dimi m ol Mr. Crampton and the Consul. .Mr Pal!.i will not be wot lack in tetaliation for the d.sniisal of Crainpton, and there is every procpect of a peace ful eolation of the riiating difficulties, between the twoeountriee V agree fully with that able and impartial neutral paper the Paltmore Sun, that there ia not a doubt with ui that the I'ritnh government ha, from the lemoning, rn n e of it error, and of the juatic and moderation of the de mand made by the IVi ed State And nothing but th Brmnese of Mr Tierce and hi, adniinl-tration wou'd have exacted thin virtual atmis-sion of the original error on the part of England. Thi more favourable turn of our foreign relation, if fully utainrd hy subse.itient advieea inut evert a benefie al influence in restoring confidence in com mercial circle; on botii aidca of the Atlantic, for capi tal ia exceedingly w-nsinve, and will not venture fiee ly abroad vthile there are any threatening war-cloud above the horizon. 1 he next advice from F.nglxnd going more ful'v into the debate nd cxplarutioia in regard to thi n atter, will be eagerly looked f..r On the name day, Monday, the iillr uliolitoin ' received a check , it ran hardly he railed a defeat - in the iloue of Representative On tlie evening of that day the lull for ti e adm coon of Kaira a a State, on the " Topeka" or Heeler and l ane revolu tionary Free Soil Con-litiilion wan forced to a vote under the operat. oil of the prevmu tj'ictioti who li cut offa1! dbae. In reject. d a vol.- of lo7 again! to M'G for it, which nv he lerjarded a cloe having. Them wa le ill V no aort of chance ol this bill go ng into rff.ct a a law, hinee. even in the event of i paipg the lloue, it rejection by the Senate Would -ave beenceitin : and. even -tippoHiig what i not mppfeahle that it l ou'd pi's tie Senate, it could not p the l't'i 'ent. It i tl i re fore rnain'v n i chuff to ti e ppini of ii ju-tie.e nnd agrreion manifeated hv the movement that wo re joice in thia vote, nnd it is m thi ene ti nt it i valuable. Py the wav, we notice that in the ptogieao ol the loll. pending a motion to commit ton lull to the ominiUcc of the whole, Mr. Stephen of (lenrjr, n, moved to amend the motion to commit by adding intiiiciion, and Mr. Puno of Indiana, moved to amend the mo tion of Mr. Stephen to commit the b 11 with nitrnc tiona, by adding an additional eertion to reaiore the Miaaouri Compromise Mr Miinn'a motion Wii agreed to by a vole ol in!) aye to l'J n.iy j Among thoe w ho voted lor Mr Punn'e molioii we find the name of the o called " National" Know Nothing at the North, including Jaeoh Kroom. that remarkably fine man and model ol nationality (rom Fennylvanirt, Bennett of New Yoik, Haven of New York, Mr. Fillmore's representative and right hand man. Finna'ly a motion to commit tho bill with the amended instruction failed. f- Political resurrection are seldom poildo hardly, if ever, successful, Rnd this Mr Fillmore and hit friends Will find. The world moves forward What is decent mediocrity under s me cirrmnsian ces, degenerates into timid imber ility under other circumstances. So the country would find were Mr Fillmore, by some unprecedented miracle, or by some second accident to be placed in the Presidential Chair. Tba days of the compromise excitement are too re cently pant to he forgotten by any one, even the youngest, who is at all qualified to take a seriou part in the discussion of public nfhurs We all know that the only portion or part of the cne of measures known as such, or which passed at that time, at all favourable to the South, was ihe Fugitive Slave Law, a law which, although m strict pursuance of a distinctly worded constitutional re quirement, received not a single senatorial vote from the northern wing of Mr Fillmore's then party, and but three representative voles from the same wing of said party. Now, Mr Ki I inn re's frienda claim for him much credit ns a grcnt pacifi cator. How was this shown what are the evidences of it what influence did Mr. Fillmore exert ? Hither be bad no tort of influence ut all with his liicnds and parlizans, or he exerted it the wrong way -Take tither horn of tho dilemma biu! what comes of his claims. Evidently he was a mere cipher or worse. His friends at the North in defending him for signing the Fugitive Slave Law, say, and say with troth that aubstantially the North gained every thing. It gained California, the most valuable of all, and the other territories were certain.under the opera tion f the Mexican law, to be Free Soil, even if na ture did not unfit them for slave labor. A very short time sinee Hon. James Brooks, of New York, delivered a speech at a Fillmore meeting in Cincinnati an able and plausible speech, ij w hich be defended Mi. Fillmore's course as President with special reference to these compromise measures, which speech he concluded by asserting that Mr. Fillmore was bound by bis pledges to his party not to use the teto power to arrest any lcg;slation of Congress, un less manifestly unconstitutional--that be was advised by bis Attorney General that the Fugitive Slave Law was constitutional and therefore he signed it. And Mr. crooks adds mat even Jir. drward, similarly sil natcd moat bare acted in a simitar manner. Mr. Brooks does not r-ay tbat Mr. Fillmore would not bare signed thi law but for the advice of his Attor ney General, and, perhaps it would be making rather iree with any man's private, motives to assert this, a " - m a ' -.m a -" a a out assuredly Mr. Fillmore's hesitancy bis delay in signing the bill bis care in fortifying himself op wi;h der pecj'.e's cj-ir'cr.s. 1 cied t;nl.r Lke a iet re to shirk refvnih.l.ty, epec'.a'.:y when tl.S tes Un?y at J delay cor travel w.th h ex'.reT prcrrp tuJe so sgnir-gtbe o ter ei m; r:nise rreas-nre- measures reluctantly accepted by the S -u h and all the p rsetleal advantage of wh ch enured to the Nonh. It ia to le remembered that Mr. Kii'.aure and his friends rest lis c'a m n ainly upoft b w,t(t on with these compromise meaMree. It is therefore kir and proper to eiamir e in'o the nature and extent cf such connection, to see .f possible what the whole thing rr ot.n's to, so far ak'.Mr- Fillmore i MncerneJ, and after weighirg the tet niony decide npon the c'a ms it ftabbshes Lt Southern support. IV a fair review of the case show any instrumentality of Mr. Fillmore ia the matter, espec ally where the outb is interested? Does not, in fact the whole eaae show that Mr. Fillmore was a mere fly, rivo'ving apoa awheel proj-ellea by abler and mote influen tial men than himself They say that Mr. Brrckinridge. the Locofoco nominee for Vice President, was a Taylor man in 1M7. Can't the Loco find decent men of their ow n for candidatea wilhuut fulling back in nearly every in atance on renegade Whig 'era. of yeenay We do not kno whether Mr. Breckinridge was a Taylor man in lH-17 or not We very much ijue. tion, his voting for him in ISIS Pit we do know that ANPREW JACKSON PoneNon was a Democrat in 1S52 and a supporter of Ceneral Pierce We do know that Mr Keid the Know Nothing or American candidate in this Pitrict. claimed to be a Democrat up lo the time of the meeting of the Philadelphia Convention of la! year. We know the same about Mr Shephard, who ran in the Raleigh District. We know that Mr. Fillmore when he passed through here wa called a whig Pity the Know Nothings ctn't find decent men ol their own party, without taking up renegide Demo crat and hall way Whig Pity they inu-l put on the ticket with Mr Fillmore the Editor if tlo- oppo aition organ Pity them partieula''y when they go hack for recoida of political con-istency. considering the poeiluoi o the candidate for whom the majority of them voted in 1HV2. It i I(mi soon !o foriet the " rich liish hri'gue," etc. Koor lu)a l.nlri liolil I-. llro Ml. I'.llii. itnl to ! UHiiiUm l 'I'hr itli tiiirilrmi ! urMr. (Jt itHli June lid 'I he Canadian screw steamship America, from l.iverpmd on ihe I Hi h hihI , arrived at ihi port thiH evening with lour day liter intelli gence from Europe I be new hy the North Anierii an i of a highly important character Mr Dallas i not lobe di mied, and Ihe dilliriiiiie- l'clffn the I'mltd State jrol Ureal ! i i r ji i n will probably be mineat ly "ttl'id I i i I ( " ' n n-nddii tuteil m rep! ti l.oul I r v . in tbr II 'Ue ol l.ords, Ihnt it it in it thr inti-ittvm hr U"?t. ntni'itt tn mi'Mf the (fiittn t Mnifml ilijiloimitii ieliilim trf'i Ainnun. The announcement was luidlv i beeicd l.oul Derb i spicseil hi saiiif.ietion with regard to llie iiiiiiouiii ernent ii tile b the iro einmen', but 1 rigarded the government's course ; s huiiiihatitig. ii I in iiiki i h1 ildineiit of i 1 1 or I, old Clareiinon appealed to toe lloue not to join I,. r ) DiT'ty hi pressing the ijiiestion. I be Mibjei t tlien dropp d. I he filial loie in eoiisi ijuenre of Lord I Inreri Ion ' alaleiiient Consul lor money at '.' 1 1 i'.' Ihe l.ncrpool cotton ooitkel wu acMveon Moti day, die Hilli, and sties made on that day of l'J.IHiO Kali", of wlioli fi.UOO were on speculiilion, ut pi ices j about id logber On 'I ueUy the market became doll , and puces receded from the advance of llie on vi oiis ilny, closing at the rates ot tho pievnnii Friday, with sab (d only 6,000 bade. Ilrc:id-iiiiir-i eonlimied improving Flour and wlieai were each n mile higher, and coin li.nl advanced I per inarlei We-tei n c.iiwil Hour wa ijnoteil at Ibis , and I'hilaiJelpbia .'llii u.17. lied wheal, 0i ltd Manchester advices are favoiahle fttiiri " urn I- The follow iug decisioim have been delivered since ! our last report . - lly Nash. C .1. In Drew v Cleinaions, in eiinly. Irotn ltiun' ick, dismissirig the bill Also, in Clcm inons v Diew, m equity, from Hionswick, directing a decree for plaintiff. Also, ('wens v Clo.iiiplain, fiom Currituck, declaring there i error , dismissing the motion. Hy PkAHsoN, J. In Itaiighton v Itenbury, in eijuity, from Chowan Aln. in .lessnp v .lolinnin, Cumberland, atlirming the judgment Also, in liar wiok v Wood. rom Lenoir, affirming the judgment lly Bath e. J In Boll v. Ilerring on, from Wash ington, awarding u venire d- novo. Also, in KeniMer v Bordeaux, from Hrunawick, atlirmmg ihe judgment. Also, in I, of le ti v Ablridge. fiom Lenoir, awariling a M une i!e rooo The shipments of gold from Australia to England, are largeiy increasing. The mines arc yielding more and more It i estimated that Ibis year will witness the transmission of X-O.odd.Ooo ierling m eold from Australia lo London ; or about 10(1 million dol lai, nearly double the yield of las! ve r, and double the rate at which the California m s aie yielding The following is a telegraphic commono ition receiveil in i.onoon, irom inestc, wnerctno i nuna over lanil mail has been received : " Trifstr, Sunday, Jutir r liy li i- arrival we have advices from Melbourne, via Ceylon, to the 'JNlh of March In the week ending the 'JSth of March the shipments of gold from Melbourne amounted to liO.SS" ounces, and 10,000 in specie, hy the Mor ning Star, to Bristol and 4 i.(i7'2 ounces and Xl 10.000 in specie by the (icorgo Marshall, lo London The shipments lo England, in five weeks, wore 3118,000 ounces of gold and ."50,000 in specie. I he gold fields were yielding more largely than ever at the rate of nearly l'20,00O,0O per annum The pre ducc of the first three months of 1856, i nearly double that of the corresponding three months of 1855, being rinse upon 700, 000 ounces Trndc continued steady. I he balance was in favor of the colony. In five weeks the value of the exports was ,11 1,91 7, 000, against !jl ,400,000 imports The ncccssar es of life were moderate. Immigrants were wanted nnd invit ed. At Melbourne they had been one hundird ami eight days without advice from England, and tho legislature hnd voted 75,000 per annum tore ctab. hsli a steam coinmuncation " Arkivai or Nativk Amirk ans. 'I here have been several arrivals within the last few weeks of aboriginals of the soil from different pari of the Far West. The Sim says ol c( nrse their visit to Wash ington i not political having nothing to do with parties or principles, the" five loaves and two fishes'' but on business with the Covcrnment, to make trea ties and complete unsettled claims. Mostly they stop at the Union hotel, whose obliging and cheerful hostess (Mrs. Maher) provide for them all the ma terial comfort of life In appearance some of them are robust and handsome, and possess attainments of minds to a commendable degree. Among the repre sentatives or agents of the different tubes nrrncd, and stopping at the Union hotel, we find three Checks headed by the Chief Eeacb-Harjo or Crazy Deer, a diginfied and good looking roan. There are four Seminoles, whose chief is iNehar-Mica or John Jum per, a tall, athletic and dark comi lexioned personage; and (here are four Senecas prominent among whom is Wm. King, Chief. The vVjanddott tribe are repre sented n tbe person of Sila Armstrong. - He ia light colored and tolerably good looking, and has a polish of mind rarely met with in the ordinary walks of life. To conclude, though with an incomplete list, there is the noted Chief llole in-the-day, of the Cbippewas. and wife He has the rustic appearance of the wild man of the forest and no doubt feels as he acts, un restricted by the forms of conventionality and fashion of civilization. His wife is a likely woman, -with beaming countenance and sparkling eyes. Thr IliliUh hip nmlilt. lie New iork jc-u.r. cx icrrrreree t. s me t rr V an 1 re; r.a'e rexarki in regarl t J the j i t rfstdo1 o i t4'rrei by Mr. Mascn in the Senate, anj ,:rou-"y a; ri ry teat tody, amtcr.yicg an ir"a' n cf f rty thc.uin! do lars in order to a; fri I r;a' lurcl.ase u,c snip j,eso u.e, a ntu-ni vesei u urui h'ri a n. d. serud m the Arctic ias. and f. und a de relet ia l'.afn lay by Kme whaleT.en, and carried mto New Linden Cunr.ect.cu!. la the course of its ( rcffiatk the Juurtal says: "lie lit it .h gov ern men t. probably er el i?- g t bat there would be home enilamsnnent about the iitia- ! tion, and anxious, duubtles. to lave as few caues j of irritation letween the two C iuntnes a po.b!e, j informed the Secretary of State that the llenluie having teen recoverrd Ire ia the Arctto seas and nav i igated fn tu Batfin's hay to New Lordon, Connect cut, ly the skid and eiert. a.s of CapUin Bud.iogton and ; tie crew of the Geone llemy, the Lord of the A 1 i nur.l y. a the best mark of the sense they entertain of Captain Budding's conduct, wi l wa ve their right to the veescl, and leave her to Captain BuJdingtou'a j entire dial, or, if be hould refer gtvu g ler up ' to her Majes'y's consul al Boston, the consul wdi be imtrueted lu sell the veel and distribute the pro ! ceeds of the sale tu the salvor. 1 h.s noble and ;en erous act a the prt tf the British government wa Communicated to the salvors ly Mr. Marry, hut we i learn that no election h slei-n Wade between the two profanations -that i to say, the entire accep tance of the vo-el, or the sum she houll bring when , sold, on the suggestion of these gentlemen in thi Country who have been most connected with the en 1 ti rprise (leagued for the rescue of Sir John Frank hu -I he alternative of accepting the proceed- rather than the vessel wa offered, we suppose, to enable the liritish government to obtain (bis valued reho ,o the most ijuiel and acceptable manner. ' 'I he outlay of the British government in Antic ; exp'orations on the two coa.ls of this continent at ly exceeds our own, hut jet we have received in oil and bone, from the neighborhood of Behring's .Viaits. beiween twenty and tinny mil ious of i!o!Lis an advantage which our hariiy seamen owe in great ' part to the eier'ion of (Ireat liritain i'i extending lo r discoveries in tbat ijuarter Hut the occa-ion on whnh the Keolute was sent to the Arctic seas, mure than any other c ni would tern to require from us, roit only that no advantage should be taken n our , ti i it ri.tlM or by our people of ihe leal rights ieu't ing I'uni salvage, hut that every duty of ho-pi' ti ly 1 xhoiild be gr.((elully exhibited in the case ( f ve-s. U i engaged in sut h a service, and cast upon our juris diction b) the perils of the sen She should be sent to her Majesty in complete order, a an express onol the sense which thi rountiy entertains of the noble i flop ami sacrifice made to rescue ir John Fiank I n, ami in ihe extension of Arctic discoveiu-s. Inter changes ol national c vilitie of tins ci araeter tweer Hnglund and the I'nited Mates tend iniieb moie : tl an doe llietr agnriiieut in mattei of tin'tc M'li'iin impoi 'ance to mote the two (ountries in the 1 omN ol frllowsh'p. Many a heart in Hnglaiid ha beat with gratitude for tbat noble act on the part i f in !i vidilals in the United States wh cll si-nt tlin .Vivmu'i' nnd the Ki seiie lo si anb for an inticpid Huti-h olli C( I Niippo-ed at tbp time to be a ive in the Aie c te I g'on. A t r i, ml out 'i an li g i t' the I leiin erary , took 1 o e in Washington. I t , on the ISth ins',, t,, ratily llie Humiliation ol llnelni'iaii and Itieckim iilge I' is es timated that Irom tiHeen to twenty tbooaii I peison wire fire-enf on the occasion, nnd great erithii smsin marked the entire proceeding Among the lelieis widen lo Ihe Committee an liiVira'nui, we find the follow ng leply Irom our fellow -c it i.en James (' (lohhin W A-ll I S l. I i .'ill 0 l7. I,")li ( I r s 1 1 Ml l N : I have I ! e loo. or to ai s II v e le the icceipt of on r i niiriiiiiii'a' uiti inwhili voundvi-o me that yoi have been appointed a lomiii tree to in vite my '-attendance ami co opto at i ui at a l' rand meeting ot the lrieml of 1!ik Ii iiian and Itrect inutile, to be ileld under the auspices of the Cicksoii Pi iiio criilie Ass.k laiion, oil Toe-day evening the iTlli in stant " j Considerations and ii eninstiuiees, which I need ' not obtrmle upon you, torlod my being present at. and par ii ipat ng in, ihe proceedings of your joyous an 1 patiiolic riieet'li.' I fonliaHy lespotid to your j eirnesi eothiisiasui in " behalf ol the noble prinei J pies ;i till Candidate of tlo1 t lliocraev," i.inl feel j ii'-ured that all good demoi rat wdl generously and magnanimously lorgel pisi prefeieiiees. and brave . ly emhatk in the co itesi lo elevate the two eminent ' statesmen st lecte I a i ur Simula -d bearers The cri sis is a momentous one. In tins snuggle aro largely involved not merely greal pi irieipleJ, but, as I sol emrily believe, the existence of our gloiiou Union. Ihe demon i f sectionalism and dixit rt on, which but i a few years ago could scarce lift its brad to be driv I en bark by tho Mem lebukes of a united public sen timent, now walks at largo, defiant and fearless - llie dissolution of the Union, and tin.' most practica ble mode of peacefully elb'tting it, arc the daily ! theme of familiar conversation The good men I Ihe true lovers of oi.r great country in the Noith j and m the South, should now, if ever, ic licit upon lliu mighty ismics before them, and rally to save tho I rrpuh ic from the danuets which imperil i. I hanking you for the kind spirit of your note of invitation. I beg you. gentlemen, to in cept asuian 1 ce ol my high respect .1 C IxlplKIN I Jonah l Hoovkr, Usi) , and others. Committee on ; Invitations, .X.C. (.i n. XV t Oil nml (lir Smilh. It is u little singular that a Southern loan once periled his life to establish the claim of (leo James Vatnn Webb of the New , ork Courier and Hmin rr to be considered and treated as a grnt!(miii. Webb challenged Cdley, a Northern man, who de riming to fight him. tefu-ed to say whether he was or was not a gentleman. For this Webb's second, the Hon Wm .1 Craves, of Kentucky, challenged Cilley and kd ed him in a duel Then it appears that Webb, whom a Northern man refused to ac knowledge to he a gentleman, and whose c ami to that character a Southern man fought to est.ib.ish, is now the bitter assailant of the South, entering into all the prejudice of ihe New York Tribune and I imes on the subject of " peculiar institutions" of the South and rivalling Sumner, lieecher. Mrs. Stowe, Abhy Ful-oin, and I nrkcr in their cant and hypocrisy about fire "jitrch. Keep X lh on lite Tongue. I'coplc are often subjected to extreme mortifica tion by indulging in disparaging remarks of s'rangers and learning siihseiuently that the person them selves, or some of t t.eir intimate friends, were wiihm hearing of the remarks. Such unpleasant occurren ces rarely have so pleasant a termination as the following singu'ar rencontre between fir. Pwight and Mr. Uennie : A Dr. Pwight was travelling through New Jersey, bechanced to stop at p stage hotel, in one of its populous tow ns, fur the night At a late hour of tho same night, arrived al-o at the inn, Mr. Pennie, who had the nvsforlu' e to learn from the landlord that his bode were all paired with lodgers except one occupied by the celebrated Pr. Pwight. Show mc to his appartment, exclaimed Pennie ; although I am a stranger to the Itev. Poctor, per haps I can bargain with him for my lodging. The landlord accordingly waited on Mr Pennie to the Poctor's room, nnd there left h ni to introduce him self. The Poctor, although in his night gow n, cap and slippers, and just ready to ics gn himself to the refreshing arms of Somnus. requested the strange in truder to he seated. The Pcctor was struck with the literary physiognomy of his companion, unbent his austere brow, and commenced a literary conversation, j The names of Washington, Franklin, Rittenhonse, a I host of literary and distinguished characters, for some , time gave zest and interest to their conversation, un I til Pwight chanced to mention the name of Pennie. I "Pennie, the editor of (he Fortfoli, (say tba : Poctor in a rhapsody) is the Addi'on of the United States the father of American Belles Lettres. But sir,'' continued he, " is it not astonishing, that a man of such genius, fancy, and feehni, should aban ion himself to the inebriating bowl, and to bacchanalian revels 1" M Sir " said Pennie, "jou are mistaken, I have been intimately acquainted with Dtonie-for several years, and I never knew or saw him intoxicated." S r.' mvs re I'-ct.r. T J err . I L:(sr h : rna':;.n fr ;n a partlc-'r t::erd; I - rn c 'iif i rUt I a n rig i' I that f i a-e w z 1 'cm e row i. e-,ic u-' v char f j r e cr nvc:-i'.; : n to tte clergy, rema king "thit I c:o-s Alercr-mlie a:d Ma-cn were aniorgt cur 0' d st ngut-btd 01 vme; neterheles he cms Jerel Ur flight. Pre e-dent of Yl Col ee. the tiW lea-ned tr eol glan the first logic an acd tie g-eutet p ft that Am r ira la! eve: jroducti. But sir." c-mtluue-l len r. e. Tbtre are traits in lis character, ( n ! serving so great and wi-e a man. t.-f the m : deu!Ie e script.on le is the greatest f anl d smzU'-t l tie aie'" Sir,"' sa,d the Uxtor, yc-u'are gm-ssly mistaken. I am iirinu'ely acui t.ted witU Pr. Pa lgh', and know t- the contrary " Sir," says Ii- anle, ' J u are mistaken. I lave from an intimate acqua ntance ol his, who, 1 am con fident wou'd not tell me an untruth " No more slat der. sax s the fioctor, 4 I am Pr. Pwight, of whom yoa speak." " And I. too,' exclaimed Pennie, " am Mr IVn i.ie. ofwhomjou sKike!" The astonishment of Pr PwiLt can be letter con ceived than told. SufSre it to t-ay, tley mutual y shotk banl. and were ex'ie'i ely happy in each other's acq uaintunce. ssliailioa hi, Itlghr Aim." Ccneral Webb, f the Hiultr army, continues (thiough his paper, the New York Courier k Knqui rei) to fiie bis gre;.t ami small gun ('Onie of them are mating my ntock unJ percussion lock he having a niotial avetsiou to ihat kind f shooting iron) o'l the subje.'t of the rignt ol free speech, and its al leged mvavon by the assalt of Brooks on Sumner w iih a gutta p Teh i cane, ma te at the North This is .1 great change in the Central's 1 fe He u-ed to he a sort ol a belligerent V.lnunder, and lived a it were 10 the (ire of s rd'e and combat His ferocious visage. in I fifiy tender reflected his burning a pe t: e lor fighting, wh-eh ilemarol d a duel every morn ing lor it pacification But the contests ot Central Webb have not been proportionate In bis ardent desires lis greatest achievement vv is his assault on poor Bennett, of the H rall, whom he kn .eke I into a cellar, and ore of whose teeth In knocke ! ut for ' tice s e.ch " lie went once to give Putl Crtcn a dressing with a cow hide or one (not gutta percba) for free sptech : hut I luff showed to bis astonished v ,sion a boiscmin's pi'ol with mahogany stuck and percussion lock,'' and ihe (ieru nil d.d not dress 1 1 . ill : but reheated and eiit loin He acknowledged hi own obligation to unswir fur In- own llie sp ech ly ace-pting a chal lenge from Id 111 Marshall, and lighting him Tom shot Into Ihmiigli the calf. He challengi vl Jonathan C.ih-y, 1 I Maine, for word spoken in debit)-, and Ihat gentium m declining t I'ghr I in ul-o refused lo aoswei the i nterrogatoi y (I lis ei oiid, 111 J Craves, o Kentucky, vv In th ei 1 r in be (Cilley ) declined to ttbt him (Webb) 0:1 tie gloom! that he iv.i n 1 a gent eman For this, tliaves 1 Lrtlhnged Cilley. a dm I was (ought between tin m and Cilley was killed W ebb wrote a long ac count ol i signed by h m-e I and two of hi Irieiids. in which he set for h l is own proceedings and dan on ;l,r ,:.iv ,, the duel First-he and his fr ends were to lepoi oCilby s room todeuiatil ihat he shim,! I'.g'h With, a.iiil t,e ret'u-eil, S'tbb w is to -'iiiiin , in. 111 1 m " scC'.o! -not tin ing li in at his un in Ihey vvcic to icp.nr to ihe dueling ground, ( la 111 ,1 tight lu W ebb, itnl tl I ilb-y lelused n, then 1 hb w as 'o si. out hi 01 down I Int. lly - if the duel slo uh 1 ,1 pi en wit hi -ut thtii iiiCivontimi, und Crav es should fill, 'hen it w,,s ,'aik! hinted at in the state tin lit that Cillev was to be non nnic'l. I.ei 1 nil U . hh s th.'i -luie , very remakably li ting ! associate.il the no'i k a d u"iis bruMit-r l.ood uo.v claitiornig lor lice - j .e . ch f-r t! e ii'lnniie,! 1 ngnt ot utlfii g ,,hu-e and vilup: rat. on, wi ln.oi ,n,y suit ol 4Co uniabilry iheicfoi- ! In puisuance (d the ptinii pic- of t he si liool b i h he lias joint d, he has com ; llieliced II strain i I flee gahhle wh cb 1 romise to he i to d'e-.s J dging lioin ibis .le nuns rati n. we should - a ) that he w dl w i ite t nough tdush ration to Ml five ; hundreil i.iil lor -sevi'ii octavo volumes, I ci ween I now 0 iid ihe fitsi t I Novenil.i'i The (ieneral's tree -too ch 1 ol that sort which 1- ' lull ot sound an ! , j fury, sigiiiiying nothing. "' A iikavi ninth in now We have a jrivatc let- I tor irom Winahootii. Il.sl Fliuda. dated the 1 lit ti j instant and detailing iocuh ntajlv ihe recent assault upon ('apt Bradley's hoii-e It was juv! alter dusk j 111 ihe evi'inii:' ol the I 4'l.May, and Hrtoley lying j ilhtd sick 1 w o ol li s chihlleli a little boy anil ! gii!- Were s iting 1'i'h ( tin' t. of the ht use, when a hand of .en door m the entry s .ine tv eii'y Indians slide up and fired noon them. ! he Ii tie gill was k'lled outright and the boy mot tally wounded ; hut! lie nevertheless rose, went in'o the family, gave the j ;t In 1 111 . took down his gun and lire! at the enemy I He then handed it to hi brother, saving he bad no tiirtber ti-e It it. and died immediate y. Ih body ! had been pierced by two halls Ilradley and h solh er son kept up a fire and the cowardly Indians dared j no: make an assault The neighbois finally gather- I ed and drove them off Mm n 'I'eleriij-li, 'V.jtk j Sil.ll ofllliM k l( .ililli nulslll. At a black republican meeting at Monroe, Creene j coiiniv, W isronsio. on ihe.lUi tilt, the lollowing resolution was adope.l 1 " lleuirnl. That it i the ihitij of the Ni rth. in I cae the fad in eiccl.ng a 1'iisident and a Congress that Will restore freedom to Kansas, tu 1 evilvlwui :c the surer nmeiit " I he I'oughkeepsie (N Y. Telegraph s'ates that i s fd tor heard a lew duys ago a black republican political clergyman make the following declination : " lrni timli that '(' .iirui-r iumn mail It ''jnff.. fITil 1 honil III! I f In lit WllC" Thce nferences (says the Pctroit I'ice Press) show the sentiment by which the black republican party 1 animated. Can any lover of hi country lend the slightest aid toward the elevation of such a party to powci ON (l(. Vl KM , i IT III ' LS o' eik city made Pale So. if., n prime arti He. l or sale bv .1 W. i-. July 2, IVii -io-'i-tl MESS POHK-21 b'd" City Mess Pork, ju-t r.eeivcd nnd for sale bv M". CAI.KH & I.CNTI.M i. July 2. Pji. MITII V.. HV 1 1; i I ' K of A DP. Ml) of TIM'ST M ADM To me, on ihe UHli of June, by l-ham Peterson, for purpose, therein specific!, I -hnll rxpnt nt public sale in the town if Striklandsv illc. N. ('., on Saturday, the 3ft h (lav "f July, the followi ng property, viz: ONM li il'SE AND MoT Of I.AM), situated in (lie town n Strieklandsville, and known n the I'arolina Saloon. Also. TWO HORSES, ON K (MI.'KIAOM, ONE W'AOOON and II A I! NESS, ONE Dol'PEE M.T OF HARNESS. ONE HCr.tiV 1 1 A U -N l'.s. Also, his intere.-t, (if any) in all other property he may josses-, known to me. A credit of six months will be given, hand with undoubt ed security will be required E A M EI! H IMA N, Trustee. Iulv2, H.Vi 2"i5 ts I I ts Hill s4KAIr.O'r('OK KAL.K. I i if F ER f.r sale my II' 'USE AND LOT situated on the corner of Seventh nnd Walnut streets. The Mouse is large and omf irtab!e, five large Rooms, four fire plac s, with all necessary out-buildingf ; a large Kiichrn with two fire places, Stable, ( arriage lloue, Store Room, A c all new and complete. jut finished. The lxt i large -W feet fruit, running back 130 fee' corner Lot, with a good new fence, painted complete. The location is high arid pleasant, good water, and a good neighborhood The premises arc ornamented with shade Trees. Payments mndeensv. Apply to E. HANSLMY. July 2 K3- liVMf. Pit hJA It K KK 'I'll K Mil "II Til. FIHE WOli h S' FKF WOflKS" rf',HE Snbcriber wnuld rt'pectfully announce to thetiti J ren of this place and the surrounding enntry, that he has jiiit receive I sn.l opened n extensive and magnificent lot of UK p. WORKS, embracing every article in thai line, and would invite the att-ntion of our good and patriotic citizens, who intend making a display of fire Works on the approaching fourth of July, tbe Kirth day of our glorious Republic, to call, and select for themselves from our very large assort. ncnt. W. H. Df.NEAL, July 1.1 s36. No -10 M-rkc' . trect rlKf-1'L.AR SAWS. THOSE SAWS stamped .1. M. ROBINSON are manu factured of the finest quality Cast Steel, by tbe very best workmen 1 bey are terrpered by Sylvester's Patent Tempering Machine ; (which tempers more evenly, nd ren ders the b'ade stifjer to the gnsge of plate than any other aparatus,) and gronnd on Southwell's Patent Saw Grinding Machine ; the only machine tbat will grind a Circular Saw perfedly trwe. For safe by July 1, 1S36. J. M. ROBINSON at SON. P. 8. Sawi of every kind made to order. .'- rfi i: ir-zezt ia ' tbt F .-,3 Fi e',iLia F ! i.;n ejprc-.el f r l-f tzzrft f r . . .f b.v'-tl 1 1 r .r L A V ?. r.L'.TVrilS t'?n It c r owl f r t'-NE Tk LLAK Bwri, st fc'.i rxsj i;r tr'.j oc jf i ty Pr. Kerceiy, Frvtt Street, cjposlte tie E-xk Fjs derv. Ot SI til SIBJfcCTvTIIF. TES.TIMOW VF WO ME HIOILD BE CO.CXlsiVK. Nrw Yoi, Aofiist 2, 152. tr Mrs. Cl'-t. f X T7i Ssfcced ttrwt." tstI;fTirj her rhiii, swat h'e yr oli t b treub!J with wohb, par-etll-st B W.U ef Ur. l-L- telcbratfsa Yerl lojr, BJ five it t-j lPi.-p-Hnfu'.l, bk-a k4 th effect f eaajint the cuiiJ tJ d;-ck.-g a Urre eumWr of worse. 'rtitekiU i ew enjojitg good hHh. We wolj inse all arects who rjs-cl their tailJren to treubiesi with wcru.s tj If e not lire, bat immeiiitelv porhse usl4iniB-i-ur It. M' Lane's CeUbrtei Vermifuge. It will cure 1 1 m'Bey will te refunded ia all csi where it d jej But gtve wtietacti-jw. -l'rchaer will be eareful W a?k for IV. McLAXES OirltKlcd Vrwirjir, ""f'rs ly t'lcamlng Bra,, PitiMM, fa All ether Vermifuge iaeompa rm a arc wwthlesi. fV McLaae'i c?nuiM Veroiifuj. iIn his eWbrte4 Liver Pill, eao aow e h4 at all rwpeetabU drugstores, sli in WUminfftoa. by WM. H. LIPPITT. kthhIuc wltbwitt th slfcilr f FLEMING Ja!y 1 IwASw TIIK TRII'MPH COMPLKTK. Atutktr ftrftct run tf .'hVrtf y Dr. lUttctt EpUftit ftU. In at Xn-a. l"K..t imsi's Co . X. C, Oct. Ist.lSSS It. HisicE liear J-ir: Having been sfMicted with tallies' fits t. r svuie year p"t, f determioed to (it year Pills a trial OlTertiseoient cf which I saw ia so in of the paper,) ni cutitiniirsl to theta fur snm soaths, aatil I was n lir.ly cur.-l I belitvt thuta to be a first rat articls ; and itn-e 1 have ased them. 1 hav aot had co attack, aai au bow ia the eujoymeet of cikhI health. I am, very rect fully, Yoart.te., JONATHAN J. JACOBS. P. S The Pill wers reeorameBcled to one by Mr. Nathan Nfwl.v, of thU county, to whose aJares yoa srst then. Th se Pil!i, besides curiB trUeptv, are a rpocilo for all n:'Hlifi'-atiur.i of nfrvuus .list aw. Price 3 per box j two boxes for 5 ; twelve boxes for fit. Persons eBclosinj a remittance will have the Pills seat them through th saad, on its receipt, por sal by S'stTii 8. Hanoi, No. 108 Balti uioie street, Baltimore;, Md , to whom order from all parts of the Cuinti must b JJres.-'eJ. July 1st Iwdfcw s.k(;nT K.HlltMiK UJ KV ORK, FOR ale in sums to suit, by B. F. k A. J. GRADY. .Marvh 21. l-sVi -lriS-tf (OK IIIMlltKU UOI.LAH TO HKT. -That no man via name three State that will vote for Millard Fill more at the Presidential Election ia November next. lunePtth. Apply at THIS OFFICE. It I. A Mi V A l: 11 ,Ti. We have . n hand a large l.,t of HLANK WARRANTS, with blank lu.jment, Stay and Execution, on the back, printed ..n the best ptijier. These blanks hart been got up in the best st.vle, and wdl be sold at our usual price, for cash May 13. ' FULTON k PRICE. A CARD The subscriber reetfuUy aucoun-s himself a candidate for tho . ffa-e of Sheriff ot New llanaver Coanty. July 2, diwts JOHN COWAN. a- The und.-isiignf.l respectfully aiioeunces himself a Candidate f. r the .fi-e id sheriff, of New Hanover County. JOHN L. HOLMES. I une 17th, I ."; 242-U sJsTThe fubsoriber respectfully announces himself to his fell. iw citizens of lio County of New Hanover as a candidate f. r re-election to the nfli . of Sheriff, and trusts that his ef fort to discharge faithfully nd acceptably the duties of the ( flise n ill serure to ha a coti tiriuat in cf their suffrages. E. D. HALL. March II. is.", I j! t.'l Her. nd Com. copy. ar WII.MI.Nii ln SAVIMis HANK. This lntitu- t i.'ti , h.eaicl at the I'nnk ot Wilmington, on Front street, will b.' ..pen for Ihe rception of deposits on Wednes day ot i h week f rom I tn 7 o'clock P. M , and on Saturday of each week from I to 1 o'clock P. M. loll.N A. TAYLOR. Pres't. May I. I V) -201-tf III K (.lKl ltl'iVMJ IlKMKUV. I'I'u HiiNn I'fHI.ICO. tf " I'.v.rv mother should have a box in the boos handy mui-en' accidents to the children." It .Ml.. u's Itiissl ln!re. It is a I'.o-ton remedy of thirty years' standing, and Is re commended by physicians. It is a suro nd speedy cure for l-airif. Piles, lioils, Com', Helmis, t hilhlains, and Old Sores ot ttrv kiud , tor Kever Sores, I' leer,, Itch, Scald Head, Nettle Hash, Bunions, Sore Nipples, (recommended by nur-sc,-.,) W hitlows, Mies, Festers, Plea Hites, Spider Stings, ('mien lambs, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore and Cracked Lips, ote Nose, Warts and flesh Wounds, it is a most valuable i remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who hive m:A it in the city ol lloslon and vicinity lor the last llortv venrs. In no instance will this salve do an injury, or iti(i i tern with a physician's prescriptions It is made from llie purest matei a!-, from a recipe brought from Russia of article" growing in that country and th proprietors hare letters fiom ail classes, clergymen, physicians, sea captains, iiur-o, and otheis who have used it tbemelves, and recom mend it toothers. Redding' Russia Salve is put up in large tin boxes, stamped nn the cover with a picture of a horse an. I a disable. I soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper I'iiii t, 2ii ims a box Sold at all the stores in town or country, or may he ordered of anv wholesale drug gist REDDINO & t'O , Proprietors. Agent lor Wilmington, N. C.-S. W. WH1TAKEK. l-t b 20 I7lit-2ti-i,n A 1'i Ki i mko HnftAiH What lady or gentleman would remain under the cure ofa disagreeable breath when by us ing the "Hulm nf a 'llmumnil fhnrtrt" as a dentilrice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster! Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and th sub jcit is -o dcl:cate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop ol tho "Halm" on your tooth-brush and wash the teeth riih'ht and morning A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A Fkai riFi i. Comi'I.exion may easily be acoui.ed by ui !"llulm nt n 'I'liuUMnd tlmrrrr " It will remove tan, jitmiUx, and fm klr$ from t lie skin, leaving it of a soft and r.,- ite hue. Wet a towel, pyur on two or threo drops, and wa.-h the lace night and morning. miavino Mauk Easy Wet your shaving-brush in either warm or cold water, pour "n two or three drops of Balm ofa Thmnand flowers," rnp the beard well and it will Bake a beautiful soft lather much facilitating the operation of sha ving. Price only fifty Cents. tTKirsa ; Co., proprie tors for sale in Wilmington, N. C, by y. V. WH1TA Ki:i!. Agent. l et. I!th. ISiVi lll-6m IK(IV(i A AOKMY. ipENCEM; the best gymnastic exercise both for men and JT youths. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public generally that lie has opened his Salle d'Armes for the en duing season, where he will give instructions in the art of f ENCINii, with ihe SMALL SWORD, the SABRE, th BAYONET or LANCE. '1 his graceful, healthful, and needful art hs been thor oughly mustered by the subscriber, who was a pupil in one ol th" celebrated Military Academies in Kurope,and he feels confident that those who patronixe his Salle d'Armes will always rejoice that they seined th opportunity of be coming acquainted with an accomplishment so elegant, and exercise so condusive to sound and vigorous health, and a means of self-defence so free from the objection urged against other arts practiced with the same view. Where is I there a person who can say that under the present circum i stances, the knowledge of using weapons is unnecessary. A nation well exercised with weapons is the support the pride of tin1 country. further particulars, as also the best of references, can bo obtained hy calling at the CAROLINA HOTEL. ( ipen from 5 A. M. till II o'ciock. P. M., EVERY DAY. At the request of the pupils no spectators shall be ad mitted during the hours of private instruction. July- 1, K-rfi. 234 :it ED. DaREU. KXl l ItsiOM TO SMITHVILLE, Thursday, July 3rd. STEAMER SPRAY, Capt. Jon- 15. Prick, will leave her n hart on Thursday morning, 3rd July, at !t o'clock, reluming will leave Smithville, at 4 P. M. Ti.'ktts for the trip l, children half price. July 1st, mr, 254-2t ITU Jl I.V KXt I UMIO.V tTimitiivillk asd KKKK'M HI.AVB. ftffa's STEAMER SPRAY, Capt. John B. Pkic, ill leave her wharf on the 1th July, at half pat eight o clock, for Smithville and .(He s Island. A Jor ding a good rpportunity ol visiting th Par improvements row going on. Tickets' l for the trip; Children half price. Colored per sons not allowed on board. A collation will be served up on board. July 1st, IS3 254-3t roTilitK," i t M IL the first of January next, or January, 18o8, i". vtoro miv i i : THIS OFFICE. July 1st, K"A-2)4-6t St llOOl, KOK lOl Va l, DIES. One danr South of tin rr$irlenrt of O. G. Pantry, $q'r. "I f S. MOORE hopes to resume the duties of her School T . in Wi'mington, on Wednesday, the first of October, lS3ri. The number of pupils will be limited ; price of Tui tion, Fifty Dollars per Session of nine months. Apilication fur pUc ia thia i-cbW, eaa be -yasi aatU th firai af Uef ber, through the Wilmington Post Office. July 1st. 18."' 254-tlO Kill KI.OKIUA via (HAHLEslUV and IVAsJIAII. THE COMMODIOUS U. S. MAIL STEAM- er CAROLINA. L. M. CoxrTrs Master. wiU leave Wilmington lor Charleston, Savanah, Jacksonville and Palatka. tourhina; at the intermediate lundinps on the St. John's River, en the btli dy ef Jaly. Foe freight er passage, apply to RANKIN Jt MARTIN, Agent. Jaly 1st, 1856 26441