$clar4al at the Unnir-jl"" & -ltt li-lt r Lt H:'Ti:rta.... Arrive at i::i'-f Leave K'.Ef f i"? ? 13 . 3 ti) p. ;3 f' r. (3-1 4. , Fjb Cant-its' vj l'suir n Rs t : ! ne 7 ii A. M lri frcaa Wiliitj: ja. cj the 5 l P. M. train from hirgvUie. aYthe-aale at the NVIIatl-sKta. A. WrUlaa ltatlrol. tYl or E'T4L 4: rtsrvsrt m a ") 4 14) r n I f. v. H 't 00 4 - Arrive 41 Well. Lear Wflltg A m ve 4t W U sni nto a . ... 12' ...I 7 Sir 00 t. W. J til. M. COMMERCIAL. latest dat from Liverje-sl - Latest dat from Havre Latest date fro mi Havaaa. Jute II 'un 13 June 17 WU.MlXGToX MARKET. July 2. TUftfENTlNEale after jetteriav'a report of 5,a fcbli. at 2 75 for aai 1S4 fur U virgie, JUStfor yellow P aai 1 1 30 for kard, SsJ K.J. None market th't mornief. SPIRITS TURPEXTIXE-Sales yesterday of SX) Ibis, at 34 eeatl per galloa. Th market quiet this morning, aad b sales ap it the time uf closing our enquiries. ROSIN Sale yesterday efan.y 230 bids Common at 1 05 for larr tize bbU.; and this morning .V J No 1 at J 75 Mr bl TAR Nothing doirj LaKLV Sale this morning of 30 kf g N. C make at It est V ft. LIME The earro of 1,10J raski r.-jHirtoJ at pa market yeeterdav rhanred haeii at V won V oi-k, 9) 4ti. MACK ERtL Sale ywtfrUy of U tbU No. S at $3 50 V bl . ft) dare. TIMBER Sa ee yesterday of Ire rafti at front I ' W V M., aj ia quality. NEW YORK, Jb Hk Cotto i Srtn. aal-e tvda.T of 700 bale. Floor ia firm, ale of itra (ht State at 5 Su a t 00, good Ohio at 6 K a b' 25. and mixed to jrood standard SoutberB at 60 a 7 00. U bat ie uuettlst. ml- at t M for SoutberB white. Corn i. firm, at 5(t a .V ff nt for mixed. 1'crk bai advanced, rates at 'i 2a for Mm Be el is firm, sales at 12 for re4cked i'hiv"f Lard i firm, ales at 12 cents. Whisker it firm, sale at 30 ctit fnr hio. Coffee is doll, sales at 11 evnt tor Rio Sujfar is aetire, sales at cents for ("aba. Molasses it firm, sal i at li i't for Cub. Sairiti Turpentine is firm. 4!ej of ) Ibis at 374 cents, freights are improving. BALTIMOR E, June SO. HreaOsturTu to-dur are renerally firm and ancbanred Howard rtHt finur r 2" Whcat -Ifood to prime rt'ds, fl 3) a l ; whites, fl KS a 7.5 Corn white, 52 a 5o cents ; yelliw, 50 a 51 I' rnviioiis are improving- under au excited market mesa pork-f JO a t'i) 60. Baea-shoulder!i a j eents ; sides, 11 J a ll etiits. Lard, II I a 13 cenu m bits, sad kegs. Marine Intflliscnrr. nmr .f wilmixuton. mk th cakh.ia. AHRIV'1.1). B'n'j 1 Steamer Flora MoUmald, Hurt lr. ru Kavette- nlle, to T. f.. X K l Worth Steamer Fanny Lutterloh, f.arber, tr.iiu Favett ville, to Lutterloh Jc Elliott. 2 V S. Mail Steamer Sprsr, Price, frota Siuithville to A. 11. Vanbokkelen. CLEARED. July 1 U. S. Mail Steamer .-pray, Priee. for Siuithville, by A. 11. VanHtikkelcn. t .Steamer Fani.y Luttcrl. h, Purl er, for Favttteville, by Lutterloh It Fllmtt '' Ttps,n, ni.n At Minii, THE FALL SKSSP N ..f this 11,-tituii. n will , 1 on Wednesday, the 9th Juh m t, under the ch irn. ot Mr W. J. Mi Kkbram., whose novices luivo been vt-ured for the ensuing artdemic year This aehod i- pbois.intlv situ. tel in an intelligent and highly moral 11 . itrhl...rlnMi.l. ,it i'i.' terminus of the Wilmington und Top-ull Sound Planknud, within two hours ride et Wilnnnirtoii Tbe course of instrui-tioii euilraers all the stu.lo s c'as-i-cal and mathematical, neoee-sary to prepan- I hi- ' mli-nt tor a L'niTersity course, in addition to the F.nt:li-h tui,n 11-11 ally taught in schools of high grad. s A t.-r .1 trial of throe sessions, the T usin s 01 the -. h ..I t. l lullv ju-'itie ! ,n 1. commending Mr. MvK email to the public ii- dl g. i t and able instructor uf vouth. un. I an excellent -1 1 - . jri.in Sueh is their appreciation of his high tpialifi. at 101,. as h teacher, that they arc no employ ing him at saiarv lii -h actually exceeds the income o( the eboo, and reijuires n- a consequence, to be made up in part by assessed contribution.. Under these circumstances they teil that no :i ology is me. I ed for appealing to the puhlic for a generous support Tbe aocouiuiodations lor board are ample, the Trustee s haTinv vonti to irroat eviiwnSM in ittvftin.r u In -fn mi. I .... modious boarding house, eipressly for the u-e nt the school. It is under the management of Dr. I L S lici-kwitli with whom the principal of 1 bo school boards and exercises a suier rision oyer such of the students as may be pbned th"re under his ''are. The ensuing session wi end on the 2bth Xovuuiber as follows: English braTiches. including t lengMpliy , t .1:1111 mar. Arithmetic, itc. - 15 Ancient Languages, and higher Mathematics. 2."i Board, Including fuel and washing ."si Students will be charged trout the time of 1 11 11 n. e to t he close of the session, except in cases of protracted sickness Reports of the deportment and progress . I a. h studn t will be furnished tooareuts and guarlimi at about the mid dle and at the end of each session For further particulars apply to I M I'oY, Scott's Hill P. O , New Hanover 'o. June 31, IRTe-llVMl Std&w m n Kit 6 KEGS NF.W GOSHEN HI'TTIT list rcccitrl and tor sale by MeCALEi; & IT 'N TIN',. ti'2 North Water street June 28th CAPE F ft All HOT KE, Hill 111 I l,l,H, N. OUR IMPROVEMENTS are now completed, and we lire prepared, ia every way, for the accommodation of regular or transient boarders. FISIII.NT., HA TH I Ni t , Ac TERMS !'I0 to t'M per month, ac nrdiag to room- ; Dl per week ; 2 iter day Children and servants hall-price Induction made for families. A. J. Ac O. W. (,ALLoW.y. June 21. 2lfi.lm-l.T-Im Fayetteyille Obserrer and Gold.boro' Tribune co y one month and send bill to this nfliee MOI.ASSKS. O i Q HHPS. AND 7 TIERCES 1 K PRIME NEW syrtf crop Cardenas Ml 'LASSES, now landing Imiu brig Ellen Hayden, direct from Cardenas. For sale by Jnne It J A J L HATHAWAY k Co FLOUl I r lilH IC JUST receiyed a lot of superior SUPERFINE. EXTRA and FAMILY FLUK. For sale in Int., by Jnne 25. CUMvnXG .V STY ID 'N IlKAD-tll AKTKItsi tlOth HKti'T. . . !!., 1 .In... 17 is ,11. i ORDER NO. II The Upper and Lower Divisions of Wilmington Militia, baring refused to elect officers, are hereby notified that, pur suant to the 1 1 tb section of Militia Act, they hare this day been attached ti the Middle Sound Company, (('apt Thus. Bishop,) and they are ordered to yield their ready obedience to the officer of said company . By order Col. Jno. L. Cantweil, WM. A. M. VaiBOKKELEN. Adi't The Companies will muster at the Middle Sound Mn-ter Ground. June IW 24M-3E HARPER'S MAGAZINE for July, a supply of back Nos. Receiyed and for sale at June 21. S. W. WHIT'AKEH'S t IIOl'SK KOI "AI.K. THAT SEW TWO STORY HOUSE AXD IT. fronting on the west side of fifth strcel. N orth f. an t .next but one to the W. fc W. H . Ron 1 will be sold on accommodating terms, .-ay one Bflh the amount cash and the balance in threejcqiial instalment of one, two and three year. This house was finished by its present proprietor with much care, expecting to make it bis own premanent residence. Rut a change in his business co-nptls him to leave it anil he pefen selling to renting it. It has 5 good runnis and a pan try, a full length piazta poth front and hack, goo., kitchen and a well of excellent water in the yard. The lot fronts 102 Feet jn fifth Street and runs west ll5 fee t Apply to. J R. ('O.N I'V. or to June 20, 1856 -250-lm W. A. WALKER. NOTIt E. THE UNDERSIGNED BEING AUTHORIZED TO .Oloseup the business of the late firm of Parsley, McHae fc Co. and Parsley, Cowan ft Co., notifies all persons indebted to either, that unless payment is made on or before the 1st day of August text, ail claims will be lac, I in tbe bands of a collecting officer. (). ;. PARSLEY. June '2f, !) SiP-tiw HO. '4 HACKKKKL. TUST RECEIVED, 110 bbls. large ?iie No. 2 Halifax eJ Mackerel. For sale in lots to suit by GEO. W. OA VIS, .No. th Water Street. Jnne 28, 1856 232-tf Com, copy. RICE. 20 casks clean (fresh beat) just received and (or aaleby J. IL PLANNER. May 10. LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER for Saturday, June 29th. Receiyed and lor sale at June 2d. S w. WH1I AIER S. fr OR AEK. (jr BARRELS SUPERIOR Oil June 30. for MschinerT- RUSSELL fc BRO. EMPIRE CABS We bare just receiyed, direct from the manufacturer, another lot of Empire Cabs, for Cbi '.area. JulJ 1, 1500. w. U. L'xXEAE. lljrx 45 4 . ( Kr-; rTCX-Tii A I f. - u,-T4tca a a -.eve. tor f" ,r !-;. TRi S ! TS4:. . - . ... rx.A -i'r. m I T'-': . vt-r ro.-v v RK. Kwv:i L:s 1', WILL, wi'd hit .Vis--, Brr J ' TvMAKLNF. Carl j at 2J. IV. ! vr f issac, : v t . t.Ei '-,..-' 11 l K K ! varvTX FO NEW YlKK. K m ur I. xr -Sch oer .fvJ HN, Cajt. Hi im. w-.l kaiedesi-atob t r the 2pvffbve port Jut. . lVw. K.-r frei-ht .-r f, a' 'rt"KKI k'k riisi.M ri.ruiA -iUE..MjNs.-.N-hr. H mWLK, CaitSin TH.upMii, bave a- slii'k. k-ja!th a al vive ir freifhl vr pi'ie, t l . ut.Ui;.h HAKuls.v at "3 b. IV t .- FOR tl KKSSTOWX, IRELAND. -The l r hr , Park Kl( .1 V E. Cap! t"ni C KoniNvm. can fiL2ttake 300 baU-s Cottoa, fr yaeenstowc, fur orders, r ur treiht vr rafe arp!r .Master, on b.'rd. -r to June I. i,r.O. HAKKlS, f,,itiee. VAl Tlt. LL PERSONS are eiut4'e J agaict trm'in any f V. the erew tf the Bark Saranic, m no di'l ts uf tLJr evu trciirj)f will be paid br the Capuin or Conine. J.lay2! It. E, Elt.EKS. OTH r.. Jft ALL pereMis are herebf f.irewartiej B4 ! true r 5.1 harbor any of the crew of the Karquantine W'm. Hyde, as no Jvbtatvctrte.l br them will b paid bv the c tjB o-r Hw'gtees. AlUMS. r-Kt'THEK Jt CO. Jan It. 1. 4 LL PERSONS are forewarned trutiu,r or harKTiit; V the Crew ot the Kr. lUru liinjt ltve, as no debts it their entretiuB will be paid b the t' tnu ur t '(ntiiee i .May 17, Vi217 tf. ' liKO lt.Vr.Ki j KTORK.-llOl K ttMl KK1. THAT IES1R.U'LY locai?d, and hanXioiuelv fitt.'d up Store, under Mr. Peter Smith's dwelln g, on Market -t , ' is again fur rent. Possession sriven iinmediateU ApplT to w. ttll.tM.it. June Uth ' JB 11 4 1. IIHtK. .V. . mi HALES N V II AY ; bbU Clear Pork ; X Julie f Faeon and Lard Just arrirtl iud for aov h,K Lf'T I'Ei; l.t HI tV El. Ll 1 II" Herald copy CONSTANTLY on hand an.' f t ' Table Homony, loi?c and Cow Wafer street, bv I 2'i aaV. t'orH, 'orn Meal, fee.L. at N. 1 North M. sTEV EN' June Ihth 2b! s 5 hogslifa I. P I! sugar . bbls White fort, e do Landing from Silir Wi.lo Word Fors.tle by June ll.'jti. W1LLAK D I'C It I IS 1Hs IMMtU. AT P.I'.LS. MESS PtlRK, lroniS,nr - Wide World L't Ju-t rece.ved by WiLLAK D -V CCiCfls. I une 1 1 Ii Jt r It Kt f.14 r 11. TWENTY-FIVE M.U. SuiH-rrln- H.Ol'R ; :l boxes t olgate's I'ale S(i.': Fresh l..f,,f S PEEK and I'I1 KI.ID Ti'Ni.l l 10 boxes A dain.iutine und Sperm CANDLE- : 20 hbl.s assorted CRACKERS ; 21 boxes Al.si 1 a lot of e .1111 Unlit A'lernetkv and MufJi His uii. r.ihu," for -ale by W'M lune H .ii kri 111 t iu cans, and ivHuthmf Hiic" and " rm, . S I t 1 W N'SH I . N 1 1, Ne 2o Market street Tills II A . MANTILLAS, t Mantillas, at 11 ANDSOML :: is i I ml . ."1 IHI I. Ill) ;yan i II Handsome Hiindsoine Mantillas, at ll ind-oiue Mantillas, at I ur- 1 1 1 1 EDI! It .11 S I' ItKt K.I I I). i :.0()0; r..i , i, 11, H ; i;i i'mi . MEss PdRK ; A fine lot ot lit M I'I S and .-Hi : :!0 Reams U I ; A 1 " I ' I N . PAPER I 1 1 1 1- C ( I.'AI- 1, Anril L1th P .Maiket drecl Kl.tM It. mmii: .-I'Hi'iii ir.i.K- are 1; i . 1 .1 v 1 ni ; , et.i; I Week, collMgllll gninent-. ol clioicc. he-li ground, .ii eitinc and I M I i. IT.i'l R. Ironi the b.'-t Mill, in (lie stale -l or -ale 111 lot. to .int. at 1 orro 1 of I'r-.iii and Princess -treets RRN N & I'l.DIIAM May Hih A 2n! :iin I)' Mi l - III I bhis Mess Pork, now in store I ,,r -ale by Apnl 21st, WILLARD Jt 1 I'RTI-' .11 l lit ! Kl P ll. ,) r. RI'LS I.Asll MILLS I-T.l 'IT! ; ') 21 bids Waeovia Mills do. These brands need no recornineiidat ion . etcry band i narrnntt'd superior to Hny flour in uiarkei I'or sale by Mm 21 W II M H Alt Y A en MS SACKS : May 21 i.ALT, in : tore and lor sale by W. II M, HA If Y It. I'" 4411 It K V X It II. RUNAWAY Hill the 2l'lh uit .his 1,,'cro 1 is about :l years ,.l I, d niches high He Iris a NAW'AY I'ltlOI IT I K -I'RSt'RIIll'.i;. 01. man . I . I 'I I E NT A 1 1 Sai l b.,y lurk eouiplectcd, .5 feet s ,,r !l lie at I ,eri Walter's liin- 1 a 1 1..11 on shallot te, in Urumwiek 1 u 1 1 y, here he f sup-p..-.,. to be lurking The above reward will be paid lor bis delivery to the -subscriber, or for hf sal" eonliiieiuciit ill any jail in the State. June Ith, IV, -2:11 ll IID'S I'lHVIN IMIIl.tllKI.I III A IKON WOltKS. HAAS lr A.'.V.v. 272 ami 21 .ilh Tuvlfth Strut, 'i.i,,.m,(, '.r M A N I FAi TUREHS lib IR"N RAII.I.Ni.S. o vari- 1I oif beautiful stvles; DOORS, sl I TER-. and brio IE II all kind. ..f :l l.'Til.R-' IRON Wolth 1.'. 11 011, I, i"p. Architect, Wilmington, N C May 17 -2l7-:i,n KOK X I.K. A DESIIi A RLE RESIDENCE on the comer of T hird and Mulberry streets, consisting ot a good two-story House, large Kitchen, Sal.c.., Carriage House, (i no Well of Water, handsome Garden, etc., surrounded by a beautiful row id Live t lak trees on Third and Mulberry streets The Lot is t leet front on Third street, and Hil Icet on Mulber ry l or terms, which will be made easy, und nuttier pur culars, call on W ( 'WARD, lliokcr. May 17, IV 2 17 tf Ill It KI T IHI'Oll T1 IO. 5.000 FLOORING AND PAVING I-1. Dow landing Irotr, Hark Saranae AGGING, I or sale in ILERs. lot- t 5ujt May 2!J by II 11. I IMPTY PAR It ELS -!I7 I ceited and for sale by 1'Uipty Spirit Barrel', jut re ADAMS, RRO &CO. June 21 TO III II.DKIIS. Ol'SE FRAMES, ANY LENT i'i H UNDER thirty- , seven feet ; Flooring, wide Hoard.'", Weather.Hoariliiig i and proiniseti' us Lumber, furnished on short notice, from a good tideway Mill, 25 per cent lower than charged by the Mills of this place, by Ol.o S GILLESPIE June 24th. IV' 21 tf KOTICK. HOMO.N'Y, ID iRSE AND COW I'i ioi JOHN jik IAL V ' A constant supply of the abov, article will be found for sale at my Mill. 1 am manufacturing a vr nv superior urti elo of Family Moal and llninmony. D DrPRIl, lr June 21. V2lh tf i i LI E U casks superior l.ngli-h I iluc, (or A 1 1 A. MS, KID '. .V I ' i (ale by April Md STK.4.yIO.T KOIt (SAI.K. .w-aaw ONE of thebrothpr of the " Rrolhcrs' Steam 1 JjfJJJJjJ I'oat Company," has determined t" devote his i enure ailenliwn to his profeion We will therefore -el TWO of our Three ST EAM III 'ATS, c, insisting of tb "BROTHERS," "JAMES R OltlsT," and " S( I'T Isll CHIEF," with complement of Flats, upon accommo dating terms. Our Charikh Pkivii fois extendi., navi gating the Cai-k Fi ar and Dskp RtVFHt, without any in- lividual clau-'e II desired a sale of one or more of tin Pioats can be made in such way as to pus. 'tie benefr- ol our Charter to both Rivers. T he Brothers is admirably ndaptt ,1 to running above the Locks and all the Una' i are in excel, lent order, and are well suited to the Luin. on the River For terms, address JAMES HANKS, Pres't Brothers Steam Boat, Co., Favetteville, V C j JOHN RANKS, i'lmingt .n, X. G. 1 June 21, lVifi -2i -3w IIK r A I. I'ltAt TM H II rtS FOR FIFTEEN years been exclusively aft, n F d to by the subscriber. ( 'ur treatment is such, that the teeth are r ut in a slate o life preservation, ami free from pain. Alter much study, invention and practice, we have altain ed to the very difficult art of stopping with gold, the de cayed cells in the crowns of teeth, so solid. iud beautilul that the initials of th name may be engraved on them. If practice gives skill and art, then perhaps, we can ex tract a tooth as easy and carefully us the cae admits. Particular attention is givm to removing Tartar from, and polishing the teeth, ttiat they are much benefited and elegant. Those who may prefer upper front arliDcial pivot teeth, which are more beautilul, con.fortable and healthy than ar tificial teeth on plates, wo will be hapny to wait upon. Persons who may wish to retain their teeth, so that they can properly masticate and taste food, and be free from pain, will do well to giv) as an early call. .If , , .;, .t-il .1!-:. . i . .r we nave, ana sun suan emu i.ie ctiminenuiiion" n our June 11. 185.-237-3w H ANK OP II.MINdTON. !t. t , Jntie 7, S.-0, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this d,iv declared JL a dividend of the nett profits of this Bank, to the 1st In.l liffltni ,1 Ik. . .1 II A , 1 t ,ort.( vv.,'1 ..uaiuv . i pet c'j.it. ter biiuuuj, on eaco several payment on stock from tka date of the same, paya ble to the stockholders, or their authoriaed attorneys on and after tb IWb iat 8. JEWETT, Cashier. Juiir,13oo.-l234-31-tjl. V tfKl t -i ; - vhr Ans'"! re O.l t iLrrt '': - i r 1 a tier , i . t.l -,.f.L A : ;c r r I'V V I i i.. -e re ; u.-k.-t V y .:, a-.l.i'.ed t -i.! er a' t a'il r k. M.r .i.:h ( 'rKht. 5-1 Ij 1 . i-. J Mit tf.h i i Lt.L A i'atl r.u oi.s. HAM!-OMi: Parv I at f t ft t I fM ; a f. -m mIij la'ge for .'.J l.li-j. lit I .if K i. KYAN Ail l'h 1-2! KM' r'LK.U'li EI ft TTONS 5 nri ! Mf fui eri-.r l.'j cert t t:i t ..tt-iw- tr-t w: i . 411 1 worth Directs ) uJi"". iit.l'iilt K & I; A S W1. CAMi'uH', flit. i tu 1, t.m .tv J A m t.t 4L t .a:ti.i. ,!ii'OU I o-a:. f 1 tin r white 5 U iirjt ei't. Mart: Ol 'PEKIOR OLi WUI-Kl.Y. kil ItbUs. ,"r! r mil b;Aey, aeMunt ot niars MaJi. S A O 11 Ll.t I have ou eoni'gnnten', hi. h Is cUere I t r ! t.'.ti tltH l'i'N CrEKE - l i b; K Iti - L sale by ,0 i-ttee ; WlLLAKl e Uo h' f 1', A- I I U 1 'IS. i U ItlVKItt OIL. 15 PilLS. RvhiJ I.uiirKatirg fit. For aa! b April 21. J & J I. MAlll. A Aii' fetl.T. S.Vt'KS LIV1.UP. hit. SALT Eor-abv lV laTl t .1 A" I L tlAIH VU A .N i ' HtlWKT. HAM'StUli: ,uply..f . ' Bmool. H h.l I. u'- hani Flata; !h 4 iarjre var.ety o! Ivninet Kittlnjii. Ai.ril iih. IlLPItU lv k l; V N Ii ' i' - ( St:j i-ON,. 1 to have been taketi truiti our Whan, 4 ffUi .-hr l.ii. ie llu-i!l l mistake,) mho biri.-l k hi key, uiarked II over V VhrTer has it il otilvr a tat-r Lv i.tnmii! il to lirI.LI. HKO M .v .! Mllll I I. I WES Ft 'If l" is in.) II persons b are dt sirous of Ti n'adv for collection, ai I loiug so, can examine the T A h 'OK at uit olSte at the Court House E 1 1 II ALL, Mn 2". IV. herifT l ltl-MI K4MII.4 M l I'Kltr INK Kt AM It. 1 I si .1 sale in from the Old" North stale Mills, and lor bv IK VAN & OI.I'ilAM. opposito Journal 1 'flice It; 'I, Kxi .1 tl mo . .i.. i:i.s l Pi Klt'i; (il'Ai.l 1 ;)() lu. ia.lv pe et. d p. blO Schr Mary I ibella, tor sale by .11. "a. HI S I I.I. . V t'M.I.S. -."ill rH', ass. Pioklcs, fur sale by rted I nderwood'. eelebr .It .l.t HO ; K IDH sI'ON KK t ill. If IMI ItltlKII I til II', IN .inaniities to suit N,.v .Mh or sale t.y CI MMINii & sTYlM'N W IM'KII. JOTICE TO I.UMllLli MERCHANTS AND OU . .m,i; t 't- s w :i ii.i.s. - Htit.'.l 4 situation t.y a iii.ii' tiho !'., ag.io.t knowir l,ro ot sawing and nianul.n'turiiig nil kind- ot timber, also, tbe building of It ailwar ear. p ei..p. at this ,,nV 1 1. :tl 't- tt (.Ill I II Kill t 1 l IN l'lllll II. remi.an. of our st..fk of Summer Dre-s 1 be oil. -. l greatly reduced in 1 e. T , D will II.1H1I-. Uit' Mu-lins at l.'v cents worth j.'i .. ., ;si o- iii'iliil 1 'rgan Ivs at ..) cents, wrih ?" 1 heap I V I '.1 rge 1, for Tra ell mv Die-.e. ; 2isi pi.ees Lnglisli Culi.'o. at I2j eon's, v . 1 tb K A II. R A N i'. u e.l an. k SUN Mav I '-'111 III I'ltl' o; N t It DI.I - I - . . und. 1 M .'"i: .1 t r. INsi 'N I r -.il- bv .Ma Ill II.MINii'l't i Y I I, luck III, lot', , 1. os r. , about the middle ol Iin- week, ,1 , Pocket I',,, 'k containing a small miiii clod, lo one hundred ,l"lla i . each. In i and IW 'lilV doll.lls The abotc ,y Co A McDowell, I M White. I. I ' 1 . V I 1," 111 ik, r- a re ,,i, he . ! , allV "11- eVcept lilt-, It. ' ' I IN W I -II. a I in, 1 10 y , and I tv 1 do 1 .,r one Ii:ii. .II- re mad, I ' 'r. iiiirt i", d Ironi psv in g t a In. I i'.d 1 t in.. in v ider I the p.. be 11 gu 1 ii-t I radiiii; C r tin 1 1 1 t !! i t'ti ,ii 1 , k and , 1 1 , r oil, v . o, ill t a I, in. II t 1 p .id bo I h" tt-1 vi 1 1 1 ol the poekel I.-. 1 .1 . r at I hi lb. Ihlown. I lad' n 1. M II I'I I. '21' -T It A I si.lf I ,M If 11 N I 11 I1 -ale I'V May :ll-t I.' In t re, I n.l I ID'HIN -1 1 1 ,V M N I l.ltllbt. It ATE ftli'h, WASHER an 1 I It ' 1 N I , R , , chil lien, and a No I MAN. will be here 111 r sub-by I.I TIER I . 1 1 tt Ll.l.ll'l I oiU A FIH-sT 0 h tv. Men, lav I' Mav I2i h. III tKlllt K. I.lll.s ( ,iv ,.. 11 ,i I el.'i.i I'oik : 2il hlids I 'lly and Western -ui iked .-Inoi Inil bale, New "i.tik llav lor -al" in LETTER I.' 'II .V I. LEI' ival 217 If !()() TT un, o- It iM;ltslll. WEEN li 'II N II U.E and W I, ITT I .-, in the 'i. .ml I't... I. ie. Ileal Kstate nn.l Sloik IIm.- k 1 oy' lliisl.tto.. I..I in I tall will gi te In. principal at I , n (11,11 t,, tic Nat il Stole intere-t ; Wia I. Pitt, to Colt, ,11, and both parties lo all lu liter.' c .nil' ec I wit li a 1 ,en rn 1 brokerage llii-incs. UMIN HAIL, Mar. h I Ith, i -1 '.s tl I U'M I, IT IT - IMI 1 (.lllllls VI' ( IKI', I. vt oild ea'l the attention of purchasers I" 0111 Diy ,ods , that branch ,, our bu.-nn-". uni t be .1,,.. I. will , -it 1 1 el y -ell et ety art if lo we have in I he lion,., and ivt III that bio lune 2 at lot! co I s i 1 1 T EEEER A inoi i 1 f, 11 I tilt aiif SJ.IMI.IIIIO VI 01 111 t.l Ki.ll.la M...I lll.ll.llliK l.ol. IV iin, TIE Ool.D RE. .ION K VIRfilNIA, ( ulj . 1 r ) to he divided ani.,ig-t 0,2'M) subscribers, on I It" I . pteinber, IVil,. .,rtlie bcnetil ol l'..rt Royal -e male teadetny Subs riplioii- , 11, , 11 , ;,, . on.- bai: ,on, t'he 1, -t on the ,leli, ry ! tic I"-, I l.t.iy sub-, Tib, r will g, t a lliiilding let or a I arm. ranging 111 t alile lr.,:n J In I o f 25,'niO 'I li. ..' l'iiriii and Lots arc sold so ch- ap f,, in, Iin e -,'t f I, -iio lit a mfTieient number ! iiij; re served, the increase in the value of vvhi.Ti II cotiipcn-ate for the ji j 1 . 1 r ' 1 1 1 low pn c iiotv a-k, , T he mo.t ample s. cunt y w 1 II be gi vn I ,r t he jml fit I in"i nw 10 , ol , out ract -aiitl proiinsts a4".M, i i Aui.Ms Ai i: wiMin to obtain "iibscnbi r', t ., wllolll the lllo-t liberal llldueelllllll . will be givn Nun- A gents wi ,tc thai th' y ar" milking 2tU per month A T eri i.-mg will lu it. Ti" lull p irt eiil.ir'. Sulf E I1AIT .1 mi'- 21'rd, s5li ,,r etcry Agent Iotc po--il,le. I-. r riptioif. Ag ree., fce apply I., Ell , Pi, it Royal, ' arohna ( o Va 217 Mil II fl KOIt IVKIM. I I.ISI. lll.ltEH'i ,n' 'TT I'Y THE CITIZEN'S n' WILMINf ton. I hat I will alien I lit the Court l.,ii-e, 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 t li" t twenty ,, rl.ii, g day in Inly nevt, Ironi the bom. . I I I ebiek in the morning ,?o of takniL- the list un' il I in t In- , t eni, g. ,.r l li in 't t.i'.a'.l' proiertv ..I -aid Town All , u-te. to lit witinri th.i' t titis- il they do ,iauie nie il lliey ur,' retnnc d I , ...int,:i W T I 't'ANN. r-t.ii- an n t hey inn-! not !ir.,ii-oil Inn.' 2'., IV 2.VI lit T a t I ., .t II ei i r II, rn! I un I I on IV KsTKHN slltl'.s xNDsllot I.ISI- It I) lf.Y I.M'l.i "I'EI 1 ID hlids Wele'rn Side. ; 5 do do Shoulder-. WILLARD U f CRT l- F.,r -a!- by .1 tine 25t h. I - I'OltK. TV ME.-s I'OR K . to arrive U.rsi'ebv WILLARD k I It'll- () I'.BLS. (T I une 25 I,,,,, I I ni... 21 S.-200 lune Is APE' T I.I' I . r -a'. . -1 OU l,l,E P T ,1 , by No 1! Vlick-Te 2 do Rl S-ELL A ! Tl ' 1 oii ' 1:1 -IIEE-For "ale by OltN " llltN " PRIME WHITE Ci iR N. u!' WILLARD V ( CRT I III I ssl.l, itl 1 1.1)1 , ICS. rlM I K .-I'ltscR H'.LR ' IIT.HS -T iR :AI.E. A EOT 1 ot v. s-, 1 Spa: s 1 1 oiii O l to K7 fee in length, and Ironi 22 I.. 27 in in s in iliamet r. h.r particulars, apply to T. F. KOP.EM'N lune :.ith. Isi 2.51E2 TAKK Mll lt K. I HAVE A LAID. E AMOUNT 1 'F MONEY DI E ME. I and per-or.s I owe. want theirs All persons indebted to me must pav up by the 1 5th of Julv, or 1 will put them ut of mv hand" Jl HUN I CON( H EY. June Ml'th. IViO Vt-Mit lllssopi THIN. V HE MUM OF Jo.NKS A FoYLES WAS D!-'S"L- vid on the olh inst., by the death of W li. lones i In order lo meet the demands, it iJ necessary that all I persons indebted to the late firm should conic forward and I pay up immediately. lao ofl-r for sale, the entire .nek of GROCERIES, I PICK EES, Pit LSI; RVL'S, WOOD WILLOW WARE, I and one of the finet assortments of Foreign and Dome, tic ! LIQL 1 'R S and WEN ES, to be found in this place.. - -T.1 aty person wishing to engage in a business of the kind I it offers an inducement rarely found in Wilmington, j D. M. FOYLES, 1 Jun.'ftih, IVH Surviving Partner. 14' f ITU E. 4 EE PERSONS indebted b account, note, or otherwise to Commercial Steam Saw Mill. Costin A Gaflord. and the subscriber", are notified that their neennnt will be pla ced in the hands of an &fli er un!c?s paid by the th of July next. JAS. C. SMITH A CO. June 27th, BVi 251-tl3jy Arcnox SALE.- t ,'-KtM.. tolluNiti, 'f if r ON s.VTl UIAY, t? ! -.,....; 1 , , . lv Au-to-a. ia tumt ..1 ut vi u.. Wr i..e:.-n if P W rl i , ! r . count i t U oy it but f t en; 1, an a - rtt 1 . i 4rc " LI Ml'.l.i; A NIi TVI As it .w !iet-B f t:t;t"B Steam M.U V tar', iiH- J f; ,ra ! r Harp I i'.l.S Ml.ss I t '.CK. a-w Un ... s J . r 1 1 v 11. 1. a:; n , 1 i; ! i - . .. I. tit is. 'l; LMl. AU i It I.E. er Railr-a I l,r 4 1 IAV hi. a;.- b U il.L Ua A- fl'i.li- t tl't. KIC AK IlKM 1 1 II M 'PHI! wn4rristhl restart fu lie inf ruis bis fneuJs aa i the 1 pul'l f fouria'tr, that be is tulle pr-psre. t' " e..novlate til.olLAR ANli TKANMLNP i:ti.Kl EKS. Irregular MeN tarni he t at ill hour, with pr iiupt Bis an t de-f stc a-Tl'l; ILL .-il Pevtrt daat II obk k is 11 i;ni:tt - Wi!hiiij;!..h, June l!ta, Vni '.'It tf l llKM.Iir UHl lt.ll.TtN KI.IHIN NI No Ii 111 f AR1J N A K.ULK04D t! tave uia.le su arranjjfmeot with tSeKailn.alf I liiiM to iur 4 Freight far IwHob V ilnungton on au Sali-burv, wuh the u.ail trams, twieaeek Leave 4- Buitgtea on t'ue-tar an 1 Fri.U by the evening train, ant Sau-bury t u Mm lav an t I hurs.lat I rt ight will be rs-- civd an I delivered at all the intermediate .'alwus 1 sTt IUT CAR leaves Wilmington ,n Friday, the "J'tl. t in-taut Ki l l II & KLANNI.lt , lune loth, IV 2 tf sriitrr 11 iiiu 1. v sEt't -ND band .-(ints I m jnl mo bbl . ) 1 now landing and ler sal" by June IH ADAM-. I ID' A t i IIH IKK ,)! R t.-Kb. Coffee, lauding t.uii s. hr WiieWoiil sJ K..r sale by W II. I. A I. D Jk t I R I I - lu ,.- II. V I'KITt.H l V IMtl I III. I 1 . I TACTOKS AND t tiMMIssitiN MERCHAN I .-. I W11 tnvu i.y, N t ' lie-pet-llullv inf .riu t i'ltoti Planters and Turpentine I n tiller, t l it, with a view ol semng I heir ielui 1 e iuti real. Uiev will .1 -vote their undin.b'd atlentnui to , lime- I o I I 'N, NAVAL S i'1 'R ES, and other country produce, an I. to eairv out tin.. v-teiu 'tl etuallv, will Hot make p ireh a .e i.f the abovt1 article, nu c..tiiiitisi.,t t.,r Nottliern and I oreign ac-'oiinl ' 'in ..ll.ee 1. chic, ..I i 'I, I II W f IT R and I'll INC ESS itre. t. I 'ur wharves and sheds are eon vein, nil y located tor the i t . pi 1011 ot produce by e it her o! 1 ho R ail 1 a D or steamboat 4" fash advaio'e-t made on eoi.'intuenl s April 22 PE I I I W A . I'll I I 1 111,1' 1 Kim nsll VR ES l ank l WTIiuiugti.il si ., k . .'ill do Wilmington Wcldo 11 Railioad ,1 . . Ill do WTIuiiiigtoii St Min.he-i, r do do. MO nab s II lv , 25 bills Mes.l'olk ADo. "I.e ll. ll-e anILt.vllil abl ' and well ituated, on t In .liiiit, b, Itteeu I irt and See 011 1 treets, 011 liberal leriu' HALL V PITTS, 1 ken March lltli I'.'MI i)I.RI IAN rtl'AMl l!5t, . n- ..I best ,iia!Hy K.r-.l in lots I., suit purchasers by April I l,T-s,, pi;, . I 'Ni, 1,1-11 D.UI! 1 lll.l sl'. 7,1 bove. , 1111, I (H,-b I j I 'airy I lie, . . 111 tine pa, -It ace- tor lauo'v u , .., - .'. by April 2 1. vrd . 1 r; 1 1. W'lii 1 1. 1.1. ii I'hhi rj,. , 111 k.'i;. ot 2 , .,11, and 1 ,.i 1 Hi 'I .-. I'i 1 N PHI t,. e.ie for sale I, Mar Ii 'Ks. I -III. I,- 1 lit1.' PEA -s, uoti lai In,,- In, in ' , br U a 1 n 11 r .,.. by I,, ., l-s Wll E I, I 1 k 1 I 11 I I - slim It I v Kit IU ILL ' .IV I. J II i. A I'.' iV I. It I W.t It 1 1 b. 1 ,1 id ... lo e, in v iet the per-oi, ,,r p. r ,n "ho, ,,n I hoi d n II," -lb i.id on I ues. lay t be 1 11 b. 1 1 1 '. d I lo gate, on my P..10I I Would also n,,! i' t he j uli he lh.ll I Hid n,l alhov ll.Mei ti atellin;' I brooch t Ii " n in i " - Mav I 21" tl I P. 1 iCINi I u en; ri iiAi.i h.t of .1 conJ band on III H.I.I. . Id 'l tv 01 d tee, n, , I ,,r -alo by May I lib NEW 1 .1 'I i is -Wb respectfully nuitnllie attention of our 1'iialniinTs und Die publ e lo our nets s'liek ,,l . -pn rig i 1 D III DIIK Iv h ( AN April .". IV i i NMII.S . I'll kegs Id lo 10.1 . bo sale by J March Ml 1 ,.i ' ID 'I -- I ( IN I ens I1, 'i; K ,1 I l or -al, by , ill I si 1,1,1 M. I'oik, an 1 vlr i arii. I WILL tit 1 1 A ' I 1; I I .IliO.V Will I I. SI 1,111 It mill I II X l.t IIP! II sl( IM.S. if Ainu: vi rn ,v t , v i ' j'lll.sl . -PR I Ni ,s are -iiiiat. d in a Ie a' I htul ai, I pl, 1 I mil section ol eonntrv, 12 nub li'iH Warn nlo n Depot, and IT miles trim I lender-, ,i. at ia h ol which plaees Ha, k in ay altva v " be loiind, ready I,, c 'lit e y viil,,i I ,, the Spring. Ilieellllin'e IS Kllilbt loll., t he Ined I 1 1, a I ,llallt, s of I he Wlltei- undoiibt, I. a-, I, -led l,V all ! 1. 1 er li Ice id ivt, ,1, , ' ar-, lllnl I he lie, ollllllielat lolls. Ill all lee.t.,g I III' , -I abli htm nt i j n .tv open or t he re, i I ion ,, tu,. t i ! t H , - , ti i lit I t I , , I ,r :.,ai I, per iimnl li . . j 2 . un " week 'I 11(1 dav I oil I' or .J. Id i. ii (und.-r 12 year-) and -. n an, hall pro 44" Per-oiis re in, lining I he w bole s iison. say I hree mnui h will be rim roc I nt the rule ol .i per inoiitb. ,.r W l.n tbv -ea.on 44' A DAILY MAIL will be brought to Ibe spring ihi..ii Tiout Hie ..uson WILLI V i ONi,' Ii ,i 2112 2lnm I A 'Pill i .INI INI, " i . I . R M A N ' I 'l.oi ,NI, I - ,-i i ED I bv A o Hit ADIT... '''i I'.nli IE I copy In uggi.t U I heiiii-i I s'l RECEIVED, PER s III! EMILY 'i bl.l . s Wl.l.T i 1 1 l II , 5 ba-k.ts ( llAMPAi.NL WINE: I 1,1.1. I'ALE U.E. On bottles ) I or hiiIk by .Mav I". I II R Es 1 1 iN, No 15 Muik-t I N' I, It CM 2' i LbD . for sale, by . Mnrh.Vh OL" ll'il'S'loN O ' Ni i Pi i "ii" Peruvian ' iiiaiio. m .i,,r, unT I ,,i .-ile by Mav I lib 111 - LEE Ik ITU i CtllTt II tltK l.l.s. (T. i Sl.t i 'N) HAND ..J superior uualilv for -ah ')V A bv Rl s-l.LL v IT,'" -ruin' ii tiitti. i s. Ar' I I I . LOT SELL' TED E.MPT V MT II II,- I! A R ii .w l indiiic for -ale by l ee 21 HTI.L.UMl.V I I 1,1 I - hi I I T 1 splltl'la ItMIMKI.s. 1 I I T R PRIME si. LIT "LED l r !. I I lone pl, ADAM", lll,"T IIEl: k ( 'h A I 'A M si. 111, "TJ im-;s i, mi oits, ,w . I II f t E T N ir. now receiving a lr. h rupply of Eil.t ' . -iiiiiiner W EN Es. eoniosliiig i.l varioii" grade.- I hre' .in ei lid 11'ilff' t: Re I Wine, by the j; ilh.ii r . ; ; , up- la-rnong. from Lake -eiippenioi..,'. bv t h" gallon ..r It'll,, liuutpugiie, various brand-' ; Ah.' id r, in barrel- and ,, ili', und all kindi .f Li'pi-.r, I r. -h ' .1 ila' in, s. Extract. English Pieklc. M, -near, i.i, kc , Ac A.ril 25, V,i, I INK s tl.l . ,111(1 Ml It - fin Blown Salt, on h , , I and for sale by April 1'ith ,IHs, I'ltl 'TT lE.lt V I 'i T II K 'I A II I O N T A It . I'nl.ll.ll. .1 Wr. ltly nt Hsilo.l I . II,, S. t. I I . 7 . . ' 'mo. S'J () t,i r .tiiiium, if jiinil ni n ilia, a i: , , iio' in ii'lriiii'r S'5 00. Tills p.tr will a fiord the Merchant of Wilmington !.. t. r la, ililn . f,.r advertising in the eastern part ot the Mat", than aiif other in tl.e Pre Dee section. Advertisements tu ., ried ut 75 cent a yt "(uare (LI lines or less) for lb.- fir-t. in si rtion, and 27i cents per square for each sub-e,'i, nt ii,-, r tiou A liberal reduction uiado to yenrly adveitisers lulu I, Vji; 2t!l-0t. flWNKIl 4VAN1 Kll, l'ip oNK CASK and ONE !t E 'MERCHANDIZE, j I matked John A. Duncan. Wilmington. N (.'., re -eive l i.r Shr. Marine, from New York, M iy Ibtli N'-.w in -lore ' at owner s expense and risk June f;h, IVrfi. GEOROE IIARI.'ISS. ' ". " ,. , . , ,.;. Anv "ne wisbirg ... hire a good '.IRE beltveii ten mi l elev-cn years old, Til II I It K tsieoiLT l .t "Jt. aiiu a until the 1st of January next, can do so by making ap- plication at the f fficc of the subscriber. lune II. 2tdtf S A. IIO'.MES. OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS ig not entirely closed out, and ss we wi-h lo 'lo si as soon as possible, we ask otaay mm wwatatg t pwrehaas anv 1 iry 4 tooda t e-alt on ss as wo will sell every article at nett cost June 2il. S. ft D. TELLER. f'O-H.4 UT.NRHSIIII NOIItK. fpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED THE I DRUG ESTABLISHMENT of Messrs. C. A D. Du- Pre Tbey will cmtinue the Irug bosiness in Its various branch es, under tbe firm of W, MEARES k CO. WALKEK MKARES. : - JOHN L. MEARES, M. I). May 19tb, 156 218-U t a-e ; . terr i3;t-. r, f r t . v. rTf n. ru;tttT HKtrnifA nm coitai, cotDt, IHMHihM S, W. MARSHM ALl.i'N Pa.te. Ja ibe Pajte. Hire4!! I'v-te. Mjm Paste. I'4e . 1 '. a 31 ltts. s...t I, i r,r , .Var-hir,! ,a It- j , e. S; J be A BHAI LEY, 1 iTuffst At CbesBist. .)) K i-; T iTIi 1 U I H ES A LL V E Y H A X 1 h ih y j .riar I t,f a.l wh bate al tt, f th:r dura- t '-'- A . SrlAliLEY. b (H,r e. py) Irar st k ChesaUt. IHI,tMHI It. K. 'I'iti: f.,!.,wir.; brand. -tVo.trr.B Loadrce; NaiwSaoa I ; !.t,.?Ut.r ; initaoa a lcdre. 4e . ie Re. Kr sale by A. . bKAl LEY, I N .v lBCXist Jt Chemist. ISi Mi.llK ao jut BKCKIVIU. 10 J 1 ILW ART'S aai X. Y. Ktlctd SUGARS ki bb;. f .oii,B.t, a i rtime rertiSed WHISKEYS i 1 " MiJ-SPttlK; 2 " Mir rttne and Fine H-OfR ; .ti b,.t Adttuauttaa an t Sperui I'ANt'LEH 12 I KU an I U b-ses So ta, butter and MiihCK ACKERS; .1 bti i.. MOLAV-ES. t or site at the lowest p.sfil!e prW, f .e h bf WM. L. S. ToVStMEND. M y' No. S Market atreet. 1 I f iifl t, on tnar l Ss br Suuiiy Soat h. froaa Hoatoa, fur '. ... . t.tt). IIOL'STUX. - ta . .. , lob H b E - fl bags rvr mffit-t Km, A sale by V lunewth tib.O. Htll'SPDX. 4 FEW Pllt ESt'ARlM;T-.ryrichBBdrartterw 4 will be sol 1 at c.,t f all 4l ' S Sc I) TELLER'S. liR SVI.E - 1 .'si 1 rime nkiiiiI hand Spirit barrels '-"I I ags luaim Dm " " M iN " u r i h .'i hate of Lie l.ii 1E1 prime Herrings 12 half Ltd. IVkled .-bad, put up fipreaaly for laaiily u- 1 or sale by 'an 2 ADAMS, HIIOTIIF.R k C'tE - Kl.ot I .' ' I' .'.f -ii) . r and fine, for Sale by I MMINUli fsTYRON. A I . I. .V. IVa. Mt-s- i 'Kh .si bariels Me. prk now laiolitig" aad (1,1,2:!, br-alebv WILLAUlKV CL'KTlS I I C S'lpeiior aiticle of cl. au Rice, fresh beat, in 4, . 1 !, and b ii rel-, ju-t re . ived Irmn the mill. In More an ! i-.r y lil ssELL k PRO. 1IN 20 b' Is lit,-, an J Imperial 1 iin, for sale by VI March 5lh I, Ell l.tO'STON I N s'l 1 iRE -I .'si bales .ui r N t 11- r 1 . I lay p -2im ' " N River " -I'M 1 s-aek. -alt "l new and end band Spirit crnks. F r sale by March I", Is PETTP.WAV It PKITCHEl'T. I .-I OAR 2'i bbla tor -.ale by '. Man h .'!. i.eo Houston. ys ' vi. i" m.;. mi e Colt. ,-ugar ; li.D N l Sugar: now lauding For sale W II. I. Alt D .V CURTIS iar, ii I 1 (V ' l 1 , M ' I I smut. ,, those . heap Linen ton la which ... 1 . 1 . x '" .0 at . o: i. M-M I? D TELLER. Mi '-i.l IMi N I Tl I i i - La'c and other ktnl, itn I asset. 1 Tr'inmliig. to inalch Mav O Sit) TELLER tl t :v ' 1 : 1 - 10 l.a, I 1,1.1,1 now Ian, ling for sale Mr .'I I -i'i WTELAIID k CURTIS. 'Kill ( to. prune North Carolina Tobacco, la store v 1 'I'M MINi. A STY RON. t I I. W I.,.,, . I I ,r al- b Mar. b :ll-t I) ;i i iinniiNt.-. t annus 1 attorns and styles, at S tv D I ELLER. MUt.- EII.ee 1 he NIT. I; PANES, Mo.i-ult.i Net Cogs, I I,,,,;, an I I a-el, of all color., at cost. 1 s. It D TELLER. VJ"ME v.ty band. .mo E M lilt Ol I 'I. I! II i.r different Ok,ni..t , .. ,s fc D. TELLER. I II! API. 'Tl W.S Plain and Eu.broidorad -a'Tarce ra- V n. l v , piwil ively sold at what they cost, by Ms S. tV l. TELLER. sllOI -IIIMI-s Us WtNTKO. 'invn I I. M.U. I. sllol, I. INDERS WANTED Appl pplr I lo lune li 2'l.l fl J. U. KEEN, "' A s- t Li 1 1 II al inii h lower prices than ran' a t I 1 kT.i .1 , wl. .re. ,v l, 'I ELLER. 1111 t K 'l s. 01 II .I.,), ..(' SILK and STRAW lloVVETS wilt ol I at ,, null advance on wholesale Prices. We e are ' it sellire; ,,r, M y boiinel lor 25 eiii, and In ,lly siiteo- '" ' lug" l"l o .heap HoNNT.I lilllllO.NS. In. I h N, w , i a an, lion, to who h we respeeifully Invlt (he -""' ibe ladies IIEDRIUK tV, RYAN. May I h L'll'l Y SPIRITS TURPENTINE MA II R ELS. -250 I j i ei y up -I no see I hand barrels, nvciago 1 1 gallons, for "'I2- -ah. by ADAMS. BROTHER Ji CO. sll ANII I A N 111,1 Is. 'I'lll. tiih.,iilrs Ig b v. i e.p. .tl u y lo call the at ten I I .ni .,1 tl,.. trade and I imilie. lo the s I A P AND CAN IT I in iiiiilaeiiiied iii Wilmington, N C, by Mossrs. i ,, tin Ai i .alb.nl, ,. . hi . E if which ein bo seen at our "Hi,,, No 2 Water alieet, where wu keep constantly en l,,i i I hi' t'e upplie. lot lor cash M"i-'itli i'i?ti. J AS, ( '. SMITH ft CO i ' , oilier, I II eopy K 4 Kf I 'I'OH'M NO I'M K, 'pill. .-I EM It 1 1 : 1 I : having oualiflcl as Executor to tbe I la l Will mid Testament of Mry Rolhwull, deceased, lie- Ion. ,rm ., I the I oiirt ol I Teas and I jiiartstr Seatinna I ! lb" e... ii,i ., Hi im.wo k, her. by gm . nolice to all er, on. in I l,id I., .aid deceased to make, Immediate payment, in I to all non. bavipg elaiius iigain-t said estate to pre--ent them within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this noli, , w,t he ph ad 111 bar "I tln ir recovery I. II ItoTTI WE EE, Executor. In...- I. IV -pill dhw tf AinilNlsTII ATOIfw NO IK p.. 'IMIE un'er-igned haying ipialificd at .the June Term of I Ibe i oiirt ..f Pleas and Quarter S. ions for the county ,.t N. w Haunter, (nw in essiin,) as Administrator with th will m,m , ol W'm tl. WTIIkings, deceased, hereby give- n ,.ti, e I,, all p.-r.oin indebted to said deceased to CHIOS touMt.d and in ike inime bale paynnn ; and to all persons I, n ing , l inn. uguiii-l. Hid said ilecrtased, lo present the same lull nil In nl i' a I ed within Ihii time prescribed by law, other it i-e ihi. not I. e will be pl, K. in bar of ihc'r recovery DAVID E. HUNTING, Adm'r with Hie Will annexed lune I Mi. itiii srs .11 s IIM Kl VKH, II 1 1 D -, h indsome Sugars ; s 2) bl.l. assorted ,iialltie.s ; iV) bag, Rio Cofle.j . ', IT Lagiiyra ; ' I 'Id lata , l"H k-g. Nail"; 10 hi, I g..d Cuba Mola.sc. . toll a'... rloi'Ttl o l rocerHSof all kind.. ...nl ...b n I I, I. 4 ' in P ML'A Lb It ,V HUNTING. V i.NTEM PLAT LNi . A i TIANliE i Will? Cfj ARAC V o, r T m v bu in, . and which I am desirous of effecting without ,b la v. I imiy ..iter for sale, n Iota (o suit purchasers, al a ' tl tl I. i . . i.t.tge on cost, roy present Stock ot (ioods, cou-i-lii'i-, in j .nt, ol ; -Sugars, fndees, ..Jtsa, Pork, Reef, liacon, i.-.rd. I i 't. Chee.e, Kl-b. Candle., Soap, Stareb, L' in - . U ii. -, AG. Porter. Pickles. V 'inerar. xMnlaasM. i ' '' ' r ' k' r-. -.ileratus. Yeast. Pcppr r, Mustard, Salt, i S,i, , s, .-nuti. i . I.i.-. Paints, Oj., Nails, Powder, Mlot, lad, ; I'.iM'r, I 'in. nt. Hair, Spades, .-hovels. Wbeel-barrows, I I ": ' Lii-kef, Pa k'O, Kegs, Matches, D, mijohns, Hunjs, Pat "r, I'u it kr , tic, fte. The att. i.ti. I dctit rs and consumers is respectfully to- i, ila d, a- the art ieles merated will be disposed of on such I ' . ruis ii ' atitiol bill to gi ve sal islaclion. May Pith. Is". i.EORGE HOUSTON. ' I EST It .( LIVED and l-.r sale ,) 25 bhls. Rectified Whi.'key ; ' 5 I ild Mononc ahela do.: 2'l I, bis. Sugar assorted ; ! We-tern Bacon; 1 50 -acks Salt ; 25 bbls. Flour. Cheap for Cash THOS. C. CRAFT, No. 49 Market Street .v.ayli. lilssoi.i ritlM OK 4 O- H A HT N K It s H I P. fMIE C')-l'AltTNERSHIP existing heretofore under the jx. namoand style of JACOB LYON it CO.. is this da dissolved by mutual consent. All those havinr claims J,,d tt, mtttd t0 them ta for iTt U( tDcnl and those indebted to th. tarn, will ZJL m un . , , r r r iiniu ojiaieij. Thonameof the late firm will be used by either of the partners in liquidation, FOLOMAN TbLLER, " t A ( TO K EVfJN. - Wilmington, if. 117 Jnno 2", ISM, ZSZ-Im TpilE undersigned in refering to tbe abov eaH, take J pleasure to announce to his fiiends and th public gen. erally that he will continue the DRY GOODS and CLOTH ING BUSINESS, at tbe old stand comer eE Market sad Water streets. JACOB LYON. Wilmington, N. C. June 23, 1856.252-lw NORJII fROUA BAfOM. FOUR I MOUSAN'D POUNDS North Carolina BACON, a prime article, In (tor and for sale by Juno 23. M CALEB Jt BUNT1NO.