t , '' Krn3 I i ! It It It M i I I : SIX DOLLARS A YE Ail, IN ADVANCE WHOLE NUMBER 1.537 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. PUBLISHED BY FULTON & PRICE VOLUME 5. NQ 300. KITES or ADVERTISING SftVAB IdaV BAL .SWAB. 1 day,.-.. a dkjt, S day. day., y, 1 week 1 WMkt, lmonth, .... 1 aioBthi,. ...1,a .. . 0 50 . 75 $85 . 87k . W . 2ft . 75 . 874 .157$ I 00 .8 50 Jdy 1 days 4 day 6 dav .... 1 00 1 25 1 60 1 week. 1 75 2 73 1-o.tk j Stionth. .'M month. -Wgf ?:::::::::::lSo0S 6 00 :rrr c:'" i .800 aiU - I'00 If llflllMU" v . rS wm.rMM wiu b. 4J- gquar. av j 'charged u a mum. . ..h(111, -on.iM. ..... Wilmington, N C. T Order, from A. country will prompt attention. Mirth 20, 85j ..wara as. BTKVENSON. . .....la, ... ii. ii si nt ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, at jv.t WILMINGTON, N. C fe4-56:tf IBA BPBSLBT. k. E. t ILMOH. tinsel. n. mi.MOHK d CO. 'pOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Yobi. A ' . . .J. j. Mia!limODt.. Llbr4 CM" t4TtCO W" w at I WiuiinwTon, " Iram lmpwmeou, e. COMMISSION MERCHANT. gc. lMa. 7.1856. I llL m r:IT.I.K-FlE. Ip ENERAL PRODUCE AGENT. w.H. jta-jW It ho and U rood paper, NOTES AN uwui negotiat., on reaa- ftwoS HAND. 11.000 of Lhloh .inTtionUcanbemd., from iu to is pv bent, per aanam. 54-tf 0T. B, irtiiw I.. rANT WELL, GENERAL PRODUCE VI.!.-t-. nL-CU N.C. 0. W. STY RON. II. B. CUMMINS. . j .T.nllV. nOMMBSIorDKRVARW Sept. lia, lB0Q.--iJu-- ... ..... . A. IIOLNKS. A TTORNEY AT LAW, N- C. Ar. iL.mn . n. t... r tv.. Atut Hank 3 Offiee rnnoeM a , AprUt. lS5.-l7iW mi l. V PITTS. BROKERS AND AUWWAlla , 0. .t .L 117.... .trnAl T Offlo. In Hall', fcuuamg, onu " , April 8th. 1856 COMMISSION MERCHANT Wn-MiKw-row N. C. lfoii-tr L March 16th. looo ornROK IIOVSTOn . V.M, J Wn.MINOTON, NX. l.mAT-.WAT. . V.rAWAl WM. to., Y10MMISS10N MERCHANTS, NOTON N.C. 4!Uf II , Not 1,1864. D. CASHWR.LJi, rWMMISSION MERCHANT Rent 27 W tf Wl. o. N C. JOSEPH M. FLANNER, G i-yj ADAMS, BROTHER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLMINBT0!t N.C ...1 iTI ii ii ai. f ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT Wilmington, N. O. o-iy July lt, 1864 - r t. V. BROWN - ..HAND J. r' 1 BROWW A DenOSSKT, lw i U.ROMET BHO """ru ANTS. l2) . POLLK1E, . POTTER, te . J. CAMERDEN. mi men POTTER V CO-, pOMMISSION MERCHANTS, yJfJJMh advanoM mad on eon.ininent. . jpfjjr AJi wi TlROKEll, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM B MISSION AGENT. Wilminoton, N.C. . and .old on oommtMion, eitner m .... r . -Refen to th. publio generally. , June 18th. 153 . . tZL W.II. MeUARY CO., TUCTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, May 20, '64-219-tn- ilmin ton, N rHOLESALE and ReUil dealer In Fane Artie le. nnd PumelrTbM Jnt opened largo -n"".": w .ortment of FANCY GOODS, mnny oi w - - mtiumf i .Mn l'ort Mnnnaio.. V&CCZh: Hair Bruaho.. Too do NI d. rnTTshaTing do., Flesh Glove.. Chi- BO-iGlBs.. 0 ueuuino,Bu "fifir'uH Rnbtlo. - -A M VanBoeiblek A. M. VanBobbilen A H,y"i5BOKJaLi!:ri & brother, Wilminoton, N. C. MANUFACTURERS of nd daalor. In Naval Stoie. -Stor.;g.--dWh.rfAg.forProdnc. iarni.hed at fair tef. andcr insnranoe. if desired " A. H VASBUKKKLEN, GENERAL AGENT, COMMISSION t FORWARD GlNG MERCHANT, Wilmington, N.C. oiore.. 1 " . HENRY MUTT, rACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will giw nil JT perwnal attention t buiinew entnurted to bu ert. Ttr-rrvAT. koroe r. PBlTCHa-rr. "PItVeWAT V PR1TCHETT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N.C. . jHWiU givVparUcular attention to th. ul of Naval Stobes, Cotton. . Jantuvryzaa. i - . . - T. C. WORTH. ENERALCOMMISSION rot.C. "DERSOl. cV iAVAOB, ENERAL C0MMISSI0NMERCANT8.nN j IJV Bs V"" . ' WAUIR ""-jujr he ares CO., ' (SUCCB8SORE TO C. . t.VPBT) Xj-.w t-Kltf. WILMINGTON, fC. w; m" WM. C. HOWARD ENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. W. II. TVRUKGTO! GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. , WlUl!i9TOIi, N WQZ.ct formerlj oecepwd by V. H. Mamh. scrus to LuAh EUiott, C- July 3S. lSjti. 275-tt C. UM. I. TOWSIIKSD. W HOLES ALE AND RETAIL GROCER ana uummikiu.i wt uAM, NO. 30 MaIKET .TMIT, W IUMTOTO.-I, iH. V. May 22 - A. B. MATER, IMFOKTH AKD SKI LIB IN WISES, BRANDIES, GINS, it., jrc. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE tmblie. that be hai luit oponed th. .tor. formerly k- r I. IViPm 1 w PrinMi ud Water at root., where he iDlesdi to keep alway. oa hind a full .ap ply of U. aooTO. tie ier id w (uiua r.ii. wvt m well ia gmnK bin a oall. ... II. aUo keep. eoasUntly oa band a full .took of Donio tio Liquor., .ueh a. WHISKEY, BRANDY and GIN. W. I.. NfKOT. GENERAL COMMISSION MEKOHANi; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South ii . a i--a W r Ut.mila aMitint it th i. and rttOVlslOS, awnoieajenarii. i i. k ...1,4 t .11 Artiara Iron th eOUntrV. I WC u 1 1 UQ w tit w .i. - . w.-.. - . would respectfully invit tht elti.ni of Wilmington and th ehwsinf olwwhor. 1 InUud to earry o f eneral com- kn.inau P.rtlniiUr ttt.ntion will b liftl to th .aleofNaral Stor.., and tl kind, of prodifoo Llboral Vun adTancei mmam a homiouiiuh. Wilmlniton. Uctobor otft. ioo. BAB RON C. WATWN. 0ASTON MIAKKS. WATSON MKAKKS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 81 Burlms; Slip. New York. Especial attention paid to th. aale of Naval Stores Cot ton, and Southern Produce generally. Liiberai advanoe. maue un cuiuiauuicui. uiiviv iim:mam. w a 1( KSKU, tUtllHA" A UV SHELL. (Suooeaeor. to Thoma. Allibon. k Co..) G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3 North Wham., ana w nortn waier pitoi.ium DELPHlA. Bf Liberal Caen aaraaoee maue u TOu.i6uui.".. July 30th. I9S3 " Ur. A. O. BHADLKY, DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, Wilmikotom, N. C Hain purchased th. Dm ..tabli.hment of Meiiir. u u 1 A Kw.ru. will Been alwar. on hand, at ieui. and reUil, a larg. and ery wlect .tock of Drug. xA.Aii. -k.mi.li. PainU. OUi. UlaM. Auritrai inuru uent.. Patent Medicine., Perfumery, and Fancy Article., at 5-Phy.ician' Pretorlptlon. put np oomctlyand with dUpatch. Iw. . " HUSSELL BROTHER, (LATE ELLIS, RUSSELL h CO.,) Ci ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t Wilmington, N. C. Liberal sash advance, mad. on eon.ignm.nt. of Naval Store., Cotton, and other produce OIBBLR BI NCE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 180 Front treet, New Yore. Liberal advance, mad. on consignment.. K Mar 17 -216-t J B- BUNCE. ,.,(; Smith mile. VOhtin. c. TJASt c BM1TII A co (OMMISSION MERCHANTS, offlee eeoond itory, cor ner South Water and Market .treeU, Wilmington, C, where they are prepared to attend to all business In the Commission line. ., All bnslne.. entrusted to them will be punctually atteod d " Jnn 'l, V ' Mixosi'tTiioi'SB, f PARMRRLT MRS. BORDEN'S.) X:... ."vn-vunf AVM WKI.1. KNOWN PUB- i. i- uii-i k.. k..n Bn.xh.xH .ml was re-nneneu lit IIP E-Siaoimuuicu. umm - J . Jythe b.criber for the reception of gue.U on th. 4th Inst. It 1. pleasantly and conveniently .ituated In the eentre i ol business, aua uihohi f " ; ,7, , . i .k. i-.. Ticket 6oe. of the Wilmington and Wuldon and I th. ( en- - j t. j: .,l. Mnnna. Ia .nil w r. I Ol IUV tral Railroad Companies, wnere tne oars mwV u . val and aepanure, ana wuere mmn" . ,n w.TiNi to take baciace. and fire fuch other attention. THE JIUUBC na. oeen remoucucu, ir -- --, ,,.hi ..nnr.ted from cellar to farret, and turnnhed thro - out with new furniture, selected with .pecial oare, and ar ranged with an eye .ingie to tne coiuiorv. " v guest or permanent boarder. Will be richly furnUbed with th. .uh.tantial., the daint e. and delloacie. of th. nmdi, foreign a. well a domestio market, will be rendered trlboUrj to th. oon.Unt tupply, which will bo wrred np in th. bot .tyl. by orderly, oblig ing and weu-trainea servant.. 1 nc on iv ..mi k. . k.. nriK. ktt WlnAi and Llouori. and IU- perintended by a gentleman of courtesy and Integrity, thor- . . l.. r:.k k:. k..i....Amnrinn tha knowl- ouiniv acquainieu wim uu ...m wk-.--- -- edge of what 1. du. to th. riht and comfort, of th. pb- lic. a. well M to nunsen ana m .mvivvsr. awt III' stifT . Ul X U 1 lib OlADbtiO, WbJeh are among th. belt In th. Stat., hav. been placed In .. . i i - .u:nei . .i Mr,il nuifir. who wiU al ine aeepioK ui t.mi.i .u. v - - r . way. have under hi. car. th. best and molt experienced o.t- tu. .kl.r uru nf tha nrnnriator ler., ana wiu oe among uo .' :.. to c that hone, ol Dls goes us oeweu ie .-v.--Bv i tn.,. ..i.kii.kmont hu Wn iturcbaMd and fitted 1 ''Ii .nil. the r,leasure.s of oouow, it will be the lntere... of the .ubscriber to render :, i . 1 ....I in .n in tha countrT. ii. :. . . . .. v. . nnMin sill renew and eon tnereier. irau " r, : . i .ki. n... tinn. th. liberal Wfor.did M th.Iou.. while under tne oar. oi iw iorui j.F-"-" ;," ,T ' ; who gained for it celebrity throughout th. .ntlre Union. Aug. 17, 1865.-2W-ly. H. R. MXON. CLAREHDOFf IROU WORKS, WILMINGTON, N. C. . v . aunuK aT.r.KM. Pronrletor. A. . it. - - - . - - . t .1 t - - ..kutil tha antlra Interest in TIE. " C LA RE N DON SON WORKS." .o.lcit. order. 8team Engine, of any power or .tyl. Saw Mill, of every variety. Mining Machinery and Pump.. Parker, Tnrbin. and other Water Wheel.. Rio. Field Pnmp. and Engine. Leavitt'. Corn nd Cob Crusher.. Rio Threhr. Shingle Machine.. Shafting, Hanger, and Pullie. Cotton Gin. and Gearing. Iron Carting, of all kind. nd pattern.. Bras, do d do do do Locomotive and Tubular Bo ler.. Flue and Plain Cylinder Boiler.. Blacksmith.' W.rk of all jkind. Iron Doot. for HoujendJaiU. liy" ....i . i l. k nutrvaniaea for lb. Z- irder. th pubUn may ret Mtirfed that any wore wn co araers, iua .F"uv j.n.i tn nrnmiu. nS.V-.Su I in a i. tirpa HTM ENT hein la chaw of men f talent and .iperi.noe, I hav. no heritaUon in j- ln that tM W0TB neresuver rua vu. r -- ,nS'.lr"l " " ' stk that f tha mat celebrated in KW-MA it to tb. interest of all in wnt wjena '""r'I-.k... .1.1 A fc... . 11 . . .v. M'-va it will nrov advantac eoul n A U MJ I Hi R a IWRVI nniisj ILUUHI Wv ! f a " in a l"-r"lt nraf.renc. with- to any penon 7 fA a di.Unce. out rgaraw.p" 1 W.rk." Order, wiu o uur- -Viitt ' Wilmington, N . C. a. n. i abbvu-u-ui.. Oct. 15th 34-tf. A' P. BWpifEftfflT XX err pacxet, iresu aujiuiro. Y " ' . it V. m.j Idnes, rriumery, r ancy awwi) ' - Window Ul, o. . . . . AU article, furnished to Physician, are. gnaranteedW) . ... . . . . ti t 1.1 tj. . . ita as. b. or the nen quauiy, ana win do mm j Wilmington, N.C., April 10 Heriacopy.j TTTANTtrn TO PITRCH AKEjStnek of Can Feaf, VY Commerolal, and Bank of the State. eStaU. Apply w Ju.el lth, 1856. WM. C. HOWARD. Broker TTARPERS MAGAZINE. For Aug" t Raeaivad and j. A form. at JtlWtb. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST PKTTK1VAV PR1TTH KTT, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WiuMixaro. N. C. Keejieetfully inform Cotton Plnter and Tnrpentino Di tillert fiat, with a iew of irrinr their c luwre iaterert. ther will derote their andirided attention to eelling CoT TON', NAVAL STORES, and other eolr produce, aad. to carry out thi inUu e4ectully, will not make pureha.ee of the abora artklVf oa eviminiuioa fr Northern and Foreign aeeoant. Our offle. i. corner oJ NORTH WATER and PRINCESS atreeta. t Hir whine, aud .beds are CMTenientlr located for the re ception of produce by either oi the Kailroadeor steamboat. f Ch advances mi April I'ETTEWAY As PK1TCHKTT. tJEO. O. VA AMKI4E, t; ENERAL PRODUCE UROKER, RESPECTFULLY return, thank, to hi. friends and the merchant, generally, for the liber.1 prtronage he lu received in the pursuit tf th. above huitiee, and solicit a continuanc of ine same, aud srvuld inform thou that, iu ad dition to the above buine, he will d. rote hi. attention to the Prrh. Sole, anil Barter uf Heal Kaiate KIMkt. Having now placed upon his desk a l'xk of KejcUter for all property designed for sale, either in Town. County, or Mate, aud having already entered thcreiu several valuable Dwellings, Stores, aud Wharf l'roperties, ho invite, those wuhing to purohai tu call and examine the lint, and ten der, bis service, to thoee having property of auy description to dispoar of, the sale of which shall hare bis particular at tention. Flattering bimsolf from his general aenuintanoo and eiperienoe as a ealesuian, that he will be enabled to promote the Interest of those entrusting property to his care Terms, 1 per cent, on the dollar on all sales. Reference. : O. ('.. PaEM.EV, I W W PKIKI'E, Col. Kms MciUt. J. K. Huovsim. July 31. lS36 -ly. WlLDllNUTO.l BOOK III1DKHI. MritMour belowr the i ! Krar Uk, sy Htair. rviirTU .t.i.i:.k...un Mfln.-k i. tiinnli'tA in everv del I'M US eetaUUhment, which is eomplcte In ever depart- ' 'ill.1 vr.awttowutvM.. t - - - - r . I n, ... A.tmtnnilitte tha huximoAof this liluc Jk IHt-U. iw.inw ,w wv'- , . ... i i and will hereafter bo under the sole control of Mr. t tiii-.lt HtlNHEIiKK, who U in all rospeot. a flnlshcd work man, and will Ukepleaaure in executing work kit with him in a maimer calculated to give the fullest sstUlactlon to all who may be Inclined to patron!., him. The MaUrlals and Stock for the bindery were puroUased andbttoghtoutby u. from the North without any expecta tion of proflt, v in the aecosumodation to Le aflordod to our .elves and others who niieht have binding tu bo done, and with the view to obviate the necessity of s.nding abmad for it, with the trouble, expense, and delay unavoidably incurred In to doing. Mr. Ileinsbcrger has now the use of the Material., and we respectfully uk of the people of Wilmington and the i '....uti... ... iriva tn Lim mich . tuMwrt as will en- able him to continue Hook-binding as a permanent business in this place, al 11 cannot inn io oo a very Bjreai. i wiuiu... tion aud advantage to the eommunHv. I'KiCE. Having the use of the BooL-Hindtng Material, of Mesr. L'..n.,. i. i.i. I sil ; ui ani.itw .ttnntion to exeoutinit r uivuu t . in") - ' - J - - all .rder. for Hook-Hinding in its various branches, promptly and in tho best manner 1 leot conDileui oi being auie io no uiywork a. well, and on as favourable terms as it be ilnna in the Northern Cities. The patronage of the publio Isrespeclfully solicited. NOV. II, INH. I lllk.ll Ml.l.i.'1'l.n..i.n. KOTICK. rpilE subscriber ' X country is now having Guiihcd his contracts in the ,m m tnwn. .ni remiv io contrai l for ... LU.I ..f In nil linn of hlinlnimS. ('Hn.i'nter muj itittvt " ' , , A ., . , , . aad Contractor ' w ROM'.. tr Repairing done neatly and with dispatch Keb. nth, IHftJ i:Ci :Uaw . O. nitAULKY. D' RUOU1ST k CHKMfST. Successor to S. II. J I. A. Evans, Wholesale and Retail dealer in iirags, me.n- eine., Cbeml.al., 1'aints, UU., Uiass, raieni i.icoi. uie., Perfumery, Cigar., Old Hrandie. ami Wines, to , c , al low price. North Went Corner Kront and Market sti .etl. W'llinlti.tou, N. l , Mr.h ), 151 IWHf " .'l-lAKTKlinllII B' ETWEEN JOHN HALL and WM. I. PITTS. In tho (ieneral Proluce, Itral K.lale aim ntnrm ir..- kerage llualnr... John Hall will givo his principal atten tion to the Naval More interest i Wia. L. Pitts to Cotton, and both parties to all matters connoeted with a ieneral Br-ikorago Businesa il li,"V,--l' March IDth, in.m im ti ..i. .. m . C PAHTNKItNIIII MOTH K. UNDKKSIONIJI) HAVE PURCHASED III. mi IE 1 DR DRUG ESTABLISHMENT of Messrs C. .V I) Hu- Pre. , Ther will continue the Drug business in lis various urmicii f - I f tlL'thLU L I'll es, nnder tho nrm oi v mr.niir,.; - , ., ,.u JOHN L. MEARES. M l May 19th, IHi-ai V-IL fH-lsAltTKKIlflll P SJOTK K. a a 11 WM II I Tl.h Y hav I III? b( WM. R. 1'TLEY havinj been adiaitted as a ni' in- I Ker of our firm, the general Commission bulne..' rom 111 oci vi " i " n , - . . i r l this date will be continued dnder the name and style of J. It J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. Not. 1st, 18B4. J HA wia w a i rO-P.KT"iKUIIIP NOTICE. . X' MUI HI It rpiiE UNDERSKJNEU HAVK Wli." rMi.iuL I a co-partnership, under the style of Wii.lari. 41'i'Krik andwill continue theliKNK KA H OiVIM ii' ' mi-i.c-Sfi v i:u rs-KHY and PROVISION BUSINESS, at the ..and formerly occupied byj. A. Wlll.ru.No 10 North water street. HENRY M CURTIS. Wilmington, N. C, Dee. MH-Ttt-tl " IliOLt'TIO. mHK FIRM OF WILKINSON k ESLER is this day 1 dissolved by mutual consent . The WineM will he set tled by J . Wilkinson. W I EK I NM )N Jan 11, 18W. WM M- r-SI-r-U. J WILKINSON will continue the UPHOLSTER ISO and PAPER-HANGING business In all its branches. Those bavin account, against Wilkinson It Eslcr. will plo.se pre lent thorn, and thos Indebted will confer a favor by making payment immediately to J WILKINSON. Jan. 19.-1 15-tf UISSOLUTIO.M. mHEFIRM OF WESSEL & EILER: IS THIS DAY X dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by cither of us. who will tign the name of the firm in ''H"'!"" ... II 11. EILERS. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 19, 18o. NOTICE. LL pertom Indebted to Weasel It Eiler., by note, or c 1.. :t. .i.... ...... tnrm aril and make pavmcnt. XI counts, wiu iucstt cttitiw - .,,' .. i immediately, ancf all having claim, agam.t said firm will render their bill, for settlement. rin II. rpHE indcrsigned respectfully announce, to his firiends I ., ... . .,i k. miklin aener v that he will con- P.u .P".V V i T"J.i Vh7i".kii v. 'COMMISSION It ttnue tne w nuoi.mie' y -, ... , , V. . .. : . -,.i. i- uliulV'IHH l.ta oarrlad nn bv Wesfcl ZW, t .ntr.t No North Water .treet. wher. he wliciUn continuance of the Pl0;ti upon the late firm. , Wilmington, js. v., rco. i.t, .--- ICE! ICKI! ICE!!! THE Wilmington Ire Hmu will U open for delivering o ICE from Sunrise to Sunset, except on Sunday, when it will b e osea at o cioc. m m m.-."b- .i. Priee, Mt Cent per pound, for quantitlc of three pound. and over. ,., ... .. . Term. CusA In all ease., witnout exccpnou-. .Urr. k. .. k aneh aa rtaair them. 1 1U1VC.10 can ua tirw.- - - -- . . T-k- e..-,i.t..H tn lha sick noor. tree of charge, when T ::.-1.,.f Phiei.n. or member, of Visiting Committee April 17, lS56.-lul-tnl. Miirl-l.ill llll'l. ...r.r a a ura i T ur HORIMSON are manu- mHUSCi OA " u ovwittifv . - . . . , , 1 Sed of th. I anUt quality Stee by tt. .very best workmen, ln.yare vemporeu - . . ....ki : .ki.t, tamtwM mora evenlv. rnd ren- 1 emperinx m - -th.' ' - , her Her the Diaue vviuer w tt r - --- anaratw ) and ground on Southwell', f Unt Saw Onndinf; aparaims, ;! ft ki,k.inl rind . Circular haw Machine; tn xny luat-umv .... . a MM J. M. ROBINSON tt SON p lswt of rvwry kid tad te order.. JTJST RECEIVED. 3rrr lbs. n. c. bacon, hog round;, .(JUL) 25bbls. MESS PORK A fine lot ot BOOTS and SHOES ? - -' 30 WRP1NGfe.RC. CRAFT, AprUiWh. 48 Market .trei. 26. IS5G. mi! ill' Sif "1 Soath-side Market el --4 'J.fcw- ,: "V cW'. -I. V: - Npt ember Mh, l!4 IMy oun MOTTO XI "TO rLSABIt" Wlluilngtaii HaililU.llarnr... tu iimt hi. iiflRTllll V.i mlil ...Kuirihar renvanlful v Informs tne nubile lUal a. 1 kaei. ooostantl v ou hand a lare assortment ot Coat It lK,aid Malky liaru.ael LaHy'a anil t.enlleiairN' aiMi' ..Urldlrt.W lilt,.Wc. Trunks, Valises, Saddl. aid Carpet Bags, Saubels, fancy Trunks, lie Alway. on hand alarcsuiiuly of HrlMp Leather and Kly Seta, aid all other articles usually round in such astubliMinienle, all ol which he warrants to ba of the bent materialand work manship, and will be.olil.ywforcuiA, or on tm tcrtJtt t. pr impt customers. ..... . , Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medio! Hug lie. .made to orJer lUroessand Coach Trimmings sold at a lair prlc to persons buying to manufacture. W hipsat whole.!. AH kinds of Riding Vehiclesboughtandsoldoncommis. .Ion JOHN J CONOlEY. ' iia .T IIKDI ITIOI 1 PHIt'Kt. 1 HE romLant of our stock of Summer Drew Good, will k. r. v.. I ul i,r.tlv raduned nrlcos. HanilsoD.. Munliiis at cenU, north 'V i 2J o" , BoauMfuI rtcnilyi at fill cents, worth 73 ; Cheap IleBerjies, for Travelling Dresses ; K) pieces English Calicoes at IJJ "ents, wnrtu lbVllh Hi AN. 1 Mi: ACCOUNTANT'S OWN BOOK, AND HUSl lies. Man . Manuil. A comiieiiu oi me i ruwipif. aim Practice of iKmiostio and Foreign Trade, Mercantile 1-aw and Usage., Muteantile Arithmetic. Banking. Exuaaiiga, etc By Wiu P.M. ltos. Principal of the Phi'adolnliia Mercantile Institute, author of a " Praetical .System ol Iu blo Entry Book-Keeping," &. Second cditisn. Keceived and for salo at ,,c h. K W. WIIITAhEICS. T nVO NEW JUVENILES. -Kit Barn's Adventures i or, The Yams of an old Mariner My Mary Cowd tn Clrrk. The Marioiiin's Show Box, and other Stories. My the a i- thor ..1 " Rainbow, for Children." . u.l pu hi sli. 'd r. .i i S W. Will IAKl.lt S. Jan Hi, IHfM. . R LASTING I'OWDEl! .-lUOkeg., best ijualiiv, just re ceived and for .ale low, on manufacturers account, by July II DuKOSSKTIt BllON. P ft. Any quantity of th. above, or other description ol Dupout'. PowJer. can be turui.hedln thi. place, at abort no tico. and on the most favorable terms Aifly as above. I "sr'es! I "CONGRESS WATER - l(e. d ami for sale J br A Hi' U'Ef.V, Sept. llh iruggit Chemist. 71 INC PAINT , Sept.UI Sold bv n i im.ii'iir, i k' I.' t tu t SEEDS!! -Blue Urasj, Hurd' Grass. Indian! .'l.l.l'.T . ' . .. 1 ... t, . . . (.....,,.. Mi al. Had C over, ami on nil netis. II . I .1... anttlliAP ail t till V (if t ft n Iff I S.Olll. A. O BRAliLi;Y, iTtiggist, to April 10 I'lcrald epy 1 . . HN WILD'S "ICELAND MOSS ami H.AXSEI !' . CANDY, world-renowned for the cure of Cmijis nml Cold For sale attho Hroadway Variety Hti.re.No 1(1 1 Mar ket street VV II DkM.ALL April 12 a-ACIt STOCK OF DRY GOODS mu-t he elo-e I i l' J Iho 1st of July, and wo would :nll the alleiitioii ol t u) crs, 1 olh Wltnlenulii a:.H fi'iail to our avoir ...... every article ut mitt cost. ( nine and Judtfo for yui rse II. M,. s. S iV . D TKl.i .hit fiMlK NEW AtiE Ol GOLD Or Ihe Life and Adveti- i lures of Robert Dexter Rnmainc, wiilton by uim ell One vol. liroo. lately pbliihd. liecuived ami lor sale at ' S. W. WI1ITAK KIl'S July II M; .;. HL'RKKK, Chemist uf New York, bu at last inecceded in produ- iiig the best " Milking l'owdr,"e taut The genuine article can ala-nys ba f.iiiinlrfr, nt Nwv. T.. Dr. A o miAUf r, r n urug .-ior. )OOKS EN ROUTE A rreat many New Rook on the 1 w.v from Boston. New York and Pbiladclphi. by Ex press and sailing v.swls. I uo notice will be given of ' then arrival. " " ' " : . KAH OSNABURGS, BLEACHED AND UN bleached Shirtings, aud a large asortment of I hmirstlc Goods, at cost. S. k V, I I.I.LMC April lib. FFEE. Z0 bag. Rio Coffee; 10 " Lsguayra do.; lOmattsOld Mrown Javauoi Landed and for sale by W ILEA III) It CURTIS. Feb. 20. . r T TT.. .. ......i t . L L.. ,V.n.itlVii. OALAUruit i n r. mniAtj. ad "; .m O of " Salad for the Solitary," Just from pre... Received this morning per Express, and for sal. Jdne2ist ii- rMt HALE Soil very prime selected Empty fpirit omi. J I HI batfS ItUanO, O" natren linn 200 bans blown Salt. 10 half-barrel. Snuff, by March 4 ADAMS. BRO. Jr. CO T MODERN STORY-TELLER--Or the boat Stories o. ... - lvlIlTAKI.;,t.X .i.. i.... i.,ik,n m nmt aoiieeten. i 'no vni. i mo. for sale at " ........ .. JulyfHh. . n( BBLS. RECTIFIED Wllisn.t.ia nxu w.'ic.t OW tic llrandic For sal by WM. It. rv luwiinnr.iii', April fith. No. ao Market trect. HITE GOODS.--Jaoonet, Checked, Swiss, Nin.ock, and Cambric Muslin., with many otner w niw i.oou, at fi r.t cost . , -tr-7TM f ) LA As EH. J ust In .tor.. 15 bbl. N. Orlean. ll Syrup a beautiful .rticJo knr aale h Aprti Uth. WILLARD CURTIS. T)IO Ctar'FEE 00 sack. Rio Cone., oo lantlina. For XL sale by WILLARD & CURTIS. April 4. 11LANTLNG POTATOES -100 bbl. Superior Planting 17 Potatoe.,now!nStor.. r or sal. by r-,b. 8th WILLARD k CURTIS. rpHIRD AND FOURTH volume, of Maoauley's Histo7 Jan. in LDCRmfrLipSalveTSoT.for chapped hand., lip-, Kj ko. Freihly prepared by , Nov 23. Dr. A. it rnvn-uun, i. iruKg.... T7ANCY CLOTHS for measured work Also bUck.lartie I1 Cus mer beautiful poods, at Jan. 23. SCOTT A BALDWIN'S. lLASTER PARIS.-Calcin.d, lor Ml by GEO. HOUSTON. EbllTdrffcrent mJ0S tu-ai uPAIll-.s AND SHUVLLS-111 OO. lUSiroeaiT. A .jrenrnVactorr. for .ale by 0EO HOUSTON. TDAMANTLNE CANDLES.-) boxrjale by a. J. fUlAVE SHAWLS A few le, ww o eiowa out eo. at June at. o. . u, a jmjm,. T7LOUR.-60 BBLS. IN 8T0RE. FOR SALE BY, JT jlptU7th. W. H. MoRARY It CO. . ii i v S W.WHITUER.. Mill . 1 .v 1 i , - - - UVLTIMonfc LIHK HOSPITAL, .ur r I ... .TlV.. f'.L..i , . .. . . . . . ,i . . . 1 1 1 r. iii.ia.tri v . . . " u.Mm iimriutHM. OB-i, iw mm bin, Kpeedy, and enlT enoeitul rme! la tn wand f.ir Uleia, Wncturra, sk-ralnsl wea k nemm, fua. ia t Loiaa I'uaMitutiaa- .1 l.'titniV, imnmrarr, aire. 9. aai i.ini9, . ..1.1.- t-. r.... S.li.ii.1.. Ita Hui Ik,. V ... ... . liTil.biliiv.l'iaail tha Hi, TbaC Nmh, w iu; lbAj Ihoaa anetuu. anil mebjaeboly Dwirdere ariwag fraia tlx trta llve h.biUnf V'lith, whnb JesSjoy bh -lr ei id-- . . .,..t ,i,.ra nraillrea m..ra fatal te their vtrliae thaa tlwe(oltha Ryreaat'i Ihemanoelw I lyssra, bllfMia (heir aniat ntilliani oopra m aoiKipanoaa, nwaui "ii"ii e, iiuposaible eaparlallv, ha hav beenrao tua vleuui. of fcJlUrf Vka, that .1 1 ... I 1 .... ...... k.k.t whirl. ....ii.ll. awn. ta . u a. tiTvauiit. a nit M - w.i?. '"-' - -j - " - 1 tttnclr (rave ttiouaenile of youitf luea o( tha isnat exalted taV aula and kriUUnt intellect, wlw aiif lit at.Vrwwe have antra ared liateninf se aaie iihth thandera ol eliaaea, or wakedt Iu ecstary tl bvinj lyro, sn call llh .11 confidence. ... a M.rrleJ Feraona. ar Vount Mea enalemplatinf Bisrrl.ia. be ln(iwaraol 1'b.ai .l V'eaka-s .vjante iMillilv. UetoriuHIr pe , aliould IlllUlcUIS'ijiy eauaun. l'i a., aoa aaiaauiraa iapa-a -Ho who Place, himself nader the car of or ihn-m ns relilloualv cnnllile In hia hoaor a. a ftailtua, .nil sjnnliltatfy M. ...a . k 1 1 f I. I a pnvae a Immeiltati'ly en red, and lull vtjor reaiocod. Tins dlaeaaa ia tha penally Mr t Iraquanlty paid byt toae who have become ilia vkllmaol tiniirtter luduUjeacee. ViMinf mreofi .re loo apt to emu in it e ortawaf mm aol being a a are of (ha dtaauliit xdiiatinn. Hot at.v anal" Now. who thaa anaarataaila lha subiei l will pretend to deny tlnlllie power of Pro:ra(laa le Inet Kwner by those lillinf Into liuproper habit, thaa by lha prudrnu Sraide balnf ilenrlvrd tti pleaaur. of naakhy aflspring, tha anal M-rknia and dealructiva symptom, to both body aad uled .rlac. Tbe.ystrm bacmnea dvraug oil, lb physical and auantat power, weakened, aervoua ueBinir, ayepapaia, paipiuuaa ot lli heart. Indignation, a waaUng of III liame, eougli, symptotu. at eousuuiptkiu, eel. nirvsas utaiiiir. Weakneaaof thesysieia, Nervous Debility n J premalure de. cay generally arlae lron in inwriinuva naoii ei Tstun, mat sou llary praeiico ao taiai w m. i imm ..v. u. atat any ata the young who are moat apt to become ua Vtcliins (nxa an Ignu. raucaoi the uanger. to Which they eutijeol ItH inaelrea. Pareal and tloanliantai ollen m la led with rtwpaet to Ilia Caoa or smirraiif ifl.raaa la their una anil ward. Ala. I how often da lliry net rlbe lo othtr cauata. Ida waatlng ol Ilia Irmna, puli.iu. tlou ol Ilia Heart, IMapepeta, Indlg-wlkni, derangawaat of tha Ner. Vous Nyalrio, iln, aau t-Tmi""" "'"iii.ieiH awu, inoaa Sertoli Mental ellecla, such as km of memory, depreaaim ol plrlla or peculiar ttlaol Melaaeboly, when the truth al lliay hs. been tauaed by liidolglni 1 fertile ...na but alliwing pracUcse, .leairiic tlvotobolh Hody end Mind. Tim. er. swept from xla tencetlionaamls who lulglil have been of ua totlitir C'ountry.E pleasure to their Irlcn.la and oriianienla to M. ornoa So. 7 Mocra PasDaatca Sr., lift hand aulo i"lng Iroui llaliimore at reel, 7 door, from the fe ller. tl-ll pitiiicolsr in ohser vlng th name aud numh.r, or yott will iiiiataku tlm place. (I y- l itka notice, observe I lie Naina on lit Ifcvnr .nd Window. . A Curi WurraMid er no C'!'.; iW, m frm Out U T Kuy. Ml MKItt'l RV OR N ATSKOI'S lRt OH USED. UR. JOIIMSTOM, Membar of Hi Royal College of Rurgaotia, London. Oradu.t ....U...I l'nll.,t tU Ui. Ilniil .... -. J 1 1 til I lllin Ol llta mitt.. .i....-".. n - .atrnt, an. IIh' irn.lei part "I whoao Ilia has been spent la ill Oral Hoard. It, I ci ,nlni, Parts, Hiitadelphl, end etaewlier. h tflecled arniin ol tha iiumi ssioiilalting ctira that weia avr known, many i i.i- I u. t.i. .i...i.i lii. I lia head and aal a whan aalttan iraalii.f. ' voilHiteaa, being alarmed sul len anuinla, and haalifuliM, wild (re(iieut lilunliing. allunded auiuutline with (leranMHiil ol in ml, weraruied lintnaillal'lv A Certain Dlaaaea, W hrn the mlagiililc" and iiutnidenl votary of pleamir llndt , he lia llnlilbrd tlm aeetia of Ihla pallllul d.aaas", II It. ; 1 1 a h.p pens I l an ni iiineu " m... .., ui.w,gtri t-- leia In. i Iroiit tipiilring to I no wle from eduratlna and napee tsliilily can alo ia belrland linn, dilaybtg till lit enni,IUlloal ' avinptitina of Una horrid diacaite make I heir .ppeararca, such ul ernied t m lliroal, ttiaeaad mwe, nocturnal pain. In th heed tio limbs, 'niiMiMis nl alghl, ilesloeaa, nodiwoa lh .hi konea, noil nuns, hl'.tt Inaoti tlm loud, ti . and eafreuiKlea, prugreas. ng with Irlgl.tlul rapidity, III! at la.l the palateof Ilia inoiilh or iiena t al an ill tuned aonae in iiiana', or uread ol Ulacavery, 1" letMMie. Ol lllO noatt 11.11 in, n. v .n.w.wi tnw eotiira a Imri'd obeet ol rotnutlaaaiallun, till doatll put a pa. n ul to lilt itreaill"! suneringa ay ainini main tti -ma. aunrna ttoiH wht 't' no traveler return " I ucn tuareinr ur, joiiih atno plilgi a htiiiaeil to preanrv III meat invkilnbl aaerecy, an. . .U. ....I...I. II.. Aral ItuMhllaW tit l'.iti-..t.a ami altnnstv prae.lirain lha flrat luaipllal in Luruli end , ha ran eonnilanily rarnmiuand a .Ma and pdy cur In lha iinlortiinnia Vli liin oi una nortiti u.naaa. It ft a melnnclinly lad, Hint tlmuaand lull victim tn I hi. ilri aillul diseaiie, owing lo lb uiiakilliilnn of Ifnoraal praten it.ua. who, by lha one ul thai itraailfiil poiann, n.oietiry, ram III coloilttillion, find attlinl .an Ifta awnffiw aata !., la aM a timely grave, or else inaa" Hie residue of blallle ntl.erabla. Tah Particular Nwtle. Hi J ldlrer.a all Iho"" who have liijnrea thrmaelve. by privato am. ii'pi"'--i . I .. lH.ll.ltrt.lll ia. Theaa arneniiie oi ma ami tun .ii' itnii ..it.y r.iei ta pratiueeu By nrly liahlls ol y.in'h, via : Weakhoaa of the Rack end Llirba, am lnlballe.il, Hiinneaa nl Night, Lai of Muerular Pawar, l ain In tli lleail. Hiinneaa nl Night, Im of Mueulr f'nlfiitil ill n ol 'no ii"ir. i'7p"ii, i.nrToiat irriianiitiv, imh uent of the Higeatlva Funrlloiui, lleunial Debility, '.ymp. inoieii. . . ..i t .ii,... -f llll'l. .. ' .'ItPUIlI ... ". .- Mkntaii r -1 li fcaii.li tileela upon the mind ara much bib eaiio.l, I us uf Mmnnry, ( iii.liml m of Ida, Dcpreealo al Spirit, Kvil foret' idlnga, crao of Hoclaly, e Ulalrilal, l i.vei.f Hi.litinln, I n.tiility. c, are .uiiic oi lha avli prodimad riioii-anils nt perano ol r "-. can now (oilge wlial I Hit run.' uf Hiflr ilei iinin nei.no uiamg ineir vigor, becouiln weak, pale slid emaciated, hi v j singular apuwrauc .bont lh evea . I lllll .tl'1 ST III pl.Mli of rntmU.II III "in lir Jnliuslon' In uarallnsx llmdy tot Urgaill eaania t-'ts gtesl and lmMirlnni emedy, waakneasot ih organ nro ape.-ilily . lin n, ami . hi vigoi raaiorea i tioutenits 01 in on it tier and I'ehllliateii. who i.nu nwt alt nop, aiv n iioo.etllatel niu veil All IMipediilienia lo Jlarringa, Phyalcal or l.tilHl liwoi.tincaiHn, NanriMia Irriiabilily, Trawblliig and Waal .eB. in t a lunislaliotl or i no nnwt learrul kind, speedily cured by Hi .loin, ii tn ' B Ot. t- . in via, Who hav toliit ' llicuiselva by a I ertaln Prtetlfa Imltilcil In when alone- a lib . ii lin(oenil learned from evil companion, r al . In... I -Ihe rllei 'aol wlih'h ata algiilly l, vn -wlMtn saleep, hihI If nut euroil, rend. -a marriage Imnaaaihlii, and rf ln, i.idli niliid and btaly, sImiuIM ao,'ly uniii tuialy. W hat n pliy Hint a ya .ng man, the Imp- of hi country, .nd th darling ol hit parent, al.ould tin soalclied ininall pioeuaei and -ciiloyinenl of lil, by h ooiiaaipienca of lUvlaling from lite ' . 1 .1 .. 1. 1 .. . i . . ..rl.l. k.aia ...U pa Ii ol nsiure, ano niiiii'.nn . - . . . .. ant. n - rsons bi lort!eonienipiwi. M . I . n . sliotild refltK I that a sound niliid and body ara ihn moat necaatm. j .m.i. ..lilnl KantiineMS . . .1 ....I ilu,,. ry reoiltaiiea IO pimmw ........ , ni'innnuuiit Iheae, tlm Inurnry through. MI beonnie a weary iiilgrnnag. Ike tiriiape. I hourly darken to me view in mind becotuea lid owed with deapairand II lied with th melancholy ri llactioa, that Ihe hsppinea ol mtiei becomes oiigMien wtm onrown. . . ..U ., . .. . U..I I-.I cui i.roilm ar tt.n. u.l lll'flll!. .tt. n..'.ti r it. r'4 uitl.HlW llt. Au. SttaaiflAl Op.BATuaia Psasnaiiso. SI ll -l.eiiui lil an delicacy prevent you. but apply linmedl. ately either personally or by leiter. , ,. KIJ lliaaaita mrmmv.i wonttit, T Stranger, Tho many thousand cured al this Institution within tha last twelva years, snd tlm nunieroiul linriorlanl surgical Otmratlon perlorn.edby Dr. JOHN-ri'OI, wilned by ih reporter our dally papers snd many other persons nntice of Which have again and again appeared before Ilia public-- a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will find a skillful snd hooonbl physician. . , ' Tak Untie, N. e.-Thero are o many Ignor .nlanj worthies Quacks id-, vertiaing lliemselve physician, nillnng th heallk t lb ) ready arhicted, that Or. Johnston decku It accary tesay. evpe etally to Ihian unaiiatnled with hi. ropuUtlon, that hi credert tmla or diploma always hang In hi oiDce. TaK. hol'K'K. All letuir. miutb post paid, and (ontalo a pinge smmp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. aiarcii, i, tout. i.-i TO RI'tLDERSl. HUUklCl r Ikll.'lk..7, nt, uunutii viifui. Mvea foot; Flooring, wide Board., Weather Boarding and promise u. Laitiber, furnished on ibort notice, from .!.!.. SuT 111 'llnttiitnl lnr Ihin eh.raari V tha a 1 1 e l' ciiiucj iiiv r cMriTii evnen kt..- Mill, of thi. place, by GEO. S. GLLLESPIE. June 24th, 1450 THIS DAY. TTANDSOME MANTILLAS, nt . , $3 DO 4 00 11 tiandsom nianiiuo., at Handsome Mantillas, t Handxom. Mantillas, at Janeli. 8 00 - 000 HEDRICK Jt RYAN. nnv nrwina Ann CIWT. - WE would call the attention of purchaser! to oor Dry Goods; that branch of oor business mast b dosed, and w. win positively eu ever srwn we oav in in nous In that line at sett cost. S. k D. TELLER. Jun 2. VTOW RFCEIV1NG PER SCHOONERS ADELE AND i Liny Russell i 89 bbls. Keflned Sugars, also. Crushed and Powdered 25 bag. Rio, Java and Laguira Coffees ; S eheaU superior Oolong and Green Tea. j 13 case, superior brand. Claret Win. j , '- i -40 boxes Soap ; . v-- - . i 25 do. Pearl Starch ' i 40 baskot. Cbampagn, (very Suptrtor Brand ;) 20 bbl. Rectified Whiskey'.. For sals by . W. L. 3- TOWNSHEND, July 22nd, 1856 . No. 20 Market St. T AGUAYRA COFFEE. W bag. mperior, for sft'e by S . t. a .iL-tl UnltaTrnl JL4 .u area o.. t vicv. uu uoiu.i. D UM. Pore Old Jamaica, In demijohns. Tne .1a tt AlAprUf. GEO. HOUSTON. BUNGS. 20,000, usorted ibes, for 1 by Sept. 10. - GEORGE 110 V, G Septal, wm J 4 iH .