A PUBLISHED BY FULTON fc PRICE WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE VOLUME b'. NO 33 TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER U. 1S56. WHOLE NIBIBER '1,503 ; c- RATta or tKi i"i n BAkS I in,..'.. ........ 4. aai'aaa I day $0 M ld I I days. jST 50 TJ 87 k ! 37 I 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 IS 00 1 days, ... 4 it i,... I dAys,.... 1 week.... 5 weeks,... ImOBth, .. 2 moathi,. S baonthi, months, . t Jar I .... 4 Jjs 5 days ........ ... 1 wek .... .... ... 2 weeks.... 1 month.... 2 months.... .... . , 1 00 . I 2i . 1 . 1 75 . 2 75 . 4 00 7 30 10 00 a moniBS.... ..... boaoaih .... ..WOO 1 .50 00 Tea lines ar eoanUd a square, and Ivo line or lew f-qEi. Longer ailTertiiemect I proportion, and all ay abl in advance. Wbea BC-l paid i advane 25 oeaU ur square will bo charged after the first insertioa r All half qttar sot paid for it advance will b charged a a square. -No publication mad without a responsible name. McCALKB Bl ST1SG, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS, - No. S3 North V ati SrtErr, Wilmington, N C. tr Ordrs from th country will receive prompt attention. Mareh 30, 185 J1MKI H. STEVEXSOS, AGENT for th SALE OF ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, Plc8 Srarrr, roiia Aoah, Ban. It Co., WILMI.TIUIU., Pi. c. msw:w j. ft. ilmoee. . btisxj.t'. J. ft. OILHOHK A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, w New Yoee. Liberal Mih advance wad ea consignment Nor. 14. 1S55. 1 a tti"lliti."i .V MOV. . w. - - Wiuiisoto. N.C IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND I Dealers ia Hardware, Cultory, Iron. SU1, NaiU, Ar 1 taral laiplunU, Ae. Jaa. U, lftW " "" " UKUUUB W. llAVl. C COMMISSION MERCHANT, Soath Water Strwt Wiuiimton, N. C. Ja.T,l856. 'M-'y UKU. . UlLLKKflK, GENERAL PRODUCE AGENT, will, alw. nejotiaU, kay and Mil good ppr, N OTES AND BILLS, a rta nabla (rmi. NOW ON HAND, 11.000 of Brat elaM burton parw, ia whiob taia inraitmanU eaa b mad, at from 10 to 15 per ant. per annum. No. 8th, 1865 l tf " " JOHN LCANTHKLL, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKEK. Oct. lit. Wn-MtMOTON, N. C. t. D. CCMMINW. w- NYtON Cl'MJIHO IT1ROJT, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WlLUW IMOTON, N. C. Sept. lt, 1355 307-tj 1 ' at 1. 'iii.Hrn A TTORNEV AT LAW, J WiLMiKaTon, N C. MT Offloe PrinoeM St., Eut of tho Stat Paok. April 2, lSM.r I7tf. HKhL A. HI l i s, mirtvrna ilun a irrTtn Ml'l.' u buvnciwo ls aw ( . , WruMifioTON, N. C. WOfflo la Hall' building, North Water itreet. April Hth, 156 L!- " O. L. KILL AW, COMMISSION MERCHANT. , r WiutmaTon N. C March 15th, 1855 l3-tf i ituiit. J. L. HATHAWAY IN. UTLET J. dt J. L.. HATHAWAY CO.. 10MMISSION MERCHANTS, I I WlLMINaTOW, N. C. No 1.1854. JOk.fll 11. KLANNKlt, CIKKiBHAL Coaataalaalon Merrbant, J t-ly Wilmington, N O QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMlNSTON. N. C. UKU, II A Kill, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. July lit, 1854 g55-'? l rOTTE IEOWH, AEMANDJ. DEKOWET, )T., E. f. EEOWN BROWW V UcROsHKT, New York, OoHOSIET DROWH, Wllmlniiton, l. C, ij2t - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ri. DOLU(E, . POTT .Jr.. J. CAMERDIN. nnLLXKH. POT Thill A CO., , OMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Hl-lyl , . Nw York Liberal cwh adrance mad on ejmignmenU 7 i TO. CXlONLTi BROKER, AUCTIONEER. AND GENERAL COM MISSION AGENT, WrunmaTON.N.C. Ken I KetaU, Nroe, Bunk mr, Uoiil. Houee boltl rrnltr,andTerTdeicriptionof Property bought and told on tommiwion, either at i.rivate r public ial. M-Kelera 10 me puouc generan. Jan utn, ifwt 21 1 Oil. A. O. Mlt tOLHit , WHOLESALE and Retail dealer in Fancr Article and Perfumery, ha Jmt opened a Urge and beautiful M lortment of FANCY GOODS, many of which ar of new pattern and of uprior workmanihip. Port Monnait-, Gentlemen' Drewing Law. Clear Ca, Hair HruthM, Tooth do., Nail da , Gunf Sharing do., r lech Glove. Cki ia War. Powder-puffi, Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia mond Glau, do Gelatine, Huffalo Droning Coml, India Rubber do. 7un5th,lM A. H. VarKoeiele W A. M. VakKoeeei.kk VANBOHKELRN BKOIKEH, Wll.MINOTON. N. C MANUFACTURERS and Uler in Naral Stoie. Storeag and Wharlag for Produce furnitd at fair ate. unJr inluranca. If denlred W-tl A. II V ANHOKKKLKK. '1ENEKAL AGENT. COMMISSION t FORWAKD- II INU MERCHANT, Wilmington, N. C. Particular attention firen to tale ud paeohae of Naval Store. - Jan 1. 1H63-I00-Iy 1 4 K N tt. V N (J W 1p ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hi 1 personal attention to bnsineM entrntted to hi car. issa. lAMES T. pettewat, boeoe k. PEITCHKTT. . . pkKWAV PHITCIIKTT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. -WiUiT particular attention to the ile of Naval Stoees, Cotton, lea. January 22d. 1855 T. V. WUHI II, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jan. 5, 1856. Wit.mioto?i, N. C. J.MS ANOEItSO!, EDWARD SAVAOE. - ANDERIOX A IAVAUK, C GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Wilmington N. C jberal eaiih advance mad on eonrignmcnt. Wv3 WAI.EIE HEAR EE. I V. MEAEES, M. U. WALKER HRARKI CO., W(8DCCEIWOR TO C. k . DtTPRS.) HOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 46 MARKET 5TREET, MT 28, 185fl 221 tf. WILMINGTON, N. C. 1. W, BILES, H. B. HA WES. GILES HAWK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. . , ... WiLJinoTos, N. C. : WCaih paid for pBr.- : Sept. 12th, 1856 8.U 1AEI0H WATSOW, - ASTOM MEARE. WATSOIt A MEARE9 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J K 84 Burling Slip, New York. Etpecla) attention paid to the ale of Naval Stores, Cot ton, and Southern Produce generally. Liberal advance mad ol oontignment. Jaly I, '56 ... -Tiw.. DR. ML' Hit AY. - HAVING LOCATED IN WILMINGTON effen hi pr fearional service to the cititen ef Twa an swrround tng country. Office on Front Street, oppoeito Bank of Wil mington, whera be may be found when not professionally en gaged. -" Anf . W-295-tf . . K , . ; ' W. II. Tl KLIMJTO i EN Era L COMMISSION MKKCHANT, yjl WlLMITO!, N. 3 irOfiei fomeriy eccupifd by W. 11. Marsh. EAFSES TO Goorge HarrUs t WUmisgto., N.C. Meatr. Latterluk Je Elliott,) Ju!t 2b, K" JTJ-tl A. B. MtlEtt, IMPORTER ANU DIALER IN urtSES. BRAS DIES, OISS, it TiroULD REM'ECTU'LLt ANNOUNCE TO THE V vabbc. that he ha jtut opoaed the stvr forsterly Hfc oeeuDied kv Dr. D. DaPra Jr .euroer lnaaa an J Water straets, where ke inteads to keep always on kaad a full sup ply of the above. Deilors ia the genaiao article would Oo well in giving aim a call. He alM keeu ooartaatlv c ksad a full t?k of Dome- tioLiaor, sack as WHISKEY, BRANDY aad GIN. April 2. 19- V. St. HrKOV. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT: A Lot', WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, Soath U'ttor itraat Wilminrlaa. N.C. iateads keriBE at tke a- oove sianu. a urn mmurm iot vi unwbrm.. uihwh and PROVISIONN at wholesale and retail Particular at i . .1 T ..IDlU'L'UIL' nilllllU tention will he paid to all erdr truta the ooantry. i would respectfully invite the eitiseas of Wilmington aad th adjeining country, to call aad eisaiin my stock before pur chasing elsewfeero. 1 Intend to carry oa a general corn, miaaioa basinees. Particular attention will ho civea to the sal of Naval Stores, and all kiad of produce Liberal Cah advaaeei made ea eoniig nment. Wilssingtoa, October nth. ISOJ. n-n-wt . HAEVEY COCHRAN. W 8 RUtSEU.. COCHRAN A RVHSKLL, (Saecoasors to Thoisa Allibon ll Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 12 North Wharves, aad K North Water Street, Phila Delphia. Liberal aB aarsicei man on consignments July 30th, I5i3 27 Or. A. O. BRAULKl, DRUGGIST CHEMIST, Wilminwtoji, N. C Having purchased th Drug tstablishmsat of Messrs S. B. JtJ.A Evan, will keen always on hand, at wholei eial and retail, a large and very select stock of Drugs . 1 - J : I ' k. ; l. i-:t. I ;i. fit..- UM-.,..I l.lra nnU, Patent Medicines, Psrfumsry, and Faacy Articles, at low price. -Physician ' PreMrlptioni put up correctly and with dispatch. . . . March 20th. 1854 Jawes t:. Smith. Mile Costih. JAt. C. SMITH e COh C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, offloe ocond tory, oor aer South Water and Market street. Wilminton, N. C, where they are prepared to attend to all business in th Commission lino. All businens Entrusted to them win be punctually attend ed to. Jan. 11. 1 WM. C. HOWARD GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. Jf kept. 20. lS54.-13-tfl Wihiinoto. N. C. FLOl'UI KLOl'll! JUST received a lot ofeuporlor SUPERFINE, EXTRA and FAMILY FLOUR. For sal in lots, by Jun25. CUMMIMG X siiKOii. BY NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, 10 bale North Carolina Kerseys snd Plaini. Sold only by Sent. 11. IS. Hr.DrUCK oc ItYAN. KOI It K. RECEIVED THIS DAY PER RAILROAD 2U0 N. C. HAMS, 100 SIDES BACON. For sale by THOS. C. CRAFT, Aug. 30, 1855. No. 48, Market Street. N. B. Don't forges to make Brandy Peachss. PLOL'R. bbls. and 123 bags Hour, difforent grade, just In store, and for ial by 75 Aug 21. WILLARD ft CURTIS. !' If K. TN ADDITION TO MY FORMER STOCK, I HAVE 1 purchased th entire stock of FOREIGN and DOMES TIC LIQUORS and WINES, of th lata Brm of Jono k Forks, which enables m to offer to the public the largest and finest assortment In that tins to be found In Wilming ton. Also a general assortment of Family Groceries always on hand, for sale low at No. 48 Market tstreet, Wilmington. Aug 2, 1866. THOS C C RAFT. A" " small lot of'our SUPERIOR MADE SUM mcr Clothing, will b sold st cos to Inian that part of our stock. S. k D. TELLEH. I'UAR. IT HHDS P. R. SUFARj 10 bbls. Clarified do.,-land-in. Per sals by Au. 4, IHfiw WILLARD k CURTIS. Sl'MMKH STOCK. ALL Summer Dress Goods will be closed out at cost for cash. HEDR1CK kRYAN. UAItcialS. IRASS CLOTH and MOSQUITO NETTINGS at re- VJS duced price. " HE. OKI. IV X uiai. CLARKT. CLARET! CLARET!! CLARET ! I ! Cheap, eheap, cheap. . J. R. REXTON. Sept. rUh, ia"6 No. 15 Market street TO THE LADIES. AN Invoice of Rich Embroidered Good opened this day, oiiiiprinlnu Rich Muslin and Lace Silk.Collar. Selete and Handkerchiefs. Also, handsome Mourning Collars and Sleeves in Nik iltUKIuri at fl i AIN. Sept ll.IWW NORTH Kltl AHPLKS. t VST received, and own fur inspection, sn escellent v- ,1 rietv of Pirnin A Miles in fine order. For sale at the llroadwsy Variety Store, No. 40 Market street. trpt 7, IHftrl W H DkNF.ALE. Kit Kail .LOIR. TUST RECEIVED, THIRTY-FIVE . BARRELS AS ij sorted Brands Fsyettrville Flour. W are rtoeiving rreh Flour every woek, and frequently twice a week ; that is something worth knowing, as we do no, eell .ur 1 lour Ang 2. HM MrCALKH k HUNTING. tNtiLlSH GLUE. 3 casks luperior Kngli.h Glue, for tale by ADAMS. BRO. & CO. April 3d. TO BRA WOt PKACHKM, WHITE WHISKEY for Brsndying Peache is much tb best ; Brandy shrivels, White Whiskey plumps the Peach, and much cheeper. Also, on hand White Peach and Apple Brandy for the same purpose. J. R. HESTON, Aug. 21 No 15 Mrk-t treM. E MBKOIDERIES and LACES uf all sind, at cost pri ces. (ept. 19) S. U. ItLl.MV. PORK AM) BACO.t. BBLS. M EP PORK; 25 Ilhds. Prime Western Side; 8.01)0 lb N C. Bacon. For sle by 60 Sept. 3, "56. J. k I. L. HATHAWAY k CO. HEW BOOK, r IFE OF MILLARD FILLMORE. Li Life of James Buchanan. Ilaisy Chain. Book of Humorous Poetry. Bernard Lile. Mis Murray' Book. Worth and Wealth, by Freeman Hunt. The Wanderer, by tb author of th Watchman." CntweU' Justice. The Martins of Cro'-Martins, by Lever. Received and for sale at Ang. 23 WHITAKER'S. giOO REWARD. I WILL GIVE THE ABOVE REWARD for videne to convict th person or persons who, oa Thursday th 8th and on Tuesday tb 13th. raised the gates oa my Pond. I would alao notify th publie that 1 will not allow further travelling through the premise. May lo.-215-tf J. B. QUINCE. KICK. CASKS, fresh from the mill For sal In lots to rait O. W. DAVIS. Sept. 15, 18i6.8-tf SCHOOL BOOKS. JUST RECEIVED, by Schooner Pedee, thi morning, a few boxes School Book. Our stock of School Book i now complete. WHITAKER, Aag W, 1836. 88 Market street. BOv. A LOT OP N. u. BACON, just received. For sal by Aag. I. CUMMiNG k 8TYKON. THE - GENUINE - GERMAN COLOGNE IS HOLD A by A. O. BRADLEY, Oot. 80th. . Her. eop.l Droggirt tt Chemist. PKTTKtt AY PRITCH KT T, TRACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r WtiiiM, N. l". Kespectfally lf iri T0tt o Plaatert aaj Tarpvatiao l tiilers I'lAt. with a view of aerviac their ielau iatcrr, Ihey will devote theiraadivi Wd attea'.ion to sellint COT. TVN. NAVAL STORtS. aad oiher oouatrv prsKl.oo. ad. to carry oat thi system effectually, will aot ak rrliaoe of tho abovw articlv aommUsioa fur North era aad Fwrviga aoroaat. Oar offieois eoraer ( NORTH WATER aad PIUNCESS street. Oar wharves aad ebsd are coavoniently located for the re ception or prodacw ry either el the Kailna lser SHeamoal Caa adraaco mad ea oatignoieats. April 22. PETTEWAY PRITCH ETT. UKtKO. YA AMHISUE, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. D ESPECTFULLY return thanks to hi frieads aad th Al aaerchaat rraeraUr. forth liberal artivaaf he ka received in the pursuit uf th bv busmeu, aad soiiciu a eooliituaac or th tame, aad would inform tkem that, ia ad dttioa to to abvt buslaea. h will devote hi attealiva to tho Part-baa, Male, ad Darter of ttral Estate tacl Black. Having new placed apoa hi desk a Book of Rtgistee fur all property denaed fur rale, either ia Towa. County, or Male, aad having already entered therein several valuable Dwelliug. Norr, aad Wkrf Properties, he iavite tho wuhiaf to psrckaeo to call and r latum the lit, and lea decs hi orvKto thuo having property of aay desertptioa to di(Hoo of, the sale of whirh shall has hi particular at tention. Flattering himself from his general aequniataac aad xprienoe a a aaleemaa, that he will bo enabled to promote th interest of thoas entrusting property to his car. Term. 1 per eeut. on th dollar oa all tale. References: O O Paelet, I W. W Peiece, Col Jon McRae. J. R. Huo. July SI, 1858.-ly. rLOlH. FAMILY. EXTRA. SUPER AND FINK, just received per N.C. R. R. For sale by Sept. 4th. CUMMING & STY RON. "LOCK. A SMALL LOT OF FLOUR, an extra art Me, from new wheat, just received per Railroad, and fur l by Aug 19 CUMMING k ST Y RON. BACK ALT. 400 . SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, now landing from cenr. teups. r or sais by Aag. 8, IKA. WILLARD k CURTIS. C. DACOV HAMS, BIDEI AND IIIOVLOKRH. W E bar ia Store aad aro constantly receiving from th hoio articl of BACON, whieh w can soil right, ( all and examine It. PETTEWAY dt PRlTCilETl . Aug. 28. 1856. Cor. North Water and Princess sts NOTICE PAHTIt lLAIt. HV A VINO MORE ACCOUNTS ON MY BOOKS THAN can collect, aad as no cash can b had for als. I shall wind np tb preaont basinea immediately. 1 oe In debted will please eail and settle. ! (hall charge nothing or, iialano or tlock at reduced price. J. R. RESTON, Sept. 6th, 1856 No. 15 Market street )0KK -101 bbls. Mes Pork, now In (tor For tale by April 21st, WILLARD It CURTIS. OTICE. THE (ubseriber having finished hlieoa tracts In th sountrv is now in town, and reads to contract for any kind of werk in hi lin of buiin. as Camentor and Contractor. O. w. HUM.. Br Repairing dona noatly and with dispatch. Fh. (Mb, 1863 132-Staw Dr. A. O. BRADLEY, DRUGGIST It CHEMIST. Suoeeeeorto 8. B. 6t J. A Evan, WkolsU and RsUll dsalerln Drug, Msdl einee, Chetulsali, Paints, Oils, Glass, PaUnt Msdieinos Perfumer. Clear. Old Brandies and Wlnet.lt., ., at low prieo. North West Corner Front and Market streets. Wilmington, N. C, March 20, 1854 Ittfi-tf CO-PA HTM KRSHIP, BETWEEN JOHN HALL and WM. L. PITTS, In th Oonoral Prodnre, Real Katato and lock Uie kra llniln. John Hall will giv hi prinolpal atttn tioatoth NyIStrelnUrestj Win. L. ritM to Cotton, and both partial to all matters onneettd with n Gnra Broksrrs Business. JOHN HALL. March 10th, KW-158-tf WM. L. PITTS. CO-PARTrtEHmilP NOTICE. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED TH I DRUG ESTABLISHMENT of Messrs. C. A D. Du Prs Thsy will oatinu the Drug busines la Its various branch es, under th firm of W. MKARES It CO. WALKER MKARES, JOHN L. MEARES. M. D. May 19th. 1856 218-tl CO-PA RTMRRSIIIP NOTICE. MR. WM. R. UTLEY having been admitted a a mem ber of our firm, th general Commission business' rom this data, will b eontlnued under th nam and sty Is of J. It J L. HATHA W A I k OC. Nov. 1st, 1854. J. HATHAWAY It SON. 4.Ytf CO-PA HTNr.HH IP NOTICE. aiHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Till DAY FORMED L a co-partnership, under the style of Wn.Lsan k Cisn, snd will continue tne t i r. m r. it a i.. t - m .vi i .m w rn n .r. SALE GROCERY and PROVISION BUSINESS, t the stand formerly occupied by J. A. Wlllard, No 10 North Water street. JAMES A. WILLARD. HKNKY M CURTIS Wll-ilrar'on. N C.Dec l.lMftft 75-tl t).k. v tt tm lt l.i.i- II, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGE N. res pectfully off-ii bis professional services to ths citiseni uf Wiliiiingiou, aud the surrounJing country. ( iKE ICE -Front street, over the Bank of Wilmington, where h can alwsys b found unless absent on urolcMion tl businiM. Aug. 21 2M.-lt Ial Jan OiaaOI.I'TlOY OK 4 RTN KRIII l. rtillE CO-PA RTNKRsH IP HERETOFORE EXIST J. ing between the Subucribers, un'ler the firm ol M AVER k BLUN, is tbis day diswilred by mutual eonwnt The hnt neu of the late firm, will be settled Mr A R. MAYER, who is authorised to use the name of (he firm for that purpose. A. R MAYER. HENRY lll.UN. August 7th, 1856 285-31 A. R. MAYER respectfully informs the friends of the late firm ot Meyer It Blun, and the publie generally, tht he will continue the Wine and Liquor Business in all its branches, at the old stand, ournrrof Water and Princes Streets, where he hopes to receive a continuance and increa ol the patron sie so generously brstowed upon the late firm Those who want good and pur Liquor at a fair pri e, will do well to give him a call Auf . 7. !851.--6Mj-3t t 1C K ! Ith I ! I C KM! TH K IVilmtngttm In lltutt will bo open for delivering o ;CE from Sunriae to Sunset, except on Sunday, when it will bo eloeed at 9 o'clock in the morning Price, (Me Cta( per pound, for quantitie of three pounds and over Terms '" in all cases, without exceptions. TICK ETS can be procured by such as desire them. ICE furnished to the lick poor, fro of eharge .when by direction of Physician or member of Visiting Committee. April 17, 18ol..-IHI-4il. C lilt l I. A It S AtV. THOSE SAWS stamped J. M. ROBINSON are msnu factnred of tb finest quality Cast Steel, by tb very best workmen. They are tempered by Sylvester' Patent Temperinr Machine ; (which temper mora evenly, i ad ren ders th blade differ to tb gnsg of plat than any other aparatn,) and ground on Southwell' Patent Maw Grinding Machine ; th only machine that will grind a Circular Saw perfectly trne. For sale by July 1, 1856. J. M. ROBINSON It SON P S. Saws of every kind mad to order. TO HOVSKKkKPKHIi A FEW pa'r elegant French Lac jCurtain ; Embroidered Muslin do Bobinett Mosquito Netting, whit and colored, with Tassels to match : 600 pieces Common Mosquito Netting ( Furniture Fringe s . 10, 11 and 12-4 Sheetings shesp; Table Cloth and Tabls Diaper Towel and Towelling j with n great variety of Mar (. ille Allendale, Tarkish and French Dimity Quilt, will b old at bargain, by H ED RICK It RYAN. Myl2th. - ; WHITE GOODS. Jaconet, Checked, Swiso. Naintock, aad Cosibrio Mwdiae, with many aUor WbiU Good, at first cost. . 8. k B TELLER. Fm SALK600 Tery prim selected Empty Spirit bbi. 150 bagt Guano, 50 barrel Herring, BJO gt blows Sut, . 10 half-barrel Snuff. W'E Maren 4 ADAMS, BRO. de . ir .r r K X -fr- SulVBd Market l W aS f T7T Wilminjr.rfa, N.C. P "T- , : M "ivjil 14 Srptenibor 23th, 1854 17-ly oun raoTTo in 1 'TO FLBAIlli a1l a.Drldlca.Wklpa.eVc.i Truakl, Valises, Saddl aad Carpet Baga.SaWhels, fancy Traak, As. Always on kaadalargeeapply sratrlHg l.aatkeraad rip Nela.atd allolhrartiolee usually found la sack sstablishments, all I wk'.oh. k warrant to b of th best malarial aad work manshlp, and will bsol;.w for cask, sren sAorli rstftl t priupt sutwmr. Haddlee, Harness, Truak. MsdlealHsgs It., mad to or tor. Harass aad Coach Trimmings sold at a tair nrir to proni baying to manufactar. Whip at whoUaal Allkindstr Kldiag vsblolsiooussi tad sold eaeommi. Ion JOHN J CONOI.EY. rpilE ACCOUNTANT'S OWN BOoKANDrlUsI L no Man' Manuel. A ea as pood f Ik Priaoiple aad lracticof Domli and Foreifn Trade, Mereaotile Law and Usage. Mercantile Arithmetic, Banking, Exchange, etc. By Wm. P. M. Ross, I'rinelpal of th Philadelphia Msrcantil Instltut. author of a " IVaetleal System of Da bl Entry Book.Keilng," lie. Second oJition. Rsoslrsd aad for sal at jvec. 4th. SW. WHITAKERS 'IWO NEW JUVENfLES.-KIt Barn' Advenluree i or, 1 Th Yarn of a old Mariner. By Mary Cowdm Clark. Ths Magioiaa's Show Box. and othsr Stories By th au thor ol ' Rainbow for Child " Just published For sale at Jaa. 16, I8ti6. W. WHITAKER'S. I ) LASTING POWDER. -100 kegs, bssl quality, Just r- 1J celved aad ror ssi low, n manuraotarartaecoutit, ay July II DeROsSET It BROWN. P. 8. Any quantity of th abov, orotbar descrliitloa of Dupout's Powdsr, eaa b lurnlshsdln this place, at short to- tloe, and on th most favorable Urms Apply as abov. IRESH CONGRESS WATER. Received and for sale r bv A. O. HRADLEY, Sept. 4th. Druggiet k Chemlat. ZINC PAINT Sept. 4tk Sold by A. (. BRADLEY. HN WILD'S ICELAND MOSS and FLAXSEED CANDY, world-renowned fur th cure of Couthi and Colds. For sale at the Broadway Variety Store, No 40 Mar ket street. W. H. DtNEALE. April 12 T 'HE NEW AGE OF GOLDOr Th Uf and Adr.n lure of Robert Dexter Koinain. wiltton by hlmixlf. (ne vol. l2mo., lately pabtished. Reeelved and for aal at July II. 8. W. WHITAKER'S. MR.E. (UOM I.. .4. MUiinuui VH0U.I . vi i.v itii, u h n. U 1 11 ID V L L' I 'L-l- - Kl. V..k L-. . l.i (ucoeodod In producing th boot " Baking Powder," x tant. Th gouln articl eaa always b found rrsA, at N.y. 23. Dr. A. O RRADI E Y'S Drug Stor. YYOOKS l!N"ROUf E.-Ar Nat many Niw" HooksT.n tT A J way from Huston, Nsw York and rhlladolpbia, by Ex pr.a and sailinf vwsels Dus nolle will Sir arrival a W WHITAKER. HEAVY OSNABURGS BLEACHED AND UN bleaahtd Shirtings, and alrg tssortraent of Domestic Goods, at eoet. S. 4 D. TELLER, April ttb. SUFFEE -20 btgs II lo Coffee lU " Laguayrado.) Ill malls Old Brown Java do 1 Landed and ror sat by WILLARD It CURTIS Feb. 211. OA LAD FOR THE SOCIAL A new work by the authni KJ of " Halad for the Solitary," iat from press. Hoorivod tbl morning per Exprcts, and for sale at Jon 21st H W WHITAKER'S CHILD CREAM, Lip Sale, A., for ch.pwd band, lips, Ae. Freshly prepared by BRADLEY, Druggist KW IHXIKM I f -LLEN PEID Y, by G W. M Reynold I j Mont.Eue, or, I ns Hejecied Suiiir Duke of M ehmnl, or 1 he j uine l Gaoililer Musks and Fx-ea. hy I K Smith, auihor ol Worn in and her M.i.ler, Fred l'tnun. Are Ti e Mruggh for Life, or ('laude and the Skul' l in Hone hi n Female I. If" in New York ( I'y Kale t oveiitry, fro n Lillelt' Living Afce .u l, a HoiiKne... from the same. Retribution, by Mr E. I K. N Southwirh. " Sariiloa," a Siory of I7S7. A Hunter'. Life among Lions, Eh'phnnts and other Wild Animal of Soulh Africa 'I he Ranched Son. iy Caroline l.o I U nix. Memorials ol His Times by Henry Covkhurn. IVrrnrJ I lie, and llislorieal Kornani'e ;eiubracing lhefe rioil.of the Texas Revolution and the Mexican War, by Jre Cl men The While Chirf, a legend f North Mexico, by ('pt Miiyne lieid Call snd see there, Ihey ar just from IVsa and for sale t WHITAKER'S Aug flth. l V I TOM.ll. 'I'HE Suheorihers are very much obliged tn their NEW I CUSTOMERS wh have opened Pa-e Books with th.m and a a smxlly auiaber ol the old wanhanUiar about to retire from liuslneiJ, we will rnbr-e this opportunity o' log lo lhoe who may feel disposed to patronise our house, tbt w keep constantly on hand a variety of Groceries nd I'rovisions, and ' at all time prepared l furnish familits with artioloe in thi line. We request our eustooicrs tu re turn any article that does not giv sail fctlon. W also at tend to he furnishing of Hands with Provisions. Sept. I, 16 McCALEII.V BUNTING. TUT R EC LIVED, pr Scbr D C. Ilulsei O btgs Kio and Lssusyra Coffee : Z.) bbls C IsriBed Suxar ; obhd. P. R. gars; 2" boxes Soaps, extra 25 " Adamantin Candles ; 10 bbls. N. O. syrnp; 30 " Mesi Pork ; 7 Lhd. Western Sides ; S ' " Shoulders For sal by WILLARD k CURT S. Sept. H, ltt6. - ; XT JEW BOOKS AND STAUONAHY opening vry day 1 at S. w. WHITAKERS. Ang. 27, 1806. No. 36 Market street. Jl'IT IlKCKIVEO. WIS?, JACONET and MEDIUM fLoUNCINGS and BANDS elegtnt and cheap, at July 12. . x. , HEDRICK k RYAN'S FINE STATIONERY. A- ease of beautiful Damask, Cream laid. Buff, and s snorted Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Bath Papers, Not Papers, k. Received this morning at Jul? I. J. W. WHIl AltE.lt . AO. BRADLEY, DmgElst, I rsosiving, by nearly v. a rry packet, fresh supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Cbemi- all. Trusses. Si.Mtotter. Sorrtaal Instruments. Patent Med icine, Perfumery, Fancy Artiote, Plnts, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glaas, A. , . , r All article furnishd to Physician art guaranUad to be of tb beit quality, and will bai old low to cash haver Wilmington, N. C., April 10 Herald copy. ) MPJY ? Tl RIT3 CASKS h !a prim r r. -Ar. y to STW. W llaelngtow adfll,llarees, Til LJ O'TP. VIKNlNVrACTOR w. J rpltb subscriber respectfully inform th pubin that a 1 keepssoBataatly oa kaad alargeatsortmsatel Crfc, til a, and Hwlky llavneaoi Lavcfir'a ax it OoNtlemen'a BALTIXOHR UMK HOSPITAL. DOCTOg JOflJiSO. Til E baaadr oT lS ("elek rated Inatiiuifon efj.- tSa aanal Cee Uta, Vd, aad aaly affariiial nuKf in l aarl.l f ts. 4tKirs s,aia. al-a. fain ta i-e U , I kl ..!. I . j' a . imiV(itDkMVf, siiipNr cm be? i t.. M,m, i -rf. uasaw... in utaw,,, r-fpiwi fiM ifr C iawwnw( ml lha Mm-.A Tki k . . !b"!?.T' aadawlaaca.lv lrd (ra , " ieaev.,blM, V.il. w,l. der,.T kntlt J m t Taut and nltw anriH. -......." lha . as- the ayrva to th aan.ar. t laaiT . i . - VwT Blew, eteeuilly,wrvo Mrs oeeoea. tao virl.m, .,)( . . dreadlul aad aWoeiw eabd. wkwb ., Tl na.ly vravo tltananadoaf a.a ef la ,,!! T eat ad anlliaal Intellrct. who ..U a)Vr a.,, ",!?. haiealnf aeaaie wuktbo thoader l loquae. or waTIll lo oraucy th kvin ryro, v tail oitk all oootdooooi ' Marrlas. w?! Z?? "".J""9!"" ", ........ . . , - . . v.iaaia tuti Pararmilua e-atwuld Immediaiely eoa.alt Ur. J., qd k netored loplilea II who place hiatself under th rare of Pr ihaeia rliliiy .ad I hi boaor a . gaaciomaa, aad ocadiatie ri ap-w hi (kill phyariaa " """wasmif OriBwl Wonhwoan lo ami lately ewrad, lull viRot raatared. . ThtadwMMlalhapewHyaa.ol (reqaaally ad k. hay. kaaa the -U...W l.pw, H.ul-arV. fVmfZZl?. tr.lw.ot leo.Wii.ri.ieaw.lruw Mkn. , 7r, ofTfl ! ? ..hjeel will pm.d lo dy that lb p....r p"J . by thoa lalllni lot impropor k.klta iba , TlT.l.., ftld- kala( deorl,! lo plur, f bhkWao MM eerluua and deetrurtlvo aytuptma. to both Wy.a.1' j rwo. I baayatma bwomve draed, tb shtaieal aad J?7' aaarers weabewad, B.rvu. debility, dyepep.1.,' p,p)i; art,ladi(Mtk.n, wsstiag ol Ik f o. P," " u amnHiuo, ocl. . a al Nrro DakllHy, ' We taco of th (VMun, N.rvou. Urkilily aad a-a-i.f ' J- eay (ear(lly arte maa iho IMftrtuiiv kahit of iwiiv n7., J Mary raelleo oo laUl to Uta boalhful ailaua tm, mmi Tl lit f mu( whA are woat apt to bscow it Vtcti irJl " raae ul the dan.ra ta w hwh they ukic4 th.aaaai-Z ad Uaardiaaoar ellea mkilod WHb reoaaol m tKo oa7T J? CMireaaf dtaaaao la tbair Ma ad urarda Ala I kJL 7fi.7 11 tlwyMerlbet- alliar eaueeo. tl.a Waatinferih rraiaa Tr Iz thHi .1 in. Heart, lilaut.i, ladtc-MkMi, dran(.atat a? ihi ZL voutdysiem, -tth, tad dyuiptumt of t'un. m nu,,a. . i M.lou. M.fltai .Imum Ouch kao of aiow "Sl "f pirn or paeullar at l Mttaaehuiy, vh.n tb jVi,. i .hT. , " b (.asms be ladul(in la r-ralcba bat l? '" dctrueliv. to Wh lk.1, ,.d Mi.d. That art ,Z,Bl iMCltvouaanda who mihl havo ba of a tolZTfi. !, pkMwr to thotr frlaad ad nenain.al. lo (Vjri-i-. " Orotca lko 1 aaer Ftaaaair kft Ustd sld gag from Halumor. rou y door. ?r!5 ? sar PJ-bo parlloularlaobMrvlngtha aamad aumhar ar m- wulu.l.uk. iho place. " oamaor, Wyn ff P-Tat asdic, eMrvlh Nam. oo th Dnr nd Wlad.a. 4 Car. H.rr.aud sr. Ctars. Mod, infZi Qwl eTK NO MCRCVRY OH rUrTatOtm DU0 ' OR. JOIItnTOft. w.uibar ot in luiytl loueg ol ' Euriouoa, London. Ondaata (lleM af lha ll.oi ... Iruta on. or ttvo oiu.1 emln.nl the sr.ai.r nart of whne Hf ha ba.a ana.i i. ,. ..T1 "a Ulol Unban, Parla, rhll.d.lph.a, .d .larah.- ri, . mm w in mnoi .auini.oin. ura mot wr yr kaawa .... trmiblad with rlntlnf la th heed adrt ben !, Vra'ai..! vooaaMO, bl( alarwed at wdda ud, ad kaahiulaaaaT il!uk freuii.nl bluahim. .Uwded tsHaollmo with derenfomioi , S lad, wars cured Immedlaiely. "n A Certola Dlsaaso, When tho ml.f uldd aad itairudnt votary a alaauu. a. h. has imbibed Iho ssls of I hi paleful dKouo, l toTifl laa h? pan Hist Ur him Isbillly rn'fiM'm. if ,nia nurnu mvinaa aua.. nirni uleenual tor tlimaL iiaeaaed aooa. noaiurnal Pain la th hoad and man, aimoeos M itit, dolo ,uo'" lh Ihla boeot, ???!. rofrW tad trmt, bbrtrhraoo Ilia head. IrniB whence ao Usyal.r roturn To neh lh.r.(or. lie Jw alna al.d.aa hlmaalf ta ara..a Ik. .-. 'oho. it is t maiaaenoiy isci, that ihouMnd fell villi re a ta ikk, dr.llul dlaoaoo, owliis lo th uaohlirulim. J i7noft SJ.? d.is, wh.s by Iho uno? Ihl dreadful wi0".( "1' ranaliimia,and either lend Iho naortuaeutuirbreru a tlin.lr trtva. or.lM mat. tha rohloo ki.m. -T , " " 1 ah Partlcwlar Hot,..." Dr. J aildr. ilirmo who bay ngmg ihomaelm kw prlrals and Improper InJulienniea. "."ooivub 07 The ar. amu ol tho aad and motaneholy effVet arodiiaad ba . aarly habit of youth, VI I Wreknoa of th Hack Wmm4 lV.il rla' In h Head, IMinn of Mifht, L of lTii!a7 ! r.l,.lt.lli.a of th' Heart, Oypepll HAZ CiwtoS ranfein.nl of ih lifetlv run.Uon, U.n..l tWilliv. aVmB. lonia.f 1'on.umptlua,, . "ir ymp. lyi4.T- I ho fear Ail elTeot upon th mind r much to ka draadej, Lnas of Mamory, CM,lu..hl T Id, Dep-waloa -plrli Krll rureb.riin, Avertl. of BoriWvXir7J.??u.? Thuuannd or parauoaor all ea. eaa aaa i..j r.: "T" . . , - , , in, am ni f.M of their dlming hwlih. to.., ,h'f J,' weak, pale aad eincltd, h.y a infuiar appaaraoeo a kout ih eyee, e.iin .ad eyinnuaii of eon.uinpiioa. u Dr. J.ti.at,. . ;t--wr fow orgnal. MHHNRervr.ua and debilitated, who had tort tl hopThi,. M.rdliel, reliey.d. All lM.pdtmni to M.rrta t "tl?M o.hi.I lIMu.l.t1..tl,.n. Nervmia Irr.tabllll,, W, ..nd h,mi.s.l. no meat Iwrful k id, ."5 cured by Ur . Jolinaioa. .pmny YNStJ PfSBw Wlio Kara Injured themoelye by 1 rtala PriMI 1-1. i .0 hr, .!,. hahl, f,tl, U?il?TjU?:i -sl .rhool-tho .ire , of which .. Bli.lly fIL W 'Tl. wle.i, and if cH eiirert, rondaro marrb) lianiaslbl ..,1 ; roya boll, mind tnd Sody, tlH.uld tpMly ImMio'iaUlf vVhai 1 pli. M.ai a ye mao, III. hop of hit enuatrv. Ind ths lailli.1 of hi. parema, should be analcn.d from all i,ioaDcu and nj,,.,eiii. ol Hie n, in e.que..e al d.l.iIBrfrom tbo i..iiiuf m.ukc. and imlnlgio, In eerlulu HCrt habit Tlilah neraontbehMaeneHeuipiaiinf ' ot. aucSJ arrlaaa. cli-.lii.ir and lllla.l aiilh Hi aielaaeh.,1 " .1" . tli. liiiiiieM ol an.Ahm becitna hllalitad with mi, l H t .0. 7 m.MII rnK.Kl?. mX'JZI Ud. Au. e'o.oicAL Oravia P.an.-.- 1. d 11 mi iiia. un.racy I'reveiii juu, but tpplyl iimedl nirwaigcr, lli.ni.ny thiiuMnil core,! .1 im. Imrtllulloti within Ihala.i iwelveyear., a oil the mmieroai Imiiorlant .ur.ical Ooer.u ..rlori,,, . by Ur JOIINeTO,, wa.d hi Z iui dully p.pei and many otl-f rni-iioUe. of whlek have aiain and .gain appeared helore the puhii,..,. a a.irEriI ,n;';;;n":,", ,",",,at,, w,u ,m, sis Tnkn S otic. M(. i . . r.. w.. i iiar are ao many wn.nraniand worthlM Onuij. ..1 ve.iialnjtne.i.eHv'a a Phy.lcian, rulmng ih he.lth o. Iheil. TO ULILDEIt. HOUSE FKAMES, ANY LENGTH UNDER thirty, seven foetj Flooring, wldo Boards, Weather Boarding nd proiniseucn. Comber, furnlabed a ihort noUc. IVoni a a-"... ,-- iui, pa, asm lower loan 1 t..i.. i:ii . . 1 . . . , r e .vi ins of inn niaee. ky GEO. 8. GILLESPIE. June 21tb, 1H.j6 TMll hit. HANDSOME MANTILLAS, at . V Handtom Mantilla, at . - 3 00 . 4 09 00 6 00 RYAN. Handaom Mantilla, at . -. Handaom Mantillas, at 1M 14. HEDRICK SSHY UIHW AT COST. WE would call th attention of parehassrt to ear t i Goods ) that branch of our buiines mast bo elod, -aud w will poattivdy sell rery artiol w bar In the hous ta that lin at nett cost. , S. It J). TELLER. Jan 2. ' f esspoi;k. -100 bbls. Mess Pork, jnit reeiv.d . , WILLARD It CURTIS. al by Jaiy a. CRAPE SHA WLS-A few Wt, will be closed out at cost. Jus 20. S. k D. TELLER. NOITCK. HaVINO MADE ARRANGEMENTS to cbanr. tbo chtractcr of my busines, (to Uks effect ea tho 1st Oc tober next.) I bow offer for talo, In lot to suit purchasers. y present Keck of GOODS in More. Dalar and .! Tt n respectfully solicited to call, a th article oa band will b disposed oi on lach termi w cannot tail to r;'. tic ftlon. l . ... GEO. HOLION. Sept. 9, 156. f?LUlD. lU bblc. for sal by L April lfkh,. ADAM", PiRDTI? V ft - T'4 OUR STOCK OF DRY GooDa bum br th 11 of July, and w would eH th a ert, both wholcaals aad reUll to our stock, v . ITery artlclo t Estl cost. Com tod j nd? f r ; t M;B. . , SM.. . sy f t.fl;. '.'X it m hwiiik irittntiui raniniiti. tin i".! J.i.-fiVl 1 "relto", mi dth puiVtS ow. - -' u i .m imt i n wan ni t i. fro,. 1.1. ..toa.Iv pracuao In tho act haaoMal. I. tl America, ha can eonltil.nlly recommend t af tad ml. .S a .4-1 In. ..V .1.1- I ..i J A i f Ur siioiild rvfl. ci ih( otuimI toind .nd nod. r, .., ryr..ii1.n.io pmm.H. coonul.l.l h.pp,M-,. JnTJ. Ju!. r. ....... . .... w . I IBI miiU -. .h.J owed Willi .-,,., i-twn. 11 oeitaaary lolav, ao. ei.ll; ti. tlioae nnai quaiiiied wllh hi re,Miltion, that b srsdsn ill or dipMiiH .lw.;t oanf In hi flc. ' , " I IKK So 1 11. All leiiert must be post-paid, and eontal 1 piat.i iu.hu lor th. repl;, or ao nar will be sent. . iueii, 1, lu .181. ts"V .