V I ax I; j : JJ 1 I'L'BLISHEU BY FULTON TRICK WILMIMITON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOIXAKS A YEAR, IN ADYACtl GLUME (. NO. 53. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. IS5CL WHOLE NUMBER 1.600 : ni rates or ui i 111 day 9 50 1 Jay, . -a" 2j l .aye, 37 1 3 dart, ... . 4 dayt, . 3 days,.... ......... 1 week,. S7 we-kt. I ST. 1 mtnth, 3 t taeath, W ; 5 atoatht, 5 00 n tti, s oo I I jw li 00 t idxv 7i 8 days 1 00 4 Jivi .... .... .... . 1 S5 Sdays 1 40 1 week.... .... .... . 1 75 3 weeks 1 73 luoath 4 00 3 aoatbt. 7 30 3 BMWith 10 00 BOGtbt 1 00 1 year 30 00 .iaee are ek.au tad a a aqaare, an 4 tva licet ar 1 a su.i-aacare. Longer advertiaemeBt ia prvportioa. Bad all payable la advaaea. Whea ao paid is advance 23 eaU p t aquar. will ba charged mCut tba 4rt iaeertioa Bar All half q,aarui sat paid fur ia advance will ha charged aJ a aqaar. , er " aaaKratioa Biade wlthnet a retnible aama. B . - - Mat AI.KU dk ttl VI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UE.AL.bKS IN GRO 1 EKIES AXU FKOVTIONS, No. XI Nih Watsb SratrT, Wilutingtoa, N O. sy lrlti 'mat the eoaatry U rvceive prompt attealioa. March,'. I-p JtMKft N. TKVE0i, K tTfor tba SALE OF ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, W I LM I N I ; TO N . N . C. hi-b J. M. UOUINU M DUTKRS, M A N I' K A ( ,Tl' II E li S A IK NTS, AND I Jirtt ia llriwr, Caltery, !ra, .-Heel, NaiU, Agr ml- t aral lioplv(tint, to. Jan. 1st, IMS ( (OMMISJUON MKRCHANT,!h WatrMrt, Wu-mriBTON, N. O. ja. 7, m. "J'y C. W. TYIUH. tH'MMlSSION AND FOKWAUUlXiJ MERCHANTS, , WlLLHINwroN, N. ('. Sept. ht, isMlflu: -X. UOLMtS, n'ORNET AT LAW, WlLMITO!, N. O. if- Offlca Prineentl , East of the ttata aak. Aril3. IVKi.(7!-tt. Fl il-L . ITT1 a, BOhERS AND AUCTIONEERS, WlLSlNOTOM, N. C. UrVttc in llall'l builJiog, North Water ilrect. ArilrHh, l5 1 . O. L. KIIXkAW, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WlLMlNflTO.I N. C. . March 13th, 1S33 li-tf HATHA WAT, J. L. HATHAWAY J, A J. 1 IIATII4WAV WM. d( O., a I'Ti.iT lOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Not 1,134. Wilminotiw, N C. JUaKPIl II. KLAANlUt, U Cwutaalaaloa Mcrvaaul, Wilmintoo, GRItlCUA ta-iyj ADAH, UltUI IIKH tU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J WlLMII.TON.N.C. GEO. IIARHI94, Cli NERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, I Wilmington, N. C. J mit lit, 1354 ltL- laa roTTaaaewH, akmand j. diiombt, jr., a. t hrown IBOWR OaltOSHUT, Naw I wrk, JaROaiKT A BllOVV N, U llailnatwa, C. tit COMMISSION MERCHANTS a. soiXMil, portta.jr., J. camiidii DOLLS Kit, I'U I I KK A CO., L.IM MISSION MERCHANTS, lbl-lfJ New York aLlkrai cah advancai mack on ajmignine nti 1TC. CRONLT HKOKEll, AUCTIONEER, AND C.ENEKAL COM MISSION AGENT. Vii.mioto-, N. C. Uai I Kitatc, Nrarora, HitHh M k, HoikI. kloua ka ' KarnK n re, and Tcry ilcscriptlun uf P roir rt y bought anJ auld on flomtniflon, either at i.rivatcer public tale. "Hafento tbblie genarally Jyno lth. 1V3 211 IIR. A. O. llllUI.KY, lITHOi.l-.SALK and Retail dealer in Faner Articles and VY Perfumerr. has lust opened a lame arid beautiful as sortment uf FANCY GOOllS. ninny of which are of ne patterns and of superior workmanship, port Monnaies. "rentlemea's Dressing Cases, Cigar Casea, Hair Brushes, J eoth ao., Neil ae , tcni s r-naving no., r iein ior, ue ia Ware. Powder-ruffs. Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia -puH, Nickel and Silver do., do. fine dia Gelatine, Ruflalo Dres-irg Combs, Indii jinn I Glaf, do Gel rtabber de. I juneaio, imi V7 ATM ? V aVHoxii KLIN A It. VaiKoxrrlki vavuohkf:lo a, mtoiiiKit, Wii.MiNaro.i. N. C. Ml I ANUFACTURERS of and dalers in Naval Stores. Storeage and Whariage for Produco lurnicted at fair ates. an Jer insurance. 11 aesirea -u A. II, V A!UOHKBI,K, lENFJKAL AGENT. COMMISSION k FORWARD- IJ ING MERCHANT. Wilmington, N. C. 1 articular attention given to sale ul urcha'C of Naval Stores. (Jan .-.;.-- 100-ly btI IT K R V IV f ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will give hli poraonal attention to business entrusted ta hli eare. yJ.S7, 1333. lAMttT. riTTRWAT, BRoaoa K. PRITCHKTT. I'KITKWAY PUITIIIKTT, G.ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North r Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. e Will give partieular attention to the sale of Naval Sicsxji, Cottoi, &o .'an oar y 22d. 15 T. C. U OKTII. ' 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jl Jan. 5, 1S58. Wii.minotoi, N. C. IMEi ANDIRSOI, EnWARO SAVASI. A.tURUHOM V BAVAUK, 1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W Wilmington N. C. Liberal eash advances mude oa consignments. K)v3 WA: KKR MEAftF. l. MKARRS, M. V. WALKER ME A RES CO., (ai-rckaanaa to c. Ic b. pvrRa.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 45 MARKET STREET, May 21, 1K56.-221 tf, WILMINGTON. N. C. OllltS, !. B. HAWES. OI LEU etc IIAWEV ItJHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, t t t. A V li TIW iliwuw Wimiimjtoi, aT Cash paid for Furs. N. C. eiRROfl C. WAT01, OAST01 MRARR. WATSOT A MEARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' , 34 Burling Slip, New York. special attention paid to the salo of Naval Stores, Cot- T( f, and Southern Produce onnerallv .'Jheral advaneei made ot consignments. July 1, '56 Da. Ml Hit AY HAVING LOCATED IN WILMINGTON offers hie pro fcssional services to the citixeni of Town and surround in eauntry. Offioeon Front Street, opposite Bank or Wil mington, where be may be found when sot professionally en caged. Aug. 19 235-tf J. HARTRY COCHRAN, w . , COCHRA! IUISKLL, (Suoeeworeto Tbomaa Allibone k Co .1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No 32 North Wbarvcs, and 63 North Water Street, Phila dribia. sWLibcral cash advaaoes made eaeoasignmenta July 30th, 1863 4 279 DR. sVHASClB flllLLKR, HOMEOPATHIC THYSICIAN AND SURGEON, res pect fully offers his professional services to the eitisensof Wilmington, and the surrounding country. a u r ihr-k raci alsMt, aver tba Mat at w uaungtaaa where he can always be found nnle'i absent oa nrotessional bnsincsa. . . Aug. 21 ZKi-dtlstJaa. " WIDUIFIELH'B NKWCtlOK DKK." ' rpIII3 is uniracstionably the bet Cook Book we have 1 ever iccn So says tba " Saturday FJvealng Post," and every one who haj examined It, say the rime, jait rnblisbsd, for sale at 8. W. WHlTAKEfi'S. to. aut'Tro.1. . . nr. HOt "STO WKST, AUCTIONEERS, aMM!SSIiN MERCHANTS. RE CElVl.Vi aai FOKWARIUNW AGENTS, U'lLM.lMTO.X, N. C tvt. &tk. is5b r,tJ W . II. TI HUiltH G 1 t.NERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wimixaru. N. v ft-a fnaerlj occapl.-a k. w . 11. Mr3k Mewr.. Latwrioh Jt Ellitt, f ll'rCt- 1 Juljjb, 1-Ob gj-U fiTu. KILKKS X17HOLF.SALE(;RiCEK AM' COMMISSION MER Y CHANT. AND DEALER IN NAVAL STOKES, Crar ot Water aaJ Market wrtvt, WilmU gtao, N. C o4. ii, im as-tf U. A. Laxost- J. M. Mo. LA0T MOK, (10MM1SS10N MERCHANTS, J WlLMIXUTOJi, N. C. OFFICE Near the WUniingtaa au.t Woldua R. K. d ot. Wa kare tb ia day formed a ew-f artaorahip node the av till, fur the parpuat al traaMrtiug a hone burinsj txclu aiealy, aod bvpa. by atriet alteolioa U the iuter-t of our pa I ruui, ta merit a raatiauaore tif tkoir farurt. I Kir wbarf and warehouse are roavenicDtly looated, aud all C"Ui,u uteatl of Naval Morn, Cottoa, tUf in, Kljur, T ttlh.T ci.ua try produce, eilbt-r for la or rLiputut, will net-iv our ewoMipt and rerauaal attentioa. Oci 13, InX. 7 -It 34 tf " w'. p. kixiot r. C COMMISSION Ac FORWAKDIXd MERCHANT, aud Af?ut of Laiterloh A Co'f liue of MrAta i'au, Fay eltailU, N. C. Will aUoud promptly te all baoncu in(ru led .0 k.t ear. vet 22 -4tf. "a. u"."m i f. ti , ' 1 IMrUKTICH AM 1K.LER IN WISES, li RAM) I E S, GISS, t.. . w 7UULI) KEPbCTFULLY ANNOUNCE T THE LUblio, taat oe feaa just Piioel tba itore innrlr occupied by Or. 1). Uu I re. Jr., corner I nunc an i Wattr atretti, where ha introdi to ket'p ala on baad a full ui ply of Ihe above. Dealer in the geuuine article woul 1 Jo well ia C"inX him a call. 1 le also keep eomuntiy "U han't a lull nuk or IK.mn tie Liqunrt, such aa WHISKEY, KRANDY and til. April 24 117. W. U. aleKoV. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water itreet. Wilmington, N. C , intends keeping, at the a- bore itand , alarre ateort men t of t i R t K: E R I E S, L I O U O R S and PROVISIONS at wholenale and retail. Particular at tention will be paid to all orders Imm the country. 1 would respectfully iuvite tbe citnens or vv iiuungton aua t tie adjainlng country, to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 intend to carry on a general com. miaaioa busmen, t Articular attentioa win be kitcii to tne sale of Naval Stores, and a'.l kinds of produoa Liberal Ca.h adrancca made on connignuients. Wilmington, October th. KVi 27-lf-iitf Or. A.oTllit VuLK'li , DRUGGIST CHEMIST, Wn.iuiroi, N C Having rurchaned the Drug establishment of Mcr S. B. h J. A Evans, will keep always on bund, nt oJesal and retail, a targe anil very select stock of Drugs Medicines, Chemical, Paints, Oils, (Jajis, Surgical lastru rnenta, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, at low prices. ssT I hysclan I'rescriptioni pat ap correctly ana wnn die patch. iMareh )th, 1S54 li-U JAiwaaC. Smith. Mn.au Comtin. JAR. ( . SMITH iV CO., COMMISSION MERCHANT S, offlee second story, cor ner South Water and Market streets, Wllmingtou, N C, where they are prepared to attend to all businesi in the Commission Una. All busineu entrusted to them will be punctually attend ed to. Jm.U. l- VV M.C. IIO VV AKO G EN ERA L PRODUCE BROKER, T Sept. 20. lS54.l3-tfl Wilmiictoi, N. PKTTK W AV ck riUTtllKTl, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wii.Mtaoro.i, N C. Reectfully Inform Cotton Planters and THrpeoline Dis lillors tiat. with a view of serving their axc!u-!v Interest, they will devote their undivided attention to telling COT TON. NAVAL STORES, and other country produce, and. to carry out this system effectually, will not make purchases of the above articles on commission for Northern and Foreign account. Our office Is corner ol NORTH WATER und I'KINOKS.S streets. t ur wharves and sheds are een venicntly located for I ho re ception of produce byeitherof the Railruadsor Steamboats. eTCaih advances made on consignments April22. PETTE WA Y Ai 1MHTC1IETT. BY NORTli CA ROLiNAirA"iL liTAlT 10 bales North Carolina Kerseys and Plains. Sold only by fpt.ll,iy3. HEDIUCK Ar. RYAN. .writ k. R' ECEIVED THIS DAY PER RAILROAD 2tw N. C. HAMS, ltd) SIDES BACON. For sale by TIU'S. C. CRAFT", Aug l, IS35. No. IS, Mrhet Street N. li Iton't forges to make Prandy Peaches. FLOCK. yT bbls. and 123 bags Flour, different graded. just 111 f tJ store, an ,nd for sale by Auff 21. WILLARD k CURTIS. K HUMS P. R. SUFAR; 10 bbls. Oarined do.,-land- For sale by Aug. 4, WILLAIIDACI'RTIS. Hl AIMKIl HTOC K . ALL Summer Dress Goods will be clod out at rot for cash. . IIEDIi CK Ji RYAN .. BAH-I". GRASS CLOTH and MOSQUITO NETTINGS at re duced pnces HEDIUCK RYAN TO TIIK I.AOIK) A H invoice of Rich Embroidered Gondnpened this day. cotnnrmnir Kich Muslin anil I .ace siia.uollars, eleves find Handkerchiefs Also, handsome Mourning Collars and .sleeves in Silk. Sept II, IsSrl HEUKICIV k lUrt.x. JVOKTIIK.K AI'I'LKN. JUST received, and open for inspection, an excellent va riety of Pippin Apples In fine order. For alo at the Broadway Variety Store, No. 40 Marknt street. ept. 7, IHSti. W. H. DkNEALE. KKKSII . I.OI K. TUST RECEIVED, THIIITY-FIVE BARRELS AS J aorted Brands Fayetteville Flour. Wa are receiving Freh Flour every week, and frequently twice a week ; that Is something worth knowing, as we do no I sell snur r lour Aag. 28. 15. McCALEB t PUNTING. ENGLISH GLUE 3 casks superior Engll.'h Gluo. for laleby ADAMS. BRO. CO. April 3d. itVMMllTKJKis. LIFE OF MILLARD FILLMORE. Life of James Buchanan. I laisy Chain. Book of Humorous Poetry. Bernard Lite. Miss Murray' Book. Worth and Wealth, by Freeman Hunt. The Wanderer, by the author of the " Watchman." Cantwell'i Justice. The Martini of Cro'-Martins, by Lever. Received and for!taJe at Ag. 23 WJ1ITAKER'S. ROTICE. THE subscriber bavmg nnisnea nisconirans in im3 exiuntry is now in town, and ready to contract for IS; 1 any kind of work in hit line of busioese, aa Carpenter Ja-sL and Contractor. .. w. BOSE. sT Repairing dona neatly and witn ai.paicn reb. 5th, 1904 132-Staw FIOt It. FlMILT, EXTRA, SUPER. AND FINE, just received .. f aN. C. R. K. For Ml. by w o v er. 4th. " iDiiiiiii'o ni luu.". VHA.OlW, HAMS. SlUgl A!U SHtH I-UfcKS. WE have ia Stnre and are Constantly receiving from tne counties of Wayne. Wilson, Gwene and Edgccomb, a eheioa astM af BACON, whih we eaa sell right. Call ana examined. PETTEWAY & PKITCHETl , Aa M. 1858. Cor. North Water and 1'rinceas sis. DTCW.K ALCOTt'SCON F ESslo.N 3 of a Si HOO I, MASTER revised edition. Jast ptihliKhed. Received aad for tale at 8. w; WHITAKER'S qtHE KEW YORK JOURNAL, for November ReeeiT- X 4 Red tor eale at ,8. W. WUITAKER'S. v.t-.i:nuro iiutk.i. in iLinxu-ittxiMS to itr.-T. SEVERAL FINK lUH'MSia Ihe aWe FailJlaf au't irv Bt. Ff tera etc , apply t THIS OFFICE K 1 Xb, Iva . 3-Mf A tXiMFoUTABI.E DWEI.LT! . Frt t .irxt-i. .itiy I Ji'ii.i A r.ft!vr.u. nut HrT. f THE j Al l Ou JLlXMn-bu DWEL1JN i HOl'SE oa tbe eoreeref FUih luek rvts, recently oevajuf-l be .Mr k. M. ltn All IT to .M. II lit.. Oet-"Jh. 1 tt-Ht I'UH HT. ONE OR TWO MALL I'WtLl.lXG Ht'l'SES wa Market street. Apply ta JAMES GRANT. Sept. as. I-tf M'lt KM I . STOKE ON SIXTH STREET. IMMEDIATELY a-t ot ib M I'wr Hoa. Tbe tmildiug has bet a A p. 1 Alm tNw 1 1 A K r atnx iae KaiI Kual, lorttKy oc cupied by W. A tiwyer. Tbe Wharf trials uxty-sii f-t ou the river, aa I rurn back t f'nmt .trr"', with twn v at aio.Uoa Sl'IH I r HOl'SiCS. TW O S I ORE-" at twa atariea each, and a OWE ELI Nil capable of aceoiuuJating uue or two ijinihes. If dvairrj, 1 willbaw tbe pnprrly A ply to MATILDA I'll VAX, Adia'i . or I H WILLIAMS Sept. ilia. ' latf " nut 11 km. THE STORE and DWELLING near Ihe Kail K04, kaowu as Ihe CHV Houw. Several SMALL Hol'SES near Dry Pond -for twelve month train flrsl of I H; tuber S.pt 2id. IV4i-lt GEOKl.K HAKRISS. rtilt MMT, THE HOUSE lonuerly occupied by Mr l'itti, B South idc CUesriut, betwet-a SrooHd au l 'third sir ets J. E. PIERCE, A.lm'r S.pt. . i ltf r oit iiK t Wow" iii!T im ToitKir STI!E an Water Street, DWELLING HOUSE on Third Str'tt lJf I.CTTE'iLOII k ELLIOTT (Herald Copy) ;-epl. IJ-b-lf arouKK ' oit ukm . FROM the Dt October Beit, tbue two Ueeirable Slores on North Water street, at lire nut incupitd by PriSK 'c aud ('. '.mt io.Lu, both excellent stands lor the retail Irade Apply t JN'O. L. I OEM K5, or W. C. FERGUS. Sept. Ui, Ki. II If. r'OK i l"fcT, A A VALU I!I.E LOT, WITH SEVERAL SMALL ill II' .'USES THEREON, aituated on Fourth, between licii Cros street and the Railroad Rridge, and extending through to tilth strce'.. Terms easy. Apply to JNu L. CANT WELL, Aug. 2li, i-lf Hr-ikcr. MMl l. K OlT riXvTl THE hRICK HOUSE ON EAST SIDE MICtiND tn-'t, between M:irke un l Priin'rss now occupied by the mils Tiber, i olf'iedfor sale oh accofiimoiUting lerui' till October -Gt, hen, if not o., ii will be rented, cither with or wiibout lurniture, for one yeur Aug 2i, t. 27 tf JAMES F M. REE Ktllt ItKaT , m;im 1 nr. i-t m niiii.n iu commo t rick Dwelling HOUSE on Second street, between rrn- and Chranut street, adjoining the reaiden"" of Willi mi C. lletteueourt, Eni , and recently occupied by S A Hnlrma, En. Apply to P. O'REILLY. Aug 2l-2!Hi-tf ' l oTt h. I , " FOR TWELVE MONTHS, from lt of October next, that large and commodious Dwelling Home, at A. prevent accnineu by Ibns. r. tiause, r.sri. AIo, Two .uull Teneuienls, situated nearly opposite th Melbodiit Church For terms, apply to Aug. 13, Kri-2!'l tf II FI.ANNER. """'Oil HEM, THAT DESIRABLE BRICK TENEMENT I P' N Market Street, adjoining tha Store of Mesars.lt A' C Bradley on llin Eaat, is offered for rent the re- maining year by M CRoNLY, Broker and Auctioneer. July 2l, I till - -'.'73 tf IIE l -T ! ap--j", .1. II. FREEMAN, having bought out Dr Mf" Kennedy, 1 Bcra his services lo the citixen of 1 r f T r Wilrningloti and Ihe surroumling country, aa praelieal DhiMTI" T. All opcratiuna perloriui'd Sy him warranted to give entire satisfaction. MIONT Sl liEET. Oct. Kith. KVi. 311111 AI'E KKtll i AIIEHII. pin; 1 on VIE EXERCISES of this institution, will be resumed tin' I st oflMnbcr. The I'rincipils give notice that they will open a night School in the T mpe ance Hull, lor the accoiiimodAtion of youiig men engaged in bu'inest during theil.iv For par ticulars in cither, sec card. J D. KAIH.'LIFFK. 1. tober I 2itr I N 1 H ANDR KWS io itKW it iT RUN AWAY from the Subscriber, "hout five wc. ks ago, a negro girl named M r,, about L'lye ir, nieiliuni sue, light complected reward for her return to me I will give the above Aug l"Vi-tf JESSE IIOWDEN ( IIM VIIT I EH ox TO THE JAIL OF NEW HANOVER C T on lh" 2llh iii"l , a negro man named Dlt;K, i Ohe belongs to EdwarT Johnson, of Hanover i inear Richinond, Va. Said boy is of a dark ba " . . r ... - I I.-.. I . . lu . . I .1,1 TO THE JAIL OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ho says I oil lit y, aeon col- or, aloiit5 feet ti or H inches high, betwien H and 20 years ot age. I no owner is nereoy noiiueii 10 come lorwaro, proe property, pv charges, ami t ike him away, or he will b-dealt with according to law. E. D. HALL, Aug 23, If v Sheriff. CO I'AII I RltilllP MI'I l E. ill K UNDERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED lilt. DRUG ESTABLISHMENT of Mcasrs C. D. Du- Pre T hey will continue cs, un ler the firm "f May P'th, I ' the Drill? lniinc In it vari W ME A RES k Co. WALKER MEARI JOHN L. Ml. A RE .m branch M D 2l-tl OOPER'S NAVAL II ISTl R Y Continued lo from his minuoripts and other authentic soiircen. Kiri, witb illiKlral ion. Received and for fale a' Oct 2:1. S. W WHITAKER'S. OH KKN'K CO.MIM.ETK WOIIKN. SEVERAL new and very nipcrior editiona, with original i.lustrationti 12 1110. and S ro , in paper, uunliu and half eslf anti'iii" binding, just published Fo' ')' at Oct I S W. WHITAKER'S BALLOU'.s pit'TOIII ALand ?itAf OF OUR UNION, for Saturday, November I'l Also, l,itet nmnl.era of the London Punch, Ihiy Book, ICxpre morning at Oct. 2-s. Uitlell s I.IVtne Age, rew Tom HrraKI, a, Baltimore Sun, kVc Rec.ived this S. W. WHITAKER'S. WRITING DESKS.-A few Rosewood Writing Deks henutifdl Papier Mache and Ojned this inorr.ing and S. W. WHITAKER'S. for sale at Oct 23th VTEW MUSIC Minnehaha (More-pan de Salon); New i Venus Walts ; Third Series nf Buds and Blossoms ; a collection of Sacred Melodies, varied for the Piano Forte hy Charles Grobe j Vocal Beauties of H. Trovatore, by V erdie, selected and nrrnngd expressly for Parlour or lion, oert ure, by Chss. W. Glover and Win. Ureasler, (13 Bom bers) ; Young Folk Festival, a collection of Modern Dances; Sugar Plam (Operatic Selections, easily arranged for the young) ; 1 hrce licautiful Ballads, by the Buckleys ; The Last Meeting with the Old Folks ; Words bv Dyer, Mu'io by Baker; Ki me quick and go, (Music by Fred Buckley); Nettie larling. (ong ann chorus) ; a Curious Circumstance; Poor Joe, (Words by T. D. English, Mnsie by Collins) Sparking Sunday Night ; Wheo all tbe World is Hushed in Sleep : Oh, Pi i thee a.-k ma not to Sing, Arc. For sale at Oct. 25th S W WHITAKER. PER SCH II. " WAKE," now discharging, wa shall re ceive 28 boxes Stationery, embracing Letter , and Cap Pap-rs, lilank Books, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Writing and Copying Inks, Marking Inks, Ulark, Bins, Red, Carmine and ladellible Inks, Black and lilae Writing Sand, Grm Mucilage, le i.a Rim's Heavy Cream-laid Envelopes, las La P uea VisiMng and Playing Canls, Letter Copying Books. Quills, Gum La be U, New Drafts, Bills of Exchange and Chech, Port Folioe, B-mkersi Cases, Memomndnm, 1ns rics for 1S57, Fine Backgammon Boxes, Calenders, Bill Filea, Cabbas, 8 per cent. Circular Interest Tables, Letter Clips, Time Books, Roleis, Ink Stan is, Pea-Holders, and various brands Steel Pens. We have now the largest and best stock of BOOKS A NU STATIONERY aver exhibited iu Wilmington. - Oct. 21. s. w.Vhitakejj., PI UK KM. INK. roRi K j. h t.it r pi mps 'PHE FIUK ENGINES saaaafaetared by Cwiag Ca , 1 L ,ts trk, ar being g. nerally lairudu-ed. aa they are I admiralty aJjpied t the purpu fur abiah they are iutradvd j eiawJy a-ts. aad rSieirtil srrvice, ia time t Fire. They j ar ih lifbt as te b read ly brsaght into rejuii:.'a by a aaiall lace; aa.l will, was six va.tkrw a Sve-eigbth stream t wU-r l ft bvrisontally, r ever aay nciiiaarj j lUree-atory bail iii Tb.-y Wvlgh sly aboul tAI lb ; are eeaxnscupd m ta hrt an l ftiwt durable saatmala; wea-R ilh or wubt sKlin. aad abs nateoat awry thaasHaa-righth tae priee at Urge aiapbiaea. 1 h Foree and Lift I'uwps. together with the M t.ardea eT Fire Engine, frem the aaiu suanulaetarers, are alt eieei I. nt an h i-o, cheap, durable, axU warranted to give aatUfaa lia. Taee lwpa eaa be ruraiabed wilh iroa. Lead ar Wood Pip-the latter preterable a here water U ryajairad furdriiiking The -e 1 'urn pa, w.ia tbe iwavr ef mi maa. ill throw water SO feet rreadielarlyt r 73 feet horiaoeilally. The tiard. or Fire l.agine will da the sane either cwnslitatiog an elflcwnl prUcU" ia eHsfttr Bear where tbev are tiiUAivd -Nl..t, where water eaa be W.I .1. I I L. . L.l. t' . ... aan, ni op wirnnBi a rurve l ump or r.i'K"' are pnpared ta e ply any d..Hpti . ofPairpafor Rail Read aU"rs, FaetMtH-a or eurixrat 10a l ariKaaee. aa ahurt aotiee aid will furnish Suetioa aud Leading lliwe of Rubber at I .1. . r .!.. 1 r 1? i- . itiyt-r, ti ana stat- iv-urru, ir sire r.i:t;inee r royi l'aai-. HOUSTON Jt WEST- W ittuu gt.j, 0-tbii , Kwi 2a-tf i'MKI'tllH 41U I l.l EC I HEIt. IT IS VERY eas-atiaJ that Ihe bead should be kept warm in damp an 1 e-dd weather. W have jus! receirvd a lot of In otter. .Mu-arul anJ ."-ilk llush l ai s, for that purpose. ( ill and see tbeai, they en u But be vie. 111 in style aad reek B. -a I Ir Hiunn OiLLSA HAWES. "'tIUh, K. J. H. IKHIINM'N a M II A V E ow in store tbe following vis : Iron Hollow Ware aad Sa-h Weights 1 loop iroa oJ m beat uu-tlity Naifa. t'rad, and Spiats. Iron A el. Hubs aiui Spokes. T'luiber and other Ates, all WJirinted. Caat Stetl Orulihlng II.hs, Spades and Shovels R'iee Sickles and Hramble St-ythcs IVr a.'rviug Kettles, Niiiim Paas, An. Mill, I 'ireSjlar, Cn si I 'at. an 1 other Saws Cirn Shellers, Straw Cutter, and Faa Mills (Urn lajoraud Smoka-Houae leks, extra good I'jJ Irfk ks Ihat rau't be matched Brass and Iron Wire cloth Wuvd Saws and Axes with bandies (11 thetu Cotluu Cord, I inen aud Cotton T wine. Ileal iU ilitv ot Sciaaors an I Neard'ea Rcgtr'a It Son's, Wnsteubolmes, and some more of the real Barlow Kaivrs. Scpl. IH, IS. III It I It Ml 1 1'." " MMII) UNDERSIGNED IIWING ENTERED I.NTt) A l opartnerahip, unl i the flrni hi llltl - ION & WEST, for prosecuting general A uctiou, Comuiisaion, Reeevlag sud Forwarding business in thia pUt, offer their services to the public Particular attention will be paid to the sale af every deeription nf Real Estate, personal property, the hiring id negroes, and renting premUes, either privately or publicly, aa may be dented I irdcrs fur I iroccric, r other good, will bo filled ou liber al IcriiH , ah le oonignitirnla, eilln r br sale or fhipment, will be punctually and properly allended lo. GEO. HOUSTON, S. M. WEST. Wilmington, N C , Oct. Ll, KM. ;if . ti-w, amot,-A . '- w;i;i,. S pti ruber 25th, 131 171y onn MOTTO 18 "TO FZaOAISt 4$,, tVllmltiglaii Hailfllr, llnrt.es, j $Vn T II H ft K MA itV V A CT O It If, 'IIlL subscriber respectfully informs the vu AT IMS 1 kotipoeonataatlyon band alargeaaaortmcnt of Cvaek, t'lg.aixl Mlk) liarnraat l.uilj'a nnel f JrnlleineM'B Bail. I a.llrltllt., t hl..,rar. Tranks, Valises, Saddle ead ' arpet lnga, .atciieis, i.mcy I runks, n. Always on hand a largesui ply f lrlnn l.t wtka-r and Vif ela, ar.d all vtbnr articles usaall y loun I In such establishments, all ol wh.jh he warrants to be ol tbe best malarial and work man -hip, and will be soli ' . f or i nth, or on thuth rultl ta pr mint customer a addl cs, 1 1 iirn.'rK, Trunks, Medical Hugs lie., made to Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a lair tirire orler Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a lair pri K to persons buying to manufacture. W bipaat wholesale A ! kind of Riding VehlcUsbought and sold on eoniinis- ilon JOIIcK J t-0.iOl.lt, BLASTING POWDER.-liXIkeg. beat quality, Just re ceived and for sale low, on manufacturers account, by Jaly II DkRos-SKT Ji BROWN. P. S. Any qian'lfy of Ihe above, or other description of Dupotit s l ow ler, can lurnished in this place, at short ao tiee, and on the most favorable terms. Apply as above. I.iRI.MI coNi.RK.-S WATER Received "and forsaie I1 b A O. BRADLEY, Sept I'll Druggist ll Cbeinl.it. li tA All OK KAIIIO. arollun Hotel, MARsrr SmrxT, Wti winot'ii. N. C. THE I N DKRSION ED W( iULIi H ESt'ECTl ULLY a announe to the Citiicna of Wilmington, aod tbe public gem rally, that they are now owning, and have ready for in spection, a fashionable and very desirable, and inviting stottk of 1 1 ATS. CAPS. MRAW GOODS, .Va. Tbyen meriileinpart LEAKY. MEEBE, GENTN.and other styles nf fashionable DRESS HATS. FELT, WOOL and ST If A W HAT'-, FUR, CLOTH, PLUSH, anl GLAZED CAPS, Lsdie. I. Ming HATS.Childrcn's FANCY HATS, CANES, UMBRELLAS, etc. To all of wbiajh we respectfully 'ieit an examinaMoB, feeling eonfideat tbat severnl year inr iwrienee at list Eaat, roTubined with our prrsfntunniialleij facilities will enable a. lo'jffer inducements to all who may favor us with their patronage. Order, re'eived for Military and Naval Hals an .' caps, Negro Wool Hat." by eae or dosen. , We shall alar, introduc", for the benefit of our customer. the French Hat Con'nrmateur. And as Mr. HAWES the junior rmrfnernf Iheeoncern re sides in New York City, we are endowed with facilities (not po'setiied by aay similar establishment) which will enable us to supply our enstomert with the latest FASHIONS, and at the lowest price. GILES k HAWES. Sept. llth B-tf It Ktv niHiiis., NOW OPENING BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, a targe and extensive awortment of goods, selected ff ihe Town and CoBSly trade, eonsisllrg ef Dry Goods, among which are negro Kerseys and Blankets, Dotncttio of all kinds: also. Hati and Cape, Bwtl and Shoet of evert Ta riety. Hardware and Cutlery, with a large asaortment of sheir goods, faddicry ana namasa, moi low-ware and It ails. Plows and Agricultural Implements, together with a full supply of Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be told low lor cash. It will be to the Interest of Farmers- and Strangers visiting Wilmington, to call oa at before purehaa Ing elsewhere. While taaaiBg down tba wharf from Ihe Kail Road, stop at Ne. 3d, Water itreet. MeCALEB k BUNTING Wilmimrjo!, ft. C, Oct. 7th, ISWi. f wM C. Christian Advocate eeepv 3 mos. ' 1 ((n SLGRO BLANKETS, at prices which defy lalVM competition Alao, the largest and cheapest Stock of DOMESl IC GOODS Brer opened In Wilmington. Oct 7th HEDRMiK k KTAN' TAK. BARRELS, ia shipping order, for tale by 8ep4, 1. i.ki.U HAULAWAY k CO. 2.000 '1ia4 5..l I r 4 A S W. WHITAKER.. I I If I S,ul '''i'lu Mnrkelt V 1 -IVS. R, llJTf 1 ' . j . ' - a J -U. I m. BtLTIMUItIC LOCK IIOsriTAL. tHXTTig KH!StX; THE roa4a at tla OMrttad laatrtatMa eSere t. aa. S ar i, iJ. aaj .Mly raortaal romo.1 ia iha mn,i I 1... - loa, faioa M Ta... ... ... ..a ,i. "".T"T "ma. Tawasj Mtst, . eatxarstlly, wba aea bectwo n,a vwnaas al (olltarw , ,.. rfrceJlui aaal aWrwetiva has a. watch aaaoally aweeyaa a, m H Uwrly srave Dwmm Is af yosmg wwa il l'ia uiiwt aaliJ i.T ale aad BrUtiaal laiajstcl, Wwa MI4B4 asaeevuas hava awirajacaas " haleamg aSM4re with lite tbualoraa4 ehunea, ar wasaal Wt ooataey tfce hvln lyre, avay ell alti todlSaaaea. 9larrtae Married rvrwaaa, ar Yeuag Maa a. 0 . , 'sting frartieis, be 1 aware of riijawal Weataaaaa, rs in.o leamfy, Uw(mmi iwaiia - "" ivuretj laperlaa lla whoplaoea blataelf aadar Iha raroaf Dt. i aiswia m t rrlisiowa!, e.xt.la ta hie Iwaiw as a lealleaialt, aad oi,ia ' roly uooaihia still eaa aba a " "..B.ie Os..t. YV..k..M , iuiiuadialely vtarotl. ao4 lull ior raaiuaj I liu Uiaaaae trws pawll; at at U.H,iaiil. h. , IVO hariowa tha ab-1 Uua.U imimimi ... I . .1.. . have aaaawlaa . , - . - . .. 'iriHra - - , pnysiral end tuaul powrre waatraad, arrv us arbiliia, alvapepaia, paionao-! .i - Narvaae Debility, aud Uuardiaaaaie otlea aikskd will, reaooai t, ,t,. JT WHireaol diaeaaa la their anus and ward. Alael k.Vaa . If ll.eyaa.nbau. ailiee aaaata, tka waatlnaartha Iraiua. r.n. llo. .1 II,. Irl, .kape-Ja.llrkHa. Imn,., f til b!,. vouaayatrm, CmIH aad avn.pi.aMM 1 Vtnmmtu2L tulai Jl Moalal 4a. sotti laluasal saaoJ-lf L?.1 t,M" ailltlt. ar Bairullar tit a ul M. Unj. K..I . , ., . ' . ;"" kx-aaa raoexw l lad da(rarllve In both lr a IruMisaaJa wlia pkeure la llieir frli Orvn a hm. t SLu,.- a . . Mtliaad side .ia frura Haluuiore .tree,, y aoora Ire,; try-He particular moUrvliL the BaiatsaJ aumhar aa will mlstaka the plaee. umaar, Bf yoa (T F- Iska bmk, oaaafvelha rtaawa aa the Danr aa.l Wlt.rf.. 4 Car, Warra., ee a. CaHa.., i, f tai IJCa NO MERIT RY OR NAI ar'.OI'R URroa ira . OH. JOIINSiTOk. R Meaiber of 11m Royal ColUe ol Burgaona, Uadon aral.u Irorn one of the ansst eminent I'olleg,, w- i,,,i.'..... j llr, ,rt,Hl wlew. III. h.a kaeaepeTllfl ihJL ,ul Ulof LonboB, Par, n.iladelphia, aad eUewhereTbaa sil!lat Soma ol Ilia oiual aalualalilna anraa lht ..... ! woeriaa ; troubled with ringing la.Uk. bead and eare mhimnlAriitnl 1 Hi. voiran-aa, homf alarmed al sinldrB aoanda, and lMMhlIaVlVir treqiicnl bloalitag. aUtuided aoiuetlnea with deraH,T. , . 7. - -: ;r: .. r . : isows. man mia.l, were cured iiaiaedi.isly. A tlestalss Olaeaaa. i Vt'lira llieniiasulil. il and uuiruUeal votary of nlaa baa UHhiBaMl tha aoeda ol I tils palwrul dlaraae it ,ZT, lena tlial an lll lunad sansa ol sliauap, ar drnad of diaci , tl. .r .1..: "' ..-.".""" " k. a . a a . . " niltlWIUI IIMaRa 'T7, ; ,,r'w"1 e.MBB.laeereiia, UHaealh Buvaaa. rnaltohleoVeadlul sutler 1,1,. by Bonding tl,, .IvfT be" - wwm. m w itinn intfHrnrtti llsa I . . K ll is ii iB.laaeholy laet, thai Ihokmnd. fall vlcUmt ta thla vadlwl diaraao. ia no I., lh. u.k.i,. . SB 1 BIB utiL!!!: uT'"L"tr- end Use la. 4 Src '"" 1 k Rlaaya, rSiyrtaik tv Urart DusafM.a. N.r. lrraa.lH,. l--4 th. lla-.4, TWoat, iraKiivw kat.iu al Ywata-wioth k-k J. a,.,..ka woiiiaiocicraoiiwu A Uolu, ,, , - e.aer, llt saay ewaa hw, aha in., ,.",Vi.i 12 .Vl sahjacl will pretnaa w aeay llkal the vows af f ,na. " . """" t "e tallmx late miMmiarf aahila Id. a k. uktZT a-ast aerioua aad aWrartive ivniiiIimiii ta aiak Vi.' . HAlflsl sMMnaasa i aimrf eakaeoa of the sytHern, INwvoua Ikhiiiia aad srara.i,,.. j. cay irall, .rue Irota ihe Uratrmuve IkaJit ef jmZ iZj . nary praetRa au fatal ta the heethht! stature of m. ,M ' the young a ho are atoat apt to eecixae lie Vtt lima fro . u.- i raaee ol tha dancers to whieh thev aoki.vi k.u " aiin la IVtrateam. has .11..,.. IL, " -7, - irr. Ilia IfUtll tm II..- Waty iBd Mll.J. tl,m ar. .Z.Z7 kBila and iirnemcale lo 1..1. '' leie hint from applying lolhnaa wlsb from adMcaltoa ,j '', "T lability, ran ek.aa balri.nd hint, dewying tm lhciliuu,i ' y.n,.t.m,a nf thie horrid dlaM a.ahi Ualr . npUrttlS Zti , ulearautl aura throat, dkmaed .ease, a.-tlum. I "lit. h4 ' a. Ilmlaa, dimaol juhl, daaf.,, aodc.n" ha a" la Z2l . I aad arma. bkatrMaaat Iha head, face, and S WraailUaaL .IT.!!? 1 ln with friahllul raplUlty, III ,t j., , Wlatt a? S th. bonea of Ihe aaae lelf In, and tba vkthi STtSL' jr t!1'"- n,'B Pf'ry the moat InvloUH,!, atM. 3 (ram blaikailva pr.e.,r.B ,h. Ural ho.piu.le la Kuror.i HA AmerK a,l.a eaa conRdeBlly raeauitwaiMl . , ,"a ! . te Ika aufaetanata vkallaa oi ll.i. K--.a a, " "M" ' ' dcra. wl..s by the aoaol llialdr.a.llui JTm'.TJri r-TaTiST " r:m.inu..u, and eRUer send th. aoforiuZ; ZXZ'U l" llm.ly grave, or ek. mat. the roaid.k. of (, lf, mlVwabli. " 'as PartlcsaJar Haaiea. k .J.Z2L,iTa UBMIBBITBI kT .H oninai aisraia, awina til ma una k ill t.l.. .t . r. ...a. saavixarirri in'iuiirrrr,, m f TheMaraeomeof the aadsnd nie.,B( M,y p,.u nrwd,iMab,-. mrly habilaol youllHVlit Weaknaaa nt ih M.7k i i . . " . r.,.' in th. Ilt afl, IMmat. of "JlX?? V"'"! r.l.llatr..a ol iIhs' llr.ni Ursnenli LZl "!."."!f.u.'',' ' i t r,1,.,ni f it.. II,.!, ruiiclloaa.Ucy.eiel WB.VlrJeV.fc - ttotia ! UtHieumiaitiB. se. ""ra eyaipa v i MsorAi.tv- tha lea.lul emeu upoa Ihe ntiad are MtaaA a. k. . -( npirila. Evil I.M-abodlnfa. Atvrahiw f fcu. A T.! IJIVf ftf mtllllillf. llllllilH y.Ao.sre ..aaeol ,.". p,,' i of all ssna. ran aow I...I.. -.T.. - esute ol their declining ltri.7 'MI Ttheii .TIJ . iiiniMiiuai in iiriMin ol u ll matm mm f . : wea1 ,k, pale and emaai.,..., h.y, . .,,,;, t, eouah and aniii.im. u( eon.ui..ioa. ' f . Jol...o. .,.,,.,.,. U.m.ay r, WSSkBSsS. " " ' y this great aud lnimrUul remedy, waak.w..... .t. are apeodily aur-d, and lull vigor rwlored. t iZZLJT. ."T". V awHWBcrvoua aad debillisled, who bad loot all lauaal iLil. !1 . . .in.BHdt.iely rellevad. All la.Bedln.om, iTm,; Pn!!!; ? ! A'-l-"".-"". "rv.ui Irrli.Wiiu.TiK X .' "'s'ists, or rsnausiailna ol l ie B....I lrarf.il ki . " , , enredby Or. Johaahm. UM rd" ,M. Yatiag M.st, Who have ''iJredthema.dveabyaCeet.lBPra,,r)l-na,1...1, i In alien alone-a habit Iretiurnily teamed Irom eTiil V1 "' arh.B,l-tl efleco whleh Ta g,X ML ...? L?1 ' aal'vii and If ool ...retl .dr. Mrf'Zln . rtrnya Unit mind and Body, should apply Mn,.Kv . wik.i.p.irih,.i,.u,llm.B)l,,(J LPr;s' ..a.., , darbug of hi. nerams. IhtHild ha .naif (Ll iJ"'.U"J ni '" riijoyui. Btaot lilu, by the cooaeoiMneeaj af davlaif.. K" .i" ' ' peth .rf naluro, and Indulging ia . ciiZt" 2 "?b(t"l. 'f Teon,b.loraooni.iiii.toani '" eeeret k,,t,lt, Buulr ) , shoeld refl.t that a sound mind and h'.aly tn the moat a.. rr militant ia promote etmuublal bappiVu VS2a ZZVi ! lUm, Ilia journey ttirongo lite hmJ ptn pr.n,e. t ..oiirly darh.aa to th. view the n.tnj Vot,T. S.i i? - w-d wilt, de.pat, and ttlled with Ilia inelanXr. ITSl' YL' . . e lipinneiw ol a.i.aiiet heoono. bllftitori w.lh ' ' 1'tHI K NO. 7 Wilrl'll r-MtllKlilLlI UmulmZr.' AM. 'Jl Au.B,,aein.ttre.aAfbmePaW);B ' N. II l!t u fila. dehcar.v nravant a... .1. . .. . aiely either pernillyor by letter. ' ' "W"7 1 mauh . - aaia msBAaa seaaoiLT cuaio ' Tw HtrawKcra, 1h many thouaanda cured al una li.aHi.i... . .' twelve y, and th. nn.nero.ai lmporu.it enrilca oJZtkS s oerlormed by lr JOIINerroi, w.lneaeed Vf 'TLil'n da.lv papor. and many atlier frmLiMttZ ZtJl " have agar., and aiala ap,Nred belor.'Tj,, pohTTe. . miS tool ' Take Xotles. 5 N- K Thar. ar. so mans liiior.nlaad ...n.i ....i. -j - f !",.,.'"". ":",,'T.P?. Iireicisns, rulin.il lias he. III. . l,e al. , ready artlieied, that Ur. Jid.nsioa demn. u altZmri in mil a." e..liy i.. ih,.e unarquainted wltli hi. ,uUun, iit.t iss eredea ' !aladink.ialwveH.nsinhta,,iH,'., a l AKt. MMK K All fetters must be pott piild, and coat. " a P sge stamp for the reply, or no answer will be aaot. . tlarch, I, lto6. Illv f t:,.S l'Ul K -,IW bbls. Meaa Port, lust receives rer y tviLkL.AIlU k CURTIS. . JB'T H. . HVTNG MADE ARRANGEMENTS ta cbarige Iha character of my business, (to taka ..- .v.. f.t i tober aext, ) 1 now offer lor tale, in lots ta nit purehtaeri. my present slock af GOODS 1. .. I k..i " ! .J' . ers are respectfully Solicited to ,.11, al the erticlee on hand . will ba dispeaed al aa sach termt aa eannot tail to glva 'atit. " ,183.. GEO, HOUSTON. rUUlD10 bbli.fortaleby r April Hith. auj ADAMS BROTHER k CM.- '1 : k'OTICB. .. . , , , JU.T received and forsaie, II ke prime N. C. LardtJO, bbls. Flour. Lowforeaah. THUS. C. CRAFT, 1 Jaly 10. . No. 4 Market are-t 1 . FRANK FORRESTER'S COMPLETE MANITAL for : " Yoang sportsmen, with directions frr handling tba (tun, tbe Kifle, aad the tied the art of fthooling on tba Wing- th Breaking, Msaagement, and Hnoting with tba Dog ; the varieties aailhsbit uf Game Rivet, Lake and Sea h uh eg, A ete.ete. One hsodaonl lima. Vol. Just tiuhltshea) R. , eeived and for isle at W. WUITAKLR'S. .7 f ' Ott. 2t. ' 4 I '. " '-at 1 r.iuftciim'v.A.r.ii. MAtjAZilM E, tor November. Re- ABcerveq anu loreait By ,- ' f. W. WHfTAKPR Oct 2S ' I i'E ATTACHE j or, Sato Slick In Engltnd. Ji Judge X Hallburton. Received and for sale al oet. zi. . W. WHITAKER'S. " BORTtl CAROLITA B ttOt. 3nfn LBS. HOO ROUND. JUST RECEIVED JJV) per Rail Road. Foreale by ' Sept. 24. lrv-xl i WILLARD CUKTH. KMPTT RPIRIT CASKS. Ci rn SELECTED SECOND HAND BBLS. F. ' t .e ZQJ by , WILLARD JtCUiill. ' t f

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