j ; !: H m I r n - ' J I i : j . i j- I 1 i I j. .' WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLAKS A YKAR. IN ADVANCE I'LULLSIIED BY FULTO.N J- PRICK TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 35. 1856. WHOLE NUMBER 1.611 : Volume e. no 67 or 4DSRT1IKU BA1 NMU. 1 lay,..-. - 7. - S tlay, 4 4Tt, C day. 1 week,.... ?i 8 wk,.... .... ...1371 I mentk, .......... .1 M I month,.. 9 SO t men thi, 00 aooJhA, ..- ..-..8 M 1 iuf 1J 00 aaa eae.e. ft 4 . 7 . 1 PO 1 . 1 M . 1 7S ldare AaJI .... . 4 day. . . ... . 1 week . . .... 2 we II.... .... .. 1 Mtk.... . - 17 4 00 r 9 t nteatkl.... . "aatth. .Mitht.... 'Jj JJ 1 TNT -50 00 lea li.M are eeaaUd m . q re, ead l UW r U l-Nim. UtfW adva-tlao-eat U pinion. bl7Ul.l1 U.hm. Wkea p'd i" a.T 15 be kmn will be charged aftor th r,tojaoV Alt kail MW4 BCI f. "' - ar p-bHeati. aaa. ..-. - - -: : M.riLEI BVSTISG, I THOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GEO (V CERJES AND PROVISIONS, IS. U riOITN HH CIlllI, -,... WUai.gtoa, N C. (r Order, frea U Mastry will reectre prompt .ttoetioa. MmA 30, H6 ; -JIM El M. ITCVE1SOS. U .mTfcrtk. SALE Of ALL KINDS of PRODUCE, WILMINGTON, N. C. M tf , WIUHMTON, N.C 1 Jl OETtPS, MANUFACTUREKS' AGEN "a C I OMl-n to Mnrr, Cj"7, Ir iUel, Nil, Ajt. OEUROIC W. 04VI. OMMISSI0N MERCHANT. Soatk W.UrStro. . . UVMMIM. o. w. .rnuii. riTMMIRO ITIROX, H'MMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, I. WlUJMlNCTOM, N. C. &rp4. It, 196&-()74. B. A. HOtllK. A TTORNEI AT LAW. Wilmimton, N. C. April . H6tt.-U7-tt. ""1- 11 ' It ORERS AND AUCTIONEERS, W rLMlNaTON, v. jarOflo. la HaB'l kaildtiif , Nortk Wn.r itmt. April tub. Its O. L. rlLLTAW, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WlUIIMTON N. C. MrAUtk.l86 . MATMAWAY. i. fc- 4TAWI WM. 1. BTLIT J. A J. L. HATHAWAY CO tOMMlSSlON MERCHANTS, Nor 1.1854. Wiuhmtom. N.C. .. . . JUkaH H. rLANNKK, CI KkBRAt, Cmm aalool .rofct, r (.iy) WUalajto,i. AUAMS, HHUTIUCH r MMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMlMTON. N. C. . . , . ao. 1iAi1111.it, j-jtNERAL COMMISSION M11,, oa, iv u. xso-iy io pornuowit,' ap . mjmit, E.r.i.owi BROW IT DoROMBT, How rk, UtROIIlT BKOWM, Wilmington, W.C., M, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. a. poluh, . romia, I. CAMIIDf- 1 0 v)MMrsS!ON MERCHANTS, 161- Nw Tork LlboriXouh adraoM M 0. a-ntntBOMo , , ... ... M. OHONLT UROREtt. AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COM . Batato, Bora, Bk IMck, B.Nd.,iIM kio'a rwrUmr.,adTrT dooeriptloaof Prprtjr koafkt aaJ told ea ooamlnloa, ttthsr t prttt or paono nw , irXuin to tbopablt pnruy. Jao loHk, 1IW - . nil. A. O. BB.AOLBT. 214 WHOl .ESALE .b4 R.UI1 ooalot ia Fwwf Artie m ud PfairT. fcMjt opnod a Iwgo .d be.atlful m ortatat of FANCY GOODS, My of wblck .ro of bow pattonia and of .uporivr workB.Mp. Port Moanoieo. STpthMt DrMolnC. Cliw C-, H.lr BrB.b.., .1. J. M.il . n.ai'i Sh.Tln do.. rleikGloT. Lhi- W.r.."Vowd.r--nff. Niokol and Silrordo., do. no di oad Ulan, 40) Itakkofdo. A.itln. linffala Droutrt Combo, India " " T . . V K. A U V-nKoKitLRN W. A. M. VAaBoaaaxaa A. H. A BROTHER, VTILHinf IVI-. k v. MANUFACTURERS of and daIor la N.yal H7 Storoacoud Wkar(KforProda lurnlitid .t fair aim. aiM-taraaoo. if 4iro4 "" A. H. TIIBOKKILlyi, ir-rmr. aof.NT. COMMISSIO F0RWARD- m tlril ! M 1 U.Ur atuntioa clroa to ial aud pockao of Naral Storoa. Una. 1. 1M -100-ly - twmnr pjl'TT. ACTOR AND FORWARDING AGENT, will flToklf portoMl .tUatloa t Wiinopi ontranea to b ldS7,lS6. ' . SABT. rTrrrtyaT, PBTTB OEOROI t. MITCHITT uflT ii fHTTCII ETTi GiENERAL COMMISSION MKRUHAWiB, on r Watr Btroot, WUminf toa, N. C. - -WIUflro p-rilonlar attontioa to tboial of Natal Biobm, Cotton, Ao. - Jaaaary K4. usoo . T. C. WORTH, "MBRiO, .AVA'DM,AVA" ( .ENERAL COMMI38ION UER$&. c. Wal tub adranw mad oa oowniirnnMinU. (0t3 walkbr; MKARBw CO., ......... (,r;CCI(WI01I.T. k w,fM i-.- :WHOLESALE.A.ND RETAIL Bgf t Vl7 23, 1856-221 tf. WILMINGTON, N. C. I. fu, ' " "-wis. ' ' : -Tf.C II A WW-.). w flOtESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS AnU BlJiAW uwi, WrLMiiwTON, N. C. . A Catk paid for Faro. arjkni c. at9oi. AiOII MIAIE W1TIOS M BARES, , . ' 84 Burtlnf Slip, Nw Tork. rM(ml aiuntloa nald to too flo of Natal Stoim, Cot- tow, ana bo-mo rroua Likoral adranaM mad 01 oonr foment. Jaly I, '58 nil. MI1MHAT t f AVINO LOCATED IN WILMINGTON olhrt kit pro- r. feoKMU mt ieoo to th ottlion 01 "f'"-! 4a aoontry. Offio. 0. Front Btroet, oppotiio Bona 01 " u " . A... w. L. k.a not orofeMionallT ea IDfW r ar- i "I- . . .a , Tln-iaa AnrkMMI h. Co..) i. J.i',rMtHI()N MERCHANTS. Na. J Kortk Wau, 8trt.PtLA P?n7 ArLiberal ao-k .ado ..,nlati jaiy -n, . t , - r 1 MiL KMC .f; 1 ; .- - - rRAHCI- HI 1,1. -.-H - -.v-...,,uviirTAM AND SURGEON. ro- Wilml-rt", and tb rounding "iry. - WHm. OFFKE Fromt .trM. rtr tko Baak " S f 1 I '-WlUil lLI'BltWtlHK BHK." AT jb. tt aj -.-., - . -. ..a v v.. it. v. the mm. Jan . n- rm. Borrroi a wkt. rcnONEER?, CVVMISSION MERCHANTS, RE CEIVING 4 FXUtWAKDlNG AGENTS lUHNSIVS, N C. A Ort. (tk. 136 W. M. TtMtnulW ENEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. TTW, N. O M-Cfie. fontrty fiiil ky W. H. Nwk. Ktrts TO Mwn. LalUriok LUiittt, J ' July i, H. It. KILEH1, WHOLESALE CKOCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, AND DEALEk IN NAVAL STOKES, Crt of Wittr mmi Mwktt MmU, U'Uiauictoa, N. C. I). A. Lam.t. J- M. Mdm. LAMOT A MUSK, t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiLMiMarmt, N. t. OFFlCE-Nr th WitalBCt.. m1 WelOo. R. R. .eprf. U'i kn thU dj farmeJ . e-prtBcnhip kor titU, Iuf Ik prpoM t trMMMJtiiij . k kwl. tirtly, tad kep. ky Mrid .tumi. u tk Ibutmu p. t rod, t nerit . etotinttMr of tkcir fTor. Our vktrf u d wrhBi ar. eoBTtawntty lotJ, u4 .11 oii. mriU of Nt.I Storeh Cottoa, Boo. r'Jeor, or otk try prvduc, oithcr fur mIo or ihipmout, will iteoiw o.r poompt lad portota! .ttBta. Oti. IS, 1HM. Mt-3Hf V . p. KLLior r. COMMISSION St FORWARDING MELCHANT. .4 L A (tot of LatUrlok A CV. lino W Si4U. lij- oturiiU, N. C Will ttuoil prmpuy u oumihm. ud to kit ooro. oot 11 l-U aTB. Milk 11, IVMITII ANU DKALE. I WINES, BRANDIES, OINS, it.. c.. WOULD RESPECTrVLLT AMiUUte. iu int. public, that k bM Iwt opoBod tko iloro formorly oocupiod ky Dr. U. DoPro, Jr.,ern 1-ruwmo wwwi ttrooM, WDoro bo iowou iv T ww.j. - - - --r ply of tko bo?. Doaloro 1. tko f tniuao articlo would do wU la firing kla . U; , m , . , II .10 kpi oootnt!y oa ha1 a full otool of Don- ti Liquor, tark M WH1SH6T, BKANUI Utui.i. W. H. aloiiUi. GENERAL COMMISSION MEKCHANrt auw. IT WHOLESALE ANU KfclAlL. imw-tn, cui w.i.. ..t Wiimin.t... N C . intend kni ai id koro uad, .Urp ortmoat of GROCERIES, QO.UORS Md PROVISION!, twiolo.iMrau. r.iiw. toaHoa will kopald to all ordorf Irom tko toaatrj. I woald retpoetfuily tarlU tko oitiita of Wllmbftoa and tko adjoiai.f ooantry, to U d tiomino my itotk koforo par i.k.ra. 1 Intend to oarrv oa . cat-l eo- Btixioa kaiinoa. Partlealar .tuntloa will b ir.ato tko oaloofN.v-1 Storos, ud all kiadi of prodiuo. UMru Cak adraaoo aiado a oinmnu. Wilnintoa, Qetobor ktk. laoi- w-w wi Ur. A. O. BHAULK1 , DRUGGIST CHEMIST, Wilmim.to-, N. C Haying parcbaaod tbo Drug otablihant of Moan a n IV A VT.n. willkMB alwarion baad. .1 8 wbuli '.ui. and rotaiL a lart and tott aloct tk of Dragi Mdioin.., Ck.raiMil.. PainU, Oil, Glaa. Sarflcal Intra aionU, Pateat Modieln, Prfuary, and raney Artlol, at JM-Phjriclan'i IWriptloa put np oorrootly and wltb di-patck. , Mareb 20tb, 1(4 r OMMISSION MERCHANlS,offloee.ndtory,eor. I k. U.t.. in 4 M-rk.t atrcatl. Wl mint to.. N. J a its a aat wm vvoj C, wkro they ar prepared to Attend to all baiinoM In tbo ComBluloB lino. ' 1 All bailnm ofitrwtod to tkoa will ko poneWally atUaO odto. Jaa. 11. taw- . 'WM. C. HOWARD GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER. Sopt.20. 1354 -13-tfl wiLMHtoTow, N. C PTTIlWIV FHlTCHKTr, FACTORS AND COMMISSI,; MtnnAii 10, Wlt.MllOTO", N. 0. u....,r-n-nfnrrnUnn rianter and Tarpantino Dit- ... -.. . aaa mvt)H tlllor tbat. wltk a ?Uw of ar?ing tboir xoluiiya "'.t, tboTwilldeottholraadiillatUntioBto Mlliag COT TON, NAVAL STORES, and other oountry produoo, and, to carry oot thi ytni ffectually, will not mak purehaio of tbo aboro article on wmmialon for Northern and torig a BOCOnnt. . .. i-n,vrrca Oar offlool ooroor ol NOIllH WAitu ano rivii-wbo- Our wharre and ibed'ar eonr nlently located for th ro coptioa of prodoco by ithr of th Railroad or Stoaaboat. aw Caih adraaoo made on oonrngnnwot. Aoril 2i. PETTEWAY 4e PR1TCIILTT. f) Y NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, 10 bale Nortk I Carolina Koraeyi ana 1 lain, .oj'"""''"! RYAN H.toOO- HEDRl-K RYAN. auriiK. RECEIVED THIS DAY PER RA1LR0AD 200 N. C. HAMS, . r.. . .1 . . . ... V, Forialobt THOS. O. CRAFT, Aog SO.lSM- No. iH, Market Strwt. N . B. Don't forge to aak Brandy Peach. FLOUR. and 123 bat Flour, difforent grade, Jut in rfZ kbl.. tort, and for ial by ,.. Alf-21. WIL1L1AIVU lUIH to, ' miuarT r HHDS P. R. SUFARj 10 bbl. Clarilled do.,-land- 'ing. horoalo.y WILLARD A CURTIS. Aug. 4, IX HinflKR STOCK. LL Summer Dr Good will bo eln.d oat a e'f'"' . cak. IIEDK1CK k RYAN. BAltOAMS. RASS CLOTH and MOSQUITO NETT1NGM at r.- f dueed price 1-n THK I.AU1KM. AN loToioo or Kick Latrotae-ia vtooi. pn" 17. oomnritinc Rwh Mu'lln and Lac Sllk.Collar. Seler ... . . . .. . . , . . 1 J IL!. J.. and Han.lkrchief. Alo, handwm ' MoarningUoiiari tna SleT la Silk. 11e.un.1ua Sept. II, IS66 NORTH UK" APfl-KH. JUST reeolwd, and opea for lapoetl-, aa ieeuont tb rlety of Plptia Applea-ln ne ordor. For alo at tbo BrZr N- "Q MW W.'lrD-NEALE. rHKlll U)( K. TUST RECEIVED, THIRTY-FIVE BARREUS AS J ortd Brand FaTtUrillo Flour. ... ,, W ar receiving Krerh Floor erery week, and frequently twicoaweek that U omthlng worth knowing, aaw do not ell soar Flour Ang. 28, 1S66. McCALEB k BUNTING. ENGLISH OLUE.-8 c.iki wperlof Englinb Glu. for wl by ADAMS. BRO. 6c CO. April 3d. . NKW BOOK. LIFE OF MILLARD FILLMORE. Lift of Jame Buchanan. Daiiy Cbaia. Book of Haaoroa Poetry. Bernard Lilo. Mi Murray' Book. . Worth and Wealth, by Freeman Hunt. Tbo Wanderer, by the author of the " Watchman." Cant well' Jastiee, . ... TbeMartia f Cro'-Martln, by Lew. Reeeired aad for'tal at . m ...... - MOTICB. rpHE vabaerla kariag laukod kUooatxacU Sa the 1 eoaatrr I bow ia towa, and ready to eontraet for ... wi.j r -k 1- hi. lin. .1 BUinam. mm .rpeni-r and Contractor. - ' . . , t G. W - ROSE Kepalrinc doa aoau aaa wua auvp-K-. Fb. 8th, 1857 132-3 taw r'LOtK. TJUMILY, EXTRA.'SUPER AND FINE, Jot weiTed AW?T 4Wtr Jm- CUMMING STYRON h. V. BAA.ON. HAH"MAKI Al BHOtA.OitR. 1 TTE ha-e ia Store ud are aoo-tantiy rwiTina in W .1.. . ur.- wii. (iraena and Edceeomn. a Art)N. whleh wo can aell rieht. Callwd eiamin. H ' PKTTEWAY PWTCTETTe ' ! a... -a IBM -i j-VM Nartk Water awd PriBeeM tt. TVR. W. A ALCOTT S CONKESSJONSof aSCMUJii --." . ... j. - U MASTER Ttriacd editfoa. J.kI Mblirhed. Rewired and for eale at It W, WHITAKER S rtyuF. nkw'Vokk J0ITR.NAL. for Norember. R eceiir pa. wto. WASU1XGT05I ItOTKt. Bl ILDlSt.-RCH.w TO KENT. f? SEVERAL FINE ROOMS Ib tbo aW- t.lUUg 1 are to real. For torva t , applj at this ornrE. (Vct.10tb.lSSo v 30-tf rOH REST, A CDMFORTABLP. DWELLINf. .a Front It 3 Street. Arplj to JOHN A FARKKK. iL IVt. ink U-Jw T UST RECEIVED AND FOR SALK- J 20 koxeo In tbeea ; AW, a lao lot of J'ta Kaakota. THOS. C CRAFT, POK RKT. . ONK UK. TWO SlAt.A. livrtu.l.vi llt'i rr." on Marktt itreet. Appty to JAMES tIKANT. Sept. 3b. IMf ' 4 STORE ON SIXTH STREET. IMMEDIATELY J: ( of th old !W lloua. Tbo building ku kcea acwly itted op. and adapted to MerchandUiog. A 1m -(.- WHARF abo the Rail Road, iormerly oo- eapiod by W. A. Gyr. Tbo Wharf IronU aitj iii feet oa thrirr, and run back to Front Street, with two etio aediotu SPIRIT HOUSES, TWO STORES of tw itorieo ach, and a DWELLING fapableof accoaodaAiag on or two faaUlo. If drd, I w,U lea tk property. A ply to MATILDA UK VAN, Ad , or J. B. WILLIAM?. Sept. 14th, ISM IDH RENT, THE STORE and DWELLING near the Hall Road, known a tbo Cefre Ho.ee. Sereral SMALL HOUSES aar IT lVuJ-U twcWe Bomb frija IrM of October. Sept. tU, 1S-U GEORGE HA R KISS. " KiUHUT, THE HOUSE loraerly occupied by Mr Pitt oa Soutk (id Cheenut, ketweea tnA aad Third lret. J. E. PIERCE, A Jur. Sept. 23. 186a. li- rOH HKNT ROM PIUBT 4K IOH0.K. STORE ea Water btroot, DWELLING HOUSE oa Third Street. . LUTTERLOU k ELLIOTT. (Herald Copy) Soj.l. 12-a-tf BTOIlh.a NOR RKT. FROM th lit (Vtober text, thoo two deirabl Store oa Nortk Water etreet, at preoeat occupied by GPrifi aad C. VonGlehn, both xoollt ttand for tb retail trad. Apply to JSO. L. F.OLMES, or W. C. FERGUS. Sept. 1, IS66. tf. H)U A Lhi, A VALUABLE LOT. WITH SEVERAL SMALL eft Red HOUSES THEREON, itaatd oa Fearth, between Croat etreet aad th Railroad Urid, an.4 eiiin; throagh ,0 Fifth M T-i-yAjg UWEti Ag. 26, lS56.-800-tf Broker. t)K BALK OR Ha. VI', f THE BRICK HOUSE ON EAST SIDK SECOND Jfil Street, betweea Market aad l'rlneeM, bow ooeu pieu oy the tubecriber, I offetedfor mIob aceoinmoKlating tw till Oatober Zlt, whoa, If not otd, It will b rented, either with or without furniture, for one year. Ag. 22, Irt68.-2!fl tf JAMES F. MrREE. TO HK I , FOR TWELVE MONTHS, from lit of October next, that large and eoamodioua Dwelling tiouie, ai nreieat aeouiied by Tko. F. liauae, Eeq. AIm. Two Hm.ll Tmewent. aituaUd nearly opposite th Metbodiit Cbnrch. For tora. apply to ..,.,. Aug. I, lSo6-g)I tf B..FLANNF.R. "rilit HKNT. Til AT DESIRABLE BR ICR TENEMENT UPON Market Street, adjoining the Store of Meeer. G. it C Bradley ea the Eat, I ffrd for rent'tb re- mainiag year by M. CRON LY, Broker and Auctioneer July 133o-fl9tf OENTIIT I 1 It FREEMAN, ka-lnibou-ht oat Dr. Kenncdr. offer ki terrlce to the eitlteni of Wllmlnitoa aad tn rarroaauing oouniry, a praotioai DENTIST. . , , " ... . . . , Lt ...1 . . .1 .nl!r. All operaiioni periormea ay mm warranteu atitfaotion. FRONT STREET. Oct. 10th, 1S36. IM" CAfE KKAU At AUKMV. fPHE EXERCISES of thi Initltutron, will b reaumed jl ea iae in ei uctooer. Tl. Prlnr,!.-!. -Ira nnlin. that the wl II OIl1 nllllt School In the Ti mnO' anco Hall, for the accommodation of yonng men engaged In bn'lnew during thday. r or par. tieul ia oitber'Neoard. J- D. RADCL IFr E. October 1. 2ztf j.-mu. p. Awurtr. w-. , V UKWAlfu. RUNAWAY from th Sabeoriber, about wkl ago, a aegra gwi nanaea owr,r' aw ' medium an, ngai eompiecieu. . wm vu trew.rd fur br return to m. Aa. IO.1856.-tf JESSE WIWUhN. iOMMlTTEO X TO THE JAIb ur new imwi r.n wum i f k. 9.itk In.t . a a ear maa named DICK, whoeaTI ... .....ii inuiiirru 1 1 7 k! ' h belong to tdward Joaaeon, or uanorer uouniy, .... u tknMnt. Va. Said bor ii of a dark racoo col- .. a a l-.V.. VI t k.t wn IH anil ?0 e.rfl of c. Th owner i hrby notllUd to ooa forward, pror he owner i hrby notinw w com rorwara. pror y, par obarMt, and tak kirn away, or ha will be dealt gaording to law. L. J- "ALL, property with accord Aua.5. IMoK.-tT CJO-PARTBEMBHIP aOTHK. . rnHE UNDERSIGN EU HAVli ruKL-HAShu ! m JL DRUG KSTApMOmm-'" oi v. a u- j'u- I'ra. Ther will eonttno tno ig nn-nia iht.h.j...i.ih.- i . . ... m . L A If L I'll Mnnd.r IB Dra " ni r.n i r..j m v,'. JOHN L. MEAREM, M I). May 19th. ISM - im (OOI'ER'S WAVAli 11IS1UIVI. i oonunu-u i i,, from hi manuwripti .nd other authentic aourcei, with ....... ...ntr -. . . i I lurjl illustration. K-Mleed and for tale Oct 23. 8. W, WHITAKER'S. mrKEN'H COMPLETE WORK. SEVERAL oew and rery luperlor tditlona, wltb original llluetration 12 mo. and 8 to , In paper, muilin and half calf antique binding, jua poo.ian.o.. r or jQt f o, tt, rr in .n BALlAJU SPICTOKlAbana ilau vjv. for Saturday, Norember lit. AIo, lateit nnmKer of the Undon I'uncB, Ultcll firing nge. new i t-r ,.cr-iu, D.y Book, Expre... Baltlaor. Sun Am. Reeeired tbii moral n U. " . .......... w . Oot WiTiNGDESRSr-A w LTautifdl ftpier Miole Koiewood Writing Dcik. Opened thi morning $e Iin3 and for ale at Oct. lh 8. W. WHITAKER'S. NEW MUSIC Minnehaha i..iorcean a -aion;? rw r,,. W.lt. Third Scriel of Bade and Bloeaoma ! k -. . a a.a -!..(. oollection of Sacred Melodle. varied lor the Pinno FerU- by Charlo Orobi Vocal eeauue. ot 11. . vi;. .i.tiJ .nd arranced eXDrewly for Tarlour or t.on- eertaae. by Cha. W. Glorer and Wm. Drewler, (13 num ber) : f oing Folki Fertiral. ibollectlon of Modern I).; 'a-.. m . , A3 I !.. a. a. ai Ial aiarwat a,0 1 f f w than young) ! ihrU twatlful Ballad, b, the Ruckl.y.tThe Lateetlng with th. Md Folk. Wwdi by Djer. Mu.ks by Baker ; Kin m. quick and go, (Muo by FrW Buckley); Nettie Darling, (tang MnelvmO Lariou Circuitano; Po-r Joo. (Werd. by T . V "f . .M. 1' ?7 ! rf ' i Li:.ti- s..,i.- Ni.ht i When all the world I ni IB IIBflUtlA For tale at i- ci.. . rik p.iih. a.4i ma not 10 -ma. no. '"nMli ' S .Wi WHITAKER. PER SCHR. WAKE, now Oltcnarging, wo .0.11 rr-. Mire 28 boxe. Statiowerr, rmbraolng Letter and C i) nt.-b Ranka Sealine! Wax. Wafer. Writing Md Copajf !". Marking Ink, Black, Bine Red Carrnin. lTTniiiihU Inkt. Black and Blu Writing Sand, Gina Mncilaa-e. 1 La Roe'i Hcar.r Cream-laid LnTTlepe, V La H.e'g Vititlng.nd Playing Oarda, Lcttor Copying oookt, rt.iu ri.. t..kl N.w Drafti. Billa of Exchange and Check, Port Folio, Banker', Ceaei, MemorandarDi, Ula rie lor 1857. Fin Backgammon Box , Calender, Bill File, Cabbat, pr cent. Clrcalar Inlerert Tahl, Lrtter Clip, Tim. Book, Rolert, Ink Stoai., Pta-Hotden, ad Wrions L...J. cI ii... 1 .... .... ' We bar wow the rargert and bet etook of BOOKS A ND STATION ERY .rw .xklDitea ia 'P"'.T'.M Oct. 21. 8. W.. WHITAKER . NOTICE . k hereby girea that ppliatlon w.Il be mtje to th next Legielatur. of tb. SUte of North "Cirslli for th Repeal of th Keglatrtloa U of ur;tMlnat.n -.A.i.ka Aa -.-nl-tine' th blecttnp. In ald town'alao repeal aa At Aalboriting tin .AlATor to Uk.laxrtforaidTowa.r rV 4 KIIIK KXilXKB. rOKCK AM urr evMr. fpllE FIKE E.t;iNES aaaafaftarcd by Coif A Co., 1 N Ydrk.ar being g aerally introdaceJ, u tbey are ainuraMy adapted W th. purpM Itt hiahtheTtre intend cedT a-tioaand efffirnt erriee, ia tiao af FJ Tbaf are k light at In be readily brought into rcquUttiqa by a aaatl f .rff ; and will, with tix bmi, Ikrww a tro-eigklk ttreani f a.ler 14) fwt korjutntaiiy. vr oer any .rduiary tbree-atory buildiiig. Tbey weigh onj; about SiO ft,; ar eenatrvA'ted ut the b?t and aoet durable aatenahit wrk with or aiihout ucliua.aadd. aole oaort tbaaoao-eightk the MM ut Urge Bta.-biuoo. Tb Vent aad Lift I'uaupe, together wttk th " Gardea or Flro Eniae," from the niu aaauracturera, are all eicel lent artirlee, cheap, dur.Mc, and warranted to giT ati lK. The Puuip caa be ramialiee with lrua. Leader Wood l'ij e-the l.tt-r preferable where water U required for drinking The Feme Pump, with th power of eae aaa, mill throw water 60 trt perpendicularly, or T J ftet koritonUU.-Th Gardca 1 Fire Engine will do tko aaa either cgtittlttttinf aa e(Bcln prntectloa la oaaMof Ire Bear where they ar aitaat d. No lot, where water eaa be had, bould b wi,hat a Fore Pump or Engine. W are prepared to u)ply any dveoripUoa ofPumpifor llailRad Station. Faetone or corporation purpe, oa ibnrt notice, and will furnik Suet ioa aad Leading llneo of Rubber or Leather, of any lite required, for ktr F.nginM r Kre Pump.. - - IK'l'SlON Si WEST. Wilmington. (Vtt.Wr 6, lS5' 2S tf " VltKfAKK b'OtitOI.U viKATHKU. IT IS VERY (Mential th.tlb ke.d ebouUl be kpt warm iu damp and euld weather. W brae juat reoelred a lot of In. (Hter, Mu'kr.t and Silk llaah Cap, for that purpoa. Call and ko thiiu, they cannot be excelled la aud reck area of Mwminri GIEES it IIAWES. Oct. 1 1th, l!.V . . ... j iuiiii'oV hO H AVE now in trw tb ivlluwiiig i : Iron Hollow War aad Seli WelxhU. Hoop lrea of the boat aiulny MailA. Pr4a, ao t ua. Iroa Airli, HuUa and lp'ikaa. , Titubar and othvr Axe, all warrante l. Cut Meet Grubbing Himw, Spade and She!. Kic Si-kli and llr.uible r:eylhei. I'reeerring Kettle. Niuee 1'aaa, Ae. Mill, Clroular, l'rae t:ut, aad other Sawt Cora Sbeller, Straw Cutter, aad Fan Mllli. Bm tioorand Smoke-llou lk., extra good Pad Loekt that raa't be auktched. HraM and Iron Wire olotk. .Wood Saw aad Axe with handle la then Cottoa Cerd, I inen and Cotton Twin. tUt oualilr ol SeiNir and Needlee. Ko.er i k Son'. Woitcnholraet. and tome aioTe uf the real ll.rlow Kmvei. Sept. IH, l-b. " - - ' t4e4l4-gncHIIII. THK UNDERSIGNED HAVING ENTERED INTO Coi artnerthlp, under tba Bra of HOrSTON k WEST, for rreaeeatlng a general Auction, Contnilailon, Reeerlag and Forwarding bumneae In thli plan, uflar their torrloe ta th public. I'.rtieul.r attention will be paid to th aalo of ery docription of Heal Ettate, pereonal protxrty, tk hiring ol negroei, aud renting preniliei, either prlrat.ly or publiWy, ai may bo do. i red. Order for tirooerle, or other godi, will be Oiled on liber al term. ; wh le ennilgnmenU, either lor aale or iblpaebt, will be punctually and properly attended tn. GEO. HOUSTON, S. M. WEST. Wilmington, N C, (W. It, IWV) 2IKJ1 Septepjber 26th, 1 WH OUR 1TIOTTO IB "TO rXeBAtS' AT TH WllinlttgtOM aldl,llarna, TIIVRK MAMUr AOTOttY.1 lubioribor reipoctfully inform, th su keep comtantly oa hand . large aatort stent ol Cwaclt, OlK.atiel Bwlhjr llarrtaaai Laily'. awel U.ntleaaen' .,Mi i.llridle.. Wtlpe,ea. Tranki, Valleei, Haddl aad (Carpet liagi.Satokeli.rancy iruoka, Ae. Alwayi. hand alargetupply of Hiring l.enlberand KI Neta,ar.d all otbrartlrici uiuaiiy lounnm urn eiianinnmcatf, all of whish h warrant to b of th. beat material and work manihip, and will bolc" .wforroi, eron ihnrtrrtttt te priapt eaitnmer. Haddle. Harncii, Trunkt, Medical Dug A., mad to orlsr llarneaiand Coach Trimwlngaiold At. lair prtc to partem boring to a.nnfaet.ra. wklpat whoUial Allklndtof Riding Vbliltbought aad leldoa mm uii ,lo JOHN J CONOLEY. tX'jTINGToWDERiOvrkg.bt quaUtr.Jurt re ceived and for tal low, oa manufacturer account, hy Jalyll . DaROSSET k BROWN. P. S. Any quantity of th aboro, or other dnicrlnttoa 01 Dspont'i I'ow lor, can b lurnlrhed in thli place, at ihort no tice, and on thlBOit favorahla term. Apply a above. 17 rKESll CONGRESS WATER. lUcelred nJ forial r bv Sept. A. O. BRADLEY, 4th. Druggiit k ( homiet. "BAZAAR OK KABHIOH. , Carolina Hotel, Maikkt STxr.KT. Wit.maro!, N. C. Tl THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY an no nne to th. Citlieni of Wilmington, ml Ibe pul.lia generally, that they are bow opening, and bar ready for In rpection, a faebionnble and very deilrahle, And inrlting atoek of t A IS, UAI'W. pi I 11 aw iii nii;.t, are. lltey enu merate in part LEARY, BEERE. II ENIN.and other ttrlcaof fai,IlonahloDKbS MAJ.S, r r. li, wuui, and Pill A w HATS, FUR, CLOTH, I'LUSII, and lil.AZKU t;AI'S, Ladia Rldin ng II A 1 n,vhiluren 1 1 ANv I 11 A 10, ivAr..-, UMBRELL. AS, eto. To all of whirl! w. rerpeetrnllr thllclt an examination, feeling confident that eeveral year'. f porifneo al tho Eat, combined with our tieeaeat ancauallvd facilitiii will enable ai toxff. r indueeucnta to all who may favor ut with their patronage. tmicrt received lor ii unary ana 1, a ai imn u. Negro Wool llatt by rate or doxeo. W. aball alio Introduce, lor the bene tit 01 our cueiomcra, th. French Hat ContortnaUur. ' And M Mr. HAWKS tk. Junior partner ol 1 he concern re al dc. n New York City, wo are endowed with facilltie (not poHctted by any AimiUr cttabliabmcnt) B.,rlJ nb, oa to aunnlv onr eoatoacrt with th. lattt FASH1'N?, and .tii,.i.;tari- ' GILES It HAWF.S. Sept. Iltk - 6-tf NOW OPENING BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, a larg ami atunaiva aewirtmotit of good, alected for th Town and Couatry trade. eonsWtirg of Drr Goodi, amo. whi-b are nciro Keraeya and Blanket. Domeetle of a t,....i, iT.t. aad Car. B00U and Shoe.! ttt ta- Hetr. ' Hardw.re aod CutUry,. pitk a Wga awortment of ebei'f giwda. Saddlery and HarneA Hojlow-war and Naili. 11,.. .nd Ae-rtcaluiral loiDlciacata. torctber With B full .apply of Gmeeriet and Provniont, alt of wblck wilt bo Mid low tV th: 1 wilt we t. th. irrte a of Faraor. and stranger rititlng Wilmlngtea. to sail 00 ui before po-ehat-Ing eleewhere. Wbil pawing down tb. wharf from the Kail Koad, nop At (to, waver rreei. ... . ' McCALEB ft BUNTING ; Wilmrtfgton. IP. O.J Oet.Tlh, !., -. . N C. ';brleta- Jtdrneate aopr t aoe. ' ..; . ;: BuAlkKKla AMO IHIMb.niAi' AiUOMa. : . NEGRO, BLANKETS, .t prica wbica oety the lartreet and cheapen ck o? DOMESIIC GOODS .ver WMV" r'TI "AV": I 1. T,h 1 1 1. 17 1, . ' . ..... . (Il-IIUI.'k . V . . ' . . . fa TAM. .. . . w- .' -jr. . ' (fy T l:r:f S W.WHlUKERr. v J I I TnJ Seutk-ilde Market at iS ?iv 4 ' riTnir Mir thai h 1 Al.TCnOIIR Lin ltt HOSPITAL. lVTn ;oil4uN. " THE fmnvtlor a l IV. OMMnl UaWitoUna ofier iw a Kee. , Mat, 84lr, ..J aue ettwia.1 reiaeOf in I'fe r J let. ' atrcturra. eWkan.l a,..M-L rtBa ta H iL l. t ( t- alUrkil.t-, liaputeare, ttnkmiU V Bc end I "C Hone .i le kuiar, PlinUt. - of t. He.rt, lirP" , f f Irrntkitile, ltee th. H.d.Tterua(, .aa, l e-..t; ; tl Um. arrma aad BMi.arh-1 lMaraeni erin front L I truetiir. habitaaf tneth, whM. itmny k-tt, keJy end bh.J. , Taaa. IUMI aad eliiry nteltr. a..r l.tol t tlieir 'r a ' Ihea lle-H u( !, rt u. Ui thaaiarwra VlraMa, kltf' u.t Ihnir awt bnlh iv Mroa 4 aa(iUuue, roarta( v 1(41 Ac , luiui.la Yaaaatat Mom. . rapet laity, w bo feawe '. 11.. tKiime ut tltliy Vice, that1 Jna.trul .ad deetrwctiee kabtl, whwk .aaenlly ewwae a e 1 timet fr.va lMMlml yatul atea f ll uhi ...KeA ut ' entee.d btillMat wttelleet, WHO ailht A!m wm ha. aair.oae4 ; ttele.ioi acaateo wNktM liuauereul eiaauaaee, oc waked leeartaty tlta hin lyre, ."y ell llll tooMeaaa. , .1 am a. . v Marrtod IVrauaa. or Yeunx Mea c.alental.ii.f in.rtta. laf.wat. al Fhy.w.l Vteakueaa, UriDte U-kUilr, Urtaratitiae . e.,enDld laatedtately foatal 1. J.,od k rtuf4 leperlaa , arena. lie who tiktee. blmaelf aadrc the care or Pf. thalwi -. reliiWmaly cua.d la hi buewe a a t.lleia., aad engj rel upoej hw iktll ae a phraeaia ; n . ; V lira.ltia tiitiaiM IniiHedUitely eurl, ihiI full lfor reatnr). ' -n tn l ht aMW.a at tk. aaaaky a. at Iraiiuenllr paid by I toe. who have tecum th. tu-luueul linprovet liidiila-eaeva. Yoonxrwraena 1 .ret apt a eeiaatit eaciaiealraia aa kei a war uf Um ii o Jiul - eaatuaero I hat ttitf euau. rtw, wha thai anlerataotla II ubjert will preienJ toaapr tliatlh pawer af Pia,raihM talott HMei ky IhuM l.liin Int. Mru,f lubila 14. ky 1I1. prudea. aaiJi- b.ing deprived tho pUaaitre W IWNhj oAeprlag, lh at rloua Md deatructlra .ywpluwi la kotk bode ..j mm i ariaa, Th ar.trnt karutaee deranged, tli ph.lialaad menial power, waaketted, rervwa. OekiUle, ttrapaaaia, aalMltiaa ml tk hettrt, ladifnatltia, a waatiag af Ibe liwne, eotml ejriuptoin ciinaumpuott, al. B.rvwiaa DeblUty, . Vt'eakna. f ll.earelem, Nerraua IVklllty aad rraalurade eay f.mrally ana. from tko Itaaar-arUt haH of revik. tltat e-l itri oraalira ao UUI a Um Maiitlul Miaienee .1 man, and It at . the roime, wha are moat ipt to karmae tie VKUui. Iruta an Mno. raaoa .1 tito d.aaei- ta wnteit iney eooject ineuiaaivvo. r.rant ad liu.idian.ai. .Ilea ai la leal wllk reapace a the Ma or anarte al 4iaaaa la their amaa aa4 ward. A la I bowoflea it, Uiey aw rib. to ethar eawa, th. waetlni of the frame, Pain la. Hon of the Heart, tiMo.a.ta, intHtemtioa, Jruaoie.i af it Nar. , enit.r4y.ieiB, t'ottfh, .ail Bipi'ne af CtttwumpUoa, a an, tliaee ' arrloua M.atal aeTeeta, n a. Inaa af aiemer f, .e.raa.i ia ipirlt. or paculiar .1. ul Melaacholr, whea lit. Irulli a Ur naa ' kaaa cauaed b ladul !n la rrr.loleoe kul allurl.f .raeticae, aiwtrarur te both kVaiy .ad Mad. 1'iiue are ewe pi rout eiat laa.etluMt.anda who miiil bar. he. af um to their Country,. ' pleaaure to their frteada aad oraaineai. I ilair, Omca Na. f Boirre laiDiaiea arfl hand aid going from PalUaor ttreee, 1 doer, fruaa Ike r ear try-Be pertkularliobaerrlng th a.e aad aamber, ery. wilfatteuka the plaoe. trjT'l'ak. aoti baerrelho N. aa th. Pear end Window. AVurt If .-reared r a Ca' ifaWe, ta real Vmt It 1 w NO kJEECTUT fR Nf aEOI'i DRUM CaBB. v 1, OR. JOIIBBTO. ' Memborof th Koyal lollefe of Burfa-aa, Landoe). traduaat Irom on of the aw emln.nl Cllei of th t ailed "tat tad In. ir.aler part of who.. III. kae ii ap.nt la lh flra lloeirf. Ul of Unkoa, rarlo, rwladalphia, and ebwwhero. ha .Heeled aum f the moot aaoniaiuni cur, mat w.t. ever known, many irouoirq wnn rinim. in- m lniin ln,lhe fieod and ear when Baleen, ere alaer. I alarmed at eudd.a enunde, aad kMlifuloasa, wit. auaneea. knlna 1 freijiienl bluahlnf , attended ooaiollmea with) derangemeat mind, wera eared immeutai.iy. , A C.rtalaj Dlaaaae, .' - When lh. Bilaaulded and iBj.ratl.nl enteryef pleaeure lad.; ' ha baa Imbibed Ilia arrd of Ihie aaloful dteaaae, It loo .ft. a hep. . pen tlial an lll llined aanee of ekanai. or drae4 of dieoutary, da. : Ut hi ia I rota apiilylng to thoae Wl froia edite.lioo and raMM . laliilli. ran .Ion. belriend hua, d.lArlnf till h ooaolliuuaaal ermpUHne of Hue horrid tllaaaee aak their appearance, euoh a u Ire re led aor throat, dlaeeaad no.., noniurnat pain la in nad , andllniBa, dlmaaaeol aht, deal.eM, aadea.a lh. anla kaaaa, aud anna. bUlrhee ea lh. haad, I.e., and .a rain II lea, pnifreaa. In( wltk frlahtlul rapMlly, UN at Iaa4 lite palaaof the motttb m Hi. bona, of the auea lall In, and Ilia tlelliu of lliliawlul dlaaaae becomee a horrid eli)ealnf comn.iaa.rauen. uneali piMa a pa , nwl to lila dreadlul lunertBi a; aannini tueia a "tliat koura lima wlmnre no traveler tolurne " To lueh thereftite Dr. Julia. eiiin pledgee niBiaeii no pre rr. tiw nw.i invtoiaoie ei-creei, fr.iu lilaetlaaalre practice In the Brat hoapiula in Europ. Aio.rli-a. ha eaa oonMMHI reaamn.nd a oafa aad .aaadr 1 te II ie utilotiunale virllm of thle horrid dlwNtn. ton pledgaa hlaiaelf a pmaerva til moat inviolable aecroay, tad ' i anil ar. It ie meiaiichoty met, that lhaaa. fall aettaa totkki. daadful diaeeae, owln la the unikllliilnoea of Ifnoraal prwten. dcra, who, by the ue. of tltat dreadful poiesa, a.irury, rain the' fim.iHirtloB, ad either tend the uiifoftunai euffkrer to a. al, timely grave, or elae mak the rwidue of hie life aiieorable. Tah Partlealar AT at la. - Dr. J. addrwiee alllhnaewha hit Injured IheaMlre. ky private and improper (ndulaennia. ' , J Tneae ar. eoine of lite aad and melenehnly effheta produced by early hablla of youth, via I Weaknaae of the Hack And Llmke, fain In lh Head, IMutneae af Buhl, Lta of Muaeular fewer, ' CilplUllnn af Ilia Henri, Uyapepa,., Nnrvoua Irriiablllty, lie raniamenl of the Uioatlr. fuNclloiii, Uenai.l Debilllr, lymp. lorn, of t 'iNtumKIB,d-a, - - 1 MaMTAU.r-1 he lerrul efTt-el upo. lh mind r mneh a I. Are.ile.1, lw of Memory, l'oiiliielMI of lileea, Depreewlon Hpirlia, Evil FiarlHidlna, Aruralua of Bocietjr, a, ff tii.irinl, xr of koliiud", Tlwidiiy. Ao., ar om of lh evil nrodueed ThouaamlB ai ueraiHtear .11 aiea, eaa aw luilie w hat la the cauau of lltelr aWe lining health, lowing Ih.lr vifor, ber.mia , : weav, pal. .nil rni.ci.-ii, wit- . ,in.nr lepaininie .eOUB . , eye a-lORil ejili,'u-na wi ......hiiii.. Or, JohatatoBi'i oak'B iWTiaweaiiiip; noaa tf IW rgaaU W oakn.ee. Hy thi great and linporlanl rem.djr, weakneetol tint organ, am p-elllr cared, and full rigor realored. Thoueind of Ui. utuat aervou. ad debilitated, who bad kail all hope, hare keea Imineiliafnly relieved. AH Inipedlnwnie to AtarUaei rireicalor Mentid UiaiialiOcatlon, Mervooe Irritability, lriiibllnga and Wraknc, or eihauatatloa of the mat learful kind, apaadlly red by llr. Johaeloei, ... ' Yawag neat,- " " ' Who Lav Injured themaelree br . ferula fraolloa ladulgeA In wliea aloae a habit fiecinrntlr teemed front evil companion, oral achMillie eiTrciiof whlrh are nigtitly full, even wiiet aaleet, end if aat eurad. reaiteia aiarrlege liopoaeibla, and d. tlrny. both mind end body, eltuuld apply linm. Ilalaly. What a pHy that a Jtoong maa, the hope of lill couulry, and lh. darling of hi parenia, ahould b. enelclwd from all utnapecuiaiij rnjoymenu if lila, ky Ilia cana.qu.aeai of lUvlalng free Ike path of ii.ihi., end indulging la a certain oecret hebiu iucll pereona belreoeliuplaug hould reflocl that amnd mind and kody are Hi mnef aacaat. aaj rr reqnleitea I. promiK. SMiauaiai neppi in Uiee., lha journey through lire areoraee weery pile riin.ga. Hie lha journey through life become. 1 prnepect lioiirly darken, to the view llaalud brmnaaab4i owed wilb dueuainnd lined wnn in. melancholy reflection, In I Hie ie hapiilnre. of anolhei bnroine hllf hlail Wllk our 0WB. ' OKHi K hU. 7 BOUTII r-HHil.Ullk r. Ualtuntru Md, All fua.ioti. tlraaaTioaa fiamaaaD. N. H Il no itlee Aotey revet you, but applyl.n w.d Uly either peraimally or by letter. aaiH nteiAe. ereamLf avaa. - - - ' Ta atra-Mara, Tha many lliouaakda cured at In. Imtltntloa Within thatiH twelve rear, d the nuuteroua Imtmrlant eurglc.1 Op.ralloa t purlormed by lr. JullNTO., wltiieeaed by lh rtporun el , rtnr daily ppra and inaay oliMir perona-nllcea of whleh have again and again appeared he I ore the public-! . eufflclent guarantee, tliat the afflicted Will llnd . (killful and honorable Tak. Rotlc. r 1 N. K. There are ao many Iguoraiiland worlhlnw Quack -vertiilng ihemaelvr aa phyetci.int, rullnng in. healtn i ihe ii. ready a (11 tried, tint Ur. Jolin.ioo deann it aoewaary loaey, a; . cully bi tlioee unariiiaintrd wilh lue remUllop, thai hie credvn tlal or diphwn alway. hang la hie ninoe. , . 1 TAKK NOTICK. All htle re mualbe poel pah), and Coal iKM'.ege H.Min for th rep', or an antwer win ae eeni. turrit, a. t e. IBM. Mi-S PUi.K.. aalo by -IIMJ bbU. W.a. Pork.Jua rroeire tor WILLARD k CURTIS. . July a. , . - - - -J(w.i.5 . HaVIN'G MADE ARRANGEMENTS W cb.ng'tn. character of my batineao, (to take e8et oa the let Oe lobar next,) 1 now offer for aale, In lot to tuit parebaaerf, my preent atoek of GOODS la fore. Dealer aad oniuni . en are reapecufuliy allotted to .all, a. tha article aa band will b. dirpoted 0) on auch term aa cannot tail lo give taUt faction. - GEO. HOUSTON. Sept. 9, Ibdfl. tLUlD. 10 bbl. for tal. by 1 April lata. . ADAMS, BROTHER It CO. ... , fkOlllK. J VST reeeired and for .ale, 11 kegi prim N. C. Lard 1 20 bbw. Floar. Low for eaea. 1 y - Julj 10. 1, . - .. No. 4a Market etreet MtANK FORRESTER. COMPLETE MANUAL; for t.. etc. On hanltom eeived and for ale at ? ,. S WvWIUTAliL!fJ. Oct. 2e KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZLME, tor November. R tired Md lor aaa by. - S. W, WHITAKER. . HE ATTACHE j or, Pam Slick la England. Py Jfdg. . Hall DBt too. . iveoeivaq ana lorenio a ; HJc. 24., . S. W. WHITAKt.lt S, ' ' NORTH CAROLINA BACOJI HOO.ROUN!). JUST RECEIVED .UUU per Rail R.ad, I br j., jept. 24. l 'ii. tv d.ua i. u n. v 1 . j. , KIHPrY SPIMIT CASH. SELECTED SECOND HAND BPXS.-F-. by , WILLARD It ClivlU. ; 250 I L Yonng SporUmen, wita oirecnone it ".-...., laj yu., lb. RifleTand the Rod 5 th art of Shooting oa fti. U i ? y , the Uroaking, Maaage-aeBt, and Uunting with the D . . , rarietia and lubittof Game; Rtrei, Lak. knit-ear ;, um. m. j u itu'tii.n.. ..e- 1 ed and tot sal at . S. W, WHITAKER'S. -a. - 1 miAl-t 4 1 r' '1 , 1.I I k j

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