KATES 01 ADVERTISlRfl - SAL UUA. - y. . ...8 25 Uy 87, -my I, ...... ....... DO Uti n . .. . ,illl.. 2 vtnki,..., .... ... 1 1 mouth, 9 2 00 3 mtathi,. ....... ...8 60 8 month, .... .... , ,6 00 6 month, 00 1 Jim ..-16 00 i 75 m I I day. -to o 8dayt.... . M day 1 00 ddayt i as 6 day l 1 80 1 reek.. 1 7ft 2 weeki.... 175 1 Booth.... . 4 00 Smooth!.,.. ..... 7 00 S montht. 10 00 lb 00 SO 00 Tea tine art ooaatcd at a equare, and Ire lino or 1 a ba.Mqxart. Lonfar adrtrtiiementi ta proportion, and all pa able in adrance. When not paid in adrance 25 eentt . p r equare will ba charged after the tret lneeriion. , s- Ail half iquaret sot paid for U adranot will be charged at a (quart. , -No BbHattoa made without a reironrtblo name, 'tus vrnTA OArrrncrjn wonXaV' $i y uhman eraarr, Boit.rN. - , , . LtDDOS dU YEN HI, (1AMPIIENE AND ALCOHOL DISTILLERY, DEAL J EKS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION Or ViAVAL Owes, No. 29 Bustrat Sur, Niw Yore. . J""27.1857 ' 250-6 ' WODDAtD, J. CLAtK. , i , STODDARD dk CLARK, POMMISSION MERCHA JT8, V ,"' ,v No. 150 Front Stmt, Nw York. LlWat eaih ajranoei made ea Cooilf nmeatf to Bt, by oar friend, Meen. Pttway A Pritohett. Juno let, 1857 , 227-ly SAltO fl. WATaOW, OAJftOH kUAtXfc , WATSO! MS ARKS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , , . , , . . ,r , M Burn,,. gnPi New York. Enpoelal attention paid to the eale of Natal Stobm, Cot Ton, and Southera Produet generally. .. 1 iberal adraaeoe made ov eo alignment. July 1, 58 IKO rOTTt tRQWH, AIMAKD 1. DXXOMXT, )f., B. f . BtOWH MOWS DeROSSET, New York, 'UtROSSET BROWff, Wilmington, IT. C., iij t. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' WM. J, BAtTOV ,t ' WI, MACALIITIt, f',..MM,'iiiirl (Special Partner.) MARTIN MACALIBTER, - GENERAL COMMISSION MEKCtiANTS, No. 119 North Water Strwt, Philadelphia. Caah tdraneeainad on Ootuigotaenti. -June a.d, 1867. - . , . -. . ' 215-ly " f, BAtVITOOCWaAlf, ' I lOIUU." COCllKAB 4i RtBSELL. ' fSaoeemmreta Thonai AlllhAiia Ai r.A.. . , (SEVERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. S3 T North Wharrea, and 63 North Water Street, Phil, di-twa. ArUheraloMhadTaaeeimadeooeoaiiinmenU I DERDH MKNDKftMAIX, f LAND AGENTS, , - ... . , t, MlHHIAPOLia, MlNNMOTA, Make loroetmenta, loaa uonry, locate Land Warrant!, nd tramaet Oeneral Real Eetate Bulneu ia the North Wait, - - - , . 1KFH TO Oor. Braj, , Ei-Gov. Morehaad, Col. Owyno, " T. C. k B. O. Worth. April IHh, 13S7 - . k - 181-ly , Wltzn KBAII8. " : ' 'j. l. Mulct, m. . WALKER KKARJCI m CO, ' (SI'CCUMUTOO. A B. DlTrtl.) .fjHOLESAIJ; ANU RETAIL DRUGGISTS, ! VV , No. 5 MARKET STREET, ' May g, 1858.-221 tf. WILMINOTONTn. C. OILK HAWK. , " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS AND bTRAW GOODS, , f 2 f Caih paid for Fan. GUSHER BUTTER. ; . , 6SEOS, prlue qtalltyjoet reeelrfd, fhr lale by 1 , f lROSETfc BROWN. Jaa.lOth. 1837 , : 10l MOKKRB ATTRMTIUS. . THOSE la want or aiaperior high fleronred Segar. will eoil at the Broadway Variety Store, where we are la ft 'P ( e ttaaioe vaeita Abagoe, tlaraaa araade, eon pruiog toe Upera mi, rlora IxtadreM, Colorado CUro J'o PriBoipe, Boathera liell. Amartllo Mofltenaia. faaroawo,l8)7 WM. It. DtNEALK. WHIKKVt WH1RKKYII ., ' e WHISKEY, now ludiflg Jaa.J,18fi7tt.tf W.H.MoKOH Iflrt BBLS. CINCINNATI AS from 8chr. Darld Faut. K.UPTT RPIRIT n AllltELa. A PRIME LOT OK 80 EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS, Jiut reoelred per fSohr M. Y. DarU, and fbr tale by ; .Mi n. ' - AUAM1, tlKU. It CO, rtJMMISSlON MERCHANT8. offloe eeeond itorr.ew V ' BM Hnnlh Wrtu anil M.rW.i . wn.-l . 1 it O., where they are prepared to ttUad to ail beelaoat la Ue wuiiuiuiua una - -j , . , A 11 boiloeH entnuted U them will bt panotoaily attend-' 1 tu- . ;, Jaa. 11. 1868. i GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . . WlLMINOTOH, N. C WOffloe formerly ooeopled by W, H. Manh. . i AKTBat TO ' Meeare. LMerk.h2 EUlott. f W1IaInlon N. C. . July 2. 13.275-U n' , i CIIAB. D. HYIRI. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, M Market Street, .nam. ImIim. J D.l I i it... 1 1 . t . . . . . ' v bi.timu. ilu ium imi ii .1. wnni. vup hi v . - - ' and MoleekU Hate, Cloth. Plueh. and Silk GU.d Canl b A ftiu AU14 Lliee' riding Hatt, which. I the etie or dozea at New York Wholeaale Prieet. It? r eganee m eiyie, aaa aeauty oianUfc, Aery.aompa- ,, - , , , ; I uwoar wniTirani veiretor marer, w bare ai ILKII BILKfl ! - qKEAT BARGAINS maabe had 1b DRESS SILKS a great teriet oow ea hand. - - i t ta. lith. 1857, , i .. , ; IIK0IUCK- RYAN, i TO CAWII BIYEni. WE are eflWriag great ladukmenit to eath bayere, 'la 'all Mode of Dry Gcftde. for the pornoeeaf redaoinjear ubDiUClk os KiAN. t ttook. Call and ejuuolne. Jaa SOth JUST RECEIVED VKK AUAMl' KXPHEBB. , March 23. lAMia t. rrrriWAT, "J.' K"'J,,.r. rBITOBITT I .MEaClUNTS, -wm w punk v uuinrioa. a. u. North Ane aaeortmeat ef lafaot't HaU. flnUh.d th In varlouiitvln. i Oar liata for hon. aeeel ao aoinmanf. Cam of kr and eolor toUae ib taU, tail aad eee at the Haeaat of rMouw, o maraeinreet. , uiLLa hawks. Ilia IdOO nSiS&fiS- '"nU" U ik f A J- BRADLEY. DRUGGIST. WILMINGTON, Ni Janaary J2d, ISM - : ea hand aad li woitaatly reoelrlijf pare aad UKHOelKT BHOWI. CI ENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANT aad ' T AGENTS POtt THE GASTON STEAM V , SAW AND PLANING MILLS. ! " . ' , . WILMINGTON, C r Orden for aaff dMrintlea of reach a ArmA I .nm. or, wiiirvosiT prom pi BtteouOB. job, in, iB07.)-tr. ., - A. O. BR A OLE V, IS law reeelring. by Sohr " 800,' a large and one aelectlon of FANCY ARTICLES, tollable for Ladiet'aad O.a- uamen t touet aorpoeea, Aa eiaealaatioa ef the (took It re- peouuuy auea rrom tne UMiee Oct. 8 )th. tHerald eopy-1 ' " GILKV m IIAWEB, kllna Hotel, 01 Market treat. Wllailnata..C. 1 eeleci Dragl, Medlciaee, Pharmaceutical Preperatloni, Palott, Oila, Fancy Artlolet, Perfumery. Shop Farnltare. wtadow Glaee, 1 ranee, bupportere, bargioal lattramtnu; AaloimecUoa of the atoeklt aollolted from PhyVlelaag TUiting Wilmlngtoa, belivtog that they can ba tupplied eqaalljrulew uibcybnyfor North, and kaowlogtha quality ef the artiolee to bo more reliable. The ttook of InetrnmeaU U uauMuUy large aad will ba told at eatremrly low prieet, , Oct. 17. 1866. V fireralJeopy. m ......ill, I. . IHE LATEST NEWS WAS RECEIVED THIS morning la the ihape of eaeot of Int Cawlmere, Bearer, ritlmore. aad New Style of Dreea llatt. All thoM who are their headt at heart, eall at oar iter aad get a Ana torerlng for It 61 Market itreet. , Oot.22. GILES At HA WES. MK IHRKs. TWENTY-FIVE BBLS. MESS PORK, per " Schr. DeKoeeei" Fettalt by iOrt. M. . WILLARD at CURTIS. : BALTIBURK LOCK HOSPITAL. - . m POCTDR J0I1NBON. 1 THE bMMdorof tnle tYleamM liMtltuoa often the mn lir. toiu, Hfetdy, and imly edeotuel retaedy la the world rr Oleaia. ajrlctiirna, aamlnal waknoat, Nlua tn the LnliM, CoMUtiiliea! el UukiHtr, lmpou( Wwkneieof the liaek endLlmK Aflro. ja I Hie KieMya, PlBliatitof the Ueart, DiapaiMie, Nerrcnt friUablllir, li.e f 14, TUroat, Nom, .r aklt,, .d J Inwe awrleue and melanehaly Uiturdera arnln fren the Uee. ii.um.i ,omn, wnn euairoy aoin kody tut mind.- thea the conf er the Byrece te the oierteere Ulyaeee, llhtlt.( Uielr Bineikri lllantbooea of aMIclpaUoaa, readerto eiarrlaar. e, IropgOilble , , . , , i etpeelolly.wha have keswo ii7 rtono.e ef lotturr Vice, llwt drudful and deeUoetive habit, which aaaually eweape to la u. xanviw fliiaiwv t WUIiniHOI IDVM AI trial knrkati Mtratlta.a ImL ante aad arllllaat lauileet, whe ailM othwelae here eatnatet lleteatni BeaatM WUkiha thuadanaf la.nai to ecaucy the lrln lyre, enycll with all eaafidenoe. . aaarnaio. J 1 1 j 1 ", MMuiq wwiiu, twiarnuii d..alteuld MnweUhUely couiult beahh. 4 . - - , He who alanae blmtelr onder the care of Dr. f .i and he reaiored to oerfeel . . ... 1 iihnetn nay re l(loualy con tide In hie honor at 1 featlcinta, and tunldautS rely upoa fall IkUl ae a phreclan. , T ... Oraa-U Weakateea Olired, aad lull lor reur4. - I ic le the benalty muat frequently paid byt iaaewhb therlctlitieoriRihroperlndiilfvncaa. Vounipereniia tonmltetaeeaeafrum aotbelaf aware of (he droaillal UniaedUlely Aired, aad full viftir reeur4, 1 uie aueaie w ttui nit Mreeecoinetnerici aretnoapttoOonmlt euiienquaneae that may eaeue. , who that anderalande Hit abject will pretend to deny that the eowar of rrocruuua ie kmi Tr"" ? wnn' ' mrtrcper iiahlta thtn by the prudent - 1 v-. 1 w tim nuwi w iiwi Beur ana in ttm arlee. Theeritem becoutee drentd, the phyalRaland menu! pewere weakened, aenroue debility, dyepepela, palpitation el II heart, IndlfMilun. a weetuit of the frauta. eoiuii. n... l eoneumptlua, eel, " "r7"1 , . m . - e-owa uebtutr, i Weakniwe of the areteio, hruu Uvhilit and bnimium a1 eay leaetaMy arte (rata the Unetrmllra habit of youth, that eol lury pratsUce ee fatal M the haaililul Mlaieot ef maa, and It la the youtif who are miet t to becuoie lie VicUuie from an lino nnee of the dent en to Which ther uhJaot tiiamaai. i-.r..,i. end Uuardicaaer eton uiiiM with reepnat tathe eauee or OMiree of diaaaae la their tone end wurde. Alaal how oftaa do lliry aeerlbe to oilier teoaee. the WMtlnf of the fraina, P11I11 u hum wt i imn, nyi(t iiiiwion, uprvnfvmant el ma Nar roue Ajutem, (wh, aad j winoine of Uoaauiaiiuon. k n. eerloue Meiill enmcU, inch te Iimc of mcinnry, deiirMalnn il pmaiiar mi i nmnimij, WMa ine II Bin It they ltae a hww up iiiuuini in wuieww sua aiiurinf praetioee. deatructlveUiboth Body aad Mind. Time ere eweut from , WILHtSQTOJf MArttn v.. MTwr.i.V" h 1 ' . FURNITURE TOPS. Ao.. eft f 4 t 'can MmxH RiLL;, ) 1 employ none bat .experienced wotk r.a. a-! 1LVWt-v.rr . . ATTermt CASH, aoleta by ip,w . V Wllmtagtoa, jTO, Sept. 13th, $' U' 1 "U ! ROPE, A() COILS PACKING KOPE, tf pl nt r Wby Oo. ij ada!m. fil . UOOP 8J1IAT1. RECEIVED 1H1S DAf 1 - .UuUUdHoopfcklrUj f CrorelU do' de kelotoa do. do 1 ! Now etyla Steel Morleg Sklrte 1 .' ir u.J,;,.l?iJ,rwM, Whalebone f-r nv,. Feb Hta.ia5f ili..lc A r . w iLXoW aaw S . A , 1 is AB E bow reeelrlng, per Suhr. L Aaij- ' t X from the Manufactory. . ' S " I dotea CRADLED S ot. I, I, I and 4 1 ' t m VA,?1.heeJed,NlM,. I ff, g , i, 1 a.H. 0 MILL BAs'JT ' ' 1 do ten extra CANE CHAIRS, eeorW4 iU, f t r tr ttet , . . j . . , f i I dote. . f I,.,, . W aeita TUBS t 1 dotea FUCKh. tit dgroel HOUSE BROOMS 1 lfr0;EArT" 1 bnU JURD GAGES, aewrtedY" li-ALT" ' noiaaaia ana raiaii m tha Km.; ... v. j ..... o 40 Market ttwot. " r Wir. A' Aprtll. . : 11X. on eila Country, a tPlKiT BARRELS. 109 Empty Spirit Barrel, jutt rt- w per ona aoo iron poetoa Oot.22. reraaie bT 1 ADAMS, liftd. It CO. EMPTY BARRELS 7 eel rod and for tale by ' 1.1 tmpty Spirit Barrel, juit re- A DA M S, B RO. 8t CO. ' . C. B. LEETB, AUCTIONEER. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fatbttitiu N. C. AATSuliciti eonaltrnmentJ. TJharal adrannaa made. Jaa. Hth. 1ho7. , 109-tf W. P. ELLIOTT, ' . . (,JJHISSION MERCHANT, 1 j - Fatbttivillb, N. C, A cent for Lottcrloh k Co 'i Steamboat Line. WU1 attend promptly to all btuineee eatratted to bit ear. Oct. 22, 1H56 62-ly : WILLARD dfe tCRTIS, -IOMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOJJESALE GRO-1 J CtRS, AiiUUt.AUS.HS 1 MltAlB, ,, i No. 10 Soirm Watib Strhtb, 1 Jaa. 13th. Wilmlngtoa, N. C. .- - TI1JM1I M. OARDKER, AUCTIONEER. AND BROKER, , No. 2 North Water it., Wilmington, N. O, i : rrompt attention girea to the tai or JNLUKULS, xlLAl L.-TATE, STOCK, Ao. . May 8 ; - OVA, A HE NOW OPENING and hare ready for lutpeotioa, J faehlonable and Terr deeirablo and iaritlng ttook ef n J n. L- ITS. Bllt AW UUUUa. dte. The nmunli U P.'.!,tfS'.7li!!BGenn thet itjle of faehlonable unc iiAACi! ranama, bogboraand ralm Leaf HaUt Up, Hit and Wool Hate Leather, Cloth, Silk aad Nary uuiunuae, aw. ao ail o woico we rcepeotXttuy eolicit aa examination, feeling well aarored that they cannot fall to bt luited with tome of tht many rarietiet offered for their la peotloa.' j troh 35th, 1857 ? D. A. LAMorr. J. M. Monk. LA MOST d MOXK, " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . : OFFICE Near tht WDmlogtoa aad Waidoa R. k. drpoi. 1 I , "o"! Hal oat tali eeaeon, aet MT. V. .1.1. A . .i . . . . . . I I U. k, 1 nP.M tkl. A lu ..... iwruia oo-purweranio aaaer IB aootr I - .rr: . """..a: title, for the parpoee of traaaaotlng a boa kiuloaaa axJa eirely, aad hope, by etriot attentloa to the tatereatt of ear patroaf, to merit a oantinaenoe ef their faron. Oar wharf aod warebouct art eooreoicoty located, aad all ooniga moot of Naral Store, Cotton, Baooa, Floor, or ether eoua try prodnoe, either for tale or thlpmeot, will reeeirt oar poompt and pertooal attention. Pot. 15. 1868. , Mli.tf 4 WACHOVIA BULLA) Bt'PEHlOR PAM1LV VLOfK. V7 E art aoaitaotly rtoelrlng Floor from the abort Mill if of tery tnperioraoAlity, potap eipreaaly for lamlly ee. and it eaid by adget to be eaperior to any that eomet eo late market CUMMINU at rirVKDN GENERAL VI WHOLESALE W. H. ataALUV. COMMISSION MERCHANTi ALSO. AND RETAIL GROCER. Soath thai Water ttreet, Wilmlngtoa, N. O , tntende keeplBf at BkdhtM artaawtel a la) O U AO t? O IrA 0ttitn ta aad PROVISION H. at wboleeaJeand rat.il. Parthliae a. tenUoa will be paid to all order (rem th ooaatry. I j would reepeotfally Urite th eltiaeni tf Wilmlngtoa aad tht TUBA BCUHARAtt UATI teeelred thoaa klrh eroww St. Niohola Hat. Call at the Baiaar of Faehloa. Oot.ll, - OILh.8 A HA WES 1 TO WUOLAtBAI.H HCTEHJB. M ; ALL GOODS ia ear line at Nw York btW fbr CASH. JalyM " HtURlCK A RYAN. SAWS I 8AW8IKAoompltiaatonmnt. , . Oct. II : ' J. M. ROH1N80N It SON, ": MBU PORf.'!ii ''-'.5 TA BBLS. MESS PORK, lending from Behr.L,p. OySmUh." FortalabyT; r " WibUAKU B UUItile lance thouoende wlto might hare km of uae to tbefr pleaeur to their frltnot tndoreamtntt to B. k ' ' Jfwoa No.ra.UTaaBif;ilT left heed tMe golag from JBeluaore etreat, t dear from the aer Ble nartleuler la oeeervtni th nam and BumK.r Will aiHMaaa the plac. j -., ... - .. ... or i ae autine, obeerre i he name ea th Poor t nd Wladnwe. Car H'erraaied or a Ckargt Mod,, , rM, yn ft i'w NU MBRCVRV 01 NAOettOHI DRUQi VlgD, ur. JoiinaToai. Mrnnborof the Riiral tJullere af luraaiHia. tHi.lna' .. . . from one ef the awe eialneatCollatae of th Halted Muim, ai.d the f reater part of wh.-e llle l. been epant la tlm I rat Huapl. lalot Unbon, Pirle, riilledelphla, eed elaawhare. hae efleeiod wumm ei tua moai aaiaowiiuii curae teat fill aver known, nan huuuwu wiin rwiina m.u ii.iu anaaan wnenaaiaan. i, balni alaraiad et eeddea eounda, aad beeiifulneee. wth iieiiy freetBef. neea. wth den Bfeaeai of frequent bluabint. attended tuuieuiaee trttii mina, were cured immediately. CeHata fileta; WhB fhONltf aided end imurailant tiun of hi....... he haa tmblbed the enede ef Ibla painful dtoaaaa. It too afua 8ndt el tea her. pane that aa lll-llmad eenee of tham. er dreed of dlaeorarr. de le re hlu from aenlrln to thnaa wha rrnia al tabi'lly, ten alooa befriend hlra, delaying till the eonalltutkmal ermpiotne e line horn aieue mate their eppeeraaae, eueh ee ulsaratod tore throat, dttoaaed auee. aoctaraal aama la lh t,A andlliaba, dlmnaaeof eight, deafntae, aodaeoa the ehla bnnna. ead arma. bkHna oa the bd, raea, end aatrenltiaa, prirai ln with frWtMtut repldity, Ull at laal tt.a palate of the tnnuth or the boaee ef ta aoae fau In, and Ilia leilu e( thle awful diaeaa beoomee a horrid object ef eoma.Hweratlon. UN deetli putt a p. rlod te hie droadful aaltarlnae by tending I nam ia "that banrria w "...v. uu n mjmiKi ,.i u. na , .uo, tnarfforc 9t ufia run aia aaimaira praoucaia me am America, he can eonddantly rcoommeni Ie the aafortaeate eusun at tl,ia horrid It lea melaBeboty fact, that thmiaaad tall eicilihl t thta den, who. kl the aae ul tliat dreadful pota. Matmir. i ia euiiar trn the anlortunaia aurnraf u ' ' ' ' BACIC 111 . . , IOnSAC,U UwHl Salt, (net rtreletl F r . l.y . WIUARDkCL... BRITISH LEGHORN HATS, new tf, !.! for 0.nU w.ar,Althtfmperlam ,K "" May. CiUS. D. 2. Alwear, at the taporlaa. i t , CiiAS. U ill 40 Bfli-a. aifisa PORK-Jrt rteeirel fir , WlLLAhD&Cv rhBERON. RELIEVE AND CASS HATS. Jssrt F ' PILES llAWEsTNo. 8J Narkat at. fiOL" 20 i hhd for tale by March I. YELLOW COFFEE SUGAR r.v.e .! yiusuaia , . ao.l dr..' u WILLARD L k. , P. R. DLANTEKS A toned colon, at tht May kith HATS' Soft Fu and tn' vv fit r HIGH CROWN BOrT CABltMl..;Trii.l.li BtW ttyla. aeat colon, and a ... it . . 1 Very low artoa. Market Street. wa a iu 1BI B0l VBp a CHArf. L. I , hoepHeltta iCniit tad j A by , , , . ... a n l d.lilo,.M,,P'Mm l t' Dr'- t iH.0"4 I,ENJ8," Toath' Soft Felt H.u, t rumfh". yr4' baimWl At"h , aVMiaiUtal la-aA mm Umeiy gne e, or elee male the neidue of hie 111 mieertbl i0" ?4 ".aalUlet, at tht Imporlom, 2Ulf k ' ' Take Particular BoUao. .1 Jaoe . i n,, vr. I aoarenee eiittiiMewne aer injareat RiamaiM h. ad taersner Indnlaanclaa. ' CiiAS. D. tAMUn IHSrtlID. CBAEUU 0 SAMUEL ITEPHBRO CO, , v MOZART UALL BVILDISO. WILM1SUT0X, H. vtrp oontuouy ea nana txtmxcs Of topetlor quality and at low relet for RAILROAD, MACHINE SHOPS, STEAM MILLS, Ac April 10. -182-tf y r ; ' T. C. dk B. O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WnxiNwTOBj, N. C. - March 11, 1S57 156-1 ,, 1 C1TIOJI DI9TILLERT, WlLMiNOTONX. C, E. OAKLEY, lnpnrtrm r - VauBOKKELENABRO., Jtmt$. A LL KINDS OK NAVaL STORES purchased, mana Vi. taotnred Aid told . Wharfage and Horag furnished, and Cocptrtgt done at air rata. . n i ... . . . laa. lat.I857.-122-tf. ' ' - ' ' O. PRIOGfc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 87 North Wtr Street, (Store formerly occupied by Weate! A KSsra.) Wilmlnftoa, H.C So.t), l -H 68.jf It, B. K1LRRB, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, AND DEALER IN NAVAL STORES. - itr.i.. B II k. ... A. iiT'l f . . v r- wbulei Comer of Water and Market et recta, Wtlatiagtoa, N C. J. M. ROBlOJI V BON. M .'ORTERS, MANUFAUTURERS AGENfs, ASD I iCrrt In Hard war, Caltery, Iroa, Steel, Nail, Agrt ml- t-i larlntt, t4u " . adjeioiag oaatry, to eall aad iamtn ay toek before par hating Uwhr. I Intend to carry oa a general eota- mtetloa bnilnem. r articular attentien artu ha tin, ta iha ih. ru ..u k. .. 1 . . K' I a. . 1 I . i . . . . .T T I - - 7 mi mm owtvb, ua on Bina oi preaaoe. iAoaral Caeh adraneet mad oa eonilrumentev . wumtngtoB, uetobar wth. 1852. , - 27-tf 6tf Or. A. O. BHAULBV, , .., - , nunrtflTHT M ruru ruT ur.. w....... at n Haring aarehaeed the Drat? eetabllahment of Maaan S. B. AJ. A EtbbB. willkaea aJwavoaw hand, at icaaua bbu rewu. a larre ana verv eataat aaoca ar iiraea Medlcinse, ChemieaU, Paint. Gilt, Ulaea, Sargical Iatra BJOBtt, rateat Medielne. farntmwr. and Fane Artiolaa. af Mw pneea. . . .. i --iTiyicla'i rraocrtptioai pat ip oorrootlyaBd with Maroh 20th. 1854 lflg-tf " PKTTKWAT . PRlTCHKTi'. ' '" ' FCTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - - WitarmoTow, N. O. ; RetMotroll Inform Tottoa Planter aad Tarwantina Die. tiller Cat. with a rlew of rring tbeir exshtttrt tnterrat, they will derote their andirlded attention to Uing COT TUN, NAVAL STORES, aad ether eouutry produo. and, carry ni taia 171ml uueeiuauy, wiu aot mace purenatet of th aboTo article oa eommlnioB for Norther and Foreira aoooaat. Oar office (j tomor of NORTH WATER aad PRINCESS ttreet. -.... Oar wham aad hd ar eonrenlentlt loeated for the r. oepiioa 01 proaao eyeliner 01 toe rvaxiroade or Steamboat. kw uik adranoe mad ea eoomrnnjent. April 22. . PETTEWAY It PR1TCHETT. WM.CHOWAKO . EN ERA L PRODUCE BROKER, ' ' " " VX Sept. 20. LS54. - 18-tfl WiuitwoTow. N. C. FLOCK. PLMILY, EXTRA, SUPER AND FINE, Jtut roooirtd por N.C.R.R. Portal by pt. ta, t . CUMMINO 8TTRON. SALAMANDER BAPE.. ., ITILDER'S PATENT with Rlch't ImproTcment, a ra. W rtety ef tiie, entirely Fin Proof. Out of 900 told Syw maauiaetaran. lit bar beta teeted la aooidental ret, aad aot a dollar worth of property Injured la en at DaROSSKTA BROWN. ' " ' PLOUH-PLOCK. TTA BBLS. North Carolina Floor, freeh groaad. Jait XUU reoired,lortalo by , WILLAKD It CURTIS. Jim via .i.,(- .: f BOT1CB. ' -. ' ' ffHE FRIENDS who bar kindly patrontard a dartni X th patt year, art moat eeipeotully Informed, that then aeeoaBt ara mad ap te th fret day ef January, ls&7 They will eonfer a great fare by aa early MUeinont. - JeayBU .. . tlEURlCK k RYAN.4 ' ' " ; PLOCB, . A LOT of family, extra, aad wperflae, Juat roeeirtd and foryaloby CLMM1.NG k SI YR1 JN TUST RECEIVED, aad art now opened, ai the ItAZAAR u OF FASHION, oar Spring aod Summer tyle of la faat't, Childrea' aad Mieoee' HATS aad FLATS. No paia hara beea tpartd that aut toaJae to perfect, beautify and adora their ahrkw, either ia y mmtry of tty 1, betaty miUT, w Bcainam w a nmrniaga. March 20.' GILES k HA WES, m No, 61 Market t. ; - "v- '" &OTICE. ' - v-- - , : ' THE Regular rate af Wharf af will bo ehargod to Phtt pen who her been la the habit of Being our Wharf oa th Watt Side of the R irer, for hipping Cottoa and Naral Store re aired per Wilmington tt luaaeheeter Rail Road. - PETTEWAY It PRITCHETT. 4 Dee. 10th. 1SJ6. , r ... ; ?. , 80-tf . 1 GLUE. Fee DtROSSETA BROWN 10 OEOROB W. DAVIS, ' . EMISSION MERCHANT, Sooth Water Street, --..- - WOJIUWTOW, H.U jaa. 7, ism. ' " '-: i-.. . ..... 104-Iy 9. . , ,um:xo. - e. w. tmorn. dB ITTROI, SSI0N AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ...... wnjjiisoTo.n. n. u. ?v-t.l,t,ir5.-3C7-Vf. A S. A. UOIJIKS. TTORXEY AT LAW, - j, WrxjrnioTON. N. t t C -1 Trist St., East of th State Fank. ,i rril 2, Ivi-l?-tf. - J. i.. llTHtWII c J. A J. I.. IllTil OVAT dk CO- ::..:jn?- tiunts, wn. a. nui MAIHU E H T UlU. BBLS. GOOD MACHINERY OIL. For eale by 8ept.i,6. j. k s. L. Hathaway a Co. ' U lLMUbit OB AUOE BIS tic; AT AAOBLAAr BUUK HJtXrfltTOHT. f PHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECEIVED A NEW -A. BMortrntnt of iUederi' Materiak, it aow prepared to d ailkiodrof work la hi line, frcai the pUlaoft to th moot raaaontai, lath boat tyl aad ea a reaeooable term a eaa be done y awker e (At Coarfa. - Blank Book ruled to aay rattara, boaad la th beet man ner, aad paged if required. Masi Book booad after a new aso tmprorea metaod, tateir tnewiod by myeeif. Periodical, Ui aad Medical Book, booad la a Boat aad rabiUntial maaaer. Old Book reboaad aad repaired, and aame lettered aa book with gold. Pamphlet mad op with dVpateh. Order from Town or Country, promptly attended to. . . - P. HELNSBERGER. Sept. 21th, IS51 . IMf aOOTTON YARn!-AU Bambon, from Soadry eMrie. ' . OLt'B. rrh BARRELS TRIMS BALTIMORE U-aaie by - k March It - - , - - BC BURIES. OA BARRELS nrlm Coffeo Sugar) OU fc) do. Family MoiaWj 20 do. Maeainory Otli 100 kbda. aew ero CardreuaeMota Forcaloby 1, March lit J.dtJ.L. HATHAWAY At CO. DA1LT AJUUVALS OP PRCtTS It COSPECTI ON I THE LARGEST and moot rariod aMrtmnt erar baton brought to ttui market, ooneiiting of cboio Tabl Ap plet aad Swwet Oraago. Freeh Malaga Kaiaina, New Fit, )ft aad Hard Shaii Ataaooda, Filbena, &rmilNaU, )Wt Nit. Extra Cnadie af r reach aad AaMrteaa Maaufaotur Chrittaiiaed, Fig. Praae and Date; together with away other aruele aaually fr-and at th Breed mty Variety Nor. whoieeeJe aad retaii. No. a. WM . H. DOi EALE. prirete tad taipreper Indulfenclee. Theae ereaome 0 the ead end meltneholy flaeu prcditeed be early Nblte ef youth, via I Wetkneei or the Meek and Utnbt Fain la th Heed, Ulmneee of Bifht, Lnaa af Mueeular Kiwer PalplUtlua of th Uaart, Dyepepela, Merroo Irruablllty, tea-' fenianieatof the Uigaetlrt ruacuoae, Oeoora) Debility. loin of CoaeumnthMi, e. " Mntatxt-Th fearful irect ape th mind ar Much f 1 ha Bplrlte. KU ForeMKliina,' Arenh ef BoctMy, altf KuTr'uaL j p - - 't i - mm ariia nruausad Tboueanda of pereoneef all tfaa, eaa aew ladae what bjtha eauee m weir oeeiwiiii aeaun. teleg their eifao.bocewilna reek, pale end emeclai(, bare elnfnlar appotraac about tha tree, eouth ead eywipeome of Contempt ton. l, lokMtom'a awtejawaOiiB Uoanodl f ffotr Orgakto j By tkl treat end; Important remetly, weakiMweet tlie cmne ire epeedilt cured, end full rlfnr metered. Thii.t. .!Z knmediatelr reltered. All Unnedlaieaiata H.m.L? m. ll'T Meelal tKraltaui, Nerraea Irritability, Treiabllnee eel Weakaea.or exhauetaMoa of the meet lawful kind, epcedle tured ky lit. JoUattaa, r ' ,., ... Towwij Men, ' , : j i Who her Injured iheraeeitae br t lar-jla Practice ladulie ia when el we a habit ftequently tear Had from tell eotniianluiie. era! echenttbe etfbetaof whleh tn atthtby fnk evaa wiiea aaleep.aadtf ot eured.readen marritra lnoalbla.aad .la. atmye both mind aad body, eheold epnly &nma i.ailr? Whet a ptty that a yaont atea, the hop af ta exua try, and I be darhBg M aaa pereala, ebauM be oaalobad frwai all aioepaeia and ennyaal of hfe, by the eoneea.uenece tf devtatln frem lit paia i aaiura, eaa iauuiin ia a eertala eecret habit. Such peroabefoneontmplaiiii Marriage. ehould ntaot that a ecnind miad tad body arc the Mwt nrrnwe rt rcqnlailea I pMtnow connubial happtaeoa, indaed wltbml taeee, the ynnrary throafU life beemaee a weary nria, TS preepecl heurty der bene lathe newt th mu,i Waeebed. owed with deaptir end tiled with the malanchul reSeeUoa. laa lh hlnnlMa t .Mha. k.iMM hll.Ktl ' """ OfikB tvO, f CTB rt AtlLAkK T, mmtttmZi Md. ' ' . tAueaowAaOraaAreuireWMiBBvf . N. E Let as fila delicacy prevent yew, bat ennlrl.medl abrly either pereatiiilyar by lauer. . "PP7l medl r' :-, ' rmt.t uu. Tn Stranger, TbmaythMietde eared at tine laatKullaa ni.i. ,k. twerr reera, aod th aameraoe hnportaat aameal iurau 3 performed by lr. Jjli.BlO. wiuaeaad by ito rmnTm our daily panen end meny etUr pereotte-wotieni whkh hemeeaia aad ay fa appeared be ten the rtuci a aufflriani fwareM,Uat theaftwted WIU tad iuilal tad bonorebW pbyetehta.. . Tnk aottoo, -' ? ' N. r-Tber ere ea ey brwwataad Worth )aa Q aae It ad. VertMlaf taeaaeeleae a rbyetetaaa, raJiaat thn bwaBk at ia a ready evicted, that Dr. Johaetoe "JZmmy I t CiaUy U thoe aaeequaiated nrth hta ropatatiaa tnat bie LmLm U.ia er ite alwara eef M kw ejel- TAK8 fiuTlCE Ail leuen at oat ha il.l .1 VZSfVPZtS".1- w"""r wij mbi. aw t pr Ba snj. 1001, -s v 3. i- WlEllfclZlifn 4 H'1 a rr7 MrahM hat for thoe maea xaeeed te the a 1 1 kortmeat at th Hat and Cap R.pSi, 81 A M ' . 1 if EMBROIDtRlES. Great ireaoh Eaibrolderlex, of bargain eta be ll I t . lthDiUCRA: uYa. BACOS AAD PORK. U 0 kbde. Prim W.,tern i.eoB, Kr i.-. t . I'"" " " - 1-kJ.L. HATHAWAf ik C.) A t1, Wtol'Z WtM India MclaM UI VFortal by , t WILUilD 4 C. COB SIB. HE ST. ik , GU! W.i PATENT GRAIN CRADLES. For ml, I, Vwh?ATkv'W.hiskeT,a uu- K0W b 1 ; t; Jl'i a Mmrl, eai.1 1 N 1 ' B. C, SHEKTIIO ASO iAR3S l5je.!PaiWlf 1 " ' : .wvw. . mm mi aate 9 Mtyexh T.C.AB.Q.WC 1 . LAJ& iVZ1 1 01 felt ah 1 r t : Iv sUMMe.K HATS.by Expree. Etai, , . eat ef Hate, Cap, Ac, tt the Hat end Cap Hrr-a u Mjtrr ,v , ci'p.Aii , , Tn Wkmooal Bnyor. WE HAVE NOW LI STORE, A LARGE A ' wll eleotrd aeenetmanl of tMraw Goo4i f r c -n . key wear, which w offer at very low f g 3, ta ; Mock 1 CeeMUry AfurrAonft will lad tkUatxd -; nieaua ewua ai exHom tow Bfnre. ,. CiiAS. D. MYF:.', UU tad Cap topot-taa, 84 Market t v; :. CASH BCI ERA. A OttKAX tUUCUTIUN ta prion for tit f 111 oaek euatoaaer. mad tfai davi MayatXh. . - ' KXr&ICSAF.TA IM-Ir 'j-T 1.: t. WaJtnrBToa, N. C. ,49-tf O For eale by NOy. It, la5. DbROSSET At BROWN IT V .4 Hi Jf LAAAB.il, tL IjdiijIh'h Kertbant, ' i T 1 - V uatir, (tea. rf . C. HOOP IRON, for tal by Oct. lith J. M. RCFHSSON POV. Ai it ... : 1 i tt ft.it ::a.Ts, da tu, ENGLISH GLUE.' mltby April Sd. I akt turgor kjsr'wh G:e, for j b&o. ac CO. Wiui:kt!i. N. C EICPTT BARRKLS. ' Cv . A FRIMELOTofe;etedt?pir;t Brrt'j,oa wharf, and; t. v ion for rale by LIGHT SUMMER CAPS, of trory densription, at th Het aad Cop Empoeiaak U1A3. D. M I ERS. pr.i TH& HIGHEST BMnrtmoat of MImo tad Children'i LtGHUrLN GOODS ever orwaed in WUmiartai. V. U1 V. U.. .-J . . T?' : " u u u vi caporisim. , . x-it"- . LtlAS. iijar KS . IKE moet tt tendrt aad bett (elected aaeortjuest ef L m . brt'.U ia th State, of rary rartetr t a aad color Axejrkt far eaah aad ta a Urre e,naatit. W ernwi niraa Urt hw Uia w be deal lea Sartety ia tha a.tiea. A se ba j mt te bey fr I aifc-e,l it at tt Market St tw doon bo- Boidoia t Mt? Othtre Stor " PHta ASO itAMim ivA. NOWOPEN for tatpootion, at the BAZAAR OF FASH u vlJ?i h UrtTt, nmBt ef SPRING AND SUM MER CA Pa rer before offered la tbi market. x, k. ' GILES k HA WES, 1 Mw& . N. 1 Market M, 1" Vit AiTLstiuN f the kediee ie roepeetfuiiy raiiad i to W rich od elegast atworteteat f M 1 E3, CH I U iaCA eiMlAtAAlS ILAISIAU MA 1 3, InWadicg th d.5rett a oolitic of Lex born, trimmed aad antrtmm.A , I Fayal Braid, n Btw My! of geed j tngi,aa DoneutU. i Pedal Brail, Ar. Jat opeaed, at4tke Hat aad Cap Em' ponum, 84 Market it. March 23. CHAS. D MIERS. ' DOMESTIC GOOD WEEKLY adiiOoa te eur rtock r.f Peweet't Aprtthd - v- liliViiiC & K . EMPTY SPIRIT BARRTL. 101 PbRIY E eECt'ND "A NDJvtr- ;5 - mm ar ooBBMBfnjt a S V TMJ 87T ; Mareb 18 - ' . . . ATA?'. 5, r S.a CO, sroAR-tt.G ta. LWI ESuS. leiton; CCt t-ar AV . ViiPIY fciiAJrsbARh.tLS.-lipr.a teieetedbar- jku reu. jam tan jea c-sib t Oct Sad A O. H. dkv Bw.l , ta 00. t ruA4 no.; 18 ilbd. P. R. (Ught) do t ' tal by - WliXAO iie Gsi. i:S, I Aw'nfER A CO. RAT. FtUIIUS AD lltrUUl KO U;ll .na.KtViir ACUMfLtl C aABorwert f Ftr'-s oe --Ubia,- -Itw,- -Lorr S,""i X onaaerate t& maey nn aad d: it ucpoan- f..a. A- O. Oct-Suth. fMer. o-'T ar 1-. ! r 1 AM j - .1, A Li.es.jt. f ft A BALES bett New York !.!. 1UU Marehlt ii;w.. . C1 UANU.-A acr'y cf ftTr-. T rewired, t J tue bl ; .t x -it latrtite tc.sby a erirN: 0B, N. C. i. Ie .Not. k err CiiAa. u. MYERS. - . f crvri: KKlr.lbED ItiiU UBt, : AIl.TUWS to ear ftr'l (A S.IALL U It i c.4 s4 far i by Cs, A i A -xl Ji'sr Er- J A 5TT7.'S". f AF.JZ Li a: . i J -id t"ttwl tf k i F - ----- .' i , i ( : : - r. lie threat e!?!e i r r ct-u m . ; t t.i 1 :i; , .;.--"- . .(,!; i. ( " t.i i --; i f TT .i A-D :;.i:: z T--AT a: