..f. , ..1 ....' i - . t . SJ- J ' - " 1 " .... 1 J,' ' " I I' j , . i Kfi 4. "t ,4' - VW " ' 1 'jj ! I 1 ' l- al-i tr .... .' i, : i' ( 7. .a 5. ' WILMINGTON, N O., FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER, 11, 1857. : . ' ? . - "vr WHOli WJMBER 1 855 'I M! I A ' I if I f ! A. . ... ! 4. . j ... , ' j , 1 7 .'li Tp M i i! ' I ! 4 i . v; T FtXTOS nUCK, WUJPRXKTORS. JAB.' FCLTOJT, Editor. . . . , A. L, PEICE, AiMckU Editor. Om Mtr. lnruUblv in adruiea MM ' 1 K NUcriUr MrBli44 U diteontinaf h( paper after the .MWMSMBMBt ( miwertpUo ear, uBtQ the expiratioa fAU Utter ob boalnMt eonaect4 wftk tiiia oOeej tovt be RATES OF AJ)VBTIS13& . IUI IQCAH On J5 Twdy.;.....,... 17) TkmdT.. ...... M Foot dj.. eit T4ri........... t4 One week........... 874 Tw week......,..l I7J One month ... ,....J 00 I 'WO Kmtht. ) 60 Ttree mofiUk. 6 09 kix BonlBf.u. a 00 OKI iqCABJU On da Two dart. . . ... . . . Three daya. Four dy. PtTe dart 74 100 1 S4 1 40 Uoe wefc...,....i. 1 74 Two weeka J 74 One month..,,...,. 4 00 Two month 7 00 1 Three moatha. .. . . .10 00 Him. moiitha .......18 00 On rear 40 00 line yew 14 00 Tea luiea are eoonted aa aqnare, and fire Doea or leaa a fcal-iar. Longer adTtrtkeatenti m proportion, and all parable in adranoe. When not paid In atlraaoe 14 cent per nqnare will be charred after the flrtit huertion. AVAU half aqnarea not paid for in adrance will be cbar 4 an a aqnara. ,. . . TfAdvertiaementa Inserted ai P per lal or Bishop Notices are charged one-Uird mure than above ratea eight lines lieaaeaj or mm cennted as a square. tr Advertisement inserted ererr other dsy are charged ST eenta per scrasr-fir each insertion after tlie nnt. . .Tti o paplka.tion mada withottt a responsible name. v . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THOMAS K, OAaDWKR, A UCTIONIER AND BROKER. n v L u..- . nn.!..i. v n lonmt attention riren to the sale of NGW)E8, REAL i MTAlitt, BfULA., A. MAT I, '67 axial ajurnaan. ciablm c. oova. AAlVKAi IHKnUUUJ cu, irozART ball buildlnq. WILMINGTON, N, C, . , . , rf- - v Aeep eonnanur on nana vrruki. Of sniNwtor qntlUHIrs and at low ratea for BAiUtOADa. MACHINE tillOlti, HTEAM MILLS, A. , !,-.:,., ;f vnion DISTIIXKAV. ' A;W WiLMINtJTON, N. 1. E. OAKXLT. iVorwriss. i 4.44:.rg"'4t .. ALL KINDS OF NATAL STORES pnrehased, aunufae tared and sold ., harfkgs and Sttvact furoJaUd, and Ouopvao 4m at I fair rates. Jan let, lUSTTH tf. " ' . aTk BBIiiiW - YTTBOLESALB'aKD RETAIL GROCER, 17 North Water t f BMnewMore lormeriy tocnpsM by weaatia uiera,) N or. Kth, 1856 .. -1.- ... W , H. B. KItBIU, -IITHOLERALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MEB Y V CHANT, AND DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, Comer vi mi auu evict itfeeia, n lunmgvon, it. v. Oct. 8, 1850 38-tf " ' ' ' WamNsroii. N. C. TMTOBTERS, MANUFACTURERS' JIUKNTS, ANDDea- X teres Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Bteel, Nails, Agricul- 4uh 4Bwnvni, avo. ' - . A. HOLMKS. ' A TTORNET AT LAW. AAj' " WlLltlXOTOJf, S.C. mm vwc rnocwi n., 0 ue BUM MAK. ifril t, iMMiw f, . i. .... . w CEO. HARRIS. rENERAL COMMWiilON MERCHANT, VX . -i i ' i WiMnMOTOw, N. C. JOSEPH IL rXASWKR, . E3TEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANl. X J ' WmnxaTOtf, N. C. i.. .-..v . ADAM. BROTHER COn . , ATIOMMISSIOM merchants. , : J ' i WrtMIKOTOK, N. C SEORGK W. DATIf, COMMISSION MERCHANT. South Water Street. J WixmnoTOH, N. C. t. EAnuvAr. . l. Art a wat. wm. n, trrur. J. A L. HATHA WAT CO, COMJflSSlON MERCHANTS, " WixMrNorox, N. C. T. C A B. O. WORTH, 1 tOMXtSSIOJf AND FOBWARDINQ MERCHANTS. j : -'i WiuuKoroN, N. C. 146-ly jakm Aifsnaow, ' ' ? KDWAJU) IATA0I. ..'.!' AaTDKRSMNI A SI AT AGE, ' , r ; iO ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. " a ? Movrnu cbu BOTanGes maue on. consignmenia. , , I I . - i . ' ' ' wtt r inn Mr rtmrra OMMlSfilON MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE CROCSRS,! No. 10 Socth Watkb STWtm, Jan. 13th. ' . , WrmmoTOK, N. C. W. P. ELLIOTT, COMMISSION MERCHANT. - j ... FATirrtTiui A rnt for Lotterloh A Co.'s Steamboat Line. rrmxiN. C Will attend promptly to all budpesa entruted to Us care. .uct. ji, ism , , . , . , 43-ly - ' . W. II. TCRLI!TOW, T 4 ry ENERAL COMMISSIOIf MERCHAKT. ' i VT WlUHNOrOH, H. t. ,:-. urn to ' Oeorgn Harrbn, Esq., , ) Memrs. Lotterloh A Elliot, ' Wlmugtoo, N. C. , JnTy 18, 7Vtf , ' , I AMBb S, TbTTTWAT. WDMI I. nUTCBXTT. PKTTEWAT APRJTCHKTT, - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water Street, WQsiMurtoav N. C. n AViT-WiU gtro pexttcomr attentioa U the sale of Naval troaxa, (Jotto, &c , . DEROAtATET A BROWTf , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and AGENTS FOB THE GASTON STEAM , - - SAW AND PLANINO MILIA I MT Orders for any description of rough or dressed Lorn- Imr, w 441 ri promp, avvenuon. JaA 1st, 1867--tt - v-, ;Mt.lBH. sntiA cormc JAB. C. IMTTH A CO ! pOMMISSTON MERCHANTS, ef&oe arraod story, corner ovum nimm aaraeA Bveeta, M UBUartoa, K. C, .ere they are prepared to attend to ail benueas a the ..iMrrr.Lw'.on line , . : . ' Ail bo&i&es eatnatod to them wffl be panctmlly attend n. a. LAJccnrr. - ; -- I LAJBOTTA HOXIC t. u. sroirt. CCX3OSSI0N MERCHANTS, " WnmxoTPir, N. C. TriCS Near the WOminrtoa and Weldon R. R. depot v t ktr iia day fortnod a copartnership undr tie sbore -e, for the purpese of transacting a home bnsinnw exeln- 7, Buwvo, 111 .uie. B4euuonM tu interwit nr nnr s, to merit a continuance of their favors. Our wharf J waa'osoojie are eonrenientJy located, and all eonsiim--ts of Naval Stores. Cotton, Bacon, Flour, er' other eou . rrodar. eiiher for s! or shipment, will receive osr , -t and personal attention. - j Mt-34-tf J ' - ' OH IS. D, BTTERS, "TAT AXD CAP EXPORIUM, S4 Market Street. V v j , . w wn-TOW, N. C. l-yT AlPa'in Leaf Est, Wool Fur, SiX, ly located, and alleonsi- 4 a., .-.a tAa, c; "a, r,r and Glaxed Caps, bv ? v v V .'K. , .1 c -r A Ui a W i4V4JML40 flDCeS 1 13. f:i.liT.. ALU. OLP1AXL .tTC:3XET A CLKTAJf, iriv'o vr-!r.oT3, axd ri3 u c i vA.cs Ie.as. AC Vi rucNero, N. C. ...-TXIEWTt. , . j ; ' ' rr?--toftl Tirk of WL-irci" . u i ai;ut, L. i-, lr?;. cf Ccserc-I Usk. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS, , ' WM.C. IIOWABJD. fiept. . H tfJ WlLMINOTOK, N. C . V.flUH,: .fc : - . J. . M4WHM. GILEX MOOIIK, TTTHOLESAU! AND RCTAU. DEALERS VS UAT9, IT VITS lASjaS tMliUUXA. A0.,O., , . . , No. il Market atreet, Wn.maTOir, ft. C. raab paid for Fun. . ' WlUH UKim.1 v t. t. MI1BK8, M. WALKER KKAREI A (Xh, (nTCKKeoaa to c. ft D. Dcru.i V TT7TI0LISALB AND PRUOGIPTS, f No. 44 MARKET PTREET. 1K58.-T2I ff. ' ; ' WIIAI1NUTOX N. C. no. rom iwown, akhan . twbbdhmt, Jr., m. r. ihotn .. IHItUtiyKT A BROWS U lbulw, N. C-, 51 .1 i A J : i i ; . COMlliafilON MKBCUANm a iwwrrixv - y.- ,.;!( & v.mwm. ri EXERAt. COMMISSION AND FOUWAttOINO MED- KM CHANTS, . . WlLMINOTON W. V. JulJOth, 1M47 . . . . ' f ' 368-tT VKCDE A ME.1DESIIALL. .. . ElSrO'ACENTS, . : -;. f : .-1 MurNBAroua. MiKNBnorA. at Ake luvestmenu, lusa mooer. locate 1-and Warrant, and transact A General Real Entate Uumuumm la Uie North Week urn to f Oov. Brtftir, - ' E Gov. Morehead, Col. Gwvnn, ,M T. C. A B. O. Worth. April Mfi, M vi . t , ii , f ! i ., ' i lHF AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FArrmvjLU, N. 0. 4T5oiiciu eonsignmenu. Llbcrial advances made. . Jan. lith, lfc7 , , . , 109-tf w. ii. lbKor. . GENERAL COMMISSION MKBCHANTj AIXO, WII0LE '8ALK AND MLTA1L UROCLU. South Water tr.L Ti AtiaiiiagaviAi Van, miwhuh atrci'ui tmi MirvTV tuaiiut lair Msortment of URUCERUA LlOUOIW and PROVIS IONS, at wholesale and reUiL Particular attention will be paid to all orders from the country. I would respectfully invito uie cnisens oi wumincion ana mo saioium coun try, to call and examine my stock before purchaiiinf eh where. 1 intend to carry on a general conuulwilon bwlneat. Particalar attention will oe riven to the sale of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cash advances mad on 1 ' GILES A MOORE, ., J , A eBsn iicAuw uit iguana navereaay for iimpaoUnn, rasnlonab e and verr deMrab a and Invitin atnrk nt i.a, UAAOj D1HAI1 VVUI 'n. ObV. . AUOJ cnu4uvra4e IB riart, peary, bee Be, Uenn, and other styles of fi4utoiiable HUSH HATS ; Panama, Leghorn and Palia Ieaf HaU; Cap. Felt and Wool Hats: Leather. Cloth. Bilk and Kavv Cani I .ill.. DMIk. Uu.a t.ll.4k.L II-. - . .4 uium imiuh iih , luinucui rainr naia i vaues, tor brellaa, etc. T all which we respectfully solicit an ejtml nation, feeling well assured that they cannot fail to be suited With some of toe many varieties oflered to their Inspection. jtaorn win, juui . . j WIUtUOTOIV MARRLB WORKS. Front lnL near the Mctlwtdlat E. (lank. W WnVTTUWTU II L- i T . .j vr4rn utimtimi FmiTUKBTOluioiOfthe BEST QUALITY of AMMdUAA or ITALIAN MARBLE, furnUhed to order, as CHEAP as can be procured from any establishment of the kind in the country. ... . I employ none but exverlenced warkmen. and will mm no pains to please all who may favor me with their patron- AXTTernu CASH, nnleu by special agreement. ... . W. O. MULLIOAN. Wilmington, N. C, Bepi 13th, 1846. 7-tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. "THE VCSTA CA9IPHHEKH WOUKI." 7 r crm an sTurr, aiuMiurii. L1UUOI A VKSNI. piAMPHENE AND AIH10L DISTILLERY, DEALERS M J 1!MI WliBl-ttU-AIUJK Ur AAV Ai eTUKKS. - orricn, o. Bvu Bur, Nw Tom. Jon 17th, 1857 . , , 4 ISO-era. ! V. B. STODDARD, J. (jmh rnfUliAnli ca CLARK. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 150 Front HtraeL V York Liberlal caxh advances made on constnunenta tau.hr w hwmui iiciwfc viwa ruivucfct. une in, isot J7HT. BABBOW o. WATSOW, 0AATOX MEAJtM. v-. wATmiir es luCARES. aOOMMISBION MERCHANTS, ' ' ' i2 44 Burling Slip. New York. Especial attentioa Mid to the sale" of Natal Brora. Cm ton, and Southern Produce generally. ' uoerm aavancea maae on consignment. , July 1, 'St VX. I, kUSTIK, WW. KACALItm CHas. nuiT, (Sneciai partner.) BAHiis ew macaLlIMTEH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - v . , . , No. 119 North Water Street, Philadelphia. Cash advances made on Cpnalgnments., Jons Md, 1857 ... . - ; 145.1. l.ArTCocmA,j ' T.LBin. t. . 1,' . iviuunaiUHHi. - k - . ( Soccewtor to Thomas Allihon A C . fi ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ii North M . " Barves, ana w a on a water Btreet, inHLAOuraiA. Aje-uoenai caon Aaraocei made on coiMiirnmentB. t - 4 1 . SYML 1.1. 4UJ OUV44, 1J . 1 . 1 J79 CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES. , , DHSOLCTIOV. miTE CO-PARTNERSHTP heretofore existing between I X John W. Giles and N. B. Hawea, under the firm and style of GILES A HA WES, is this day diwnlved by mntual vvimna. , . . JUH.l W. (.ILrX. Jnly 1st, 1857. 1 ' N. B. HAWEsTT rO-PARTWERBHIP KorrrE. "1 fTL JOHN W. GILES having associated FREIX J 111. XOORk, Esq., with him in the' HAT. CAP AND STRAW GOODS " bosinew. announces to tha nnhiia tb.t the said bwinees wQl eontiune to be carried on under the nns ana style or -uilks a MOORE." Thankful for the kind Mtrwaage extended to the late rm of Giles A Hawes, ther trast that the exertioa of every effort to meet the taste of the public will cans a continuance of the name to the present nrm. - ' " M JOHN W. GILES, Jnly 1st, 1857. ijTtl " CD-PART.TBRmTP BOTICE. j fTTHs UNDERSWyED HAVE PURCHASED THE DRUG 1 ' Jl ioiAOLjftnjttrof iesfiri.t'. AD. PuTre. ' iney will eonttnoe the Pmr bmfneas in its various bran- cbbb, uaoer ue nrm cc w. aitAK cu. ' - WALKER MEARES, Jonv 1. ui-irvm vr rt Myl9th, 1856 7 ,18-tf l"0-PART7TERSHrP. fiif,i'twBt - Knasuiisdsy associated wRS him, Mr, n.oimwj. in spmrn neresner wiu be car- nea em nnaer ue name or A. B. McUL rUK A CO. ' . . A. B. McDLTFIE. July JOth,1857,.s , - i?i 168-tf ROPE ASD OtyT BAGS. - I i,rlI-ra wTf Aar GUN ST CLOTH. 100 CoSs JUTE "V oraaleby Aug. 14 J. A J. L. HATHAWAY A CO. KOTJCE. mHERerulsrrAte of WharfWre win be clurred to Shi s- I rers who hart been fat the habit fvf Dfi-n Aiir V4."4.rf An tie West Side of the River, for shirpine Cotton and Naval Store received per WUmiErton a ksncbester Ra.I R.d. tv. .v 'litWAXAFRIICHETT. Pec. 10th, 1S56. HA.tr tOAL. COAL. A prune articie of Chestnut Col (ra&l!) Vyserg at 45 per too. jaa T.C.V0..IH. AN EXCTLLENT AETTCLE OF POUT AXD ITERT T;ne a c.crel..at $3 per calU;a boiu-lt . purpose, and cab be eoafijently reconimesej Angust .J4 A. 0. LSATLEY, N JEW FLOm-WACKOVU MILLS. A aarp' of ! t a-v fcvoKia braad, d;iy expend . I ur ... t v Acr. 7, lsi?. ri2CiTT A EHJ'irv. MEDICINAL " BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. t , DOCTOR JOHNSON. - ' TI1E founder of this Celebrated Institution offers the most Certain, Speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Oleeta, Strictures, Heminal weakness, I'tln in the Iolna. ConstiUitional Debility, Inipotenrr, Weakaewi of the Back and Liiaba, AflectloiM af the Kidneys' Palpiutloa of the Heart, iii-ppia, Nerteve Irritability, DiaaaMof the Head, Throat, Noae, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy fiaoriM-ra ariMinir iron au taoee uesvuciive nanus or leutn, wkh destroy both body and mind. Taisn snenrr and soil' tary practioea more faUl to thair vbUmi than the aong of the Syrens to the Marioers Ulysaoa, blighting their nioat bruiiaut aopea of aaticlpatiotis, renderuig marriage. Ac. UipOMlDlS. VB4H MMl eapeclally, who bare become the rlctims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, which annual sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exaiiea lauenui ana nruiiani intellect, wno nitgut otherwise have entranced .fattening Senates with the thunders of elo quence, or waked to aeataey the living lyre, ma call with 411 OUUUU.UVV. I JttarrUa-a. Married Persons, or Yonng Men eontemjilstfng marrisge, Being awara of Physical Weakuesa. Onr.nfo. Dehilitv. D. (V.r. mitioa, Ao.. should Immediately eensult W. J., and be restored to periect neaiia, lie who places himself uudor the cars ef Dr. Johnson ma religiously confide In his honor as a geutlemen, and ooulldeut- rajupii ii4w pa in as b pnyw isn. . OrvKi WeaAmaas ; - Unmedlatfly cured, and full vigor restored. This disease la the penalt most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of Improper indulgences. vung pnium ar too apt to commit exeeHsea Iroui not be- "K awsr oi wo nreamui oonMqoences that may ensue. Now, who that andorstands Uie subject wUl pretend to deny that the power of Procreation b lost sooner by those railing Into Improper habiU than bv the prudent. Busides behig curirwi me U4uaur oi neaitn omtnring, the mon anrlous ana aesirUCUVO SVUli toms to bith IWuiit .nt mlnit ariu Ibe system becomes deranged, the physionl and mental VV k aeaea, nsrvous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation vi tun , iuuigmion, a wasunir or ilia rratua. Boiurn. BjmMyvvtMm VI VVOUinifUOH, BIT, sirrtai BtM l. Weakneaaofthasvitem. Nr.m. iu.iik i.a nVtirltatllM AflrAV fFflnt'rtAllv tAriatA fWitn O4A4 Ikui.iU. fk.k.4 .....tL ar aawaaej wj iBHUVUtl HasWIB) VI TUUlUt that solitary practice so fatal to the healthful existence of man. and it la the young who are most apt to become its victims iron, an kmorance or tha dinmn in ih .ni. jeet tbemaoivea. i'arsnU and Guardians art often misled with respect to the cause or source of disease to their sons BUa WariM. AIM I now one a do tll-v amir ha tn athar ByxL the Waatlnr of tha fnnui 1kIiIi.. fiu.......i. i.ii . iiz:""--v.TJ " "." '.-i'"i'"-1 uhiHwwih, uaiwiKmBiit oi we nervous nysiem, cougn, ana pyuiitona oi iwasumptbm, auto, those serious Mental sffseU, such as loss of memory, depression of spirits or peculiar flu of Melancholy, when the truth hi they have been caused by indulging in pernicious but alluring practices, destructive to dow uouy ana ai ma. Thus are swunt from tihuinoi tiinu. samls who might have been of nae to their country, a plea sure to their friends and ornaments to Society. . Orrica No. T Bona Fnanaiot St, left hand side going from Baltimore street, T doors from Uis corner. AVBe particular In observttur tha hams and nnmher. nr you will mistoke the place. . arTake aoUce, observe the name en the door and Win dows. A Cure H'arranV(i onto Cluira 11 min. u. from j One to Two Day, KO MERCURY OK NAIJHEOUS DRUGOS USED. DR. juiinnoa. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of the most eminent Culk ges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent In Uie flrsi Hospital of London, Part, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has elected some of tha most astonishing earee that were ever known, man troubled with ringing In the head and ears - - j. ini uci Tuuii--a, oeiug aianaeq at soauen sounds, and bashfulnesa, with frequent blushing, attended Bvmeuuies wiu aerangement or mind, were cured immcdiate- . A Certain Ptasnss. Wksn the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasurt finds tan trntrmea tm wrvbm of this parnfot AawBse. et too often uppvoa was mm ui-tmiea sense or shame, or dread of die- eovsry, aewra mm rrom applying to those who from edura tlon and respectability, oaa alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, sue a aa ulcerated sore throat, diseased aose, nocturnal pains, in tha head and liuiba, dimness or sign., aeamess, nodes on the shin bones, and arms, blotub- oi, aeaineas, ooaeeoa we shin nones, and arms, blotua i the head, face, and extremities, progreasing with Ul rapidity, till at hut the paiat af mowth or the i of the noae fall in, and the victim of this awful disease w VII frtgtful bones o becomes a horrid object of commi-ae ration, till daath mi. a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending them to "that bosra from whence no traveler returns." To such therefore Dr. Johnston pledges himself to araaerve tha most invtuUt.l secrecy, and from his extensive practice in the first hospitals uHuuuiMn auiwncB, no can oonnaemiy reccommend a safe and speedy sure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid diseaae. - - It Is m melancholy fact, that thoonands fall victims to this dreadful dieseaae. owing to the nikiUrulnesa of Ignorant fitKmKii, woo, vj 444i me oi wat areaoiui poatoo, mercury. raia ue aoastrtutton, and even send the unfortunate suOerer to an nnumei grave, er else make the residua of his life uicrauie. i,, ,. . . Take ParlVralar KaUaa. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by private and improper mdulrencics. , These are some ef the sad and melancholy elTecta'proda eed bv earlr habits of vantk. i Waakna- r k. d. k ...a Llmba, Pain in the Head, IHmnee ofSight, Labs of Muscular fn p ueart, inspepaia. Asrvooa lrrtla- viiiij, licranfrement 01 wa iigeauvo r uucuobb. ueDcral De balitr, avmptoivs of Connumntloo. A. MkmTAIXV Tha ftarf4il affitata anna tV. hj M nt. 4. be dreaded. Lose of Memory, Coafuaioa of Ideaa, Depreasioa of8pirita,Evfl Forebodings. Aversion of Society. Self Die trast, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are soma of Urn evils produced. Thousands of persons of ell area, raa new judge what la vt 4r 4Rwii444ng aeaiu. . bosmg uieir Tiger, ke suii4i4ig wa. para bdii emaciatea, nave a smgwiar aaprar anoa about the ryes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Joluuo,s lavlgwraUjig Raaaady tot Orssusls Waah . aaea -. By this rreat and hnnortant remedv. waaknaaa nf tK. - fans are speedily eared, and fnll rigor restored. Thousands ot ue most nervoas and debUitoted. whe had tost all hnne. have been relieved.. All impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nerroua Irrtubllitv. TminUinn and Weaknesa, or exhaostetioa of the mast fearful kind. spaeau earea a ur. jounstoa. - Who have Injured tlwnvieivea bv a Oriaia PtaAiiA feAui. ged la whea sioDaa habit freqaeatiy Isaraed from evR companions, or at school tha arfi-cu a ti. k mrm nio-kti. felt, even whea aakep, and g not cured, render marria're tanpoaaibw. and destroys both mind and body, ahould apply immediately. w nat a pity uat a young man, the hope of bis country, and the darting of bis parent, ahonld be snatched from all araspeeu and enjoyments of life, by the eoawquences of aiviBMHK itoih ue paw or aaure, and mduiging tn a cer- tain secret habit. each persona before ontemiiatirir jiiamae a. . should reflect that a sohaaanind and body are tha most Becesaary reqniaraeato promote eonubal binriineaa. la. aoea, witaoot theae, the journey through lite becomes a weary piirrtmage, the prospect boarty darkens to the Tiew; the mind becomes shadowed wft.ll demiair aad IliaJ aritk tk. melancholy reflection, that the happiness ef another becotaos aiicnH-o wna or ewn. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDKIC ST. AiRmorr, Jfi. au Stbsical OrxaAnoKs PiaroMint. N. B Let ao false delicac v ere rent m hot mnl. im. mediately either personally or by letter. BAM BIPXASB STXAPtLT CVUB. ' Tw atraagers. The manv thoaaandi rnred aiihia Tnatltntkun hkb (k. last twelve years, and the nnmerous Important an rr teal Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnesBed by the re porters of oat daily papers and many other peraona-oticeA af which have again and again appeared before the public hi a sulScient guarantee, that we affiicted will Cod a skill ful and honorable physician. 1 e Bauee. . N. B. There are SO manv worthlcaa Onarka aJvKkir themaelvee as Physicians, ruining the heaith of the already .-Jv-a ,k. la, I.V Iw- . 1. . om 4.1. wwiumim iTxuai ih secewarj to ear, c.pr ciaily to thosa nnacqoainted with his repetition, that his creeMa;lg er d plomas always aanr ta ka aiSca. TA1LE XOTICh. All letters must ba aoat-aakL aad bob- taia a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. Apra,,l7. 134-1.- 4 O. BRADLEY, DRUGGIST, WILMINGTON, N. atX-has on hand and k constantly receinsf pure aad ect Itvch. Medicine, Pharmaceutical lreparuona, I . ;.u. 0 .la. Fancy Artkie, Perfamery, hhop rararttir, V m,icw G jis, Trfe, Supporters, biirgical troreent, A c. An inpectin of tHe stork m sc-'.iciied frm 1 ytV- T;:y u low a tiwy bw (Jr " North, Asi i jw.., t tie :i::y of the arectesto be more reliable. 1 ie stork ef uwtniiwrs ia unitwally Mr; s: J w3 be ' I il tr-. P" C V-AIL3, 0."T AXD WS0UCHT SFIK. f r b v " FOR SALE AND TO LET,- - l Kit 0NS ilOUSE, COHNUr ANN AND RKCQND BTSJ .lit. I. !. aai .14 ug..l.l J A. a 0N8 f:i f contain " ' "'well of eontalnlng sii eomfortable rooms. Out hoeaee aad a well of Rue water on thenreinli4ti. One Hoase aa Ann betweeii Keeond and Third tf.... eoutauilag serea eomforuble roema, all necessary cut hointes Slid a spring of fine water. 4 i . One House on Third, between Nana and Church streets, three rooms, well of water tn the yard. ...... One Houe on Dock street, next east of the Catholic Church. Any er ail of the above property, together with I building lots on 2nd atreet, ean be bought en reasonable cm". IVVT 9 ! . 1111 HUKSR Ag. . f, to7. -':.-. 901-tf WASTKI1 TO HE ST. 1 wu uuums, or a nMALL HOUSE, eulUllo far 11 rouging purposos. APUi at , sept.4h. i" Tiiwomcis. VALUABLE ARD DKBIRABI.K KOH BALE. REAL ESTATE AH THAT HOUHH AND 1X1T now occnnlnA l, J f. Fill Kaa, situated on East side of Front, betweca Ana and - riiuiasireeia. ui 09 By sju rock running through from Front to Sooond suects. , .. . The houae la In good order. conUlnlng 8 comfortable rooms, and on the lot la a Kitchen. Nerrn Houaes. liri.-k Hthia (knl... !... . J . a . I..LJU-. ...... t .. 1 u i uriia 1 44i-rn4H lao uuis, eapacRTt kaaa a.ua lua . - MM . . 111. 1 . 1 . J on application to J. L. "" pi'-nnTC rom ti,'"'Lainj wiu ee soni a Dsrvant ni- KEKN.or D. I'HIOTT, Aug. ix. Hrohcr and Aaotlonear, WHAHrPIUlPERTTIAfmaAI.il!. liuit HAU. OH RENT. thAt TAlnaMe Wharf and tot 1: adjolulngth property of the lata R. W. Brow a and otlinra, For terms address the iabeerlber at FaysttnviUa. or make apuiicatmn to him In person on or about tha 30th ocju., wnva ae wiu ue w niimingiotu a .i.L .... JAMES JENKINS. Aug. 14Ui, I8JT. i ' ' ' MlawtiU. ItENT AND BALKv kvebai. HOUSES for rent and sale, For psrtlcn Aug Itt-lia ttstOct JOnN A.1 PARKER. VOll HE NT. Jrt THE TWO RTORffl FORM KKLY occapled by Wi hit A Kllers," being those ia the south end of my II n-oiitlng oa "London Wharf," are for rent or I easel (M-k. Uiaas mum uis tn. iiJ4r ot uetoiter nexv ? - . Also the Dwellng Mouse formerlv oecupled by Tkumas t), Walker, ailjolulng the residewe of Robt. H. Cowaa. Apply to Uobt 11. Cowaa or to the subscriber. ; ... P.K. DICKINSON. ' August id, 18q7 , ,. , . , . ti ouh. TO LET. Art TWO FIRST Cms- Stores on West side Front StrMt, Jjnear Market, being No. 1 and t In Granite How. These Storea art brick, with Granite treata, two stories high, 80 to M foet doeo, with entrance In the rear from aide albys, and weU adapted to a large business in Dry Goods, Grocor- jesor vrocksr. For terms apply at No. t Nerib Waiter Direct. JOHN C I.ATTA. a Agent for GILBERT POTTKIL Aug. 1st, 1857. .. 7u.tf IOIl REIfT. FROM FIRST DAY OF OCTORKn NRTT. tha Hi.au on Market street opposlto the Episcopal Church, and iSXt West of the Enlafleiial Para Apply at - . THIS OrTICE. , WlttRMT. ' , v i . FOR TWELVE MONTHS from 1st OfltnLsr aa.t. a fweuing house en Maries street, between Id and 4th Wtreets. North of tha Hail Road. A rnod kHrk.n attar k. d and wall of water convenient. At present occupied by Mrs. Pbilyajr. . For terms apply to i 8, U. WEST, Aoctloneer. Aug. JCth, 1M7. . . . ' goo-tf r IlOUIEg BOR REBT tH .A COMFOllTABLH nOUBB aa Secoad, between f-l Ana and Nunn stteete one oa Orange, between See ond land Third streete; and two oa third, between . ' """" "na, Auao, Beverai small nooses. . Aug. , .. . , PAN'L. FER0TJ8. ' i4. r u -. woii hett. ; -. . . , THIS DWELUNO ffOCKR ontl.. Ani-iidlB tJf UAaatAwaaln ; W-a I aA W la..-av L 1 L ..." s. . - a ewar ivt aa laat mwrum IB glMMI miiiip. aha Ham mil a.. vwm--M vuwuiiaiudjBV wim ft wu or foou imtdif An ih f rvm- aa-waa. it i ill w w M HYlhlT AH.Kth',lait.- " . , ( . iuk t FROM 1st October, a Dae two story House, embrao JjJ !"Kx gooa rooms, situated on tha earaer of Third and JUM Cro ItreeU 1 lot lArPal AUvaiLml a riaSa t..lk- nT B Town, flna w Il nf ia..ia. i tiT m- - siI 'ww-Bia) naiiaa as V ail VIA W 4 Ac. Also a eomforUbla Houae on Cheatrlut, Mwe iThfr, and Foertosyeeta, adjoining my residenca. Also a Hotna on Chesmit, I between Eighth and Ninth streets Apply ta . A'ICHS. N4fIA0. Aug. I9th,1857. .W-tlO A ORBAT BAROAI w REAL E8TATE. AH FIYR HOUSES AND LOTS, Which rent for 3H0 par s'l a -- v ,wv wiu v-i lur bj,i.hi, ihi Btibil- TT ""w 1 ; ;- "-t D. IGOTT, V Aug. 19JiH tf. , broker aad AocUoaaer. VAIXABLB REAL ETATE Ft)R 8ALE. AH THAT VALUAB1J! HOUSK AND LOT oa Fifth Rl aext to H. a Ellera. fronting oa Fifth strweL The House ia three stories klgh I if Rooms, 1 BstKliur Room, 1 r an try, and Ward Booms la said hoase I 1 Water tana, ana wsur oonvevea in an Uie Bed-rooms Gs sry room. The house is flnh.hed in the best manner, Gad la er- er, with a a pump to I (ovu nau mma ivsrtcni or water m UIS yard, With a PUfflD rnn-er tt la tka knaaa . . . . . . r . Imrll J fl . . u , . .... Aliii Tk.t ui.i.l. ... timnii i4m i . ' ., I -'. -. wrw iiumn Ail 47 LAI I irontlBAT OB I Front street, aext to J. T. Miwria'a reaklenea. biMLva!. I high, eontalnlng aix rooma, Kmc ken and other H-ft'ir1, " "' ' " ' ' "" ' "'" n1' " , am. m test rront, im ieet bark. And the LOT on the earner of flint ! iWrl. .4. a.uu, Wall mM Ml u.aa ta .... . ...aa. .a . ... - I. UH CO by 154 feet, with a fine two-siorv Kii.ra h ritiavet A Mil Stables: And eae IIOL'SK AND IiOT fronting aa llvrth street 8B by 132 fet. known as the Beetty House. It eon tains t rooms, with Pantries and CI'Nsrte, with a twe-story Kitchen and Store room. ALSO, The LOT on the eotWr ef Charch aad Hurry streets t lot 88 be 1S1 feet. Tk- k..i. contains two fall lots oa Front, Chisrch aad Surry streete. The above arenertr will ba aiO.1 tkmn aaA kkai terms. If not dbposcd of by the fifteenth of thai month, it i III k. a.U .1 , ' I wm. irw ww . r.a, uwiiKc .iriifr, at auction. ALSO, One likely NLGHO WOMAN ANO Ctin.n. Apply to , - - a. B. E1LER3. vonuDcrciai ana 1 i Herald pfeae copy. Sept. 4. HW-tf. . TO BEST. . . - . ; ? r 1 uib. uiree awry bricx dwelling Boom aa Market st, Jr-4 lrrwtIroupiedbTA.T.W.HswUttaAaboaMingf I bouse, ami above tha Dm Store of Messra. Walk! ' i . ... , wn . 1 r . , .... . .1 cair-a w. in. boom 4a BirgB ana eomroruDie. Apply to John A. Taylor, Esq., ha my abeeae. Poape ion rlren the 1st day ef October. JOHN D. BUiaAMY. Umtogtoa, Jf. C, Aag. 29, 1847. . JoJ.tf RICH PLATTATTOW FOR tALK. Mwm inn mu) i L.fliAiiua H SITUATED J-l rJ abont three mile from tow, and wall known as f 1 1 - - a -"- .vict, vaici Is a highly improved state of ealuvatioa. aaJ a rmi UK 1 UIII II I1I1T . - aikuhaaaah ef Rice now apoa It 147 acres of s eland and swans : thU swamp eompnsea about 120 mora er was, and the balance p44K4. .aere a ea tae praanjaee t good Bepo H oases, wtlh i M4K-o4a, aaca Bcowiaoaai.ng two lamuiea; a Brick -d the who. Tract eornprme. laT acre. llnd. snd a well worthy toe attentna of aaoae deairooj of making a good IH"Uliril4. ; . One Dwellixr Dou-e ea Fourth street aad adioiaiar tb resWence of Mrs. R. H. Cewan. The UA is lt5 hr M feet : dwelling new and eotrtains 10 rooms ; kitchen, stable, AoJ good bricked well of pare water, and all oOtev eowre nincea. One Tract of Land a4,f'ininr the Bornt HA Creek, hi the scburbe ef town, containing f acres store or Irat, tLk h has been, and la bow. is a good suta of ealUraUon. end be h was made especially for ginning jwpoee. Ajm, v j,. tor the same prerowe, I Ser two fall taJJ rr Lou. Twe Ueraes and Drays. For terms, Ac, which wi3 ba very I r-i, -p!y to G. I ;. , or , W. L. I ins Aact r A Pto. Scpt,iss7 ;f.n i"rr - - -ra I i ' ef r r -1 t Ejl-r . V f ur rat er l e t i. L r("i r"T. . Ii I . - , i i , a at !. .. 1 i t i. AJ-Vr. i:.'..-..cs w.J a .1 1 i tt "i ca r.- .e uz, U a: r c.e a :o r - r r :n t. 4 uar::, (. in Jr-1 ' ytBTtJB OF A DEED Or TRTfKT tHi flTeyed to me b Mr. Bunjamla Mott, 1 wq oiler' J Tor sale without reserve, st piiblio Astion.t the Mukat-Uowe is toe tew. of WUmlngton, if nofprevlowl. dhipoaed of, on tha 1st Thuradsy ef bimaHur Co-L In Oct ber next, tUl VAI.UABIJC PLAMTAtJON on Wri. huWuto Round, knawa aa the MoU J'lace," eon total ngse.ea hua dred and tweuty acree, adjoining the lands ef Jwt9 A. Par ser, Mewra. Jones A Gardner's sud otflers, nine n Vs from town. There It about three hundred aeree elear-d tad Uk der cultivation, well adapted for Com and Pea x-t there U a Hety acre, of Bwamp Und, which esn be d.i ',ed and drained dry at very Uut expeu. f and when d -, the land wlll produce elgh y bu.h.1. of corn per a--e. : U balance) Thera la DweUtag , Ban and Mtgra hum .a ur plan to- t- w b- Hueral and maim known ,V a,W(' for Jor particulars suquire of tha aabsoriber at waV "e jE Sept. Aw, 1887. ' ; " ft.-KUe tf " TO RE XT, J - ' n 4 FROM tha let of October Hit, . tha Brlrk Dwelling fjf and Store, at present occupied h It, X Horart, eor. ner of Orange and Third streets. Apply to T ... . 4 Dr. WM. R, VL-LJAV. . . wii-i-.-. m a '.SAJVLM.VA.3i0ir. Wllmlagtoa, If. C., Aaf. lath, 1W7 ; jji-tf RHL ROID imru imn sir n Till subsi'ribet wlU sell, on Tuesday of rVpu mr term of New UanevevCmiatv :nii-4. fivw mi iV a , ffi.Vil AAlL ADBTOClcrhXlongtal to the estate of Daniel Bordeaux, dea'd. Sale ah! o'clock! A.M. Terms made knowaaAsaW.fi - 4 ' Aug. Jl), 1U67-3U3-U A.M. UlfB.Ig'r. , iiot iB Ao un ron iaul. t t HmfH jnB.nousu and WT,,wriiaa i ft . i f www icmiurj. giir PeMV ' An, tilh Imlf . 4 f " erwa-aa awwn i A. L 1'LICI. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. PETTEVAT A PitrrriiKT-r . E ACTORS AND COMMISSION MEIMUIANTR, pentfully Inform Cotton Plaoters and Turpentine Dlstfl. Icrs that, with a View of aervlnr thalr t t . Kitt w'. 9iy."Lt,M,,r oovWedT attontlasi t ml'Mj COT ION, NAVAL STORKS, and other sountry pnxluce, and. to carry out this system etlectually, will not make purrhasea of tlie above articles oa commission for Norther a au.i r araim aceount. - Our afflca at aarner of NORTH WATER tad PHINCE3 itresU. , ,',,. i . i Our wharves and sheds are Convenient locaied frr tha rseepUoa of praduoa by either of the Railroads or Bteahf oosU. . , , , A r Cash advanced made oa consignments. COantOATED wrovgiit raoM AVO WTJUI RAILIXU. Sfmrtd htl Lr-tLn Pnl 'mJ-1 ' A DMHLARLY adapted for eneloaiua? PnM1 C rounds, 1Y CenieterlBS. Ilaluonrs. Cottagsa, Ae., Bhsep and Og Hurdles, Patent Wire, Sacking Bvdstoads aad Iron Furni. ture. Patent Wlra Coat Snreens. Ora. aaaii ant ii....i Hcreene, Wlra Netting for Mosqnltos, Sheep, Poultry and f-M"-"- niiwimtr iiousea, f ane wire wori In great variety for Gardens, Ac. i, . ' , t . U "a i M;,ilt'K' Cor- UadelphlB. Aug. d lH07eilW0-l. , (,., . 1. .fci t" - ' ItrMDRIEB. ' " 900 wiPt F' VAIU0U8 BOAXDSi mJJ 100 colls Jute Rope I, ... I hhda. Ilacoa Sl.lei I i I , J ' ' 80 bales heavy Gunny Cloth . .. -..- W barrels Machinery Oil, toorrantoj gooxl I 40 hhds, prima Cubs Molasses I ' -. , , ,0W saclu Liverpool Salt. For sals by m ) J. J, 1 HATHAWAY A CO. Aagnat list KWAl- Alia BAfXiar, PORK. AC .... a.'...!., rriiA, ii mm. ruu . iir.iiN BACON I , , 10 Mbbls, Mess Pork! ' 89 bales Gunny Cloth A heavr artiula t W I., r 1 laVk ll f ..a Pk . tf - IF4J DIHII elUM 1U)U. aJOAtl MAAllPaMl and Vf AmfA lamf Angus, tub . JL IL MibUFFuTcfl. ' A A1 Ann. - TOB BUlWCRIBEn REGRETS THB NECTIffifTT, Of giving imblio notice, that all old account or notes' due him, not settled or satisfied, tn all tha present Kant af Julr. will be sent out for VoUectwn. 1 July 1st, 1847. - ' " " M.10BrSS0I. M0 LOOKED mow hit conn. AT lat. III. 44i SB aata -. . . " eaw-WAaw at T" iWTP J9 ed by B. Butai t'nuadeluWa. ra.,lust reeelvad and for siibt T .V.-. ' . . ' A. 0. BRAPUY. eaves. , " si surxst at., Wiunlmgtoa M. C s n, m. lfCrLABaiCB. ' ,. w-.il r lV-V;,,, For saleb , . . AW. U HATHAWAY A CO. ' innn i sTkT-!ld, A"4 oanJ fptomlia Assortment of all fif M,.B'Jrr,lt"?' hteB v1 be sold low for caah, at the old atand mrmarl ocoepled by Hoostoa A Weet.7 ? B.M. WEPT. LM-af' March 11 VOBTII CAHOUSA PLOtR. KO, B5IA ''T' Norta CaroUna FsmOr and Bnper root tP vla store. For sale by - WILLARD A CURTIS, Bn ' " ' AT GREAT RISlllltl 1 eneiii . . ... - A GREAT variety of Fancy and rHsrl Prr OeotK' H OKA RYAT,. ' - - TJFYED nns DAY AND FOR SALE AT PirSi f.r.TL Vl Ltf Di Correspondence of James LedelL by Griffith J. McRee. ; -.. ,,. 1 ,,t., .i , Suhacrlbers to the above work will pleaaa sail A Pteroe'a Book Store and get their copies. t , , , T, ' l H. ritncrj ' ' a ',. t for P- AppletoB A Co., rabiiAf.efa. rnira "ccanNr GERMAN COLOGNE 13 SOU) BT , r A. O. BIUI IJ.Y, - ' Drnrtist A CbeBif-t J- SUPERIOR Irish Cilltag Twine, No,M and SO. For ttia . y. .... J.M. ROBLVSON A JOS. a uf uih fu, jnoj, . ...... ... . ... a iv-"'u 4j4T. vur siocs; or uoraeatie i XJ soarplete for the season. Borers are Hrrited t e.. I IT) I 1 l. me. . - . i , MUUtifK j. cvviv lAL LACES. The beat stock of Vt'.'.R-t' TmJ h i Imttatiea, Owtimra. Meckiia aad r,w". v, t i alwaytkeptby --i BLVK A AYAMi CHECK ROOKA. - HAVE A QUANTITY OP CRETE SAAri oa the different Banka er kawa. af to, wbm we wm asu low. Apply SI tna - - - July 1st, journal ernes. Pr Barrela..,lirr a t-rt , VERY PRIME EECOND HAND U 1 S Barrels, Just received per fxhr. Sea ju i I Vw Terk. For saJa bv 1 r, from Aug. i.Hk. ADAMS, BSO. A CfX UAt 1-4 7 "ffi - aT ' " , . .- i.tJ- . A . ... , rrRAW HATTI.TO. 4 NOTHnR scrp! cfflraw Kit I A i A a. gpuuT BAnrr.Ls. . 235 !T EELS, tn fine orJrr, f r a v ' J. A J. L. KAIXIW1T A tlfflJ ASD KE KIX. .7 V V i.J huLal I eeo. r T. C. A ermr pagsi cow i ft Ann GUNNY BAGS b n - OUUU to suit by rci, A-ir. S-.t iVI. BLl-TTV cc ved a:; Ji'i-U I jl . v r " t s i s- 1 . - T iv r FOR SALE AND TO m 1 iia

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