J. .HikLt ! H. ...... l .4. ; r Atut. is rV'raa . tui aiiatuW neat, e rece'; cPor!irjty s, ' . 0..rA.. r, i.af. i, ' 1 ao. k. Gunner, i j ay :ft- f---4 W, ttutteej,' f . -t, If. P. ltuaaeff. . . t, Ctok and TTeeaurer, i . '.--I iv-r toe, . J. . V I'tmrC O 'leer. ' . ( 0-:alwlCaerd. ' 5 " " ...... .r,tvwt riurveyer. .-.' -- APCTWHWWM. ' J T v : Cudatr, Ik M. Wwt, wd M. HIL . Jut V. lien-tag, J- 0. Bewdea, i, Botrdea, i., u.4 a. r. tomrdotu, jsmet v. iwwaea tat. SteaM W. Mayer, TV. J. Price, Jot i.. (. , . a ik Jame. '" ' "" DffritrTDM e tnrm w unn . ' ' ' J. H c. t'cDoffit, U If. Bowita, I v : uua W. & TurUngtoa, Je. T. Morrle. . -i-r and Jet. M. tteytnson, Inspectors of Ha, ts ah r i-rar v . v ... KIt!'M, t fel -I J,u, I, tue oft I n J : "raor, salary, per extf a, and Peter Birth, Inspector! of Weed. cesvnwoNBM or innoAtiox. - I . r. - Robert 0. Rankin, , ry U. Ctu J. 11 '-' Tall M. Porttt. f a J. Levi, (1rkf Um Sord. . 1 r. JM r. MeiUt, Jr., Port rkpictM. 1' .' ., i ; "ir.k, Harbor MMior. , ... . . ,.,,,,.'. a u. l.Anja, r:.lT- kUtr. , J' ' nUM JltlTAWM. ,,r , A lit. r . ... ' a a. wan. ,,. w. i. nmiia. ... .. . i.. f . . MOB MOD. . . ... t Lti, s 0 i , , . t . . COL'KT. , .. . .i'V ' i kr Conrt far tbio oooirtv kkeid eitbo fourth i . rtWf mrUi Mwdaj of Haroa, Ud Ut (owtlt r t;i fututa biuodtr f bopiember, of iteb w, rk ) tcna KUW Lvkti Ukoa iu oa tb ant r of bi term. ........ :. .... - iujh a- wnrM, Eikj.. Lr of Coort Of Uf . f,mrmt, i tin voan Uf r.onnT. " - i i i oiiiem an4 )nartw MmIom, it brld o tbt i tt.U . .i ... T. . . f - ttoMY CWtJiMiT. Miller. ! . . "na-ia.W. T. I. Vaaa, u. "w i: rwxiM C)nfy-K, D. Hall. ' ' ' fv- Juaa r. Am A. HartaAold. j, I . u4 r-v-i bUtekii Court atta la Wflmlurioa oa Um t 41 iidy oar tbt foortb Moooaf of April and Octobor fw&rsar. A. A. Brown, Clerk. fbi.ii.tx.jlfm, . ' ' ' " ' ,.r- nr mtmtylcm DMrMi.W. L. Callal, .. iniaaia, ooaa t'wy. 1 ' ' ar Cam ruaXIncorponUl to 1W1, Capital . JiJiOBMaU. Mrlgal, ttfiltfoni ' i . ! wt R. Barif . Cauirr. ,f ; iJia. ft. mirr, Tellar. Jsar.aaUUatia, AwliUnt Tttlor. . ' , t J!a A. Bradlry, Book Kpr. -' " - 4. D. UaHaar, DWowrt Cerb. ' ' XncToak On btkalfof IM Wo('Wto. R, Aaba. JohB la 1 'a, Joka Walkar. P. K. ptf kinaoa. - , ftTo IAa rWMCTt ThnmM H. Wftfbt, loh r, b iJvBcoort, a. J. pcKoaaet, sr.. Wm. A. t,r.Jl' aJ.M.naair, ' , " : aay laaadar, DtMMMUrt da WooWaajr. ' A Cols' . ef I'liwAora act aa bum of Kxubanyc ttcry day Li-nk kaa aavaa araaeaoa. located aa rbllowa i Ftt- Mtoviiia, haUlcb. WMblnrtoa. llbwy. Halem. AihYlUe. aM treaaaaara'fbMa branrb btva anl;ud to Jhe wiuwiotom Bkaxci or Bini ur tai Btitt r soar i:ssT.ii 4.:ptti, woo.ooo. , ( ar4 F- JIaU, lYotident. V u.aua Raatoa, Caaklor. ' i&inaa O. hvma. ltoiwt f Snrk. nir.Itf ward P HmO, 'Join A. Taylor, Joha Paw aa. Jaawa AaHerann. (illbrrt Totter. . "rtif itj Mondyr. Dtecotmidar Tuaaflajr. Tka raaidafti U virira al bull of tzchinn arerr da. . . ' ; afiiMfwnja Uawt or Wttirworox. Cipftal,1 ID.OOO. O. U. I'arulf r, Prtiidoat. ( f ... A t :..4y Kavaf, Canbler. , " 'JahaaicBaa. Jb, TWIae. r , i- -. ' Aki. fprant, B'k Ktepar. ., Aa K. V:ie Due aout TUrk. , ' . ' W H 0 W "KR'UIIVI V IUIIV1 BUWIll KHWIi &'l . . AS. Be , A. J. IKnwei, Jr., 0. U. ranter, H. K. KUoa, 4 i, r v z- laumor, ucarta uanwa. ... f dij katattUy, Plaeoant day Moaday. ,T- foVViiMiJtoTo-Caplul)sOO,000 . . i i: (.;, jfeuiot. , , f ' - a Jnrett,l'sbier. ... . , , i. L. f uiJi. Trllrr. .. . .. ,, rt John hcRm, Joa. B. BlotMOM, Urt A. Bart, iwtjr, Alfr4 V arils, Itobb 'oreS H. P. Ksa- ivuui v ....... I X., ..u.uu.a, rwuryt taaOa- V i ii i.. f v, .i tuunty, BtcwUr of KUta, tv al r J '.!: i . vt kt4. f RirtlMrha, Tr-.rrr, t!,0oo. W B tunmoft, of Waka, t bkf Clortt ta Trtamirar, Taa Cvaacl ef BUM k roaipoaad of tin follow In f f eatfe- cTc VfarrUat, ('-rrltoct ' DOW Ward, of Ptt , tTMLMft ofBWar ' , ' I Wrr, of Mklefibrf A A afaTar,of Nwpaoa. - W 0 NrtacH, of Kotkiugkata j C M Amy, of Baraw Oovoraor'a Aida, wKk tb rank ef Cotoatl WLKfaaady, afaafort Joba W C'uniungkam, of Pernoa If J McIuQia, of taibarUod Jobil (1 Yiiwv. uMadlMa Taa (aml Aawaibtr eoauacaeei Ha wtaioa aa Uta third afoaday of Mavonbor. avery attcraata yaar. Tb next eke- Uoaa for BMiuMra or taa ffeaata ana rtoata or uoatmona, aaa for avraraer, viu aa mm oa the trat 'innnnuy ef ABfwft, - ' TIMB OP nOLDI5U THB OQTJBTS. Tba Cnltd Mate Circuit Court far Om DUtrkt of North (VoUoa W bold Mwi-aanuallr at Baielgb oa the lt Moitday of Jbm tod huit Monday ia orftabr. Juilgfn Hra J U Wayaa, of Caorgia Hoa Hnry Petttr, of raytttevWe, Dtatrlft jBilfa-aalary, II.OW. ltrkt Att-irwy, iWban pkk CtorfcvW If Uaywatd, 6r: Marabal. Wericy Joaoa. fit United nto Matrtct Conrta art bld at Edeoton, Jrd Moaday la April tnd October. J U Jobm, Clerk. AUa at Mawbera. 4tii ktuaday ta April and (K Ubtr. t Beajamla Brow a, Clerk. Abo, at Wilaiimrtua, lat Holiday afUr the atk Moaday ia April ad Octuber. A A Browa. Clark. Taa Hopreme fJoort of North Carolina ia aeld at Baialfk tenl-anrtaally. oa the aocoikd Moaday ia Juae, and tba Itltk day of Oeremler. It ht tUo kld once a year at Morganbm, Burke toonty, on tlie Brat Monday In Anguat, Tba offloan art aa followt Krn3rk-k Kaab, of Orange, Cbief Joatlea t Richmond M Peraon, of Hurry. Judge ( tVilUaai II Battle, of Oraago, Jadra ealary of eeca ll.&uO per anoon. Wm A Jenklna, of Warrttt, Attorney General llanilltoa C Jooea, of Rowaa, Reporter tEdmnnd B I'reemaa, of Wake, Clerk Oliver U Perrr, of Wake Ixputy, Clerk) Jamea Utckford, of Wake, Maralial. , , thb BUpmaii cocwr. Tba Bfll ta provlda for boUtng a Baealoa of tba Supreme Coort, enet a year, ia tba veetora part of the Btata, hartal oeeome a tw, wt auoiom a raeptM ai na preriaiona. arjetaiuaoruieiwpi J one, fvplailr 1 aatd.a, arcui. i - t art-rt" u.a .. ; Iff-1 f ("aaelf ..t V iw, i-'- -itfr (.11.4, L .4 i. M...Ur aiwer u f. i e i -t hi ui u vLvblitj ia aUrtk, , J. f Vr and Tea. t I ..'isy of J r r a; t Jlf, and a" ..ad AugiMt tad Hoe. lat nrovldet thai arkeaiua of the SaoreaM Court aha 11 bt aeld ream at Mora-antoa oa tba Bret Mendar of A or uet, Hee. Id provkka that ail Appeala takea aad raueee trana mitted, from the CottaUoa of btuaat Uaridaoa, Montgomery, A neon, and all the eouaUat lying wtet of the eaue, ahall be heard and tried at bLoraaaton. ? . . Mao Sd proridet fur tba appoluttuent ef m Clark, who ahall keep hie Offlet at Morgautoa. .. . , Bee 4th tnakei It the duty t tut Sheriff of Burkt to attend taa Baeaion or aaw i oar. -. ' He ilk erovldea that the B Dorter for tba Court at Ra leigh ahall alio act at a lie porter to tut Morgantoa beaaion Of It. -..! ;.; . Bee Ttk maket It tba duty of tba Judge ta appoint one of Ilia Bollf Itort within the regloni of eouutrytpeeUled to at tend taut Uun t Morgantoa, u AttorneyTor lue huta. Tbt act doet net aboUab either of the Termt at JUIelgh, but proridee for kohiinc aa additional one at Morgtnton. Jamee I! Dodge, Clerk. ' -- t . fir J. LI at' s. v Til VxixuioTox BiviMa Bamk. . Jnt-a A. Terlor. rreaidaaV . , - ' -. A. Wa rr. Cashier. '. f D. Wallace, P. V. faanlng, A, afartta, W. v. J ;rr,'Pan1. PrrruaitBoa. W, Brew a. , f trrafrrattofr.M. oaMoa4ayaa4Tbara4aya, ar:..ve4ttoP. bf-onSaturdaya. . ; , , 'lULXLltOAM't h -' f V ' nyT9M axa Wbmki aUu, Roaa Cvmtikt. ., , .tv A-.e. Praatdeat. . , . . , H. U l"reDMrfii,is!aer aa4 Bapertutendent. . , . . 2 . jiiM B. tija, Traaaarer. I Tbea IX Wallace, Tkket Agfnt and Clerk. V . H. Lajm, Traawpartatioa Agaai. " . . "L I. Airnaaa. Aaa'l ii -, U M. R. fehitUar... IMaorie aWrJtofcbre AeaJnaon, a. 4. uenoaaot, Jr., W. IX oV I r. I'. U. Ptckiaanis A. J. iMbaaeet, Jtn W, O. ; i, W. W. ttiroa, UUbert Potter, I. D. Bellamy. av atawsiPim &an Boa CoHrurr. ; .,. D. V alker, I'rr atit. j,. j a !1 Jwpb t. Mug, traaaarer. v m. A we.ier, rveretary. , . F. LWrtaoa, fVrWer and Btmertejeadrnl I -.-J oka A. tavtar. BeiiryKatt, If . M. Vtzoa, T - .'" or, AJfraa wBaa, ar atariiea, uoarva L V. ..J, fc. W. Oaclea, JofaaJ. Moon, aad W. A. Mai- ' T AKO GAbTO jTillL BOAD COMJAXT. f . .4. i.'-rwatdaat.., - . - V. , i . t ( amrr, . - - - ' C w. i ..a, iepot Agtai. . " ' r l. J. I. t., t CABCUXA BAIL BOAD COXPAKT. I -or. roaideai. .uL Treamrar. I rtht aad ticked AgetrL .Afa, Ae tda. .' j s . I T p. W. , Wlfalnae , Vera Val daa dairy. U A. M- aad -mi ta m tea aaity, e &, u. - r e i ail dat Monday aad Prbkr, I p. leV . a ta d. A. MnM4aym .---C1X;.H J OF MAILBk ----- lzz-t, Va., and XnrUi of t.at. "J a-4 raar. 3 aad M a'cJark. ; ?:kj W A. bU aad P. M. - oro". awl Wet of Croldabora'. y, oawKIck day ftdoeeeai of "rt i-1 T.m4 of Cior,' w- A W. R, R. at fc-e r'acv tk-e '?.JftJ,iy. !4r., Stariay j a, an t.Mae Iia;-Kr, i!. ' i-l We Va . i A, iL, t II: fjrJ v ,- 1 .nr. , ar-4 v , tlcct ; ' BUI'EBIOB COUBTH Tba Bunerlor Conrtt art held In tba eerea Clrcnlta. by the rouowtng omuert Jnajre Hamuei J i eraon, or new Haa ever County Mutt In (a E Mthley. of Cravea I Joba M Diok. of Oulford ; TJartd t Caldwell, of Rowan John L BaUfvj of Oranrtl hM W Rlli. of Bowanr and Bomulua N Haundora, of Wake. Rollcitora KllaaiC Hiuee, rid re the r tret circuit ueo a rtiereoaon. of uravea. rwn tae Begone Circuit , Wrn. A Jraklna, ridei the Third Circuit I Thai. Baffin, of Orangt rldea tba Fourth Circuit . Robt. Htrange. of Mew Hanorer, rldea tba Ptth rlreort William Lander, of lineou. ridet tbt Btxth Circuit i Maroaa Erwln. of Bun combe, rkipi the Herenth Circuit, Tba Cuutie are held at FIRST CIRCUIT. Tyrrell, Brat Mondtyt la March ind September. Waablngtoa. aeooBd " , ' J i '.. Bertie, third' . .... - " , n nerwora. fourth Uatea, ttrat Moaday after tat foorth Monday In March an ii ii M Ii 1 II II II II ch and w II BeBtember, Chowan, aeoond " Parqnlmamv third " Paequotank, fourth " Camden, fifth OnrHtnnlt. aivtk " SEC5DCIBClT,,' ' Pnolln. fourth Mondar ia March and Hentember. In Wayne, Brat Monday after tbt fourth Monday la March and ee ptemoer...'1- ' flreeae, aeoond ! w iV H M " Unolr, third . " ... r tt Jonei, Wedneaday next after the BAk nonday after, the fourth Monday la March and September. Onalow alxtb Monday after the fourth Moaday In MAreh ana rpwmier. Carteret, aerenth Moaday ftaf the fourth Monday la March ana nepvemoer. . . , , -Ai 4 - L Beaufort, eighth Hyde, ninth Wilton, tenth 41 II ! M M ,. M .. , ii i . ,. ... 'u II II M H ' II II II II TniRD CIRCUIT. Martin county oa tba Monday before tba Brat Monday .1 S'ltt, the ftrtt Monday fa March and September, ideecomb. aeeond i Naah, third iohnaton. fourth Wake, tba flnt Monday after tht fourth Monday la March aaa Beptemoer. . . . . FranhUa, aecead 41 . M M UTarraa, third Sallfax, fourth -- h h' ortbampton, ttfth " " , " "I . : , FOCRHCrrtCCIT. . OraarOle. Brat Vondar In March and Bentambar. Orage, aeeond Monday In Marrh aad September, and the foartk Monday after tne wann Ken-lay ia March aad Hept. vnatnam, uura atonoaj ia jaarca aaa oeptemaer. BaadolDh fourth " " Mr PaTtdion, Brat Monday after tba fourth Monday ef March aad Beptember ..... . , , Forayth, aacond . ' " t Mtnkaa. third . it t . -... ' Oullford. fourth Bocktagnam. fifth CaeweU, aixth . i Peraoa, aerenth Alamance, clgtth M II l M II I FIFTH CmCTIT. Moore, Monday before tbt but Moaday in February and Aa- Montgomery, last Monday tn Febrnary and AngtMtl Hunly, Brat Monday la March and beptembar. . Aaaoa, tecoad j . Richmond, third " " ' . , Kobeaon.fon'nk " . -f I Bladen, t.t XmUj after tbt foarth Monday m Karch and pepiemuer rohuahaa. aM-nnd M RrmnewicaVtAJrd -- -- 'i a V ... ' ' s r- t New Hanorer, foarth .M . . " - o.- rt Nunpeon, aixth ;. tl . U Cnmbarland, terrain rt " - ffTTTH CIBCCTP. '" ' j Sorrr. foarth MondtT la Februarr and AuffueL I'adiln, Brat after tbt foarth Monday ia Fthnaary aad Anruat Ah. auMUid s 4 i Ml , ...--?! ChaUAitt. aeeond .oiJy ia t ibruarr. alar. November. - , . Cbowaa, Brat U&i ia l abraary, May, Aagwat and Ka- rertther. , i , j. . v ...... y , ... ITereUad, tenth Monday after the forth Moaday ta March, June, Btptcniber and Isevemoer. -' - Coluiubue, aecead Monday to Febrnary, May, AVagvt end Crarru, aeeond Monday ta March, June, September, aid December. .'.... Cumberland, Bret Monday to March, Jane, Beptember had ltgklAlat'adaP Currituck, tba laet Monday to February, May, Aaguat and Komber. -Cherokee, Bret Moaday to March, Jane, September and December. , . : .. i ! v. ts -- . . Dujilin, third Moaday la January, April, July, aad 6cto- uer. Daridaoa, aeeond Monday to February, May.' Aagant and flovemoer. - Dark, foarth Moaday to Febrnary. Mar, Aegeet and'Ve rember, ' If lUgecembe, foarth Monday to February, May, Aogaetand November. . . , . i . Franklin, aetoad Monday to March, June", September and December, i . 4 ...- - onrUi tbird Moaday to March, June, September and lie tee, third Monday to February. Mat. Auraet and Ve- ember. ... tiraarille. Bret Mondar far Febrnarr. Mar. An nut and November. , , . . (ireena. aeeond Honda ia Vabrnarv. tf Auraet 'and aoreaioer , ., ... Guilford, tbird Mondar ia Febrnarr. Mar. Anruat and November.' ;. - ; - baatoa. tlilrd Mondar In February and Auruet. mad foarth M a. . .1 M - . . . a a m . .1 a monaay aner tae rounn monaay ia Marcn ana Beptemoer. UaUfai. third Mondar ta Fekraarf, Mar. Aacnat andh'o- rembar. w.w a ." : ; - 'i t ' Marnetk, aeoond Mondar to March. June. Bewtenbat . and Deaambar, ? ... -m - ... May wood, foarth Monday to March, June, September and Doember-iinw'iiK-w'w- : Hertford, fourth Mondar to Febrnary, May, Angoat and Noveaiber, i M . ( 1 .. if. , , ... yae, aeeond Monday, in February, May, Auguat andNo- ftmuer.--- lienderaon. Brat Mondar after tba fourth Mondar in March. eune, nepiemoer ana iwecmeef. . j i t.j Iredell, third Mondar la Februarr.'Mar and Norember. Johnnton, fourth Monday In February, May, Auguat and November. 5 Jonce, fifth Monday after the fourth Monday ta March and September, and oa tie laet Monday ia January and July, - Jackaon, third Monday ta Maron, June, Beptember and aweemoer, , f f ,,,. ' , - Lenoir, flrrt Monday la January and July, and1 third If on day ta March and Heutember. , , ; , , Lincoln, Becond Monday ta January and July, and third Monday after tba fourth Monday in March and Hentember, Martin, aeeond Monday in January, April, July and Oc tober. . : " McDowell, fifth Monday after the foarth Monday to March, June, Reptember aad December, i n i.i . i Meckleuburg. fourth Monday to January, Jaly aad Octo ber, f. . ... . - i : ' Montgomery, Brit Monday in January, April, July and uotooer. Moore, fourth Mondar ta Janoarw Anrfl and October, Macon, aeeond Monday in: Merck, June, HupUrmber ahd December,. . .rt ., ': Madiaon, third Monday after tht fourth Monday to Marcft, 4une, neptemoer ana uecenmer, " Naah, aeceod Monday tn, febrtiary, May, 'Bttgoat and No vember. ' ' f ! l.-lo ' " "' "' ' . New Uanorer, aeeond Monday In March, June, Be pttiube; Northampton, Bret Monday ta March, June, fieptem her aad December. ' -: ' Onalow, flrrt Monday ta March, June," September and December. " - - Oranie, fuorth Monday tn February, May, Aogunt and 1'aaquotank Drat Monday fa March, Jena, September and December. "': Penreiraaaa, aecoad Monday In February, May, Anguat Peraoa, third Monday ta March, June, September and De cember. ,.....-,' : l'ltt, flnt Mondar ta Febnrarr. Mir.' Anruat and Novem ber. - .... v.., - .. .,. Polk, tenth Monday trier the fourth Monday In March, Jane, toeptembor and Dectmber. ' Jtandoluh. flnt Mondar ta Febrnarr. Mar. Ansuat and Ko ran, ber. ' Mi' -I Oi . " Richmond, third Mondar hi J anna nr. AnrfL Julr and' Oc tober. : ' ' T Rowan, Brat Monday la February. May. Ancuat and No- 4 rember. . . . Kooeaon, fourth Monday ta Febraarr. May, Angriat m) Roi klngham, fourth Monday In February, May,' Auguat and November. . , . Rutherford, ninth Mondar after the foarth Monday ta March, June, September and December. Sampaon, third Monday to I'ebmary, Mar, Aaguet and November. -, ' ' .'. Btokea, aecoud Mdnday In March, , June, September -aad December. 1 .'" ... , ... , Hurry, aeoond Monday ta February, May, Aaguet and No vember. '.-'' Btanly, aeeond Monday Iu February, May, Auguat and No vember. jj. iiifi.-i ''! ! f .. Trrrett. fourth Monday in January. AnrU. Julr and Oeto Union. Brat Mondar la January. AnrfL July and October. Wake, third Monday in February, May, Auguat and No vember. . "I , ,. .. ; ;. ' -v. Warren, foarth Monday ta February, May, Aaguet and jioTemoer. Waahington, third Monday ta February, May, Anguat and Nave inner. . . ... . - Watanga. third Monday 1q February. May,' Auguat and November, i Wayne, third Monday ta February, May, Aagntt and No vember. - - - Wilkee, Bret Monday after the fourth Moaday to January, April, July aad urtober. . . ,... Wilton, fourth Monday ta January, April, July and Oc- tonerr , ... ' -..,-.. - i Yadlln. Brat Mondar ta January. Aerfl Julr and October. Yanry, fourth Monday after the fourth Monday ta March, June, tx-ptenioer ana iiecemner. ,. . - .LlTLRABx BOABDv Gov. Thomea Brarg, ex-oAcre, Chairman. Alfred Joeea, ef eke. - Wm W Holdea, of Wake. - - i . - Matthew Hbaw, of Beaufort. ! ' SUPERINTENDENT OPCOMMOK SCHOOLS. Calvin H WBey, ef Guilford, ' ' ' INTERNAL MriwPtTNT BOARD '' ' ' Coy. Brarg, tx-offloio, Chairnua. (Vacancy) N E Canady, of OranvQla. ... a M 14 M Aahe, aeoond Wukea, third Alexander, fourth Davie. Aftk i?e G it ii ; M .- '4 M H 250 Aug. IredeA, aixth - ' Catawba, aerenth Lmoeto, eighth GaeVna. ninth Imoo, toaih after the foorU Moaday la Febrnary and Auroat Caharrua. twelfth , " Bowaa, thlrteenU M i RKYESTH CTRCTTT. Caerokee, Bret Monday ta March aad September. MBoea,eeeoad .. t . . . Jarkaoa, third 44 " Earwoed, fourth " " - ' Mea4enMa. Bret Moaday after tht fourth Moaday ta March aad September . , Buneeaihe, eeeend 4 . - Madjaoa, third , Yenoer, fonrth . MrDoaelLtrvh t'&l.jr;ikei;h - a. eeventh FTte, ebj ftlKri,ath : ' rNvl, tensA Oeyalaad, eleveath 1 - 44 corrrs cf n r. ts Ar ct.Ar.m grssoxa. As count v, oa the aeeond Monday ta January, April Ja'y aad October. AO, f -urtk Mocdty to Ttlrzfj, Acgust aad Xe- reir"r. - . A. - - r, tn K.'t.,ly in Ka-c, J-r, Scrtember, and If ' IT. A tMY- '.v , r c.e txr STciar ef FeV -v t ,1 y--ti u .j"h a-1 Ertesb-, asi the i U U 41 U a 4 4 li A n " a- r vkjb cciJ. a, r-. n, (fr Lomtiudy,t -1 e Cuhlca, IwtWf' r ' i-i e OuUca, 1 rt I'utat, . , . ... .! ' iis-'i vokty-frane piece, - 1 acutr-fivt ftane piece, Bull via Doubloon, - , liraiiUPiece ef 6400 reia, ' . . britaia 8o?rcigvi. . i ... Brunawkk Ten Thaler, . . . Central Americaa, l- " v r " Ecaudo, . Gold dollar, . ...- ; CblU-Doubioon. (berWe liOS,) . .. Doubloon, (Ibu and aiuce,) . penmark-4)oubl. pred, or 10 Thaler, Kenador liaif doubloon, , . f rrpt Hundred piaalrea, r ranee Twenty franca, .' Greece Twratv drachma. Hanover Tea Thaler George IV, . V " . Ten -Thaler. William IV and Erneit. , . , Hindoetan-Mobur, Eaat India Co., , . .' . Mecklenburg Ten Thaler, -Mexko-Duebtoon, average fi aetueriana jucai, . . . ... . Tea nildera, . - " . 'ew Granada Doubloon. II carat tUadard - Doubloon 21 carat standard including the aflver, . Doubloon, f-imh ttaadard, . . : . . . . Doubloon, " .h . taelnding the tllver, Peraia Tomaan, . . Peru Doubloon, Lima, to US3, . . . . pouhiooa, Cutco, to lhM, . ' . rin.il.l..An - Iu,, PvrtagaUjiatf joe (fuU weight,) . Crown, . . . . . Pruwia-Dooble Frederick, , . ..... Rome .Ten aendi. . . lUumia Five roublei, . ' . rkrditua-Twenty lire, . . . ' Haxony Ten thalee, .-.At f Dacat, , . . Ppaln Piatole, (or. doabieea,! ... . i uraey uunarea piaatret, . ...-. Tuacany iHequIn, . . . 5. i United BtaUa Eagle (before June, 1NS4,) ... ' Five doUar piece of 0, Bechter, average, j-uuar wi me aame averare. . .... . . Five dollar piece of A. Bechtler, DoUar ef the tame, - . . Oregon Exchange Co Fire dollar, ,... . 4 Hi 0 N. G. t N. Han Franciaco Five dotlare, $4 K3a4 MO M Intra1 bank, Han Fraiiclaco Tea dollara, ta Nil Ho MonattJeCo., " . : - Ta0tMO . ' " " Sixteen dot. tagola, about 15 T5 -1 no tin 85 6 1 4 0 1 87 a -IS) 4 no U 69 0 o no - 4 841 - TftJfl UNI 1 OT 0 Hit IffiTO U4 0 ' I 8U0 -7W0 4 we a ato I 4S0 I a0 4, t wo - 7 100 TWO f,5A30 not 4 00 7 1110 16 no 14 II 0 U S8 0 I IS 0 16 66 0 i- Hilt ' lUlt - 0 66 0 f 010 0000 ' 70 soot -1846 T 04 0 I MO I 000 - 4 07 4 i 100 . lotto 4 M0 -' 900 4 Wet 000 - M0 HATS, CATS, 10. n BA&AAJ1 VJf VA.aUJUAV . . . ( antttna lt4t.. . iimtvr hrMcrr, B'lLMiNurwN. N. C. TUB LAthftoliiSiJ). WOULD Eri5PET, announce to the Citiaent of W Uuiington, and the p u generally, that they 'are now oueuiuir. and have ir for inapectwn, a fawhianahie and very eeetraUa, and kvi. atock of HATS, CAPU, HTBAW UOOliH, Ac. Ther e meraUta part LEAKY, BKKBR, GENI.V, and ether of faahionable I)Ers8HATH, FELT, WOOL and 61 'ii. HATS, FUR, CLOTH, PLUKB, and GLAZED CAPS, I Hiding HAW,ChMrt-n'i FANCY HA 1)5, CANES, UM LA8, et.. . ,.. . , . -v ... t To ail whom we reapectfully aolkrt an txaatlitation, ft taf eonfldent that aeveral year experience at the E eeubined wnh our pretteut unequalled factliiiee will tu ea to offer taduoeueata to all thoae who may favor na i their satronage, , ... Oraera received for Military and Kaval Ilata and Cst Nerro Wool Hate by caee or Uoaca. ; ,. We ahall aleo introduce, for taa benefit of ear ceatouu the rrench Mat ijoiiwrutawre, .., , (JlLES4M00r.I!, Bopt. 1857. ' v ' t . - . MSCELLANEOUS ADYEBTLSKIENTS. MOKIVO TOBACCO. A NEW ABT1CLK OF VIRGINIA SMOKING TOBACCO, XA.au penor uauty, foraale br DaBOSSET J BJUjWI. BtttAJtl BTJiaAtttt 0HHDS. P. R. 6CGAR, ta ttore aad for aale by . t - .,- 4 , . l( I, C. B. i, WORTH. auguat iu, uoi. 380-lw ALT I f ALT It m RTXDEED SACKS SALT, in prime order. 'For eelt by , . WIlXABJDACCBTI3..r GRimx pom. CI CITABLE for fencing, roogh pmara. Ac M duryuu. Tat b1a .m . . KIDDER B MARTLN. : h , - 264-tf. ...... ponx. .... BARRELS NOW LANDING AXD DAILY EX- pec ted. For tale by . - , U- J. A J. L. HATHAWAY ft CO. OA BAIJ3S iwy hear GTXNY CLOTH. 100 eoQa JUTE UjUix. leraaitey - - AUg. I 4.. I. HJLlHAWAI s w. aiLVta coma. Austria Rig Dollar, . . , riuru, ..- ,i mt- a Twenty kreuisera, . . , .... ' ,s Lira (for Lombard v. i , ... Baden Crown, Gulden or florin, . Bavaria-Crown, .... norm, . Six kreutaera. . t Belgium Five franoa, - . - i wo ana a half franca, . Two franca, . . ' v ' '. 1 rmuia. . .... Bolivia-Dollar,- . - Half dollar, debated, 1830, XHW"T HUUM, UVUMU, OUU, Braail Twelve hundred rele, cigai aoaiirea rota, - Four hundred. .... - . Bremen Thirty aix rritte . . - BritaiB-Half crown, . enuiing, . . ..... .. Fournenee. . Brunawfck Thaler, - . . Central America IHillar, uuctr, aay, Chili-Dollar, - .... 4uerter dollar, '. " ; Eighth dollar or real, ' 1 Denmark Rigabank thaler, . . Hnecle thaler, ... Thlrtv-twe ahilllnra. :. . Ecuador Ouarter dollar. Egypt Twentr plaatrei, France Five franca, Franc, . , . - Frankfort Florin. .... Greece Drachm, . . uuiane, ruin guilder, -Hanover Thaler, fine tliver, irk.u. mi.. unvii law um, j ... Haytl Dollar, or 100 centlmet, Heaee Cawel Thaler, - une-iixin tnaier, Heaaa Damatadt Florin or Gulden. HindoRtan Runee. - Mexico Dollar, average, . Nanlea Scudo. . Netberlanda Threl riWert , -rtatwer. . . Twentv-frvt cents. . . . i Two and a half guilder!. ' " Mew Granada Dollar, uaual weight, , lAiuar, ngbter and debated, ibi'J, IVreia Sahibkoran, ... - Peru Dollar, Dime mint, r imuar, cuace, ,., -. Half dollar, Arequiph debaaed, ( Half dollar. Peace. . - Poland Zloty, Portugal Craaade, ' - urowa or ion rata, " Half Crown. Prnaaia Thaler, average, - - ' One-eixth, average. . Double tbaler, or 3 gulden, Rome Scndo, Teaton, three aoudo, RtMaia Rouble, Tea Zloty, ' $ 07S . 400 16 0 . HO - 1 07 0 . 39 5 1 03 6 - MS so 03 0 460 "37 0 IN 6 I 006 - 376 WT 09) f (W 0 ' 33 0 36 0 - 640 - II T ' Tl (WO . V70 L.1010 214 - 112 62 3 1047 17 0 18 T we . 93 2 18 6 - 39 6 16 6 26 6 ' 69 0 ' 681 - 361 67 I 11 7 . 391 440 1000 40 . 120 40 . 06 f 98 2 1 03 0 09 1060 211 1 000 1 001 Ml 49 0 116 69 2 1 113 66 0 680 11 0 1 390 1 006 30 0 75 6 1 131 '''" ": TO PLASTERS. ' GILES A MOORB HAVE OPENED TWENTY CA Negro Weed Hata. which for auahtr and durability ha never been aurpaaaed ta thi market. They have a ait houae, in which they place their common Hate. At they t pect to do a good wholesale buaiiiewi, they keep a L; aaaertmeat oa hand- . Their good are brooeht direct frem the manufactory net from a New York iioune, hen they can afford to aell at the very luweet price. They a only a comparison between their nata and those of any oli Biaae ever offered in Wilmington. We can upnly couut mercbaau with any atyle of Data or Cain to ami their ct teuera. . , . ,. 4URBAT lVDlTEMKXTa. ' ' t llnw Ufttdi at Coat Omr t'tuh. - . i uixjcsesMooitK... , I WILL FROM tbia day aell or their atock of Straw Goo.' of every dfecrinUon for Men and Boyt ware, at co prioee for caab, to make room for Fall Wock. - July 3id, 1847. , , , 70.tf j . UafBUKIXASI tMBRELLASH ' ( V JU8T OPENED TUW MORNING, A FINE AK eortment of Bilk and Gingham I'nibrellaa, of eyer ire?, variety, aba and color. ( t Bept. 1, 1H57. . G1LEB MOOR85, No. 61 Market at. 1 n GILES A MOORE. BEGS LEAVE TO CALL in attention of Country Morchanta and others to the cot aUut arrlvabj of their Fall and Winter etoek ef Fren Felt and Drena Wool Hat, Cape, Canea, and Umbrellat, A Hcpt. 1, 1867. ' " , . J tm BECE1V j j Cap Emporium, 15 caset Men and Boys Wool Huta. V11AS. V. MIK1M. BepLJd. 307-lw - 34 Market Street. TTCHT RECEIVED PERPRESri-l caae of ifae late ej faO atyle MOLEMKIX HAT, introduced by Genln. Cai at Me, tl Market atreei. ,h, . tilLES 4 MOORE. ( September 1, . ; ., . ... .; . I mHB " ZEPHYR HAT," an entirely new tyla, Oberon ' X lieleivo, Congrew, and other ttylet light Htraw and Fel Hat for Bummer wear, at tht Emporium, 34 Market Street : : " .. C11A8. D. MYE1W. 1 'WILL aell at coat price, our entire atock of Men', Boy Y and Children' Leghorn and ether etrlea of Htraw Good. At the Hat and Cap Emporium, 84 Market HtreetJ July 10th ,x . , ... , , , CHAS. D, MYKUB. ANOTHER ARRIVAL BT EXPRESS THIS MOR I nine : 1 caae of Black Drtet Caaaimere Hata, the Wtes atyTe for FaU and Winter, i GILES A MOOKE, -Sept, 1, 1867, , ; 5 No. 61 Market at QOMETHINQ NEW.-French Elaatie Hat Crape, or Boin I p bacine. Made to order for G1LE8 A MOORE, No. 61 Market atreet, under the Carolina Hotel. ( September 2. OUR BLACK DRESS CASSIMEItE. the mt popular . atyle of the aeaaou light, cool and bandaome. Another ( eae tmt received or Kxprew tht morning at the Hat and Cay ttenwtata, ta Market atreet . . ..: f ENT3' Summer Dreaa Hat t Deary, Genln, and Beebe't tjT, Bilk Hat; . " . . ,. " Drab and Brown tlcaver j , , Black Dm Caluierea, AM io, ' Examine our Bummer ttock Dreaa and Buaineaa Hat, at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market at. - i C11A9. V MI AUU. 23 15 25 . 17 -15 . &6 40 40 ; 30 30 410 For aal - ItxnT BMIRUA' FRIME QUALITY WXOXD HAND SPnOT BAB- reH, lurt rwerrearroot eoob yr Pre trroont by ADAMS, BSO. CO. ACK KAXT. O AAA ACKS UTESPOOL SALT now landing. - .i,lViV roraaiery a'ttg. 2t;h, 1S57. J. A J. L. HATHAWAY CO. ( A. O. TTt AEtJKT, Dmcstet, ; : S WOULD repectf-u"vca"l te eit"on of Smoker te hit aMort seat of HAVANA, CUEA and PRLSCITE GGAKS. Aef. Si i. I ra J- A - r- X ai rtont BARHELi' 44 WACi::nA K'llS,:' FAXILY AND fw. Foraa'ety 1 - nt rid ' ' rtroxrr E-.3W5.'. 7?X T""' CA73 I ,v": ' " RATES OF rOflTAOE. tjpon Lttten to Portion Comtrim rrwirvW tn Ihe Ham- i,. owry acau, aireci jrvm ame i or. f Tb Mteriek indicate that tn caaea where it i ere Ixet preptyment (a optional; to all other eaeet prepayment requirea.1 Quarter Half Couatriea. .- . ounce, onnce. Atwtralia, rta MareeiUet and Snet 60 , ft 4)3 Do Trteeu, paid to Alexandria. .. , . v 30 Austria, Lombardr, Venice, Tyrol, Vorarl- berg, Ac, Bohemia, Hungary Baden, Grand Dutcby of, ,,v.,. ...... Bavaria, kingdom of. Belgium, provincea qf LumbuiXj'.ttrttlcb, Luxemburc. Tbt other province Bremen., t ......... China, via Trlerte . Do. , MareeiUet., Denmark, Alton and Lauenburg. .-. Eaat lndiea, vtaTrhMte. ......... t... Do. i MareeiUe and Saea. Do. (Eugliah,) via Trietta, paid te Al- . exandria Egypt, via Triert Oankfort. Frmaee, Coraiea, and Ahjier (libraltar, via Pari....,.... Oreeee. ...i......;... Hamburg ... , .... ,...,..,, , . Hanover , Heaen. . .v. ....... ....-, Hong Kong, (China,) via Trieste, paid te Alexandria............. Hohenfallera.,.i...........u..j......u. i Kircbenatadt, Aaeora, Belongna, Ferrara Ravenna, Rome, Ac. IJppe-ScbanrabUTg, principality of Lippe-Detnold.. , Lacca, (Italy).,. ' La be.... Mecklenburg ... ,. u.;i - Modena, Modena. Mana, Ac Kami, Duchy of....... , Naplea, Naplee, Ac, paid to Austrian fron-' - tier....,..., Kenray....-..v.-..i'..' Parma. Parma. Ptacentia. Ac ' Proi ; . Rnesia Sajconr. kinrdom of...... Saxe-ABeuburg.. .". Sardinia, Alteandria, Genoa, Nixaa, Pine- roio, iuruvevo....... . Saxony, dukedosM of. ........j... Scbwanburg. principalitiea of . Spain and Portagal, Tia France. ............ 30 Sweden.,:.... Switaeland ......, Sicily, Bart, FogrH, Girgenti, Memina, Pa lermo, RerfrioVTTapani, Ac, paid te Aue- triaa frontier Tuacany, Isle of Elba, Florence, Livorno, Pisa, Sieria, Ac... Turkey P Ml KUVUI jl, RE);.1IJ Ul.l..,,,,,.,,.,,,,,, . - -J The nlf to ail tre above-named ptaces are the e by the New York and Bremen line, except that to Hamburg by that line the rate is 15 cent, and to Bremen 10 centa. 22 , 64 72 30 30 22 4J 41 35 10 15 ,u 10 22 28 38 22 25 It W 25 23 .21 25 15 29 15 15 30 n 22 42 S3 27 23 38 28 22 I75NGLE3 HOCriSCN-J. 1, LJ It qaa-.ty made. For sale by andl lach, of the tt J. M. EOEISSON A SON. TTACKES! HACKEI3 ! ! A fine aortoBt . of Rob- JLX tim t last and tVjf improved Ewker. tnt revived aaa foreaie y M." ;.u-f s $ ROTICK. ' DURING my abaence North, Mr. E H. Grant it author ized to collect and receipt for all account due me. CHAS. D. MYERS, July 28. ilt and Cap Emporium, 31 Market it. PISiB WALKING CAWB., , - fpw ormrnr, a pruss did SKUXTTION OF ORANGE, J Roeowood, Black Ebony and Malaka Cases, with Gold and Silver mounting.' Alio, Gutta Perch and TrTbaiebone, loaded bead. , Crooked and straight, extra polish and com mon hickory, a full assortment, Bept 1, 1867. ' 1 GILES A MOORE, No. 61 Market it , "ITU SHION ABLE Black Casslmere and Molcakln Hata, new JC etyle. Just opened at the Hat and Cap Emporium, 34 Market Btreet ' ' ' CHAS. D. Mmca" . .'. CEDER BARK PAPER.'' w": - St ATI AsaATBt'aOrrrc, MSonxBawSr.,) "' ., Borroit, Febrnaw 34,1866. f Tliis certiflei that I hav made a chemical exsmiuation ef Ceder Bark Paper, manufactured by Messrs. Warren, An pletoa A Co., in Waterriile, Maine, and find that it has the peculiar essential oil and other print Ip lea of Ceder Bark, which are known to prevent the depredation of insects and the growth of Must, kndew, or other Fungi. , I weald recommend the (tout Ceder Bark paper at suita ble for protecting Carpets, and woolen good generally, from the attack of Moths ami other Insects, and aUe for the pre. serration of Fnrs from their depredation. It will likewise serve ta a great measure to protect cotton good from Fungi, since the order of essential oils prevents their growth. 1 understand that this Ceder Bark Paper is produced at lew cost and can be made in desirable quantities. It is, therefore, worthy ef a tohrough practical trial by manufacturers and auippeni wuviva ami wwim rmraa. Signed, CHARLES T. JACKSON, M. D., ' Assurer to the State of Masaachnsetta. For sale In Wilmington by SAM'L. SHEPARD A CO. 'MayU,1857 -311-tf -y.-i ' HOrjSTOltl PATE1VT SKID SCALES. rIESE SCALES, for which the inventor has obtained Letter Patent from the U. 8. Government, are intended te supercede the present cumbrous and objectionable ap paratus used for weighing cylindrical packages, nrh aa barrels, tierces, Ac, containing article usually sold by weight. Also for weighing bales of cotton, bsy, or other similar packages. The advantages claimed for them over the ordinary Scales in use, are that ho hotUalina ia reauired. aa the article to be weighed is ymmnluikiv twyended, by He own gravity, and without strain, or reaching a given point beneath the Scale be am thus saving a larre amount of time and labor, and preventing Injury by hooks, or other wise, te the frailest package. Tht patentee will be pleased to exhibit his invention at the store of 8. M. West, and re ceive orders for inch size and quantities as may be desired. f - " WBAI. UUliSTOS. f July 17th, l857-f,2u6-tf N Patentee. OJTE DOLLAR AND I PWARM." ' fTUIE PILLS OF QUIXINE AND PIPERINE ARE OFFEBV X ed to the 'Public," as a substitute for the numeroo Patent Medicines aow sold for the cure of Ague and Fever, Chills, Ac. Unlike other prepratlons, these Pill are not ex pected to core every disease to which we are bable. trBut ther will in nearly every cane cure Neuratrlio affections of the Face, Ague and Fever Chills, and all Fever contracted by exposure to the night dews, this eeson of the year,. Price, 60 eent per box. Prepared by A V. OltAlULI, . Sept 19th, 1856 . Apothecary. ', PLKABAJrr ttEMEDIES FOR COPGH9, COLDS, , HOAItfHIiA Ailt. 1 r ARSHMAIXON Paste, Jajube Paste, Horebtmnd Ft. i i A. Iceland boss ram, rig rame, uum lTops, Miat Loxenget, Marshmaflea Drops, Ac. fJoldby ' -' ,f Nor, 23d. Droggiat A Chemit CIRCVXAR UW. THOSE SAWS stamped J. M. ROBOTSON, are manufac tured of the finest quality Cast Steel, By the very best workmen. They art tempered by Svireeter Patent Tem pering Machine ; (which tempers mere evenly, aad renders the blade stiSer to the gauge of plate than any other sp sta tus,) and ground oa rtwuwweu s latent mw uniMing Ma chine ; the only machine that will grind a Circular Saw per fectlytme. I or sale by July 1, 1S56. J. M. KOiiiASO: SO. P. S. Saws of every kind made to order. - - . SALAMAXDER SAFlvS. TfILDnR"S PATENT with Rich"s improvpmcst, a v-"- 'r t V ef sizes, entirely Fir Proof. Out ef SAtf .i by v. msBufactarera, 214 bar beea tested ia accidental f!-s, ar.i not a doUar' worth of property r,"i.i in one if For sale by La,KoasTJ( BOisN. - NOTICE. rTVJZ Eepular rate of V t-'.-.?e w, 1 rers a he hare ben in i e ii! t tje W est Bide of tbe I. ver. f .. i Mores received per W-r;.. -i . i ,. . . ,, . . , T-ec. IC'.h, 1?56. .1 re cta-red t f" (f C"re pur W-f 03 i. r 4-V.t.W) - 5 r4l "STA-05. CUT AND WPC :"-yh 1 J. M. LOZ'li :n a . S. ... -nrev" r.sy ; i j AY IT A" -jrt'vt ;.- va:. i cr t ff:' il.U j or .. B . : 1 ; t i w. 4 i , t. -a i-.u

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