I I ; Hi i r1 - 1 : ' 1 1 i!j ,'.' . . y ., ' uijr"I -.--. . ,..!; ..Of ' ' M ... .1 tl ! 1 i : j WHOLE NUMBER 1.85 A: ...A "; - . ...... - - - "t l II! 1 BY FTTTOS A FBICB, PROPRIETORS. FULTON, Edltof, ... ...A. L. PB1CE, AMocbf Editor. - ' " TaraM T lakwrtyttoM. Vl T a jrer, invirubly in tdvuc .... W 90 " abicrlber permitted U diacontinac bl pipr kfter tb "acement of mbceriptioii Tr, ontil tbi expiraUon 1 year. .' - J. " ' , client oa butoata eoaneetcd with thla office, moat b jied to Ua proprietor.1 " ' : ,' , .BATES OF ADVERTISING. liLF BCjCAl. Jay...,.1.V . 37 today.........; 60 rdays.... Vl Ona day. M 75 Two daya........ Thraadaya....... Koar dya.i...'a ilv day a... Oaa week. ....... Tro weeki...... 1 00 1 u 1 60 1 74 J 74 Osy. .......... to week 871 week.. 1 17 month. ,i, 00 Ona monUi.i.....ii 4 60 Two montlta , . T 00 Three months 10 00 : Hix month 00, Ona rear. I. ..JO 00 1 month .f . . ....S oO a montna ou months.,.. a.-. .8 00 Ter W......i.lJ 00 tinea are counted u a tqnare, and Are lines or leaa a aare. Longer adveruaemenu m proportion, ana an ie in advance. When not paid In advance cents uare wUl be charged after the tout insertion, i ill bait-squares not paid for in advance will be charg- i square. '' - " " : AdvertiaemenU inserted as Ppeclal or BLthop Notice urged one-third mora than above rates eight lines ii) or less counted as square. f Advertisements inserted every other day are charged nte per square for each insertion after the first. No publication made without responsible name. SDSESS. AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS.: TIIOMAI M. GAROHBR '!.T; iTTONEER AND BROKER. . t . ' AO. 1 North water St., wiiminrion, . u. ipt attention given to thewleof NEGRO E8, REAL i E, STOCK, Ae. - ' Msy I. 07 l sMKrHRKD. vnAMju e. oovn. AMCKX ntBPIISRO it CO., RTBALL BUILDING, . , , , . . . WILMINGTON, N. C, l ' ' Keep constantly on band -IPPIJES. w J Of sncerior oualitltles and at low rate for 10 ADS. MACHINE BUUitl, blAl MIMA . il 10.-182-tf. - . j , rmow msmxERT. ' ' ' WILMINGTON, N. C, )AKELY, ProprietreM. VamBOKKELEN A BEO., Agek. L KINDS OF NAVAL 8TQW0J purchased, manufae- red and told '; ,. ' .,,..., ... rfage and Storage furnished, and Cooperap don at tea. ' 14, 1857.-121 - - .- - - - , G. PRIOGB. I0LESAI.E AND RETAIL GROCER, 17 North Water Street. (Btore formerly ocenpied by WesselA tilers,) igton, . v. . , I. 'itlth, 1A56 I ,v-, H. . KIUCRS. TOLEflALB GROCETt AND COMTRRION MEIl- (11 ANT, AND DEALER IN NAVAL BT0RE8, Corner ,ier a nartef iweeta, wummgton, a, v. (, 18..88 tf - I. - -- WlLMIKOTOM, N. C. JETERS, IfANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND Dee es in Ilardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Neils, Agricul- .mpleBwnte, Ao. ,. , i v . . n I LA. UOUttE. ' i'ORNET AT LAW, i I .. - i ... WiLimtsTON, N. C. Offln Princess Bt, East or the Btate Bank. It, ltod. uavft- - . " . ... ,.....,wi,. 1 ' ' OEO. IIARRiaa. N'ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT,' i j , . i ; WiLMiNnroN, N. C. I JOSEPH II. FLAHSKR, CERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, j WlLMIMOTOM, N. C. I AD AMI, BROTHER Si CO , EMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ' ( . WlLMlKOTOW, N. C. I GBORGBW. DAVIS, 1MB8I0N MERCHANT, South Water Street, I "' WimnroTow, N. 0. . SAW AT. t ti. HATH AW AT. WH. B. CTLtT. I J.Si J.L. HATHAWAY 4i CO, EMISSION MERCHANTS, WamwoTOK, N. C - T. C.B. O. WORTH, ' .MISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WiunxoTOH, N. C. lb 11, 1MT. ' ' li6-ly I IKDIKSOX, V i V BBVAU SAVAGE. I ASDERSOS Ac SAVAQB, . w CERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : , . : j WlUUXSTOH, N. C rial cask advance mad on consignment. W1IXABD A Ct'RTia. OriRRION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, SD DEALERS IN GRAIN, m t. No. 10 Socth Watts Srsnrrs, 13th. . . - WTurrooTO, N. C. - W.P. KLUOTT, : MISSION MERCHANT, . FATtmriLU K. C it for Lutterloh k Co.' Steamboat Line. attend vromptly to all bosines entrusted to hi car. U, 1864 illy , , W.H. TTRIJWOTOW, ;ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ", ' ', ' ' ' WaiiwoTOH, N. C urn to - - '"ir Harris, Esq., . ) m. Lorterioh A EUlot, M, ISM. 175-tf ) Wilmington, N. C I PBTTB WAT PRTTCH KTT. i "ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water iet, Wilntinfrton, N. C 4 Ul (rtr particnlar attention t tb sal of Navai , COTTOK, AC DBROS8ET A BROWTf, TRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and S.GEST3 FOB TRK GASTON PTEAM - SAW AND PLANING MILLS, wojuxoton n. a j Order for any description of rough or dressed Lorn- at reeaiv prompi sivenuon. 1st, 1857. -tf. 0. ixm. ntn coem. 4 AS. C, RMTTH A CO, ' :imI0N MERCHANTS, offic ros4 story, corner nth Water and Market streets, Wilmington, N. C, they are prepared to attend to all business m the miom hno. osiness entrusted to them wUl be punctually attend AH0VT . f. I. MOKE. tAMOffT A MOJTK. SESSION MERCHANTS, WiLMDWJTO!!, N. C :CE Near the Wilmington and Wcldon R. R. depot sr t&ja day formed a co-partaership under the above t the puTDoeo of transacuns; a homo busiaen ercla- ssd hope, by strict attention to the interest of our s to merit a continuance of their favors. Our wharf iKMSMirt convenient. v located, and al 1 cosstfm f X aval P-iores, Cotton, acon. Flour, or other eoua- .". e::r for ssJe or ahipment, wifl receive o 1 1. i personal attention. j 15, 1. Mt-M-tf CIIAt. D. KTBRS, r A5D CAP EMPORIUM, U M--ket Street, WamToii. N. C . tec '--. -lF'-i Leaf Et, Wool, Fur, 6.:k, t iLa C'c-;ii, F'.afh, and Sk Glased Caps, by s er d jea, at ew York wtclesale prices. rrotirr. Am. CL?Hil f .;iri ei, CLE II aji, . a: t cr-irrrN vttxhants, and ili-J IS CCiJi, OA 15, FT AS, AC H iHt:X6TCX, i. V. hirer.-? .-. ' s 1' "r. Fre -rt ef the F:k of W2-rii k iSiiij) Li i , Freuiist cf 6 C2re.l ti: BUSIHSS AKD PROFESSIONAL CARDS, U ' ' " WH. C. HOWARD, ":' , ft ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, ' " .' "i 5 1 ': ' VT 4Bpt- w. 1844 is tf . . . WaninoTOK, N. C t. w. oiun, , r, i. noos. - GILEU A MOORK. - -w-w-mm nit vn , m-rin. ltUAlJT?4 Tt H ATA. ,W CAl1SlCANErt,VMBRIllA8,Ao,,Aoi . . - . No. 61 Market street, wanwoTOK, IT. C. , BB v.nu inm lur r urn. nuu ukam. j. l. miaus, n. ; ! WALKER MB ARE A CO ' ,: ('OCWOBS TO C. A . WTM.) " f " TirH0LE8ALBANDI)ttUiKilHT8, m W- , t No. A MARKET STREET, lMLilltf. WILMINGTON N. C. JNO. rOTT OWM, ASM ANO i. OCBBOSSCT, jr., . P. OW. BKOWS A U.R08HKT, stew York, DcRO8ET A BROWN WUnlMgton, K. C; - toy , , . , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. A. n, ymrrut, . w. sttsok. t A.B.iuui;rruitiu, GENERAL COMMISSION AMD tORWABDINO MER CHANTS, nibliUIUTUII V. July iOth, 1M7 ' ... . BEEDE A MESDEXIIAIX. T AND AGENTS, ' t i ; . MlMNBAFOLU. MlVHBSOTA. Mak InvestmenU, loan money, locate Land Warrants, and transact a General Real Estate Bosines In the North West. . . i nana to Gov. Bragg, Ei-Gov. Morebead, -CoLOwynn, , d T. C A B. U. Worth. . April th, 1857 , .-.u Wily - , C. B LEETK, . AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FATSTrCVILLB, N. C f-RollolU consignment. Liberia! advance made. ... Jan, lith, 1851, f , t otf W.H.MrKOT. -..i OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT! ALSO, WHOLE SALE .AND RETAIL GKUCER. Soath Water street. Wilmington, N. C, intends keeping at the above stand, a large awortment or UKUibiuta, uguuitnana riiuirv IONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular attention will be paid to all orders from the country. I would respectfully Invite the cltiseu of Wilmington and the adjoining coun try, to call and examine my stock before purchasing els. where. 1 Intend to csrry on gsneral commission business. Particnlar attention will be rive to the sal of Naval 8 tores. and all kinds of produc. Liberal Cash advances mad on consignments.. . GILES A MOORE. Carolina Hotel, 61 Market B tract, Wtlmlnglfn, V. C, A RE NOW OPENING and hav ready for inspection, 7 fashionable nd very desirable and inviting stock of OaTS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Ac. They enumeraM in part, Seary.BeeBe, Genn, and other styles of fsahlonable DRESS HATS; Panama, Leghora and I'alm Uaf lists: Cap, relt and Wool Hats; learner, uotu, ua and xoavy vsps j Ladles Riding Hats ; Children' Fancy Hats Canes, Unv brella. etc. To all which we respectfully solicit aa tzami- nation, feeling well assured that they cannot fail to be suited wttn om or me many varieties onerea to tneir inspeouon. Macra zotn, iiut , ; WILMINQTOff MARBLE WORKS. " Frotit Street, near Use Mrthodlrt B. t hnrrh. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES. FURNITURE TOPsTie., of tha BEST QUALITY ol AMUilL'AH or ITAUAH MA HULK, furnished to order, as CHEAP as oaa be procured from any establishment of the kind in tb country, , .i .,, , . 1 employ none but experienced workmen, and will spar no pain to pleas ail who may favor m wita their patron age. , Term CASH, unless by special agreement. ' ' W. O. MUJJOAN. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. Mth, 185. - T-tf. NEW YORK AKD rHlLADELPHIA CARDS. "THE VESTA CAMPHIIKKB WORKS." ; 17 rrsKAW STsnt, ssooiltk. -- n LIODON AVBNNI. rUMTHENE AND AIHOL D1HTHJXRY, DEALERS IN J tY t-Kr A)KnC KIrTH ) W Or NAV AL BTUHKa. Orricn, No. 29 Bisnwo Hi.tr, Htw Yew, June 27th, 1857 1506m. C. H. SnDDABD, ' ' - . CtA. STODDARD A CLARK. "COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . KJ No. 150 Front Rtreet, New York. Lfherial csnh advance made on consignment to us, by our friends, Mesrn. Pettaway A Pritchett. June 1st, 1857 - - 7-ly. BABJtOK 0, WATSON. OARTOK KXABBB. WATSOW A BE ARES. . ., , QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, .; M Burlln' Slip, New York, special attention paid to the sale of Natal Btous, Cot ton, and Southern Produc generally. ' - liberial advance mad on eonsignnMn. 's July 1, 'fid VM. i, XAftm, . WX.1UCAI.BTIB, , chas, itLtir, fSpedsI partner.) , ' MARTI A M AC A LISTKR, ' &ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i No. 119 North Waur Street, Philadelphia. Cash advances mad en Consignment. ,.'JunJ2d, 1857..;..,,., ,.!,s-r -r - SAA-lj, . aktet chocmaw, - w. a.Br8gix. : ' COCHBAV A RUSSELL. (Successors to Thorns Allibeoe A CoM) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. II North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Puilapelthia. "Liberial cash advance mad oa consignment. July30th,1851 171 COPARTNERSHIP ASD OTHER KOTICES. Dl990LCTIO?r. mHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore tlstlng bstwee X. John W. Giles and N. B. Hawe, wnder the firm and stjto f QILES A HAWtS, i thi day dissolved by mutual consent JOHN W. GILES, July 1st, 185T. N. B. HAWEs7 CO-PARTWERSHTP IfOTlCE, rB- JOHN W. GILES having associated FRED. J. 111. MOORE, Esq.. with him m tho " HAT, CAP AND bl'KAW GOODS " business, announce to Ui public that th said bosines will continue to be carried on under the in and style of "GILES A MOORE." Thankful for th kind patronag extended to the late Ira of Giles A Hawe, they trust that th exertion of every effort to meet the taste of u public win eaus a continuance of the asms te the present firm. .. , JOHN W.GILES, " FRED. J. MOORE, July 1st, 1857. I.' ;... 255-tf CO-PARTSBRSIUP STOTICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED THE DRUG J. ESTABLISHMENT of Messrs. C A D. DuPr. i Tney will continue the Drug business in it various bran chea, under the Srm of W. MEAROi A CO. . i ..r-r WALKER MEARES, 1 JOHN L. MKAKKS, M. D. May 19th, 1834 214-tf - rO-PABTVERSHIP. ; rflHE SUBSCRIBER has thi dsy associated with him, Mr. JL C W. 6TRYON. Th business bereafter will be ear ned on under the nam of A. B. McDUFFIE A CO. . A. B, McDUFFIE. July JOth, IS57 . . 260-tf ropb asd enrrr B os. " T OA BALES terg heavy GUNNY CLOTH. 100 coO JUTE OvSOI'B. Foraaleby Aug. 24 r J. A J. L, HATHAWAY A CO. KOTICS. TETE Rerular rate of Waarfar m be charred to Ship pers hebv bee in the habit of using our Wasrf on tbeWeetS.de cfthe River, for hYpmg Cotton end Xsval Store recervti per Wflminrte A an.- tester Fia.il Rrd. ' FETKWAY it FEITCHETT. rc ltnh, i.n. so-tf. COAL. COAL. A prime article of Chestnut Coal. (naL') seU:rtg at to per ton. fjaa 4 I. C W0KIH. 4 N EJCn.TrxT iT'Ci;; fF PCI-A'D fcrl .11. "Wiue is t.iitl at j per fvlun, boct -t for keical fii-poeea. ssd ca be eoniiioy recos.raeaae-1. Aunst t.i A. O. b SAT LEY. V"E"S' TLOCS WACK0T1A. VIU.. A ropply cf I jjl cf t a ahoirt fivorr.e I rzi, i. j expected per L . Ai. 1 or wu ty Atg. lt. rc:s-:zr a tr-ows. MEDICIKALi .,' '.m . , ' BALTIMORE LOCK. HOSPITAL. . DOCTOR JOHNSON. '' ' THE founder of this Celebrated Institution offer th most Certain, Speedy, and only effectual remedy In th world for Gleets, Stricture, Messina! weakness, Pains in ths Loins, Constitutional lability, Impoteacy, Weakness of th Bsek and Limbs, ABtctious of th Kidneys' Palpitation of th Heart, IHnpepsia, Nervous Irritability, Disease of the Used, Throat,, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy Disorders arising from all thos Destructive bsbtts of Youth, wkh destroy both body and mind. Taara ssusrr and soli tary precttost mors ratal to Xbelr vietim than the aong of the Syrens to the Mariner Ulysses, blighting their most Druiiant aopei or anticipations, rendering marriage. Impossible, 1 . 1 . ,. Yosmc Mew. - ', - ' ' specially, who hsva become the victim of Solitary Vies, that dretulful and destructive habit, which anoualy sweeps to an untimely grav thousands of young men of the rouat exanea tanenu ana nriuutnt mteuect. wno mignt oinenriss bar entranced lw toning Senate wita th thunder of elo quence, or waked to ostacy th living lyre, may call with ail eonnoeoce, . r - ""i" ' Marrtaf. Msrrled Person, or Young Mea contemplating marrtag, being awar of Phrsical Weakness, Organic, Debility, Defor mities, Ao.. should, Immediately consult Dr. J H and b restored to perfect health. ... ., ... J- ? 11 who places himself under th ear of Dr. Johnso msy religiously conflde In hi honor a gentlemen, and confident ry rely npoa hi skill a a phvaclsn. Urmnss Wsaknso ' immediately cured, and full vigor restored. Thi disease Is the penalty most frequently paid by thoa who have beoonio the victim of Improper indulgences. Young persons ar too ant to eommrt excess from not be tng aware of the dreadful oaqueae that may srwus. Now, who that understands th subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation la lost sooner dv Urns falling Into Improper habit than by th prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasure of healthy efiWitig, the most serious and destructive symptom to Loth body and mind arise. Th systsm becomes deranged, th physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsis, palpitation w in uearv, muigesuon, a wasting oi in rram, oougn, symptoms of consumption, etc. Jt-.v j .i. HorvwsM DebUHr. .'...... -( ;.:.,;.',..' Waaknes of th aysUm, Nervous Debility and premature uvvb iiiniwi; iivh un vnHWHTl Haul Wl vwai that solitary practice so fatal to th healthful existence of man. and st hi th young who ar most apt to become ha Victim from aa Ignorance of th danger to which they sub ject themselves, parent and Guardian ar often misled with rspct to th cans or source of dlseas In their sous aad wards. Alas t how often do they asrrib to ethsr causes, th wealing of th frame, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, indigestion, derangement f to Nsrvou System, Cough, ssd Symplons of Consumption, also. thosriou Msntal effect. such as loss of memory, depreasioa of spirit at peculiar it of Melancholy, when the truth hi they hav bss caused by indulging m pernicious nut aiiunng practice, dettructiv to both Body aad Mind. Thus ar swspt from oxlsteno thou sand who might hav beea of ass te their country, a plea sure m sncir irienua ana ornaments to noomty. - i Or rid tin. 1 Riiitii Fbiihuo 8L. left hand aid going from BalUmort street, T door from th corner. ; -B particular la observing th cam and number, or you win mutax in piac. dowa. A Cur Warranted or no CAaroe if ado, in from tm w aw Vfiyn. NO MERCURY OB NAL'HKOUft DRUGGS USED. DR. JOHN BOM. . . . Member of the Royal College of Surgeon, London. Oraduat from on of th most eminent Colleges of th Unitsd Ststes. snd th greater part of wbos lira has been (pent tn the nrst Hospital of London, Pari, Philadelphia, aad elsewhere, has effected soma of th most astonishing cure that war vr Known, many troubled wita ringing tn tn Mad and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sound, and bsshfulnesa, with frequent blushing, attendsd sometime with derangement of mind, were cured im mediate ly. , ' m -r -. i. A Certala Dtssas. When the mlngnlded snd Imprudent votary of pleasure And fee Murrrawuta the areos or this painful disease, ft to oftsa happens that an ill-timed tens of slums, or dread of dis covery, deters him from iPDlrinc to thos wb from educa tion aud resnectabilitr. caa alone befriend him. dels vine till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, suen as ulcerated sor throat, diseassd nose, nocturnal pslns, in th head and limb, dimness oi signi, aesiness, nodes oa tn urn noses, and arms, b kites es on th hssd, fac, and sxtremltiea, progressing with frigttal rapidity, UU al last th palat of the mouth or ths bone of th Bos fall m, and th victim of this swful discs become a horrid object f eommisseration, till death pU period to his dreadful eunerlngs by ending' thsm to that bourn from whsnc no traveler returns." T such therefore Dr. Johnston pledgee himself to preserve tbe most Invlolsbls secrecy, and from his axtensiv practic In th first hospitals In Europe and America, he caa confidently raocommend I safs and speedy ear to th unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It i a melancholy fact, that thousands fall victim to this dreadful diesesse. owing to the nnskillfulnes of Ignorsnt pretender, who, by th us of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin th constitution, and svea ad th nnfortunat offerr to aa untimely grav, or el mak th residue of hi Ufa mkrable. - . . , ' Take ParUrwJar Koiatw. Dr. J. addresses all those who htv Injured themaelv by private and Improper Indulgencie. The ar some of ths sad sad melancholy effects produ ced by early habits of youth, vlai Weakness of th Back and Limbs, Pain tn th Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mow alar Power, Palpltatioa of the Heart, Dispepsia, Nervoua Irrita bility, Derangement of the Digestive Function, General De bility, symptoms of Consumption, Ao. MaieraLLT The fearful adect upon tha mind ar muck to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idea, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Aversloa of Society. Self Dis trust, Lot of Solitude, Timidity, A., ar om of to (fill produced. . . - j ,. Thousands f parson of all age, caa now Jndg what Is th can of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pal and emaciated, hav a ingular appear ance about the eye, eough and symptom of consumption. Dr. Joint hTlgwratliig Remedy fas- Organ I Weak By this great and tanportant remedy, weakness of th or gans ar speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of th moat nervea and debilitated, who had lost all hope, hav boon relieved. AU inrpediments to Marriage, Physical er Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, or i ha natation of th most fearful kind, speedily cared by Dr. Johnston. - . .; Tomng Most. Who hav Injured themselves by a Certain Practic Indul ged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evO companion, ar at school ths effects it which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and a not eared, reader man-lag impossible, aad destroy both mind aad body, al , should apply immediately. What ,H. 4I..I wm,mj. mam V . .f lu . and tha darting of his parent, should b anatched from all roe pec ts and snjoymeate of Ufa, by th onseqaence of aiviaung iron u pain r as rars, ano loo airing in a cer tain secret hsbit. Sock persons before cootemilatm- should reflect that a Bound mind and body ar tb most necessary requmiueiM promoto cons bat fepptaea. In deed, without these, th journey through li beoomes s weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darken to th view, the mind beeomee shadowed with despair aad filled with the melancholy reflection, that tbe happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7 SOUTH FKEDKIC ST. MUmon, Jfi. Au Scsoksl OrsmiTtoii Pnroanxnv . N. B Let ao false delicacy prevent yon, but apply im mediately either personally or by truer. - axoi Ksaasa artxDaT crus. ' - T Niufm, The many thousand cured at thi Institution within th last twelve years, and the noroernos Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. J0QXSOX, witnessed by the re porters of out daily ps pen and many other persons notices f which have agaia aad again appeared before the public is a sufficient gnarantee, that to aktd will lad a skill ful and honorable physician. TmkaXoUeo. N. B. There ar so many worthless Quack advertising themselves as Physician, ruining the aea.in of the already a X. oied, that Dr. Johnson Deeme ft accessary te aay, espe cially to those snscquainted with hi reputation, that hi creoentailn or d'plomss alwav hang ia hi oSc. TAkK kOTICi AU letters most be post-paid, aad con tain a postag tamp for th reply, er no answer will be sent. Apr2, 24, IS::. 194-ly. 4 O. BRADLEY, TEUGGT, WILMINGTON, N. C, TX-kas en hand and is coount'y rereiring pure aad se'ect l'rfs, Medicaes, Pharmaceutical Prerarsuons, Faints. C;'., Fancy Ariii.es, Perfumery, Shop i'areitare. Window GiSMS, Tra.es, Sep porters, Sc-coal l...-xjment, te. -An i"t'of tie crk"H tzzz7.iS"tnja Vzy? : v;t;--g V aiir.-tcn, belevirg tist tier caa b e tli. J a low st Vuey ksy it HorJu"' and hn g tie ay of tie srucie to be sort retsbie. Ti etock of iwrri-sert is n-asssZy la-re asi w.11 be -" i at eTtrew'y k-m fr- " "ails, en xsd wi;ug::t sr:ss f-r t v 111 J. hLEviN A t, FOR SALE AND TO LET. i U. .,... FOR RBWTv' ' "-' 4 FROM DATS OB FROM 1ST OCTOBER NEXT, F t the pleasant thre story brick Dwelling Hons oa ft. J tond Street, abov Princ, next door to th rvsidsao f Wm. O. Hettenroiirt, fjq. Apply to . AUg. H, IBOJBJ.Sm' f. W IVI.UA.J. - Poll RE XT, , . . ... . -t THE DWEIJJNG HOUSE at present occupied by f .f J. E. Metts, Front Street between Orange and Ana ' UtreeU.- Posaessioa given 1st October next, nply to J R. F. BROWN, Sept. rtb I tf Agent fur Da. PRIDB JONES. '.. FOR REWT.,,, su . ... (mJ Third Streets, now occupied by Mr. T. I). Walker. 1 Also the llous Cornet of Msrket and Second Streets, opposite th Carolina Hotel. Possession given 1st October, apply to , - f, Dal'OSriET A BROWN. Sept. Wh. 1W1T. : v Hot LA D"Ah lF'NKumKrX)U'iALB. C i win sen on aoonmmrMiating terms, 1,900 AUiird --0r FARMING AND TIMUrilt iJtND, Ivlng b-jCi, twa Blsrk River and Northwest Thoroughfare, 18 niil abov Witnilagtoa, all la ona body, M seres newly elerd and under oultlvstlon, aulted to Corn, Pen Nut, Ao. 4U0 acres of Marsh and Swamp, on tide-way, 1,000 aero wood Land aad Head Psstur enclosed for stock, and well timber ed with oak, maple, cypr, pin, Ae. Th dwelling, bam, toto-boua. kitchen and negro bonne ar new and good j tha water I plenty and ioelitot. " irdi'Hired, i will sou with the Land about w young and vary choir Negroe. ... i ,( , Aug. W-4001nv4-lm. ' Wilmington, N. C. 1 POU RENT. ONE HOUSE, CORNER ANN AND SECOND BTft., ooiiUlnlng six oomfortabl rooms. Out bouse and I well of In wster on th premises. On Hons on Ann between Second and Third streets, containing seven oomfortabl room, all Moary out bouses snd a snrlns of flue water, : On Hons on Third, between Nunn and Church streets, three room, wall of water In tha yard. One lloua on Dock street, axt east of th Catholic Church. Any or all of th abov property, together with 1 building lot on 2nd street, esa b bought on ressnnsble term, appiyio u. V, BHiiinis, Aug. iH, 1H07. SOstf WANTED TO RENT. TWO BOOMS, or a SMALL BOUSE, suitable for waging purpose.. Apply at . Sept. 4th. , V THW OFFICE. TALC ABLE AND DESUIABLE REAL ESTATE ' POR SALE. ' THAT HOUSE AND LOT now aecnpM by J. I Ksen. situated oa East side of Front between Ann and Nunn streets. Lot M by 430 feet, rnnnlna- through from Front to Second streets. .,,.. The bouse Is In good order, containing I oomfortabl rooms, and on the lot la a Kitchsa, Negro Housee, aew Brick Stsbls, Carriag House, and a Bne brick Cistern of 1A0 bbls. aapaolty. These premise cost 17,000, and will be sold a bargain an b application to4. u tvui, or ' v. riuuii, Aug. ll-294-tf. , , , Broker and Anctton. 1VIIARP PROPERTY POR SALE. FOB BALK OB RENT.-thst valnabl Whsrf and tot adjoining tha property of th 1st R. W, Brown snd other. For term address the Subscriber at Feyetlevill. or mak application to him In person ea or about th loth bept., who n wm n in n uinington. . . JAMES JENKINS, Aug. lth, 1MT. ' 107-lawUOtt. RUT AID SALE. - QKVERAL HOUSES for rant aad sal. For partlctv H A'!snfi!n.tfVi innv a. PAnirrn bl POR RENT. THE TWO STORES FORMERLY ocenpied by "Wssaal s Eiiera," neing tnose on uie soutn end or my diock, frosting n"Umdon Wharf." ar forrnt or leas from the 1st day of October next, . A lao the Dwellng House formerly occupied by Thomas D. waiter, aajoiuing ins residence or noui. u. Lowau, , , Apply to Robt H. Cowan or to th snbscrlher. F, K. DICKrNSON. ' August d, HWT iHO-tl Qiioo, TO LET, TWO FIRST CUm Store oa West sids Front Strsst. nssr Market, being No. 1 and 1 In GraniU Row. The Hture nr brick, with Granite front, two stories blah. M to M feet deep, with entrance in the rear from side alleys. and well dpWd to a larg business In Dry Qoods, Grocer ies or Crockery, For term apply at No. 29 North Water rum, 4un.i i . i.A i i a, i - ; ' Agent for GILBERT 1OTTIjL Ang.lst,lM7. , 27-tf ''.,.f POR RENT, ' i- - Ar-l FROM FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, th Hons tjj oa Market street opposite th Episcopal Church, and next weai w in (.piscopai rarsonage. Apply- , THIS OFFICE. . .., , ' ' POR RENT. . ,. .,. -4 FOR TWELVE MONTHS from 1st October next, a FJ dwelling boon on Bladen street, between Id and 4th ''Vtreeta. North of th Rett Road. A rood kite ban attach ed and well of water eonveulent. . At present occupied by ara, a uiijaw. a at tarma appiy w B. M. WEST, Auctioneer. Aug. 26th, 185T. WO-tf . HOCSES POR REST' M A COMFORTABLE HOUSE oa Second, betweea jHtt Asa and Nan streets on on Orange, between Seo " ond and Third streeU and two n Third, betweea abb an nunn street. Also, several stash noose. Aug. 20.-205 tf. . DAN 'U FERGUS. " ' POR RENT. : ' " ,s , ' mnr i ... n.i.t... . i.. . t, . v Ing six good rooms, sltusted oa the corner of Third and " ', (led croas streets ; lot Isrge, elevsted snt healthy as airy m Towa, fln well of wster, Biabls, Cnrrteg House. Ac, A Wo a eomfortahl Hon on Chestnut, betweea Third and Farth streets, adjoining my residnc. Alo a Hons on Lnewut, between Eighth and Ninth street.a Apply to SICIIS. N. KliON. Aug. 19th, 1857. ' 294-UO , A GREAT BARGAIN U REAL ESTATE. V4 FIVE HOUSES AKD l-OTS, which rent for 43 per (if aawBiw oa wui o sold li p,m oa BppU- - cauoa w u. 1IUU1 r, Aug. 19. 2rif. Broker and Auctioneer, TO REST. THE thre story brick dwelling loos on Market at., V-4 reeeBtlyw-cttiiied by A. Y. W. Hewlett,aa a boanltn t t bouse, and abov th Drug Store of Messrs. Walkei ' ' m fares A t o- Th boa i large and comfortable. Apply to Joha A. Taylor, Esq., tn my absent. Potweaaioa givea tb 1st dsy of October, t . JOHN D. BELLAMY. Wilmington, K. C, Aug. 29, 1S57. - , ao3.tf RICE PLAST4TIOW POR SALE. Jtu. BA1W I'UAJITATIU.t IS 81TU ATED V . J sbout tare mile from town, and wen known a f I th Vbomburv Tract: c antamiiw IX acrea. wkli hi' is a highly improved aula of cultivation, nod n rood emu of Etc avw noon H. 247 acre of upland aad swamp ; th awamp r"wprw- mofm more or irm, and lit balance In pine. Ther hi a th premise 4 good aerr Houses, with two apartment, acH acommodalmg tw lamilie : a Brick BsraUbyXi, and ashed 70 feat hug by ii feet wide ; 1 w aiuoaa iura i nrasners, ana one 2 tiwrse power Machine, aad th wbol Tract comprise JC7 acre Land, and ia well wortny tbe aUentioa of any one deslrou of making a good Investment. On Dwelling House on Fourth street, aad adjoining th reaidenc f Mr. B. H. Cowaa. The lot ie 165 by ft ; dwelling new aad contain 10 rooms ; kitchen, stable, and good brx.ked well of pure water, and all oilier convenience. Oae Tract of Load adjoiam th Burnt N.J! Creek, ia the suburb ml town, containing j acre asor or lee, which has been, and I now, ia good state of cultivation, and which was made especially tor gardening purposes. Aiso, aout- u.g is foi premwa, a vuer ivi itui u Billing ixia. Two Horse and Drsy. For term, Ac, which wUl be very tfV-al, t-p'y to . . o. ri.: , r , W. U FlXi N A act r A IV o. Sept. J, l7 Uw-j:7 T3AT TI J cf I met aai I jrber S i.--r, f r rt. s or k- i-. :"A LE L JTT.U CX ZZZ CC?31 . ;t s'."et, C t 1 8 s I l . j ; 2 : s lit e, i ii-t- rs c ' 7 XT' A'r. T. :.iv.2i"i(f.- ..t t: i.i t.-e ca rea:-iie vT- lo a;y ose 3 r v r,-t uj r-freT. rtv3, N. S-cf t. X, IsT. i-.v-tij. FOR SALE AKD TO LET. Vou saXeT" -4 BT YIBTUM OP A DEED OF TEU8T CON-r V Ejveyed to me by Mr. Benjamin Mott, 1 wUl e" r j , , s fof sal without reeerve?st PubDo Auction, at it i 3,, a Market Hons tn th town f WUmlngton, at not previous! '-1 i bmr nas.4 iL.4 Vlf fliltl U Dl IllHi'finu s .... T . ... 'k"ff - 1 miVrtlTJ A lAl A AilW.l OQ " TlA 111 houm, known as tha MoU Plao.? containing tsvea bun- ru u twenty acres, adjoining me laftd of Julio A. J ar. ker. Mssars. Jua.. A hr3iura iiH Mkn .1..- - n m . towa. Thar. k7, r.rmVM..T" dr nlUvaUon, weU adapted for Cora and Peahou. tn.r ll II lUtf UMI Itf I J Li.l. I . . ' . . itv , . , . . ( r mu, wmva vn iluiKftotl Ull ' j - " (u u ..mh, man m .an r,m ii ty k , . n ,1 . .. r . . . " .Y.r . T"rB per cr. itie o aac . of Ui. knd la w.lf timbers with Oak. Hickory and Hv-! " Ther la aDwellin. Barn aad Ktmtm ii . ., . , .. tlon. " ' , r"w suajiuutuH t Term wUl b liberal and mad knows at te. For hr-r "ri thsr particular n.jiilr of th subscriber iWiUtrb, N ;j t: t . aui, iaui, . t .. ,... r- .- r r-. ... . JijrJ-tf vrw ....... to rest, ,.-,:;. ntOU tha lat tJ 0.Lnl, ... It.. Bxl T tll. and Mtor, at present occupied by H, J. Howard, cor- MinlllMiiu iiul VI. I.J i. ' a. t JA OM- Am.! t th. Wis Miliniv wttmuigton. N.O, Aag. Uth, ludT i 2I-tf f! anharriber will aall. nn Tu. nf u..i.t... of Nw HannvKrCnnnlv I'nnr I'IPV.IIiIil j naun . . ' ' - ..... h , ...... 1 1 , iii, IJ .1 wm gam VllfilV a Wl'l Iuim dill, iln i n -, i f to th HtaU of Dnll Bordeaux, deo'd. . Sal at 11 a'clocaV Sf. Turtna mult tnnwn Aug. 2V, !IM7.-UtM a aai A. M.'LJLlID,Exr., t IIOCSB AMD LOT POR BALE, 1 OFFICII THB H0U88 AND LOT, WHEILB 1 now reside, for alo. . - Asg. 24th, 157. A. L rniCE. . MISCEUiNEOUS ADVffiTISEMENTS. ' ncm Wl V A nrrrirtw. r TACT0IW.AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - A- . " WitmmiTon, H. C, Itonpeetfslly Inform CotUn ITanUr and Turpantln Distil. rim mm,, wno a vww oi servuig tneir axciusive mtere-t, tlinywlll devote their undivided attention to wllini Cot- TllV N1V1I UTfllll-U -.1. ... . rsrry out this system sffoctuslly, will not mak pnrchasM ,.t tl L . I 1 ii.. . . . . .. . ui tuo auvn iiwin un eonimiRsio lor nonnern ana I or sign account. ; - Our afflca la corner of NORTH WATER and PDTVm Itreet. .- Our-wbarve and shed ara eoovealently locaUdfor tha roition of produc by slther of th lUilroad or Btan aoat. " - - Csh ad vane ss made on consignment. CORRl'O ATED tVROCOHT IRON AND WTlUu . . fotewid ft Altera mHkmLi ' A DM lit ABLY dsptd for encloslny pubtla Grounds, J V Ccmsteri. Balcony, Cottages, no., Hisep and Ox Hurdles, patent Wire, Hacking Bedstead aad Iron KursJ- mr. i "ir vni rx-riu. urw, oaa anu uravoi Screens, Wire Netting for Moemiltoa, Sheep, Poultry and other purposee. , Wire Summer llous, Fancy Wir work In great variety for Oardena, A. .... , O ur . .... L i..MI .. .. 7 i i - aa, ffaa.nr.n as puko, Msnursciurtrs, ; IT. 435 Market, if. C Cor. 6th at., Phlladsluhla, u Aug.ld,W47.20-ly. ' SCNDOIKS. f . Or.fl BAIlHMJI PORK, VARIOUS BRANDS sasUU 100 eou Jut Hop j .' 4 hbda. BacoaSid , " . M bale heavy Gunny Cloth 20 barrtls Machinery Oil, tMironlei fool f ' v 40bbd.prlraCuhaMolaBi 1 - t 1,000 sacks Liverpool Sslt For sale by J. A J. L. HATHAWAY A CO. August 31t KUAllm B n 'W .vj fj-vawaw 4BVft HHDS. SOUTHERN BACON I 25 bbls. Mas Pork I BtAaTVnnnT faVM P M.-T. : 18 , u siounnr flotn a heavy artlclat ' loo coll Jut Bop. Just rscslvsd, and for ml by , August Mth A. B. McDUFFIB A CO. - ak mT k SB arva rruiB BUiwcRinEii UEomrrs th NirEsfimr op I .l.lh. h..t . I k.. m.i . 1. . .11 -I.I . . ml"-m f"mih vif wu an vHt aoooums or sote ana .. ... - li l - A mm - -. 1 . ll - . 1 , ... . .. ... ui..., n.u tn MHPunu. niau l prsscui molllO Of rflUT. Will b sent out for Cblicclion, r July 1st, 1847. J. M, EOBDfSOJr. fAINO LOOKED POR BtTCOHB AT LAST. TnOSE OIliEBRATED TURNIP SEED, eultivsted by R. Buist, Philadelphia, Ta., Just rolvd sad for sal bp ' ,. , A. O. BILADIJCY. JulylJ. ' II Market tt, Wllmlmgtoa N. C ' MOLASSES. BHDS, bright new croo CARDENAS MOLARS ER. 200 ia aew package. For sals by July l. J. J. U HATHAWAY A CO. NOTICE. TrrtT Relvd and oa band a sphmdM assortmsnt af bB kinds of Fumltur, which will V sold low for oash. at Ue old sUnd formerly occupied by Houston A Wert. . a . 1 fiL Ma WEST March 13 ,, ., laa-tf . BJORTII CAROLINA PLOCH. - ' W t ItntiL VM.k VnMh I'.mII.. S.ll. mmm Ommmm Vt vjlyiaetor. Foraamby WUXAIU) A ClRTIS, ! r ' ; Junall tl&.,lt , AT GREAT BARUAIKS. ' , ' CHEAT variety of Fancy and Star's Dry Cwit. . ' hedrIckaetas. ' ' TOECEIVED THW DAY AND FOR BALE AT ITERCE"! XV BonkrHorai Life end Correspondence of Jsme Iredell, by Griffith J. McReo, - Sobcribr to th sbov work will plsss c9 at Pirc' Book Stor and get their topic. . U n. FirricE, ' Agent fcr D. Apple ton A Co., Publishers," Any.lt, 1R5T. 2a-tf THE GENUINE" GERMAN COLOGNE B SOLD BT A. Ov RRAPLEY, lrnrgist A (lieiBW. ' - SUFEBiOB IrWiGiUing Twine, No. U and M. Tor sal by J. M. BO BIN SON A SON. AngnatWh, 1W7. .' - DOMESTIC OOODH. Our stock of Domestic Good 1 complet for th ob. Buyers ar invited to sisra - - hie. . HEDKICK A B1XA.V. . . I REAL LACEtWTh best stoek of Valmeemc Real aad ' " 1 ImiUtion, Gulp are, Mecklia and Fnc-iah Thread L- I . ; 'i alwsy kept by HED1UCK A RYAN. : CHECK BOOKS.- - WE HAVE A QUANTITY OF CHECK BOOKS, e th different Bank of town, af our owl asaauao-, taro, which w will eU low. Apply si the July 1st, - JOURNAL OFFICE. Ewipey Barret. ITT1 200 VERY PRIME SECOND HAXD SniUT p t J. i Barrel, Just received per Schr. Sea Banger, from LJ New York. Foraaleby A.g. smb. ADAMS, mo. A CO. N. C. BACON. or nr. lbs. n. c. bacon hams, kite axo OfJvV ohoolder, a very anperior lot. For sste Vv August DaUOS&IC A EiWw N. STRAW IATT&. 4 N0THEB sorflv f Ptraw Matt;"?, checked a1 wv'v. HHiKKICK A KYA. innrr n innn a. f)Q K EHLS. in Cs order, for w'e b y s-OO J. A J. L. HATHA VAT A CO. COUM XMO rtKD. 7) ff f Ft? a. prim ye How Corn. W ft to C ? 5-J0 bnaiela Feed. For I ty cvicrr bags 1 ecxrr bacs 1 1 Tfr. GUNNY BAGS in store s- 1 f t OUUU tosuby t. c A r, c. v A. .'. i .t. IV". . BLAsII.VuP.'-" c, teJaadfrf wl.', ci: - .'r 11 . ,,. p. s. Asy e,ias, cf . . I -"'ist's Fowo-r, tt .-J! en Uf-'t -'Mi Pi 11 J ( ' '' V-- A ) - ' . i ! i -At . t. ! . .. . t ",:! .' e t a ' ,! ..i m ! . : ",.' 1 .- r i; V . ,U U is i -'.il Lnxr.ro ia su re liiLri.sty . i...

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