BSajtSVSai'lt IT tr- r-l in i .Mfc.KK"fci'- , .tv i V , tt' 1 ,t t0 , :. j.:tr ,i;niJ,i si.!. .'. if--". .-.;. i j t,. .t. I , ... , I .t. - - ! "i t; Vu '' ('.TiitV 'ij .' ' - f .isn't 5.ii'j ' .V V;V VVTV nJi ,4.v4 i-t-.f i v " i ; cf iJ'Wfa ; J' , " it vn . i., r,i.,T j. , - V ,1"; ' .Si P . i U si .1 ,7 ,,7 1 L4MINGTONi;N" FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18, : 1857. -f 'i I t .... WHOLE -NUMBER' 11801? I - : . . .- - i i .... V - A t ' - ' "W I - I .. V II I i 6 1 I ..-.II II II i . !. "i - I! tii i I 1 . t. I 1 I 1 ' I 1 T I 1 I I I 1 " I I - ' ' fli . ft I II if , . iv BT FCtTOH PRICKS PROPgnCTOR. , JUL rCLf Q5, Lditut.;t..i. L.rBJCE, AMQckte Editor. : 1 ' r : Tmm f bact1iCUmV ' Jt ,'' , Oneyetr, InvMtablr in tdvnc ,.W 00 Ko lubnerlber permitted to dlcoutiuue lib paper after the commencement of s ubtcrhition ear, utlTtUe ezpiratlva of aid year. ' : '.".., ,' ' All kuen oa biu!uM eotuteekd with 4lia offlce, must be addreteed to tb proprietor!. , ; ,rf BATT3 OF ADYEmSUrO." ,S ; " half aijCAaa, ,. , j One dajr.,4.M,,..i 15 Twodayt..,,, 37 Tbreedya. , M Four daya 82 Fiva daya f.,Mat4 .OMWaalk,.,... J7 M81wq weeka.,,,,.,.1 J7 , . Dm mouth.,.,, 0n " I wo KontU I M j Ttire moo Oil., )M ..4 eg r OMiaULAU, . Oae day. ..........I 60 , Twdays...,.... TS . , Taredy..,.... 100 Four daya . .. . .. 1 U Fivday.....i... . 1M ' Ou we.. ...... . 1 74 Two week.. ...... t 74 One month.. . ...... 4 06 Tw mutba.., .. I 08 Tbm MaaU. ..Hk 00 HU mooUu j.ill W . One rear. ...30 09 vyuo ni u vu v j Hon iuv Buuum uio. kii v m. u nwi Kbd m haH-anaare. Longer adTertiwmenu in proportion, and all payable ia adnnue s Whea ql paM In aavanc U cents . per aiu&re will be charged after Uie Unit tnaertiun. 1 1 T ar A ii half nuje nut paid for in adranca will be cliarg ed a a iwe. i ;.-,r " arAavertmementa inserted as Special or Bishop Notices ' are charged one-half more than abova rates eight lines loaded) r leas counted as a square. ' ayAdvertiitemeuU tuserVed every other day are charged S7 cents per square for esch iaaertton after the first. . ArXo publication made without a responsible name. T.B llnu . ..... J . .nJ .. n lua " BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , :.4 ' . TIiaVAt K. OARD!fEO. C AUCTIOmit AND WtOKEU, . . . No. 1 North Water sL. Wilmlnirton. N. C. I'rompt attention riven to the sale of MrXlOOKS, REAL I-MIAIK, ETUva., etc. . May I, '67 - avamrai, tHRrnnn. chaiom o. oovi. AUTJBL BUEflfETlD CO.. - KOZABT BALL BU1LDLVO, ' , - - - ' 'WILMmOTOS, W.C., wJL f Keep eowtantly on hand , T " ' ' i Of imnerior qaalltitlea and at low ratea for KAOitUAUrS HAUillai HUUl'S, bllAM HlLiH, MO. t jtr AprU 10 mtt. , ) ... , ... . . "-' - CWIOW DI9TIIXERT. . " ' WILMINGTON, N. C, , . J. S. OAKELT, IVoprirtres, , TakBOKXEIJEN A BRO., Ageul$, A IX KTXM OP NAVAL BTQIUJI purchased, mauufao-, ' Xl tared and sold W harfage and Storage furnished, and Cooperage done at "fair rate. - . .,- , ;- Jan Irt 1857 lM-tf. ' ' : TTTHOLE8ALB AND RETAIL GROCER, 87 North Water , 1 T bireet, (store formerly occnpled py Weasel ulen,) ii iiiiuugwii, a, j, Vi"V ; Nov. 2(th, 1851 II. B. En.KRS. , TITFWALB GROCER AND COMMISSION HER 5 I V CHANT. AND DEALER IN NATAL HTORES, Corner aur ana siariet atreets, wumington. n. v. - -Oct., lXM W-tf - ; i-u. w. Bommos A MM . . WawiNOfon, N. C. , ,Tlf PORTERS, UANUFACTURERS' AUENTH. AND Dea X lerea In Hardware, Coltery, iron, Steel, Nails,' Arrleul- i urtj laaplementa, luLm ...... ... , , "'yj S.A. HOLMES. . " ATTORNEt AT LAW, , , . V S-'.'i - I WtUITNOTOV, N. C. -Offlce Prince Bt. East of the Btata Bank. ! ' J J AprOI, 18M lT8tf. . ,. 'II GEO. HARRIRt. . ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . , . WILMINOTOa, n. J. ii . h JOSKPH H. FX.AlVTEIt, ' .; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, " . - f Wilmihotok, N. C. ADAMS, BRflTHKR dl CO C0JDOSSI0N MEUCHANT8, ,: ' - -.,. i -i ! ; ' WrtwwaroK, N. C. OKORGB W. DAVIS. . .. C 0M1GSSI0N MERCHANT, Boats Water Street ; ' , : . wimrwoTow, w. u. 'I. SATSAWAT. . L. SATtAWAT. " , W. S. ITUtT, J. eV J. L. HATHA WAT dk COn COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . TiOiSS O. WORTH, COMMISSION AND FOBWASDJNO MERCHANTS, arclll.MST 4AHXS AjevnaoK, ' . . ginruu, aATAO. v . AtfDKRSOJf A SAVAOR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, & -" WrtHWOTOx, N. C . Uberial esss adraacea made on cotaignments. . , fOMMISaiON MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, , KJ AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, r it.- ai .-1 -f N Mftorra Wars SrsssnC . v - Jan.' llts.-v 'tf i.y Wavimitm, N. C. , . W.F, KLUOTT, ' - COMMISSION MERCHANT, : - ', . ,-' '-..'.',. f AR1TSTILU H . C ' A rent for Latterloft 4 Co.'e Bteamboat Line. U ul attewd promptly to all bosineaa entrusted to hi care. Oct. 21, ISM . . . . , , . 1 ly i, . :v. W. H. TT'RLTSGTOW, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WUiXUfaTOM, N. C Oeorra Harrtaa, Eeo: . ) Mnwni, Lntterloh Elliot, ' WOiaisgtotl, N. C July X, ISA, 7i-tf ) Jasm rsmnr at, ' mwt s. mrrcHrrr. PETTKWAT eV PRTTCHKTT, riFVEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water VX Wiwt, Wilminrton, N. C. ' a r Will rive particular attention to the sale of Natal TOKJtS, Corrox, Ac DEROSSET A mtOWI, , &EymAL CflMlSSION MERCHANTS, and . t AGO IS FOR THE GASTON STEAM t - SAW AXD PLAXINO MTLLS, '.. .. w . WILMINGTON N. C" AJ" Orders for any description of roaga or dressed Lum ber, will receive prompt attention. Jan. 1st, l6T.-W-tf. jAjtia c. utrra. ... mus corrrx. JAS. C SMITH & CO GOXMTSST0N MERCHANTS, affico aecond atery, corner Bonih Water and Market rtrecta Wilminytoa, N. C, where Cy are prepared to attend Wall ftmuness ke the CoB,;risson line. . AU boineaa entrusted to' thea wO. be punctually attend 4 to, ,.. . ; - .... .. - A ' :. , . . B A. j, i. son. - , LAKnrr a arnvrr C QXXZ&IQS MEECHANTS, ;;. . . '. - WujriNBTW, N. C. FnCE Near tie Wilmington and Weldoa R. R. aVpot. i hi.. iui iiiru cj-piorrsa!p unaer me a Dove i 1 1' purpwe of transactmr a home business exclu--, i i hope, ty strict anentin te the mtereM of our . 1 1 rf.T.t a coi.;.auance of their (avers. Our wharf are convergent!? locaW, and ail eowifrg. -1 ; ; T.i Mares, Cotton, icon. Flour, or other coun- . t-ier fr li t or sbpment, will receive our t to J frsoEiAl atWn'uoa. 1 cms. n. MTEKS. " A T AXD CAP IX ?C r-UM, H X ket Ptreet. " 5, -' 1 T i Leaf lT,tA. Vteol, Fur, fc.-'k. j i. C'-h. 1 " :h. aid k Cared Caps, by -? -a, t iff York aaieie prices. r-'-iLtT. AtXL GLFHAX. . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. CARDS,1: - . VTSL C. HOWARD, GENERAJ. PRODUCE BROKER, I -, Sept. JO. 1844 lJ-tf . Wilswotoh,, N. C. i.T,un, , r-4-iuxiitB. ! cn.E9 Moonr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TN HATS, CAPS, CANES, UMBRELLAS, Aa., Ac, - - ao.ii ataraetsueev miLaiawTun, n. v. , -Cash paid for Furs. WALCIS MIABS. . it I. MBAUS, kt. P , WALKER MKARES CO . (MCCBWORS TO 0. A B. DtTKB.) . ' "fTniOIiESALB AND DRIKK1JSTS, ' .Y . - . No. 44 MARKET STREET. Ih4d 1 tf. . ... y 1LM1NGTOM N. C. fno. roTTS aaowN, arm av j. MtRaowrr, Jr., a. t. mows. , ; . UHOWN M UeHUNMACr, Mew Vark, ' DrRUHSKT BIIOVVN WllulnglW, V. C, S1J ' - COMMISSION MEltCIIANTS. a. s. scnrrris, - r- ,A o. w. sttsos. , A. R. BUDt rPlE ii CO . . GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, - " " .., . ..... ..! , ... -i-..f ..'.Wawsvios K.CL-- JulytOth, 1S47 , ... , . , . tf . BKKDK HENDESHAIXm ! . LAND AGENTS, . , , ' - n MlKNIAfOLlS, MlNNRSOTA, ' Make Investments, loan money, locate I And Warrants, and transact a General Real haute Business In the North Waat. . . -' - J rssrsa, TO , Gov. Brajrg, , E-Gov. Morehea!, Col. Gwyun, T. C. ft B. O. Worth. AprU 8th, 157 ., Hy C. E. LEETE, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fayettkvilli, N, C. -fk)1lciU conolgnnicnut. ' Uberlal advance made. Jan. 14th, lt47 , lOS-tf W.H. McKOV. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; ALSO, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL GROCER, South Water street, Wilmington, N. C, intends keeping at the above stand, a larre assortment ef GROCERIES, LiyiJOlW and PROVIS IONS, at wholesale and retail. Particular attention will be paid to all orders from the country. 1 would respectfully invite, the citUens of Wilmington and the adjoining coun try, to call and examine my stock before purchasing ebte- w lie re. 1 intend to carry on a general comiaiiwton biwinesa. Particular attention will be riven to the sale of Naval Stores, and all kinds of produce. Liberal Cb advances made on sonalgiimenta. .... . GILES A MOORE. Carolina Ilolrt, l Market Street, WllsMlngton, !. VH A RE NOW OPENING and have ready for InspecUon, a . fashionable and very desirable and inviting stock of HATS, CAPS. STRAW GOODS, Ac. They enumerate to Cart, Neary, ueeiie, uenn. ana outer styles or rssnionabie RESS HATS ! Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats; Cap, Felt and Wool list-; Leather, Cloth, Silk and Navy Caps ; Ladies Kidiag list ; Children's Fancy Hats j Canes, Um brellas, eta. To all which we respectfully solicit aa exatni mation, feeling well assured that they cannot fail to be suited With some of the many varieties offered to their inspection. liners Sitk, mi i -.' . 'ii WaXJUiieTOfr marble works. -1 ' Prmit Street, near the Methodist H. Chaws. n rnvnurviu mum iiEin ..j t utowim It L FURNITURE TOPS, Ac., of the BEST QUALITY of AMEIUCAN ar ITALIAN MARBLE, furnished to order, aa tiiK.Ai' as can be procured from any establishment of the kind In the country. . , I employ none bat experienced workmen, and will spare ' I ' "" f ! tun fail in Mill lUte-TMa. age. : . sj-Term CASH, unlesa by special agreement. , ,, . . , w: G. MILUOAN. ; WOraiagton, N. C, Sept 13th, 185d. T-tf. i NTOTORK AND PHILADEPIUA CARDS. THE VESTA CAMPIIIIESE WOJIKI." . ' . - 37 Ft " AM STHKCT, HOOIfcTM. ' LYDOONATKNNL C AMPHENE AND AIXHOL DISTILLERY, DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF NAVAL STOKES. - Orrici. No. 29 Bcbumo Bur, Nsw Tou. Jane 17U, 1M7 - ) i Mi . WMm. i 0. at. BIODOASP, . . . . . f. CLASS. STODDARD m CLARK. C10MMBS10N MERCHANTS, j-..', ,.. No. ISO Front Street. New York. .Uberlal cash adrancel made on eonslgnmenta to as, by our menas, Mesara. retuway a rntcneu. June 1st, 1847 . . 7-ly. BAUOM 0. WATSOW, ' i 0.ASTOM SIABXS. WATSOV ME ARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 S4 Burlinr Slio. New Tork. , Especial attention patd to the sale of Naval tiros is, Cot Tott. and Southern Produce renerailr. Uberlal advances made en conaignmenta. - July L, 'M WS. SABTIM, .'-.. WH. HACALnrm . ciAS. iillbt, (Special partner.) MARTIN U MACAUHTKK, r ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VX . r 4 No. 119 North Water Street, rhOadclphis. Cash advances made on Conaignmenta. ' Juno Md, 1847.. , 145-Jjr, I. BAJtrrr csocibas, - ., .'', "-- w. t. stmnu COCHKAS RISSEIX. . . ' (Successors to Thomas Allibone A Co..) ri ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SI North VJ Wkarves, ana W a orts water Street, 1 m l adilfbia. Savubenal cbks advances made on consignmenta. -July SOth, 1853 779 CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES, DISSOLITIOS. . rpiIE CG-PARTNERSHD? heretofore existing between J. John W. Giles and N. B. Uawea, under the Arm and style of GILES A HAWES, ia this day diwo1veUy mutual consent. ' JOHN W. GILES, July 1st, 1857. - X B. HAWES. . CO-PABTTKRHII SDTICE. "I rB. JOHN W. GILES bavin associated FRED. J ilL MOORE, Esq., with him la the "HAT, CAP AND KTRAW GOODS " businew announces to the publio that the said Dnsinees wni continue to be earned on under toe Arm and style of "GILES A MOORE." Thankful for the kind patronage extended to the late Sna of Giles A Uawea, they truM that the exertion of every effort to meet the taste of the pwbBe w&l cause a continuance of the same to the preeentflrm -r, ;;! ' - .. , ; . . . j . JOHN W. Gn.ES, ; '. " . FRED. J. MOORE, - July 1st, 1SS7. .r; . . -, tie-tf CO-PARTVKRSIUP KOTICE. mHir 7JNtEnPIGXED HATE PURCHASED THE DRUG J. ESTAEUSHM ENT of Messrs, CAD. DuPra. They will coatinfle the Drug business in its various bran ches, under the Arm of W, MEAUES A CO. .t WALKER 1TEARES. , ' JOHN L. MEARiM. D. May 19th, 1K6 lltf ' ' CXM'ARTSrERSHIP. fTTHE SUBSCRIBER has this day associated with him, Mr. X C W. STRYOX. The bwlnena hereafter wiU be car ried on under the name of A. B. McDl'FFlE A CO. A. B. McDUFFIE. . Juy 20th, 17 . , - 26-tf ROPE ASD GrXVT B AGS. Of. BALES rcrj heary GUNNY CLOTH. 130 coil JUTE fJUBOPE. For sale by Aug. J. A J. L. HATHAWAY k CO. sonct T!IE Rerular rate of Wharfare will be charpM to Ship prs ho have been iu Uie bst it of using our Wharf on the Wert Side of tie River, for sh-'rpiLg Cotton and Naval Stores received per Wisicrtou A V.m heur R,l F..-4 i'ETTEWAY A FaiTCIIETT. P. I'Xbr 153. - '- sv-XfT" CotL. coil, x prime article of Cbertwt C-l. (m) f.U.r r at ti per U.a. (Jua 4 T.C.oiIiL A N FSCFiI.rVT ARTICLE CF FOF.T AXD .n:-:r.SY IX r- ? c;:.-l at ; per sri'.'.on. borr! t f.T lieical MEDICINAL BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ', ' ! . . DOCTOR JOHNSON. ' . A ! THE founder of this Celebrated Institution offers the most Certain, Speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Gleets, Stricture, Seminal weakne, Pains in the lias, CoMtitutionai Debility, Impoteaey. Weakness of ill Back aiwl Llrnbs, AfltH tloaaof the Kidney' Palpitalioa of Ute Heart, IHspepaie, Nervous Irritability, Dlseaaa of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and lueliuieholy Disorders arising from all those Destructive habits of Youth, wick destroy both body and mind. Tkbhi bscrrt and aouV tary pracUoea more faul to their victim than the sonc of the Syrens to the Alanners lHysses, blighting tholr most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rcndcrutg sutrriage. Ac, hnpoasible, ; , f ii , , .!.'-irtuig Men. a , etecially. who hava become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, i which annualy ivot'ps to an untimely grave thousands of youug men of ilia most exalted talleuU and brilliant intellect, who might Otherwise hava aotranoad listening Senate wits the thunders of elo quence, or waked to ecstaey the living lyre, may call with aliaonndena.:i .;:-. - , :, .,,u mut . M Arris J Persons, or Yonng Men contemplating marrlftKe, being aware of Physical Wsaknras Orvanio, Debility, Drfor Diitiesi Ac. should Immediately consult Dr. J and be restored to perfect health. s ;.. . ,.. ( fie who places himself under ths car of Dr. Johnson may rellgiouHly conflde in his honor as a gentlemen, and confident ly rely upon IUa skill aa a ihvclan. v. .. - -t.n Orgsaae WeaSHess ' s, '4 U J inimedlskly cured, and full vigor rrshirud. ... -i--- This disease Is the penalty most frequently paJd by thus who have become the victim of improper indulgences.- Young persona are too apt to commit exressea from not be big aware of the dreadful consequences that Stay ensue Now, who that understands the subject will protend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Improper habits than by the prudent. Bvsides. being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the moat, serious aud destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becontea deranged, the physical and Bieatal powers weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, a wasting of the trwue, cough, symptoms of consumption, etc. Nervossi Debtllly. ' !' Wcaknesa of the system, Nervous Debility and prematura decay generally arise from the Instructive habit of youth, that solitary practice so fatal to the healthful ex tut nice ul man. and It ia the young who are roost apt to become it Victims from an ignorance of the danger to which they sub. ject themselves. Parent and Guardians are often misled with respect to the causa or source of dbeaso ia their sons and wards. Alas I how often do they ascribe to ether causes, the wasting of the frame, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, derangement of the Nervous System, Cough, and Hytuptoua of Consumption, also, those serious Mental effects, such aa loss of memory, depression of spirit or iecullar fit of Melancholy, when the truth b they have been caused by indulging In pernicious hut alluring practices, doatructlva to both Body and Mind. Thus ar swept from existence thou sands who might have been of use to tholr country, a plea sure to their frisnds aud oruanM'nU to Souletr. Orrica No. I Sorrs Fbbdiuck St., left hand aide going from Baltimore street, J door from the earner. i - . . njrB particular in observing thi same and number, or you will mistake the place. -t ( SSTak notice, observe the name on the door and Win dow. A Cur H'arrattA'd or no Vharg Hade, in from ,, , v. . One k Tiro Day. NO MERCURY Oil NAUSEOUS DRUGGS USED. ' DR. JOHNSON. . , ... .- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United Slates, aud the greater part of whose life has been spent In the first Hospital of London, Park, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, baa effected some of the must astoaishiug care that were ever known, many troubled with ringing In the head and ears whea asleep, great nervousness, beln . 1 i i . fcnl Is Wl wita derangemeat of mind, were cured immediate ly, y , . .1 .- - ! 1 '..'.'. l - ' i A Certala Dtsraa . . When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleaaure Had us aaa rniDioea tne see as or tuia painrui disease, it too onen aappeaa uei an tu-tmseo sense or iname, or a read or oia cevsry, deters him from applying to those wko from educa tion and respectability, esu alone aefrfend him, oaiayiog till the constitutional symptom of thi horrid disease make their appearance, ouch aa ' ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains, In the bead and limbs, dimness of siiht, deafness, a ode on the ahia bone, and arms, blotch a an the bead. face, and extremities, wrorrc In with frlgtful rapidity, till at last the palat of the mouth et tb bones of the nose fall In, and the victim of this awful disease becomes n horrid object ef commisse ration, till death put a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending them to "that bourn from whence ao traveler re turns." To such therefore Dr. Johnston pledge himself to preserve the moat inviolable ecrecy, and from hi extensive practice in the first hospital in Europe and America, he can confidently reccommeod a safe and speedy cur to the enfortanat victim of thi horrid diseaae. i . - "wi. " i--.- - ' :- - It 1 a melancholy fact, that thousand tall victim to this dreadful dieseaae. owing to the nnskillfulneaa of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, and even send the unfortunate sufferer to an uaumeiy crave, or else make the residue of hi life mioraoie. , . i . . . , .n -f. Take Part tr alar k'ttUce. Dr. J. addrease all those who have Injured themselves by private and Improper mduhrenciea. These are some of the aai and me lane holy effecta produ ced by early habiu of youth, vim Weakness of the Back and Limb, Pain in the Head, Ihmnesa of Sight-, Lna of Muscular rower, raip nation or tne Heart, Dispepsla, Nervou irrtta bflity, Derangement of the Digestive Function, General De bility, armptome of Consumption. As. Mmrr allt The fearful effect upon the mind are mack to be dreaded, Los of Memory, Confusion of Ideaa, Drpresst of Spirits, Evil Foreboding, Aversion of Society, Self Dis trust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some or the evil produced, ' i - Thousands of persons of alleges, can now judge what n tne can of tneir declining beaiin. Losing tneer vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, have n aingular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptom of conaumption. Dr. JohNSM Invigorating Remedy nr Orfiole Weak sieas, ' By this great and Important remedy, weakness of (he or. rans ar speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thonsamls of the most nervoue and debilitated, who bad loat all hope, hava been relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervoue IrritabUity, Tremblings ana n raaimss vr tuuraiauoa oi iae BUM icariui aiuu, speeany curea Dy in, rfouimoe. . " ! Mesa,' lU Who have injured tbeme.lve by s Certain Practice aodui red In when alone habit frenueatlr learned from evil companions, or at schoolthe effect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and n not cured, render marriage impossible, and destroy bA mind and Body, anonld apply unraeuiaiciy. ,., ...... , W).t I V.I . t.. V,.. LL . and the darling of his pareuts, should be snatched from all prospect and enjoyments of life, by tb consequence of uinaung rrotn tne pata or nature, and indulging in a ecr tain secret naott. twes persona before contemplating , Marrtaa-o ahoold reflect that sound mind and body are the swt neceasarr reqmwitieeto promote conubal harp mess. In deed, without these, the journey through lit become weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darken to the view; the mind become shadowed with despair and (tied with the melancholy reflection, that the hap p mew of another becomes unirnira mi wor own. OFFICE NO. T SOUTH FRED ETC ST. Baliimert, Ml All Stmicai. OmnAnon Pnronmft. -N. B. Let no false dclicac? mvent von. but apslv la- mediately either personally or by letter. - atw nrAsa sruuaT crxxo. To Stnutam. The manv thousands eared at thi Insfctatioa wtthta the last twelve year, and the numerous important anrrleal Op erations performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porter of out daitv Tisner and manv other person notkes of which have again and again appeared before the public is a some tent guarantee, toat t&e evicted will nnd a ttiU ful and honorable phjirun. , TakeXotlre. N. B There are so nun? worthless Cracks advertislrff theBuelve a lliysk isn, mming the bcaith of the already aSicttd, that Dr. Johnson lSfcm it necessary to aay, ePe- eiallv to those estcQuainted w;thhis rrpsiaLion, vnat ba cmientails er d'plomas aiway hang in hi office. TAKE NOTICr AU letters most be postpaid, aid con tain a postage stamp for tb reply, or a answer will be aent April, 71, lv7. - l.'i ly. XjL h on hand and i coastansly receiMr.r p ar 1 V.t 1tuj, Med;ciw, Frsrmaoeutnal rrerii, r.'u. t.-s Fncy Art- les Perfumery. Slwp r'arr, V, "aJow t. ;., Tiuvs. L'J"r.'.--s 'k-n-sJ t, ,t An i-"fti.n vf l!.? i.k . ' i . 1 ' v.- . - ; '. 'i, t ,tr t' t ' ; e ! " t-- -y b'-v K-r .v. . i - . ') uf t. e s-i.v k to be b - t . e ft is f W SALE AND TO LET. ..( ,H VOVt RENT, .-t . -J. ' Jr FROM DATE OR FROM 1ST OCTOBER NEXT, I::, I the pleasant tliree story brick Dwelling Hon, on 8- 'tond Street, above l'ruit e, next door to the residence of Wm. V. liettenrourt, Kaa.- Apply to ' i - "- " Aig.U, liT)T4w7Jm . u i -- P. O'REILLY, t i fOH RENT. ' I " V'. ' : ' 'f. ! THB DWHiJNd nOUHE at nrese nt occunl.d J, K. Metta, Froal Street, between Oranee and Ana reel;, , Foaneamlos given Ul lie toner axt, apply V) '....- ! . - . it. r. BUOWN. - wept. Mb. I tr Aeut for Ds. 1 KIDE JOA ES. . i v,Wa Kim so. P THE DWELUNQ HOUSE, rorner of Market aud Third Street, now occupied by Mr. T. D. Walker. 1 Also the House Corner of Market and Second Street, opposite the Carolina Hotel, PoshomMr riven 1st October, ept 9th, ML S- lot FOR RENT. ' ' ' ' J-t ONE HOUSE, CORNER ANN AND SECOND ST8., JTilcoutHlnlng U comfortable room. . Out sontea and I -well or flu water on the premise. i , On Hvus on Ann between Herend and Third streots. coiiUiuing wven comfortable rooms, nil noeusaary out uuw-ua biiu I'""; "i out water. ,... t .. i, s On House on Third, between Nunn aud Clureh treuU, thre rooms, well of water In the yard, , One House oa Dock street next east of the Catnidla Chun k. Any or nil of the above property, together with I building oU uu 2nd street, can be, bought tut reasonable wrum. Appiyw ........... I'. L. AlllltnK. Aug. '. XH. 1KAT. " -T ' VALUABLE AND DK SIR ABLE REAL ESTATE ... VOtt. SALE. .r. .u, ,:V THAT HOUSE AND LOT now onounled b J.. L Knin, silustcd on East side of Front, not wees Ann and Nunn streets, ' Lot etl by SJ0 feet runuliur Uirotiah from Froirt to Second treeu, 1 ''' The house iu good order, oontitliilng eomfertahle rooias, anu on w mi is a itiicuta, negro Houses, new rurlck btal.lo, Carriage House, and a fine brick Cistern of 160 bbis. capatWty. These premise cost T,ouo, and will be old a bargain up on applicaUou to 1, L. KEEN, or " D, P1G0TT, , , Aug, ItJ a4.f. i-i! ... i . Broker and Auctioneer,' ' witAitr ntopicRTY von balk. IOR EAIJ) OR HENT.tht valuable Wharf and Ut adjoining the property of the late K. W. Brown and other. For term address the Subscriber at Fayettevllle, or make application to liliu In person on or about the SOth ovpt., wuvu ue wiu oe m wiuuiugton , JAMES JENKINS. JV71awt70r). Aug. 14th, mr; : KENT AMD SALE. , . SEVE1UL HOUSES fur rent and tale, For partlcu lara, apply to Aug U-303 tlstOct JOHN A. PARKER. KOR RENT. . , THE TWO STORES FORMERLY occunled hv "Wm ciiers, , oeing uiose on ia aouw end or my block, fronting ou "London Wharf." are for rent or basa s. si len t . . . . . from the 1st day of October next. . . - Also the Dwellng lions formerly occupied by Thome P. Walker, adjoining the residence of Robt. H. Cowan. ' Apply to Robt H. Cowan or to the subscriber. ' ' k (,it' ii'i vi. l'i 1C-DICKUfSON. August Sd, 1W7 fro-tl Ouoo. i i. f '' ! ; 'TO LET. , ,;:"v i i TWO FIRST Class Store on West side Front Street near Market, being No. 1 and I In Granite Bow. Thee 'Stores art brick, with Granite front, two itorte hluh. SOtoM feet deep, with entrance In thi rear from tide alleys, and well adapted to a large bnatnea m Dry Goods, Grocer Street JOHN C LATTA, i Agent for GILBERT POTTER. - Aug. 1st, 1847,.,;! '..;.'" . ITS-tf fr- FOR RENT. ' ' . M FROM FIRST DAY OF OCTOBEB NEXT, the Hon frif on Market street opposite the Episcopal Church, and : next west w uie episcopal rersoiieg. Apply at , a , ,v j , , THIS OFFICE. a FOR RENT. AHt TOM TWELVE MONTHS from 1st October next, a fo j dwelling house e Bisds street, between Id and 4th Sitreet, North of the Rail Road. A good kitchen attach ed and well of water convenient. At present occunled by Mrs. Pbllyaw. For term apply to ' .. . , j ' : 1 ':, ' . .,- AH, WEST, Anctlonr; Jkng. Mtk, 1847. . ' - joo-tis VOn RENT, i A DWELLING HOURR oa TWb r..t t,.... 7th and ath atreoti at p reseat occupied by W, A1 csrq.,' a ssiou given 1st October. Apply tn - Hept 7th, 1S57. , P. V. WAlXAl b. I tf A , . . ii , FOR RENT.:' v ' J-.--'A-s, t . M" in wiwrnn un iws rar; nouw, eninrae- JTrl mg six good room, situated on the comer of Third and Ked cross streets) j bit large, elevated and healthy u anv In Town. Una well nt .ir Mt.l.ln r.r.1.... ii Ac. Alan a comfortable House on Chestnut, between Third and Fourth streem, adjoining my residence. Also a House on tuesnut, between Kigbth. and Ninth streeta AWty to . -r I NIC11AN. KLiXjN. , Aog. 19th, M5T. , y .j , .. SviUO ., A GREAT BARGAIN IN REAL ESTAT 1- rrvi HOUSES AND LOTS, which rent for liWO per siBiuw, w,uw wiu oe soiu I or j.t, on Bppll- - cation to D. PiGOTT, , : Aag. II sm-tf. -. . - Broker and Auctlooeer. TO RENT. I mnt three story brick dwelling boas on Market t., bunse on Market t., - Hewlett,aabosrdlag L I of Messrs. WalkerJ-- a recenny occupied pt A. V. w. h bouse, and above tb Drug Store Mearea V. The boon at largw and eowrforUMe. Apply to John A. Taylor, tq-, la my absence. . posesiun givru we imoayotoctorwr. , JOILX D. liU4.AMY, Wilmington, N. C, Aug, J9, 17. . ; aoa,tf , . RICE PLANTATION Kim SALE. inc. cva.ii ruAniailua ia B i T U ATED t KrJ about three mile from town, and well known a f I the Thornhnry Tract; containing IK) acres, which 1 1 wfiaiy wprovwu svsie or cniuvtnon, and a rood croa " mfmm n, . awv wt apwna Mia Wmp ; VIlO swamp comprise a boot US more or test, and tne halanre m pine. There is on Use premise 4 good negr Hon, wAa tw apartment, each accommodating two lamUiee l a Brkk Barn U by n, and a shed-70 feet long by 34 feet wide 1 1 Whitman Rice Tb rankers, and on 1 Horse power Machine, and to whole Tract comprises 367 acre Land, sad wed worthy the attention of any one deairoue of nuking a good investment. One Dwelling fines on Fourth street, and adjoining the residence of Mrs, B. H. Cowan. The lot I 1C4 bv 66 feel I dwelling new and contain 10 room: kiwhen. uhi. .J good bricked well of pwre water, and all other convenience. On Tract ef Land adjommg the Burnt Mill Creek. In the suburb ef town, containing v arre more er lees, which baa been, and hi now, ia a rood stU of cultivation, and -kw-h was mad especially for gardening purpose. Also, adjoia imr the earn premise, I offer two full bauMing Lota. Two Horse and Irarn. - "- Fur terms, An which will be very liberal apply to ' . W. L. PITTS, , 1 " AncfrABro. : HOTEL FOR REST. nTHAT DESIRABLE HOTEL, ON THE CORNER of Front and Market atreets, with three OScee and Barter Shop, known a HOlJtES' HOTEL, 1 cred for rent or leas from tb 1st October next Arp'yto 1- Mr. Hotmee wm ecu the furniture now in Co house on reasonable terms to any one who my rent tLe rropcrtr. TO REST. f i mi iae is a ucwucr kii, i $ i.xx Lwt ng , r and Wore, at present occupied fry U. J. Eqtat j, ' aer of Orange aad TLirJ -!. i - - t t j Dr.Wjf.r. ..' I.'fAV. - " or to Si '..X, t'AJs.VO cor- N. w umir.rwn. . v., Ar:r. I. '.a, r 7 t I i.viis as'juti lit i c tzz r.yaz aid lot, wj cow r- ?, f r si'e. Ar-, . .i, i.;:. a. L. r:.:j: i j , ' 7 ' 1 1 . .. ', Mm - PRTTKWAY APltrTCIH TT, .. , JACtORS AND COMMISSION KERCH ANTS,' ""i ,: i-l. (L,' "-turvWaiosfafuW, .m,nuuiiy uiiorm Lotion nantsrs sisd, j urt.e-.t ine Dwlfl. ,' vi -,iiii timir ficiiis li. vrest. TOV M w7rtJI,;.,CB,,4'!M" ttUW,im to' VQf' tua, n AVAL STORM, aud other coojitrv produc. 4. te) enrryeatthUni,,,, wlU BofLv Bwount!0' w eu"wWoB for Northern A-tl i'vttlgn tet.ak f1?,.' WAT3 'rCES Onr wharveianjiheda reeouvimntit located'f'r'thf reoeptios of produc by eJUet ef the iJCd. or. fcl-k OSt. ... . '.. I . ..,.(;.,; . rCash sdvancei made on eonllgnmenU. !; , N tKj rnsv il Kin as era, u -;itul frfATS AMATta't OrVK 1, 17 sVlSKBIBf )t., I ) sr. . ' y, ", ... Fbhraarr: U, ta&d. ! I J niU certifies tliat I hava made chemical examination of Coder Bark Paper. manufWctnrad by Messrs. Wsrrea, An pletonA Co., in Wat,rvtU,M.lm),ae4aftl that It ha to pennliar essential oils nd other principle of Clr bark whltth are known te prevent the depredation of insect and the growth of Must, Mildew, er otto Fungi,, ,., , 1 would recommend itin r,l,. L.l ...i.. ble for protecting Cariiete, and wooles good genra!l, from the attack of Moth and other Insects, and else for the pre ervathm of Far from their depredstlou. , it will likewise serva in a area ni.uiLM aa amLiinmi... ....... u . sluo Uie order of ss..Btial oils prevent tholr growth,' .!7 , i wmnimanu inui tuis i coor uarx rspsr b produced ai low eost and can be made In deslrsbls qnanUUeA It is. thcrtfbrs. worthy of a Liihrniiirti nractfl .r. ,.i I ablppers of woolcs and cotton good. . , ,' 0"TC"I ,'. - t ILU-Vl I'. AA.KWN,X,1X, . , . .AssayertotlieStsteofMss-arhiisettB, 1 foe asl In Wilmington by HAM'L. SlIEPAlU) A CO. .MajlW-aUVf . f .' HOIJSTIMt'S PATENT IKIO SCALES. riW YXK SCALES, for which Uie in v. a tor ha obtained I Iittur Patiini frmn tli If M ()....... ... i...... . . - ' - mw,,i iiwiriin, ai O IIIH'lUlvll to eupurrede the present eumbrona and ohleoUonabl sc t-. - .w. ..lauuii vnuuiiuai pauaaires, uen an arrels, tierces, Ac, eonUiiilng articles osuHy told by weiKhU , Also for weighing bale of eotton. hay, Or bUier s niilur paokagea, The BdvanUgea elalmsd for them over the ordinary Scales iu use, are Uiat no himiitiUty Is required, as Uie article to be weighed la immmluutty surnuVii, by It own gravity, and without strala, or reacluuga given point beneath the. Hcalebeam thus saving large amount of Ume and labor, and preventing injury by hooks, or other wise, to Hit rrallest package. , Iks patentee wiU be pleed to eahiblt hi Invention at the store of 8. M. West, and re ceive order for aiuik else anduaotlli as msy be dmlred. uiynumw--tf --i Titea CORIirQATED VVItOlGIIT IRON AND 1YTRJB naiusui : Hli .a.. J ....' a.-. J Wr. ' . . " ;1 i 'Jail r.-wviwTU ini auiT( j-aitvu.j A DMD1ABLY adapted for eauloaiu IM.lIo'OrbTffld, ly. Cemeteriea. Halconya, Cottagsa, Ac., Sheep gad On Hurdles, rnttiut wire, backing Bedstead and iron Parni- tur., rauHH "ire uoe stcrMna. Ore, Band and Gravel Screen, Wire Netting for Moaulto, Sheep, Poultry end . "r.muwr uuuacs, fancy vtu-e wori m a ww . m. ,V-J W.i liril., aW. 1 . . i 4. , -: K , . ,M. WALKER A SONS. Manufacturers, ' N. K. Cor. ithit, rhlladslpbJ. , Aug. Sd, 1847 180-ly. , U .,),. n " SUNDRIES. " . ' fiABREIJt PORK, VARIOUS BsUVMII 100 eoil Jut lion t ' ,, 200 enno. BaconHldoif " 1 i '' M bat heavy Gunny Cloth pi -m. ,;Ji M barrel Machinery Oil, warranted food j isj ,k4- . ivw; ....... , ' Y'.,.d 1,000 eack Liverpool Salt For sale by. ; v 4. m a. U UAIUAWAT CO, i .! ,f ; . ! ... . .. lout-la August Slat ' : ' BACON, PORK, VC. -1 " ' ' 1 ft ?PUTUKRN BACON ,,..t .4 i , i AO 24 bbla. Me pork I . , , ..; bale Gtinny Clofls-n seavy artfeb I : "i "r-'w loo colls Jut Rope. Juat reeelved, and fW aale bw Angnrt 13 th . , , A, B. McDUFFLB A CO. . A aT'Af. mff. . . . , THIS HUBSCTHBEH REGRETS THS NECEHSfTY OF giving publio notice, that ell old account or notes u ui n, B. wiueu or aatisneo, in au U present month of July, will be aent out for C'oUcclion. JlyUt,1847. b, . ... j ., .. a I.M.BOBINdOi. r 1 rsrtvrv mtmmt a. - -1- 410 PtlTMIG OI! AI.ITY Rvnivn uiehsnmh a.n ' rela, Just received front Boston per Brig Vermont pJ " ' ' ADAMS, BRO. ft CO. loraaie LONG I.OOKED FOR BIT COME AT LAST. iWTP J0 esltlTnted by R. Buit, Philadelphia, PaJuat received and for asisby i i. at 1 -. . A- - HllADLk'Y, JulIL - ; 11 Market at, WUmbngton M. C. ' MOLASSES. 900, UHDa fc7f'U Mwc1 CARDENAS MOLASSES, .VVl"4 Bw P,I'. For e by v 1 July II - J. a J. L. HATHAWAY A to. soncB. , , , ,t JTT rUcerved and on hand a pUindld aasortmeot of all kind of Furniture, which will no eokt law for cash, -at the old stand formerly occupied by Houston ft Went, H-rtkU. s. at. v. est. k iUvar ... NORTH CAROLINA IXOl'R. BBIA Fresh Nollk Carolina Paailla aaA O... VI .. 50 in store. For sale by WUXARD ft CUBT1 June 14 . AT GREAT RARGACrS. : ' ' GREAT variety of Fancy and Staple Dry Oooda. ... ' . ,.. . : ' 1IEDK1CK A BTANe RECEIVED THIS DAY AND FOR SALE AT riUI!Cr8 Book Store j Ufa and Corretpondeac of James lredeB. by Griffith J. MeRee. i - , . - . Subacrlber to the above work will please call at Tierce's Book mere and get their coplea. . 4 .. u K'L H.. PIXECH, i'CDl for D- Applctoa A C., Iu tii hers, ABg. II, imt. ' ' J a tf TnM M OENUTNE' GERMAN COLOGNE IS S.M D BY .,,'.-;.-n'; . ku:. ' "A.aKuiuf, . ' . . , . Drurr'st A Cbemt, 8UPE1U0R Irish GUling Twtne, No. M and Ki. T Hie bv J u tiimvv a i. v Alguatetk, 1847. .t ,vj DOMESTIC GOODS On stock of Domestio GooO complete for the season. Buver are inriit J vajs- " HEPiJCK A KiNAV. REAL LACES The best .lock of "ValnTr,, 'n"T73Tal Imitation, Ualpure, Mecklm and Er-vH-S rhre I I - alwy kept by , HEi tlcK A l. VA v.. rilECK BOOKB. . r TTTE HATE A QUANTITY OF CHICK "BOOKS, II M thel a.ljTtrCnt fWEtsTR nt iflVW tit xrv- -a,-- ww - w w km va nW M AA-i' -iwV tare, which w will sell low. Apply at t ""r'". ; : JOCENAL 0??! . r . Enaptw Barrels, ' v . t 100 YESY PRIME SrCOJTD EAXD 17ST MVY 00 TEST FEIME SIXCJ ii T v : rrrels, just received per bckr 1- - I New York. For eale by A t. i.ah. . AD tea I f-a ADAkra, n co. M. C. BACON. LBS. N. C. BACON lur, Shoulder, b very sT.r-er r t t I r - 3500 Asguet 2U STR-tW XXATTi-t'CS. NOTREH supply of Straw Hatt! f'.-b! i- srouT BiET.r; 235 T" EULS. in fine orjr-r, f -r s. l- J. A J. L. . . . I ""AY A C C O as A. I 2000 1 it bi r s i. ty f ; 0; i ! i IflSCiaLANEOUS iADVFRTT?FVrTO ' ' A. O. i'lUILEY. : , : - a 'T f-vc:.-;e tr,-.4, c.'v expecui ; : . i ty CL J.-nt L'.-av. Ft?- : -t of i" r. cf V, ' - 'ail.:, c;: aid ' A::c, 7, 1. il

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