c I ( I . I: I c v . V '- V. . 4 . , I M J 1 I 1 A 1 I WILMINGTON, N.' 0., FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1857. vol 7. -N0.:4i: M.U 0 C 0 G C 1 f iXXTOS RUCK, FROWUKTORS, - , IU j i - t JA3. JTLTON, Editor... A. L. FEJC8, AMOclete Editor. 1 m mt BabaertpcAoM. r- , , . v.rij t y to advance ...... ...... .Id 00. r i. .cdtediaconttaua an paper after tha i w' i-beeriptioa year, aatil the expiration i ttia!.':fM connected wlU thi office, must be j us 8 proprietors, , ,,.. RATU3 OP AXYERTISINQ. B ALf KlCAM. . i ..,f..,. t"? ,......,.,- 60 ? t, ,..,,.., 2 v oxsaqraaa. On day... ........ I M Twodari..,.. 78 Three daya..,..,.,, 1 00 row dayi ,.. 1U Five daya 1 0 OBeweek.......... 1 M Twn weeka. ....... 1 74 Om awnlh.. ...... 4 00 Twa aaonthe..,..,.- T 00 Three BBOalhe...... 10 00 ,umootha 1 a C . TO ApiiMi.i 87s ( 1 ! : 1 s.,,, J M j. .8 SO f 1 00 LM TMI a.. M M; j a i.uct arc counted m a aquer. eoa ire unee or km b ' . Loerer BverttiwoMate to proportion, aad all . 1 i i ' t'iv.. W hea not paid in advance U mbU j r w U be charged after the Brat loMrtion. -f i i IkA tiaarat aot paid for to advaaet will b cbarg - f 1 t'tuar. -'-,-;.!,)'.' .-'fc i -' . . mtu Iniertad u 8pcial ar Biaaop Notieaa tii 1 t ,! uif mora taaa abora ratea-alghl Uam '''!,!! i r tad at a aqoara. i -' 1 lwertfa crery ouar oar art curgaa , . lor awh i'irUn after tit ftrat. 4 - 4 I ..v.uoa aaada rr,ot$a raapaoaibla aama. T r 'AKP'rEOFESSIOm CARDS." W. H. MeKOT, ' ' " (1 tDCia 1SD COXXWSloa MKBCHANT, ' Ti - ' ' v--' 'WaioKOTOjf, V, C. - ":nrt Bt;ono$m the mcthodbt chttbch, J ; ' r , yriufwatoy, K. C. 58 tf I-IOJI KXRCHAVT, ' i j ,. !!- .h.i. . ; WnimatoM. N. C : It - 1 n1 firovtfjt atWntloa rlraato eoMigTuneota of . . u : -hi, Luitua, noari ac, enner rorauaor tmpment. vu isii. 1 ' - aram - W. II. HeRAST CO- ' .; ;nniANT8, eomar Prtoeata and Water a.vM, ..si.uion, Ufa iU' - , . . aarnHDtcaai B. r v Canhler bank Capa Fear, WOmlnKton, V. C. I J il "a, PrM't Bnk WUminjrtoiL do. do. A. i . ., talr Branch B'a Cap fcar,Balitb7, do. . 1 , ' u (totem, do. I r3aatefBatitCBara8.C. tOttlT . 'C K riXHAJT, Na. M Karth Water atraei, rravocst CAJUX "ITTZIWI I PITTS CO ' - . AUCllQSRS. BKOKElUtmd m COMMISSION MZKCBAlTS, 10 Bimth Uark at, rumtticm, M. 0. i - I . -i4 ca adraaoaa m Ooontrr Pradaee and Mar- t!.iw.ie f n!ri!,"! ,.:'?' ,fi-i., i ..... -, . . .i boogbt and told w eammiatioi. UCTICAi: t AND BJI0KE8, ' t AT orth Watar at. WOmlntioa. M. 0. . - t. artraal tAaaateof AaXiAOKd, EBAt i A t 1 1 .v, Ao. Maylt'aT n. I i c AAl biuillo puroaaatd, aaanurao- . . . l : .srtf a fonltaad, aa4 OKyarof 4om at ""TTTLrSATK AJTD EXT AIL CBOCOLtT Kortk Water jf i t. ( ore fonaarl oeopied by WtaaalA EUara,) ; ... . ., 1 I , M ' II. B.' KILER8. 'r; ""u.r f-flcra and comrrssios mtb- f t .. . . .'. A.VO LiAlXB IM NATAL STORES, Conar r v ,-r t i r'kn etraete, wumioftoa, H. u r v a, s J. H. ItOBDrXW di tow h " WmrtwTo, V. C. , , I MAJrUFACTCKKES' AOKSTS, AND Dea L I 't to lUrda-are, Coltery, Iroa, Btaet, Kaua, AfTieul . ..-al Lrpleaema, ft. . , CKO. HARRIRS. " n cnroL coxx&ios klscha.vt, i T ' WiLCTrntoy, If . C Wojunstoh, K. C. ADAMS. BBOTKXXIdl CO, -V 3J . - trouoa w. davis, rvrr'OX KLSCHAST, Boutk Wter raet, . i i 1 1 . i- WrLvrMtott. 5. 0. Xatsawat. ' . a. k lira aw it. wtb. b. CTLZT. - J. A J. U M AT liA W AT dk CO rriX:wNKEiCflAXTa,:rv - ! I ' .i T. C A B. O. WORTH, o : :;:.:cs ao i-okwaedixq mkbchajtw, v - . , . . . Wiunveroii, V.G. .'-.:i!T,I"T'i V, - Ud-ly... . " ABCMOIt, IITVAU IATMK. : Arnciuon batack, r-r:.iL cuxsitoji nsfccHAJrra, , I WlLKIWTOT, X. C J t . i iJnwti Buda oa eoatifinMDta. T"1 f .ATta CTRTTB. : i.T WHOUSALX CKOCEE3, ... Aa 14 8opm Wirta Piaaaia, .', u -km tnummfOM, h. u TT. tL TrSXXJrOTOW, r-ji.cc5acai0Ji kebchaxt, vT WonwroB, IT. C 1 . urn ft.. , f n -ci "-'- rarrtea,r?., ',')" " ' - . ltr, ,i a T5ot, V WllaiifitaB, s. c a -rwAYdirRrrciifciTT, . " -..SIOS IaTSCHAXTS, Xorla Water 'IV.A.C. . -r tn:tk ta tha aate of Sataa r-ow, fi aj-.J1 n "Tl KILLS, ' i a of rwsja or dremtj Laa- : i a. oav moaa eoerat. . c '! ftiTT, orr . : t -ii w aU bai-jf to C BUSINESS AKD PROFESSIONAL CARDS., WHO. IIOWAHO. . fS enthal produce brokeb, ' VJ Sept to. 186.-13 tf WaMDiaTOB, V. C. A. b. ncBvrrtB, c . in bob. a. n. KrDrrrrc u co GEXERAL COJtMISiUUK AKD FOBWARDINO pCEB CHAMT8, . . ' WItQITOJlN.0., July lotk, 1867 ' ' KKKM A MEXDCMHAIX. . LAirf) AGOTS, - f IfnnnAroLia, lfnonaoTA, MikatereatiBetrta, loaa Boner, loeata Land Warraate. aad tranaact a Oaneral Beal bteta PmUM to the North Weat. Got; Braff, , , CoL Oa-yiui, April t&, 1M7 T.C. 8,0. Worth, v M-ly r. as. t .at rtc. AUCTIONEEB AKP COMMISSION bTERCHAST. - - . Fatbttbtilia, , C Afnouciu eonatfuneaia. uoenai aaraacea aiaoe. Jaa. lath, 1867 . ,,109-tf 4ab aroiLar. " - . . aui. olobab. riBOCETW AKT COMMISSION MErtCHANTa, AND VA PEAUSKS Ul t'OKH, UA11S rEAtS, U. . WlUOJIOTOK, B.C. '- . , Ririxnci. , ... . . .. ' nl t..u l .O . - NuU..! r lUnV m Vilmlnvioa. 0. 0. V am lit, Eaq., PraaidaBt af the CoiBmereialBaiik. a. w. aiuta, P. i. MOOU CIIUU dl MOORS, TTTH0LE8ALR tLR AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS. CAKEH, DMBUELLA8, ., A., No. 61 Market afreet, Wilmuto, N. C. 49"Caah paid for Fan. Bcpi.4. ..;-.--,.. . VALIBB VI AM. - , t, KliUI, M. B. wrai.aii naiaa (trocBMOM to o. A b. Durax.) TTrHOLESALE AND DRUGGISTS. W No. AS MARKET STREET. lls Mltf. ' WILMINUTON N. C. OfUU BtOOBK, . , CajnaUn HaUt, A Market ttaaet, Wllaikigisw, M. 0n A RE NOW OPENING aad hare ready for tiwpeetlon, a A. iMhlooeble and vert dtrabla and ipritinj atock of HATS, CA1H. STRAW GOODS, Ao. They toamerate In part, Beary.BeeBe, Oena. and either etylea of fMhlonablt l)im& H ATS ; Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf UaU; Cap, Felt and Wool Ratr, Leather, Cloth, Hilk and Nary Capt ; Ladlea Hiding Hata cwwraa a rancy Hau tauea, ur brellaa. etc. To all which we retnectfuUv aolicit aa axaait- inatioB, feelini well aarared that thty eaaaot rail to be aulud with tome of the aaaay rartetiea offered to their mtpeetloa. maorn u, it - WHJUMOTOS HARBLB WOBJCB. rrmttttMCiMajrUM Mrtka4lefa&. Ckaurela, H CONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEAD and FOOT STONES. 1H FUBNlIlIRETOl'S.io., of the BST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MARBLE, farniahed to order, aa CHEAP aa eaa be procarad from any eetabUahmeDt or the kind to the eoawtiT. ' i I taiptoy bobo bat experienced workmen, and will apare bo peine aa pie ate aa woo nay ibtot me wan ineir patron- VT CASH. nla by fflfijfofo WUmlnjrtoa, N. C., 8ept UUx, laid. I tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. . . - TUB VBBTA CAJtnillCIB WORKS." ,, .i . . ,...! nrraaia rraaBT, aaoocLTB. 1 l . LIAMMM VBMI. AMPHENE AND AIX'HOL DISTILLERY. DEALERS Q J EVERT DESCRIPTION OK NAVAL STORES. Orrica, No. 99 Bcbumo Bur, Niw Toax. Jnaa S7th, 1U7 . . I&Oq. . . aropoAAo, . i ctAAi. STODDARD CLARK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . J . No. 150 Front Street, New York. Liberia! cub adraaeee made oa eonairamento to aa, b oar rrieada, htMara. PetUvay A PrltcheU. - Joae let, 1W7 ; i ITf-ly. iaeboii twwAjao. saatob kbabm. i WATSON AtMXARES. -iOMaOSSION MERCHANTS. t a4BvUn8Up,NewYork. ERpacia) attendoa paid to the aalt of Nat At Btobjb, Cct tOR. aad Soothers Produce laBarally. ' Ubertol adTaaoaa made an aooalf nmente. July 1, 56 wm..aurnr, 1 wn. aucAtianB . t ca Aa. IILLIT, (Ppefclal partner.) ; ' I MARTIN df MACAliirTKH, , GENERAL COMMIHSION MERCHANTS, No. Ill North Water Street, rniladelphia. Caab adraaeee made oa CooaixmaHote, Jana 13d, 1847. , , - liHy. J. SABTST COCBIAI, W. I. BUBBII , ., COCU&AI dk RCUkUX. , rSaeeeaaora to Thomaa Allibooe A C- aTI EXEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SI Norte Jf atlurrea, aad as North Water Htreet, rsiLADBLnuA. Llber1al eaah adraacM aiade oq coBtignmanta. . JttlyJOth,18it , ' J7 COPARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES. DtsaoiXTiox. rnLTI CO-PARTNERSHIP kratofora exlettnf Wtwaea X Job W. tillaa and N. B. Hawaa, andar the Bra aad trie of UHES A RAHKS, la thia day dawolred by aintoaJ aowaat. ; , . , . JOHN W. GILES, Jiylat,lU7. -' ' M. B. HATES. rO-TARTXIRAHIF KOTICB. JOHN W. cnJ3 haTinx aiaoclated FRED. J. i, ju fivviu. sn.i ,i mum mi bliwAW tjOODS " bnaineaa, alurowicet to the pablio that tha aaid bnaineaa wffl eontkioa to be eanird on ander the rm aad atyto af "tiLLKS A MOOES." Thankful for toe ktad patroaaga axtaaded to the ten Inn of Uiiee A Hawaa, tbry tMat that tha exertion af every effort to aieet tha taete of the pablio will caoae a eoBttonance of the aama tatbt afthapaMtot T 1 ' JPTTN W. GIURV - FRED. 1. MOORE, t&a-tr Jaly let, 1M7. CX)-PARI.fc-iiillP bOTKK. nVTS CNDERSiaXED HATE PURCHASED THSDRCO JL; BIT A BLfcvHJtES iT of M oaara. a A D. PuPra. They will eontinaa the Dng- bwioete la (to rariooa braa cW, wuler the tna of ff. kiAF A (XX .-. - WALKER MEARES. May 1Mb, 18Sd 1 JOitN L. AiaJUUM. D. -. UA-tf CO-PARTTlatRAKIP. -mHE PUBSOUSOl ha thia day aaxKiatl wKh him, Mr. X C.W. STRYON. -ThebosrjMB kfrriter wifl be ear ned aa aader tb aaare af A. ft. McDL'rYlK A CO. - - A. B. McTCTTTS. Jaly tOtk, 1U7 S6Vtf N' IW n-OrB WACHOVIA MOiA A anpp!y of Floor af tha abera favorite braad. dailr expected per Bail Boad. Foreeieby Ang. 7, 647., DsROSSET A B80WN. FLXAIAJTT EXITED! El BXR COCGHS, COLDS, MOABAUKZSS, Af. Ik fARSnMALLON Paata, Jbe Paata, Kerehoand Paete. 11 X Iceland Moaa Pome, I 4 tut, Mvm Dropa, Mmt LiMBa, Jlaraasa i-Te4, . ay A.U. EUATLET, Nov. Hi. iTagjiat A Cheau4 , SALAJtAXDH SAJXS. T'nLrE3'S PATENT with Lich'i rT'-i!t, a varVtr I of 1 ja, entire !y Fire Proof, t ef . 0 i i j u auAtOTi, lit hat ba J m -- jfoj t . aa4 MM wartA of property fr'n-i c4 tii :jf-iry - '' llti T A i.;on. KEDICINAL" . SALTWORKS LOCK IaOBPTTAX. ' ' " DOCTOR JOHNSON. ' - 1 ' THE founder of thia Celebrated laatitntloB offera the moat Certain, Speedy, aad only eSfcotual remedy to the world for Oleeta, Strlcturee, Seminal weakDee. Palm In the Loina, Cooatitatioaat Dottility, Inipotenpy. Weakneaaof the Back aaa Ufflw, Aoactiona or uie niaaeya- raipttaiioa or toe Binitpepua, Nervona imtabiuty, yueaaa ar ut Head, Note, or Skini and all tboaa aeriooa aad melancholy ra arialne; from all thote Deetrnctire hablte of Tooth, wick dee troy both body and mind. Tnani aaoarr and toil tary praeUctt mora fatal to their vie time than the aocg of theSyrenato the Marine ra Ulyeaea, blighting thetr moat brilliant bopea of antlulpatlotta, randerutg BtarrMga. Ae., aapaotolly. wba bare become the vletima of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and d attractive hah It, whioh anaaaly awaepe to an nntinwly grave thouaanda of young men af tha moat exalted tallenta and brilliant intellect, who might Othtrwtee bare eotreaotd listening Sonataa with tha Vhunderi of tie .oenea. or waked to acateoy tha living lyre, may call with iU confidence. '- ' , Marriage 4., ; . , Married Pereona, or Toong Men contemplating marriai a, belag aware of Phyeteal Weakneta, Oreaaic, Debility, Defor. mltlee, Ae..ihonld Immediately eoneutt pr, J., and be reitored ta aarfact health. . . . ' . 1..- -,- i . , He who placet hluiaelf onder the care of Dr. Jobntod may reiigiooaiy eonnae in ait aonor u a gentlemen, au conOUenv ly rely apoa bla aklll u a phvw-Un. 1 . - - OrajMta WeaAiaeaa' '- ,,; tmmediately cored, and full vieor reetorad. ' ' ' 11 Tola dlaeeie la the penalty mo4 freqaentiy paid by tboaa who have become the vie time of improper unlalgencea. Yoaag peraona are too apt to commit exoeaeea from aot be tog aware af tha dreadful eoneeqaeacee that may enoe Nw, wha that anderetanda the aubject will pretend to deny that the power of Prooreetion it loat aoonar Vf thnaa fairing Into Improper hebita than by the prudent. Bealilaa bein deprived the plec-are of healthy ofniprlng, tha moat aerioua ana aarrbbk.ve aymptome i" ota body and mind ante The ayatem becomca deranged, tha phyaioal and mental powera weakened, aervoua debjlity, dyapepaia, palpltatioa 01 ui neart, mo if aauon, a waaung of me irame, coaga, lymptoma of conaumption, etc. , .) atarwova DabtUty. Waakaaai of tha intern. Nervosa bebflltv and nrematara decay generally ariaa from the Deatraotive habit of youth, that eoltary practice ao fatal to tha healthful cxbrtenea of man, and It la tha young who are moat apt to become ha Victima from aa Ignorance of the danger to which thev tub- Ject themaelvea. Parenta and Uaardiaae are often mUled with reepect to the caaaa or eonree of dlaaaac to their aoaa aadwarda. AUal how often do they aacriba to other eantoa, the waating of the frame, Palpitation of the Heart, Dytpepaia. IndigaetioB, derangement of the Nervoua Syatem, Cough, and Suuotone ofCoBMumptioa, alto, thoeeeertoaa Mental tdbcU, auch aa loot of memory, deprewloa of epa-ite or peculiar flu or Moencnoiy, wnca tot win m tney nava oaen eanaea py Indulging in pernicious but alluring practices, deatrqctlva to tth Body and M Ind. Thna are iwept from exlatenc thoo aanda wad mixht have beta af Baa to their country, a plea aura tv uiair uwuu. sua ornaioenio 10 oooie.j. Orrica No. 1 Hotm Faiamiri St.. left hand aide going from Baltimore atraei, T doora from the Corner. , . . -Be particular la obaarvmg the name and number, or yon wui nuaiaio ua piece. " mm tmmm avutiv, wuasm um niw vaw avor anil " b dowa.' A Curt warranted or no Chary Mad in frvm NO MERCURY OR NAUKFXH'S DRUOOS USED, - ... DM. JOUNSUB. - " Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Graduate from one of tha moat eminent CoUegea of tha United Htatee. and the greater part of whoaa lira baa been (pent In the flrti Hoapltaiof London, Faria, Phlla leiphla, and elsewhere, haa cObcted aomc of tha moat aatoniahlnx euree that were aver known, many troabled with ringing to tha head aad eera Whoa aaleep, great BervouaneM, belnc alarmed at aaddi aonnda. and baahfulneae, with frequent bluabiug, attend aomeUmaa with derangement of mind, were cured immediate ly. 1 i,i ' ' ' ' ACortaU Dtaeaaa. . . t When the mirulded and imprudent rotary of pltMurt flr.de thaa Imbibed the aeeda of thia painful dlaeaae. (t toe often ppaaa that aa ill-timed aenae of ahamc, or oread of die eovery, cetera aim rrom applying to those waa rroni duca Mob aad reepootability, eaa alone aefrtead him, deuytng till u eoneiuuuonai aymptome of una aorrid aieoasa mat uair arpearaoea, euon aa niceraiea tore uroat, ameaaea hose, Boctaraal peine, to tha head aad llmba, dlmneat of ela-Qt, deatheta, aodaa oa tha thin boaee. and armi, blotch ra oa the head faee, aad axtremlttea, progratalng with frixtfoi raplditv. tiU at tost tha baiat at the moato or tha booee of the aoaa fall In. and the victim of tblt awful dlaeaae baoomaa a horrid object of eommtaae ration, till death puta I period to hb) dreadful aaSbringa by eending them to "that boara from wheaoa ae travaier ratoraa." To each therefore Dr. Johnaton pledgee himself to areeanra tha Btost Inriolabta aaeracy, and from hia extensive practice In the ftrat hoepitala m snropa ana America, aa aaa eonnacntiy raoconunend a safe aad ipeedy core to the unfortunate victim of thia horrid h it a me lane hoi r fact that thousands taB victima to thia dreadful dleteaae. awing to the nnsAUlfulneaa of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that dreadful poison, merrory, rate tha csnttttuUoa, aad ovea aend tha nnfurtunate auSerer le aa antimaly grave, or alee make the raatdaa of bto life tolerable. , -1 , , ...trvi v4-". Take Pmrttralaur tlea. Dr. 3. addremec all those who have Injured themtclvM by pnTsto ana awpruper naBireacics. Tbeaa are aeaaa of tha aaa aad melaacholT offbete prod- cedbreariv hablte ofranta, Tim Weakness of tha Back aad Llmba, pain in tha Head, lHmaeat of Sight, Loaa of Muscular Power, iaipitaiioa or u tirart, intpf pets, err oat irrita bility, Darangemewt of tha Dtgeetlre Functions, Oeneral De billtr. trmptome of Coanmpuoa. Ae. ' Mxittau.t Tha fearful affeote apoa tha mind are mach to be dreaded, Lous of Memory, Confusion ef Idea, Depreetioa of Spirts, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society. 6clflw trasi, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., arc coma of the triU produced. . - ............ Thooaaadi af peraona of all area, eaa ao Judge what tha cease of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be soming weaa. pais ana emaciated, aava a singular appear ance abort the eyaa, cough and ivmptoma of contompUoa. Dr. Jaau.aaa'a bTtcoamUac Reaaonjr law Orgmle Weak Br thia treat aad important remedr. waakaaai of the cr gtaa are tpeedfly cored, and full vigor reetorad. Thousands of tha moat narrows and debilitated, who had loot all hope, have been relieved. All mwdnaeate to Marriage, Fkyncal or Mental Disqaaiiacatiott, Aervwaa Irritability, Trembling aad Weakness, at exhauatataoa af the moot earful kind, speedily cured by Mr. Johnston. . k . , - . . . . ( . . , . t WtHtaiBf Menu '" Who have mlurad themaelvea by a Certain Practice Indul ged to whoa el one a habit rreoueatly tearoed (rem evU companions, or at achooithe aSacta at which are aajkUy felt, even wbea aslep, and if aot cared, rendera marruge aapoanble. and destroy both mind and body, should apply aanteoiaseiy. - - ' W-k.t m. IV. . .V V J V L. - " -- pi. -- m i-uuj tnmm, mm mrnym mm mm TOwmj. aad tha darUi mih pareata, ahooid ha aaatrhad (rem aa proepecta and enjoymeat of Ufa, by tha eonaoeaencce af divtaaag from the path of Batura, aad todulglaf to a eer- tail tec rat habit. bach reraoaa befort aeeitemplaUng - ahoald reflect that aoaad mind and body are the most accessary reqaiattiaa to pi urn tie eowabal etrptneas. la deed, withoM theea, thejwney taroogh hia beoonV. a weary pixnmage, tna prospect boorty aaraena to ue vww; the mind bceowMM ahaoowd with depair and fllled with the metoacholy reflection, that the hap piaeaa af aaota bacomea biighud with oar o-rn. - Of F1CE NO. 7 SOUTH FREDEIC ST. Batomort, Ml , Au. Scaaecaa Oexa.nows PYau-oaacia. N. B Lot ao tame delicacy prevent yon, ant apply ta mtdiatoty cMker peraooaily or by tetter. axur nniM artuHLt ctxcb. , To Si agiiw. The Btaay thoaaaada raxed at that Inatituttaa wlthla the laet rwoiTf yeara. and the nnjneroe miportaat enrxical Op t ration performed by Vr. JOHXsON, witaeaeed by the re portere of oat aai'y paper and many other persons aotk-e ef which have ag-a aad agta appeared before the public it a aukwnt guarantees that the aAicted will Bad a ak9 fal aad hooorabie chrsKiaa. TsJfceXeetee. ' N. B There are aa a-VBV worthleea Qoacka adrertlt'rr CvirelTee a PhyeKiaaa, raining the heaiU et the alreed j a . Wd, that Dr. Jshnaoa Deem it aeceesary to ear, atpe- ciay to thoee n-acqa tid w-th hi rpc-u.oa, UAt t ered'mA-e or t -U,a a,vwtri kiBg to kai ctce. 1AAK CIU All IrtKra mast be pott-paid. lJ cca u;a a pcrAf r-a-p far Cia repy, or ao aaivtr wl be mix. - Afri S41"T. ! FOR SALE AND TO LET. i ' ttlRRKNT.. mnS WHARF aad I two atery Htoree, Isrte aad roomy, X ImmediaUly north of the Kail Road Eating Uooee. Thlt property la very desirable, aad wttt be reated an raaaooabla terras, apply to . . , ' . . . M.l.lil.ilU1 k W mull mmm i mvt a-iaa. 1 v - rat lanaifriuivnEl r. . . :.. 'J . IxiiTiXLai." A LIKELY KBURO MAN AND BOY. A pply to ' A A. P. BSDWr US at W. Oct I : V Ba-tf to Rcrr. - . - -' ' f - THE OFFICES ON MAREET BTKT, above the f 1 office of A. Emple and i. - llolmo. Fsq'ra. Alio, tha nam- and aniamoJloaa WAkLiil)CK-l oa tHiC.. Itreet, adjoining Mr, U, Baxter a. - UCV U-U. . .... 1 ,.. TUUH.N. WBUUHT. - hR RKHT, ! - "i . 'L-!Jtl FROM FIRST OCTOBER, tha three atorr brick hull- II ding oa the North West corner of Front aad Dock aln- mm"mm now occupied by J. Melri, a a Urer Beer Beloou.-. Tha Store and Dwelling pert af the building will he routed together or eeMretely, ai may aa desired. - Apply to Sept. 14, 17 ia-tf J. 0. kivAUMAN. 1 FORRcrr, ' A- THBDwrXLINOHOUHBaaCheenut. between Se I; , I ooad and Third atresia, formerly owned by Mr. Elia- M-ai.hath I'ltU. Anntv tA J. It I'FIIU-K. A mm Sept Wd-li tf " W. L PITTS, Brokar.1 . . u , wawAut pkai. m vaaHurwms Dwtlllug Uouee for a (mail familv. aUuatad en kab rnnu ptrtaT nvnimi m vi. ' "uerry, between ruxth aad eeventa atretta, ent oocapUd by Mr. Benjamla MotL Apply to rteptfa-lltf ; T, ... Y,b.Q ' i terry, between Sixth aad Seventh atretta, an4 at pre o OAHDNEH. TUB BTJBSCRIRER A8. AUENT FOR WHJJAM Huntington, offer for eele number of HOCM and LOTS In tha vlclultv of Drv Pond. Ona HOUHK aad LOT oa Fourth Street, betwecnUhareh and Aaa tttreete. aoa talnlng all room ; Are email Dwelling pa Caswell Strtet, on tha East ld of Sixth Stj ona Comer vacant tot, bound ad by tha East aid of Six Street, running from Cattld to Ouaen Htreet. Tha above property will be for rent from tht mm m injuiinr 11 out auiu, . eviliV U Sept. 18, 1W7 H-tf , TOR RJRNT PROM FIRST OCTOBXR, A CONVENIENT ROOM, aver tha offlc oecapmd by Dr. F. W. Potter, oa Front (tract. Apply to hepV loth, iHiT ll tf ti6. MABRIH8. '. FOR MB1TT. ... " A-V FOQ TWELVE MONTHS from tha Brat of October ft next, a good DWELLING HOUSE, aa Church itreet. containing T room, with pantrlei and eloaeta, a two tory kitchen and atore-room. Also, tha fine twoatory STORK oa the comer of Front and Church atreete. A poly Sept. IT.--10-ta. . ,. ..... FOR RKBT. THE DWELLTNO nOUBJS at UMaaal ManUA he t ia u... .... . o. . ... r ju. rasiia, irouiinrNi, ds.wssb uranga ana ABB itreeia. . roaeeatwa gtvca m uotooar aert, apply to anelt BeptaHh. B tf Agent for Da. f KID JONES. asVALrABUB PROPKRTY AT PRIVATM BALK. f FBE WHARF on the West aide of Cane Fear River, knowa JL aa tha EAULE DISTILLERY. For term, whl.-h wiU ha . . 1. 1 . . . . . ....... , r I snaua larurauia, aniiij 10 , e . 11. r l r f.rt, m , orWM. L.HTT, ' Sept. 21. Auctioneer and Broker, Na. M Mathat aL .;S . to uct. . , t- ' tWfl FIRST Claa Btorei ob Wetild Front Street, f I aear Market, being No. I and I In Onntta Bow. Thee rttore are brick, with Oraaito fronta, two etoriee high, M to at feet deep, with entraaea to tha rear from atdo alWva, and well adapted to a large baaiaaaa to Drv Uooda. Crooar ea or ivTocaery, ror term appiy at ho. w worta water Btreft. f . . ti w r, t t m 1 Agent for Q1LBERT P0TT(!lt Ang.tt,lU7. i..i rOR BJEXT. 4 FOB TWELVU MONTHS from let Ootobar aexl a f f dweillng house oa Bladea street, bflireae Ad and dth .treU, North af tha Jtatl Road. A good kltobaa attach ww aaa wsu ot water eoavenieM. jti braaani aaoaptan by Mra.Philyaw. For tormi apply to . o. ai. iuil Auctioneer. Aug. Mth, 1847. ' ; , , KO-tf '-'V. i , BMR RKSrT. 'ri .r na DWELUNu H0UBB an Dock atraei, bet wee I 7th aad eth ateeet at present occupied By W. A1 Walker, Eaq., Poeaeeaioa given ltt Uotober. Apply to 1 . : S. D. WAlXAcS, ttepu 7th, 1M7. , -tf BUCK PLAKTAlatiM bXR SALIC. TUK RAID PLAWTlTlOaT Ltt BITD ATtn fcA . J about three mllee from town, aad wall known aa f f - the Thornbury Tract; coatainiug lXlaorea, whfch-- is a nigniy unproved itata ei euiuvsuoa, and a good roa of Rica bow apoa K. M acre of upland and iwaxop : the wamp ceraprtsee aaou iju mora or teas, ami tno balance to pine. There at oa tha pre raise i goad negro Reneea, with iwa apartmenta, aaca accomraoaaung two laauuee a Brfck Ham U by 13. and a abed 70 feet long by le feet wkla 1 1 Whltaiea Hire Thrashers, and one 1 Hurt power Machine. and tha whole Tract acenprtee M7 aeree Land, and la well worthy ta attention of aayewdeea-oeaof a-kinf a good taveetinent. i On Dwelling House on Fourth etraet, and reaidenea af Mr. K. H. Cowan. Tha lot n 1 etraet, and adJoinln if the Tha Ml 164 byedleeti dwelling aew aad contain 10 roomet fcltchea. stable, and good bricked well af para water, aad ell other eowvealeaeea. Oae Tract af Lead adjolaiag tha Bunt Mitt Creek, to the aabarb of tow a, containing t acrea more or loaa, which haa been, and ie bow, la a good itata of cultiratlon, and which .. - .uti- r.. . . . . . .ii... togthe tame premiaea, 1 offer two full balldtag Lola. - a wo nersaasiva Araja. -tot terma, Ac., which will be rery liberal, ipply to Aact'r A Bra. llw-MTT Sept. S, 1847 .. r- .vv. TO RBUTT. ' ' ; .t ' ' A-A FROM tha let af October next, tha Brick Dwelling i I aaa oors, at present occupied ay a. . ttowaro, cor "' ur of Oranga aad Third atreete. Apptyto .1 - , , . ' :' Dr. WM. E. KKIXMAN. ' i or to SAMUEL N. CANNON, Wllnilngtoa, N. C-, A.ag. Xith, laiJ i. . m-tf ' , UOi BB AAD LOT PQI BALaL . , 1 OFFER THE BOUSE AND LOT, WHIRR 1 Bow reside, for eele.. , ; ' . Aug. 14th, 1S57. ' " JUL nOOL 1 ' ' ' OtVTTOtrORRRTT. ' ' FROM TEX FDWT DAY OF OCTOBER, the tae, com modioni eftce oa the ooraer of Market aad Water ear-, now occupied by Jta. C. HmilA A Co. Arr'v sept na,-i4f , ,,,, m , w ...j, a. b. k.itm &OFK Aioetn7 bacs, . , . OA BALES wrj kecry UCNSI CLOIU 190 coiM JCTE iy J MUfL. ror -e y Aug. M 1 s.' - .Ae. L. HATHAWAY A CO. mnE Begular rate of Wbarfag will ha charged to Ship JL per he here bee a to toe habit of Being oar Wharf oa tan West S.J of the K;tr, Tor th rptag Cvttoa and Naval More received per Wilmirrte A kaacbeet-r Rail K 4. . - r t-r-r l-v- . v a. rr 'Ts L'VrT r a m a iu . v . ... Pec. IWk, 1S44. . KO-tf. rOkU COAU A nrime article of Chestnut CoL (-.) VKoXf at $4 per ton. fjual T.C. C-I-L AN EXCLLUNT ARTICLE OF PORT AJU ewr-"T ue i c-rrvd at a pr gvon. bourht for Lrc: pw.-peee, r.d eaa be coA-i..WJ reeoixmeofd. Ront. ry( CCILS TEST FINK JUTS PACHi i J j Jot rK(:4 and Lt aa ty r-?t IK ". Ar.f-. : A CO. I ' ITTr:WVAr-':" EACTOISiAAyCw-.-. . . l! i.m,; ;-,i .:.. -, , - peetfully Inform Cottoar:" ' h that, with a View of ten, t t.(ywttl dtvete- th.trtrawU-l t. TUN, NAVALBTO. U'lr ! Carry otUiMTtem-.iu.., w.j r fteabevartWeoaio--,-..a f-r : aotount. ,tou office h) aoraef of K0ST3 WAT ! t , . trbete. ... , , . . , , (Jiu whanea knd iheoa areaonven' f I8" bp .--ar of Ua a. lapfaaK advance titdc at aoBairn?BBa. CCDUtlXtf TED , VfROTJClIT ; tzzy AJT3 ; ! (SrfWti oy Zc'!r fn'-nt. I A. CetP-terlea. Bicoiy, Ce,,-' Muldle, 1'ateut Wire, b k'ug 1 e. toiav-Patent Wire Coal avrocu, A HXISAbXY adapted tfi acl..r Pg'"ar H e x, 1 tl. 1 . Botaena, Wire Nrfng for M9--u:toa, t ve4BBi yxu puvura, niiinuuuuor iAUU ,thMr h.tmnl.1 B I.. Aim.... . .. - ' - am. .- . .- 1 St-alTadetTfDTtliri-a, to. i 1 1 Wo, MS Kaiaet, N. p. Cor. Ih (.. J ! lu.U. lBATimVl . 1 '. .. . ' .lg.sdVlUl.lbO.tytj r . t-finraa not f a a a r ... , 1, riBimoriui3!isaANOT:; : ... Ijad to the 'Pulllo," aa a t'.lr:tu'e f t Patent Madiomed bow aold fur tii e ur f a . . . Chflla, Ac. Unlike ether preparation, tUee . . . , , peoud to cure every diacaa to Lu a wf a 1 .u"y -mm m avari aT-ry caaw rare rn'' .0 . ti lua An. r.unrl.llh. .n i - , . "l " mu 4 ir i bybtpoeureto the Bight daw, thlaeonof t !.(. n n. . - k.. . C. A -r-f ww wwinm wwt vvtt g wmffa VT -: I , i 1 A. O. t"i BkhA tat- laitt ' V . W. A- A -"T" "'""I .. m l C1RCCLAB. SAIVB. i TBIOSS 8AW8 lUmptd i. U. ROii.'XMON, -e t ' torod of tha ftaeet auailty Cast r,teel, by t v woftmee. They arc temnsred by Cxlrtt"-r'a J' paring Machine (which teuperi more e ' , the blade Mlffer to the gauge of p lata t.' a , h,j ana grouna on bouiiiwcu I ' r - chlar the only machlutUiatwU g,...A a t lecny aruo. r eraaie ay , Jnlr 1. IMd. 3. M. 0Z'C' ;"1 j r, BV-awa or tvary tud mada to order. I BL'BDftlKa. Qnn BAlTJlirxi PORK, VAR10CS BIUlC:3 ' ewUv 100 ooll Jute Bop. ; . t . , . ' ' I a aoaa. Bacon ttidei t MaeaaavyOtinnyCtotI. ' 10 barreli Macblnary Oil, tedrrtthfoJ tool 1 - aOahdi. Bri.fwlaMolie 1,000 aackaLirerpeoi tteit, torn'' i " Rtrow. tn .t ac i Q ITHDS. BOUT... - J BAIV03 1 XO Mbbls.MePo'ki (i . . . , 4 u ba.-euuunvuuta a heavy article liA aoiia Jute Bopa." Juat receive I, and f r ? Attguat lftth , A, B. McLtiU iu '' ACARtl. ... i rnBB BUBSCRIBEIt EEtJIirrS TO SHX? !T? X giving publlo notice, that aU oU aocouute or him, noteeiiled or aatlsfltd, to all tha Praatntnioi.a . . Will be asnt oot for CWiertlon. . .' , July let, 1867. . i ' jr. U. Y RPTT BAIfrT a. lUALTTT BuCO.NU 1IAJTD f , 1 T T oTaaiaby reealvea rrom -r ' 'ti, AXiAkJ, L..J. A I LOWO LOOKKD ron RTT AT r ' rpiiowtcnjuiiuTEi) iuin.;. e. ! JL Buist, Philadelphia Pa,Juet received " -Mjtlf ..j.a II Market al, Wiitoiito'a ... -.--, BfltjiBl, aj. BLj - qaa BiimvAfBworcAErrfisr:ii neU Jlm aew packages. For ala by -! J. A J. L. HATHA WAT A C J. MOTtCIfi. Tt Itecelvad and aa hand a evWadld aasorti C t f the aid auad formerly occupied by llouetoa A V r KarckU . , , ... : -VL . ' ' MORTII CAROUBA BXOVR. . KA BBLB 'ln forth Carolina F.m!!v .ni "-, Oy. Foraala by WILUiu I a ... , f-B aTABl B A eaa aaa i si A a t. .. . . GREAT rariety of Fancy and Bti l-r TlECETVED TTtranAT im rna nr By . " ' - a--a- mw IT J mm tJ1 J AA Al A I ftteWcReaf'r- - l.tlU,M. . L . 1. . M. , ,wwrm w ui awuTs vara W14 r ' a. ! i I BoohbaiMlnttAaireoplea. ' l. n. r n i 1 i ' A rant tcm Ti A A r ? Aug!nLw7. ' " ' r " r ' fc Irs" t a t QUPEBI0R Irish Cililng Twine, Na. ; , tSOlZSif 10 W)0l4-0ur atck of to- f , jls oeartpnva nr tae aaaeea. - oar- e- i . it me. UA.I ii si i L. REaL LACtA. Tht bt flock of T. ImiUUoa, OoJpun. Mecks and I aiwayikeptby - - L... .. .. i ' tm aerar wann-. . TTsT HAVE A Ql'ASTITY CF C" f a J oa tha diflereat BaOi of town, of c. r 1 1 lairs, Wiitk W WDl atUiow, Apply elt, JaVlst, . JCl. N'Al C ssvir fiarrais ra 800 TEST FE3fX ETOND El'i ! 5 Ramie, yard received par Bear, fee .... ,Nw Jerk. Foraalaay V. C. k nrrf les. m. t ra. . i : O O U U Bhouldcra, a vary ar -r .' 1 AagaatZld 1 .... T A i iMt-" ' " STRAW RATTI" -A, , . AXOTEES aappy of Straw KaK" r, r .! i . - BTUUT BARRELS. : 235 BBLB. to tae order, fvir as1 d, AA. L. Hi: ! BLASTINQ POWTE5,-l k-- t ceired and for aeie lew. ear JarU - ' " P R. Aa .Vr . . J - . T t .'t ' Dupont I Powi.r, ca.a Ve f.::i la t aottee, M en fT-.r'. le ---. - - LITEZTCOL tXZI f iLTt la ev- and tnr ' r f" 1 i r O-tCCTLSTOrS;' . fe berr - -or, ar-. 7 -- . 1$ be. N. C O'.'i u. j S3 bernj 1 ' - i ., . : , M . x f ' 4 1 .r ,r. i . : f t. t 5 - - . : ; i f 11 Mt ron rr:- l 0. ir.: "v, r wilt .! e- - i a ' t re I . 1 1- . - r .1, j t ? t stzta T!"i

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