f (. 1 fc:..,- tMMm VOL : 7. NO. 75. ' WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY EVENING, DECEAIBEH 8, 1857. WHOLE NU1IBEI11,C2 I-; l V rV ' - ' i " " ' d i .aBBBajsa tar- 'flhiH - a.. --' ' . - - a-armii wjA jfc-A-rjr-x.ie ift.. -t'J-A1 F,.----; - . " T FIXTOS PRICK, PROPRIETORS. . 1 ' ; - .1 JAS. FULTON, Editor....,!- L. PRICE, Associate Editor. Tuiaw of BvbverlvOv. On inr, Invariably In advance .......to 00 f o subscriber permitted to discontinue bin paper after the commencement of a subscription rear, until the expiration f mid year. - AH Utters e bBsineas connected wltk tkia office, mast be uaresiea 10 av proprietors. . ' RITES OK ADVERTISING. ' HALF SQUABS. One day., ....,,. 01 SQUABS. Om day 60 two days.. lure days.., Fourday.. Fivs day.. .,,..., One week...,.,,,,,.' Two wetke. ........ 1 One month., , 1 two mouths... .... Two days 74 00 621 15 871 S7 00 M Three day. , 1 00 Four day.. ....... 1 M Fire day... 1 50 One week. 1 74 Two week....... 1 75 ?a month 4 00 we month.,..... 1 00 Three month... .-. 10 00 Tare month. , .... .1 00 his month,,,, 00 Bu month.., 16 00 On year SO 00 due Tear... ..15 00 Tea line are eoonted ai a aore. and Ave line or lea a hitlM'inar. Longer adrertiaemente in proportion, and all tyable la kdrance. . When not paid in adrance 14 cent r cquar wiu m cnarge alter me nmt liweruon. . . .. T AH half tqoarea not paid for ia advance will be chart ed a a aqoare. xr Adrertiaemente Inserted a Special or BUbop Notice re charfed one-kalf more thaa abore rates eight line lieaaea j or tew coontea a a qoare. UTAdrertiaements Ineerted ever other day are charged i cenia per qnaro i or eaca inaeruon aiver me am. . rtfe publwaUon mad without a reaponaible name. 1 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -- - - W. H. MeKOY, - GROCER AND COMM1B8I0N MERCHANT, Oct. iOth, 1857.. ' , DO. J. A. MlXLKlC I ITUtONT 8T OPPOSITE THE METHODIST CHURCH, . . . .. . Wilhimotoh. N. C. - Oct. 10th, 1857 " S8tf J. M. MONK, COMMISSION. MERCHANT, WlLMIUOTllH. V. P. Pertonal and prompt attention given to consignment of puire. vouob, i tour, avo., oiuier ror ai or anipment. ucmvu, A907. ti-Sm W.ILMUIAOL aHOMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Prince and Water xyaireew, Wilmington, H. u. . airiuNcn : H. K. Bara re, Caahler Bank Cap Fear, Wilmington, N. C. V4H. iout hi:ku. ma t Bank Wilmington, do. do. y. a. lint, vaanur Braack B k Cape Fear, Saliabanr, do. . J.G. Uah, . rWm, do. j. im uregg, rrealdent of Bank Cneraw, 8. C. Oct 17) - -- " D, A. LAMOHT. ' pOMMTRfllQN MERCHANT, No. 58 North Water atreet, V wwt-l- WILMIXQTOK, a. V. BTJITJTESt CAHD. WILLIAM L. P1TT9 A CO., AUCTIONEERS. BROZSRS. and t " ' " . WMMISS10N MEMUHAN7S, Liberal eaah adrance on Country produce and Mer ' rtiatiwilata MrtAMllar T AIm, NIxjKOKa'boagnt and told on commlailon. w feept. 0.1 tf. ....... THOMAS M. OAROBTKB. A TJCTrONEER AND BROKER. 71 Km. 1 iiranlla Ttnw Wn ' WD.I..I.. W n " wn w , , VIII , ' llllllll. Mill. 1. VJ. a lrompt attention riven to the aale of NEGROES, REAL fciain, mw,a, m. - May I, AT rwiOW DItTTLXJCBT, , , J. E. 0AKELT, Jnqpiewe,, N' C ' vajibu&keu&n A Bill) Agents. A IX KINDS OF NAVAL STORES pnrchaaed, mamifa Xl tared and sold - V harfag and Storage furoiahed, and Oooperagt done at J- Ut, lM7.-lW-tf. - - O.PBJOOB3. "TTTHOLESALbI AND RETAIL GROCER, 87 North Water V V Street (Store formerly occupied by Weasel k Eilen,) hor. Jntli. 1850 1 68 H. B. EILERS, TT ; FfiLFSALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MGR. V CUANT. AND DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, Corner vi n wr na mmrmm aireCM, nluninctOS, a, V. Oct. , lh6 -tf J. K. BOBINSON dk SON . ' . WlLSTWTOS. N. C. TVTOKTEKS, sLlNTJFACTTJRERS' AGENTS, AND Dea X lere ta Hardware, Cultery, Iron, Steel, Kail, Africa!- GEO. HABJUSS. .tyERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . VJ WlLMrNOTOM, N. C. . JOSEPH H. PLANNER, tlLLiLLh VUMMISHION MERCHANT, T Wilmi WlLMIHOTOK, N. C. ADAMS, BROTUXR A COs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . WlLKIWOTOH, N. C OEORGIW. DAVIS. pOMXBSIOS MERCHANT, Sooth Water 8tree WlLMIHOTOT, N. C 4. I ATS A WAT. A. L. SITS A WIT. WH. B. BTLST. .. L. HATHA WAT CO- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wanwros, N. C. T. CAB. G.WORTH. riWQCSSIOSANDFORWARDINO MERCHANTS, V, . : . WajmwToii, N. C March 11,1857 156-ly AXES AJTPBBSOS, BPWAU SAT ACS. '; " AiTDKKsoie m batagk, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Uberial eaah adrance atade on oontigamenta. WTtXAJLOA CTRTrs. CCWWTON MTRCHANTS, WH0LESALH GROCERS, AaD I.aULEiiS IN GRAIN. . . . .1. No. 10 SocTB Wars Stsxbtb, Jan. 13th. Womwotow, N. C. W. H. TTRLnrOTOW. OEXZ3AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Waauwros, N. C asm to fVorjre Harri, Esq., 1 : fmr. Lotteries. Eliot, Wilmiagtoa, N. Aitsi t. rxmrrT, osmMs a. rxrrcsrrr. KTTK W AT A PRJTCHKTT. omr.ALCpMltXSSIO MERCHANTS, North Water vji si- v n ruritToa, a. u. r..itVi parucular attestloB to the sals of Natal 1 a,wiw, c . CK ROnCT A BROWTf, GENT"? tL CCKMTSSION KERCH ANTs! and " Ai, IS F03 IKS GA9TX)JI STEAM SAW AND PLAXTNO MILLS, ST C-in far say decrrfptioa of rough Or dreW Lua- Jii t C. ' a. - - , BOLXS cesm JtS.C.SlOTH ACOs -UJ"WTI M lCHANTS, oSoe coPd etory, corner - f.TjOTi v Ma 10 ad oiMtnees m to t eizrwtel to tiea wd be puactaaTy attend P. VTTTH.A. 34 V ft ft Sa-et. i : it ! I N.C. -. f X BUSINESS AKD PROFESSIONAL CARDS.' WM, C. HOWARD, GENERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. 10, 1S54. Hlf Wiuiimutom, K.C. a. . ucprrris, t). w. stybom, A. B. MrDl'KFIH CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION AMD FORWARDING, JKER- VJI CHANTS, , - WlLMINUTON N. C. Jsly lOth, 157 -tf BEEDB A MENDENIIALL, TAND AGENTS, " ' J lfmVBArOLM. IflNNKMUTA. Make inveatmenta, loan money, locate Land Warrant, and tranaact a General Ileal btaU Uuaiuea in u asm went. tirmt TO Got. Bra, Ex-Gor. Morehead, CuL Uwynu, T. C. A B. U. Worth. AprU 0th, W7 M l ' C.B.UCKTK. AUCTIONEER AND COMMltWlOV MESCIUNT, " - Fat im villi, N. C. aHoUciie eonalgnmenu. 1J be rial advance made. Jan. Uta, 1867 109 tf lk. MOILif. ALU. OLPBAH. BTOKLET eV OLDHAM, pROCERH AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND jl fEALtisa m cuim, uai, tkah, au . . WILMIMOTOII, fl. V. Riraunca. Col. Joan MiiRAa. Pretident of the Bank of WUmlnctoa. O. G. PAaatiT, ki., Preaident of the Commercial Bank. I. WVfllLU, . r. I. HOORI. U1L.ES 1IOOHK, TTTH0LE8ALE AND BUT AIL DEALERS IN HATS, If vAvd, VAA&O, U JtUluXAJLS, A., AO., kio,i Maritet atreet, wiLMiNOTOH, a. U. 49-Caah paid for Fur. Hept. WALKia MtAI. 4. L. HIAaSS, M. WALKER MEARES A IXX, (arccBHROR to o. A p. Dvraa.) WHOLESALE AND DRUGGISTS. No. 45 MARKET STREET, 1H50.-J21 tf. WILMINGTON N. C. GILES A MOORE, CarUn Hotel, 61 Market UmL WUaulnaton. BJ, C. ttCuwur-UiUiUB4 Save ready for Inn portion, a faahionable and verv deelrab e and Invltuur atork of HA1 ATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Ac. They enumerate la part, Heary. Bee Be, Gena. and ether atyle of faahionable D11KKS HATS : Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf HaU; Cap, Felt and Wool Hate; Leather, Cloth, Bilk and Navy Capa; Ladiea Riding Hat ; Children' Fancy Hat 1 Canea, Cm- brellaa. etc. To all which we reenectrullv aoliclt an eiaml matloa. feel inr well uanrd that thtr cannot fail to ba aaiud wiu aome 01 me many vaneuaa onu-ea to tnetr uapectton. aiacrn ru, inai WtUUNOTOil MARBLE WORKS. front Street, Mr the Methadlat K. Chauvh. M' ONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STONES, AMtuiUA-M or ixaliam MAKBUS. rurntahed to order, aa CHEAP a can be procured from any eatabliahment of the kind la the country. I employ none but experienced workmen, and will apare ao pain to pleaae all who may favor me with their patron- . . sVTerms cash, ante by special agreement. W. G. MILLIGAN. Wilmington, N. C, Bept 13th, 1850. 7 tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. TUB VEST A CAMPIHIEMB WORKS." XI it as ersnr, sbooklts. 1AMPHENB AND ALCHOL DISTILLERY, DKALERS Df a 1 n r.j b uu u..nuij vim iL.i.r.ui, 1'r.Ai EVERY DEHCIUPTION OF NAVAL BTORhX Orrics, No. T8 BtmLnia Slit, Nsw Tom. June 7Ui, 1857 s50-em. 0. 1. STODPASP, I. CLASS. TODPAnD CLARK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 150 Front Street. New York Liberia! cash advance made on conalgnmenU to u, by our irwnaa, aieaar. rcuaway S ITllcneu. jane iS IN? . Zi7-iy. SAKBOS C WATSOW, eAtTOSMSAM. WATSON MEARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, li Burling Slip, New York. Lepecial attention paid to the sale of Natal Stosjm, Cat- Toi, and Southera Produce generally. Liberia! advance mad on consignment. July 1, '56 wa. t. aAsm, wm. macaustbi csas. ssllbt, (special partner.) MARTIN MACALiSTKR. GENERAL COMMISSION M ERCH ANTS, No. Ill North Water Street, Philadelphia. Cam advance mad en Consignments, June S2d, 1857. J45 ly. J. SAX TXT COCBBAX, W. S. KTIUL. vUCHRAN K I SHELL. (Saccewon to Thomas A 11 1 bone A Co..) GENERAL COMMLSHION MERCHANTS, No. SI North V wnarres, ana u a on water tweet, rsiLADSLrsiA. aruoertai caan advance made on consignments. 4uiyvia,isM 379 CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES! mSSOLCTlO.f. rIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore) cxkoing between Joha W. (jilee and N. B. Hawes, ander the arm and style of GILES HAWES, I this day dmorred by motoal concern. jutta w. (HLta. July 1st, 1857. N. B. HAWES. CXVPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. JOHN W. GILES bavins associated FRED. MOORE. Em., with him fca tha " HAT. CAP AND fclttAW GOODS " bosmeM, announces to the public that wm bh DoaineM wiu conuuue to p carnea oa anaer tne arm aad style of "GILES it MOORE." Thankful for the I kiad patronage extended to the late firm of Giles A Hawea, they tract that the exertion ef every effort to meet the taste of Ute pablio will cans a cootinaanc of the earn to the present Ana. JUHK W. iILS, ' FRED. J. MOORE. July Irt, 1857. " xs-tf tO-PARTJiERSlUP KOTKK. rnHC TJNPERSIGNED HAVE PURCHASED THE DRUG JL ISTABIJSHMENT of Meeara. CAD. DuPr. They win coctiDn the Dror bminees ia its rarioas braa- caee, aaaer the Una of w. Jl&akuj a cu. WALKER MEARES, JOHN U MEAKEH. M. D. May 1Kb, 1854 JI8-tf CO-PARTNEJUIUP. mHS PUBSCRIBEH ha this day asaociated with him, Mr. 1C.W. 8TRY0N. The besinees boreafter will be car- n4 oa aaaer the same of A. B. McDL FFIB A CO. . . . - A. B. McDUFFLE. Jaly XX, 1857 . ws-tf NEW FLOUR-WACHOVIA MILLS. A cPply of Flour .W iU B"nte "rand, daily expected per Rail ' gmmom r w shmoj s w Asg.T, 857. DsROSSET BROWS. , PLEASANT REMEDIES FOR COCGIIS. COLDS. " HOARSENESS. A - H rAR&HMALLON Paste. JninKP- Rnr.t.n.rut Pt llX fcclaad Mom rU. Fig Paste, Ga Drepe, Mmt UClCHf o, mimummavm vrcpa, (C Boh 9 J A. O. BKAPLEY, Not. 33d. DracrMt A Chemist. SALAMANDER BACKS. TTTTLPEa'S PATENT with Rich'e improvement, s rariety If rf anee, enureiy Fire Proof. Oat of SM0 sold by the maaufactamra, lit have beea tested ta aecideaul Ere, aad sot s do;!ar's worth ef property lr:i4 in on of t-m For ok by I aOiiCT A tZO S. READ THIS I yrcnsoxiep-T ef - cf t. e rarei u-1 cJ at t.e reii9c vv - re u " a to or tr;a ta i - - i i - . L'lti a.S twz. rzi v.' j 1 t 1 '. i C. ..a v J t i t or MEDICINAL BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. . DOCTOR JOHNSON. THE founder of this Celebrated Institution urtiT the unwt Certain, Hieedy, sad only effectual remedy in the world ror (Heeta, Suicture, Hemiuai weakaeaa. Pain m the Llna, ConatHutioaal Debility, lmpoUa y, Weakneaa of the Rack and Linilie, ARectloiiaof Ui hxlneya I'alpitatMm ef the Heart, DiHpepala, Nerrvua IrrlUbllity, Diea or the Head, Throat, Num, ar Shut; and sU Uimc aerfama an.l melancholy ..l 1 . i . .11 Ik . .1 t. . . I. . ... . . tamrueni amuag iron an hot iiwimcHTt aaoiia of I ouin, wkh destrov bulh body and mind. Taans nat'arr and mil iary practice more fatal to thou victim than the avag ef the h rem to the Mariner Ulyaae, bliKhting their moat brilliant hope of anticipation, rendering aiarruge, Ao., lOipUMIOIB. Vohmi Men. - eaiiecklly, who have beooui the victim of Soliturv Vic. that dreadful and destructive habit, whkh annual eweepa to aa untimely grave thnuaandi of young niea of the mut exalted tallents and Brilliant intellect, who might otherwia have entranced pausing benatea with the thunder of elo quence, or waked to ocatacy the living lyre, may celt with au counueac. , , , Marriaar. Married Pcrniim, or Young Miu contemplating marrlag, being aware of Pbyaical Weakneea, Orgauic, Debility, Dt for milieu, Ac.alioukl Immediately eoumilt lr. J., end be reatored to perfect health. He who place himeelf under the car of Dr. Johnson may rciigiuuMj vwuiiu .a aw Bunorae ageuuemea, anuaenndent' ly rely upon hia skill as a iikv urn. UrRWNla Weak Immediately eared, and full viror restored. Thi dlaeaae I tne penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victims of improper Uidulgmv es. Young persona are too ant to column exceme from not be ing aware of the dreadful eoiwequencoe that may enmie. now, woo wai Buuenvanua uie subject will pretend to deny that the power of Procreation I lot ooner bv those falllnc Into improper habit than by tu prudent. Besides being deprived the pletJ&ro of healthy ooiriiig, the moat serious no aeavmutiT synipioms V oln body nd mind Bria. The sysUm become deraoged, the physical and mental powers weakened, acrrous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation ui uh uoart, iuuiesuon, wasiuig of the trame, conga, symptom of conauoiption, etc. . , BTarroua IM blllly. Weaknes of the aystera, Nervous Debility snd premature y H " 4 w.w I'WWMM.V UI TUUVU. that aolitary pwctlc so fatal to lit heallhfiU existence of man, ana it w tne young who are most apt to become it Victim rrora aa Ignorance or Ih dangers to which they sub ject themselves. Parents snd Guardiana ara iiftrn B,Ulsd with respect to lb csuae or aourv of dUeaac la thlr son sna warua. Ala I Bow ones do they aacrilt to other eauaes, the wsaUng of the frame, p plutlon of the llesrt, Dyspepaia, indigestlou, derangement of the Nervous System, Cough, snd Symplons of Consumption, tlso. tlioaa snrioua Unntal nftHi'tM. such a loss of memory, depression of spirits or peculiar BU vi mvuuKnmj, wucn tue iruin m uiey nave Deen cauaaa oy indulging In pernicious but alluring practices, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thu ar swept from xiatcnc thoo aanda who might have been of use to their country, t plea lure to their friends and ornaments to Society. , t , . . Orrion No. 7 Sorra Faxnaicg St., left hand side going from Baltiaior street, 7 doors from the corner. SVBe particular In observing th nam and number, or you will aiistakt th nlac. ArTak notloe. obaerve th nam on the door and Win dow. A Curt Warranted or no CAora Afads, m frvm Om to Tw Dayn. NO MERCURY OH NAUKEOUA DRUGGS USED. OIL. JOHNSON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeon, London, Gradual from on of th moat eminent Collegee of the United HUte, and the greater part of whoa lift has been speut In th first Hospital of London. Parle. 1'hllaBemhla. ami sluwhi.ra. 1... effected some oi the Biost aatonlshing cure that were ver known, many troublod with ringing In th bead aad ears kit. . .1 u . n Mr. i I MAwM.uuHn.. I .. '. l . . aounds, and baslifulneaa, with freqnout bluahing, attended BvnawBws wiui aerangemem oi mina, wer curaa unmodlate- 17. . , A CcrUla Msaaaa When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure and he has bnhihed the seeds of this painful disease, It too oftea BP pen toat a Ul-tlmod sens of ahsrae, or dread of dis covery, aeien sim rrom applying to Utuae who from educa tion and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional lysnptom of thi horrid disease aiak Uieir appearance, sues as ulcerated sor throat, diseased aoae, nocturnal pains, in the head and limbs, dlmmm of sight, deafnes, nodes on the shin bone, and arms, blot- li es oa th head, face, and extremities, progressing with frigtrul rapidity, till at but the palat of the month or the bone of th Bus fall la, aad the victim of thia awful dines becomes a horrid object of commlaacrailoa, till death put a period to dreadful sunt rings by lending them to thtt ooura rrom w he ace ao traveler rslurns." To Mrs therefor Dr. Johnston oledm hlmaelf to nraaerra tha mnsi invinlsl.U ccrecy, snd from his extemuv practics la th Aral hospital m feurup boq America, do can coanuentiy reccomnwnd a sse aad ipeedy cur to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disc. It I a melancholy fact, that thousand rail victim to thai dreadful dieseaee. owing to Ui anskillfulneas of ignorant pnwmKra, woo, vj in aa oi vnai areaaiui poison, mercury, ruin the consUtutioa, aad eve send th unfortunate sufferer to aa untimely pave, or else make the residue of his life mterauie. Take Parttealar Natl. Dr. J. addressee all those who have injured themselve b These ar torn of the aad and melancholy effect nnAi eed by early habit of youth, vis: Weakness of the Rack aad Limbs, Pala hi the Head, Dimaem of bight, Lma of Muscular rowar, raipnauoo ut sac tiean, otapepaia, Merroua Irrita- Diuiy, vcrangeman oi vo wgasllT ranctkms, Gesersl De billty, symptom of Consumption. Ac StaKTiLlT The fearful tfeeta anoa Ilia anliut sr auv-k I.. 1.J.J T . . , ... wm nam. mm i asvoury, vonioaioB of laeaa, Liepresatoa oi opiriia, ,tu roreooainrs, sveratoa or Society, HelflM tmai, Lor of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some of the evil produced. Thoosanda of persons of all age, caa now jodgs what ia wv cauve w uisir avcuaina: acana. Ltmtnm tkoir nn. ba. coming weak, pale aad emaciated, have a singular appear ance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of coasumptioa. symptom of coasumptioa. Dr. Josmsm's iMVlg-vraUitg Beaaasly SW OrfWMls Weak- By this grest aad Important remedv. m!im r ti,. M. giBs ar speedily eurcd. and fuB vigor restored. Thousand pi in mosi nervous aad ttebiliUted, who bad lost all hope, hav beea relieved. All Impedimenta La kUrri.r. i-hr.b J -"i-"-vm r"i,m imvaoiiny, jremuimi snd Weakaess, or exbasautioB of the moot fearful kin mgs ind, specuuy careo By AT. tfoannoa. Who have Injured vbemaelve b a rrt.ia Pr.rti. . u.i.,1. ged ia whea alooe aabit frequently Warned from evd tompanioD. or at achooi-tk effecU ef which ar aightly felt, eve whea asleep, aad V sot cared, reader marriage hLTzT i """oys now bum and oody, aaouid apply Hunrcweitviyt vi'katf A xiW U, a. - - . at. . a. . . ww sum e arias an wwuiisr ansxa. snsi BSVTta nt siiaj rOBniTT. aad the darUng f hia paresta, ahouid be snatched from all rroepecu ana enjoymeaUcf Hfe, by the consequeare ef aiTtaung rrom the path of nature, aad indulging ia seer uu seem newt, bach arsons befors cooteoivUtimr SSauvtAvv sboald reflect thst a soosd mind sad bod' are th most T reqtnsiues aa ommriis eosuibsJ aannwaaa. iv- deed, wHhoat tbeae, the Journey through Life become a wi piiarunac. sue onsmvet SoartT SsxlM ta tne lirw- th mind becemea shadowed with deenaw snd liked with th melancholy re Section, that tha hanDinesa af anotner kveossM viiKHH-v w r vw wwa. office no. 7 south fredkic st. Bittmort1 ml AuScastCA. Orxainon Psaroea. N. B. Let a BUaa delicacr Breveat nam. kut ennl fast. mediately anker personally or by fetter. bus MCTAsa srxxMLT crsxa. Tw Stranawre. The man t tboosaade evred at thai Lastltotioa within tka but twelve years, aad the aomeroos Important sorricaJ Od eratioas aeffornied by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porter of out daily papers and mssy other persona notices of which hv sgala and agaia appeared before the public at a suSciest gaaraatee, thst ta aSxted will gad a skil ful aad hoaorabie physk-uui. 1 vJl ssurs. N. B. Tbere ar so bust worthier Oock admrtiunr themselves as Flnicaana. nisiar th health of the abwsii aSicted, that IH. Johnson I yens it necessary to say, epe ciaily to those unacquainted wok hsi rrpototioa, that ka credentaik or d-plomas alvay hang ia his oi&c. TAKE SO TIC All letter most be post-paid, and coa taia a postage stamp for the reply, or ao answer will b sent. April, J4, 1SS7. 134-ly. 4 0. E SAT LET, rSCGGiT, WILMIXuTON, N. C, A-kA 08 li'ii as 5 is confUatlyreceiT-jigfqre ij acVct t Kti . .:, Isj-n-.esUcil Prerwc-, f ,zt, -a.fs'sryAr. I'rfa3ery, hb.-p l'ars;;s.-. V . I j-Trters, ssi-rical Iatr-rtt. , -. ...... j J stotk a ::e4 fr--i i -- FOR SALE AND TO LET. KORRKRT. M THE I)WEt.IJNG HOL'HK oa Chesaut, betweea Re toad nd laird street, formerly owned by Mrs. Elis U sbeth PKts. Apply to J, K. I'tflRCK, Adi r.. r Wept. 3d!5 tf W.U Pim Broker. v .... KOH RENT, - "T-7..- w - vmU FIRST OCTOrtER NEXT, a comfortable fM Dwelling Ileus for s Muell family, aituatrd eq Mul--berrT, betweea Sixth and Seventh strevu, aad at pres ent orcuiiled by Mr, Iknlamia Molt. Applr to r Kept tf , K D. GAUDNKR. Ave. THE SURSCRIBKU AS AGENT FOR Wnj liii piif lluiitingtoa, vfnrs for al a number of HOUSE and wj n ia in viciuiiy of Dry lond. On HOUtnE aad M)T oa I ourlk Htreet. betweea f 'hnrc h mul Ann Mru taiuing six room; Iv small Dwelling on Caswell Street, on . i . "r UI ' wiier vacant Lot, bound yd by ths Last aide of His Street, running rrom Castle to Oueea Street. The ebove property will he for rent from the flYst of ttohr V not cold. JOHN K. CUBKlft, (w'pt. IN, 1M57 . ).f m IIKNt' KltoVHST Ot-TOBKH. ' " A.'F1 K0OM' lh offll wcuplod ly Dr. F. W. Potter, oa Front street. - A pply to J'- "th.lT-ll tf , , ,-.y, GEoHARHIrW.". VALUAULM PHOPRRTV AT PRIVATE SALE. riMlE WIIAUK oa th Wast side of Cepe Fesr Klver. knows 1 ss lbs KAlil.K DWTIU JCRY. Fo, Wrn. whkh w, b! mde favorable, apply to J. II. PLANNER, u. . ... . u ' or WM. U PITTS, ' Sept. II A avMoneer and Broker, No, 70 Market at, rou RMirr, FOIl TWELVE MONT1W from 1st October next, dwelling nous oa lliadea atreet, between Id and 4th wtreeta. North of tha Rail Ituad. a mwi kiLk.. Mn".0f lLT:: At prenl occupied by ro kkntT" A DWEIJ.ING H0U8B oa Dot street, btwe 7th and th street! at present ocuuiiiud L w , ,awvr, na., roaseaaioa glVCB 11 (Ictolier. Apple u. n win nv ' to SL...I lT lu . -v lotfl. - 1 tf TO RENT. 'FROM th 1st of October next. tl,. Ilri. v n..ii... sud Slor. at present occupied by R. J. Howard, cor ner of Orsnge sud Third street.' Apply to ' Dr. WM. K. FREEMAN, Wilmington, N. ft, Aug. nih 7ibST " "nti IIOVSE AND LOT KOR BALK. 1 "2?1 JH5. MOUSE AND LOT, WHERE bow reside, for sale. Aug.Hlh,.im7. A. L. PRICE. ROPE llDlltimv liktim AuLV ' J. eW.l HATHAWAY A CO. NOT1CK. fllllK Regular rale of Wharfage wlUbc charged to Ship JL Jr who hav beta la th habit of using our Wharf on Ui Weat Sid of th Itivar. fu hlnnlnv j ..4 u...i u. i..... r . " . r irm. . Dwrcs rocoivcu per wuiuinrton A Manchester Kail Itoul. PEITEWAY 4 P1UTCHJC1X , Utf. Deo. 10th, 1H56. a as. cjuaIm a T1tne article ofCkeiUiut Coal, (small) lllng at 15 pr ton. fjuu 4) T. U, W0UTII. XI r.AlLLLr.MT AIITICLk Olf I'OIIT IKn Sins-iiuv il. Wine bt oflbred at 16 per gallon, bought fur Medical r k"-, " vw h vvuuuvuur recommeiiiivu. Ai-siMd A. O. BRADLEY. KOPSJ. ibl I I'l" .V3" 'VTK PACKING ROI'il- ut received snd for sal by tlept. SUth ADAMS, BR0. A CO. UIIISKKTI vVIIIBKSCVII k)K BHI J. Rowan Whlakey, for aal ery low to do aU eonslgnnient. , T. C. 4 B. G. WOUT1L bvplcutberll, W57. ij w 'tHNT BAUSIUINNT BAUSII ISf Ifl I 1 yUN.Nlf. BUI WBtorssad for sals ta li.U v s w auik pj Aug. ilst, 1R5T. A. v. A B. G. WORTH, WflOLESAIJB HtiTKItl are mmanat to examine our stock of l "'"1 vspsj vnoreuas, arc OVasmoM coiujiicte, i case or doses st New yorkwholeaslenric HV.n"up til AS. D. M vtJbiP hinporlum. TWO llt'NOREU IMrZKM NEGRO snd Common Wool 1UU, by the Cse or Do sen. st rery low BgUM. CHAS. D. MVKIlH, ! p Amporiimi, 14 Market st BLACK BOKT DRatBB fi its. OBERON AND REIJUVIO styles, 5 1 sad 7 deep crowas u . ' "it 4 krlT"S T,r' e1 4res or basines Hat. .-v,, l; Upn H m a., U4 u. Emporium. M Market st, vii ao. u, at it.ua 1CII BLACK SILK tUAVATS sj vs. aiuuiw. Those wbo have been wsitmg for BA LDW1N .A.JL. them caa be supplied at bept. 15. t Market sk V t t i rim . ... I a uXMENT OF CAPS FOR FALL r vv n luivr vnr all V raul 1 if t Black Army. Kavr aad faar n.n.ra Kits t. ... lTT ..lnt '.- .. .1.. i- . 7.1 . - - J " vu V, r- vi'j v. aw ravwnvsa, starset Mj-erL DepfciAA , CHAS. D. MYERS. KAI.L STTLKSORKSS HATS. w TE RECEI VED YESTERDAY BY SCHR. IL W. BROWN, V four entirely new styles of Gent.' Dress Hats, asak- our aaaortaseat eootilele, and forming a variety of pat- tag sera anaorpiseea tor kiutr ----- ..j w. . .-. t Examine euVleeat thaii'a--TZZIZZZL' w"lT rawa. . I HAM. II IfriThl SepClith ' ENTIRELY NEW. Prr Adftmt at Co.'m Prarwu. "V PEN ED ON YEKTKKDAY. a beautiful srt . y FANCY SliJaViaw, ert ft. rtraight-breMtedsTyls, the (Up perfect la everv revoeri. ' Also, I't'TU&UAM RAGLAN 8. larwa annnl I Kmka. .1 u . , hi KTr-rry . v- ' . muu n ui a aa Starset at. CHEAP BJlIR-ra. A GOOD-LOOKING SHIRT, aad a Bhlrtlhat will w well, aad cut oa the "Yoke Beam" pattern, for 75 AS Market el. FARMERS MANXC OF ELIZABETH CTTY OR CREENMBORO take at par ... r-lu at the CITY CLOTfliNa KTORE. for froorf. Oct. 17. " LIME t I J WW. If K ATk CASKS ROCKLAND LIME, FOR 9 ALE TO AR "MV I?'" T.O.AB.G. WORTH. waooer m COAL I COAL! i BF--?T ensJity Bed Ash Coal, deiirered st 16 50 per to ; best lied Aah Nutt Coal oelirered at $5 per km Tor eaah. Persoa wui please bear thai ta mind, aad send the suvy Siig with the order, a w do bo sell Coal oa rtU Oct. 17 V U B. U w OKTH. , "AT. OOA RALES EASTERN, now Undicg ; a..U loodo. Sewlork, histre. waSebv .Nv. Jd felUKLEY 4 CliHAM FTAHU, PORK. AC. BAU3 FLOL'R d '--rt r-';s: li bbis. Leak :: ' ri jc-j--tt ! .... 50 SO d. .. It-t U ta.t 4 4 t .ee:--.g. F t ot. ru v . . A CJ. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEETI2::iMi. pjcttewa v A Prtrrcir "tt, , J ACTORS AND C0MM1&HI0N MUCH A.N i 4, - ; WH!XOT-..,N. r . PctfuIly Inform Cottos rkiilor snd Ti-- i lera that, with a Tiew of serving V,-it t ) U'eywlU devote their nadivlde uu :..a i ; TON, NAVAL STOHW, and other eouuty j carry out thla ytem flectuIIy, will uIiLa -of th abor article oa commission for NrUra i aocont. Our efflee Is corner of NORTH WATE3 eU 1 street. Our wharve end ih.!s sr conveniently !) If . , receptloa of produce by either of th llailo u t rMl Jyic ""-J QB eonsignmesU." oonnuuATKn i woouuiit won: as a , ,: . nAiLixu. , ... . " ' . . .' fferured bit UAmt JalrJ. 1 ADMIRABLY adapted for enoloaiiir ptt.l! Cro'.S Cmeterles, Bshjoay, Cctugee, le' ttl,rn'si i t tea. BsMioayt. Cottages, ic,', nt Wire, Sacking Bedsteads i Hurdle, Pstent snd lion s..i. sure. Pstent Screens, Wirt Netting other purpose. Wliei v. i.vua, vr, mij t ,i lira..! band an I Gravel &l "V"1 ,Sl,"tos, iheep, p..;try and WlreKuuiBier iiousts, ,ni Wire Woi irdahlena, do, ' la great vartetv for (lahlena. f stassrsMiirers, MONB DOM.AH AND t'PWAnie. X ed to the Pablic," as a luUtitute fortU a' sr.. a. Pj est MedlHne. Bow sold for th cur. of A, t . ChiUs. A. Unlike ether preparattona, thea 1 us a. ct. peeled to cure every disease W whkh w are liable, t ri A IheywlU la aeariy every ess cure Neorsglio a.: - . nitt the race, Ague and Fevers Chills, and all .vers e..f Z ,1 fe1?,1ttr,lw l" J'W .new, thlMsoapf th.ytar Prk. 50 uu per box. Prpard by -wyar. .; .-v.' W? . A. 0. BRADLEY, rkpbma,1856 . , .. - Apothecary. ' i CIRCTLAR SAWS. f nilOHE SAWS stamped J. M. HOUINHON, are mann.'. X tared of Uie fineat quality Cast Steel, by L,. "r, " " " .Tr l"" "ySylveit.?-. IV, It . SINDHIES. 200tt,eK2;AmBR e aiKis. iiacos Niiios i MIllOl 90 bale hVT Gunne Hulk W barrels Machinery Oil, vmrat. I ex CO hhita. prime Cuba Molasses I.OUO sack Liverpool Halt, r or sale by J. J. L, HATlUrVAV Aegustllat - BACON. roituT'aUi. 1 Q BHDS. SOUTHERN BACON t a. . i i u, t . . MJ nun. aiesa i oral 15 bale Uunny Clot! heavv artlcia i 100 aoil J ate Rons, August 15th Just relvd, and for a'o I . A. B. HcDUlfUi A Lo. 171 f 7 w"'c" WB,P more evenly, mi r Luc blade, tin.r to th gang, of plate this any other s t..s, I snd ground on South weU's Patent Haw (Irln U t y Jufv I, 1856. J. n( rtODI.VSON A SO.Y. n-Saw of every kind Bade to order. ' A CARD. . . milB BUBSCIUBEIl loaiUET! TI1B NECnsaiTY f JL giving public Notice, Dial all old scoounu or m e him, aotseUied or aall.llsd, tasU the tentBios.lii of J r. Will beatntont for tVuWum, "o..4 w y, empty's uiiKLB. ! 1 : : JIAPIUMB QUAUTY SECOND HANDlrmiT UTl ytlXJ rels, jut received from Hostos pr lirig Vsn-oat? -r ADAMS, hljj, A 10. . ' U)NO LOOKED run BIT COME AT Ut" " A Buiai, PhJlsdelphia, jus ruird an l t . , ' t JuiyM. ':. ii M.,1,1 .t, Wu&gVi. l. WOTKK. TUMT Received and oa band a splendid assortment i-f t itoda of Furniture, which will n.Wid towtV,- J the eld stand formerly eccapied by Hm2il vV0' t ' ' MsrvkU . ;sr,..s,u....-.wr r i i if NORTH CAROLINA KLOL'R. Kf BBIaH. Freh North Carolina Family snd Sn.e p i AT GREAT BAILQAUIB. ttr,. Kf''CK A llTi t. li TH S DA Y AND FOR 8 ALE AT TIT'TZ VftiMFHcaZ "-wWofJ.me.L Subsrrilera to th .tm. a..b mi i ..n . . ... Book Btore and get their cofliT V""" " 1 " s i l. h. pie::! . Aug. U, lM47.if0B, ""P- 4rrttvB.Csr.fcP t- riVlB " GENUINE" GERMAN t)l6u.WliT. f ! ' , A.O.RR.tI'tj.i- 1 Drarrlat A (. i. QUrERlOB Irish Gibing Twme.No.t5 sad M. win snq so, ,.f J. ii. nnnivditf a t for "J AugustWh, 1W7. " 1 TWKSTIO GOt)DS-Our stecA UKTls: , u I A J eomptcu for th aeaaoa. Buyers sr inr ited t a. HEDU1C: BVN A.M. f ijKAracECiKrbTwnro inceW ia 1 j.j iiiaiuipnre,MechllBandrnifii Three i mw.jM s.p y HKLiUirK A liTA S. CHECK BOOKS. A QUANTITY OF CHECK Ron re. . WTt HAVR WW L. . n t . . .4 tl- -1 M A m ' . WBKm w" wui seu ww. Apply t th 4uiy ist, journal crnr . ft 111 j Kaaijr BstrrsU. I 100 VERY PRIMS SECOND HAND ETr.TT Barrel, just received ear tkikr. aw .;.,., ,t ,, 1. JNewYork. For aal Ir ' ' Aug. iUHh. ADAMS, BRO. f . C. BACVN. LBS. N. C BACON HAMS, 6ITn t 3500 Baouivcr, a rery superior ht For August iid DsItOShKT At 1 STRAW MATTIO. ANOTHER supply of Btrav statt'-r, t--l ! Lu. i...A ii A . i i SPIRIT BlIKTI L BRLS. 1a floe order, for ai by J. A J L. HAtSAWir A C BLASTING FOWDER-10Q kega. Beet .-r, ' eeived and for sale low, msfsrtr.vr uiyii - lliWN-.;T A i . r. b. Asr eaaatttr ef the abeva. ar et'-r , .. - Da post l'owder, caa be funxiahed hi tha .- .-, and oa favorabj tenna. Apply sasbor. LIVERPOOL 8 ACS 8 ALT. -1.000 rVV. V is store and for i by (31) XDARA, I . ON tt)Sfsiosrrrr or? coils Ron i I As O Abate Baegiagj , ;.. bale N. C tieeling Cotka 1 i - ' . JO barrels Myers Rowsa Lkey : 5 do. Magnolia - do; ' ' I khd. P. IL konr. Pv V, - SepttS t T. C. A $. C. iwim iavk rrnt ia txi 1 SJn.FCTLVS CLOTH snd s j JL9 r A is, and fcte aJ icl s ae gaodi fcy Lie ywd a ail t "e r curfew, 4 i - r I'- Msrket KreeL t... htpt IS. C" w 1 1 TT" : ilt ! t? M 1 ,.!! -. r -T 1-. ' 1:. . Mi c'.rt n e. . t'3 f.

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