:', it WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1857. whole inn mrp;i,c VOL 7. NO. 91. BY WVhXOn V PRICK, rROPBXETOBJ. JAS. FULTON, Editor A. L. PB1CE, Anaocintt Editor. ' , , j i i, hi. m i- Terms of ftabaertplteM. - One year, Invariably In advance W' 00 . No eu briber permitted to discontinue hi piper after the e ncement of ft MbMriptloa year, until tbt expiration Of l year. A a lc uer on business connected witk this office, must bo ad .. rased ta th proprietor. , - - v ... RATES OF ADVERTISING, u.r eqciaa. 1 OKI KJCAaft. On day .......... Two lay...,.,... Three day..,....., Four day... Fit day On week... ., Two week. , One month... ..... Two months.,,.. . Three month Co day, IS 60 I 6 74 1 00 1 15 1 60 1 M I 74 400 T 00 10 00 i wo ay.t........ 1 Lie cey... lour day .......... Fiv day....,....,. One week.... ....... Two week.-. ....... I Cue month.,, ,.,...J I wo month.,, 3 7B 87 Sl 00 60 Three month. . .... .4 00 i t month....;... . 00 ( ne year ......... .15 00 Bis month 1 00 On yer. ....... 80 00 n i . . - . ., ,fl, turn I... . kalf i iuar. Longer advertisementa in proportion, and all payable in advance. When not paid in advance 15 cent per juare will be charged after the flint Insertion. t .-AU hsU-squares not paid for m edvancn will be eharg d a ft !uar. i ' r A JerumeaU Inserted a Special or Bishop Notice are cU'ged one-half more than above rate eight line (1m id) or lesa counted as a square. .r Advertisementa inserted every other day are charged 37 cent per square for each lnaeruoa after the first. , AfA't publication mad withont responsible nam., , EUSIXESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. H.auKor, -1 ROCEB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VT - . Wiuunaww, J. 0, . Oct. 10th, 1857. ' ' , ' DR. J. A. MILLER, nilOST ST.. OPPOSITE TUB METHODIST CHURCH, n f -, " . W?t nwimw. V. IT Oct. 10th, 1867 . 3. BL HOMK, , flOlfinBSIOJf KEECHANT, ' WlLMINOTON. N. C. Personal and prompt attention given to consignment of btore. (Jvuon. lour, c, eitner for J or sbtpmeni. Oct. itn, 1847. , ; 17-sm W. II. McRART CXK, t0iIiIIS5I0S MERCHANTS, corner Prlncea and Water J street, Wilmington, a. C. , J nriuNciai -. .' :., n. R. Farsfe, Canliler Bank Cap Fear, Wilmington, N. C (l. J i fi n UciUe. prei't Bank Wilmington, do. do. ' I. A. laTis, Cashier Branch B'k Cap iar, PslUbury, do. J. i. lAsh, M M m HeJeaa, do. J, l.ii Uregg, President of Bank Cberaw, 8. C (Ootl7 D. A. LAMORT. C OyXISf'JOX MERCHANT, No. M North Water street, Oct. il 51-11 . . , WllHtMTOK, XI. U BtTffinCM CARD. WILLIAM I PITTH h CO., AVVTIOXIKXS, BROKKMML d COMMISSION MXUVIIAXTS, Ko. 10 South Marks, at. Wtimuuikm. Jf. a tr Liberal cash adrancei on Conntrj Prodaoft and Mr- r1snd!ze rnrll. - ' Also, K ixiiiOLi boagfat tad old eommiaalon. brpU Waitf. ,.., ,!V , . T1IOMAI M. flAROHXa. AUCnONEEB AND BROKER, No. 1 UraniU Bow. Front t. Wflmlnrton. N. C. 1 romj. attention given to th al of NEUROE8, BEAL ' . . , I'lltOM DlflTlXLatRV. ' . WUJtlNUTON. M. O . j ... , J. E, OAEELT. JYopru. ? VuiBOKKELEN k BRO., Agents. a ll t.ixm ur satal htouis) parcoasea, mannfao VI tared and (old . , . , . barfag and Btorag furnWied, and Ouoperag don at raw ratea. , . Jan 1st, llWrttt-tf. ' """ - S3. PRIOOB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 17 North Water btreei (titorn formerly nconpied by WcmI4 Ellen,) Wilmington, v. v. , Kor. 36th, 1864 - 1 ' M H.B. KXLERS, TTrOLTflALir GROCER AND COMMISSION MER- V lilANT. AND DEALER IN NATAL 8TORES, Corner of Water and Market streets, Wilmington, a. v. Oct. A, K) h-tf J. M. ROBLTSOX tON WawrwoTOH. N. C TlircnTEKS, MJLN7JFACTREB3, AQENTO, AND Do a- X ierea m Hard war, tuitery, iron, bteel, ftaii, Agncni- lural implement, eta. ' "GEO. TIARRJftS. , , GEXUlAL COMMiaBlON MERCHANT, ! , i Wan nwroK, N. C. JOflKPH H. FLANKER, ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' WIUIIHOTOH, a. C. ADAMS. BROTUKR A CO- C 0MMBSI0N MERCHANTS, WILJflXOTOW, H. V. ' OCORGBW. DA1S, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Booth Water Street, ' WiLimtoTOK , N. C . aunaWAT. ' LUirimT. wx. a. mxr. J.AJ.L. HATH AWAT A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . WiunxoTM, N. C T.CAIB. O. WORTH, OMMISSIOS AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J , . WnJOnaTOit, N. C Karraii, liUT 154-ly ikXU AKDUISOV, DViU UTASI. AWDKRSOV RAVAGE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WaxraeroK, N. 0. Liberial eash ftdranee mad on consignment. I ...n. : CyvrION MEBCHANTa, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. It Sorra Warm Sranr, Jan. 13th. WajawaTon, N. C W. H. ITRLWOTOJf, (1 EXI2AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, VI - ' WanwoTOK, N. C uron to Corr Karrbn, Esq.. ) : wrv Lfrtterloh A Eliot, Wilmington, K. C axm r. tt:'"' T, omi k. raiitntn. ritrTKWAY PRTTCHKTT, GI.rr.AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water r - -t, W2misfton, N. C ir . i gfv ysxucnlar attention to th J of Natai Eronna, Cvmw, Ac - , ' PvnrMfvrrABROWX, i GEX1": 1L C0VJ wlOX MERCHANTS, and A IS foil IH& GASTO.V STEAM SAW AXD PLAXINO MILLS, , . , . wilmixgton n. a i r Crliri for asy deaeripbon of rongh or dressed Lom l w U r" prtwrpt atteatwn. iiri c. fieri. ' anus corns. c 'N alLIXaANTS. oSe erood tory, corner i crsa4 aiarktt streets, WUmiartoa, N. C, - t-t prepared to attend to all baslnes at the t .-5i'd to fhaa w2 be ponctaay attend CAP J i 1' fsre-et. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL' CARDS. WM.C. HOWARO, ri ENEBAL PRODUCE BROKER, VT Sept.!. 185A.-Utf WlLMIMOTOK, N.C. a. n. Mcw rru, c, rrraoM. A. B. HiDVrm CO, ri ENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDINO MEB VT CHANTS, - ... ? " WlLVIXOTOM N. C. Jnlyttth, 1867 - tf BKKDB dk BfEXDENHALL, LAND AGENTS, ; Monmarouft, MnwnaoTa, Make investmenU, loss money, locate Land Warrants, and transact a General Real Estate Business in th North West. aim to . , Go. Bran, 7 s Fj-Got. Morehead, CS, GmS; . T. C. B, O. WorU. AprUth,W5T , . ':. , llJ ' C. LERTK, AUCTIONEER AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT, . , FarrmviLLB, N, C. tWHoMit eonslgnmenta. Llberial ad ranees mad. Jan. 14th, 1867 . mtt ' .j; i in . i..r-'t.-. mi" 'I ' ' '" "" "' r jan. ttotxir. ' i. ' ALU. OLHAM. ) :t ITOKUET 4k OLDHAM, " ri ROCEItS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND VT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC. - j Wilmikotos.N. C, Col. Join McRas, President of th Bank of WDmlngten. O. a PiMLir, mi., Preside at of th Oommeroial Bank. I.W.01LM, , r.t. MOOM. OILS At MOORE, TTJHOTJSALE AND BRTAIL DEALERS EN HATS, T V CA1H, t'ANKS, UMItltr.lil.An, aO., AO., No. 61 Market street. t. w: UWMOTOM, N. Cm jftsrunsn paia ror ura, , Bept,8. ' WALII MAM. ' I. L. XIAUU, M. 9. WALKER ME ARE I dk CO (mwnssow to o. A . nrru.) : ' ' "ITrilOLESALE AND DRUGGISTS, t . , W No. 43 MARKET STREET, 185.-121tf. WILMINGTON N. C. OnjEI A MOORE, , . . Carolina Hetel, 1 MArket ktreet, Wlialngto, H. A RE NOW Ol'ENINO and bar ready for ioHpection, f fashionable and Terr desirable and Inviting stock of HATS, CAPS. STRAW GOODti, A. They Mumerate In part, Heary. Bee Be, Uenn. and other styles of fashionable DRESS HATS Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats; Cap, Felt and Wool Hate; Leather, Cloth, Bilk and Nary t'sn s Ladle Riding Hate ; Children' Fancy Hat Canes, Um brellas, U. To all which w mpeouully solicit an eiami ination, feeling well assured that tbey canuot fail to be suited with some of the many varieties offsred to their inspection. Macrh 16th, 1867 ' - 'WIUIIlfOTON MARBLE WORKS, ' Wont fttraet, mw (It MotbexUst E. Chun. ' ' MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT BTONE8. FUBNiTUIfflTOPs7Ae.,ofth BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN r ITALIAN MARBLE, furnished to order, a CHEAP ai can be procared from any establishment of th kind in th country. -;, 1 mploy none but experienced workmen, and will apart no pains to please nil who may favor me with their patron age. aVTermi CASH, nnlei by special agreement. W. O. M1LLIGAN. Wilmington, N. Cm Sept 13th, 18M. T-tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. "THE VESTA CAMPHIIEHE WORK ft." 47 pmwAW rtnt. aiuxvcLtn. .. ..... !. AMMM 4I IMII.. m CAMl'HENB AND AIXHOL DISTILLERY. DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF NAVAL STORKS. Orrics. No. M Bcnum Bur, Niw Tom. Jnn th, 1851 S60-4m. c, n. rropDAan, A fiAns. WTOODARO it CLARK. Si - AO. AM f TOSt BITMI, MW I OH. berial eash advance mad on consignment to by onr friends. Msssr. Pettawar k Pritcheti. Jun lit, 1867 1271. AT0 niAUft. WATWR AJEAHJU. pOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Eapoclal attention paid toth aal of Naval Btous, Cot ron. and Southern I'rodoc generally, iiberial advance naad on eonslgnmenta. July 1, '61 wn. . auftrnr, w. nacALonn cia. nun, (Special partner.) MARTI W an MACALIftTER, I ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VT No. lift North Water Street, Philadelphia. Cash advances mad on Consignments, Jun Hd, 1867. US-ly. i. nanriT cociaAw, 1 w. l,noau . COCHRAN e RCUELL. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. U North Wharves, and 63 North Water Street, Pn iladilt IIA. avuberial cask advances mau on conaignmoni. Jnly40th,1864 CO-PARTKERSHIP AlsT) OTHER NOTICES. DUftOLUTIOS rrVIK CO PARTNERSHIP neretofbrt existing between I John W. Gile and N. B. Bwea, nnder th arm and ttyl of GILES A HA WES, to thi day dissolved by mntnal eonaent. un4 n. uilj, July 1st, 1857. N. B. HA WES. CO-PARTSKRAHIP KOTICK. "IfTL JOHN W. GILES having aasocisted FRED. J. JI MOORE. En., with him in th "HAT. CAP AND blltAW GOODS " bnaineas, announce to th publie that th mid boaineM will contiuu to b can-lea on nnaer tn firm and tyl of M GILES MOORE." Thankful for th kind patronag extended to toe late Arm of Guee A Eawea, they Lmst that th exertion of every effort t meet th taste of U public will caua eontlnnanc of th asm to th pm-nttm., y , JOHN W. OILER, . FRED. J. MOORS, JalT 1st. 1857. ' Jii-tf CO-PAHTftERSlUP RUTUE. fTUTR UNDERSIGN ED HATE PURCHASED THE DRUG X ESTABLISHMENT Of Meaar. CAD. DaPr. The will coatinM the Dreg nemnwa In it varicw bran- eft, nnoer tne nrm ot n. aaAiua WALKER MEARES, JOHN L. MEARES, 1 ES.M.D. May 1Kb, 1864 IlS-tf CO-PAHTStRJKlr rTTHE 8CBSCRIBEH baa this day associated with him, Mr. X C W. STB YON. . Th bosiaes hereafter will bo ear ned on under the nam of A. B. McDUFFIE A CO. A. B. McDUFFlE. 'Jnlyth,lS57 - NEW FLOCB-WACHOYU HILLSL A (apply of Flour of tb abov fATorit brand, daily expected per Bad Road. For sal t Ang. 7, 467. DxROSSET 4t BROWN. PLEASANT REMEDIES FOR COCO HA, COLDS, MO ARft E , te. f ARSHMALLON laste, Jnjnb Paste, D ore booed Pmnte, ill. soetead Mos Paste, Fig Paste, Gam Drop, MBit Loaengea, Man I era 'J Drops, A. Sold by . A.Cv BRADLEY, Nev.Sd. . . - vDrggi4AChmit. 1 SALAnAiDEs a at:s. -ww rrr rifn-a tlTTTil Rut'. im..m. iV... of caea, entirely I rs Proof. Out of Q sold by th manufacturer, 114 hav bee tested ia accidental fires, aad aot a dollar' worth of property teird n eo (4 t -a. c v k.-'i-N.- 'r a r 1.1 f v I ur m v - - - - READ TiliS t 1 NrnS0!Fr7reltr.Ust t.e rei-J.e j , JX try of tie cr-nof - " w- wsy r ; v it f .t F-:rr Uf to r frc-i t . -I. - a r I MEDICINAL. : BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ; V DOCTOR JOHNSON. THE founder of this Celebrated Institution ofler the must Certain, Hpeedy, and only effectual remedy In the world for Gleet, Htricture, Henitnal weakness, Paiua in the Uius, Constitutional Debility, iwpoteney, Weakness of th Back and Limb, AseetioMOf ts KMney' Palpitation of th Heart, Dtspepaia, Nervous IrritebUity, Disease of ta Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melancholy Disorder arising from all those Destructive habits of Youth, wick destroy both body and mind. Tmsi stcarr and aoll tarr practices store falal to their victim than th song of th Syren to lb Mariner U lyase, blighting their meet brUlisnt hope of anticipations, rendering marriage. Ac., impossible. r Yttf Msm. Mpeclally, who hav becom th vlctiuw of MlUry Vies, that dreadiul and doatntoUv habit, whkh anaualy wep toannntimely grav thousand of young mraofth most exalted taliente and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwin have entranced listening Senate with th thunder of elo qucno. r waked to testacy th Hrlng lyra, nay CU with ajleonideno.., .:' I Marrtags. 1 ' Married Persons, or Young Men oouteuiilstlng marriage, being ftwar of Ph vaical Weakness, Organic, Debility, Defor mities, Ac. should Immediately consult Dr. i., and be restored to perfect health. Re who place himself under th car of Dr. Johnson may religiously eonfld in hi honor as a gentlemen, end confident ly rely upon biiaklliuftphysclan. rr.t Otnitt WeakMsw - ' ' ' ' ' , J immediately eared, and full rigor restored. - This disosse is the penalty most frequently p4d bython who hav become the victims of improper indulges Yoang person r too apt to eo turn It excense from not b Ing awar of th dreadful eonsequencee that may ensue. Now, who that understands th subject will pretend to deny that th power of Proereatioft Is UM sooner by those railing into Improper habit than by th prudeut. Beatdo being deprived the pleasure of healthy olfnitring, th must serious and destructive ymptom to both bod tnd mind arise Th system bee onto deranged, th phyaieaW'ftnd mental power weakened, nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of th heart, indigestion, a wasting of th frarn, ooogh, symptom of consumption, tc. r NerrosM Drbtllty 1 ; Weakness of the system, Nervous Debility and premature decay generally aris from th DestraeUv habit of youth, that solitary practice so ratal to th healthful xltenc of man, and it ia th young who ar most tptta beoomn It Victim from an ignoranc of th danger to which they sub ject themselves. Parent and Guardian sr often misled with respsot to th cause or oro of dlseas m their mm tnd ward. Ala I how oftea do they ascribe to other sense, th wasting of the frame, palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, indigestion, derangement of the Nervous System, Cough, and Sympton of Consumption, also, those serhiu Mental effect, uch as loo of memory, depression of spirit or peculiar flte of Melancholy, when th truth hi they hav been sensed by Indulging in pernicious but alluring practice, destructive to both Body and Mind. Thus ar laept from existence thou sands who might ksv been of use to their cooutry, ft plea sure to their friend and ornamente to Society. ' Orru No. 7 Hoitn r'aanaicx St., left hand (id going from Baltlmor street, I door from th eorncr. t i-B particular fat nbaervlug th nam and ftumber, or yon wm nuMaa in pinon. naT-i nouc. ooserv in nam on u aoor an win dows. A Curt Warranted or no Charge Made, tnVoM vne 10 jwo imy. NO MERCURY OK NAUHKOUft DRU0OS USED. , dm auunaon. Mtmber of th Royal Colleg of Hergeon, London, Gradual from on of th most eminent Collet. ea of Mm United state, and th greater part of whose lif ha bee apent in th Brat Hoapttafof bwtmt, Tari, PhlUseiphlft, and elsewhere, ha e Seated msm at th moat astonishing cure that wer tver known, aaaay troubled with ringing in th head and ar wheft aslesp. groat nervunsnees. being alarmed at sadden sounds, and bashfulne, whh freqneut blushing, attended sometime with derangement of mind, war cured (mined la ta- ACesFialn m Wfcsjs 4na aAMfvjatatosj m&4mtitm&tvB0TH fiMfJVV nlttito he ha imbibed the seeds of this painful date, it to often happen that an ill-timed sense of ehame, or dread of die covery, deters htm from ftpplying to those who from dota tion and respectability, caa alon befriend him, delsying till the eonatitutional lymptom of this horrid disease max their appearance, snoa a tucsraten sore uiroat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains, la the bead aad limb, d'moes of sight, deafness, node on tb shin bones, and arms, bloU h- on th bead, faeo, and extreailtlea, progressing with frigtful rapidity, till at hut tb palai of th month or th bone of th aos fall in, and th viotia of this awful dtaese becomes a horrid object of eommlsaeratlon, till death pute n period to hi dreadful mirerlng by ending' them to "that boom from wheae no traveler re torn." To sack therefor Dr. Johnston pledge hlmsslf to preeerv th moot mvlolabte secrecy, and from ni nxtenalv practio la the lrst hospitals ia Europ and America, ht can confidently rooommnd n aaf and peedy car to th onfortonate) victim of this horrid It is a melancholy fact, that Uooaend fall vlcUms Uthi draadful dleeeaeo. owing to th nnakillfuln tf Ignorant pretenders, who, by Uteaseof that draadfal pokson, merenry, rata th eonsUtutioa, and eves tend th unfortunate suSerer to an anUmely grav, or tie mak tht rtaldnt of hi Ufa mierabm. : Take aHittewlni' KaASM. Dr. J. ftddrt all tboat who hart injnrtd thmselvei by prrrav ana onpropsr uraaigeaciea. Tbeee ar aom of th sad and melancholy effects produ ced by tarty habits of yonth, vlai Weakness of th Sack and Lhnba, Pala in tht Head, Itmnes tf Sight, Lose of Muscular rwr, raipitauon ox tn usart, Uianepsla, Mervous Irrita bility, Derangement of th Digestive Function, General La bility, symptoms of Consumption, Ave. MsirrAU.TTb fanrfnl enVets tpon tht mind art mock tt n areaaed, ioa ot memory, conruaton of Idea, Depression trust, Lot of Solitude, Timidity, Ao., art aom of tht vll proaooeo. Tbonndlf norsomof n0 tret, " etn now Judg whatb an at w tntv aeouamg ass, in. ixwing u vigor, 0 coming weak, paw and amaciated, have a emgnlar appear net about tht eye, tough and lymptom tf ttnanmptios. Dr. JokMMs tarlgwaxtag Rsawsdy fa OtfsmA WooAr By thi great and important remedy, weaknem of the or gta ar speedily arL aad ftiQ vigor restored. Tbousanda of th moat aervoon aad debilrtated, who had lost sB hop, hsr been relieved. All fanoedinMnta ta If rrim. Plmieai a Mental Disqualification, hervoue Irritability, TrembUnga and Weakness, or txbaosUtion of tht most fearful kind. speedily cored ny ir. JobnsAoa. . ' iriM naeu Who hav injured themselves br ft Certain Praotk mdnl- ged la when aJooe a habit freooenUy learned from evil eompaniona. r at aebooi th effect of which ar aighUy felt, even wbea asleep, and if not eared, render marriage impoaaibte, and destroy both mind aad bodv. ahonld apply i : . -. i - - ' - UBineuuiveiy. nut a pity vuat a young man, tbt nopt of his country, and th darlint f ala pareata, ahould be anak hed from afl prospecta aad tnjtymonta tf Hfe, by th cooseqoeacea of diviatmg from tbt path of nature, and tadalsiaa- ta a r- taia aecret habit, both persona hefura coatemplating Marrtawa should relect that a eoond mind and bo.tr ar tb most ncc canary roquiaitiet U promote conobal ftsppmasa. In ded, withoe the, thotenmey tbroagb life become weary pilgrimage, b prospect bvnrty darkeae to the vtew; tht fttiod beconira ahadowed with ) sad tiled whh tht melancholy reflection, that th happwes of another become btirbted with oot twn. OH ICE NO. T SOUTH FREDEJC ST. AWltasore, IfA ALaSmoKAa OraaAnoM PavoMin, N. 1 LeH no falst delk-acr nreveat ran, but apply un- mediately either personally or by letter. ' uoi naraAsa rxanii.T crnxn. T Straaurssw The manr thonaands cored at thai Inotitutias within tht last twelvw year, and tht numroas hnportant aurgicai Op era two performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porter of tnt daily papers and many other persona notice of which bar agaia aad again appeared befert the pnblie la a mScieat guarantee, that th afiicted will tad a ekitt fsJ aad honorable pkyax-ian. N. B. There ar a aaacv worthtee Qnaeks advertkung theamelve a Pkyakiana, rainmg tb health of th already aSwted. that Dr. Jaanaon Deena it nooeaaary to aaf, tapo- eiaily to thoet nrsccaaisted with ha) reputaUon, that JS eredeete!! or d Tioms arwsri hang in k e3ce. TAAS N OTIC L All ketter mae b poaVpaid, aad con tain a poetagt stamp for th rep'y, or nt answer a bt sent. April, 17. lM-ly. A O. a p ii-d a: I ia cocj'ai". yre-e,T-i p-- t i tt. --, Hi-i.-r.uti tT- ' . ! . i - -v Ar .. I trzri'T. ev 7 i ". T i. '. , f tu-s. xJ I - J' s f ( ; k a : ! FOR SAL&ASD TO LET. itmREST. .... , , ;. rnc rtwrrf i.tvn uniiMie rt.u.. l.. 1 eond end Third streets, formerly owned by Mr. Ell. abeth Pitte. nppiy o 4. Bh rr.inin, im r.. or Sept. lUd i tf W. L. I'iTTM, Broker. nTRIS HOBSCniBER AS AGENT FOR WILIJAM llantlngtoa, oner for sale a number of HOUSr and LOTH laths vleinltvorUrr Pond. Oaa HO Unit aad LOT on Fourth Street, belweea L'buruh and Ann Htrette, con tain In lx rooms: 4v imaD Dwelling o Caswell Street, on the East aid of Sixth St. t on Corner vacant Cot. bound ed by tb East sid of Six Street, running from Caetln to Queen Street, Th ftbov property will b for roat from th nrsi ot voiouer h not nolo, tuna au cumus. Sept. 1, i67 , . ILtf rum iiebtt rnoM riRrr octorer, A CONVENIENT ROOM Dr. F. W. Potter, on Fr ovr th offlu occapUd by root ftteaet. GEO. UARRIHS.' VALVABLK PltOTERTT AT PRIVATE SAL. milE WHARF on th West sld of Cap Fear IUvtr, knows XtnKAUusuiHi'iixt.UY. t or terms, which will b mad favorabl, apply to I. ft. ILANNEll, or I at. u runs Sept 21 1 AnuUoueer and Broker, No. 30 Market ftjt. . J tH HE NT. )r FOR TWELVE MONTHS from 1st October mxl ft ITJdweUliig house on Blsde treet, between Id and 4th Streets, North of th Ball Road. A good kite he attaok- ea ana weu oi water eoavenmnu At preKM occupied y Mr, ttitlyaw. For term apply to , H. H. WEST, AeUoar. Aug. th, 1857. 409-tf XhtaUCRT. . 1 A DWEIJ4NU HOUSE on Dock etreeL betw 7th and Htm tret at present occupied by W. A waiter, uq., i-ooaewion givn in iioioner. APyiy i, S U. Vf ALUftCBw Sept. 7th, 146T, .IJ.lli.llL ...J JJL.l.i. .""J.". ROrE AllDWLRtlYBAUn. OA BALES oery hoaey GUNNY CLQTH, 100 coll JUTK UjuuitH gornawoy Aug. U , , d. d.L. HATHAWAY CO. KOTICE. flVlK ReguUr rate of Wharfng will b u barged to Ship- I per who hv been m the habit of Ming our Wharf a th W sst Sid of th River, for shipping Colli Store received per Wilmington A Minus Kail Road. rETTEWATA PRITCUETT. ETT. Otf. Dee. loth, 1854. aTIOAL. COAL. A prim artlcl of Chests ut Coal, (small) Uftelllng at 44 per ton. (Jun 4 T. C, WORTH. AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE OF PORT AND SHERRY Win m oSered at 14 per gallon, bought for Medical purposes, aad caa be eoafldsnlly roommtadd. ' AnfWtSM , A. O. BRADLEY, ROPK. f?fk COILS VERY FIN! JUTE PACKINO R0rE. Uv Jt received and for aal by Sept. luth ADAMS, BRO. A CO. WHlftKET I WHISKEY II Oft BBLS. Rowan Whlaktr, fot aal very lew to ciIom iSO consignment. T. C. 4 B. O. WORTH. September 11, 1847. , ' 1 Iw acnKr maos i atraaTT rags i i aQ.llalRl GUNNY BAGS in stor and for al ta lota to lult. by T. C A B. 0. WORTH. 1847. WIIOLESAtS BITERS nHaWi j MSSl OMB eaa or ftofttn Can Emporium. ruia r uvini vw art m .im. two uiirimcrj doze XTEOR0 and Common Wool Hate, by tb r or Posts, XI ftt vry low ngnrea. cjias. v, m I l.s Oot.4 Hat A Csp Eaporiom, I hUrhei at. LACK SOnT DRESS If ATS. i BERON AND RKLEIVJO Kyle, 44 and 7 dp crown. ' eurkd brim vary neat and stylish drsaa or bualnosa J curled brline a vary neat and sty Hat. Through by Express, at th Hat aad Cap Emporium, amarastH. inei vusjb. kh awiAia. THOSE ) MCH BLACK BILK CRAVATS Havb aiuuvcu. Thoat who hart bee waiting them caa b arplid t BALDWIN'tT, fot bept. 14, 44 Market ftt. Sc TJR LARGE ASSORTMENT OP CAPS FOR FALL and Winter wear now ready, teolndln- fln Bint and sex Army, wavy eat rancy pattern mix nosh. rtersbam. Silk and Cotton Gld Cap I also, tbt new ityk doublt or patent ctp. ftt tnt amponum. 4 Martet sertn. Bepl SAn . U1AB. D. MYXfiS. ft ALL arTTLKaVJmXSS MATS. -YTTE RECEIVED WW four sntirtl Ing onr aasortmi tern nurpaed for betuty, aestness, i Examin tnr itytei nt tnd Hal and Can Emptrinm, I Mar ket Street , CHAS. D. MYERS. SepVUth EVTIRELY NEW, Per Adam A Co.'l Xwrta. giPENED ON YEriTKKDAY, ft bssutlful taaortaent ot FANCY SILK VESTS, tnt tbt ttraight-brtiittd ttylt, th thaot perfect la every respect. Ate, PETERSHAM KAGLAN'B, tanri nrp'T, or wn mak,nt . BALDWIN'S iiMarktta. CTCBAV SKIRTS. A GOOD-LOOmo BHIBT, and n Shirt that will vxa Aill,li cut on tht " Tok Ssam " nattenufor 74 eente, at BALDWLX as Sept. 14. Market at. KARXERr RAWK" Ar in.i7AnifTn rrrr nn cm i-vvnTsri i at par J value at thUTYCLOIHihUtX),ftr Oct, 17. LUTE I LIVE It K AA CASKS ROC ALAND LIMB, FOR SALE TO AI OUU rtrt, br T. C. A B. O. WORTH. October d tXlALL AOALII BOT ensUty Red Aih Coal, delivered at M M per toot best Red Ash Natt Coal delivered tt 14 per ten lor , Feraoo wui pleas near thai m mind, and scad the movant ahmg with tht order, aa w do not sell Coal on cmf it Oct. II T. v. at R u. v URTH. MAY. BILES EASTERN, now leading ; KiO do. New York, ta ewe. For aal br 220 nov. n BlUAiXI at UUfBlA, rtovB, rotuc, w. BAGS FLOUR d:9rwt gradetf St bbta. Lash Mine mntfiy Fijrl m nmrkat; 90 do. Me Perk 250 II bale AtSbeetiag. Ferealaby Oct ru W. H. McRAST A CO. LO LOOKED TR BCT COKE AT LAST. rnnosK CrLEUaATED TURNIP Stn), eultirated by R. Butet, PhUadelphm, Pa.,yaat rrred icd f-r j A. O. nA X $ . JalyzX 41 Marknt L, WiimSsgtn N.C. rtmnuT the cmnsR or Ttix dayp 4 TOUVEN"' K'.T CIOTE Cl-FAyr"t, SI "JOUTI 9 " M.'t-l'" 6 l I . ; One bou: wj3 t'lesn e dwa ft - cl i i ta t i Tes, sad kvs ti ov pe t : Nov. U. A V. i it. ALWAYS r- REQUESTED TO EXAMINE OUR BTOCX Or sps, Umbrellas, Ao., aa balaf tb tartas asA piete, ever opened In tna eity. tiooda by th at Mew I era wnoteoai nrtoo. tut an YESTERDAY BY SCRR. R. W. BROWN, y new (tylet of Gent' Dress Hate, mea nt compute, and forming n variety of at Ad hiik InUh.- mSCELLAKE0U3 ADTCTi:: ' rstTTEWAY rr1" ' . WACT0ES AND COMMISSION k, .a.. ; Beipectfullf inform Cotton P!Bter 1 'i Wn that, with s vlw or ervu t t .. t . tbeywlU devot thelrandivyeft.a :t . TON, NAVAL BTOIUX n J e-'.er e - t esrry eut thlajystsm asctu..y, t.n . of th abort article en ommlaioa furi... . accouat. , J)ur oCBc I career nf NORTH WATU il mil. .t ... . - ... ... Our wharves aad thsds ar eovnlr"v loc . i reception of prodae by tlther of the US.ion t . AtrCaan advances mad oft eonslgnmst:'. CORRVUATED WROUUirT IRON 1X3 tv.. . ... ww" aWner otenl.) ADMIRABLY adapted For ncU.ug ( J CemeUiie. Baloonys, Cotujss, Ao., fchen t Hurdle, PintWlr. backing Bedstead and 1 ' t , tor. Patent Wlr Coal b rvsos, Or. tUui i i t ..,1 Bcreeae, Wirt Netting fof Mocquiton, Kheep, 1 ... f t i Other purpose. Wire Summer Rouse, Fancy !r V is gnat Tarloty for Garden, A. ... u. wALKta a tors, Vnv .. No. 534 Varkst, N. & Cor. lih Ang.4d,it)4rasD;. OHM DOLLAR AND tmVAr " rniut puxa of oitnind and pipl;j. a a :.j t JL d to tb "l'ullio," a ft substitute fi r the r Patent Medicines tow told for tb cur of A s i . ChUls, . U alike ether preparations, these 1. 4t.i, peeled W euro every disease to wUkb wa ar I Ihsy will m nearly vry eas cure Nsura ..i t the Fav, Agw aud revert Chill, and aU I i bvxpourto th light dsws, tlilsseuulof t i; IVlc, M cent per bo. Prepared by . ... . 4.- r a.fttitiri:ir, Bpt.lWh, 1841 Apo ClRCl'LAR, SAWS. fTlHOSK BAWB itstnped J. M. BOWifiON, r r X tured of th last aalily Cast Steel, by the v. , y workmen. They ar temparad by Bylvaater' IV i ' nerltig Machln (which tempera mor tvenfy, l r lb bbtdi etlter to tb gaag of plat than any ot .. tus, laud ground oft South!!' PatonlSsw Oi.. thine I th only mtvhln that wUJ grind ft C'lrvukr t , (otlytru. For sal by July 1, 18M. J. M. BOBISMN A t r. .- L-wi of ivirjr kind mad to order. si'stmirs. "ABJUCLH PORK, YAR10US BRASD3 1 JJ lMeoibi JflttRopei llihtla. BacotHldeil ' SO bale heavy Ounny CloUl ' JO barrel Machinery Oil, oarraiM god 40 hbds. nrtm Cub !ole l,OU0akl Liverpool Salt, For M J. A J. L. lIATUA..ir A f August Slat . s 4lVilf lanwi' M. 18 tns an n r iw arvitfa SRvVs HHDS. BODTHEUN BACON I bow, ateaa rore I 14 balesGunnr Cloth ft hesvv art! J t th 109 colli Jntt Bopt. Just reeved, I f r t ! fcr AngUMl&th . A. U. Awwli.J A CJ. ACAKIX BEURET9 rrai SUBSCRIBER X Sltmg pnbllo ftotlcs, that aU old account or r t him, aotsetUsd or ittlsfied. m aU tht present a ,..i bt VU1 N nt oot for CWteotton. - dttiy 1st, 1847. d. M. EG" ..... EMPTY RAf"-! W. PRTMl OUAUTY fci-ot, J A.A'..D f r. ? t ' rem, Joat rolv4 from Booareil ' V, 7 . ADAA.3, L..J. A C J. NOTtCSU TT8T Received tnd on band ft splendid ftmort-nent ef U ftind or mrnitart, which wlu b old low f r c tht eld stand formerly occupied by Honstoa A V . March II I fl Vj WtUtTII CAfU)I.I.1A mna. K BBLi. frosb North Carolina Fm!!y nj P Ullnstor. For saiier WUiJL. Ac. dun it AT GREAT RAIVOAL' V GREIT nrtoty tf Fftncx lad Bue r Cg, ,r. T1ECEIYED THIS DAY AND fOB BALE AT T. X Bonk Star i Lift and CotTMpondtoc of J?.-i h by Griffith J.McRee. Bubecrlbtn tt tht abort work WUl pUtM tail at r : Book Btort ftnd ftt thstr topttt, , L. K. rrr . Agist for D. Appktos A Co., Pu.. A. 11,1847. ' 5 ffM "GENUINE'; OEiiMAN C0L6oAi(t"r X - a. o. l. a; . . . ; Dn--'IA( M SUPERI0B Irrnh GOling Twtet, No, iM t7. J.U. tOUv f". I ; A ,. August tn, 1MT. IOMlliO OOODSOur ttook of t, xJ tomplttt for tht Buy" l 1.. ...v a a i . me. LAL UCLUTU bert .UKk ol i Imitation. OnhmTt. MKkiln and S l IT wCA way kept by 1.. CfTECIC poo ft. TTJB HAVB A QUANTITY CP CHIC I B Y f tht difftrent Bank tf town, of our twa t tnr. which wt wlUftsUlow. Arp'ytv July it, - - Joi.su err; " Kaaadp Uitm. r. too test rsanB scoid eand t; : J Barrels, yoat received per Schr. Sea Errr, ft , Mew York. For aal by A..i.ixh. AD A If. T.ZX A f - . C BACOV. LBS. N. C BACON HAL'S, fr" 3500 Shoulders, ft very roperW lot. For August m lV ', STRAW KATTISO. . ANOTHER mifpfy f Straw kaf . r'l - hi. r ,q a f -. i SFIRJT BARRELS. , BBLS. is Int order, for as Vr J. A J. L, KAtaAWAT A 235 TYLA8TTN0 POwTEB. 100 krga, best e-sV, Jj eaivtd aad for sale low, on mon'r , , u!y 11 . P. B. Air nnantity of tht above, r c ; . Dnpont'a Powder, can nt fnrnhthad ta C- t - nouct, ant tn uvoraut term, nppiy as LIVERPOOL SACK SALT, 1 .000 Pr.I in mora and tor aal ky (ail) AJAASi - on COSSlOXStXTT. . or coils bops r ZD 4bteBfs1ngS 40 barrel I tonr. Wumuvm " 24 bate N. C bisUr.-v i ( ... a 40 barvtla V ran Rowaa v. , ; , a no. .tf.-. a do; - - 4 hVda, F. B. cu. For aaJe br -SepVlSdi . T.Cir, C TOTjctw itvs rr..-s in tj BV r crira clc:! t FAi .i, aid ktfi s , r i , o f4 by tb yard, as s . . i , tsUym leork' airr -'. I let street. fcrt. is. - wax t. crs a- t : r- -.-.rt-t . A, rt f t4fri-7- t i 1 t- 3. st i C nl C7'V ty If it n a. e- - t s . , - r tt ;U tie Ca--. ' - 11 . w. r. T'"x.

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