c. Cd' -- e ,V0I r7. Np. 97- WILMINGTON 1 "WHOLE ! AS. FCLTON, Editor .. . , A. L PRICE, Associate Editor. "' Ternu Bahacrlptlatt, Cuyeur,kvariL!rinedrance ...... ...... .30 00 '' Ne t :,criir permuted to discontinue kit paper after the Co - ... : -isat of aubscriptioa y it,, until tla expiration Of 1 y-r. . , . . . ....,.. . ,. ill- on buein eooaeoUd with tliii office, neat IM -....-.4 to the proprietor. , . ., ... RATES OF ADVERTISING. HALT SQCABJ. Ou dy $ u 1 od-f. 7. v. 87J 1u.tuttV.i.v..7M Four day 2 Five dv.,. 7 Due eic..v..v.,, 371 10 wek.. I 17 Out month j., 00 I or'ji.i,rt,,,J to ' 1 .. UiOUUot.. ,... 00 f t lnoiiUia.,.,. 00 9 -r 14 00 Ou dir..... Two den. Three dm.. , Four dayi. Fire dayi. ...... One week... ...... Two week.,;,... One month..: Two months...... Three month.:..'. Six months, .,,, Use yew. "BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS : J. M. MONK, p0MI8SI0N MERCHANT, aFerseaal end prompt attention glveato eoiuiKmneuta of '-'"7 "-, VV..WH, x luur, no,, timer lur Hie or shipment. vei. ia, asoi. S7-3ra ....,,. - 50 75 00 15 AO 75 5 35 WH. C. HOWARD. aO ENEHAL PRODUCE! BROKER. IX Sept 10. W5A-13 if WamworpK, M.C. , . ncocrrit, 0. W.BTTKOM, &V A. B. MrDl'rFIR COM E.VKRAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, .. , , i .. . WanwoTOM K. C, 4 . 4 00 , T 00 .10 00 .14 00 to 00 1 a .. are counted u a square, and five Usee or leea a I . ttie. Longer edvertisementa In proportion, and aU 1 . fa a!vuc. .When nut paid la advance 35 eenta lit r , 1 be charted after the flrat iniArtinn. i aJ LJ equarea sot paid, for ia.adraaca will bo clarg. ta e "'.' ,-,."- . .v. .... , ....... . a -. e. omenta inaerted ae Special or Bishop Notice! i ;1 one-half more thaa abore retee eight Uaee (. or leea courted ai a aonara... a -Ad rertieementa Inserted every other day are charced 3. c- - s per etpure for each tnsertioh after the first " A r & o p atlluatioB made without a responsible name. BKEOB A BUCaiDKMIIAIX. T .AND AGENTS, , ;' ' ' ' JLI ...... HrNHBArOLia, MHWE80TA, Make investments, loan moner. locate Land Warrants, and transact s General Real Kxtate Busineei in the North West Go. Bragg, Ki Gov. Morehcad, Col.Gwvnn, J.- ! T, C, A B. G. Worth. ' April Wh, 1857 , s , . , Wily JJ'4 J.'l 11" AND PROFESSIONAL CARDSl ; a. a. rsAAAju.. . . rnuEn ea iucath, -r i 00JT ,4JS1 WUFPINU MERCHANTS,! . . . 'i . miiiiMwv A I ormerty of Shackelford AFraser. ' A- 0CTI0NEERAKD COMMISHIOlJ ftERCIANTr " ' 1 . raVRTBVILLI. If. C. "Sollciu eoasigniMnU. Llberiai advances made. Jaa. Uth, 1M7 , . , . v . .; r, ,. loo-tf JAS. StOILIT. ALU. OLPHAK. ' fTOKLEV A OLDHAM, , , O.ROCERS AND COMMISSION MEGCI1ANTH, AND U' viaur.lin M WM, VJJIH, rblS, U. h7 ... . WaiiiKorow, N. a" . .-Brajwc. 3v-j-.' s Col. John McRai. President the lUnb af vBhIuIm: , O, G. VAMUT,Kq., president of the gommeroiaUtaak, t. W. OILM, r. J. moo si '. " A CARI1. ' DnCTOa IfEDWAT, hivlnr removed from Bmlthvllle, ( hi. Le haa practiced for the last three tears,) often to we-nnaDitann or vTiinungton t4 Ml"! BW7 i- -pt- - ... . r Ci iitu d loek ttreit, in the honte lately owmpled re. 1 fe4-m. 4 ?-1 - W. H. MeKOr," n I. CI3 AiT) COMMISSION MERCHANT, uctl0th,i3T. HV ' WjucutotOK, eT C. ' oiuc At Hoonn. WHOLE8A1J8 AND RCTAIU DEALERS IN CAl'H.CANKH. UMUUKLLAH. Ac.Au,.. . :"" f No. 61 Market street, Wilminutom. N. ' rCai.h paid for Kara. . HATH, C. WAUUMIAB. , . L. MIABU, H. 1 WALKER MEARKS A Ctk, TTTH0LESAU AMD DRU1WTH, XX- . . ' No-41 MARKET STREET, I860 321 tf. r , , WiLMINUTON N. C. - - DR. J, A, MIIXKR, - )XT PT., OPPOSITB THE METHODIST CHURCH, (. " , ' ' WrtMinetoK, N. C. , Oct fcJ, 18i7 - . . . 38-tf W. , vaanier itant Une Fear, WUmlngtoa, N. C. Us. Pnis't Kink Iviuu. X- J lUcr Branch B'k Cape t ear, Salishvy. do. . 4aJ 17 , OILEIeVMOORK, CeewUna He4eL 1 Mru treat. wamttnrtM sr. r ARE NOW OPENING and have reedy for Inspection, a u.Mblt!"d.,7!J?lfl "Itavhlng eteck of - I 1 'ii vmo, ao. iney enumerate u and Water RkXiJt, Genu, and other styles of fuhlonablo p u Jtf 4 . lIrwu,m' wguorn and Palm Leaf Hats: Cap, Pelt andVool Hatej Leather, Cloth, Silk and Navy tine Ladies Rldtaf Hats; Children1! Fancy Uatsi Canes, brellaa, etc. To all which we respectfully solicit anexaraJ Inatlon, feeling well assured that they cannot fajl to be suited With some of the many varieties off.red to their Inspectioa. Macrb 15th, 1H57 6T-" H. HcRAAT afi CO ' - CO i: U1S3ION MEQCH ANTS, eomer PrtaceM eeta, Wilmington, If. ft" T Ullimnu i . . i ... , . r-. . . . - r . . .. . . w Cut J. la ki D.A.I -i,Ca! . ti y,ttr, iTewacBtof Bank Cheraw, & q . (Pet D. 1. I.lHAn ; WIUHlOTflf Vim Ulnniri P.craiO!! MERCH ANT No, M North Water street I il''lf!-? M.tWtetE. twi" oot w-ai-tt, . t , , - WawKOTOK, N. C. AT"TO.?3. HEAD and FOOT STONES. lurn. m., oiue Bfir UUAUTI Of AMERICAN or lTAUANMARBLE, furnished to order, as i, 7." eB procured from any establishment of the Braiincii rnn. TfiLUAir i: Pitts a co . ; . . A L C TI0MKR. SROKIRS, and A . 71 u Jfartrf at, H'Uminoton, K. C . ALl. I mnh advances OB Conntr IW art kftii li AB. -.1 w. . fcswght aod sold on oommlasioB. kiltil hi t. A UMlMi I employ bom hot experienced workmen, amTwill spare bo pains to please all who may favor me with their patron age. . .. . r.i ..... . . ,. r , rTermi-CASH, unlets by apeclal agreement. Wrimlngton, K. C, Bept 13th, lSio. . . .. t-tf. . MEDICINAL ' BALT1MOIUC UKt HOSPITAL. r DOCTOn JOHNSON. THE fouuder of this Celebrated Institution offers the moat t eruun, npeeay, ana oni v envcmsi remcay m the world for uieeia, Bu-ieiaree, nemimu weaanem, fains in the Ioiun Const Hut ional Debility, Impotcney, Weakness of the Bark and Limb AOertloiMof the KMneye' PalpiUtkmof the ntmi, innpepiia, nervoas irnianiuiy, uuesse of the Head. Throat Nose, or Skin; and all those serious and melanc bolv wirh destroy both bodv and mind. Tarn ikcrkt anil nii tary practicea more fatal to their victims than the sons- of iikhjriih hi m aiBnucn vij cj uiiKuung ineir moot urutuuit nopes oi auiicipat ions,, rendering marriage. Ac UIJIVWUH. ' i YoeuiaMeM. especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice Ik.l A A . ..... 1. - 1. 1. -.Li L . J wmt yjuiw wiu uvBfcniuuTv nui, w uiva aouuaiy sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the mW uvea HU4enie sna onuiam inveueri, wuo nilgUt otherwise have entranced Ihrtenlng Senates wKh the thunders of elo quence, or waked to ecstaey the living lyre, may call with all confidence. MarHaeje, Married Persons, or Young Men content being aware of Physical Weakness. Omni u: a.. . -1....U i .... v. . ' 1 -'": ,.. wiwiua nwww; auBuui nr. 4., bihi Be restored to perfect health. He who placej himself under the care of Dr. Johnsoa may nplstlng marrlsire ale, Debility, Defor- religiously conlide In hia honor as a gentlemen, and confident ly rely opoa his skill aa a phvsclsn. . . , Omaie We.eee "? i Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. Tula aieease U tite penalty mort freqnenUy paid by these who have become the victims of Improper ludulgeuces. Young persons are too ant to commit exceexe from not be ing aware of the dreadful eonscqnences that may ensue. Now, who that anderstands the subject wIM pretend te deny tli. I Ik. nAwM. nt 1mam.(L. 1- ..... .... J : . , i .1. " soooer py uiose railing tato Improper aablU thanbv the prudent Besides being denrivedthe pleasure of heafthv olftnrUig, the most aerlotts and destnoUva symptoma to both body and mind arise.-. The system become deranged, the physical and mental wuiinuun, , swiiiiig u( mo rraiue. coon a. IVMhlAMI aV .n..imH.I. - ' ' aen-aaa ltrkllli v. Weakness of the system, Nervous Debility and prematnre decav aenerallv aline from tha iu.im.n.. k.,i. - v that solitary practice so fatal to the healthful existence of Bisn.ana hi we young who are most apt to become lb) ? icuina iroin an urnorauca or the iianimra in i.i..i. n... ...v. iect themselves, ivenu and Ouardlana are often misled with respect U the eaaae or souree of disease In their aoni ou wsrus. aim i now ortea oo tiiey ascribe to other eaoses, the wasting of the frame, Pal pltatloa of the Heart, Dyspepsia, indlgesUuiirderangement of the Nervous Syitera, Coogh, and Syniptona of ConeumpUon, also, those serious Mental effect, such a loss of memory, depression of spirits or peculiar fiu of Melancholy, when Oie truth is they have been caused by indulging in pernicious but sllurin. nr.i.,. . u.u . -j wi-. i "' uum owij aim Bind. lOUl Srs SWKlit n-nm thnn. sands who might have beea of bm to their country, a plea sure ta tlksir rriaiui .. u ' . " wwwpwi w OWWVTl left hand iide going from Baltimore street. T doors from the eomer. . - - ' "Be particular In obeervln ti.a mma ... non,!,.. K. yon will mistake the plaoo. " T i ' rTakenotlce, observe the name on the door and Win. dowa. A Curt Warranted or no Uharp M ode, fnm NOMERCDsr 0RNAiwx)uftDiniaa!Srj8a).T f . Dli. JiuinsiiK. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ixwdon, Graduate from on of the most emlneut College of the United Slatea, Hospitel of London. Parte. PhlUfiwnhi. aA .i..t,.r. v. effected seme ot the meet aatotilahlng curee that were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the head end ears whea asleep, great Bervousnees. hTi alarauui .1 ....i.. onji(ls, andbhfulnes, with freqneut blushing, attended aomeUtnea with derangement of mlud, wore cured iiuiuediale- . . flSall FOR SALE AND TO IBt- ron REirv. , FllOM JANUARY FIRST TO WlltuV fU . uau tier, 1KM, Uie lower story of the frame building, situa ted OB Second etreeL naarlv nnnnalta 7t5 iiw .... .i "i r"" vivuu nM)i. lW. Ii-liUJ ! , , ELLEN DO RAN. X THE R:, I sum, deoeaaed. coraer oftth and Orange Streem. ii1".w'?bU P10 Mlghborhood.i Apply on premi- SSI till lat Jannarv 1. D T W rJILl l-.--r u... m ,!Tt.A WM. P, BYNUM, AdmiLu&ator. Dec. xld, 1857 " , , gun T. rt)II ALB OR II KMT LATB RESIDENCK OF JOHN CRAY BY A FOR RETT. , m FROM 15TH OF DECEMBER NEXT, THE STORE alaa. f1..iiua E-a. - - M f . . . . . . . ,L ' l "ua We Bsrooi. Apply to j U. DT&.MMEKMAN. Iecv. th 1M7 Hw HOI AND LOT Mlt BAI.B. THAT HOUSE AND LOT LYING DAMEDIATELY North of the Wilmington and Weldoa Railroad, oa -MM.m vagw, a uej IIUBM IIUBIbIiIIPI DTI l-Anfna. ttflrt eessary out-buildings, with good well of water. Terms easy, Deo. ,-.77. No. 30 Market si ... IRON ERA MEttROEl to itmm. 1 SEVERAL COOKS, WAHHEitS and aire, i or me year JW" Applv to wmj m but a WW wj.4.-.70-lm, - h No. S North Water rtW 11 VXtRRENTa , THR DWEUJNtl HOUSE on Cbesnut. between Be. read and Third atreets, formerly owned by Mrs. Kill- ppiy M 4. n. rr.iKLK, t'r. or abeth lltu. Bept Bd-U-tf W. L. Pms, Broker. KWTATia I1U. "I) Y ltRMlSSION OF THE ORDINARY OF HORRY DIS- S . . .1 U f .1.. l. IL ... . jam niab a. v., hot Huaoriiier will nrr nr SSiS, OS) MM First iZonoay in January nicxt .1 fv-J.JL!.r" 'i lunuwmi pnnmnr 01 in win on Hemniao AIX t)F HIS HOUKKHOLD FURNITURE. PLANTATION FURNITURE. - ? J! Hu'ln wl,Bi idltlot and Well brt.kea.) I EXCELLENTTTJRPENTTNC HA VT vivm lt9 .A - . - - "'i w ve mini I LA RUM llUU'lLNlINI STILL AND PlXf DHJCH .A..L rsbly located oa a klver bank. . .. t . , , , TERMS. A 11 snma of 50 and under, " caah 'f over that uui emm 01 wire moniua, note ana security required, . MARTHA THOMPSON, Admfnl.trtrix. MISCELLANEOUS AD - IXTTEWAT rttn ipACTORS ANP COMMON all fWspectfulIy Inform Cottoq PUntere 1 wrs Wl W1U B Tlew of m; , t theV Will davnla lK.l.nH.1,.1 t. C . TON, NAVAL BTORiit, and oUiefY , eentthlaiysteActully, wu pu V,. rt'c,M oommimloB for & or ,. .vuwilt. r 1 Itreete. " S05711 "ATT3 t J I , LwaBdaaede are eoBvenk'y 1.. ? f lrolBe 7 liber of tUKlr AtrCeakMraneaaBjajigqa,; OORRTJaATED A.) . "A 0MISABLY wnouoirr iron -1 RAUImo. adanteA fun aat,i.i.. -ti. - f" rH.!konr, Cottsgea, Ie r 'KrTa aiaruia, iBMnt wire, mca lag UaUsteada and 1. tor.. Patent Wire fcosi hT X. b . i' "'"i " eiung ror Jtosfmiios, p; V1WI uiuru. in great hiep, 1 J i I ( rpeeea. x, Wh Hummer Houses, Faa t , ht vsrlety for Garden. o. . , ,, VOR BALVL OR EXCHANGE FOU TOWN PROPERTY, I, land. 27 mile from town, lvlnar immMiiila mingHin aim nancnciier lUtllrOSU. nov. is. 71-tr. , TM3t-3tew 300 acrei lelv on the Wit A. B. McDUFFIE- Nov. 1, ril-S. 1. 1U7. A MAMPIJB PIAaifL THE FINEST ARTICLE aver hroirkt Vthli .aci, ,vr aaia on y wrmi, Dy M. KUIUAHON RON. J-i IH" !YPX MARKET STREET, iborO the p i f oUcee of A. Emple and J. I- Holmes, Kwjre. Also, "the sewaad ooiomoUluu WAIUaiOL'h4 ob DOCK mti djolnlng Mr. B. Baxter'a. ., , T?" . .JTT Kov. 1.-33 tf. IUOS. H. wwaiiT, tt Titon.te, ft. GARDNER T A DICKER. , , " t 4...! e Low, Front at, Wilmington, If. C." ac;vinto the aaJe of NEGRO ts, KEAt t i,Ao. - - . May 3, 'a7. t'lVIO! DimiXJCRT. - WILMINUTON, N. C , VajBOKbTELEN t BRO., iMii, 4 IXKXDSOF NAVAL srOiibil penhssed, masafto- 1 td and sold v . . j ... i . .i , v, ugt and Storage fumlihed, and Cooper agi done at f.'rntn. . . - ,.. Jia lt 57 133-tf. H. B. KnUKRB, NEW. YORK AND PHILADELPHIA CARDS. , TUB VXBTA CAMPHHEI1 WORKS. ; S7rpamif araasT. nooaxTW. 1 L1DDOM ak VKNAI. " iAMPHENE AND A LCHOL DI8TILLERT, DEALERS IN j a.rr.1 iiuiuuniuM or aval STORED . . Ornci, No, W Bcauno Bur , Naw Yoai, . Jbm 77th, 1857 350-Oia. r . 1 C. B. aTODBABB.C- -r i . nM. rruuuAK u m ctAHK rtOMMBMilON MERCHANTS. J ' No. 15d Front Street, New York. UDt v. aeatne Jwgulded and imprudent votary of pleasure finds ev aessei uiiuiunu uia me-miB OI um wiuinnil tliaMsu. t .na w v v au aa esei vavaeaexeaVBaa a ej wj a leUBj hppensUit sn ill umed eense of shsiue. or dread of dis- THE SUBSCRIBER AS AGENT FOR Wit .MAM il Wuiitiwprtoft, edurs fur sale a number of HOlWWt and It? IQ7 'f i,,t "toMif of Dry Pood. One HOUSB aad LOT oa I ourth Street, between t Uiuxh and Ass Street, ooa tsiolng six rooms : live small Dweliimri n r.nii him.i the East aide of Sixth St t one Corner vacant Lot, bound ed by the East side of Six street rnnnlag from Csstle to XS".8? 1 TU BTFrty wUI be for rent frm the in uuujimr u BV SOW. , i JUH9I Bv. tLlirlS. Sect 18. 1S57. . 11 If" uTtwan rw.ff r i . . . . ff-t.tiu'Jh ""oi"."- substitute fottU V Patent Med cine now iold for the cure irf A . r i . thills. Ao. Uatlk other preparations, tUese i . t , , PueoUi ''"b we are I,., the 'Will In nearly every eae cur Nen-"!io we raoe, ague ana revere Chills, and ail even r. .-'"P" the Bight dews, this arasoa of tlet rfce, W eeou per box. Prepared bv 1 X? V 'A. O.EHAT Bept leth, 1854 Ap i niLr-irr.A a a u-a , TD08E BAW8 atamped J. M. BOI :x ON, are t .... tured Of the finest quality Cast Sieal, by tie v-rr werkmea.) Thevare temoered hHvt.i..'. i .i - . . i - Pi JF Mc. L w.hlch wmpera more eveu'r, i the blade stifer to the gang of plate hrt a r V , end ground or Southwell's patent :. fijc wi? wul fr",, virf r 1 F. B.-Sewi of every kind made to order. 200 S&Ji , . f . I hhde. Bsooa Stdei . , 4 . 30 bales heavy Gunny Cloth J 4 ; S J'?1 Macblnery Oil, tMmjiJ I .J i . 40 hhds. prime Cul.aMolss.ei. ' . .. , i l,0u0 lacks Liverpool bait i ' I - f J. J. L. UAi..Ari'AY t Aagnstilst ' ., . . , BACOW, pp- t.c 1 ij UHUS. BOUTI!H;iN 8AU,. I t an rri " w ueiee uonay wiiia aevy art! Je I .100 eolls Jute Rupe. Just reoi ived, s I f Augustus , A, tt Mci, ft ' h w 1 .4 a W. roil UK IT i too oftua a.. ui : . : n - 7i V . T,f" PP,7"1f " ioe wbo rrora educe-1 Sept. jwh. 1M7-1I t ! tioo aad resneeUblUty, oaa alone befriend hia, delaying till -?! 1 the eonstitutional symptoms of this horrid dlaaasa aula LUlr I VALtABLH PHOPI rpwaK,, auca aa Bioeraieti sore throat diseased bom, nocturnal Mine. In the hunt anJ iin.i i iigat, aeaineae, ooaesoa toe shin nones, and arms, blotch es ea the head, faee. and extremities, brcurrautnr mn frigtful rapidity, till at hurt the fsist of tho mouth or the bones of the Boa fall to. and the victim of this ar,.l dia KROM kUUT OLTOKKH. WNVraiKNT llOOM, over the otbo owcaaled AV. Or B W l..ILu. a V. I . . . .. . . . " i iviii airaat. j oSlyBAl HARRISS. VALtABLIO ntOPCBTV aw aaivim aoaa j Tiitf H HAIlf imtha Writ iMeoTCape Fear Klvwr. keeWa sstJEAULBDlhTILLEUY. rewbbTwaTll made fhvorable, apply to T. H. PLANNLR, I .'f ABcUoneoraBdroker, Me. 20 Market ai. MEB- - Tr ALE GROCKR AND COWTRSTON . t .. A.N r. ANT) DEALER IX MATAL STORES, Corner tf . - r am Market atreeta, WUiaJngoB, N. C.1 o, t. , i. an tf . . A.3C tBINaMBdkOQXn.. , . . Wauweiw, N. C. KaNUFACTTJBJERS' AGENTS, AND Dea- , Cultery, iron, Steel, Naila, Agrtcal- r t?kQr t i'-s t ..all.-, 'eruu hh BUTsneee snaao OB coaairaraenu tA a a. our frienda, Messrs. Pettaway PrRekett , ,unoAst,uT 337-ly. BABBOB 0. WATBOW, BASTOX BIAaXX. ea naiwiti. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. rling Slip. New York. of Naval Stoxxs. Cot- J - MBurlini v Especial atteatioa paid to the sale beeomee a horrid object of commtsserallon, till death puU a i period to hia dreadful Bufihrings by eendhig them to "that Bourn iruia. wnence bo traveler re tarns." To such therefore Dr. Johnston pledgee himself to preserve the Boat Inviolable secrecy, ana rrom nis extensive practice la the first hoapitaai ta Europe and America, hecaa confidently recoommenda aa Ma pweoy own to ue uxortnaate victim or this horrid disease. It la a tielancholv fact that thonauula fl.it L ima i iki. dreadful dieeeaae, owing to the unakiurulness of igaorant r""""' w av, vj iu aa 01 lusi ereaaiui powon, mercury, ruin the eoaetitutkm, and even eend the unfortunate sufferer te as untimely grave, or else make the reaidna r hia nr. Take PartVmlar Bottee, FOR RENT. WLV MONTHS frouj 1st October t.ext"a JJdweBlBg house oa bladea street between Id and III "streets. North af the run l!A A . i 7. v Mhi ' v " .TV . - I , . i . .... V , H. M. WEST, AaeUoaeer. W. ' J0(V( a nnn. rnnB suBscuinEi woitm the Kccr X giving publto Botlce, that aft oil account er r in , ao seuiea or ssiitiiga, in all the present oiuiaSi 1 1 ; Will be Mat onl for OoUertion. ; r . July lt 1857. , , , . J.K. t ' rttmE luality ttcoa UAX3 rrr 't r r rsla. iust recilrad rrnm K.wl r . ... b ; i ADA. J. L.j. A i.l VOTICS. JCST Received and hand leBdJ4 assortert kinds of Fnrnitors, whkA will be oiJ u f f f me see rermany ieeupfed b Ldiwka A V rf sf Afarokl s. i;. , SOBTHClNni iii a m - . .: i.. Fa II, WA rreei fleru Carols ft vviBMore. ror sale by Jeae U V ! WiLUU A GEO. HARRISS. ana. aad Hnolhara Prodnea raaaralla. Liberial advanoee mad oa oonslgnmenta. Jalv 1. 'M I Mdrease all those who have tajured themaelvea b v LWIker, Esq., PoeeeasloB gives 1st "jnmtAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, : tTi Wilmixotoii, N. C . JOEP1I H. rUABVER, G.EXELAL COMAUSilON MERCHANT, --'- " Wmmwrow, K. C 17 ai tr trnTUXBdtco .... , . X JkiUlAA TS, ; - . i - - WaKnarrow, N. C'" f "f"!oW. DAVIS. 1'CN i UUANT, Booth Water 8treet, . Wnjaweroa, N. C i - . BATS AW AT. v . t. W1TWAW1T. - 'WXi. B, CTttT. Jl. at J. U HATHAWAY dk CO, . . ... J J. . ..UIA .... wi. j. xuxrn, wm. haoajjbtib s ciab. inxiT, (Hpectai partner.) MARTIN e MACALISTER, I a ENEBAL 0OMMT3RI0N MERCHANTS. IT ' No. Ill North Water Street imdetphia. vvaa aoTaawra bbm esevessngaaMBea. ivam no, uni. ., , . . - . ief-iy. I. lABYIT COCWBAB, fAICHRAJf RCUEU, These are some of the sad and eaalajwaal .fik.. Am. r, . n,'.T"aH TO Ta wak," the Back aad ttfffQl Limbs, pain la the Head, Dimness of Sight, Los ofMascular Dl Jl Jl J U b l lty, Derangement of the Digestive YuncUons, GoBeral Do- - " bllttr, srujptoms of CooswrntjoB, A. . c x)niucT, , . f M,.kAfW"r?U H0U8K Dook street WweeO I HI!'."' " I e preesat oooep to Bept 7th, 1357. Ot'BWY BAOS I OTWHT BAOI f f , 'AGS ta etore aad for sale m lot euiH Py s I. V. B. U. WORTH 1 ' 1 AT ORBIT Ba tin at i A 'MAT ?jrletF f Ftoey Md 8tar lvf . . -i ' 1 , , , :- ,;c I ' pECElVp THW DAY AND FOB BALK AT V: ' ' r-T, T!,(.'r fU 'Llf,Mi Correspondence ofji... t . hy uriffita j, MftRee. i- Hubeertbere to the above work win please eall at I" Book Store aad get their copies. ' 1 ' , . , " I rir.- - 1 ' AsaatrnvTV 1m. .1.. k n. t.. , . led br W. A i Aaf. ll.lat7.-" 7. rr, m. v" a walU'7 &Xm' STALLT ID fearful eflarU nnna tka ailA . nk .. uaniLtinit v. t bcuxu KOr. S18 BOCKXAND LIME, FOB AL TO AS- ofSpiriU, KtO Forebodroga,- Averrtoa of Society. Self We- oVtooerid' towst, Love of Solitude, TunJdity, Ae., are eome if the evfls I - l.!.4. SUPKIU0B Dish UlHta TvIne.Na. M YAOMibrld GOODit-Our to"r71 jut compiet ror the leaaoa. I ' A ( I r."i ! uti ti T.C.AB.U. WORTH. 1 EXER1L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 31 North VA wnarvea, aaoH a ana water tweet rBiLABsxraia. prodoeed. swLfberial cash advance mad oa consignment. juiy join, ism .Thovaaadi of persona of all area, ris see Mm WU tt)ALl COALIt ... f . .rr ---r --i . - ju. m i Time ... n- . t .. . .. . . ue caos or ueir aecimmt health. Loalne thrlr iffnr. h. K . " "V kon, euvro UHH war toai coming weak, pale aad emaciatad, hT a stnrular appear- fcJTrJm 7 V" CT "Tr s 4 pwteo for eosh. ue abowt the eyes, cough aad symptom, of eptX tJa t'.-"ll-'.."4 Dr. Je. Iang.aa R-e-ety ft OrosAe WeUs- " o?t " V T? CB.TSbTh7 ' WairweWx, If . C. T. C B. . WORTHt AND F0BWARDIXO MERCHANTS, - . . , WiuaxoTo, N. C . . " '. f 154-1 1-I lAlWKlkliSIONMXBCHANTS, r' . , w iuusercw, a. C ?de oa oooaigmBenta. ;Ulr WTU.ARP Al fTRTTl. . . ' ., No. M SoctbWatx 6rrjnra, jAa.i;Jk. Wojbxtom. M. C W. H. TTRIJtrrOW, ZZ1L COMMBSIOa MERCHANT, ' , WoiOTflTOJi, S. axrxBTo r . I r rkh A E3ot, WTmlfigtoa, X. C. ? J , ... l-375-tf 1 .CO-PARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES ' ." ... WOTICB. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY 1850, we cannot and positively will not give credit for Meata ea our stall, ai it la impossible to male collections to enable a to keep stock. Those Indebted teas will phase eome forward aad settle without delay, a a to enahle aa to meat oar liabilities, i ' S. A M. FETTEWAY. Dec 39th, 1851 SS-6t Heral-j oae week and bill to thia office. Avau ta- iu im i Rvm as. AVTNQ ADMINISTERED UPON THE EST ATI OF Gea. Joha Grav Bvaasa. dee A. I will djfDoaa af Ue furniture. Books, Ac- prtTately. til 1st Jaausrv. Aeole .1 : J ' . . . . . . .. ' ai am nwmn, nnarMi bjk vrrange nrerfa, W BmfBgtoo. Debtors will aaake rawaediate payxeaat. Creditors please file their clairaa with the wadersigned, at the reeAdene, or at the kw office of C T. N. Deri, Eq., opposite the Court tiowee. WM, P. B1NUM, Adm'r. Dec 31-01 UJ. ' - By thia groat and Important remedv. waahnaa. f tK. . g us are speeouy eareo. an no vigor restored, i Thooaand ai w awai aervou ana atUl4L who had hwt all BOM have beea relieved. All ImoedinMnu ta vi.rr,... i-k...l or Mental DisqualificaUoa, Kervoae IrrttabUity, Tremblings and H eaineaa, or axhavutioa of the most fesrful kinl speeouy cureu oy ur. joonetoa. Who have Injured themselve by a Certafa rractic Imlul- naw. V VI I LIS KASTE&N, mJ 100 do. New York. Aov.3d ' York, la etor. leading; e. Fee aale by hTOJOAY A OLDHAM. P EALliCEA lae bert stocl U jlv imttaMoB, wuipure, Meeklia hod F hiwayakept by . i:,.. ,, j CHECK BO01C.B. TTfl BAV1 A QUANTITY CP cr.I.A I.. J , Iff M the deferent Banks of town, of our ca b tare, which We wluesll tow.' ApclvstUa Jiyit . Jon-tAtcrr: Kaapiy' Larrata. . ', ; , T r wo veit rKixi f rroND HiO frr t Bxrrek, yuat aacet ved per tk hr. Sea Larrer, f . a ; Sew York. For sale by , ag. a-na. ADAN. t A f V ga m wm ane- a aeon rreouenoy tearned from evil jompanio, or at ocbeet-the aisota of which are aJghUy Mtevwa when asleep, and if Boieare. readers aaarriage fawposuhia, and destrov both aiind aadLLi. .k.1.1 . - -rrt lonra, "' V r.,r A LL PERSONS ARC HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT ATL "T. ' OsoWb. nfTCHIIT. i i ""WAY A lRTTCHKTT, ' ' ----ON MEiOiANTS, North Water ii-rrtow, M. C '" 'V attMltiaa Ls' lh..UJ X?..f Stf. iGtONN. xcua ccwrm , i jm ... 1 s i . -s. i,c a-oa n.-ir-v, ranter -it esfeeta. umnJft, f. C to e3j to a3 bSAee m- the w C 'i v.l he psKrtaal'y aaesl aay debte eoatracted bv aav ether oeraooa axeer.t ue I ondernerOdS account of Steamer Jaa. K. Unrt, mil not WTsar: . rniEWAT A FKIC lec. 1st, 1SST i ; - DtaaoLrrnrr. - rfUiS CO-f AKTNEKSJUP herrtofor existing betwea JL Joha W. OJee aad N. B. Hawee, wader the ana aad tyl of GILES A HAnBJ, talk day dantr4 by metual wa-re- . vuhj w. t.iLtS. JjUyirt, N. B. HAWllt - CO-PAR TVCRJttTTW BMvrvr-KS. -1 ra. JOHM W. 4UiH hamg aaeorWW FRED. J. MOORK. Baa.. wh hiai la the "HAT, CAP AXD biaAW WWio -ousinraa, ajm.iace te the publie that ue nw Bttmaam wm rm amr4 a aader J.h4 firm aad style of -U'.IXS A M.X". TAankftsl far the Kind patroaare enenoe-j w it a tm of uj A Hswea, tr t-ci Ut the exerboa of ee-y el.t to meet the ue of . t wu caase a coataeaAee of the eaae te the r . .; tr . J"X W.CJ - fwj. J. AcV.-wi J:lt lvT. to-tf i it JC Immediately. hat a PltV thai a reema' aaaa. Ak. t. - ki. . and the drhn4 hie pareal sa-id he snatched tm all proiwCTsisBa enjoyment of We, by the cooMeoeaoea, of " a ... an phi n nsuire, ana indulging ta acer- tmtm ran awn. ouca l .1 BODS MTor analaaiDlatllltf 1 k ' " aaooM reaect that a Sound salad aad body are the accessary reoaisitica to areaua aaaw lm. deed, without thene, thejowrney throogh uia beeomee a WBTV piignmare. the Tiroanar kmrt dmrkmmt aa tka raar the mind become shadowed wfth despair aad filled with the melancholy reflectioa, that the harpmees of another beeomea Bursve na our own. OF PICK NO. I SOUTH FSXDC1C ST. Xaltimott, Md. ALL Stmical Oraainmaa Fmeama. V. B. Lei bo false aeticarv Brerent vow. hat aaahr im. .. ' . . -rr.-w iu.ii.-ij nun; penona or ay leuer. axmarssAse artxnar crmxB. ne many touaands cwrad at Uiafisetitutioa withla the mm lewrre rears, and Ute Bomernos tmnortaat eurrV-sA Oa. orations performed by I. J0H.VSWS, witneeeed ly the re pcrtes ef owl daXy papeve aad Btaayeuer persona axiUre of which have agaia aad again appeared before the public wasu-wDt f-wrv- ttiiictd wa tad aakiil- ruiao aowoTAt tir, . s N. B There are e wlsbv vortUees Onacks a.!aHk tbemeefree aa Dxrw-iim, raiaiag the be.th of the av4y j aSx-ted, tlat Dr. J4no Deeme ft an seas ry to ear, esre- C4s. r to Uae exscqtuuBted wnh kis repuuda, k&at ha cre- aj iv(- ice.as knn haar m Aa ewce. lAta AOTki leaenmeat be roavra! aad eaavi taia a poataA-e atasaforthe reptr. or ae aoswer w2 he! eeat A?r3, s, is;:. I.54. It. rVOVB. KiBtBr. aatv . O.fl ?.?? rLOL-d.lrWrent grade 1 V . , 4MVJ U Bbla. Ulllt falnlir Tioot Li la -.rW , XO Aa. W . Ik . " , 10 bale! - hheetlnr. Poraalahe W. K. MeRART A IX). B. C Btrow. BT. a BACON HAMi , W Int. Poe l)ai.:T a 1 QKHA LBS. UUJf Bhowldors, very super w M. A. J - Oct 37th ' STRAW MATTIXO. AlrOTHXI eapply of Straw Mtf' eWtedc ' aCJL - . . hkvL. ,i.i A i. . A A . bTV BB A BYBT BB tJF B. enafa-. araaOT . 1U rva-w ewwe 1 il i. . . 1 lt; ,-Vl',I..tUB IB ATTENTION OP TBI jLif aieuirsj men er sarta Csrolias, U the foUewiaf est kfoeof "HnrgVal sad Mecbaaloal Inatmmenu." Ktlm. ?ra'"V?,it r the waaenigiied, are Bsaaufartured by F. uaaa, T. n. tsriaAerkuW BJU Mar.k A(V M V ..ki. believed that ba bubv reaveem the an ' a. k . nikA. ... V t L. f-. :. . a . rw.m . - - bevmiae Era Leaceta ; Dew do. Ossa 4. - - Chaee'e Trassia, gae fiaisk) . dobaj,d.d.i " ' . . Do. d (ewrrod) i - , ehoeetmg Aperatawea, Aanett'a. Men's aad ethers ; India libber Crrtore, NKn ; . a-' 1 Wnee, (with tubcj : Pesaaries OUas, (bJ shaped) j . . h ariuigBaulea, (sereral aev strW W t) ; Lartests f . laiia Rut he Breast Pwmpe, ( ae w style) : ' Baaafcg Sepponera, Maiah A Cw, Leadea j Freofh so; i at-, fcetts de; -Baasiaa LelU ) -Fme sae. JU. Nrre; -?rl..a He.-revtuso.art); ' 1 1 "-HCaiSs' h. f iA 1 tVegt J , . l-o. P octet Cam j . .- .!er E."e5 v le ; Fin . kecx-iM Caere. (11 vialsl ; ' f 'er Cs-ievr, (" ; - In. ( . (.--.. o; 235 - SPIRIT BARRKLA. " tBLB. at fine order, for a; e ' . . i . . J. A J. I MAtlUWAY DLASTTNd FOWTIX-150 Ur V-t e JL eelred had tor Bale low, ea r. Julyll v, ki... . a , r. hv. Aay eaaatlty of the above, or eu -r ( Depomt's Pewoer, aaa bo furniahed ta V a x ?, ha4 oa favorable terms. Arp.y ae :.. LIYERTOOL BACK SAXTl.OPO eWH I -to store aad for sale by allj ADAL4, l . OW COkHOIZXIT. . ot.D IbaJseBsrttag; 7 aarreis 1 war, i.iif--- j 4 . 31 bales N.C.rS- t w aerrew if 1 j ; do. I ... (1j I hhda. F. la. A - if. P. e lu. a t-v ' ' 8Pt. fc-A T. C A E, a li.-s C. rem. as j r Jo b4 I . ' . II . Ca sir on t t'rrri tt ,'.li r 1 r: T- - - n fvs rv . . . I p.' t- -VI A . ... - ..... T i I ; is!. ki TT I 0. hit:'" 1 '. is e----..-. i we 3; v ree-. r r-e -' .J I . s I 5 , If