VOL1 7. -NO. .100 WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 4, 1833. thiol:: :ru:::"-iy.. st ro.ro price, proprietor. llS. FULTON, Eitor 1. L. PilCE, Associate Eli. Tumi af SaSwartwetow. 1 Om yer, tartmb1; ia edaacs M M X R.WnM perm.-.id to dacoatine hit paper after the s,rasM of a stiver ptwa year, until l expo-atum to 4 year. A3 k;rt on basinest connected with tha eflce, must be fcUmM to toe proprietor. BATES Of ADYERTKIXa. al triu. On day I 15 Twedart r Tire day. .-. M t,r ar, 2 ! da's 14 outMt. r Two 1Mb i j:1 abb. Oa lay Twe ir Three days. Vomr davit Five days. Um week...; Two week Om boiU.. ...... Twa BioalA I &4 Ti . 1 ft) . 1 14 . 1 M . i n . I TJ . 4 M . 1 .10 ft) Om month 1 M LtONlk ...J M Tire 0lh. M Kx monUs M Ous year U 00 Three manias Six BMBUaa ..If 04 One year M ft) Ita U are eeaatsd a a Hr. Ave s Ukiwi. Lang ft advartiaeawaia tm proportion, and all payable ta advance. Whet tot paid la edvenct 25 cents per square will be ckarred after the Brat uastrtioa. r AJ hair square not paid fur la tdraacs will be rharg tdui square. JT Advertisements mserted u Special or Bishop Notice are charred one at If Mara then above rate eight lines (leaded) er teat seamed as a square. r-Adverusementa inserted Trv ether da art charged 17 eata per square or each htsertiu after Vm first, TNo abUeaUo made vithoat a responsible name. EUSKESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS, a. a. runs. j a. v. math. mnn heath, COMMISSION AND KUIPPDiO MERCHANTS, GnoBerrows, B. C. Formerly of Shackliord A Tnter. A CARD. TVOCTOB MIDWAY, ksvine removed from Smlthvtlle. 1J (where k kaa practiced fur tb last tkra veers.) oflers h prorwatonai arnricea U ua taoabiUnU ( WOmiofXoa and orroandmi country. IT 01 TICK m Dock atreet, In tha kooat taUly acenpie4 ry 4. vawaaa, saq. in B0CZ3 AXIT mrbchikt. mar u mri HfV, T Wu-mwotom, X. C. OctXHMWT. .. DR. J; A. MILLER, 17 30 ST ST., OPUBITE TEE METHODIST CHURCH, ; Wilmwtom, N. C. Oct JOtk, 1847 SH-U pOMMlSSIOS MERCHAHTS, comer IrincM and Water V itraeta, wuminfton, n. u. uriMwcia: - H. R. Saraj. Cahlr Bank Cap Fear, WOmlngtco, N. C Col. John McRae, ITei't Bank Wilmington, do. ' do. v. a. ina, tatiitr mncn I tape t ttr, saiiaburr, do. ' J. O. Lath, " mm V4 u toiemt ao ' J. Ell Oregg.rrealdeat of Bank Cheraw, & C. Oct 17 D. A. LAMOBTT. pOMMSRION MEItCHANTi No. 88 Nortk Water atreet, Bl'SUKM CARD. TTTTLLlAM L PITT8 A CO., ; W A VGTIQXESR. BROKERS', and , C0MXJS810X MlC&CHANTS, . ' Xo. Kk (Soutt Market at, rUmiMton, JV. C. . Liberal caak adrancea on Country l'roduoe and Mar tnandiae nrallr. N UilWhd boagkt and told M oomnlaaloo. . myu iiu. -s ..... . TUOHU M. GARDNER. A WHONEEB AND BBOKElt; IX. Ho. I Granite Bow. rtont at.. Wumlnrton. N. C. Prompt attention ritea to the tale of KU()KS, REAL csiAia, muck, .o. nay i, 67 vieioie DirnUEnr. WILMINGTON, If: C , JT. E. OAKELT, JYttpriefrw, nvivivr.L.r..i duu., limit, ALL KINDS OF NATAL 8T0IU2 porohaaed, mannfta tared and told Wharf ae and Btoraje furoiahed, and Oooperagt done at mr rates. Jaa lilt, lMT-IM-tf. ai.at. Krr.Rctai . XTTHOLIALB GROCER AND COMMISSION MER- V CHANT. AND DEALER IN NAVAL 8T0UES, Corner of Water aad Market itrecta, Wilmington, N. C. uot.T woo. x-u ' J. M. ROBIHSOW A OHH WrLMTNOmN. W. H. TMPOBTETtS, MANUFACTURERS' AOKNTS. AND Dea- JL lerea a uardwaee, uutery, iron, BteeL Naiia, AjTicul (oral Implement, A. ... GEO. HARRISS. . . .. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlLMntOTOM, N. C. JOHRPH U. FLAW HBR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WamxeTow, N. C. AD Ant, BROTHER A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wanwatow, N. C. OEOROKW. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Booth Water Street, WiumwTO, N. C. I. IATIAVAT. ' . L. HiTBiWAT. W. B. CTXXT J.Sitmtt, HATHAWAY i CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , , . Wiimikotoh, N. C. T.CdkB. O.WORTH, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, j ... WttMlKOIOll, N. C March 11. 1857 ; 14-1t kW AITDtMOlf, DVAtD I AT AO B. AWDERBOlf A IAVAOE. jrjENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jf . t - - WlLMIXQTOX, N. & Liberia! caak adrancee nude on eonalgnmenta. , . - WItXARD dk CURTIS. OMMRfllON MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, , . No. 10 Booth Watib Snitrra, Jan. Utto , - i : : , , Wujukotom, N. C. W. H. TURIJJrOTOW, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, j,; WanmoTOK, H. C. , .,. ;. t urn ro ' TJeoTRe HarriM, Beq., ) V Messra. Lotterloh h EUIot, WOmiDgton, N. J . July 2, 186a27o-tf ) . . ..;. f Am . rarnnriT, ' omi i. rarrcHirT. PKTTKWAY a prttciiktt, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Water . Street, Wilmington, N.C. ' "W1U (tire particular attention to the i&ls of Natal Biobm, Cotton, &o. . i ! DEROS8KT ii BROWJT, " 71EN3AL; COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' H ' IT - V ' i WILMINGTON N. C. ryan.Ml867-98'tf. COV7.nnmON MERCHANTS, office eecond itory, corner fconik Water and Market atreeta, Wilmington, N. C, vbere they are prepared to Attend to all bunlneu in the Cowr.'""!! line. ,'" .. " .. ;'.,s a,. .--: ;:j-y All basineti entrusted Jo them win be punctually attend i " ' ft : -'- " " - . ' viu w n i ana, , II AJZ AD UAr xJIrTJlUUM, M Market Street, . . - Hr rXBTKOTOX, H. U. lat'onta. IiAnMri' anA Palm Iaf TTaU Wuil IN., cni. - -Tw..-.. , - - - -w. . ' - vwi. f lu. Din. and i..eStin Hats, Cloth, Plnsh, and Bilk Glued Caps, by till mu I. in... . IT. V u l.nt 1 t ' ' B0, rOTTS r"v, J,im,, 1"0TO, Jr., B. , BBOlrrt. ' M i .. hk r, aaw Verk , . . D"L, i'i4L .OVVlfUlimlnrton, H.C,' '( KjJ cojtxaaoji meschasts, ' EUSEfESS'ASD rf.OFtSS:0ML CAPDi J. M. RUSK, pOMMISSIOX kttSCHAXT, yj Wamxw", S. C FroB aad proaipt atteatiiM gii u fwa-ttwcu of Karat Mor. Cvooa, Ac ttiWr for aak er ii t-iMBt. Oct. 1X IvT. 17 Jw WMKC HOWARD, GESERAL PRODUCE BROKER, Sept. SO. li. 1J tn Wujiinoto, N. C. a. a. Kcncrra, ' e rrrao. A. B. McDCTni & CO, GEXERAL COMMISsyOS AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, -VllWWiTOH K. C. JalylOtk, 18S ' tf BEtDK dk HESDEXHiU. ' LAND AGENTS, MnntiiPOLts, Mwumota, Make ktreotBMBta. loa bmmv. tucat LaM Warraata. aad fraoaact a Ooral Real fcataie Buaiaeaa ka tke n Wrc um to Got. Braf. Ex-G. Mtrrkead, Cot GwYttA. T. C. A B. U. nrta. April Wk, 157 11 ty A CCnONEER AXDCVMMISSION MERCHANT, J. FaTrmTiu., N. C Solirita foaaifunwota. Liberial advaacee aaade. Jan. Wtk, liil lOt-tf ias. btocut. alul olsbam. , 1TOKLEV da OLDHAM, &ROCERS ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC Wilmington, N. C RariBBMCB. Col. Job McRai, Preaidtat of tke Bank of Wttmlnfton. O. G. raLlT, Eaq PreaideBt af tke Cuauaereud Bank. 1. V. aiLBB, r. A. MOOU. GILEI & MOORK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D BALERS IN HATS, CAPS, CAXfcS, CMBKELLAS, Ac, Aft., No. 1 Market atreet, WaniMTOK, V. C. fCaak paid for Fnra. Bept.1. , GILES dt MOORE. Carolina H(4, SI Market Street, WUailiujtaet, M. C, A RE NOW OPENING and kare ready for tnapectlua, a A faahionable and Tory dftlrable and Invltinc stock af HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Ao. They enamerate In tart, beary. Bee Be, Genu, aad ether styles of faakloaable DRESS HATS ; Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Uatat Cap, Felt and Wool HsU; Leather, Cloth, SUk and Nary Cane ; Ladies Riding Hats; Children's Fancy Hate; Canoe, Um brellas, ate. To all which we reepeeifuUy solicit an exainl ioetion, feeling well aaaored that they cannot fall to be suited with soma of ths many varieties offered to their inspection. Macrk 15th, 1867 . . WIUlUOTOIf MAHBLK WORKS, rrent Street, ar the McUmmIIM E. t Biairrk. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD and FOOT STON'ES, FURNITURE TOPS, ie., of the BEST QUALITY of AMERICAN or ITALIAN MARBLE, furoiahed to order, as CHEAP as can bs procured from soy establishment of the kind In the country. , I employ none but experienced workmen, and will spare no pains to please all who may faror mo with their patro age. jgrTerms CASH, unlets by special sgTeement. W. G. MIIJJOAN. Wilmington, N. Cm Bept 13th, 1856. 7-tf. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPm CARDS. "THE VESTA CAHFHHEHB WORKS." 87 mMAW STBIIT, SROOILTS. L.1tDONYEWNI. rAMPHENB AND ALCHOL DlHTIUjmY, rS)AIBMin J CVEUY DKMCIUPTION Or NAVAL HXa)IlKH. Orrtcs, No. 29 Bublimci SLir, Niw Tou. June 17th, 1857 150-6m. 0. tTODSABO, j. CLAM. STODDARD A CLARK. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .... J No. 150 Front Street, New York. LlberlaTcsah advances made on consignments to ns, by our friends, Messrs. Pettaway A Prltehetl. June 1st, lb47 127 ly. ABBON C. WATSOK. SASTOK ME ABBS. WATSON ME ARES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, St Burling-Slip, New York. Especial attention paid to the sals of Natal Storu, Cot ton, and Southern Produce generally. Liberial advances mads on consignments. , July 1, '6e WM. t. MABTW, W. MACALIST1B cias. iillit, (Special partner.) MARTI Bf dk HACAlilSTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ll North Water Street, PhQadelphla. Caak advances made on Consignments. June 2d, 1867. .- . liS-ly. it SABTBT 0O0HBAN, W. S. BCSSIL. COCHRAM R17SSEIX. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SI North Wharves, and S3 North Water Street, PniLADiLrau. MLiberial caah advances made on consignments. ' July JOth, 1863 . 179 COPARTNERSHIP AND OTHER NOTICES, ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY 1858, we cannot and positively will not give credit fur Meats on our stalls, as it is impossible to make collections to enable ne to ksep stock. Tkose indebted to ns will please come forward and settle withdnt delay, so as to enable as to meet our liabilities. & A M. PETTEWAY. ' Dec. lith, 1857 - , - Herald ono week and bill to this office. Nisi IL K. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOREWARNED THAT but debts contracted by any other persons except the ttudersigned, for account of Steamer J as. IL Urittt, will not be paid. rtatwAi nin.utii. Deo. 1st, 1867 ? DISSOLimOM. mHE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between J. John W. Giles and N. B. Hawss, under the nrm and stvle of GILES A HA WES, ie this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN W. GILES, July 1st, 1857. ' N. B. HAWKS. tO-PAlli h-uatllP NurriCB. M"R. JOHN W. GILES bavinir aaaooiated FRFD. J. ltX MOORE, EiV with uuu ui (he " HAT, CAP AND HittAW GOODS" business, aiuiuuuces to the public that tha said basiness will eoutiuue to be carried on under, the firm and style of GILES A MOOUE." ' Thankful for ths kind patronage extended to the late hrm of Giles A Hswts, tney trust tnat tue exertion or every enort to meet tne taste of tat publio will cBuse a continuance of the same to the present nrm. . . . JOHN W. GILES, ' FRED. J, MOOKE, July 1st, 1867. 256-tf CO-PARTKEIUIUP. rnilE SUBSCRIBER hat thin day associated with him, Ms. JL u. w. oittiua. -in business nerearter win oe car' ried on under the name of A. B. McDUFFlE A CO. - - "ill- A. B. McDUFFEE. July 10th, 1867 ' , 2Vtr GLCEr fttf BARRELS PRIME GLUE, Just received. For tale by tUU Dec. 17 , r i '. ADAMS, BRO. ft CO. H UBS, EhafU, Rims and Poles. For sale by - ,j. . uuuinaua a hum. on TA BARRELS, VERY GOOD MACHINERY OIL. XU ' For tale by J. J. L. HATHAWAY A CO.; Deo. 22d. 1857. ' ''--" --"' " " -: BCSWESS RAGLAHS , ,hr, t ND FROCKS, NSW CUT NEWLY MADE UP AT ' L'Dec.2.1 ; v. . BALDWIN'S. 4AAA BUSHELS ALUM SALT In store, and for .UUU sale byv u U WM- h r" CO. , SALT. OUUroiMispj g.w;dayis.v vit:cial' BtLTinORX LOCK HOMVTeU DOCTOR J0SXSON. THE fc.ooJ-r of this Okbraurd lasi.taija offers the Bvwt Crruia, bpeedy, aad eoJy efrctual rvaarj, ia b wwrtd fur titreta, MrK-tarve. ewavaal weaAaeaa,' Pktas fm tke Loots, Cnt national Ivhu'atv, laioteaff. WftlMM af Uta Back and Lin ', ASectiuns of liie k idners' PsJpitatMta ef the Heart. DKpepata. Nervous Irrtab.Utjr, Diaraae af tite HeaJ. Tbroat. Nmms at tel;n; and tU those aerioat aad toesssrky DsMTders anauig front sJi tkose Destructive kabits ef Yswlk, wtck destroy bvU bedy and mmJ. Tatsa sbcbbt and sott tarv practices more fatal to Ueir vkums than tke soag af tke' Sirens to tke Manoere Ulyssea, bUktma- their awst brOUasS hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage. Ac, impossible. Imu Meet. especially, who ksve become tke victim f Solitary Tics, that dreadful aad drstntctire ksbit, wkkk aaaaalv sweeps to an an timely grave thoeaeads of yeoiif iwi of the bm4 exalted talieau aad bruliaat mtrUect. wke Bticht etkerwlBe kave entraaced Iwteamg Senstaa with tke tkaadere sf eie aoeace, ee waked to testacy tke living lyre, may rail wuk sileoeAdeaee. IBrrtago. Married Persoas, at Teens- Mrs rust bid la tiu aaarmra. being aware of Physical W rakaess, Orraaic, IWktUty, Defor mitiee, .ve.. skould hamedistely roosult Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. - Be wko plaee kimsslf ander tke ears ef Dr. Jekasea stay rtliioasJy eonode ia kst kener as a geatleasea, aad eoafldeot ly rely open his akin as a pkneiaa. Immedistcly eared, sad full vigor restored. This disease b) the penalty most rreenentJy paid bytkess whe have beeorne the vtctimt af ha pro par hxHljreeces. Young persons sre toe spt to commit exeesaes from not be ing aware ef the dreadful eoaaeuueacea that may eaaua. Nw, wke that naderstaada the sobjert wttl pretead to deny that tke pewer ef Proereatioa Is loat sooner bv Unas AOling Into improper kabits than by the tinkle at. Besides being deprived the pit store of healthy oi&prmg, the moat series sod destrwetive symptoms to Sotk body and mind artoa. Tke aystsm becomes deranged, ths physical aad mental powers weakened, nervosa debility, drpepsia, palpitation ef tke keart, Indif estioa, a wasting of tke franaff eengk, symptoms of coaatunptiua, etc. Karrwaa DcbUltjr. Weakness of the lyttem, Nervena Debility aad premature that solitary psactice sa fatal to the kealikful exhlescs sf man, and it la ths youag who are most apt to become Ha Victims from an If noraucs of the dancers to which thev aub- Ject themselves. Parents sad Gnardisns sre often Misled with respect to tne etnas er source of disease in their tons and wards. Alas I kow often do thev ascribe to other ceases. ths wasting of the frame. Pal piUUoe of ths Usart, Ityspepata, Indlgsatioa, derangement ef the Nervous System, Cook, and Symptona of Coneuniptlon, also, those serious Mantel t Beets, such as toss of memory, depreaalon of tplrttt or peculiar fits of Melancholy, when the truth is they have been caused by indulging In pernicious but alluring practices, destmctive to both Body and Mind. Thus sre swept from existence thon- ssnus wbo Burnt nevi teen or use to their country, s p let tore to their friend! and ornaments to Society. Orrri No. t rVMirw FaeDair-t St.. left head tide going from Baltimore street, T doom from tha corner. SJ-Be particular In observing the same tod number, or yon will mistake the place. A"Take notice, observe tke name on the door and Win dows. A Cure Warranted or no t'Aarye Jfode, tn Jhm tme io 2VO Aiys. NO MERCCRT OR N AUSEOUft DRUGGS USED. -OH, joiiivnotf. Metnbef of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleget of the United Htstes, and tha greater part of whose life has bee spent In the first lioapital of London, Paris. Phllaaemhla. and elsewhere, has effected tome ot the most sstoniahiiie- cures that were ever anown, many vouuiea witn raging in tliS nssa ana tart woea aaiet p. great Bervouaness, oeuiff aiarmea at tuausn sounds, and baaWuliitss, with frtqueut blushing, atunded tometimet with dertngement of mind, were cured iinmeuiste- y. - ' A Certain Dtaease. . Wasa the, mhagildad aA wt be has UubiUed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an Ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of dis covery, asters mm rrom sppiytng to tnose wno from educa tion ana reepeotauuity, can aions befriend him, dels the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease msks their sppearancs, such as nlcsrsted sore throat, diaeased noae, nocturnal pains, in ths bead aad ilmbs, dimness of si bt, deafl as, nodes on the shin bones, and arms, blotch es on the besd, fsee, and extremities, progressing with frigtru) rapidity, till at last the pslat of the mouth or the bones of tits nos fall In, and the victim of this awful disease bscomes a horrid object of commlssei-atton, till death puts a period to his dreadful tufferlnirs by sending them to "that bourn from whence no traveler returns." To such therefor Dr. Johnston pudges himself to preserve the most Inviolable secrecy, and from his extensive practice In the first hotnitals in Europe and America, he can confidently reccommend a safe and tpeedy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It Is n melancholy fact, that thousands fall victims to this dreadful dieseast. owing to the unakillfnlness of Ignorent pretenders, wbo, by ins use or that dreadful poison, mercury ruin the constitution, and tven send the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or kiss make the residue of Lis lift mierable. Take Partlralar Ketle. Dr. J. addresses all those who ksve Injured themselret by private and Improper Indigencies. These are some of the sad and melancholy sffectt orodu- ced by early habits of vooth. Tin Weeklies of the Beck sod Limbs, fain in tne Head, Dimness of Might, Loss of Muscular fowsr, rsipiistion or tne Heart, lilspepais, Nervous Irrita bility, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General De bility, symptoms of Consumption, As. Miktallt The fearful efftota upon the mind sre mnch to bs dresdsd. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idsss, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion of Society. Self Dis trust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, art tome of the evils produced.. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now Jmlge what Is the cause of their declining health. Losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale and emaciated, hare a singular sppear ancs about the eyes, eougk and symptoms of consumption. Dr. Johnson's In vigoraUng Rented Sir Organ ie Weak nets. , By this great and Important remedy, weakness of the or g tea are speedily cured, and full rigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who hsd lost sll hope, have been relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualification, Nervous Irritability, TremLllngt and Weakness, or sxheustatiou of the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. ; . t oang Men. Wbo have Injured themselves by a Certain Practice Indul ged In when alonea habit frequently warned from evil cumpsnlons. or at school the effect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders msmsge impossible, and dettroyt both mind and body, abould tpply immediately. What t pity that n young man. the hope of his country, and the darling f hit parents, should bo tnatcbed from sll prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequences of diviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a cer tain secret habit. Such persons before contemplating ' Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisttiea to promote conubal ntrtplnest. In deed, without these, the Journey through lire becomes t weary pilgrtmsge, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes thadowtd with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE MO. 7 SOUTH FUEDKJC 8T. JMimore, JtU All Bubs to ai OratATioxs PwroBMxn.- N. B Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply Im mediately either personally or by letter. - - ... f MIX DIRIABI aTBIDILY CtTUO. ' ' ; ' A' ' ' TaSttmapn..'.- The many thousands cured at this Institution within tiit last twelve yean, and the numerous Important surgical Op eration performed by Dr. JOHNSON, witnessed by the re porters of out dally papers and many other persons notices of which havt again and Again appeared before the public is n sufficient guarantee, that the Afflicted will find a skill- ful tnd honorable physician. -..' i-v-e i- ' .. ' ':... " Take Wettee., " , N. B. There are to many worthless Qnackt advertising themselves at Physicians, raining tha health of the already afflicted, that Dr. Johnson Deems it necessary to sty, espe cially to those unacquainted with his rtputetion, that hit credentails or diplomas tlwtyt bang in has office.: " TAKE NOTICE All letter must be post-paid, and con tain a postage stamp for the reply, or no answer will bs . AprB 14,1857. t 'J' . - v-; 194-ly. : ' iivrv lYBTTfifitHT. WTI.tfTvriTnw 1 AW. VMJUfUUA, J t w J 1 ' V. , M. J,. .has on hand and It constantly receiving pure and select Drugs. Medicines, Pharmaceutical mparationa, Paints, Oils, Fancy Articto, Perfumery, Shop I uruRure, Window Glass. Trusses, Bupportert, Surgical Initrument, Ac, , Anlnapectlon of the stock is solicited from Physlclsns visiting Wilmington, believing that thev can be supplied eqeslly sa low as they buy for " North." and knowing the quality ef the articles ta be more reliable. a . ' Tne stock of instrument in unusually .large and Will be told at extremely low prloe. ' , NiJL8,CUTA PWBOUOHT SPIKrforeaJeby FOR SALE AM) TO LET. im Rtrr. FROM UTH OF rtCEOES XEIT.THT. ST0EE en Corner Frost tad ea Mreet. A ?t-' v u I'ec. lUk 157 I f C.r: l kT..KM AN. mntt ascTlot nm sale. THAT HOlS A.VD LOT LVINi IXitrrtATUT Kortk ef the Waiatsn aad Weidoa Kailroai, ea Nxtk street. Tke keuae eontatns five ruoraa aad ne n cessary eat baiigs, wiU good wed ef wtwr. Terais sesy. Arp:y" W. L. PITTS A CO., Dee. t, 77. N. N Market at. REGROCS TO HIRE. IL SEVERAL COOK, WASHEia and ISONERS to r hire, for the year Inv. Arp'v to , x .-.. .... m , U. 4.71 Itm. KX I Nortt, WtUr rL rOR RET THE DWELLING HOUSE M Ckeeaut, between Se cond and Third atreeta, formerlv owned by Mrs. Us abetk Pitta. AdoIv to J. E. Pi'lKCE. AdwV. er a. u 111 wi fVr-rsj n.i.a . AST ATE SALSU BY rERMLssiOX OF THE ORDINARY OF HORHT DtA trkt, g. C. the hcrioer will efVr for sale, set the riRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, st Cuawavboro'. cv ias rxtowme PMirwtv er toe la 1 jaka Headman t ALL OF 1ILS UOVskllOLI) Ft'KMTt'hX PLANTATION FURNITURE. Ml'LES, (In excellent rendition And well broken.) 1M1UH tt)W AND CALF. I YKAKLIN'U. 1 EXCELLENT TURPENTINE HAXIV VAMED JOE. aoid for bo fault, seed 17 years. I LARGE 1L RPENTINK STILL AND FIXTURES, tdutr rtbly locatsd on a River bank. TERMS.-AII sums sf Ho and under, "ceh; aver that sum a credit ol three ea lbs, note aad etcertty reqslred. Nov. JO, l5T JA-UvStsw R BA f EXCUANGK TOR TOWS PliOPERTT, 1.300 acres I iajtiL II miiae fruat tava. Win hnMl!ii.lf n tke u IL " 11 "W A SAMPLE PIAItts, IfAVll TU FINIHT ARTICLE tver brought to Uls HZ sit martei, ior eaie ea easy terms, y Nor. U, 1UT. J. M. UUBLNJjON A SON. TO RKMT. nTIIE OFFICES ON MARKET STREET, abeve tU offices of A. Empie and J. L. Holmes. Eaq'r. Also, tha ae ant nmmiull.uii WlltrililPvlf ... luwV - " .wiimvvum wm trytm street, adjoining Mr. B. Baxter's. Nov, I.-24-J. THOS. H. WRIGHT. FOR RENT KllOM PIRBt (K-mtucn. A CONVENIENT ROOM, over the office ecctpled by aJ.vn i MiuMvitv.iiwn,unk jtpi to prpt. una, tnoi n-w UW. HAKIUIN VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. 1 HIS WHARF on the West tldt of Ctpe Far Rlvr, kiowt . at tkt EAGLK DISTILLERY, For terms, which wjU be mad favorable, apply to J. H. PLANNER, or WM. L. PITTS, Sept. 11. Auctioneer tad Broker, Mo. 20 Market tt, KOR REIT. M 'TOR TWELVE MONTHS front U October ntxt, I p., dwlllng hooa en Blsdsn street, between Id and 4th "Vtrteta, North ef the RaU Road. A good kltcftsn attach ed and wU of water eonvsnisot. At present oeenplcd by airs, i imraw. r or terms sppiy to , . . i " -. 8. M. WEST, AncUotttr. Adg. Mth, lSdTr " . 100-tf r ... . roR RENT. 4 A DWE1.UNU HOUSE on Dock street, between f. ITth tod Kth tUesti at present accepted by W. A Sept. 7th, 1867 BREAD. CAKES AID mtnrrthnrnT. A LE.SSMAN, Second below Marks street. Wilmington, n. y.t wouiq reapooHSiiy miorm in panne, nut son eialiy the bullae, that ke is now prepared to sunply tuMli Willi n iaau IK ilia nun niiAfiiv I mum eii.i .......ni. I CAKES, prepared by himself, and got so m the hsodsomsit and best styles j also CONFECTlONEKr, of svery detcrip- All order for anvthlns tn kla Una will k. i,ni.il. .... utod, end svtrr effort msds to give tatisfaotTon. UL'SNY BAGS I UUMHV BAGS 1 1 nnri NNY BAGS In More and for sal In lot OXJyJKJ towis by T. C. A B. 0. WORTH. Aug. slat, I KST. .. . U1UKI LIME II 500 CASKS ROCKLAND LIME, FOR SALE TO AR 1 rive, be T. 0. A B. 0. WORTH. October M - COALl-COALII T3EST auallty Red Ash Cosl, delivered at M 60 per ton t JJ best lied Ash Null Coal delivered at 16 per ton for cash. I'trton will please bear this in mind, and send the tmrnev inn with the t.rAmv . . m,m A i. m ... ..II f ' . I 1. 1 Oct. 17 T.O.AB.U. WORTH. 1IAY. OOA RASTERN, now landing t 4UA) 1(10 do. New York, In ttort. F01 . ' . .M. . ... .... nr aala he &OV. Id STOELEY A OLDHAM. nxi r, pork, eve. OA BA08 FLOUR different gradet: sfiOU 26 bbls. Lash Mills family Flour bttt la market I M do. Mow Pork j , 10 balsa 4 4 SbeeUng, For sals by Oct. J7th , , .... W. 11. MuRABT A CO. . u. bimulbt, DRUOOIST AMD APOTHECARY. pEKPECTFULLY CALLS TUB ATTENTION OF THE jlw aieuicai man ot hortn Carolina, to ths following cata logue of 41 Surgical and Mechanical Instruments." The In struments sold by the undersigned, are manufactured by F. Lien. V. W. BriiikerhnlT anil st.r.k Jh f. . i v .ni 1. believed that la many respect they Art superior to those of other maker. In tha f'i.lt..l U1.1.. . - vmw. utmmzw 1 1 -1 Genulue Evans Lancets j Do. do. Gum do.; , Chtte't Trumee, (fin fluiib) ) D. do. double, do. do.) KarshACo.'t do. (Patent); Ivory Pad . do.j French do., (very light) Teeth Forceps, (extra faith) j Bo. do., (curved): . Dimecting Cases j . . j . Slf Injecting Aperatuse. Aurnott'SjMsrr'iandlotbert ! India Rubber Syringes, ,18 ounce ; Do. do. PeMarles, (with tube) Pessaries Glass, (ball shaped) Naming Bottle, (several new stylet just out) ' !' Ictesls ; .. ..(,,, ..j .. .... ; .. India Rubber Breast Pumps.' (a new style) j " Btnnlng't Supporters, Msrih A Co., London t French . 0:0 ' . Mrs.BetU' do s . !. , " V '.'.v' Russian BcU ; . 4. , : ', Fine Suspcnson Bsndages ; ; w StrtinU, (with screw to tdjutt),; , rnysiciaus meaicai sags I " Do. Pocket Catet ? I ) . ' ! , . ' Shoulder Braeet j tiipninjrLases! ' - ' ' ' Pocket MedKin Ctses, (lg vials) 1 .- Wlver Cathetet, (male) j , Do. fl do., i ? (female) j -v '' '" Inhaling Bottles ... ..n , ' ,i ..-4 , ; Cupping Grips, (far superior t tbo old style pumps.) Nov. 16th ;- - .- . . 1 . , ,. ' . COTTOSJ YARNS. '-., ... 1 -T BALES JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE XO Manufactory. Forsaleby ' ;' Not. th ' . PETTEWAY A PRfTCHETT. ' 1 '' ' ' MOLASSES MOLASSES. . , )pr BHDS. SWEET HEAVY BODIED SURINAM' M0 OO lasses, Just received. For sale by , Nor. 6th ' WLLLabD A CUBTI9. aMOAL. COAL. A prime article of Chestnut CosL fsmaO) Smiling at 16 per ton, fjnnt) T. C WORTH. , . - ' GCAKO ...... 350 BAGS PERUVIAN GUANO. For sale in tots, by Oct. 14 W. H. MoBARX CO. 1 nr PKnre empty bpirtts turpottne bbls., 1JU feceivtd per Brig C.8. AUen. . . ..' . OcUlO: , ; . ' ADAl'3, E30, A CO, . T h hrift' fSAfcLUS BAG J, A GOOD ARTICLE, JUST f :t!t:ir t r-t . . aa.vy vu reviTa. r or sate py Oct. Itt , - N ADAK3, 0. A CO. riciiLLvi;:s k y. stk a iv a i aw .i' . CepeetfiTy m.5rm Co::.n PU t 1 . . - i Wrt that, w;ik rtv ef e- - it thev Whl devote t- . - k a 4 '. s .. NATAL nrc.i aad t..,f( . se esiry ut tha isa ;ctj , . of the tbevetwie on totes.. a.'.r.V ,a exoaoa. Oar Sce is roner of KSTTt WT' T l ! l ttreeta. Our where and theOs are -," l ' 5' reception ef produce fcy a.ur of we - r t.tAjJ. koala. evrCnsh aJraaeea made as sssngSMstn, . CORA COATED WROCGI1T EROI AJD V, :3 but no. . N.,fT,., J lexers Psjsnf.) A CMiHABLT alspted foe ek,Uuc pvk Cnwaia, I. tenwtenss, , rVLcoeys, CoUaea, As., .V ad U Uordo, Patent Wke,ncktnc kwoiaeade sn4 hit. tore. Pateot Wire Coal brena, Ore, Ka4 sal Grr4 bereeon, Wire Ketrfng for Masqiitos, fctetp, p ...tre sad other pexpeees. ft ir Soaaer iloses, sjcy M Work great vanety for Gardens, A e- B. WALAJ-.l A tvjys, XurJi era, N. m Msrtet, N. E. toe. U it., 1 f kin. Aui.d,lsi7.-2sO-ly. ' "OKB DOLLAR A WD ITW1P"1 rnireriLiiioroLLSixf a. -iri.i a; r-rrv A e tke "Ptulio," a a t Aitute tot 4 t . -r.u r ateat stsui- me bow sol i rue the ears ef A p sr. 1 r. Chills, Ae. I'aliks other preparatiotM, tUM ( t t ttt- Kca to ears every siaaaa to wa si 1 - srBst ty will in nearly every case euro kieurav' -twaeaf the Face, Agus sad Fsvrt Chita, tod til ) c uwacud ky etpoMir to the night dewa, tha Mason ef L year Price, Mi e sat per box. Prepared by . , f-. .... A. 0. B!UrLET, Bspt, lttk. IXA , . ApoUscary. CIRCVLAR SAWS. rrUlOSK SAWS (tamped J. M- tloaiNsON, sre masafW JL tared of the fiseat quality Cast by tit eery beat workmen, Tkey are tempered by eylveavar't Psteut Ttnv reri"j( Mackln 1 (wklck tempers mere trenly, and radrt the blade tUUer to the gangs of plate then any 01 w ps-v tot, 1 and rrvuad ea SouthweU's PsMolHav (.rm rg hs ehnie the only mackine that wRI grind t Urcukr bae etr feetly true. FWtale by jJy 1, 1M4. . j - j. m. Boaarso a bon. P. B. Saw of tv7 kind made to order. St'SDMJKS. OAfk BARRELS P0Rs YAR10CI laASDS I tmJJ lWeoll Jute Rope t . - I khdt. Bacon bidet 1 , 90 bales heevy Gunny Cloth f , ; .. JO bsrrels Mschlnery Oil, VKurat i goo4 1 e0khds.nrimeCubaMolaaaes 1,000 ck Liverpool halt, rr ta'e by ' JA J. U HATUAWAY A CO. August list rai im ni njriiv, civ. i Q H1ID8. SOUTHEIIN BACO 1 IO U bbls. Meet Pork I s bales Gunny Cloth a heavy artleiSf lOO eeile Jute Rope. Just receive !, e. fr tal by Auguat loth - -. v. 0. ttcuwr 1 isi at cv. " A CARD. mail SUBSCRIBER REGRETS TUB KECtSSITY Of X giving publio notice, that nil aid aeoounta er note duo him, not ssillsd or tttsfld, In all the prneot month of Ja!y, iw n went ut iur VAwevmm. July Itt, 1867.- ..HEOBasON. EMPTY BARK T. LB. 410' PRIM 11 ClUAJUTT ItaAJOSU HAND PPETf llfi. HbxVJ rtit, just received from BostoaprBH Vermont. Forsnwby y AUAkiS, tUiJ. A CO. . i HOTICI, TUST Received tnd on hand n eplsndld tseortment of tU J kinds of Furniture, which will be told few for eask, at too aid stand formerly occupied by Houston A Wt. . 1; s AL WEST. March 13 ..- . Us if v - - trnltTis risnt.i wa n m u K( BBLS. Freak North Carolina Family tnd Bper Flout fV'r. For taie by WILUllD A CLKTlM. Juno IS -,.. ATOM1T ttlBilinis A GREAT vtrltty of Faocy sua t) u,)0ds. " - Hr.lMtu k . r.tjf.- T"h ECElVEn Tntnniv mn tiiumn ' .." ' fV ii?m '! u ! taA CorrsspoudaiMi. w 4m ,,, tij ti uajlas tj, Bavivofj . , DUDsonners to toe above wort wta please eu at P-tt't Book Store and get their oopiee. . u FIERCki, ....-ot for D. Appletoa A Co., publahers. ' . JH-tf A - 1 ' ' A. O. BRADLEY. - --. - ' -: '" Dmrirlet A Chemist, ' SUPERIOR Irish OiUing Twine, Ne. 13 and in. For salt . bjr...u - JwJuaso A won. Aus-ustfttn, 1M7. ' 2? OMESTIO GOODB-Our stock of" Dome.! in tjootii Im complete lor the season. Bayers r hivitct t miv - - IlKlllill'K A RV V 1 V R tkl aCEfl.-Tue"bst 'st'ock orv! imitation, Goipura, MeokUn and T.ntu.H 1 hrea t Uret ytkept by . HEIyltlClt A RYAN. always CHECK BOOKS. W) HAVE A QUANTITY OF CHECH BOOKS, on the differant Banks of town, of our own manufac ture, which wt will tll low. Apply st tha July lrt, - JOURNAL OFFICE. ' Katpty lUrrala. ara-TY-. 800 VERY PRIME SECOND HAND BPTRIT P ' . ' I Barrels, Just received per Scar. BeHiaoger, from L. ,.I New York. For salt by Aug. mh. " 1DAMS, BRO. A CO. a , ir. c. bacos. wawTWhi Shv Vert 1 M we a ' 1 -v w a m Aenvwi a eto 3500 bhouldert, s Try superior lot, Foreer-v Aojst22d kiiuwiis r a n.iu v .v. .. STRAW MATTIJro. ; , .., ANOTHER supply of Strtw Msttii-r, checked tnd whits, ... i, HumvK A KYAN. SPIRIT BARRELS. , , BBLS. Is fine order, for tale by -' 4 1 ' J. A J. L. HATHAWAY CO. 235 BLASTING POWDER 100 kegs, heat qns'.ity, Jutr celved and for salt low, on ntann'oetnT't t, -e--1, by July 11 ' LlUu; t.r A L . N. P. S. Any quantity of the abort, or other i , un of Dupont't Powder,' ctn bo furnished in this place, at short notice, and en favorable term. Apply as ahovs. LIVERPOOL BACK SALT. 1.000 Peek Ll",,,,; Fait, In store and for sale by fall) ADAMS, hZO. A CO. . ..OB CONSiaNHEITT. " ' 25 K COILS B0PB ; . V , naiee nagging : ' in LV1...,. UklMtM IM V. 1: . 24 bales N. C. Sheetings end Cotton Yam 90 barrels Myers Rowan Whiskey; . ' 25 dow- Msguoila r - do . 4hh(la.P. R. Sugar. For sale bv Sept. 38th , T. C. i B. G. V ' - - i CORB AMD FEED. 2000!K-4 by ' "v. -" T. C. A i,. tr. ; . , . . lime. . . OA A BBL8' KTaA QUALITY,' JCul LL. OUU Fora<miotstoiait, NoT.Sti :,.;t-v :..--.-.fiAiJiLLI A t. r.MPTV Rtn:.. r . , . 0) A BPIRIT BARRELS, J iot wc. . . I j r . r. Irgo tJAQ ti: ( and for tale by ot. to. ) - i , . ' : A CO. . Vtvn itn-rr-rt t-r 1 A a1 JLAsv t qTnorjsci.r:::uT; j i lUiuat' ."itli. J A f. r FY J ......... ... u. , , . . t July 22: . ! ' v. ., ; x , ... u J ..... . . , ... . - .- t r' '""v f ; -. r -r " " I' ... ' ' ej . "JviiW l- n. "jo'ovr .a" , " One bottle will chsn a dores ?'" of t or-. '"S 4orr,us,sndkvstthe(iioTtPi" tiOT.25. A. U, a.... . it,